1 > AJJLY , BFE-COOjSOlJL , FRIDA.V JttAlvCH 23 The Daily Bee. OOUHCirBLUFFST Fridnv MornlDK , Marob 23 RUOHOHIPTION UATK * : * .f Dtn : t , . - - - . SOcenk- wwk . . . . . . Y Wfcll | io W per Yf t O Dee : No. 7 Pearl Hlroot , Neoi waj- . one KlwtvyH in the offlcp , MINOR MHJSTION. See Joteph lUller'f | itiiR ttyles. Additional local ou itvcntli | , tie. Col. Kently left I'.xt ol bt to attend the HarrNun county clrcul' cnurt. M , Nolan tried running a nil. on with out n IfceDBO and now the kulo iti ( lonrn nrc closed , The city olork , Mr. U.toD | , yottcrcloy deiiiiiltml § 1.01 ! ) 70. to he credited to the city treasury. TnoiupboD , who was ne tcil on n chirffa of roihlng the till of tin llttliltl hotel was Hlflchttr ed , lut rturicbttil for vagrancy. M , At. MtGreary Inn hon ppoititpd deputy U. 3. muri-bal for the soutljtrn HUttl't of IiAva , with huK'finnrltrs t Council HlufU Hunh , the young man wh i WHH nr- rested hero for grand larceny ummiltted In Oumhft , had his trlul aud tliu liulicl wan placed at 8700. There will ho it Icctura hold lUn ever , ini ; nttho Yonng MPII'H UlirlntUn AnHocltt- tlon rooiun by Hev. Btezeu , All are cor dially Invited to nttend , < D. N. llntin , emlgrutlon agent for Cal ifornia , ban located mi office and desk room in Juntlco Vauglmu'n rooms. He commences huilneii immediately. An old gontlemnn with diver flowing lofkfl wag entertaining a email crowd on the Gticet cornera ycsterdty dlsponlug of n wonderful cure-all called , 'YVhH IB ii ? ' United States court convenes here next Tuesday , with Judge Love on tb bench. The new U. S. marnlul , Col. Hoot , of KeokuV , will ho in Rttuudunco. Hev , F thor Mlnomeny hax n prospect of selling 60 feet of hiu property fur $ UO per fojt and ihould he Bull ho will limiie- dlately lay tha louudntion nf a hanclsomo cathedral , A Swcdo or Ditui ffum Cmitt : & wc.s run in Init night on u plain drtiuk. Ho rnf iBed to wive any mime , uud wtll prolmhly bo $9 CO abort tn-d y after iulerviuwliig the court. A new pana cf Punch phlo ulnun took the place of the l > rokeii one in the I'ho Iz lalnon window It tok Bi'V.'rM men to 'hold thu gUe in place whllo thu lazlcrn weru bedding it In. Mirrln ) , la the Coy luiine parlor Marlon I'tli-or'to L zzl J. Boott , by TudRO Abbott , on Thursday evening , at D p. m , Theco ynunc pnople rehldo in O.k Innd , where they are well l < nown and Lluhly renp'Otcd. D. J. Jonoi , arrMted for aaault and battery und disturbing the poice , on Broadway , on Monday night , and com plained of by a friend , plead guilty of as sault and wa ) fined 83 00 and coti. 0. D. Merntt , of Chicago , had to take out a license yeitenlay to measure persons who ordered shirt * of him , aud he promise t to fitay.flO days 10 at to get hU money , bauk by a lfrg < Hit of orders. s la the oi o of D O Qraw agalnit 0 , A. Jacobs , with Alice Jacobs as Inter Toner on gnrolahec , Juntlco Abott gave judgment for purchase priou of steve anc f\ \ released halonca.of property ' and uaVnishee It in quite protiAbl'e that- the little sol dier orphan girl who was sent to the re foroijioaool'Bt'Balem ' , one .da'yj'Vhls verk will be taken oat on a writ of , habeas cor pus ktu iome' farther lureitigatlon uadi in tha cue. The H > lyvweckervloes of the Catho llo ehutch ei uifTesterday at St. France Xavlor churoh'and will o n lnue each di and ovenlng ill' Easter Sunday , and upoi that d yj E ister servicen will be conductei In the usual manner , Marrieds By Justice Abbott , at th Junction restaurant on Broadway , Cbarlt Conketnper to Lltzle DutliB. at nil o'olec yeiterday evening Judce Abbott refute to give us this item , but , like other repoi ten , we had. a little bird around who tine tbe SOUK of newr , A oonple f young sport * , who claln J tht-y bud come , here to get up a sparrlc match , were looked Ui in the cooler awhl by the ohkf of police , then were invited I take a walk , which they uladly did , ar left for the weit , to grow up with tt country Tee dep rtme.nl encampment tf low O , A It. , hhs been culler ! tJ meet atD ; Mome * on tin 4th and 5th nf April , K olfhenare to he leotui uud the looatli 0 the nut annual netting of the depat mint encampment. Abe Lincoln pott thin'city l entitled to five delegates. -Mr , L F. Rtlnhard , a popular ynui rallnud contractor of thli city , n 1 Is 1 iaareUry tnwrv J. . . J. Brown , left be Tuwdny evening for Phlhdelpbia , whei on the 28h ins . . be will ba married > ( Ml Kate U Field , cf thai city. K \ . lUlnhard will return about tbe 2d proxin and will make Otuncll B'uff ' * his futc reiUtnce SUDJOS to them both ! HvirlerBOQ and Manning , two you bloo'n , Who run thingi in Mike Nola saloon for a while aud then concluded wl arretted they could bulldoze the poll city marshal and court , found a difTerei of opinion between themaelvr * and Juc Aylesworth of $39 and a night's lodging the county t > ll. The Rood book imyH C chastises those whom He lovotb , not with Judge Ayleswortb , be clmtlaea th who refuse to comply with the law and naughty things. Yesterday morning cleared up bil and btautlful , with some mud on i treet crossings. Theen brlg'it ' days br up tbe buslnesa men t t aclive wurk i with a street or two paved Council Bh will rapidly aisumo the business airs o large business metropolis , us she Is D tbe railroad center of the grout northwi with several Important roadi m > w build this way , Energy nd activity amc oarleadlrglmslne smen will sunn pi tee i city far la the lead of all competitor * a niano/Mtuting plsoe Let the Rood w < go on , remembering that Oed help * th who h ! p tbemaelTM. A GRAND BOOM. Formnnont Oronnlzition of the O. , 11. & N. B. U. Co.isiteitB to CommoncH ut , Once. At tocall tnootiii of thol > > ird of trade fpnto n number of our loading bnsiiiLss men wcro prceont , with Miyor Bowman Iti the chair , Articled of Incorporation were read by the secretary an reported by , the oomtnlttuo. The article. " of Incorpo ration as road were adopted In fall. Resolution by Mr. Baldwin that the officers as mentioned in the articles of incorporation bo dtc'nrod ' the tllioorb of this corporailot ) . Kosolntlon car- rlcd. The artlclen provide 'hit Iho cupltnl atock shall be $1 000 000 , to bo Increased by order of iho bjard of direclore ; that thfjy nhall begin bud iHfis from the dny ) ' ii ing the urtic'fB ' , Hiid to ojtitinuj ( xlntonco for fif y yoara ; and that tint Icfa than foor dlr octoro of thu oorpir.it o i thill bj rtti- di IIB of Oouticll Blulfj Twenty olght of the leadlt g bn lLf te men ( if the city hive elgiiuo the nrti olu ! > of incorpora'idii , and a number of more trill > M teen na tlioy cm bo neon On motion of Mr. Pulmor it was or dered that the Block bouko bo noir opotiod , The following named parties were olectorJ as directors of Iho corporation : J. W. Chapman , E L Shtipart , J J Brown , Thomas Bowman , Sjmuol Hnaf , J M. Palmer und J. T. Hart. The oiiicora us named , are : J , W. Chapman , proaldcn' ' ; E L 8huiart ; , vice preutdonl ; Tlioinna Bowman , socrotftry ; Hamunl JQnan , troanurnr , and J J. Brown manngor and tupor- Inteiident , The executive ootnmitteo are , J. J Brown , John W. Chapman , E. L Shugart , Samuel Haas aud Thomas Bowman. PERSONAL. . Hev. J. G. Lemon , the beloved pastor of tbe Dtptfst church , will preach hi * fare * well sermon on Sunday morning next. Mr. Ijomtu boa been o power of good during bis stay In our city , Ho h m I/sen an un tiring worker for everything that would advance the welfare of the people , aud during I hi putt bard winter many tf our very poor pe iple hoie had cause to bless htm for the effort * ho mvie tor their physical interest ) ) . Let there be n general attendance of tbU ocowlon. The county olork made happy the hearts of the following couple , and Mr. Bokemper and Miffl DtitllU weio trarrled at the Pa- cliio Transfer lianw but night. C. lokom- per and Lizr.Io DutllU , both cf Council U \\ttt ; Marion Palmer to Lizzie J. Scott , both of Oakland t > wn htp , thU county. Captain Henry left taut evening over the Northwestern mad fur New York and other e.isU'rn villages to be absent an un certain length ot time. , A , J. Karl In. ; , from Marlon , C , K Smith and S. O. liurllutrome , of Bedford , made their home at the O/den while In the city. city.II. II. W. TlUon , formerly oinnected with THE DKE ofllod here , arrived hnmu yester day mornlug , acoouipanlo J by hU fady. 0. D. Stobblus and wife , of Woodbine , are partaking of the conveniences which Is afforded at the Ogden homo. Congressman W. P. Hepburn , of ClarInda - Inda , U eojjurnlng In tha city , and holds forth at the OgU-u , J. T. Claik , iiuperlntetident of the St Paul & Milwaukee , renter d at , the Orfden. E. Sheldrn , a prninlnsntrfo'dnut of Bar HniitOD , is among th ) artivulj at the Ogdtt house. A. J. Woarrln , of H tin f , tnd Han3 Wearrln , of Malvern , ure at the Pacitli house. J. A. Nuly , of Dunlitp , and T , Brown nf Marsballtown , are staving at tbe Ogdu hOUSB. W. T. Seek , of Cl.ictgo , roekn a com fi'rtablo plice , and found it at tbo Pacific V , H. Uimnutt , of Fbiladelphla , scribe his oermit im the 0 ? den ui o register. L. N. Johnson , from Plum Hollow , i to be found at the Pacific hc.u < o. J. D. Nlohnl , , ( lf Vinton , hold ) a chal down at the Ogdtn. John Drake , i.f Omhba , centered hlnuel at tbe Paclfio. W. J , Hawks , im Omaha man , stops e tbe Pacific. 10J Iba ASu ar -$10 7 Ihi ArbuuUlu'a C , 11V , 1 In pgB 1 e & uail k g llotii-y Dap * Byrup 1 7 0 ,3 Ibs A No. 1 ,1.n > > . .o . u Ttn. . 1 C 25 h r J.IB. Ku k'n Sn.p 1C BiBt KIDBOII Win * or Wtieiit Flee out , S'l. All brAtidn Lusk'a CUforii Cati Fruit , pur otn 25 > itt J. P FitntUT > .iLli Up Ucondwa ; HOMED UI ? TdW t < UI&NDblioS. The rolkf ateo ia i n that cnrtii to such a eiKcotiful letue the charlt ' bjo work of our oHj fie pasi wlni has betu incorpuratul iiuder , the itt of .tho Ccnuoil BlufTt llctuo of. , i ! I m opeu to all. Any ivrsou , male ' r , fooialo , who piy in the BUDI of it D dollars will rccolvo 5 curtlficato r'e membership for .Cvu ycnra ; Buy po sou paylug onn hundred , oollnra w ri'oelvu a o-srnficate of Itfu'mombbrBhl Thu obj. ct ot the us oclniion is i purchase a Jo tor lots , or tract of Ian npou which to crrct ono or mo buildings , in which to provide a hoc ce for the poor aud friendless , young ge old , It la intended , if it snlliolont In develops , to have an Industrial sohoi t.d ymuftblaiii , oto , in connection nl the homo. \Vo are happy to state that the mi tigers have already leased a hoc debt lilted it up , and now have it in at oaalfal operation. There are now bt cumber c.f orphan children in tl ur home , ce The Radios moot at the Homo tl ceml afternoon at 2 o'clock , to make artlc ! li needed by the inmates. All ladies lift iho city are Invited. Pabllo notloa ft ftw all uicetlagB fur the transition of bo > w nets will be glvon. At these me Ings , all cltltens , male or female , w ng are subscribers to the tui.d , as abf indicated , will bo entitled to vo ur airs. Rookafellpw , a very worthy a aeoompliihed lady , has been vng c rk M matron , air * . R. Morgan and 51 J , P. Filbert are th toll ton , Tbe exponiea of the Ho will bo largo , and the Mitociatlon must dupend upon the Bupport of thu o ty. The Mtiits ( mend eoon to call on the cliizttitii ud ipcnra pledges for nmoanta tu b paid monthly , for our- rent expmitra It will thns bo mien thnt the homo is nti uetnblMird foo' , and pluocd npon BDch a bails that nil olmrltubly incilnvd cltlzjiin can take a piido iu building ( t up When the ladles cotno snkinv for yourdonatlotif , giro literally , Wo can glvo to no moro worthy object. Wo understand that a committee of gentlemen will bo appointed toaollctl Inrgn donations for tno pnrchneo of lota and oreotion of buildings. Fan SALE At a bargain , two chnoto vats and fixtures. Addroai 2,304 , Oounoil BlotTa , Iowa. _ fob27-tf After oatlng each meal take n dose of Brown's Iron Bitters. It helps di gestlon , relieves the full fctltrjg about o stomach. Well Represented. Wo noticed to diiy , near the junc tion of Main and Pearl streets , Can- culatiB , Africans , Malays and Reds. The sun utoallrg from under a cloud jutt then wo wore astotiifhod at , iho peculiar glamor noticeable there- abouts. The " even oolorB'tho com bined "n illations , " toother with the hued eft c. ou each ono was iu effect truly oubllmo. Millions Given Away. Millionti of BottlcH of Dr. King's New Dlscdvory for Conuumptlon , Coughs and Colds , have boon given away ui Trial Bottles of the large size. Thin enormous outlay would be disantrouH to the pro prlotors. were tt not for the rare merit poxieped by thin wonderful medicine. Cal at 0. J' , Goodman' * Drug Store , and got a Trinl Bottle free , and try for yourself. never fa' In to Young man or woman , If you want big money for a small amount , Incuro in the Marriage Fund and Mutual Trust Associ ation , Cedar Kapldn , Iowa. _ fC-3m. Council Bluffa Hoepltal. The iuoorporators of the Council Blnffii Hospital association meet to night at the board of trade rooms for the transaction of business. Every Inoorporator should bo present , as the articles of incorporation will bo signed and acknowledged , Every ono who expects to enter the organization should not fall to attend. Again we urge upon those who favor this pro ject to lend a hi-lpiog hand and aid it in every wuy they can. The committee too on eito of hospital will report. All who desire n volco in this matter are invited. Money for the Unmarried- Ono of the most eolld- and subati iclal Institutions in this country I * the Mar. rlage Fund an'd Mutual Trust Ans > elation , of Cedar Uapldn , Iowa. They are organ ized under the laws of Iowa , and heir of- ficern aud directors are among the lending and most prominent business men o Ceditr llaftlds. Every unmarrlod person should have a certificate in thin ureorlatlon. It Is a splendid Investment , as Rttfq as government bond. You can ju t as' well lmvea _ good rum nf money to c < minenie married life on as not , A large number of members have been paid off , receiving ver 800 per cent on their Invoxtrneut Write for circulars fully detailing the plnu , which IH the finoHt known. Dn not postpone it. Good agents wanted. Mention whom you saw this notice. f5-3rn. _ " oTA R The connell of admlulatratlon , de partment of Iowa , is hereby called to moot at the Avon house in Des Molnes , Iowa , at 3:50 : sharp , if tritlnn are not delayed in transition , on the 3d day of April , 1883 By order ot the department com mander. E. J Auuorr , Judge Advocate. r atimony > BOSTON , Mau , , May. 9 , 1881. I know parties who have tried all kinds of mo iclura tor' Lung Diseases , who i < y that Dn. Nu. . HALLH BALSAM roi ; THE LllhUH , Is a CUMf/KTE BUCCKiH Pit. CHAB H. WOOD. _ Cur Now Lioou uuu improvement CJo InvostigaUon Into the , , matter con vinces ps that one of tho'most equitable , blo , reasonable and feasible plans of building houses , ia that , proposed aud in operation by the Mercantile Loan , Trust and Improvement company of ihia city , By Incest It g in shares In thin institution , which is backed by nooio nf ( xir bdit und most reliable liualpwo men , it becomes posslblb and Qonip.uritively easy for a man of mod erate means .to secure a comfortable homo for hituuolf and family , In tak < ing a > certain number of shares , nt r certain monthly payment , in a fen years a > man .can onn a housi of his owu for about the snma ai ho pAjB monthly for * rent. Wi believe the Mercantile Loan and Trui company , by organising nnd opunim up for business , having filled a lonj felt want In Council Bloffi. Theli plans and oystera of loans will boai the most careful scrutiny and exam ination , nnd we have no hesitancy ii pronouncing them reasonable OIK cquliablo , und backed by gontlcmui cjf honor nnd integrity , An the com pany exists tt becoroea at once an In otltution of value and credit to on city and those who dcslra honiju Their president' is T , . A. Klrkland vice % president , 'Jotfgo 1'cakv ; eec rotary , I R. Beery ; treasurer , Col Boobo , atid their oflico U In the bast niont of 8hug rt's and McMnhon' now b6ck ! , corner Firat avenue an Pearl street i r.27-lv GOUHCIL BLQFFS SPECIAI NOTSCES. > NOTICE. Special KUertUomccls. me Lost , Found , To Loin , For S ! o , To Ken Wanti , Do rJln , etc. , wilt be Inserted ID th column t the ow r te ot TEN CENTS FE LINK lor the fJu Inicrtlon nJ FIVE CEN1 PER LINE ( or ech uh > quont Inurtla : Le re ulr rtU > m nti nt our office , No. I'etrl Street , near Uro.\dw y. Wftnta. | 0 ANTED A go'il rt t-i l s luirbfr , to who a > V wowlllKl\aa pernaneit j.li , no ttli need apply. Call on or d rcm Stcntndotli , Iowa , ' " T7ANTEnSI tlon baker ol 10 \T7ANTEn - u by yea OS > V ex crlence. Cull or oJJrcju Omaha hni' ' nf Omaha NebruV * . 430 19i of Wartrdbt ajoungund entrrpitlli il- AOKNOY , with offic In c-ntra nt town ai ilt. - rri ground floor. ' ru > ) flrrui th want t. Council llladt reorts nttt'ia thouM 10 JOHNDOK , 7 ' ire Everybody u Council Blufls ireo WANTED Bis , 80 MnU rwr week , < 1 llrored by carrlen . Offlce , No T Pearl Htrn id | For Bale and Rent B. B.I. . I / VLO DKE3 lnpae igMOl a hundred all \\J \ a package ai TUB Bis office , No , T t * > I trAAt j sv BV * K BW w " * - BW W iBiy * * 0 Cv Will open on April 1st an elegant and com plete VT 502 imOADWAY , NFXTTO OF'IOER & PREY'S ' BANK , They will carry a very 'ty. "BLUA g"1 " CT * Girt ! ? rTTprw iflr""lfi ; i ' ' TC P" Hk , Jltn& 4L7T Ul i > i2 * - iifr4J.v < BL WTsBi and will keep a full line of House Furnis ing Goods. CASADY & OROUTT , C02 Bro \dway , Council Bluffy Iowa TO CONSUMERS OF WATER. The Council Blnffn City Waterworks Company hereby annonncea , that it will put in Service Pipes to the curb of the street on tbe line of its mains for all parties who de sire to have connections made with tbo sheet mains before the Waterworks are com * pleted , and who will maico application therefor to the company BEFORE APRIL 1 , 1883. at the folowlag prices , payable in advance : i Inch Service Pipe . $7 25 ft " " ' ' . 8 50 * " " " . . 9 75 j- " " H . USB 1 " " " . 1300 Thcee piled Include 1 he crtt eloper leg and rlfslng the giro- . tspplrg tlos'reir witor. main , furnlshlrg and Iracrtlrg < or ) oration c'ck.fuinlfhli fT aid puttlt g" > titia-troni ; lea f servile pipe , furnUhfr.i atd puling In imh step. Blip bo ano coirr con plfte , am in k < trail mcvwry < on notions bctnrcii t > einctn air and the curb o ( the s'reet ' which are about one-half the cott to the coruumerot dtlnt tie earne work after tie wnerwcnkr aroc mjletcu. In vlewclthe contemplated pavlntr of certain streets In the c ty , pittles are recommended to make application Immediate ! ) at tlio office o ( the company , In order to we the uoitsaity and avoid the Increased eipcnso of breaking up the strte' at'e hag been done. HARRY BIBKINHNB , Engineer. Council Bluff * , Feb. 20. 1883. . inl-dtf NEWOOODS. NEW FIR ! Nugent & Smith , MERCHANT TAILOR NOS. 7 AND 9 MAIN STREET. FIRST DOOR SOU PH OF AMERI CAN EXPRFSS OFFICE. ALL THE LATEST STYLES. AETISTIO WORKMANSHIP , DIRECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. &nn Ullif 18 Main Street and 17 Pearl Street rooerrai6M.JrtSt . : i MAX MQHN } ORE8TON HOUSE .Hotolai7.t219M inSt J. M BARSTQW M. D. OFFICE : . , . . 0 > r 5th Si. and 5th Ave. DR I .F WHITE OFFiOE : xyii&t Mal * _ ud 5ih , uu stalw. Ri sldonca , 609 Willow Avenue. JUSTICE OF THEPEOE , , , Office after February 16th , over American Ezpreis , LIVERY AND FEED. WILL CONTRACT S. S. WAGNER , for funerals nt reasonable rat o , M. ) 22 4'b St , J. M. ST. JOHN & GO , GASH BUVtRS , Whona'e ' l.utterfpt § , ponltiy ro fnitt. Ship 10 UK p ( tby return mtll 3'f ' > Brovdwoy niCDPET NEW BOOT A.ND . SHOE SI-ORE SA * rlLnyb Ojr. M lu mid First , PETHYBBIDCE & HEBB KTS. a. CfjlTU CONTRACTOR AND BUrLDEil , Cor. 7th i.ne Cr . Will I I lit Broadway. Plunn add tptto-Goitlmir furnished CUCDMAII in FINE HARNESS i \ > -va th vw i } WMI that brhi < n p\trot , . ; . { " . 124 M _ in street MERCHANT TAILOR , A fs'ii : Woil j and RHSsonaWe 0 MKW 872 B ; ad ay ynilfr o oiiy FUUNITURB , STOVES and llU VI t 02 , OUNy Qout-fbold SnppMoa , 30H I lUflT * P UADT ATTORNEYS AT LAW , Jatuo * Block LI nil I IX , flnlf I y Prwtlcoi in ttftto mid / DT O Ofl - M' ' u'i Fnu > Fnnilture.UpltolBtory good EOTnftl/C I I IOC UU Curtains andWlndor8mdn,800Brway ! Ohlo o&lRN MalnSt.O. Blnfi UFATU BALED HAY , CORN , OATS , DHtM ! ? | BRAN , Etc. , 114 North Main Streol D A fcllf * A fllll iiW A.nd bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway L. 8nv OANUAKlUm rr lRn , Prop , P. J. Mont ru-ry , M. D , Ph , I A ftri Q BOOT AND SIIOE BHOp. Nl > - 522. A i Oor. Hromlway a d SaiU strooti VErERINAllY hUUGtiuN , ( itfio. . Hray'rt s'.Hblo , N12 Sivttntroel I CI AUn BKOOKLYN MARKET , LtLAilUf _ Cor Etghth and Broody I UrMBJCOOV Msimf cf HOUSE COLLAKS , Twde ant Ui IltllWtOMlj plird , 8th St , botwenn Gth and 7ih Avenue U H 1 1 0 ST SMITH & NORTON , Broadway , oPP. 'ft' Uu f Hon " - B fitted , fl , | 1 SO pur daj I MAIinCl FURNITURE , 8TOVE- * . and GENERA : A U. mAnilti. ; nOUSEUOLD SUPPLIES , 325 Broadwaj OMU O OACCCI CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS UAY OC UHuOtL , Comer Sixth and Haikoll atreeti A Specialty of Fasliionable and Durable LI AND THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES CONSISTENT WITH FIRST OLA3S GOODS IS OUR OLiiH. PLEASE CALL AND BXAMIKE ( VR fiEWPRNCSTOCK ! IN LINKS OF M. n's , Girl's , Children's B30T8 IHD SHOES. We i\ l the nttMitlon nf the public. Out pliice ! < Ami I hero la whom j on will alwajs find us. Z.T LIN OBEY & CO. , 412 SicfSq'WP , Clarinet , DUQUETTE , GUCHEUT & CO. , ( Successors to UKB & DUQUE1TE ) . WhfliftpiMj IPpsiituptJ Qiul MnTifontinriDPO ffMu&dlii 141111111S dlHl iiulllljbllUilljlli ( i anil IS Pearl-si. , Council Blu.Ts , la. M , GALLAGHER , G-ZROOIE EI 3S N > w Store , Froah Goods , Low Price * . Polite Attendants Firs' DOT i'nst of iho iKIetr-uiolitnii Hotel , Lower Proadway " ' ( ebaiy ei-tutH- ' PETER O. ML.LER , WROLFHAU3 AND HKTAIL AN ! ) WINDOW SHOES PAHTINf } IN ALL ITS BIUHOHEJ. FRESCOINGIN MODERN STYLES. ABSTRACT 0 F F ICE. 2T. "ITST. . * * C3 > " T X OR , 3 7 Jtis O O raids and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. HOTAS1KS PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS 0UNCIL BLUFFS IOWA' M. T. DAVIS , Precidant. N B EASTON , Secy J. 0. HOFFMAN , Vica I'rea. ' ( J HULBORT , Adjuster. MUTUAL IOWA STOCK IISURAKGE GO. Insuies Live ! took A gainst Loss by THEFT OR DEATH. , 103 Pearl Street , ' COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. The only comp.iny In Iowa thai will Insure yonr ntook Rcattmt lora from any cnnflo vhntevor. rwnrra of Sto kwlll consult their own Intere-t If , uhon | i BUrini ; theli Stuck. t > c > B tha th poMc ) lnluJesall . ho losses tli } iim > haw , fniilcea isflid with nothing less. For luitlicr luforma'l'n cail on or addresa - fflc < ? . No 9 M in Btr et. MRS. D. A. B EN ED i 01 , THE LEADINb DEALER IN ; I Kfc C O 337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , fowa .For tingines , Boilers. Oaetin B , Repairs MACHINERY. Fend Orders to JOIW , Manufacturer , Corner i Mnet and 8th Avenue , Counc'l ' BluOs. Piomp' attention to crderr. The i Wnrkin n Mo UK ) kra onali cna-itu ( eb 10 HighlyrBrid Trotting Stalliuns , Owiu'd by Dr O W. Archibald. 1883 Jfil \ ON 1883 NOWMONT P k chestnut her e 15 hards high , f-alcd 1h79 ; bioa by Gen , W. T- W tbors , IjexInRtonKy ; byUuiont , dam Nor man Valj by Alcxaiido ' Ncrmao , the slrr o ( Lulu , record 2:15 : ; Aliuont by Aloxnn'ler'a A dal- ah , Biro of (1 Ulaml h Maid , r cord 2:14 : Al- jnont h Bblrcil 0 hnr < f with cords I :30aml bet er , "ml : iMh record ) n 2 : JO ami b ttcr GLEN "WOODhrstnnt fntrol horse , I'l jvi s hiuh , rooT d 1KTO , bred bj 1'llny Mlc > olw , Kaq.Vuat Ubcrty. Iowa , by W | iale , dam a flno K nlutiky brv < l m < rr , O uiwfiod l a largo pow. erful'h"rne , weighs 1,160 p unds , lia nr at ntjle ands itod , an < i hta rue i hlmscll a moa cxco- leni sire. Thcso h'/rC3 | n.8ats4 rare IndUldual excellence , tnd chotca lrcetUn r. Ihcse highly bred BUI- 1 o ji will make ihe iftlng season of 1S83 at the Oounoil ; Bluffs Driving Park At 935 Eioh , to Insure For further ( ufc > rnailnn : aps > ly to SAMUEL COLKURN , Trainer , Council Blutfa Driving Park. mnr3-dlm fiDWIK J , ABBOTT. ot the Peace ana Notary Public. av , Council Bluffs mos. omasa w , n. u rum OHIOIR & PUSH , Council Bluffs , la , Established , 1866 D alert Iu VordUr * and DoinMtla Kich ngi od bom * Mcaritlet. S. E. MAXON , n wt , o iat x rr xiorr * . lmc Orel TU > ( S bank , ; ODNOlLi BLUFFS , Iowa MORGAN , KELLER & 00 , , The dncol quality a id larvest stock west ol Chicago of ' oodcn and Metullo Cases. CalU attended - tended to t all hours. We dtfv c mpetlthn D quality ol roods or prt' ' oa Our Mr .Morgan has served ta uuuvr afcer for fortv Jtars and thor oughly u oc * tuids tits nuwnuaa. Warerooms , 311 llrwiwajUflK LSIEHISQ ID all IU branches uroravtly attended to a'eo carpetU Ii K aim laniorequlns. Telegraphic auu ui or ders nilod without utlay. E J HARDINB H D , , , , , . Medical Electrician AND GYNECOLOGIST. graduate ol Eectropathlo Ingtltatlon , PhlU delpbla , Penna. nfflco Dor , Broadway & Glenn Ave. COUNCIL DLUFF8 , IOWA. Tbe treatment ot nil diseases and pMnfal dl Icnltlef peculiar to ( enialce a tpeclalir r. D IDMCHDaOH , I. Ii.B30alBY. A. W.BTBin President. Vlce-Prca't , Caahler. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Blnff * . OricanUed nndar the hwi ol tbe SUte ot Iowa Paid up capital , | 76,000 authorized capital SOO.OOO Ictereet paid ou time depoalti. DraltB larael OD tbe principal cltlej ol tbe United Statea am Eutope. Special nttentlon given to collection ! and correspondence with prompt retnrni DIBSCTOBB i. D. Edmandion , E.L.8harart , ) T , W , Wallace , J. W. Hodler , 1 t. A. W. BliMt M , M'D ' , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Brobdwav. GoucUlBl&iT * .