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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1883)
TEE BALL * B E-WEDGES A V AP1UL The Hebrasfca Hatldnal Bank , Of OmsOi * , Nob. Paid np Capital. - 826O.OOO . P. JOIIKSON , rrcaldentof Btoele , Johnson Ik Co. A. B. lOfJZAWH , Vice Preddenl , ot 0. , B fc Q R. R. , Boston. tf. V. UOK3E , ol W. V. Horse A Co. JOHN S. OOLUN8 , of Q. II. A J , 8. Colllnj. ; . M. WOOLWOHTU , Counsellor and Attorosy- at-Uw. L. B. REED , of Byron Reed & Co. H. W. YATE3 , Cashier , late Cashier of the First National Bonk of Omaha , and connected with the active management of hat Bonk since Ita organization In 1863. OrraiD for business April ZT , 1882 , with the gsst cap ! ) * ! cf aj , biui In Nebraska. OoLLwrnoRi receive special attention and char tes lowest obtainable here or elsewhere. IxtiaisT allowed on time deposits upon favor able terms and upon accounta of banks and bank- It. Foauas EICUAHOI , Government Bonds , and CaantTr and City beetles bought and sold. Ittsprepired to do a general banking buslnesi all III details , andln the treatment of custom ers In will pursue the moit liberal policy consil ient with sa'o banking. FLANGE ANDGOiVisVIERQE. J W RODEFER. Brolior Stock" , llond' , Commercial Paper and all other O3fd ecurltLs den t In Room 4 , Mri. 23 IVarl at , , Council Rluffs , la. 4- - FINANCIAL. Special Dispatch to Tun JJns. NKW YOBK , April 3. Money Offered at 8@1"per ceut ; cloi- Ing offered at 12 per cent. Prime Mercantile Paper 6@74 per cent. Sterling Exchange Bankers' bllU steady At 4 81 i ; demand , 484. Produce exports for the week $ ? ,751,000. Governments Extended fives | o higher , 4J's registered Jo lower ; otherwise un > changed. The advance in stocks , which begun bout II o'clock this morcing with the Northwestern , has teen maintained" through the dry , but In the last hour the market was lesi active and prices declined lo to a from the prices at 2 o'clock , bnt closed firm , leaving a net advance for the day of Jo to IJo on the general list , and an advance later on St. Paul , Oregon and Transcontinental , bnt naide from- this there were exceptional advance of 1 go , Testeriay. To-daj. Si' 103& 103J 6'd 102 1021 41'a Conpoua 1131 lilt 4i 1191 119i Putlfia 8's of 1895 127 BONUS. Osrtral PAclfia firsts 114 114 Xirie seconds 96 96 $ Lehlgh & Wilkesbarre 102 103 Louisiana consols 04 i 65 Missouri 6'a Ill 110 Bt. Joseph IDS. } 109i Bt , Paul & Sioux City firata. . 112 112 TonneaseeG's 41J 40 } do new 404 42 Texaa & Pooifio land grants. . 674 68. do R. G. div. . . . 82jj 8 Union Pacific 1st mortgage..114 $ 114J do land grants . .110 10'J 'do sinking fund..115 116 Virginia 6's 35 35 do consols 6's 37 40 do deferred 10 14 6100 KB. Adams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allegheny 'Central1. 13 Alton & Terra Haute 691 do pfd. . . . 93j . . . American Express 88 88 BurL , Oedar Rapids & North. 80J Canada Southern . ' . . . . 66f 67 § Col. , Oin. & Ind. Central..105 Central Pacific 75 | 70J Chesapeake & Ohio 204 do 1st pfd. . . 314 do 3d pfd. . . 23 Chicago & Alton 133& do pfd 136 Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 1234 124 Chi. , St. L. & New Orleans. .79 Oin. , Sand. & Cleveland 49 Clove. , OoL & Cincinnati. . . . 714 Delaware & Hudson canal. . . . lOsf Del. , Lack. & Western 12)2 ) .1258 Denver & Rio Grande 46 | 47& Erie 36 | b7ft do pfd 76 East Tennessee 9 do preferred 16 $ . . . Fort Wayne & Chicago 134 Hannibal & St. Jooeph 39 40 do pfd. . . 804 80 * Harlem 198 A98 Houston & Texas Central. . . . 72J Illinois Central Mb J Ind. , Bloom. & Western 334 Kanaasfc Texas 31 ; ' Lake Erie & -Woaterr. 30 : Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . 1C8 Louisville It Nashville 54 543 LcuUv. , Mew Alb. & Ubicaeo 50 Mmietta 4 , Cincinnati let uH 10 do du 2d pfd 5 Menuphb & Charlsaton 36 Miclui ; ; > n Central 93 | tiilnne.ipolia.fc Sc. Louis. . . . 25 do pfd. 50 Missouri Pacific 101 : . Mobile & Ohio 17i Manhattan 1'each 131 Morrisfc Es'iai 57 Now Jetiuj < entral 72J 721 Nashville & Chattanooga 4U4 Northern Pacific 49g 60j do pfd 854 Northwestern 134J 137j do ' pfd 150 | New York Central 1254 12tij Ohio Central 12 . Ohio & Mhsioaippi 31- -J j do pfd 100 Ontario &Weatern 25S Oregon Tranacontlnental. . , . . 79g . . PacTfio Mall ' . . .Ifoi XW Panama. 167 Peoria , Decatnr & Evansv. . . i2 Pittsburg & Cleveland 189i Pullman Palace Oar 121 > < Reading . 'a v. 53. S Rock laland ' , . . . . . .122 l C Bt. Louis &Ban Fr nf. 29 do pfd. . . . 481 do 1st pfd 914 Bt. Paul & Milwaukee 88 | 89 do ' pfd..U6g . . Bt. Paul , Minn , ft Manltoba.158 Bt. Paul & Omaha. . . . 47J da pfd. 105 * Texaa & Pacific 39 | 4H Union Pacifio S'J i 05J United States Express. . 55 61 Wabash , St. L. & PMifio. . . . 291 29 do pfd. 4ai Wells , Fargo & Co. Exprega.122 12j WesternlUnlon Telegraph. . . 82J 82 OariboH 1 Central Arizona Excelaior 1 Homeatake 1 ? Little Pittaburg 1 Ontario 2g Qulckallver ) fl do pfd 42 Robinson 1 , Sliver Olid i South Pacific < > Standard C4 Satro , - i FOREIGN FINANCE Special DUpatch to Tlis lixs. LOKDON. LONDON , April 3 5 p. m. Coneol at 1.02 3-10 ; Illinois Central at 161j Pennsylvania Central at 1.61 J ; New Yor Central at 1.30 ; Erla at 1.381 ; Redi i 1,378 "HCIBPUNOn" Is cUlloious. H T Jt rady for the wtlooma or parting [ PRODUOS & PROVIBIONtJ. tmctil Diipatehss to Tui Cn. NBW YORK. NEW YORK , A'pril 3 Kluur Market qnlct ant ! unchanged. Wheat Market opened j@Jo lower for rash ; ortiocs nominally unchanged ; un- Rradnl spring , 1 113 ; unzr.viod rtd. 1 10J @l 1U ; f tenner No. 3 r l , 1 0i ; N . . 3 red , 1 07 ; teatner No 2 red , 1 17 ? ; No. 2 red , 1 20i@l 2tJ ; certlHoates , 1 20V@ 122 ] ; 120 itellvoml ; ungncied white , 1CO123 | ; No. 2 white , 101102 ; No. 1 white , 1 I2@lllf , Corn Ca h market | o lower ; options opened J@c } better , but afterwards luat moat of the advano * , rinsing firm ; tin- gr de l. Cl@67c ; No 3 , U 651 ; tteatner , 651@65Jc ; No. 2 , 661 05c ; NG. 2 whitol 67o. 67o.OaU OaU Market higher ; mixed western. 5053Jc ; whltt western , 63@67c. EgMarket ( ? higher tnd firm ; western pKh , 10@19io. Pork Market nulet , but itleady ; new meeg , 10 20@19 25 ; option ! ) nominal. Bulk Meats -Market qulotbut firm. Cut Meata Mnrkct dull and ncmlnil at 10 2Ti. Lard Mnrket strong ; ptlmo stentn , 11 60 for April ; 11 fi8@ll C3for May ; 11 6J @ 11 CS for June ; 11 66@ll 71 for July ; I107@UC ) for Auguat ; 11 6811 71 for September , Butter-Market dull and nntettkd at Si32o. BT. LOD1B ST. Lonia. April 3. Flour Market qalet , Wheat -Market uu'ettlod and lower ; No 2 red fall. 1 08 ? for c ah ; 1 08J for April ; llli@112 for May ; 1 123'Sl 12t foJ Jttnbj 108i@l08jj for July ; 105(2)1058 ( ) for the yeir. closin , ; t Inslda pricoe ; No. 3 re I fall , 1 03. Corn Market lower and inactive ; 47i@ 48J for cafhj 48 > s for April ; 60i@50J tor May ; 53c for June ; 5jJo3551j ! ( for July. Ots Mnrket strong nnu hlithor ; 41 ® 44Ja for cub ; 41 3 for Maj ; 41 > j bid for June Rye Mnrket dull nt 6 te. Brley Market nuiet aadunchanned at . Corn Meal -Market higher fit 2 50. Butter Market qu'et nnd uachaugcd ; dair > 20@27c ; creamery , 25@3Jc. Eggs Market d ill at 14 < s. whi.key Market quiet and unchanged nt 1 14. 1'ork Market firmer and more business done ; J8S74 for ooah ; 18 47i@18 50 for May ; 13 55 Did for Juno. Bulk Meats Mai ket fitmer ; long clo r , 10 CO ; short rib , 10 05 ; abort clear , 1030. B on-Market firm ; 1062J ; short rib , 10 7J ; short clear , 11 00. L rd Market nominal. AFTERNOON BOARD. No quotations on account of the election. LIVE ETCCJS : Special DIapatehes to Tun D . [ For receipts > nd ehlpmenta o ! grain and llvo stock , oee "Traffle" In another col umn. ] OBIOAQO. CHICAGO , April 3. The Drovers' Jcor- nal ropjrta M follows : Hogs -Weaker and declined S@10o per 100 tbs ; packers and shippers wore buying but the quality os common and good to beat ; haavy. 7 70(3,8 ( 00 ; light , 7 30@7 70 ; mlxeJ , 725@700. Cattle Slow and eufer ; lOo per lOOflba lower ; poor to fair shipping , 6 25(25 ( 95 ; good to choice , 6 OOfflG G ; exporters , 6 60 @ 7 00 : butchers' , 2 75@4 40 ; cowg , 530 ® 5 75 ; for steerr , stockers and feeders , 3 CO @ 5 00 and co ed tame. Sheep Inquiry fair and firmly held ; a very prime load t f lambs averaging 87 pounds at 7 10 ; fair to choice , 4 75@6 50. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITT. April 3. The Commer cial Indicator this afternoon reports as folio we : Cattle Market 10o lower and weak ; good to choice steers. 5 15@G 50 ; stockers and feeder * . 4 255 00 ; cows , 3 40@4 40. Hogs -Weak and 10@15o lower ; light , 7 25@7 35 ; medium , 7 40@7 60 ; good to choice , 7 50@7 60. Sheep Steady ; muttons of 80 Ibs aver , are , 5 00. BT. LOUIS. ST. Louis , April 3. Cattle A fair de mand but offerings very light ; the trans- actinns small and tone quiet and easier for shipping grades but strong on butcher staff ; export steers , G 75@7 00 ; good to choice Hbipping. G 00@0 76 ; light to fair , 5 50@6 00 ; good to best cows and heifers , 4 25(5)6 ( ) 25 ; common , 3 50@4 CO ; stockers and feeders , 4 25(25 ( 50 ; corn fed Texans. 6 OD@5 60. Sheep Firm , and dernun ! exceeded the supply ; common , 8 75@4 60 ; medium to fair , 4 50@523 ; good to choice , 5 f,0@600 ; fancy , C 50. Hojta-LUht. 740@7'00 ' ; heavy ship ping , 7 60@7 75 ; butchers to extra , 7 65@ 8 OJ. VEW YOBC. NEW YoaK , April 3. The Drovers' Journal Bureau reports : Beeves Nothing doing In lieef cattle tlro sed beef firrc r and higher at 9i@lle in tin cUyj.OgllOJo for woatorn. Sheep Dull ; good to prime sheep old fit 7tf , 2 50 pir cwt ; goo 1 to choice yeuling lanili ? , S 00g,8 50 ; dreMud mutton firmei liogij None offered alive bnt nominally teady at 7 7C@8 30 par ovrt. TRAFB'IO. Special Dispatches to Tun Bis , TLODB AND ODAIHB ST. Louis. April 3.-Rooolpta ant shipment ) of flour and grain for the pnal 48 hourH have been as follows : Recoluti ) . Bhip'ta Flour barrels 5.000 (3 01C Wheat bushola 10,000 2 00 Com " 85,000 110 001 Oats " 10.COO . Rye- " I. . . Barley- " . . . . 17,030 NEW Your , April 3. Receipts am shipments of fianr and grain for the pag . Q4 hours have been as follows : , Receipts Hhp'ts iHlour-bbl 32.000 83 Wheat bnahfeU. . . . 38,00 ? 50.00 Com " 112,000 9 ,00i Oats- " L. . . 54.00J ; . fj | April 3. ReoelpU/and ship jnenta of live stock for the pas.tkt2 hours have be on M follows : 1 U i , ' Recta , fiblpm'ii | Hogs. . 11,000 260 Cattl . . 5600 2,40 Sheep . . . .S 3OwO 1,901 NBW YOBK , April S. Recasts an shipment of live rtock for the ipast 2 hours Law been M follows : R o'ts tihip'l CaUle . 1,809 Sheep . 1,300 Hog- . . . . 1.7CO | Quarters of beef of routton . . . . . Br. Louis , ApJlI . Receipts an chlpmonta of llvn stool : for the pfcrt2 boars litve boou at follovm : lUo'tfl. Shipm'b Oattlo . ,325 7C Sheep . CCO 7C Hogs . UOO 3.CC KANSAS Our , April 3. Kecelpta an shipments of live stock for the paat 2 hours have been an follow * : lleo'ts. Sblpru'ti OMtl" . , . . , . l.SOO HogB . 4.COO fiheep. . . . . y. SUQ OMAHA UAKK.U1TS , Wholesale Priooi. 1 ; Or/ioe or Ti OKAUA BIB , I rk Monday Evening , April 2. J at The following are the onljr changes n ported In the market to-day : Egs advanced So , The pram market U itMdjr , but promise It. toadvanetcooB , WHEAT.-Cosh No. 2 , 90o ; cash No. 8 , 74JO } rejected. 6240. UARLEY.-OanhN . 2 , C3c | No , 8 , RYE-OAsh , 41 Jo. NEW MIXED CORN-880. OATS 37c. SEEDS-Blue RMM teed , 125@150 ! t mothy iced. 2 10@2 25 ; ted clover need , 900 ; white clover seed 1300 ; millet srod , ICO ; Hungarianseed , 1 10 ; orchlrd grass eod , 2 50. Produce and Provisions. POTATOES 40@60o per bushel. ONIONS 40@50o per bushel. BUTTEKChoice country , ISJo , KQGS Krosh , 14o. HONEY-Callforaia. per Ib , SI. APPLES Per barrel , $3 25@4 00. OYSTERS-Platt's select oyster15o | Standard , 3 ; mediums , 30 ORANGES-Messlna. 3 75@f4 25. LEMONU-S4 00@4 50 per box. BKAN ! > Navy per bushel , 2 7B@3 00 CHICKENS-13@14o per Ib. TURKUYS-14c per pound. Grocera List CANNED UOn 1)3 Union , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , per caae , 84 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , 3 76 ; do 2 Ib ( Otandard ) , per COM , 3 90 ; strawberries , 2 It > , per caeo , 2 40 , raspberries , 2 Ib , per due , S 50. Dam. gens , 2 Ib , per , 2 45 , Battlott pears per , 2 40. Whortleberries per case,275 , Egg plums,2 Ib , ' . ! 90 ; Green gagea,2 It ) per caao , 2jX > ; do choice , , It ) > or cnao 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 K > , per caao 4 005 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 8 00 ; do 3 Ib , case , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 ID , par ovio,260 ; do pie , 6 Ib , per down , 3 SO , FLOUR Jobbing prices Jack Frost St. Loula winter ) $3.90por 100 Iba.Topoka } Patent Kansas , 3 63 : Mlnnehnha Minnoeota Patent , 83 75 ; Shawnne fancy winter , 83.10 : Eagle , XXXX winter - tor , $2,75 ; Triumph uprlng , beat , 2. 75 ; Chris linn's superlative , 3.80 : bran , per ton , 310.00 ; chopped feed. 825.00 : Queen Bee flour , per souk , 325 ; Nelilo Jilyo , per sank , 2 9Q. L VRD OmahaRefmlnlnRCo. ! Tierces , 12c ; 40 nnd 50-lb cans , 12Jc ; 20-lb cant ) , I2jjc ; 10-lb pallp , scraw top , 12Jc ; 5-lb do , 124cj 3 Ib do , 12Jc. lUOE LouUlann prime to choice , 7J < 8 80 ; fair , 7ia:74c ; Patma , 6c. ' FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , 6 75 ; No. 1 mackerel , kits , 100 ; family mack erel , half brls , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits , 85c ; No. 1 white fiah , half brls , G 00 ; No. 1 ' 'OKFB ' li. Rlo , talr , lloi Klo , good llic ; iirlme to choice , 12 to 12Jo ; Old gov'i Java 18o @ 24o. SUGARS Powdered , lOc : Cut loaf , lOo ; Granulated , 94c ; Confectioners' A , 91c ; Standard Extra 0 , 8,0 ; Extra O , 8ja : moditim yellow , 7io ; dark yellow , 7io. SYRUP Standard Com. , 44o , bbla. ; Standard do , 44 gallon kegs , 82 05 ; Stan dard do. 4 gallon kegs , 81 95. SODA In Ib papers , 83.30 por'caae ; keg coda. 2c. NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels 8700 ; do in half bbls , 4 00 ; emails , in bbla 900 do , in half bbla , 500 ; gherkins , In bbla. 11 00 ; do , in half bbla , 6 00. STARCH. Pearl , 4&o ; Silver Gloss 94a ; Corn Starch , 9&9 & | ExcelriorQloBa , 7o t Corn , 7io. TEAS .Uiwuowder , good , 45@55 ; Choice , 6075o ; Imperial , good , 40J5c ; Oholos , 60@7Bc ; Young Hyaon , good , SO ® SOo ; choice , 65c@8100 ; Japan Nat Leaf , B5c ; Japan , choice , 6076o ; Oolong , good , B5@40 ; Oolong , chn.oe , 40@56) ) Souchong , good. 35(340c ( ; choice , 3546o. ROPE Slaal , i inch and larger , lie ; 9 inch , ll t ; i Inch" 12o. WOODENWARE Two hoop pallt , 1 75 ; three hoop palls , 3 00. Tube , No. 1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 85 Double Crown 2 \Vellbucketn ; , 3 50. LEAD Bar , 81 65 VINEGAR Pure rpplo extra , 16ct pure apple , ISct Prutoinu pure annle , IGo. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 70 ; Aeh- ojn , in sac ks , 8 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 63 , S 50 SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 845 Kirk's sattnot , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard , 8 75 Kirk's white Russian , 525 : Kirk's Eutoca , 21C Klrk'a Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia doz , POTASH Pennsylvania eana , 4 case In case , 8 85 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In caae 1 90 : Anchor Ball 2 doz in case 1 50 , PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red neasee , lOoper Ib ; fanny white , 10&o & porlb raw white Virginia raw , lOej roasted 120. 120.CANDLES CANDLES Boxes , 40 lbslCs , 15go ; So , I59c ; bcxes 40 Ibs. , 16 os. , 6s , 15o , MATCHEb Per caddie , 95oj round , oanea. BR10 ; square , 'easAs. * 5 40 MEATS Hams per Ib. , 13o : bacon per Ib. , ISJo ; clear side bacon per Ib. , lljc ; dry salt sides per Ib , , SJc : dry salt ehonl- dera per Ib. , lOfc ; bacon shoulders per Ib , , SJo ; tleroo lard per Ib. ; lie. SPICES. Popper , 31 ; Allspice , 18o ; Java , 261jilc,2 ! Mocha , 284ci Arbuokle's 14Jo.CHEESH CHEESH Fnll Cream , 14 oj Fart Skim , lOio. LYE American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Liwla' lye , 4 6r > ; Jewell lye , 2 76. TEED Jobbing prioea , Chop feed 81.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 81.40 ; bran 70a per 100 Iba. HOMINY New. 84 00 per bbl. DrvQcoa * . ' BUOWN OOTTONS Atlautia A , 830 Appletou XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot ; FF , Bio ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W 7io ; CnittonxnKO A. 6Jcj Ureat Falls E 8jo ; Hooeiei , 6 0 ; Honest Width , 8 c. In dlau Head A , 8c ; Indian Standard A SJo ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8Jo ; Lawronot LJJ , 7c ; Myetio River , 71o ; Pequot A , 8 o oohawmut LL , ic ; TJtica 0 , 5 o ; Wnchus' ott B , 74o ; do A , 8io ; do E 48,12ja ; Wai tt BB. 8ic. FINE BROWN COTTONS Allcndal M ; 74o ; Alligator 3-4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7c Atlantic LL , 64c ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7o Benmngton O 4-4 , OJo ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , fi ci Indian Orchard AA 9-8. SJc ; Laconla C 39 , 8io ; Lehlgh K 4-4 , 9Jc ; Popperoll H 30 , 7o ; do O 82 , 7Jo ; do R 36,7jo ; do E 39 Bio , Vocaoset 0 4-4 , 7 c ; Wamautta 4. o BLEACHED COTTONS Aadrooo | gin L 4-4,9ioBlackatonaAA Imperial 8c ( Falls Q , 9e ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c Locodale. lOa ; do cambric 37 , 12Jc ; Nov York Mills , 12ic ; Pequot A,10o ; Pepperel N G TwUls PocahontM 4-4 1. \T J.TTU4O , 124o ; J. UUMUUUMW1 ' - ' , 94o Pocacoet 4-4 , 81oj Utloa , Hot Wanuutt O X X. 124c. < DUCKS'Colored } Albany K brown So ; do O , drab , Ut4 do XX stripes am plaldi , me ; do XXX brown and drab stripes ana plaids , 12&c ; Arliagton fancy IBncionswick brown , 84o ; CTbarlot fancy 13o ; do extra heavy , 20o ; Fall Rive brown , ertra heavy , lljc ) Indiana t brown 13or Notx > nset A brown. 16o ' T TIUIdAUt - ABioskeajr A U A 8 19c ; do XX blue 82 , 184 < Ji Arrowanna ) 94c ; Claremoot B B , 164o : Ooaeatogajxe DOX tra , 174c : Hamilton D , llio Lewuton < ) 30,15c ; Mlnaehaha 4-4. 30c ; Omega snpe id extra 4 . 28o ; Pearl Elver 82. ISfo ; Put 24 nam XX blae stripe , 12c ; Shetucket I 104o : do 83 12o : Yeoman's bltw 29 , 9 'ta DENIMS. Amoskeak , blue aud broni 16ic ; Andover DD blue , 15Jc ; Arling blue Scotch , ISJo ; Concord OOO , blue & \ brown , ISiojdp AAA , do do 134 ; doXXt do do 14 Jo Haymakers blue and brown 94c ; Myrtle River DD stripe , IJHc ; Poai River , blue and brown , 16c ; UnoMvIUt nd blue and brown , 144 < * . 21 CAMBRICS Barnard , 64c ; EddydU > n 21U. lining , 21 inch double face , 84c ; Garner i U. glazed , r 4c ; Manhattan glare finish , C ! 00 Newport do Go ; do glazed , 6 o | Peqnot u 00 5c : Lockwood kid finish 60 , 00 CORSET JEANS Amor8cAndro ; nd coggin nattecn Jc ; Ularendca , 0joCone | ; oMea satteeni , 7)c ; LLnllowol , , 80 ; Injdi Orchard 74c ; Narrigan ettiiaprovwlo ts. Prpperill aattnan 94c ; Rockpoxt , 7Jo , PRINTO-Allona , 6 0 ; American , OJi Arnold , 7o ; Berwick.We ; Uooheco , 7 < Coneutoga. 640 ; Dunkirk , ; Dunnol C4$7o ( ; Eddyitone , 7oj Gloucntcr , 61 llarnony , 640 ; Knickerbocker , 64c ; Me ri ao D. 7cj Mystic , 54o ; Spraruea , 6 So Bontbbridge , 6c ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; Mar boro. 5c ; Oriental 64c. QINGHAMS Am keag. 10ci Amoi ke g dreu 94i Argyl , 10lc ( Atlantic ro- 9c ; Cumberland , 74o ; Hlghlanoj 7 Kenilwortb , 84o | Plan kett , 10io | MX , 80 OorrONADES AbbtrrUla 184 AfraU , 90o ; Am * ican , Hot Artistaa. XX D J d TW < > t OUrf f 17ic ; Deooan Co. stripes D and T,10c ; Key * stone , l io ; Nantuoket , IDci Nonpareil ICc ; Oocuin D and T , ISjo : Royal , SUMOI , 12o > Tloga , me ; Wi ' In jhookfl. do Nankin . . . ? 1240 : , , .Bv , * Ui * plain Nankin. ifiicj UU , checks , ctiipoo and fancy. 124o ; do , 8 oz 30o. SHEETINGS Androaooraln 10-4,3740 ! do 9.4,23odo ; 8-4 , 22o ; Continental 0 42 , lie , Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ! Now York mllla98 , 35o ; do 78 , SOo ; do 68.224o , Pembrke ; 10-4 , , S5o ; PoquotlC.4 , 28Jo , do 74,19o do 49 , 16c ; Pepperell & 9G , 29o do 67 , 21ojdo 57,18o ; Utvicn 90 , SGc ; do 58 , 224o | do 48.17o. rurt DRUGS AND OHEM1OA ISdd , Carbolic , 50o | Acid , Tartario , 6"o | Balsam Oopabla , per Ib , 70o ; Bark. Sassafras , per Ib , IS ) ) Calomel , per lb,175o ; OInehonMu , per or , $110 | Chloroform , per Ib. 90j | Dover's powders , per Ib , 81 23) ) Epaorc Solti , per Ib , SJoj Glycerine , pure pe bl , SOc ; i Load , Acetate , per Ib , 22o Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , 1 25 ; Oil , Castor , No. S , per gal , 8115 , Oil , Olive , per gal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 60 ; Opium , fj" ! 10 ; Quinine P. * W. A R. & 8. , per or , 81 85 ; Potaieium , loJIdo , per Ib 8175 ; Salftcin , per oz , 40c ; Sulphate o Morphine , J > or or , 83 65 ; Hnlpnur flonr par Ib , 4c ; Strvchnlno. our or , 81 (55 , Paints Oils nnd Varnishes OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , 12o ; 150 * headlight , per gallon , 14c ; 175 * headlight , per gallon , 19c ; 150' Water White , 18c ; linseed , rnw , per gallon , 55 ; linseed , boiled , per gallon. f8r lanl , winter str'd , per gal , Ion , 15 ; No.l , 85o ; No. 2 , 75c : castor , XXX , per gallon , 1 25 ; No. 3,115 ; awcet , gallon. 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per pnllon. nr ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , 76j ; noatsfoot , oxtrn , per gallon , 90o ; No. 1 , 6Bc ; lubrl- eating , zero , per gallon , 80c ; summer , ISo , joldon machine , No. 1 , per gallon , S5c ; No , 1 30 : sperm , signal , r * gallon , 80c ; turpentine - pontino , t > or gallon , 65c | naptha , 74 , per gallon , 18c : 6f , 17o PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. . 60 ; white lend , St. Loulx , pure , GJn ; Maraollloo green , 1 to 6 Ib cans , 20o French zinc , gioen seal. 12a ; Frcuch rlno , red seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish Mat , 20c : French zlnoe , in oil asat 15o ; Raw ted burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c : raw and burnt Sienna , 18at Vandyke brown , g refined lampblack , 12c { oocob black and ; i"ory block16c ; drop bla < k , lOo ; Prussian blue , SOo ; ultramarine blue , 18o | chrvuie green , L. M , k D. , 14obllnd ; and shutter jreen , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green , 18o ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red. Bo ; Tuscan Jn. , 22a ; American Vcrmlllod , I , & P , , 18c | chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D 0 , , 18o ; yellow ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent dryer , 8c ; graining colors ! light oak , dark oak. walnut , ohostnnt and ash 15c. Dry "alnte White lead , So ; French tine. lOci Par whiteing 24c ; whiting gilders. IJo ; fehltlng com'l , lie ; lampblack German , town , 14c ; If mpblack , ordinary , 10c | Prus sian blue , 55o ; ultramarine , lee ; Vandyke brown , So ; umber , burnt , 4a ; umber , raw 4caieuna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com' 20o ; chrome green , N , Y. ' 20o ; chrom green K. , 12c ; vermilllon , Eng. , 70o ; ver million , America , 18o ; Indian red , lOo rose pbik , 14c ; Venetian read , Ookosoao 2Jo : Venetian red Am. , loj roi lead , 7Jc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20o hrome Tel- low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle 80 ; ochre French. 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2o ; Winters mineral. 2jk ; lehlgh brown. 24c : Spanish brown. 24t ; prince's mineral So , VARNISHES Barrels per gallon. Furniture , extra , 91 10 : furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , extra , 8140 ; each , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 76 ; apan , 70o ; as. pholtum , extra , 85oi sheila 13 50 ; hare oil finish , 81 80. Hides Pun , EU. HIDES trroen batcher's hides , 64 ® 7c cured 67o ; hides , green salt , dry flint , sound , 12@l3c ; dry calf and kip , 12@14c ; dry salt hides , sound 10@llo ; green calf , wt. 8 o 15 Ibs , . 1112 < green calf , wt , under 8 Ibo , per skin , 60c green pelts , 5081 25 ; green Iamb sklnr , 8125160j damaged hides , two-third rate cut scored and one grab , clamed two. tLlrds rate , ) branded hides 10 per eent. ot Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c'No. ; ' 3 , BOo ; No. 20j ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , SOo ; No. < 15o ; No. 3,15c ; No. 4 , So. Fox , OOo ; No. 2 , 250. Skunk , No. 1 , bCo 65c ; short stripe , 40oj narrow stripee bread stripe. lOo. Tallow 7c. Lsutner Oak sole , 880 to 42o : hemlock sole , 38o to 85c | hemlock kip. BOo to 100 ; runner , 65o to SOo ; hemlock calf , 85o to 120 ; hem * lock npper , 23o to 36o ; oak upper , 24o ; alligator. 4 00 to 6 50 ; calf kid , 82@3So ; Qreiaon kid , 2 60 to 376 ; oak kip , SOo to 100 ; oak calf , 120 to 1 80 ; French kip , 110 to 1 6C ; French calf , 1 25 to 3 00 : rus- setts. 5 50 to 7 60 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 60 ; toppings , 0 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo to 35o ; pebble O , D. Morocco , 860 ; elmon ; 2 50 to 3 00. ; HARNESS No I ar oak , 42cj No 3 ' do , 39c ; Nz 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; No. 2 do , S5c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 87o ; No , 3 do S4o. Lumber. WBO'.tBALl. , Wo quote lumbar , lain anil shingle * on oars at Omaha at the following prices : JOIST AND SCANTLING 16 ft. and uudor , 822 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 50 , ; TIMBERS 10 ft. aud under , 822 00. , TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 60 , 20 ft , 823 50 ; 22 ft. , 82 50 ; 24 ft. $26 50. FILNOING-No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , $24 00 , No. 2,822 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common ; boardoj. $20 00 ; No. 2 , 318 00. ' LlilE Per barrel , 81 25 ; bulk per ous- SSo ; Cement , bbl , $3 25 lown plaster bbl , l < 2 50 , Hnlr per tra , SOo. Tarred < felt 100 Ibs. 33 50. Straw board , 83 50. rOs < y Hardware Ust , Iron , rates , < 3 00 ; ploveteel , gpecin east , 7o ; cruoibloHe ; epccial or Gorman,6c tu > t tool do , 15@20 wiiRon opokoe , set i , per set , 125 ; felloon , tawot dry , 140 ; tonguec , each , 70.85c ( ; nxlci ' each , 75n ; square nutu , per Ib , 7@llo waehora. per Ib. 8@18o ; rivets , per Ib , lie coil chain , per Ib , 6@12c ; malleable , 80 Iron wodgca , Go ; orowbarn , 60 h&rruv tooth , 4c ; Rpritig tecl , 7@8c ; Burdcn'i uorftnshocH. 6 2 Bnrdon'g muloahocs. Q 2 BARBED WIRE In car lots , 7 50(2 ( 8 60 pir 100. NAILS Ratflo. 10 to 60 $ , 3 76. SHOT.-flhot , 31.86 ; Buck shot , 82.10 Oriental Powder , kogo , 80.40i do , , ha kegs. 83.48) ) do. , quarter kegs , C1.83 ; Blasl big , k Rs , 835 : Ftue , prr 100 feet 60o. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 Morris Rnn Bloxsburg , 812 ; Whltebreaa lump , 84 50 ; Whltobreast nut , 84 60 : lowi lump , 84 60 ; Iowa nut * 4 60 ; Rook Spring 1700 ; Anthracite. 81160@1200 ; Canot City , 87 00 per ton.Liquors. Liquors. ALCOHOL 188 proof. 1 25 per win gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof 125 per proof gallon ; triple refined splrlti 187 proof , 123 per proof gallon ; MdlstUlei wclskles , 100@1 60 ; fine blended 1 60 < f 3 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200700 ; Ken tnoky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 007 00 BRANDIES-Imported , J8 00 16 OC domestlo 1 404 00 , GINS Imported , 4 60(90 ( 00) domestic 140@SOO. RUMS Imported , 4 60 fl 00 ; Nei England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestio , 1 60@3 5- PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY- 1 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per east 3800031 OjAmtrlua , ease , 12000 1600. aeA CLARETS or case , 1 60@1B 00 WINES Rh no wine , per cose , 0 OOQ I. 2 00 ; Oatavr > t. per cans. 4 007 00. I.on Olaart and Tobaccc * . FINE OUT In palls. Hard to Ben ! on 76o ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80 < eo Favorite , 65c ; Rocky Mountain , C0 < Fancy , 65o ; Daisy , 60c. In tin foll- Cbtltna O. 8. , 6 Ib boxen , per Ib 63o | Lor Illard's Titror. 60c ; Diamond Crown , 60o. ; HMOKING AIUrnrt Oomrnon , 2fit 33c. Granulated BlackwelLi Durham , 1 oz 46 j ; Dukes Durham , 16 oz , 46c ; Seal < North Carolina , 16 oz , 46 ; Seal of Nebrai er ka , 16 oz , 88c ; Lone Jack. 4 or , linen bagi rl- ; perlb , 81.85 ; Marburga'Puck 2 ox , tl - oil , 65c ; Dog T all 660. Wool. Merino nnwas ed , light , 14@16 j beavri , © 181 Be ; medium nnwasbed , light , 18020 washed , choice , 82 t fair , 80o ; tnb-dlne and w. , 28 ) burry , bUckand ootted woo Horxs and Mut . The market U brisk and * H gndtt at , aelUagwel ) i ( lightMiTUM IB ptioei The demand for good horses exceeds the supply conslderaoly , Prices range as f ol- lowst Fine single drivers , 8160. to ! IOO. ( Kitrn draft horse * , $17' ' ' . to 225. ) Common draft hones , 8100. to 160,1 Extra farm horses , 8110. to 125. ) Common ( o good farm horses 890. to 8100. ) Extra plugn , KGO. to 76. ) Common tilugi , 820. to (40. MULES. 16 to 16 } bands ( extra ) , 12f > , to 160 , ; 14 } to 16 hands , 3100. to 110.1 14 to 144 hands , 876. to 100. | 13 | to 14 bands , 860. to 75 SARATOGA DOINQS. Latoet Nowa from a Lively Suburb At the annual school mooting Mon day evening , Jacob Elton was elected treasurer for three years j 0. W. Toua- lojr , moderator for two ycara and John K , PARO director for ono year. Criti cism of the mooting la not noco < a ry ; the liquor Interest was prominent. The redeeming feature of the meeting was the presence of aomo of the uioat highly respectable and best educated hdlca of Saratoga. A business meeting of the lyccum will ba hold Thuraday evening next at 7:30 : p. ra. A full attoudauco lade do lrud. Taoto was n Tory quiet wedding In ono of our five ohurohea lait week , at which n prominent clergyman ofilo lateod , and In which the high con tracting parties wore Siratoglano , In the hazardous event Saratoga loaoa but Bob gains and the happy couple have the oongratulaaions and beat wishes of iho community. The event of the season will bo the benefit concert to the Union Sunday school on Friday evening , April 20 , In which a trlplo quartette ot the Omaha Glee club ; Mrs. 0. . Saniros , soprano eololnt and Mro. H , D. Kstn- brook , alto soloist , aud the Fourth Infantry orchestra will participate. Your corespondent doalros to ao knowledge with sincere thanks to being the recipient of a very pleasant surprise Monday evening by a party of friends who called to remind him of the anniversary of his birth. Ho asaurta thorn that It was an agreeable surprise , aided materially In Interest by the mualo of the Fourth Infantry orchestra. CUCKOO. If you are not married , write the Mar riage Funl and Mutual Trust Associa tion , Oedar Rapids , Iowa , for circulars explaining the plan. fflUBONAL. . Dr , G , P. Waller and D. M , Butler , of Cicoola , are at the Paxton , W. F. McMillan , traveling auditor of the U. P , went west to-day. 0. H. Dewey left last evening for Florida , to stay about a fortnight. Mrs. J , Mowrey , of Now York , and Mrs. H. T. Mowrey , are at the I'm ton. W. S. Stretch , of Falls City , and GOP S. Smith , of Platlamoutb , are in the city , Jamea Stevenson left to-day for Soda Springr , Wyo , , aud other we stern points Jos. LiChapelle , formerly of Tsia BKE and now of the Glenwood Dally Eagle , Ii In town. J. R. Hunter , state sgent of the Oonti , nental Life Insurance Company , returned to-day in time to caat his vote In the righ direction , A. II. Ayleiwortb , who hss been oblel clerk of the Pax ton hotel since its openinsr , has resigned his place. MrAylesworth will remain in Omaha. I KIDNEY-WORT HAS BEEN PROVED Tht &UREST OUR ! for KIDNEY DISEASES. Dee 11 lame baalc or n dbordend urine Indicate Jiat you are a viotlmf TIIXN DO HOTltE81TATB | use KIDKET-WOHTat q onoa ( druggist * recommend It ) and It will aTcroom * the dlxaia and restart S healthy aotlon to all thsorgans , . lor complaints peculiar i to your ser , such as pain and weaknesses , K1DKET-WOET is unsur passed , u U will aot promptly and safely , Either Bex. Inoonluisnoe , retention of nrtuo , briok dnst or ropy d poilU , and doll droaitins ; palm , all speedily yield to 1 -tsour- ntlvo power. (13) ) R M.DB7 ALLDBUaOIBTa. rrloofl. ; "Mr Kthan Lanrrno , my townsman , " B JB Dr 1'iililit 0 Baku it Mank'oa , Vt. , 'w ; bl ati-d frcm Kidney dl'oiso. Thu ikln of his logs ih no like glag ) . KljLcy-Wort cured him. Apr. i 0 8J - , ISASUP CURE for all Uloeneuu ot tlo Kldnoye and ; : LIVER It httl opcoIHa aoUan on tills moat Important orcnn , cnubUnn It to throw off torpidity nnd Inaction , BtlmulatlnB the hoalUiy aoorction ofthu lllle , and | jy keeping the towclu In fret condition , cd'ocun * inalarln.uavethechtUj , are hllioiu , dygpcptlo , or oonallpalod , Kid * nay-Wort vriilaurnly rnUevofz qutolUy cure. I intila fa ontoolo n othoBy totn , every ouo ulioulil Uko a thorough oourco oflt. ( Jl ISOLD DY DRUOCI8T8. Price l. ! Til mrlir'thpr soldiers."writ sJ d Power ol Trsuton. Ill , nnd all ot'ors , too that Kldnc Wort cured nil 20 yrais ll er ill old rs 1'ubllei It , plaace , in HE. Ixmls Ulobo-Dumocrat. " FORTHEPERMANENTCUREO CON8TDPATION. y0 othsr dl'tase is ao prevalent In Ui country as Cantipatlon , and no remed iss iver Miuallfnl the celebrated KZDKC1 WORT u s > aim. Whatever tbo cause however obstinate Ibn case , this rcmed will overcome it. OB I ETC Tins distreutnff com- rls KlO * plaint U very apt to b * j oompUoiited with constipation. Kidney R Wort strenirUions the weakened parts nn quickly cures all kinds of Fllns oven whs u phynlcluns and medlctiica have before fiitl C ed. | 7iryouhavoolttiorofUieH troubl USE - Aoo'h-r Bink Cuhlor e-ctpos. Otnigs I Ho'it , 0 Mtr ot llyuft'wn ( Pa ) l < ank , raid recently : "Klduc-\Vcrt curt d ray bletdltifpllue. © As it li > ( or all the polnrui UIUCMCU uf Ui KIDNEYS , LiVLK AK BOWEUJ. that caurco U.8 drcodlul onttcrlng ; which only the vlctinn of raotuuaUsm cun i aUu to THOU3AHUS OK OARKH 10 of thn worst lorms otthis terribledls > MM 10of have Ixttn qulcUy rcUeT d. Um9 PCRFCOTLY CURED , rmrs i. taijtiuir uur , BOLD t > r OUIOOIBTS , Dry < vn ba Kent by mall , _ lclllllAlltSNA0..1lurlinirtonVt "Kldnty-Wert has glren Immi lit' rsllcf , L many caw * of rboumat ( m , M'lag ' under my nt Hot.4 Dr. Philip 0. Eallou , Monkton , Vi , Ap ; a > ei. ei.I I n Terlou d tven rsllef from Rhoumatlsi troablts till I tu d Kldu.y Wor M. Mow I'm wsJ.-Darld U. MUur , IlaiUord , Wl IVEDIGAL | QISPENSARY Offices and parlors over the new Omaha National Bank , 13th , between Farnam and Douglas Streets. A , S. FISBBLATT , M , D. , - PROPRIETOR. Dr , Fisbblatt can ba Consulted Every Day Except. Fridays any and Saturdays , these two Days bemc devoted to His Diatiensar at Dos Moines , Iowa. bpooial attention given to diseases of th THROAT AND LUNGS , CATARRH , KIDNEY AND BLADDER Ami Female Diseases , as well as All Olironlc and Horvous Diseases 3DIR. . . Hai Jl cored the [ trcito b euro In the world tor weakness of the back and limb * . Involuntary dl'charKCft. Itnpolcncy , R IKr l debl lly , nmounncm , lanjuor , confusion of Ideas , palnlutlonof the hi art , tlmltllt ) , tirmliliiiR , dlmno'aui elyht or nlddlncs.1 , dlseisos ot the hfad. throat , em ) or skin HcctioiH ot tie liter , IUMKI , stomach or lKwels thonnterilblo illsorden arl-ing Ircm so Itary hab- llscl jou h , nuUctrit | ir cll en more f tal to the \Ictlms tbao thosonrs of Sfrcns to the marln * < ot U ! } M , Mltchtlni ; tliclr moit radiant honoi or nllclpatloni , rcnilorlofj mtrrtivfo ImpOMlble Thn o th.t are oiSoilntf Irom the o ll practfccs which doitroy their mental aud pnyslcal ejitomi calming NERVOUS DEBILITY. The tjmptonnot which are a dull , Jlntcniw * ! mind , which unfits them from performing their bnsl- n ws and social duties , nmkeii happy marriage Inipo's blc , dlttreucut the ivct'oo ' of the heart , causing flu < licsot h at , ilo rmjlonot spirt' * , ev f-forebxllni ; ' . ciwardlco , fotrt , dratmi , renllosi nights , dluljcsis foritrttulnou , unnatural dlschirires , pain In the bock and ) hlpa , nhort breathing , melan choly , tire cailly of company and hav prefrrtnco to bo alone , fool In ? m tired In the morning M when retiring , itinlntl woakma' , lost munhiod , white bono dcponlt In the urine , nerrouvieM. con * fuilouof thouaht trembling , watery and weak ejes , dvrpop lal.constlpitI0n , paleness , punaad weakness In the limbs , etc. . should consult me immodhtely and be rcotoroJ to peifitcl health. XOUNQ MEN Whohavo become \tctlmsol solitary \\ct \ , that dreadful and destructive hab't whlch'annoally sweep ! ) to an untimely grave thousinds U young min of exalted talent and brldlant Intellect who mUht otherwise cnlranco listening ccr.atotn with the thunder ) of thulr eloquence or wake toocac- cy the Ihlny lyre , may call with full confidence. . MARRIAGE. Married pontons or young men contemplating marriage be aware of physical weakneei , loss ) procreatlvo power , Irapetencv , or any othi r alsquallfica'lon speedily relieved. lie who places him Mlt tinder too care of Dr. Flshjla tmay relljiouily confldo In hit honor M gentleman , and confi dently rely upon his still as a phyilclan. ORGANAL WEAKNESS Immediately cured and full vigor roitorod. Ttils dlslr using affllctlor which renders life a burden and tuarrtago Impors'ble , Is tno pintlty paid by tbo victim lor Improper Indulgence. Young people aroap tocom-rlt eio s fion not being war ol the drouUui consequences thai may eriue. ow who that unden andii tola subject will deny that procreation Is lost sjonor by those falling 'ntj ' Into luiprop r habits than by prudent ? Betides being deprlv d of the plraauro of n. althy ofl- spring * , the mat serhui and di ( tractive symptoms of bithbody anJmlnJ atlte. Tha system be- comm derang-d , th < physical and mental functions weaken ? Loxiof procreatlve power * , nervous Inability , djspcpsla , palpitation of the heart , Indigestion , ( constitutional debility , wasting of the fiarae , cough , consumption and death. A OURS WARRANTED. Persons ruined In health by untrained pre'enden who keep them trlfl ng month after men ! tiklDgpolioncusand Injurious compounds , should apply Immediately. DR. F1SHBLATT graduate of one of the moit eminent colleges of the Tjn'ted States , hag edictoJ tome of th most astonishing cures that were evei knnwn ; many troubled with ringing In the ears and head , when asleep , great nervousneis being alarmed at certain sounds , with frequent blushing , attended Mm * time * with derangement of the mind were cured Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Pr. F. addresses all those who have Inlnred tbemielvea by Improper Indulgence 'and sollUrj hablt/iwhich ruin both hly and mind , unfitting ( hem for buIne < s , study , so-loty or marriage. Ihtsearesomeof the mclancb lyerl < ct produced by the etrly habits of voutb , vis : Weak. ne s of the back and limbo , pains In in ) bead an i dimness of sight , low of muscular power , palpi tation of ho heart , dysiwptla , nervous Irritability , derangement of digestive functions , debility , consumption , etc. PRIVATE OFFICES , OVER THE OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , OMAHA , NEB. CONSULTATION FREE. Charges moderate and wllhlu the reach of all who need s-lcntlflo Medical treatment. Tho-o who rrs do at A diitance and cannot call , will receive prompt attention through mall by simply sending th'er ' symptoms wllh pottage. Audreu Lock Box 3t , Omaha , Neb- DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE. 'SI ' . ; ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B FBENGH & CO , C A R P E TSllGROCERIES. inp.lo Brooch Loading Shot Buns , from 85 to $18 , ' ' Double Brooch Loading Shot Buns , from $18 to $75 $ , Muzzle Loading Shot Guns , From $ B to $25 , ' Fiahiae Taokol , Base Balls and all kinds of Fanoy Goods , Full Stock of Show Paws Always on hand , Imported and Key West Cigars a large line of Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and everything re quired in a first-class Cigar , Tobacco and. Notion Store , Cigars from $15 per 1,001 upwards Send for Price last and Samples