The Daily Bee. COUNCIL BLUFFS ; Friday Morning , March 30. DESCRIPTION RATES : By Oaiilor , - - - SO cent * per week , BrMall . . . . f 10.00 per Year , Offloo : No. 7 Pearl Btroot , Near roadway. Borne one always' in the offloe. 'MINOR MENTION. Lsok out for the meeting of the city council Monday night. See Joeepb lldtor'i spring style * . Additional local on seventh p&qe. Only one lonely rannUgo llccnuo was issued yesterday , that of Jurgen KOCH to Margethn Wnmeec. Two cases were locked up In tba coun If Jill , from Nnoll , for being drunk and are to nerve out a fine of 810 ncd costs , Mr. Balrd has moved bis safe from tb old office to the now cilice of the 1'otta wattamlo collection agency. J. M. Palmer boats the world on & genuine market report. It represents the market 8 at 1'lttaburg from 1 to 2:80 : p. m It'i ) a settler. ' The beautiful enow still continues to fill the air at Intervals , and just enough falls to keep our streets and sidewalks in a muddy condition , The coroners jury bavo filled to re turn a verdict regarding the death of John White , aba was found d ad and hot near the Missouri rlvir yesterday , it may be they will get at the truth of the matter. A check for a trunk bound for San Francisco and a little boy were lost for a while at the Irantfer joiteuhy , but both were found and restored to their proper owners. owners.A A lull in the luperlor court work yes ' terday gave the Judge and clerk an opportunity I'/ tunity to make up a list of their fees to certify to the board of county supervisors which meet next Monday. The night school which Professor Slat tery will open next Monday night will offer an opportunity to many young to get a greater fund of knowledge. Ho will open at the school rooms of the St. Joseph Academy. Rev. J. Vt , Armstrong will lecture on The Phases if Keal Life" at the Y. M. C. A. rooms , No. 12 North Main street , this ( Frldaj } evening at 8 o'clock. Ad. mission free. An Invitation Ii extended to all. Mr. Armstrong it an able lecturer and those attending will certainly be pleased , The following named gentlemen are regular delegates to the G , A. K , encampment I't ment which met ot Dei Moinesjnext week- Col. Sapp , Capt. D. Maltby , WmII. . Hoper - per and liutie Fox , Commander , Col. John Limit. Capt. K , J , Abbott , being a member of the department encampment gives the post a good delegatlonw ho will have contidorabloktluenco in the encamp ment which is computed of 180 pods. Yesterday Mrs. Kmlly BackiueUter filed an Information against Jack Green and one against1 David Dunklr , of Hazel Dell township , for selling or giving liquor to her husband after the had given both notice , both personally and by publication , not to. She baa began suit criminally under the misdemeanor act for telling liquor to Intoxicated persons. The parties - t < ties will be arrested this morning and ' brought before Justice Abbott for trial. 'i * A peculiar cue coming from Warwlth ' I Pott , No. SO , lacated at Dexter , this state. A. person claims he was a member of Co. 32,16th Iowa , was never mastered In , drew pay or received a discharge but waa tranc ferred to the chinch-bug militia. Now the \ Foil asks the Judge Advocate , E. J , Ab bott , of this city , to decide whether the party has a right to become a member of the G. A , II. We are of the opinion that the Judge Advocate will inform that post no person can become a member of the G , A. II. without having received an honorable - able discharge. One of the trusted employes In the Wabash yards , and a man who is the. very soul of honor , and who has a spouse in whom he had the same confidence he had in the Master ot heaven almost , was known to be receiving the attentions ( whether criminal or Ullyal no one know of several other men. 'These facts wen known , and some good wholesome advice given the erring sponie , before the hus band , who WAI a "night man , " bad turn bled to her racket. But with a reckless neasness born of a seemingly natural de pravity , she continued to disregard the ad vice of thosn who tried to Influence her on account of the genuln : respect they felt for the man whom they knew to be a con- alstent and straight man , and one also who provided from hit ample salary for her every home comfort. Matters run on in this way until at last her husband , after finding parties with whom he had no affinity at various times lounging around the parlor when he would return unex pected front his work , saw fit to question the wife In regard to their business , when r I she , with a light andlaughlngexplanatlon , tried to allay the "green-eyed monster. " While he wai proue to believe It to be simply an Indiscretion , but natural to Innocence and youth , yet he wished to note it * extent. One night , when he was expected to be way until late , he took his lunch as niual 1 and then about 8 o'clock made his appear nce to find two of the suspected partlei enioonsed la his parlor. At another tlim he met his faithless spouse at eleven o'clocl at night on a by street , with one of tb < parties aforesaid. When she returnee homo she claimed ( after first making a 1U denial of the charge ) that she wasonl ; going up town with Mr , to purchase i pair of rubbers. While It may have beei good in that line yet her husband prompt ly told her that as she has never made equeal for apparel which was disrrgarde he would please to consider herself i wholly dependent on those to whom sfa bad gone for assistance. The result was weparatlon , and yesterday morning th faithless woman left Council Blulfa fc some point unknown to the. writer , an the man was almoit distracted at the final of what be hoped would prove a happ life. We have always noticed that yo married men ctn get ' 'night Joba" ver readily , and we trust that the coming d vorce suit will bring no new feature * of jscandalons nature to the front. Mr. J. W. McQee In the ancient days of long ago wai a fellow traveler with the writer through the plains of "bleeding Kansas , " and later on ho was with us whin the Stanton cyclone tent us sailing through the air , and now he comes up smiling as the representative of the great New York llthoRrapbing and printing house el J. II. Warner. Wherever J. W. KOSI he will bo welcome , for ho carries In his face and in his heart all the good and kindly qualities that make brothers of strangers , Mr. Cox left for Chicago yesterday on butinosi and alto to Ret another hex ! waiter for the Ogden house In place of Mr. Myetn , who has given notice of his returnIng - Ing sopn. Mr. Myers tfnoa west to engage in busin J for blmielf and ho thinks of locating in Montana or Idaho. He will horn'med by the msny patrons of the Ogden huuic , whoso merest wishes he cater ed to. Dan Ferroll , sheriff of Mills county , is is In the city , Mid looks as hnalthy as though ho had never met Polk Wells. Frank Kcfttly , son of Colonel Keatly , has gone Into the Herald jnb rooms , of Omaha , to learn the job printlrg trade , A. G. Heath and W , B. Metcilf , tray , eling men frctn Chicago , are occupying lample rooms at the Pacific house. II. K. Parslow , of Olarinda ; W. II. Summon * , of Malvern , and II. Huinenbncli , of Omaha , are'at the Ogden , K , K. Baldwin and S. K. Hoffmastor , gentlemen from Chicago , are registered at thoOgden. C. T , Shaw , of Avoci , and W. J. Gal- houn , from Clftrlnda , arc located at the Ogden. T. 0. Connell and 0. C. Brleham , red dents of Topeka , Kansai , is living at the Ogden. John Barlow , of Charlton , and J , L , Shank , from lied Oak , can bo found at the Pacific. The.wagon top Inventor gets the judg ment M rendered by Justice Vaughan. II. W. Morse and wife , of Shenandoab , are staying at the Ogden. L. J. Colby , all the way from Boston , dlnos at the Ogden bouie , J. C. Husley , from the Queen City , is registered at the Pacific. George L. Hanner and wife , of Boone , arrived at the Pacific. H.'K , Spencer , resident at Columbus , Ohio , Is at the Ogden. D. W , Honn , registers at tie Ogdou from San Fran'Isco , M. Dccklnwood , of Lincoln , Neb , , is at tbo Pacific. 10 * Iba A Sugar $1 00 7 IbsArbucklo'BOnffeo.lllJpga 1.00 D Rail krgi Honey Drips Syrup 1.75 3 Iba A No. 1 Japanese Tea 1.00 25 barn Jas , Kirk's Soup 1 01) ) Beat Kansas Wlntor Whtmr. Flour , out , $3. All brundn Lnak'a California Can Fruit , par cm 2oa ut J. P. FiLiiEHTJ , 20 ! ) Up. Broadway. Fou SALE At u bargain , two ohooio vata aud fixtures. Address 2,304 , Council Binds , Iowa. fjb'27-tf Dr. West , Dentist , 14 Pearl Btroot. I W Pony , weak , and sickly children are made healthy and ( strong by using Brown's Iron Blttora. Nothing builds up shattered consti tutions BO quickly as Brown's Iron Bitters. Brown's Bronchial Troches will relieve Bronchitis. Asthma , Catarrh , Consnmp tlve and Throat diseases. They are used always with good success , Proceedings of the United Btatca Court Yesterday. The grand jury returned a number of indictments In revenue cases. The case of Redmond , Oloary & Go. vi. Frond Liwronoo , the jury waa im paneled and the case went to trial. la the injunction case of the 0. & N. W. R. R. vs. the incorporated town of Manning ot al. , in which motion to dissolve an injunction was argued and submitted to the court The grand jury la still in soaalon. The following la the list of the petit jury sitting In the United Stater court : JB Romans ROWhito H B Cbx John T Halo Mayne Stonnott W J Gavin J K Rugnold J M Mitchell John Corper J B Uoodall John Daulolaon Thna JefTurioa Jas Hendrio T J Clarke William Wise Goo H uones K J EmmoBB E W Ticknor H W Summers L D Olarko John Hawthorne F A Oonover Alex Young Phillip Johnson Day Dunning Mlnaa Miller Wm McLian E R Hayes H Gentle N W Williams Young man or woman , If you want big money for a small amount , Insure In the Marriage Fund and Mutual Trust Asbocl- ation , Cedar llaplds , Iowa. f5-Sm , DIED. POWHHSMr. . and Mrs. Wm. Powers , residing at No , BOO aoutb 20th st. , near the end'of 8th avenue , lost their little boy. He died yoiterday at 4:50 a. m. of lung fever. The funeral will take place from the residence of the parents at 2 p. m. to-d y. All friends of the family are invited tc attend. "Drugglata eay that Lydla E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound la the best remedy for female complalnta thej over heard of. cloaks , coats , atocktngi and all garments can bo colored uo cetafully with the Diamond Dyea Fashionable colors only I0j. Money for the Unmarried' One of the moat solid and subotiltto institutions in this country is the Alai riage Fund and Mutual Trust Association of Cedar llapids , Iowa. They are onjar. Ized under the laws of Iowa , and bolr ol ficers and directors are among the leadlii and most prominent business 10 men o Ceda llauids. Kvery unmarried person ahonl or have a certificate In this association. id It U a splendid Investment , as safe as le government boqd. You can just as we lera have a good sum of money to oommenc married life on M not. A large number < ra members have been paid off , receiving ovi 800 per cent on their Investment. Wrll for circulars fully detailing the plan , whlc is tba finest known. Da not postpone i Good agents wanted. Mention where yc saw this notice/ f 5-Sm , ROOOP. The following la the completed pro grammo of the Council Bluffs Driving Park and Fair association for their spring meeting , from May 22 to and Including May 25 : FlllflT DAY TUK8DAY , MAY 25. No. 1 Running Association Stake , all ages , 810 ontracci , with $100 added , 2d. $25 , J mile doab. No. 1-Rauniiig Oloh pnrrn , $300 for 3 year olda ; lat $203 , 2 J $ ICO 1 ] miln dash. No. 3 TroUlnq ; Olnb DUMP , JfiOOj 1st $300 , 2d$125 31 875 No. -Trotting ; 2:30 : clusn ; Club $500 ; lit 300 , 2J $125 , 31 SECOND DAY WKhNKMIiY , MAY 23 No. 5 Ruonh'gj BluiTu City Cup stake , f ir 2 your o.ds. $20 ontranci- , with $200 added ; also allvcr cup n-Jd- od by ai oc5otion. 2d , $75 lilf- mlle danh , No. -llmming ! h"l l pur n. all agoa , $400. lit , $3tO ; 2d , SlOOj 1 mlln and ronont No. 7-Trottin ; $00 ; 2:21 : olnn- , Omaha purse , $70 lj 8200 ndrtod tu bnat 2:21. : lat , $450 ; 2d , $100 ; 3J , $00.Nc. Nc. 8 Trotting ; 2:40 : olaat ; clnh purao. $500. 1st , $300 ; 2d , $125 ; 3d , $75. TIHUD DAY TIIUKBIUY , MAY 24. No. ! ) RunnlDc ; pnrso $200 , nil agpi-jlit , $150 ; 2d , $50 1 inilo du3h. Fo. 10 Hnntilnc ; M'"ohant'a purse , nllazos , $350. lit , $250 ; 2J , $1CO ; lit ailndnsh. "No 11 TroHinp ; 2:25 : olnsi. Club pnrso $5CO lit , $300 ; 21 , $125 ; 3d , { 75.No. No. -Paring ; 2:20 : olasc , Club purio $500 lit , $300 ; 2d , $125 ; 3J , $75. FOURTH DAY- FRIDAY , MAY 25 No. 13 Running ; Bruwvrii' nti Uo for all KICK $30 munMica , with $3)0 added , J tniln and ropnnt. No. 14 TroMioi ; $ tflf 0 free for all ; pnr o $800 ' "int $200 ndded to boat 2:20. : let , K' O , 2 1 , $2CO ; 31 ; $100. $100.No. . 15 TrotMnf. ; 3 mlnnto nuran $500 lat , $3C ( ) ; Vi , $125 ; $150 ; 3d , $75 No. 1 ( > . 0' > p"'illi1 ) i rrunning. . Olnb purse -250 1t , $175 ; 2J , $75 , 1 mile. COMMEKCIAXj. OODNOIL BLUrrS MAIIKET. Corrected dolly by J , Y. Fuller , mer chandise broker , liuyor and shipper of grain and provisions , 39 I'enrl street. WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 76o ; No. 3G3 ; rejected f > 0c ; oo < l demand , CORN DealerH paylri ; ? : i : rejectee ! corn Chlcngn , 45 : ; new mixed. 48 : ; whlto corn , 35o. The receipts ol corn are ILht. OATB Simreo arid in iood demand ; 35. HAT 4 OOfiO 00 per ton. IlYE 40c ; light Bupiily. COUN MEAL 1 25por 100 pounds. Woon Good supplyj prtceu at yards , 500@000. COAL Delivered , hard , 11 00 per ton ; soft. 5 CO per ton. BUTTKU Plenty and In fair demand ; 25c ; creamery , 30u , Eoaa-Heady sulo niul plenty at 13o per dozen. LARD Fairbank's. wholesaling at ISo. POULTRY Firm ; uonlernpnylni ; 13o per pound for turkeys anil lOo for chickens. VKOKTADLKS Potati cc , 45c ; onion * , COc ; cabbagep , l040o per dozen ; apples , 2 60 @ 3 CO per barrel. City flour frnm 1 CO to 3 40 BttOOMH 2 00@3 00 per dozen. STOCK. CATTLE 3 00@3 50 ; calves 5 00@7 50. lloaa Market for hoga quiet , as the packing houses are closing ; uhlppers are paving 5 50 to G CO. The grain dealer * ara paying Rood prices for corn. Farmers can et from 33 to 35c now and farmers will do well to take advantage of these price ? . The dealers continue to pay tbeso prices , notwithstanding a marked decline at nil the other points. Tbo visible supply of cnrn increased 1,500,000 bushels list week ; wheat de creased 1,000,000 bushelr. Cur Nowlxjuii tuiu improvement Co Investigation into the matter con vinces ua that one of the moat equita ble , reasonable and feasible plana of building houses la that proposed and In operation by the Mercantile Loan , Trnat and Improvement company of this city. By invoatlcg In shares In this institution , which Is backed by some of our best and moat reliable business men , it becomes possible and comparatively easy for a man of mod erate moans to soonro a comfortable homo for himself and family. In tak ing a certain number of shares , at & certain monthly payment , In a few years a man can own a house of his own for about the Barns aa ho pays monthly for rent. Wo believe the Mercantile Loan and Trust company , by organizing and opening up for bnalneao , having Blind a long felt want in Council Bluff * . Their plans and system of loans will bear the most careful scrutiny and exam ination , and wo have no hesitancy in pronouncing them reasonable and equitable , and backed by gentlemen of honor and Integrity. Aa the com pany exists It bocomea at once an In stitution of value and credit to our city and thoao who dealro bonus , Their proaldout is T. A. Kirkland vice president , Judge Penke ; secretary rotary , I. R , Boorv ; treasurer , Col. Boobo , aud their oflioo la in the base ment of Shugart's and McMahon'a new block , corner First avenue aud Pearl street. j n27-ly GOUHC1L BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special adrertlMmente , uc Lojt , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Ueni. Want * , Boarding , etc. , will l Inwrtod In thli column al the ow rate ot TEN CENTS PKIl LIME ( or th * Hnrt tniertlon and FIVK CENTS PER LINE ( or ech lubtequenl insertion. Lear * adr crtlsementa at our office , No. T Pearl Strtel , near Broadway. Wonta. WANTED Hoard and rcom ( or wi'o and ! * > ) while lam on tl-e ro d Addree * , ulth parllculais , "noant , " llm OtEce. Wtnta * altuitlon In a wholcmic APOKTKR AddreiiO. U. , HII otBco , Council Utudl. A MASON by tradi- , and willing to work al aliucit anjthln ; , U eeoklng a job AdJrtttt WANTKD-Sl'uatlon by baker ot 10 yttat exc eilenco. Cull or addrcu Oni b houie. Ouuha Nebraska. _ -130-13 } TTTANTED-KTervbody . Council' Blufls la , , ' ' ukeT711 " " * ° * " * f" * Jai llfered by carrion. Office , No f Pearl St'.Ml ill near Broadway. ce For Solo and Rent ; ot _ _ er rr\0 HKNT-Fiom April lt , plo fanlly lui to L DlibwUult ol looini , j cintlemon. 72 Frrt Arenue. BEES-In BflTage. ol a hundred packa . U xaBu Offlc , No. J Pea , tl OASADY&ORGUTT t Will open on April 1st an elegant and com plete STOIRIE- IT T.02 lillOADWAY , NFXTTO OFFICER & PDSEY'S ' BANK , They will carry a very and will keep a full line of House Furnisihng Goods. GASADY & ORCUTT , 502 Broadway , Council Blnffr , Iowa. TO CONSUMERS OF WATER. The Council Bluffa City Waterworks Company hereby announces , that it will put In Service Pipes to the curb of the street on tne line of its mains for all parties who de sire tn have connect ! DB mode with the street mains before the Waterworks are com pleted , and who will make application therefor to the company BEFORE APRIL 1 , 1883. at the folowlog prloor , payable la advance : i Inch Service Pipe . § 7 25 t " " n . 8 50 * " " " . 9 75 J " tl " . . . . 11 25 1 " " " . 1300 ThfSo pticrr Ircludc Ibo coot c ( oporluc tnd clcslng the strc't , tapping tbo slroit water main , lurnishltg nd Irnert 1 1 ; i on oration c ck , tiirnithli g and puttliK In cxtittBtronijIcol service pipe , fiirnUhdik aril | niitli ( ; In uirh 8li. slip ) > os aua cat er complete , ano rotkl i , ' ll mecp ory < on nR't'ODB tctwien tl'c mictn nil. Mid tdoiurti cl the s rctt which are about one-half the cost to the coniumcroi di Inr tl e laniu work tlter t ) o wstcrwoiks aroc.iniilctoo. In v'owrftho ' contftnpla'ol pnvlnar of certain streets In the city , putlcs are rccommt ndcd to mak application I mm HI ] 'a ' cl > tt the otlica ol the company , S5CB In order to riuotlio cccisiily and tvolJ tbo Incrcared expense o ( breaking up the strre r. ( er paving hM been dono. HAKRY BIRKINBINE , Engineer. Council Bluffy Ttb. JO , 1883. ml-dtf Nugent & Smith , MERCHANT TAILOR NOS , 7 AND 9 MAIN STREET. FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF AMERI CAN EXPRFSS OFFICE. ALL THE LATEST STYLES. ARTISTIC WORKMANSHIP. DIRECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. DCllfl s ? nn GENERAL MERCHANDISE. DllNU Ot UU. | 18 Main Street and 17 Pearl Street , MAX MOHN , J. M BABSTOW , M. P . , cor. pth st nn 1C lAfUITET OFFICE : Cor. Main and 5th , uo'Staira. UK. U. ! * if 111 I E | Realdonce , COO Willow Avenue. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , , Office ftor February 16th , over American Express. UfAOtlCD LIViSlU' AND FEED. WILL. CON I'RAC SO i W AUIlCni fur fuuorftlB at rcaaon bo ! rfttos , No. 22 4 > h St. J. M. ST. JOHN & GO , GASH BUYERS , Whoctiala butter , rgB , ponitry rd frett. Ship lo us. Draft by return m ll. 148 Brosdway , nilTDPC NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. SA \ . I I tin U III Cor. Main nnd First avenuo. PETHYBRIDGE& HERB BTS. Broad , 327 way Meat Broadway. Market ORflDTU CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , Cor. 7th and CC ! UlYll I ll Broadway. Plans and apecificatlono furnished , ' OlirnKIA&l In FINE HARNESS I have the variety Will OlltKlVIAWi that brings p trounpH. 124 Main atreot rnAticlf MERCHANT TAILOR , Arti HU wori rKANtlj and Rcaaonablo Opargos. 872 Broadway FURNITURE , STOVES and unnir o onII HUWb Ot uUNi Houaohold SappllcB , 303 Broadway LA.W James Biock I IlinT O UftnT ATTORNEYS AT , LINU I OC ilHll I i Practices In Btato and federal courts. \ / nT O HH Mann'f Fine Farnlturo.Upholntery good Er\Tnni/r BT : & U U I Curtain , and Window Shadoa , 300 B W nnrrtftir * linnini/ Ofl Hideo , Pelts , Tallow and Grease. OBERHE , HOSICK&UO.i Ohlo.Ko&lB'N.MalnBt.O.Bluff. 421 and 423 Broadway. L. Sov- And bath house , fA kl fT A nil I Ail SANITARIUM trig ? , V * ° P- P- Monigomery , M. P. , Fhy. I AHrtn BOOT AND SHOE SHOP , No. 522 , A LMlYllJ or > Broadway and Soott streets. llinnr ndn\f VETERINARY SURGEON , Ofhco WADE GARY , Pray-a atable. No. 12 Scott street. UNnmr it-IAiHI BROOKLYN MARKET , HARSY LELAND , Cor. Eighth and Broadway. r i nrnnrooV Manuf of HORSE COLLARS , Trade sup- Ui HENNtbbY , plied , 8th St. , between Oth and 7th Avenuo. & NORTON Broadway , . New n i-lf vn l lirrlinK0 SMITH , opp. REVERE H 0 U S Ei ° pera H ° niie- tlAlinrl FURNITURE , STOVE8 , and GENERAL AB . MANDkL | HOOSEHOLD SUPPLIES , 325 Broadway. CONTRACTORS nnd BUILDERS DE GAY & CASSEL , Comer Sixth imd Haikell itreeU , T" rJ A Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 Uryndwav , Counc'l .Went Side Square , Ol DUQUETTE , GUIBERT & CO. , ( Succe-flors to ERB & DUQUETTE ) , TG and 18 Pcarl-st. , Council Blu > T8 , Ta. M. GALLAGHER , GUROOIE KI Now Store , Freah Goods , Low Prices , Polite Attondanta. First Door . . East of ihe Metropolitan Hotel , Lower Broadway _ fglj3Iy .sa-tu-tli. , PETER C. MILLER. WHOLESALE AND HKTAIL AND WINDOW SHADES PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES , FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLES , -wns-18 North Alain AND Street. 20 TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F H0 . . KS. 3E3 L-anrts and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. OHNCIL BLO FS . . . . . . M. T. DAVIS , ProMdcni. N. B. EASTON , Secy. J. 0. HOFFAIAN , Vica Proa. 0. liULIJUBT , Adjuntor. I Insuies Live ' took .Against Loss by THEFT OR DEATH. Offlor , 103 Pearl Htroet , [ COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. * The only company in Iowa that will Insure I your Block against loss from any cause whatever. 1 Owners ol 'Stock ' will consult their own Interest K , when ' insuring their Stock , tney Bee that the policy IrcludesalJ it ho losses they may have , und bo sa'lsfled with nothing Icso. ) For Juithcr Informatlcn call on or address R b. RMITR. Local Agent. - - - - office , No 9 Main MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , THE LEADING DEALER IN 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , For Engines , Boilers , Castings , Repairs und MACHIN Y. Orflers to JOHN GILBERT , Manufacturer , 00-r HigWy-Brea Trotting Stallions , Owned by Dr. O. W. Archibald. 1883 BEASON 1883 NOWMOWT D 'k cheatnut horse 15 hands high , foaled 18 ; bioJ by Gen. W. T. Witters , lAjxtiiRtonKy j by Alrootit , dam or man ilala by > loxandoi'a Norman , the slro of lulu , record 2:10 : ; Aliront by Alexander's Abdal- lah , § lro ol O ( kUtnl li Jlnld , r conl JU. : Al- mont li > s aired * o horsra with rfcords 11 * :30 : and bcfcr , * nd 3 Mlh records In 2:20 : and better. GLENXVOO l > i hcstnut torul li'Jisc , 15 him-8 bigh , loal d 1&70 , bred by L'liny Nlcoolas , Eiin.Vcst Liberty , Iowa , by W i > 8ie , daraa flno K mucky bred m ro. G.enwood is a largo ix > w- crful hone , weight 1,160 p unds. ha > isr nt style and speed , and ha \ roieii himself a moa cxco.- lenl sire. These pjsscsj rare Individual excellence , nd choica t rcoaliii' . ' ' hcso highly bred stal- 04S Hill make bo > ] < r'tig tcawu ot 1S63 t tbo Council Bluffs Driving Park At 835 Eioli , to 111 B are For further Information apply to SAaiUEL COLUURN , Trainer , Cjuncll Bluffa Driviop Pork. mnrlS'dlm EDWIN J , ABBOH. Jnotico ot the Peace and Notary Public. ilBSroadway. Council Bluffs. rooa. ornciR. w. n. u. rcsir. OIHOEE & PUSH , Council Bluffs , la. Established , - - 1866 Dealer * In Foreign and Domeatlo Kxchangf od home locnrltle * . S. E. MAXON , Office OTOI mini ! bank , OODNOIlj BLUFFS , Iow , MORGAN , KELLER & CD. , TTTTKTT IFl * SlTi7 A.l * iJfcJ 3 l > t The Hiiest quality n d largest stock west ot Chicago of * oodun and .Metallc Cases. Calls at tended to t all hours.Vo delv competition equality quality ot trooda or prio9. Our Mr .Morgan ban serrcii as uauenaker for forty joara oiid thoroughly - oughly luooritaiids hU muinosa.Varerooms , 311 IJrcaaway. Ut'lH-tSTElUNO In all Its bronchos uromotly attended to a'so carnct-la ing ano lamnreqiilns. Telegraphic auu uia or * i dors flllod without delay. MBS , E , J , HABDIHO , M , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYNECOLOGIST. ol Eloclrciptthlo Initltatloo , Phil * delphla , Pen on. Office Oor , Broaiway & Dlenn AVB. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. The treatment ot all discuss and pMntal Jcaltlcs peculUr to ( em lc ipeclilir I , D IDMUHDSO * . I. L. SHUOiaT. A. W. BTKIIT President. Vlce-Prcn't. Cuhler. CITIZENS BANK Of ConnoU Blaffi. OrganlieJ under the lawi ol tba SUla oi low * P&ld up capital . f 75,000 Authorised cplUl . „ . SOO.OOO Intcroai p&ld on time deposits. D ( U Issued on the principal cltlea ot the United Btatoa and Europe. Special attention iriven to collection * and correspondence with prompt returni. DIBIOTOU } , D. Edmondaon , E. Ii. Bhuzart , J . W. Wallace , J. W. Kodler , I , A. W. 8t t. MBS , H , J , HILTON , MD , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON SIS Broadwav. GooaoUlBlaff * .