THE DAJL.Y . BJl K OMAHA FK DA * MAllOJbL 23 TRUE Temperance Is not signing a pledge or taking a solemn oath that cannot be kept , because of the non-removal of the cause liquor. The way to make a man temperate is to kill the desire for those dreadful artificial stimulants that car ry so many bright intellects to premature graves , and desolation , strife and unhappiness - happiness into so many families. Itisafactl HRO\VN'SRON BITTERS , a true non-alcohol * ic tonic , made in Ilaltimorc , Melby the Brown Chemical Company , who are old drug , gists and in every particu lar reliable , \\ill , by remov ing the cra\ing appetite of the drunkard , and by curing the ncroutness , weakness , and general ill health result ing from intemperance , do more to promote temperance , in the strictest sense then any other means now known. It is a well authenticated fact that many medicines , especially 'bitters/ are noth ing but cheap whiskey vilely concocted for use in local option countries. Such is not the case with BROWN'S I RON BITTERS. It is a medi cine , a cure for weakness and decay in the nervous , muscular , and digestive or gans of the body , produc ing good , rich blood , health and strength. Try one bet tle. Price gl.oo. PALLET. & HOES , . Western Agent * , Ufa ) c tto , Indiana. REVERSIBLEHEELS HEELS -FOR- Rubbcr Boots and Boots and Shoes OF ALL KINDS. 50 PEROTS" The center plecel Ma Interchangeable and re- venlble. U preventi the counter ( rom running ore' , requiring no heel etlHencra. The Agency ( or theeo goods In this town h been plii w Othcri c nnot procure them. Call nd xamlno a full line ot [ Leather and . .Candec" Rubber Booti and BhociJJilth ; He Utt.UlU.1. MUfl , it 1-K'lfcj0 , , ? ' , , ilrful Nob- 31-3m V I > ? - CORSETS Every Corset la warranted iatli > taotory to Its vcnror In every way , or the money will bo refunded by the person from wbomltwai bought. .XtttonlyOoraetpronounced by our Imillncr pltyitcUa dMtlnlorlou * to ihewMiw , oodendnrncdliy Udlr * " ' inoit comfortable ana perfect UtttiiK Conet T XMlth PrcurTlnff. tl.ttO. Belf.AdJu.UoK , laU < eiUi hwiTj ) B.OO. Jiunlmg , tl.BI l reMrvU ( B ratiltl ) .00. VWM I eklrt-Hupportlnr. 1.50. m r Mle by I M ItcUU I > Un eTtrywkn OniOAQO OOBSCV CO , , Chicago , Uk APURUY VECEIABU REMEDY COMPOUND ( UnitOF POKE ROOT. PHICKLV THE EAST RIVER BRIDGE Facts and Flaum About tli Great Iron Link Belwoon Now York and Brook lyn. * . Marvel of Engineering Skill "Qtth" In tto Cincinnati Kmiultcr , I wont over the Brooklyn brldgo to day , which is not to bo opcnud for about tire mouths , find is just passable for an adventurer. It la anaponslon bridge , the span botwoeu the towers being 1,000 foot , or nearly a third i'f a mile. The span between the towern at Cincinnati Is 1,057 feet , so that the Now York span la about ono-thlrd lonpcr. The approaches to- the Now York brldgo supported by the cables are 1)10 ) foot long each , but beyond the snchoragou thuro arc hugo cause- wnya above the two cities of about 1,300 foot long on the Now York side , and about 850 foot on the Brooklyn side. The whole brldgo , therefore , as I walked it to-day going In at the gate in Brooklyn , which Is rather on the top of n hill , to the gate where I came out opposite the City Hall park , Now York was 5,054 foot , or con aldorably moro than ono mile , This gtvoa you a prettygood idea of the arldge. Some of the largest bridges .n the world are only a milo , llko that at Columbia over the Sutquohanna river. No suspension brldgo In the world boars an proportion to this East river bridge , citherin length , weight , cost , or general character and appearance. It is a glgantlo monument , or rather two such monuments , connected by a stupendous not , and approached by tremendous viaducts. The approaches , ojpeclally on the Now York aide , are magnificent , being madeof granite and brick , the parapets In howngranlto cut In great sizes , "and the gallarles howu out of the solid stone. The fall length of the Cincinnati , brldgo from where it enters In Oovlngton to where yon leave it in Cincinnati is put down by Mr. Roobllng as 2,252 foot. The principal problems before the bridge builder wore to gat his piers down in this deep water , and to ratio the money out of two jealous aud rather corrupt cities to oairy on the work. Great coffer dams had to bo made and caissons sunk , not only through the water , but through the quicksand and ether deposits on the bottom to bed rook. I think that those two huge towers , which now seem to bo connected with the shore , bat were not so originally , stand something llko eighty feet under the level of the tldo , while they rise above it about 270 feet. The towers , therefore - fore , are something like 350 foot high from where they begin under thi river to where they end , higher in thi air than almost any steeple , she tower , flag staff , or ether objoot in either city. Take either of thesi towers and sot them beside the Wash logton monument , which Is to bo eve 500 foot high , and they would b Boven-tonths of its height , and a grea deal moro effective in breadth. Each tower , aa It stands up an down stream , la 134 feet at the hot torn , by 5G feet wide. This Is i prodigious mass of masonry. Th cubical quantity of atone in the twi towers U said to bo nearly 03,000 cubic yards. The towers are not built solid , but hollow , an4 at tholr sum- U aR ° "l | bove their foundations , tBejruel'JOfett. . . < .i bx fotly fee thick. Yon could , "m-ft ° % tMalbaaBto the summit of e oh or tbcio towers two houses tide by aide , each twenty feet wide and extending backward 120 feet. Over thoae Immense towera run four cables , essentially the aamo in appearance and construction aa these at Cincinnati , It ia said that the cables , with the bridge they suspend and all the people , railroad tralna fully loaded , teams , etc. , will weigh 4,753 tons , or In the neighborhood of 10,000,000 pounds , or the weight of nearly 100,000 men of 100 pounds apiece. In short an atmy of 75,000 soldiers , ready for battle , would weigh about as much aa these brldgo towers have to sustain In tholr extremity. The Now York bridge floor la almost eighty feet wide , divided Into five spaces. The brldgo floor Is said to be 118 foot above high water. In ordoi to got on the brldgo I had to walk up a atoep hill from the East river t < i Fourth or Fifth street , and turning It I there at the top of the hill I came ti 1 a huge ornamental Iron house , thi skeleton ot which Is' " just up , am and which seemed to"mo to bo some thing like 100 feet long , and Is to bo I suppose , the depot of the rallroai company crossing the brldgo. A muo smaller uepot la on the Now Yor Ride , and not ao far advanced , Thei earn are to cross on the aoooad ator of the bridge , ao aa to bo above an out of the way , and thai elevated ral road portion b but partly finished. Although the ascent seems very gei tie , It ia like any reformation in llfi however alight , if it ia continued Ion enough it carries a man to a very big altitude. In a very few stops U town , whoao level I had loft , bega s to alnk down , and very aoon ita hlgl cat roof are far below mo. As I a [ preached the river , what seemed t be long and broad wharves I found I be the pebbled roof a of warohouioa an factories. I had walked , it seemed i mo , a third of a mile before I disooi V orod the cables at all , they droppin below the brldgo in order to got th proper dip to scale the towers. 1\ \ the place where the ladder dctcoudo I found a crndo wooden walklntondo I think , for vehicloH , occupying th outside of the bridge. As I nndoi stand , the outside places are fo wagons , the two spaces next wlthii for street cars , and the middle wal for pedestrians , while the cable ral road goes over the top of overythlu in the middle. When I finally came to ono of th great towers It Boomed even loftier an grander when I was within It than i looked from the ferry-boots on th river. There are two magnlQcei Gothlo arches lu each tower , and th utono shaft between them has to au | port two moro cables. To stand wlthl that huge arch of what seemed to b solid atone and look up at the loft keystone made mo dizzy , yet effcctua ly destroyed the last lingering Improi sion that there might bo somethiu unsafe about the support. The towei looked aa if they were almost etorna The cable which ao gracefully atroame out above seemed merely liaka < sausage strung between the houses o friendly Du chruon , lodctd , the iron pendants from the cables scorned d slight and indifferent to their re'sponsi bihty that I Io6kod 'at ' them in some wonder. Hoar ( ho towers , of courio , these rods , which I presume to bo also mode of wire , were very long , and seemed to have the height of a very tall treoor fhg stall" ; then they gradu ally shortened as the bridge ibor rose to the contra , and the cables descended until ono could examine the entire pendant from where it clasped the cable like a human hand , with biota In the wrist , to where It seized the truss below let a proat U-shaped hook of stool , on the thread of which the nuts had been woiked down In some cases to the length of two or throe foot , To look at the boats of all dctcrlp tiona passing underneath was to fool at once timid and have an exaggerated sense of distinctness. Every object on their docks , every function of life , the moving of n cat or a dog , the long stride of a sailor , or the width apart of the foot of the man at the tiller , Boomed very curious , while there waa yet a propensity not to look. The big steam ferry boats , which always seemed BO still before , wore now seen to rock as It they wore on a high sea The movement of the top of a mast as it rolled with the vessel Boomed to de scribe an are of remarkable length. Lirge schooners wont underneath , and their masts yet socmad to bo nowhere near. Another world was oxpoeod from the centre of the brldgo. The prominent objects which I had boon familiar with in the two cities wore hardly visible on account of the dis tance ; while the larger sugar refiner- los , manufactories , and institutions I hardly knew of arose prodigiously. Yet so broad , solid , and substantial wna the work that ho who kept his eyes DfF the water below him iolt as secure there as if ho hdd boon in the middle jf Bomo turnpike. Although this irldgo has cast something llko $14- )00,000 ) , it shows very much of that nonoy , particularly when one consld- ira that in the two cities Bornothing Iko three quarters of a mile of the nest valuable property to the width > f eighty to one hundred feet had to > o bought outright for approaches. After I came out of the western ; ewer and entered Into" Now York proper , I f olt somewhat that I must lave crossed the Atlantic ocean , BO peculiar wore the sensations of having irison out of a city I had visited bun Ireda of times , and gene through the lr like a bird and comedown In Now York without touching a boat of any kind. The magnificent height of the buildings In Now York struck me at once as compared with the plain edi fices of Brooklyn. 1 Boomed like ono who had como down a ravine , and suddenly found himself surrounded by tall mountains. A I looked up at snob edifices as The Tribune building , the Morse building , the Kelly build ing , all of which eoemed to stand guard around the bridge , I observed that two of the most conspicuous sentries - trios upon this royal pathway wore the now office of The Police Gazette , and a tremendous building where they publish the Seaside Libraries that have done ao much to spoil good cooks and housekeepers , and destroy any native literature. Although I wont over thlfl brldgo In March weather , I did not percolve that the air waa at all strong , and it occurred to me that It woufd make one of the most beautiful promenades in the world for persons wanting good air , good sunlight , aud freshing , varl * gated scenes. From that height the rlvor below becomes aa blno and soft surface made by river s some delicious variation of the tint , while the forms of boats , the Balls , the flags , the Infinite variety of forma attending the river craft hero give the mind a real holiday. An Essay on Bolter Skates. Larttnle Doom t rung. The roller skate Is a wayward little quadruped. It IB as frolicsome and moro Innocent looking than a Iamb , but for Interfering with one'a upright attitude in the community It Is per hapa the boat machine that has appeared poarod in Salt Lake City. One's first feeling on standing up 01 a pair of roller skates is an uncon trollable tendency to come from to gothor. One foot may start ou toward Idaho while the ether ai promptly strikes out for Arizona. 'Thi legs do not stand by each other as let ; ! related by blood should do , but eacl showB a disposition to sot up in busl ness alone , and leave yon to take car ! of yourself as best yon may. Thi awkwardness of this arrangement 1 apparent. While they are setting 'n | Independently , there Is nothing fo yon to do but to sit down and awal future developments. And you hav to sit down , too , without hivln made any previous preparation for II and without having devoted aa mnc thought to It as yon might hav done had you been consulted in th matter. Ono of the most noticeable things i a skating rink Is the strong > ttraotlo between the human body and the floe of the rink. If the human body ha boon coming through space for day and days , at a million miles a aeoonc without stopping at eating station : and not excepting Sundays , when I strikes the floor wit could nuderitan why it struck the floor with BO mno violence. As It IB , however , the thin IB inexplicable. There are different kinds of falls I vogue at the rink. There are tb roar falls and front fills , the Oardlm Wolsoy tall , the fall ono across tb other , throe In a pile , and so 01 There are some of the falls that would llko to bo excuied from dosorll Ing. The rear fall IB the favorite. ] is moro frequently utilized than an othor. There are two positions i skating , the perpendicular and tli horizontal. Advanced skaters preft the cerpondlcular , while others affei the horizontal. Skates are no respecters of personi They will lay out a minister of th Qospol or the mayor of the city i readily as they will a short-coatee one-suspender boy , or a giddy girl , When ono of a man's foot starts fc Nevada and the ether for Ooloradc that does not separate him from th floor or break up his fun , Other poi tlons of his body will take tbo plac his feet have just vacated , with promptnesa that is surprising. An ho will find that tha fun has just be gun for the people looking on , The equipments for the rink are pair of skates , a cushion , and a bottl of Unlinent. ' OOOIDDN 1'AL JoTTIiNQb. COLORADO. The wnrklnijnjcn of Denver have put up tlokft for the municipal flection soon to bo held there The permanent exposition building nt Denver l > prononncid to be tqn l to tbosa o ! Chicago , 1'ltUburg and Cludnnatl. The city council of O ilden have awarded the contract lor the cowtructlon of a1 fire engine 11011,6 In that town fet a cost of $2,000 The Cattle drowers1 anoclatlon of the Htato met last week at Denver to arrnnge for the collection of money due stock men fiom the rallroadi fur killing cattle. ThB grand army commanders at Denver are in dally receipt < f numerous letters from vaiiouH parti of tile country , which 1 > romlno large delegations to the coining national encampment to be held there. Dunne the holding of the exposition lu Denver Urick Ponuroy will circulate 35 , . 000 coplo * each week of his p i > er the Democrat. This will be Hone to advt > rtlso Colorado throughout the United States. The new consentratlon and reduction works which will be erect'd this year mnr Anlmas Foiks will be very complete lu every detail. The amount i > f capital to be Invested IR 100,000 and every cent will he spent to make the works tLe best In the state. The City National bank of Denver moved Into new quarters last week. By some luithap the ojmbluatlon lock of the vault I ecame out of gear and fur three days tha bank did business on funds pp. Id in by depositor * , and alto had $57,000 sur plus when the oafe was opened. DAKOTA. A mnn living In Iowa will soon start a large manufectory of stub , deere , blind * , tto , in Ilnuld City. Tbo ground has already bean selected for the buildings. A child died last week In Dead wood from eatlnp poisnned buffalo meat. 8 > mo per son bad picked the animal up en the range , where it had been left by hunters for the purpose of poisoning wolves , nnd brought It to town nod sold it with the above rteult. The reports are encournglog from the mlnen In the vicinity of Harney's Peak. The Grizzly Bear , at. Elmo and several utters are developing well and the pros pect * are good for an Influx of people to the district. MONTANA. The capital stock of the First national bunk at Helena has been increased from 5100,000 to 8300 , 000. A thron story building U to bo erected at White Sulphur springs. The masonic craft will build it and occupy the third story. The recent session of the legislature cott f 10,891) ) , not including the cost of printing the laws and journals , which remains yet to be doiio. Lewis and Clark county Is about to re fund 390.000 cf Its debt at G per cent in terest. The interest now drawn is consid erably higher. An election will be held in the new county of Yellowstone for the purpose of electing county officers on the second Monday in April. The new smelter at Hughesvllle has been compelled to shut down on account of not being able to secure sufficient fire brick for the furnaces. It is announced that Fort Ellis Is to be made a finj company post. Also that two companies will bo detailed for service in the Nat ion \1 park this summer. The Bczeman Pass tunnel b progressing satisfactorily , over 500 feet feet bavini ; already been excavated on the eastern side , The w-est end is not being pushed so rap- ly. ly.The The Into legislature of Montana passed u act creating a cheep commission for the urpnso of examining into the different diseases common to this class of stock and devising means of cure. The commissioners of Silver How county have appropriated $10,000 for the purchase of laod whereon to erect county buildings. Two locations are in view , consequently he site has yet been determined. WYOMINU. well know a passenger -l H .U.t w < .V / Pine Bluffs whlla jlWKDtiijg to couple two can. can.An An aged Frenchman named M. Bon- tenge waa found dead In the water closet of an emigrant car at Laram'.o ' City ono day last week , The bridge across Bear river near Evanston - ton Ii nearly finished. When the work is completed travel In that locality will be greatly facilitated. The sum of $10,000 was recently sub scribed In Cheyenne for the erection of anew now Congregational church. The amount Is regarded tnfilclent to commence work on and building operations are going forward , Letters received at Laramle City from Greeley , Colorado , whither BUI Nye , the funny man of the west , went some time since In search of health , Indicate that he is xwh better and likely soon to be well again , A party of Indians from one of the Northern reservations made a hunting tour through Wyoming last fall and winter caught them far away from borne. They were snowed In in the Little Powder river country and are there yet , MISCELLANEOUS. The heavy fogs are helping the cropa In San Mateo county , California. It la expected that trains on tbo Oregon vhort line will be tunning tp the Wood lllver mines in Idaho by the 1st ot April , Pyramid Lake , Nevada , baa a monster , like alligator or teal that devours trout by the wholesale. A hunt for him la to be or- OgdenUtab , la soon to have a reducUoE and sampling works for the reduction and e sampling of ona. They will be erected by a Chicago firm. A man named Keeaee , a pioneer of Ben ton connty acd a veteran of the Indiar war of 1855-50 , died recently near Cor valid , Oregon , AtPortltnd , Oregon , recently a hone and cart fell down an embankment 1H feet deep. The hone eioaped uninjured but the eart WM amothert to plecei. John 0. Dnnbar , the alleged defaultlnj treasurer of Uochlaa county , Arizona , haj been bound over In the turn of $10,00 ( ball to await the action of tin grand jury He embetiled (15,000. The exlitlng drought has seriously crip pled buaineta in Colnsa county , California and hundreds of people will have to ml ijrate In a short time. Already farmer are netting what stock they can , are an driving the remainder to the mountain for feed. Crop reports from every sectionIn ! Walli WMIa , Columbia , Harfiefd and Whitmai countlei , in Washington Territory , am Umatllla county , Oregon , place the over age fall sown wheat 83 per cent , gieate than last year , not 1 per cent , of whlcl waa damaged by cold. The conditionsJo sprlntf eo\vlng were never better. In WII lamette valley nearly all the fields affectei by the freeze have been reaown. A Quick Recovery- It gives us great pleasure to state tha the merchant who was reported being a the point of death from an attack of Pneu monla , haa entirely recovered by the un ofDH. WM. HALL'S BALSM JTO1 THE LUNGS. Naturally be feels grate ful for the benefits derived from using thi remedy , tor the lungs and throat ; and ii giving publicity to this statement wo an actuated by motives of public benefaction trusting that others may be benefitte < In a similar manner. On s Je by all UTUR gists. write the MM , Hlf you are not married , rlage Fund and Mutual Trust Associa tlon , Cedar lUpIda , Iowa , for clrcuUr oxpUlnlng the plan. fMffl A BARGAINS Houses LOTS , Farms , . Lands- BEMiS ISth&DouglasSt. HOUSES AND LOTS , No. 19 Full ot aud new house , Hflrooms , two below and one up stairs. Eight foot celling below and t oven above. Brick foundation , collar , etc. A bargain , $ GOO. Mo. 18 Large two story house , 10 rooms , two largo cellars , good well and cistern , barn , etc. , on Wt bster and 22d street , W.OOO. Mo. 17 Lot 60x185 feet , new house of two rooms brick foundation 100 barrel cistern Jon llamllton street near Poor GlarcConventl' p. No. IS House and lot on 17th near Ola V. St. house 0 roomi etc. 81200. No. 15 House of 3 rooms Mil lo on Pierce St near Iflth $1600 No. 21 New houseot 7 ro corner lot , half milo west of Turntable treet can on Sail dcrsBt. JlOOO. No. 5 House of eight oun etc. lot 60x165 feet 2500. Vacant Lots. No. 252 Two full lots on 19th Street near Lake St. 81GOO. No. 351 Twenty five lots In Parkers addition Just north of the end of red street car line liOO each easy terms. No.850 Four lots on Delaware Bt. near nans- corn paik , (660. No. 831 One half lot on South avenue , near Bt. Mary's avenue , 1660. No. MO Eighteen (18) lote on list , 22nd , 23rd oB SsWetel1'161 DeaT Grcoi500ecll' n(1 No , 348 Six beautiful residence lots on Cather ine street , near Uanscom park , $4,600. Twelve beautiful residence Iota on Hamilton street , near end of old streetcar track ; high and lightly , $360 to rzOO. Several acre and half acre corner lots on Cum- Ing , Burt and California streets , In Lowe's second end addition and Park Place near Academy ot Sacied Heart. Lots In "Prospect Place" on Hamilton and Charles street , Jutt west of the end of Bed Street Cartiack and Convent of the Bisters of Poor lUre , one and one halt mile from postofflce , and me mile from (7. P. shops , (160 to 9500 each , > nly 6 per cent down and B per cent per month Lots In Lowe's addition mile west of nd of Red Street Car track near Convent of 'oor CUre Sisters In Shlnn'a addition , | 12C to $300 each , and on very easy terms. Lota la Horbach's 1st and 2nd additions , Ihinn's , Park Place , Lowe's 2nd addition. Ilizan's Lake's , Nelson's , lUnscom Place , Redlck's ad- lltlons , etc. , ete. Lots In "Credit Fonder addition" Just one- _ uarter mile south-east of Union Pacific and B. andM. R. B. depots , $250 to $ l,600each , very easy terms. Business Lots. ree good business lot ) on Dodge | neaiJ12tb itreetree t 22x120 tent each , 91,600 each , orlMOfoi all , easy terms. Two good business lots on Farnam street , 33z 66 feet each , ' with frame building * thoronrenting tor about $600 per year each ; price 94,250 each , 41x132 feet on Famam near fOth street , cornet 912.000 Splendid Warehouse lot on Union PaclfTo right of way , north of track and east of Nail Worka being 132 feet north frontage on Mason street , by about 100 foot weal fron.we on 16th St. Farms a \ wild lands In Douglas , Sarpy , Dodge , Washington , Burt , Wavne , Sunton , and other good counties In easternNebraskafor sale Taxes paid , rents collected , an ! money loaned on Improved city and countryjproperty at ilon rates of Interest. BEMIS' NBW | CITY MAPFOUI | FEET WIDE AND SEVEN FBE1 LONG , WITH EVERY ADDI TION RECORDED OR OONTEM PLATED UP TO DATE. ' 'OFFI OIAL MAP OFi.THE CITY. ' EACH , $5.OO GEO. P BEMIS , Real Estate Agency , 15th and Douglas St STEELE , JJHHSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Beat Brands of CIGARS AM ) MANUFACTURED TOBAOOO , Igoiffi for CBHWODD NAILS AP LAFLIH & BAND PDWLEE CO. -DEALERS US- HALL'S SAFE M Fire and Burglar f 1020 Far n ham Street , - - 2SnE3O ; _ A _ ANHEUSER-BUSGH Brewing Association , CELEBRATED KEG & BOTTLED HEEL THIS EXCELLENT BEER SPEAKS FOR ITSELF , Orders from any part of the State or the Entire West will be promptly shipped : All Our Couds arc Made to the Standard or our Guarantee. GEORGE HEMMING , Sole Agent for Omaha and the West. Office Corner 13th and Harney Str OMAHA CORNICE WORKS. RUEMPENTG & BOLTE , Proprietors. Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers MANUFACTURERS OF ' Ornamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Iron Sky Lfghte , Eto , . . . . 310- South Twelfth . Street , - - - - - OMAHA. NEB. mar 7-mon-wed-f ri-mc. PERFECTION IN HEATING AND BAKING la only attained by using CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges.0 WITH WIRE IfAUZE OVER DOORS , For aale by MILTON ROGERS & SONS The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRY HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant 2Tew Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IK TDK WEST I General Agents for ther Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Moitern Manufacturer and Dealer , Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinw y , Chickerinpr , Knabe , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and otbi r makes. Also Clough & War on . , Sterling , Imperial , Smith \t \ American Organs , &c , Do ; ' not fail 10 aee us before | purchasing. | MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW 8AS 3. A Large Stock always on Hand. & On Long Time Small Payments AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. A. IIOSI'E , JR. , 1519 Dodge , Omaha ,