THE UAlLY BEE : WEDNESDAY MARGtf 21 The Daily Bee. Wednesday Morning , March 21. Weather Report ( The following observations wore taken at the same moment of time at the stations mentioned. ) WAR Dnr'r U. 8 Sumt. SBKTICH. ) OVAIU , I rch20 , ( Il5p. mf ) Pernonal flotloc If this ccmoj to the notice of J. A. Campbell , now traveling In Western Iowa , ho is hereby requested to re port In person at this cilice at once on a matter of importance. A. II. SouEii Business Manager OMAHA BKK. LOOAIi The enow storm brouKht a moro en durable temper Jlure. Candy factory and fruit store for sale. Inquire , 1018 Donel&B , up-stalrn. The snow which covered the ground jeiterday U rai.ldly disappearing , A. F. Hrlgirs , of the U. P. local frolRht department , is rejoicing In the arrival ot a ten pound boy. The "Voices Family" passed through Omaha Monday to play a four week's engagement In San Francisco. den. Howard lectured last evening at AihUnd , under the auspices of the G. A. K. , upon "The Battle of Gettysburg. " Mr. Howard Kennedy will put up a large and handsome residence this spring , The plans are in tbo hand * of contractor ! . OhM. Stevenson , who assaulted Spe cial OQlcer O. Grady , WM held In the sum of $500 bail for an appearance on Satur day. A telegram received at Bradstreets slates that Jatnoa M , Btrlcklor has beeh appointed receiver of the Exchange bank of Denver. The Insuianco men do not hold night sessions "Wo are not the kind of halr > jinn to overwork oiiraslves1 was tbo way one of < hem put it. Special communication of Covert Lodge No 111 , A K. end A. M. , thli ( Wednesday ) evening for work In thi / first degree. By uuler W. M. Deputy Sheriff Crowell wont out to Florence Monday , nnd citno back with moro prisoners , making seven In all , fo cutting timber on Mr , Parker's land , Most Elegant Easter Cards ntlloupo's , The lovers ot artistic selections know where to i < c > ! They neil rapidly , BO conn early , at lloi o't Art Gallery. The Urge body of Insurance men no where take the cikofor stalwart appear- * nce and general well-to-do aspect. They rank at least next to the railroad conduct on In that ie > pect. A north Omaha blacksmith named Elliott IIM left for parts unknown , hli landlady and grocerymtn being the chic mourners. Elliott's wife and family nn uppoied to have followed him. A childless married couple of Oak dale , Neb. , desire to adoptastout , health ; girl , ten or twelve years , old. Any perso knowing of such a chll J , who U In need o * > good home , to requested to address K , 1' McCormtok , OakdtJe , Neb , The IU. Rev. Ulshop Clarkson wl ! make his annual visitation to St. Philip chapel on Wednesday evening , March the 21 , and administer the rite of confirma tion , service beginning at 7:39 : p , m , W. A , Green , pastor. Under the new registration laws the residence of each voter mutt bo placed on the list , and the power given to the regis trar to put down the names cf such as bo knows to be voters In his ward will nut help out very many who do net nt'.ond to registration in person. " Hollow " home of "Hppr , the cosy Mr. and Mrs. J. N. U. Patrick , was the scene of pleasant affair Monday n largo number of their friends assembling to aid in the celebration of their silver wedding nnnlvdrmy. Congratulations s were warm nu 1 hearty. Bishop Tuoaiaa liuiman , of the Kvau. gellcal Mstclatloii , will preach at thu Emanual'a church en Dod o , between Twelfth and Thirteenth ttceets , on the 2Gtb of March , 7:30 a , m. , In Gormiu language , and all German friends are re- upectfully invited to attend , In'Judga Beneke'a court yesterday one man wa seat to j ll for Intoxication and James Kflley , a auspicious character , was held for further examination. Three pros titutes were fined $5 and costs each and two of their mile patron ? (1 ° and costa eicb for being Inmates of a disorderly houie. The performanoa Riven by Gallendor'a Consolidated Minstreli Monday was tbo rmat perfect of the kind ever given la this city. The crowded house which greeted the company went home with sides aching from laughter and voted all other minstrel troupes who htvo visited BB nowhere com. pared with thli. The teamsters will hold their ar meeting at Tlvoll ball Wednesday , ch 21st. Uy order of M. Murphy , Secy , The examinations of the medical col lege are over , and were very aatUfactorj to the faculty. The 28th is the date ol their commencement. The worklngmoa's central committee met Monday and transacted contlilerabli ) Important business. The workinguien arc requested to elect de'egatea subject to the call of the convention , la ljyd' opera houie to-night Dr , II. W. Thomai , of Chicago , lectnrei on "Doubt" Fair divine i have achieved so great a reputation for liberal thought and convincing oratory. The number of teaU oil and reserved giro Indication that hU reputation M a speaker , If ot with his coune M nchurc'im n , will Mure him a full bouse , Edl G lllR n , who < xi recently n- Unced to thlrtr d y In the county Jill on br d nnd water but waa at hi * own request allowed to leave town on condition that he could not return during 1883 , did not keep bin part of the bargain , an > < bclni ? found here ycstcrd y WAS sent up URaln to lorveout hit time. The March tnoon fulls on the 23d nt 1:20 : o'clock In the afternoon. The full March moon plays an Important part in the affairs of men , For , as the falls three days after the vernal equinox , she dolor- mine * , In accordance with the law , that Kaater shall fall on the following Sunday , the 2.1th , and Kinter In turn determines the other movable feaatu and fasts of the church. The short tlrao intervening be tween the vernal equinox and the full of the moon brings Kaator this joir within three days ol the curliest date tlio fettlvnl can occur , In 1818 Kaetor fell on the 22J of March , the earliest date possible , Such will not be the case again In this or the following century , ONLY THREE YEARS AGO A Chapter from Dr. GuehlnR's Letter BOOK. The following chapter from the letter - tor book of Dr. Gashing , chief mana ger of the Holly Kwlndlo , will bo road with Interest by Douglas county dem ocrats , who arc grlovod and distressed over Dr , Miller's peremptory with drawal from politici und his early re tirement from the editorship of the Herald : OMAHA , April 1st. Holly Manufacturing Co. Ocntlemon ; Mr , Oowoll arrived this morning , and Is busy preparing to lay pipo. Shall got oar advertisements In the papers to-morrow , and commence work Saturday or Monday , lour let ters received , also Mr. Prltchott's , which I have road. Ho Is at Colum bus attending the stnto convention also Dr. Miller. They will return this p. m. 4 o'clock. At 7 wo are to have a caucus of Miller , Pritohel ) , Shelby , Hascull and myself. Everything looks well for carrying the primaries , both republican and democratic , Another car of plpo and specials have arrived today. As Mr. Prltchott Is oat of town , Mr. Co well's case will como off to-morrow. Jadgo Hawos will dismiss It under ordinance 409 , and docldo that wo have a right to lay plpo in the streets of Omaha. * * * Roopectfnlly , JAMEH T. CnsiiiNO. April 2d , . 1880. The Holly Manufacturing Co. : GENTLEMEN I have received your letter of the 30th and have not much to write except surmise. As things look I fear wo shall bo compelled to drop Hascall , and am of opinion wo shall lot Barney go , as we have a bet tor and moro reliable man in his plsco at loss coat. Miller came homo from the state convention were out and completely demoralized. Ho was elected delegate but seems to bo to make the waterworko fight. Rich ardson , his partner , says ho will bo all right by to-morrow. * * * Wo must help Redman through in the Sixth and have a chance to boatDodgo. The "U. P. " and smoltlrg works are with us in the fight. Will tolegrapl : you night dispatch result of demo oratio primaries , and will write you to-morrow any now thing that may transpire , Bank baluuo" , $007 9 > " > cash on hand , $150 10 th ! : date. 'Respectfully. JAMES T. GUSHING , April 3 J , 1880. To the Holy Uanufa , turlngCompany : GENTLEMAN : The democratic pri maries made nominations last night. Slavon In the First word ; Hartman In Second. Ho will not run , so that loaves Hasoall , with a little aid , snro of his election. Third ward , Blackman - man , who is the smelting works man and waterworks , and Barney , who has an irregular nomination , but will win. Fourth ward , Richards. Wo think ho is water works , but shall bo assured of him before wo assist him , and being made sure wo can elect him. Fifth , Dodge , of whom there is no hope. Sixth , J. E Boyd , strong anti. Boyd wo can boat with Redman , and must Jo to if wo hope to win at all. The republican primaries meet at 5 thla evening , and will nominate Uascall In the Second. The fiuht Is very bitter and acrimonious. Wo nro nominally keeplnsr out of U ; reilly in itdtfp. Dr. Mlllor tind to partyj rJokg all ho daro. * * * The will bo In the Sixth and Fourth. Pcitchott IB mnurging the whole bus- ! nosK end I am keeping out of Bight. * * * After the republican primaries are over , Shelby , PrltchoU , Hascall nnd myeolf will docldo what wo will do nnd ho T to < ] o h. Shall conduct this cimpahju with an little money aa p0 ible > , but It wi 1 b i from the na ture of the eaao quite expensive. * * * Respfclfu'ly , JAMEH T , CUHHINQ. Notification to WorklngmeD. Every trade organization and ovorj unorganized element of labor are here by notified to elect live delegates tc toh represent them in convention , whiob will bo called in the near future by the workiugmon'd central commlttooe , tc pl&oo In nomination candidates foi mayor , city treasurer , city c ( utioll , eto. Notification aa to when the conven tion xlll bo hold will be published nIn duo tlmo over the signatures of the chairman nud ecoiotary of 'the control committed. FOR SALE. . A now eldo-bar , end aprlng top bug gy , made by Snyder and took firal prize at the Etnto fair last fall ; nevci used and will bo nold low. Apply al Wooleru NowBpjper Union , cor. 12th and Douglas st. ( eb28ai&otf Wo hvo In tranolt a choice stock ol Top or Button , Yellow Bottom and White Bottom Onion Sots , which rent will sell at eastern prices. Shipment will arrive Saturday. Wo ore readj for your order. m20-me 2t itMiu.4up & COOPER WAGONS have arrived. Practical experience demonstrates and proves them tht cheapest In the market for rea eorvloo. ' For Bale at F. D. COOPER & Go's , THE CITY COUNCIL. Appointment if Judges and Olerks of Election , Thn Bolt Road Ordinance Signed , Sealed and Accepted. AIargo Quantity of Rcutlnn Unit- neil Disposed Of. At the regular mooting of the city council last evening there were pres ent : Messrs. Baker , Bohm , Oorby , Dellono , Dnnham , Loodor , McGuokln , O'Kcefe , Thrano and President pro torn Kanfmann. The journals of the preceding meetIngs - Ings were road and approved. rETlTIONS ANDCOMMONIOATION8. From the Mayor : Approving cer tain ordinances Including that for the Woodman oil worko traok. Filed , I From the Mayor : Nominating the following judges and clerks of election : FIRST WARD. Judges M. Sproul nnd Albert and D. Oogan. Clorki laaao Rubin and Thoa. 0. Polio. HECOND WARD , Judges B. II. BafTelt , James R. Sluicral and Jos , Rosonatein , Olorko John Mahoney , Thomas J. Filzraorrla. THIRD WARD Judges John H. Sahlor , David F , Baron and Ed Oook. Olorka-Paul Stein and Matt Hoe ver. FOURTH WARD , Judges J , 8. Wright , John Land- berg and Gostav Anderson. Ulorkn 0. Walstrom and Jerome 0. Ponzel. FIFTH WARD. Judges J. B. Rockenfiold. Brice Yiora and Fred Strootz. Clerks Ezra Shaw nnd Goo. W. Hnmo. SIXTH WARD. Judges Aaron Hooll , E. V. Smith andL. F. Maglnn. Olorkn W. A. Smith and Doe Jones. Oonfirmed. From the Union Pacific railway company accepting the conditions of ordinance No. 573 , granting permis sion to any railway company for the construction of a track to the Wood man Linseed Oil works , Filed , From Wm. Norlander and others , property holders on Walnnt atroot , asking that certain obstruotlona on said street , between Third nnd Fourth Btroota bo removed. The marshal or dered to remove the obstructions com plained of. The application and bond of W. G. MoLood & Co. , for liaoueo aa drain Inyora was referred. The petition of Gco. 0. Hobble and othcra to grndo alley in block 203i without oxpmiBo to the city and under the Buparvislon of the city engineer was referred. From property OTrnorn on Izirc street asking pormleslon to grade for sldowalks was referred , A number of bills were road and ro forrod. The report of the city engineer h regard to the grading of Sixteenth street and Sherman avonno aa far north as Elm rtrcot , with certain ro oommondatloiiB waa filed , RESOLUTIONS. That the city ooancll would here after make no allowance of pay to a policeman who failed to pay his debts contracted during the month , LIB for want of signature. By Oorby : Instructing thn city on glnoor to sot grade stakes on Farnam street between Sixteenth and Nine tooenih. Adopted. By McGuokln : To repair side walk oa all lots on west aide of Eleventh street between Donglaa and Daven port within fifteen days , Adopted and referred to the board of public works By Oorby : To repair several side walks. Adopted. By Bohm : To appoint a committe of three to confer with the count ; commissioners in regard to having th' city prisoners work on the streets a needed , llsforred to the judiciary committed , By McGucktn : To appropriate ? 20 ( from the prlco received for the pes house grounds to employ a compoten person to furnish the city council wltl a complete list of the property owno - by the city , and for the president t appoint a committee cf three to take charge of the matter and recommend a suitable person to do the work. Mr. Dunham wanted the resolution to < mor nn abstract of all th properly owuud by the city nine 1859 1859Mr. Mr. Bohm wanted the abstract t go back to 1850. Mr , Dunham's amendment wn adopted and McGuokln , Bohm ant Dunham appointed as such com mlttoe. By Dunham : Granting the use c the council chamber to any politics party for meetings between now ant h April 3 upon application to the clt marshal by 4 o'clock p. m. By Biker : To allow John Eikan to rtmovo dirt from Montana etrte . to make It pasjabln. Adopted. - By McGuoklu ; Instructing the str ot commissioner to see that a dirty alloys are Immediately cleanet Adopted. By Thranc : Inntruotlng the clt engineer to report all aldonalkn ncoc ing construction or repair In the BOO - end ward , Adopted , REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. On judiciary : In regard to the con Btttutlonallty of the "vUduofblll , an transmitting the opinion of the cit attorney. On judiciary : Instructing the clt treasurer to reduce the asireament o personal property of Charles I ] Sampson , Adopted. On streets and grade * : Reoom mending that a contract bo made nit the county commissioners for the removal moval of the Sixteenth street brldg and grading. Adopted. ORDINANCES An ordinance approving the renal * lions at the board of public work * in relation to exovavatlon and ro lillln of treuches la the streets and alleys c the city of Omaha wu read twloo an < f < rrod with urdors to bare the or- Ininco printed. Tha couacil then adjourned for two A Pnrtlng Trlbuto. The following rosolationn wore ustd by the congregation of tie hrlatian church upon the dopartnro f their late pastor , Ilev. J. W. In > ram. ram.WiiEitKAS , Oar cstoomrd brother , W. Ingram , of the Ohristian chnrch f Omaha , has ncoeptud a oa'l ' from 10 Church of Ohtiit , of Sin Joae , alitornla , and In accepting said call as Boverod our rotation as pastor and ooplo In thla chnrch , nnd will soon ro' novo from our rulddt , to the regret ol II ; therefore , bo It ABSOLVED , That wo , the members f this congregation , unlto In oiprcfla- ng to him our heartfelt thanks for 10 Dvo years ( f his ministry with us n the upbuilding of tie cause of the Vlantfr. RESOLTED , That wo , as a church , us Sabbath school , and DB friends , ex- rtB3 our appreciation of his Christian grace' , hU profound faith is steadfast hope , his congenial and hcorful disposition and hli brotherly eve , RESOLVED , That wo express our enrtfolt gratitude to him as bcirtc In- trumcntnl in erecting a handsome nd comfortable chapel. RESOLVED , That wo express our clnd wishes to his family , who have creatlr aided no in all our efforts of Christian work , and that many thanks ro duo the dangthors for their kind assistance , both in the church and In ho Sunday echool , RESOLVED , Th t wo recommend Bro. Ingram to the congregation to which he is eon to mintitor aa one worthy of their fall confidence , and wherever the calls of duty load him , ar fervent prayers attend him. RESOLVED , That In parting wo trust n that bloaood hope , ohoald wo not react again on oirth , that wo shall moot in a land where brethren never ay , "Good.byo. " Miw RENA THOMPSON , Miss ANNA P. TRULAND , 0. F. STEPHENS , L. A. BENNETT , G n. KERR , 0. P. THOMPSON , Committee. FIRE UNDERWRITERS. MOKNINO SESSION. The association mot in the Paxton lub room at 10:30 : thla morning , resident Llttlojohn in the chair , and loarotary Bennett at his desk. Roll call showed the following mom- Dorn to bo present : Alf. Bennett , special agent , Phetiix , N , T , Kansas City , Mo. F. M. Benedict , special agent. Niagara , . Y. , Lawrence , Kas. Chaa. J. Berber , special agent , Contin ntal , Omah i , Neb , Wm. Y. Hlasell , special agent , ilnrtfoid , yoluinhtiB , Neb. K. F. Dennett , special agent , Fhenix , N. f.t Mncou , Mo. W. A. Cormany , special agent. North British & Mercantile , it. Scott , Kas. 0. H. Colby , special agent , Phenlx , N. Y , , Dc Mciuoila. . II. ClarkFon , special agent , London as surance & Boylaton , Topeka , Kas. W. I , Dallas , special agent , Merchants , 3t. Joi1. St. Joseph , Mp. A , 8. Datrow , odjustor and special agent , Standard V. O. of London , and Howard of N. Y , Kansas CioMo. . Win. Fnlton , special aient , Springfield , Nebraska City , Neb. T. D , Griffith , special apent Commer cial Union , Lawrence , Kas. IS. S. Harding , special agent Spring leld , Nebraska City , Nob. Walter D. Hill , special agent German o1 Illinois , Beatrice , Neb. H. H , Hereby , special agent Niagara , N. Y. , Hannibal , Mo. John A. Kellar , special agent American entrnl , St. Louie , Mo. James A. Kelsey , special agent Under wrltw , St. Louis , Mo. F. W. Little , special agent Lancashire , Pleasant Hill , Mo , W. J. Llttlf John , supervisor and adjus ter Connecticut , St. Joseph , Mo. James L. McCluer , manager Denver board , Denver , Col , U K. Palmer , special agent Home , PlatUmonth , Neb. Edcar Eos ? , special agent yKtna , St. Joseph , Mo. O. Btawltz , superintendent of agencies and adjtuter Hartford , St. Louis , Mo. Walter Scott , state agent Home , Kansas City , Mo. A , P. Spencer , special agent Queen , Kansas City , MO. J. C. Scrogg , special asent Firemen's Fund Union , UK ) , , Kansas City , Mo. H. 0. Stewart , special agent Mttropole City of London , Lincoln , Neb. S E. Waggoner , special agent North British and Mercantile , Maori ) , Mo. II. N. Williams , special agent Phiunlx , Kouland , Brooknold , Mo , Theo. WiteraanspecialagrutSprincGeld Ltwreoco , Kas. D. S. Wagner , special agent Imperial Dei Moln r , la. T. J. Zallars , special ngtnt Metropole Ottumwa , la. M. M. Hamlln , adjuster Phoenix Brooklyn , N. Y. , Omaha , Neb. The following new members wnro admitted thla morning : Harry B blnson , Sedalla , Mo John I , Underwood , Lincoln , 'Neb , special agor.t "OommHrclsl Union. " A M iln ! < dlo , Ktu aa Olty , ape dal egont "Orient. " Obsa K Carver , Mexico , Mo , , "Northern. " E K Phelps , Ft. Dodge , "Am * SHI. " SHI.V. . M. Leonard , Lincoln , "P. Fund & Unli.n. . " D. W. Burrows , Dos Molnea. W. H. Snldor , Davenport. H. B. Woshburn , Chicago ; 8. W. Btono , Topeka , Kanau ; Wm. V.n Bnrch0hlc gfvisited the association > at itn morning cation. Tto executive P > mmlttoo made a report port of their doln.iBtnca ; the bat sea alon , which wasa'ipted The Boorotary'a report was presented showing the general work of the pas six months to bo very satisfactory The treaanrer'a report shows $29C received , S271.15 paid out. RoportB Were received from all the district committees of the three stater tan in number , which consumed good deal tf tluio. A comomtoo of a 3von waa appointee to rovl o the constitution as follows Walter Scott , J. L. McOluor , P. W Llttlo , N. S. Hardline , T. D Qrinith D. B. Wagner , EL H. Ilorshay. SLAVEN'8 YOSEUITE OOLONGI Made from the wild flowoia of tbi [ KAK KAMED YOSEMITE VALLEY it is the most fragrant of perfume Manufactured by II. B. Slavon , Bar Francisco. Fcrsalo In Omaha by W j. Whitohouse nd Kennard Bros That Huabana of Mine. la thrco time * the man ha waa b fora he began using "Wells' Healtl Eenewer , 91. Druggbta , A MONEY MYSTERY. A Tin Box Dihippeara With SOOU in Uasb. Doors nnd. Windows Bolted and no Olue to the Taker. A carious case was reported to adgo Benoko yosttrlay which omonstratea anew the folly of keep- ng any considerable sum of money , bent the bouse , when the city is full f banks BO solidly founded that they rill bo as sliw to sink as the Rock of \gCB. For Bomo time past tbo family ol Ir , D. Pbflug has rotidtd at No. G24 > or > h Fourteenth street , where the mother and daughter carried on the usincsa of washing. At thla hard work the former had accumulated the of $300 , and the latter $500 , thi osult being the savincs of fifteen years of toll and close economy , und with which they expected to porchann house and lot and have a home of , helr own. Monday the family removed to Wobatur direct , between Fourteenth iiud Fifteenth , and in tcansfcrrlng tbo goods the money , which wau kept in a in box , was put In the wash stand drawer and the drawer locked up. The cash reached the now aomicila In lafety , and was last seen at 10 o'clock oat night In the box and the key left 11 the drawer. Yesterday upon getting up the box waa discovered to bo missing. The doors were bolted on the inside and ho windows locked securely , aa they were loft the night before on retiring , here being no Indication whatever ol t visit from burglars ; nor , on the other hand , any clue to the treasure box and 't contents. What became of the money is a mystery which no one neema to bi < able to solve and the police have no clue to work from with any prospect of recovering the lost currency. The only theory advanced on the abject la that possibly oomo member of the family In the strangeness of tne now surroundings felt a little uneasy aboat the money and arising in their flleep took the box ana pat Jt way so safely that in tholr waking moments they ainnot discover it again. It would seem impossible , h at any robbers ojnld have obtained possession of it as they could not by any manner of moaus have ro boUed the doora and locked the windows from the outside , and again as theru are but two roomn in thu house , both of which were occuulpd by the family. At all events , it is a warnlt g iw those who have money on hand to do poalt It in a bank , and not keep it about the housa exposed olther to burglars or somnambulists. DiKD. WOOD-In this city. March l"th , Annl. < E , wife of W. B. Wood , aged -U years. Funeral on Wednesday. March 21st , at 2 p. m. , from her .late residence , No. 517 South Tenth street , between Howard anc Jackson streets. All friends invited. OAMMENZIND-Phllomona zlnd , in this city. March 20th , at 7 o'clock a. m , agei 21 years. Funeral announcement hereafter. KIDNIf HAS BEEN PROVED I'hc SUREST CURB for KIDNEY DISEASES. Do * 1 1 lama back or dlaordend urine Indicate Jiat you are OTlcttmf THEN DO NOTHZfllTATEi uae KIDNBT-WOBTat once ( drugglata recommend It ) and It will speedily overoomfl the dlaeaae and ratore g healthy action to all the ore ana. Tor complaint * pooUr to your aoz.auohaa pain and weain eaaea , KIDKEY-WOUT la unsur- paaaedaaltvrilt aotjpromptlyandaafely. Zither Bex. Inocmtinenoe , rettnUon of urine , briokdoat or ropy depwita , und dull dragging painaaaiipeedlly yield to IU our- - atlve power. " - rrtoc l. DNEY > WO "Ilr Ethan Lawrence , my t'wnsman , " B J Dr. Pitlilp U la'ltu i ( Monk'oo , Vt. , 'was bl atrdfrom Kllney dl'etie. The tkln of hli legs th'no like glasi. KUi ey-Wort cured him Apr. 20-82 KIDNEY-WORT ISASUPeCURE for all diseases of the Kidneys and I LIVER , It baa Bpeclflo action on thla most Important organ , enabling It to throw off torpidity and , , inaction , stimulating the healthy accretion of the Elle , und by keeping the bowela In fret , , condition , effecting its regular rilnchnrtca. JIolovlsk If you are suffering from S d I Ct 11 d malaria , have the chilla , , are bllloua. dyipeptio , or conatlpatod. Kid- noyWort will auroly rellove & quickly core. In thla aeaaon to oloanae the Eyatem , every oneahoaldtakea.u > oraucheoaneont. : ( II ) ISOLD DY DRUGGISTS. Price 11. , "T. IImvbr.thersoldiers , " wrt sj C. P.iwer Trenton. 111. , aid all ( tiers , too that KI In' Wort cured mv 20 yraia lifer tit ord rs Cubt'i It , plaase , In St LouU Olobe-Detnocrat. " Another Bink C' hl'r e cipt > a. Oein ; ) TI Horst , Cshier ot Mytnt wn ( l'a ) Kank , laid recently : "Kldney-Writcuridmyblecdl FOR THE PERMANENT CURED CONSTIPATION. No other ao prevalent in thli . country a * ConatiraUon , and no remod o haa > , ver equalled the celebrated KIDNEY WOET aa a cure. Whatever the caua however oUtlnato thn rasu , thla rcrncxS } will overcome it. E39I PS Tina diatrosaire com rlUL.O ! > plaint ia very opt to l > eompllr-ited with conatlpaUoa. Eldncj Wort atrcnethoca the weakened parta au quickly curcaalUcl-Jda of nica eveawh.0 phyalclanti and lacdlcitara have before fai ed. IT"If you have nlthor or Ihcao trout' ) PRICE 15 1.1 USE JDruiTKl , t6t5 Ti " ' "Kldnej.Wcrt hai given Imrco I t relief , I many case * cf rhoumatl'in , fal Inguii'er my no He- . " Dr , Philip C. lallcu ilonkton , Vt. Ap , 0 8 * . a : THE CREAT CURE . I roa , Aa U la for all tha painful dlacue * of tha KIDNEYS , LIVER AND DOWELS. It cleanaea the aTatcmortha acrid poiaon that canaea the dreadful alOerUf which only the Yietlmi of rheumaUan eta nUa . THOUSANDS OF CA8E8 . of tha wont forma of thla t Tlba < Uaaa haa tea qoleUr r ll T d , aadtab rt tunft . ! , ' PERFECTLY CURED. run it. uqiiD , oar , BOLD oKvccuri.5 | ' . " ) Drrc nb t nt hyuiall. U/ ELTJI.ltlCJIAllD.SOXACO. . Uurilnrton.Vt | "I nercr found eran rellif from Rhaomatlam and KUney trouble * till I uaed Kidney Wort. Now I'm wei.--D : iid 11. Millar. IlMtford , WU. Gentle Women Wlio want glossy , luxuriant nnd wavy tresses of abundant , beautiful Hair must use LYON'S KATHAIKON. This clcsnut , cheap article always makes the llnfr prow freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruir and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Ilcnu- tiful , healthy Hair is iho sure result of using Kathairon. mi'M < l 4tn. 11" or 8tli p. SPECIAL NOTICES. ID > lll FCt niVELY not beln ertcd unteii aid In advance. iO LOAN MONtY ONEY TO LOAN At 8 per cent. Shilvor'n M Krai Estate ad Loan Agency , oinxwl 767-tt TO LOAN Call at Law offlcaoj D. L. MONEY room RCrclghton Block. ' ' . LOANE'n chattel uiortKttgc.rooni M'ONi'.v 7 , Union B.ock , cir. iSth and Farnam. 421-aptlb ; Mr.i irl > WANTKP flood glrln 0mah hcu30. 49S22' WASTFD Woman oook , al o girl for klter en work at 117 14th St. bsUosn llodfre t , apltol avenue. 500-211 niTANTED A good tailor-is on customp n's VVAppyVJ - a i am ttrrot , near 13.h St. 168.21 * WANTED Olrl ( or general hougewrV. To a crtrpptrntone lib r Iwanctnll' ' b ! pa'd ' pply 8. W. Cor. 21st and Leatentvonh St li)3-20 § MIIS. JAMES KUANCi ? , [ TrrANTED A good Oeninn or Boh-mlin zlrl VV for general homework. Inqulio atC13rculb Othitrut. 4DO-2i A Co'd rurscitlrl wanted ImmctlU c'y ' t nortl ; J\ _ west comer Ham Iton and Pier street Hhlnn's clJItlon. 474-219 ANTED Slan and wife to work U J. VV SUHJ , Gardener , oiti Sherm&i Ave 'ANTKP Girl for ( fO'cral housework , in q'liro Janitor's ro m , High S-aoil. 482-211 i ANTED To buy 10 city reeiilenc * 'ols ' , 41-210kh8tr'tt. i ? -M { WANTED A good K' ' ' ! 'or general liousowork Apply to Fcaton & Cole , 1121JFaruam St. 475-203 WANTED Good carriage smith , Gibson and Smith corner 12th and Howard als 484-21 PEUS 'NAL Wanted a ( 'lrl to attend a cipa store , Address Mrs. Dupont care of Dei oiT e. 4IO-21 § fr A LABOIIEUS WAV'TED. OU 4fl4--o ! n. MANNWKILLEU , nib st , WANTED Threa goo ] barnors m cr. , goo wages to steady men , Address K. rtiche York Neb. 439-29 WANTED A girl for eencral hou'ework S call family. Apply at enc > , No. 214 S 13th street. 44C-22 WApiTr.1) Employment by a man cook wud nH object to take a elt a ion nn of Omtiha , toed nfcrcnces. Adirees K. 420-20 WANTED A few Udlea and gentletnrn a agent ] for the biggest paying business m America. Room 3,1303 farnam Si. 248-lri ! WANTED A position by a competent book keeppr. Fir > i-clat8 cl'y ' ic'cr.iKe . Address dross Cox 752 , ( Ity. 489 2t § SITUATIONS WANTED , WANTEP-S t atlon by a flr t claaa 'mac co" , C ty or Ciunty , good referem ce. Apply u. Man wellir i mpbtneni Apcnt. 409-20 * WANTKD By a gentleman tnd wltr , afte Apill U : prox , fire or ilx mom cittigi- n T otihwcbttrti part of city. Add.cai , tt.llm tJtmc , "J. E. K. . " Boo office. 451-2 ! MlBjtLux.nEj.ja WANTED One or two furr Uhed rooms with or without ooird. Address BUtlntr term and location , "M" Bee otlicc. 494 22t AJ > 0 1 ebanlc , ao 85 , withes to marry No object3D ! tea working girl nr widi w. J. W. THOMAS , 488-2UJ Shenaidoab , P ge Co. , Iowa. IT1 ANTED A few ladles and Oent'cmen t W itam book-keeping. Situation furnished call from 1 t J 4 at 1210 Harney St. J. B Smith 173 20 $ W ANTED A few boaiders and roomer t a 1010 Davenport rtt. 425-211 AQrN Y Wanted by a voung at > d eLterpib ! ng nttorcoy , with office lu rcr.tie cf ton a it ! on ground floor. Omi > ha firms tfcat want t-ounill B utfa reprtajLtitlvo should address JvIINDOE.7 Penriat. WANTED privy vaults , ulnki and cet pooli to clean w.thstLltan cleaner. Sat.8 Jattlon guaranteed. J. M. SMITH , 218-lruf Lock Box 422 , Omaha. fOR KEHT HOU8C.V AND t AMD FOR 11KNT Olt HAlKIcu o of 4 room' witblaigel t > nl ho foragrdenlnr rr n pur.oass lurjulre 812 lutn ht 49il { TIO LF.TOn lane r-ora , with or wlthon DOird. 1808 California itreet. 451-apl7 T7URNISHED PARLOR RO JI And board. 1' Modern courcnltmcoo , 1810 L'odga St eet. FOl ! RENT N cf. naat new cottage. Sightly , full Int , (13 per mouth. DL. THOMAS. 4C022 T10R RENT One or two pleasant furnished X1 rooms on the enun-Mloo . within a blockto street ran. Apply at240i Hirney St. 456-20 F I OR PENT Desk room , Krfczer Block , room FO . 1 458-20 O LV.T A n'ce fnrnlahed or unfurnlfhfd . room , with or without board , 1818 Pod eSt. bet. 1'tr an 118th. 431-22J FOR UKftT Tao furulsh d rooms 'or Ugh h tun keeping , also ] piano nw atj Y. JL. c A. rcoms. Inquire at SU.'J Dn cnjort dt. OR RENT Cottage six rooms 612 , N. 24t St. $18.00 a mould , Claiksoa & Hunt , 215 S 14th jit , 41B-20 } FOR RENT Nice dry luseirent suitable fo emu ! family. Inqul cat Edholruand Erlck a n , 418-21 r10 | LiiT A nice lurnlihoJ room rn bath room X flcor. A'a ball loom. 1616 Badge al reet. _ 330-20t Ti OR REN 1 f ca an ly lun.m cd rooui , tine J } dosr ncrlh ol Dod vpn 18th 81. 390-20J T > AOIFiO IIOl'BB FOR RENT-32 r-om , car- J. rer Uarecport * nd 10th etreeta. Apply too. W. Pray , ill Twtllth areet 409-20 } To leare an tight or ten room WANTED with modernconvccltncej acd In toed locktlou. Addresa Joa. Garmeau , Jr. , PAX ton H'tue. rilO RENT Good comlortable bi ment nom _ L lultablef or houatkueplng. Also good barn C H at northwest cor. 22U and Butt streets. 372-lm A RIRF.OIIANE FOR RENT The 2nd Itory Jani baa-ment of building No. 1111 Farm m Inquire on premltcs. IM-lm OR RENT 25 houaaa. 2 to 10 room * , at (3 t F US per month Bhrlver1 ! Ken I Bureau , op- 1768-tt 71011 REST Two double I tore * , suitable for 1 boarding bouse , gr wry , butcher , cr aalotn , tua'etltoM touotunand ago d farmer t'aile. qulreof Ur . F. Lange , 8. W < 3or. ackton dU. 70R HAI.E-Trocm house on Cap t il rcuua , at 750 K ro < MI c t age on rum'rg ' S' . ? 4ki 4 riom co'tageon 16 h Si * ) ' 5 4 10 mc'tta < e hear U. P. pt , 4'0. 3 room < o t-vn at Ilrntl rfSt Mif.artti'ie . , to. JI.'UAUUK oll' ' I'oti Oltt o , 495f f I70R SALE Oil IlFNt A cott'go of x ron-t L1 wash hou < > , good wi-M , cii 'n , * h il irrm , : ab1c , &c , 40 m.nutcH rldu Mom Ouiahaby C , 1' , all cad. Terrrn eosr. Iniiul'oor addreas I ) L. CARl'ENI Elt , I' pll Ion , web "AIE Nice , gr en Cedar 7rci a2Cth EOR Hona-datrtct. 403-241 E Chtapaliouto 1.11 UascJ grounda FORSA call a' 11K)3 Cumin * St. 481-20 < OH SALK-Quuitycf 0 .vnca t-oili. In- F mil oa'V.tdvard , Wibitorstitit , between 7th and ISth. 4608 } SAliK Oh UE T A flvo r'om h u - , FOR barn , veil and cistern. Let GOxlCS. \pplv to Siml (1 Sovens3n,0f un ptcml e < , Nr 231" Pl'tco ttio't. 461-23 $ fTIOR SAIjK Flee Jersey Hull for public uta. I.1 W n itwardol tnepr in um nttbo last Ktito air , Aplv J. Tjjlor , 15 S bet. 25ta and D ca- ur , north Oojaht. 454-23 $ A RARE CHANCE F r silo a * a hargiln , stock of ( ; < unal ntrcha il so with an ca- aollsh ii tianti In ono of the best towns on the B. A M. ral road In Nebra < ka. Stock will In. okoalKtitS SCO. Addrts ) lock bx 1404 , ! oancll KliilT. , io a. rrl5-10t SALK Ocrcrtl stcck rf merchandize lo- FOR ta'ed In the II ml hlnv town of Wyrnoro , Neb. Binkniplttfck. Musi bnclo'oi rut For plrtlcuUrs li > qulro nr Roily & Uazlxtt , Keatrice. A D McCandius Wjmor. , or o. W. Llnlngor Omah . Neb. 404-20-rr&e-wlt FOlt SALE Onu horse , tingle wagon and har uo,8. 1 Cooper wa on. CHARLTOK BR S. , 317-U 301 N. 15th ht. BRICK YARD FOR RENT Apply at once. K > erything needed to run It ou hand , lupcrlor clay. Also houao on yard If wanted. .OHENZJ DIBBLE , Yard Itthitrtct 2 blocks louth of CoHovua road , 280-lmt CIOR SALK OR BENT My 2 story br'ck resl- C dcnceon lOthsticct and tit. Uarj'a atenue or Bale , 17 000. Small payment donn , ba'ance tO 6 years time. Lot 0x200 foot. Elrgant houBO , Tcrv cm.venlenc. Will rent It toery oodparties for $65 per month Call at once at M. TOFTH , 234-Aprll 1 Cor. 12th and Farnam St. BEMIS' Now Map ot Omaha , lust completed and ready for delivery at $6 each. Is 4 f cot wide by 7 'cot long. Largest and most complete map off o/sta ever published. Official map of tha city , oe column. ' FOR "SALE House with 6 rcorns a"d 3 lotii ( each CCxl32) ) In BbUtn Omaha , for 1,000 , on easy teima. win alc , teim on part p yucnt , nqulre at CU 8 12th street. 24lmt FOR SALE CHEAP Choice unimproved hn - Inrsi l ta on Farnam llaricy , DougUa , and Djdgestree'a. D VIS& SNYDER , Real Est te Agrntt , 110-eod-tf 1605 Farnam St. HDIISK5S FOR SALK. SEALED Fropo a'a will bo rccehed by the conimlttee on Fl o at thUltv Cl > rkioHc ! , until 12o' IcckM Ihuradty , MirchlSth , 1883 , for the One Ha k Pay Horse. Oi e Black II ir o. Said hors ar now In the uao of the fire de- tnrtment , tnd can be aom at engine llouse , No. Three- The comnilfco reserves the right to reject anr and all bids. m2-8t J. J. L. C. JEWETT , City Clerk. Bargains in Reai Estate , Ilouae and half lot. gird k cation , 91,2CO. House and half lot , near at. Mary'a avenue I'r ttape aid Corner lot on Dodge street , N.flOO New Cottage In E. V Smith's addition , f 2,000. Co'.tngotuM full lot ou 19th street , near Lei- vonwoith street , $2iOO. 44 ( oot froalage oa Farnam street , Improved , &o 0:0. : Corner lot on lout > l a street , $7,500. Bargain liu incSij lot on Dtuglts , trcct , $4(00. 100 foot fronton Dodge etio.t. Residence in vestment , $1,350. UcUAflUK , BOTtf- Opposite PoatolHco. TT10R dALE A Oral class second hand pbaotan * JL' CallatlSlQITarneySt. 897-tI TTIOR SALE Pocaeta map * of Nebraska itc ) J } each. For bargains In on aha City Improved and unlmpr-vcd property , call on Wm. F , Shrl- ver , uetl Estate Agent , opposite poatofflce. 7C9-if B OABD ( heap and eool- Very desirable Io- cit on , 1B15 Howard street. 477-20J LADIE" Wishing a quiet homo during can tlnomi'iit may address J. U. Dee olllce , ccn- entlal 42-21 | K UOIi'EK SKATES Now la your tune t buy a pair of ITcnley Keller Skatee. Wo a\e flf'y p lrs nd vslll icll thei at coet , at -r M'-cmne ' oifiee , Uo , L'liB , near 1 th s reet. 470-2 5 " 'NU3 The above mount wl I DO w I U"U given to any re pinslb'e parly who Kill build a-tram flourini ; mill at AT c , Neb. Tcflt , A\oaa , Neb. 40220-wlt ; ) W ILT , take ch'ldren ' of ny age give them a j-othera care for a liberal comrensatlon. . Z. Bee olllce 368-lmo" T" ADIES wishing a qule-place during confine- Lj ment , with nurae will address W , B. Bee- otllce. TO EXCHANGE for cltv property In Ozaha , ten UrotclaaImproved farms. Alee 1500 bead o eheiff reale Correspond lih N. C. hr etl n n , bacrameito , Neb. m-9-lm QPECIAL INDUrEMENTS-Offertdfor a coun- O try start * at Gllmoro , barpy courtv , Neb. Apply to 0. Froat , there. 19.Vlmt EDW RDIOJJiHL MAG STER OK PALMYSTERY AND COND * . TIuNALIST , 408 Tenth street , between Farnam and Harney. Will , with 'he aid of guardian spirits , obtain for any one a glance cf the past and present , and on certain condition * In tbr fa. turo. Boota and Shoos rtmdn to order. Ptifecl aatlnfactlon AND MOI * XR'THE ES OF . .irE'HI - TRUISM IS EAS ILY PIIOVE.N I1V TAKINO A IE SPOuNFUL ov THK.RA * T's EC i ZEII APER IENT INAGiASSOKH'1 WATER HALF AN II > Utt BEFORE BHBAKF Sr , FOR IN- DIOESTION. I YSPEPSlA.f RCOKSriPATKD i HA T. NOTHING IS BRTTEU. if1 Absolutely Pure. Thla powder never varies. A marvel of purity itrengtn and wboleaomenen. More economical than the orplnary k nda , and cannot be aold In competition 1th the multitude of low teat thorl weight , alum or ph-aphat powder Sold only ru tana. Rctii.niiDia Pow i Oa , Wall-81. .1. f New YOTKi.