Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Saturday fVtornlnp , March 24
Weather Report
( The following nbservfttlons were takei
t tbo came moment of time at the station
mentioned )
OMAHA , March 23 , ( Il5p : ra ) I
A mils and a half ot track per day l
being laid on tba Oregon Short Line.
The SwoJIsh library anocUtlun Rives
iU Cullco ball thltB evening at the
HnrryA. need nnd W. A. Ilo'llck '
bare received commissions as Lotariei pub-
lie from the governor.
The Omaha Mndical College Cum-
aooncomont tikei piaco at Lloyd's opera
bouwncxt Wedoetdty afternoon.
No one think * of going down town
without Btopplnc in at Kuhn'a to look at
their beautiful Innd-palntod Easier caida.
T. V. Powderly nsucmbly No. 1010 ,
1C. of L , , meets thla ( S&tuiday )
sight All mombera should be present ,
Members of St. Cieorge , there will bo
ajpecial meeting of the nociety on Satur
day oyenlng at 8p.m. Important butU
J. Ilothwell , aocietary.
Owing to the Illness of Dr. Stolling
there will be no preaching or communion
arvlcca In the Boyd opera houtonext S li-
Ben. Hogen will be in Omaha Saturday ,
He it in rather poor health but will make
good talk. Ben is an earnest Christian.
lie will try and arrange to apeak at the
opera houe.
All an0isor are requested to bo pres
ent at the meeting of the assessors for con-
nlUtlon with the county attorney , which
M tn take olace at the county cloik's ofiiue ,
yriday , March 30 , 188) , at 2 o'clock p in.
The many friends of J. A. Toggart ,
formerly with the Into T. A. McShane ,
trill be glid ta Icurn tht ho lua purchase j
tba atock and futures owced by J. F.
Allen , for whom ho hii acted over Binco atirttd ns head olerk ,
The dlitrlct cjucS of Sirpy county ,
Judge Ncvllla proiiJing , Ii engaged in
henrlnt ; the trial of Wlllhm llasa , for
( orbing an order , signed D. M. Illqkok , by
moms of which he obtained 520 jworth of
goods froin J. D. Spearman , at Spring-
John A. McKenny , a colored man ar-
"foaled M the tuppiiod partner of Luvett
lathe robbery ot Wl'iun and Smith on
Wednntday night was discharged by Judge
Bcobko jostorday. A woman who was
arreited for Intoxication was also dis
TLe amusement event at Boyd's next
week will be the appfarance on Tuceday
evening * ! f thn MoOaull opera company In
the "Queen's Laoa Handkerchief. " Thli
being the first attraction after Lnt thtj
will undoubtedly have a large house.
The quarterly conference for thi
Korthern Nebra ka dlitrlct of tbo reor
gmn'itd obnrch of Jetus Obrtst ot Lstte
Day Saints , convened yesterday at 7s *
p.m. , at the Saints Chapel on Cass be
tween Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets
IL N , , secretary.
The department encampment cf lowi
G , A , B. , bas been called to meet at DC
Kobe * on the 4th and 6th of April. Ne'
oficera are to be elected and the locatio
ol the next annual meeting ot the depar
Hi nv. encampment.
Worklngtnon who cannot leave the
mploymentto register duting the tlmo i
aeUlng , I will regliter all who are entitle
thereto by calling at my residence froi
' in older to gl'
7:30 toO o'clock at night ,
Ulifactlon , northeast corner of Sovc
twrath and Wllliitni streets , 1'lease brii
your papers. . James Donnelly , Sr. , Ue
Utrar.A young man wat brought befo
JcdfCe Beneke yesterday on the char
of csrrylog conceited weapons , but prov
that the pistol found in his posieision w
taken from n friend who wai Intoxicat
ud not fit to be trusted wltb it.
Frank Maraib , who wai for tbi
years clerk In the diug store of Dr. J.
Yanter. reccntlv purchased by Dr. Rogo
a about to make a cbn : go by going tea
a ttmllar position for a drug firm , Tutt
Eros. , at Slonx Falls. Frank Isnstea
aad reliable young man and we. wish h
. rood luoV ,
Among the transactions which ca
up Tbutiday In the Janmry odjourt
term of the U. 8 , court was the cue of <
i U. 1' . railroad company v . August An
petition for a new trial. Demurrer
tfco part of the railroad company
argued for the company by th lion. A ,
1'oppleton , nod for the defendant by IC <
andllarwood. The case was taken un
advisement. Yesterday the somewhat no
cue of Arndt vi. the U. P. railroad co
isiny came up for trial. This cue
lecome a celebrated one in Nebraska i
will excite ft Rood deal of interest.
One ot the most Cubbed mu tcal
Urt.inmenta ever given in thU city' '
tbo peiformonoe given by tha Omaha W
leal Union Orchestra at the opera hous <
Tuesday evening. The proficient orgi
the management of.
tlon , under
leadership ol I
Julim Meyer and Iho
8. Hofmann. Is certainly equalled by
.similar corapanleg anywhere. The ore !
tr comprl os fifteen member * , each
whom sesmi to be a thorough master
the Instrument upon which he plays.
particularly pleating feature of the en
" ' talnmfntwas the performance upon
cxnet by Mr. Gewert , PS was also
Bijaiipnlatlon ot the basi clarionet by 1
to Omen
' Kohl. The company returned
on tbe morning Ualn. Should they i
rtiU Fremont agsln they may be ami
welcome.Fremont Herali
L\ I I a oordUl
Valuable Invention of an Oman
Which Will Prevent the Burn
ing of Theaters and Other
Public Buildings
The burning of the thontora a
Vienna , at Brooklyn , nt lUchmom
and elsewhere , have been among thi
greatest catastrophes of modern times
and have demonstrated the oonatan
danger which Inrks about a maanlvi
atraotaro whoso interior IB to large ) ;
uiado np of infliramiblo stall anoh a
light woodwork , canvas , paint anc
vnrnlab. Such a holocaust la llablo ti
take plftoo at any tlmo nnd in an ;
place , notwithstanding all the ustm
appliances for mfoty or opparatna fo
oxlinguishing the flimun ,
An Oaiaba man norr bringn out at
Invention which It in olalniod , witl
cousldurablo show of rcuaon , woult
oiructually provout a rtcurrotico o
luch dloaatorn if adopted. The inventor
vontor is Mr. Fred VVoguor , of thi
Union Pad do ehopa , who reutdts ot
Eighth atrcot , near Laavonworth. Hr
Wagner hai not yet token ont a patunt
but baa filed hla caveat by which al
his righto are protected , and la
lug for good roaauno his own time foi
completing the work.
A few ovuulngn ugo Q BEK roportoi
accompanied Chief Engineer lintlei
and others to the homo of Mr. Wag
ner , where a practical test of the in <
volition was rnado in the front yard ,
The anparatns will bo known as Wag <
uur'n bro cxtlugnlshor , nnd can beal
bo described ai it would oppoar if pu1
In Boyd'u or any other opera houeo.
In the first phco there is a large
tva'.or pipe which would rnn the fnll
length cf the Btago and under it ,
parallel with the floor. From thlc
; onnco lore load to four nprlghtjplpcs ,
nrhlch would bo located In the tout
iofnors of that section of the house
lohlnd the footlights , and might bo
incased in the walls or othorwlso pat
vhorn they would not bo in the way.
Choao four pipes would ascend to a
might above the scenery , flye , oto. ,
md not bo visible to the audience.
Cho equaro formed by the tops of the
bur pipes would bp tilled by rows of
itnallor plpoa running parallel with the
mrtalu , and in appoaranoo muoh like
he shftpo of a gridiron. iTho lower
lidos 3 of those pipes are punc
tured with small holoa aa
hiokly aa the pipe can stand
mdor the preaauro , thna oororing
ivory inch of space on the atago or in
; ho winga. Thla framework of pipes
a divided into four or moro uootiona
which may bo operated singly , In
palro or all at once In the following
nannor :
The junction between the main
pipe bolocr the atago and four uprights
's ' made by moatis of a "throe rray
: og , " a device patented by Mr. Wag-
aor In 1800 , by moans of which water
can bo turned on in tliroo different
ways , through either plpo singly or
through both nt onco. Ono of those
ooga la at each nnd of the main pipe
and by thorn the apparatus would be
operated by a person stationed belo *
for that purpose.
Supposing a fire to break out on thi
stage at any point , n signal would bi
nont down by un t lee trio call bell tc
get ready for work , followed liuma
dlatoly by another giving the numbei
of the section of the Btago which wa.
on fire , the sections corrospondini
with the sections of pipe above. Ii
this way it would never bo necesaar
to deluge the whole atago a
onoo , ruining furniture and fixture
and tearing everything to pieces by
big stream nf water. At the ilgne
the eeg is turned and Instantly a ahon
er of water more potent than the hoa >
lost rain would descend on the iUmoi
One dash might quench them , if no
two possibly would but if the fire wo
over DO bad two or throe minutes woul
do the work and it could never spree
beyond the oiohostra seats.
Mr , Wagner has made an ostlmal
ou Bojd's opera houae and says thi
the apparatus required there won
send down about 175,000 of these U
tie streams of water if turned on i
full. Ho IB willing to put in the fir
order for a very low figure and thlul
$1,000 would pay for all the work 1
bo done above the stage il > or , whl
ho would superintend personally. A
tor ho gets his invention introdaci
the cost and royalty will bo mui
The test in the presence of Oh !
Butler and othora was in the bight
degree satisfactory. Bunohos
. "waste" saturated with kerosene we
oot on fire , and who < i in fall blanat
water was turned on from the luln
turo fire uxtingutehcr , Mid quench
the fire Instantly. The apparatus
very simple in ooiislruotion , and wh
in fnll operation thn thousands
diminutive fctreuns of Filer , intorli
ing each other at every p iut , fora
pretty Bight and show how cotnploti
they would cover every point of I
stage. There WB no doubt aa to I
sncoeailnl working of the maohlnon
those present readily admitted
In thla connection , Mr. Wagner 1
not forgotten the safety of note
whoso gauzy drjs < o3 nttmi citch f
and burn them to drub , IIo hai o
trlved a way of saving all euch.
machine resembling in ohapa a bii
edge , but largo enough to hold a p
son comfortably , is placed lu
wings , jasl elf from the Btago.r.
tides are of perforated pi
and the floor of the aamo ,
oapt In the center , whloli
occupied by a trap connecting w
the main line below. If an at
ci'ohcs fir ? , ho or eho can rnn inali
ly into thla case aud the moment
trap Is stopped on Ihonaandacf strei
of water will pour over them from
alder , and agalnat which no fire or
prevail for a moment. This waa i
IS * thoroughly and satisfactorily toatoi
the tlmo spoken of.
ofof Mr. Wagner has certainly a n
ofA valuable invention , not only for sa\
A property , but life as well , and if
{ reduced into a theatre the audlc
30 would not got in a panic even if a
be did break out , but could coolly i
r. to BOO It extinguished , as it would
r.iia ovltably be , before they could r <
door. The inventor will
er the , w
od his patent ia taken out , also applj
foreign patents In Canada , Engl
and on the continent , where hi
invention cinnot hill to corao lot
general fnv r with the public , thoprc
prlotnrs nnd the actors , all of whet
are rqually Interested in securing sue
a inaus of safety.
The Colored Highwayman Founi
to Have 'Been Shot ,
Palming His Lameness Off fo
A now feature waa dovolopei
in the caao of the colored man , H , n
Lovctt , who aided in the robbery o
the two Oacoola mon , Wilson am
Smith , Wednesday night , and on
that rrill probably seal his fate am
send him ever the road.
It will bo remembered that whri
Wilson waa pushed otF the atdowall
Into the bnow ho called to Smith , win
flred a shot in the direction of thi
robbers , which it woo supposed did no
hit anyone ,
Thursday when Livett was'brougb
into court it iren noticed that ho limpoc
very bad , and ho made the remark tc
tbo officers that ho did not want h
slay down in that jail any longer thai :
waa necessary as his rheumatism wa
"powerful bad. "
It now transpires that the rheumatism
tism w&a of that character which comei
from a henlthy bullet fired from i
38 calibre , Smith & Wesson revolver
Smith's aim was not so bad after all
and ho winged hla bird , unfortunately
Htrlklng BO low down that it waa not i
fatal shot.
The bullet struck Lovott in the righl
leg just below the thigh , anc
passed clear through the fleshy part
coming ont en the opposite fiidp frorr
which it entered without striking the
bono at all. The force of the bullol
was BO apont that it did not pass on1
through the pantaloons , but probablj
dropped down into hla bout.
Instead of admitting thnt ho wai
shot and thereby giving himself dead
away BB a robber , Lovott concealed the
nccldont and assorted that ho had the
rheumatism , the wound consequent ! }
going nnoared for until Ii
a pity that revolvers are not oftonoi
used on mon who are guilty of snob
deeds aa a few substantial "stiffs'
would do moro to stop the busineat
than all the punishment a court cat
Bucklin's Arnica Halve
The BEST SALVE In tbo world for Onto ,
Brulter , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fovoi
Sorcw , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chilblains ,
Corn ? , and all skin eruptions , and posl
tlvoly euros Piles , It is guaranteed tc
civo satlefnction or money refunded. Price ,
25 cento per box , For Hale by 0. F. Good
man. _ _ _
Death of Mrs. Susun Howard.
Mrs. Susan Howard died Thurj'
day at the rosldonca of her daughter ,
Mra. Mary Priohard , 113 South Seventeenth
teonth street , at the advanced ago oi
71 years. The remains will bo taker
to Fern , Nob. , for interment by the
aldo of her husband , long since gem
Mra. Howard was a faithful Ohrls
tlan. She has been a member of thi
Methodist Episcopal church since hoi
childhood. Her life has been that o
an earnest follower of Christ , and ahi
pnssed peacefully to her rest
Her decease was very sudden
don , though she baa boei
quite ieoblo a greater part o
the winter. Until Thurtd y mornln
there seemed no immediate danger o
death. On Wednesday she waa abl
to jcin her friends at the eveningmoc
and seemed better than usual. Th
last stroke came , however , at 5:3 :
Thursday , and she waa no more.
Her late husband and her son-It
law , Rev. Martin Prichard , both lie 1
the cemetery in Fern In this state , an
thither the remains will bo taken t <
morrow to be laid away with all thi
waa mortal of those she has aeon stc
Iu o eternity before her.
Mrs. Frichard desires to .thank hi
neighbors for kindly attention an
words of oomfott in this ottllotlon.
Nemaha county papers ploao cop ;
Woman' * True Friend
A friend in need in a friend Indeed. Tb
none can deny , especially when asfllstanoe
rendered when ono 1s sorely ailllcted wit
disease , moro particularly those coi
plaints and weaknesses so common to o
foiunlo population. Every woman shou
know that Klectrio Bitten are womai
true friend , nnd will positively restore h
to health , oven when all other retnedl
fall. A single trial always proves our t
sertlon. They are pleasant to tbo tnst
aud only cost fifty cents a bottle. Soldi
0. F. ( .orwlman
1 Wuy the Little Waif Waa Left at t
1I 1a TJ.P. Depot.
I ,
It will bo remembered that soi
tlmo Dgo a llttlo Itf int waa nbandon
by ita mother , being left with D ntrai
young lady la the U. T' . depot. 1
child WBB afterwards taken aud kici
oared for by Oflicer Hiuokey , wh
wlfo nuraod It aa her own and declii
to allow It to bo taken to the com
hcuso. The fullowluR letter wna
oaivcd at THE EKE cflico and
no doubt ( { ouulno , although it ca
r- uccfgnod by any name :
r10 Chun A , March 21 , 1883
10 Mr. C , Itosawutcr :
e , SutIn resard to the oil
( abandoned nt the U. F. depot ,
la mother wishes to oay : The reanoi
lah was loft there I waa uuablo to da
or it , and I thought it would fnll I
some person's care who would t :
caio of it. Ila father was killed ii
QH railroad accident and sino his dor.t
ill have been unable to carp for it. I
Id a Catholic child Mid no one need
SO r.shainol to adopt her aa she is v
at bright and one year old lu May.
May Almighty Qed blcus ]
> 8t Hlnohoy for the kindness showed.
Yours , truthfully , -
J , W. Graham , Wnoleiale Druggisl
Aunt In , Tex. , writes : I have been bam ]
LUNU8 for the past year , and have fo
It one of the mott salable medicine * I h
ever had In my houie for CousLs , C
and even ooniumptlnn , always gli
entire satisfaction. Pleaie
WUMtV B VIt B | VU4 A tO4MO send me
id , I gross by Saturday's steamer.
The Alleged Discipline in Vogm
at Central School ,
Whipping Eigbt or Ton BOJI
at a Wbnok
The BEU reporter yesterday "go
onto" a case which shows that the old
fnahlonod practice of whipping tcholuti
la the pablio schools has not boon ou
tlroly done away with.
Prof. Leonard Is ttio man who cam <
ever from Davenport to succeed Mr
0. D. Hlno aa principal of the Hlgr
uohool , and it oar information is t <
bo rellod on ho hna not exnct
ly traveled on hla shape , bui
on his mnaclo. Ono of the llttlo boyi
lu the Central school saya that ho bus
whipped his Bcholars prutty promacu ! <
oualy over clnco ho begin Ills admlnls
tratlon , and from the specimen
brought to onr notice to-day ho hne
gouo into the thing by the wholesale ,
probably on the principle that if a little -
tlo WCB rtood a oed deal was better.
' O.i Wednoadny wo arc informed
thnt while the boys were at play ir
he yard , at the morning recces , one
bright youog lad , Philip Flannory ,
who works at the Boo. Hlvo atudio ,
toestd a anew ball at a companion
who waa playing marbles about cb
feet away. Suowballing aeerm to be
prohibited , and it is stated that the
principal at once came oat and asked
who had violated the rnlo. All the
boys denied having thrown the bal !
until the principal came to Philip ,
who admitted that ho had dpno BO.
After recess Leonard whipped th <
boy in the palm of the hand with t
ruler until he finally otruck him on i
bone , which hurt BO that ho cried out
"Oh , God I You shan't hit mo anj
more , " and straggled to got away ,
Leonard , it is said , throw him into nil
chair and struck him ever the hoac
with the ruler , BO that his head wai
aero the next day.
The Hamo morning eight or ten ol
the boys were late "getting into lino'
after recess and Luonard gave thorn al
a doao of the ferrule.
If this is the way in which the pub
Ho schools are to bo managed parenti
will bo glad to know of it and this ad
vcrtlsement will no doubt bring enl
other facts to show the discipline in
vogno among the different teachers ,
Armatronti'd Lecture Last Evening
The lecture of W. J. Armstrong
last evening upon the subject , "Tin
Uncrowned Czir'1 waa rather well at
tended and the andionco seemed in
terested throughout the entire oven-
ing. In apoaldng upon the subjool
the lecturer promised hh dissoarsa
with a few remarks on hla own travel :
and personal experience in Europe.
Ho then eaid that in Russia there ox
iatcd the uncrowned rule , who but i
shore tlmo ago inherited the kingdon
by right of birth The monarch ha
now oxpreaaed his intention of being
crowned thus completing the cere
mony whluh would make him the moa
despotic ruler of the world. Oitenta
tiona display has bsen arranged fc
the occasion , a million of subject
were to be fed on governmental ox
penao , and muslo to the soothin ,
agents of savage breasts would add t <
the splendor cf the feto.
The speaker then referred to th
asaasalnatlo > of the late czr and hoi
he had used every effort to avoid hi
Impending fate which at last overcam
him and brought him down to an Ignc
minions end.
Nihilism , the great power which I
Undermining the thrones of Earopt
had accomplished this death.
Mr. Armstrong then gavu the hietor
of the word nihilism , saying that
was cf recant origin , having been use
for the first tlmo some fifteen yeai
ago by a Ruisian novelist named Iva
TongueniilF in reference to a socialist
formation which at that titno had lot
boon formed lu the empire.
The speaker draws a comcatiaon bi
twoon the assassination of Lincoln an
Alexander II. He said that Linco
had bean killed for the cixuae whlc
liberated 3,000,000 * Uvna , and Ale :
indor II , had boon killed tor the o
slaveraont of 90,000,000 people ,
well drawn character i/f / the murt'on
czxr WAS then presented In which w
shown thu inoonslatuuclea cf his n
turn and his vacllatlng mind.
Mr. Armstrong regarded all tl
outlawry and crime in Raaila
the result of an absolute disregard
all justice to the subject in the a
ministration of the political and c
oial government of the kingdom.
The lecture -was finished by a br
Kant peroration on the institutions
a free government.
A. now side-bar , end spring top bt
g > , made by Buy dor and took fi
prlie at the state fair last fall ; no\
need and will be sold low. Apply
Western Newspaper Union , oor. 15
and Douglas st. feb28m&otl
Don'tD'o in tno House.
"Rough on Rita " Oloare out w
mice , roRchos , bed bugr , fliea , an
moles chipmunke gopnnw. IGo
-Jter-Dlamond U > ts are to poif
and BO beautiful that it Is a pleas ;
to use them. Equally good for di
id or light colors. JO conta.
it Roul ISatato Transfers.
3r The following deeds were filed
to ncord in the county clerk's oil
can March 22 , reported for TIIE BEE
I Ames' real oatato aconoy.
la 8. Sherman and wife to G 0. Jo !
JO son , w. d , part lot 12 , blk 6 , Koun
7 and Ruth's add ; $1,200.
7r. J. 0. Donleo and wife to G. B. Co
r. w. d. , n. 22 feet , lot 1 , block 1
W. Vorco and wife to L. Thorn
ot al. , trustees , rr. d. , lacro , BOO.
16 , 12 ; $1.00.
ol 0. Brenner and wife to W. R
noldi , w. d. , e , i aw. i BOO 8,10 ,
id 81 00
re E 'johnionand wife to 0. Grli
cU q. o. d , , 80 wres , neo. 29 , 15 , 1
ae tahn Oampball and wife to
Weatphal , w. d. , BI I of sfsco35
15 , 12-$1,400.
J. Ofltorto aud wlfo to A llamdon
w. d. psrt of lot , K uoeic 3 , Orodl
FonoUr. nrUUili nirf'.fi
u.V. . Aiidrt8)n MUI wifoto.T W
Greightnii , w. d. , part i.f Jot G , blocl
8. E. ll rtman and husband to II
D Rood , wd , lot 2 , block 142 , $2.
II. D. Reed to 0. ll.jr.inau. wd , lo
2 , block 142 , $2
A. Kouotia aurt wife to J Lodf rr
wd , lot 7 , block 4 , KUUUIZJ'B 3d add
The Work of the United Statoa Flat
Among the paasengera on the went
bound U. P. train yesterday was Mr ,
Ohas. H. Townaoud , formerly of the
Academy of Natural Sciences , Phila
dolphl" , and now connected wltH the
work of the United Statea Fiah Com
Mr. Towneoud la on hla way to Cal
ifornia , going out HO a uutnrallatin thei
rtarvico of the commission. The iisb
commission works under the auapicre
of the Smithaonlhn luaUtutc
at Waahiugton , Spencer F.
J3aird being the United Statea fuh
commlBclouor. The United States It
divided into two departments for this
purpose the department of the At
lantic and the department cf the
Pacific The latter Is in charge ol
Mr. Livingatono Stone , who is work
ing at the headquarters in Northern
California. At that place the govern
ment has a fishery , located on a re&er
ration kept for the purpose on Me-
Cloud river , a tributary of the
Sacramento. The object of this work
is to secure BB largo a quantity aa pos
sible of ealmon eggs with which tc
stock the rivers in th'o cast and for ex
change with foreign countries for
good food fish , In which
they have mot with gratifying
success. A poatoffiso named Bilid
has just been established at the fuh'
ery , which is in Shasta county , anc
bora Mr. Townaond will spend the
summer in working up the zoologj
and archaeology of the region.
have arrived. Practical experienci
demonstrates and proves them the
cb capos t In the market for rua
service. For nalo at
F. D. OOOPEK & Go's.
-Vo notice the Marriage Fund , Mutua
Trust Association , of Cedar Rapids , Iowa
highly spoken of in many of the leading
papers of the state. "Money for the Un
married" heads their advertisement ii
another column of thla caper. fo-3n
New Furnace for Heating Tubes
Mr. Richard H. Brown , iwol
known gentleman of this city , has ue
cured letter's patent foi * a new auc
improved furnaoo for brazing anil
welding flno tuboe , by the neo o
which each work may be done at :
great saving of tlmo and fuel , it i
claimed. The patent lo dated Marcl
13th , 1883.
Omaha mon are coming to the f con
with a good many now devices and in
ventione , and this probably the latest
Mr. John Raed is assignee cf ono-hal
interest in the patent.
Doe j i lame back or o dUorderod urine
ndleato that you are -rtctlmf THEN HO *
once ( drngflflU recommend It ) and it will
peedily overcome the dlseiao and restore
healthy action to all thborcani.
ToT complaints p oull rte
to your aez.mehaa pain
pauod , H It will act promptly und lately.
itoer B i. Incontinence , retention of
urine , brlok duct or ropy depoalu , and dull
dragging pains , all speedily yield to IU our-
atlve power. ( U )
Price $1.
"Mr. Ethan Lawrence , my trvniman , " :
Dr Pillllp 0 Kallou it Monk'OD ' , Vt , , v.i
blrated from KHney ttl'eMe. The > kln of h
legs ( h'ne like glasi. KU toy-Wort cured hlc
Apr. 20-82
for all diseases or the Kidney * and i
| organ , onabUnt it to throw off torpidity and
, Inaction , ( tlmulatlnff the healthy aeoreUon
, of the Bile , and by keeping the fcowold In fret.
I condition , effecting Ita regular discharge.
} Iwctl3rlci > malaria , have the chlUs ,
"aro bilious , dyspcptlo. or constipated. Kid.
[ ney-Wort willsurelyrelleTO ciuieklycure.
t In thla season to cleanno the System , every
one should take a thorough course of it. ( II )
) SOI.D BY PRUQOI8T8. Prlco tl.
"Tell mr brother so'dlers. " writ's J. C. Piwi
Trenton , 111 , and all 'tvers. too that KHn
Vort cured my 20 yrais ll er dl-oul rs Vubl
t , plsace , in St. Louis ulobe-Democrat"
Another Rink Oihlfr e'capra. Oeiiei
loist , O.shler ot Mymt un ( Pa ) Hank , ia
eently ; "Kidney-WritcU'idmyblotdl gllci
N o other diue is so prevalent In this
country as Constipation , and no remedy
haa over equalled the cclobrxtod KLDNEV-
C WORT aa a cure , \7hntoter tne cause ,
H Uowever oUtinato thn eu , tbb remedy
* will overcome it.
THIS jUstir inc complaint
plaint la very apt to b :
complicated with constlpatlau. Ivldr j-
Wort ttrenfttlierjitiio wc""Jcencd parta c.m !
TuloLly curoii all Ulndj ot 1'ilci even v fa
b piiyalclans and tnulloUira ha vo before fall'
ed. tVlfyouhivacltharoftbosetrouUei
it PRICE 81. i In'ruhhlctn&ttll
"Kldnfj-Wort his gtxcn Irarrc lati relief ,
manv case * ot rhoumatl > in , falling under try )
Jlc . " Dr. Philip 0.1'allcii MonUcn , Vt. A
20 8Z.
- - - - - - - - -
ia It 1 for all the painful dlaeuea of the
ItoleanseathesyitemoftheacrUl poSjun
that caoaee Uie dreadful riflerlne which
only the vietimi of rheumatiim eon reallM.
of the -wont forma of thla terrible disease
have been quickly relieved , andinerort
( II ) Drycante * nt by mall ,
WELLS. RlCHAUlxiOXA CU..llurUmrton.Vt
"I never found even relief from Rheumat
and Kidney trouble * till I used Kidney Wi
Now I'm ei.-DaTldU. : Miller , llartford , >
aertedunlet * paid In advance.
Omaha Savin s i
low prepiml to maVn loans on Omaha Cl'
or Dou 1 t'ou t )
. . _ .
At Current * ln .ro-t.
TO LOAN At 8 per cent. Shttver' '
MOVKV E3t to * nd Loan Agency , opposlt
poetofflcc. _ TBT-tl
_ _
A general agent ( or this counti
WANTED now two-LOcdlu Singer ep liik' mr
clilno Sens woeeann at cnce. Addrws , ( o
teirns and full panlcnlir" , Two Nctcl.o 8cv\ln
Machine Co. , 75 anj 7 * West Kinz o utrco" , Ch1
ca < o , III. C4 211
WAN1 H ) A good nur e plr ImoioJia'ulv t >
corlhwrm cor er of Ilamlltoi Mil 1'lt
etifets , .Shlnn'fl aJultljti. CII'.SJ
WANTEl-no . int | | ! > ' and ntilllictit rli
rr woman in Van D.t.i'a Wax latin 82
South aienus. GJOiSt
\T7AN1 ii-A ; jrrlat 1418 Howird S reel
VV MiKt It. ag.oilcccx. > ukc , aid irotcr.
BI8-2J ?
WANTED- if.xiil i'lnlrtr room gM. Wage
Siiicrwe-k a thi Harucy Strut ltcai u
rant. BIB-2I *
A good girl ( or general liou1
w ork Call at 113 eo itii nth street.
WANTED Four go'd 8rrnr middle &fo
worn n , at once , nt the faxtcn Ho'cl. In
quire ( or the Steward. C37-Sf §
An ft U-A i ecoh J COOK at the t mut t house
W 67C-20J
WANTED , i utititlv man to da yaril nor !
r.boiit a h'i'cl. Apply at t cftspapcr Union
cor 12th aiu Howard nlrccts. ucb22-2t
STlfAMEDciildl ( lag roon girl at th
VV Mctropol tan l.o . cl inch22mio 2t
ANTED kTtcf en Klrl at UcinckoV Ha <
Uuniit Oinna. prcfotrcd. C03 en't
13tb street. 612-23 *
WANTCn A tclrl for g ireral houionotk Ii
a ntmll laniily cor caldwell and Pier Sin ,
one block ucat if Saundcra street. 509-23 $
WANTKD A jrcod tailor is OP custom pint
App'y 1220 a i am btrcot , ucnr 13th St.
658.21 S
Tnrea gco I barne's maVcrs.froo
WANTED to steady men. Address E. frtch <
Tcrk Neb. . 439-29
& few ttdtca ami Kenllompn a
WANTED for the M/jrt t paying buslno's I
America. Room 3,1303 famum St. 243-lm
A position bv a compeUr.t book
WANTED Flrjt-clais city ictennro. Ac
drcai Box 752 , city. 489 ? C S
WANTED By girl , actuation BB uok or gen
eral house * ui k. Call 1201 Chicago St.
WANTED A ioungl dyai companion. On
v.illlnz to asdst In bouscho'd work ( or paj
Will find a home is once the familyby oddrcsi
512-20 Bco Office.
WANTED Situation by yonng lady t ) go ot
stwlns by the day cr week Address Mil
M. W Omaha pat tofflco. 550-241
By a joun ? man , rocmand boar
WANTED locatio i. I'rivilotamlly prctc
ra' . Address , s'atlng terms , " \V. F. P. " Be
office. f25-28 §
SnU\TION , s boo > -ke per , fltcon y ara e :
7perloaco. Reference ) given. Addresi "V
Room 2 , Odd Fellows block. (3G-2C §
[ TTANTED Somo'one to adopt a baby boy ,
YV month old. Apply at Sister Sirah'a Ho
: t > l on Dodge , bet. 17th and ISth. ' 6(3-241
ANTED TO BUY House 5 rooms In Tlcli
It"of St. JUry'a avenue. Address , statin
rice and terms , "J. R. 0. " Bee office. C43-2 ;
. - April 1st or 15tr ,
WANTF.D-BV location , or rooms suitable ft
' ousektcping Gntleman and wl'c , nochlldroi
iddru s , ( tiling t r < c8 , " 0. F. W. " care of San
lei Rtei , city. E23-2-l §
WA I'D By pr vato family , three or foi
boarders Low rates , closu tobuslno s pa
if town. Address Francis King , Wymao Cot
ercial Coll' ge. 540-29
" \T7 ANTED Oni < r two turr ! 'h d rooms nil
YY nrvlinoi't board. Ad ro.s tta ln < tern
d Ioitlon , " .M. " Bee cfflcc. 494 245
\TTANTED \ house wltn four or Q\r r 0111
wlihcircor wo full i < ti. wltnlnamlle
olllc' , nm lj low down for cosh. Ad re
! , BKS oHlee. 522-22 *
Three unfurnished rcoms or llgl
WANTED Addrees B. 1221 Krn >
treet' , Orraha. 253I2CJ
A O NOY Wanted by a young and enterpi !
Xi. Ing attorney , with office 1 > centre of to <
and on ground floor. Omaha firms that want
'ouncll B uOs represent 'live should addresi
JOHN DOB 7 Fearl St.
TXT ANTED ( CO privy vaults , sinks and ci
YY pooli to clean with sultart clcanir. Sat
'action guaranteed. J. M. SMITH.
216-ltuf Lock Box 422 , Omaha.
REVT Three nicely fumlsncd roon
FOR > r wlthoui boaid , at 1318 JacVson St.
547 2Ut
REVT Pne handnomtlv furn'sheil roe :
FOR Capitol avfime. 541-241
ORRENT * Flno upright pl o , fine"Ki"
ballurgtn , 1&19 Eoc'vo ' street ,
611I A. HOSPF , Jr ,
UKNT Hous' , let. J4lh an * 15lh ,
FOll Icagosircu : . Inquire cf John Swat.
DR RENT Four acrd iricr.
ARM FOR KENT ISO acres within city 11
_ P Itj. Apply to "M. II. M/ ' Bee ofllce.
513-23 .
Fxun'shw * front room , flr-t Ho-
JD with or vtltbout board , C03 o. lifh St.
50323 $
10 LV.TOne line r-om , with or withe
D0 rd. 1808 California > trcet. 451-apl
1 Modern coov < .nlencos , 1910 Dodge St.cct.
48c-2e ;
t\ and basement of building No. 1111 Farm
Ueet. Inuulra on premises. 184-ln
OR RENT 25 house * , 2 to 10 rooms , at 13
tis p r month Shrivor's Rent bureau , i
rx it DQsiomn. 768-t
1710R KENT 1 wo double stores , suit ble
I * boarding bouse , grt eery , butcher , cr oala
sltua'ed ( O as to command a fo ? < d firmer tnu
Iniiulroof Mr * . F. Lange , S. W Cor. 13th o
Jack > ou HU. . 30o-lm
SA1 E Opera Hou e KeeUurint. Eo
FOll bj.Uo.s. Tcrimreas'ta le ,
832 KJ W " McCOV
f 311 SALE Splendid 80 acre farm near cl
'Fine rfbldence property near cl ) , a'lundi ;
fiuit , good boosef , barn wells , cistern , ihi
aud tnoi Will ( rode faim on
prrperty. Birgiln ,
Five acre lots njirc'.t ) , S125 cre ; 1100 ca
long time , six i > o cent
Valuah o f rni , 71 mllej from Orrana ,
Fcur cro trait , fruit and tilude treu , w
F-irnam. I'ariialn.
F \oacro tract , two houics , south city Urn
Conaje and lot near strott c r. { 830. E
| ? , lot and cott ge , Ih enport. nw
* ALECHEAP-Agcod llde lar buj ;
FOR new. Jlcdr watooce , "B , O. ' i
cfflee. 5'6i :
F 628-lf O. J. OANAh
' -I A A Buthcli Onion dexs fur sale cheap. Ji
| ( Uo. ) Willis. 14 Doiige Street. 510 S
'l/OttUiLE ' Two house * 3rooms ind 5 rco
h Brick f oundatlcn , good < ellari , hard and i
water , full lot , on south ! 3rd street , within I
blcckaotSU UtrVi s\cnur. Inquire on
preml-e * , No. 841 routb 2U Slrett. 522-2'
OR SALF Thorough bred Jerwy Bull c
E full PeJlgref , 8 , J. Rblem 1008 loulh artn
I70R PAtK A re t , tew one story frame cot-
f lageaia full lot on 18th vtreet. Klrs'-c'ans
dcDCi lo atlon. Six r oivery in 'rn *
. Terms en > y , A p1 > at I woiticf if Kdi *
ody \ llartln , 17 and It ) Omaha N < t ctu " k
ulldlng. rV4-27J
OR PALE 7 rot in house uu until UMIUC ,
j at 7tO
K room c t'agn on rumlrg 8' . ? 4CO
4 rrom cotutge on 18 h Si 11 'ft
4io me tta o near U. P. p t , 9 1C.
3 room COILVB a' , llfftd rfSt Mtij's ar'liuo ,
160. M < AUUrJ ojlioj it I'o * ' . OlH e ,
4 5. f '
710ft "At.E Nice , ( 'r en Ciilar Ireis a * eth
J nd Hova'd atrict. < G3-:4 ]
. ' OH 8ALKju tity et O K lerco [ oi's. ID.
1 quleaWdjard , \Veb < ter street , between
7tb nd ISth. 450-.85
710R 9A'jR ' OK hE T A five r-o h us- ,
; with birn , wol and 1 Urn. L't CO 1C8.
rply to Siml 0 S.ousanor t > n preinl e < , N' .
317 I'll rco 6t'O. t. 401-23 }
7IOR SAIjlKlno Jersey Bu'l for | ir > llcuto.
; W. s nwinlsi tbo prim urn itttbo Usr Htate
air , Apilv J. Tljlor 5 8 bet. 25tn and D'ca-
ir , tortli Omnh > . 451-23 }
HAnKC"AX E-P rsdea a bargain , a
L etock of g.nual u ircha tl HO with an cs-
ilUli n trauu In DUO cf the best 'owns on the
< V M ral raid In Nebraska Stock will In.
_ lcoalxut SCO. Addrtsj lock b-x 1404 . . ,
ouncil Klult' , o a. - - -
SALK Oni" borgc , ilngle wagon nnd bar
. nets. 1 Cooper wa.on.
3 < 7-tf _ 301 N. 15th at.
BttiCK YAKD FOKKKSTppiy at once.
K\ertblng needed to run It ou hand.
upcrlorclay Also hnuso on yatil If uantod.
UKENZ I 1)1 111ILK , Yard Uth ilteot. 2 blocks
outh of Bo'levun road. 280-lmt
ion S VLK OU " ENT-My 2 story br'ck rcsl-
; doncu on lOthstieot ai d * t. Marj's aicnue
ir tale , 47 000 Sraull payment down , bo anco
tO 6 jcaw time. Lot 0x200 feet. Elflgant
ouse , verv c-ivpnlens. Will rent It toery
oed panics for ? G5 per n onth Call nt once al
12th and FqrnamSt.
, -OR SALE lloimo with 6 rooms and u lots
J ( rnch C6vl32) In south Omaha , for $1,000 , on
aayturnix. Will < akt team on part payment ,
nqulro at Oil S 12th street. 213-lmt
R SALE CHEAP Choice unimproved bus
iness lots on Farnam. Barney , Pouulri" ,
nd Dodge etroots. DAVIS&SNYDER ,
Real Est to Agrnta.
110-eod-tf 1605 Farnam St.
Bargains in Eeal Estate ,
House anil hilt lot , gxd location , 81,2(0. (
House and halt lot , ueir bt. il.irj'8 avenue
enwoith street , 92,200.
41 loot frontage on Farcam street , Improved ,
" 20 0:0.
Corner lot on DougHs street , ? 7,5oO. Pa-ualu
Hu Incss lot on Diujilrs iticet , J4.000.
100 foot fronton Dodge stiogt. UoblloMcs In-
ewtiuent , $1,350.
807tf- Opposite Poiioillci- .
_ 7101l BALK A Oral clam second band phi.icojt
J Cillat ISlBTTurnnvSt. WMf
710U SALE Pocn ets maps of Nebraska SOo
J each. For bargains In li aha City Improved
nd unimproved proper ! } , call on Wm. t , Shrl-
cr , Iteal Estate Agent , oppos'to ' postofflce.
10 acres , housr , barn and other Improvement' ' ,
i miles from postotllco , t,000.
9 room house , full lot ons reet car line , { 3 COO.
11 room hou'o , ace-half lot , on ( tree ) car line ,
6 room house , on street car Use , all modern
nprocmcntii , ( new ) 93,500
1(0 flnc residence lots on nnd adjacent to strett
ais. 8300 to jteoO.
Farnam Street ,
3 room honsr , co'lar. well , etc. Two fall lot } ,
hlnn'a addition , $300.
f > ro6m ncu-o cellar. cU'crn , eti , fences and
albs , full lot , ShiMi's addition. Very iasj
crmt , ? 2,3fO.
3 room ncusj , on street car line , leased lot ,
3 room homo , loue'aadditltn , full lot , JJOO.
8 room htuio , one-halt lot , five minutes ' .vjk |
rom street cars , $ :00.
6 room house , ten minutes via'k from poit *
nice , full lot , $4,001.AMES
> Farnam Street.
fi rconi house , Cots strett. 81,500.
Ui.slneu property ou Caplt 1 avenue corner ,
( room > ou e ( new ) cne-half block from streetcar
carUargalri. . 81,800.
Call and i xamlne lull lltt Hcu'es and Lot' , 2 ,
i , 10 id iOacro lets on cany teima.
64G-tf Farnam Street.
QTRAYKD On Wedce'day ever Ing , Mar h 14 ,
j f om No. 155Jnne < St. betweo 10 h 'd
1 h , a rcan colored cow about 4 or Syaisold ,
a'so y < ung red colon d calf , 520-24-in21-3t
- ' Wednesd ymori lag between 16th
LOST-Th's ' . a d Ihcrv b ok. Finder
plcaiedeilvirsume ( oOman * Bakery , 516 10th
it. 515-22 *
\\J ILL take children of ny age give them a
V * .not lit ra care for a liberal couu cnsatlon.
A'dicss Y. Z' Beeofflce 308-lmo *
f * ADIKS vlshlng a qula flocedurlog confinement -
ment , with nurse will address W , B. Bee
ottlce. 369-lmot
EXCHANGE for city property In Oiraha ,
TO nrst-c'aH ' Improved farms A'so 1600
lead o-shesp f TFUle Co-ro-pond with N. C.
ihr etlan'-n , Huciameoto , Neb. m B-lm
riPECIAL INDUCE1IENTS Offered for a coun-
O t > y store at Ollmore , Sarpy county. Neb.
Apply lo O. Frojl , thtre. 195-lmf
TIONAL1ST , 4V8 Tenth street , between Kurnam
and llarnuy. Will , with 'he old of Rimrdlan
sclrlta , obtain for nny one a glance of the past
and preaont , and on certain conditions In tbp fu
ture. Boots and Shoe" made to order. Pf ifect
satisfaction guaranteed.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never arles. A marvel of purlti
itrengtb and wholcaomcncxs. More economical
than the orplnary k'nds , and cannot be sold li >
couipetltlon with the multitude ol low test ) hcr
weight , alum or ph-sphate pow4er Sold only In
cans. llOTii. Eiiixu I'owcia Ox. Wall-St. " .IB . '
New York ,