THE VAlLf AP1UL 3 The Daily Bee. OMAHA. Tuesday Morning , April 3 , Weather Report. ( Ths following observations were taken t the same moment of time at the stations mentioned. ) WAR Dnr'r U , 8 StoiiiL Slavic * , ) Omiu , Apill 1 , ( l:45p : m ) I There will be ft meeting of the Irith National Lind league hold In Kuoney's hall on this ( Tuesdayeveningthe ) 3d Innt. , at 7 10 o'clock , Thirty foreigners for local points in Ncbrunka csmo In by the 0 , It. & Q. , and went wcs ( at noon yesterday. Thq funeral of late Mrs. Fred Del- lone , who died Sunday , will take plnce at 9 o'clock a. in. Tuesday , April 3 , -It WAS rumored ot noon that Beard , the democratic nominee for councilman from the Fourth ward had withdrawn in favor of F. F. Murphy. This would leave Mr. Murphy'n name on all the tickets. The funotal of the late John B , Chip- man took plaoo at 10 a. m. Sunday from Coroner Jacobs' undertaking rooms and was quite largely attended. The deceased had been for yean a boarder at the Hud son Hlyor home , and the proprietor , Mr. JOB. Green and hla estimable wife , showed every attention possible to the respectable disposition of the remains , being unremit ting ia their endeavors to do all that could bo done In that direction. The burial took place at Prospect 11111 , tha Bev. J. W , Harris , .of tbe First Baptist church , offi ciating. The police had an easy time over Sun day , only four arrests being made from Saturday night to Monday morning , 'There were two plalndrunks , one of whom , viiltor from Plattsmonth , waa discharged and the other pild the usual fino. Daniel O'Kscfe filed'a complaint against John Donovan for assault and battery , the two men having some trouble over politica J Sunday night , when Donovan knocked O'K-efo down. Bacllo MoHrldo had Hen ry Thompson arrested for kicking and oth- crtvlro 111-trcntlng her. She Is enclente and the injarUx lonvo her In a precarious condition. Tnomps-m gave the necessary bond tor hU appearance on Thursday , BOARD OF EDUCATION. Proceedings of tbe Regular Monthly Meeting. The rtgnlar monthly meeting of the Aboard of education was held last I/ evening at their quarters In Williams' blcok. I II There were present President Long , Secretary Oonoyor , Messrs. Anderion , V -MoShane and Points. A petition was received from the pupils of the high school aaklng for the privilege of using one of the rooms of the Central school building for gym uastlo purposes. After more debate < thi > n was neoesury for such a qnos tlon , the petition was referred to the committee on buildings and property with power to act. From a number of gentlemen de siring to establish a mission Sunday school ia the suburbs of the city , ask Ing the privilege of uilng the 8 un- ders street school and the west school. Filed. From J. B , Smith , proposing to ereot lightning rods upon all building needing them , at 25 cents per foot. Hefcrred to committee on buildings and property. Mr Points nave Mr. Larnod's expla nation as to the chastising of one of the pnplls in the Central school. It aeems that the boy insisted npon snow balling after having been repeatedly r told to doiist. Mr. Lirned states that t the boy was not hurt npon the head ; blood did not flow and the boy waa all right and at work next day. Mr Anderson stated that although he was a particular friend of Mr Limed , he believed he was to blame And not to be excused. Gutumltteo on claims'reported the foPoMing claims , which were allowed : Superintendent and teachers' pay roll , $5,911 21. Janitors' pay roll , $001 03. Total amount of claims accrued , In cluding rents , fuel , repairs and sup plies , $7,347 07. The question of supplying addition' al furniture waa referred to the committee on buildings and proper ty , to which Snporlntonoent Jamoi w s added. City Treasurer Buck made the fol lowing statement ol the condition o the educational finances ; iialiince from lut report , . . . .813,713 0 Tax collected In February. . . (180 ( 8 Vices and Hceniei In March. . . 012 fi Warrant * paid In March 8.7G2 2 Trantf erred to slnklus ; fund. . . . 2597 Balance 85,841 2 Balance in nicking land 4,4451 Bonds on deposit 27,0000 To-day the question comes befnr the people as to whether or not $35 OOOtibaflbo expended for addition ; school buildings , and on Saturda evening at 6:30 : o'clock the boat meets at the president's c ilico to oat VMS the ballot. Other questions < importance will also come before tl beard at that time. COOPER WAGONS have arrived. Practical oiporleni ' demonstrates and proves thorn tl cheapest tn the market for re service. For sale at F. D. Oooput & Co'a. Decline of Man Nervous Weakness. Dyspepsia , In o tenoe , Sexual Debility , cured t H * Hh Ranewer.1' | 1. < , k\ \ THE LAST EFFORT. A Fourth Oonvcntion Held Last Night at Oily Hall , Which Endorsed the Entire Democratic Ticket. As baa boon pretty generally known , the convention hold by the labor union at City hall on Saturday iilfjht waa not entirely harmonicas. It waa openly charged that candidates who received a majority of the votes were counted out or ountod by rescinding tbo action of the meeting. la consequecco of this a good deal of bad blood was gen erated and two different factions epiung up , One of those factions yesterday 'called another convention by moans of the distribution of several hundred "dodgers , " and last night nt 7:30 : about five hundred persona assembled at the council chamber. The call waa issued in thonamoof the "unorganized labor element , " and when the conven tion mot It was evident that there was very llttlo organlzsd plan about ( t. Barney Magulnn waa choion chair man , and the assembly proceeded to endorse the entire democratic ticket. About this time the opposition , led by Walsh , showed Its hand and while the latter was haranguing the crowd , it adjourned In considerable confusion. The party whloli endowed the dem ocratic ticket was led by Street Com missioner Ford. It socmod at first that a collision waa likely to take place between the two parties , but fortunately it waa averted. Yesterday waa ono of the livlloat days that over preceded an election In this city , probably on account of the shortness of the campaign. Knots of men where gathered hero and there and on the street cornora crowds pressed together and discussed the re lative mnrlta of their candidates. The general opinion was that it would bo a cloao contest between Ool. Chase and Judge Savage for the may- orallty and that Judge Bonoko would have a walk away for pollen judge. These Vore the only two cfllcoa ex citing much interest. FOR SALE. A now aide-bar , end spring top bug * gy , made by Snyder and took first prize at the state fair last fall ; never used and will bo aold low. Apply at Western Newapaper Union , oor. 12th and Douglas at. fob28m&otf PERSONAL ) . M. J. lloncb , Lincoln ; Dr. J. A. Inkf , J. T. Dunning and John Menlzer , Shelby ; D. M , Tombllp , Arapahoe ; A. M. Post , Columbus ; IT. J. Leo , Fremont and Jcmes M. Woods , of Nebraska City , are at the I'ttxton. F. W. Barnes , Oakland ; W , M. Nesblt , TekaraahjR. Drlshttus , Scribnor , are guests at tbo Mlllard. Miss Iloatoo and Gustus Eflhnd , of Randolph , Iowa , are at the Metro politan. Robert Weldensall , general secretary of the Y. M. 0. A. , la at the Mlllard. Mri. Hope and boy , of Cheyenne , are at tbe Metropolitan , 3. 0. Blackburn , of Fremont , Is regla tored at the Metropolitan. E. P. Johnson , of Challli , Idaho , Is at tbe 1'axton. Lieut. T. A. Adams , of tbe army , Is at the P xton. II. 8. Wiggins , Denver , waa at the Pax ton last night. 8. 8. Pennell , of Pawnee City , la a guest of the Metropolitan. F. U. Beresford , of Fremont , la regis tered at the Metropolitan. 0. NeUlg , of Madison , la at tbe Metro politan. Thoa. Bralnard , of Boulder , Ool. , is at tbe Paxton , C. O. Cox , ot Chicago , waa at the Paxton - ton yeiteiday. J. M , TompVIna , of Obeyenne , Ii regis tered at tbe Mlllard. S nford Parker , of O'Neill City , b at tbe Mlllard. James A. WakoGold , of San Francisco , la at tbe Mlllard. Bjrron Ktogsbury , of Chicago , U Q guest of ths Mlllard. Mtsa n. A. Paddock , of Beatrice , Is at the Mlllard. Hon. Sam'l Maxwell , of Frtmont U i guest of the Paxton. M. M. Patterson , uf Chryenne , U atthi Paxton. J , C. Jump , of Helens , is restored a the Pcxton. Hon. A , S. Paddock ia In the city. Loran Clark , of Albl'ii , left for hem yesterday , Hon. O. F , Davis went out to Voile yesterday afternoon. ' Mre. J. J. Rlley , of Schuyler , left to home yesterday. Col. K. F. Smythe went to PapiUtoi yesterday on legal business , G. Andreon , tbe safe man , went .out i Geneva yesterday on butlneu. Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson , of Col umbu * , are B topping in tbo city. 31 50 0. W , Collins , the cjutractor of th 23 Orel-oil Short Line , has left for O don , 70 27 P. P. Shelby , general freight agent c 17 tbe Union Pacific , lott ye t rday for Ca 00 IfornU re Dr. 0. 11. Pbllpott baa gone to b - homo In New London , Iowa , nn a shot > al \lslt. His many friends will wish him ay rd dellRhtful tilp. L. P. Prujn , Nebraska agent tor tl inof Mound Oily Paint and Color Co , of S ho Louie , leaves tc-day for an extende trip to Colorado , New Mexico , Wyomlt and Montana. II , Maxwell , a prominent banker i ice Brooklyn , N.Y. , accompanied by bis wlf he Dal came In from tbe east vetterday on ipeclal car , and left for California on tl noon train. \Vhea People exchange aooii rjRi , oouvmaUy li uromoted by of ! 'Hub Punch. " ThU admiral ) mby prepared punch , Impromptu , U dellghtf by either with water or lemonade , lleplenl your sideboard with It , METEOR/U.GICAI * Tbo Signal Her vice Wnkoea Report for March. The following Is the meteorological summary for the month of March , as prepared by Observer Vollook , of the Omaha station , U , 8. signal service : Dally moan barometer , 30.177 ; dally mean temperature , 31.0 ; daily daily moan humidity. 04 1 ; dally moan rainfall , .017. Highest barometer , 30.752 ; lowoat barometer , 20 EG2 ; monthly range of barometer , 11'JO. Highest temperature , 71 0 on the 17tb ; lowest temperature , 3.0 on tha 19.h ; greatest daily range of temper ature , 50 B on the 18th ; least dally range of temperature , 8 0 on the 5th ; moan of mailmumteinperatures , 45 0 ; mean of minimum temperatures , 24 5 ; moan dally ranpoof temperature , 0.52 , Prevailing direction of wind , north ; total movement ot wind 0,405 miles ; hlrjhcst velocity of wind anddlrootlon 22 miles , north and northwest. No. of foggy days , 1 ; No. of clear daya , 0 ; No. of fair days , 15 ; No. of cloudy daya on which no rain or snow foil , 1 ; No. of cloudy daya on which rain or anew fell , G ; total No. of days on which rain or snow foil , 12 ; depth of nnmoltodunow on ground at end of month , trace. Datoa of auroraa 0 ; dates of aolar lialos , 0 ; dates of Lunar halos , 10. COMPARATIVE TKMrKIUTUIlB. 1871 40.8 1877 33.0 1H72 312 1873 479 1873 881 1879 4t.O 1874 33.5 1880 35.9 1875 80.2 1881 270 1876 29.2 1882 40.0 COMPARATIVE rRECU'ITATIONH. 1871. . . .O.lSlnrhea 1877. . . .1.20 Inchon 1872. . . .1.02 " 1878. .3.00 1873. . . .0.44 " 1879. .2.17 1874. . . .1.49 " 1880. .0,50 1875. . . .1.24 " 1881. .0.72 II 1870. . . .318 " 1882. .0.79 II SLAVEN'B YOSEMITE OOLONGE Made from the wild flowers of the FAB FAMED YOSEMITE VALLEY it is the most fragrant of perfnmo. Manufactured by H. B. Slavon , San Francisco. Forsalo in Omaha by W. j. Whltohonao and Kennard Bros. GOOD'BTE. The Closing Oommlttee Mooting of the Old Council. The members of the old city coun cil , which holds Its last regular meeting to-night , hold their customary committee - too mooting last evening at the city clerk's effioe , nearly all being present. Very llttlo bussness waa transacted , as the subject of the approaching elec tion came np and soon developed jlnto a heated discussion , in which consid erable good natnrod badinage and mirth watfIndulged in. The members , as a general thing , were inclined to draw the party lines pretty closely. It is moro economical to bny BUIIKE'H SALAD DRESSING than it Is to rrmko a dressing ; besides this , it is made of bettor materials than you can bny at the stores. Everybody likes It. Real Estate Transfers. The following Hat of transfers of real estate were filed in the oonnty clerk's office , Maroh'31 : W. Reynolds and wiio to R M. Twaddoll , w d , parcel section 33 , 1C , 12 ; 8800. D. L. Thomai and wife to E. H. \Valker , w d. lot 9. block 00 , and lot 18. block 05 ; 920 55 t-IFrank P. Hard and wife to J. H Boonatra , w d , lot 8 , Godfrey's sud- dlvlslon of block "D" Belnn's 1st ad dition. $450. L R. Tattle , jr. , to A. H. Fltob , w d , lot 30 , Tattle's subdivision ; 8500. A. A. Sanndon and wife to 0. E Peikltis , trustee , w , d , parcel section 8 , 1510 ; | 850. O. B. Solden and wife to A. A. Sanndon , w d , parcel section 8 , 15,10 8500. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMA HA , NEB. Tables supplied with the boat the market aliordi. The traveling public claim they got better accommodations and moro general satisfaction here than at any other house In Omaha , Rate , ffl pnr day. ag21tfm Army Orders Leave cf absence for one month , on surgeon's certificate of disability , with permission to go beyond the de partment limits and to apply for an extension ot two months , is granted Captain Edwin Pollock , Ninth In fantry. The following named men , enlisted at Forts D A. Russell , Wyo. , and Omaha , Neb. , are assigned an follows it George Fisher to company D , Ninth Infantry ; Augustus May to the Fourth Infantry. Major Geoigo B Diudy , Quarter < master , U. 8. army , having reported to the commanding conoral In obedl once to paragraph 1 , special orders ; No. 46 , current series , hoadqqarten of the army , Is assigned to duty ai or chief quartermaster of this depart moat , and is hereby announced ar n cordlngly. . , Leave of absence for ono month 1 hereby granted Major Louis 11. Oar to ponter , Fifth cavalry , to take cflco from April 2 , 1883. In compliance with paragraph 1 Special Orders No. 4G , current series beet headquartern of the army , Liontenan Colonel Marshal I. Ludlncton , deput quartermaster general , 17. 8. A. , I ot hereby relieved from duty aschic il- quartermaster of thla department. First Lieutenant Alfred B. Johnson ils ! Seventh Infantry , is hereby relieved v judge advocate of the nonornl coui rt martial convened at Fort Brldgoi Wyo. , by paragraph 3 , Spso'al Ordci No. 15 , current nodes , for these hcac heed quarters. First Lieutenant William B. Urov ed stor , assistant surgeon , U. S. A. , hereby detailed aa judco advocate < Ihu guuuml uouit marl ill convened < Fort Bridgor. Wyo. . by paragraph ! Of Special Orders No. 15 , current terlti from these headquarters. a the FOR SALE. A drugstore m western Iowa , poni latlon about 3,500 , stock from $0OC Laia to 88,000 , sales 818,000 per annun a only two drug stores In the town , bly ful Urge country trade. Inquire of Vran lit , Rogers , Mlllard Hotel drug store. Mar30-imi 2ir THE COMING SANGERFEST- Tbo Programme for the Juno Meet ing at St. Joe. The coming Saongerfost to bo hold at St. Joe JUDO 14.h to lO.h inclu sive , is beginning already to rxsito considerable Interest among the Ger mans of thla city. The programme announced la almost an exact copy of that adopted in Omaha two yearn ago. The first day will bo devoted to the reception of guests , and the evening to a recaption concert. The second day will bo the first grand concert , and the third day the second grand concert of the week. On the third day the visitors will bo driven about the city and in the evening theto will bo a grand ball. On the fifth day , Sunday , there will bo a big picnic and on Mon day , the sixth and last day , the con vention of the Band will bo hold. The Maonnorchor society hold a mentlnt ; yesterday and appointed thu following committee to make arrange ments for thoao wishing to attend from this city : H. Rosoczwolg , Ohaa. Krollo and John Baumor. The Omaha delegation will take a good band down with them , probably the Union Pacific band. The nttoudanco will no donbt bo quite largo If everything works well. JOHN H. EROK Has the largest assortment of Rangea and Oook Stove , Barb Fence Wire , all of which you can buy cheaper than any place in town at G15 and 617 N. IGth street. m27-mo-tf BEN HOQArf. The Reformed Pugilist Addresses Largo Audience at tbo Opera House. The gospel service at the opera house Sunday afternoon was a no table attraction , on account of being conducted by Ben Hogan , whose transition from a sporting man to an evangelist , waa as wonderful aa that of St. Paul. The opera house was crowded to its utmost capacity , and at loaat two hundred persona were standing up In the roar corridor. Aa Manager Boyd said "wo almost had to drive people away with a club. The body of the audience comprised hundreds of the first people of the city but there waa also a great many of "the gang" who generally remained in the background , but it waa evident that all classes were pleaaed with the speaker's effort. Tao aervioa commenced by singing , "Rescue the Perishing , " which was followed by prayer by R iv. W J. Haraha. " Precious Promise" and "Beulah Land" were then sung after which RJV. . A. F. Sherrlll led In prayer. "Whoever Will" and "I've Found a Friend" were then selected , which waa followed by reading of the 107 tb Psalm by the reformer. Upon this text Mr. Hogan made a moat eloquent and earnest address , first relating the story of his own life , his conversion and religions work and experience , and then drawing the natural conclusions therefrom. The speaker baa a fine appearance on the stage , ia easy and graceful in delivery , choice in his language except where ho wiahos to make the lesson Intelligible to those accustomed to slang ex- protslons , and1 la clear and distinct In enunciation. One can listen to him without tiring , and there Is humor as well as earnest conviction in hla talks. Mr. Hogan spoke at the Baptist church laat evening and speaks there again to-night. It la possible that If an Interest is awakened he will remain and assist in conducting a re vival in Omaha ' We regret that the unusual pressure on oar columns precludes the publica tion of a synopsis of his-speech. < * The Maverick National Bank of Bos ton drawa foreign exchange , bays and aella Government and other invest ment securities , and transacts any bus iness for ita correspondents in the line of banking. m&th-rao THE COLORADO POCK. A Hupplementary Meeting Held In Omaha. The Colorado pool hold a meeting at the Paxton hotel In this city last Saturday which was supplementary tc the meeting held a few days ago ID Chicago. At this meeting there were presenl E. 0. Yining , traffic manager of the U. P. ; P. P. Shelby , general freight ; agent of tha D. P.J Thos. Miller , general oral freight agent of the B. & M. ; J F Goddard , traffic manager of the A. T. & S F. road , and J. H. Hanaford general freight agent of the Norther : Paolfis. Thu only businosa on hand was thi approval of certain measures aarooc npon at the meeting In Chicago am nothing of public Interest was trans acted , Oapt. John J. Dawson , late of thi Is British Army , resldlug on Loventroet between Mandoivillo and Spain. Nei rok Orleans , La. , nayn ho used St. Jwob Oil with the greatest possible odvaut , ago when afllioted with rheumatism. 1HLIL ) . Bat at TOUHEY-In this city , April 1 , 1883 , n ty MM Kyan's rfstnurant , Uodgestreol la William TOUHEY , nged 24 years. Cf The deceased was a native of Ottawr Ont. , wlioro his parenta and relatlvea r < "i ! Jo. Tha remains were removed to M [ < an Carthy & Burk'a undertaking rooms on irt will bo forwarded to hla friends at Ottaw by express. irs DELLONK Jeannette , wifu of Fret d Uellone , died April 1st at 7:10 a. m. , < UrlgUt's disease , aged 37 years , 1 montl w- 20th days. wis is ; Funeral will take place at 8:30 : a. m of Tuesday , April 3rd , from the family res at denco on Oolf ax street , formerly kuuwut 3 , the Bartlett Place. The deceased has r sided in Omaha since 18GO and marrle Mr. Fred Dellont In this city. She leavi three children , ag d respectively 2 , 7 an her los * . Ill [ * 11 year * of age , to rncurn 00 husband will have the deopwt lympatb of all friend * In his sad bereavement. If youaid not Carried , writ * the Ma rlag * Fund and Mutual Trust Aasoci tlon , 0dar Rapid * , Iowa , lot drcuU xplalnlng the plan. A GOOD MAW. Tno Nomtnntlon of O. Hpecht Favor- ab y Hoct-ivtd. The nomination tt' U Hpecht by the Seoartd ropnblloicw for member of the school board wan ono of the boat selections tbo convention of Sat urday night mado. Mr. Specht la the proprietor of the oxtonnlvo galvan ized iron ooroico works in this city and has made hla buslnoes , through his own Industry and onterpriuo , ono of the most proBtablo in the city. Ho gives employment to a largo force of men , who all apeak in the highest terms of their employer's kind heartodncss and liberality. Mr. Specht , is ono of the best German cit izens which Omaha can boant. Ho in a man of tine literary attainments hav Ing graduated with honors at the Hoidolburg university in Germany. If ho la elected ho will proovo a vain- nnblo acquisition to the school board , and his concise and methodical busi ness habits would noon bo apparant In the economy of the board. Honford'i Aold Phosphate la a preparation of the phosphates of lime , magnesia , potash and iron la such form as to bo readily assimilated by the system. Descriptive phamplot eeut frco. llnmford Chemical Works , Provldonoo. R. I. JL1BT OF LETTERS Remaining In Post office during the week ending March 31 , 1883. LADIES' LIST. Arnold Mrs N Blackmoro Mrs Black MUs N Benedict Miss K Carpenter Mra K Carlson Miss A Crawford MM L B Carpenter Mrs K W Gaee Mrs Dingle Mrs D D ly Mra L Eke M EkstromJ Gregg MlsaJ Guningal Miss B Glltson Mrs A Griffiths Mra E E Harder Miss J Knlpht Mrs F A Kun Mrs J Kenned ? Mra J E Kelsey Mhs N Luvingston Mrs J Lagervist Mina A W Murphy Miss A Morton Miss K Moore Mrs 0 A Mo rls Mrs L McDowell MUsME Miloion L McDonald Miss L Marcum Mrs W H Mason Miss I Mathleeon Miss M Nilson Miss M Ferine M.isa M Komlne Mrs J B Rlley F R luuelle Modain C Itlchardson Miss L Bwarts Mra K L Sheldon Miss M F Thomas Miss M WenstrandMraMW WaybtluhtMrsL2 Williams L A Wech Miss E BKCIISTKltEl ) Anton Botllng Frank Cole Llda De Camp Gej Dotaon U GreenbKtt Gee Reerots F Uanel Gee Huaer H B Johansen Elvy Kastner 2 Herman Ktumin Christian Moety Mrs S trah Omagar P M Parker Johann Petera W T Robinson Loula T Sohuk Kami Sampson Blruth Linger Mrs J Thomuson E P Thompson Will John Uaher OENTLEMEN. Aumick A H Andenton P W AlUon J Araidon C K Ackard C J Anderson J Bryant J Buvort H Uannein H Bryngelson G R Bralnard O Berlund C J Bolwell T Brugmann P Blodgett G P Barlow G T Burndrlck F Blueh E C Bneter F Bingam M R Brown A Braatiaoker C BarthC Barker B F Cherry W ChanswellW Cossldy T ' Cola B 0 Christcu > en T A Cliwdua .T B Cbriatensen M CowryT O Cimpbell D W Callen T B Courtney O DiUI Dlolcey J P Dartman P I'lokernnnE ' Enqulct P G Evert * G W Furtb II Feist P Fogg EG Frazee E L Farming M Gillett W 8 Ge rW Garth S Glnglln H Grlseman H Garland G W Gui-tafsson F 2 Graved G I Griffith A N Gililia E C Gordon M M Henry W Hollenbeck J Hunster L Hlrschman L Hans n L HamllnJE Henderson G Hayes 0 N HasleyOH llonien F Jinklni D Isqnlst H Oat Isler J N Jsquea A L Krohn J 2 Kleidester L King J Y Kennedy J Long J Lang .T E LuddonW Lolla K LongF Llnd N P Loader A Montgomery F W Mlllis N Miles M Miobielson L Mel I or H Mumma J R McKrav G Matney M Myers NG Movers N Montgomery O VicQuarter S Mitchell JM Miller G A Neotrt'jlo F Nelle H H Norton F O'Brien J Ogden W Pa'ersou J A Pasco W H Perry A O Parker T Post N J Prllchard M J Vbelpa O H ReaMaEE2 Rasmtmeen H C R cl er P RUer T Ritchie T W StlnsonRV Starring G A Stevens WH Smith A Sohiuipf Shattuck S S Snell 8 M Silley O E ShajB D K Spangbure M Stam L C Squires J Settles Y Shepherd T E , Terroll S TaylorHJ Tyner L T Thorp A Tnomas S D Tonchey W , Tomllnson Ward & Co Vodre D Von Bomllach O P Wash M Waggoner S E Willis H L Weed I , K White 0 A Wa'f 0 Waelmsh Whltmore J B Wilson G W Washbnrn F Wllhnm W Washington G Walker O YorkG THOS F. HALL Postmaster. SPECIAL NOTICES , /JTSPECIAL8 wl POSITIVELY ] not beln terted unless paid In advance. at Tbo Omaba Savings Bank Ia cow preparid to make oans on Omaha City or Douslis CouUy > V. X H fc - - a.flk. . At Current lutes ol Intirost. . COMMISSION C1UROED c. f33-lui TO LOAH-MOh EY. ONEV TO LOAN-Call at Law ofticeot D. L id. 111. Thomas room SCrcighton Block. id.of of Loaned on chaitol profcity by J , - T llcatty , No 21S Scutli 14th street 6JO Imol ' JNEV TO LOAN-At 8 p r cent. ShrWer'i si- Rial Estate anil Loan Agency , opposite sittn poatofflce. _ 767-U _ LOANEU-On chattel iortijage.roon re MONEV Block , cor. ISth and Faroam. reed ed 21-aprlb ( res HELP WANTED. nd A ( food slrl ( or gcneial house er WANTED 1615 Chicago street. 7MB hy To men ol nod addrtsi to can WASTED sell goods. Sttady employmen to geol mea Call 421 8. JOth St. 7 'J-B1 ar- iv good girls can Bnd employment Immedl an TWO at tht Vienna Ooffe * Uooe , 403 Tentl anm. street. 70 2 | Girl for general hotMiwark at T14 WANTED stieet. i4 < M | \\TAN7 HO A ne t glr' for Kea'ril houiewsrk - Mu t le n d corl , , w 'tr a-d Ironer. Ur . U. I'urvN , 23d a-d St. M.rv'.itcnue. .717-7 ANIKO Afjlil to do toner.t f-uu work , 8 K. corner SOthaud nt. ilaijr i avrtitH . 7f7-H WANTKD A hJtclcivk , w > marr ( erred Apply or d iresi t'i .tral U.ty Ho el Cen- tial City Nebraikn , 707-B ITANTtD A girl who und rst'iiJf omc. V oik ( Of . 2 < td 701 3 ( W ANTED \ good girl lor fens aihouxrwitk at 1720 CM * &t. T/l-3 ( \T7 ANTKD-0 tlfor gtnertl houtoworL. Ap V > plyW T. CUrk2Jnl udUouilM 531-3 ANTKI' T atn § and latniera. U MANN- W WEII.KIUlth tt. 714-JH WANIKD Afflrl to do goncril hiit'eworii In family ot three. Good au < | > al1 to KOoJ cook , 'li r and lioi er , 2llu Hi ' cv H. 727-3 } WAN'I CD An architect ua' ' ram htuman. Apply lllcoifO o iictium NV. . on cr 13th tti d Ilirnojupn ita 728-2J WANTRD-A Kltl to vri t on thi tahV , nod tow , at the OLcldcntil llctol , CW tf WANTED \ corrpct nt u\il \ for h.useno k. Applt at KilO Patenturt St. , bcf. i.Th m d llth iucr < tiCLS tcuulred 673 tf GUIDKROCK Ni ! > n'ka , wnnta a 'itinl urc dealer and Bhg * lu.ktr Th" rlRht i"-n can dK rd lotatlons. JIAhV 753' WANTED An expcrlo coJ taker. I'ermt nont oropbjmoi t and loodw " - AJ drcajD. LOWMAN , HaitlDg" , Neb 5756 ] SITUATIONS WANTED , WANTT.D-liy country e'rl ' situation In prl pate family , want * to attend college In city and will xork bitaace of her time ( or her board. Addrej < "No llo" Cto offico. d h-t' W ANTED J-mpojmMit hy a eood man ard wl'e H.JlAHMVEILKUllthSt. 710 3J WANTED 3 tuvtlcn Iv girl to do general housework. Apply 1421h rlog street esa-n - a middle agrd Swede , a ittui- WANTED-Ily Urn of soil/0 kind. la aKocd Knulish schol ar , with some V nnwcdga of boot-keeping. Al'O cipablaofof tea'hlncc music on vlloln. Address Oscar H. , SondinavUn Hotel. CB3 21 MIBDtLLAME JOS WANTfi \\f ANTED Unfurnished rcom within 10 mln- VV ut a walk of U. I' depot. With or without board. Address < ! , " P. 0. box C33. T43 4 { " \T7"ANIED Torenf a smal hons'S orG rooms VV near to Pnstotfico ( urnlihed or unfurnUh ( d hv iiHpnoilble | aity. Adt-rttu li. Y. Krccinr biuck. 703-2 ANfKD A low table LoirJens at 1011 Far W nimbt. 7123J - . Buderln' with tooth WANTED-E.crvbjdv at 1421 Karnam ( tree and bo cund fieecf tbatge by Homo's Koctrlc Belt. 613-lui fTIURNISUED PARLOR And board. Modem _ C cooT tl nce8,1810 Dodpa Street. 4862 ] FOR bENT-HOU8E8 AND LOTS. RENT A store 20x60 In Balcombe block FOR 10th street. 737 811 8 ? . A D. liALCOMBE. IT10H UKNT Nice furnithod room B E corrcr Jdl _ tn and Cais. 7 6 25 TT10R RENT Two rooms ard kitchen , 3 closets J ? cclhr. at comer 13th and CMitornU street. Inquire at COS N 13th stre.t. 738-71 TTIOR Ht.NT uinl'hcd room with bay win. I' dow and board. Mcdorn Improvements , 1718 Dorfgo street. 74M-7IJ \\7 ANTED By a practical printer o ( twelve W ytaracxpcrl-nco , actuation as foreman , Job p-tnter or local editor Ocod references > lon and Job samples ( tent on nppllca Ion , Ad- drcts A U SMITH , CrestO" , la. 733-2 * A nice furnl bed front parlor and JL , bedroom no children , 1713 Chicago St 730 OJ ; OR RENT Furnished room 1611 Webster St. ! between 16th and 17th Ht. 700-9t FOR RENT UOUBBS and lots at philverand Bell's. Rent Bureau , opposite Post office. 709 tf "I70RRENT Kurn'shed and unfurn'shed room , C modern ci&Tenlcmep , good location , 1816 DcdgaSt. 717-8 * O LET-One room wl hboird , 1808 Collfornla JL street , 1m 1710R PENT-Bio m rrttage 412 K. ? 4thSt Clarliion and Hunt 2'S < . 14 h et. 719-3 § I OR RENT Ho'is * with 0 rooms. Inquire F north weet corner 14th and Jonm 715-3f FO < RENT- HOUSES UcOAOUE , Opposite Pcttiffice. ClOR RENT Three nicely furnlihed loosre , JD with or without board , at 1318 Jackson St. 67 * 4J FOR RENT Home of 7 roomi. Also house of 4 norm. Hnu harenueind Leavenwor'h. Inquire Western Cornice Workr , mo Douglas tttxtt. 41 653 "T710R RENT Floe upr'ght piano , floe Kim- Jj ballorK n , 1519 Dodge olreet. V > 1t A. II03PB , Jr. TOOK RENT 25 houses , 2 to 10 rooms , at 3 to (25 per month 8hrlreri Rent bureau , op- pObta cost-office. 768-tf FOR VF.NT Iwo double stores , sultiblo lo boarding ; bouse , gr eery , butcher , cr saloon , situated ro aa to command a good farmer trade. Inquire of Mrf. F. Lange , S. W. Cor. 13th and Jackacn 8U. SCO-lmf FOR SALE T70U ALK Arare cn nce , a n. w store 22x40 IJ fcitanrt lit u nt Inlnga complo e itick ol general m > rchandNc , nd enjoying tin he itflt of H t ealtby and steadiiy Inc eai nt business , 1 ca- ted In centre of one of tha bait 'gr tul U'al dl < - nlcla In wtet-in Ioa. jerma llhml , write P. O box < G Imigeno Ia 713-121 Oil 8 ALB The building nrw In us for the F Child' * Ho'pltal on Dndgo 8'reet , aVve I7tb Applf at the Hcspltal until Friday , Aprils. 171OR SALE A pair of bravy dr > ughl mules. JL ! Inquire at 11 OK South lit i ( trott. es'Mw T10K SAT3f 3tver l houses 01 lea ed ground. JJ McCAOUE , 697-tf Opposite Pottofflco PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE A flourlthlng paper , In a ) oimg and gronhg town In Eas tern Nebraska. AddreisU H. Bee Office. 62S-lmo Toil SALE One quarter section land la Stan- 1 ? ion county. Also one of tha best stock farms In Burt county , one mile frcm Herman Station. building 1119 Ftrnam street. Also for sale or trade fcr Douglas county proper ty , 40 aciei In Uaion county. Illinois. Inquire of H. O. CLARK. 578-5 TjlOK SLE General stock of m rch ndlse and J ; i ore b ll > l > g , wel lo-ated In thriving town , 22 c lies f rum Lincoln. Property worth > boul Jo,000. Satisfy tory rea oos for selling gi > m. AUOrcsa "F. U. " Oniaht Bee. 677-7 SALE New bouse , 12 rooms. 8 closets , FOR , rents 110 per month , one-third corner lot 81 MO. New hous > , 0 rooms , uarrct , ' 12x40 , cellar , cl.ttrnand well , lot OixOfl for 2,71)0. 2 house ) , 4foom * each , cellir. c'stern ' , veil and st kle , Iot3"xl32 , f2,7CO. Ml within C bl cks it poMortlce. Inquire ho. C03 North 13th Street. 57065 SALE OR RENT Voso llano. FOR - ! C. J. CAN AN. Two houses Brncms nd5tcoms Brick founJ&tlcn , good < cllarj , hard and iofg water , full lot , on p-nitn ! 3rd street , within two blocks cf'sfilari' aicnuf. Inquire on the premtief , h o. 811 louth 23d Street. 622 2wj ofdmVahV"eYe'r published. Official map ot tbe cltj. See column. OR 8ALE-One norse. llngle wagon and bar E ness. 1 Cooper wagon. 3lj.t ( 801 M. IBlh at , OR 8MJ OK HENT iy S story brick rwl- denca on 19th stiwt aod bt Uar's a enu for sale , tl 000. Small payment down , ba'ance 1W B Veaistlme. Lot tOrJOO foot Elegant hous. , v rT oonvenltnt. Will r nt ft to very . jood parties lor Hfi per month. Call at onca al I TurT o , I 2H-April 1 Cor. Hth ud rurtuumStw BALE CHEAP-Cholce unimproved bn . FOR lots on Farnatu llartcr. Douglr , and Dodge streets. D WIS A SNV DF.R. Uetl Eflt te Ae-nW llO-i-nd-if 1608 Farnam St. _ YARD FORREST Apply at nnte. BK10K ) needed to run It Ou h nd. Superior clay Also house on yaid If anted. LOilENZ i JIBBLK , Yard Uthttrcet 2 blocks outh of Be'lettie ' road. 280 lm | T70R riALB A flrct Cl M rrmml hand phieton r PaPat 131 "trnevBt _ SflT-tf SALE I'ockiU uap ot Nooraoka VQc FOU . For bargains In u aha City Improved and unimnr vrd property , call on Wm. r , Shrl- ver , e\l Kstate Agent , opposite pontoBlce. 7B3-H _ , Bargains in Real Estate , House and lull lot , gxd location , $1,200. House and half lot , netr at , Mary's avenue ii.ton. Crttaga and Corner lot on Dodne s'rect , t3ROO New Uottigo In K. V Smith's id.i tlon , (2,000. L'ottiigoanit 'ul < It t un IPth ttroct , n < ar Lea- ve'iwoith ptrcet , $2 , ' . 00. 44 fnct front ago 01 Farnam street , Improved , Corner lot on Douglin street , (7.600. Banr > ln Hu Incpa lot on Ucuglta itrect , (4,000. 100 foot front on Dudge stie.t. Residence In- voatmeut , (1,350. UlCAOUE , , ! 07tf Oppoilie Postomce. FOR SALE. FARNAM STREET. 10 acre * , house , barn tnd oth'r Improvement ? , 2J milts fr m t ostotlico , 3,000 ( I room houio full lo > on s roet car line , 83'600. It room hcu'e , oiic-ralf let , on ttreoj car line , 12.800. U rcom hr\H , on street cir line , all modern lmrro\ementa. ( niw ) 83,500 1(0 fine rcnlcleoci lotson and adjacent to strut cais. ( .OOtodtCO. AMES , Fitrnam Street. 3 room hous * , co'lar. ' well , etc. Two full lots , Shlnn's addition , (300. 6 rojin ncu'o , cellar , cistern , etc. , fences and walks , fu'l lot , Shlun'i ) addition. Very easy term ! , (2.350. 3 room house , on street car line , leased lot , (500. 3 room house , Lowe's addltlcn , full lot , ( EDO. 3 room house , one-half lot , five minutes walk from street cars , COO. 6 room house , ten minute ] * a'k from post. office , full lot , (1,000.AMES AMES , Farnam Street. 5 room house , Cats street , (1,500. Business property on Caplt 1 arenue , corner , (2,800. o room houte ( new ) one half block from itrect cars. Bargain. (1,800. 8 room houeo and barn on cipttol are ( . ' 60. 6 room house , flan order block from street can (1EOO 7 room house , full lot N-Isom addltloo $1,000 11 r om touio , ham , corn olb , well , cistern lUtti Street. Easy terra(3,000. . 6 one acre lot' , 1) m'lea trcm p'stoffico , (800. Call and examine lull li-t of Jlousca and Lots Vacant Lo's , one , two , ( he and ton aore lots. 1606 Furnitn Street. ONLY AUTHORIZED AGENT Fo- Sale of HANSCOM PLACE LOTS. 200 Choice Lotb In HANSOOM PLACE. EASY PAYMENTS. LONG TIME. AMES , 596. tf 150G Farnam. Real Esi ate Bargains , SALV : On monthly payments , 11 house * FOR andlot < 1850 to (1,600. Corner lot and cottage , Davenport street , (1.S50. 2 nouses and lotr , near street car track , eich ? COO. COO.Onehalf One-half lot near St. Wary'a a'cnuc , (375. Vacant lota , month ! ) Insta loitntj. 320 acres , 14 u lien west. $30per acre. 120 " 3 ' " 320 " 4 " " $15 " EO " 3 " from city , $4f OD. 170 " 7 " f'om city , ( d.OOO. 3-10 acre tracts near barracsi , each (550. Choice residence 1 tf and houses and lots In all parts city on easy terms. SHRIVER&BELL , ' 661-31 Opposite Poitoffioe. Bargains in Jfeal Estate. Cottige and full Ut on lOllr street , near Leav enworth , (2,7(0. 44 foot fr ntige o i Farnam ttreet , Improved brl k ? . ' 0000 , A bu Itici ! > ' 01 Douzlai street , (4.000. 100 to t frjntagu ou Dodge stro. t , J1.3.W. McCAGUE , (95tf Opposite Postotfice. HUSOKIJC.BJIEUB riTRAYEDO I STOLEN "n FrHay la t , from O" e alley bet. 12th an ! 13th on Howard stieet. a orlodle cow with white f co. Finder return to Mrs. Cannlchael. 745 2 | RS. IIAN8EN , Mldwlfo , his removed from M 9th aud Jackson to 10th and Uarcy Bit. OS9-lm | | /GRADING Bl wil' ' be recetv.d until April \Jf 4tb , for rrmavmg abaut 4,0i 0 yird i of earth fnmloiN , W. cir. 18th and Fjinam stree . ( xmtiactrr tb sell the dirt. C53-3 T. W. T. R10HARD9 , TI7 ILL take children of ny age give them a VV mothers care for a liberal compensation. Address Y. Z. Bee office. 368-lmo * LADIES wishing a qule * place during confine ment , with nurM will addrees W , B. Be * office. 369-lmot mo EXCHANGE for city prpetty A1Oaaha , X ten flrst-c'av ' Improved farms A'eo 1600 head o ( shejp f T Sato Correspond with N. 0. Chr stlant p , Bacrame- , Neb. m9-lm EDWAEDKUiilHL UAQISTER OF PALMYSTERT AND COND : TIONALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam and Harney. Will , with the aid of guardian splrlta , obtain for any one a glance of the part and present , and on certain conditions la tbr fa * ture. Boots and Shoes made to orter. Perfect atlafacUon guaranteed. IN HOT WATER DONT BE SKEPTICAL. REASON TlfAOnEB AND KXfEIUCOCK. CO.VFIUUS THAT Tar- 'Tit's eltz r 4T > rl nt 18 N INVAL- UAB- Fll ANY ANn ALL DiaORDKRS OF 1HK REMEDY TOMACH , UVKR AND BOWELS - ELS A-JEAHHOU FUL IN A GLASS rf H T WATER EV RY MOKNINO. BEFORE EATING ' 8 NOT ONLY EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL , B 'T A PROTECTION AGAINST DISEASE WniOU N OVK CAN AFFORD TO DISUK- GAIli. FOR SALE IlY ALU DRUGGISTS. N. B In taklne SELTZEa APERIENT lo hoi water , wait until'the effervescence has entirely ! ? erased. The water ihould be bet not Mpld or lukewarm. " " POWDER Absolutely Pure This powder never varies. A marvel of pur strength and wholtoomcnosa. More econom than the orplnary kind * , and cannot be soli cciupetitlcn with the multitude of low test ih weUbt , alum or phnphate powiler Sold onli can * . ROTAI. Diuaa Vowwu Co. , Wall f.ii New York ,