Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1883, Image 1

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Iho Usual Grind in the Star
Route Trial.
The Grand Jury Find a Num
ber of New Indictments.
W. D. Waahbarn on the Mie-
siBsippi Improvements.
Mark * of Roipsot to the Ziato Po t-
mastnr General.
Special Dispatch to Till Usi.
WASHINGTON , March 2 ? . In the
star route trial to day the examina
tion of S. W. Dorsdy was roaamod.
Ho donled broadly llordoll's statement -
mont of a conversation at the Willard
hotel , and declared that It waa black
mailing schema on the part of Her-
doll , who threatened to hare Bonier
indicted and to go oror to the govern
ment. Regarding the affidavit of Juno ,
1881 , witness denied ho had asked
Rardall to make it for the sake of hli
family , or that ho offered him any in
ducements. The letter dated July
5th , 1882 , from Rerdoll to Doraoy , wno
road by Ingeraoll. Rerdoll writes that
ho haa considering the step ho waa
about to take for years ; ho
had intended to pat hlrriaolf
in connection with the government before -
fore ho had boon indicted , never
dreaming that ho was liable to indict
ment , because ho had only acted as an
agent , but to hla coat , he says , ho Ha-
toned to Boater , and refrained , a
oouaae he had regretted over since ,
and something ho would not do again
for any consideration. As a conse-
quonca ho is now penniless , and will
DO under a cloud , no matter what the
result of the trial la. If he had atucK
ta the government ho would now bo
free from indictment and perhaps
in a good position now. Again he had
made up his mind to go over to the
government and it waa useless for
Doraoy to appeal in the name of his
family. He knows full well that when
Doraoy and Boaler have no use for
him ho may go to the devil for all
they care.
Icgersoll described the Rerdell ac
count books , and witness said ho
never saw such books in any of his
offiseaRerdell never gave or sent
him any balance sheets from such
books. Ono book kept by Rerdell by
witness' authority was an expense
book and route book.
Holding twenty olght checks In his
hand. Ingeraol offered to put them
in evidence as representing ail money
drawn by Doraoy in the month of
Juno , 1879 , from Mlddloton & Co.
Ho handed thx ohockn ta.ii .r > rniecq-
> tlon with the request that they pick
out chocks upon which money had
been drawn to pay Brady.
Prosecution objected , because they
know nothing of the checks.
Ingorsoll. "You know a man who
Merrlck. "He never said he saw a
check drawn. "
Ingersoll. "I know he la in a
hole. "
Merriok "Not much of a hole. "
Irgernoll ' 'it would not take much
of a hole to hold him ( laughter ) but
let us have yeaco. "
After recess to day the grand jury
came into court with a nuinbsr of
presentments , among them the fol
lowing : United Slates vs. Thos. J.
Brady , for unlawfully receiving money
and postal drafts to the amount of
$50,000 while second assistant post
master general from Jamea B. Price
as a reward for making a contract for
mall service with Price on July 13 ,
1880 , upon the star route from Socorro
to Silver Olty , New Mexico ; against
Wm. Pitt Kellogg and Thos. J. Brady
for conspiracy , on April 17,1880 , with
James B. Price to defraud the United
States by means of false oaths and
fraudulent allowance for expedition ,
and false and fraudulent claims made
for increased pay for expedition on
post routes from Munroe to Shreveport -
port and from San Antonio to Corpus
Chrlatl ; against William Pitt
Kellegg , setting forth that
on April 17 , 1880 , whilst
senator from Louisiana , he did un
lawfully receive from James B. Price ,
contractor , a certain sum in money ,
postal drafts and promissory notes ,
altogether of a value of $20,000 , for
the service of procuring , persuading
and Inducing Thos. J. Brady , second
assistant postmaster general , to award
and allow to Price an increase of pay
and compensation for carrying
mall , and corruptly influencing the
action of oald Brady. There is
another presentment against Brady
for having , on or about April 17,1880 ,
unlawfully received certain money !
postal drafts or notes , being of a total
valno of $20,000 , ai compensation for
service of e warding to Jamea B. Price
mall contracts on each of the routes
from Munroo to Shreveport , and San >
Antonla to Corpus Ohrlsti , to carry
the mail with Increased speed and for
Increased pay. Witnesses named are
John A. Walsh , Jnraes B. Price , Joseph -
soph Oochrano and J. W. Brady.
Jas. B. Price , mall contractor , in
an affidavit now in possession of the
government counsel in the star route
cases , deposes that In 1878 ho caused
a petition , numerously elijnod by citi
zens along his route , from Corpus
Ohrlsti to San Antonio , Texas , to 1 bo
presented to the postmaster general !
for the pnrpoeo of Increasing trips and
reducing running time and thereby
Increase hla compensation. Not being
successful , ho offered Kellogg $20,000
to assist him In the project. Kellogg
promised to see Brady and in the
meantime ho ( Price ) paid Kallogg
$1,500 in postal draft * drawn against
his ( affiant's ) pay. He also g vo his
note for $3,000 , duo in four months ,
which was subsequently paid to
Brady. The * nt further says that
Kellogg , after the investigation of f the
star route matter , had commenced to
become very much alarmed and omen ,
time * told him that he had given all
to Brady , deriving no benefits there-
from personally. At ether v. .cs ho
said that ho had doilved but 2,000
Special to the alobe > DeBMm&
WASHINGTON , March 25. Hon. W.
D. Washburn has returned from his
trip to Now Orleans. Ho apont
several days at Now Orleans , and ,
through the kindness of Captain Ends ,
who tendered him hla boat , he visited
the jottioa at the month of the Missis
sippi river , Utt tniloa below Now Or
leans. Ho says that before the jetties
were constructed the only outlet was
through the Southwest Pass ,
and that no vessel drawing
moro than fifteen or eighteen
feet could pass through It. Now
the outlet is through the South Pass ,
which before was impassible , owing to
the bed of alluvial deposit at the en
trance to the Gulf damming up the
pass. But now , by moans of the jet
ties , a channel of thirty fcqt deep has
boon kept open far months , so that
the entire commoroo of the Mississippi
now goes through the South Pass.
These jottlea consist of two immense
walls , running down into the Gulf ,
two miles In lodgth and 500 or GOO
foot nparl , erected ouo on cash aide of
the channel. Between those two huge
walla the current la concentrated , and
a channel IB kept washed out of tuffi-
oiout depth to
Gon. Wnshbnrn says that under
Eido' contract with the government ,
ho agrees to kcop open a channel of
a certain deptli and width. K ho does
not his pay for maintaining the Im
provement ia stopped. He says the
captain has an immense dredge boat
of extraordinary dimensions , which
coat not loss than $150,000 , to boused
in case of ahoalinga and the soundings
are not of a certain depth. In de
scribing the jatty ayatem , and hla trip
to inveatlgate it , the general says :
"Tho great trouble In the naviga
tion of the MitslsBlppI haa been that
above the mnuth for miles the river
has spread ever a great surface of
country , crevasses have formed In the
levees , the river has broken through
its bauke , the inevitable result being
to shoal tbo river below. The effdot
of keopiug the river within its banks
for a certain width ia to give a certain
depth to the channel. The
jetty system a ; the month of
the Mississippi la on the same
principle , aud ia a great success. My
trip gave mo an excellent insight into
the whole jetty system. The captain
of the bout understood everything
thoroughly , and took groal palna to
explain it to mo. No ono can under
stand the jetty system thoroughly
until ho has Been it. My investigation
has'given mo a thorough understand
ing of It , and I am moat favorably im *
pressed. The plan recommended to
ODugre'ss by the
for the improvement of , navigation
above Now Orleans , Involves the ap
plication of precisely the same princi
ple. If I had any doubts before I
went there as to the practicability of
the Mississippi river commisiioner's
plans , which I had not , they would be
entirely dispelled now. The practica
bility of the plan below New Orleans
waa so perfectly oleaf to me that I
have not the slightest doubt In the
world that Hi application above will
accomplish precisely what they claim
for It. "
' 'General , what will be the result of
the failure of congress to make ap
propriations for carrying on the woik
ct improving the rivers and harbors } "
waa asked.
"People do not have the slightest
Idea of the loss that is going to result
to the country in the damage to prop
erty and the detriment to commerce.
My opinion Is that before long you
will hear a great clamor from all parts
of the country on account of the stop
page of these worka. I had a talk
with General Wright , and he feels very
badly about it. "
"What worka will be effected ! "
" . Moat all the works. These Miss-
lialppl river works will be damaged
more than any other , but all the
works will be damaged. As , for in
stance , the' most important improvement ij
ment , no far as the Northwest la con
cerned , is that of the tianlte Ste. Ma
rio. The tonnage that goes through !
that river la limply enormous , and it
is increasing all the time. The gov
ernment has built a very extensive
canal aud look the finest ploco ref
masonry in thta country which will
take through a steamer drawing 1C
foot of water , aa large a draft aa will
admit .vessels through the Straits ofa
Mackinaw , to Chicago , but there la a
space In the
where a vessel drawing only twelve
feet can go through. The consequence
la , we do not get the benefit of the 16r
feet draft In the canal. The differ >
ence in the cost of carrying freight rIn
vessels drawing 10 feet and In vessels
drawing twelve feet la tremendous.
The delay , therefore , In completing
thla Improvement will result In great )
loss , nut only in damage to property
but In injury to cDmmerco. I do not [
know of DO marked on instance where
ao little money is required to Improve
the carrying trade aa in the improve-
ment of that river , and the loss of one
year's time ia a great loss to the conn-
try. So it Ss with ether improve-
monts. There are Dululh and potho
ltlrior harbors , whore the commerce i ia
going to ba very large , and the f 11125
ties are Inadoqnata to do. the bust-
ness. The delay , therefore , In
completing the Improvement will
result in very great lese to the
country and in great injury to
the facilities for doing business. One
of the greatest losses results In stop-
ping snagboats. An appropriation la
made every year to operate thorn
They have all to bo laid up. The
snahboats on the Mississippi , Missouri
and Arkansas rivers , belonging 10 the
government , cost hundreds of then -
sands of dollars , and do a very uooes -
sary work every yearr It Is work that
ought to be done , but it will have to
atop , and aa a consequence navigation
* . . . ' . _ - n _ , i _
on these riven will be greatly dls-
- turbed , jnit for the wane of this small
appropriation. In my opinion you
will find In another year as croat a
howl for river and harbor appropria
tions as was raised by metropolitan
papers and a certain class of politi
cians who sought to makci cheap po
litical capital by denouncing the ap
propriation cf last year.
The ofiioers and employes of the P.O.
department mot this afternoon , As
sistant P. M. General Elmer , presi
ded. They adopted resolutions of
sympathy for the family of the late
Poattnoator General , and respect to
the deceased as their late superior
Business will bo suspended between
2 and C o'clock as a mark of respect to
Postmaster General Uowo.
Lady Dixie's Eratlo Emana-
tiona are Denounced by
Patrick Bean.
ThoOriuinal Pamphlat , the Bribed
Plgott and the Corset Story *
Egan nnd Dixie-
Special Dispatch to Tni D .
CHICAGO , Mtrch 25. In reply to
charges of lady Florence Dixie against
Patrick Egau , treasurer of the laud
league , published in the New York
Times , Egan was interviewed to-day
and gave his version of the controver
sy. In her letter Lady Dlxio assorted
aho did not know Richard Pigott , and
never had any correspondence with
him. Egan points out that the pam
phlet of eighty pages placed in the
hands of a Dublin printing house last
September , containing the grossest
dossiblo charges against the land
leagno , bore a page of introduction
signed by Lady Dixie , but the remain
der of the pamphlet waa in the hand
writing of Pigott. _ Proofs were sent
him , and after a dbzan or so copies-
were printed , Lady Dixie became
frightened at the array of charges and
caused all the books to bo destroyed
and the typos broken. "Unfortunately
tor Lady Dixie , " Bays Mr. Egan , "I
have a copy of the pamphlet , and am
airaro that all her statements were
taken from that book. In the face of I
these facts , what becomes of her |
qiibblo to the effect that she never
met and does not know Pigott.
In bar letter eho cilia on
mo to provo my denial of
her charges , As a matter of fact
she has no standing to attack the Land
League at all. She has never anb
scribed a penny toward the fund , and
never pretended to have any sympathy
with tbo Land League and is not an
Irishwoman. She la not the daughter
of a peer. Her recent fabrication
about the bogus attack on her should
fljinw Americana how muoh rather
, or
SVTfr mntr- . _ _ ALJ -y i . . - - - '
thing she Bays. "
Ho then repoata the atory alraady
published to the cffocC that i'lcott , as
editor of the Irishman , told him
( Egan ) that the Dublin castlo. officials
offered him ( Pigott ) 500 to publish a
fictitious statement of the land league
account in his paper , and offared to
suppress the same for 300 , which he
( Egan ) refused to give. These ficti
tious statements from Dubljn castle ,
Egan aaaerts , are the same as those
being promulgated by Lady Florence
against the land league.
The Funeral To-Day of the Late Tim.
O. Howo.
SpocUl Dlipath to TIM BM
KKNOSUA , Wls. , March 27. Major
Totten and Frank Howe arrived this
morning from Washington. Rev. H.
M. Simons arrived from Minneapolis
this „ evening and Robert Collyor is
expe'oted to-night. A dispatch from
Madison states that the entire state
legislature and all the state officer will
be hereto morrow , Including 150 per'
sons. A special train , which has been
placed at their disposed , will arrive
hero in the morning.
The citizens' oommlttee from Green
Bay will reach hero to-morrow at 1
o'clock p , m. A delegation of forty-
five will bo In attendance at the funer
al from the Chicago poatoffico. The
special funeral taain will convey the
party to Green Bay to-morrow , starting
from here at 11 o'clock. Business places
In tbo city are draped in mourning
and all business will Lo suspended
during the afternoon of to-mor -
row. The Kenoaha fire depart
ment and the various secret
orders will attend the funeral In a
body. On account of the go
numbers to be In attendance It has
been decided to hold saryloos In the ;
Onltarlan church in order that aa
many as possible may have an op
portunity to BOO and hear. A com
mittee of the bar will meet the funeral
train in Green Bay. The remains will
1s bo 1 conveyed first to the house , where
short 1c service will bo held before pro
ceeding to the grave. About 200 will
come from Milwaukee. '
Tuo Ball Bangers.
Special DUpatch to Tun Un.
ireCHICAGO , March 27. Sexton and
Morris were the contestants in the
insecond game in the balk line tourna-
vomont. . The attendance was light and
the parno was thought to bo ono sided ,
Sexton being the fayorlto in hotting
25 to 15 , but it was cloaoat times , and
islanybndy'a game until ended , Sax ton ; ,
In the Oih inning took a strong lead
with a run of 111 , remaining at the
front throughout , though at ono time
Morris came to within four points of
him , Morris run 89 in the 20th in-
opnlng , mainly the result of tbo skilful
use of the cushion and kiis oombina-
tlon. Score ; Morris 532 , highest run
89 , average 0 and 2850th ; Sexton
GOO , highest run 111 , average 10 and
ionA Rood audience
witnessed the game
icestonight between Sohaefer and Wai-
lace. Up to the twenty-seventh inn-
Ing the game waa uninteresting as
Sonaefer waa not at all ambitions to
dlshurry matters , bat In this Inning > ,
after knocking the ivories about
lessly for sixty points , ha changed his
tactics and went In foe a largo run
and hold the balls at the right hand
aide rail for twenty shots , seldom
making any change , but using rod 'o
cushion and to klsa his own ball on
the while. At 100 ho changed to the
end rail and at 101 had thorn under
perfect control. Then dettly changed
thorn to the sldo rail again , and , with
her and there a force up
and down the table , clicked away
with marvellous rapidity. At 200
the whole nudionco burst into long
and continued applause , and thorn
was H general sigh of regret when , on
Itho 20Gth , ba oaroly missed a ouo
cushion stroke. After this the gmno
woe short nnd awoot , ending in just
two hour * . Sooro : Sshneffor , GOO ;
highest run , 205 ; average 17 and
221 34 ; Wallace , 3SG ; highest run , 42 ;
average , 10 and G 53.
To-morrow nftorooon , D. ly and
Mortis ; evening , Vignaux and Dion.
A Beautiful Girl in Council Blnffs
Pays the Price of Her
Indiscretion , .
The Supposed tieducerEscapee ,
Leaving His Victim
a Oorpao.
Sptclkl Dispatch to Tin Bsi.
COUNOII. BLOWS , March 27. On
the 13th of this month a young couple
arrived in the city , putting up at the
Revere house , registering as J. M
Grlswold and wife , from DoWltt , Ne
braska. The young m u was ono of
the bartenders at tbo Emigrant house
at the Union Pacific depot. Every
thing went along smoothly till tbo
night of the 18th inat. , when the sup
posed wife was taken sick. There
aeems to have boon no nurse In attend
ance until Thursday , the 22d Inat. ,
when a German lady named Mrs
Thompson was employed and remained
with her during the day time , there
bolngnoonosavo the supposed husband
there at night till the close of the un
fortunate girl's life , which occurred
Monday , abiut 1:30 : p. m. The lady
nurse found Dr. Ballinger attending
the patlont when eho came , and says
the same doctor had been in attend
ance ( all the timo. Arrangements
were made first to aond the girl back
to OaWitr , and then changed to have
the burial take plaoo hero yootordiv at
3:30 : p. m. Yesterday morning the
supposed husband loft the Revere
at 5 o'clock , claiming the com
pany would not lit him off from his
work except to just attand the
funeral , and agreed to ba back to the
hotel at 2 p. m. on yesterday to prepare -
pare himself toy the funeral services ,
teg * $ $ $ * f & &i3&
whom kuoy call OtiSrtat but the
villain did not put i < an as-
poarauco at 2 o'oloDk pi m. utu ,
at the appointed time of rim f uuer , l.
The landlord thought pmnetulng was ;
wrong and telephoned to the transfer -
for , when he waa Informed that
Johnny , the supposed husband , had
left there at 3:30 : to come to the Re
vere house , and still at this writing
( midnight'no ) trace can be found of
him. The maiden name of the girl
was Delia Brown and lived at Dil
lon , Jefferson county , Neb. , aa we
learned from letters Bent to her
one from an operator on tbo B. &
M. road at Dillon , dated June 28 ,
1882 ; a letter from Lincoln dated
February 25 , 1883 , signed Walker ;
and ono from Council Bluffs dated
January 18,1883 , signed J. M. Bear ,
which ia anpposod to bo the real name
of the villain who waa the original
cauae of the girl's death. The girl
was about 18 years old , light
hair and fair complexion. The man ,
John M. Bear , was about 21 or'22
years old , rather short and chunky ,
with a round smooth shaved face ,
light hair and light complexion. The
young man had the latter part of last
year lived at Wilbur , Neb. Tbo girl
acknowledged that she had been de
livered of a child before she ( the
nurse ) came there , and claimed to her
that ano had boon married to this man
two years and three months. Had
nature taken lea course she would not
have been confined before the last of
September. The laat two daya of her
life she acted as though she had been
poisonsd or drugged. She tried to
got the doctor and her claimed hus
band not to give her any more of
those powders , as she said it aoemed )
aa If they would tear her atbmaoh In
two. An inquest will be held by the
coroner this morning , when new fea
tures and facts will bo developed.
N ir
SpeclU Dlipttch to TUB llii.
NEW YORK , March 27. Frank Les
lie's Illustrated Newspaper announces
a now departure. Place will bo given
to a series of papero , In which will bo
discussed the latest aspects of capital
and labor , free trade and protection ,
the qnoatlon of the people against
monopoly , the rights and rastrlotions
of corporate power , the future of the
merchant marine , the sphere and influence
fluence of the dally preas , and ether
kindred topics of national Interest.
In connection with these discussions
are mentioned the names of George
F. Hoar , Charles Francis Adams , Jr. ,
President Soolyo , Edward Atkinson ,
Henry George , General Walker and
Hiofai Kloki.
Bpocl&I Dlspitch to Tin 111
, Maroh27. Rov. Hicks ) ,
of Washington , Gultoau's spiritual ad
visor , has entered suit against The
American for $35,000 damages for a
publication asserting that Hicks dis
posed of Guiteau's bones for a money
The Braldwood GoauaHy.
S clil Dlipttch to Tin DII.
BBAIDWOOD , 111. , March 27. Four
bodies were recovered to-night and
will be brought up to-morrow. All
bodies not Identified yesterday were
fully Identified to-day./
Capture of a Lad who is Known
as a Dangerous Desperado.
A. Beardless Boy with Revolvers
vers the Terror of the Re
publican Volley.
Sooojitd In nnd Brought to Denver
Churned ni the
in a niot.
Denver Tribune , SUrch 38. *
Deputy Sheriff B. F. Plnnoo , of
Weld county , arrived In the city last
nlcht with an Important prisoner.
The nnmo of Tex-\s Pete , the terror of
the Republican vulloy , has become
familiar hi Colorado. Ho is ouo of
that class cf cowboys who arise to dis
tinction through an Innate and morbid
ambition to bo kmwn to the world as
a bully. Texas Pete Is a boy of only
19 years. Ho oimo from Texas two
yoara ago , and became " I
of the plains in the capacity of n "cow-
puncher , " na the borders are common
ly called. The name was given him
because ho haa for some reason , which
Is regarded aa mysterious , and all the
tuoro so because of his youth , with
hold hla identity. It is believed that
his real narno Is Peter King.
For the past few months ho has
boon in the ntnploy of a man who is
also famous for having burnt a man to
death lu Nebraska a few yoara ago.
The much is situated near Wray's
Station , in the Republican valley ,
Weld county , Ititi miles from Danvor.
For several mouths the name of Texas
Pete has boon a source of dread among
peaceable people in that section In
his stature and style ho is what the
boys of Denver would call a "big kid"
ono of these swaggering
and a broad-brimmed white hat , with
big spurs on his boots and a big pistol
in his bolt a character of the kind
that would become a dooilo and very
harmless sort of a creature under the
surveillance of the police of the city.
Bat while out upon the plains , away
from legal or moral restraint , ho has
become onu of thoeo budding young
desperadoes who HO often deservedly
have their email brains blown out at
the hands of tiomo peaceable citizen
whom they try to bnlldczi.
Texas Pete la associated with about
While not convicted of any bloody
crime , the whole party have been in
dicted by the grand jury of Weld
county for riot.
About n monthago it was announced
that a dauco would take place at the
vl&U'jn. As Is usual , ouch an affair
tflH _ thJLcpwboys for many
of their fnu Thbtr chief amusement
M , Qrat ui ! > ut full of whisky , then fire
thnlr pistols dhcrlminately in the air
and intimidate the unarmed citizens.
It BO happened the night of the ball
that the weather was very disagreeable
and the dance waa postponed. This
caused the boys to become disagree
able. To make up for their disappoint
ment they began to drink , and when
they wore drunk they turned loose
volley after volley upon the houses at
the station. A number of bullets
wont whizzing through the residence
of Postmaster Masters , and ho and
his family narrowly escaped being
shot. It la also reported that they
fired a number of shots through a I
pasting train. Mr. Masters waa the |
principal witness , and caused the in
dictment of the whole party before tha
court at Greoloy.
On Sitnrday last Deputy Vfaerlff
Plnneo and his son-in-law , James
Arthns , went out to Wray station with
warrants for the whole party. The
c ( Users arrived at the station In the
night , and sat on the depot platform
till the break of day , when they start
ed out on foot a distance of two miles ,
to Iha camp of the young desperado.
Having received all necessary direc-
tlona , the ofi'uor found'the cabin with
out difficulty. Concealing himself
behind a nprlng house , with a Win
chester rlfla and two revolvers , ho sent
Arthur , unarmed to the cabin to
Infurin Texas Pete of their mission.
The officers expected to find all hood
men together. But it BO happened
that Pete was that night separated
from hla companions In the not. When
Mr. Arthur rapped , the young man
came to the door. When Informed
the purpose of the vlilt ho
without resistance. Had he boon
with hla comrades there would no
doubt have been a different scene.
For a week they have kept their horses
saddled , ready for a stampede or a
fight. But this night they slept with
out guard and without preparation.
Mr. Plnnoo quickly secured his
prisoner , placed him on a freight train
and started for Denver. As BOOU sit
waa known that the officers wore In
the country and that their leader had
boon captured , the rest of the gang ? ,
who were encamped a mile or tire dis
tant , rode to the station and surren
dered to Mr. Arthur and his assistant ,
who will arrive with them , six in unm-
bet , this morning , and at once start
for Qrouley.
Upon arriving in this city , Sheriff
Plnnoo took his prisoner to the Amor-
( can hotel , and took a bed and room
ftdwith him. On the way to the city
Mr. Flnnoo asked the young scape-
grace bow ho would llko to see hla
name In The Tribune aa "Texas Pete ' ,
the terror of the Republican valley. "
"I wouldn't care aQ d dn , " was
the answer , and that waa all ho had to
aay.A reporter of The Tribune called
upon him a few mlnutea after hla aria -
rival. Ho sat in his room with his
overcoat around him , hla big white
hat drooped over hla eyes and I his
bcota upon the window sill. The
sheriff Informed him that a newspaper
man had called to BOO him. Ho
glanced at the reporter across his
shoulder and then looked out tho-wln-
dow with a careless shrug and swag
ger , but said nothing.
"Mr. Plnneo informed mo that ho
had your prisoner , and I called to ask
If yon had any statements to make ? "
"Don't know as I have , " ho said
sulkily , with another shako of the
head In a truly
of bind. "If you want to yon may
say this la my first trip to Denver ,
and I'vo seen something In my llfo. "
This was all that could ba obtained
from Texas Pete , and the reporter
took his leave under the impression
that ho was about as bad looking and
reckless young follow as ever crossed
the plains. Mr. Plnneo will take him
to Grooloy to-day for trial.
LONDON , March 29. It is stated
that the Marquis of Lome , upon his
return to England from Canada , is to
bo raised i to the poorago.
CoN8TAJjTiNOi'LEMarch20. Towfik
Bej , formerly the minister of finance-
has boon appointed the Turkish min
is tor at Washington.
ODESSA , March 27. A ooclallstlo
manifesto la in circulation in the south
ern part of Russia , inviting the people
to avail themselves of coming fntca on
the occasion of the coronation of the
czar to pillage the houses of nobles
aud Jews. A deputation of nobles
has gene to St. Petersburg to ask
Count Tolstoi , minister of the interior ,
to provide for the protection of their
BELFAST , March 27. The jury have
roudorod a verdict of guilty In the case
of six members of the Armagh assas
sination society.
BBIILIN , March 27. Eraporor Wil
liam has completely rooovorod his
LONDON , March 27. The race for
the Lincolnshire handicap was won by
Knight of Bnrnsloy , Scoboll second ,
Sulphur third. There were seven
starters , Batting last night was 9 to
1 against the winner. After 300 yards
were ran , John Eiloy'a chestnut filly
Greek Maid-struck Aranza , destroying
what chance of winning she ever had.
Knight of Bnrnslcy won by three-
quarters of a length. There waa a
distance of four lengths botiroon the
oocond and third horsea. |
KILDAUK , March 27. Michael Boy-
ton waa arrested to-day.
PARIS , March 27. The American
artists are excited ever the clause in
the now American tariff increasing
the tax on works of art , and will pe
tition congress to repeal thn same.
The committee includes \ Qealy ,
Brldgmau , Ssrgont , Knight , Strrujguo ,
Psarccjj Delonbaugh and Stan art. * (
aire UW vMawh.JS TrUCJof. , . th
eluding Pilnco Obslenlky and Baron
Fktinghow , has commenced.
LONDON , March 27. Alfred Clint ,
the celebrated landscape and marine
painter is dead.
SB. PsrEiisiURa , March 27. It ia
reported that several officers of the
Finland guard have been arrested for
BERLIN , March 27. Emperor Wil
liam ia Buffering from catarrah of the
stomach and swelling of the nock. Ho
has boon nnablo to receive Gon. Cap-
rlols , chief of * , ho ministry of marine.
LONDON , March 2T. The queen
has Intimated an Intention to visit
Sandrengham next noun. . I
-2 I
- - * -
Xxraiilan * Election Frandi
BpecUl Dtopatch to Till Bu.
Nuw ORLEANS , La. , March 27.
The election fraud pases continued to
day. William Buckney , deputy sheriff ,
serving as supervisor , swore ho could
not Identify his own signature on the
tally shoots. Ho was arrested for per
jury. JohnB dor , brother of the ac
cused , United States supervisor , rep
resenting the democratic party , testi :
fied ho didn't know his brother's sig
The IT. P. and Credit Molillier
8p cl lDlsp tch to Tin liii.
BOSTON , March 97. The full bench
of the supreme court is engaged hear
ing arguments on the questions of law
arising on a bill in equity brought by
the Union Pacific railroad against the
Credit Moblllor of America for In
junction to restrain the Credit Mobllier [
Irom producing snlia at law against
the Union Pacific company to recover
balance due the Credit Mobllier for
construction of 246 miles of the Union
Pacific railroad. The amount Involved
Is 81,9 8,000.
A Terrible Crime.
SpecUl DUpatch to. Tin Dn.
CIIIOAOO , March 27. A Battle
Creek , Michigan , special says : A man
named Johnson , living near Johns
town , suspected a hired man with
undue intimacy with the former's
wife , and finding him alone in a dense
woods , bound and gagged him and
anccoodod In securely pinioning him
to a tree. After mntila ing hia per
son , the assailant loft Frey , and the
latter WEB dlaooverod by a search party >
two daya afterwards , unconscious and
hla limbs badly brozon , but ho may
rocovor. Johnson and hla wlfo lm\o
farcer Thau Supposed.
Special Dispatch to TUB llii.
CHICAGO , March 27. A Fond I dn
Lao sppclal states ; a of
the affairs of the lumber firm of Paige '
Brothers , of Davenport , Iowa , ono
partner in which recently suicided ,
causes unexpected developments , and
the firm's liabilities are now declared
to exceed a half of million ,
A Contest Settled.
BpecUl Dlipttch to Tui Un.
CHICAGO , March 27. The appellate
court nflirms the decision of the lower
court In the contest ever the Grand
Opera house lease here by declaring
John A. Hamlln , the present lessee
li K rightful possessor and dismissing
the claim of Wm. J , Davis.
Arrival in Now York of the Last
Survivors of the Jeannette
Expedition ,
The Pleasures of Traveling
Over the Snow Covered
Steppes of Siberia.
TUB Reception in New York Thn
Party in Good Health.
BpoclM OUpatch to Till ! ) .
NK\V YOKK , March 27. Knalgn H.
J. Hunt of thn Rogers and steamer
J. U. Bartlett , H. W. Loach , F. E.
Manson and John Loutorbach , mem
bers of the crow of the Jeannette ,
arrived to-day on board the steamer
Westphalia. The party loft Bolnlun
at the month of the Lsna the 25th of
October last. The first atago of their
journey waa to Verkholousk , and oc
cupied ten dayn. It took ton days
moro to roach Yukoutsk , nine daya to
reach Yltcon and two days to roach
Kirlnsk. There ono of the party ,
Anignln , the Indian hunter , who nan
suffering from small pox , became so
111 it was impossible for him to pro
ceed further and Ensign Hunt sent
forward to Irkutsk , a dlstanco of four
days , Stamen , Loach and Loutorbaoh ,
with Thornum Interpreter , ro-
malnlng at Kirlnsk himself with
Anlguln and others of the party un
til the Indian finally died on January
Cth. The party was again nulled at
Klrlnsk aud proceeded together to
Irkutsk , a distance of four days.
There they continued to journey to
Oronsbnrg , on the bordora of Russia ,
a distance of twenty-four days , all
eye the snowy steppes of Siberia ,
traveling night and day. At Oren
burg they exchanged their alods for
Bteam can and traveled by railroad to
St Petersburg , whcro they remained
ono week , They then proceeded direct
to Hamburg ] , whereon the 14th inst. ,
they wont on board the Westphalia.
On the arrival of the steamer at Itc
plot Ensign Hunt and the seamen of
the Jeannette were welcomed by
Liont. Molvlllo and Engineer Jaqulo ,
who had oomo ever from the Brooklyn
navy yard In a tug. They spent some
time together in ono of the cabins of
the vessel and thou accompanied the
lieutenant and engineer in a tug to
the navy yard. The party will probably -
ably remain hero until Thursday and
then . go to Washington , where the
four surviving seamen will testify be
fore the Jeannette inquiry com-
mlttoo. They say they do not
yet ( know what testimony has boon
given by ether witnesses nor what
they can add to what has already
boon told , as they know nothing be
yo yond what was also known to those
wl have already been examined , Ea-
< tl Hpnt tind members of
lu cxoolloat S
_ s'jfowno tcjooLftf thB" tr
pleased at their return Wl
and look forward with eagerness to
the pleasure of again meeting friend *
from whom they have been so long
separated , and arriving at the navy
yard the party called npon Comma-
dore Upshur , and at hla invitation
lunched with him at his residence.
The party all look u if they enjoyed
the beat of health.
WAHHINOTON , March 27. The Jeannette -
netto court of Inquiry will reconvene
at the navy department on Friday ,
the 30th inat.
Boiinew Failure-
BpocU DLtpatch to Tui Bil.
PiTTBioiia , March 26. The failure
of P. P. Marklo'a Sons , paper manu
facturers , la the principal toplo In
commercial circles to-day. As atated
last night , the liabilities are $400,000 ;
issets close to a million. Mr. Krlder ,
theohltf book keeper , followed Cap
tain Marklo to Chicago at the rer
qaost of the latter'a brother , and suc
ceeded without much difficulty in
persuading him to mke an assign
ment. Marklo offered no explanation
for his conduct beyond stating that he
waa tired and wanted rest. Ho had
been drinking , and waa still under
the influence of liquor. He made no
offer to rotnrn the money , althougk
acquainted with the fact that his action
had ruined the firm. As the money
waa hla own , It cannot be taken front
him In any legal way , and for that
reason no proceedings will be insti
tuted agalnat him. * As near as can be
learned , he took with him $00,000 of
the firm's money.
A Heatkea Hamlold * .
SpteUl DltpUch to Tni Un.
VICTORIA , B 0. , March 27. A Chl-
neso gang employed on the railway
near Now Westminster , to-day made
K savage assault on'tho foreman , nam
ed Novlnty , beating him until he waa
unconscious , with shovels and pick
axes. He waa brought to the hospital
In a dying condition. The gang are
nominally under arrest , but It la not
believed they will be held aa there
are no whlto witnesses thore. "Tho
Chinese congregated . in great num
Extensive gold and silver deposits
have boon discovered at the northern
end "of Vancouver's Island , It is re
ported that an English and Scotch
colony are comlnt ; out to settle on >
| the Queen t Islands i * -v
The Truth-
BpocUI Dispatch to Till BCH.
NEW YORK , March 27. A. Oakey
Hall , whoso journalistic connections
have been a much discussed topio of
late , announces lu this morning's
Truth that ho has assumed the edi
torial control of that paper. It Is also
understood that ho and hla frlenda
have bought control of the sheet.
A Glnb HOHBB Boratd.
SpecUl DUpatcb to Tui Bu.
CHICAGO , March 27. The Union
club house , one of the finest structure *
of the kind In the country and jut ap-
, poaching completion , wu paxtlallj- '
burned early toll morning. The lot *
I la 925,000 ; Inionnoe $60,000 ,