Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1883, Image 5

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TOD Hotaka national Bank
Of Nob.
Puld up Capita SfltiO.OOO
. n. JbiissiN. FfMiilcni ol s * / ,
A , F. TO I HUIS , Vice President , of 0. , D. j > Q.
H. U.,11 iton.
r . . . -oitsE , of W. V. Uors & Co
OHN 8. COLLINS , of 0 , H. i J. S. Collins.
If. WOULWORTU , OoODMtlor & Attom.j-M-
REED , of Byron Read ft Oo.
W. fATES , Cashier , tate Cuhlet of tbt Ilnl
National Bank of Omaha , and connected with
the active management of that Bank line * III
ganliatlon In 1863.
Oruio for business April IT , 1882 , with lh
rzel ctplUl ol any bank In Nebraska.
OOLLxmoRS receive ipecUl attention and chat.
ten lowest obtainable here or elNwhere.
IMTUUT allowed on time deposits upon favor
able terms and upon account ! of banki and b nk-
roaiiou EIOUARQI , Oovernmenl Bonds , and
County and 01 iy securities bought and sold.
It li prepared to do a general banking
In all I la details , and In the treatment of custom
will pursue the moat liberal policy consistent
with afe bulking.
Etock > , Bond * , Commercial I'apcr and all other
Good eecuritiea dealt in
Uoora 4 , No. 'M IVurl St , , Council BlufTii , la.
Special IHspatch to Tui Uss.
NEW YOBK , March 2' ' ,
Money Loaned at G to 25 per cent ,
closing at 20 per cent.
Prime Mercantile Paper - 6@74 per
Sterling Exchange Banter * ' bills 4 80i ;
demand , 4 83 ,
Governments 4i wore i per cent higher.
The others were unchanged.
Railroad bonds were strong.
The stock nurkot opened turner to.ihy
and advanced etoadily up to the last hour ,
when a weakness not In which compared
with last night's closing prices la general.
ly a fraction higher.
Yc tnla ; . To d&y.
3\'t ICIU 103J
& 103 103
4Vs Coupons 112 } 112 ;
& 1192 120i
Pacific 3's of 1895 120 120
Central Pacific firsts 114i 114 i
Brie seconds % 'JO
Lehigh & Wilkosbarro 102 100i
Louisiana consols 65 GSif
Missouri C's 110 HOT
Bt. Joseph 109 109
Bt , Paul & Sioux City firsts. . Ill 111J
Tennessee G's 42 424
do new 41 40
Texas & Pacific land grants. . 05 651
do R. G. dlv. . . . 81i 81J
Union Pacific 1st mortgage. . 112 112
do land grants . .1091 109
do sinking fund. . 115i 1151
Virginia O's 33 33
do consols G's 404 404
do deferred 12g 13
El 00 IB.
Adams Express 12G 127
Allegheny Central 13 13
Alton & Terre Haute 63 G8
do pfd. . . . 07 9C4
American Express 871 87
Burl. , Cedar Rapids & North. 78i 78
Canada Southern 67 G7
Col. , Gin. &Xnd. Central. . : . 8U1 815
Central Pacific 81j 82
Chesapeake & Ohio 2 ; 22
do 1st pfd. . . 3U 314
do 3d pfd. . . 23J 23
Chicago & Alton 134 131 , '
do pfd 137i 13a
Chi. , Burl. & Quinoy 122 122
OhL , St. L. & New Orleans. . 784 781
Oin. , Sand. & Cleveland 48 47j
Glove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 73 73
Delaware & Hudson canal. . . 108 108
Del. , Lack. & Western 121J 124
Denver & Rio Grande 47 47
Erie SO 7
do pfd 784 784
East Tennessee 9 9
do preferred 16 1G
Fort Wayne & Chicago 135 1351
Hannibal & Bt. Joseph 69 39
do pfd. . . 801 80
Harlem 195 ; 1951
Houston & Texas Central. . . . 73. ; 73J ,
Illinois Central 144 $ 144
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 33J 33i
Kansas&Texas 31 31J
Lake Erie & Western 31 31
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . 110 111
Louisville & Nashville 54 54
Loulsv. , New Alb. & Chicago 521 621
Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pli lo 10
do do 2dpfd 6 G
Memphis & Charleston 38 381
Michigan Central 951 951
Minneapolis & St. Louis. . . . 26 2G
do pfd. 581 68J
Missouri Pacific 102J 102
Mobile * Ohio 18 18
Manhattan Beach 1221 122
Morris & Essex C8 | 59
New Jersey Central 72 724
Nashville & Chattanooga 39 39
Northern Pacific 51 0
do pfd 86 841
Northwestern 1331 1331
do pfd 146 14Gj
New York Oontral 126i 126
Ohio Central 12 12
Ohio & Mississippi 32 32
do pfd 98 98
Ontario & Western 27 27
Oregon Transcontinental 818 844
Pacific Mail 404 404
Panama. 1671671
Peoria , Decatnr& Evansv. . . 22i S2j
Plttaburg & Cleveland 139. 139
Pullman Palace Oar 121 ; 1211
Reading 53j 53j
Rock Island 123 123
Bt. Louis & San Fran 29 29
do pfd. . . . 41 48
do 1st pfd 91 91
St. Pan ! & Milwaukee 102 102
do pfd..1201 1201
St. Paul , Minn , ft Manitoba.154 153
Bt. Paul & Omaha 48 481
d ? pfd 10 i 108
Texas & Paolfio 401 < °
Union Pacific 9 96
United States Express 57 57
Wabash , St. L. A Pacific. . . . 28 } 29
do pfd. 49i 49
Wells , Fargo ft Co. Express.120 120
Western Bunion Telegraph. . . 821 84
Caribon 1J
Central Arizona 1
Excelsior 1 1
Homestake 154 16 }
Little Pittsbnrg 1 1
Ontario 22 224
Quicksilver ] 81 81
do pfd 43 43
Robinson 1 1
Silver Cliff i 8
South Pacific 7 OJ
Standard 64 Gfc
Bntro A n
Offered. fEx. Intercut. tAskod. OEx ,
Special Dispatch to TUB Dm.
LONDON , March 22 5 p. m. Fours
bonds , 1 22Jj Illinois Central , 1491 ; Pennsylvania -
sylvania Central , 1C I } ; New York Central ' ,
130 ; Erie , 1384.
Amount of bullion gone In the bank of
England , 17,000.
Special Dispatches to Tni Bis.
Onituao , March 22. Flour Market :
dull and unchanged ; spring wheat flour
S 505 00 ; Minnesota , S 50@4 25 ; bakeri ,
4 25@5 67 ; patents , 6 007 CO ; wintei
wheat flour , southern Illinois and Mis
souri , 4 25fl 00 ; Michigan , 4 C0@5 25.
Wheat Demand active tut nnroltlrd ;
1011 for Mirth ; 1 01g@l 034 for Atifi ) ;
I 10Ji&l 10i' ' fur May ; 1 1101 Hi lor
June ; 1 O'Jj fvr July ; No. 3 Chicago
prlnir. 1 03$1 CO } ; No 3 Calcago spriug ,
91o : No. 2 rod winter , 1 08
Corn Market active but lower :
64 lo for canh ; r > 2ga for March ; 5Vj
for April ; fuW > 7JJ | fur M y ; fi7
for Juuer : > 3j 9j tur July.
Oati-Mni .et moody ; 4Ui ( 40 o for cash ;
393 o forMarcb ; and April ; 424a for May ;
4240 for June ; 41JO for July.
ItyoMarket uull and lower at C'Jjo.
Urtiley Market dull and nominal at
Bacon Market higher at 1 37 ® 1 374 ,
Pork Market opened weak and lower ,
but closed at outildo prices , 18 00 lor
cash nd March ; 18 02J@18 03 for .Airll ;
1825@18274 fr May ; 18 40@18 424 r
June ; j8674@18 60 for July ,
Lard Murket opened wewk and lower.
but closed at ouUldo ptlcei ; 11 10@11 11J
for caah and Marolij 11 lli@ll 15 for
April ; 11 29i@ll 30 for M y ; 11 35 ®
II 374 f < " June ; 11 424&11 45 lor July.
Bulk Meats In fair denunul ; ahuulcUr ,
7 G5 ; thort rib , 10 00 ; nburc clear , 10 45.
Butter Market ste.dy and unchanged ;
crenmery , 18@80c ; dairy , 13@2je.
lgxs AlurKct dull ntl uiittttled at
101igl74c. (
Wlilauy Matket steady and uuchauged
at 1 17
Frelgh's Corn to Buffalo at So per
CALL BOAUU , Wheat Stea ly and nn-
chniKo3 ) ; 1 > 41 ( or Apiil ; 10U for May ;
10DJ ( or Junoi 1 083@1 OSi lor July.
Corn Inr ular ; a'2a fur March ; 52jd
for April ; 5 la for May ; 57gj for Jitue ;
fi8 a for July.
Oats -Weaker ; 40Jo for March ; 39J@
39 c for April ; 42Jo for May ; 42,3 lor
June ; 41c fur July ,
. I'utkUiKlw ; 1805 for March ; 18 10
for April ; 18274 for May18 ; 45 for June ;
1 G218 05 for July.
L iu rftomiy mi' l unchanged ; 11 C74
for f April ; 11111 for Mu > ; 11324 lor
Juue ; It 35tfill374 ( > ur July.
Nkw YORK , March 2i. Flour Market
qulwt nud u jell \i guJ ; cuper state we teru ,
.1 702'f ( J"'i ooannjii to piot fxrj ( bur ,
4 tO ; goo-1 tn chiiiun , 4 00fe7 00
Wnuat- Cash mirktt firing options mi-
3't'lod but (3\i higher ; No " i-ptirg
uumlnnl ; ungrnded red , 1 ( ) @ 1 10 ;
et anitrNo 3 ud , 109) ; No I ! reii , 1 1C ;
stHAiuerNo. 2 ted ; 1 10iN ; < > . 12 d ) , 1191
@l 194 ; certiorates , 1 IHl ; delivered , 1 20 *
( Si 21 ; ungraded white , 1015@1 2i ; KteHUi-
er No. 3 white , 924 ? ; ftenmer No 2 white ,
97c ; No. 2 white , 1 Oli@l Oil.
Corn Murnet Queued i@lo lower I lit
oubtcqueutlv was firmer and recovered I *
: ; it again declined hut closed fairly
stody ; ungraded , rc@50 : ; No. 3 , 614@
62c ; steamer. 6)J@6Gjo ) ; No. 2 , G f3iOic ;
old No. 2 , 73@74o ; steamer wliito ,
Oats Market weak ; mixed weatoru , 49 }
@ 0lc ; white westerr > , & 3J@55o.
Hay Market q-iet bat firm.
Eggs Market dull and lower ; ( western
trend , 21jfei2j.
Pork Muiket nuiot but firm ; new mess ,
pork , 1'J ' 15&i9 ( ' . ' 5 ; options nominal ,
Cut Meats Market quiet b it steady.
Lard Market ea ; prime steam ,
11424 for March ; 11S8@1140 lor April ;
11 42@11 44 for May ; 11 38@11 46 for
June ; 11 42@ll 50 for July ; 11 49@11 CUJ
for August ; 11 54@ll 07 for September.
Butter Market unsettled and weak nt
10@35c. 1
8T. LODI8.
ST. LOTJIB , March 22. Flour Market
dull and unchanged.
Wheat Market hipher but very mod <
erato trading ; No. 2 red full , 1 033 ®
1 OSJfor cttph ; 1 084 for March ; 109JW
1 10 tor April ; 1 1I4@1 124 for May ; 1 12J
@ 1 12J lor Oune1081@lC8i ; for July ;
1 Oiiifojl 06J for the year ; No. 3 red fa'J ,
at 1 03 1 04
Com Market opened lower and doclm
ed , , ai.d then reacted and closed hatter ,
but lover than yesterday ; 484@48J for
ca h ; 48 o for March. 50@493 , cloninc a
49j for April : 52g@514s , closing at 52 4
for May ; 5252ja for June ; 55@54gc ,
closing at 551c bid tor July.
Oats -Market higher ; 4 ) J@41j3 for
cash ; 41o for April ; 42&43o for May.
Rye-Market dull at 57o.
Barley Market quiet at GO@8Xi.
Corn Meal Market lower ac 2 50.
Butter Market quiet and unchanged
stock , 12Jo.
ERRS Market steady and unchanged al
wnisuy Market quiet and unchangei 1
Pork Market dull ; jobbing at 18 25.
Bulk Meats Market Inactive and lower ;
shoulders , 720 ; long cleir. 665 ; shor
rib ? , 9 76 ; short clear , 10 00.
Bacon Market dull and lower to sell
long clear , 10 55 ,
Lard Market nominal.
easier ; 1 10 for April ; 1 12 | for May ; 1 12
for June ; 1 08j bid for July.
Corn Lower ; 494c for April ; 61io fo :
May ; 526 o for June ; C5io for ( July.
OUs Market dull ; 41o bid for Aprl
424c bid for May.
KANSAS CITT , March 22. Wheat-
Market weak and slow ; No. 2 red fall
93Jo forbid for caah ; 95o bid for April ; 97
bid for May.
Corn-Nlarket lower ; 43r H3Jo fo
cash ; 441@441o for April ; 461@464o for
Oats Market slow ; 34 Jo for cash ; no
Special Kapatchca to Tni Bss.
CHICAGO , March22. The Drovers' Jonr-
nol reports an follows :
Hogs Weak and dull and 10a lower ;
mixed , G90@7 43 ; heavy , T50@8 15 ; light ,
6 93@7 65 ; skips 4 80@6 75 ; and the
packers holding iff for higher prices ; shippers -
pers orders are diminishing.
Cattle Moderately active but weak and
lOo lower , except on the mont desirable
grades ; export steers , 6 C07 20 ; common
to fair and medium , 5 30@5 90 ; butcher-
lug stock , 3 ( > o@4 90 ; and a fair demand on
canning account ; stackers and feeders , In
liberal supply and light request , the de
mand weak at 3 10@5 00
Sheep The general market was brisk
and strong a good demand on local and
eastern account ; common to fair. 8 50O
4 75 ; medium to good , 515@6 00 ; choice to
extra , 6 40@7 00 ; some fancy export sheep
sold at the latter prices.
New YOBK ; March 22. The Drovers'
Journal Bureau reports :
Cattle A firmer feeling , but the market
dnll and a limited trade ; extremes , G 25@
7 30 per | cwt ; no extra stock shown ; exporters -
porters used twenty < carioads ; dressed beef ,
firm at 9 60@10 50 In the city ; 8 60@9 50
for western ; some best Chicago dresaed
eold at 10 00.
Sheep Fairly active and lo higher ; ex.
. :
trf men , G 25@7 2f per cwt , for sheep ; 6 60
@ 8 50 for yearling lambs ; exporters took
dOO fit sheep at 7 25@7 65 per cwt.
Hogs Live bogs easier at 760@8 00.
ST. Looia March 22
, Cattle Buyers
offish and dcmnded rsm
were u conro'sion
and BOU.B sales were mide lower , but there
wan no decline ; exporta , G 75 ©
70C ; ( port to choice , 0 25@G75 ; light to
fair , 5 40@G CO ; common , 6 00@5 25 ; rard.
turn lo choice butchers' steers , 4 G0@6 75
coed to cholcs cows and heifers , 4 60 i@
5 03 ; common tn fair , 3 50@4 40 ; stacker :
null feeJera , 423@52j ; corn-foci Texans ,
0 25@5 GO.
Sheep Steady ; common to medium
3 50@4 60 ; fair to good , 4 75@5 G5 : choice
to fancy , 5 75@G 25.
Hogs Market dull ; llbt , 7 0fg7 45
pftcking. 7 35@7 50 ; butchers to extrt
heavy , 7 50@7 70.
KANSAS [ CiTT , March 22. The Llv
Stock Indicator reports :
Cattle Weak ; and slaw ; native steeri >
1,200 to 1,500 Ibs. , G 00@G 75 ; utocken
and feeders , 4 25@5 15 ; cowt , 3 40@4 50
, Hogs Market weak and lower ; light ,
, G80@69o ; medium , G 90@7 05 ; good teat
choice , 7 10@7 60.
IsSheep - Natives from 88 toll71bi , at <
4 85@G 00.
Special Ditpakhes to Tns Us * .
OHIOAOO , March 22 , Receipts and
shipments of flour and grain for the past
21 hours have been as follows )
Uoceh'tf , Ship'U ,
Klnur " 10 00 J 395
Wheat bnshcl 21.100 17.00
Corn- " 201.000 05,000
Oats " 70.000 76,000
Hye , 40,000
Barley- " 25,000 33,000
ST. Lorjia , March 22.-Receipts and
shipments of flour and grain for the past
48 hours have been as follows !
RecelptR. Shlp'ts.
Flour-bbl H.OOO 7,000
Wheat bushels 29,000 2.000
Corn " 17"COO 76.000
OtU " 14.000 7,000
Rye " 12,000
Barley- " 1,000
NEW YORK , March 22. Receipts and
hlpinenU of flour and grain for the past
24 hours have been as follows :
Receipts Bhp'tR
Flour-bbls 10,000 1,000
Wheat biuhbli 36.QOO 110,000
Corn- " 158,000 147,000
Oats- " . . . . 81,000
KANSAS OITT , March -Receipts !
and shipments of grain fet the pant 21
aours hate been as follows :
Roo'ts. Shlu'ts.
Wheat , bushels 4.000 20,000
Corn " 6,000 69,000
NEW YoaK , March 22. Receipts and
shipments of live stock fur the pant 24
hours have boon as follows :
Reo'ts Bhip'ts
Beeves , 500 . . . .
Quartern of beef 7'Jo
Snetp 5.030 55
OarutSJts of mutton 2UO
Hogs 5.855
( 'HIOAOO , Match 22. Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the past 24
hours have been an follows :
Reo'ts. Sblpm'tfl. '
Ctittlo 75,600 2,800
Hogs U.OOO 9,000
Sheep 3,600 7tO
ST. Louis , March 22. Receipts and
shipments of live stock fet the past 21
hours have been nn follows :
Ifoo'to. Bhlpm'ts.
Cattle 1400 GOO
Uoga 3100 1,700
Shesp 1.800 900
KANSAS OUT , March 2i. Receipts
and shipments of live stock for the past 24
bourn bavo been ns follow ? :
Reo'ts. Shipm'ts.
Cattle 1,400
Hog * 2.GOO
Sheep 600
Special DUpatch to Tin Bun.
LONIUN March 22. At the wool sales
yesterday New Zealand scoured sold at
10d@2s lOd.
WholeMile Price * .
OrriOK or THI OMAHA Bsr , 1
Wednesday Evening , March 22. f
The only changes reported in the
market to-day are as follows :
Sassafras , declined 2u.
Chlnchonldia , declined 5o per dozen.
Chloroform , declined lOc per Ib.
Dover's powders , declined 15o per Ib.
Glycerine , declined Ic ,
Opium , advanced 25o.
liocal Qraln.DeallngB.
WHEAT.-Cash No. 2 , 8S4c ; caah No
3 , 734c ; rejected , 51c.
dARLEY. Cash No. 2 , 63c ; . No.
RYE Cash , 43o.
OATS 37o.
SEEDS Flax seed 96o per bn.
Produce and Provisions.
POTATOES-20@25o per bushel.
ONIONS 40@50c per bushel.
BUTTEK Choioe country , 124-j.
UGaS Ifresb , 14o.
HONEY OaJlforala. perlb j , at.
APPLES Per barrel , $3 I 00@3 50.
OYSTERS Plait's select oysters , 40o i
Standard , 85 ; mediums , 30.
ORANGES-Florida , 95 50 ; Messina ,
3 50@84 00.
LEMONH-94 00@4 60 per box.
BEANS Navy per bushel. 2 75@3 00
OHIOKENS-18@14o per Ib.
TURKEYS-14o per pound.
Qrocera List
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 I
( Field's ) , per case , 94 00 ; do 1 ft ( Field's
per case , 3 76 ; do 2 ft ( Qtandard ) , per cas
3 90 ; strawberries , 2 ft , per case , 2 4 (
raspberries , 2 ft , per case , 8 60. Dam
sons , 2 ft , per case , 2 45. Bartle
pears per case , 2 40. Whortleberrie
per case,275. Egg plums,2 ft porcuse,2 9' '
Green gages,2 ft per case , 2 90 ; do choice ,
ft per case i 60 , Pine Apples , 2 ft , per cas
4 00@5 75 , Peaches , 2 ft per case , 8 OC
do 3 ft , case , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 ft , pe
caso,2 30 : do pie. 6 ft , per dozen. 2 SO.
FLOUR Jobbing priced , Jack Fro.
St. Louis winter ) $3.90per 100 Ibs. ; Topeka
Patent Kansas , 3 09 ; Minnehaha
Minnesota Patent , $3.76 ; Shawnee fancy
winter , 83.10 ; Eagle , xyyy win.
ter , $2.76 ; Triumph spring , beat , 2. 75 ;
Christian's superlative , 3.80 : bran , per
ton , J16.00 ; chopped feed. 925.00 : Queen
Boo flour , per sack , 825 ; Nellie .Blye ,
per sack , 2 9fl.
LARD Omaha RefinlnlngCo. : Tierces ,
12c ; 40 and 60-lb cans , 12f c ; 20-lb cans ,
123c ; 10-lb palls , screw top , 124c ; 5-lb do ,
12Jp ; 3-lb do , 12Jc.
RtOE Louisiana prime to choice ,
7c : fair. 6i | 7ic ; Patma , 61c.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , Q 75 ;
No. 1 mackerel , kits , 100 ; family mackerel -
erel , half brls , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits ,
85c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , G 00 ; No. 1
OOFFB.'t. Rio , talr , lloi itlo , good
114o ; tn-Ime to choice , 12 to 124o ; Old gov't
Java 18c @ 24o.
SUGARS Powdered , lOlo : Cut loaf ,
" - Granulated , 8Jo ; JJonfectloners' A ,
0 ,
Sic ; medium yellow , 74c : dark yellow ,
SYRUP Standard Com. , 42o , bbU.j I
. . . .
Standard do Jl A11 Kt. . ' * n Ari i
, 44 gallon'kegs , 92 05 ; Stan
dard do. 4 gallon kegf , 91 90.
SODA In Ib papers , 93.80 per case ; keg >
soda , 2fc
NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels
97 00 ; do In half bbls , 4 00 ; smalls , In bbhj
900 do , In half bbls , 500 ; gherkins , in
bbls , 11 00 ; do , in half bbls , 8 00.
STARCH. Pearl. 44c ; Silver Gloss
94o ; Com Starch , 94n ExcehdorGloss ,
7o i Com , 7i .
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45(355 (
Obolce , 60@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45o
Choice , 60@75c ; Young Hyson , good.86@
SOo ; choice , 65c@8100 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
S6c : Japan , choice , 60@75o ; Oolong , good ,
B5@40 ; Oolong , chn.oo , 40055 ; Honohonc.
( food. 85M-10c ; choice. 3545o.
ROPK Sisal. 4 Inch and larger , lie
i Inch , UU ; 1 Inch , 12j.
WOODKNWARK fwo hoop pilN
1 75 ; three hoop palla , 3 00. Tubs , No.
1 , 8 60 ; Pioneer waahboardu , 1 85 Double
O.-own 2 90 ; Wollbnoketo , 3 60.
. IiKAD Bar. IU 65
; ; opplfl extra , IGo
pnre apple , 13c ; Pnuuinc nare annle , 16o
SALT. Dr-\y loa-lj , ppr bbl , 1 70 ; Ash'
, o n. in nno ks. 8 .0 ; bblj dairy GO , Os. II K
JJOAl'3-Klr'aHavon ! In'porlal , 3 45
, , Drurs
OarboUc , nOc ; Acid , Tartarlc , 65c ; Babian
; ;
Oopablt , per Ib , 70o ; Bark. Saaaafras , pm
Ib , 12 J | OrJotncl. per Ib , 80j ; ClnchonldiR
per or , [ 0110 ; Chloroform , par Ib , 90s
Dover's powder * , par Ib , jl 25 ; Eoaon
Salts , par Ib , Sic ; Glycerine , pure poTbi
80c ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 22i !
O I , Cantor , No. 3 Per gal , 3115 ; Oil ,
. Olive , p r gaL 81 50 ; Oil. Origanum. 60
, Opium , 8.5 f 0 ; Quinine P. tt W. 4 R. 4 K
per or , 81 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per It
1175 ; Balactn , per or. 40c ; BnlphVto (
Morphine , per or , 93 86j Bulpnnr floui
p r Ib , 4o | Btrrchnlne , otr oz. 9165.
Kirk's attlnM , a 00 ; Kirk's standard. 8 75 ;
Klrk'l wbltu Kui-slMi. 5 23t Kirk's
Kutocs , 'J 1 ! > Klrk'a Pralrlo Queen ,
(100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia tlon. ,
POTASH Pennsylvania cana , 4 CMC ,
In cue , 8 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 dot. In CAM ,
1 90 : Anchor Ball 2 dor. in case 1 60.
PEANUTS Roasted , choloo , rod 'Icn.
ncsseo , lOopor lb > fasoy whlto , 104c perlr ;
raw whlto Virginia raw , 10c | roasted
'oANDLES-Boies , 40's , 15c ; Bs ,
16jo ; bics 40 Ibs. , 10 or , d > , 16Jo.
MATCHES Per caddie , , 95o ; round ,
oaies. 88 10 ; square , casfta , 5 40.
MKATS Hams p r Ib. , ISJc : bacon
per Ib. , 14c ; clear side bacon per Ib , , lljc ;
dry salt tides per Ib. , 94c ; dry salt shoul
ders perlb. , 9e ; bacon shoulders per Ib , ,
w , , 18j ;
284ot Arbooklo's
14lc.OHEESH Full Omm. 14 o ) Part
tiklm , 104o.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Groonwlcb , 3 40 :
Western , 2 70 ; North 8Ur , 2 00 ; IHJW ! * '
lye , 4 Gf > ; Jewell lye , 275.
FUBD-Jobblng prices , Chop food
$1.50 ) > er 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , $1.40 ; bran ,
70o per ICO Ibs.
HOMINY Now , $ ! 00 per bbl.
Dry aoods.
BROWN OOTTONS-Atlnntlo A , 84c ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 80 ; Boott
FF , 840 ; Buckeye LL , 4.4 , 7o ; Cabot W ,
71o ; ChlttonauRo A. 6lo ; Urpat Falls E ,
8jc ; Hooslcr , 640 ; llonost Width , 81c. In-
dlan Head A. 84o ; Indian Standard A ,
8 c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 81o ; I < awreuoo
LL , 7o ; Mystic Rlvor , 74c ; Pequot A , 8Jc ;
ShawmntLL , 4oUtIca ; 0 , 6io : Waohun-
ett B. 74o ; do A , 84o > do B 48 , l24c ; Wai-
cott BB. 8 c.
U : 74o ; Alligator 8-4 , 8c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc ;
Atlantic LL , GJo ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ;
Bennlngton O 4-4 , Gfc ; Buckeye S. 4. , OJcc
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 84o ; Ijjvconla O
39 , 84o ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 940 ; Pepp * > rell N
80 , 7c ; do O 83 , 71c ; do R 36 , 7Jo ; do E 89 ,
84c , Vocasset 0 4-4 , 7Jc ; Wamsutta 4-4
rin L 4-4,94oBlaokstonoAA ; Imperial 8Vc ;
ao do half bleached 4-4 , 9c ; Cabot 4-4,8 ? ;
Fidelity 4-4 , 94oVrult of theLoom,94 ;
can.briol-,12 , , cdoWaterTwist,10icGr ; ;
Falls Q , 9o ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c ;
LonBdalo. lOo ; do cnmbric 37 , 12Jc ; New
York Mills. 124c ; Pequot A 10o ; Pepperol
N G Twills , 124o ; Pocahontas 4-4 , 9Jo ;
Pocaaaet 4-4 , 8io ; Utlon , lie } Wamsutta
O X X , 124o.
JLtuCKS Colored ) Albany K brown.
80 ; do 0. drab , XlW do XX stripes and
plaids , 124c ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes and plaids , 13Jo ; Arlington fancy ,
! Br9c : unswiok brown , 84o ; Chariot fancy
124o ; do extra heavy , 20c > Fall River
brown , extra heavy , 114cj Indiana A
brown IHnt Noooauot A brown. ISo
TlOKlflUa Amoskeag A U A 82
19o ; do XX blue 82 , 18fo ; Arrowacca ,
94c ; Clareinout B B , ISio : Oonestoga ex
tra , 174c ; Hamilton D , Il4o Lewieton A
30,16o ; Minnehaha 4-4. 20o ; Omega super
extra 4-4 , 28o ; Pearl River 82. IGic ; Putnam -
nam XX blue stripe , 12o ; Shotuckot S
lOJo ; do S3 12o ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 9o
DENIMS. Amoskeak , blueandbronn
164c ; Andover DD blue , 154o ; ArllngX
blue Scotch , 184c ; Concord OOO , blue aw
brown. 124cjdo AAA , do do 134 ; d ° XXto
do do 144o Haymaker's blue and brown ,
94o ; Mystlo River DD stripe , 164o ; Pearl
River , blue and brown , IGc ; Uncasvllle
blue and brown , 144c.
CAMBRICS Barnard , 6ic ; Eddyst ne
lining. 24 Inch double face , 840 ; Garner A
glazed , 540 ; Manhattan glove finish , 59o
Newport do Go ; do glazed , 5oi Pequot do
6c : Lockwood kid finish Go.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 8oAndres |
coggin satteon 8Jo ; Clarendco , G Jo ; Cones
o'tea satteens , 71c ; Halloweli , 8cj Injdl
Orchard 74 < j ; Narr. gansottlmprovedo
Pepporill sotteen 94o ; Rookport , 7Jc.
PRINTS-Aliens , 64o ; American , G4c
Arnold , 7o ; Berwick , 4Sc ; Oocheco , 7o
Conoaloga. 6Jo ; Dunkirk , ; Dunnell
G4@7c ; Eddystone. 7o ; Gloucester , Go
Harmony , & 4c ; Knickerbocker , 64c ; Me
ri ao D. 7c ; Mystlo , 64c ; Spras-uos , 60
Southbrldge , Go ; do. Ginghams , 7o | Marl
boro. SSciOrlental 64o.
GINGHAMS Amoskeag. 104ct Amoe
keag dress 9Ji Argyle , lOio ; Atlantic ,
Oo : Cumberland , 74o ; Highland , 7 *
Kenilwortb , 84c ; Plun kett , 10io | B
en , 8c.
COTTONADES Abbervllle 184
Agate , 20o ; American , lie ; Artislan , 20c
Cairo D and T , 134c ; Olarlca D and T
174c ; Deccan Co. stripe * D and T , 16c ; Ke ;
stone , 134c ; Nantncket , 19o : Nonparel
IGo ; Ocean D and T , 134o ; Royal , 164
Sussex , 12c ; Tioga , 1 % ; Waohueett shirt
In ? shocks. 124c ; do , Nankin , 124o ; York
plain'Mankln. 124o ; do , checks , stripe * an
fancy , 12ic ; do. 8 oi 20o.
BHEETINGS-Androfloogln 10-4,274
do 9.4,23cdo 8-4 , 22c ; Continental
42 , lie , Frult.of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; Now
York mllla98 , 85c ; do 78 , SOo ; do 68. 224o ,
FembrjkelO-4 , , 25o ; PequotlC-4 , 281c , do
74,19o do 49 , IGo ; Pepperell JOG , 29o
do 67 , 21odo ; 67 , 18o ; Ut2ca 96 , 860 ; do
58 , 22ic ; do 48.17o.
Paint * Old and VarnlshM
OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon ,
12c ; 160 * headlight , per gallon ,
Ho ; 175 * headlight , per gallon. 19o
160'L Water White , 20c ; .linseed
raw , per pallon , 54 ; Unseed , boiled
] > er gallon , 57c ; lard , winter str'd , per teal
ton. 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No , 2 , 75o ; castor
XXX. per gallon , 1 25 ; No. 8,1 20 ; sweet
per gallon , 85o : sperm , W. B. , per gallon-
1 75 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , 60o ; noatsfoot
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , 65o ; lubri-
eating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; summer , 15o
golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35o ; No.
3 30 : sperm , signal , per gallon , 80o ; tur
pentine , per gallon ' , G5c ; naptha , 74 , per
gallon , 18o : Gt' , 17c
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
P. P. . 60 ; white lead , St. Louis , pure ,
Marseilles green , 1 to 6 ft cans ,
French zinc , gioen seal. 12o ; French clue
red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asst
20c : French tlnce , In oil asst 15o ; Raw
and burnt umber , 1 ft cans 12o ; raw and
burnt Sienna , 13o : Vandyke brown ,
refined lampblack. 12o ; coach block and
1'ory black , 16o ; drop bhu k , IGo ; Prussian
blue , SOo ; ultramarine blue , 18o | chrome
green , L. M. k D. , 14oblind ; and shutter
green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green. 18o
Indian red , 15c : Venetian red. Bo ; Tuscan
ore , 22c ; American Vermlllod , I. ft P. , anC |
chrome yellow , L. , M. , 0. & D O. , 18o
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 1 | pateni
dryer , So ; graining colors i light oak , darli
oak. walnut , chestnut and ub 15o.
Dry DalnU
Whlta lead. So ; French sine. 10c ( Par
whltelng 2Jc ; whiting gUdere , IJo
biting com'l , lie ; lampblack German'
town. 14o ; Umpblack , ordinary , 10c ; Pru
slan blue , 55o ; ultramarine , I8o ; Vandyke
brown , 8c | nmber , burnt , 4a | amber , ran
4osienna ; , burnt , 4oi sienna , raw , 4c
Paris green genuine , 25c ; Paris : green com
20c ; chrome green , N , Y. ' 20c ) chrom
green K. , 12c ; vermilllon , Eng , , 70oj vei
million , America , 18o ; Indian red , 10
; rose pink , 14o ; Venetian read , Ooknsosc
; 23c : Venetian red Am. , lc ; rei lead , ISOty
chrome yellow , genuine , 20o hrome vel
low , K. , 12cj ochre , rochelle So ; ochre
French. 2c ) ochre , American , 2c
Winters mineral. 24c ; lehlgb brown. La.
Spanish brown , 2ic ) Trlnco's mineral 3o
; : VARNISHJIS-Barrels
- per gallon
Furniture , oztro , 81 10 ; furniture , No , 1
31 ; coach , extra , { 140 ; oaob , No ,
8120 ; Damar , extra , 81 76 ; npan , 70can ;
phaltum , extra , 85c ; sheila 8.1 50 ; ban
oil finish. SI 30.
, Mldnl t-ui3. Etc.
, HIDES fjrreen butcher's hldm , OB7c
' cured 78o ; hlilo-i , grocn salt , pan cure
7JchldeH,74c ; ; dry flint , sound , 12 } 13o ; Irv
calf and kip , 12Mc ; dry salt it dessound
10@Uc ; green calf. wt. 8 o 15 ftg. . ll@l'Jc
grocn calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per ok In , Oct
, erecn pelt * , 60@S1 25 ; green lamb Bklru
81 25@150 ; damaged hides , two-third rate
cut ftcorod and ono grub , classed twc
, tllrds rate , ) branded bides 10 per eent , 70Olf
Coon oklns , No , 1. 45c ; No. 2 , 30o ; No. ,
20. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , SOoj No.
16o ; No. 3,16o ; No. 4 , 60. Foj , No.lfc
GOoj No. 2 , 25o. Bkunk , No. 1 , b25o
6fio ; short stripe , 40oi narrow strlpeo
! broad stripe. lOo. Tallow 7o ,
Oak sole , S8o to 42o ; hemlock sole , 28o i t
85c ; hemlock kip. SOo to 100) ) rannoi
65o to 60o ; hemlock calf , 860 to 120 ; hem
lock upper , 23o to 28o ; oak upper , 24c
alligator , 4 00 to 6 W ; eaU kid , 83@35fi
Qrclsen kid , 2 60 to 276 ; oak kip , BOo to
1 00 ; oak calf. 1 20 to 1 80) ) French kip ,
1 10 to 1 6C ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus-
otU. 6 HO to 7 50 ; linings , n 00 to 10 CO ;
topplnpr , 0 00 to 10 f.C'i ' 11. u Morocco , SOo
to ; Vo ; poliMn 0 , D , Morocco , G6o ) * laion ;
2 PO to 3 00. '
HAUNKSS-No 1 star oak , V2c > , Nn J
do , 8yC ; Nt 1 Ohio oak , 88c ; No. 2 ila ,
S5c | No. 1 Milwaukee , 37o | No. 3 do S4c.
We quote lumber , Intn and thln les on' '
_ rs at Omaha at the followlniMirlce" !
under , 911 00 ; 18 ft. , 923 60.
TIMUKH3 Ifi ft. and under , 822 00.
TIMIJKH AND J018T-18 It. , 823 60 ;
1C ft ,823 M | 22 ft. , 820 60 ; 24 ft. 820 60.
FBNOINr-No. 1 , 4 and 8 In. , 824 00 ;
No. 2. 822 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
boards ) , (20 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00.
LIME l'er barrnl , 81 35 ; bulk per otn-
lOc ; Oomcnt , bbl , $2 26 Iowa plaster.
bbl , 82 60. Hair per bu. 40o. Tarrou
felt 100 Ibn. 83 60. Straw board , 83 60.
Heavy Hardware Ust.
Iron , ratr > ] , 03 00 ; plow stool , special
east , 7o ; crucible. He ; special or UormanCc ;
cast tool do , 15@20 wafrpn si > okett , cot ,
2 25@3 00hcl)8 | , per set , 1 iif ; felloes , sawed
dry , 1 40 ; tonjriios , each , 70@B6c ; azlos ,
each , 7&o ; mniaro nuts , per D > , 7@llo ;
washorB. per Ib. 8@lRc : rlvotii , per Ib , lie ;
cell chain , per Ib , 013o ; malleable , 80 ;
Iron wedgon , Co ; crowbars , Go barrow
teeth , 4c ; spring tool , 7@8c ; Burden's
homwthopd. fi 21 : Bunion's muleahooo. 0 2" .
HA1U3KD WIUK In car lots , 7 60 ©
8 60 pnr 100.
NAIM llatos. 10 to GOJ , 3 76.
SHOT. Shut , 31.K5 ; Buck snot , 82.10.
Oriental Powder , kegs , 86,40t do , , hat
kegs. 83.48 : do. , rjnartor kngs , 81.88 ; Blnat
big , koirs , 8a86i Fuse , per 100 foot 60o.
UOAli ( yhimborland blnoksmltb , f
Morris Ilun Bloiwburg , 812) ) Whltobronct
Inmp , 81 \Vhllobrc4tst ; nut. (4 60 ; Iowa
tump , 84 60 ; Iowa nut ? 4 50 ; llook Sprlnp ,
9700 ; Anthraolto. 81160@12CO ; ( Janon
City , $7 00 per ton.Liquor
Liquor * .
ALCOHOL 188 proof. S 25 per wine
gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
1 25 per proof gallon ; triple refined nplritj
187 proof , 1 23 per proof gallon ; ro-d ( stilled
ufclskios , 1 001 50 ; fine blended , 1 50 ©
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200700 ; Ken-
tnckv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00(5)7 ( ) 00.
UIlANDIKS-Importod , (6 0091000 ;
domeiitlo 1 104 00.
GINS Imported , 4 C00 00) ) domestic ,
HUMS Imported , 4 600 00 ; Now
Kngland. 2 00&44 00 ; domestic , 1 t > 03 50
1 76@4 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per csr.o ,
2800@31 OjAmirlua , east , 12000) )
CLARETS ' er case , 4 6018 00
WINKS Rh no wine , per cane , G 00 ©
2 00 ; Oatavba , per case , 4 007 00 ,
Reooptlon of the Associated Press
Agent m Now York.
Special Dispatch to Tim Dsi.
NKW YOHK , March 22. Hon. Wil
liam Uonry fcimllh , rronornl agent of
the Associated Press , was formally
welcomed to Now York to-night at a
banquet glvon at the Union olnb , and
participated in by ropronontatlvcs of
the bench , ' bar , banks , Insurance ,
railroads , telegraphs and varlod mer
cantile pnrsnlta.
Speeches were made by Whltelnw
Hold , editor of the Tribune ; Hyde , of
the Equitable Insurance company ;
Judge Noah Davla ; ohlof justice of
the supreme court ; Channcoy M. Da-
po'w , John A. Stewart , United Trust
company ; General Porter , H Alex
ander , Eraatua Wyman and othoro
prominent in the various walks of
metropolitan life. The occasion was
a pleasant ono.
Special Dispatches to Tns BII.
The Yale boat crew has commenced the
Easter vacation and will work hard by
dally practice in the Now Haven harbor ,
preparatory to the conteit at New London.
The Virginia state normal colored Insti
tute has purchased a farm In Chesterfield
county for the purpoce of erecting a buildIng -
Ing to accommodate 500 pupils.
The anniversary ot the birth of the em
peror of Germany was celebrated by the
New York German club at a banquet last
night. The German ambassador and con
sul were among the guests.
Henry D. Kino , arrested in Utah on
the charge of anon in England , sailed
from New York for London.
In the Now York house tha congres
sional apportionment bill presented by the
democrats passed to second reading. It
elves the republicans 15 districts ; the
; democrats 13.
Woodfcrd and Clark , who robbed the
county safe at Foray the , Mo , , have been
, captured. Half the stolen money was re
, covered.
- A company of soldiers from Fort Gibson
, have gone out to arrest the belllgsrent
- Creeks In Indian territory. Troops from
, Fort Reno will co-operate ,
. Reports continue to arrive in Halifax
from all sections of damage from freshets.
The aggregate damage will bo most serious ,
The deficit of Ray , late bookkeeper of
the Merchant anU Planters' bank , of
Montgomery , is placed at $00,000.
, Tbo New Route to the Coast
8pcUI Dispatch to Tni 11" .
ST. LOUH , March 22. The new
route from St Louis to San Francisco
via the St. Louis and San Francisco
railroad to Halstead , Kansas , the At-
chlsoD , Topeka & Santa Fe to Alba-
; ; qnorqno , New Mexico , the Atlantic &
Paolfio to the Needles on the Colorado
| : | river , Arizona , and the Southern Pa
; cific to Ban Francisco , is expected to
bo in complete operation by May 1st.
This line will bo 300 miles shorter
than the present one via Demlng , and
promises to become very popular all
season * of the year ,
- '
* Tk Floods at Halifax.
. .
8peUl Dispatch to Tns Uu.
HAIJJUX , March 22. The latest
' reports from throughout the country
give statements of widespread inun
< dation and disaster by freshets. The
Halifax and Capo Breton railway la
seriously damaged , losing a number
- of brldgoa , Sherbrooke is flooded
and norno buildings swept away.
; : Families have moved to the upper
, stories of dwellings. All mining has
. coaaod and till small bridges have boon
oiirlod awny.
- Hsn Butler null His Councillors.
Spoclal Dlnpatcli to Tun DBS
, March 22. The Herald
. sayn ot the intotlng ot the executive
o. : council to Jftj : Governor Butler and
hla oonftltutionul advisors hud a short ,
, but lively imvtlnoo. The govornor'n
nomlnoo f _ ir Insurance commissioner ,
Noah A. PJyraptou , roportcd present.
, , Tno nomination w.\i taken from the
- table and rejected by a utrlotly party
vote , 7 to 1. Then the governor it
1 Bald to have remarked gtuflly | "It bo-
2k' oomcemy | ( Inly to nominate a now oan <
k' dldato for insurance commissioner ; 1
; therefore nominate Noah A. Plymptou
of Worcester. " So saying the qoy
ernor withdrew. It is said by man.
to aging democratic politicians that the
, governor will stand by Plympton , and
- eminent republican authority assure )
the Herald that seven repnblloin
Offices and parlors over the new Omaha
National Bank , 13th , between Farnam
and Douglas Streets.
A , S. ISHELAT1 ] , I , D. , - PROPRIETOR.
Dr. Fishblatt can ba Oonsnltod Every Day Except Fridays and
and Saturdays , these two Days lei e devoted to fits Dispensary
at Dos Jfloines , .Iowa. Hpeoial attention given to diseases of the
And Female Diseases as well as All Glironio and Rorvous Diseases
Has Jlicov red the greatest euro In the world ( or weakness ol the back and limbs. Involuntary
llcbargrs , linpotency , gtncril dctil Ity , nerrouanrns , languor , contusion ol Ideas , palpltttlonof th
if art , timidity , trembling , Ulmncfs ol sight or glddlncn * , ditto itcs ol the head , throat , ROSO or skin
flcctioni ot Uu liver , lutign , stomach or bowels thoiioterillilc disorders arising Ircm so Itary hab-
Us oluu h , ml secret tirictl on more fatal to the \lctlms lean the sonis ot Hyrens to the marin
ers cl uljnni , blighting tliclr moitrhllant hopei or ntlilpattoni , rendering mtrrla e ImpOMlbl *
Thwo Ui-t are tiinerinn from the orll pracUcoi which ilojtroy their monuland pnyslcal systemi
flic djmptlnuol which are a ihilldl8tres 9 < l mind , which unfits them from porfnrmlng their baM-
nc s and I KU ! duties , makes happy marriage lni | ois ble , dl < tri ica the not on ol Uio heart , causing
lluthcsot heat , da ntnlono ! splrl't , ev.l tjrobxlini ; ' . co nnlico ( e ri , droinii , nvulMt nights ,
dlutursi , tirgctilno , unnatural dlschkrgts , i > al.In the back and ) hips , hort breathing , melan
choly , tire caMly ot company and Imv rret' rcnc to bo alone , toollni ; ai tired In tbo in irnlng M
when retiring , smilnU wi akncsi , lost manhood , white bono deX | lt In tha urine , rervoumow. con-
iitlon ol thouiht treinldlnir. , watery and weik cjes , d\iM | > riila'constlp < tlon , p\leneM , pvlnand
woaknuis In the limbs , etc. . ihould consult ma immealttolyandboreitoroj to poiitoi health.
become victims ol solitary rice , that dreadful and destructive hih't whlch'annually
wcrpn Man untimely gra\o thauiunds cf > oung man of exMtcd ulant and brilliant Intellect who
mUhtothcrwIto entrance listening ronatora with the thunder * of thtlr eloquence or wake toecsta-
cy the llrlng lyre , may call with full conddcnco.
Uarrled persons or roupg trcn contemplating t * rra e bo aware of physical weakness , loss ol
procrcatlxo power , linnotoncr , oiany other illsquallflca'loo speellly relieved. Ho who places him *
mlf u idcr the care of lr. Flili il t may rell { toujly coiiuda In his houor as a gentleman , and confl-
dcntly rely upon his still as a phy ilclan.
Immediately cured and full rigor restored. This UliSr swing amis lo- which renders life a burden
and ruairlago Iropops'blo , Is the penalty paid by the vlcllm tor improper Indulgence. Younspooplo
aroap' to couirrlt excrtan fiOTi not being awar o * the dreiutui consequencei that may esu * .
rv ow who that understands this subject will deny that procr-atlon la lost sjoner by these falling
Into Into improper habits than by prudent ! Ilosldes belngdoprlv d of the pltaiuro of h.aHhy ofl.
spring' , the most serious and dtstructlvo symptoms of both body anl mind arise. The system becomes -
comes dorangtd , thephjslcal and raenta' ' functions weaken ; Louof procrcatlvo powers , nervous
Inability , djspepsla , palpitation of the heart , Indigestion , ( constitutional debility , wasting ol the
frame , cough , consumption and death.
Persons ruined In health by unlraJned pretenders who keep them trill ng month alter mont
Uklngpolionouaaud Injurious compounds , should apply Immediately.
graduate of one of the mcit eminent colleges of the tmlted States , his eft < cted some of thi molt
astonishing cures that were e > el known ; many troubled with ringing In the ears and head , when
asleep , great ncnousnois being alarmed at certain sounds , with frequent blushing , attended som
times with derangement of the mind wore cured Immediately.
Tlr. F. addresses all those who have tnlnred themselves by Improper Indu'gonca'andsolitirj
habits which ruin both body and mind , unfitting them for business , study , society or marriage.
Ihesoaro Bomeot the raclanchtlyefficts produced bytho early habits of youth , vl : Weak-
ne < s of the back and llmbu , pains In the head and dimness of sight , lots of muscular power , palpi
tation of the heart , dyspepsia , nervous Irritability , derangement of digestive functions , debility ,
consumption , etc.
CONSULTATION FKKK. Charges moderate and wlthlu the reach of all who need slentlOo
Medical treatment. Thoio who rca do at a distance and cannot call , will receive prompt attention
through mall by simply sending thler sjmptoins with pottage.
Audrces Lock Box 31 , Omaha , Nob- _
ouuolllora vtlll ncTor rooodo fiomyos
ordny'a vote.
A oily democratic politician , who
as always been clanged SB an old
Indr , says the governor will find there
8 hotter lack In nominating Ronulno
Chicago Kepnbllcanr.
pedal Dispatch to Till 1J
OIIIUA.OO , March 22. The republi
can city convention appointed n ccm-
mlttou to confer with the Itdopond-
onto.Tho republican comralttoo mot the
committee from the Independents noon
after adjournment and remained In
conference the entire afternoon. They
mot again to-night and adjourned at a
lata hour , without reaching an agree
ment. R. T. Orano , Independent
candidate for mayor , has agreed to
wlthdray In case the conference could
harinoulzg on uomo ono clao.
Jonn Brown's \Pngon.
Special Dispatch to Tin Uis.
WEST LIDKIITY , la. , March 22. H.
3. Falrall , editor of the Iowa Ilcpnb-
lei , bought at auction In the Quaker
lattlcmout here to-day the old wagon
n which John Brown used to carry
runaway negroes from Mlmourl and In
whiott the arms used at Harper's Ferry -
ry were brought to thin place and
whipped ns carpenter's tools. It will
bo used QB a delivery wagon.
TUenColletrn Bred Burjjlar
Special Dispatch to Tin llm.
Last night at midnight tliroo boys un
der 1C , students of Wubanh college ,
were arrcatod for setting fire to the
south hall of the college Sunday night.
They confessed , and alao Bald they
broke Into a store In the oily the past
six weeks and sot it on firo. All were
admitted to ball In $3,000 each.
A Knee A { faction.
p iUl Dispatch to Tns Bis.
ToitOHTO , March 22. The governor
general has received an nfQslal d la-
patch stating that the queen is t utterIng -
Ing from a Blight wound In the knee ,
but will soon be well.
Who wnnt glossy , luxuriant
mid vrnyy tresses abundant ,
licaulit'ul ICair must use
LYON'S KATllAlllON. This
elccant , cheap article always
iiuiKOH the llafr grow freely
and fast , keeps it from falling
out , arrests ami cures grayness -
ness , removes daiidruir and
itching , makes the Hair
strong , giving it a curling
tendency and keeping it in
any desired position. Beau
tiful , healthy Hair is the sure
result of using Katlmiron.
tn * . oO-IUi , CthorSthp ,
Is a roeltlvo Cure
ftr nil I'Mnftil CompUUU end WeaVnnMI
| I ommoa to aur but female popaUtlon.
jk Medicine for Woman. InTtntedbf a Womat >
| , Prepared by a Woman.
n OnttNl HKiltil DliMTcrSlxtU * Dt < ( Hl t.
I t rItn > TlTe th drooping splriti , Inrlgoratei n
hinnonlron ' ( ho oreanla functions , elres clutlcltr u4
/Irrnnew to the stop , rwtorw the natural liutre M th
; jro , and plants on the paloohook of woman the froik
imct of llfe'a iprinir and early summer tlrao.
tT-phtilclan * Uio II and Prescribe It Freely.-d
j I It rcmuvog folntnciw , flatulency , dwtrors all cra ln <
for stimulant , and reUoroa wcakneu of tbo itomaobv
| Th t focllntf of bearing down , causing- pain , weight
and tiackaclio , la always permanently cured by Its ui * U
Far tbo euro of Kidney Complaint * ofcltber MI
tblt Compound U unsarpaued. ,
'will eradlcalo every YiittlKo of Humors from tbj
JllooJ , and Klro tonu and ttrcnath to the syitcm , a
fit ti woman or child * Imtlut on uavlnff It. t
I Both the Compound and Blood Purifier are prepare *
atznandZUWcutern Arcnuo , I.jnn , Miuu , Price at
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