Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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La'.jat ' styles from the east , in Lanctry Waves ntid lloversibto Lingtrj-
Frlrzos at MRS. J. J. GOOD'S , 20 Main street , opposite post oflico.
Are DOW rcaJy to contract ( or small castings ol
every description In
Special attention Is called to the ( ict that the
mcUls are meltctl In CRGCIBLKS which gives the
Tory best castings ,
Burning Brands
FAOTOKIES , Etn. , Etc. ,
AD well aa
Cattle Brands
Works : Corner Blith street ami Eleventh a\euue ,
Oroahn und Council Bluffs
Real Estate & Collection Agency.
n Odd Follow a block , ovur Savings'
40HB HIAtLlk MOM * CUM.-
I'reolnom. Viol Hri- ' * .
V. a. Iltiantu , i c. ind Trov.
Lincoitu Neb.
Oocn Planters Hrrrove.Varm Hollere
Hnlfcy Hay Bakea , BuoROt HllovaUnp
Windmills. &o
We are prepurod la do | at > wotic eon io .uil
ttnlng lor other parties.
Addicts & 1 orderi
' .Ircoln Neb
Are acknowledged to be the '
best by ail who have put them
to a practical -test.
Buck's StpyeGo.
Compblclng and growling will neve
care rheumatism , bat St. Jacobs-Oil
certainly will.
BTADL18UKO 1868.
UUtf and till Dodge Street ,
ana 7-mo 6m OKAIIA , NIB.
iSeljraska Loan & Tract Compau
Capital Stock , - - $100,000 )
JAS.B. HEARCAVELL , , Preald-nt.
A. L. CLARKG/Vlco-PrcsIJeol.
K. 0. WEBSTGtl , Treasurer
flunnsl Alezandei Oawald'OUrer ,
A. Ci. Clarke , E. 0. Wetwtor <
G e.Q Pratt , JM. a Heartwell ,
Mortgage Loans a Speoialt
Thta Company ( urnUhea A pennanect , hoc
losUtatltD where School Bond sand otter legal
Issued Municipal secorltia to NebraikA can
be negntlatea on the most Uvorablo term
Loans made on Improved f arm In all well tettl
oountleicC the stale through rxpcnitlilaita
617 Bfc Cliorloi St. ST. LOUIS. M
A HiaULAU QUADUATK c ( two medl
colleges , has been longer ennceej In th tre
went of CHKON1C , NKKVU'IS , SKIN Al
BLOOD Diseases than aoy other phjaldan la
Louli as clly pipers B on and tall old rcslJti
know , Consultation free and liu Itcd , When
isjinconvenlent to vis t the cltj ( or trcatmt
medicine can be tout by uail tir fixprtes e\ci
where , Cureabli ca < ca fjuaranteed ; when dot
It Is fracltljr taUd. 0 > ll ot write.
Nervous prostration. Debility , Men
pad I'hysical Weakness , Mercurial n
otlicr affections of Throat. SklrTnnd Bon
Blood Impurities and Blood 1'oisonii
Sltln Affections , Old Sores nnd Ulce
Impediments to Marrlige.t Kheumatii
Hies ! Special attention to caeea fr
over. worked bralp. SUlUiIOAL CAB
receive jpeclal attention. Uiaetaea arls
from Imprudence , ' KxcoagtB , Indulgeni
rybonny not i w
causes consequences
ed lot Ko pcttige or it/imi * .
Indlanola has a new tile factory.
Madrid has a new hotel and a coal yard.
Burlington hai organized a bate ball
Keokuk la to have a cracker and candy
factory ,
Manchester baa $2,401 62 in the town
The striking coal miners at Lehlgh liavo
gone to work. '
Kotsuth county is recehing a number of
naw lesldenta
The Cedar Hit i'l * pork-packing homo
baa stopped killing.
Mirahalltov/n has a floating Indebted
ness of $ 7,413 40.
The school teachers of Adatr county arc
holding an Institute.
A market-garden alto has been purchased -
chased at Spring Like.
Oltumwa has twenty-one salaonj , each
paying $1,000 license.
An unknown man wn drowned in the
river at Dubuiiue last Thursday.
The Ogden coal company hag been in
corporated with a capital < f 50,000.
A81.5CO fire occurred at Shelhy , Shelby
county , i n tha morn ng of the lth ! ) lout.
The Northwestern aldassoctnUonof Mar-
ehalltown has juit piid Its first death loss.
. Clinton schools have 1.G27 pupils en
rolled , and an average dally attendance of
The people of Iowa City want a new
hotel which will have the modern con
venience * ) .
Oedar Utplils has jntt organized n
log * bank , and thu articles of incorporation
have bt < on filed.
"The Masons' benevolent nocle'.y of ( kr
looea will build a thteo etory busuo.-u !
block this spring.
Uiraiarck , Dakota , Is to soon have ? 2 ,
000 worth of wagons made at the factor ]
at ACarphalltown ,
Spirit Lake , Dickinson county , * { ll soon
Isice bonds to the amount of $0,009 , for a
new schoul house.
Manchester wants n p per mill , a can
niog factory the electric light an a nortl
and pouth railroad.
! 'Guthrio Center has organized , a minln g
association and will make an earnest et ,
< eavor to find coal.
The canning factory at ludituola is a
work on canp , und u kilu for burning drai n
tiiea ia being made.
A lodge of the United Brotherhood -
( Iowa wan organiced at Muscatine on the
night of tbe 17th inet.
The new court house of lllnggold county
will cost $33,415. The work-will be done
by a St , Joe contractor ,
The boring foe coal near Jefferson will
go on again , a Email fund having bjon
raised by subscription.
The f srry boats have 'commenced ' ran-
ning on the Mississippi river opposite B ur-
lington and other points.
Three hundred and forty-six offics
holders live in Polo Alto county jver one-
third of the voting population
IV.Governo ? Kirkwood is lecturing In
theditierent towns of tbe state on the sub
ject of "Education , What is It ? "
Johnson county baa a new organliatlon
called tbe Improved fitoek Breeders' '
elation with a full list oi officers.
There is a ease of seduction in court
Corning wherein a colored woman is plain
tiff and a white man < io defendant. n.P
A young lady suffering with consump >
tion recently'died in the depot at Burling "
ton while talcing the cars for her home.
Dubnqne citizens''haVo presented Her
man F. StrousH , the 'karo ' of , the NowhaU
house disaster with a costly gold medal.
It is stated by a .Davenport paper thai
, the Mississippi wa * .closed to navigatioi
just 100 days during tbe season now ipuct
Horses belonging to farmers fa Enghi )
township , Lucas county , hove the Teras
, itch and the owners do not know how
cure it.
er A citizen f BIgonrcey forwarded S127tG
on the 13th to the relchstag committee
the aid of the sufferers by the floods
The taxes on the average quarter -ice
tion of Osoeola .land la S28 acres. Thi '
county baa a debt of < $ C2,000and haaS00 |
cash on hand.
An injunction haa been
straining tbe Uea Molnea Telephone com
pany from petting up.poloa in front of bua
mesa houses.
The members of the Henderson fcos
core pany at Cedar Ilapidu recently decldei
to disband oa a vote of 12 to 11 , The
norlty will utiU run the machine ,
A man at O-riswoldihas given a bond >
8300 to appear at Atlantic at the Septets
ber term of tbe district court for cuttin
off of another man'a dog.
. A train containing five hundred passen
ftera , bound ( rr Dakota , passed over th
Iowa division < rf the Chicago , Mllwauke
& St. Paul railroad on the ItHh inst.
The Dea Moires water works now Ural
< thelr supply from a well. The llegUte
says the water is cleaner than that fui
wished by tbe turbid Coon , but it ia to
iard for laundry , purpocs.
The Iowa City board of trade has a
; .propriatod $125 toward fitting up a roa
ior last driving. The driveway in to
rolled and otherwise kept in order for th
speeding of clticens * ateeda.
C , As shown by the treasurer's report tl
expense of running Dubuqne for the yoj
ending March 1st ivaa 3156(000 53 , Th
doea not Include interest on debt. Dubi
flue baa eighteen policemen.
Otoo property owners of Adall were r
cently fined 910 aoh by the mayor ft
not complying with the ordinance r
.nulrtag sidewalks to be cleaned of snoi
The.iuen will appeal th case.
A rreck on the Illinois Central road ,
mile ea t of Storm JLako , on tbe i2th Inst
eauMd tbe derailment and demolitioni
even box can , two * ta , a baggage ci
nd two passenger coaches.
Bubuiue has a pate of scales which we
* out of order a short Ume rflnce. JL sell
rally of a load of hogs came near being overpa
$21 more than was coming to him on i a
ttlea count of the defective weighing ,
local Frank irl , Grigca hot been appointed
signea of Paige , DIxon & Co. * and Okarl
8 WnUdnR rtdministrator of the estate
Simon Eee \ , the Davenport man wl
recently aui.lded , Ther iave $100,01
A eebool teacher of AckJcy , Hani
t. county , beat ft boy in a cruel manner
cently and waa requested to recl n. I
I did so and was immediately arrested ai
fined $25 for &e offence. He then lifer
for Dakota.
The Keokuk Bur association has inw
por&ted. ItH purpose IB to promote the
teresta of the bar of Kookuk , and to
tabllsli and maintain a law library and
promote the Keokuk college of law , T
capital stock ia $50,003.
While Mrs. Tatlaw , of Atlantic my
wm attempting to lead a calf into a uta
one day last week , got the rope around n
of her lingers. The cslf gave a sudd
Jump anil comoletclv broke the finger c
and it could not afterwards be found
BIn ) blastlne rock at Dubuque recenl
the workmen put in too heavy a ilast
which Kiutted In the promlscnous BCI
terlng of tbe rock in all directions , a
nearly seating a number of the people I
ing in the neighborhood to death.
esand why. In order to facilitate his eyesight in pli
ine a game of airdr , Patrick Cox of B
JlDgUra attempt * : ! to fill a lighted gwol
limp. The saloon and residence wherein
the game was being played was damaged
to the extent of $1EOO , and tha ocui > aat *
had a narrow escape.
Frederick /Cadow , A car Inspector In the
Milwaukee nnd St. Paul yards at Dubuque -
que , was run over and lillail while In tha
act of uncoupling a car At that ttlace on the
17th Inst , Ills font Taught In the froi ; nnd
ho could not extricate it tain enough to
save his life ,
A young man arrived nt Casly laH
week in an Innane condition of mind. He
was hound for Kxln and had $2,000 , with
which to buy land , When f enrchoil It was
learned that ho had I ut 91,000 uf it left. It
Is supposed that ho was robbed of the other
$1,000 , nnd the fact drove him crazy.
The petition of Dubuque doctors to the
city council. Hiking that the names of
mother * of children reported by phys clans
to the clerk of the board of health bo not
published , wai granted Now the report-
era will have to go to tbo county clerk , to
whom , by law , the p'lyslcUns nro required
to report.
F , Bean , ol Fnlrfield. 1ms the following
advertisement In the Pierre , D.T. , Signal :
"I want a full-blood Sioux squaw , not
over 211 oars old , nnd mubt bo middling
good-looking , I do not want any half-
breed , I am 21 years old thU mouth , ncd
sUtul ft feet 8 Inches In height , dark hair
and r th r dark complexion. Would like
to exchange photographs. "
"What It Did For an Old Lady
December 26 , 1878. /
OEMS A number of people had
baon using your Bittora here , and
with marked dl'oct. In cma cast ) , a
lady over seventy yoara , had boon sick
for years , and for the past ton yoara
has not boon able to bo around half
the tlmo. About six mouths ago sh
g9t so feeble she was helpless. Her
old remedies , or physicians , being of
no avail , I sent to Depost , forty-five
miles away , and got a bottle of Hop
Bltturs. It improved her so she was
able to dress herself and walk abou
the home. When she had taken thi
sosond bottle she was able to take can
of her own room and walk out to ho ;
neighbor's , and has improved all the
time ainco. My wife and children
alee have derived great benefit from
their USD.
Agt. U. S. Kx. Oo.
DELEVAS , Wis. , Sept. 24 , 1878.
GENTS I have not taken quite on
bottle of tire Hop Bitters. I was
fcHiblo old man of 78 when I got It.
To-dny I am as active and fool as wol
aa I did at 30. I aoo n great many
. that need such a medicine ,
They Should be Taught Common
ie' Senae.
EinllvCalthfull , in Mew Yo k Tribune.
Some of us , at any rate , on both
sides of the Atlantic , have begun
realise that serious study is leas llkeiy
to Injure women than pinched wateto
- late hours , hot rooms and uawhofo.
- sotc.o food , and wo think it Is bottai
for our girls to bo graduated at uchooh
for science rot hot than at school
- for scandal. W think It wil
bettor prepare them for the
grave responnlbllltioa of niatrlnxjnj
&d motherhood than rapid life
which personal adornment ia their ckio
aim , and how to bill tlmo and secure
rich husband their principal anclety
at The mental companionship which
n. improving , is osmmunion betwoonao
; live minds , and the woman of a man'i
P- household must bo either a stimulus i
, his highest aspirations or a drag npoi
them. For the 'interests therefore
all mon as well as of-women , 'and of bnmai
Improvement In its widest sense
lat there should ba a purpose in the edn
cation of women quite apart tioi
questions of what they are to loam
lib and preparation for so wide a apker
asto of domestic orooolal duty admita
tc no inch low standard as that of eaa
torn or fashion. I. do not ask tha
for women should have greater in ucnc
in than they now .possess. I only as
that they bo trained to make the bea
CO- possible use of It. This will raak
'he marriage nobler and moro cotuplett
< ) enrich and strengthen the mother
influence , and glvo to life a dlgnit
re- and strength.
AQaiok Re o a very-
ote It gives us great pleasure to state tti
led the merchant who waa reported being
ml the point of death'from an attack of Pee
monia , has entirely recovered by the
.cf THE LUNGS. Naturally he feels grat
Cl ful for tha benefits derived from usiug th
ing remedy , for tbe lunga and throat ; and
giving publicity to this statement we
en- actuated by motives of public beoef actlo
tbo trusting that others may be benofibti
kee in a similar manner. On atle by all dru
. Depart. ArrUo.
oadi ap. Atlantic Ext. . . 520 pm Paclflo ExLIB
' Ex and Mall' . . 23 a m Ex and Mall.G3G
bo' D. Molnua ac".7H5 a m D a MolneaRc.4rtO
Depart. Arrive.
the' Atlantic Exf..620 P m I Pacific Ext. BilO
roar vMall and Ex.C O m Ualt and Ei".7SCl
rhis H. T. Ex < :60pmNeb&KaaEx..830 : |
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Exf..8 13 P m I Poclflo Ext..9 :
refer < Ualland Ex . .K3Bam MallMdEx * . .
for \ccom (8at..B ( ) Cpn ) I Accom.
re- EAMSIS crrr , IT. joi AMD cocHcn , ILVTTB.
low. Depart. Arrive.
Mill and Ei..9J4 * m I Expreur 0.60
" .n..v..8(10V > AUUla | d Ex..6-U
naon rimno.
. , Dnui. Arrlre ,
of 0 < MtUaJXjc.liaOa.M. Ovefiaot x , 4 ap.
car Uaeolo Ex..1130 * . . BeaverBx..too :
Denver Ex. . . TWO P. m. Local Ex..630 *
735 a. w. a.
vere Emigrant,630p. a. Ex P.-OOa.
ller WAB1SD , f. MCU AMD rAOCTO.
paid Depart. Anlvo.
ac- Ex. . 0:43 : am I Mall and
Canaan Dall. . 4:50 : pantj Cannon litll..11:031 :
las- BIOUI cnr 4HD rinno.
irlea Depart. Atrita.
ForSUix City. Frm Sioux C'f.OM
Of For Fort h'lobrara. rm Kort NtoVtara ,
who Ncb Neb 1iaO
300 For Bt. Faul. . . 7:40 : pm from St. PauL < : CO
( ln Lca\ Cjincll Ilhida. ifrlvea Council Kill
Mall and fit.9.-M a m I Hail and
ra- Atlantic K 15:15 : p m | AMuitio Ex , . | .181
left LcatogOinalia. Arrives at Omaha.
Hall and Kic * 7tO : a m I raufia Ex | IS
Atlantic EY. | 3MO p in | llall i.nd Ex. . *
Bin. I 'Except Sundays. ( Eicojit SUurdaje.
Ao- Unndnyg. | I > uly.
i -
to Oouncll BlutlH Si Omaba Street R.
The Lea\ Council Hluffs. Leave Omaha.
8 a m , 0 a m , 10 a m , I 8 a m , 0 a m , 10 i a
U a 01,1 01 , 2 p m , 3 p 11 a in , > pm , 2p m ,
, m , 4 l > m , 5 p rn , 6 p m. | m , 4 ] i m , ft p m , c r
.able ! StroU cars run half hourly to tha Union fa.
ne Depot. On Sunday the earn begin thilr trlpi
idea 0 o'clock a , in. , and run regularly durloi' the
, at 9 , 11. 2 1 , B and 6 o'clock , and run to city tl
mtly Hertford's Anid Pbotpliat *
scat- DK N. S. READ , Ohioago , si
illv- and "I think it ia a remedy of the high
value in many forms of mental c
play- nervous exhaustion , attended by s
Bur- hoadacho. dyipepjla and dJmlnisl
ollne TltaWy. "
G , M , D.
A Moflloy , a Mystery , a Mar-o
vol and a Miraolo.
The Btory ol a Drenm.
< I / " ot money honestly if yon can , but
V3 got money , " waa a foolish fath
er's advice to his son. Go1 , money , If
you can honestly , makes but a alight
alteration In the order of the words ,
but varies the sentiment considerably.
There is no harm in making money.
It answeroth all things. Used rightly
Is a power for good , and there is mon
ey enough In the world to form a lover
by which the macs of humanity could
bo lifted , to n certain extent , out ol its
depths of sorrow and despair. Money
wo muat hive for money makes the
mare go. Some can make money who
have no faculty for saving. Would
you eave you must know how to deny
thoao who would borrow and never re
pay , as well aa these who beg simply
because they are too laay to work ,
There are men who never want to see
ycu except to aak the favor of u loan.
They will ask for just ono word with
you , and that ono word is sure to bo
money. An impecunious follow meta
a rich acquaintance , and not llkltig to
ask directly for a loan , said , "Friend
Smith , if you had ton dollars lu your
pocket and I wca to oak you for the
loan of five , how many would remain
In your pocket ? " "Ton dollars , to bo
sure , " rpaliod the rich man , without a
moment's hesitation. Ho had gump
tion , and know too much to part with
his money by any such rule of sub-
Ol see , said the impecunious man
thus rebuffed. Ho was able to
owe. Ho waa ono of the Micawber
sort always waltlnc ; for something to
turn up. How like eomo people who
are sick. They think to get well by
letting disease take care of itself. But
diseases do not heal themselves , and
too late their vlctima full often find
this out to tholr sorrow OB death alezoa
upon them. Had they been wlae in
time they might have added many
. years to their lease of life. The cure
! was nigh them , aa It IB nigh to all who
road this tsedloy. These paragraphs
toll the story , aa a patient perusal will
prove. Those who have keen Insight
and can wad between the lines may
aolvo the conundrum the sooner for It
but upon all , light will dawn ore they ;
read the final word of our story.
Light will dawn , wo said , and so 1
will , high of hope and help.
Light Ic what a certain individual wan-
tod. Mr. Jonoa we wlll'call him. Ho
kit was very sick. Consumption had fas
to tened Ats fangs nponhim. . Ho had
JF long uogleoted catarrh , * nd laughed
o. . the Idea of taking.anytulng for it when
advised to do BO , and a went from bad
wr to worse. His lungs because diseased
a hacking , churchyard cough rackfic
! him almost to pieces , and ho was faal
wasting away. A moro shadow of
foimor self , ho acarociy slept at all
ny night , or slept only to dream horribli
in dreams. Talkof nightmare ? A wholi
iof circus horses and all
troupe , , seomoi
aa to make his bed the rona of their wilt
tyIs purformances. In tills case money di
Is not make the marergo , for ho spent
' deal of money oa doctors and physic
n's and waa nothing bettered. He ate
to tie and fast . down
, waa .going to an <
ion timely grave , leaving his wife a wido1
oi and his four bright children orphan
tan when , lo ! on one -eventful night
ae , dreamed for onoo a bright and bopp
In- dream , which oar naxt paragraph wl
om relate.
rn ,
ere Death , , the blockvlsaijed ntonsto
had until thos. star ad hlnnin
> face , but the dream brou ght himhopi
hat1 tHe saw a bright , vhlto-r obed angel
QCO his dream , who eald , "I coma to brit
Mk yon good newi. 'Koro la your cur
est safe harmless , prompt , and reiiabl
ko Got well and seek to take i health thor
by to others. Behsld thi i euro' ! " Wil
* ,
B these words the angel was gene ,
Uty erotho trail of light which follow
him had vanished tbo droi imcc BATT gll
torlng in the light threej j roldon lotto
G. M. D. ' 'What can it moan ? "
said to himself , as ho at roko 'from
Dreams before , bat n ever acoh
u thla. " Startled andourpi Isod honrot
ed hia wife and to ihor rnlatod his vl
Ion. Alas , she could u.ot aolvo
> problem. Romemborlng- the mo
a leal advice , and thophysl o , aad'tho '
ponso involved elnoo hoi r hnoband
camo-aick , she expressed the Lope th
the letters wore not intended to Egg ;
that aiOood ManyfDoctora moat yet
consulted in addition to all that h
AD boon interviewed , ilio groaned In
ply and remarked that If ho hadlo cc
suit any more there would have tea ;
, a Gold Mine Discovered In osdor
ipm' pay them.
pm Every day for > a iweok ho am ? :
faithful spou o. errchod dUini
Oara for a kojr for tko .problem. In
< dictionary , In sucfainowspapora ao'th
happened to have , tin-books , onplacai
on the wsCla everywhere they soaj
J hoping toifind m clue. Letters * U
foe words and they hoped to light ojp
the words that shoald suggest thcn
They Grieved Many ( Days over .th
Opoi j | llad : ot good luck , M they said ,
the Good .Man Dreamed again
again , but caw no more Angles. H
. . deferred mftkoth thoboart sick. '
. m. that the angel had Guided Me Del
m. latedy and Given moro directions , "
. .
a.m. exclaimed , again and 4gc4n.
two weeks hadtslaapod sfi
Opm nightof the Great Mysteii.
Dream , ' when -thoro came ito the hoi
a pamphlet. Tired with his oxha
SOpm ] ting crflico work , which hoatillpuran
iopm | determining if possible , to .die in
Warn i harnoas Jones was about to throw
pamphlet in the fire when aomoth
luffs. prompted him toicxamine It. Sure
8am thought he , hurocan bo nothing ; t
will Pierce this Glaam Moat Dlstrc
. ing , or Glvo Mo Disheartened any
Am Ilof. Poor man , he had worked Jolt
over in his mind , and made so me
combinations with tiwni , that they
cured iu almost every sentence ho
tored. They outorod oven into
m , prayers. Heaven Grant Me Dallv
3p . ance , ho would say , nor let disa
Bpm. Pacific Grind Mo Down , and BO forth , ad .
at finitum , and a mile or two beyond.
day i Mentally tortured and Buffer
in every fibre of hia body , wl
wonder that ho read page after pagi
the pamphlet. It was a work on ceases
oases , and In the morbid state of
aaya mind ita contents seemed to suit hi
hes It spoke of almost every disease t
and floah la hoUr to , but oh , joy i as he re
sick a Glimpse Moat Dallghtfal of 11
Ished atololnuponhlm. "KorakalEurek
he cried. "WJfo , I havelt , I havol
Everybody In the homo hoard htm
cry oarokn , and rushed to the
room to hiwr wlmt ho hod fouud. All
expected : to sou noino Great Mirnolo
Djne , nnd tliun caino the explanation ,
Simply of course , bjt why had ho not
thought of it before ? Oh what a involu
tion ? Horn ws hope f > r htm mid for
all oouaumtlvoa. Hero hope for suffer *
Ing frioudsand neighbors. That night
ho scnrco could eloup. but whun ho did ,
ho again saw a Monogram Deciphered
readily , and reading Q M. D. ; and
apaiu P. P. P. , and yet again F. P. ,
and ono hugo P , around which thoao
ethers wcro entwined , and then W.
D , M. A. All the letter a In the book
all ho again saw In his vision.
ream Most Glorious. D M. G.
M. D. Again ho rang the char *
gca : backward , forwaul , every way ,
Oold Modal Deserved. M. G. D.
Misery's Great Deliverer , till tlmo
nould fail to tell them all. P. P. P.
stood for Pdrfoot Peace Promised for
sutleror * , and sweet release from Pros
'ra'tng Purgatorial Pains And again
F. P. was Freedom Promised , and
backward , P , F. itbocamoPaln Floor.
Now ho could get well , and ouco well ,
ho would bo a missionary , a Glad Mis-
eionary , Devoted to the work of tolling
others howthoy might got deliverance
Uo wont through the list of diseases
among those of his torpid liver gave
him constant headache and severe bll
loin attacks , on through the list ol f
thoao BuUbrlng from ulcon , coughr\
weak and dlsoaaod lungs , to hia fclond I
General < B Vrho WAB as near the
graves I an her. And for all thoao , as
well as for himself , the Grave May
Disappear from present vision , and
each may bo Given Moro Decades of
lifo then they had hoped to have years ,
Against the milder cases ho markoi
P. P. P. Against the serious case
h marked G. M. D. , not the Grizzly
ilouator Death , which ho so long hai'
Ireadod , but something oh , so nine
> otter , as wo shall presently BOO.
n a short while our here was wol !
and wont everywhere among hli
rlonda and neighbors , tolling of hit
; oed fortnno and showing the sick and
the Buttering how tiny might bohoalod. '
Some laughed and continued to suffer )
refuting to bo healed. Moro were wlao
took his oounsol and proved his vision '
of the night as ho had dono.
"A vision , leas bogulllnir far ,
Than waking dreams by daylight are.
Can anything bo moro delightful
than health after sickness ? To
bo a well man , to fool pnro blood
, coursing through your veins , to know '
that lungs , liver , kidneys , and all the
Grand Machinery , Does its duty per '
It fectly In ono'a body ; to carry health1
P- cuddy mark on the cheeks. Ah , thli
n- is Good Most Decidedly. This was om .
nlo hero's case , and thousands can tell tin
is- Bttmo story. This good angel has oomi
isad to thorn. They have soon the lottori
at Glann Moit Distinctly before the
en eyes , and Going Moat Definitely
ad work In pursuing the Instruotiono glv
ed en , they have recovered that groa
bleaalng Health. G M. D. has booi !
ast ! to them a channel of good , Good Mie
his terionaly Done , and they have bl
at ' } their slot friends do what all the sic'
bio should do , namely , put themselves
ole communication with the W. D. M. A
led which ( Desired Most Anxiously.
ild Alas , that human nature ia so l <
did < to believe alas , that mou an
ito women are bowed down with the bu '
tics don 'iff complaints , of which the
lit- might bo rid , consumption , broi
3r ohUb'dyspopsU , heart disease , kldm
low disease , malarial complaints , eorof
lowTo ! loua dlaoaae , skin diseases , tumorc , i
To cors.and many moro. It wonlaBoo
ppy aa though some ill deity had glvi
will ovary letter of the alphabet as mat
diseases as It could possibly doali
tor , thus forming an alphabet of aorro
the suffering , and woo. Happy they w
. the < .Qroat Mlstery Discerning , ha
illn pe. I escaped the olntchoo of said diseases.
ring Looking back npon his past exj
.donee , Mr. Jones 'fools drato
Meet Decidedly , and continues tolll
the old story of hiselcknoas , his vlslc
Pith and. his restoration to health ; for
but the nick are not well yot. 'But ' ho i
wed * had the pleasure of seeing , as ho aa ,
Good Miraculously Done to hnudrc [
his recommendation.
.tors upon personal i.
"ho 1 r > oar reader , boar with -us awhlk
his If light has not yet dawned 1
your mind. The Mystery will soon
any revealed. If the key bo not on vc
ous- right hand It is at least on your left
via- letters clear aa daylight. A Gc
the Many Delighted have .discovered .
nod- and opened the portal to a long
and a useful ono.
I Initials of words that tand for >
that I that is Borronfsl and .sad , lottc
the flolf same letters , are often inltl
etbo of words that breathe ot hope
Qoarch but while and yon will
re i * s
con- the boon , the blessing and
bo benefit. The mystery of the throe
to of the F. P. , of the G. M. D. , and
the W. D. M. A. , Will Dawn M
Auspiciously upon you.
his ] olnmbus discovered America i
Intly C won high honor and immoi
the t famq , and they who have learned
they secrets of the wonder before your o
ards reader Give Most
good , DoHgal
night teatlKonlals of tholr gratitude.
Of All sad words of tongno or
npon . itho anddost are these It ml
.tholr have Vioon so sayoth the poet.Vi
cad we think of the my raid a that ml
have been saved from
and untimely gro
Sane had tbe,7 Been Mr. Jones's vision
0 sought inls way to health , wo feel I
Jefiaot we Cftnnot but rojolco at the Gi
Many Delivered from death's door
G. M. B. , and that Pain's Posll
Persecution haa been escaped ap
ilaoe and again iby P , P. P.
iiioao "irtuos cnnumbored to
aorvea m
louse G. M. D. the Greatest Me
baas * Deigned by favoring providences
sued , tbo relief of sufferers , and its dls
the eror foola P. P. P. Perfectly I
the tlonable Pride In tolling of the Gr
thing ing Multitude Delivered from
iroly , Granp Moat Dreadful of Gro
that Monrnfal Daoth.
roeapvory B0t | po-aon is interested in
Jttcru i theme before UK , and every
peroon , too , for who dooH not ki
tnany tome ono who It olck aud needs , th
oo- fore , the good news of houlth hat
his - Olvon Many Dally.
liver- R . mystified readerwenill |
ssase tain you no longer Port
.din- yon have Gueesod Moat Deftly
hidden tuoinlng. P. P. P. , you kn
ering stands for Plunoant Purgntlvo Pell
what curing constipation , torpidity of >
igoof liver , headache and many other o
idls- plaints. F , P. , of course , is i
his Pieroo's Favorite Proscription , I
him. has proved such a P. F. , Prime Fa'
tthat ! Ito and Preoiona Friend of ladles ; s
read , easy to take , working llkb a ch
light curing the peculiar wi
? " noises incident to tholr
, " The letter ! W. D. If. A. stand lot
World's Dispensary Medical Assoala *
tlon , at Buffalo , N. Y. , with Us Im.
posing structures , its army of medical
mon , specialists all of them , and Its
presldout , Dr , U. V. Plorco ( the largo
and central P of Mr. Jones second
vision ) , all at the service of the sick
and suffering , everywhere ; while G ,
M. D. la well read the Initials of the
paragraphs of this article and you
will BOO that G. M. D Is Golden Mod-
leal Discovery , the boon of the dis
eased , This wonderful medicine cures
all humors , from the worat scrofula tea
a common blotch , plmplo , or eruption.
Erysipelas , salt rheum , favor soroi ,
scaly or rough skin , lu short , all dtsE
cases caused by bad blood , are con
quered by this powerful , purifying ,
Invigorating medicine. Great eating
ulcers rapidly heal under Its benign
Influences. Especially has It mani
fested its potency in curing totter ,
bolls , carbuncles , scrofulous sores and
swellings , white swellings , goitre
or thick nook , and enlarged glands.
Consumption , which IB ncrofuloua dis
ease of the lungs , is promptly and
positively arrested and cured by this
sovereign and God-given remedy , if
taken before the last stages are
reached. For weak lunga , spitting of
blood , consumptive night-sweats , and
kindred a If jettons , It is a sovereign
remedy. For Indigestion , dyspepsia ,
and llvor "btllonsuota "
torpid , or ,
Golden Modionl Discovery has no
equal , aa it effects perfect and radical
You will do well if allllotod with any
chronic disease to write to the As-
soolatlon for advice , describing your
malady aa well as you can. Many
f cases are Buocoesfnlly treated througb
correspondence aud no fees are charged
for consultation. For ono dollar and
it half you can aoouro a copy of the
"Pcoplo'n Common Scnao Medical Ad
visor , " Bent post-paid to your address
h Its purchase will ropny yon. In thi
is Given Moro Doalrablo informailoi
than you oan find In any other work o
Is a Blmllar nature.
. If you are sick Hop Bitten will
r surely aid Nature l making yon well
10 when all else falls.
'n If you are costive or dyspeptic , or
are Buffering from any of the numerous
ous diseases of the stomach or bowels
I it is your own fault If you remain 111
for Hop Bittora are a sovereign ;
, remedy in all such complaints.
d If you are wasting awayl with any >
'w form of Kidney disease , stop tempting
tie Death this moment , and turn for
* ' cure to Hop Blttora.
y If you are Blok with that terrible
BlnknoBS Nervousness , you will find
.ur "Balm in Q Head" In the use of Hop
no If you are a frequenter or a real-
3r.s dnnt of a miasmatic dlatrlot , barricade
olr ! your system against the scourge of
to malaria bllione
countries , epidemic ,
lv ; and intermittent fevers by the um
Ottt of Hop Blttors.
? n If you have rough , plmplo or eal
ls' low skin , bad breath , pains and aohea
' and fool miserable generally , Hoi :
° k Bltton will glvo you fair akin , rlcl
1ln I blood , and sweetest breath , health am
, > I comfort.
In short they euro all diseases
n ! the Btbmch , Bowels , Blood , Livoi
nd Nerves , Kidneys , Brlght'a Dlsoasi
'ur" $50fl will bo paid for a case they *
° y I not cure or help.
xm' That poor , bedridden , Invalid wlf
° y islor mother daughter
, or , con .
° ' made the picture of health , by a
u1' bottles of Hop Bitten , costing but
oem trifle. Will yon lot them suffer ?
Iven I i 'g '
r °
row " , When the poet begins to burble.
who When the strawberry inlatat
liavo Itself for a millionaire.
. When the goat has his portatt tak
is.xpo - for the bock beer poster.
kofnl ! When the ohost protector begins
lllng look jealous of the fan.
lion , When the dog looks sadly at ,
irall tin can thawing out of the snc
has drift.Whon
When the young man's luno
ays ; ,
rods llghty turns to thoughts of flats
an engagement.
lie if When the seedsmen gets out
on chromo catalogue and sells onions
mbo imported bulbs.
vonr When the comic paper that
, in started in January announces that
3ood will suspend publication during
it summer.
jllfo 1 When the undertaker clroala
newspaper Items about the unhoalt
all fulness of wearing heavy flannels i
tiers , late in the year.
itlals When the star tragedian arrives
and Union Bqnaro aflor a perilous pod
trlan tour from the uttermost confii
find of the western circuit.
the When the fashionable pantor bog
BP'fl , to develop an Interesting cough and
of hint that the air of Europe Is good
Most incipient consumption. [ 1'uok.
OurWatcliful Quardlanand Faithful Prol
and i tor Restored to Active Duty Again.
lortal i.Ity
the Mr , Henry A. Waterman , of the clt
oyeg Providence , R. I. , for manyyears the fa
intful ful and vigilant night watchman of >
Darstow Stove.Company'a very extem
eiUblishment , having been confined to
pen ,
night home several weeks by a very dlstresi
CYhon Illness , on resuming duties again av
night himself of this early opportunity for
raves ting briefly a few plain facts.
and i MB. WATBBMAN lays
sad. "A few months ago I was taken d
Qroat with a severe sickniss. which confined
by to the house quite a long time , and m
sltlve ofthe time I waa 10 very lame M to be
again able to walk , and my left leg from the
to the toev , became monstrously swol
make and I suffered extremely from the cons
inUnie pains produced by 10 great ( nil
leroy mation ; I was trying the various so-ca
for cures , nil the time , aud was under the tr
Iscov. < rnent of n physician seven weeki , but
Par- ting no subttantial relief , At this tlin
Jrow- old friend , a police officer , called upon >
and during our conversation informed
of benefit which he
the crcut bad obtal
reedy by the uuo of Hunt'H Hemoily , and ui
mo to try it , aa he considered it a wonde
the medicine , I comtt cuccd taklnp lit
Heinwlv , bavins very little faith tin
well would do much In nucli a i ubborn
know nx mine , but my dmibt waa soon dispel
tiioro- for before I had taken ono bottle I bi
is togat batter , the severe pains illsanpca
the Hwollen leg gradually decreased In
and I WM onooura od to continue the
do of the remedy ; and the improvement t
rhapa health conlltiuoi ; my nppotito Is good
the have regained my strength , and I am
performing again my duties M watch
enow , at the foundry. Kvory night I go up
allots , down italra more than emu hundred til
the anc ) am lu good condition , and feel
com- my recovery is due to Hunt's Ken
Dr. alone. My severe elcknena and ten
swollen leg was caused by the diseased u
that of my kldneyB , and I think it is a t
pavor- valuable medicine that will so speedily
safe , lievo and cure such a owe as mine
jharrn therefore moat cheerfully recomit
weak Hunt's Kemody to all lllloted with i ]
ney Diseases , AS I know it to be a safe
i ex. reliable remedy. "
the Providence , Dec , C , 1882' "
Wrlto for full particulars to
SWIFT SPEOIFIO 00 , . At.lanta.0a . *
$1 to S1.75 n r Bottle-
The Or cat Popular Boinody for Pile * .
Sure cure for 1511ml , IMocdlng&ItcmngP
And ill forma of Hcmorrholdal Tumort.
Thcue SurresrrORiM act directly upon tht
coat" ol the Illood Vessels , and by their Mtrlnrenl
effect * tcently force the blood from the twolUn
tumors , and oy making the coats ol the velna '
itronir , JINN ent tholr rofllllnjr , and hence a radl.
cat euro Is euro to follow their use. Price , 70
cent * a box. For e lo by all ( lnirjlsta. ( [ orient by
11 mall on receipt of price , by En llth Medical
11 In.tltnto 118 Ollv. StSt CoW
n It la a sure , prompt and effectual rcraods or
digestion , DjsvMjpda , Intermittent Fevers , Wan !
of Appetite , Nervous Debility In all Its Stapes
y Weak Memory , Loss of Brain Power , Prostration ,
g Weakness and general Loss of Power. Itrepalri
a ncrrous waste , rejuvenates the faded Intellect ,
stronghthons the enfeebled brain and restore *
surprising tone and \lgor to the exhausted or
lo gans. The experience of thousands proves It to
loa bo an Invaluable remedy. Price , f 1.00 a bottle ,
a or six orW. For salobyall druggist * , or son !
ccuro from observation on receipt of price by
Dr. St jnb .P. O- Box 2460 Bt.
side Looli.Mo- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
do I
100 1 . .
117 Bt. OharlM Bt , ST. I.OOTS Mo
alps A KEQULAU QUADUATK Of two medlcj
coU > ges..hM boon longer engaged Ini the treatment -
DLOOD Diseases than any other physician In Bl.
op show and all old resident !
Louis as city p per
Ich know. Consultation free and Invited. When 11
nd Is Inconvenient to visit tha city for treatment ,
medicine * can bs sent by mall or express ovory.
l where. Curable cases guaranteed ; whore doubt
of exlitfl It Is frankly stated. Oil ot write.
or , Nervoua prostration , Debility. Mental
" > I and Phyiiloal Weakness , Mercurial and
wi H I other affections ot Throat. Skin and Bonas
[ Blood Impuritlea and Blood rolaonlcg ,
° > Skin Affections , Old Horoa and Ulcera.
1 "impedimenta to Marriage. ItheumatUm , '
uta fo 'l-iles. ' Bpeoial attention to caaoa from
over-worked brain. BURHIOAIi OAaBB
receive special attention. Diseases arising
from Impru-ience. HJieeMca. Indulconoe *
ZGO page * thi whol
JSSMS story well told. Hanj
akes receipts ; who may mar
ry , who may not , whyu
causes , consoqmnCiB
tkon and cnri. Sealed ( or 25o postage or ttarnpai , ,
23 < fV I '
to PERSONAlf " 1'arts of tha human body
cnlariiou , dovelopeu and strengthened , "
' an Interesting adiert'scmont ' long run In our
tho' par. In reply to inquiries wo will say that
: te no cvlJonco f ! humbug about this On
the contrary , the advertisers art very highly In-
dorved Interested poisons tray get sealed cir
aacy culars giving all particulars , giving all particu
lars , by addressing Erie Medical Co. , P. O. Box
and 613 , Buffalo , N. Y. Toledo Evening Boo.
for i AfeDto..for.JJ" | Llft Tlmef |
nd Treaoherou
JBSSB James.
was . .
it he only life authoi lied by her and which will
not bo a "Blood and Thunder" story , such aa baa
the i been and will be pul llshed , but a tru > llfo by tha
only person who Is In pososslon of the facta
latoa faithful and devoted wife. Truth U more ntei-
estlngthan fiction. A gents should apply oi ter
ilth- ritory at onco. 8 76 cti. for Sample book.
too < J H ChttmborWk Co'
in COL , L. T. FOSTER ,
- IToungilown , Ohio , Uay 10,1E89
fines Di. D. J. KraDAlii * Co. I bad a very valtu.
Die Hamblotonlan colt thatlprlied very highly ,
ho hid a large bone ipavln on one JoUit nnd a
Dgins until one on the otbtr which made him very
to tame ; I had him nnder the charge of two velei *
dfor Inary nrgoons which failed lo cure htm. I wo |
ono day reading Ihe advertisement of Keudall'l
all and I thou ht I would jive It a thorough
trial. I used It according to directions and tht
Ity of fourth day tha colt oeatod to be lame and thi
; lump * have disappeared. I uod but ono boJtlt
faith- and Ihe cell's llmbi art aa tree ol lumps anil u
the smooth aa any bone In the state nelientli * .
Iy curid. The cure wu 10 remarkable that
inaive have let two of my neighbor * have Ihe ieical .
his Ing two bottles woo are now uilngll
Very letptottnllr ,
seslnc ; L , T. FOSTKB
avails Bind ( or Illarirated circular ( riving posittt !
proof. Price H. All Drugglits have 11 oi ca
irita i I tHfor you. Dr. D.J. Kendall 01 CoL Pro-
prteton , Enosbnrgh faUt , Tl.
down <
hip /our dtitlei i night work , to rw-
'ollen Jtlm'il nt an3 ui * tor * brili ni-rvtn <
Hart Hitter * .
istant )
If you are jounK uia
- iictctluD or al lp *
called old or
treat- ue , rilr oa Ho p
get- \Vhuev r you art ) .
an l.enerer jou fret
me ,
mo b t tlmoiT ' '
talned . . Hop
urged Bttt ' .
lunt'H fl
that it u * toc'r ) < ,
case tnA
tilt c a r i far
pelted ; Jrn'maicjt.
beim JliO'
eared ,
size ,
toim (
. 1
shmnti :
snibly dototo moat WANJED.
, re- I 100,000 POUNDS OF
and Illgbeat Cash frlc paid , Bhlpmenta from the
countrjlwlll be paid for by return m&lt
E. iiorz&co. .
mlS mJw-lm Ilia Douglai Ltre