= u uy THE JiElfi : THURSDAY MARCH ! 29 The Daily Bee , Thursday Morning , March 20 LOOALi The Rovornmcnt has In the etati armory and scattered About In dlfferon parts of the stats about $18,000 wurth o guns and other munitions of vrsr. Al least the state has gtven n band to thi government In this amount for the safetj of the propertr. Quartermaster General Baird in rumae-Iog abont the quartermos- tar's department finds that many of the guns are in the hands of t > rlvte parties , who arc not connected with the rnllltla of the state , nnd that all he bus got to dhow for the property is receipts ligned by par ties having the properly. Ho Is anxious to tee the guns returned to tlio armory , snd has fstued nn order calling upon citl- sens Jnvln ? them lo either report to him or return them to the state house. State Journal. One of the cheekiest things ou record WAI the application made lo Judge liancke by the city prisoners DOW confined in the county { all. Their proposition vvns that If lie would release them they would all turn out and work for him on election dsy. Quo of the men , Harry Holmo * , who was sent up for stealing bilk from S , P , Mono & Co. , wr jte a note uirautecin ? lila owu nnd his brother's services , tml but for the man's ignorance JuJgo Benclto would prosecute him for the ifletue , Another party guaranteed thirty votes , which he claimed to bo able to awing Individually. This remarkabla demonstration in favor of democratic rule was promptly and respect fully declined. The lecture "Army Incident ! nnd Dattle Scents" at the South Omaha M. E. church Tuesday by the Ksv. M jor Stewart , was a grand success In every way. A large acd appreciative audience filled the house , and for ever an hour and a half sat in delighted attention as the speaker thrilled them with graphic word pictures of field , camp and battle scenes , Finan cially the evening wai a gratifying sue- C4SI. There were two casns of Intoxication in police court yesterday , ono of whom paid and the other was discharged. Tbe former wai arrested on 16th street and was very ugly indeed. After ho was put In the cell he slammed the furniture and blankets bout and played hnvoo generally , He was finally taken out and put In thn dun geon , whore he soon quieted down and was 11 right yeiterday morning. Ths K ectrlo Light and Power com pany are constructing v another circuit , which will tike In the J , I llidick block , outside ; Urulckohauk & OO.'H store , out side ; Urolrfhtoii 1)1 ocV , outiido ; Wm. Gen- tlenun'n star * , in'ldo ; Metropolitan hotel , InnlJe , end the Paxton hotel , dicing room and nlllco. , The illttrioi court waa in session Tester- day , JuJno Wokoley presiding. The jury in the Strellz v.i. Hartman case were ox- cuted temporarily until the low points in ths case , which Is n very important one , could to argued before the court , Mean time a new case is in progress of hearing. Judge Bildwin , ot Oounoll Blufft , and "Mr. Wright , of the same place , have gone io Lincoln In roupany with Judge Woolworth - worth to try tha case of Bildwln vs. Otoe county , involving a question of county bonds , which comes up in the United .States coart. Mr. Ed. Walsh wants to ventilate himself ones more in a long-winded tirade for which wo have no space. This paper can't afford to give him any more notorie ty than he already has , and his communi cation is respectfully declined. The statement mjwle In yesterday's EBB that Mr. Oasey was connected with John Shannon in the assault on Nobles was erroneous , There has been no charge whatever agajnit , the young man In this ' .connection. The ladles cf Grace Chapel , North 'Omaha , will give a social entertainment at the chapel on King street , this even ing , March 29 , to help pay for lot upon which the building now stands. Give us a call. On the opening of the district court yesterday 0.0. Carpenter , Jr. , form erly a member of the bar ol the ktate ot Delaware , was admitted to practice In this state. Ladles can select goods at private tale at rulnoui prices at the great mortgage sale now progressing at Atkinson's. Creighton bloolr , near the past oillos. Auction evening , Tbe contract for grading Sixteenth street acd Sherman avenno , in the vlcin- ty o ! the bridge , which has been ordered County commissioners yesterday vis it ad St. Joteh's Uoipttal. They have an arrangement now by which they pay the hospital for the care of ths sick who apply to them for admission there , and will prob ably at no distant dy contribute a fixed amount for the support of the institution , Kexnard Bros. & Co. , have made ar rangements to put up a four story bulldtn ? , SO by 120 feet , on Harnty street , next to Her' * building. It 11 to be used exclusive ly for their wholesale drug trade. Work on the structure will be commenced imme diately. The Standard club reeo lion at the ill lard hotel Tuesday in honor ol Mr , and Mrs , Sol. Prince , WM attended by about forty couples and was a most de llgbtful affair in every respect. The party accompanying Mr , T , E Stckels , fint'chlet engineer of the Un'ot Pacific , now on a visit to Omaha , left ot the Denver train last evening for Texas Mtxlco and California. The ladies of Grace chapel , Nortl Omaha , will hold a social festival Thurs day evening , March 29th , for the purpoi of raising money to pay for a lot. to bo removed , will be awarded b ; th county commissioner * to-day. Tbe flre which broke out about 12:3 yesterday was in a small frame build Ins ; occupied as a millinery store by Mn Rogers , on Sixteenth street , between Cap Itol avenue and Davenport. Tbe alarn was sent in by Chief Engineer Mitchell and was promptly responded to by tbe de ptrtment , which soon hid three stream on. Tb building was partially destroyer aod was owned by Msor ] St. A. D. Bal .comb * . It WM worth probably 9600 , aac WOK , very likely , insured. Mrs. Roger had quite a latge stock of well relcctei millinery and notions , nnd hrr lost Is estl meted at from 8lGOO to $2 COO. It was in sured for $100. How ths lire originated I not known. The hert from the fire brok < tbe skylight In Hoyn's central pbotograpl gallery , which suffered considerably fron water , Judge Wakely , who held conrt al Columbus last week , sentenced the mat Morlarty to six years In the penlUntlarj for rape , Meeting of the W. O. T. U. on Thurs. day at 3 p. m , , in the Y , M. C , A. rooms , on Fifteenth street , between Farnam and Hsrnoy. Tbe Omaha postofllco was closed ycs < terday from 2 to C o'clock p. m , on account of tho'doath of Postmaster General Howe | 1' . 21. Branson has been appointed northwestern parsengor agent of the Van- dalia line with headquarters In Omaha. A party of forty settler * from Ham burg and neighboring points In Iowa left on Tuesday night's train for California. The republican city convention will meet in the District Conrt room nt 7 o'clock Saturday evening. The Oregon Short linn will be com pleted to Halley by May 1stand trains will bo run to Stuart April 10th. The weather Is still muggy and tbe merchants as well as reporters complain of lull times. The largest atsortmcnt of Infant's Cloaks over opened in Omaha Just re ceived at Kuril' . The MoCaull opera company will give two performances in Omaha on their re turn trip from 8 an Francisco. A val table overcoat was picked up by Oflicer Walker in front of Union Block Tuesday. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES The Delegates Chosen for the Con vention To-Night. The democratic primaries were hold In the different wards o ! the city last Dvonlng to ohoso delegates to the con tention which moots in the city ooun- ill chamber at 7 o'clock this evening o nominate the city ticket. The Hat s as follows : First Ward The following dole- tates were elected : Thomas Oasoy , Andrew Frlok , F. Desmond , B. F iladson. Alex. MoGavock. Second Ward Delegates elected : Fnlina Troltsohko , T. J. Fltzmorris , ? at Lynch , John Mahoney , and Ed. rlorlarity. Third Ward Jnllnd Meyer , John VOonnoll , George OanOold , Angnst Veins , Hlohard rumball. There were pur tickets in the field and tf otrong ight was made. Fourth ward The following dole- ; atos were oleotod : 0. 8. Guodrloh , leromo 0. Pontzol , Wm. Bennett , 0. 1. Redlolc , W. J. Mount. There was 10 opposition. Fifth ward The following wore boson : Augustus Carey , Hlohard Jurdleh , Thomas Falconer , B. Ourrcn , nd John Donovan. Fear tickets were n the hold. The Sixth ward primary elected the ollowing delegates : B. A. Hall , R. i. Lucas. George E. Stratum , Louis Shields , Wm. Anderson. Thera was mt ono ticket. JUNE KAOES. me Coming Tournament to bo Hold at Columbus. Hon. j. E. Worth , president of the 3olnmbus Driving Park and Fair asso- ilatlon , sends ni the following pro- ; rammo for the Jans races to bo hold it Columbus , Nob. , Juno Oth and 7th , .883 , under the ausphoj of the Oolum- > ut Driving Park and Fair aasocla- .ion : Pony Running R oe at 2 o'clock p. n. Free-for-all ponies not over 14j lands high ; half mile. Best throe in ivo five to enter and throe to stare. Pone 850. First premium $2sec ! - ma 15 , third 910. BECOND 1UOE AT 2:30 : P. M. Three minute trotting race mile icats Best three in five five to mtor and throe to start. Open to all lorsos that have not beaten throe mln- jtos , Parse , $125 First premium , JGO ; second premium , 235 ; third pre mium , $17 DO ; fourth , $12. GO. 6EU014I ) DAY. 2:50 : race at 2 o'clock p. m. Open to ull horsta that hava no bettor record Chan 2:50. : Best thccu in five five to jntor and three to start. Parse , $125 , First premium , ? ( JO ; second , $35 : third , 817.5G ; fourth , 812 50. REOOND HACK AT 2:30 : 1' . M , Running rae : Mile heats. Free for all horses. B .st throu in five five to enter nnd three to Vart. Hurst ) $100 lit premium , 850 : 2d premium $25 ; S3 premium , $15 : 4th $10. T11IUD RACE AT 3 V. M. TUO1TINO. Froo-for-all-raco Mlle heats. Best three la five five to enter and throe to start. Purse , $2CO 1st premium , $100 ; 2d premium , $ GO ; 4h prem ium , $20. Ten per cent , of purse required for ontranoo innuoy. Entries to close on Juno C , 1883. Applications for entiles should bo madn to Gus. G , Bechor , secretary , Columbus , Neb , Columbus drivlr-g park rules tc govern. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMJi HA , NEB. Tables nuppllod with the beat thi market atlordo. The traveling publli claim they get batter accommodation ! ruid taoro general uatlafactlon hen llian at any other honuo In Omaha Rate , f.2 pnr day. aus21lfm B L WEN'S YOSE'MITE OOLONGI MuJo from thn wild floweis of th KAU FAMED YOSKMITE VALLE1 it is the most fraorant of perfume Manufactured by II. B. Slaven , 8 i Francisco. Foraalo In Omaha by W J. Whltohouse and Konnard Bro A social glass ot Hub Punch Is a UKM welcome accessory of friendly Intercourse peculiarly acceptable at parties. Uncor and tls ready. The Maverick National Bank of Boi ton draws foreign exchange , buys au cells Government and other invest meat securities , and transacts any bm inew for IU correspondents io the lin of banking. m&th-me THE MEDICAL COLLEGE. Second Annual Commencomonl Interesting Exorcieoa at Boyd'i Opsra House , Valod Address by Donald MoCrac , of Cjnnoil Bluff * . The second annual commencement ozerclaca'of the Omaha medical col- ego wore hold at 3 30 p. m , yesterday at Bojd's opera honro , an andionco ol about 400 or 500 friends of the grad < nates being in attendance. It waa a gaslight reception and the ; oncral appearance of things as wall ho nature of the ezorcitca was very pleasant Indeed. In addition to the members of the jradaatlng class the otngo waa cccu > > led by the faculty , consisting of : llobort II Livingston , president ; Sleorgo 13. Ayres , socrotaty ; Ilnborl 5. Livingston , Plattsmouth ; Victoi I. Ooflman , Oinohn ; Qeo. B. Ayrcs , ) maha ; Samuel D. Meicar , Omaha j ' . S. Lelsontinp , Omaha ; Jacob 0. ) onlso , Omaha ; Richard 0. Moore , ) maha ; A. 8. V. Mansfoldo , Ashland : J. H. Poetics , Divld Oltj ; H. P. lathovrson , Lincoln ; Donald Moorno , Oounoll Blaffs , lowu ; VS. . Gibba , Omaha ; James Carter , Otturuwjj ohn 0. Oowln , prcfessor of medical urlsprudonco , Omaha ; Werner Ucm- toad , Omaha , THE MUSICAL ONION OHOHESTKA was present and enlivened the occa- Ion by aomo of their choicest music , roatly adding to the attractive char- otor of the pxorciees. Their pro- jrammo , which was interspersed ihronghout the exorcises , consisted of ho following pieces : ) irerluto "Light Cavalry . Suppe , ecturo "Bohemian Qlrl" . Rafie Overture "Fra Dlavola" . Aubei outpourri"How Delightful" . Oatlln Following the overture prayer was ffered by Rev. A. F. Shorrlll , of the Jonflrogntional chnrch , and then came ho conferring of the degree of doc- .or of medicine on the following grad uates , by Prof. V. H. Ooffman , M. D , ( resident of the board of trustees : I IBS G. A. Arbnckle . Omaha J. D , W. Brothers . Malvern , Iowa A. N. Keller . Plattarnonth lurry O , Labouring . Omaha J. F. Lloyd . Hastings j. R. Markley . Junlata . L. Sbaw . Indlanola ; has. F. Webb . Denver , Ool. J. Williams . Kenesaw Dr. OcffiUan made a very neat ad- ross to the graduates , congratulating ho members of the class on having nlahed their conroo , and giving thorn omo txcollent advice for their f aturo utdanco. Following the conferring of diplo- us , Dr. P. S , Lslsjnrlng , who , as halrman of the committee of ar- angomonts , presided , presented each nomber of the class with a handsome ) cquot. Dr. Donald MsOrao , of Oonncil BlufTi , them delivered the valedictory ddress , which was au follows : THE VALEDIOTOHT. Kvery penon , except he bo absolutely nl peifectly lost to all sense of the enjoy. nent ol life , looks forward to some time t may ba near , It may be In the distant uture , when he can throw off his shackles , nd be free. Kvery one reilltes some sat- fraction in looking abend and hoping for jmethlng or other. Kvery one lives in be expectancy of a period of pleasure or a erlcd o ( relaxation. To us all , then , palls - > lls and teuchrn , the end of au academic car Is one < f these periods. We have oolted forward to and longed for , more or CM , the end of the seulon. We have worked hard ; some of us have overworked. nd now that the end baa coma we are , to ay the Icait of It , perfectly satisfied that ; should be so. lint to you , as graduate * , tie period Is even more marked and pecu- l r. You have not only come to the end f year aoademh year , but you have inlihed your courie ; your period of close Confinement Is o > or : you have been admit- ed as alumni , welt credited , and from a chool of medicine tecognlzed all over the United States. Occasions like theie. bring tha pupil and eaohor near to each other. Tney make he teacher live bis life over again. When IB sees the beaming eye and jnyful ex- resslon of the tucuesslul student , It reminds - minds him again of the time , it may count nany yearn , but itill aj near , when he , oo , felt that bo had overcome every- tilog and finally , after much tabulation , iad reached the goal. YOJ , you have cached tha goal , and I congratulate you. would not abate one jot of > our satUUc- IOD In rsklng you tn look ahead. I u y , nioy your pleasure and relaxation while t lasts. TOUK Hum soiw may have geera d hard taskmasters and tern judgta to you. They uiuy even ometlmos have euo > "ed to havj expected oo much. But you mast rcmimber that wo are herd veiled with K tacred trust , nil are jgaloui of tha honor of our rohonl , .t ii all over now , and your tenet ) of xatU- action must ba greater , and the honor all he more highly irzjj , whoa you ire conscious that your diplomat * tavo been only obtained at the cost eli i rd work and solid stui y. I now wan' to ell yon and promise , that , as the years > au , we intend that you shall be more and more satlatied with your connection us graduate ! of this youthful college Wt do not propose to make graduation any euier ; on the contrary , we propose , if any. thing , to Increase our utamlaid M time ; oea along , Wo do not propoja to pas any incompetent student , and It a stu < dent's qualifications are doubtful , we pro < pose to give our college the benefit of the doubt. I believe I voice the sentiments ol ny colleagues and of the trustees of thli restitution , when f ray to you , thut it ii our iutentlon to Insist moro and more on Humiton ictoro wo give any student a legit nermll ; o practise our art. Our cnunenf study Ii short enough ; it timply means th'ce join jf atudy and two full c-nme * , not foui lulf terms two full courcctt an-i no leu and with that a satUf ctory knowledge oi the elements uf tie important work , t < which > im lutcrd to i"evoto nil your eoer gtes and your lif . I would also llketnsoi this college Institute a vrrlimlunry exsml nation , au entrr.uco exnmtuatlou tulliclen to show that the pupils uttemliuK It nn well grounded In eohnlarihl > scholarihl | sufllcient to make thorn well educated mu and women , ai wellns educitc ( physician * Y/e propuss atao to add to our own quill ficatloni as teacher * and so improve ou opportunities ai to make this the leadlui western medical collrgo. There are nuin berleis medical colleges I know , torn grand Inttitutions of the kind In the eait In the wait there Is plenty of room and I spare for one more one at the ton. W do abkolutely need one good medical sohoc for the northwest , one which will tend ou firrt das * graduate * , nd HUT CLASS OJUr/IAi.H ONLT , who are taught v' western practltlocei how to cure .v' iUra diseases. Yon or aware that there are some medcl ! collegt In this or an try which graduAte aoybod and STcrrbody. Whtn I have met sue men , 'jid some of them have mad tbsa : selves good pbyitclani too , they seem s much Mhamed of their almn mater as al mntt to whltper Its nstne. I have felt 101 ry for them and thanked Oed that I w not in the same predloineut. Befor I would allow nuy papll of mine to gradu ate from tuch a college , t-efore I wouli tach In tuch n college , I would rathe burn it to the gio o < \ witu my own hand * I am a p du tte tf Ijdluhurg UuKnralty I am p oud ol It and piou J uf nil lint tin fact Implies. My aim , therefore , and thi aim ( > f my colleagues will be to make yet have the same pride , the tame feeling o competent schularihlp , that you may , Ii the yean to rome ttim ) nn high atmmi your peers , and with the ft elite uf beln even with the very lent , s y , "I am i graduate of Umalu. " But whllr we promise you this , WK EXPKCT MDC1I VBOM TOU. Though your courie of ttudy here is fin iihed , wo ( till expect you to continue stu dying ; not deiul ory dllettant reader but etudunts with youreyex nnd eftrsopuu and above all ready and anxious to lean from the page of wide-awake practical experience. We will all watch the iirog rota of uach of you with kindly lateraa and solicitude , hoping und trusting tha your attainment * are no uuch nbuvi the average of graduntcif , they are a fore taste of the Hucctsa which ought to follow If you pursue with dopgtd and peneverln , etlarta. the paths ycu ought to follow Succors ii not btUlnil le nt once. Thi sudden jump Into popular favor Ii \at\ \ rare. It Is perstmeme and firm rcsolu tton , In addition to the taienta which yoi have , th t will finally win suoe. . A students of nurgery you know that in tbi reduction of ( tlalocatlons , if you do no1 tucccod by the ordinary manipulatlvi method ) , you muat use extension , and tiin your extension efforts to overcome tnuscu lar reilitanse inuit be steady , uniform maintained , A FAMOUS ini.siiUhaii sunocov. Chancing to visit his hospital at an un usual hour , found the resident staff of tht sstabllsbment busied In Ineffectual effort to reduce t > dUlocitcd i boulder. Then sat the patient , n brawny , broad shouldered dored Hcrcnle , who in spite of the pain hi suffered , was inclined to ridicule the punj efforts of four younf gentlemen who fo : twenty minutes had expended all thoii powers upon him. It was befon the days of anesthetics and with al iheir tugging and hauling , there sat thi patient unsubdued and the dli location un reduced. The surgeon | appeared , had the patient firmly rccured to an tron pos in the waiting room , and directed one o the young men to learn bia dead weight 01 the extending apparatus. This arrange ment accomplished , the patient ridiculei the idea that In ten minutes the rednctloi would be effected , lie waa jocular fo the first few minutes. Then bo began t fidget. Then as the sweat rolled down ii ; reat drops off bis whitening brow , h mxioualy inquired if "time was up , " am Before ten minutes were expundt d the die located bouo returned to its socket unde the mere influence of dead weight , wear ng out the muscles of the half falntlngman 11IK UOBAL of thlii story Is , not to tell you how to re dnce dislocation ? , but to still further im press upon you the importance of oontinu ng work in that direction , and to Indicati the principle on which you must sit your selves to work , not depending so mncl upon mere brilliancy of appearance am practice , but that you muat read , think and work. The world Is progressing am so Isour art. It is undergoing a transition > eriod. It setmn to me that we live In i itna in which the old and treasured tradi Jens of the pant Rro last melting awe ] Ike scattered snow fUkei la summer , one n which the time honored landmarks ol he profession are fast disappearing , anc vhllethh WIIRIIAVrSD OT OO.VKtUTINa OPINION sweeps the facn of medical science , the period of construction is only commenced. ! n the spsclalty of .gynaecology , for in stance , nine-tenths uf the operative pro < cedures which I have described to you tbii osslon were not resorted to when I win r tudent. Indeed I have indicated to yet eyeral operations which ore not ever nentioned in your very latest text books Patients who in my student days suffered rom certain aifectloos were condemned to lertnunant Invalldisra or to certain death 3ome ot those conditions , as you kuow , are now-a-days cured t once by simpli mechanical methods , others by moro or lesi severe surgical operation ) . That grand and brilliant operation , ovariotomy was then only attempted by thi Boldest and most daring operators ! t Is now performed in almost every coun ry lo the union At that time the remova of an ovarious cyst was. considered a fool lardy experiment and the case was usually considered Incurable , and the news wai ; ently broken to the poor sufferer that shi md only at the most a few months to live fow-a-dayi , well , Dr. Ltwson , late o Urtningham , England , has just publisher its last one hundred operations , result ninety-seven oases , three deaths. MIDICAL SCIENCE s therefore progressing rapidly. What wa ncomprehenslblo yesterday is 'ilaln to-day The nubmer of incurable d Borders de creases year by year. ' Toe science la nnv accomplishing what the old masters in thi profe'iion never anticipated In their wild st dreams and an discovery after diicover ; s added and pathology progresses am more accurate dlagnoela attended , it wil iltlmately become almost an exact science $ ow we expect you young men and yoi youog lady to do yoi r sh < re. What voi want la not talent , it in a purpose ; in otbe words not the power to nchieve , hut tb will to labor Ltbor judiciously am continuously applied beornna geniue Your time bos now come und you mtin ns lat in the great work , nn 1 by gallantl ; pfldloc in the van your position and you ancles will reict la favor of your aim nater. OMAHA MKDICAI. COLLKOK At the rlik of belne considered tedlou- .here are one or two other matters that would like 10 adviie you of. Whoreve you locate , see to It ttmt you cultlvat peed fellowship with those o ! the profet ( don whuae acquaintance IB worth maUlof and join a medical society. II there I none , get ono up , attend the meetings r < gularly. and always come prepared to d more than listen. This subject Is cot matter of mere speculative curiosity an Intellectual amusement. Sneh periodlci meeting are not only calculated to devil ma ms to Increase your prestige throng a healthy interohangeof opinions and con blood ictlon , but they also sow the seed of harmony broadcast In the tanks oi tb profeasion. The debates and discussion ! also , brighten the intellect and enlarge th scope of thought , thus making you mor prompt In disgnols , more accurate on energetic In treatment and they prevec yon from resting down into a routin groove. * Furthermore , I hD o I do not overite my privilege on thii occanon when remind you that while voa will bo called t thehnmea of purity uuJ Inaojancr , yo will also bo callo.l to TII ! HAUNTS OK VICE ; while you will find that much of the alcl ne a and misery that you will aeo Is due t intemperance and Immorality , it behoove you to Lold yourselves aloof from thei and Bet a proper example. Students i nature you muat be , wo all must be. a therotora becomes ua to follow as nearly t pea hlothefoot3tepsof the Great Pays' ' clan , who went ibo it doing good , and wl was holy,1 undo Bled and separate from BI ners. Again we congratulate you on ha\Ic succesufnlly attained tha Doctorate , an we welcome you Into OUB COMUOX rilOlTKSSION as co-workers with us. The path Is bt trewn with thorns , but. thank God , thei are also lilies. Through the pltilens col ot the winter night , under the soorehln un of irldsummrIn rain or snushln yra" v V vU-aysbd ready to answer tt call of distress. In the home of wealt and the hut ol poverty your coming and cur * . You are hampered bjr pthy , hemmed la by BO Urns , van belon equally with us to the grand old * rmy i worker * , whose aim Is simply to rsflei suffering and cure diseases in tbe safest , tbe speedleat and suro't way. ' After the exetclcoa at the opera house the momboin r.f thn gradn < atiog ola's wro 1-1 irfilntd by Dr , Ared nt hir mu aill iho "Ayrcs Gold Medal" woa uwardcd to H G Lalsenrlng. The Ii s rlptlon WBB a.i fol lows : Ou o-in sldr , "U G Llaer > ring olata of ' 83 Omaha Medical Col lege , " on the other ' 'Fur bast Ana- .omloal work. " "The Nebraska school of Msdiolno" was inaugurated iu the full of 1880 , and in May 1881 was organized and incorporated under the laws of Ne braska as "The Omaha Medical Col lege.The The now college building ou ground owned by the college association , has boon completed , and provides ampin room and facilities for a largo clam oi otndenta. It in pleasantly located on the southwest cornnr of Masnnaud Eleventh streets adjoining St. Joseph hospital. It is two stories high and contains two largo lecture teem > , laboratory , library and museum room , ptttlnnt's rocm , dissecting and anato mist's room , etc , and ia fitted up with every convenience that pertains to a Troll equipped medical college. St. Joseph hospital , nndur the man agement of the Bletorn cf St. Francla , has been kindly tendered the faculty for clinical inntruotlon. The now pa viliou of the hoipltal now completed h a model in all respects , and ia con venient nnd elegantly arranged for clinical teaching. The visiting etcfT of phyalclnni and nurgoonn and all mem bers of the faculty , and the hospital In under the Irnmddlato medical con trol. The students are thus privileged to reap u largo oxperlenco froji clin ical instruction in all classes of medi cal and surgical cases All candidate ! ) for admission to the Omaha Medical College must present to the faculty , satisfactory ovidonoa of a good moral character , and must be at least eighteen years of age , acd possessed of a creditable English edu cation. Women are admitted on the same conditions as are required of men. men.Tho graduating class last year num bered eight students , and the list of matriculants given in the prospectus of the present year ohowod the follow ing representation by states ; Ne braska 27 , Iowa 2 , Ohio 1 , Missouri 1 , Oolorado 1 , Nevada 1 , Dakota 1 , Wyoming 1 Total , 35. Tha Alumni Association is officered as follows : President , Werner Homestead , M. D. , Omaha , Neb.j Vice-President , Uibsn H. Norrls , M. D , Greenwood , Neb ; Recording Secretary , James E. Hadloy , M. D. , Bell Creek , Neb. ; Corresponding Secretary , Fred D. Haldeman , M. D , Ord. Neb. ; Treas urer , Robert MontelthM D . Seward , Neb ; Councillor * , Georpe V. Ellis , M D , Gothland , D T. , Edward Dledrlch , M. D. , Omaha , Nob. JONH H. ERCK Has the largest assortment of Riogra and Cook Stove , Barb Fanco Wire , all of which you can buy chopper than any place in town at 015 and 617 N. ICth strfot. m27 mo-tf It is reported that Judse Cobb , of the supreme court , was to be called to pieslilo in the United States court at Lincoln in a case wherein Judge Dundy is de- endant , the latter having signed n land offioar's bond some years ago. Judge Like was first called , but could not attend. HAS BEEN PROVED g Th < SUREST CURE for I KIDNEY DISEASES. c oej i lam back or n disordered urine * indicate : hat you are a victim ? THEN DO NOTHEWTATEi uio KIDNEY-WOUTat c once ( druntiata recommend it ) and It win * ( peedUy ? veroome the dluata and niton hralthy action to all theorgani. rat complalnUpeeultar to your MX , iuoh M pain puiod , salt will act promptly and afely. Either Bex. Incontinence , retention of urine , brick doit or ropy depoeit * . and doll dragging pain * , all speedily yield to lt our- all ve power. . ( jj B1LDBYAXIBBlTagi8T8. Meetl. IDNEY-WORT | I have prescribed K'dney W rt with very great s'icce'S IP a so reoruioro obstlnata cas'S. f kid ney > nd liver troubles , alsi fur torn * e weakness- is Philip 0. B&llou , M , D , Monkton , Vt , ISASUPECURE for all diseases of the Kidneys and | LIVER It haa irpeclflo action on this inoit Important orcan , enabling It to throw off torpidity and i inaction , etimiUatlng the healthy secretion of the Bile , and by keeping the boweUlnfroc condition , effecting ita regular dlscharRa , | U | fc | * M | i IfyouarOBuflbxin rtro SVlCllCII Id * malaria.uavethochilU , i TOhiUous , dyipeptio , or constipated , Kid ney-Wort will surely relieve tt qulclcly cure. In this season to cleanse the Bystcm , every one should take a thorough cource of It. ( ill SOLD DY DRUGGISTS. Price $ I. "Uy wife has been much benefited Imm t e usoot Kidney Wort. Shshtd Kldnet aid othn c mpUlnts" wrltej Jlev. A. B. Column , Fayettt Title , Tenn. FORTHEPERMANENTCURE OF CON8TBPATBOH. No other dl' ue Ii eo prevalent in Uiii country a Comtlpation , and no remedy has ver equalled the celebrated KICNEY- WORT M a cure. Whatever the cauie , however obitlnate the oaoe , thii remedy will overcome It. Dll ETC THIS dlitrenlnc * cm- ribCOi plaint i * very apt to bo complicated with constipation. Kidney. Wort itrenKtheni the weikened part * and quickly curee all kind * of Pllrt even when phyilcuuu and medleiiiee.have before rail ed. nrlfyoubaveeUherofUiMetreublei lamalNntradvooato ulthe virtues of Kid n y wort. I suffered Intold agony from ll\ci > ] 4 < order. U curtd ins. " John D , Ne > lns SprlngOe'd 0. HECRE2ATCURE ron A it la for al I the painful ciactues of ta KIDNEYS , LSVLR AND DOWCLS It cleanses the syotoni or tne acrid poison that causes the dreadful rifferinff which only the vlclimi of rheumatism oun rellw THOUSANDil OP CASKS of the worst forms otthis terrible dl MM hava been qaiokly rellawd , B time PERFECTLY CURED. run ii. uquo OUT , BOLD vDSUCUTS. . tn ) I > ry can b vent by mail. WELLS. IIICI UHDhON & CO. , llurllngton , Vt "Oonotlpatlon.lnalirs fornn , yields to Kid neywort .In female dUeaws It Is < ery success ful. " Dr. Philip 0. Ballou Ilonktan Vt. , Apr ! lothlSSt "I could find no remedy for my Kidney com pUlnl and rbsumatlsm , " writes Mr. A. B Burr of Temple Mill , Florid * , until I was cured b < Kidney Wort. " Eipottm , Incident to lumbir | nc , cauitd Mr , Burrs disorders. SPECIAL NOTICES. 44-8PCCIAL8 wl POSITIVELY , not b.ln i el ted unless paid In advance. ' The llmaha Savinas Rank Is i ow prepirnl ti miVo loan * nn Omaha Cl'y or Omieha County - r * . X * 33 I * > ? . At Current Uitisot Inliro't. COMMISSION C3Mm . r/ANED-Onthnttol m MONRr Ulock , cor. JCth ana 1'jru.m. 421-aprlo : TrONEY"TOt , < IAN Call at Law otUceo ! I ) . L. IVjL Thomas room 8 Crclghton Dlock. OJJEV Loa-ed on iba'tn ire orty byJ. 1' , lleatty . 'o. 213 S uth 14th street. 820 Imot . HELP WANTED. _ mOTULOKS ranla tcalceri wanted a * Va- Jper' * . ICt-SOj _ W\.NTrI-Oltl f r lomew'rk In sma'l ' 'aoil- Ijr. Inquire t fo 1 rrul hloi. Plrrk on Thurn ay anUFilihy mornlrg ) . 0302) ) } WANT" D SA ouran 'or N'tbraska , ono ( tnnd a Jlesraan f j o h cltOa li > nnil Llncol i en wolncq iilntnl lih tha buihou men. Can hatotrariiifoircntif tlty wharo he rta'de' ' , end ror'ft'n ' ' llnoi f rtlrrail liaillnc thrreliom. c DizSO ) , Urbana Ohio. 631-2JS ANTrtD Cookatwestcrntoust torni-rl4th W and Jackson S s. CM 28 1 WWAM MJ Agitl for pciir l lio.im > otk In a WAM 11 family , cjr. C lil el and Mir SK , one block w < s of Saunters tlioit. ( .09-29 $ WANTKO A Kill at No. 1819 Lenvcnwjttli sticct. Must ba tooJ ono > , washer nnd Ir . Goad nildloa competent , ntr. waioj i person 6fO-8S ! WANTED Two yourg men nnd 010 l J\r to loirn book-kfcplnu. Sltuat.ons Slav 1 t. EtJ. B. SMITH , 1212 Ha-ncy St C2I-28I ANTED Cl-cd "aundrcn at S. W. corner W Harney and 1C h. Wages $4. per week. 601-8 * ANTKD A eompU nt ilrl to do general W housew rk In n faintly ot two. Call at 2Wi . c ll alicr 4 oMcci. 6D7-2bI \\7 ANTED Stron ? younir man to learn trade YY Arplv S u'h 6U ICth street , basemoit. 57 L 315 WANTED Turet gael harne-s mi'tcrs , good * as to steady men. Address K. Ptiche , York Neb. 439-29 A few Udlcs nnd Rentlemen as WANTED for the bUgost paying bualneis In America. Room 3 , 1308 Farnain Si 243-lm ) SITUATIONS WANTED , \fki ANTKU t j jourp aaa of t-aJy rabllj W a ettiKt on as cirpcctir. Wga not ss much au c.bject as to' learn I lie tr de. Has w .iked at the tia 'a tome. Addrcis 2C1 , Alblnn , Neb. d2S-:9t WANTED By two young men position In a whole-ale dicro of any kind. Addles * L. P.O. city. s IMS ; M SOELUA EU ; B WAMTh W ANTED -T ir 8 rom convenient house , centrally bratol. lor family cf toortrowu up penom If cultible , will lease for ono or moreyea'S , Want posictsion 1st of May Ad. dress E , C , Die office. 658-29 1 -E.ervbidv sutJerln- with tooth WASTED , ti oil at 1421 Fjrnam street and bo cur > d freocf cbargo by Homo's Kcctrlc Bolt. CI3-lm WANTED A comfortable , well furnished roo-n from April 1st. Will pay $3,00 to { 10. per mon h. Elngto gentleman. Addre's R. 3. T. Boa office C21-29 * T URNISHED PARLOR And board. Modern JL1 conveniences , 1810 Dodge Street. 480-25 AN'iKD A partner In a good paying bus- nss with one ho thrrouhly unders'ands It. Addreis A. B. C. Leo office. M5-285J ? TTTA'TfiD Bv prhato family , throe or four W boarders. Low rules. c'o3 < to buslno spurt of town. Address Francis King , Wjman Com mercial College. 540 29 * WANTED 600 privy vaults , sinks and cess pools to clean with sanltar > cleaner. Satis faction guaranteed. J. M. SMITH , 216-lmf Lock Box 422 , Omaha. FOR ( < ENT-HOUSE8 AND LOTS. f i0 LE r Ono room with board , 1803 Call- JL lornla , 0171m _ RKr T Furnished rooms sui able for FOR , at 1019 Fcrr > am street. CCO-315 TjTORRENr HonuB of 7 roomi. Also house J } of 4 r'rms. nou b avenue nd Leivenwor h. Inqulie Wtstcrn Cornice Workr , 1110 Douilao struct. ci3 FUR IlKNT IIou e with 4 rooms , we 1 and stable , mar U P. dope * . $11.00 per month , Inqti'ro ElkLorn Viley House , UodKe atrett , M730S TnOR REVT New six room cotUge on Park I1 Wild avenua. Apply to John W. Bfll at Drug ttore 820 d. 10th Ut. 622-28 ? FOR RENT notttre six rromi 918 00 per month Clarkson & Hunt 215 S. 14tb St. 589-28 } FOB RENT Two nice furnished rooms , siuth tirn' , 222 8 W. cor. 19th and Davenport. B8331 170R RENT Front room with bay window , & JL1 board 17 IS Dodie fit. 5GO-30 } RENT Nice rioms suitable for small FOR fantly. Inquire atgrocoryitoreo rnetfOh and Cumin EG5-30 REST Triree nicely furnished rooms , FOR i r without board , at 1318 Juctson St. 547 29t FOR RENT rino iipr'ght plauo , fine Kim- ball urgon , 1519 Dodge treot. 661-tf A. HOSPE , Jr. T.1OH ItKN 1' 2A bousoi , 2 to 1U rooms , at d to Jj 925 per month Shrlver's Rent bureau , op- po lt east otHcH 7jn-tt ( FOR 1 < KNT Iwo double rtores , sult.ble lui boarding bouse , grtccry , butcher , or saloon , situated to as to command a good farmer trade. Inquired Mr ; . F. Lingo , 8. Vf. Cor. )3th and Jacknon Stf. SOU-lrut F R SALE. CTOU S\LE CHEAP rUtures and i tick ( to- J ? geiher cr s'parate ) ol the cigar ard rtwa stand , No. 217N. l lli bt. Call aid tnvcot gate. IL THEILOARD , proprietor. C26-29i pUNTINO OFFICE FOR3M.K flourishing J , japcr , In aoi > n and gronhg town In Eas tern Nebraska. Address U U. Bee Office. 623-lmo . C\OK BALK One quarter sectlcn land to BUn- J ; ton county. Also ono ot ths best stock farms In Butt county , one mile from Utrmin Station. Also lot and si.re building 1119 Firnam street. Also for sale or trade for Douglas county proper ty , 40 acres In Mason coucty , Illlcols. Inquire of H. O. CLARK. 5785 T710R \LK-Ocncril stock of mrrch ndlse and C store b ll'lng , wl loited In thrhlng town , 21 n lies f rjin Liucolu. P orxrty worth about bOOJ S llsf ctory rca-oas for selling glv n. AUdrois "tU. . " Oinsh * lite. 177-7 \ Oil SALK-Ono brick store with FORRE\T up s'.alrj. Inquire 1403 Cans'Si , up ttalis between lUhnn I 15th Sti 657-31 SALE rm of 120 acres , 2 houies ind Full rn with 10 acres rf tlinbsr 2 miles- uest of Hansuom's P rk , InHU re 1418 Cass Ht. up stain between Hlh and 15th Sts. "T7\OR SALE New house , 12 rooms , 8 closetl , 1' tclhr , mi' * f60 per moith , one-tnlrd corner lot $1500. Hew hous > , 0 rooms , earret , ri2xiO , cellarclitirnand well , lot BtxOfl for 2,700. 2 houioi , 4 roomn each , cell r. c'steru ' , well and sUMe , tJt3)x32 , ti,1CO. All within 0 M cks of po < tofficr. Inquire Ao. 60S North 13th Street. fi held ol Jersey cow * . Inquire F1RSALF . upstairs tetwecn 14th and 16th I OR SALE OR RENT Vose Piano. F 628-1 f C. J. CAN AN. Buihels Onion Sets for site cheap. J hjr 100 O. Willis , 1414 Dodge street. B18-2 fTlOR BALK Two houses. 3 rocms snd S rcoms. i ; Brick foundation , good ( ellars , hard and tofi water , full lot , on soutn t3rd street , wlUlo two blocks ol SU Mary'i avenue. Inquire on tbe premlter , t > o. 811 loutb 23J Street. 522-2w | \ SALE-Quaaty ot Oak lecc * post ) . la' F\01l * at Woodyard , Webttir sU , between Hth and 18U > . 4BO-J81 FOR RALE 7 room house on Capital ( venue , at 1780 5 room o-tlags on Cumlng SS $400 4 room cotttge on 10 h 8 9115 J4 10 m callage near U. P. ' 'ip't , I'JS. 3 room cottar eat Head olSt Mary's avrnne , $160. McOAUUK o , pos te Pan OIu < e , Tl CMISINetv Map ot Omaha , lust completed and 0 ready lor delivery at Wench. Is 4 Joel wide by 7 'cot long. Largest and most complete map olr Via over published. Offldul map ol tt > 'lt PC column 8ALR- One corse , flnglo agon find bar I10U 1 . . 1 Cooper wajon. CHARliTON BlfS. , 3l7- v 301 N. 18th tt. T"IGK YAKI ) FOrtllb > ll Atipiy at once. _ L ) f v j thing needed to run It on hand. Superior clay. Also house on yard It wanted. LOttENZU U1DULK.Yard Uthitrcet 2 blocks south ot Dclleyuc ro d. 280-lml TT10R SALK OU KENT Mr 2 utory br'ck rest- C doncoonl9thsticot and H. Man's avenue ( or sale , IT 000 Small piymont down , ha'ance 1 to B jcara tliuo. Lot fOxfoO (011 , Elegant house , very on vpnletn. Will rent It 10tij good panics ( or f03 per month Call at once at U. rOtT3 , 29tprll 1 Cor IZih and KarnamSt. 77011 SALK-Hnuie nlth 6 rcoms aid Slots 1 ; ( oich 00x132) Jn foutli Omaba , ( nr $1,000 , on cay t riux. 111 akH toim on pirt payment , Inquire at Oil 3 12th ttrect. 2i3-lmt _ f. OK SALK CHEAP Choice unlruproied bus- 1 Inrsi luts on Farnan tlartcy , Douglrs , andPodgeetrco's. D VISASNYDEH , llo.il Estate Affpnts , lloccd-tf 1E05 Farnam Bt. Bargains m Koal Estate , ITouso and half lot , gvd Icca Inn * ' .2 ° 0. Uouso and halt lot , no r bt. Mar . 'uvccuo Jl.SOfl. cv ttape aid Corner lot en Dodge street , ? 3fioO Now C'ottiga In E. V Smith's addition , $2.000. Co'.UireanJ full irtoti ICth street , mar Lea- voawoirn ktna ; , $2.700. 44 loot fronta o oa Taruaru street , Improved , tiOOCO. Corner lot on Dcuglti street , $7,500. Bargain Hit Incea lot on IK ugl a ttrect1,000. . 100 foot ( rent on Dodge stto.it. Residence in vestment , $1,350. 1UOAOUE , 807t ( Oppprlto Postofflcr. ITIOR dALE A ttrel class second band phuitont Call at 1819 Pamey Bt. 837-tf OR SALE I'ochcts ma-pa o ( Nebraska 200 each. For bargains In Orraha City Improved and unimproved property , call on Wm. F , Bhrl- vcr , Heal Estate Agent , opposite postofflco. 769-t ( FOR SALE. FARNAM STREET. 10 acres , house , barn and other Improvements , 2 } miles from postofflce , (3,000. D room house , fall lot on slroct car line , (3 COO. 11 room house , one-halt lot , on strosl car 'ine ' , 2.800. V room house , on street cir line , all modern Inirrovementg. ( n4w3r 00 1(0 flue rciliic' ci lots on and adjacent to stro t cais. J300 toSUCO. AMES , Firram Street. 3 room nous , ca'lir. wcH. etc. Twa toll lot ) , Shlnn'a addition , $30 ( > . f > room n-u o. cullir. cistern , et : , fences and walks , fu'l lot , Bhibn'j addition. Vary sj term * , $3,3fO. 3 room ncuse , rn etroot car line , leased lei , (500. 3 roo-n house , r owo'd ndditl D , full lot , 1500. 8 room h uio , one-ball lot , flre minutes walk from street cars , 8 ' 00 6 room house , ten mtnulei a'k from post- office , full lot , J 1,000 1,000AMES , Farnam Strent. B room house , Ca < s stio t , (1,600. Uusluesg property on i aplt 1 avenue , corner , $2,800. b room homo ( now ) ono hilt block from street can Pargaln. 81bOO. 8 room huuca and batn on capltol are 8760. 6 room home , fljo order block from street cars S1COO 7 room house , fu'l lei N lsni addlt'o" , $2,000. 11 r om iiouto , nain , corn crib , well , cistern 19th Street. Easy termfS.OOO. . 5 one aero lot' , 1 } miles I rom p-stoffico , $800. Call and examine lull ll't o ( ll'U'cs and Lots Vacant Lo s , one , two , flvo and ten are lota. 150G Farnam Street. ONLY AUTHORIZED AGENT For Sale of HANSCOM PLACE LOTS. 200 Choice Lots In HANSOOMPLAOE. EASY PAYMENTS. LONGTIME. AMES , CD .tf IDOGFarnam. t aala * p 'cket bo"k on"CumiDff a reet , LOST -r1. Sicred Hmrt Convent. Suitable re- w , d will be given. Leara at City 0 eric's office. 145 231 BADINO nt ' wll" " be rocelv d until April 4 < h , lor r raiv ng about 4.000 yard i of etrth fr mi lot N. W. cor. 18th and Fainam itre s. vontiactcr lo t 11 the airt. C53 3 T. W. T. RICHAUDS , "PUPS For ' lo , a few Red Irish Setter Taps , X parebo'ds. ItluhtoRe for tall shootltg. call on or address No. 1815 Ca > a Btreor.at r6 o'clock p. m 618 299 "VTTILL take children o ( ny age give them a V V mothers care lor a liberal compensation. Address Y. Z. Bee olllcc. 368-lmo * T ADI E8 wishing a qulo1 place during confine- Lj ment , with nurse will address W , B. Bee office. 369-lmot TO EXCHANQE forcltv pr'perty In Oa aha , tea drst-dai Improved farms A'go ' 1COO head o" she < p f r le Coire pond with N. O. ihrstlan n , Brciatueito , Neb. _ m 9-lm QPECIAL INDIK-RMCNTS Otforedfor coun" O try Btorn at Gllinorc , Sarpy count v , Neb. Apply to O. Frotl , Ih.rc. J95-lmt MAOISTER OF PALMY8TKRV AND OONDT TU'NALIST , 49g Tenth utrcot , between Farnam and Ilarnoy. Will , with ihoald ol ktitrdlan spirits , obtain for any one a glance of the put and present , and on certain conditions tn tbr fu ture. Boots and Shoes made to order. PC i reel satUf action murantaed. IN HOT DONT BE f KEl'TICAL. REASON TKACHES AND EXrUllfcoOiS CONFIRMS THAT'fttP _ wnt's olta-r ArxirinntlS * N IhVAL- UABl.h , FUK ANY AND ALL DISORDRhS OF THE REMEDY STOMACH , UVER AND BOW- FJ A 1F.ASPOOrVL ik A QLASStrHOT WATER M' RY'-OUNINO HEHOREEATINO IS NOT ONLY EX'REUELY BENEFICIAL , Bl.T A PR07ECTION AGAINST D1SEASK WHICH N . ONE CAN AFFORD TO DISRt- OARD. FOR SALE BY ALLDRUOOISTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. E ° wd.sr niyer mMA ) " " ' ' ' Parity . , . , itreiiiftb and whoeom ! * ne a. More economical competition with tbe multitude o ( low Utfthafi weight , alum or phoephaU powrfer 3oU enlr in pnt. nOTAI * UAUMQ PowtLiA iVi | W-lt -8 . .1J4 K.w Tork ,