Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
FiHay Morning , Marcb23
Personal Motiot *
If this ccmoi to the notice of J , 1
Campbell , now traveling in Wostoi
Iowa , ho is hereby requested to r
port In person at this office at oni
on a matter of importance.
A. R. SouF.n ,
Business Manager OMAHA URR.
Weather Report
( Th6 following observations wore take
at the stmo moment of time at the statloi
mentioned )
Win nri-'l U S Smi t.'SpRTi < .i ( .
Oviilt , March VI , ( lHp : m )
To-day ii Good Krlduy.
A complaint has been filed
John Metcalf for acting M a runner lor
bo'.ol without n license.
Omaha Chapter No , 1 , Royal Arc !
Mnsonn , tnoota this evening for war !
tn the It , A. degree.
Good Friday aorvicca at Irinlty Ca
thedral 11 o. m , with a sonnon , and at .
p , tn. , offering for foreign missions.
The mud is resuming its old-tlm
strength on the otroot croBHlngp.nndo cbali
gantwould bb useful as well naornninentn
on the main streets ,
Biihop Clarkion will preach ( D. V
to-day Good Friday , at St. Mark' ;
church , on 1'leroo and Klghth streoti
South Omaha , at 11 o'clock a. m.
At o regular meeting of the Omalu
Glee club it was decided to pontpone giv
ing the proposed May concert to a pciiot
later in the season , probably October.
The workinginen'n central commlttei
will meet this ( Friday ) evening , a
the city hell , at 7:30 aharp. All membnr
are requeued to bo on hand , Per order o
the chairman.
John Maxwell who WAR arrested as i
suspicious character BOIKO time ago , am
was sent to j-II but rillowcil to leave th
city for the ully' noel : , icappoared yrstoi
d&v and wai tent up to servo out hi
time ,
Thoirh thi p:3cntiDK of catth li mor
popular tinu ever , Kubn It Ca. alone koc
an immoaii line , of which all are beaut !
ful. They probably eoll more cards thni
all other dealer * combined.
Judge Stenberp , who was legislate
out of the office of registrar by the recen
legislature , ban received f rom Gov , Da we
U * appointment ai notary public and et
tered upon the duties of Hut office- ,
The quuterly conference for tb
Northern Nebcarka district of the reoi
ganr.ed ! church of Jesus Christ of Lattt
I Day Saint ) , oonvenei to-day at 7:30 : p , in
at the Saint * Chapel on Caia betwec
Sixteenth and Seventeenth street * , II. N
The memberispf No. 1 engine con
daoy will give a ball on the evening i
April 6th at the Masonic hall. W. i
Whltehouse will ofHoiate at floor manage
and O. 0. Field ai mauler of ceremonie
The committee are D. W. Lane , Anton
Harold and 0. O > Field. Thia U the ilxl
annual ball ot the company , and certain
prove a most enjoyable one.
A regular meeting of the Third wa
republican club will be held Friday eve
lag , March 23d , at the City hotel , corn
of Tenth and Ilarney street. M. H , Car.
ton , secretary.
In the police court yesterday the
were four plain drunks , all of whom we
to Jail. Three vagranU , being Poland )
who could not speak a word of Kngll
were ( held Interpreter could
Instead of having two electric stn
lampa , the'Paxton hotel now has 01
which is hung at the southwest corner
Farnam and Fourteenth street * , In tucl
position as to light both streets in oo
direction for a Ions distance , the n
arrangement being quite nn Improver ) o
II. Thompson , the man who took t
whtnky from D L. McUuoViu' < siloon a
was Bred out of town , illil not stay vi
long , and bdnv found Lora again v
fined 95 and costs an n sospicloim oh.
acter , and sent up for twenty days
bread and water.
Captain Coolldge , ot the Seventh
faotry , amved yesterday from Fort It
sell , to Miumo bis duties at Fort Omi
as Instruotor Fn ritle practice f > r the
partment of the Platte. Captain Coal
of the Fourth infantry , Is in the city ,
his return from leave to Fort lloblnson.
The following ofliseri we to elected
the annual election by the Bt. Geur ,
Kiety Thursday Mr. .Tampa Stockil
president , and James Kothwoll secret *
lioth of the gentlemen nre wellknowu In
community , eipeclally Mr , Stockdalr , v
hn beet in our midst for the last fill
Tear * . There is no question but with
< ability he will fill * the high position
ttotred upon him by the society with ho
to all concerned.
It U stated that Mr. P. K. Km
general pMg n or agent of the H. &
railroad. Is to be married ibortly to on
the most charming and wealthy yn
ladies of Philadelphia. It is certain t
be I' engrossed in the erection and arrat
inent of one of the bandnomest and n
cottly residences In Omaha. If tb
happy tidings be true Mr. Kuitii will
heartily congratulated , and more fii (
than are poMested by any other mat
Nebraska will rite up and invite him
ibake [ State Journal.
Ve notice the &tarriag Fund , Mut
Trust Atodatlon , of Cedar lUnldi , lei
hlxbly spoken of in many of the U * '
. -i papers o ! the sUU. "Money for the I
snarrled" heads their advertisement
Motber column of this oaper , f 5-
A Day Honored by Custom an
A. Few Items Concerning It
Yesterday waa known as Maut
day Thursday or Hhoro Thursday , on
of the tire days of Holy Week , whic
stand ont distinctly as honored b
custom and tradition. Muundn
Thursday Is so called , says an authoi
ity , from a corruption of the Litl
word mandatum , n command , the dn ;
being that on which the Lord washo' '
Ells disciples' feet , to tench thorn th
great loason of hnirility. Anothc
writer declares that Mcunday is fron
the French mandlor , to bog , and osr
thinly at this day the French maudian
moans beggar. Again it was cillei
"Shore Tnursday , " in that "cho pco
pie would on that dry eho ir tboi
heads and clip their bear n and pco
tholr heads and so n > aki
them honest against Eieter day. '
lu practical America beyond ohnrcl
Barvicas , attended by the tuithful
llttlo io known of the day luvo th&t i
precedes U.iod Friday , and is about a
the cloao or the long forty doya' fast
Good Friday has had u strong hol <
npon the effjction aud veneration o
Otithollo puoplo In all counvrica and a
all Units. Whether or not charche :
agrco that the day Is the veritable on <
of the crucifixion , the event which i
commemorates possesses sufficient sol.
omnlty to affect all beliefs which no
knowledge Christ as their oupromi
A curious custom , that ofj baking
"hot cross bnnn" on thin day , li
quaintly alluded to in an almanao fo ;
1733 :
"Good Friday comoi this month ; the olt
woman runs
With one or two a penny hot cr.oi > 8 bunn ,
Whose virtue Is , If you bellovo wlmt'd Bald
They'll not grow mouldy llko com aim
bread. "
It la Slid that the herb pudding formerly
morly extensively baked in tba nortl
of England nad for its chief , ingrodion
the loaves of the passion dock. Thi :
plaut In the parts of fructification i
uald to produce fancied ropreseututioni
of the cross , hammer , n&ila , oto.
nnd the efloct produced by its con
sumption was to bring to the ono win
ate it a reminder of the days of thi
passion. The Good Friday bun , Hki
many of iho Christian customs , inns
go back to heathendom for its origin
for nacred cakes styled "boun" wen
offered every seventh day at the Ar
kite tomploB. Bryant aayo : "Thi
offerings which people in ancient time
used to present to the gods were generally
orally purchased at the ontranca o
the temples , especially every spuoloi
cf consecrated broad , which was de
nominated accordingly. " Ono species
cios of consecrated bread which uscc
to bo offered to the gods waa of groa
antiquity , and called boun.
Another anslont wtiter npcaka o
the boon and calls it a cake with tc
horns. Again Cocrops is said t <
have offered up a sort of street broad
and Empodochs offered a house mad <
of fine flour and honoy. The propho
Jeremiah refers to this sort of oflorini
as made by the Jewish women , a
Pathros , in Exjpt , and ofthulrbaai
idolatry in so doing. The small Gooi
Friday leaved baked in England wur
not Intended for food , but a small pot
tlon grated into wntcr aud woikvd iut
a pana'da wai believed to b > i a nuvcruigi
remedy for many dhordeio. Th
cross buna of England were former ! ;
of unleavon bread , referring , c
course , to the nnleaven broad ot th
Jews , and wore marked before baklu
with the form cf the cross. Many su
porstltlous country folk still mark a
heir cakes with the tlgn of the crot
jeforo baking , and it said that the cui
om of making a cross Is a substltut
'or a name when ono cannot wilto is
omnant of tko old custom.
Iho eating of Good Friday bat
waa sapposod , in olden times , to pn
'cot the house against fire aud the pa
ry cooka and bakers vied with oac
other lor tlio oicellouco of the eon
modlty. Another , which for sore
time obtained , wai that of bletalt
rings on Good Friday , that the wean
might not fall 111 during the oomlt
year. In some portions of Ireland
waa common to deprive oven infan
of sustenance from 12 on the night
Manuday JThonday to 1'i on Goi
Friday night. An ancient custom
found in the bosk of ceremonials
the kings of Euglnnd , wherein is to
how kings and queens "did creek
the cross in token of tholr humility
In the sixteenth century CUtholi
offered ( g a and bacon , from which <
may glean that the dish was lu ord
on that day. Even to the dove
Christian who roes in the sacred ay.
bol the token of hn ! redemption a :
promise of rest , there Is much of i
torest lu this handing down to pi
torlty6f the odd supmll'lons whl
mingled tholr barmloas plctuincqi
ness with tholr early roiigioi
It no longer hot crota bans gn
us on Good Friday morning , a
Mnuuday Thuudiy la deprived
FusswoaohunR and humility , at lo ;
wo have the go > pol of coed will , t
beautiful charity of deeds and t
chastening of aelf-s.iorini.-o. If wo
not literally creep to penitential en
on weary limbs , can wo not nt le ;
mend our waj a by otrlklng out tl
ttliich dogrtdcs , and elevate oursoh
toward moral ptitftctiou ?
Satisfactory Eviacno.
J. W. ( Iraham , Wnolojalo DruRght ,
AV tIn.Ter. , wrltoa : I have been ha-rlli
LUNi.8 for the ( mat yc r , ami have fet
It IBO of the mo t saUbla modlciucs I hi
tvcr hftd m lay houio for Oouijhs , Cc
and even coniuinptlnii , always giv
entire satisfaction. I'lcate scud ma i
RTO.'K by Saturday's ( totmer.
"Wo hnvo In transit a cholco slock
Top or Button , Yellow Bottom a
White Bottom Onion Sots , which
will sell at eastern price * . Shlpmi
will arrive Saturday. Wo nro rc
for your order.
Pi20-mo 2t .MitLiiip & PZCK ,
TnePlre Unaorwrltera.
The Underwriters' association
MUaoarl , Kanwia and Nebraska , wh
has been in semi-annual teuton in i
city for the put two days , adjourn
at 4IM ) o'clock Thursday afternoon
meet ou September 13th at Kiuti
Oily for thu annual oonvontlon.
Id fore aojonrning the board pissc
the following resolution :
OMAHA , Nob. , March 21 , 1883.
Kltthin llritlicrx :
OKNILEMKN Thoatato board pn
vioua to adjournment thia afturuoo
casrod , nnnuimonsly , the folio wit
resolution :
RKfloLVEn , That 5 vnto of thanks t
tendered to Kitchen Bros. , proptlotoi
of the Paxton house , for thu free ui
of this room , and for the sntlsfaotci
accommodations of the members. "
It gives mo much pleasure to cndon
porioually these sentiments , and t
cay at no previous session hav
wo hnd n more enjoyable nnd con
fortablo time. Respectfully ,
ALF. BENNETT , Secretary.
Voters of Omaha Must Registo
If They Wont to Take Port i ;
the Ohy ifiltction.
Beginning with this date the nowl
appointed roglatrara of this city IT !
alt at tholr designated places of rogli
tratlon from 11 n. tu. until 7 p. it
each day nntil the Saturday bcfor
Under the now lav these registrar
have boon directed to open an ontirol
nofv sot of registration booka in whlc
they are required to record , not morel
the nvno , ago , nativity and lougth o
residence of each voter , but ulao hi
place nf rcaldonoo by number of otroo
or oleo a designation describing th
plnco of rcsidouco.
Although the registrars donbtle&
do know a great many voters in the !
wards , they do not know their loca
tion by Btrcots , blocks and numbers
and , therefore , it is the business a
Ovory voter to call in person and pivi
the required information. This io al
important for many reasons Th
published list of registration mus
show the residence of each voter opposite
posito his name , and if thia is no
done , the main object of the law
which is to prevent frond and donbl
voting , wonld bo frustrated.
Heretofore thu a wearing in of votori
who were not registered was done pro
miscnonsly , and even that caneus si
much trouble that hundreds of mei
losa tholr votes every election rathe ,
than go through the process. A etric
enforcement of the law , as regard
non registered votori , is liable to on
off hundreds of others. Let over ;
voter , thoriforo , do his duty and gi
before the registrar in person.
The following are the places o :
First ward , Slavon houto , Tontl
Second ward , Saratoga houoo , Nine
tconth and Williams.
Third ward , baocment of the Mil
lard hotel , Judge Wc-len' ollico.
Fourth wnH , sheriff's cilice , count ;
court house , Farnum Direct.
Fifth ward , Sixteenth Btreot , secant
door nouth of the southeast corner c
California street.
Sixth ward , store of A. H. Sander
corner of Gaming and Saundor
Laborers for the Canada Paclllc-
IlllnolB Land Bookers.
The freight train which left thi
city at 0 o'clock yesterday had al
itched a number of coaches contain
ing 181 laborers destined for Brltis
Columbia , whore they will go to wet
on the west end of the Canada Paclfi
road. They came from Chicago by
special train over the Rook Islan
road , arriving at the transfer Wednesday
nosday night.
Twenty- ono emigrants from Oil
ilnnatl will arrive this ovonlng on tt
Missouri Pacific , and leave for Si
" "Vrnclsoo.
Tlio Union Pacific train which le
Wednesday at 12 a'clock had a parl
of men from Illinois , going west
look for Nobraskalanda. Among the
were quite a number of stockmen , wl
are looking for locationa for atoi
arms. The great advantages of socu
Jug landb in Nebraska , where sto <
growing , grain raising and pasturs ;
: an bo combined , are becoming knot
in the east , and men of means a
coming here by hundreds to invci
The party was in charge of S. I
Knox , Esq , agent of tno land depai
rnont of the Union Pacific at Prlnc
ton , 111.
Wm. Bliss , president of the B sti
& Albany road , with a party
friends , arrived tu the city Wednt
day In a special car , returning frc
San Francleco. They are stopping
the Millard and wont east yester aj
Dyes arc so perfc
and so boautlfnl that It IB a please
to use them. Equally good for da
or light colors. 10 cents.
Made from the wild flowcis of t
it is the most fragrant nf perfun
Manufactured by II B. Sliwon , S
Frunolsco. Forsnlo in Omaha by
J. Whltohousa nnd Kounnrd Bn
A now aldo-bar , oud spring top bi
gy. made by Snydrr und took fi
prlzo at the etiito fair last fall ; mused \
used and will bo sold low. Apply
Western Newspaper Union , cor. U
and Douglas at. fBb28nutatl
111 health generally comes from It
of the proper life forcou in the bloi
To reotoro the blood to a healthy sti
nso Brown's Iron Blttera.
Tables supplied with the beat I
market aiiords. The traveling pub
claim they got better acoommodatk
and mows general satisfaction hi
than at any other house in Oma !
lUte , fS p r day. augSltfm
If you want a nlco Cloth Suit ,
handsome Silk or Satin Drws , a < ty
Spring Wrap , go at onoo to Knri
A Bullet Hole In a D or Pane !
Chnnoeu that Ool. Watson E
fcmlth Wan Wet Mur
The work of repalntlrg nn < \ deer
rating the Utitcd States poatcllhunn
cnitom honao will greatly improve tha
Among other things , It will remov
all traced of the terrible trappdy whlol
occurred at tlio doors of the conr
room on the third ( bar. Th
stains on the wall have boei
covered with paint nnd thubullo
hnlo in the door leading ' .o the clotk'
oflico has boon lillod with putty am
ntatncd no B to rreemblo tlio rest o
the woodwork. It will bo romum
bored that the fatal ocourronco tool
place at the door cf the priviUo oflica
which is on lhn uaut aldo of the oorri
dor , and next to the window looklni
oat on Dodge Btreot , beneath whicl
window the ballet wasplokud up. Th
trices of the affair discovered b ;
Onutho Koitera in the pronccatiou o
hi * work lend him to think that tin
shooting was accidental.
The two doors on the east otdo o
the hall are perhaps ton foot apart
The ohandrllbr which hangn from tin
center tf the ceiling is equally diatan
from ' both doors , the three object
forming a trbtiglo , while the spot u
which the loud was found is li
line with two flt the throe corners
In clennlnr ; np the door next thuconr
room A bullet hole won found , whlcl
sunk In the wood about a hal
an inch , bat had no bullo
in it. The missile evident ! }
camn from tho.directbn of the chandelier
lior and from about that height. Th' '
chandelier is of almost solid iron am
not of the flimsy nature in which sue !
thinga are cotton up nowadays. J
shot striking It wonld leave no im
pressiou whatever but wonld glanc
oir at some angle. If toward the dee
In which the rautk is found it would , * !
it had notsnilicient lores tobnryitaol
in .tho wood , drop to the marble 11 oo
and naturally roll away several feet.
It looks from the facts above atatei
an If Ool. Smith had in coming fron
the private oificu stopped to turn thi
key iu the door , using his right bane
and having his tack to the stairway
The paporn ho carried on his left am
while ho hold the revolver la hla left
hand. In the act of locking the dooi
the weapon was accidentally dis
charged uud after doing its deadlj
work ; struck the chandelier , glancec
from that to the ntxl door and fatliuf
to outer deep onncigh to atay droppoc
to the floor aud rolled acrota the hall
wall to the window where it wai
This would look plausible and carrj
out the theory of-.iciidental shooting
the only thing throwing doubt on thi
matter being the open window am
foot prlnls found at the west end o
the corridor on the first ibor.
> Miss Florence linger , daughter of Su
porlotendent of the Miseouri Pacific i t St
Louis , Misses Cora and Lena CandlfT , far
merly of the St. Joe Gazette and now o
the St. Louis llepublion , nre in the cit
en route home from a visit to St. Joe i
care of Conductor Moore ,
F. Bellows , of Weeping Water ; N. ]
Burke , of Albion ; Wm. Black , Fremont
J. H. Buckstall , Lincoln ; Mrs. M. I
Iloile , Grand Island ; D. Evans , Llncolt
0. W. Ireland , Syracuse ; A. . L. Covey , S
Paul ; W. H. Keene , Pl.ttsmouth an
John Taylor , Stanton , are guest * at tb
K W. Clark , E. W. Tuthlll , G. V. Mo ;
ford , aad II. A. Wlllir , of the Omaha
St. Paul road are guests at the 1'axton.
Rev. G. W. Wainrlgbt and wife , .
Blair , are pueata at the Millard.
H , L. McMeans and family , of GIBE
Island , are in the city.
Warren Shleldley. the Kansas City ca
, le man , is in town.
R. A. Ketsham , of Denver , U gue
of the Poiton.
Maj. T. S..Clarkson , cf Schujler , is
.he Paxton.
W , W. Hogg * , of North Platte , is at tl
Geo. E. Atwatcr , of Decatur , is at tl
S. C. One , of Blair , ii at the Millard.
J. 0. Coonwall , of Papilllon , ii at t !
Ml B. Iloile , of Grand Island , is at t
1'axton ,
0. A. Averlll , of Lincoln , h at the M
J. H. Reynolds , tf Wjtnore , is in t
Miles Xentmoyer , of Scbuyler , Is In t
have arrived. Practical experlen
demonstrates and proves them t ]
cheapest In the market for re
service. For imlo at
F. D. COOPER & Go's ,
Army Orders.
Oflicial notifiati"i having been r
celved from the l"'idquartir of t
army of the prouiotinn of Scco :
Lieutenant Thomao S. MeOaleb , Nln
ic fan try , company A , to bo first lie
tenant , company F , vlca-Penso , a
pointed adjutant , ho will proceed
jniu his company. The travel dirci
od Is ncnoBsary for the public sorvlc
The QafVtormaster'a deparlme
xrill fnruiah transportation frc
Omaha , Nob. , to Fort D. A. Ru o
Wyo. , for Frederick PJltt , 9h Infa
try band , on fnrlongh without moa
to rCutu to his rtatlon. The rej
mental adjutant , Oth infantry , will
notified by the quartermaster fnrnis
ing the transportation , that the cost
the name may bo properly charg
against the soldier.
The general court-martial oonvon
at Fort 0. A. Russell , Wyo. , by p i
graph 3 , special orders No. 127 , ser :
1882 , and paragraph 1 , special ordi
No. 4 , series 1883 , from these bet
quarters , U hereby dissolved.
A general court-martial U appoint
to moot at Fort D. A. RuMell , Wy
ou the 29th day of March , 1883 , or
soon tht-reaftcr as practicable , for th
Irinl of Private Ilatry 0 ifton , tree
E , 3d cavalry , and * uun other prison
era AS may ho hroi'i'i ' * b f re It.
Dotftl'a ' for 'li" 0 IK * . O.ipt. Dnlc
W. Mot/him S vtiinii ti fin try ; FJrc
Llenteunut Joint A. Baldwin , Mint !
Infantry ; Fttat Lioutcn nt Win J
Wnkcnmi , iMsistmit turponn ; Firs
Llootermnt Frnucls Woodbrb o , Set
onth Infantry ; Second Llcntonan
Albert S. MoNutt , Ninth infantrj
Hecond Lieutenant Wnltor R. Scott
.Ninth infantrj ; First Lloatoohnt Ed 0. Robertson , Ninth Infantry
judge advocato.
Wnat tno Judiciary Committee of th
Council Thtnka of the Viaduct -
duct Bill.
At the regular meeting the cit ;
council on Tuceday evening ( .ho com
inittee on judiciary , in presenting tin
opinion of the city attorney on thi
constitutionality of the Oolpetzer bill
took the oppormnlty to differ some
what with Air. Howe , whoon oplnioi
was ondoroud by Judges Savage nm
Donnu. This opinion liau alrnad ;
boon published , aud the report of tin
judiciary commlttoa is appeuded horu
to :
Mu PHESIDENT Your oommltloi
to whom nna referred a communica
tlou of the board of trade relating ' <
the so-callod viaduct bill pas&od at thi
last ecaslbn of the Irgislaturo with in
Btfuctiona to got the opinion of thi
city attorney and other connsol herewith
with present the required opinion :
The city attorney states that thi
city authorities can treat said bill as )
the aamo weru not in existence.
Your committee's opinion is differ
ont. Wo also bellovo that the bill it
question is unconstitutional , bn
said bill must bo troatuc
M a proper law lantll declared
clarod to bo null and void by tbi
supreme court. Wo know cf olho :
bills passed by a former legislatun
which in the opinion of nemo of out
most eminent luwym were hold to bi
unconstitutional , and also by a mn
jorlty of the city council , but anon E
bill was finally hold to be constitu
tional by the supreme court.
Therefore your imramitteo think i
to bo advlsiblo to bring the matter it
some shape before the auprouo cour
for a decision , and that the oily attorney
tornoy be instructed to test the con
stltutionality of the law in the court
D. L. MoGuoKiN ,
Judiciary Committee.
Fortune * or Farmer * and Me
Thousands of dollars can be saved b ;
using proper judgment In taking care d
the health of yourself nnd family. If yoi
are bilious , have sallow complexion , pee
appetite , low and depressed pplrita , am
generally debilitated , do not delay a mo
inent , but go at once ; and procure a hot
tie of those wonderful Electric Blttere
which never fail to cure , nnd that fir th
trifling sum of fifty cents. [ Tribune
Sold by 0. IT. Goodman.
The best and largest assortment o
cook stovis and ranges , a complot
line of builders' hardware , meohanici
tools. Yon can buy for cash cheapo
than any place in town , at J. B
Erok'u , 615 and 017 North ICth.v
Dooi i lame back or a disordered mine
Indicate Jmt you area victim ? THEN BO
c onoo ( druscUU recommend It ) and it will
ipeediJy overcome the disease and restore
healthy action to all thoorcan * .
I nrilOC roroomplaintapeenUar
wMICOsi toyouraeT.snchMpain
and WMknewi , KLDNET.WOHT U uninr-
pataed.ultwiU act promptly and ufely.
ltltet Bex. Incontinence , retention of
urine , brick duet or ropy deponlta , anddull
dncglnir pains , all speedily yield to it * our-
ativa power. ( j :
"Mr Ethan Lawrencs , my townsman , " sa ]
Dr. Plllllp O fttH.U if lf.or.ktoo , Vc. , ;
bl ntrd from KHney dl cne. The tkln of h
legs th na like glas . Kldi cy-Wort cured bio
Apr. 20-82
I for all disease * of the Kidneys and I
It has speclflo action on this most Important
) organ , enabling It to throw off torpidity * " " 11
, Inaction , etimulnting the healthy secretion ,
.of the Blle.KRd by keeping the bowcU In free
I condition , cffoctlnc Ita rcculor diich&rgv. i
I lfyouareBu reriafffrom
! n i rta , ftvnt Bc iVf ,
'aroWlloua , dyipoptio , or constipated. Kid *
ney-Wort will lurely relieve & quickly cure.
I in this season to olaiuuo the System , every
> one should Uke > thorough oonrco oi1 It. ( I i )
"ttllmr'ur thtrBo'dirf"wrTt-s J. C
Trenton. 111. , and all r then , too that KHn
Wort cured my 20 yrars llrer dl oid n fubl i
It , plsaae , tn St. Louis illobe-Democrat "
Arothir Bink Cmhltr e unr . Otniio
Horit , 0 shier ot Mymt wn ( Pa ) Bank , ral
recently : "Kldnry-W-itcundirynletdl g'llci
yo other dJ-Moeli io prevalent In thU
country as ConiUratlon , aud no remedy
C has jvcr eo.ualled the celebrated KITJillTir.
p : WOKT us a cure. Wlirtfvnr the ciute ,
however obetlnate Uio cazo , tMj rem'Uj
win overcome it.
5 Dll R7Ct TIH3 dlitre"Blnr com-
- fl ttatao. punnt u vevy tptto I *
oomplieated with conitlpaUon. Kidney-
Wort itrensthena Uio wo'icncd p rte fcKrt
quickly cures all Mnds of Piles oven wlion
_ phyilclans and medlrinr * have before itU-
< t ed.
"Kidney-Wort h s Klvon Imrce ht > rello' ,
m nv emeu of rhouruatltm , tailing under rj.y n
tlc . " Dr. Philip C. I llcu , lonkton ! , Tl. Ar
ZOI. .
- - - - - - - - -
As It U for all the painful diaeaaea of th
Iteleanacfltheiyitemofthetcrid polaon
that cause * the dreadful nffcrinf which
only the vlc'dnn of rheumatlam ctn roalia * .
of th wont form * of thia terrible diataae
have been quickly nlUvcd.
tine .
WMXa , racftilaisoifS fxiT. imnlorton , Vt
"I nsTtrfonotl evsn rellil from RheumatU
and Kidney trnnbles till I uted Kidney Wo
Mow I'm wei.-DTldtl. : HitlerHartford , W
KUONY JohnKiony , fatbfr of , ( . I
Kt < rl K. Kuan } , 'I"-1' ' AlArjh 2Ut , ugtdS
fun ,
The funeral took place yctlorday fr t
thi late retfdrnce at Calboun
THOMPSON Monroe , Iofrjt HOU i. .
Uranvllld and K'IHII ' Thointioon , die
Marohi2) ) . nt U:30 : a.m. , aRtd foil
tuoiiiliH uad six tl yn.
Kuiieral on FtH y nt 3 o'clock p. m.
'coin the fatni y icddince , earner of Nlut
tocntli and Sherman utreetB. Fr.cEiln i
ths ! ro invited
MILUUV In thin city yesUrlny , nt 1:3C :
of clro ( sy , age -12 years aud li inuntht.
Funeral to-djy nt 2o'clock. Friend
if the f tnilly are Invited.
Rhino btouo'Kj uc Bdh'Jm f
erted unless paid In advance.
Tlie I'marja ' Savings *
i tow prepirdl tnm e | oi' nn Omala Cit
ot Uou.liH t'ou t.r
Bfc > 'V 3C jES ' k'
At Current ft.tiaoi Indreit ,
SrtN l COMMJ HI'iK ' OHAU1KD , ljS
_ 'O LOAM0 > t Y _
TO LOAN At 8 per cent. 8hrl\er' '
MONEY Esttto nd Loan Agency , oppoV.t
pen fllce. _ 767-tf
T\/TONUY / TO LOAN Call at Law oillcool D. f
LtJ. Thoir.03 room SCrclghton Ulock.
LOANEU-On chattel mortrajr.erooi |
MONKY Uloik , cor. 16th ana Karmm.
421-aprlb ;
> ANTTa rl fo ceicrath usework S. W
< -or Ioe worhSte. 61' -22 I $
'ANTED nooil girl for general liou'
W work Ci'l at 113 so'Jth 17th street.
sn-23 *
ANTKO V good dlnlnj ; room lrl at th
Wi lvi'toircetU'ttUurint. . C35-S28
WAITED Pour go-cj s'-'n ? mlddlo-afrc
WiW om n at coco , at the f aen Hotel. Ir
nlre for the 8t ward. 537-2S §
W AN 1'EDsecond cook at the t inropthousi
WANTEU A tiadvirnn tl d i jard wor
ibo nt a holo' . Applj.a * . u'uapcr Unlor
cor. ] 2th arm Howard HI recta. rr.ch2v-2t ;
A > TEO \ Kocd di Irjr roou ulrl t th
W iletripoltan hotel. inclr22m&e-2i
AN'TEU Aitlrlto take < y n ge of dl In
W room. Apply f.t flanler'ii i > ouso C02-23
WANTED 1 > kitchen c'rl ' n
taurttit Otrmau lut'feirul. M)3 ) on t
13th street. 012-2.T *
"tTTJANTUD A jrlrl forjjireral housework <
V a stmll tarn ly cir v aldwell atd I i r S's
one block wilt ot Hjunderj street. 500-235
'ANTEDKOoJ girl for Mtch.n worl
ArpyS. E. cor. 18ih and DodRe. Cll-25
WANTED-Oool girl Oroahi \ hcme.
1D8 22
T TANTEO A good tailor .MB on cus'ompin ' !
VV Appy 1220 a street , near 13.D St.
ANTED Man and wlfo to work. D. . .
W Smite , Gardener , riort1) Sbcrmai Avo.
WANTED Three gooJ harness makers , goo
wages to steady men. Address E. f-Uchi
York Neb. 439-29
WANTED-A girl ( or ccncral hou cworl
StraU family. Apply at one , No. 214 t
13th Direct. 44C-22
WANTED & few ladles and gentlemen c
agent ! for the blirgest paying buslno's 1
America. Room 3,1303 Farnam Sc. 243-lrr
" \TTANTED-A position by a competent boot
VV keeper. First-class city icfcrcnco' . A (
drosiBox 762 , city. 483 265
AN eiperlsn ed Rhremiker , lifhc-nlan , des'n
'o ret n Iluatlon , d'he'es J urnffuiaii f <
an > kl > d ot work or sa'ismvn. ' Wou d draw
r. e RobcmUn custom. App'ytn the office '
'Pi krok 7. p u" next to Ilea office. 59 SV (
WA VTf 1)By a younj nun , ro111 nd boat
ir , cu tral loratio \ . I'rlv le tamlly pie o
re . Addrm , at ng terms , "W. F. P. " B >
office l25-26 §
SlTUT10Nm boo -ke per , BUe-i y.are M
Tperleice. Reftren-ci given. Addrcsi "V
Room 2 , Odd Fellows bl ck. 30-26 }
WANTED By a gent'emin nd wiV , afti
April 1st prox. , five or tix r jrm ccttig' '
InrorlhwesUrncart of rlty. Add.oxi , it ifii
t rmc , "J. K M. . " Bee office. 491-Vi
M'BJfcLLAnE ' J t
ANTED Ono cr two fur1 h d rooms wit
ornlinont boarJ. Ad re a tta ln < t ru
nd Io.tion , "M. " Bee cfflje. 494 24 ;
\ house Itn four or fle i' om
with I'cu or iwo full l tt , wltiln a mile i
P3st offic , muit be low down for cash. Ad rei
C , BKI office. 622-22 *
WANTED To rent , two or three nicely fu
nlshid rocnw , between 14tarrt 2)th ) , n
arney and Davenport , rddriss "Y : " Bee offio
ttU-nij Price.
_ 518-225) )
WANTKD Three unfurnlrhml rrcrns or igl |
hou Bleeping Addrois 11. 1KM Firn i
street , Oiraha.
WAMTEII-Somannoto adept a girl b . ,
mouihi old. Good rcftrcncia n-qulicil
Inq ire at Poir Hoi HO 500-2 ! j
W ANTED -O. e a * two fu-t lihnl nonu wit
or without . .otrd. Adi ! rest ntulntc tern
ana location , "M" U eclllco. 49t 22t
A O < < NOY Wanted bjr \Ming and caterpil
jtIng attorney , wltheincal , . centre of tow
ai.d on ground rtoor. Omtha Hrms that wsnt
Council B ufli ropresaLt tire ihould address
_ J UN IXE 7 l'e\tl St
WANTED (10 privy ttulrx , snki anr1 c
pool ) to cloin w.thn.r.liar. clcan-r. Oat
fartlon guan&Ued. J , M hlllTfl
Z16-lr"t Lock Bo 42S , Omaha.
POR RKsT-Hcus , b t. 14lh and 15 h , c
CMcago sirco . Inquirr tf John Swjt.
530-z4 |
HENT-Fouracr tract.
T71ARM FOR RENT-ISO acres wl'hln city lie
J ? Its. Apply to "M. H. M.- Bee office.
FOR RENT Furn'she-1 front room , flrat tloo
with or without board , COS * . 17fhSt
( j
TO LF.TOne l r e r om , with or wlthoi
DOird. 1803 California ttreel > . 451-api ;
J1 Modern coav > nl ncca , 1810 Dodga St cet.
Foil RENT N c , noa'- new cctlaze. Sight ! ' '
lull let , $13 per month. D L. THOMAS.
r i lO LKT A n'co ' ( iirnlshiid or unfurnlih'
1 room , with or without board , ISlti Dodge S
bet. litr- ant 18th. < 31-2 ,
KENT To furcleh d rooms lor
POH uio kiepinz , alsoi piano mw atj Y. ]
A. rcoms. In > iuVroat 21.0 Darenrori dt.
Ti lea-e an tight or trn roe
WANTED with moUtrnconcrlencoi atdln
Coed locktiou. Address Jus. Qarmeau , Jr. , I'o :
ton House.
rilu RENT Oooil ccmlortkbla bwcment riou
_ L suitable or boustkceplng. Also seed bin
Call at rorthttestcor.22d and Burt streets.
i RE CH ANE FOR RENT The 2nd stoi
AR bas mtnt of building No. 1111 Ftrni
tieet. Inquire on premlsea. 184-1 m
llENT 25 honso * , 2 to 10 rooms , at (3 I
| ii p < r month Bhrtver's Uent bureiii , o
portoffle * . 76 t
TTVOH t < KNT Two doable stores , sultibla i <
P boardlnt bouse , grocery , butcher , or salooi
situated ro as to command a good firmer trid
Inquire ot Un. F. Lange , 8. Vf. Cor. 13th at
JtAton BU. KO-lmt
F r ? 8ALE.
"HIOK dALK iflMjdld W cie fnuii n iif i.
Fine rrsldenrc property r.elr rl 7 , ttd nee
f ult , good hou o , barn wclin. tl r rn , lhads
and ornamental tn el 111 I rail i .1111 or dty
pr'peity. Bt < g In
Furnacre lo'oiu rc'ty , $126 irr ; rlOO ckKh ,
lo'K Mm * , ix p cent
Vatitili u f r.u , 7 | mllcl from On n'i .
K.urice tract fruit ant ch.uo Ue'n , e t
V rr > tn. I'analn.
F vetcre tratt , iwohon ( iiH3itb d'y IlinlV ,
Oji'Skotni lot near s'r 't cir ( K'O , Ki v
Co'iier bt and i-ott geon li'VMip-r * . * 1SM' .
(34-21 RIUI.KtlX HELL ,
. / R < ALECIIGM' A tfroJ lllfl bar rug v ,
r nearly row. , /cilr Hint o. ec , 'II , n. " Hro
office. ,1'C.23j
riou HALE OH RENT voso runo.
J S > ° - I . tf. J OAK AN.
1 l\l\ \ Hii'hrt Onion Sets f r SfochtunJohn
J UlMI. W 1'H. 1414 I ) < ! gi Ptrenr. Bin 24
1'OrtS Lt Two hou'CD id i ins udG rtonis.
I Ilrrk f ii > iul tl n jfool cllar < , h.M anliofi
wa'cr , full lot , n-i f utn 3rJ stnjwitnln twi
iloi-k rfSi. jilsrjNonu , I rute , | on the
prouil o > , o. Kll lOUll iidS ! ret ! ' . 522-2 D
OR HM,1-Thorough > rcd Jersey Bull ca'f.
F fit 1 Fu 'pre , 3. J.Ublun 100 otiilinTemic
B1A23 }
J.M'H "A1 K ro t , r f > v one story frame cot-
'ajo a u lull lot on 18h ! street. Hint-class
rn > Monro In a'tin. Six ri'on.8 , nvcry co vcn-
I iic Trrnn caly. A-ply at l w nltleo tf Kcn
iiniy . < : Vartln , 17 and Ib Omiha NAt.cnal Bnk
tiulidLg. MV 7j
rfOll n\lK 7 rorm hojto on Tap'.tjl ivcnuu ,
f rotiti c t nga on < "iim'rjf ' S * . $400
4 rfom co'tnffo on 1(1 li H $ IZ5
4io in c tU < u near II. 1' . . pot , S 'IB.
3 room coitamnt HtaJ cfSt ilarj'a avrnue ,
? 150. Ho , 'AU OK o > pos to Post Ofll c ,
4)5. ! f
T7IOR "AI.E-Nice , Kncn Cedar Trees at 26th I !
JL inu II j a-d airtut 403-241
POUSALn-li'Ut.tyof . 0 k Icnco poste. In-
quhc at W ortsard , Webster street , between
17tb and ISth. 450-48S
OR SALE OK KEST A flvo no-n h ui- ,
with barn , well and cistern. Let COxlCS.
Apply to Siml a Scovun9onor on pioml'o * . N .
2317 Pl rco etroU. 461-23 $
EOR SALE-Flno Jersey Bull for public ui .
W s awarded thoprem'um ' attbo Us' State
lair , Apply J. Taylor , 25 8 , bet. 25tn and D c -
tur , north Omfth . 4M-23J
A RAKE CnANCE-Fwr silo at a bargain ,
XX etock of general merchandise with an ca-
tabllahed trade In ono of the best towns nn the
D. & M. railroad tn Nebraska. Stock will In.
volco about 81,600. Addrisi lock b x Mdl ,
Council rilufff , Iowa. t ls-lut
EOK BALK One horse , i wagon nd h r
nets. 1 Coomir wa.ion.
317-tf 301 N. I'Slli ' tt.
YAKD FOUKBST Apply at once.
? \er > thlng needed to run It o. . hand.
Superior clay. Also house on yard If n anted.
LORENZ mBBt > J , Yard ISthitrtet. 2 blocks
south ot Ce'leviiB road. 280-lmt
| 7\OK \ S\Lt OK ENT Mr 2 story hr ck rest-
P denco on ISthnticct a"d tt. alar'e avenue
for sale , 17 000. Smill payment down , bVaoco
1 to h years time. Lot 0x 00 feel. Elegant
bouue , verv c-i vrnlens. Will rent It lo very
good parties for (62 per n-onth - Call at once al
294-Aprtn Cor. 12th and Farnam St.
T > EMI3'New Map of Omaha , lust completed and
D ready for delh ery at 95 each. Is 4 feet wide
by 7 'cot long. Largest and most complete map
of 0ja ever published. Official map of ths
cltv. ce column.
"TTIOR SALE Houte with 6 rooms a"d 2 lots
1 ? ( each CCxl32) ) in south Omaha , for 81,000 , on
easy terms. Wllltakt toira on part payment ,
Inquire at Cll S. 12th street. 243-lm )
? OR SALr. CHEAP-Cholco unimproved hue-
I Iness 1'itn on Farna-n Harney , Doudfe ,
and Dadge alreels. D V1S& SNYDER ,
Real Eat.te Agenta.
110-ood-lf 1605 Farnam Bt.
Bargains in Eeal Estate ,
House and Inll lot , gird Icca'.ion , $1,2CO.
House and half lot , noir at. Mart's avenue
rrttage ) and Corner lot en Dodge street , t3rVK )
New Cottsgeln E. V. Smith's addition , 2eOO.
Cottage and full lot on 10th street , near Lea-
venwoith street , $2,200.
44 foot frontage on Farnam street , Improved ,
r oco.
Corner lot on Douglrn street , $7.500. Bargain
Hu Inesa lot on Doughs ftreet , $4,000.
100 foot fronton Dodge stioat. Residence In
vestment , siaw.
BOTtf Opposite Postofflce.
1JOR ( IJALE A Brst cltas second hand phaeto
y Cal'at 1319TarneySt. _ S97-tf
T71OR HALE Pockets maps of Nebraska 20c
_ C each. For bargains In On aha City Improved
and un rapr ved property , call on Wm , F , Bhrl-
ver , no i Estate Agent , opposite postofflce.
769-1 f
On Wedco day eter.Ing ; Mar.h 14 ,
STRAYBD IMJmcs St. betwoo.i 10 h rd
It h , > roan colored cow about 4 or Syrarsold ,
also y ung red olon d cill. 520-24t-ui21-3t
Th's Wednesday morMnr bctwatn ICth
LOST dCumliguis. a d llverr b ok. FUder
pleaje deihir Hiae to Oman * Bakery , file 10th
St. 615-22 *
WILL take children of ny age gtre them a
mothers care for a liberal comoensatlon.
A'diesaY. 7. . Ueeollice. 3C8-lmo
T ADI ES wishing a qule' place during iconflne-
Ij ment , with nurse will address VB. . Be *
otlicc. 369-lmot
KXCHANQK lor cltv prrperty In Oa aha ,
tea tlrntc'aImproved ' faims A' so 1600
head o shavf rsale Co > respond l b N. C.
hr stlan < n , btciamoto , Neb. _ m 0-lm
QPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Offend for a coun.
O t > y dtorc at fillmore , tarpy Keb.
Apply to O. Kroit , there. 195-lmf
TI NALiaT , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam
and Ilarney. Will , with he aid cf iruardtan
spirit * , obtain for any one a glance of the pa l
and present , and on certain conditions In the fa.
ture. Boats and Shoes made to order. Htifccl
satisfaction truarant ed.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purltv
strength and wholceomencsa. More economical
than the orplnary k'nd . and cannot be sold ID
coiupetltlou with the multitude of lew test ihort
Wflght , alum or phosphate pow4er Sold onlr In
i cans. ROTH. BiHKa I'OWBS * Ua , WaU-81. tu
New York.