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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1883)
THE DAILY B&3-OMAPA WEDNESDAY APRIL 4 X rotnMnntlort of J'rw tojriilo of Iron , .Term-Ian JtarkiintH'ho.ijitwrH.iit , a italalabla form. J'nt Jrt > illtlAO.M of AIIIWI tttc , I'rustratloH of t ( ta . > 1'metr * it it indliiens < > tie , RKV.A.I. HOUU3 Writes : After RthorouRh trial of the IBON TONIC , I take pleasure > THE : ' In statin * that I have been ! consider n rue. ; . , cnciltod by its ILDDD a. moat excellent remedy foi tiao. MJniatora and Pub the debilitated vital forces. lic Speakers will find It of the Rrrcatcst value where a Tonic lo neoes * siary. I recommend it aa a reliable remedial { rent , posBcsstnir un doubted nutritive and V reatoratlvo , lavimlU , Xy. properties. , tt . 2,1582. The Oldest Wholesale and THE LEADING Retail JEWELRYHOUSE MUSIC HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here IN TUB WEST I find all novelties in SILVER General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and VER WARE , CLOCKS , Organs manufacturoo. Rich and Stylish. Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as the Latest , Most Artistic , any MeiternMauufaoturer and Df aler , and Choicest Selections in Pianos and 0cavs ; sold PRECIOUS STONES and for cash or installment- Bottom Pr C * s. all descriptions of A SPLENDID stock of WATCHES at as Low Prices Steinwiy , Chickering , ces as is compatible with Knabe , Vose & Boa's Pi honorable dealers. Call anos , and otat r makes. and see our Elegant New Also Clough & War * en Sterling Imperial Smith Store , Tower Building , American Organs , &c. Do corner llth and Farnham not fail 'o see us before Streets purchasing.1 MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW < HSS. A Large Stock always , on Hand. MORGAN & CHAPMAN , 213 Farnam St. . Om ha. CHERRY GROVE y X FAR Fraderio , Monroe Co. , Iowa , 0. E. MAYNE , . Proprietor. Has constantly on hand a large number of Horses. Matched Teams & Single Drivers A A SPECIALTY. Description of Horses and other Infonna * thn sent by mall on appllcitloa. Dry Goods ' and Carpets. Just received , latest Novelties in SPRING DRESS GOODS , Jersey Cloths , Gorderette Suitings , Penzance Sackings , COLORS Electrique , Ox Blood. Navy Balck Olive and Bronze Mixtures. New Sateens , 50cj > er Yard. CTCTR siiLiiK : stock is now more complete than ever , It will certainly be well for you to se'e our black and colored , silks before purchasing. Hamilton Mixtures , at 18 o , former prloo , 25o. Hamilton Cashtnorea , at ICjo , former prloo 22o. Atlantic Armoara , at 15 o , former price 20o. Nun's Veiling , 24 in , Wide-all new Shades , only 25 Cents per yard , TO-DAY , Wo place upon onr front Center Counter , 1 caeo , GO pieces ' SPRING DRESS GOODS , Stripes , Ohooka , and Fancy Mixtures , at lOjo per yard. They'aro Rood value al 25o Remember the Price , IGjc , A variety of Fancy Gooda , 26o per yard. Cost 75o to Import. Come now , if you want the best Bargains ever offered. CORNER FIFTEENTH AND DODGE. WILLIAM If ANCrAOTUBEB 0 CARRIA&ESBUGGIES , Firat-OlaM PalntiDg and Trimmli.l . H Promptly Doll ' - im < AftiMStoJ . A VOUDDU QUEEN. Hours Spent Near tlio Old Aroli in Thompson Street , How the Queen Wna Found A Remarkable Rooster Witch Padlooke , New York Sun. In the vicinity of the arch , lu Thompson street , where whitewashing and kalsomlnlng signs and dirty picka ninnies are abundant , wo made Icqnl- rlosfora vondou witch. The whole batch of plckanlnlcs volubly shrieked the desired Information , Wo outarod a blind alley , and ascended the rickety steps of a whitewashed houso. Push ing open the front door , the odor of fried ham and eggs , mingled with the moro pnugent smells nt onions and boiled cabbage , was Rtnolt. Ollmblug a flight of dirty stairs wo knocked at a rear door on the second floor. It waa opened by n colored woman , certainly the largest female , either white or black , over scon outside cf a dhow. Sbo asked what was wanted. She was ever six foot In height , and broad in proportion. On her head was a bright-colored kcrchiof tied at the top , the ends sticking out like a pair of horoo. Acrosa her ample shoulders was spread another kerchief of a moro brilliant hue , fastened at the throat by a brooch of fantastic design repre senting two yellow serpents playing tag among green hieroglyphics on n rod ground. Her fingers were covered with rings. She had aa many as throe or fonr on each finger , the thumbs even not being neglected. By actual count the number waa thirty-seven. Of what material thoao rings wore made It would bo diflionlt to say , but in color they wore whlto , yellow and rod , apparently silver , gold and cellu loid. Ono this information was afterward imparted and received with becoming awe and reverence was made out of throe screws stolen from a cofliu dug up at midnight. Its occult properties were ao mysterious and fir reaching that it could only be men tioned with bated breath. The room was clean and compara tively tidy. A largo black cat aat purring by a highly polished cooking atove , on which a savory smelling stew waa simmering. On the walls hung many mystic signs , the only one intelligible to the 'unltlatod being "Abracadabra. " This was enclosed In a largo gilt piaster of Paris frame , and arranged In the form of an Inverted pyramid , thus : ABRACADABRA ABRAOADABR ABRAOADAB ABRAOADA A B R A 0 A D A B R A 0 A A B R A 0 A B R A A B R A B A A atnflod owl with distended wings engaged In the cheerful occupation of disemboweling a rat , whose llto'a gore was startliugly depleted , stood upon a bracket , and a live rooeter In the last stages of melancholy wai in the cage on a table near the window , making abortive efforts to keep dp his tplrlts by crowing dismally.AivtvmbiVir.tiB attempt to conceal the presence of a bed WHI made by straight strips of calico hanging from the ceiling. "Aro yon a fortune telleil" was asked differentially. "Inebbersald I were , sah , " was the cautions response. "Well , the case la just this My wlfn has lost some valuable jewelry diamond earrings. I have heard oi your great reputation , ' BO have called an yon for assistance. Can yon help m'eT to find them ? " "I'so no fortune teller , sab ; I'so a Hoodoo. " Tho'neooisary apologies were made. _ J"An mor'obor , Bah , I'so oooustdm'd to references. Who reforensbnated yon to me ? " Fdr a moment the searcher after in formation hesitated. Every name but that of the P.rlncess Louise seemed to fade from his mind ; so at a venture he replied "Mrs. Louise Campbell , ' dovontly hoping , as that lady waa It Bermuda , she wonld not hear of the unwarranted use of her name. "A dark complected lady ? " "Yes , ma'am. " "An * lives in Twenty-fourth street1 ? "Eiactly , " with a gasp of relief thai the reference should bo so satisfactory , After this everything progressed smoothly until the charge three del lara wai objected to , it being mildly hinted that a colored lady In Grosbj street wonld Impart the desired Infer matlon for one dollar. In an inatanl all suavity waa swept aside and furj reigned instead. She bogged it to be understood that she waa no "oommor Nor' Korollna nigger , but a ginovinc Hoodoo from Lawsanna. " When three hundred pounds ol human flesh Is prancing about a small room , not [ quite twelve 'feet square , something has to be done , and thai quickly , If the onlooker wishes tc keep his own body Intact. Apologies , If not sincere , were at least given with great earnestness , and the depositing if three dollars on the table seemed tc baye a mollifying effect , She swept the money up in ono of her wild rashes , and It was seen no moro. Her mind soon became tranquil enoogh tc resume business and ask questions. No ono waa ( inspected , so it wae impossible to say whether the thlol waa dork or fair. It might bo a woman , perhaps a man , mayhap a child , Anyway the earrings were gono. "Dah's a good deal ob difficulty lc dU yero case , " said the sooress. After < tor much pursing of lips and knitting of brow , she went to a corner and got a roll of canvass , which she opened and fastened to the floor. It wai about fonr feet square. On it twc circles were drawn , an Inner and at outer ono , with figures resembling the signs cf the Zodiac printed botweet them. Stopping In the center of thii oanvus she , began to gyrate , slowly al first , then faster and faster , until K madf ) mo dizzy to look at her , keep IngcOp meanwhile a low , monotonoui chant of unintelligible gibbering. Al though whirling rotfnd. with .the. momentum montum , of a | op , pever'onoe'dld ; he f eeUtray.jen. Wde the ; circlet It , wai utfl feat , She fell in a heap with a heavy thud that shook the building to its founttn * , lon , aud inado the poor c scd rooster utter a cluck of dismay , She waa still within the magic circle , however. [ Musing nil assistance , nud nhrloklcg , "Kwp oway dnh , keep away , or yorHl epllo do chaiin. " tiho crouched upon the canvass , clutching convul lvcly with her loft hand ouo of the printed iguros. After a while , when' she hod some what recovered her breath , aho said pantlugly : "I dnn'nodUsackly woddor It's a man or a woman , it kind o' bod- dors mo. But I knowa do fiut letter of do PUBBOU'S name who tnk it. " "Yon do ? " "Yoo. It oommoncna wid a V. Who do yor know by dat are name ? ' Turning ever In hla mind all the names ho know commencing with a V , bc-glnnlog wlthVespuclns and end- lug with Venuor , and not. being able , conscientiously , to charge thorn with the lota of the earnings , the reporter said that ho didn't know stivbody whoiio name camuioncoa with a V , "Di n yer wife knowa. " "Supposing my wlfo dooiu't know , " wan 'ho hosltatiry rojolntlor. "Hat aho will know , " was the posl- Ivo niipotiBo , and the Borcotcss gave uiimiatakablo indlciliono tlmt aho thought enough had been given for the nv-noy. Before my departure the "Lowaimna Hoodoo" expatiated forcibly and at ; ro t length upon the woudotfnl pow. ; rs of a etone , resembling veiy much an eye ator.c , which aho picked out of a tin box taken from her pocket. The ncky possofsor wonld bo given what- > vcr ho or she wished , no matter what. : t was procured by purloining n ship's cat a ship that had actually boon to oa ; no lake vessel v onld do , She out off its head , and it was danndcd of its losh by auto. The atone was found embedded in the skull. Ito virtues were never known to fail The price was the ridiculously low Bum of $ o The following day she waa much sur prised at the non-discovery of the hltf , and aho told many reminiscences of her pist successes. The vast amount of wealth returned to its lawful owners ors was wonderful , and the number of rrlng and fugitive children returned o the right path by her anpornatural cfluoucos was marvellous. Another rial must bo essayed , an entirely now one , for which she would only charge ouo dollar. This was agreed to. Twenty-Biz carda were laid upon ho floor , each bearing a.lotter of the alphabet. , Upon every ono of those- otters was placed a single grain of oed. The rooster was released from its confinement , and he began to peck with the greatest avidity. As soon PI ouo uraln wei gobbled it wrs immedi ately replaced by another , for a stml- ar letter may ooaur twice in the same namo. Decidedly the rooster was not a SUCCOSD , but ho undoubted had a re markably fine food. He could not lick out a proper combination to spell mything. Atlnat , of tor much dux tor- om manipulation by hi * mlatrure , ho oulootod au oat from a J , an 0 , au R , and a Q. "Ha , ha , " shouted thn negroes , jamplng up in great glee and fuudllng ; ho bird ; "I knowed ho'd gonn dnno an' do it Dt ar'a do name J 0 R Q George ! ' * and aho smiled an air of well-merited BUUCUBB , Many other divination teats were snggeatod , but polltol ? declined. Theao were by fire , by nxo-bMancliiL' , ' by a woddlcy ring suspended bv f. hu\r \ , nud by tbo cnmbinatlou of a U ble , u key , the oOih pjalm , and u gartor. This last , it wa allugoo , was novoi known to disappoint. Evou the aatis- faction to get rqaaru with the thief , for the paltry chwrge 6f fifty cents and an onion , was refused. All that wai necessary was to stick an onion full ol plna and roast It before a hot fire , /6 peatlng an incantation to be pur chased for the aforesaid fifty cents between midnight and 1 o'clock in thi morning. . As the onion slowly wastei away the heart of the person who ha : injured you also dwindles away It unison , ho Buffering excruciating tor menta the while , A number of padlocks hanging upot the wall excited curiosity. She salt that they were charmed and that the ] wonld atop the annoyance of barklnj dcgs. Poiaon la dangerous. To com plain to the Board of Health la ti nxcite the enmity , of your uelghbors Purchase ono of these locks If yoi haggle about the price yon spoil thi charm and when the dog beglus t < bark , preventing sleep , cloeo the hnp turn the key , and repeat the follow ing lines ; Dm ; ; dog , close your mouth ; Put muzzle to the ground ; lie as I leh you'd he , And never more make sound. " The astonished animal Immediate ! ; becomes mute , and IB BO grieved at hi enforced tilonco that ho qu'ckly ' pluc away and dies. "Now , honey , " imld the prophetess following her visitor down the stair to the door , "as yor a customer ye shall have dot are wishln1 stone fo fsah dollars. No ; deu take it fo free for two. Each tffdr was met with a shako o the head. "Foronel" "It would'nt be right for a man t < purchase all he wished for in the work for a dollar. Ho'd ruin trade. " " " "Honey But the lowest price for such a mar vollous treasure waa not discovered , As she was speaking two young , evl < dently respectable , and fasionablj dressed women , entered the court , and was recognized by the sooroas.whc smiled graciously upon them , as though she were already handling t good foe. Glancing timidly at na , thej hesitated but hastening their stops , they entered the house with averted faces and ascondnd the * talrs , oloaol ) followed by the Voudou , WASHINGTON , D. 0. , \ May 15 , 1880. / GENTLEMEN Having boon a sufferer or for a long time from nervous pros tratlon and general debility , I wa advised to try Hop Bitters. I hav taken one bottle , and I have beoi rapidly setting bolter over since , uui I think It the best medicine I eve used , I am now gaining strength am appetite , which was all gone , and despair until I tried your Bll tors , I am now well , able to go aboo and do my own work. Before takln It , I waa completely prostrated MRS. MARY BTIJART. ftetWoa WWrtessV ) Dyspepsia , ( Jn potnce , 8exl' Debility , 'cnftd ' b n * Uh Renewer. " si ; MANSIONS LIT ELEOIRIOALLY , Many of tin Finest Residences in Town now Illuminated By It. How the Lights nro Distributed The Eleotrio Light in Eur ope and Australia. Ken- York BUr. As the twilight wan deepening Into the darker shades of night , a reporter for the Stnr stood at the corner of Madison avenue and Thirty-sixth etroot a few oveulnga ago to witness the Buddou tranaforuiatlou from Glm- orlon darkness to noonday brilliancy in the palatial residence to J. Plerpout Morgan , the well known niombor of the banking firm of Dcoxol , Morgan & Oo. Weary of waiting for the up town oloctrlo lighting district to bo laid out and circled with wlroa to bo connected with uptown residences , Mr. Morgan gave the first order for an Kvllson loolatud plant among the man- ntons of the mllllonalroa who inhabit Fifth , Madison and Lmington avenues , The plant la for 20 ! ) A and 110 B lumps , or a total numbur of 385 burner * . In n twlnklinp , aa if by magic , from every window in the drolling , a flood of mellow light that gave the appoarauoo of a general il lumination. The Star man waa ro- oelvud kindly by-Mr. Morgan , na he entered the mansion , and the myster ious illumination waa explained to bo the perfection of electric lighting. "I have ubaudonod the uao of gas , " said Mr. Morgan , ' 'with the oxcnp- tlonof a'fow jots at various points for use when the ulootrfo light engines are not working. The dilbront lamp cir cuits thronghout the honao nro pro- tooted by the usual Edison oafoty guards against fire , while Bwltohea , uaoh designed to control a largo num ber of lampn , are conveniently arranged In the different rooms , ao that the HghlB can bo turned on and off in quantity , In addition to each lamp , being lighted or extinguished separately. " ' Your nonao must have boon thoroughly wired , " said the reporter. "Yea , " waa the anawor , "in every portion of the house and stables. " "How are the lighta distributed ! " "They are distributed in the follow ing order : "Main halls and stairway , 39 ; attic rooms and halls , 14 ; dome oyor stairway , 20 ; servants' hall and butler's pantry , closets , oto. , 15 ; third floor , 20 ; second floor , 40 ; drawing room. 42 ; reception room , 11 ; library , 10 ; Bitting room 22 ; dining room , 215 ; stained glass nkylignta in dining-room coiling , 22 ; conservatory , 42 ; baao- tnout , 28 ; collar , 28 ; atablo and car riage house , G , and engine room , 4 , making a total of 1)85 ) lampn. " After contrautlng tlio Morgan man- ion with ita moro dimly-lighted sur- 'oundlngn , and admiring the simplloi- , y of mechanlHtn which controlled the ilectrlo force , the leporter called upon 'rcaliiunt Eaton , ut his [ coney ollhus , So ( if > Fifth avenue , and riked him TOW many cf the uptown palacoa wore iroparod for the introduction of the Uctrlo lighting system. "Wo are wiring the uptown man- ilona at a very rapid rate , " wan his ro- ponuu "Amonn others the homes of 'Vtlliam II V.\ultrbllt and his son , J .rnuhnn Vundorbllt , are thoroughly wirnd , n4 jiro the resldeucea of John Sloan. It L Stuart , W. I. Hntohln- sou , O , < don Goolet , R. L. Bolknap , Hubert Ooolot , H. Lamb and the Hawthorne , ono of the largest and moat fashionable apartment honsoa In the city. The Dakota apartment house , at Seventy-second street and Eighth avenue , la being wired for 5,000 lamps , and orders for public and private houses In the upper district are coming In dally. " "What are the boundaries of your uptown dlatrlotr "It extends from Madison'square at Twenty-third atroot to the Central Patk ; but Its exact boundaries are not yet determined. Ospltal has been offered to na to complete It , but It la not probable that wo will be ready for operations for several weeks. The preliminary work baa boon bogU3 ; and 'wo are now canvassing the district. " "How much of the city la con nected ] " ' 'Thus far wo have only completed what Is known as district No 1. It f xtenda from Nassau street to East river and from Wall to Spruce and Ferry streets. " "H a there boon any break In the circuit or stoppage of the oloctrlo cur- rentl" "Wo have boon running onr engine Incessantly without ono extinguish' ment. Daring the past eight days we drove It day and night. It has t power of 125 horeot , and we have fivi others In district No. 1. It .was started on Sept. 4 , and baa not stopped a mo ment day or night alnoo that time , Oar report for last week shows 31E houses lighted with 6,300 lamps It operation , " "Havo yon many Isolated planti down town ? " "Yes , a great many , among them Everett's two hotels , the American Express company , Thurber's grocery honae , Max Ames * pickling and pre serve establishment , the American Bank Note company , the Manhattan 'L' road ( hops and The Herald build ing. Wo have never had a fire or ac cident , and they are simply an impos- ilbllty. " "Aro any other newspaper building Ightod by your system ? " "Tho Times building lain the down town circuit , and the plant la thua described - scribed : Lsmpa Composing room Ill Mailing room 1' Press room Ti Reporters' mom 1-t Editorial room 25 Hull. IS Oflicei 31 Total 28 ! "Do yon n 2"l * h lighting of thi ! building in any senao a teat ? " "Moat decidedly. The building li not only at snob a distance from thi central station as to submit the carry Ing capacity of onr conductors to i severe teat , but being Mao locstoc outside the limits of the Dro dUtrlot and beyond the borders of the net work of conductors , special oondno tors bad to bo laid and connected wit ) the syitom In a manlier not original ! ] contemplated. Several other news iper iutablUbmenta have , applied fr be conntoUd , and we hope by aulami to bo able to have them all wired and lighted. " "Havo youdonomnoh workabroad ? " ' 'Wo have laid down n plant of for' tv lamps in a saw mill nt Yvaskyla , Hnssta , and it la the most northerly Edison plant in the world , thn town being situated between the C''i and 03d degrees of latitude The Gjtn inon Council of the Hasalan town propoao to put up a central station of GOO lamp ; , Wo have alx plants in Cuba ; the Brnnn Theatre In Anatrla la lighted by the Edlaon system , as are lllook's D per factory at Holslng * tors , Uunsta , the Academy of Flno Arts at ; Uarlin , cotton mills at Tain- morfora , Finland , ono of the Mills at Manchester , England , the atroot In Berlin known as Wilholmatrasso , The Wornlng Herald at Sydney , Now South Wales ; nlno plants In Paris , thn Exposition at Bordeaux , making 32 plants In Franco ; 11 plants in Italy ; 28 plants In Germany ; 4 plants in Holland , 7 plants in Austria , 14 plants In Kassla , and 12 plants in Hjlglnm. "Howmany lampa are hero In Eu rope ? " "Tho summary IH aa follows : C witty Institutions. LnmpR Francs ; J2 2,080 I'a'y ' ' 11 5,777 Ctermanv 29 3.GG7 Holland 4 1,018 Austria 7 1,27-1 IlURKla 14 2,772 Belgium 12 1.2C8 Total 108 19,530 "How many isolated plants have yon In this country ? " ' 'Our bulletin in December showed 15Jpla.ita : , with 29,102 lamps. Bat alnoo then wo have renulvod additional ordorn , ao that wo are running nearly 35,000 lampa. " Did She Dio7 "No ; she lingered and Buffered alonp , pining away all the time for years , the doctors doing her no good ; and at last was cured by this Hop Bitters - tors the papers say so much about. Indeed ! Indeed ! how thankful wo should bo for that mndlclnn. " GOLD MKDAl , PAU13 , 1871 BAKER'S ! BREAKFAST OOOOA , W rr nUxl Absolutely pure Oocoa , tram whloii the oiccsi of oil li been removed. Ittu > threa tlmei the ttrcnath of Cocon mixed with SUrcn , Ar row Hoot or Suf ( r , nd li there ( ore f r more economic * ! . It li delicious , nourishing , strength- onlug , easily digested , nd nd- mlralily adtpted ( or lnv Idi H wall as ( or persons In health. i Sold by Grocer * Everywhere W.'BAKERfe Co.Dorchester. , Mass Genius Rewarded , OB. The Story of tlio Snwtni ? Maohlio A [ Immlfomn llttlo ptmphlot , MHO and gold ca\or wltti nunioroui ongntvlniis , will bo GIVEN AWA T to aiy adult pjraon cilllnj ; for It. nt any brarch orBiiL-olllcobt the Singer lIiinnictur ( < iiK Coin- ] ianynr will liosunt by mull , i > oit-pi\lil. to any ] > er < on living at a d atnnco from our olllco. Tlio Singer Manufacturing Oo. , Principal Olllco , 84 Union Square NEW YORK. Nebraska Loan & Trust Company HASTINGS , NEB. Capital Stock , - - $100,000 JAB. D. HKAJITWELL. rrasldeal. A. L. CLARKE. Vlco-Presldoat. K. 0. WKC8TK11 , TrcMurcr DIUEOTOnS. Bamael AJeianJer Oswald-Oliver , A. L. Clarke , K. 0. Webtter Oeo.,11 Pratt , Ju. n. Hcartwell , D. M.UcKininney. First Mortgage Loans a Speoialt ) XhU Company ( urnlahei a permanent , homi nitltutlon where School Bend land other lefall ] [ Hued Municipal secnrltU to Nebraaka can bi be negotiated on the moit ( avorable tarms Loans made on Improved ( arm In all well lettlec oountlei o ( the itate through rjeponilbltjloca oorrepon'l > nti. Are acknowledged to be thi best by all who htve put then to a practical test. ADAPTED TO HARD & SOFT GOAI COKE OE WOOD. UATfUTAOrUEED BY Buck's Stpve Co. RAINT LODI8 , PIERCY it 'BRADFORD ' BOLK AGENTS FOR OMAHA. WANJED. 100,000 POUNDS OP 3EC.ufls.d-E9 Illxhest Ctsh Price paid. Shlpmentslfrom conntryiwlll be paid for by rotununall. E. MOTZ & CO. , .1 Bmte-lm _ 1119 Douglas Uree . It. RISDON , fa'l ' Insurance Agen JtC 3E13E-OEZ.X1 8XI33iT Phoenix Assurance Co. , of London. OashAssetts . l , t8lIM. ITertcbeeMr , K. Y. , Capital _ _ _ _ l.OOO.SOO.i Merchants , oi Newark , N. . lard fire , Philadelphia , Capital. . . 1,100,000. men's ! Tund _ _ . _ _ . M9.91I. Qffloo , Boyd'e Ocora Honee , John Q. Jacobs , ( r mrlr 81 * * * JaooU. U NDERTAKEF A PEW BARGAINS Houses LOTS , Farms , tiands- BY BEM1S ! 5th&DouglasSt. HOUSES AND LOIS. No. 19 Full ot aud now house , prroomi , two below and ono np-italre. Kl bt foot celling below ami f oven above. Drlck foundation , collar , oto. A bargain , WOO , No. IB iJirgo two story homo , 10 rooms , two largo collam. good well and cistern , barn , etc. , on Wiliotor and 2d street , (0,000. No , 17 Lot 50x185 foot , now house ol two joins brick foundation 100 barrel cistern .on [ amllton street noir Poor GlaroConvcnti' p. No. 10 House aud lot on 17th near Ola k St. louse n room i etc. 81200. No. lf > House of 3 rooms nil lo on Plerco Bt. onr mh 81600 No. 21 Newhousoof 7 ro corner lot , all mile west of Turntable troot can on an dors St. $1000. No. 6 IIoiiso ot eight earn etc. lot ,0x101 , feet r2000. Vacant Lots. No. 2S2 Two full lots on 19th Street near Lake Bt. * 1GOO. No. 851 Twenty five lots In Parkers addition just north ol the cndol red street car line 1400 each easy terms. No.SiO Four lots on Delaware Bt. nearllani- com park , IC60. No. 831 Ono half lot on South avenue , neat Bt. Mary's avenue , 1560. No. 340-Klghtoen (18) ( ) lota on 21st , 82nd , 33rd ana Baunders street , neat Qiaco , 1500 each , and * > n easy terms. No , 346 Biz beautiful residence lota on Cathii > ne street , near Uanscompark. tiCOO. Xwelve beautiful residence , IqU en Hamlltoa street , near end of old streetcar track ; high and lightly , I3&0 to 1700. Several aero and hall acre corner lots on Cam- Irff , Iurl and California streets , In Lowe's second end addition and Park Place near Academy ot Baciod Heart. Lots in ' 'Protpect Place" on Hamilton and Charles street. Juit west of the end of Red BI reel Cart'ack and Content ol the Bisters ol Poor Clare , ono and ouo half mile from postofflce , and one mlleliomU. P. shops , HBO to tOOQ cacb , only B per cent down and 0 prr cent per month. Lots In Lcwo's addition ono-hall mile west ol end of Red Street Car track near Conrent ol Poor Clare Blstors In Shlnn's addition , (125 to 9300 each , and on very easy terms. Lots In Ilorbach's 1st and 2nd addition * , Bhlnn' * , Park Place , Lowo's 2nd addition. R ian' Lake's , Nelson's , llanscom Place , Redlck's ad ditions , etc. , ete. Lots In "Credit Fonder addition" just one- quarter mile south-cast of Union Pacific and B. andll. K.K. depots , $260 to 11,600 each , very easy terms. Business Lots. Xnreo good business lota on Dodge3noar',12tk street , 22x120 fcut each , 91,600 each , or 14,600or all , easy terms. Two good badness lot * on Farnam street , 83 * 68 feet each , with frame buildings theronrenting for about f 600'per year each ; price $4,2fiO each. 4 < xl32 feet on Farnam near 10thstreet , corner 112,000 Splendid Warehouse lot on Union Paclffo right of way. north of track and east of Nail Works- being 131 feet north f'ontage on Mason street. by about 100 feet west ( rontare on 18th St. Farms aid wild lands In Douglas , Sarpy. Dodge , Washington , Butt , Wayne , Stanton , and other good counties In eastern Nebratktfor sale. Taxes paid , rents collected , ani money loaned on Improved city and countryApro erty at .low rates ot interest. BEMIB1 NEWr.OITY MAP/FOUR FEET WIDE AND SEVEN FEET LONG , WITH EVERY ADDL TION RECORDED OR CONTENT- PLATED UP TO DATE. "OFFI CIAL MAP OF THE CITY. " EACH , $5.00 GEO. P BEMIS , Real Estate Agency ; x. , . 15th and Douglas 81