THE DAILY : BEE-OMAHA WEDNESDAY MAKOH ai A rotnMitatlon of J'ro toj-lile of Iron , JVrtiHan Jla rlt n ml J'/K > . j/ioriM < tt a txifnfaHabrtn. . J.'or J > r6ifl < ! / . io t of Ar > j > e- Me , J'ruifraf Ion oHla I 1'owcrs it it itidltpeniO' Me. Me.KEV.J. . : Industry , IU. . nays : Bt UnR that I nave e boon "I consider H ILOQEIndustry ' . most excellent remedy toi Kioavv .cnofltod by Its ILOQE a use. Ministers and Pub- the debilitated vital forces. u ° Speakers will find it of the greatest value where n Tonlo is neces sary. I recommend it w a reliable remoUlal asent , possessing un aoubtea nutritive and trestoratlvo ovbrtffa , Ay , properties. , va. I , ISKi _ . _ . . rairABEo si ins DR. BARTER MEDICINE co. , an w. UAIII ex. , nr. LOUIS. A. WAKEFIELD . . , TTUOI.KSALK AMD RETAIL DEALEB IN Lath , 3hingles , Pickets , SASH , , BLIH08 , IWOTATK AOKXf KOR IULWAUKEE OKMKHT Naar Union Pacific OB5ABA HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF "WA - Hi Hi AND WINDO S EASTERN PitGES OUPLEGATED. 118 FARNAM ST. .MORGAN & CHAPMAN , WHOLESAL 2I3 FarnamSt. . . Omaha. BOLLN & SIEVERS , I H , BOLLN& CO. , 1C09 Douglas Street. | Cor. IGth and California St. OMAHA SEED DEPOTS. HENRY BOLLN & GO litre brought to tl la . city ftom the f time of Lardrcdlh i. Son'c , Philadelphia , and James M. Thur- burnftO . , New Yor. , the largest etock of ( iari'oa t ml Field Seeds ever Imported before to thli city , allot which are guaranteed to be fresh and tiuoto the nami. Prices will also be as low as any Eesponsible Dealer can Make. mar 1C HENRY BOLLN & CO. Single Breech Loading Shot Buns , from $5 to SIB , " ' Double Breeoh Loading Shot ( runs , from 518 to $75 , Muzzle Loading Shot Guns , From $6 to $25 , ' Fishing Tackoi , Base Balls and all kinds of Fancy Goods , Full Stock of Show Gases Always on hand , . . bfa.JiJifcg Imported and * E > y * West Cigars a large line of Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and ev.rything required -quired in a first-class Cigar , Tobacco and. Notion Store , Cigars frdm $15 per 3 fto hpwards , Send fdr Price List and , Samples ' ' / * MANnFACTOREK OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , WmdoW-Oaps , Finials , Skylights , &c. THIRTEENTH STREET , - - - OMAHA , NEB DIRECTORY OF LEA0IN8 WESTERN HOTEL , Prop , A SURPRISE. A Chicago Lawyer Stopped in tiio Opera House Lobby , And Freeonted With a Handsome - some Diamond Solitaire. It wag the last night of the Maddcrn ongagomont. The Boyd was filling rapidly , and the stairs , the lobby , the foyer wore aa tndlcatiro of llfo and beauty aa they usually are when Omaha amusement patrons lot thorn * solves oat. The ladles' reception-room had , aa customary , a number of inaida and matrons paying their laat respects to matters of toilet and satisfying themselves of their porfeot irresiotl bllity , before tholr entrance of the auditorium. A trio of young gentlemen had jnat ascended to the landing of the marble stairway and wore approaching the flight which loads t- the entrance , when a young lady , richly attired , and accompanied by n matronly lady , exclaimed , "Thuro ho is , mammal1 The throe young gentlemen turned. Aa they did BO the elderly lady approached preached and , addressing ouo of them , requested him to step with lior to the rocoptlon-room. The uartquostod youug gentlemen , of course , ' 'moved " on Within the room , the matronly lady said : "Mr. Nolan , lam delighted to meet yon , and desire to cancel a debt of ftratitudo , for which I have long boon in arrears. My daughter tells mo it woe you who saved her llfo , aomo years since la the mountains of Colorado. She thought she recognized yon at the hotel to-day , and now she Is positive you are the man , indeed. If you will kindly accept this little souvenir of my appreciation of your exceeding heroism , yon will place mo under even rnoro heart-felt gratitude. " Mr. H. W. Nolan is not a bashful man , because ho la a lawyer and a Chloagoan. Nor la hla modesty of that Omahan nature which would prevent - vent him from wearing the beautiful solitaire diamond which * ho feelingly accepted on this occasion. If the gen tleman , at all , faltered It was becauio of the languishing effect the young lady's grateful , yet modest glances , had upon him , presumably because of the proprietary right ozerclsod ever thorn by a gentleman present who was then introduced as the young lady's husband. The scene waa a short one , and upon its conclusion , all adjourned to their respective seats in the auditorium. Seven years ago Mr. Nolan waa prospecting In the mountains. Ho was climbing a circuitous road to a min ing camp , when a runaway horse , to which clung a frightened and powerless lady rider , and which had run away from a party of equestriennes and their escorts , catno galloping rapIdly - Idly toward him At a bond in the road both rldor and animal would have been dashed to destruction , a thousand feet below. At the risk of hla life , ho reached the bridle of the horse as it was flying past him , and , In a short time , brought the animal to his knopn. Both horse and rider wore saved. The party and cscnrts soon cinuio up and bore tholr member home. Mr. Nolan had not time nor inclina tion to accompany them and peso at rescuer , and consequently contlnnec bis jonrnny. Ho soon staked bovonc the divide , and never heard who he bad rescued. After years of absence and separa tion , all the parties met hero aa tran sients as above related. For Throat Diiaaie * amd Cough * BBOWN .BitONoiiiAL TROCHKS , like all other realty good things , are frequently Imitated , The genuine ore sold only in boxes. THEY COME Another Combination of Omaha Bus ! ness Men. Articles of incorporation of the Omaha Goal , Coke and Lime compan ; were filed In the county clerk's 'office yesterday. The principal place of business Is Omaha , and the general nature of the transactions the general merchandls Ing in coal , coke , lime , cement , pi as tor and hair. The authorized capital stock la $25 , 000 , in 250 shares of $100 each , ten per cent of said capital stock to bo paid down on subscription , and the balance on call of the board of direc tors. tors.The The existence of the company 1 fixed for ten yean , ending March 10 1893 The highest indebtedness to bo in cur red la 915,000. Geo. F. Labagh , Charles F. Good man , Frank Darling and Milton D r ling are the Inoorporators. RUSSIA Salve is unrivalled for Its speedy healing qualities. Ask your druggist * fo it. 25 eta. eta.Real Real Estate Transfers. The following deqds wore filed fo record in the connty. clerk's oflic March 20 , reported for THE BEE bj Ames1 real estate agency : J. A. Horbaoh and wife to Ohas Johnson , w. d. , lot 3 , block 3 , Her bach's 2d odd. $475. Margaret Murphy , admlnistrix , t F. W. Grey , deed , lot 9 , block 18k $900. F. Murphy to P. Pedersen , q. c. d 131 foot of s nnd lot 9 , block H , Arm strong add. $1. Tonako a salad that is certain t please all tastes , you need only ns DOIIKEE'H SALAD DBKSSINO. Nothing equal to It was ever offered , and non so popular. It is a superb table sauce Flret Ward. Republicans of the First word There will be a mooting at Motz hal Wednesday evening , March 21 , at 7:3 : p. m All voters of the First ward are requested to attend. 'Byroques of chairman of ward committee. A. F. SWIOKAUD. A Third Ward Meeting. OMAHA , March 20 , 1883. A regular meeting * of tha Thir ward republican club will bo hold Wednesday evening , March 21st , at the Olty hotel , corner of Tenth and Ilnrnoy street. All republicans In HID Third ward nnd all who Intend to work with them this spring are in- vltod to attend. W. n. OAULKTO.X , Secretary. "I never found any inodiclno that produced such roiuarknblo and In- tautaneona effect as St. Jacobs Oil Id , " B ys Mr. Short , proprietor of the ( olmotit Hotel , Lowell , Mass. Lonif Fine nnd Vicinity. otheKditorof Tin U ! As your columns contained an artl lo recently In the interest of Alne- worth , wrlttou by some Imaginary bo ng purporting to bo a judge of towur , Hilda , sand , etc. , wo beg leave to a ken on to gho epaou for a few thoughts umowhat different Wo shall not undertake to burden your readers wl h a lengthy detail of the niUroprosouta- ions presented by your \isloimry cor- ospoudout. Oo Boeincd to bu dls- otod to defame Ljiig Pint- , and riilao Aiiawbrth as the only town ot niportaaco iti thla part of Nebraska low , wo nro not disposed to any t\i y hing harsh or wrong of An.swortn , > ut when u relic of barbormn wuu uoh an infamous lot of falsehoods HR wan presented in that article , thuro lane no wuy to undo the wrong whi-u pr tinted Inn respecublo paper im 'IUK { KB but to rciuto it by the whulu ruth. Long Pine is nearly In the enter ot the now county.Vo have ho finest Mater-power for mllla wo iavo ever seen. Ten thousand or nero acres of the laud near Long 'inu have been taken during the pant winter. About six thousand acres , mvo born taken near hero by your ccr espondent'a poraonalfrlonda , and an unusual emigration is now pouring nto Long Pine and vicinity. Your correspondent would have , our readers believe that Long Pinu s dwindling away , but such is not the act. Bnalnoia men are coming here , and Mr. Smith has just put down a argu lot of lumbar as an evidence of ho demand still going on. Wo alee iavo a good now furniture store. The nerohants have increased tholr stock , forming implements have boon ironght on lately , and Glover & Whlttimore are doing a lively busi ness in their bank. A now newspa- lor , The Long Pine Journal , has just itartod , and commences with a largo nbscrlptlon list and * a number cf advertisements aa the paper will show Fwonty-five now dwelling houses in he neighborhood of Long Pine will ie erected in the conrsu of three or our weeks. Several new ones arc jolng up now. As to the lando nsar Long Pine , ; oed judges have said that it is al- nest precisely such soil aa the great wheat producing volley's of California. Wo write nothing but what * ran ba > roved , mlllora are hero now looking iftor millsites. Mr. Upalll IB nt this writing putting in n mill and will bo Manufacturing lumbar In a faw da } A.n intelligent public will judge yhnther Ling Pine ia dying or not. Now as the gentleman saw fit to make a largo statement in rep-ud to the business outlook of Atusworth , wo wonld barely mention that wo have he following bualnona houses in Long Pine , and the stores and other place * of bnsinctn aio doing wt l ) : Tracy Dry goods , groceries , bootc , shoes , clothing aud general met- chtndlso Ryan Dry goodc , groceries , bootc shoes and general merchandise. Wheeler Groceries and provisions , confectionary , oto. Sklnnor Hardware , cutlery , etc. Spafford Druglst , stationary , oto. Mead Furniture , undertaking , oto. L 8. King Millinery , dressmak ing , oto. Glover & Whltlemore Bankers. Glover Lind commissioner. Moore General fend store. Skinner Feed Store. Rlngsnrd Blacksmith. Sandert Harness maker. Hotels Long Pine home , railroad eating house. Mrs. Miller Baker and dining room. Ferguson Dairyman and milk mor < chant. Hotel livery and feed stable. GUI Meat merchant. Smith Lumbar , laths , lime , olc , We have a railroad round house , railroad division and a fine depot , John Danka Drayman. Two saloons. The Long Pine Journal. One school house , in which proaoh Ing , Sabbath school and other re llglous meetings are held.D. D. E. W. What it Did For an Old Lady. OOSHOCTOK STATION , N. Y.\ December 20 , 1878. J GENTS A number of people hat been using your bittern here , am with marked , effect. In one case , i lady ever seventy years , had boon slol for years , and for the past ton year haa not been , able to bo arounji hal the time. About lx mouths ago shi get so feeble she was helpless. He : old remedies , or phyeiclans , being o no avail , I sent to Depost , forty-fivi miles away , and got a bottle of Ho ] Bitters. It .improved her so she wai able to dress herself and walk abon the house. When she had taken thi second bottle she was able to take can of her own room and walk out to ho : neighbor's , and has improved all thi time since. My wife and chlldroi also have derived great benefit fron tholr use. W. B. HATHAWAY , Agt U. 8. Ex. Oo. DELEVAN , Wls. , Sept. 21 , 1878. GENTS I have not taken quite oni bottle of the Hop Bitters , I was i feeble old man of 78 when I got it To-day I am as active and fool aa wol as I did at 30 , I aoo a great man ; that need such a modlclno , D. BOYOE , Wanted a Tariff Wall Street Kewi. Ho was a Pennsylvania farmer 01 hla return from Washington. Ho wa more than that ho was Indignant "Yon see , " ho explained to his follow passengers In the car , "I discovered i chalk mine on my land a few dsya ° ai ( > tons and tons and acres and acres o rod ohtlk. I've been down to Wosh Ington to BOO our members of congres about putting a tariff of CO per cent on all imported red chalk , and the ; wouldn't make n move in that cuso. " ' 'la it possible ! " gasped ono. "You bet It's potslblo. It's not only possi ble , but the inltmlt I login to throw my chalk on the market , ever will comu a whole tlcct of English vessels each ono loaded with chalk , and another of America's industries will r colvo its death blow at the hands c f uaupor labor. I toll yon , gentlemen , wo might as well bo infernal cannibals as froo-borii American patriots 1" * The man who knows nothing , of Mrs , Lydla E. Plnkham and her sovereign rcmody for women is wanted for a juryman. The fact clearly irovos that ho does not read the pa iors N. II. Hcpiitor. PHOOLAM VTION. 'orlhu ' General City * lection anil mibinlttlng t la re it n proposition to vote tu vi > r bomln 11) virtue ) of tlio author tunteil in inc. I. amen K. Ilojil , Major ot the Clt > ot Oiiuht , 'obrnskn , dohcrib ) mod Im to the rjuMlllol IN. ton ol the clt > ol Omaha uiul ot tliu r.BiH-ct o wauls thereof , thatiui ANNUAL UTV Kt.rCTION \ \ III bo held on 'UESDAY ' , APRIL THIRD , 1883 , ir the i lection of the follow In * ; olllccrs , immclj Mi\or , 1'ollcc Judge , niul Cltj T nvnircr , irthotrrin 'f two juin bKOiun llmcn atUur , for the term ol two IV * \ \ McmKrsol the IloarJ of Kducntloi , thrre OK no ( or Iliu turn of two jciri.aml thuo tone no fur the tirm of ihno jcarx At Kild d eo lun ] > IH ant to an onllntnco of In ill ) > .f Omaha which la an follow H. "ORDINANCE NO 570. " .n onllnim.0 ti | 'ro\llo ' fir f'e nuhmlxslmi to tuo utorn of the 1 1 ) * of Onitha , of n | > r * > pn- xltlon wtiitlur thoclt ) fl all I-HIIU miomimlreil thou an 1 do lars (8 ( 100,000) ) In bonds for newer puroHi , itordil ixl b ) the City Council ot the Cllj of Oniili i iS 1 It litlng C'ns iloreJ norcmary by t * CuuiHIof thoclt of OmahathatH ui con tritcU-d t > hou il lu ex eiul < l and other uuorHron truitul , the if ir that the Jim or of hiicltx of 0 null i be , m tll-hcnb ) a'Uh rlriManil itrtatilt Mibnilt to ho electors ot the cltj of null * tlio toll wi tf prop itl on on the 3 d ih\ f Ami nor , It belli ) ; the cl-w of genera tit ) n , K > Inj : two.iij ( J ; ) ila ) ubllc notice ihcrcof bif roltH mibiulvl n " hall lioikln of plocltycf Omaha ho Iwiuil hgthl tlty In the uin'ot ( iioliuiulreJ thou a ill ilo lar < - ( 100,0 0) ) Itio In twuit ) ( tooiiD , aiij licArlnt not to ex- eodslx ( U ) pur cult Int rent from date , f Issue , ntcrrnt a ) Me tmannua I ) unon Intcro-tcdu wns t bo attached to a 1 1 bonda for ( ho purpose t ntui id K nnd maintaining ten era parti ) con i ru ted anil constructing aua malnttliiliiK mJJI 'OU ! SOWtMOH fO lOWS 1-xt-ialonof 'ho north Omaha sewir from f Oth itriot to the II 111 tar ) llnd e on Cuinlng etrcct , .went ) four thousand dollarn ( $24,000 ) Kxttnslun of uoilh branch of the louth Omaha lower fr in St Mai ) 'a atouuo to a folnt near farnam ndv:2J : itro t , eighteen thousand dollars il 18.000) ) . A a cr from ICth and llarnoy north to Chlca- 0 ( trees ndia 1 1 nCh'ca < o rctt to the , hcr. Inetcen thousand fl\ehundrod dollar * ( tIB.tCO ) A sewer on 17th street from Can * atrtet north > I rdslrcet , > e > cn thoua iddollar (17,000. ( ) hitcnslon ot s'UihOmalia Hiiitr to th river lOttom , lxteen thousand fit a hundred dollars , 16tOO ) Kxienslon of old malm and construction of al .Ittonal nmliiH ou the Waring : at m of eowcr- go , fltt'en th utana dollurt , (3 ( IB , 00 ) t'altl bondxand procctda tnonol not to bo dl- crtoJ from the pur ese f r which the ) are ls uoil ml n > t < o bo n Id f ir less thin par SaM pro- 1 ultl n to I o Hiilnn tied to a U cl cto entire. nil in the forix'o ng frum 'hooto tlier-on shall ao on ) , "For bmor UonuB , " and "Agalnut owir end , " SKC ' Tills rrdlimnco nil-ill take 'J ello t and bo tone fr in and aft < r 1U I atuiaru I'luwcil Ktb. 27th , Ir83 Ataat : J J. I. C .IKWrnr , rltyrjrrk CIIAx. KAUKMANN , President Cli ) Council pro tun. Approved Marth J , ISsSJ. J K I10VI ) , Ma ) or of Omaln Tha propo It'on net out In 1 1 ordlnaiuo u 11 > o kiiliinlttcd to the cl < it n of mid ilt\ , the \ oto herton to bo mil ) "F KSKwhll UuNDj,1 ur DISH Nvt 1 IhopolNat sildilcttl n ulll l > o opui al _ . „ _ _ _ oMock a in , ft il l > u Kept open until 7 o'clock p n. , ot BI il da } ami 1111 mn.r , anil at the follow- K placoH , In the respective u arils , viz. > Irstar At0. . "Ot South 10th Second Ward At Wnlluiz' Hotel , Lca > en- north street , between It h anil 4th strcota Tlntilard At John OConnou't , noutbHCtt corn r Douglas and ItMhetrcitg Kourti Muril At Count ) Court House , Katn lain a r 11 , hit cm 15th anil loth I Hi h \ \ ur l-ConiUcld's Uarticr bh p , ICth 6t. LictWLLii Calif rni % anilt't > 8tcr ttrccti ) . Blxth Ward-At It. U. K lurs , Mil Cumlng strict , . / - > , IN WITNESS wher of.lWehcrcunt < SEAL v > ct my hand and cvused the seal of soli 1 , ' city to bo atllxid tliUOtb day of llircb 1883. JAMES K.UOVI ) , Major of the Cltof Omaha , mar in tot NebrasKaLantlAgeccj LiJAV5S & SMYDER , 505 Farnam St. Omaha Nebraska Ctrefully Mlcctcd land la Eastern Nebraska fo sale. Great Bargalna In Improved farms , Omahi City property. Geo. P. Bemis Real Estate Agency , fith and Douglas 8 . , Omaha agency docs strictly B brokcrago butlmei not ipcculato. aod therefore ui > balanci of our booki are Insured airalnst foi . PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR. Omcx I'uiicnARiNo AND Direr ) COMHIHUAHV OK SUISIHTKSCIt , ) Oniahn , Neb. , March 10 , 1BH3. ) SoMtil propofals , In duplicate , tutiject to th uaual conilltlons , will be received at thlt ofllc until 12 o'clock noon , March 301 11 , 18X3 , at whlcl t me nrl place the > will bo ojieDtd In pieacnc of bidders'for fuinUliIcK and delivery at th subs Btenca st'rehouse In this clh.ln new ntrrn Blnulo cotton etckr , twenty-fit e thousand pound high gr ucil Hour , to be uado from Mo 1 tipiln heac , ana to DO tqual to tanrp'o to bnrein I thli office , tfamplei ol tne flur to be tent wll the propcuil' , a-id 'l ' to be de.tvtrod on or b < fere Apil' ' 20th , 18-3. Ihe ifovtrnmtnt aeserves the tight to rejet anv or al propomlo- Blunk prapoivla cm be ob'alned at thli rlflci PropoBalimutt lie cocloicd In iealcd invtlopi marked. 'Vropcsa ifor Flrur"and addreiedl the undersign.d. THOMAS WILSON , maMO 3t Maj r and CJ S. U. A. TO CONTRACTORS -DREDGING Your attention II cal'a 1 to contricti to bo leer ( or dltihliu. Ditch In Burt and Wtihlngtoi conntlet , aliout thliteen miles loog , In warklm ectlons , ihiouzh a miron , width about Ofeol ildci iloplcg 1 to 2 feet derta from 6 to 7 fe i d rt to i e moved about 8 feet from brink of ditch Number of cublctardu to be moved about Hi , 740. Bild Itih li being conitructcd tyealrl iwi countlca under etatulo providing for nralnlni iwarop ) > ndi , approved Feb. 28,1881. Woik t < be done In accordance wlih pUni and polflc lions. For further Informttlnn apply to tta connty cloik of el her of tald counties , and BC report of engineer and procoedlnna of boardi o comral'tloiarJtf tali couotlos and particular ) ; that of February Bth. 181 Alao the oindal ad vertlsemeut In the lllalr Pilot and In Hurt Coun ty New . Bldtarolo bo filed with certified check am name of iuretlo < , on cr before March 22J 1883 atRp. m. with county clerk rf iurt county , A A. TnomcH. Dupllcttca ( ullhout chcckb ) will county clerk of Waahlngion county Blaril forma tar proposals will bo tuppllod by Dili clerks. ly ! order of 1IUAKDS OP SAID COUNTIES. feb IB oow m& e 3t PROPOSALS FOR SIDEWALKS Sealed propoial ) will be received by the ur. denlgned until 12o'cocic noon ot March 2ltr 1883. at Uioofflco of the Hoard of 1'utillc Worli forlhoconitructlon of all plann ild wa1k thi nay b < ordered by the City < ouncllfor the quai ler em Ing Ju'y lit A I ) , 18)3. Buch aldewilk to be constructed In accordance with pUni an ipeclficatlonicn flle Inlhoolllce of aald bo ril Said proposal ) to be made upon pr nt d blank furn < thed by laid board and to be iccompanlc- by the alinaturea of propound auretlei who , I Ilio awarding of BU3h contract will enter Into b > nd with the city of Omaha la thoiumc 11.000 for the f.llhful execution ot uld con * Thi BoArJ ot Publie Works rcferrca Ibo rlgb Jfolti vav tnd tvll bldf. JAMES CUF.IQHTOV. tiT-eoJ 2w Cbm'a Board of I'ubllc Worki. I E. ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B , FRENCH & CO , ) A R P E TS ! GROCERIES : W. F. CLARK , PAINTER , PAPER HANGER & DECORATOR Kalsomining , Glazing , A.ND WORK OF THIS OHARAOTER WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. B. E. Oor. 10th and Douglas Stroota , - OMAHA , EASTERN MARKET. ZMHE5.A.TS , IM IE.A.TS , Fresh , Salt , Smoked and Lvried. at 0. ODJNNKBB , - - - 1716 Burt Stree rholco . Cuts competition ID prlcn and thoteuRh uiulcntatJIng of the buslncsi ratrong . . - olldtto. inB-m-w.f.lm THE CONFECTIONER All Goods Perfectly Pure. Largos ! asfiortment in town. -VCT3ECC X.1El ? ( uCk.X.X ] Ac KmiTA. IX. . FINEST FABNOH FRUIT G-LACES , FINE OIG-ARS , Orders by Mail Solicited Opera Honse Block. 15th St. , GlltSO * cV HILLY , CARRIAGE AND WAGON FACTORY , CORNER TWELFTH AND HOWARD STREETS , OUOLJ&.JBL A. , XOX11B. Pftrtlculsr attention given to Repairing , Sttiifmotion Guaranteed. HAS THE BEST STOOK IN OMAHA AND MIKES THE LOWEST PRICES IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS Have now , been finished in our store. maV - ing it the largest and most complete FUR ITURE'HOUSE In the West. 'An ' additional story has been built and the five floors all connected : with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , , One Exclusively ior the use of Passengers These immense warerooms - roomsthree stores , are 66 leet wide are filled with the Grand est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evei shown- shownAll are invited to oall , take the Elevator on the first flooi and go through the building and inspect the stock. CHAS. SHIVERIOK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha , STENCIL CUTTING , Looksmitog , Bell Hanging , Saw filing , UMBRELLA AND TaRASOL REPAIRING. x * . L. yp-fj'ze-iv . 'Bac. Oh Street , 2d Door North of Drdgo , . . . . Omaha , Neb JOHN SPOERL , FINE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER , 410 Tenth Street , Omaha , . Only lh host stock mod. I'rrfect flta and natUMct on icuiranteod lu-th sat Have the Best Stock in Nebraska. MAKE THE LOWEST PRICES. PERKINS & LEAR , FURNITURE NEW AND SECOND-HAND. 1416 Douglas Street. ' &H