Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1883, Image 8

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    i- ; JT
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UllHllittl , " . , ' . . .tf.mK fr
The Daily Bee.
Tuenday Morning , March 27.
'Weather Report ,
( rho following obacrvfttlonN wore taken
at the same moment of time nt the sUttons
mentioned. )
VTiR Dur'r u 8. BH M , RKRVICK. )
OKAK * . March 2 $ , (1:15 : p. m ) I
The council some time ngo pused a
'resolution ttuthorlzlnff the chief onRlnoor
'to Inventifrftte the condition of the old
irookerles lying ] east of the Metropolitan ,
and the old Uellovue houeo nnd If found
dangerous to have them condemned and
torn down. Nothing has been done yet so
far aa'ls known , but the chief would merit
the er tltnde of the long suffering public
If he would cause to bo torn down ail that
old property on the block occupied by the
Metropolitan , which is the rendeerous of
the wont and moat dangerous characters
in the city M well as a regular tinder box
which may tumble down and cause a con-
'il grton ! any day. Tbo block ought by
all means to be thoroughly cleaned out ,
Some months ago in November ,
1862the firm of MoShana & Sullivan , of
this city , sdld two stoves to Wm , Dalley ,
'the section foreman of the U. P , at Mil
liard Station. When Mr. McShane bought
out bis partner and began collecting up ho
found that Dilby ntlll owed notno $22 on
'hit account. A postal card wan cent out ,
and a day or two ago n son of jMr. Dalley
came in and paid the bill , saying that they
bad known nothing of the debt and that
hla father had mysteriously disappeared
abont the 17th of December and had not
been seen or heard of Blnco. The fam
ily are in doubt as to what has become
of him.
The late amendment to the school laws
provider , in regard to voters , that "every
person , male or female , who has resided in
the district forty days and Is twentv-ono
years old , and owns real property in the
the district , or personal property that was
assessed In his or name at the last annual
assessment , or who has children of ichobl
age residing in the district , shall bo enti
tled to vote at any district meeting. " The
district meeting is the first Monday In
April , but In cities the school ofilcors shall
bo elected at tha general city election. It
is held that thii provision prevents
women from voting for school o fibers in
Iho cities.
Mr. Fred Wagner , tbo Inventor of the
now patent fire extinguisher for opera
houses and other public buildings , a det
scriptlon of which recently appeared in
TUB BEE , will give another test this after.
noon at his residence on Eighth street , be
tween Leavenworth and Marcy , to which
ne cordially Invites the public. The test
will take place at 5:30 : p. m. sharp. Mr.
Wagner hasalso , Invited Mayor Bowman ,
Chief Field and others of Council BluiTs
to bo present with Chief Engineer Bntlor ,
Mayor Boyd and others of thta city.
II , B. Stripe , formerly deputy U. 8.
clerk in this city and now stenographer
for Mr. Burns , of tbo U. P , transfer , is
rejoicing In the arrival of a fine baby girl ,
an Easter gift. The baby is already named
Ethel H. and the whole family Is doing
The special car No. 1 , "Pennsylva
nia'of the United States fish commission ,
returned from South Bend last night in
charge of Snpt. Geo. II. H. Moore , and at
cnco left with the party for Ktnsas , being
attached to train 233 of the ftilesourl Pa
cific. From Kansas they go to .Lagoona ,
N. AI. to distribute the last of the carp.
It was reported last night that n
Swede , who was uncbio to speak a word of
English , had been robbed down In the
quarter of the old BeUevuo house , and
that an arrest had been inado by 0 Ulcer
Tom Coffeetho young man wbo was so
badly cut at llubido'a saloon on Sunday
night , was yesterday taken to the St. Jo
seph's hospital. Ltm George and Harry
McClnre , his assailant * , were arrested yes
terday afternoon and their bail fixed at
8300 each until Coflco can appear in court.
Ben Hogan , wheso arrival In this city
on Sunday waa duly noted , bos secured
Boyd's opera housa and will hold a meet
ing there on Sunday afternoon next. Ho
will no doubt have a crowded bouse , tuch
M bo could not get at any of the churches.
He Is doing a good work.
At the meeting of the republican city
central committee on Saturday evening , it
was determined to hold the republican
primaries on Friday evening from C to 7
o'clock and tha convention on Saturday ,
THE BIE acknowledges the receipt of
an invitation to attend the wedding cf Mr.
Adolpb Meyer , which takes place In Now
York city , Tuesday evening , April 3d.
The bride h Mils Iloeo Thalmessloger ,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs , Thalmosslng r.
The ceremony takes place at 7 o'clock.
The Enter services at8 > .Patloueua's
Cathedral were unusually beautiful and
Impressive. PontlQcial high mats WAI
celebrated by Rt. Kev , Bl/hop Marti , of
Dakota , avJsted by Father * Kelly , En
glish and McCarthy. The beautiful marble
altar shone resplendant with myriads of
lighted tapers , while tbo blazing star
above was nn appropriate crowu to oil.
The side ultsw were likewise brilliantly
illuminated. Father McCarthy delivered
the Euterierznon. Thecholrdlitlagukhed
Itself Ia effectively renderlngMercadante't
Mas * In B flut and Mourt's Gloria. Tbo
regular1 elioir wai rclofcrced by Miss Win-
thlp and Jilts Johnson , both altos , cud
Mr. Baumer , bins The tenor solo "Vcnl
Creator , " by fifr. Blair , wai particularly
grand , hli sweet nnd pure voice being well
under control end effective. Other teem-
ben of tbecbolrare equally deserving of
prftlao. Mrs , MoOaffer.'y and slater , Mbs
McNamaro , Mils A.rnold nnd Mrs. Fitz-
morris Rang excellently , while Messrs ,
WnughB umtranl Iturphy were equally
effective In their parts ,
The site occupied by T. C. BrunnerV
grocery store , on Sixteenth and Capital
avewe , has been leased by htm from the
owner , Geo. B. Cosk , of Woonsocket ,
Providence , 11. I. , for a term of 95 yearn ,
this belnit the Mst record of so long o
lease over made In this country. The rent
for the iirst five years Is 8240 per year nnd
the amount Is to be readjusted each five
years on tbo banls of the valuation of tbo
property , exclusive of the Improvements
Judge Neville is sick and only one
court was In semlon yesterday , Judge Wake
ley [ i residing and hearing civil cases only.
The case of Stre'tt vs. Hartman , Involv
ing the title to the land in Hnriman's
addition , Is up again. It Is an old timer.
There was quite a rush at the opert *
house yesterday on opening of the reserved -
served Boot * lor the "Queen's Lace Hand-
kerchief. " The McCaull company , num
bering over 50 pcoplu , will arrive
this morning , coming here direct from
The Sixth Word Jlopubllcan club will
meat luesday ovcnintr , March 2G , at No.
1 engine hcuio , G , H , Kathbun , chair
The Mwnnorcbor celebrated [ EtBter
Sunday 1 > y a pleasant patty In their new
headquarters , Central hall , Sunday.
Mrs. Nellie E , Hall was granted [ a
bill of divorce from Cbnuncy L. Hall ( on
the 16th of March.
There will bo n regular meeting of the
Social Art club thin evening at their
Anna Morgan at oport > house Wednes
day evening. Tickets 50 cents ; now on
St. Bbrnabos parith school will open
for the Trinity term to-day at 0 a. tn
Too coal bins at the city jail are being
It snowed again at noon yesterday.
Too Easter Concert of tbo Union
Sunday School an Enjoyable One.
Notwithstanding the inclemency of
the weather a goodly number attended
tha outer concert of the Union Ban-
day achool last evening , which proved
to bo very entertaining.
llav. A. F. Bhorrill was present and
delivered a pleasing and eloquent ad
dress. The quartette , constating of
Messrs. Gratton , Hondoraon , Ken
nedy and Oration , gang very accept
Wo wore also favored with the pres
ence of Mr. Ooorgj A. Joplln , the
now eeorotary of the Y. M. 0. A. ,
who inado some very Interesting ro-
marlip. This is the first opportunity
wo hbvo had of mooting Mr. Howsor's
successor and wo congratulate
the association on their | > oed
fortune In aecurlog BO pleasant
and atTnblo a gentleman , for
horn we predict an eminent success.
The recitations o ! Mlsies Of o well ,
I Instln , Gruonig , and MoKinzlo were
t otlooably good , aa were also the do-
c ilamatlona of Masters Wilton ,
Or o well , and Guy MoKonzlo.
The duett by Misses Ilnstin and
mlth waa well ronedrod. '
An original poem written for the
oeaslonby Mlsa Mamlo Llttlofiold ,
ill bo found below.
Wothank , thce our Fnthor , |
For all that tbou hast done ;
iVo thank thee for the precious gift
Of Jesus Christ thy son ,
We thank theo that Ho lived and died ;
For we can gladly nay ,
Because Ho triumphed over death
Wo keep the Eaotor day.
Because Ho triumphed over death ,
O , happy thought ! ring In ;
Illng In nnd out through every heart ,
That triumph over oin.
O power of evil ! gaunt and bold ;
0 rocks ! that men had trod.
What were ye at the eepulchre
Against the power of God ?
O child of Godl dost thou stand by ,
Thon. conquered and dismayed ,
When God'b own volcn Is tolling thee
'Ti I-be not afraid ?
Bo not afraid Ills strong right hand
Will move thy mounts away ,
Or load thee gently round them to
The sunlight of-the day.
0 human beartsl let go thy doubt ? ,
Thy doubts nnd fear and sin ,
And lift thy right hand up to God ,
And put it-His within.
Tbon upward too as onward
Shall thy llfe-motto br ,
And tlion shall count this Easter
A day of life to theo.
M. L. L.
The hall waa tastefully decorate- - 3
by florist Greig , cud the B uccoss o f
the concert was largely duo to th o
efforts of Mrs , Orowoll and Mrs ,
Smith. CUCKOO.
BiUiTOQA , March 20,188't.
Tnblcs supplied with the boat th
market atlords. The traveling pnbll
claim they got batter accommodation
and moro general satisfaction her
than nt any other honao in Omaha
Rate , r > 2 per day. aug21tfm
LEWIS -At the residence of F. L. Pack-
ard. No. 8300 Sherman avenue , March
Jflth , 1883. Matthew Lewis , of Visalla
Oal. , aged 72 yean and ten months.
* A social glass of Hub Punch Is a most
welcome accessory of friendly Intercourse ;
peculiarly acceptable ut parties. Uncork
nnd 'tis ready ,
Made from the wild flowers of the
it ia the most fragrant of perfume.
Manufactured by II. U , Slavou , San
Francisco. Forealo in Omaha by W.
j , Whllohouso Mid Kennard Bros.
Skinny Men.
" Wells' Health Reuowor" restores
health and vigor , euros Dyspepsia ,
Impotence , Sexual Debility. $1.
HJhtKAT BAIKUINB In Pianos and
Organs at Preicott & Oo.'s Exclusive
Muilo Store , 1509 Farnam street. Full
stock of Shoot Muoio and everything
in the moalo lino. Siiatev&moumoru
A Murderer Traveling by Special
Train ,
Breakfasting in. a Palace and
Fasting in a Jail.
For several days past the coming cf
J. T. Norrls , the dotcctlvo who hoa
boon In California for anmo weeka
paat haa been announced by telegraph
and otherwise , Norrls Is from Springfield -
field , O. , and wont to the const in
oarch of L. E. Honk , a man charged
with the mnrdor of a commercial
traveler on a passenger train In Dela
ware Oo. 0. , fire yoara ago last Jan-
unry. Ilouk is an export throe-card
monte man who lived in Omaha ten
or eleven yoara ago and seemed much
palnod ua ho conversed with the re
porter yesterday to learn that hla
notoriona confreres of that day had
mostly passed in their chocks.
Honk was discovered and captured
by Norrln at Los Angolca , California ,
and with the &id of hla friondo kept
the dotectivoln that atato for eovoral
weeks fighting every Inch of the oowo
by haboua carpus , etc. llonk de
clared yesterday that ho finally got up
in court and voluntarily requested
that the writ bu diamlsHod oa ho had a
enro case and might as well qo back
and stand the racket now ua any
time. "I've got the Barest
case in the world , " ho cays , "and
plenty of money to light it out. All
I want is to go back by Toledo where
I shall got wltneason which no ono else
could find , Then I want a couple of
good lawyora and will take a change
of venue , end I'll como out all right. "
Norria left San Francisco with hla
prisoner on Thursday for the east and
the prisoner and hla friends had no
doubt made proparatlona to harass the
journey at every step. Among other
placea Cheyenne waa picked out at the
point for trying on the habeas corpus
again but Norria and hla man , Instead
of continuing east by No. 4 on the
main line , wore mot by u apodal train
at Colorado junction and whirled down
to Denver , ) whore they took the Den
ver & Omaha abort Hue , arriving-
this city at 7:35 : Monday morning.
The pair registered at the Paxton ,
where they breakfasted , and then
Houk waa sent to the city jail for safe
keeping until afternoon. Hero ho
was aoon by the reporter abont noon ,
when ho waa kicking for more fire ,
and wanted to got out In the corridor
to the stove.Vhon asked if ho was
hungry and wanted to have dinner ho
said no ; ho thought the meal at the
Paxton would stay hla stomach until
they got on the dining car of thn
Wabaah route , which they took at 4
p. m.
"Wo go from St. Louis to Chicago
and Toledo , and then to Dataware ,
Delaware county , " said Houk. "I
want to get thoroaa BOOH as poaribl ? ,
and got my trunk and make myself
comfortablo. My family starts oait
to-day , and I want to see this thing
out. I felt a little tender hearted on
noount of my gray haired old father ,
but it is tirao td show up at last. "
"You have a finally , then ? Where
do yon reside ? "
"At Tucson. It is my father's
family. I toll yon , " ho adddod , "If
Norris had come through Arizona or
Colorado ho would have .had a good
time , and would have como out with
both logs cut off. "
The prisoner , who is a shrewd fol
low and about 40 years of ago , Insists
that the fight made la .not for hla pun-
iahmont but for the protection of the
railroad company in whoso train the
man waa killed by him. The widow
haa onod the company for § 5,000 dam
ages on the ground that had the com
pany taken the proper precautions for
the safety of their passengers the acci
dent would not have osonrred. The
company in its defense will
try to provo that tbo con
ductor waa < in the oar ' at
the time of the fatal straggle and the
civao will present the prisoner and the
widow both arranged on one side
against the corporation. Houk says
ho will provo by hla Toledo witness
that the conductor waa not in the oar ,
that the deceased was notorious aa a
fighter and a licentioua man and that
ho bronchi his own death upon him-
self. "Oh , I've got the tureat caao in
the world" said Honk. I'm not
alarmed. "
Police Court.
Judge Bonuko had a tolerably active
Monday morning session , the list open
ing wlthtlx plain drnnka. Of thoso'two
wore committed for three days each
ono for ten days , ono was continued ,
one discharged and ono paid. Judg
ment was anatcndetl ton the ton day
sentence o allow the victim to leave
There were thrco cases of distnr
banco of the peace and one man ar
rested as r suspicious oharaotor. The
latter proved to bo insane and will betaken
taken care of. Ho came from Rotter
dam only a few months ago.
Oamplalnt waa filed -against Harry
Law for stealing two ovcrcnMo f ion
B. F. DanUoii , the value of the aamo
being SCO.
A complaint V.TI filed by Thomas
Kondol charging Frank Pavouki witl
taking $2 nnd a penknife from hiu
while ho waa drunk. Pavonki olaim
that ho took thu stuff f or safe koepin |
and in the proeonoo cf others. Th
hearing is cot for 10 o'clocl
The ooao of John Shannon , chargoi
with assault with intent to comml
murder , on Robert Noble , was sot fo
yosteidiy. The latter lost th
use of oito of his lingers from wound
Real ISdtuto Transfers
The following deeds were filed fo
record in the county clerk's cflic
March 24 , reported for THE BEE by
Amos' real estate ogency :
Dorothy Brown and husba'nd , w. d.
to James Jonaoi ) , o A of s. w. of sec
18 , t. 10-12 , 81,000. "
Lars lonsond and wlfa to Dorothy
Brown , w. d , a. 48 22 100 acres o
the a i of n o. J see , 2 , 10-11 , $800
Elizabeth Miller otal , to Oharle
0. Houslo and Itnben Allen , w , d ,
lota 2 , 3 and 4 , block 207 J , $500 ,
Lytmm lUobardaon and wife , w. d.
to Clara Bowratn , west A of mlddl
1-3 of lota 2 add 3 , block 12 , Kurl
and Rath'a addition , $387.
Lyman Richardson nnd wife to Ola
n-jiltnd , cnst | tjt middle 1-3 of lots
t and a , block 12 , Krulz and Ilnth'o
addition , 5387.
Win. TJho end wife , w. d. , toOhrli-
tlan Santhcr , lot 10 tec. 10 , 14 , 13 ,
U. P. Ry. Co. w. d. to Svnunl
McOlenoghan w. d , , sej of ace. 27 , H ,
9 , 8C10.
F. W. Corliss w. d. to Simunl
McOloneRhan. mi tf nw | of sec , 27 ,
Ella E Litson w. d. to Jamie A ,
/ taon , lots 12 and 13 , in block 13 ,
lanscom Phve , $1,300.
Oeo. T. Willen w. d. to Hobert
Villlams , t J lot 22 in sec. 16 , 15 , 13 ,
The Woodman Linseed Oil company
r. d. to the Woodman Linseed Oil
Vorkn , lota 1 , 2. 7 and 8 in block ,
7J , $80,000.
Roswcll Smith and wlfo w. d. to
Geo. B. Cook , n. 44 foot of lo 8 ,
ilock 139 , $5,000.
Ma. John McKonzto Goes uvor to the
"Nicltel PJato '
Ono of the moat enjoyable and sue-
eufnl social ovonta that has yet taken
lacQ in the popular Millard hotel ,
an the bacquot given on Saturday
vening in honor of Mr. John Mo
[ onzlo , who for the paat five months
BB boon assistant general BU-
orintoudont of the motive
ewer and car dopartmon1 the
Jnion Pacific. Ho has worked for
bo company seven years in all , the
reator part of the time being in
horgo of their extonaivo shops. at
'Lrmstrong , Kansar. Ho resigns hia
resent position to accept the office of
oneral master mechanic of the
mous "Nickel Plate" road , the
Ight name of which la the Now York ,
Jhlcago and S1. Louis railway. His
eparturo is generally regretted by
tioao who have screed under him and
ho banquet was a voluntary and
racoful tribute to the man , and a
ecognition of his ability as a master
Prof. H. D. Polio haa scoured
oem 21 in Kadtck's block , Farnam
troot , over Prcscott & Co.'s music
tore. The professor has boon teach-
ng in thin city for the past three
months , and haa gained a reputation
worthy of note. Ho la to organlzo a
lass in thorough bass for advanced
upils ; also a class in vocal instruction
or our young folks. All who have a
oslro to join either cf these classes
ro 'requested to lea"o their namoa at
'rescott'n mnslo store , 1509 Farnam
trcot. Prescott & Co. have placed
finn piano in the professor's room ,
nd ho will bo prepared to glvo vocal
nd Instrumental instruction next
week at hia rooms.
W. B. White , of Teliamab ; George W.
'ost ' , of York ; E. B. AppliRate , of Lin-
oin ; W. W. Earl and Albert Boden , of
Irote ; Joe B. BauchoRorz , of Blair ; Geo.
Uanln , of Oaceola , and William Sodor-
trum , of Lincoln , were at the Millard
W. B. Shattuc , G. P. A. ; G. D. Bacon ,
V7. P. A. of the Ohio and Mississippi ; T.
Barry and Andy Atkins are among
be railroad men who were in Omaha yes-
Dr. H. W , Hyde left yesterday for Chi.
ago , via the C. , St. P. and M. road to
meet hla family on their return home from
beeait. He expects to get homo on Fri.
John Hetb , of Lincoln ; J. West , ol
fellghj E , E. Day , of South Bend ; R. T
ilcCrew , of Lincoln , are among the
; ue tsat thoPaxtoc.
11 , 1'iipinean , Jr. , of Brown & Pryor ,
Cincinnati , leaves for Salt Lake to-day.
A. B. Clayton nnd J. M. Smith , o
liberty , Va , , are at the Metropolitan.
L. 11. Boiler , of North Platte , and John
Peters , of Albion , are at the Millard ,
L. Daniels and wife. ' of Kansas City
restored at the Paxton yesterday.
Will 0. Bryan and wife , of Wahoo , are
UHts of the Metropolitan.
United States Marshal Blerbower wen-
down to Lincoln yesterday.
Eilrnund lloach nnd G. H. Koberts , o
Dublin , arc at the I'axton ,
J. A , Jury and daughter , of Aehland
were in towu yesterday.
S. A.Cuttlor , of Laramic , waa at th
Metropolitan yesterday.
Mrs. Allen and child , of San Francisco
are ut the Millard ,
Samuel F. Watts , of Xoith Platte , Is a
the Metropolitan ,
Chi ? . K. Coon , of Ft. McKIuney , ia a
the Metropolitan ,
Howard Wlleon , of Crawfordsville , InJ.
is at t ha Millard.
llobort 1'oote , of Wyoming , ia reglaterei
at the Paxton.
F. H. More , of Shelton , Neb. , It at th
L , J. Bloomers , of Ojcooln , is a guest o
the Paxton.
II. II. Cowen , ot Wilbcr , Is at the Met-
Leon Kennon , U. S. A. Li in town.
Thoo. Meyer , of Fremont , Is at th
Win , H. Prance , of Beatrice , is at th
Pftxton ,
J. 0. McCadden , of Denver , li at th
Pax t o-i.
John Zehrun ? , of Lincoln , is nt th
W. II. Coaklln , of Kearney , is at th
Hon , Theron Nye , of Fremont , Is at tb
E , M. Ihtti ? , of York. U at the Metro
polltan ,
Lavi Carter ha gene to Idaho.
0. Specht , the cornice king , line return
ed from the weat.
E. H.AplIn is In tha city visiting h
brother , Ho will remain a few days
Perclval Lowell arrived from Chlcng
yesterday , and is ( topping at the PAX
Mr. John Morris , n capitalist ot Bloom
Ington , Ind. , li hi the city with a vfew t
locating in the undertaking buslnoaa her
If tblngi look favorable.
Mn. Whitney , Mr § . Lee , Mtsa Kvely
Ames , Miss Annie Lee Ames , MUs Gr c
Atkins and ftftu Helen Atkins * r.nd Mr.
0. M. Bfcker , of Boston ) Misa Hosallo
Slc'icelr , Jackson ; K. Stckols and T. K ,
Hickelo , ot New York , are nil gujt nt the
W , B , Shattuck , general passenger and
Icket agent of the O. & M , E. A.Ford of
ho U , & 0 , A. Atkins of the Ilock
stand , and Lyman McCarthy of the B ,
i O , , and G D. Bacons , western agent at
t. Louts for the same road , are in the
lemalning in Postoffico during the week
nding March 24 , 1883.
Vllen O A-2 Arnclt W W
Yllen V M Anderson U P
lurlow G Bregler
3urton J Barchua L U
BllaaJ B > ker J
iom'rioh II Bennett L D
Irown D M Dean D U
} lark H uowicB i : H
Joy It Oo C.i m mo U
Cooper O F ( .arr .1 U
ClarkW | B Cary W
Cinrk S G Uola P K L
Uicltenton F B & Co Dnvls G i )
Davis J S Dart J P
JuncnnV J Demmoka F
Dunn M Kvans Ai S W
ingle W Frost J
'easier A Fantn J
'nrrell ' J W Funison U N
fuller F Guidon A
Sale G D Grubea H
lowenJA Gregerson N
Gottry 7i Green A D
Jiannon B W Uildoa J 2
Gardner K Goldstein U
lessdorferA Hayes O
lowoJA llallB W Hansen F
HUP HeuthP
InrdWR Hardy J
nendry J Hubbeit W N
obnson O H John ! on J
one * E .Tnnsen P F
Curtz F Kannlie M
Kearney L Koch P
" .ennedy D Kelley D 0
iUnd J Lee J
lindcrman J H Lombardo F
.evy . If Lee B
jawcen 11 Lyon W C
untas J Y Lucas D R
McAdom Q F Maat G-2
Mason A B Mack W
Moore J K Mulligan J
McMnhon J J Martin G W
Ichblc Mr McClare E
Mikoltuek F McLead J
ilathewaG Maxwell H
Northrop A Noble M S
Overton T O'Connor J J
OibornEH Oliver. JttW
O'aourkeB Pettewon A-2
" ickermg B Pickering A
'orker ' 11 W Peterson J-2
'ratt Mr Plckerinw B
'alinblad J 0 Ittsset II
tupp P Kicbard&on II C
tang W A Huge A
tigRs E J Reenow J
Bech J Root D
Ratblew M
ilavec & Olsen Showers A
itewort J Stallcr T K
ioderberg P Sheldon A E
itevens J Schnitz J
IcottEH SuiitbEH
iinith M Stewart Mr
Jteel B C Smith Mr
hlpley Mr Smith M N
Ihorno J Tucker U R
Thomas O Thomas S
'ico W II Tolman & Co
Van Brunt Thompson & Co
Vilaon C Wright L
Vest F White H E
inderaon L Austin Misa J
Allen Misi V Anderson Mra A E
nderson Miss L Ardery M L
taford Mrs A M DoVnue Misa B
iuckley Mrs E Bain Mrs G
Jernino Mrs F Black Mrs E S
Beurvall 1 E Bjurvall Mra A
oralih Miea L Carpenter Mlstt L
> lorkern Mlaa M Cameron Mra D
DawBon Mrs N Denison Mra L
Cilia Mrs A Uroth Mra E
ianaen Mies M Hartnett Miss M
Harrison Mits S
dtarria Misa A Hoiem Mlsa t
louben Mrs L B Johnson Mies A C
TohanBon M Judge Mis B
Tohnson Mits N Jett MUa E
Tanson Miss A KeezleMlsa VII
xayse Ml > a O Magovern Mies H
Lewis Mra M Mason Mrs H W
MoUonald Mra M R Mack Mrs R
McLaney Mra J Morton Mita F
Slottaon Mra J Mahoney Mies M
Morton Miaa S IS all Mrs
Jberg Mra A Palmer Mbs I
Khodea Mra M 2 Knbinn Misa J
Ryan Mra TL King Miss B
Sheldon Miea M Stenty Miss K
Sintielar M Stiro Mi's N J
Smith Mra S V Swenron Miss
Stront Mrs C Tbompson J
Ubol Mrs Williams Miis AC
Win * Mrs N Walker Mr * D
YoungquUt Miai
Tues F. HALL Postmaster.
Has the largest assortment of Hinges
and Cook Steve , Barb Fence Wire ,
all of which yon can bny cheaper than
any place in ton n at 015 and 617 N.
10th Htrcos. ' m27-mo-tf
PDllomnthouu Concert.
The eighth concert of the Phlloma-
thoan Club will take place at Max
Meyer & Bros. ' mualo hall , Wcdnes
day , April 4th. The following ia the
1. String Quartette inC . Mozart
n. Andante , b. Mcnuetto , c. Adagio ,
it Allegro
J. Trio In E i. , Op. U , No. 2. . .Haydn
Piauo , Vlnlin. VioU.
3. Concerto for Pisnn , AlUgro ( with
accp. ol 4 ftriiiRp ) . Hauptmann
Mr. Felix Blaukenfeld.
4. Serenade . Schubert
Qaarlotto from Glee Club.
5. String Quartettn In G . Haydn
a Adagio , b Protto
C. Qalntuor , On. ltl ! . Rusalger
a. Andante , 6. Sceiz v
7. StrinttQasrUtte . Sponr
Loss of Appetite , Bowels costive ,
Pain in the Head , with a dull sen
sation in the back part , Fain under
the Shoulder blade , fullness after
oatincr , with a disinclination to ex
ertion of body or mind , Irritability
of tamper , Low spirits , with a feel-
in rr of havini ? neglected some duty ,
weariness , Dizziness , Fluttering at
the heart , Dots before the eyes , Yel
low Bkin , Headache generally over
tlio right eyo. Restlessness , with fit
ful dreams , highly colored Urine ,
TtJTT'S 1'II/IjN nro especially
itilaiitril to nucli rait * , one iluio tf-
iccU ( Mch a clmiiue oC fcelluir m to
nutuiiliU the nullcrer.
ir.cylucrenietlioAi > l > tlteandcAnsa
tlio iMKly lo Take ou 1'lctli , thus thu > v * .
Urn U itourlihecl , and by tliclr Toiila
ulnr Hlool areiinxluced. UIH * .
t. . rV.V.
GRAY HAIB on Wniwcns changa to n OLOBSY
IUJ.CK by a slnglo application of thli DTI. U
Impartsanaturnlculur. Actslnttantaneou
ly. Bold . by UnimUti , or nt by BI : pruut-on
VAAaln. f . . .81.00. '
Pr.TLmiHimi.of Tll l.l > l ror. U . .4 >
lett IvU UI ! > U 41 Uik > c lkul M. J
wl POSITIVELY , not beln
lertcdunleit paid In advance ,
The Omaha Saving Bank
s LOW prepircil tora Vo loaas nn Omaha Cltj
or Uoualis Cotiaty
3:1 J * > . 3CZS r- * * . j V. "O ? 3C3
At Current ll.tts ot Intirott.
MOKEY TO LOAN At 8 per cent. Shtlvcr'i
Hial EsUte and Loan Agency , ( j | > | Kjito
postofflcq. 767-tt _
M ON KIT LOAKED-On cbattol mortKncroom )
7 , Union llJock , cor. ICth and Farnim ,
421-apr is ;
WANinD-Occd laundreiM t S. W. cirner
Hariny and ICIli. WtL'oi (4. per nick.
' *
W ANTED A compel- lr to ilo general
lioutcACrk In a family ot two. Cni | at ' . ! 1
'aj St. oil alier 4 o\lcc . 03Mt | |
W AN'IKO-Ulrl to do Ight wolk 1617 Cap- '
\\f AK.TED Stronir jotnir man to leirn trade
VV Anplv S.u'h SU JCth ttruet , Ijas.iuo.t.
ANTF" C n < aisem on crmmlsslon or fol-
at } ( Iraoil Union To * Co. 1IOS. 15thSt.
WANTEO An cxpor uic.d Maker. 1'erm -
ncnt employment an I KOOJ wagts. Atdt/es
D. LOWMAN , llaatlcKB.Ncb. 570-318
Tmsand laborers. II. MANN
WEILGK , llth Si. near Fiunirn. 507-203
A yunc irlrl wanted Gcriran or Swolo prefer
red. Wm NELSON , 1210 K DOm. 6502flf
WANTED-Good , quick and Intelligent pirl
cr womai In Van IJjrn's Wax Kocm 82
South aAcnue. C39 28 {
"IT7"ANTED-A lecond cook at the tiuaif t house.
YV re-2fl
" \T7 ANTED Itact gael harnetsm Veriiood (
VV wages to steady men. Address K. Harhe ,
York Neb. 439-29
WANTED A few Udt and gentlemen as
agenti for the biggest paying buslne-a In
AmorlCi. Room 3,1303 Famam Si 24S-la > )
WANTED A position by a competent book
keeper. Flrat-clacs city ic.'crenco' . Ad
dress Box 752 , city. 489 SC }
is 7 ANTED By two young men position In a
YV wholeiale ttora of any kind. Addicsi L.
I1. O. City. fl)4-i85
WAN1ED By wom < n with ayoungihj'd ' ,
aeltaaiion to do anv k nd ot house-work.
Inquire of Sitter Sarah , Ihlld'd Hoipltsl. COS 77 $
WANTED By girl , actuation as'ook or gen <
oral houiewoik. Call 1201 Chicago St.
WANTED A jounff lidy ai companion. Ono
nllllnat'.to asilst In bousobo'd work for pay.
Will flnd a homo is oneo the familyby address
52-2G Bee OIHco.
WANTFD By ajouni m\n , rom and board
lo ccitral loratlo i. l'rlYtutamlly prc'er-
rel. Address , s atlnu terms , "W. F. I' . " Bee
oIHce. , 125-265
HlTUVTlON.ts boo -ko per , fltcen yinrs ox
Fperleaco. Kcfercn'cj given. Addresi "V"
Room 2 , Odd Ftllows bKck. 30-ECf
A Gentleman , a mo'hanlu , ni'hcs to corrc-
J Vspandvllh a lady. Object marriage. No
objecilon \\ldow or workli gjrirl.
81-C8 Shorandoah Paga Co , Iowa.
WANTED-To icn. a light .
with tbc prlvclcgo of buying HOtouth 15th
3 : 602 28
WANTED 2 roims for I ( jhS houeo keeping
In pica nnt 1 callon. Host references. Ad-
drc's T. Boo office. 5 0 'JC
. A' > TFD By pnvalo family , three or four
V bcnrdcrs. Low rites c'osi to liuslno s part
of town. Addiets Francis Kltg , Wjmai Com
merclal College. OSO 29 *
WANTED Tbroo unfurnlshH rf omslor light
hourokccplDg. Addrets B. 1224 FJrnum
street , Orcaha.
A O"NOY Wanted by ayoang and enterpils-
XX Ing attorney , wlthofncoln centre cf town
and on ground floor. Omaha flrms tbat want a
Council B.uDs represent 'live should address
JOHN DOE 1 Pearl St.
WANTED 100 prhy vaults , sink ) and cers
pooh to clean stnltari cleaner. Eat.s-
faction guaranteed. J. M. SMITH ,
216-lmt Lock Box 422 , Omaba.
FOR REST ottifro six rfonn $18 00 per
month Carksori : , V Hunt 2.5 S. 14th fci.
F RENT two nlcalooms at C34 17th s r et
bet. Jack < cM ana Da\etiport. GSO-271
I70R RENT TWO nice furnlshfd rooms , ssu
J ? frrnr , 'J22 S W. cor. 19th and Taicnport.
TT10R REST Kfnt room with bay window , &
JU board 1713 DodjoH. 580-30S
FOR RENT Nlco r joins BUliablo for small
family. Inquire atgroceryttoroc rner 20 h
and Cunung CC.V30
Ij > Orl HEM' Two fiont rooms , flrtl
JD floor , furnisttcdorunlurnlshtd , 27 ! ) Hainev
street , bet. 15th and ICth. 670-2G3
OCR RENT Tl reo nlctly furnlsbed rocmr ,
E1 with cr without boaid , at 1318 Jackson Si.
547 29f
T710R RENT Klne iip ? ht piirTorflncrKlm.
J ? ballurgan , 1519 Dodge utrcot.
en-1 A. HOSPE , Jr.
JJ Modern conveniences , 1S10 Dodgi Strict.
F OR RENT 25 house * , 2 to II ) rooms , nt < J to
$25 per month Sbrlver'a Rent I'.urcau , op
jvwt office. 7ntt
"C OR liKM Two double ttortn , eult Ho u.
.1' bearding bouse , grocery , butcher , crcaltjon
situated to as to command a goad firmer trade.
Inquire of Mn. F. Langc , S. U' Cor. 13th anc
Jacknon bta. SOO-lmt
I70K tfALk One ( \uartcr \ sectlcri land In HUn
JD ion county. Also otio of tin tea st ct farm !
In Burt ccunty , one mile frciu Herman tita Ion ,
Also lot and it rJ building 1119 Fjirnau aircct
Also for sale or trade ( cr DougUs cu".tj proper
ty , 40 acioi in ilaioi count } , Illicols. inqulro
of U. O.CLABK.
tjion S LE Gencril stcck of n > r.-h ndlia am
C nrub 11 I g , wl located In tbrlilng town
2.21 iujfri.ui Lt.fdu. I'.oinrty crth tlnui
i > ,00) Hxtlsfi tory rca ODD lor sellliifl | \
Auurew "K. U. " Ouiolu Bee. 177.7
1710R It NT Oil SALE One brick store with
J } Crooim up s'.ilrf. Inqulrd 1401 Cano'
ua Malis between lUn tnl | nth Sti. M7..TI
TTlOn SALlr rm of 120 acres , 2 house i and
P birn wltalO acres rf tlmbg' Z ta\\en- \ \
wet of Hanscaui'a 1'trk. Inqu re 1418Casift.
tipntalri between Kill and 16th Sta. 056-31 [ ;
EOR SALE New house , 12 rooms , 8 clojetl ,
celhr , mi * ! ) ( CO per month , one-third corner
lot Sl.noo. New hous * , G rooms , carret , 112x40 ,
cellar , tUttrnand well , lot 5BxC6 for 2,700. i
houtei , 4 ioom cacb , ccllir , c stern , vtcllantl
staMe , lot y\132 , $ ? ,7CO. Ml wlthm 0 bl cks } {
l > o < toUlce. Iiiqulio No. COS North 13th Street.
5796 $
FORS LV G held of Jeisey cowt. . Inquire
ItOiCisaSt. upsUrs | tctivoin 14th > nd 150
FOR SALE Optra House Rcstiurvnt. Doing
agojdbiilQo t Tcrmi rtasica ,
R5.J M W. II. McCOY.
IOR SALE Oil RENT Vose I'imo.
F 528-lf C. J. OANAN.
llu < hil < Onion Sets for sxle cheap. Jrhr
100 U. Willla. 1411 Do < g street. 613-g
IVd tioutea , 3 roc ma nd 5 rcoms.
) Brick foundatlcn.gooltellari , bird anl tofi
water , full lot , on coutn ! 3rd street , wltnia two
blcckaof St. iliri's itcnur , Icqulre on the
, o. Sll lOutb 2id Street. 522-2w |
TT10U SALE A ue t , row one story frame cot-
Si tageaia full lot on 18th street. First-clan
ro4ldonce lo-atlon. Six rcoms , e\ery cocven
liuco. Terms eaiy. Avply at Uw office olJKen
ncdy A. Uartln , 17 and lb Umiha National Dank
bulldlog. 604-271
FOIl 8ALE-Qu nty of Oak lence post . In.
quite at Wooilyarvl , Webster utrctt , between
17th and 18th. 4CO-t
I7IOR SALE "rocm home on CaplUl t venue ,
' r"m'rR s < * * V
B roim cot'age on " - "
4 room cottage on 10'h S SUI
1 > o in caUvo near U P. ' p > t , ? f S.
nruomcottAieatHead tf St Mary' * i-'nn < ; .
3.6W. Mct'AQUK oipOi.tol'OD Otlrer
495 If
_ _
I t tJHS I Vew Map ol Omaha , lust coimpluoi.1 and'
n teatly for delh ery at * 5 each. Is 4 ktt 1d
ij 7 fttt long. Largest and most compl'it rri-r1
off " ; a ever published. OIllcUl map ot II *
ct v re column. .
- a U-giln
ttock of gneialnurchatdlso with nn f -
tunll li-"itfftdulnoneoftho best owns nn the
B. .VM.Mlrovl In Nebraska. St'ck wl.l In-
> olceabrii-SI,500. Addrcsj lock b.x 14U ,
Council Bluffi , low a. mlMOt
10U SALE-One norse , MnKle itagou uid bar
F neu. 1 Cooper waion ,
3J7.U 301 N. 15th si.
BKIUK run It o * Aandl.
Superior clay. Also house on > aril V w anted.
LOBENZO DlllBLKYard 18thittt t , ? blockti
iiouth o ( Be'levuo ' road. B801mt
TnOR BALK OR RENT-My Sstory br'ck rest'-
E dcncoonl9thsticc'taoil St. llarj'a avcnne.
for sale , 87 000. Small payment down , ba'anco-
110 6 jcari time. Lot 0x500 feet. hlegans
house , rery cntvi-nlcnt. Will rent it to very
good parties for ? C5 per month. Call at cmra at.
20J-Aprll 1 Cor. 12th and Farn.iiS 5\ (
SALE House with 6 rooms aid 2 loti
( each 60x132) In south Omaha , for $1,000 , on
posytcims.Vllliako teim on part payment ,
Inquire at 0118 12th street. 213-lmt
FOR SALK CHEAP Cholco unimproved bua-
Inosi lots on Farnam. Ilarney , Dough e ,
and Dodge streets. D WIS * SNYDEIl ,
Real Agente >
110 ood-tf 1505 Farnara SL
Bargains in Ml EstateL
House and halt lot , gttd location , tlKO.
llou'o and bait lot , neir t. Marj'a avcnua-
Cettage and Corner lot cnDoJo street , $3,600
Now Cottage In E. V. Smith's addition , $2,000.
CotUgo ana full lot on IBth street , mar Lav-
venwoith street , $2:00.
44 loot frontage oa Farnam street , Improved , ,
Corner lot on Douglo street , $7,500. Banraln
1IU incsa lot on Uouzl's .trcct , $4,000.
100 foot fronton Dodge sliest. Residence In
vestment , $1,350.
BOTtf- Opposite Po 'oRlM.
THOR dALK A flirt clan second hand phaotoai
I ? 011 at 1810 H.rney St. SOT-M
T710U HALE Pockets maps ot Mobrwka SOc.
J } each. For bargains In Oiraha City Improved ,
and unimproved property , call on Wm. F , Bhri *
ver , Ke\l Eatato Agent , opposite postofflco.
10 acres , house , barn end other Improvements , ,
2 } miles from postotllce , 3,000.
9 room house , full lo > nn s root car line , t3 600.
11 room htu'c , onc-ralf let , on ttreoi u > r line ,
8 room bouse , on street car line , oil modern
improvements , ( new ) 13,500
ICO floe resilience lots on and adjacent to stiet U
cats. $300 to 31(00.
Farnam Street.
3 room hous ; , cellar , well , etc. Twj full lots ,
Shlnn's addition , $300.
6 rojm ncuio , cellar , cistern , eti , femes and
walks , fu'l lot , Hhmn'a addition. Very easy
term ; , 82,3fO.
3 room MOU99 , on street car line , leased lot ,
{ 500.
3 rooi ) hou'o , I o wo'a aJJithn , full lot , 4500.
3 room houio , one-bait lot , five minutes walk-
from sticct cars , . 8:00 :
0 room house , ton m'nutci vak from pojt-
otllce , full lot , $1,009.
$1,009.AMES ,
Farnam Street.
r room housj , ettc t , $1,500.
Uctlucu property on i apit 1 a'enuo , corner ,
b room homo ( new ) cno half block from street
caL'arcaln. . $1,800.
8 room houid and barn on cipttol ave $ ! GO.
C room house , line order block from street cars
7 room house , full lot Ndsani additlo" , $7,000.
11 r om touic , bain , corn crib , well , cistern.
lUth Street. Easy term' , $3,000.
C one aero lots , 1 } miles tram p/stofllco , $800.
CaU > od examine lull Hit of mutes and Loti.
Vacant Lo's , ono , two , five and ten are lots.
150G Farnnm Street.
For gale of
200 Choice Lotfe In
596. tf 150G Farram.
fi < tUauctlon Bnb of Coinellus IKotbUst , which
| _ wm aihfrtl'od to mku place ou Tutfdsy next
27lh lust. , 3J miles north of Omaba , noir Fl-r
cncc Lake , will not be bed. 6 2-2b §
WILL take ch'Idrcn ' of rny ago giro them B.
mothers care for a liberal comrensatlon.
Addicss Y. Y. . lioo olUcc.
T ADIE8 wishing a qule' place during
Lj moiit , with nurjo uill address W , 0. Be >
ollico. 3u9-lrao {
rpo EXCHANGE for cltv pr-pcrty In Oiaha ,
\ _ tou llratc'aiImproved ' farms. A's'i 1COO >
head or bhojii f ir mlo Correspond wl.UN. C.
chr etlan n , haciamento , Neb. in 0-lm
QPECIAL INDUOEMENTS Offerfdfor n coun-
Q try etorn at Olhnore , Barpy cou"tv , Nob.
Apply to O. FiOit , Ihita. 103-lmf
TIUNALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Karnam
and namcy. Will , with iho aid of guardian
BDlrlts , obtain for any one a glance of tha paat
and present , and on certain conditions In tl > P fa-
turu Boots and Shoes made to order. Ptifect
RatUfactlon iruaranteix ! .
Absolutely Pure.
Thli powder ne\er varies. A marvel of puritj ,
ttrcngtti and wholesoraencss. More economical
than the ordinary kinds , and cannot lo sold rn
competition with the multitude of low test ihort
wilgbt , alum or ph phate ponder Sold onlr to \
cans. ROTAI , BAKIXQ POWBIR Oo. . Wall BUIl-a
Ncvf York. '