Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1883, Image 1

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    TTOQ : > tn > 7.r.MAT1 A
. . . . . A Y TUARrllT fcl
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AUA ' ; * v - i
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A Naval Court Martial Appointed
to Investigate the Wreck
of the Ashuolofc ,
Subscriptions to the Garfield
Memorial Hospital Coming
in from Over' the Sea ,
Th ) Final Dividend of Seven
Per Cent Squeezed Out of
the Freedman'a Bank.
Anothtr Day In the Star Route
Trial A Guard for Yellow-
tone Park-
Special Dlipatch to TUB BVR.
WABHINOUN , March 19. The jury
wcs excused fur a day and argument
on the admission of portions of Brady's
evidence oontinned. Morrloltf oald
Brady had stigmatized all of Walsh's
testimony as falao , as "a lie made out
of whole cloth. " On his cross exam
ination the government proposed to
interrogate him relative to facts sworn
to by Walsh. Brady came upon the
stand and declared he had acted ( in
matters Increase and expedition ) from
pure patriotic motives ; no brought his
motives In the case , but ho would find
that what he thought was solid rock
was but quicksand beneath hia foot ,
for It was for the government to re
but his testimony on that point. "Ho
put his motives forward , " said Mor-
rick , "and I now propose by the
magic rod of truth to { isolve and
disclose his propose. "
Ingersoll made the closing argu
ment. Ho said it was not material in
this case what Brady's motives In
taking expedition were in any other
case ; it was not necessary to intro
duce several other cases to prove Gen.
Brady knew it was wrong to swindle
the government. No matter if ho had
stolen in those cases , the presumption
was he was innocent of the charge on
trial. Ingorsoll commented upon the
lontrth of trial , that it might run into
The court said the twelve candles
still bnrned.
It grsoll I am willing to go on
with eleven , when one juror dies , and
when the last man dies to take his ad
ministration ; yes , ( to Mbrrick , ) I ex
pect to survive and the case may drag
along until the judge , whoshall finally
pasi upon it , will not remember even
the ] name , your honor. ( Laughter. )
.The court , speaking rf Brady satd
ho lib"hav'G" be'en a very kind hor.rted
man and allowed members of
to run qverhlmand B " ° 2
* Weak
-it : . will : flit * would 'have been
but not criminal. If ho had been
charged with receiving a bribe the
direct evidence of
court would require
that charge and would not allow evidence -
denco of any other < fl uo to bo
accepted in proof of that charge. The I
question was whether the court could
receive evidence of payments to Brady
by other contractor * ; whther his aois
could not on their face bo shown to
be criminal acts by the light thrown
noon his motives in other transactions.
On this point the court reserved
decision. Ingersoll said he would
continue the argument -
Adjourned. _
Special Dispatch to Till DM.
WASHIHOTON , March 19. The r '
port of Rear Admiral Olltz , command.
ine United States naval forces in the
Asiatic station , detailing the olromn-
stances attending the loss of thi
United States steamer Ashnelot , b ]
which several lives were lost
haa been received by tin
secretary of the navy. The repot
but is o
has not been made public
such a character that Secretary Ohaod
martial to tr
Icr has ordered a court
Commander Horace E Mnl an , wh
was in comm nd of the Aahuelot who
wrecked. Captains Wm. P McOar
and Jos. N. Miller , the farmer i
president of the court , and Mast (
Samuel 0. Lamly as judge adyocati
have been ordered to procsod to Bi
Frauolaoo and t ke passage for Yok
hama by steamer silling the 29 .h IM
Among thu subscriptions recent
received by Traasnrer Gllfillan for t
Gatfield memorial hospital fund a
the following : * t'QW > ' l
through Dr. 0 n < slns , Unit
qua , Islands ? 5 (
States consul at Ramoa ,
H. 0. Marston , UnUed States com
at Malaga , Spain , $144 ; Hugh H tr
vice oousul
ton , United States
Tenerlffe , $280.
Assistant Secretary French said
Secretary Folger Sat
day ho asked
day if he had any Instructions to g
reimdlngtho question of antlclpat
the interest on the 12th o U or I
call which wit mat
ment of that ,
ho had no
May 1st Folgor.sald
sti notions to give in the nntter , as
was not qulto ready. The aub
will take no action on cither of tl
questlono until advised by the ec
Gilfilhn tays it
tary. Treasurer
to antic !
never boon cnatomary
Interest bcforo the 25h of the mo
because it Is not possible to pre
Interest checks before that date.
Justice Cox to day delivered
opinion of the court ia general te :
the case of K > y vs. the sncrott
state , and directed the Iisuo of
payment to K
damns to compel
a portion of the award made b ;
Mexican claims commission In tn .
of Benjamin Well.
Secretary Teller has request. .
m' '
eoretary war Jo
guard for protection of Yellov
park property. 0 ° cretary L
promised to comply with the ro ,
Ho action will b Uken in re {
the charge * against Supervising Ar
chtteot Hill until Secretary Folgor ro
tnrns. Ex-Congressman Muroh satd
to-day that every charge ho haa made
( s well founded , and ho haa proof to
back thorn.
Comptroller Knox will shortly pay
to depositors of the Froedman's bank
another and final dividend of ? per
cent. D.vidends amounting In the
aggregate to G5 per cent have already
been paid. _
Exhibition of tel road Appliance *
dpcclal Dispatch to Tui Bits.
CHICAGO , March 19. Exhibits for
the national exhibition of railway ap
pllances , which opens hero March 24 ,
arc being received in largo numbers
Secretary Talbott to'day received a
cablegram from London stating that
the old ougino ' Rocket , " built by
George Stepuenson , and the first loco-
motlyo over run open a railroad , hits
boon secured. It is now among the
curiosities In South Kensington muse-
um. The exposition will have the
four oldest engines In existence. The
othtr three Inc nde one from England ,
ono from Nova Scotia , built by Stc-
phenson , and ono owned by the Balti
more & Ohio railroad.
A Stolen Diploma.
Special Dispatch to Tun linn.
BRUNSWICK Maine , March 19
Franklin E. Porhain , senior class of
Bdwdolu college , charged with steal
ing a diploma and soiling it for $75
to M. McMonaglo , O donsbnrg , N.
Y. , from whom It was withheld by the
faculty , waa fined $10 and coats. Mo-
Monaglc , who has boon practicing
modictno nnder the dip'oma , was held
on the charge of receiving stolen
Vigilant Work In Montana-
Special DispitchcB to TUB B
HELENA , Mont , March 19. List
Friday night a barn , eight head of
horses , throe cows , hay , grain , etc. , of
H. 0. MoNally , twelve miles distant
from Helena , bntncd. The vigilance
committee traoad the crime , it is
claimed , to two men named Coomes
and Smith. They wore hung by the
commit too Sunday niaht. Taoir bodies
ies were brought to Helena this even-
leg. Ooomes was an old Alder Gulch
minor and at the time of his death
kept thu Eleven Milo house. Smith
was a discharged railroad hand.
Billiards and Boreal
Spccf A ! Dispatch to TUB UR
CIHOAQO , March 19 Jacob Sohaef-
fer , in thu practice for the coming
tourrmmont , to day , ran 227 and aver-
Rd 43 in GOJ points , balk line game.
Tnia is larger than any recorded pub
lic performance.
The boat huuae of the Farragnt boat
club was damaged and a dczoi ) racing
and pleaanra bo its smashed by the
atorm lait night and to-day.
* - y 4
J > u
Special Dl p tch to Tni.Bnr . * - * * ,
HARBISBURO , March 19. In the
house to-night , Bierer , of Wostmoro
land , introduced the following :
RESOLVED , It is the sense of this
house that some action be taken look
ing to proper disposition of the ques-
lions "as to the rlijht of Nicholas Ly-
man Dukes , of F yetto county , to his
title to a seat In the house of repre-
tatlves . The resolution was referred
without dijcues'um to the judiciary
commlt'te , with instructions to report
M noun as possible.
'Jtlie Root of Evil-
SpecUl Dispatch to Tni.llii.
WHEKLINO , W. Va. , March 19.
Tnia evening Gnenthor Schnell en <
tered his uncle's drug store under th <
iLfineneo of liquor , quarrelled wltl
aud shot and killed his uncle. Dr
Sohuohhardt was wealthy , aged 79
Soinell shot himself below the temple
His wouud Is nnt. serious. Ho ha
been arrested. Thn cause was jeal
ouiy in rcgwd to Schuchhardt's will
Bond Case-
Bpo lal Dispatch to 111 B fin.
TAVLoRbViLLE , Us , March 19.-
Euiuia Bond , the victim of last sun
' mysteriously left he
rnor'a outrage ,
sick room la t Friday ulgbt and wi
o ditcoverud by her attendants Ijiog o
the ground north of hur house in a
unoonecions condition. The luoldei
has created a suspicion that an attorn
c.t abduction was made to prevent h
appearance before the grand jury
i he Boemed on the road to recove
Ths prospect of recovery now
A F mmle Mmdnrer to Ba Hni
Bpeclal Dispatch to Tin BIB.
WATBBBUBY , Conn. , March 19
Emetine Meaker , to be hanged on t
ined 30th Inst. at Windsor for the mure
of little Alice Meaker , has written 1 '
hnabind and daughter to visit hor'
fore "sho Is murdered for what she
tilat entirely Innocent of , " and asking t !
her body bo buried at Buro Tl
refuted both requests. Mrs. Meal
. tt'io ' wrote htr son Almon and
to. cfiioara , charging them to repent
ur jvo < their dying bed for her cruel mure
.ing JJrem tlo nnd PngUUtio.
> y- Special Diapalch to TUB His
uro NEW YORK , March 19 Lud
iuho Barnay , the tragedian , was ontertal
ho at the breaUtast to-day by Whtti
tant Reid. Carl Sahuiz and Lawn
lioao Barrett were among the gucsta.
icre- The cosmopolitan theatre has 1
has pronounced unsafe.
ipato A dispatch from Boston says 8 i
inth , vau will soon nitvko a match for (
iparo 000.
A Heavy Storm.
the Special Dispatch to TUB Itn.
March 10. The shore
rmln CHIOAQO ,
iry of here continues , and the rcporti
show that the cold bal
- i&ornlng
man- &
ey of tends over the entire northwest ,
the slderttblo damaje to property wi
y at Milwaukee , Waul
.0 caie &
and other points on the east she
Like Michigan. The change
. wheat
jdthe pooled to seriously delay
Hilary Ing.
rstone Good Indians.
lucoln I EMEU ! DUiatch to Tun BBB.
queit. gT PAOII March 19. Slttlni
and one hundred and forty of b
jardto lowers under military lurrellla
Fort Rindall , cxprois a doalro to join
the remainder of the Uncipapas Slonx
at Standing Rock , and it Is nndor-
stood that the war department and
Indian bureau will accede to the
change , owing to the good conduct of
the savages during the past winter.
Flood Sufferer *
Special Dispatch to THB UH.
NEW YORK , March 19. The stats
branch of tbo Woman's' National Re
lief association , in response to a tele
gram from the sgent at Louisville ,
etotlng that "the situation Is much
worse than reported , " appeal forfnnds
to purchase bedding , shoes , etc. , for
the sufferers by the fijod.
CAIRO , March 19. The Indianapolis
board of trade rollif commlttoosrrived
this uvonlug on the steamer Halpin.
They visit id every inundated city
and village on the Ohio river , and
have given relief where needed. The
members say no moro funds or sup
plies are necessary. They return homo
from here.
WASHINGTON , March 19 President
Arthur has received a letter tromBer-
lln , inclosing a contribution of 1,000
marks Irom a number of prominent
bankers in that city , for the flood
sufferers in this country. The 1 a It or
was referred to the state department
for proper acknowledgment , and the
money turned over to the representa
tive in this city of the order of the
"Red Cross" for distribution.
YAZooGiTY , March 19 Later news
sots at rest feats of an overflow along
the Yazoo. The water at Sharkeys
was falling , at Greenwood at a stand.
Between the latter place aud the head
of Honey Island the plantations are
overflowed. In the head of Honey
Island there seems to bo very little
uneasiness and work continues on all
places. The Yazoo river can stand a
larger rise than she will got. ,
A Scdnoer Shot-
Special Dispatch toTnaliBB
NEW YORK , March 19 George W.
Conkllng , United States surveyor on
surveys , Nevada , shot dead William
H. Havorstick , seducer of hia sister.
The tradogy took place In "Paris
Flat , " No. 341 west Twenty-third
street. Gonkllnp arrived in the city a
few days ago. Ten years ago his sin.
tormnrried a man named Uhlor.
They soon quarreled and separated.
Falling In with Haveratick she came
to New York and lived with him in
"Paris Flat. " Learning of her
hereabouts Conkling came to
New York and obtained * an
interview with his sister. She prom
ised to go west with him , but refused
to live with her husband. To-night
Oonklinc ; wont again to see her , was
mot by Haverstlck who aworo the
woman should not leave the houao.
The tire mon came to blown. Haver-
stick threw a copper statue at Goukr
ling , who drew n revolver and fired ,
ball struck Havcratlok In the pit
. . . _ . . .
< l . .tJ * . . A - > - - .M.- „
Oonklintr left the house immrdlatly
after the shooting and walking to
Eighth avenue and Twenty third
street surrendered to an officer.
Oonkllug said Uhlor was a broker at
17 Broad street , and Havorstick was
his partner. . In this way he made the
acquaintance of Mrs. Uhlor When
hia sister saw Oonkltag she agreed togo
with him to his western home , and
last night waa the tlrno fixed upon to
leave. When Oonkllng arrived at the
house , his sister was In the inner room
and heard only the nolso of the
Oonkllng is 27 years old , and
Haverstlck 30. The latter was a
broker at GO Broadway , had lived
with Uhler about two years. Conk-1
ling was locked up. Ho refused tc
talk to repirtara. He told the officer )
that Havorstick tried to eject him anc
threw a number of articles at him , anc
in self defense ho shot the man. Mrs
Uhler is said to ba very pretty.
The Tax on Banks.
Special Dispatch to TUB BIB.
LOUISVILLE. Ky. , March 19 Th
commissioner of internal revenue rt
piles to the etqulry for official cot
strnctlon of the Jaw ropaaliug the ts
> r on capital and deposits of banks , i
is followa :
AHItiMOTO , March iti , 1883. )
it J. B. lia.ret , Cashier German Becuril
Div Bunk Bill : : la reply to your letter of the 9 !
eras inst , you are informed that thia office hi
as not yet decided what consttuction ihou
ir. be placed on the language f > t that part the act of March3.188) , which repeals tl
tax on capital aud depoiits of banks ai
bankers. la view of the Importance
the question Involved , ill * probuhle theei
retary ol the treasury will submit the sai
to the attorney-general for hU opinion
arises which ca
soon as an actual caen
ho for decision of the department. If Bt
taxes are still due , returns fur the sa :
lor cannot be demanded before June 1st , i
icr collection nt the same be enforced
can . .
be- fore July 1,1883. ( Signed : )
la B. C.
sey Slnggor Bnlllvan'i Benefit.
k'er Bpacla Dlipatch to TUB Dn.
the BOSTON , March 19. The larf
on crowd ever brought together by i
ler. exhibition of the kind in this city
tended the benefit to-night of Ji
L , Sullivan in Charitable Mcchai
Fair building. Eighteen thons
Iwlg people wcro present. The atreo !
Ined front of the main entrance to
3 ! aw building was densely packed
anon thousands were turned away , It b
tuipunoiutu . Gain admittance.
crowd , In the main , though iinpnli
ill was quiet , and the police had 1
" lak ° r ln preserving order.
10 -
Three Men X < oat >
Special Dispatch to Tin UIB.
GLKNMNE , Mont. , March 19.
Ice In the Yellowstone broke at
itorm yesterday whllo three men were e
ithla ing the river. They woru ca
t ox- down the stream and are supposi
Con- bo lost.- *
IS 00- Solid Gash.
ira 01 Special Dispatch to TUB BBB.
s ex NEW YOBK , March W.-The C
Berlin from Liverpool brought I
000 in Bpecle.
Want 1o Mora Aid
SpecUl Dispatch to IBB BBB.
Is fol- The mayor announces that no f
nee t aid for flood ufferew hero Is req
The Dixie Assault Olusslly Oon-
he Story Dwindles as JUpldly
as Investigatioa is Fuehed.
Parnell IB Billed for. America
While Sexton-Holds *
the Fort ,
lf 1 P > ! '
A Variety of Polittoil ? as
olal Notes fem "chei'Qar4.
den of Romance. "
Tho&nyal Ornnge Agitation in Ot-
ttvwa General Foreign New * .
Spodal Dtepatchea to Tun BBBX. ' ' '
LOKDON , March 19.Tho LVy
Dixlo hffitr is puzzling everyone No
oluo to the assailants. A gardener
potting peranlums 30 yards from the
econo neither aw uor heard AhytKlng
6f , the occurrence. 'Lady * Fltron6o
saya she thlnka she called to 'her bus
band for help. She saya she should
ba sorry to attribute the outrage totho
Ltnd League.
LONDO'N , March 19 Lady Florence
Dixie , who wan attacked1 Saturday by
two men dagoi | od in women's ololiW ,
saya the mon spoke no brogue , { who
remcnibora seeing her * St. .Bernard dog
drag ono of thorn back ward.
Arrived tho'Bsltlo nd"\Violatd ,
Tno OlaSKOw express from Kdln-
burg tolosooped a train from Glaogoj ?
near central station this evening.
Four persons were killed and many
The .queen stopped upon the stairs
of the palace Saturday and received
Injuries , but was able to hold a coun
cil with the ministry yesterday.
Parnell goes tc America , Sexton
remains to watch the parliament.
The universal arbitration and peaoe
society publish a letter frora President
Arthur , acknowledging the letter the
society sent him commending tbo
president's reference in his last an
nual messagfl to arbitration. The so
ciety drew from the president/ -
sponse ho nympathlzas with their-'ob-
jocts. *
Tha action brought by Herbert
Chamberlain and Walter Oaamberlaln
against Lannox Boyd , member of the
rofoim club , for alleged libeljflla-
paling to them misconduct'caloi -
htedto prevent their oloction'.fnto
thdt club , was qu hod. *
The etuamer ' Oardlnio ,
St. Mlchaele , is reported
was'W OO" " " " ' T ' i
LONDON , March 18. The Glebe ]
says that In consequence of the la to
outrages the police force of London
will be increased by 1,000 mon , and
the ataii' of detectives on duty at night
will bo doubled.
Color id no Kenmud writes to The
Times , complaining of the commons
neglecting his motions relative to the
surplus of the Alabama award , and
his object is to recover the surplus
plus for legitimate British claimants
and tax payers.
LONDON , March 19. Arrived , the
Helvetia and Spain.
LONDON , March 19. A meeting
look place on the brasserie des paqnei
of DOO socialists , at which tha dls
tnrbauco occurred referred to in thi
Paris dtapa ch yesterday. It was heh
Paris. Th
In Geneva , and not in
only serious nymptom In Franco yes
terday of socialistic activity was a :
attempt to sednco the soldiers statione
in Rhelms by throwing over the wall
of their barracks placards giving dlroc
tions for blowing up the public build
ings. Nine persona engaged therel
are arreattd.
LONDON , March 19. Rumors thi
two barrels of powder have been four
In the vicinity of the largo gas mote
at King's Cross , Lor.don.
BIJONDON , March 19 Irish niombo
of parliament discredit the story
D.xlo that she w
'y ' Lady Florence "
* 1A * vnn .
attacked by ma kj jnpn.
as Jt A. & * m * m-
Id Special Dltpitch to TUB nits.
of PABIS , March 19 The govornmc
he will soon introdnco a bill in the chai
of ber of deputies for the relief of d
JO tressed worklngmen.
JOne In the case ot Bontoux and Fed
aa president and manager of the Unl ,
ich Gdnoralo , the court of appeals roveri
me the judgment of the lower courtier
ior co in regard to fictitious piymo
be- on shares of stock and the iftiU.1
shares irrogulatly constituted
counts , The sentence of ench was
Aucod to two years iraprUonme
The fine and costs werecocfirmed. .
Sixty miners in attempting to i
; est one a comrade at St. Etlouno the
my d'armes used tbelr weapons. (
at- killed and several arr
minor was -
ohn made. Gro t excitement.
nlcs The chamber of deputies rejec
and 294 to 110 , the radloil motion relate
b in to grievance of mining population
the adoption of the order of the day , i
and andttlinplo. With respect to the
ulng tlon granting amnesty to poll
The offenders , the minister of the
slvo , torlor insi Ud.tho present was unt
Ittlo ly for Buch notion. Calmer poj
feeling should bo awaited. The
tion was rejected , 309 to 8J.
iourned for a month-
-Tho 1 PAKIB. March ,19Parnell
Iu company with Olomor
noon Sunday
iross- , and Henri Rochefnrt.
rtlcd CANADA
3d to Bptclal DUpiUhei to TUB BBB.
OTTAWA , March 19-In the
White Introduced
mons to-day ,
to Incorporate the Loyal Group
elation of Brltsh North America
S0o ! l motion the bill will bo resd a s
f250' ' I time to-morrow. Conesol mo\
amendment that the bill bo
second tlmo ihls day six months
animated discussion ensued ,
19 amendment waa fially defeate
nrttier 94 There is a strong determl
on the part ol the Fr noh ni
Catholics to oppose the bill at every
High Oommlstlonor Gait , of Lon
don , tendered his resignation , but the
government requested him to eon
tinuo iu onijotlll spring.
Oorrcapondonco Is going on with a
vlow to establishment of the post
ollha money order system the same as
in the United States.
MO > TKEAL , March 19. Business
men atsort the frauds upon the
customs amounts annually to hun
drcds of thousands , If not millions of
C. 0. Porranlt , consul of Franco ,
was arrested on the charge of making
false declarations to defraud the
Srwciil Dlfi > * tcl'M to TUB UBB.
DUBLIN , March 19. The Mont Rev.
John MicEvllly , archbishop ol Troam ,
replying to the Karl of Spencer , the
lord nontenant , on behalf of the
( Mhollci hlnhopii of Ireland , writes
that the action of the government In
Irals'.liif ; on extending relief to the
distressed people to throng the workhouse -
house is un outrage on humanity and
a covert tyatom of exterminating the
nallvn race. Archbishop Orckt ) has
sent 50 as a contribution to the testimonial
menial fund for Purnol ) .
VIBNNA , March 19 , The evident
oharga of high troauou against the
socialists on trial here is broken down.
Sr. PKTEKSBUBO , March 19. Per
ellluir , formurly the director of the
postufiioa who some time ago attempt
ed suicide , has ngalu stabbed himself.
The wounds this ttrno are moro
BF.ULIN , March 19. The statement
of the Imperial bank of Germany
fthor/s an Increase iu specie * of 2,500-
ODO marks.
band of Arabs attacked fonr Ottoman
battalions near Yemen. The Turks
lost fonr officers and a number of
soldiers killed and wounded. The
Arabs were repulsed.
BEBLIN , March 19. The emperor
has accepted the resignation of Ad
miral Von Stosoh , chief of the mlnstry
of marine. It Is said Bismarck : forced
the resignation.
Sheridan' * Ride In Mexico.
Bpeclal Dispatch to TUB BBB.
MOHTBEEY , March 19. Gon. Sheri
dan and Gen. Augur came up this
morning In tin private car of General
Manager Gardner , nf the Mexican
National railway , Can. Sheridan's
visit la solely for the purpose of
observing the railway methods of
Mexico. Ho declined a public ro-
ouplion. Ho called on General
Orovita and returned to Laredo by a
epeclal train.
A Ormlloujjo to How-
Special Dispatch to TUB :
T ? fl * " .
lUUU uu nuv-vn .uu
TffUo trio tor 5 > ,
to rocyivn all the money reoolved from
Hto rallpiiya , cn Ross will give $500
< jiMvldkd. that Hanlau will row
at St. Join , or will take $500and row
at Toronto. The race will take place
on or uf ter the 1st of July.
he Motion Denied-
tipeclal Dlspatoh to TUB BBB.
NKW YORK , March 19 , Judge Don-
court this mornIng -
ohuo , In tho.suprema
denied the motion to so amend
Ing ,
the complaint in the Motropolltac
Elevated railroad company against UK
Manhattan aud Now York Elovatet
railroad company that the only quos
tlon to be involved would bo thi
validity ot the Merger agreement.
ADt'Uble Murder-
Special Dispatch to TUB BBS.
OuiLLiccTHK , o. , March 19. Wm
the houi
stopped at
Keys , a farmer ,
named Taylor on his wa
of a man
homo lost Saturday night. A quarr <
called out hi
[ arose , and Taylor
brother John , and the two assanlte
and it
who drew a revolver
stantly killed Taylor , and mortal !
wounded John. Keys waa arrestei
id Capture of Youthful Bandit * .
rs Special Dlipatcri to
Texas , March 19. Mi
train robber wl
rs Thompson , the young
of Bsals'ed in robblog the train here i
wascaoturedand jalli
aa few weeks ago ,
four robbers are nc
to day. All
jailed. The youngest IB 13 , thooldc
only 1C years.
tn- Files , roaches , ants , bed-bugs , ra
Is- chipmunks cleared c
- mlco , gophers , ,
r "Rounhonttabs. " 15o.
or ,
Datcota Cc
for tbo
on A Vine unauoe
nts mlBBionera to obtain Wealth.
there Wuhtnjfton Spsclal (3 Philadelphia I'KM.
re- The attempt to secure a division
int. the territory of Dakota and the
mlHilon of the lower part into
res- state , received a docii
union as H
gau eotbick by reantm of the Yankton bi
received h
Qae scandal. Information
Qlts of the prominent officer
from ono
the acl
territory In relation to
ted , rt-cently taken by the territorial le
tlnii the removal of the civ
kj lUuro frim Yanktcm for forebodes an olTi
auto t will bccoino a worse stone
tmo - the nostrils of hunrst pu'iplo than
tical of bonds , Yankton I
iln- southeastern part of the torrl1
ime- the ( the removal of thu capita
inlar a site moro central haa long been
meAd - tlolpatad. There has boon great r
Ad- various towns In the Int
ry among of the Capital , ,
for the possession
ipcnl fueling ran. so high that the Ivulsli
icoau at last determined to disregard all
- ' - ' " nnd cot no not only a now
coma -
a bill
assoOn KeTS but-the leaders ,
? =
. An I 3SL&1 SiSS ?
. lodw
The , ?
I 89 to
capital at Yaukton removed , ani ap
pointing a oommlaiion of nlno'/ncm
bers , whoso names are contalnpd in
the act , to select a now slto bofi '
1st of July. By the terms of
the commission is required ,
dctlgnatlng n site , to have an dFor of
twenty acres of land aud $10(1,000 in
cash as a bonus for rf locating the cap
ital , the land to bo used for the pur
poses of the territorial government
and the money to bo expended In
erecting suitable buildings. The bill
also provides that the commissioners
shall not purchase or own land on the
site of the now capital unti ! after the
expiration of ono year fron the time
it shall have boon located. This last
clause is presumptively deeiguod to
prevent the oommtiBlonon from mak
ing fortunes in real estate through the
Information they will tint possess of
the slto of the now cnpltM.
Governor Ordway drew this extra
ordinary bill and modeled it after a
hill by which the capital of Nebraska
was located at Lincoln. The commis
sioners who selected Lincoln for the
capital of that state made millions by
the operation It Is well understood
iu Dakota , that whllo the oommla-
slouors personally under the now law
may not buy up the lauds around the
slto that may bo chosen for the now
capital , there Is nothing to prevent
their friends from bnyltig for thorn.
It Is reported that n stock company
has already been quietly formed with
a capital of $1,000,000 , to buy 10,000
acres of land at the point which the
commissioners will select for the terri
torial capital.
Thla company will donate twenty
acres and $1,000 to the territory. A
spot will bo chosen to which , at least ,
two railroad lines will bo built , and
the profits of the ring on their cheap
lands will bo enormous. There Is
great excitement In the territory re
garding the removal of the capital , and
charges of bribery and corruption are
freely mado.
Limits of Toiepbonlo Action.
C timbers' Journal.
The power of the telephone to trans
mit the voioo to long distances is inti
mately associated with its delicacy ,
Mr. Wlllonghby Smith has found by
experiment that that a telephone will
work through a "resistance" of wlro
corresponding to 160,000 miles of tele
graph line ; and hence It wonld seem
moro child's play to fnllfil the words
of tho- pool , and "waft n sigh from
Indua totho Polo. " But this is only
a laboratory experiment ; for an actual
telegraph llnea the leakage of olootri-
o ty from the wlro to the ground , damp ,
and other drawbacks , render the trans
mission of speech by wlro far loss ossy
in practlco than was at llrqt eupponud.
Nevertheless , It is on record that Mr.
EdUnn transmitted n speech ever a
line 7r > 0 inllou lonq in America ; and
conversation haa been carried on ever
500 miles in ludh ; 300 miles , from
boon able to work ihrouRh finch long
circuit ? , owing tb the wetf essi of tha
atinospliorej but Mr. Van Rvsaoll.
bttrgho , the Ingenious chief ct the
Meteorological Observatory at Brus.
sols , has telegraphed from that city tt
Purls , a distance of 215 miles ; , and
this while the same wire was carrying
simultaneously an ordinary Morse tel
egraphlo message. By a peculiar dis
POBIUUU1L his spparatns , Mr. Vai
Ryssolbergho epoko to Purls by tele
phone without any Interference fron
the Morao signals that were travorsin ,
the identical wire at the ssmo .time.
The day after the bombardment o
Alexandria it waa announced1 In th
London papers that the nolso of th
guns had been hoard at Malta by telephone
ophono through 1,000 miles of sub
marine cable. Experloucad elootrli
iana took the statement with a gral
of salt , because they knew that a sal
marine cable differs from a land teli
graph wlro In the greater retarding e
eot which it has on eloctrlo current
traveling along it. A oablo has tb
feffoot of running together jnmptr
up the delicate and rapidly succoci
Ing vocal currents of the telephon
and either mniBing ttw articulation <
a. creating absolute silence. 51
10 miles of land llr.o would make little
the distinctness of
a no difference
nd tolophonlc message , supposing t
ndW wire to bo well Insulated from t
earth , but 100 miles of ordinary stj
marine cable will probably bo q'l
dumb. Indeed , aoino exporimoi
made by the writer , with Dr. Mu
ts , head's artificial cable , show that wh
> ut the voice could bo faintly hoi
shrough a length equivalent to fifty
tlxty miles , when it cam * to elgl
miles no sound at all i
audible. The inductive reta
atlon had frittered away i
blotted out the dellcata undulatl
of the voo l currents. Telnpho
messages have , however , boon succi
of fully sent by cable across the ohani
ad- and from Holyhead to Dublin : bn
the no oaio has the length of the c ;
led roach 100 miles. The dream of w
and poring across the Atlantic under-
icro "roaring forties" Is likely tj roma
s of dream for a long time to coma.
; lon
gls- Fourth Ward Club.
iltal The republicans of the Fourth \
jnsa mot at Judge Anderson's oQlco t
hln the guntzo a ward club as requostei
iiin the city central committee. Anc
ory , meeting to effect a permanent or
1 to talimi , will bo hold at the Olty
an- building on Thursday nljht , iv
Ival- past coven' o'clock , and to d !
orlor other matters pertaining , to the
and pnlgn. It is earnestly dotirod to i
itaro every rnpnbllcan In the ward pj
rival and a member. Those intondlt
Cap- take a hand in the coming eleatlo
etlng find It of interest to be prose
orth- Thursday night. It la the v
id St. make the club the permanent bv
as on organization of th ward , asi
| * and cooperating with the centra
In the mltteoluthls and future cami
. .
a were Made from the wild flowoit
ay the it is the most f rsgrant ot pc
r them Manufactured by H. B , Slave
Francisco , Fonale In , Omaha 1
ig the J , WhlUhouu and. Kennard
'The Father of Oommunism Eu
logized in Now Yoik ,
A Mammoth Meeting in Oooper
Union to Honor His
Cannlno Eralilems in Abnndanee
Bpeaohei and Reiolntlonc-
Bpcclal Dispatch to TUB Bxic.
NEW YOUK , March 19 Cooper
Union waa crowded to HE ntmost
capacity to-night , by people gathered
to honor the memory of Karl Marx.
The rod 11 IR of the commune waa
everywhere , and a picture of the dead
man framed In black , surmounted with
the motto of "Vivo L'Intornationalo"
hung at the front of the platform. P.
J McGalro , Edward King , Victor
Drury , John Most , Dr. A. Douul and
John Swlnton inado speeches. The
last named gave a graphic description
of his first aud la t mooting with
Marx at RamBgato , England. Ho
oulojjlzod the domestic and public vir
tues of the socialist , and said ho had
made the "Internationale" the watch
word of the world's workers. Ho gave
moro than all to munklnd when ho
gave thorn himself.
The resolutions were road in Eng-
llah and Gorman and nnamlmously
adopted , They declare the world of
labor is plunged into sorrow. Its
most powerful thinker , Us noblest
here , Karl Marx , is no moro. His
llfo and the great power of his intel
lect have for thirty years boon devoted
to the oanso of the laboring pooplo.
In the field of social and economic
science ho waa first to provo by
statistical facts and reasoning
based upon universally recogni
sed principles of political
economy that capitalistic production
must necessarily load to monopolizing
and concentrating all Industry to the
hands of a few and thus by robbing ,
the working classes of the fruits of
their toil , to reduce them to nttor and
absolute slavery and degradation.
The resolutions conclude by pledg
ing the dissemination of tbo ideas , of
Marx to the world and dedication of
their lives to the cause of which he
was the pioneer and in which ho loft
so noble a record , Telegrams of con
dolence were received from Boston ,
Maryland and Now Jersey , from
Henry George and Frederick En-
The Oregon Pool.
Bpcolal Dispatch to TUB UBB.
NKW YOBK , March 19 , By the
agreement rcoantly made the Oregon
and TransContinental company shall
end mortgage bondr also that the
Oregon and Trans-Continental com
pany shall lease the Oregon and Cali
fornia system 999 years , paying the
following rental : First , iho amount of
fixed charges , being 1 terest on the first
and xnoond mortgage bonds ; second ,
920,000 o year to maintain the organ
ization of the Orocron. and California
companythird ; , $20,000' ' per annum
for three and one-half years to bo
distributed on dividends at the rate
of 2J per cotot , per annum on pre
ferred stock of the Oregon' and Call- '
fornla-company ; and fourth , to pay
from and after July 1 , 1880 , to the
latter company D per cant , ot the
cross earnings with guarantee thai
this percentage will bo rnfficlent to
pay the fixed charges ot $20000 ; per
annum for the maintenance of the
organicatlon and minimum of 2' per
cent , divided on preferred stock.
Special Dlipatchci to TUB BBB.
Ibe fire In the cotton mills of Caleb J > .
Milver * Son' * , Philadelphia , caused ales *
ot 8ttO,000.
30 Gen , Diaz and party left Bt. Louis for
era Chicago laat night by special train.
a Elizabeth and Hannah Judson , of Hart-
bo fordt were murdered before their houan and
ho bodies burned. Ne arrests.
ib- Jay H. Filley , a brother of Chauncey I.
ito Kllloy , of Bt. Lonl , died at Hartford.
its Hither 8. Lathrop. of the firm of Meyer
ilr & Lathorp , of New York , dropped ciead on
.lie the streets of thUclty.
trd Ohoa. D , Erby , tha leprous patient la
the Salem ( Mass , ) , alms houao , , who con
or tracted the.alseasa lutho.Sandwlch Islands ,
it * died yesterday.
vas Tha houie and two children of Wm.
rd- Harris ( coloredburned ) at Atlnata , Ga.
Jane WIlHamaon and little daughter , ol
ons Ralelitb , N. C > , are missing , supposed to
nio have been mufuered. The bu > band of the
and stepfather of tha child and
ael mother have been arrested.
tin . Frenohy Johnson , the oarsman , died la
able i
The officers of Little Hock , Ark. , cap.
his- .
- lured the Johnson Brothera , two ot th *
the Little Hook and Port Hmhh railroad rob-
An a bern , In Washington county.
Mrs. Kinmrt Gates Cockling djed liP4
New York last evening.
Another Italian murder in New York
Tard last night. Antonio Sallo , of Providence ,
was cut with a razor.
oor- Frederick Billings , who presented the
i Goo. P. March t ? the *
by library of the late % * - - -
. . . . , .
Unlvoraltv of Vermont , has given the In-
library building.
Btlt ilon e75,000 for a
hall ' Weother.
thalf BpMlalDUpitchtoTUBBiB
[ SCUBB . TOUONTO , March 1. o the
cam- most severe snow storms of tbo season
have throughout the Ontario.
| Sprovallln
csont today. The wind ia high and oold.
ig to
nvlll '
mt on BpedalDI pawritoT BBBB.
rish to „ * , . - . . , Conn. , March 19.
islness Patrick Egau departs for Now Yorlc
listing this afternoon. Thence ho goes to
1 com * . Buffalo , and afterwards to Beaton.
ONGE Moro Cold *
Special Dlipatch to TUB BBB.
of the
.LLEY DETEOIT , March 19. A hewy
in this region
irfume. snowstorm prevailed
n , Ban all last nlnht. It cleared thU - " "
by W. noon. Railroads uro iomehA
Bro , layed ,