Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1883, Image 7

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    TEE DAILY BEfii U.tfA % MOiNJ > Y. MAttCU 26
Latest atylos from the o i-t , in Lin a try Waves and Reversible Lsngtry
Frlzzos at MRS , J. J , GOOD'S , 21) ) Main street , opposite peat office.
Are now ready to contract ( or small casting * ot
every description In
Special attention la called , to the fict that the
metals are me ted In CRUCIBLRS which git ca the
very boat costings ,
Burning Brands
FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. ,
As wol' ' as
Oattle Brands
Works : Corner Sixth street and Eleventh avouue ,
Omaha and Council Bluffs
Rral Kstato & Collection Agency ,
n Odd Fellow B block , over Savings'
Depart. Arrhe.
Atlantic Ext. . .520 p m Pacific KxJ..U:15ain :
Ex and Mall * . .925 am Ex and Mail.6:55 : pm
D. Uolnea ac'.7:15 a m DCS Molncsiu.4:40 : p m
Depart. Arrh o.
Atlantic Kit..530pm Pacific Ex.920am
Mail and Ex".9:20 a m Mall and Ex > . .7:00pm :
N. Y. Ex 4WJpia Neb & Has Ex..8:20 : a m
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Ext. . .6:15 : p m I PaclQc Ext. . . .9:15 : a m
Mall and Kx'.9. ' _ > 0ft m I Mall and Ex.6:15 : p m
Accoin ( Sot..6uriO ) p m | Accom. ( Mon..l:45 : p m
Depart Arrive.
Hall and Ex..9:55 : am I Express C Opm
Xxpnxx , . .OllOp njMilla'ad BLc..S' < 5 p m
Depart ArrlTo.
Overland z.ll:30 : a. m. OYran3Ex.4-00 ( p.Jm.
Lincoln Ex..11:80 : a. m. Denver Ex. . . .8:00 : a.m ,
Denver Ex..7:00p. : m. Lout Ex 030 a. m.
Local Ex 725 a. ra. Ex 9:05 : a. m.
Emigrant..520 p. m. Ex r.-oOa-m.
Depart Arrive.
Hall and Ex. . 9:15 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 430 p m
Cannon Ball. , 4:50 : p m | Cannon Ball..11:05 : a m
sioux cm AMD FAnno.
Depart. Arrive.
For Sioux Clty.7:55am : Frm Sioux O'
For Fort Nlobrara. Frm Fort Nlobrara ,
Neb * 7US5am Neb * 6:50pm :
For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. Paul..8 0 a m
Leave Council Bluffs. Arrives Council Bluffa.
Hall and Ex.9:20 : a m I Mall and Ex.6 5 pm
Atlantic Ex.5:15pm | : | Atlantic Ex. . . 19:10a : m
Leaves Omaha. Arrives at Omaha.
Hall and Ex.7:15 : a ra I Pacific Ex | 9:45 : a m
Atlantic Ex.3:40pmMatland | : | Ex.7-25pm
Kxcept Sundays , t Except Saturdays. { Except
Mondays , ( Dally.
Council Blufia & Omaha Street B. B.
Leave Council Bluffs. Leave Omaha.
Hebraska Loan & Trust Company
Capital Stock , - - $100,000
JAB. a HKARTWELL , President.
A. L. CLARKE , Vice-Prealdent.
B. C. VEBSTER , Treasurer
Bamoel Alexander OswoId'Ollver ,
A. L. Clarke , E. 0. Webster' '
dec. n Pratt , Jas. B. Heartwell , '
D. M.McElUlnney.
Erst Mortgage Loans a Specialty
Thla Company famishes a permanent , home
Institution where School Bend eand other legally
Issued Municipal eeccrltte to Nebraska can ba
bo negotiated on the moat lavorablo terms
Loans made on Improved farm In all well settled
counties ol the eUle through rxponslblo , local
617 St. Charles St. ST. LOUIS , Mo
A REGULAR GRADUATE ol two modlcil
tollegei , has been longer engaged In the tre t.
BLOOD DUeasoj than any other phynlc'an In Bt
Louliasci ypipcra s ow andl ll old residents
kniw , CoiaulUtlonlreo and ln\Ited. When It
kflnconictiltnt to vis t the city for treatment
trodldnca'i lie lout by oall or express every
where. Curoikl * ca ej nuaraotoed ; whera doubt
exists It Is fiackly stated. 0 Jl or write ,
Nervoua proBtratlon , Debility , Blent al
and Physical Wealcneaa , Mercurial and
other affections of Throat , Skin and Bones
Blood" Impurities and Blood 1'olaonlng
Bkln Affections , Old Sorea and Ulcera
Impedimenta to Marriage , | Kheumstlam
I'iles. Special attention to caaea from
orer. worked brain. SURGICAL OASES
roelve special attention. Diseases arising
from Imprudence Erceaaes Indulgences
* > * VfcU * a * | J u % w f * * % ,
JM paiei the wholi
MABRIIBI story well told. H > n
recclpU ; who may mai
ry , no may not ; why
. "canieseonaeqaineesanc
ore. Sealed for sac postate or itamna.
. _ . aM dtwly
' . 13 , or I
ta a simple.retail'bo
by Xxpresa , of the b s
Candles In America , pu
np In elegint boxes , am
strlct'y par * . Bu'lUbl
tit present ] . [ Exprcs
chaigcs light. Refers t
all Chlcigo Try tt enc
GANDY Confectioner ,
Joan * iou > nciuur
President. Vie * P/n'l. '
W. 0. Diunua , * * o. rnd Treat.
lABUfiCTUEDf ! } 0 !
Lincoln , Neb
Corn Planters Hrrrows.Farm Bollat
Bulky Hay BaStea , Onottet Bleyatln
Windmills , &o.
W * ar * prepared to do Job work and mannj *
bring lor other parties.
IhicolaNtb ;
la the old Favorite ana
And ll PotuU Ea t andOouth-Cast.
Nearly 1,000 rollei. Solid Smooth Steel Track
11 connections are mode In UNION ObPOTS
him a National Ropntatlon M being th
e eat Through Oar Line , on J la universal ;
ncodod to be the FINEST EQUIPPED Ball
a < l In the world lor all classoa ol travel.
Try It and you will find traveling a Inxarj
Inntoad oi a discomfort.
Through Tickets vl rhia Celebrated Una
sa e at all of.lcos In the West.
All Information about Kates o fare , Bleeplu ,
Car Accommodations , Tlmo Tables , UK. , will b
cheorlully elien by applylnlng to
Sd Vlce-Pres't is Gen. Manager.Chlcago
Ocn. Passenger Aft. Chicago.
Oen. Agent , Conncll Binds.
n.P. l > UKLL.Tck ! t
Milwaukee & St. Paul
Ii now running Ita FAST EXPRESS TRAINS
Pullman's Mapiflcent Sleeper ;
Finest Dining Oara in the World.
Or to anv point beyond ; ot -
Take the BEST BOUTK , the
Chicago , Milwankoe&SkPaulR'y r
Ticket office located at corner Farnam and
Fourteenth street * and at U. P. Depot and al
Uillard Hotel , Omaha.
jtaTSee Time Table In another column.
F. A. NASH , General Airont.
0. H. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha.
General Manager. General Pass. Agent.
General Sup't. Ass'tOen " a. Agfit
A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forever.
Oriental Dream or Magical Beau-
tifler ,
ea Tan , Pimples
Fieck lea
KHPZL Mothpatch
a 3 asBaHE M ? eaan'everj
. j Bfcs-l'Su ' blemlah'oc
, Si WSbaa ade !
baa stood
the teat o
EOyoanan ,
la BO harm
less rare
tnsto It t
be sure thi
, propara
, tlon I j pro <
perly madi
, Accept ni
, of similar name. The distinguished Dr. L. eltA.
Sayre , said to a lady ot the IIACT o ( a patient
"Aa you ladles will nse them , I reconuneni
'Qi urand'a Cream * aa the leaat harmful of all thi
Bkln preparations. " On * bottle will last ilz
, months , nslng It every day. Also fondro ibto
tile removes superfluous hair without Injury V
the skin.
] Una. H. B. T. GOURAUD , Sol * prop. , 43 Bom
St. , V. T.
Tor ailo by all Dragg-lsti and Fancy Good
Dealer * throat-bout tha United Btatef , Oanadi
and BurOp * .
/WBeware / of base Imitations. 11,000 rawan
for arrest and proof oj any one selling ; the tarns
114-weow ma at ewto
: BTABLIflllKD 1843.
U09 and Hll Dodge Btreol ,
ne 7-mo Om OMAHA. NKB.
and Trunoheron
he" only tHeauthoified"by"ber and which w (
re not ba a "Blood and Thunder" story , auch as hi
no bc n and will bo pul llshed , but a trua life by tl
only p raOD who U In poaeoalon of the facU
faithful and devoUd wife. Truth la more ntt
eating ( baa fiction. A ( rents should apply or te
rltory at one * . 8 76 cts , for Bamplt boo
! JT H OhJ > ml > rak&LOoV
hw- t
Villainous Proceedings and the
Way They Work Thuir
Victims ,
Fast m the Ulutchea with a
Dead Case , Not a Corpse ,
Against Him ,
The bond of hntuan sympathy is so
strong among the common masses of
people In this country that when wo
moot ono who la Buffering sere alllic
tlon for a lost ouo whom they loved ,
it roaches deep down Into our hearts ,
and in the caao wo are about to men *
tlon the pretended silllctod villain
catuo near reaching down Into an hon
eat passenger's pocket for $25 As
motioned In THE BEE , on Friday the
corpse dodge waa very neatly played
but failed this time to tnko its 'trick ,
the particulars of which are about as
follows : On Friday afternoon a young
man named Alfred Eytohlaon , who
owns eighty acres of land near North
Bond , in Dodge county , Nebraska ,
and who had boon ont there to look
after his interests , was returning to his
homo near Herd , in Clay county , 1111
nols. After arriving at the Union depot
pot in Council Blnffa and taking his
seat in ono of the day coaches on an
outgoing train on the 0. , B. & Q road
a well dressed , pleasant talking gen
tleman c&mo along Boating himself
near his Intended victim and scraping
an acquaintance , when ho informed
the Illinois man that a brother of his
tad roaontly died at Lincoln , Neb
that ho had boon out there to settle
up the affairs and was oa hi
way back to Galtsburg , 111. , with
the remains , taking goad care In the
course of the conversation to ascertain
when the Illinois man was going and
about the amount of money he had
which ho learned to bo about $2,000
The "sorrowing , suffering" man then
wont out to see nls pal and fix up thi
chock or draft for $50 on the Firs
National bank of Galesbnrg , III , and
mooting the Illinois man on the plat
form the afll'cted ' gentleman dried hli
tears and informed the Illinois man
between sobs that he had just londoc
his brother's remains on the other sldi
of the car and was now ready to pro
oeod on his sad journey , and woul
llko the company of the Illinois ma :
as far as they travelled together. The ;
wont in the car , both occupying on
seat , and before the train arrived a
the local depot in this city they hat
gone ont on the platform , probably fo
the purpose of reviving the broke :
heart of the villian , when a protendoi
baggageman appeared oa the scone an
demanded pay for the transportatloi
of the corpse. Of course the broken
hearted follow had no money but
plenty of good chocks , and ho presented -
ed a $40 ono as mentioned , which the
pretended railroad official could not
change , but said it waa perfectly good ,
and the newly made acquaintance was
asked tor the loan of a paltry sum ,
holding the draft as security till they
.should reach Qaleabur'g or sonjo point
when they could cosh the check
The young man from Illinois not be
ing conversant with the ways of
bankers and mllllonalra , was some i-
what surprised at the way they pro ik
duced a $50 check on a national bank
way back In Illinois , and was perhaps
inclined to doubt just where ho was
but while doubting , General Agent
Hamblln , of the 0. , B. & Q. road
and a Mr. Eeene , who had been
watching the movements of the ' 'af
flicted" vllllan , Introduced himself in
the conversation by inquiring if those
sharks were trying to borrow money
on the check. About that time the
"afflicted" vllllan and the pretended
official , In a cowardly and rapid man
ner , deserted train , corpse and all
and fled across lots for safe quarter
and more verdant fields , where checki
were not such a rarity aa to doubl
their genuineness. The parties made
for the Metropolitan hotel , Officer
, Brooks and Elgir following up
, , as soon as they heard of the
h fracas , arresting a party named
Murdock , who proved his innocence
and the "afflicted" vllllan who claimi
eIt his name la Hill , but thought by semi
here to be one , Fred Kline , who hai
ofn' been In the sleight-of-hand buslnoa
before. At the trial the witness Eyt
ohlaon , asked for and received per
to mission to look at the prisoner , bu
- the afflicted fellow felt so bad abou
- having'to abandon his pard and corps'
no that he could not gaza Into the face o
his former cotravoller , and smiling !
) . : gazed upon the shoes which had carried
riod him safely across lota only th
day before. After examination o
: - witness Eytchlson the case waa eon
to tinned till this afternoon and prlsone
remanded to jail In absence of $1,00
bondi. While the wltneii did no
swear positive aa to the Identity of th
prisoner , there Is scarcely a doubt bu
he Is the only and original fellow wh
. was trying to get a corpse through 01
Friday afternoon's train on.theO.lE
& Q , road , and If this fellow gets olea )
through the little pin holes of teohnl
calltlea and mistakes la law , there
no encouragement for officers to al
tempt to perform their duties. An
man who will attempt to deceive pec
pin on the corpse dodge should b
treated so they Would know how It fc
to become a corpse and sou If it was
pleasant subject to bo trlffad with.
Young man or woman , l ! you want b
money for a small amount. Insure In tl
Marriage Fund nnd Mutual Trust Askoc
! ation , Cedar KapiJs , Iowa. f5-3u
The people through northwestern low
are waking up considerably to the pro"
pect of tbe Council Bluffj & Northei
railway and all along the line they a
willing and anxious to help tbe enterpris
thus aecurlng for themselves an outlet ar
connection with thn great railway cent ,
of tbe west , Indeed the prospects for I
. soon becoming ' a reality are more thi
will flattering.
thi The following change In the locatlc
a ol policemen for the city took place Sn
r <
ter. day at noon : Officer Clongh will tal
Central station ; Officer Cnslck will tal
middle Broadway ; Officer Edgar , the Fir
ward , and will report for duty at 7 o'clock
p , m. ; 0Ilicer Urooks will take oust Broad
way ; Officer AloMfl will relieve Officer 1M-
gar at the U , P. depot ,
The Annual Knoiunpincnt of the O. A ,
R. department of IOWA will meet at the
hall of Joe Hooker Post , No. 31 , In Des
Molncs. Headquarters will be at the
Aborn house. Reduced rates are expected
over all roads In the state which will be
announced as soon as ascertained. Dele
gates and members will be charged only
12.00 per day. PoiU mustered alter
Jan. 1,1883 , can only be represented by
the Peat commander ; senior or junior vice
In the absence of the commader. Com-
mander-ln-Chlof Paul Vandervoort Is ex
pected to bo present.
Money for thn Unmarried.
Ono of the moat solid and substt itlal
Institutions In this country Is the Jtar.
rlaco Fund and Mutual Trust Association ,
of Cedar Rapids , Iowa. They are organ
ized under the laws of lown , and bclr of-
ficera and directors are among the leading
and most prominent business men o Cedar
Krtulds. Kvory unmarried person should
have a certificate in this association.
It Is n splendid investment , as safe aa
government bond. You can justna well
have a good sum of money to commence
married hfe on as not. A large number of
members have boon paid off , receiving over
300 per cent on their Investment. Wrlto
for circulars fully detailing the plan , which
is the finest known. Do not postpone It ,
Good agents wanted. Mention whore you
saw this notice. fC-3m.
Trades Assembly Hoeolutlonu.
uKitAs , The proprietor of The
Glebe of this city , has aeon fit on sun
dry occasions to critialzo the actions
of thla organization , claiming the right
ao to do by former and atandlng
friendship to laboring men and labor
organizations , and
WUKKKAS , This assembly being do
alrona of ascertaining of the real sin
cerity of such profuse professions as
those claimed by the proprietor of The
Globe , do hereby
RESOLVE , That wo roapootfnlly ask
Mr. Morgan to annwer through the
columns of hla paper in what manner
wo are to recognize hla friendly inter
oats in the labor oauso , either socially
or politically ; and bo it fnrther
RESOLVED , That Mr. Morgan bo re
apootfully requested to state the price
of labor paid to his employes , am
whether it corresponds with the
friendly professions ho baa circulated
aa well aa correspond to the followln ;
established and well known ratoa pale
In the Immediate vicinity :
Omaha Evening Bee 30
Council Bluffs Advance EOa
Sioux City Times SOc
BlouxCItylrlbnne 30o
Des Molnes Leader 30o
Mr Morgan bo notified of those reso
lutions and rcqnoat through the col
umns of THK OUAUA BEE.
By order of the Trades' Assembly of
Council Bluffs.
"Qlobo" Stock.
To the Editor of Tu Dn.
It may bo of interest to the work-
Ingmonof Council Bluffs and the pub
lic generally to know that the Writer
labored at the caao in the Olobe office ,
abont the time Morgan and Williams
joined In Its publication , for which ho
received a few dollars and two shares
of atook in the concern. He baa wait
ed patiently over since for the an
nouncement of a dividend or a chance
to soil , bnt all In vain. He atlll awaits
the toot of Morgan'a horn to call them
In. PaiNTBK.
OMAHA , March 24.
Nothing bullda np shattered consti
tutions ao quickly aa Brown's Iron
, Corrected dally by J. Y. Fuller , mer.
chandlse broker , buyer and shipper of
grain and provisions. 89 Pearl street ,
WHEAT-No. 2 spring , 76o ; No. 8G3j
rejected 50o ; good demand.
ConN Dealers paying 37o ; rejected
corn Chicago. 45o ; new mixed. 471c ; white
corn , 880. The receipts of corn are light
OATS Scarce and In good demand ; SO
HAT 4 00@6 00 per ton ,
RTB 40c ; light supply.
COEN MEAL 1 25per 100 pounds.
WOOD Good supply i prices at yards
5 00@0 00.
* COAL Delivered , hard , 11 00 per ton
soft. 5 50 per ton.
BniTBU Plenty and In fair demand
25c ; creamery , 80o.
* Eoos - Ready sale and plenty at 12&
per dozen ,
LABD Falrhank'a. wholesaling at ISo
PODLTBY Firm ; dealers paying 18o pel
pound for turkeys and lOo for chickens. .
, VKOKTABI.K8 Potatoec , 45c ; onions , SOc
an cabbagea , 30@40o per dozen ; apples , 2
@ 3 CO per barrel.
ao City flour from 1 CO to 3 40.
aa BEOOMH 2 00@3 00 per dozen.
't- CATTLE 3 00 ® 8 50 ; calves 500@7fX ) .
Hoas Market for hogs quiet , aa th
nt packing houses are closing ; shippers ar
ut paving 6 50 to 0 50 ,
iSB ' The grain dealers Are paying good price
for corn. Farmers can get from 37 to 88
do well tak
now and farmers will to
iy ; advantage of these prices.
ir- The dealers continue to pay these pricei
ho notwithstanding a marked decline at a
of the other points.
ier A aocltl glass of Hub Punch Is a moi
00 welcome accessory of friendly intereonrai
tot peculiarly acceptable at parties. Unoor
and 'tis .
he ready.
AFlneOnauce for tbo Dakota Core
aj mloaionera to obtain Wealth.
la 1 Washington Special to Philadelphia Pr * .
atTho attempt to aoonro a division c
ny the territory of Dakota and the ad
30. mlHslon of the lower part into th
be nnlon as a state , received a decide
elt setback by reason of the Yankton bon
scandal. Information received hot
from ono of the prominent officers (
aho territory in rotation to the actlo
big : recently taken by the territorial iegii :
the laturo for the removal of the c plti
'el- from Yaukton forebodes an offoni
< which will become a worse atonoh i
the nostrils of honest people than tli
iwa repudiation of bonda. Yankton is i
rds- the southeastern part of the torrl or ;
ern and the removal of the capital 1
are a aito moro central has long been ai
, tlclpated. There has been great riva
ind ry among various towns in the intorli
ter tor the possession of the Capital , an
It , feeling ran so high that tbo lealalatni
nBQ at laat determined to disregard all rlv
claims , and aet np not only a now Oa ;
ital but a new town. The compotlt
lon railroads in the Territory , the Nortl
un. woatern. and the Milwaukee and 8
ake Paul , each preiontod two towns c
tko their roapeotive lines aa available alt
fat /or the Capital , bnt the leadora In U
ohomo drove off both those corpora-
loua by threatening hostile legislation
minis their lobby la ti at Yankton wore
rlthdritmi Thu throU was suoooes
nl , and the companies otllod awny the
non who had boon working for thorn
n Iho legislature.
A bill was passed declaring the
apltal at Yankton removed , and ap-
minting a oommlttlun of nine mom-
tors , whoao names are contained In
ho act , to select a now site before the
st of July. By the terms of the act
ho commission is required , before
Icslgnating a site , to have an offer of
wouty acres of land and $100,000 in
> ash as a bonua for rrlocating the cap-
tal , the laud to bo nsed for the pur-
> osos of the territorial government
tnd the money to bo expended in
erecting suitable buildings. The bill
also provides that the commissioners
hall not purchase or own land on the
Ho of the now capital until after the
expiration of ono roar from the tlmo
t shall have boon located. This lest
olanso Is presumptively designed to
> rovout the commlsalonora from raak-
n fortunes in real estate through the
nforcatiou they will first possess of
ho alto of the now capital ,
Governor Ordwoy drew thla extra
ordinary bill and modeled it after a
illl by which the capital of Nebraska
waa located at Lincoln The commia-
alonera who selected Lincoln for the
capital of that atato made millions by
the operation. It Is well nnderatood
in Dakota , that whllo the coramta
alonora personally nndor the now law
may not buy tip the lauds around the
alto that may bo chosen for the now
capital , there IB nothing to prevent
their friends from boying for them.
It IB reported that a atock company
has already bonn quietly formed with
a capital of $1,000,000 , to buy 10,000
acres of land at the point which the
commissioners will select for the terri
torlal capital.
Thla company will donate twenty
aoros and $1,000 to the territory. A
apot will bo chosen to which , at least ,
two railroad lines will bo built , and
the profits of the ring on their cheap
lands will bo enormous. There Is
great excitement In the territory re
gardlng the removal of the capitaland
charges of bribery and corruption are
freely mado.
Pony , weak , and sickly children
are made healthy and strong by nslng
Brown's Iron Bitters.
Tbo Science of Certain Myatorlos
From The Botton Transcilpt.
When wo BOO chairs skip nbont
hoar ruualo bpzoa play without con
tact , wltnosa the writing of untonchoi
slate poncila , and BOO phosphorlzoi"
tambourines float and clash In the at
above the heads of an audlonoo , wi
may , and even must , admit the operation
ration of some unolossitiod agency
bnt if wo have been trained in th
study of cansoa and effects , and in iho
ooDBclontoua welching of ovldonco , wo
shall not at once jump to the conclua-
lou that onr departed frlenda have
taken to theao modoa of entertain-
meat. Sifted down to the most gen
eralized form , all those furniture and
alato pencil teata hayo ono basis , a
temporary interruption of the action
of gravitation. Those now phenomena
seem to aay that nerve power or will
power , which la bat a concentrated
cerebral action , can do aomo of the
things hereto accomplished my mus
cle. Aa solonco has ceased to believe
that gravitation rides unhorsed
through apace , BO wo must Infer that
thla phychologlo or brain movement
which oppoaoa torreatrial gravitation
haa Us medium likewise.
Thla medium may bo the other ol
physical science. At any rate , It aoomi
likely that the metallic magnet , whlol
also overcomes gravitation , oommunl
catea Ita power through space In thi
same way. Wo know by experiment
that common air la not the vehicle o
. heat , electricity or magnetism ; al
three travel jnat aa easily In a vacuum
Bnt other and vacuum appear to be
Identical ; that la , what scientists havt
called a vacuum haa the power o
transferring vibrations , and ao muai
, contain something. Hence wo are no
, loft stranded by onr spiritistic phenomena
nomena , bnt wo may cling to theetho
as a moans of convoying brain vibra
tlona. Thla , at least , la the aclontlfii
, way or looking ; at those mystlfylnj
; . facta. Tbo cheap and easy way la ti
aet them down to spirit power.
, ; -
WOULD not bowlthoutReddlng'a Rnssli
< Balve , is the verdict of all who use It
Trice 25c.
A Boy with an Alligator Bide.
. Topeka State Journal.
61 Dr. Hamilton haa dlacovorod th
greatest living curiosity of the age
Those who have examined testify thn
It beata anything they ever saw. Th '
curiosity la in a ahapo of a natun
human being , a colored boy , 18 yoai
be ire of ago , who waa born of alavo parenti
near Grenada , on the Miaaiaalpi
lea rlvor , In the atato of Mlaalaalpp
ISo From the ohouldora down hla akin
ke just like that of an alligator , la thlokl
covered , wlth blaok aoalea , and th
all ! whole U pliable , though thick an
tough , aa the hide on ono of thei
anlmala. In the anmmer. tlmo thei
oat acalea drop off , leaving an Indentnro
; the akin , where new onea form an
irk grow on again. Hla name la Moai
Eakrldge , and he came here dark
the eiodaa tlmea with hu father at
It gives us great pleasure to atata tb
the merchant who was reported being :
tbe point of death from an attack of Pue
monia , has entirely recovered by tbe n
id- THE LUNGS. Naturally be feela grat
ho ful for the benefits derived from using tb
ed remedy , for tbe lungs and throat ; and 1
giving publicity to tbla statement we a
nd actuated by motives of public benefactlo [
3ro trusting that others may be bonefitti
of In a similar manner. On tr\\e \ by all dru
ion gists.
tal Northern faclUo Purchattoa In E
180 Paul.
in The Pioneer Preen publishes i
.ho odiolally nnthorlzod atatoinout of tl
in late purchases of tit , Paul property 1
7i the Northern Pacific , and the parpoa
to to which they are derated , The tc
rltory ombracoa 400 acres in two d\ [ \
alona , ono to the northwest and sou
lor of Like Oorno , the other oztondli
md beyond tbo city limits , cast of nort
are and occupying all of Trout Bret
val Valley , entering the city proper by
ap- right of way from 150 to 200 feel wid
Ing On the property it la estimated 2'
th miles of track oftn be laid , and tr
at.on exclusive of dopota , freight and pi
on aongor , oattlo yards , shops , elovatoi
tea waterworks , etc. On tbo forty > elg
tbo Acre * ) purchased from Mayor Rlc
and forming n portion of the oaatorly
purchase a grand union depot late
to bo oroctiid , into which the
trains | of all connecting roads
will run Kvory fncillly for traoka is
to bo given connecting roads no *
built nnu now ones expected , among
the latter notably the , Chicago and
Hook Island , Oa the westerly pur-
ohaso hugo slaughter and packing
hcusoa are projected to kill nnd cure
beef brought from Montana and
Dakota. Between the two purchases
traoka will bo rnn , but the now line to
Minneapolis will not bo built at pres
ent. From Minnesota to Anoka tbo
line will at once bo built on the west
aldo of the Mississippi. All purchases
have boon with a view to terminal
fnollltles for the transcontinental line
which , with Ita two thousand mlles of
track and ono thousand of laterals ,
will bo ready for business September
1st. Machinery for the now and ex
tensive main shops of the eastern divi
sion has boon ordered and work on the
buildings will soon bo commenced.
What it Did For nn Old I < ady
CoBitocTON STATION , N. Y. , \
December 20 , 1878. J
GKNTH A number of people had
boon nslng yonr Blttora hero , and
with marked effect. In ono case , a
lady over seventy years , had been sick
for years , and for the past ton years
has not boon able to bo around half
the tlmo. About six mouths ago aho
got ao fcoblo aho was helpless. Dor
old remedies , or physicians , being of
no avail , I sent to Dopost , forty-five
mlles away , and got a oottlo of Hop
Blttora. It Improved her ao aho waa
able to dross herself and walk about
the house. When she had taken the
second bottle aho wna able to take care
of her own room and walk ont to her
nolghbor'a , and has improved all the
tlmo einco. My wife and children
also have derived great benefit from
their nao.
Agt. U. S. Ex. Oo.
DEI.BVAN , Wla. , Sept. 24 , 1878.
GKNTH I have not taken qulto ono
bottle of the Hop Blttora. I waa a
feeble old man of 78 when I got it.
To-day I am aa active and fool aa well
aa I did at 30. I aoo a great many
that need auoh a medicine.
Transplanting Tooth.
New York Mall and Express.
"Pa yon over transfer tooth from
ono person's jaw to another , doctor ? "
asked a reporter of a dentist on
Thlrty.fourth street.
"Yes , occasionally , " waa the reply.
"I sometimes have a patient whoso
tooth are sound with the exception of
ono or two , and who will not bo con
tent with any artificial aubstitnto. In
auoh a caao the thing la to find a per
son willing , for any reason , to part
with n sound tooth corresponding In
position and also , Ono of my cases
a young man from Princeton , a theo
logical stndont , who had a badly-do-
ctyod front tnclaor and had a horror
ot false tooth. I wont to half the
offices In the city , bnt did not find
my ono who wanted auch a tooth ex
tracted. People care a good deal
more for a front than a back tooth. "
a "How do yon manage the trans
planting ? "
d "Well , I have both parttoa to the
o operation In the operating room at
the aamo tlmo. The tooth to bo trans
0 ferred la drawn , and If perfectly Hound
idt la immediately placed In the cavity
tit from which the decayed one has boon
it taken. Of oonrae no time la loit
in though a tooth will retain Its vitality
inof for aorno tlmo after being taken ont.
of SometlmoB the tooth to bo transferred
aah la found to bo slightly decayed when ox
h traoted , In which caao wo carefully fill
il30 It before patting it In the month of Ita
30 r owner. "
Ut 'Id ' It eaay to find persons who will
Of : part with their tooth ) "
til ' Yea , for a anlliolent consideration.
n. There are always men to bo fonnd
10 who. never having lain awake with the
ire toothache all night , care moro for
of ton-dollar bill than for a good tooth.
at A man who wants a tooth and wanti
ot It badly enough to pay for It , can al
ways find ono for aalo by going down
0or "
era on the docks among tho"longshoro
aBe men or wherever there are a large
Bog number of laborers employed. In one
g case that I know of a ynnng mat
to parted with two perfectly sound front
tooth for 93 each. "
Our Watchful Guardian and Faithful Protec
tor Restored to Active Duty Again.
Mr. Henry A. Waterman , of tbe city o
Providence , 11.1. , for many years the faith
fnl and vigilant night watchman of tin
he Barstow 3toveCompany's very extenalvi
50. establishment , having been confined to hi
tat home several weeks by a very dlstresslni
'ho Illness , on resuming duties again avail
ral himself of thla early opportunity for sta
&ra ting briefly a few pluln foctu.
ta , MB , WATKUMAN says
P > "A few months ago I waa taken dowi
! : with a severe alckniss. which confined m
kly to the house quite a long time , and mucl
of .the time I waa so very lame as to be un
the able to walk , and my left log from the hi
md to tbe toe * , became monstrously swollen
eao and I suffered extremely from tbe constan
eao Inttnie pains produced by ao great In flam
i matlon ; I waa trying tbe various so-calle
cures , all tbe time , and waa under tbe treatment
ment of a physician seven week * , bnt gel
aoa ting DO substantial relief. At this time a
log old frltnd , a police offictr , called upon me
ind and during our conversation informed m
of tbe great benefit wbloh he had obtalne
by the use of Hunt1 * llomodv , and urge
me to try It , aa be considered it a wonderft
medicine. I commenced takln ? llunt
bat Hemedy , having very little faith that
at would do much In snch a a'.ubborn cat
ieume aa mine , bat my doubt waa soon dlipellec
me for before I had taken one bottle I bega
Oil to gat better , the severe pains dlianpearec
kte- the Rwollen leg gradually decreased ( n slzi
bis and I was encouraged to continue the ui
In of tbo remedy ; and the Improvement torn
are health continues ; my appetite is good ,
on , have regained my strength , and I am no
ted performing again my dutlea aa watchma
at the foundry. Every night I g < > up an
down ttalrs more than ono hundred time
and am In good condition , and feel thi
my recovery U duo to llunt'a Itemed
8t alone , My severe BlckneBnnil tenlbl
swollen leg was caused by the diseased sta1
an of my klilneyc , and I think it Is a mo
the valuable medicine that will so speedily r
by llevo and cure such a case on mine ,
therefore most cheerfully recommer
taos Hunt's Kemedy to all tlllloted with Kl
tor- ney Diseases , as I know It to be a eafo ai
lyl- reliable remedy. "
nth "Providence , Deo. C , 1882. "
rth ,
200 '
thla "
Call and look over my tx w > store and s
era , my new goods.
ght 12O7 Farnaiu HtxMt. ISO
Ice , Undox the manaititi&eat'of ' Mri ,
Wrlto for fall particulars to
SWIFT SPB01FIO 00 , . Atlanta.Ba . ,
1 to S1.75 ntr BotUe.
The Ore t Popular IlcmcJy lor Plica ,
Sura euro for Blind , Blooding ft Itching P
And all forma of Homorrholdal Tumors.
Those SurrostTORiM act directly upon th
coats ot the Blood Vowels.and by their astringent
effects gently force the blood from the awollsn
tumors , anduy making the coata of the velnt
strong , prevent their refilling , and hence a radi
cal euro la sure to follow their mo. Price , 70
It la a auro , prompt ami effectual romcJa or
digestion , Dyspepsia , Intermittent Fovenr , Want
ol Appetite , Debility In all ItaStagee
Weak Memory , Loss of Brain rower , Prostration ,
Weakncsa and general Loan of Tower. It repair *
nerroua waste , rejuvenates the faded Intellect ,
atrenghthcna the enfeebled brain and restores
lurprlaing tone and vigor to the exhausted or-
pans. The exporlenco ot thousands prpvca It to
bean Invaluable remedy. Price , $1.00 a bottle ,
oralx or $5. For sale by all druggists , or sent
locuro from observation on receipt of price by
Pr. Stolnhar .P. O. Box 2400 Ht.
17 St. OharlM Bt , ST. LOUIS Mo
A KEQULAn GRADUATE ol two medic *
eollrirealhaabeenlonior ; engaged In tbo treat *
3LOOD DlMaaea than any other physician la HI.
bouta aa city papera show and all old realdcntl
enow. Conaultatlon Irco and Invited. When It
la Inconvenient to visit the city lor treatment ,
medlclnM can be tent by mall or exprce * every >
where. Curable cases guaranteed ; where doubt
exlitn It la Irankly stated. Oall or writ * .
Nervoun prostration , Debility , Mental
and 1'bynlonl Weakneaa , Mercurial and
other affeotlons of Throat , Hkln and lionea
Ulood Impurltloa and 13loud 1'olsonlng ,
Skin Affections , Uld Horoa nnd Uloori ,
Impedimenta to Marriage , Uboumatiam ,
Piles. Special attention to OMM from
over.worked brain. BUROIOAL OAHE8
receive special attention. LIBOMOS ) arlsini
. from Impni'leuoo , Kzoeasea , Indnliiuucea
280 pages th whol
MARMH story well told. Many
receipts ; who may mu <
ry , who may not , why ,
cause * , consequence *
and curt. Sealed lor 25a poatagv or itamnt.
PERSONAJj "Parta ol the human body
onlartrod , developed and atrongtbened , " etc. , If
an Interesting advertisement long run In our
. pafor. In reply to inquiries wo will aay that
llicre no evidence { } humbug about thla On
the contrary , the advertiser * arv very highly In-
dorted Intereated persona may got sealed clr
a culars giving all particulars , giving all particu
. lars , by addressing Brio Medical Co. , P. O. Box
618 , OuOalo , N. Y. Toledo K < ( ng Be * .
tTonngstown , Ohio , Hay 10,138 * „
Di. B. J. KiMDiU , * Co. I had a iVery v ln *
Die Hambletonlan colt that I pitted very highly ,
he had a large bone spavin on ono joint and tt
small one on the other which mad * him veiy
lame ; I had him nnder the charge of two velai *
Inary surgeons which failed to cur * him. I wan
on * day reading the advertisement of Kandallt
Spavin Cure In the Chicago Exproa * , ! determined .
at once to try It and got our drugglit * her * tt
tend forlt , and they ordered thro * bottle * ; I took
all and I thought I would give It a thorough
trial , I used It according to direction * and tk *
ofh fourth day the colt ctaied to bo lama and tk *
h- tump * have disappeared. I used but one bottll
hho ind the colt's limb * ar * a * { re * o ! lamp * and at
hove smooth a * any bora * In th * itat * Ballentll
vo ly curid. The cur * waa 10 remarkable that
have let two ol my neighbors have | h * retnatt-
lia Ing two bottlet who are now using It
onUs Very roapeclfuTly ,
L. * ! f 08TZU
Us land for IllnitraVid circular giving poaltlrr- f I
proof. Price II. All Druggist * have It or cai " 1
let It for yon. Dr. B.J. Kendall ft Oo Pro i
prietors. Enosburgh Tails , VI.
W Uj of UUtlnei a.ncak.
] nedJ'Tllie strain or
jaur tlutlr * roll' niiibt work , to
ilUnuUntianl ua * i torobnlniwrv
Hop Bltt r . IwaiU UK " - - *
If you ar jounsj and I
dUcntlon , or dliilpal
rled or alMl * . old or I
DIM , r lon HopJ
fr * vt >
t.h Hop
ltt > .
Bi yoo < l.-
I Pfpua , kidney i O. I. O
oruHnarycontil [ Ita m atxclate
ftalnt ,
land IrraiM * .
Nitrtlt , tlaod.n HDP IbU oar * fat
druaYwin * * * .
tlivr ot ntnvt II
) | o ot optaa ,
Too wilt ti | t6b oco,3 ?
cured If TOUUHI H narcotic * .
Hop Blttsjral
5lr w ak and ) ft t . Son
lowii.lrlUd.trjl NEVER ClraiUr.
Ui it nnyl not
life. . It huk | IFAILI co >
tuved hun *
j-cuMt ounnu.
"Dy a thorough knowledge ot th * natural lawi
ifhlcn t'ovura tha operation ] of tllgeetlon and
antiltlon , and by a careful application of to *
In * iiropertlou of well-Si looted Cocoa , Ilr.
Zpps has provided our breakfast Ublci with a.
lellcatoly flavored bovcrngo which may save ae-
many ncavr doctors' bills It Is by th * Judlcloot-
osa of auch article * of diet thai a constitution
may ba gradually built np tint 11 stronj enough ,
to reals ! every tendency to disease , unndredt.
at subtle maladies are floating around ui readyi
to attack wherever Uiere la a weak point. Wc <
may escape many a fatal abaft by keeping our
MlrM well fortified with pur * blood and a prop ,
"y nly nourished frame. " Civil Service duetto.
se li d * simply with boiling walor or milk. Sol
o Una only ( i-lb and Ib ) , labeled
Homceopatnlo Ohemlata ,
. .