Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
I'nMUhed every morning , except San-
ay. The only Monday morning dally.
Ouo Year..510 00 I Thrca Montha.f3.OC
Six Months. . 5.00 | One Month. . . . l.OC
VHE WEEKLY DEE , pnblUhed evcrj
One car $2.00 I Throe Months. K
91zMonths. . . . 1.00 I OnoMonth. . . . 2C
Newsdealers In the United Stntco ,
Jatfons relating to News And Editorial
ainltcrn should bo addressed to the Kuiron
FicttorH and HcmlttonccB chould bo ml
OMAHA. Drnftn , Chocks nnd 1'oetolnco
Jrdcrn to bo insdo payable to the order of
the Company.
ftB BEE PPLISHINB 00 , , Props ,
TAT HAWKS aayi that Bolln will
"pull him through. " Mr. Bolln Is yet
to bo hoard from.
COLONKL CHAHK la brnehlng up eomo
oi'hli old eorona'Jo opecchoa for nao on
Taoadny ovonln .
TunnE ii room for congratulation
over the fact that both the cacdidatoa
for mayor are turnout men.
BOMB ono mentions Hlpplo Mitcboll
of Oregon for postmaster gonoral.
Oronln has not yet como to the front.
ADDITIONAL evldonco has boon dis
covered In the star route trials. Mrs.
Barnott's "Through Ono Administra
tion" must have had aomo reference
to Browator's prosecution.
MIKE MBANEY la a novror contrnot-
or , but hia cottrnot to nomlnato a
republican ticket that "could 'bo
elected from head to tnll" is n bigger
job than ho expected.
THOUSANDS of years ago an old phi
losopher aald that the penalty paid by
the wisa who nefjluotcd politico vraa to
bo ruled by the bad. This Is as true
to-day in America as It was then in
ONE of the beat men nominated for
the board of education on the repub
lican ticket la R. S. Ball. Mr. Hall
la ono of the abloat members of our
young bar , and would do both himself
and the city credit on the school
As UHUAL , the nomination for mayor
came "unsolicited" to the republican
candidate. When citlzjna persist In
forcing office npon ourex-officbholders
' against their vrlthoa , a eonso of patrio
. /I tism compels them to yield aa grace
fully aa possible.
THE nomination ot W. A. Oopeland
aa a member of the board of education
will commend itaolf at once to GUI
oltlzonu. Mr. Oopoland la a man o !
i education , refinement and sound com
mon sense. Ho ought to bo electee
by a rousing majority.
BETWEEN Pat O. Hawca and Jndgi
Benoko there ia no room for discus
slon. Mr , 0. Brannon Hawcs wil
not bo permitted to giro np hla luora
tivo law practice to resume a aoat o
the police bench , from which ho wa
o gracefully removed two yearn age
MB. MUBPIIY haa baon nominate
by the republican and worklngmon
convention aa councilman at largi
Every ono who knowa Fat Murph ;
and hundreds who do not know hli
porsopally , will vote for him. aa a aolli
anbatantial and practical man who w )
make n good representative in tl
city council.
W. A. L. "GiunoN , who haa bo <
nominated for the school board c
the democratic ticket , la ono of tl
beat candidates who will & k for tl
support of voters In the coming ole
Uon. Mr. Gibbon la a bntlnosa mi
of business methods. In addition , 1
la a gentleman of education , wi
Bound and practical vlowa. I
ought to and will undoubtedly B
euro moro than a party support at tl
polls to-morrow.
Tax name of Iiaao S Hasoa
which will appear among t
candidates for councilman
large , ought to bo scratch
by every intelligent citizen who t
the good ot the city at heart.V
ever elan la voted for , Haaoall shot
be out. Hla record in the couu
when ho laat served as right bower
the Holly sharks and iobbors ,
enough to damn him forever aa a ci
dldato for public oflUo in Omaha.
THB Republican fairly bubbles 01
with enthusiasm over the republic
nominees. Two years ago it no'
alluded to Ool. Ohaae except aa
" and "f
bombaatlo piece of wind"
and feathers , " and claimed that bo <
pendodupon the "loweat chuaea
the community" for hli popular !
Since Judge Savw's nomination
has found a God in Israel , and hli Ii
name la Champion 8. Chase. Eltl
OoL-Chase's character and habiU mi
have changed or the Etpullican I
undergone a remarkable conversion ,
I1 <
The oanvcn'.Iona havo'all boon hold
and iho nominations are before the
public , Ono day before the election
our citizens are presented with a Hat
of candldatco from which to make
their selection of the men who are to
govern Omaha for the ensuing two
years. The shortness of the campaign
and the policy of affording ns little
time ac potalblo for voters tj dUcuta
the merits ot their party candldatea
throws npon them the necessity ol
scrutinizing all the moro carefully the
varlons tickets presented. No demo
crat is bound to vote the straight
ticket to-morrow , And every Intelli
gent republican Is absolved from party
alieglanco through the bold manipula
tion of the party machinery , which
sought to rcpreas. republicanBontiraent
through snap primaries nnd on elev
enth hour convention ,
Independence in city elections ie
always dcalrablo Under the present
circumstances It is moro than do *
sirablo. It is absolutely necessary ,
Our cltlzino taken as a body care
very little whether the next city cffi
cors are democrats or republicans , but
they are oaeh and all personally In
terested that they shall bo intelligent
and honest mon , and capable , ( indent
and trustworthy cfllcials. There IB
only ono issue , and that is good gov
ernment. And every party slate that
stands in the way of scouring good
government must bo broken on
Tuesday by the intelligent voters ol
this city.
THE BEE nrgoa upon ita readers
who will vote in the coming election
to pick the beet men regardless ol
party. Prom the various tickets se
lected a Hit of officers , school board
and conncilmon can bo selected which
will bo a credit to our city and undci
whoso care the Interests of every
citizen and Iho welfare of Omaha will
bo assured. The election of either
of the tickota ontlro would
bo a public misfortune. Sev
eral of the democratic oandidatoo
for the city council are totally unfitfcr
ofllco , while thcro IB just as much
room for improvement in othnr parts
of the republican ticket.
There ought to bo aomo lively
scratching of tickets to-morrow. LU
every voter cxcrolso the right of the
secret ballot by voting onlf for the
man of his own choice , regardless oi
party dictates , nnd with the intorosta
of the city alone in view. 8ratoh the
name of every jobber and bummer
and chronio oflico seeker from the
ticket for councilman , and replace it
with that of a candidate whom you
wonid trust to pay your grocery oi
meat bill for yon without having hire
accompanied by a private dotoo
tivo. Hundreds of thousands of del
lara are to be expended In thi
next two years oncer the supervisor
of the olty council. It la of the high
ett Importance that Omaha shoulc
have reputable and sober men In thi
couuoll chamber aa well as a mayoi
and treasurer who are above anapioloi
of untrustworthlnesa. If there wa
ever room for political indopondenc
in municipal election there will bo op
portunlty for its proper dlaphy to
morrow In Omaha. Tick thobost mon
lot party machinery , party loyalty an
convention onthnsiam , all of which ar
easily manntacturod , go by the boardi
and select such officials us Omaha nee
not bo ashamed of and In whoso band
our growth and dovelopomont aa
olty will bo assured ,
TUEBB la a great deal of clap-trap 1
the groans omitted from several of ot
eatoemcd contemporaries about ' 'th
decadence of the lecture Gold , " Tt
lecture Cold baa boon contracted t
the newspaper and the cheap pros
and the moro general diffusion of 11
oraturo , Omaha la no moro behln
the ago in her indifference to lecture
and lectures than any other largo clef
of the country. The very fact th
our people ref nao to bo inveigled In
listening to long-winded essays , npi
subjects with which any ono can mo
easily make himself familiar , IB in I
aalf ovldenco that Omaha is abreast
and not behind the times. Tholyceo
lecture haa had Ita day everywhere e
cept in the small cities. A lecturer
only Interesting to the majority
o people from his personality. Th
care little for his views. At moat th
are the opinions of a single indlvldn
who In nlno cases out of t
has no particular abilities boyo
that of a moro compiler of facts. ]
ono goea to the lootnro platform
search of startling dlaoovorloa
weighty and original thoorlea. G
Boeohora and Ingoraolla attract i
dlonces in the largo cities becai
they are typon of certain classes a
leaders of lines of thought ; bocau
In abort , they are noted mon a
would bo distinguished If they 1
never entered the lecture fie
Archibald Forbes drew largo hou
not because his subject matter i
> r particularly brilliant or hla atylo
in tractive , but because ho was the gr
or war correspondent who had part
'ft patod In a half a dozen import ;
as campaigns and won a name for b
e- liant Borvlcoa in the peculiar field
In apeelal effort which ho made
owe. When the proas scatters abr
It every day from fifiy to ono bund
at times the amount of information c
er talnod In a lecture , and brings It
at onr door for five oonta , the public 1
M lUte a long time before they deold
expend fifty oenU or a dollar to
single lecture. If they want Instruc
tion ! ! , it Is ton chances to ono they can
can secure it in book form as cheaply
If not moro economically. If , they
seek for amntotnonts , other entertain
ments affjrd greater atlrac Ions. These
are a few of the reasons why the pop
ularity of lecturers is dying out. The
lectures may not be any the lees Inter
esting or brilliant or useful , or the
public any the ICES intelligent. It has
become simply n question whcro tc
eocuro the most for the money , and
the lecture is crowded to the wall by
outside competition.
The ticket nominated by the re
publican convention on Saturday ii
batter , taken all in all , than might
have boon expected. In aorao ro
apeota it In an improvement ou the
democratic nominations , notably In
the candidates for Iho council and the
school board ,
Briefly , it may bo Bald that whore
the democratic ticket is weak the
republican ticket ia strong , and where
the democratic nominations ere
strong the republican candidateo an
Colonel Ohaao'o nomination was c
foregone conclusion the moment thai
Judge Savage accepted aa the demo
cratlo candidate for the mayorallty ,
Ex-Major Ghaso haa throe times beet
honored with this cfibo at the handi
of onr citizens , and how well ho hai
filled it is a matter of record. Hii
endorsement by the worklngmen'i
convention will make him a hard matte
to beat ,
Mr. Henry Bolln , who received tin
nomination tor city treasurer ,
ia a grocer on Sixteenth street ,
who has served ono torn
at Lincoln , in the legislature
with satisfaction to hla frianda. Mr ,
Bolln Is an honest man and a good olt
izan , and while lacking the experience
of Mr. Buck , the democratic nominee ,
will make a good run for the treaaur
orahlp ,
Pat 0. Hawea turns up again aa at
aspirant for Judge Beaeke'sshooa , ant
boars the republican endorsement ai
the regular party candidate for polo ! <
judgo. Mr. Huwea will have up hii
work to raako hla calling and olccliot
sure againat mioh n popular and cfli
clout man aa Judg ) Ujnoko. Hole
naid to depend npon the rca
of the republican ticket to pul
him through , but aovoral of the rest o
the tlokot will have all they can do t <
pull themselves oafely into the harboi
to-morrow evening.
The republican nominations foi
Bobool board are above the average ant
the same may be said of the candi
dates for counollmon. Taken altogether
gethor the ticket shows the Inflnenoi
of the nominations made by the dem
ocratlo convention and la a great 1m
provomont ou the slate aa orlglnall ;
ooncooted by Chairman Mike Mcane ;
and his pals. There IB no Intolllgen
republican , however , who will ventnr
to assert that the entire ticket can b
elected , but it presents several mo :
who will undoubtedly secure the aul
fragca of our citizens In an olootloi
to the city council and school board
"Gooo-byo old man , " called ou
Ool. Obaao to his friend , Col. Jadd
chamberlain to his Cannibalistic high
ness , King Kallkaua , as ho was leaving
ing the Omaha depot several month
ago ; "Good-bye old man , when yo
come back I shallbo mayor of Omaha.
CM. Chase has not generally bee
credited with the gift of second alghl
bnt any man who can predict the n
suit of a convention two months i
advance , especially when he is not i
the tlmo a candidate , boata laotilel
wizard and dleoonnta Signer B'.lt :
Bat the Cjlouol did It that tlmo.
HASCALL , who got himself non
Inated aa councilman at largi
oupht to bo beaten by i
largo a majority as ho was two yet
ago for mayor , The man who waa c
to hla shoulders In the Holly job IB
good man to keep at home whc
Omaha la about to enter upon a aerl
of heavy public improvomonta , Isai
S , Hasoall may como out of his ow
iS ward with a good majority , but ovoi
oltlzon who desires honest and trna
worthy men in the city council ahou
bo certain that fl&scall's name Is m
on the list of connollmen which t
tlokot oontalni.
TUB number of Union Pacific oi
ployea on the patty tickets la nnne
> r oaaarlly large. A , good deal of expen
ir would bo a vod In the- way of ga
j. fuel and room rent , If the oorpor
10 tlon managers wore allowed to mal
id np the ulatea for each party two da
before the election. The nominatlo
> d would bo llkoly to give scarcely k
id general aattafaotlon than thoao <
il , which our oltlsone will vote ou Tni
oa day.
" Mu. nAimaAN , who has boon noi
Inatod by the democrats aud onJora
by the worklngmon aa well aa ft
: ' O'Oonnell on the aamo ticket , will t
commend thomaelrea to voters gem
* ally who doalro to elevate the call !
0 of membora of the city council. Thi
1 * are better men for the poaltloua befi
onr voters and they ought to
elected ,
tote Due haa reached Washington , 1
aa the congressional menagerie haa
to journed , Minister Foster can't ti
him out to see the elephant.
The candidates for councllmen who
are to bo chosen to-morrow will be
voted npon and elected at largo. Thit
ought to bo generally understood.
The system of letting each ward name
a candidate In the party convention !
waa not contemplated by the frnmerc
of the city charter. In fact the vorj
object of the proviso which compolt
their election at largo , or by the vote
of all the wards , was to take the nom <
Inatlon of candidates for the couucJ
out of the hands of the ward caucus
and to tnanro the election oi a hlghoi
grade of mon such an would prove ac-
ooptablo to the ontlro city.
Every cltlzsn in to-morrow'a elec' '
lion will bo entitled to vote for oil
oonucllmen. It ought to make no difference
once from what wnrd they have boot
nominated. The only question thai
can present itaolf la the choich ot sli
honoat , intelligent and cnpablo mon ,
From the twelve or nftoon names presented
sonted six such men can bo readily as
TUB BEE has BO often proeenttd tc
Us readers the great importance al
this tlmi , of eccnrlng a council abovi
the average of these which have oorv-
od Omaha in years past , that fnrthei
comment on the subject will bo nao
lean. It rests with our voters to decide
cide whether the next conn
ell shall bo a nest of job
bers and plunderers or whether 1 <
IB to bo compoaed of men who can bi
trusted to Buporvlao the oxpauditnri
of largo sums of money for pnblli
improvements and to lot boavy con
tracts for paving and sewering one
otherwise developing Omaha to .thi
best advantage and with the leas
exponso. Erory taxpayer la vltall ;
Interested in the result of to-morrow'
election of councllmen. The nix moi
who will bo oolocted will increase o
lower onr city taxes for the next tw
years and cither forward or material !
retard the growth and development c
this community. This is the reaao :
why the nominations oncht ; to bi
carefully examined and both of th
party tlckotu generally scratched.
\Villlnm Pitt Kellogg , who hai
finally boon caught in the star routi
not , will receive no sympathy noi
that he h&o reached the end of hi
tether. Ono of the ablest nnd race
unaornpnlona of the adventurers wh
rushed to Louisiana at the close of th
war , there was no act for plunder
ing and oppressing itn people in whlcl
ho did not participate during the in
famous purled in which that state wa
undergoing the process of roconatruc
tlon. Ho was maintained In the cffio
of governor by tha power of fedora
bayonets , and nude Benator six yeai
by shamoleea frauds. He haa neve
hold an office in Louisiana to whlc
he waa honaatly elected. The fin
election which ho can claim as vali
was his election to congress laat Nc
Aa the usurping governor of Louln
ana and the fraudulent occupant of
aeat In the senate , Kellogg was of ui
to hia party , and confidently olalme
from It not only Immunity , bnt m
flinching support. Ho received bet
with the effect of alienating from tl
republicans thouaanda of reapeotab
republican voters south , and of imbi
taring an ontlre state against the r
publican party. Now that the repn
lloana are In a minority at Washlngto
Kellogg muat look elsowheraforaaah
ance in hla coming trial. Thoxe wl
be no partisan reasons for protoctli
him , such aa existed when ho prosldi
over Louisiana aa ita governor , ai
held a seat In the United Stati
senate by usurpation aud trau
Party spirit cannot be invoked wl
the same success In star route corrn
tlon and bribery aa In behalf of t
theft of a atato government , or of
Boat in the United States senate.
The overthrow of republican Infl
onoo in the south was due , more th
to any ono other cause , to the dlaror.
table characters who filled the fodoi
offices during the reoonstructl
period and plundered the people
fill their own pooketa. The Kollog
and MoEnorya In Loulaiana , t
Bponcern In Alabama , Bullo
In Georgia and Mosoa and Pi
torson In South Carolina i
the men who forced a so
aonth by . making the vc
name of Republicanism hate
to her people. Where are theao m
now. Some are graslng cella In p (
tlarloa , othora like Sponcw ro fu
tlvoa from justice , and last , bnt i
least Wm. Pitt Kollsgg , the fortum
falls it
statesmen and carpet-bagger
the hands of justice under an indli
njont for bribery. They were a BW. .
scented lot and their memory is liki
to live long after the cells of the pi
Itontiary have forgotten that tl :
ono a hold them as Inmates.
Clay county is stirring up the sc
jeot of fraudulent asacssmonte. 1
ButtonRegiittr aaya : "The ann
faroo of assessing at Its caih ( ? ) va
will aoon bo under way. How a n
r can take the oath which requires I
ro to list property at Its actual cash val
ro and then deliberately agree with
reB other assessors who are In the SB
} B boat , to assess property at about i
third of cash value , Is a question t
at haa never yet been answered satlal
atd torlly. It would require more tl
d0 a dextrous Roman cashlst to rccon
the two attltudeB. " M property
Omaha were assessed at ono third Its
value our elty would hnvo n taxable
valuation of over fifteen millions , at
the lowcat estimate.
THE pretont election law makca the
printing or circulating of bogus tickets
a misdemeanor punblwblo with fine or
imprisonment. Every politician
should paste this ( torn in hia hat and
commit it to memory.
President Arthur has five sisters and one
Jcre Black recently became 'a great
Weudcll I'hllllpi hopes rthat the Jay
\vlll ccmo when no man will smoke on
the etreetf.
J. 11 , Unoth , nn Ottawa lambermnn ,
cleared § 300,000 from his business during
the put year.
Licntcuaut Powell , of the Ninth
cavnlrr , is the only cx-Ooufederato
Boldlcr now an ( . ( floor in the United State )
Mil' Sitah Brown , daughter of "O-'Ba.
watcmle Brown. " has been appointed to n
position in the United States mint at San
The cuta in Lady Florence Dixie's
corset may have been made after
the manner of the cuts in Cadet Whita-
ker's ear * .
The Hon. John C. Knox , once justice ol
the supreme court of Pennsylvania , and for
many years a leading politician of the
elate , has ( rene to the aiylum , hopelessly
The lion. A. O. Matoon , of Oiwego ,
claims to have been the first drummer who
left New York City , having started out it
the employ of Lee , Bussing & Co. , of Non
Jeremiah Curtis , a New York million ,
aim , is dead. He was the propr etor ol
many patent medicine ? , and he once rot
f > r governor of Maine on the prohibltior
Mr. Conkling is mid to be the only mat
who ever made a speech betcre the Unltoc
States supreme coust clad in a bnsinesi
Bull" . On the occasion thus noted ho wai
clad in dark gray. Custom requires blacl
and a frock coat.
By the death of Sir George Jessel ,
master of the rolls , England loses thi
nblest judge ot the century , and perhapi
the ablest jurist ever known in tha
country. He wan the ' 'rat Jev
holding any judicial office in Great Btin
Lord Granvllle recently apologized t <
Mr. Lowell for a short dinner notice t
"tho moat engaged man ( n dinar out ) ii
England. " Mr. Lowell very neatly re
pli < > d that "no notice could be too ehor
which came to the most engaged from th
moat engaging man. "
It it a part of Madame Nilsson'a perfec
art that her whole manner changes wit !
the B'lljeci of her singing. If it la nom
pi eat oratorio aria tbat uhe is rendering
she 1130 = to'tlia dignity of ( he tbemo am
Dutn un her grand mapper. If it it a bal
Ltd , rha IK simplicity itv.lf.
Will Cirloton , the "Farm Ballads" poet
in doicribel rw having "shrewd , good
unlnred face , whom Yankee like boldnea
of outline ii farther emphasized by a tuf
of hair upon hii cbin. His voice is full
resonant , i nil agreeable , though not wdsl
varied in it * tone ? , and bin manner unpre
tentious , und mace attractive by a certaii
awkward can ? . "
It takei four ladies of the bocf-ohimber
9 > ery one of t'lemmust be it potiees , eigh
common Indies of the bed-chamber am
twelve bed-chamber women to put Queei
Victoria to bed. But it mutt tot be BUI :
posed that all take part In the pieUminar ;
process. They just bang mound until sh
becomes comfortable , and then , one b
one , are sent off by the queen on littl
errands , such a ) opening the stove doori
shutting off draughts , fastening forgotte
windows , bringing the flower pots in , pul
ting the cat ouc and attending to numei
ous other little things which a woma
never thinko of until ahe gets under th
General Sherman is going next aumme
to tbe far went for the laat time as the get
oral of the army , and will be back in tim
to attend tha notable army meeting i
Washington in October. He has alwaj
had a partial side for the western posts an
the officers and soldier ) of the frontier
and he h s long made it a practice to go t
the furthest posts once a 3 ear , to eho'
"the boys" they are not forgotten. On thi
trip ho will devote himself particularly t
Mont an > , Oregon and California. Muc
of tbe distance will be made on horsabaci
and the general will always have a civalr
Ofcort. He will he acoomnanied by enl
two members of his stiff , Colonels Tourte
lotte and Bacon and but two of his pa
tlcular friends will go as his guests , noin
ly , Chief Justice Watte and Justice Ore ;
of the supreme court.
They Were All Hrfppy.
Bchuyler Sun.
In a recent Interview S mater Mar
derson remarked that everybody wt
plenaod with the late federal appoln
ments in Nebraska. The aonati
didn't half express it. The joy <
Nebraska politicians over the appoln
menu was unbounded. Siuude
wan KO diillriouely happy over one i
them that hu waa taken aid
Oronneo fait morejoyonaif nnythii
than ho did when Valentino waa DOE
inatod at Fremont. Yost felt BO r
Itovod when he heard another folio
had been appointed collector that 1
telegraphed Nye to como homo and 1
the president make the remainder
the nppolntmcntd. And Loran Ulai
waa well pleased , and Roaenater w
a lump of animated eostaoy. Whc
the senator gats aronnd and asce
> o talna iuat how exceedingly well aatl
k fied all the follows are , he will ita
to be interviewed again and pnt ito
little stronger.
Tha Happy Democrats in Ohio.
Clnchnttl Enquirer.
In eleven years I have never so
the Ohio Democracy more bonefi
more united , more harmonious. The
are no ftotione. There is a good E
tttred rivalry between Judge Hoadl
Jndgo Geddes and Gen. Darbln Wafer
for Governor , but there is no bltti
ness. The feeling is that whooor
nominated can bo elected.
o ,
neat CURES
at RheumatismNeuralgia.Sciatic
Lumbago , Backache , HeadacheToothache ,
10- B r Thnct , Bwelllnn , BprcUt. Bruit *
10an llurnt. Boaldt. frotl Illtt * .
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lie toill * . DtrtcUett It II LufufM.
m tffi f ! 9
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Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
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Growers of Live Stock and Others.
It i3 the best and cheapest food for Block of any kind. . Ono pound IB equal
to thrco pounds of corn. Stock fed v.lth Ground Oil Oako in the full and winter -
tor , instead of running down , will Increase in weight and bo in good market
able condition in the spring. Dairymen aa well ao others who use it can tes
tify to its morits. Try it and judge for yournclvca. Price $25.00 per ton ; no
charge for sacks. Address WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob.
M. Hellman & Co.
1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor.
Druggists ,
p iBF Ov W
in fond or Free , ' Also direct Importers of 1
Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fine
Agents for Jos. Schlitz' Milwaukee Beer ,
Bottled and in Kegs.
214 & 21B S , 14TH STREET , - - - OMAHA , HEB ,
And Window Glass.
MAHA , . . . - - - NEBRASKA
Carpenter's Materials
Stair Railings , Balusters , Window
and Door Frames , Etc.
Fiiat-olaaa ( acUltiee for tha Manufacture of all klndea of Mouldings , Planing and
matching a Specialty , Ordera from the country will b promptly executed ,
addreiiall commnnioati ruito A. MOYKU ProprU
OFTTaT" ifi T13 d
i > U U'&JLIi .o ,
First-Glass Painting anfl Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done ,
1310 Homey , Cor. 14th , Omaha.
Frederic , Monroe Co , , Iowa ,
0. E. MAYNE , - - Proprietor.
Haa constantly on hand a large number
of Hones.
Matched Teams & Single Drivers
Description o ( HoriM and ether Inform ! *
Uiutnt by null on kppllcitlon.