THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA TUESDAY MAHCR 27 OhJyBack ! That' ? a common expres sion and has a world of meaning. How much suf fering is summed up in it. The singular thing about it is , that pain in the back is occasioned by so many things. May be caused by kidney disease , liver com plaint , consumption , cold , rhcumatisn dysp.cpsia.ovcr- work , nervous debility , &c. Whatever the cause , don't neglect it. Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. No medicine has" yet been discovered that will so quickly and surely v cure such diseases as BROWN'S IKOX BITTERS , and it does this by commencing at the foundation , and mak ing the blood pure and rich. V Ix > niport , Ini Dec. i , iE3o. For a long time I have been a tuflerer from ttomach and kidney diseaie. My appetite wu very poor and the very tmall amount I aid eat disagreed with me. I wat annoyed very much from non-retention of urine. I tried many remedlet with no success , until I uied Ilrown't Iron Hitters. Since I used that my stomach does not bother me any. Myappetltelsilmplylmmense. My kidney trouble ! no more , and my general health Is such , that 1 feel like a new man. After the use of Ilrown's Iron Hitters for one month , I have gained twenty pounds In weight. O. 11. SAKGKNT. Leading physicians and clergymen use and recom mend BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS. It lias cured others suffering as you arc , and it will cure you. FALLEY&HOEB , . Western Agent * , L&fayotto , Indiana , X-JEZJE1 3E J REVERSIBLE HEELS -FOR- Rubbcr Boots and Boots and Shoes OF ALL KINDS. " The center pieces tra Intcrchuige&bla and re versible. It prevents the 'counter from running ore" , requiring no boot itlOenera. The Agency lor tbeso goods In thU town h been pis i p , Others cinnot procure thorn , t Call nil xunfna ft full line' of Leather and ) , , Candeo" Rubber Boots and Bhoci with the lie I rilble Heel. MHB. M. I'KTEKSON , 31-3m _ Loulavlllo , Neb. BALL'S CORSETS Kvory Corset U warranted satis * factory to its wearer In every way , or the money will bo refunded by the person from whom it was bousbt. ftnly Comet pronounce * ! by our leading t iy I l J rlou to Iho wcxuvr , anilrndortodlir ladlM a * * /'most comfortable ana perfect flttlnit Corxt T f PUICF.Hl > y 1UII , P Ualth Prrwrvlnc , l.tiO. Htlf.AclJmtlDC , 1.BO j&Mvmlntl ( citmbeiTj ) 8.00. Niinlna , 1. O Ualtfc 1'reurTtnB ( One rautll ) > .00. Parattan Hklrt-Bupportlnc , tl.BO. r r tale by trading IteUll UtaUr * vorywhare. OUICAQU COUSET CO. , ChlCUKO , Uk APUflUY VIGETABtt REMEDY COMPOUND HUM OF POKE ROOT. PRICKLV STIMULANT ITl P > ICMIST IStOC STCTIM REKOVATDR ITAIBSDISISTIOHJT1M PIICITIVI FCNCII tllATIIIMC IIVIRAND mitJTKHOWKBIMttl HOMCYI.OMIISTHI lllTBIItltl nuKitront OMAHA , NEB. THE EMPWE OF TEXAS. A Now Bvatom of Cattle BalBlnR tlmt Involvoo Voat Pastures Tbo Prollt In Wool Growing. A letter from Ksglo Pasa , Texas , In the Now York San , uaj : The typi cal cowboy Is with us almost a thing of the past , net simply because the number of cattle has BO decreased of late , but because the manner of hand ling them has nndorgono a radical change. Tlmo was when an owner of fifloon hundred or two thousand head of cattle would find employment for fifteen or twenty vuaqnoros. Under the present system three men can now perform the functions of which five times that number worn requisite a few yearn ago. It wan formerly the custom npon our ranches to "loose- herd" the cattle during the day and to round thorn up on the "bed-ground" or pen them In corrals for the night. How wo have pastures , Inclosed by many miles of barbod-wiro fencing , In which cattle roam at will by day or night. The pasture fences are ex amined and kept In repair by men de tailed npon ranches for that purpose. Ton years ago the cattle were drlron north Irom this state without regard to sex , ago or condition. The result was that Texan was almost drained of breeding as well as of beef cattlo. Now there Is some discretion exorcised and It Is the exception , not the rule , for cows and calves to bo driven "up the trail" or to the shipping centers. Many of our stockmen have Introduc ed fine cattle of the Durham and other breeds on their ranches with a vlow to improve their stock. Full- blooded cattle , however , are not easily acclimated , nor do they do well unless well led. The half-bred cattle Boom to thrive , and In tlmo the long-horned native cattle will bo supplanted by a mixed breed of finer quality. Two species of the "mnsca , " known here as the "heel fly" ana "screw fly , " ore the bane of the cattle men. The former look very like the ordinary honey boo , and deposit a nit npon the log of the animal below the knoo. The nit in tlmo develops into a worm and oats its way Into the flesh. The ' 'scrow fly" Is much like the blue-bottle , and attacks the animal wherever the flesh laid bare either by branding or marking the oars ; It loaves a nit from which the worm Is hatched by animal heat. Some tlmo since a valuable calf _ et screw worms In one of Its oars. It was doctored , and , It was thought , cured. It died recently , and upon opening the skull It was found that the crow worms had eaten their way to ho brain. The present system of branding and marking the earn not > nly idlafignros the cattle and destroys ; ho hldo , but , as may bo soon from the above statement , Is dangerous. Wool-growing Is a remunerative pursuit here. There are men within fifty miles of Eagle Pass who count 'heir sheep by the thousands , and who iamo from the north a few years since Imost penniless. Sumo of them itartod by taking care of other people's iheop on aharoi ; that is , taking charge if a herd and becoming responsible 'or It for one-half of the wool and of ho Increase ; and as many of our herds irood and are sheared twice a year , .hose persons soon become largo iwnors. Others coming here with mail capital , 'hare Invested in Mexl- an owes , which can bo bought at from .5 cent * to $1 per head ; then they put a few hundred In some good rams. lu a few years' tlmo , by this process. vthoy have .been enabled , 'o , dupoio \ of the original took , retaining a surplus of Im proved sheep , valued all the way from | 2 to $5 per head. But there la con- Idorablo labor connected with sue- lossfnl sheep raising , and It IB by no moans of the easiest or most desirable kind. The lands upon which those sheep food are , as a rule , either school lands rented from the state at a small consideration annually , or land rented of the railroad corporations. Only the most successful wool-growers own land In this county. The estate of ir. Jones Grlnor , who died some tlmo HO at S n Felipe , about so vonty miles ip the Rio Grande from Eagle Pass , omprlsed over forty thousand head i sheep , with a considerable herd of attlo and a number of horses. Mr. rlner , fifteen years ago , started out i the world with a capital not ox- loedlng SI , GOO , Dyes are so perfect , nd so beautiful that It la a pleasure o use them. Equally good for dark r light colors. 10 cents. CURIOUS GAMBLING SCENE. Stacks of Silver Chanced Away at an Indian Tournament In Nevada. iVInncmucca Silver Slato. The Plutos are having a grand gambling tournament here. In the day tlmo they moot on the Bunny side of ono of their wlok-ups , from which they extend wlnga by tying blankets on poles , to break the wind. The gamblers who engage In the tourna ment place two poles on the ground about ton foot apart and parallel with each other , and scat themselves on the ground , cross-logged , outside the poles. There are * generally six or eight bnoki on each aide , and the stakes , which range from. $2 to $20 In silver , ore stacked on the open ground between the parallel polos. Each side Is furn ished with six or eight short atloki and four long ones. Two strings ol small shells tied in the form of rlnga are then procured , aod when It Is de cided by chance which aide shall take these shells the game begins , A low , monotonous chant , accompanied by striking the poles with the long sticks and the swaying of their body to and fro , as if keeping Urns with the chant aud noiao made by the sticks , is com menced by the side who won the shells , and the two bucks who have possession of the shells move tholi hands and arms and change the shells from ono hand to the other , nnd finally conceal both hands undoi their blankets and cease moving them. This seems to bo the signal foi ono of the bucks on the othoi side to guesa which hand the sheila ore concealed In. If ho guosaei right the sheila are thrown to his side and two of the short sticks. Tnon the chant and Its accompaniments ti taken up by that side and continued until the sheila are won back by th < other aide. When all the short stioki re on ono aide the game la decided the aide having the sticks being thi vlotoni. The chant and beating thi poles and swaying to and fro ceaaei until the atakea for another game an doyositod , when the performance Is repeated. Ajl day long and far Into the night the light o ! a sage-brush fire this gambling continues , and con * sldorablo money charjgan hands. The tquaws and children arrange them * solves outside 'ho gamblers and look on for hours , apparently as much In terested In the game as the players. THE GOUOAR-MANOLEB CASE. A CQUBO Colobro that Will Cost Tip- pecanoo County Much Tlmo and Monoy. A correspondent at Lafayette , Ind. , writes : Mrs. Cougar , who her elo quent attorney , Oil. Do Hart , haa called the "little lady , " haa gained a notoriety that has been attained by no other woman of our ntato. Han dler , the chief of police who , outside of his constituency in thia city , was unknown to fame , has been sung In blank verso from the Potomac flats clean across the continent. There have boon moro cruel and unjust things said of Oapt. Handler than usually fall to the lot of the ordi nary peaceable and orderly citizen. It haa boon often asked why , If Hand ler discovered Wallace and Mrs. Ooogar under the circumstances nar rated , did ho not place them under arrest ? Had ho done so ho would have been condemned by every friend and supporter of Oapt. Wallace and Mrs. Qougar. Offlooro of the law are loath to lay their official bands npon prominent citizens , oven at the dead hour of night , and at beat It would be straining a point to havomadoachargo against the captain and the little lady If the chief of police had placed them under arrest. The alt Is full of recriminations. Rarely haa an intelligent community Buffered such a shaking np as that now being administered , The coclal and moral estates of many prominent clti- zone are already In the hands of the public administrators , and bills and claims are allowed without oven first certifying to them. The charge Is openly preferred that Mayor McGlnloy" is responsible for the alleged attack upon Mrs. Qougar , that Inhls Sunday .Leader ho has censured and condemn ed her , nnd that U waa by hio conni vance that the police were aocrotly "shadowing" the Gongar residence. Every charge made against the mayor IB unaustalnod by a single fact. It is a tissue of falsehoods which , If eman ating from Mrs. Gongar or her frlonda or from any other source , does him a groca Injustice , and will redound to the discredit and injury of the the plaintiff's cause. When the mayor first learned , almost by word of mouth from Oapt. Wallace himself , of the alleged liaison , ho consulted with his friends of both political parties as fo what should bo done In the promises. Ho investigated Mandlor'a statement carefully , and having by proof oatlsfied himself that the chief of police had told the truth , and that there was no plot or scheme , permitted him to re main in his official position. Had the conclusion boon otherwise he would have deposed Handler Instanter , as It was in his power BO to do. In jus tice to hla honor it Is proper that this bo made known. Two hundred witnesses have been examined In this cause , and a hundred moro are to be added to tbo long list. The Ho has been given direct , and the conflict of testimony la frightful to lontemplato. Perjury has become ampant , and if the struck jury befcroj fhlch the collation haa boon 10 ofvA lerved dan masticate the morsel witu- at fatal results , its will become the astonishment as well aa the admiration of Tlppeoanoo'a sovereign people. ully three moro weeks will bo ocon- led before the case can bo submitted o the jury , and It Is understood that ho raciest proceedings of the trial are ; et to como. The costs of the trial , awyors1 foes , and expanses are already istlmatod at $10,000 , and the end Is ot yet. Verily , It Is a cuuao , celrobro. Vo notice the Marriage Fund , Mutual Trust Association , of Cedar Raplde. Iowa , highly spoken of in many of the leading papers of the state. "Money for the Un married" heads their advertisement in Hotter column of this onpcr. fS-Sm THE LiAST NEW DININQROOM. Unexampled Magnificence lu the House of Cornelius Vanderbllt. With all that has been written about .ho palatial dwellings nf the Yandor- bills In New York , few have yet seen .ho dining-room of the house of Cor nelius Vandorbllt , which will open Its spacious doors and spread its sump tuous table for the first time in Easter week. Although the house Itself haa boon finished and Inhabited for several months , the dining-room and break- fast-room are still under the charge of Mr. John Lafargoand other * . Favored with a sight of this room In Its unfin ished state , ono can dream what It will bo when the pictures are on the walls , rugs npon the floor , and the table spread for a banqriot. Wo must enter the front door and cross the hall be fore looking at the dining-room , and there the harmonious effects of color and the treat to the sense of sight will make us linger a moment. The door which has closed behind us la a glory of glass jewels , studded together with the network of lead which Holds them , forming In arabesque pattern one of Lafarge'a triumphs In stained glass. On the right Is a small reception room , woodwork of unpolished ebony , pan eled 8 foot with a mosaic frieze above. A small window In this room cost a fabulous aum , though It measures only 0 Inches by 12. Wo ascend throe oaken stops In the hall and find ourselves In the main hall , Opposite us Is the solid oak staircase , partially hidden by a repro duction of Gobelin tapestry , for which , It la Bald , Mr. Vanderbllt paid $30,000. In front of this stands the old marriage chest of black oak and brass. A few old oak chairs , covered with old Dutch leather , complete the furnishing of the old hall. A portiere tiere whlou la to hang at the dining- roon door la not yet In ita place , but will bear mentioning. Upon an oaken bar with rings of gold Is to hang a precious fabric measuring six by four feet. It Is lit erally a piece of cloth of gold , To prove that It la a cloth of gold It It only necessary to fitato that Tiffany & Co. , the jewelers , under the direction of an artist , spun from pure gold a thread which composes thla hanging at a coat of f 20,000. HUa Tilling- hut , whoso work of design and em broidery U t the head of that partic ular art In this country , and possibly In the world , undertook , with her assistants , the embellishment with the noodle of this cloth of gold , Worked in silver and delicate blue and soa-groon metal threads , are the scenes of the Eneid. Into the late hours of the night were these busy fingers working to accom plish their work at the promised time. If the hours spent npon it were reck oned by the olght-ho'ura-a-day system , four years and a half would bo the re sult shown of the tlmo consumed. This is the way of tbo nineteenth cen tury In America. If wo have the money wo must have what wo desire at a moment's notice. To wait a year is such a long time. Passing within the door wo find that it is In fact two montha over a year since the decorator and the Interior finisher began their work. It Is a largo , oblong room , with a spacious conservatory at the end , which will bo filled with rare exotics At the other end an arch separates the breakfast room from the dining hall. Ono thing that is the most noticeable la the ab- aonco of windows around the room. * There Is no light except through the glass cf the conservatory , and that will bo partially obscured by a ccroon of stained glass. Thla portion of the house Is but one atory high , and consequently a jeweled glass skylight of Immense size forms a largo part of the coiling. The room lg high studded , and the wood-work , which la of oak , darkened to give an antique appearance , la paneled with heavy mouldings of hammered brass , making a dado of about five foot around the room. Tbo heavy beams , a foot In thickness , Intercept each other on the calling , allowing the stained glass skylight to fill the differ ent center panels. But tbo delight of any ono looking npon this room will bp centered upon the panels which 'constitute the "stylo , " or that space between the walls and the skylight on the celling. Here art has triumphed. Four of those panels represent the aeasona In bas-relief figursa three-quarters life size , and others of classic design. To attempt to describe them will be to fail , but the mere suggestion of au tumn may bo the foundation of a dream which the writer will vouch can not equal the reality. Hero la a partially made figure , the flesh parvB cub from solid ivory , and the drapery chiseled from a greenish stone known as aerpontine , standing against vines and leaves carved trom the solid oak that consti tutes the whole background , with the left hand raised above the head graspIng - Ing a heavily carved grape branch , from which hang In clusters of varied hues bnnchea of grapes carved from mother-of-pearl. The right arm Is extended , the hand holding a bout circle of inlaid mother-of-pearl and ebony ; the deepening of the fleoh tints has boon given to the Ivory with acids , shading It Into the browns and ecru coloring. Hammered brass and cast bronze are also utilized In the hair. Although Hr. Lifargo reaps4ho praise that now IB and over will bo given to those , there is ono to whom a great deal of the praise belongs. While he la a great colorlat , Hr. Lifargo la , alas ! a poor draughtsman , especially where the human figure Is concerned. Those panels must have been a failure had not the hand of St. Gaudena modeled them. them.Within Within this" room there are no chandeliers , but above the skylight a T4wvJCrfgas jots will castamelloir light through the stained glass of the table below. The heavy beams of the colling are Inlaid with the Grecian pattern of mother-of-pearl , and the high mantel hai an exquisite inlaying of pure silver , ebony , mother-of- pearl , and ivory , forming vases , birds , and follago. The breakfast-room is in white and gold , and the celling la paneled with places for ton plctnrea which are now being finished in Hr. Lifargo'a studlc. It Is estimated that those- rooms will cost $100.000 when finished. UBIuriJiLDlSa TTTTQ . If yon are flick Hop Bitten will surely aid Nature 1 making yon well when all else fails. If yon are costive or dyspeptic , or are suffering from any of the numer- OUB diseases of the stomach or bowola , it is your own fault If yon remain ill , for Hop Bittord are a sovereign remedy In all such complaints. If you are wasting away ] with any form of Kidney disease , stop tempting Death this moment , and turn for a euro to Hop Bitters. If you are sick with that terrible sickness Nervousness , yon will find a "Balm in Glload" in the use of Hop Bitten. If yon are a frequenter or a resi dent of a miasmatic district , barricade your system against the scourge of all countries malaria , epidemic , billons and Intermittent fevers by the use of Hop Bitten. If you have rough , pimple or sal low akin , bad breath , pains and aches , and fool miserable generally , Hop Bitten will give yon fair skin , rich blood , and sweetest breath , health and comfort. In short they cure all diseases of the atomch , Bowels , Blood , Liver , Nervea , Kidneys , Blight's Disease. $50o will bo paid for a case they wll not cure or help. That poor , bedridden , Invalid wife , is tor mother , or daughter , can bo made the picture of health , by a few bottles of Hop Bitten , costing but a trifle. Will yon lot them suffer ? CORNICE WORKS ! Iron and Slate Hoofing , 0. SPE011T , Proprietor. 1111 Donglas St. - Omaha , Hob MANOFACTUKEK OF GALVANIZED Iron Cornices I DORMERT WINDOWS , FINIALS , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing , Snocht'i Patent MetalllolSkyllght Patent , Adluited Hatchet Bar and Bracket Bnelvlne. I am the eeneral agent for the above line of goods , IRON FENCING , Creating * . Balmtrades , Yerandu , Iron Bank llalllng , Window Blinds , Cel. lar Guardi ; alio QENEKAL AGENT TOR TEERSON & HILL PATENT INSIDE - SIDE BLIND. A FEW BARGAINS Houses LOTS , Farms , Lands- ! 5th&DouglasSt. HOUSES AND LOTS , No. 19 Full ot and njvr house , Oltrooms , two bolow.nnd ono up-etalrs. Eight foot celling below nnd i even above. Brick foundation , collar , etc. A barpaln , ? COO. No. IS Largo two story house , 10 rooms , two largo cellars , good well and cistern , barn , etc. , on Webster and 22d street , 20,000. No. 17 Lot 60x185 ( ect , now houao of two rooms brick foundation 100 barrel cistern ion Hamilton street near Poor ClaroConvent } C. No. 16 llouso aud lot on 17th near Cla L St. lionso 5 room ; etc. 81200. No. 15 House ot 3 rooms 'ill lo on Plerco St. near 19th 81 MO No. 21 New housoof 7 ro corner lot , half mlle west of Turntable treet cars on SaUoderaSt. $1000. No. 5 House of eight earn etc. lot Vacant Lots. No. 252 Two full lota on 19th Street near Lake St. tlCOO. No. 351 Twenty five lot ) In Parkers addition Just north of the end of rod street car line 1400 each easy terms. No.830 Four lot ) on Delaware Bt. near Hans- com park , fC50. No. 831 One half lot on South avenue , near StJ Hary'i avsnue , (650. ' No. WO Eighteen 08) ) loti on 21st , 22nd , 23rd ana Blunders etroot , near Grace , $500 each , and on easy terms. No , 346 Six beautiful residence lota on Gather. Ine street , near Uanscom park , (4,600. Twelve beautiful residence lota on Hamilton street'near end of old streetcar track ; high and sightly , 8350 to $700. Several acre and half acre corner lota on Cam- Ing , Burt and California ttroeta , In Lowe's BOC- end addition and Park Place near Academy of Sacred Heart. Lota In ' 'Protpect Place" on Hamilton and Charles street , jutt west of the end of Red Street Cartiack and Convent of the Bisters of Poor Clare , ono and ono half mile from postofflce , and one mile f rom U. P. shops , gl&O to ? M > 0 each , only G per cent down and S per cent per month Lota In Lcwe'a addition ono-half mile west of end of Hod Street Car track near Convent of Poor Clare Slstera In Sblnn'a addition , 8126 to $300 each , and on very easy terms. Lot ) In Horbach'a 1st and 2nd additions , Shlnn's , Park Place , Lowe's 2nd addition. lUzan's Lake's , Nelson's , Uanscom Place , Uodlck'a ad ditions , etc. , etc. Lots In "Credit Fonder addition" Just one- quarter mile south-east of Union Pacific and D. and M. H. R. depot * , (250 to 81,600each , very easy terms. Business Lots. Three good business lota on Dodgelnear12th ! etieet , 22x120 leet each , 11,600 each , or H WO for all , easy term ) . Two good business lot ) on Farnam Direct , 33z 66 feet each , with frame buildings theronrenting for about tOCO per year each ; price $ -1,250 each. 44x132 Icet on Farnam near 10thstreet , corner (12.000 Splendid Warehouse lot on Union Paclffo right ol way , north ol track and coat ol Nail Works- being 132 teet north frontage on Mason street , by about 100 feet west Ironiare on 16th si. Farms aid wild lands In Douglas , Sarpy , Dodge , Washington , Burt , Wayne , Btanton , and other good counties In eastern Nebraskalor sale. Taxes paid , rento collected , anl money loaned on Improved city and country property at low ratts ol Interest. BEMIS' NEWOTTY | ; MAP-FOUR FEET WIDE AND SEVEN FEET LONG , WITH EVERY ADDITION - TION RECORDED OR OONTEM- PLATED UP TO DATE. ' 'OFFI- OIAL MAP OF THE CITY. " EACH. $5.00 GEO. P BHMIS , Real Estate Agency , 16th and Douglas St. STEELE , JJHHSUN & CO. , W MuLiifiSAiiJfc Ui " UUjyiJKi5 ' ( AND JOBBERS IN Flour,1 Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and Ail Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of GIGAES ML IMUfAGTuTO TOBACCO. Agents for BENWOOD HAILS AND LAFLIN & BAND POWDER CO. -DEALERS IN- ALL'S SAFE AND LOCK Fire and Burglar Prao X. O OJ3C , 1020 Farn ham Street , ANHEUSER-BUSCH Brewing Association , CELEBRATED M & BOTTLED BEER , THIS EXCELLENT BEER SPEAKS FOR IHSELF , Orders from any part of the State or the Entire West will be promptly shipped : All Our Goods arc Made to the Standard of onr Guarantee. GEORGE HENNING , Sole Agent for Omaha and the West. Qfflco Corner 13th and Harney Str OMAHA CORNICE WORKS. KUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors. Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers MANUFACTURERS OF Ornamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Iron Lights , Etc , 310 South Twelfth . Street , . . . . OMAHA , NEB. mar 7-mon-wcd-frI-mo. PERFECTION IN HEATING AND BAKING la only attained by using CHARTER OAK / ' Stoves and Bangss. ' WITH WIRE IfAUZE OVER DOORS , For Bale by MILTON ROGERS & SONS HAS THE BEST STOCK IN OMAHA AND MAKES THE LOWEST FRIOES IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS Have now been finished in our store , mak ing it the largest and most complete FURNITURE'HOUSE In the West. 'An ' additional story has been built and the five floors all connected : with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , One Exclusively for the use of Passengers. These immense ware- rooms--three stores , , are 66 ieet wide-are filled with the'GiamP est display . of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evai shown. shown.All are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first floor and go through the building and inspect the stook. CHAS. SHIVERICK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha WILLIAM SNYDER , MAHUKACTHEEIl OF CARRIAGES , BUGGIES - . . . u. OXO23 , First-Olass Painting and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done 1319 Harney , Oor. 14th , Omaha. STENCIL CUTTING Locksmitliing , M Hanging , Saw fiW UMBRELLA AND PARASOL REPAIRING. 0 h Street , 2d Door North of Dodge , n . , Umana N