THE DAILY BEE--TlJEStoAY [ . rii ti { . \ * SURFER no longer from Dyspep sia , Indigestion , want of Appetitolossof Strength lack of Energy , Malaria , Intermittent Fevers , &c. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fails to euro all these diseases. Cotton , Noremtxr 96 , ittt. BlOTlM ClIKHlCAL CO. Gtntlemen : For yeart I have btenasreatiuflertrfrotn Iy p p la. and could gel no relief ( having tried everything which wai recommend ed ) until , acting on the advice of a friend , who had been benefitted by UROKM'S IKON llimm , I tried a bottle , with molt lurmKIng renilu. Trevlout to taking IIKOWN'S In ox IliTTtRS , everythlnp I ale distressed me , and I suffered greatly from a burning lensatlon In the stomach , which was unbearable. Since tak ing IlnowN'slno * JtiTTiRS , all my troubles are at an end. Can eat any time without any disagreeable re- lulu. I am practically another person. Mrs. W. J. FLYNN , 30 Maverick St , E , Itoiton. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS acts like a. charm on the digestive organs , removing all dyspeptic symptoms , such as tast ing the food , Belching , Heat In the Stomach , Heartburn , etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by nil Druggists. Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore , Md. See that all Iron Tlltten are made by Urown Chemical Co , llaltlmore , and have crossed red Ifhes and Uadc- mark on * wrapper. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. U1U ItAlLM IIOMI BCBlkV tnridtnl. Vlc Pitt1 ! . W. B. Dinna , lo. and Treat. THE NEBRASKA MANUfACTUflM CO Lincoln , Neb MANUFACTURERS OF Corn Planters Hrrrowa.Fnrm Bollon Balky Hay Bakea , Buosot Hlovatlng Windmills , &o W ui prepared la do Job work oJ mtrmtat taring fet othei parties. AddiMiil ciders 01 the MKBRABKA UANUFACTUSINf } CO Lincoln Neb : Send SI , * Z , 83 , or S5 for a nnniplo re tail box liy KxprcHH , CANDY ofthe bent rundleH lu America , pat up IB elegant boxen , and Htrictly pure. Suita t ble for prrMcntn. Kx- ( tt iron * charge * light , \t \ lleleraj to all Chlca- ,7 . Try It onco. . , CANDY Addrcna , C. P. GUNTHER , Confectioner , Chicago. . | CORSETS Every Corset U warranted nulls ! actorjr to ltd v. . carer In every way , or tlio money will bo refunded by the person from-whom itwanboutht. TetonlyConctpronounml by pur leailln * phnlrtani , lnlurlou to the wianv. undemtorMxIliy ladlM as ' . "nioitcomtortable ana perfect Ottlng Conwt TM aUlUVottacvPaldl nt. 1.60. Bclf-AdJuitlni. 1.00 AMmInal ( extra heary ) 8.0O. Nunlni , 1.60 HulUi l > rt cr ln ( One coutll ) C.OU. I'ara < o > BUIrtSupporlli.a1.50. . Fl sale by lending Itetull Uealera erirywhar * . CUICA.OO OOI13ET CO , , CUloaso , HI. ITTERS REMCDY COMPOUND tlUI OF POKE ROOT. PRICKLY VlArllTNC IIVIHANO Crt OMNI TNI poaitaiitroiistiic cmCUUMIOH CLOSED FORTY YEARS. The Strange Secret of One Balti more Mansion , Faithful to a Faithful Wife- WontUjj ? to Moko Her Happy for Eternity , Singular Provision ! of a Will- 21 On Oaroy itroot , this city , ataucls a peculiar dwelling which has boon an object of iqbdaed Interest to all who arc partly or fnlly acqaalntod wl h Its peculiar history. Fur forty ycara Iti dark col ored'-shutters have never boon nn barred and Its massive front door nev er once opened. Within Its portals the furniture stands just exactly the name , excepting the ravages pro. dacod by the masterly hand of time and the corroding touch of decay , as It stood many years ago , when its spaoloos halls resounded with life and Its owner la a iksh aped , gray and grizzly. His eye possesses a peculiar sharp , penetrating look , and really appears aa if It had not closed .in se rene alnmbor for f nil decade of ha man events. He is repotted to bo onormonsly wealthy , bnt aa far as as certained ho never shows his bank books to any one , and he hu not ono single relative or friend on this sldo of the Great Unknown , Ho sloops In the benne , always entering and leav ing it by the back gate , and takes his dally meals at a neighboring restaur ant. For forty years no ono bat this gentleman has over been inside this dwelling until last Friday , when a Mercury representative was allowed to accompany him through the dreary and mysterious passages. Although ho has been very reticent , especially in regard to the history of his homo and hla 'present life , yet at this time ho kindly gave , during the energetic journalistic Interview which followed , the following facts. They show WHAT TUIWED HIS MIND INTO ITS PHES- EN1 TRACK and why the old _ house has atood as it baa for so long a time. Forty-five years ago Ool. Ralnbeok waa a hand some man in the prlmo of life , happy in the possession of an ample fortune and donbly blessed in the proud con sciousness of being the husband of ono of the moat lovely and accomplished yonng ladies of Baltimore. He built what is now the old house on Carey street , and in that day it was a mag nificent dwelling , and expensively and elegantly furnished It from collar to garret. Nothing that wealth conld command or taste desire was good enough for the abode of what ho then considered his priceless earthly treas ure. For five yean the young couple lived there In hapolnais , and then came the thunderbolt. At the close of the five years re ferred to ho one day , right In the midst of his connubial happiness , made a terrible discovery. , He had the most Indisputable and undoubted proofs of THE INFIDELITY OF HIS BEAUTIFUL WIFE , The outraged husband , upon the avage and bitter Impulse of-the mo ment , endeavored to kill the destroyer of hla family altar. This man was present with his wife In hla own house when the husband fnlly discovered hla fearful wrong. In the excitement naturally Incident to 'the ' occasion ho failed to kill him , bat seriously wounded him , Shocked and horrified at the discovery and subsequent events , completely prostrated ment ally by the newspaper publicity which followed , the yonng wife committed self-destruction In her own beautiful homo by blowing hfar brains out with her husband's revolver. During the days of the happiness of this couple the wife was ao much ploaaod with nor elegant homo and ita charming sur roundings that she made her husband KOISTEB A BOLBMN VOW DEFOEE HEAVEN iat , no matter what happened , no lTdrenoo what sudden or totally unpeeled [ pooled event occurred , if he sur Ived her , as long OB he lived , ho waa keep the house and furniture in ex- tly the same condition as It existed arlng the blissful days of their honey moon , In the event of him dying bo- ore her , ahe agreed to do as she re- nested him until her death. "Al- lough ahe was guilty beyond all onbt , and altough that fact waa at 10 time , on account of my assault on IB villain who mined us both , blaz- nod before the world in every news- aper , yet I have lived up to that ono romlto of mlno in every particular , " 10 old gentleman eaid. ' 'You canoe oo by this honao and furniture , and y what people say about it and mo , hat I HAVE hOLMNLY KKtJ ! MY WOKD. " ot ono dingle article has boon oachod In that house for forty year * , iioopt the furniture in a email room n the third atory whore , the old gen- leman aleepa , and which : yaa not uted nor any purpose whatever during the ifotlmo of his wife. Since the hour when her corpse , beautiful oven In the embraces of a shameful and guilty death , waa forever carried from that residence nothing tfmall or large hts boon changed within that dwelling , except as just noted. The once ex pensive and artistically carved piano itands open , with the now mildewed and decayed green cloth carelessly/ hanging over It , just as she left II years ago , when its present yellow keys were fvhlto and glistening and merrily responded to tbo graceful touch of her small white hand ; the moths and worms of decay revel In un disturbed hilnrity among the folds ol the once elegant curtalnn and throngi the once oxptnalvo Axniinster carpet the massive walnut furulturo atnndi mouldy , gradually fulling to pieces it the utter ailouco of unlimited decny In the "living room" the sitting room of this martlon of dcsolatloi every Hmall article of every day usi romnlns exactly as shu loft thorn , or a aba placed thorn during her last tnor tal visit to the spot where eha SPENT THE UAFMKHT HOU11S of her earthly life. It wonld mak oven a young , giddy girl of this world who never yet having experienced an trouble , fondly and gayly Imagines HI to be ono everlasting bed of evoi blooming roaos , without ono slngl thorn or briar , just heart-sick to g through that silent abode of death an deoay < Before this Interview terminate the old gentleman kindly road an ex tract from his will , In which ho had so arranged certain monetary affairs , with sore , business-like precision , that THAT OLD IIOUflB , with all its decaying and mouldy far- nltnro , will stand just exactly s it has stood for the past forty years for a long time to come. Until , In fact , all within its walls will , like the bodies of the once happy man and woman whoso bright presence enlivened it in the almost forgotten past , shall have crumbled Into the dusty oblivion of otter nothingness. "You coo , " the old gentleman sadly said , as his vlsl- * tor with a heavy heart and sympathiz ing mind bade htm good-by at the back gate. "I am doing much more than living up to my promise. 1 have the wealth to do it , and I want to do It. She may bo able , wo hero cannot toll , but wo shall know some day , she may bo able now to know all this , to see what Is in my heart of hearts , and I know It wonld make her happy. And , " ho alowly added with tears la his eyes , "with all her deception and sin , and with full knowledge of the awful fact , I still wonhlp her aa mnob as I ever did , and want to make her happy for time and eternity , " WASHINGTON , D. 0. , \ May 15,1880. / GENTLEMEN Having been' suffer er for a long time from nervous pros tration and general debility , I was advised to try Hop Bitters I have taken ono bottle , and I have been rapidly getting better over since , and I thiuk It the best medicine I over used. I am now gaining strength and appetite , which was all gone , and I was in despair until I tried your Bit ten. I am now well , able to go about and do my own work. Before taking it , I was completely prostrated MRS. MARY STUART. Chicago ana New York. The two cities above named are the great commercial centres of the United States , the former containing in the vicinity of 650,000 inhabitants , and the latter about 1,500.000. The number of people actually in Chicago at any ono time would doubtless range far above these figures , aa Its floating or transient population is enormous , running up into figures that can hardly ba credited. The traflb passing be tween those two cities daily is very large when ono considers that they are within a fraction of 1,000 miles apart. Boston also has a largo traffic with Chicago , and to glvo an Idea of the accommodations neoemry to pro vide for the piasonger busi ness alone between the three cities , wn may state that the Michigan Oiutral railroad , which is the principal thoroughfare between the cities named , runs five express trains dally throe on Sundays made up of fine now day coaches , smoking cars , drawing room oars , palatial sleeping oars , and laat and best the famous dining cars. These dining can have done more toward making the jour ney from Ohlcago to New York and Boston comfortable and enjoyable than any other modern Invention , as they do away with the old custom of getting out at wayside stations and devouring poorly cooked victuals , with the mo mentary expectation of seeing your train pull out and leave yon aa an ac companiment. In the Michigan Cen tral cars you have plenty of time to enjoy your meals , and those who have already dined in the cars hold that It U one of the pleasantest experiences In the world to calmly relish a good meal aa you fly over the smooth steel rails , with the whole outside world In a panoramic motion before you. Other great features of the Michigan Central Railroad are that Us through trains for New York and Boston ran out of Chicago along the Michigan Like front within a stone's throw of the city's costliest mansions , 'through South Park and the magic city of Pallman , affording an extensive sur vey of this marvel of a marvelous age , and later passing in full view of Ni agara Fall * . It Is for this latter rea son known to all travelers as "The Niagara Falls Ran to. " in-o 2t THIRD WARD REGISTRATION. ADDITIONAL NAMES. Armsby Wm 418 s 10th st Alexander WN 113s9ihst Armstrong B 1210 Harnoy st Booht Max 211 a 15th Buttler Jis 11C a 10th Brown D 0 1224 Cipltol ave BrattonW 1324 Douglas lUtes Robt 1115 Dodge Braunon M 413 a 14lh Rrown G H 100 u 10th Boyer J 911 Howard st BtoohllnG 414s 14th st HoHrnstum A 210 B 12 h at Ballon Press 312 B 13th at Baohmau J 015 Barney at * OofTman 0 1124 Douglas st Oonnoly I HSuiUh st Olark Jans 313 B 10th st Oarpontor G J 110 B 10th st Olark Byron IQi ) s 14th st Cecil wV 414 14th st Oastollnr w L Orelghton housa Carter 11 Mlllard Curtis Ed rear 117 a 10th st Donovan O 204 n 10th at Dollo u 1410 Fornam st Decker 0 G 1408 Cap ave Deters F 1120 Dodge at D nco M 407 a llth st Dovlno J 310 B 12th at Dunn wm oor 8th and Douglaa Drayfaos 0 Mlllard Esloll J w 100 B 10th at Everlttw 214 a 11 that Kppol J J 110 ! ) Dong at Eby J M 1210 iiaruoy st Fallen P 115 a 15th at Fora wait David lids iQth at Flcegol T n 1320 D UK at Frank John 1021 D'dgo at Fisher Sj 1024DidSoat Ford A roar 1213 Div at , Gorman m 108 B 10th st a Gorman j 108 i 10th at Gudbrand O 413 a 10th at , Green N Mlllard . Gernuceoy j 222 n llth at Gorman j 1205hhruoy at Gorman I * j 018 harnoy at Harrison O 916 Dodge at Hastings G 0 1224 Dodge at Huston wm 1013 harnoy at Herzog Goo -ill a 10th st Hampton j w 1022 Farnam st Hagarman Ohas HOC Dodge at UeggN 1020 Doug at Hunt A y 1409 Davenport at Henr.eyK Metropolitan hotel Hawkins L 1109 Dodge st Hetztko F 1024 D.idgo st Hablg 0 1215Htrnoy at Hoffmolstor E 21 B 13th at Her J'D Paxlon hbtol- - Inskoop 0 1025 Donplu st Jeckton Gao 8 1309 Capitol ave Jones JAB 1109 Dodge at Kean John 214 a 10th at Knhn j F 222 n 13th at King j B 1209 Dodge st Kennedy W D 1300 Douglas at King F 407s llth st Kendall G W Odd Fellows' block Koch Henry Lemloux F X 913 Farn st Lynch P 108 it 10th st Loonoy E 110 B lO'.h st Lonox M 110 s 10th at Mnrohy E W 1224 Dodge st Manrer Kn 813 Dodge at Muesar W B 1315 Cap ave Monynohan A 209 a 13th at Moore Con 1207 EJarnoy at Mank D F 1011 Davenport at Maxwell J E 1405 Davenport st Mahan N S 114 n 14h st Mnrth * Pat 2U4 n 10 .h st Mills R 024 Douglas at Marts Ang 412 13th st Merrill N 902 Uarnoy at Mahoney J 924 Djuplaa MoAndrowB J 204 ri 10th at McGinn J K 1024 Douglas at McCollan A Paxtoti Nye Fred Paxton Noep Wm 1COG Dodge at Ognlsby W Paxton 0 rona U1209 Dodge at Peterson Gen 1113 Douglaa et Plckett W113 n 9th at Parr M 42310hat Plumb W W MUUrd Parisaon Gee 1010 Howard at Pdttorson J H Capital ave bet 10ih & llth Pone is A rear B & M office Parish H A 1212 Howard at Patrick Gee 210 n 13th at Pala Ang 213 n 12th st Powol Goo 924 Cap ave Pate S E109 s 10th st Points F A 022 Capitol ave Poland R 0 1100 Dodge at Pdtoraon 0 F 1024 Dodge st Parker D Paxton at Paxton W A Paxton at Pothholz J 414 s lO.h at Rosenfeld J 1009 Farnham at Ringer A 315 a 10th at Richard J H 1017 Farnam at Range M 415 a 10th at Ricok'J 411s llth at Rupe A 1024 Didgo at Riohter Henry 817 Farnam st Rosenzwelg R 111 B 14th at Realer Dan ICG B 10th at Snannan B 124 n 10th at BternsdorffJJ112n9that Sappington J H Mlllard at Sylvester Gee 11 ? B 10h st. Sohmitz Jacob 807 Harney at Button W A 1203 Harney at Bohultz An ? 320 s 10th at Shlll Gns 1207 Harney at Shappell J 809 Dodge at Steves M 1310 Hnrney st Sohafor Fred 1409 Dodge at Sorensen Al 223 n 14 , h st. Sessions W P 1309 Capitol ave Sitten J 9170 toltol ave Smith J M 1233 } Douglas at S wisher W 915 Oapltol ave Stelllng Wml418 Howard at Taels J 214 n 14ih at Travla A 1124 Dodge at Taylor R 1018 Capitol ave Vanderbrunt F 0 204 n 10th it' ' Vonkumol V 1110 Oapltol av Yonkumel Wm 111C 0pltol av Yanehn F In alley bet 8h and 9th at WltkoffJ 1024 Dodge at Wolfe J N 120 ] 4th at Woodburn J M 1018 Harnoy at WilooxWR123nol5hat Whltmore K E Mlllard hotel Windsor W H 530 B 10 , h at Walt 0 1013 0 pltolav Wellington Gao 1014 Oapltol av Wilkle D 1013 Haruoy at Waters Wm Mlllard hotel Williams P J 1119 Farnam at Wilson C F K 1021 Davenport at Werlz G W 1422 Farnam at Wheeler Thoa 1017 Oapltol av Williams 8 H 1024 Douglaa at Youngs F M 418 s 8th at Gary A Brooks W D Cook E J Raal 0 A Ryan J McElroy J The above nam ° a have been stricken from the book , aa they do not live lu the Third ward Will sit from 4 to 7 thla ovonlng , at Woles' cfiioo. H. B. MEYERS , Registrar Third Word. Gentles -s Women Who \rnnt glossy , luxuriant and wavy trcssos of nbundiutv ( benutiful Hair must use LYON'S KAT11A1RON. This decant , cheap article always makes the llair prow freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , ghing it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kathairon. DUFRENE& DUFRENE&MENDELSSHON MENDELSSHON ARCHITECTS REMOVED T01 Omaha Hational Bank 4 NOTED OUT UNTITLJII ) WOMAN. [ Trom th * Boston OIoU ] Th * abore Is a good likeness of Mrs. Lydla E. Fink ) am , ot Lynn , Haas. , who abore all other human btlnn lay b * truthfully called the "Dear Friend of Woman , " some of her correspondent * lore to call her. Bhs I aealooily derotod to her work , which Is the outcomi t at life-study , and Is obliged to keep six lad ; rtanU , to help her anawerthe large correspondence thlch dally penn In upon her , each bearing Its special nnfen of rafferlogr , or joy at release from It. H Irgetable Compound it a medicine for good and not il purpose * . I hare personally lnTtlgat d U ao < m satisfied of the truth of this. On account of Its proren merits. It Is recommended nd prescribed by the twit physicians In the country fie says i " It works like a , charm and tares much aln. It will cure entirely the worst form of falllDjf f the uterus , I/racorrhom , lrrcular and painful tenstmatlon , all Orarlah Troubles , Inflammation a poeratlon. Flooding * , all Displacement * and the con- Xrnent ipmal weakness , and Is eipeclsj'y adapted to tie Change ot Llfo. " It permeates erery portion of the system , and glret PW life and rigor. It remove * falntnees , flatulency , butroys all craving for stimulants , and relieves weak- fee of the stomach. It cures Bloating , Headaches , ferrous Prostration , General Debility , Sleeplessness , ( opresdon and Indigestion. That feeling of bearing- town , causing p ln , weight and backache , 1s always eminently cured by Its use. It will at all times , and Oder all circumstance * , act In harmony with the law hat gOTerna the female system. It costs only $1. per bottle or six for $3 , and Is sold b ? togglit * . AnyadTlcercrjuIrcdaatopeclalcaaesanil tie names of many who have been restored to perfect faith by the use of the Vegetable Compound , can be btalncd byoddrc&dngMra.r. with stamp for reply , t her homo In Lynn , MOM. For Kidney Complaint of rlt\rr BOX tht-i compound ! ! nsurjiiwod a * abundant testimonials show , "llrn. rinltham's Liter 1111s , " says one writer , "i fit vorld for the cure of Constipation , nd Torpidity of the llrcr. Her Blood \rond rs In Its special line and bids fall mpound In its popularity , rt her as an Angel of Mercy whose sol * i good to others , X OQ Mrs. A. M. D. CORNICE WORKS ! Iron and Slate Hoofing , 0. SPEOHT , Proprletof. 1111 Douglas St. - Omaha , Neb MANUFACTURER OF GALVANIZED Iron Cornices I DORMER WINDOWS , FINIALS , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing , Spocht'a Patent Metalllo'.Skyllght Patent , Adjusted Ratchet Bar and Bracket Bhelvlne. I am the ceneral SRent for the above line of goods , IRON FENCING , CrestlnRs , Balustrades. Verandas , Iron Bank Kallinga. Window Blinds , Cel lar Guards ; also GENERAL -AGENT FOR PEERSON & HILL PATENT INSIDE - SIDE BLIND BTABLIS11KU I860. HD8 BPB1NO ATTACnalKKT-NOT PATEHI A. J. slMPSON. LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY H09 and Ull Dodge Btresl , auK 7-me 6m OMAHA. NKB. AS nto lor * > Life , Time * , nd Twaolieroni ha only lle ( authoilrod by her and which will not be a "Blood and Thunder" story , nich as haa been and will be pul lUhed , but a trua life by the only person who la In poeesslon of the facta a falthlol and devoted wife. Truth U more nter- an fiction. A ( f en ta should apply 01 ter ritory at once. 80 75 ct * . for Sample book. J H.-Chiunberth&Ckri ftw. * it l onisi Mn Are aoknowle god to bo the best by all who hive put them to a practical test. ADAPTED TO HARD & SOFT COAL COKE OR WOOD. MANUFACTURED BY Buck's Stpve Go. , ' 8AINT LOUIS. PIERGY & 'BRADFORD ' , _ BOLR AOKNT8 FOR OMAHA. FALLBY&flOtlS , Western Agents , Lafayette , Indiana. FOR Uubbur Buols uiul Uoots and Shoes OF ALL KINDS. The center pieces are Interchangeable and re venlble. It preventa the counter from ronalni ore * , requiring DO heel stlOeners. The Agency for three goods In this town ha beenpUirx Others cinnot procure them. Call nd xamlne a full line o ! leather and nOtndce" Rubber Boot * and Shoes with the Re entitle Heel. MUS. at PETEK80N , 81-Sm LouUTUle.Neb. STEELE , JJHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIGARS AND MANUFACTURED TOBAG00. agents for BHTWOOD BAILS AND LAILIH & RAND POWDER 80. DEALERS IN HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO Fire and Burglar Pro 3 1020 Farnham Street , ANHEUSER-BUSCH Brewing Association , CELEBRATED KEG& BOTTLED BEER , THIS EXCELLENT BEER SPEAKS FOE ITSELF , Orders from any part of the State or the Entire West will be promptly shipped ; All Our Goods arc Made .to the Standard or onr Guarantee. GEORGE HENNING , Sole Agent for Omaha and the West. Office Corner 13th and Barney. OMAHA CORNICE WORKS. RUEMFING & BOLTE , Proprietors. Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers MANUFACTURERS OP Ornamental ( lalvanized Iron OornicBB , Iron Sky Light ? , Etc , 310 South Twelfth . Street , OMAHA , N B. mar 7-mon-wed-M-me. PERFECTION HEATING'"AND ' isAKiac la only attained by using CHARTER OAK Stoves and Rang2s : WITH WIRE liAUZE OVBR HOURS , For aale by MILTOH ROGERS & SOMS J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AMD BETAIL DKALEB OH Lath , Shingles , Pickets , MM , DOORS , BUNDS , FMDSHGS , LIM , GEM .SaTSTATE AOEHt JfOR MILWAUKEE OE11ENT COUP ANY ' Near Union Pacific Denot. OMAHA SB MANUPACTUUKB OP 'l GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c. THIRTEENTH STREET , - . . OMAHA. NEB HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PBIGE8 DUPLIGATID. 118 FARN . - - OMAHA BOLL.1S . & BIEVKKS , I U. BULLN & OO 1509 Douglas Stroot. | Qor. IGth and California St. OMAHA SEE'D DEPOTS HENRY BOLLN&GO lUre brought , to tkU eltyJipm . the lirmi of Lwdredth & Son'i. PhlUfelpblk , nd James M. Thtii- . , Ur(5ettitockofaa ( 'en and Field fceed. em l poited befow lo tUf city aUol which are guaranteed to be Ireah and tiue to the mm * . Prices will also be as low as any Responsible Dealer can Make , mar IG-eod-tf HENRY BOLLN A 00.