7 IT" JL'JlE DAILY BEE--TrjESt > Ay APRIL 3 OTJlNTOIIL. ZBLTTIFIFS , PROPRIETOR OF = PALACE MUSIC HALL ! Headquarters for the justly Celebrated WEBER PIANOS , now approved and used by afl first-class Artists. WESTER COTTAGE AND BURDETTE ORGANS. Importer and dealer in MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , such as Violin- Guitars , Accordeons , Music Boxes , Italian Strings , Etc. , , Etc. Also a full line of IMITJSIO IBOOIKIS. IMITJSIO ZBIHSTDIEIRSAZCsTID SIHIIEIET 3yCTJSIO Fancy Goods , Ohildrens' Carriages , Velocipedes , Bycicles , Carts and Wagons. To make room for new stock will sell at EXTRA LOW FIGURES FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS. Good Organs at $50 and upward. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash and on Monthly Payments , Orders solicited Address , J. MUELLER , Council Bluffs , Iowa. LANGTRY WAVES Latest styles front the east , in Lanctry Waves and Rovcreiblo Lan Frizzes at MRS. .7. J. GOOD'S , 29 Main street , opposite pott iffice. FOUNDRY. WINTHERLICH BROS. , Are now ready to contract ( or email coatings oi every description In MALLEABLE IRON , GRAY IRON , And any ALLOY OF BRASS. Special attention la called to the ( tct that the metals are melted In CRUCIBLES which given tbe Tery best castings , Burning Brands FOE- DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACKERS - ERS , CIGAR and TOBACCO FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. , As wall as Cattle Brands ABB NICELY EXECUTED. Works : Corner Sixth street and Eleventh avenue , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. W. R. VAUGHAN. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. i .Omaha and Council Bluffs Real Estate & Collection Agency. n Odd Fellow a block , over Savings' iv\8-ti COUNCIL BI/0TFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. CHICAGO , BOCK IBLARD tXD MCinO. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext. . .B20pm I Pacific Ext..9:18am : Ex and Mall * . .925 am Ex and Mail * . .655 p m D. Molnea ac.7:15 : a m | DCS Molneaae.4:40 : p m omoioo , BDRtisaros AHI QUIKOT. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Bxt. . . 630 pm I Pacific Ext. . . .920 am Ualland Ex * . .920 am Mall and Ex * . . 7:00 pm N. Y. Ex . 4:00pm : | Neb & Has Ex..8:20 : a m CHICAGO AND SOBTHWOTIKN. _ Depart. Arrive. AtIutlcExt..C:15pm : Pacific Ext..fl:15am : Ualland Ex.9:20am Mall and Ex * . . 6:15 : pm Accom ( Sat..5:50 pm Accom. ( Mcn..l:45p : m EAHSAS CITT , 8T. JOB AND COUHCTIi BUJrFS. Depart. Arrive. Hall and Ex..955 a m I Express. 6:60 : p m . . .v..8I10p ) Mallard E . . .S'45p omen lAcinc. Depart. Arrlre. Ores-land Zx.1130 a. m. LlDooln Ex..1130 a. . Dearer Ex. . . . 8:00 a. m , Denver Ex..7:00 p. m. Xocal Ex . 6:30 : a. m. Local Ex..7:25 "a. m. " Ex 9:06 : a. m. Emigrant..620 p. m. " Ex P:00a.m. : wABAsn , sr. LOUIS AND rAnmo. Depart. Arrive. Hall and Ex. . 9:15 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 430 p m Gannon Ball. . 4:50 : pm | Cannon Ball. . 11:05am : BIOCX air AND rAnno. Depart. Arrive. For Sioux Clty.TASam Frm Sioux O' For Fort Niobrara. Frra Fort Nlourara , Keb , 7S5am : Neb ' 6ao For St. Paul..7:10pm : From St. PauL.HtfO a m CIIICAQO. UILWAUKM AND ST. PAUL. 1/onvo Council Binds. Arrives Council Dlutfa. Ualland Ex. . ' 0.-20 am I Mail and Ex.'C : pm Atlantic Ez.5:15pm | : 1 Atlantic Ex..19:10a : m CHICAGO , UILWAUKES AND ST. PAUL. Leaves Omaha. Arrives at Omaha. Mall and Ex.7:15 : am I Pacific Ex 19:45 : ft m Atlantic Kv.3MOpm | | Mall and Ex.75p m Except Sundays. fExccpt Saturdays. ( Except Mondajs. ( Dally. Council Blufla Si Omaha Street B. B. Leave Council liluffa. Leave Omaha. S a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , I B a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 111 am , 1m , 2 p in , 3 p 111 am , vm , 2pm.3f ' 'm , 4 p m , B p m , 0 p m. | m , 4 p m , C p m , 0 p m , Street cars run half hourly to the Union TaclQc 'Depot. ' Oa Sunday the cars begin their trips at 9 o clock a. m. , and run reru'arly during the da ; at 9,11 , 2 4 , B and 6 o'clock , and run to city time ; MK8 H J HILTON M D. , , , , , . , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 2S2 Brodw OonnolllBlntT * . p. BomnrDSOi , 1. 1 > . snoa A T. A. w. BTKBIT President. Vlce-Pres't. Cashier. 3ITIZENS BANK Of Connell Blnffi. Organlied nnder the laws of the State of Iowa lid up capital . t 7S,00 ( athorUed capital . „ . i . SOO.COI Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts Issnec I the principal cities of the Unltod Otatos me Irope. Special attention given to collodion ! II correspondence with prompt retural I DIBKOTOBtl S3. Edmnndnon , E. L. Bhnetrt , 1 I W. W llxco , . ' . W Rriftr I. I A W Ptrit _ _ liVERIOK NATIONAL B&HX Cor , Water and Congress Streets. O.PITAL , - - 84oo.ooi HRFLU9 , - - 840UOOI | an cts a general Banking hualnecs. lie cc3 tbe nccounta of Banks , Bankers nni oLrs. Draws Foreign Exchange am rices Oablo Tranifcrs In Europe and Tel ekpblo Transfers of Money throughou t | United States. Buys and sells Gov einent and other Investment Secarlttet aj executes any buslnesa for its Com stadents In the line of Banking * ] ASA P. POTTER , Prwlden' . ( J. J. EDDY , Cashier. { J. W. WORK , AM't Cashier. Mh-me CHICAGO , PEORI ST. . . LOUIS , MILWAUKEE , DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And all PoluU E t andWouth-East THELINSCOMPRI8ES Hearty 4,000 miles. Solid Smooth Steel Track 11 connections are made In UNION DtPOTfl- bas a National Repntatlon as being thl r eat Through Oar Line , and Is universal ! needed to bo tbe FINEST EQUIPPED Ball ad In the world ( or all classes of travel. Try It'and you will find traveling a razor ) Instead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via rhis Celebrated Lint sa a at all offices In tbe West. All Information about Rates o Fare , Bloepli. , , Car Accommodations , Time Tables , Ac. , will ti cheerfully given by applytntnir to T. J. POTTER , Id Vlce-Pres't A den. if anagerGQlcagt PEROIVAL LOWELL , Gen. FaBsenj-flf Airt. Oblcaio W. J. DAVSNPORT , Gen. Agent , Council Vlufii. H. P. DCEI.L. Ticket | At. Qn ololn.iv1.lv SHORT LINE OF THE Milwaukee & St , Paul RAILWAY Is now running Its FAST EXPRESS TRAINS from OMAHA AND COUNCIL 'BLOTS ' WITH Pullman's Mapiflcent Sleepers AND THE- Finest Diniug Oars in the World IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHICAGO' MILWAUKEE. Or to any point beyond ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To ST. PAUL OB MnrKEAPOLIB Take the BEST ROUTE , the Ohioago , Milwaukee &St Paul R'y Ticket office located In Paxtoi Hole' , at corne Farnam anciFourteentb streets and at O , P. De pot and at MUlard Hotel , Omaha. X3See Time Table In another column. * F. A. NASH , General Avent. 0. H. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. S. B. MEURILU A. V. II. CARPENTER , GcneralUanoger. General Pu < a. Agent 3. T. CLAIIK , QEO II. IIBAFFOKD , General Sup't. Ass'tOon "ise. AK T ar.ATEFTJJj-CO3HTORTJ.HO BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural lawi ahleh govern the operations of digestion aid nutrition , and by a careful appllcitlon of Ibi flne properties of well-S'lected Cocoa , Mr , Epps baa provided our breakfast tables with I delicately flavored bevorajre which may cave at many heavy doctors' bills It IB by the Judlciom use of such artlclej of diet that a conitltntloi may be gradually built up until itrong enongl to resist every tendency to dltcaso. Hundred ! of subtle maladies are floating around us read ) lo attack wherever there Is a weak point. Wi may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping onr selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop trly nourished frame. " Civil Service Oaiette. llade simply with boiling water or milk Br c n tins only ( J-lb and Ib ) , by Qrooers , labeled JAMBS BPPS to CO. , Homoeopathic Obemlata , osi l.i lr Condon. ' COUNCIL BLUFFS ADDII ZONAL LOCAL NEWS The good citizens of Missouri V lley re justly indignant over the Into Moses nd'Polnta brutality. The entire matter a to be sifted to the bottom , and all par- Iclpants will , wo hope , receive their re ward. - -Wo inadveitently omitted mention in cstordoy'd lesue of the location nf the ac- Idont whereby n man lost hh life by the cars. Tie place Is near Missouri Valley , and we are indebted to 0. K. V. Sanndert , > f that town , for the particulars which be ; ave us in two hours after the occurrence , There Is a cave in the bluff near the ilgh school dug out by the children , which an extremely dangeroui place for tbe Ittle ones to play In. It should be closed , or we may have to chronicle the sad fate of a number of the little ones. The walls of the bluff are now in a crumbling con dition. dition.The The ladles of the Presbyterian eynodl- cal mistionarr association are laboring for be purpose of securing the services of a missionary for the Fox and Sioux Indians of this etate. They expect to raise suffi cient funds to establish this mission , and we trust that every person with the peed of the weak , ignorant and oppressed at leart , will contribute to this worthy cause. * DrnggUta say that Lydla E. Pink- "Vegetable Compound isthobest remedy for female complaints they ever heard of. WHO'S TO BLAME ? Another Yonog Soul Takes A Leap Into the Great Unknown , We arc called upon to narrate the sadden decease of another young glr' tired of life and its fickleness , or perhaps the Inconstancy or perfidy o a lover. The facts are substantially as follows , gathered from reliable sources Lost July there appeared at the Mor chants' restaurant on Broadway , young girl , abont nineteen years old , and who gave her name as Addle Lei fert. She asked Mr. Rosa , the pro prietor , for work , which he gave her She labored hero aa a dining room girl up to the time of her death While engaged in the restaurant she formed the icqnalntanco of oun Slob bitiB or Slnmtaor , nho eoemod lo have acted the pirt of Bailor. Her conduce was that of a lady , and the proprietor and attaches of the restaurant speak of her in compll mentary tcnna. They Bay oho aoomoc happy and contontud , and only when spanking of home , or lover , did any thing llko a shadow of eadncfB ovtr spread her conutonanco. She on several occasions stated to the family of Mr , Jacob Jacobaon , attaches o the restaurant , that she loft homo with a young man , and that , on rotnrn log to the paternal roof after a shor absence was treated so coldly that aho concluded to leave homo forever. She stated that her people lived near Corning , Iowa , and were wealthy She further stated upon ono occasion that "her follow" in this place con tinned making her pledges which ho hasoften broken. Nothing was though of this conversation until this morn ing the report v/aa circulated that a young eirl bad COMMITTED SUICIDE at tha reslnoncoof Mrs. Birmertz 111 Washington avenue. A BEE re porter hastened to the scene , bu found the inmates aggravatiogly un communicative , and all question failed to elicit anything likn satlsfao tory Information. By visiting thu rootunrant where shu worked the fsctn above rrore learned. DPinney , the nttoitdlng phy p.lclati , was next lutervhiwed. lie stated positively that every Indication pointed to sulcido by opium In eome form , lie wn first nulled to see her at about 11 o'clo.ck Sunday night Uo fonnd her perfectly nonmlous , bu Buffering from the effects of the drug. Administering the USUA antidotes in such canes , hi loft for home , not unti ho had informed them to call him 1 she got WOMD. Monday morning ho was hantlly called to see her again This time ho found her completely narnotlzod , and himself iuo\pablo o rendering her any ostlatanco. The doctor is of the opinion that she ha < secreted somewhere about her porsor a quantity of the drug , and had founc an opportunity of IllPJUTIMO 7HB DOS ! after ho left the night before. In ow hours she was dead. Undertaker Oonnoll was notified , and as It was not thought necessary to hold an in quoit , a caakot wa * furnished and her parents notified. Taoy were expected m the evening train , but up to going o press have not got hero. Thus has ended another young llfo , and the real causes that lead to her death will perhaps forever remain a mystery. j | i The best preparation of iron a dec or can prescribe Is Brown's Iron Bit ers , because it does not injure tbo tooth as ether Iron medicines will. PERSONAL. W. W. Bonner , W. J. Brewer , J. K. ? arker and A. L. Madden , Chicago ; O , : .Whitman , J. 8. Richardson and 0. K. ? rounnnn , St. Louis ; M. 0. McUrath , New Yort ; W. A. Stone , Omaha ; J. II. Daggort , Creston ; Gee , T , Lee , Keokulc , and L. A. Maupln , Pierre , are among the prominent arrivals at the Ogden. Mr.tWm. Graham , the polite , atten tive and efficient yardmaster of the Chicago cage & Rock Island road , at this railroad ce'nter , waa united In wedlock to Miss Christine Chrittianson , by Justice Abbott Sunday evening. Both of this county. Mr. John A. Baldwin returned from Chicago yesterday , after a ten days' ab sence. He was called thereby the sick ness of his wife , who , we are glad tolearn , is getting well. Mr. D , N. Heisler , bookkeeper for the firm of Weir & Clausen , has been laid up for several days with a severe attack of pleurisy. Justice E. J. Abbott will visit Dea Moinea on G. A. R. business. The judge in an enthusiastic member of the order. J. H. Aldrloh , a leading cattle man of North Texas , is In the city with a view of locating. Mr. James Doyle , an old and worthy fanner of Neola , called Monday morning. Justice Vanghan left for the state capl tal yesterday on business. Did She Die ? "No ; she lingered and suffered alonp , pining away all the time for years , the doctors doing her no good ; and at last was onrod by this He * Bit ters the papers sty so much about. Indeed ! indeed ! how thankful wo should bo for that medicine. " COMMERCIAL. COUNCIL BLUITH MARKET. Corrected daily by J. Y. .Fuller , mer chandise broker , buyer anil shipper of grain and provisions , 89 Pearl street. WHKATNo. . 2 spring , 76o ; No. 3 , 63 ; rejected 50c ; icood demand. COUNDeilera paying 33j ; rejected corn Chicago , 45s ; now mixed. 48o ; white corn , Sfio. The receipts of corn are ll ht. OATS Scirce nd In good demand ; 83. HAT I 00(5)0 ( ) 00 per ton. RYK lOo ; light supply. CORN MKAL 1 SCpor 100 pounds. Woon Good sunplji prices at , yards , 500@000. COAL Delivered , hard , 11 00 per tonj enft. 5 50 per ton , BUTTKII Plenty and In fair demand ; 25c ; creamery. SOo. KQOB Ready sale and plenty at ISc per dozen. LAIin Falrbank's , wholesaling at 18o. 1'ODLTUT Firm ; uoalera paying 13o per pound for turkeys and lOa for chickens. VEGETABLES Potatoes 45c ; gnlonn , BOoj cnbbiigen , 30@10o per dozen ; apples , 2 50 @ 3 50 per barrel. City flour from 1 CO to 3 40. BUOOMH 2 00@3 00 per dozen. CATTLE 3 00@3 60 ; calves 6 00@7 60. Hooo Market for hogs quiet , as the packing honaes are closing ; shippers arc paving 5 50 to G CO. 'The grain dealer * ard paying good prioei for corn. Farmers can fcot from 33 to 35c now and farmers will do well to take advantage u ! these prices. notwithstanding a marked decline at al the other points. A friend to the rich and poor , A modiclno that strengthens and heals , is Brnwii's Iron Bitters. BOARD OF TRADE. Appointment of Committees for the Yenr. At n regular aeoeloa of the board ol trade hold last evening , Jocoph L , Stewart and Alexander Wood wen elected to membership. A communication from J. J. Dickoj waa received announcing that he would moot tha board next Saturday afternoon and dlecusa telegraph mat' ' turn. turn.Tho The standing committee for the ensuing suing year were appointed as follows On Telegraphs , Ilillroads and Pab- llo Carriers lion. O. n. Manlug , W. 0. James , and J. W. Chapman , Oa Streets , Highways and Public Worka-J. W. Rodofer , Alex Wood , and John N. Baldwin. On Emigration and Manufactures J. M. Palmer and Lucius Wells. On Agriculture and Gommero * F , 0. Baldwin , E. F. Shugart and Henry Kisomon. On Petitions and Memorials W. P. Sapp , A. T. El well aud James L. Stewart. On Statistics J. 0. Dohavon , B. n. Odoll and Jacob Sims. Hon. W. H U. Posey then ad dressed the mooting in regard to vari ous vital interests and Improvements ot a governmental nature. The details - tails of the forthcoming United States court homo were discussed as well as private matters of a public character , such as the largo emigration of Ohio men , etc. Adjonrnad. The concert last night by the Eighty-first regiment band waa excep tionally artistlo. Mr. H. Friedman has returned to the city with his bride. AFTER THE BIU BALL. How tbo Vandorbllt Mansion Looked Food by the Barrel. 'Tin tired out , that's what I am , " remarked a Yanderbllt retainer to a reporter , after the fatigues of a more han usually heavy period ot domestic servitude Incident to the ball of Mon day evening , "and we're all hupsldo down. Get straightened out I why , ilt'll take a week or moro to got things same aa they waa. Just yon fancy what thlnvs'd bo like after the visitors drunk $5,000 worth of cham pagne , to say nothla' of the oatln" and tether kinds of drlnkin' , which was various. " The faithful domes tic seemed to bo relieved of the ar istocratic dissipation consequent cpon so notable an event in the aunala of the republican royalty. "It's no use a harsk n me a lot o' questions which I can't begin to answer. Everything wont hoff lively , as the sayln' is , though I guess the damage'll come one way or another to nigh on tor 92,000 , p'raps more. " "How do you mean ? ' "Why , there was one or two broken vases and slob like proceedings. " "But cannot you QIVE ME AS IDEA of the appearance of the rooms at the close of the festivities ? " "Wlch wa > , to say the least , hodd You see the oomp'tiy didn't go away until after G o'clock , and some on "en " left at least 'arf their costumes bo'iuc 'em. There waa bits of lace hero , a part of train there , a fellow's double In ono corner ; while the middle ol the ball room waa strewn with broken flowers and leaves looking for all the world llko a palace just before a hauc tlon. " "What will be done with the flow- era ? " "A good many was taken away bj the guests ; the best as was loft 'are waltm * orders. Some'll go to the servants ants , and I hoar that several will bo sent to the orspltala and churches. It's too early to say for sure what'll ' bo done with'em. I guess thoro'o nigh on 'arf of 'em that's us good as now. ' "Woro nuy of the pictures dim- aged ? " "Not iu I knows of ; leastways ! don't hoar of any. But the damage to the laoo curtains nas considerable I couldn't bo in every pkca at ouco , so I don't know everything that 'apponod I am told that qutto A LOT OF JEWKLUY was gathered up this mornln' and 'anded to the doteottvea. " "What detectlvoi ? " "There was a dozen or more on dut to Baa to that particular dnty , and a spies to konp a h * eye on the waiter lest they might prig somothln' . W had a hundred hextra vraitoro on pur poso. Lor bless yor , the jam wasslm , ply orful , and I must say they dl aplendld. " "What is going to bo done with th surplus food. " 1 "Talking of food , I reckon there' enough left to supply a hundred faml lies for a week. Most of It ' 11 have t be given away ; it can't koept. " "Who will got it ? ' "Tho orspltals and the servants Why the waste In hlcos alone wa somothln' orfnl , and as for the wine and llckora they w < i looked up just a soon M possible to keep the mou aorv ants from gulling drunk. Toward thu last a good Jiony of 'em had ha f much as they could carry , Do wove there wasn't much to complain of on that account , though there waa A TIUV KJJJf of 'orn prottylfull , 1 eposo , take it & 1 together , there wan at much nn ? 1OOC worth of food loft hover in ono shape and another , most of whlo'd spoil inside - side of twenty-four 'ours. Then there Is u tidy bit of brokuu glass which la always to ba expected at oloh gather ings. Horrmuoh'thatoometo ? Wall , I think a couple of hundred doll&re 'ad about cover that. " From another source it was ascer tained that the diipoaitlon of the sur plus food , flowers and other perishable articles had already been provided for a week before the ball took place , among the various charities and insti tutions in which tha Vandorbllt fam ily are Interested All day long set- ral light wagons were busily engaged n carting them away. ejolce , rejoice , "Ha Is ullvo Again , " "Was Lost , but Is Four\d. " Under date of July 9,1882 , Mr , K. B right of Windsor Locks Conn' , writes * > , ilaln modest narrative , which , from its ery simplicity , has the true ring of fine old. lie says : "My father Is using Hunt's Remedy and eemi to bo Improving , In fact , he is very much bettor than ho has been for a long .mo. Uo had been tapped three times , 'he first time they got from him sixteen narta of water , the second tlmo thirteen uarto , and tally aa much moro the third line , and ho would constantly fill up again very time after ho had boon tapped , until commenced ualntc Hunt's Remedy , which acted llko magic in his case , aa ho > ogun to Improve at once , and now his watery accumulation passes away through ho seorellona naturally , and ho has none of hat swelling or filling up which waa so fre quent before the functions of the kldneya were restored by the use of Hunt's Rem edy. Ho f a well-known citizen of thla ) lace and has alwaya been in business " lore , Again ho writes , Nov , 27 , 1882 , "I beg most cheerfully and truthfully testate state , In regard to Hunt's Remedy , that ta use was the saving of my father's life. [ spoke to yon In my previous letter In re- lard to hla being tapped three times. > is the most remarkable ease that has ever been heard of In this section. For a man of hla apa ( sixty years ) it Is a most remark able cure. He had been unable to attend to hla butinesa more than a year , and was given up by the doctorn. "Tho first bottle of Hunt's Remedy that he use 1 gave instant relief. He has used In all seven bottles , and continues to use it whenever he feels drowsy or aingglsh , and It affords Instant relief. He Is now atten ding to bis regular business , and his been several months. I am perfectly willing that you should publish this letter , as we thoroBRhly believe that father's life was aavedby using Hunt's Remedy ; and these facts given above may bo a benefit to oth ers Buffering In lllco manner from diseases or Inaction of the Kidneys and Liver. " > Ve notice the Marriage Fund , Mutua Trust Aaiociatlon , of Cedar Rapids. Iowa , highly spoken of in many of the ieadlnf papers of the state. "Money for the Un married" heads their advertisement In another column nf thin nanrr. f5-3m A Skin of Beauty It Joy Forever. DR. T FELIX GOTJRATJD'a Oriental Cream or Magical Beau- ttfler , M Tan. Pimples , Freckles , hlothpatch eaun'every blemish on beauty and deflcs de tection. It has stood the teat of BOyoman' U so harmless - less we Usto It to bo suretbe prep a ra- tlonli pro perly made Accept no counterfeit of similar name. The dl.tlngulthid Dr. L. A. Bayro , said toalaly of the IIIUT ON ( jntlont ) : "As you la : let will imo them , I recommend 'U urtud'a Cream' as the least harmful of all the Skin prcparatl us. " Ono bottle will lot six months , ualng It every ilny. Aljo foudro Jub- tllo removes tupcrfluotu hair wl.bout Injury to thoskin. tlill. M. B. T. GIOURATJD , So'o prop. , 4S Bond St. . N. Y. For s lo by all Drnlrglata and Fancy Goods Dealers throughout the Unltod States , Canada and Kurojis. jtartlcware of base Imitations. (1,000 reward for arrest and proof of anyone selling the same. ] 14-weow-me 2t nw-flni Authorliod by theittto titret ChroulcNervoui and Prlvata dls CMOI. A'lhma. Eplleniy , Rhcu imatltni , \ ' < n-i , Taue W nn , Urln a il Skin Dlueas'S , HIVINA KNISH ( nllhtlOJICl ) SSIUA DIUILITT , ( Ices of seiua' ' power ) Eto. Cures vuai antoid or money lolutded. Omrg H lo' . Thou sands of cases curod. No Injurious mellclno bled No ( JotoLtlon from butlneu. All r odl clnes fmnlsueJ even to pitlents at a dlitanco Co.BullatloQ free ahd co .ildontlal call or write Age and etperlencoaro Important A D'JOK fa both soxis lllustratid and clrcilars of oth < thlngi cent sealed for two 3c stampt , t'RKK MLH12UM. H 817 Ht Ohnrlwunt , BT.X.OC1U Mo / . KKOULAK GllADUAin cf two mtdlci eolliie3ht ; > s been longer aiu-i oil In the treti meni ot U1IHONIO , KEltVOUS. bHIN AHI I1LOO ! ) Dloeisco th u any otUor rbvi-lcltn In 3 Loula M city paprig show aud all old rmldrnl know. Consultation frco r.iul Invttod. When li Inconvenient to vWt the cliy for trcntmcn raoillclnti can be writ by mall or exprnr. cvrit whoro. Curable ctojfl KUiiautocd ; nlicre donb ezljtfl li Iu frankly tUUJ. 011 or wrlt . Nurvong prostration , Debility , Menta and 1'hysloal V/cnknciia , Mercurial ant other alfcctloire ot Throat. Hltln and lionei HloodIini _ uritIiM and Ulo tl 1'uinonliy Biiln Aflfecttons , Old Horca and Uloorn IinpedlmenU to Mttrrlas-o , ItheumittHrr I'lles. Hijeclul attontlun to cagei ( rou over-worlted hroln. SU1KJIOAL OABKB receive special attention. Uisoases arlslui irom Impru'lence. Kxooaaea , Induliienot pageo ths whol MARRIAGE story well told. Van ) receipts ; who may mat ry , who may not , whj causes , cent quenc i aod curt. Scaljd for 20o postage or stamps. CURES SCROFULA , do. SORES , do. ULCERS , do. BOILS , do. ERUPTIONS , do. CATARRH , ; do. ECZEMA , do. RHEUMATISM , do. SKIN DISEASES , do. BLOOD DISEASES , SWIFT'S SPECIFIC REMOVES ALL TAINT , HEREDITARY OH OTHERWISE. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC IS THE GREAT BLOOD REMEDY OP THE AGE. Wtlte for full particular , , and little book "Mis- tge to the Unfortunate Suffering. " * a.SlOOO Reward will he paid to any Chemist who will find , on analysis ot 100 bottlei ctS. 8. S. , one particle of Mercury , Iodide oi Potassium , or other Mineral substance. BWIFI 8PECIFIO CO. , Proprietors , Atlanta. Oa. ' rlco of Small Size , . . . 9 1,00 Large Size 1.70 SOLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS. OOL. L. T. FOSTER. lYonngstowo , Ohio , Hay 10 , IBS * . PD B. J. KMDALL ft Co. I had a very valua ble UambletonUn colt that I prised very highly , be had a largo bone spavin on one Joint and small one on the other which made him very lame ; I had him under the charge ot two veter inary surgeons which failed lo cure him. I wal one day reading the i.dvertlsement of Kendall1 ! Spavin Cure In the Chicago Express , ! determined at once to try II and got our druggist ! hers M send for It , and they ordered three bottles ; I look all and I thought I would give II a thoroork trial. I used II according to directions and Iks fourth day the colt ceased to be lame and the lumps have disappeared. I used but one boltll and the colt's I'mos are as free ol lumps aod 11 smooth as any horse In the state He Is entire ly cured. The cure was so remarkable that have let two of my neighbors have the remain ing two bottles who are now ustngll Vnv respectfully , L. T. F03TJTH Stnrt foi circular giving poiltlvi proof. Vilcajl. All Drugg ; lats nave II or cat ret II for yon. Dr. D. J KOTI Co ; . Pro. rrletoii , Enotbnrxh FMi , VI. SOLb 3V A LT If mi i , i .not nfliu tni < s.wi nU no.l hy thniilri or < HU > IlltllS fcfl'l'l illiuii unUnril UK If juuftrrjounr ii'lHeiittoil-'H txr. nor tioii ui dloftl n PJ | tn.li * V 'i ' r rice ot nlnKl'.olc t > r Kroutj ? , ! . V ,1. iiocrhriUUurU'iu'iithKtuikr ' IA ' < uf t , rrlon H o pW Bltturi. . \V.i/tver youori- . * heneTor you rtt-1 I rrJiOi.j f ruin tone .Imi your sjrtcin I form o ! f Kir.t'i1 -red * c'.eannr.tf. toft. ! > < lln Mint ml el' ' I till. tilUl.il Jl. ( . ' Hop HcpZMnt * a , f. u Urn L lnte tiulni , disotie and IrrtiIMb fumuch of ti d. aop bio curt foi lli t l > . liurcrnmul ilrurAetmeii. uw o' opium YOD will tie tabaoeo. j-v oarootiot , Hop Bitter * If foaa'eilm- Bold 07 drca jlf wrkk and irlaU. BonJfoc roHinlrlttil.trjr NtVEB Urcclu- . it ) It may oi- lima ; uvcyourl FAIL ! UTS oo. lire. U hn ( nved hun-L ilradir DOCTOR STEINHAKn SUPPOSITORIES ! The Or oat Popular RomoJy lor Pile * . Sure core forBllud , Blooding & I tohlngP And all forms of Ilemorrhotdal Tumors. These SoprcsiToaiM act directly upon th. strong , prevent tholr refilling , and hence a null , cat euro Is sure to follow their use. Price , 78 cents a box. For sale by alldrureUts , or sent by mall on receipt of price , by En llsb Mndioal In.tltuto 118 Olive StSt LonU Ma. DOCTOR STEINHART'S ftl ? 1 I P Or LIFE. FOR OLD AND YOUNO , MALS AND FIUALI. It Is a sure , prompt and effectual remods or dlgcatlon , Dsm ? | la , Intermittent Fevers. Wanl of Appetite , Nirvuut lability In all ItaGUicc. Weak Mcmon , Loii of Drain Power , Prostration , \Ycakncaa anu ( rrnnral Lraui of Pouer. It repalrt nervous waste , rcjmcnatcs the faded Intellect , strengthens tlio enfeebled brain and restore ! 6iirirfa ( nir t mo and vlor to the exhausted or- cans. The cx | > erlclice of thousands proves It to bo an ImuluaMo remedy. Price , 11.00 a bottle , or six or & . For ealoby all druggltts , or sent ucuro from observation on receipt of | ) rlce bj Dr. Stelnha- . O. Box 24(10 ( St Loaia.Mo. PERSONAIj-"Parts of the hunan body Milarired , developed and strengthened , " etc li an Intercotlng advert somont long run | o OUI taper. In reply to inqu rles wo will say that there no evidence < . ' humbug about this On vlie ooutrary , the advortUtrs arir very highly In dorsed Interes'ed persons nay get seaTed dr. . 618 , nuffalo , N. T. Toledo Jf nUig