Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1883, Image 2

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OhJyBack !
That's a common expres
sion and has a world of
meaning. How much suf
fering is summed up in it.
The singular thing about
it is , that pain in the back
is occasioned by so many
things. May be caused by
kidney disease , liver com
plaint , consumption , cold ,
work , nervous debility , &c.
Whatever the cause , don't
neglect it. Something is
wrong and needs prompt
attention. No medicine has
yet been discovered that
will so quickly and surely
cure such diseases as
it does this by commencing
at the foundation , and mak
ing the blood pure and rich.
Locantport. Ind. Dec , 1,1880.
Tor a long lime I have been a
juffcrer from ilomach and kidney
disease. My appetite wai very poor
and the very small amount laid eat
disagreed with me. I vat annoyed
very much from non-retention of
urine. I tried many remedies with
no success , until I used lirown's
Iron Hitters , Since I used that my
stomach does not bother me any.
Myappetltelsilmplylmmense. My
kidney trouble Is no more , and my
general health Is such , that 1 feel
like a new man. After the use of
} ! rown'i Iron Hitters for one month ,
1 have gained twenty pounds la
weight. O. B. SAKC.HNT.
Leading physicians and
clergymen use and recom
TERS. It has cured others
suffering as you arc , and it
will cure you.
Western Agent * , Lafayette , Indiana.
Rubber Boots and
Boots and Shoes
The center plecei an InUrcbuigotblo and re-
Ttratbla. It rVerent * ' th counter from rutiulng
* hon o r , raqulrlnfTao hMI ttlfleneri.
The Agency jtor thM ogdj la.ihUJawn-h -
aunfnB full Una of leather and
, , Oandeo" Rubber Dooti and Bhoc * with the He
cnlble Hcol. MHS. M. 1'ETEHSON ,
Every Coriot la warranted oatii
factory to Its wonror In every way ,
or the money will bo refunded by
the person 1 nan whom It was bought.
TS onlj Oonct pronounced by our Iradlner rhj'lctun
ttlnjirloua " to tliowearer , anil rmlonwdliT ladlM u
moit i * comfortable uul perfect fitting Conot TU
rni 3lM . Poitage 1'oMi
Math Prewrrlnc. 1.60. Pclf.AdJuitUe , 1.86
AMralnia ( extra he Tr ) B.OO. NunUc , $1.50
fcttllh 1'racrTtnB ( Baa coutll ) .00. 1'u-acoB
BUIrt-8npporttn , 1.0O.
ftr ul by ItdU | llctatl Utalert CTirrwhtre.
CUIOAGO COU312T CO , , Chicago , m.
rriB t BIiT RS
(1 (
Diuirrvi FOIICII
* .
Fig trees nto putting out their Icai es at
Sacramento ,
A fine hotel la being built nt the new
own oo Ontario , San Bernardino county ,
The Mojave brunch of the Southern
Pacific railroad ! graded to within tlzteen
mlloiofitbe Nocdici ,
Captain I'help * , near Stockton , has
vine twenty-five yean old and thirteen
Inchei in clrcamference. It covers over
4,000 cquaro feet of ground ,
The force at work In the railroad ihopi
it Sacramento will , In accordance with In-
jtructlons from the bead office , b reduced
by the dltcharffo of 200 men. The older
[ oe into ( ( fact to-day ,
There hag been no strike nmong the rail *
.oad employes at Sacrntncntu , except the
eighteen from the boiler-maker * ' depart
ment , who declined to work on account
of the time being reduced from ton to eight
hourt. Tbo majority of these are again
it work.
There is an agitation In Sonera county
iver the location of the court house. Santa
Uosa offers to donate a fine lot to the coun-
y for the court house site. 1'oUlumn of-
era one of her fiuo plazas and 8101,050 11
he coucty seat Is permanently located
here. There will probably be an election
to decide the location of the county seat.
11 P. Hear ford met with a singular
oath near Fresno FJaU last week. lie
was out | hunting and ihot and wounded a
hog , and In going forward to cut the ani
mal's throat accidentally ttuck the knife
"n his right leg , just above the knee , and
levered the main artery. Ho walked back
.o his gun. Bomo ten paces .distant , lay
lownnnd bled to death.
Recently a brdy in a rough box was dig-
jovorcd in the Uantaa graveyard by men
who were exhuming the remains of a girl.
The circumstance suggested foul *
egard to the body in the box and police
ifCcen have been endeavoring to unravel
jhe mystery , II. M. Feck clears up the
myttery by saying that while justice of
the peace of Tulara county he acted as
oronor in holding an Inquest on the body
if a German who was drowned while at-
empting to cross Tom Paine slough , and
ill body was buried in the manner dlscov-
ted recently.
Quito a number of bulldlngs'aro being put
up In the vicinity of the Denver & Itlo
Grande grounds in Salt Like ,
An extensive and very damaging c vo in
In'roported ' as having occurred in the Horn
Silver mine.
The mines in BIngham and Cottonwood
re in shape to rend out largo amounts of
TO this soaron.
The shaft on the Lucky Boy mine , BIng-
am , has reached a depth of ninety-five
'oet , and appearances indicate that the
olu is about being utucki
The Mormons at Pariti , Bear Lake , are
letting Ore to saloons. They are sure ,
Itowever , to drink all the whisky before
filing the buildings.
The Denver & Illo Grande snow fences
n HpanUh Fork canyon nre being In
uroJ by persons , tramps and teamsters ,
aking the lumber for faros or carrying it
away ,
A shipment of Castle Valley shale , to be
; estod In Uo Salt Lake gas works , is to bo
made soon. Australian shale has hereto-
'ore been used , and It Is thought the Utah
article is equally on good.
A very flue quality of brown stone for
balldlng purposes has been found within o
mlle of the city limits of Salt Lake , and
preparations are being made to open the
quarry quite extensively. .
The foundations for 100 new homes have
been laid this spring in Salt Lake. The
Tribune predicted some time ago that nt
least l.OOJ now buildings would tie erected
hero this year.
Southern Utah Is reported as having but
Ittlo snow in the mountains , while the
ralloys are very dry. Farmers are puttin
in crops , and It Is feared that these wil
Buffer this auason from drouth. All the
streams MO > ery low. The weathe Is
warm and ple g nt.
An unsuccesiful attempt WM made last
eelc to burn tbe Chinese quarter in
Truokce. A Chinaman , supposed to be
* , he Incendiary , I * In jail.
Gave Valley is now attracting tbn at.
tentlon of tbo prospector , Tbe gold rook
discovered there ia reported aa being quite
Preparations are being made to work the
tailings at Cornucopia , Washoe county.
There la a huge deposit of theie tailings ,
and It is said they will pay about 918 per
1'Iocho boasts of a five year old young-
itor with approved cowboy proclivities.
Ills name Is Donahue and lost week he
> btnlned his brother's pistol and took a
jhot at his little baby slater. Tbo ball bit
tbe baby in the cheek , near the mouth ,
and made a flesh wonnd two inches in
Mr. Uolford , of Carson , lost 82.ROO
worth of flag * by the burning of 1'lper's
opera house in Virginia last week. Ho has
been collecting the flags of the world for
the past ten or fifteen years , and spent
over § 5,000 in cash for them. As ho had
the only complete collection In America ,
they were worth at least $10,000.
Frank Stlllwell , confined id the Hum-
boldt county jail , at Hureka , last week ,
displaced the iron bars over the ventilator
and crawled up the ventilator to tbe attic. .
Breaking a hole in the weather boarding ,
he lowered himself to tbe ground by hli
blankets and escaped. Ills absence wa
soon discovered' , bac the o Hi com have no
yet succeeded In capturing him.
A water tank with a capacity of fO,00 (
gallons has been built at Poach Springs.
The Sisters of Charity have purchased
block of land in Sll-er City , and will BOO
begin the erection of a convent thereon.
It is said there are more dead hogs anu
dogs , noisy boys , burros and goata in
Ilatan than any other town In New Mex
loo. "
Congresi has appropriated t | ( SOO for re
pairs on the old adobe palace , , Sant Fe ,
which baa been government property I
succession for centuries ,
The new telegraph line between , Doming
and Silver City is now built twenty-four
miles , and U being put up * t tba fate of
mlle day.
A contract has been let for the erection
of a brewery at Silver City. All the ma
chinery and fixture * therefor are now a
Demlng awaiting shipment.
A mining capitalist of Montana has pur
chased one-third Interest In the Mothei
Lode group of claims In the Telegraph dis
trict , Grant county. The group comprises
eight claims , and $13,000 In cash wai paid.
They estimate the copper In sight Ii
Copper Baaln. Yavapal county , by tb
hundreds cf billions of tons. Twenty
two claims are bonded for $3COOC00.1
Yet Hing , a Cblnere baker at Yuma ,
was murdered in his shop and the place
fired. The body was found in the ruins ,
completely roasted , with the throat cni
from ear to ear llobbory wai the motive
but there Is no clue to the criminals.
An electric light company has been or
eanlzed at Tucson. The city U to b
lighted with masts , similar to those in use
In Log Angeler , with the large Bruin an
lights , and the Swan Incandescent llgb
will be used for domestic lighting , th
ttorage reservoir system being uted ,
The poitoftlce at Naples , on the Woo
river , was recently robbed kof all of its
The railroad laborer * below Ilolley are
rough crowd at feeding time. An eye
witness states that they assault the long
boarding-house tables when the trlangl
.Ins * , and with balaon dive for every dish1
n reach. The table looks as if struck by
Ighlnlog Inside tit two mlnntes aUrl every
.iinn of them tries to get away with the
mod grub ,
The ranch of .T , Q. Bhorlev , on lUft
Ivor , embracing 4,000 acres sni including
1,000 head of cattle. 1,000 sheep and 100
iores , wai sold last week to too Keogh
irothcrs of Nevada for 890,030.
Miles City will have a board of trade ,
There > s some talk of building reduction
works at Livingston.
The county debt ol Cuater county now
Approximates 8200,000.
The late territorial legfsjature cost the
United States government 810,890.
Forty-five of the Inmates of the Mon
tana Insane asylum are pronounced in
inrablo ,
About five hundred patents for agrlcul-
ural lands are awaiting claimant * at the
United States land office In Helena.
The patented mineral claims of Montana
TO represented in the surveyor general's
( . lice at Helena by 1,309 choice specimens .
fore. |
Mlsnoula IB enjoying a quartz excite-
ment. Some Wallace district ore has been
rought In assaying 8077 in gold und 8210
n silver. Other samples assayed loss , but
ip Into tbe hundreds.
Bushiest at the Helena U. S. land office
as heavier during the first ton daya of
larch tbon during the whole month of
February. The fees received on the ICth
nd ICth of March were nearly $000 ,
Over 200,000 ponnda of freight were |
hipped from Cheyenne to the Black lillla
mo day Jast week ,
The county hospital at Cheyenne ia ap-
. reaching completion and every appoint
ment about the bnilding IB complete ,
Philip Bernharcby , a young man who
had charge of the railroad hotel lunch
oem In Cheyenne , accidentally shot and
killed himself one day last week.
The court which recenely convened at
Laramie City is called upon to dissolve the
bonds of wedlock uniting four couples.
The bicycle club at Laramie City take
runs over the Sheep mountains , a distance
of fourteen mllerand return to town again
between mornlnt ; and night.
On account of sanitary reasons the people
ple of Cheyenne urge the erection of a new
jail. A largo portion of the citizens fre
quent It , hence the anxiety to have it com <
"or table.
Jamestown's hotel capacity is not large
enough to supply the Increasing travel. .
It cost the Manitoba road over $20,000' '
o keep the snow off its lines during the
A school house , a church and a hotel
will be built at Coirington , Foster county ,
this season.
Howell is the name of a new town in
Hand connty , about half way between St.
Tawrenco and Faulkton.
Grand Forks is to have a syndicate brick
: > lock fifty feet high and one hundred feet
quare. It will bo built this year ,
Manufacturing establishments for the
purpose of making lumber from straw are
being talked of In several places in north
ern Dakota ,
Every railroad lot In Lisbon has been
sold , and fifty houses are in process of
erection , but the work cannot be finished
until more lumber la obtained ,
Mayvllle , Trail county , will soon organ
ze a board of trade. The place hai never
had a business failure , and a largo number
of Illinois people are settling there this
iprlng ,
A Lisbon editor is busy answering let
tern from eastern young ladies who with to
come west but who have no frlenda in the
territory. They are evidently on the
The city conncP of Fargo recently rati
fied tbe contracts for two bridges acres *
the Red lllver. They will cos'
000 each , The exbeniim'
Tbe Claims of a Dead Wife to the At
tention of a Reporter.
From the Brooklyn Eagle.
"Kin yon send a reporter aronnd to
my houuo to do a send off ? " aaked a
middle-aged man approaching the
ouhler , with a visage In whioh timid
ity and obeek wore curiously blended.
"What kind of a Bond oil ? Whoni
a it ? " demanded the cashier. '
"It'a a plant , and it cornea off to
morrow aftornoou , " replied the
atrangor. "To-morrow at 3 sharp we
are going to plant my wife , and I
promUod her that I would have a re
porter present , and a long article
about the way it was done. She was
a great stickler for cuch things when
aho was allro , and I want her to have
the right thing now that aho baa
gone np the flame. Kin yon Bond one
aronnd ? "
"Was aho a prominent woman ? " In
quired the cashier. "Wo don't often
uund reporters to writu up the funerals
of private citizens unlota there is some
thing particularly Interesting about
the person or the exercise * . Did I
understand you that she was a very
prominent woman ? "
"Well , mister , there was times when
she was the most prominent vtomanln
oar end of the town. There was timei
when , she wai the only citizen tha '
could stay anywhere around whqroshi
was. There was times when ahi
would keep every reporter that eve :
waa born as busy as n tramp at a frei
Innoh , and if that prominence Ian'
quite up to your pitch , there wau
times when if aho'd knm in hero and
asked you to do anything tor her ,
you'd have done it , or it would havi
taken all the rest of tbo employe
aronnd thle building to have fonnc
where you wont out. la that promt
nenoo enough for reporter to write
something about the ( end-oft tomorrow
row ? "
"That's very well , aa far as it goes,1
replied the cashier , in a sympathotl
voice , "But what part did she seem
to take In public affairs that would
warrant us in believing that the
public la interested in her obsequies ? '
"Part ! What part did she take'
Waa yon ever In the vicinity when
thorn waa any pnblio alTairs going on
that Sno felt an interest in ? 'Was you
ever located where you could look on
in safety when that Interest ot hern
began to take a grip ? I guess yon
couldn't have been , partner , by th
questions yon ask about that woman. '
"But who was aho ? What did
she do ? What was her partlcnlai
line ? "
"Mister , It's hard to toll who she
wasn't when she got started. SotnO'
times aho waa a burr-saw ; sometimes I
thought aho waa intended for a steam
triphammer ; there waa other timei
when she waa an electric-light wlro ,
That's who aho was. As to what sh <
did I'll refer yon to tbo walls and
buildings around where she lived ,
marks is there. Yon can BOO for your
solt , Her line lay right through th
middle of whatever waa going on. Sh
went into everything that visited the
neighborhood , and when aho came ou a
-f It she loft n hole that there wai no
mistaking. In that prominence onoagh
'or a reporter to klm aronnd to-mor-
ow and Bay a word for the way wo
; lvo her iho grand launch ] "
"I don't BOO yet that she waa of
.uough Importance for the public to
ako any Interest In her funeral , " r-
Rood the cashier ,
"P'raps not , " aighod thd DOroavod.
P'raps ' not. There ta thorn whenever
never having knowed her wouldn't
.hink , to BCD her In her $12 coffin , that
ho j , ever run our section of the town
Ight np a tree and stood nnder It and
hrow bricks at It nntit It dropped
down again. I don't know how Im
portant people has got to bo to have a
'oportor at the wake , bnt I kin toll
'on that It'a d d Incky tor you that
ho pegged out before mo. "
"I don't BOO what 1'vogotto do with
; hat , " amilcd the cashier.
"If sho'd come aronnd hero for a
'oportor to bo present at my plant ,
ind you'd given her the gtmo yon
have ( boon giving me you might never
realize what yon had to do with U , bnt
horn aa looked on In awe aa you and
iho waa figuring it out weuld have had
to aend a reporter somewhere , that Is ,
"I you bo onlng aronnd these promises
s likely to put yon In the light of beIng -
Ing In any way prominent , Now yon
hoar mo. "
"Woll , I'll think It ever , " muttered
the cashier. "If I think It amounts
11 |
to anything In the way of an item I'll
BOO that tho'paper ia represented. "
"That's " the
all right , growled
mourner , turning reluctantly toward
the door. "If yon don't send a re
porter there to-morrow , and yon have
one or two whoao time la heavy on
their hands , you'd do well to oond
thorn Bomowhero to render thanks that
you never knowed the deceased. I
don't know , " he continued , musingly ,
"if she's where aho can hear this con
versation she's liable to get right out of
her coffin and comedown hero and hold
the funeral services right on yonr
shirt collar. If yon see a ghost flop
in at any tlmo between now and dark ,
and commence to slam the daylights
out of this institution without offerin'
any reason tor the circus , yon may
know that the departed knows what's
going on in this world , and is still
prepared to take a hand in where an
, odd hand appears to be wanted. Good
bye , mister. "
And with this direfnl suggestion the
bereaved took hla line of march to
the neighboring saloon , pondering the
elements Indigenous to sufficient
promlnonco to aocuro the attendance
of a reporter at a plant.
> Vo notice the Marriage Fund , Mutual
Trust Association , of Cedar Rapids. Iowa ,
highly spoken of in many of the leading
papers of the state. "Money for the Un
married" heads their advertisement in
another column of this caper. f 5-Sm
What a Yankee Correspondent Found
m Conversation With tbe
Ohlof Accountant ,
The first person I met on entering
the bank of England was a venerable
porto'r In a quaint uniform , which
dates back , I think , a hundred yeara
or more ; it loft a green and buff inv
preaalon on mo , but I cannot accurately
atoly describe ita details. Tbo porter
me to a rooaj. '
officer , Jlfn'Gray , IB entitled
"chief accountant , " and bis position
correaponcta very much to that o
oashtar'of one of our banks. Mr ,
Gray , who Bat at his desk surrounded
by a corps of busy clerks , and who is
a gentleman of tbe most courteous
and unassuming manners , gave me a
cordial welcome , and under his guid
ance I visited every department of
the bank , and bad everything wbicb 1
did not understand , and at a glance
explained to mo. The capital
of tbo bank is 14,500,000 :
Ita , , circulation In the handa of the pnb <
ilo about 25,000,000 ; its deposits , on
no portion of wbicb interest is paid ,
average in three days about 32,000-
000. With its customers it baa two
kinds of account , deposit and discount ,
I waa told that In order to get a dis
count at thia bank it waa absolutely
necessary to bave a deposit account ,
but it can hardly be possible that a
banking institution with snob an
enormous working capital , amounting
to nearly $200,000,000 , ia ever obliged
to buy paper in the open market in
order to keep up loana. The bank
discounts no bill having over tbreo
months to run ; the smallest city bil
which It discounts in 100 ; the email'
est country bill , 20. It circulates no
smaller notes than 5 , but this seems
to bo the only limited denomination
in a frame ia the building is a can
celled note of the Bank of Er gland for
100,000,000 , and , if I remember
rightly , tno Banker poet Rogers bad
hanging in his library a cancelled note
'of the same Institution for 30,000.
I have heard that a note for 10-
000 once had a singular history. It
waa paid out to ono of the directors of
the bank , who Boon after lost it under
such circumstances that bo was satis-
fled. and succeeded in satisfying the
bank , that it had fallen into hla fire
place and been destroyed , Ho waa
given anew note , for' which be re
turned a proper receipt and'guarantee. .
Many yean after the 'original note
waa presented for payment ; the bank
endeavored to disown' U , but could
not , for it waa genuine and in the
handa of an Innocent person , and the
bank had to pay it. Ita history waa
then looked Into , and it waa ascer
tained that , instead of being burned ,
it had been carried np the chimney by
a draft , and had found a aafe lodg-
mebt in some cranny in 'the fine.
Hero it had remained until alterations
in the house necessitated the removal
of the chimney ; then U waa dlaoovered
by a workman , who regarded it aa a
legitimate find , and who presented it
for payment.
Illght here I may aa well relate
another atory of tbo bank , of which
there are many , both in print and aa
legends , bat of whioh I will lot those
two sarvo aa specimens. A sewer
workman while poking aronnd under
ground found that by raiting a flag
stone bo could penetrate into the bol
lion room of tbo bank. Amazed a
the discovery , bo pondered over it ,
and finally concluded bo would utilize
it to his pecuniary benefit without
stealing. Ho therefore wrote to the
directors , asking what reward ho
would receive if ho should meet them
at any appointed hour of tbo night In
the bullion room , and thus reveal to
them a mode of Icgreaa of which they
were entirely ignorant They named
sum which would make him inde
pendent for llta > l to ( Mt
lie by popping ftp mvtv o
for which ha rAVl * JCU\V\X \ )
Tnli U
H r fVvv.r *
.1 a prvpMtitW > { the
Iline , m tt < * l , \N A .
uch fitnM to ta tvadllr n itmll * < < > vt
by the TUY | > l ) # cHplira phampUl
aont froiv Kmiifv > f > \ ChcvnltAlVrK ,
Providence , 11. I.
A Hallway Entlng Houno lu SxvtHlou ,
Fortlin Letter.
The station at Katrlucholm I shall
never forget , nor the dinner that I
had thoro. I waa exceedingly hungry ,
having started very early in the morn-
'nt ; , and when the guard cried "Tjugo
jor midday" ( twenty mlnutoa for din
ner ) , I lost no tlmo in making
preparations. On entering the matsal
( dining room ) I for a moment forgot
my hunger , everything waa so differ
ent from what I bad before scon. In
the contro of the room was a long
table , with a snowy wbito table cloth ,
upon which wan seen the most tempt
ing food Imaginable , all smoking hot ,
having just boon taken from the oven.
At ono end of the table wore two
tureens , ono of soup and the ether of
buttermilk , the last a favorlto dish in
Sweden , and of which many partake
before their soup. Bosldo these
tnroona were piles of warm plates ,
knives , forks , spoons and napkins.
Each traveler who was dosirons of din
ing helped himself or herself to a
plate , oto , , walked aronnd the table ,
selected what best satisfied the appe
tite , then seated himself at ono of the
small tables aronnd the room , After the
soup came fish , then roast beef , lamb ,
chicken , vegetables , jellies , puddings ,
bread , butter , cream and coffee. One
cunld eat all he wished , help himself
a second time if ho desired to , and the
price of a dinner , five or six courses ,
was only 1 krona and 50 ore about
40 cents. Tkose who did not wish a
full dinner holpad themselves from the
smorgasbord or to a cup of coffee from
a coffee urn. There were no waiters
running to and fro , no crashing of
of dishes , no nolao or confusion in any
way. Each person went to the desk
and paid for what ho had eaten , either
the dinner from the smorgasbord , from
which a good meal of cold moats , bread
and butter , for 50 ore (13 ( cents ) , or
for a lunch of coffee and cikea. The
word of each person .waa taken , and
there wore no waiters watching to see
what each hadoaten. I never enjoyed
a dinner more , and I thought how
pleasant it would bo to have similar
restaurants in America.
If yon are sick Hop Bitters will
surely aid Nature 1 ° making yon well
when all else fails.
'If yon are costive or dyspeptic , or
are Buffering from any of the numer
ous diseases of the stomach or bowels ,
it la your own fault if yon remain ill ,
for Hop Bitters are a sovereign
remedy In all such complaints.
If you are wasting away ] with any
form of Kidney disease , stop tempting
Death this moment , and turn for a
euro to Hop Bitters.
If yon are sick with that terrible
alnkneaa Nervousness , yon will find a
"Balm in Gllond" In the use of .Hon
LffiebOAa. 4
If you are a frequenter or a rosl
dent of .a miasmatic district , barricade
your system against the scourge of all
countries malaria , epidemic , billons
and Intermittent fevers by the use
of Hop Bitten.
If yon bavo rough , pimple or Bal
low akin , bad breath , pains and aches ,
and fool miserable generally , Hop
Bitters will give yon fair akin , rich
blood , and sweetest breath , health and
In short they cure all diseases o
the stomcb , Bowels , Blood , Liver ,
Nerves , Kidneys , Bright'a Disease ,
$50o will bo 'paid for a case they wll
not cure or help.
That poor , bedridden , Invalid wife ,
later mother , or daughter , can bo
made the picture of health , by a few
bottles of Hop Bitten , costing but
trifle. Will you let them suffer ?
Iron and Slate Hoofing ,
0. SPEOHT , - - Proprietor.
1111 Douglas St. - Omaha , Neb
Iron Cornices
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing ,
Specht'a Patent Metalllo'Skyllght Patent ,
Adjusted Hatchet Bar and Bracket
Shelving. I am the ceneral agent
for tbe above line of goods.
Cresting * , Balustrades , Verandas , Iron
Bank Kalllngs , Window BlindsT Cel
lar Guards ; also
A 8kln of Uoauty la a Joy Forever.
Oriental Dream or Magical Beau
tiflor ,
tn Tan , Plmplei
heckles ,
kothpatc !
beaut ; am'
defies di
lection. I
bu stood
tba test o
toy ears an' '
Is so harm
less '
Uste It
be sure th
prepa ra <
lion Is pro
of similar Dame. The dlitlngulihtd Dr. L. A
Sayre , said to a lady ot the liter ON ( a patient )
"As you ladles will use them , I iccommeni' '
'O uraud's Cream' as the least harooful of all th' '
Skin preparations. " Ono bottle will list l :
months , using It every day. Alio 1'oudro Jub-
tlle removes tuperfluous hilr without Injury tc
y MI. If. B. T. (30UIUUD , Sole prop. , 43 Bond
8t , N. Y.
I'orstle by all DniwrkU and Fancy Good
Dealer * throughout the United States , Canad
and Europ * .
XJ Be war 8 ot base Imitations. (1,000 rewiri
( or arrctt and proof ol any ono selling tbe same.
1 H-woow rue 21 ewCm
100,000 POUNDS OP
Highest 0 * > h Filce paid. Shipments' from
counurlwUl b paid for by return maU.
ml5-m Jie-lm lilt Douglai Ltree
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Fire and Burglar
1020 Farnham Street ,
Association ,
Orders from any part of the State or the
Entire West will be promptly shipped :
All Our Goods arc Made to the Standard or our
Sole Agent for Omaha and the West.
Office Corner 13th and Barney Str
RUEMPING & BOLTE.'Proprieto s.
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers
Ornamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Iron Sky Lights , Etc ,
310 South Twelfth . Street , OMAHA. NEB.
mar 7-mou-wed-frl-me.
la only attained by using
Stoves and Ranges. *
For sale by
Have now been finished in our store , mar--
ing it the largest and most complete
In the West. 'An ' additional story has been
built and the five floors all connected
: with two
One Exclusively for the use of Passengers , These immense
rooms three stores , are 66 feet wide are filled with the Grandest -
shown est display * of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evei
All are invited to oall , take the Elevator on the first floor
and go through the building and inspect the stock.
1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha
Ain Tenth Street / - i ,
, Omaha ,
) nly the Perfect flu tnd atl l ctlon guAmnt > H
0. -at
0 ,
m 5-m-w-Mm