Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1883, Image 9

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The Daily Bee.
Monday Morning , March 10
Weather Boporti
( The following observations wore Uben
kt the s mo moment of time at the stations
mentioned , )
WAR Dnr'T U 8 Biarut , SIKTICI. )
OMIIII , March IS , (1:15p. ( : m ) |
The residence of James Ruano , No ,
G12 South Sixteenth street , was entered by
burglars Friday night. They got In by
turning the key In the front door with nip
pers , nnd then wont through the houno
without disturbing the occupants. They
succeeded in getting $33 In money belong *
Ing to Mr. Runne , and n neck chain nnd
ear rings with which they got away as
qulotly as they came.
A two-story house belonging to Mr ,
and Mr . 1'otor Koohm , living seven miles
west of thin city , was destroyed by fire on
Saturday while they were in town , Three
little children left alone , made their escape
in safety , and the origin of the fire Is a
mystery. The loss is about { 3,000 , on
which there iaaome Insurance.
Miss M. A. Jamoi , the nieca of Mr.
Eugene O'Noil , whose home WM burglar
ized last week , could not Identify the men
who were arrested on suspicion , although
there was o strong resemblance between
oua of them and one of the robbers. They
were accordingly discharged.
Jerry O'Grady , formerly on tbo
"regular" force and now a "special" on
duty at K sjler'a hall , was attacked by a
couple of young fellows on Saturday evening -
ing , stabbed In the aide with a pocket
knife and cut on the head with a "billy. "
The officer succeeded In landing one of bis
assailants In j ill.
' -Two shots were fired early Saturday
avenlng in the alloy in the rear of Horn-
bergei'n saloon. The reports attiacted
Policeman Armour and quite a largo
orowd of men to the spot. A couple of
younc men were found and ceirched for
woaponr , but had none and were dis
The change of weather between Satur
day night at 3 o'clock and Sunday morning
was decUcd enough to affect nearly pvory-
body. A slight fl > rry of nnow fail yester
day morning , nnd the blizzud howled all
day long.
-Tho A. O. II. and their splendid band
returned from Flattsmauth , where they
went to celebrate St. Patrick' * day , on
Saturday evening and presented a fine ap
pearance as they marched up the streets to
their hall.
The firm of Schlank & Prince has
strengthened- working force by acquttl-
tion of Mr. J , O. Orouland to their num
ber. Mr. O.I * known by everybody and
will always giva hii friend * hearty re
ception ,
The garrison at Ft. Oraiha turned out
Saturday to extinguish prairie fire west
of the barracks which threatened to de
stroy lome of the government buildings ,
It WAI quenched without damage.
There is visiting at the residence of
MM. U. 8. Goodrich a lady who was the
first white child bora In Nebraska. Her
_ maiden nme was Allis , and she was born
at Bollevne 41 years ago.
' Regular meeting of Qeorge A. Ouster
Post , No. 7 , department of Nebraska ,
G. A. R , , will be held Monday evening ,
March 10 , 1883. Visiting comrades are
Invited to attend.
The election of oQloers for the ensuing
year for St. George's society will take
place on Taeiday evening , March 20tb.
All the members are requested to be pres
Travel wu fair yesterday , and trains
heavier than usual , but one of the railway
employes says a blizzard like tbii always
,1 sets immigrant travel back.
The silver wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. J. N. n. Patrick will be appro
priately celebrated by their triendi this
< afternoon and evening.
, The Social Art club will open their
rooms on Monday , the 19tb , fur the sale of
decorative art work in all Its branches.
P. the druggUt , with Judge
Tliurston and Henry Homan , Jr. , left yes-
tirday for , a big dack hunt.
The Wabash was two and a half hours
lata yesterday morning and the overland
train did not wait on her.
The eqainoctlonal storm has begun ,
The lost week of Lent.
It U stated that trace of the goty
watch stolen from Mr. Eagene O'Noil , In
Wednesday morning' * burglary baa been
> discovered at Sidney.
Harvey Holmes , the colored thief , was
cut up for thirty days. A piece of illk
valued at 30 was found by search war ,
rant Friday , with other valuables , nil
the property of B. P. Morse & Oo.
Special meeting of Capital Lodge No.
3 , A * F. & A. M. , this eveplng , March
10th , for work In the second degree. VisitIng -
Ing brethren cordially invited. By order of
the master.
Bern1 ! new Map of Omaha Just com
pleted and ready for delivery at 83 each ;
la four feet wide by neven feet long , Larg-
ert and most complete map of Omaha ever
published. OnrioiAL map of the city.
See column.
It I * reported that Jack Hanley will
shortly reappear In the arena with a noted
eastern boxer , It ii said that under Jack' *
tuition some of the young men who belong
to the gymnasium club ore becoming ex
perts at the manly art.
The cuitom oP sending cards appear *
till to be on the Increase , ai U ihown by
the f tct that thi * year twice as mtny cord *
we befog sold a * last by Kuhn 4 Oo , , who
are noted for always having the finest
and largest line. Their KaMer Cards nre
simply rleganl and Burpnm anything ever
before shown , and are selling rapidly.
- Tbo last of the general managers and
heads of departments of the railways form.
Ing the Colorado pool left for their homes
Friday. Col. Fisher , general supei.
intendent of the Denver & New Orleans ,
itho returned to Denver without having
effected the admlislon of bis road into the
There Ii but one double yet consoli
dated black European Cullender Minstrel
show In existence , It Is the result of the
famous weddlfag between Callendor'ii and
and Ilaverly's minstrels In Chicago last
August , Since then series of triumph-
ant ovations has attended the tour of these I
minstrels through the country , They will I
appear at Boyd's to-night.
Bishop Marti , the celebrated Indian
missionary of Dakota , will be in Omaha to
conduct the services at St. Philimena dur
ing the Holy week.
The Edward Crnlghton farm , in Union
proclnct , win Bold by tbo adminis
trator for $9,005 , or about $30 per acre ,
This is regarded b ? some as on excellent
price , and by others as too low.
Gov. Dawoahaa appointed Mr. Henry
Eicke to bo ono of the two commiieioners
from the State of Nebraska nt the Inter
national Agricultural and Cattle KiponL
tton , to be held at Hamburg. Germany ,
beginning July Ipt ,
Hugh McCadrey and Cipt. John B ,
Furay , who left on Thursday for ( a hunt ,
returned Saturday from Waterloo with
a fine bag of game , They killed over 100
ducks Friday and bad a fine day'a sport
Buy oorseta , linen underwear , hosiery ,
gloves , handkerchief * , laces , embroidery ,
paranoia , fana and millinery of every de
scription at your own price at the great
mortgage sale of Atkinson ir. Co. , now in
n progress m Orolghton block , near the
A very pleasant church sociable was
held by the members and friends of the
Lutheran church at the residence Of Rev.
Dr. Stelllng , their pastor on Friday
The bouso was literally packed , and all.
enjojcd themselves greatly. They also
had excellent music , both vocal and irj.
trumental. Refreshments In variety and
abundance were served , with a sufficient
quantity left over to impply the good doc
tor's family for some time to come , A very
fine collection , also , was gathered toward *
the furnishing of the new church.
Judge Bencke'a docket Saturday
was light. Two persons were up for in-
toxicatlon , one a man , the other a woman ;
both were committed In default of $10 and
costs each. Four men arrested aa trumps
were held over till Monday for trltl. Two
prostitutes were sent to J til In default of
$5 and costi each for inviting customers
from the street. George Robinaon , a
white boy aged 14 , and Billy Henderson ,
a colored boy aged 1C , were convicted of
stealing a piece of silk valued at $ I from
J. J , Brown's store Friday and woie
hold in $200 bail each to appear before the
district court. Ihey will probably be sent
to the reform school.
It la Won by Carver by O4 to OO
The Union PaolGo base ball groondn
wore well filled yesterday afternoon
with a orowd anxious BO leo the match
between Dr. W. F. Oarvor and Cap
tain A. H. Bogvrdna , the chr.mpion
wing shots of the world. Thla was
the first of a jorlea of twenty'five
matchci , the nature , pnrso and tormi
of which have already boon published ,
The day was a Tory favorable ono ,
and the match wan Interesting
throughout to all proaont.
Both men made aorno splendid ahota
and the aooroa are prononnoed the best
on record , the result being a victory for
Dr. Carver byaaooru of 01 to 00 , which
was aa follows :
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 I 1 1 1-24
Total at
0111111111 101 1-22
111111111111110111011101 1-23
Total 80
After the match a awuopotaken shoot
was held , aud several looal shoo tars
distinguished thrnuolvos. Dr , Our *
nor and 0 pt. Bogardas remained in
the olty over , To-day they
ahoot their aooond nutoh at Council
Bluffs. Their third match will bo
shot at Dea Moines , and they will go
eait through the United States until
the eerlos of matches Is finlohod , In
about two months ,
Board of Education.
An adjourned mooting of the board
of education wan hold Saturday oven-
with all the members present.
The question of thontnouuts doomed
nooesssary for the purchase of lota
and erection of new school houses In
North and Bouth Omaha was discussed ,
Secretary Oonnoyor moved that the
board has the right to expend 16.500
for the erection of an eight room school
I building on the iiqrthwest corner of
Seventeenth and Lb&vunworth street ,
acd $18,500 for the trout Ion of a build-
log and purohtso of n alto nt the southwest -
west oornor of King aud Franklin
streets , without making any epeclal
levy. The motion was carried. Mr.
Anderson dissented on both proposi
tions as to locations.
The board doea not require a special
levy bocauao U has sulliclout funds on
hand , but must submit the proposition
to build to the people at tbo coming
The resignation of Mlns Dora P.
Clay , teacher in iho Cans street eohool ,
was accepted.
Mr. Anderson introduced a resolu
tion thai the proceedings of the stated
and special meetings , the pay roll of
superintendent , teachers aud janitors ,
the claims allowed , and tho. city treas
urer's report of funds , shall bo pub'
llohed monthly in one of the city
pipera. Laid over under the rules.
A now aldo-bar , end spring top bug-
Ry > made by Bnyder and took first
prize at the state fair last fall ; never
used and will bo sold low. Apply at
Western Newspaper Union , oor. 12th
and Donglw it. fob28m&etf
A Beautiful Word Picture by Rev.
F. Oalmor , S J.
" 3t. Patrick , Hia Life the Pro
totype of the Lifd of the
Irish People. "
Rov. F. Calmer'S.J. , lectured In
tit. Phllomona's cathedra , ! , on last Sat
urday evening , the festival of St. Pat
riok , before an nndlonco which filled
the church. The subject was "Tho
Ilfo of St. Patrick , the prototype of
the Ilfo of the Irish people. " It wan
a brilliant cfjrt , lasting for moro than
an hoar , and was listened to through * .
out with breathless Interest nndn'.ton-
tlon , From the lootnro the following
extracts are made , Father Calmer
lectures again next Sunday evening
In the church of the Holy Family.
In the book of Ecclesiastlans , the
wlao-man exhorts us "to praieo men
of renown and our fathers in thalr
generation ; * * thcso men of motcy ,
whose Godly deeds have not failed ;
good things continue with their aoed.
Their postorlterity are a holy Inheri
tance ; and their seed hath stood In
the covenants ; and their children , for
their aakcs , remain forever ; their seed
and tholr glory shall nut bo forsaken.
Let the people show forth their iris-
dura , and the church declare their
praise " ( Ecol. 44 )
Wo are assembled hero to-night ,
obedient to this exhortation ; wo ore
hero with filial devotion to praise that
man of renown , whoso Godly deeds
have not failed , whose good things
continue with his seed , whoso chil
dren's glory shall not bo forsaken
the father of our generation , whose
praise the church declares to-day
St. Patrick , the father of the Irish
people and tholr patron saint. There
are some , not of our faith , who do not
understand the enthusiasm awakened
in . every Irish heart at the return of
his ' festival every year , But lot thorn
examine its motive , and I doubt not
they will consider themselves prema
ture In their censure. Glory is the
homage paid to excellence , and pralao
la the expression of this fooling. Yet
so various are the opinions of men ,
according to tholr different educa
tions , pursuits and habits , that what
Is meritorious with some , by others
is neglected and despised. Hence ,
the children of the world often style
him glorious whose name Is not writ
ten in the book of life ; and eminence
in ctirno has boon praised. Bat true
excellence Is based only on vlrtuo and
that glory , which comes not from God
and tends not to His greater honor ,
is but a dream which returning con
sciousness puts to flight , a phantom
which should never bu esteemed by a
Christian pooplu.
0f this we are reminded by the
words of the apostle : "He that glorl-
rioth , lot him glory In the Lord ; for
not ho that comuiatidoth himself is
approved , but whom God command-
eth , " God alone , therefore , who
knoweth all hearts , renders to each
according to hla merits , and those
whom Ho has honored , wo onn-
not err in praising And having
thus the approbation of Heaven ,
ire care not what the world may soy
we will praise that man , whom God
glorlQed and "whoso glory shall not
be forsaken. " But even though we
had not this visible sanction from on
high , while faith and virtue and conn-
try are dear to our souls , nature Itself
would impel us to praise him whoso
festival wo celebrate the chosen min
ister of the Almighty , the regenerator
of a country still dear to our hearts ,
the spiritual parent of numberless of
illustrious saints , "our fathers In
their generation. " If our tongues bo
silent , onr hearts must speak , and , at
least , what Irishman would wish ,
though ho were able , to hush the
pleasing thrill that throbs within his
breast when , on this day , before the
altar of his faith , he calls to mind his
patron and parent , the glorious St.
Patrick , apostle of Ireland.
Ho will have an additional reason
or motive , if , after thoaa general re
marks , ho attentively considers the
subject , which I bavo chosen as the
theme of a few words , this evening :
"Tho Life of St. Patrick , the Proto
type of the Life of the Irish People. "
There is a remarkable passage
found In the Acts of the Apostles ,
which may be applied to St. Patrick
St , Luke , speaking of St , Paul , the
apostle of the Gentiles , relates that
the Lord said to htm : "For this
uvont have I appeared to theo , that I
may make thee a minister and a wit
ness of those things wherein I will ap
pear to thee , to open their ryes , that
they may bd converted from darkness
to light and from power of Satan to
God , that they may rccalvo forglvo
noes of sins and a lut among ; the saints
by the faith that Is in mo. "
E. 20 17 Eo. These words - strike
the koy-noto of my discourse :
they body forth the leading
idea to which I desire to call your
attention ; they ' portray the'salient
features of the Ilfo of the apoatlo and
that of his people and with justice
do I apply .them to him. For like
Paul , when > ho stood before King
Agrippa , giving him an account of bis
couvtiralonnnd hlasubarquontnpostolio
Ilfo , St. Patrick , God'avueaelof election
to carry His name before gentiles and
kings , might have spoken these sam *
words , when ho stood before the proud
kings of Tara. God had delivered
him from the people , and the nation
to which Ho hnd sent him to open the
cyea of the Irish people shrouded In
the gloom of Idolatry "that ihny
might bo converted from darkness to
light and from the power of Satan to
God , that they might receive the for
giveness of slna and n lot among the
saints" by the faith that was in him
It Is this grand gift of faith bestowed
upon Ireland and Its people that lays
claim to tholr special veneration and
honor of the saints , Hla heart that
was died with burning zeal for the
conversion of Ireland and * roa so
loving , so lareo and full that like
Paul , urged by the charity of Christ
ho was made "all things to all that he
might ave all , " and "ho boroall for
the elects sake that they might obtain
salvation which h ) In Christ Jeans
with heavenly glory. " What brought
him to the distant isle of the western
seat What brought him to that bland
far , far away , so far away that the
historian tells us no Roman legionary
or tribune over desecrated its soil ; so
far aw y that It was called Ultima
Thule , cr the last nttotoh nud the out
lying district of creation itself , known I
only to the civilized nations of Gruoco I
and the eastern world by a vague tradi
tion of extraordinary intellectuality
of desperate valor nnd of unonrthly
and unnatural barbarism and svogcry
of conduct among themselves whoso
Inhabitants were spoken of aa men
who united the greatest nnd most
opposlto qualities , at ono time gener
ous to a ( unit beyond all other men ,
at another time cruel , svaao and
vindictive , whoso characters were a
blending of the darkest shadows , and
the brightest gleams of sunshine ;
whoso poetry , wo are told , ( hough
barbaric , wan the loftiest soarings of
the oplo masp , Homeiin In CDncoptlon
and sublimity ; an Inland not like a gem
in the necklace of the sea , whoeo Innd
was famed for Its richness , for the
valor of Its chieftains and people
What brought him to thin Islatd and
Us j ( idolatrous people , after many fears
and muoh Buffering , but the sovereign
and nncoatrolablo desire to aavo the
perishing arid "to knit the members
and the slavca of Satan in the body of
Ohrbt. "
The reverend lecturer then reviewed
at length the Ilfo of the saint , and
closed as follows :
' , \Vhou wo cist our eyes , to-day ,
across the seaa on Ireland , sitting In
the sackcloth of voo , with which her
enemies have girt her , weeping llko a
mother for her doeolatp children , and ,
amid her tears , striving with n
mother's love to obtain rodroes
for her grievances and their
wrongs , may wo not hope
and trust that , if she remain
faithful to the principles of her
glorious apostle , that if she use the
moana for her dellveranco which are
consonant with those principles ; that
if she remain united and hearken to
the guidance of her priesthood ; that
if she , llko the apostle , who. "cried in
the day and In the night before his
God , and who was in labor from his
youth , " pray and strive for deliverance
may wo not cherish the trust that
some bright angel Victor will como to
announce to her that the storm clouds
soon will bo lifted and a sun burst of
glory , peace and happiness will thee ,
O , Ireland , and thou , whom I have not
the honor call my own , my native
land , but whom I still love and revere
for thy beauty and valor and the vir-
taei of thy L"children whom I revere
for the glory with which thy apostle
baa encircled theo ad with a vesture of
muobjvarletyand thou mayeslyot | wear
upon thy virgin brow , untarnished by
any scheme of tno past , , the crown of
freedom , In which the brightest pearl
will by thy faith , the faith which St.
Patrick promised should never fall
theo , the faith which gave thou "a lot
among the saints "
Commissioners Proceedings.
March 17,1883. Board
met pursuant to adjournment. Pres
ent , Commissioners Corliss , Knight
and O'Koofo.
The following resolution were
adopted :
RESOLVED -That the county trea-
snror bo and ho Is hereby directed to
draw from the general fund $549 and
apply the same to the payment of de
linquent personal tax of Adolph Pulse
for year 1870. Aho 830 50 and apply
same on delinquent personal tax of
Jas. M. Winshlp for the years 1859 ,
18(50,1861 ( , 1802 , 1803 , 1868 acd 1870
for services apetit jnrcr.
RESOLVED That the connty trea.
urer do and he is hereby directed to
cancel the labor tax of John O'Donnell
for the year 1881 , on acconnt of being
over ago.
RESOLVED That the connty trea
surer ba and is hereby directed to re *
dnoo valuation on lot 1 , block 11 ,
Waterloo , from 9100 to $10 , on
account of error of assecsmont.
The following accounts were allowed
from the
H. B. Hallonheok , damages by
right of way 8200 00
John Hnllonbeck , damage * by right
of way 40 00
J. Rockenfield , petit Jutor 3 U 00
A. Tries , petit juror 34 CO
A. Trio * , petit juror 1200
George Smith , surveying , etc. , ( or
county 41 60
K. B. Ornwell , bailiff' * fees 28 CO
J. M. Winship , balance , as petit
juror 7 46
J. 0. Elliott ft Co , , repairs nt j ill. 180
H , Tiinm , tales juror 400
H. W. Oleselman , tales juror 8 00
M. Grace , talea juror 6 00
Q. S Jauksun , tales juror 6 00
A. Lewis , witness fee 200
James Brady , chainoian 300
Mury Ball , work at poor house. . . . 10 00
0 , Peterson , work at pour farm. . . 20 00
G. H. Foote.tlolcet , for. poor 6 00
Helinrod & Dorman , groceries fur
poor..i 1 25
L. B. WUllnmn , Koods for county. 10 20
J. B French , groceries tor pour. . . 16 25
Heimrod & Dorman , groceries for '
poor 24 05
August Nelson , witueaa fee 2 ol
N , N. Edward * , witness fee 2 00
D , N. Miller , expenses with Insane
to Lincoln f8 10
H. P. Dnel , ticket for poor 17 20 ;
Anna Johnson , witness fee 200
Walter Bennett , defending prison
er 2500
F. O ItMnlus , witness fee S 00
D. N. Miller , expenses with insane
to Lincoln 28 80
Communication from J. M. Hlggs
as to taxes , was filed.
Martin 0. Martonson filed his ap
plication for private road in section 1 ,
Copy of resolution from the city
authorities Inj retard to finishing
grade between Sixteenth nnd Nineteenth -
toonth and Farnam ntroet was filed.
Mary Oater filed her application for
liquor llcanse.
Adjourned to 19th lust.
JollN lUUMKK ,
County Olctk.
HA , NEB. /
Tables supplied with the boat the
market oilorda. The traveling public
claim they got hotter accommodations
and moro general satisfaction here
than at any bthcr house in Omaha.
Rate , f-2 p r day. augZltfm
The Combination of Ingredients
used in making BROWN'S DRONOHUL
TI.OOHES Is auoh aa to give- the best poasl-
ble effect with safety They are widely
known aa the best remedy for Coughs ,
Colds. Throat diseases and Asthmatic
troubles. Prioe , 25 cents a box. lioE
Made from the wild floweia of the
It Is the moat fragrant of perfume.
Manufactured by H. B. Slaven , San
Francisco. Forsale In Omaha by W.
J , ' Whltohouso and Kennard Bros.
The Silent Forois as Work WMlo
Mbii Sleep ,
A Tribute to the Power of the
Ono day last weokaBr.E reporter ,
who happened in at the Paxton hotel ,
mot Mr. 0. K , Bounott , * the wide
awake general agent for H. E .Buck-
lin , of Chicago , proprietor of the
famous medicines , including Dr.
King's New Diucovory , etc. Mr. ,
Bennett was In the city arranging for' '
the handling and advertisement of
the goods sent out by this honae ,
which haa three factories , ono at Chicago - ,
cage , ono at Elkhart and ono at Ham-1
lltou , Out. The
done by the firm m y be judged from
the fact that their good , wlilah are
sold on u positive cinrantuo , are
haudled by over 15,0 0 druggists , c .d
are advertised in ovui 0,000 of the best
papers in the country.
The agent WHS .Interviewed on the
subject of advertising In general and
whether in his business it had chang
ed any in the past few years.
"I was formerly with the Hop Bitters
tors folks , " was the reply , "and have
had a largo experience in this impor
tant branch ot our trade. Formerly
a heavy business was done , huge an
nouncements were placarded on
fencoa , walla and every conceivable
place of prominence ! Even
were utilized , the magnificent moun
tain scenery being ruthlessly smeared
with paint until the press character
ized us aa "vandals , " and thousands
of .postern were scattered in ev-
nay city , village and hamlet.
The ceilings ot street cars
the proscenium curtain , the hotel
registers , nnd so on , announced the
various wares in letters which ho who
ran might read. All this was what
we called scheme advertising. "
"L , not that ntlll followed1
"Only to a limited extent , and by
firms of secondary importance. Oar
firm has
all bnt newspaper advertising , and
wo find that by it we have accom
plished moro in t < vo years than we
could have done by five years of bill
posting and distributing circulars. "
"Is this change universal ? "
"It Is rapidly bscomlug so , as this
is the experience of all medicine
houses who used to follow scheme
advertising , but have now abanboned
it entirely. Wo find the newspapers
working for us
"Do yon advertise In all pspars In
discriminate ! ? ? "
"Not at all ! We find that adver
Using in cheap pepora don't pay and
wo make It a point to get Into the beat ,
first-claim papers only , such as TUB
BEE , which charges us , by the way ,
five times the prlco for Its space asked
by any other newspaper In Nebraska
We find in such cases , nevertheless ,
that the result justifies the expenditure
ture- "
"Can yon give any idea of the out
lay and Income of the patent medi
cine houses in this country ? "
"la round nnmbt ra over'$7,000-
000 per year In invested in newspaper
advertising , in America. There are
nearly 1COO patent medicine houses
in nil , and their sales will aggregate
$35,000 000 per annum. All this has
boon workett np by the proas , and , as
1 have said , years of experience have
determined us to put all our scheme
money into newspaper advertising , "
"This is a general rule , Is It ? "
"Yes , an invariable ono. In your
own city , for instance , Mr. 0. F.
Goodman , who handles the goods of
H. E. Backlln hero , Informs us that
since wo have been advertising in the
best papers , he has sold five times as'
much as he did six months ago. "
WOOD-In this city. March 17 , Annie E ,
wife of W. B. Wood , aged 41 years.
Notice of funeral hereafter.
NIGHTINGA1.K-March 17 , 8 p. m. .
Kltzabeth , riaugtittr of William and
Kll7 beth Nightingale , aged 5 months.
Funeral Monday , March 19 , at 2 p. ro , ,
from the residence , 12th und Chicago
streets. Friends Invited.
KERIN Irr this city March 17 , of consumption -
sumption , Nathaniel Kerifl , aged 20
. Notice of funeral hereafter.
Attention WorklnijmoD I
The worklngmen'a contra ! commit
tee are hereby called to meet on Monday -
day evening , March 19th , at the city
hall , at 7:30 : p. m. Any clement of
labor not having a representative on
the committee are requested to ap
point ono immno lately.
J. R. LEWIS , Chairman.
Who want glossy , luxuriant
nnd wavy tresses of abundant ,
beautiful Hair must use
elcsaut , cheap article always
makes the llafr grow freely
and fast , keeps it from falling
out , arrests and cures grayness -
ness , removes dandruff and
itching , makes the Hair
strong , giving it a curling
tendency and keeping it in
any desired position. Beau
tiful , healthy Hair is the sure
result of using Kathairon. *
mt-eod-tth , 6th or BU p.
„ „
JT8PEO lLtvili K.mi\ELY notbeln
serted unless paid In advance.
TO LOAN At 8 per cent. Bhrlrer's
MOSKY EaUta * od Loan Agency , opposite
postofllto. 767-tl _
] \f ( INEY TO LOAN-Call at Low office ol D. L.
1 > JL Thomu room 8 Crclghton Block.
. ' . LOA.NKu-On imttel mortt | geroom
MON..V U.ock , r. IS'.h ana Korn.m.
l\i AVTElA fir-t cUts bather.ppl > ti I' .
YV W Ietk cn,523Croi lw y.Co rd "InBi
ITirANTED fload girl fo ( grneral h'msiwork.
W Apply 2 7 N. 16th street , Upstairs. 418-19
W At'TED-Num Rlr.t ! 1711 Jackson ttreet.
TTANrKD-AgooJ cVambcrma'd ,
r pir week. ' "
467 V2
WANTED A gcoJ tailor is oo cu omp'n's
App'y 122J a i am ttrtct , near 13tti S"
W.\NTKP A good girl fir general rmnc-
ork In a ' &in Iy o three. Apjilj at o'icu
SIS Doug'is tire t. 462-17
) -SO > ovj.itr > , 20 la-iorns. Apply
from 6 ( o Hthla cvinlrjf.
4C3 17 ! H M IN * Wr.ILLER , llfi St.
* f\ TE < .
OU 464OJ II. JUNNWKILLER , llth St ,
. - so-d giil. IT. HANNWEIL-
LEU , llth street , nojr Kirnnn. 465 10 $
Old for teneral housa wort. $1
WANTED ( tlrl. Second glr.
, bo wanted. Apply s. W. corner Calil
Ht streets. 492-17) )
WNT D-ImmeJVelv , kit hen girl t 117
14th street , i c i. budge ftJJ Capital avenue
VSTANTEO Dy Ih cl t of liny or foiner , a3
V or 4 rioui hi us , w thin five blocks ol 1 tn
ar.clji knot ] e'r of. Addnm 0. Bilgh * , 1407
"I wati ) utreot. 353-17 }
lO IATOnn lir o r cm , with or wl hout
DOirJ. 1808 C llornta trcet. 451-jpl7
I70K KENT -N c , D9anewcot'ajo. ' . Big III ,
J" " ( all let , $13 rcr month. 1) L. TilOMoS
"TjlOK RENT Ono or two plca'ant lurnhh'-d
JC rooms on the aroun ifloo . wlihln a block of
itieetrars. Apply at 2403 Ilirnoy St. 469-20
FOR KENT Peak room , Frenzer Block , room
No. 1. 458-20
W ANTKD Dining room girl 1017 Capitol AT-
enue. 4J1-175
WAN I ED Tnreig'.oi harness m cr * , gocd
vagcs to etiacly men. Address K. < tvhc ,
York Mtb. 439-23
WANTED A good competent girl an'l one
that l-i a e od co k Inqiira ali1G Podge
St. bo ween 17th aad 18th St. 435-I9J
W ANTED TOO touni , men and tl make > i
443-118 II. JUNNWEILEP , 11 h Ct
WANTED-A girl for srenerat hou ework ,
Sirall family. Appiy at orfc , NJ. 214 8
13th street. . 440-22
TXTAN1ED Anexpeiloiced girl , Taper II x
VV I'.ct-Ty , 218 a. 14th street 441-17 $
WANTED Employment by a man cook ,
w u d not object to take a tit a ion i u *
of Omaha , teed references. Ad"rees K. 429-20"
W 'ANTED Launory girl at Omah House.
423-17 $
WANTED T rceglrla for general hotclwrrk
gooj wagca , F. SLAVEN. 426-175
'ANTKD Two glrla Immediately at the Oc
ciilemal. 40017
i few Itdlca and gentlcm > n aa
WANTED for the bUgest paying buglne a In
America. Room 3 , 1308 farnatn Sc 24S ID t
Men and women to start a new
WANTED 8 at their own home ; no pedaling ;
COc an hour made ; tend lOc for samples aud la-
stru.tlous Addrea
133-lmeod MA30V & 00. . Montpelfer , Yt.
AyoucK man with G nr 8 spare h'uts a dar ,
wishes a po lt'on as Hook keeper In a retill
house or will doaoy kind of w.ltjng. Adtlrcso
F. M. Bee office. 4.7-17 }
TTrANTED-Sltuatlonos'bikcr by a man with
VV 10 vena expe rence. Apply Umofca ilouse.
, TO BENT By gentleman snd
wife [ ! ) cMUr.n , i o or ti rea furnished
cr urfurnished > oem , mlta'l ; for light house
keeping. Addrws F. Uce office. 466-198
W ANTED To buy t ro city residence Jot a ,
41MOhstrct. 44M7i
'ANTED A few boaiders anl roomer > at
1610 Darenport It. 425-21t
A 0N Y Wanted by a young and onterpti-
JIngattorcoy , with office la centre of tonn
aid on ground floor. Omaha firms that want a
Council O.uBs representittre should address
JOHN DOE. 7 Pearl St.
WANTED-tCO ptlry vaulta , sink * and ce s
pcoli to cleui with sanltari clcan r. Satis
faction guaranteed. J. M. SMITH ,
216-liut Lock Box 422 , Omaha.
FOR RFNTFouracrea west of Omaha.
Hi > Jsoj In different parts ot the ilty.
437-17 blllUVEl It BELL
fpO LIT A n'ce furnished or unfurnlth'd
1 room , with or without board , Iglt ) Podge St.
bet. ITtr an i 18th. 421-2.'i
OR RHNT A p'uuint 'ront room f jrnlshcd
E.W. corner Hh aud Howard 433-17
POR HKtfr Two story house of live rooms ,
1225 Sherman a\eaue , two bltcks north of
bridge. 438-135
F OR RENT NIc.Iy furnished room. Aprly
"A. T. " Bee office. 436-19 }
"Clou RENT Tuo furnish d rooms 'or light
.E h utekieping , a1no piano row at Y. . . t ! .
A. roouis. Inquinat 24.9 Drenror ; tit.
EORI'EHr Two large loamt on flral floor ,
one furtlshtd. M. W. cor. S2d and Web
ster. 446-19J
FOR RENT Cottage tiz rooms B'2 , N. 24th
-t. $18.00 a monte , Clarkaon &Hunt , JIB B.
14th St , 4JB-20J
FOR RENT Nice dry bagemrnt suitable for
gmtil family. Inqul e at Edholmand Erlck-
8 n , 418-21
mO L'.T A nlco furnUhel room on bath room
_ L floor. Alsj hall loom. 1616 Dodges'.reet.
3)9-20) )
F OR TENT I'ca an'ly furMsred room , one
dor ucrthof Dod < , on 18th St. 390-20) )
JL rer Davenport nd 10th sireeU. Apply to O.
W. Gray , 211 Twillth street. 409-20 }
FOR RENT To small family , S looms on 2nd
floor , 21tt and Lake stieet , two story brick.
391-19) )
F OR RENT Front room with bay window ,
with tioar ' , No. 1718 Dodgi street 370-171
WANTED Tn Icapo an eight or ten room
haute , with tnodsrnconvenience ) a' ' d In a
good locttton. Address Jos. Oarmean , Jr. , PAX *
ton H.use.
rPO RENT Good ccm'ortable b\sement rooms
.1 suitable for houa'ktep'ng Also good barn.
CaU at torthwestcor.ZM and Burt streets.
TJ10R REST Furnlihed loom for two geuti ,
_ 0 3 blocks fiom poitofflce. luqulre at 1B19
Dodge sTMt. 209-tm
FOR KENT Two double stores , soluble for
boarding houae , gr > ctrjr , butcher , or saloon ,
situated to M to command a gocd farmer trade.
Inquire of M . F. Lange , 8. W. C r , 13th and
Jacknon Bta. 800-lml
RKNT Two new hon * f with 6 room
FOR . 0. H. raul. 132-lmo
2an 1 baa-ment of building No. 1111 Farnam
street. lna" < re on prsmlios. 181-lm
IMill HKN r 25 houses , 2 to 1U rooma , at 3 to
$25 per month Shrlver's Rent bureau , op.
I/OH SALF.-Jmnty ef Oak tcnco potts. In.
I1 qul'e a * WiMdtard , Wtbitor street , between
17tb and 18th. 450-JE8
170R SAI.K OH I ET A flve DO'n h us ,
Jj with barn , we ! ) and cistern. I.'t COxlCS.
Applr to Siml U S.ovotnan.of on preml'ei , N .
2JI7I'lMCOBt'ett. 461-23 }
"ALK-A hlu'0 o ! ( our roomi summer
FOH i a id cellar tib e loom for three
ion a , well n" ctst'tn. Three J ears let < % * good
xston. Pifce 1400. Addnsi A. 11. 0. , Pea
. 483-20
J7IOH SAIjK Fke Jersey ln 1 for .
Jj W.s awardel thopnmum artta lw 8tlte
ilr , | J , Tjj'or ' , 25 S bet. 25tJ and D ca-
jr.ronh Oaah . 4M-23 }
A RAREO AVOE-F-irsilca a arg ln , a
XX stock of gjtiaial a.trclia d e W'th an es-
taolhh u ttaou In ononf the best 'owns en the
I. A M.rilronil In Ntbra'ka Stock will In.
lOlcoatiCut # i 500.ddrtsi lock b.i 1404 ,
Jouncll lilullii , Iowa. n'15-Ht
170R SALE Va liable t m'icr clilm , ICO acid' ,
I1 Whecltr cou .ty . , J7S.OO
t.\g \ ty aero fatm acijimmg c ty ; ca y t'rrrs ,
liist.nrm . n mrpj countt , o gbt mile * from
Imam HO aero' , p rtc.h.
Fheacrcn twiaraall him s , adjoining city ,
n terms , ? 1GOO.
Five ic e , bauniltrs street , valuable Improrc-
I'our ac'ea Farnam strc t bargain.
Fit e acre 1 tn , J ml e fr m strot cars , 9125 aa
.cm , J100 owe , b lane : time G tree < t
437-17 bllHIVlUl i BULL.
170RBA1.E Ocner lat-ck rf morchvdlzo lo-
K ia cd In the 11 url hluir tiwn of WyoTrc ,
Neb. Bankruptetrck. Musf b'clo'el nut rror
irtlciihrs Ii quire M Colby & tlazlat , lleatilco.
i D McCanduia , Wjmore , or < . W. Llnlngcr
Omiht. reb. 4Q4-2J-rr&i-wlt
OH At.l . AND REVP i rare chinr , board-
In ? house f arnlturo for sale , and hruao tt
fit , will ilva lease , will Adapted fjr sal -cu , la.
lulro at the pUce 1814 Pierce sireot. 0. B
FOR SALEOna horse , tingle wagon and bar
nesB. 1 Cooper wason. _ . ,
„ „ „ „
3J7-H 301 N. 15th r.t. _
JO ' verj thing needed to run It ou hand.
Superior clay Also houfce on yard If wanted.
LOtiENZJ illBULU , Yard Uthitrcot 2 blocks
south of Qe'lotun rood. 2SO-lm )
| ? OR S VLK OR BENT-My 2 story br'ck resl-
C dence on 19th stieet ard : t. Mary's ai enue
for sale , 87 000. Smill payment down , ba'aico
1 to 6 years time. Lot 60x200 feel. Elegant
house , Tory convenient. Will rent It 10ery
oodparties for $65 per month Call at cnce at
294jprlJl | Cor. 12th and Farnam St.
T > EMIS' New Map of Omaha , lust oumpietod and
JD ready for delivery at $5 each. la 4 loft wide
by 7 feet long. Largest and moat compute map
of uVia ever published. Official imp of 'i
city , ee column.
sTLE-IIou e with 6 rooms and S lot
( each 66x132) ) In aouth Omaha , for 81,000 , on
eagytarma. will ak. totm on part p'yn'iti
> qulre it Ml 8 12th street. . 243-lui ) _
OK BALK CHEA > Choice unimproved bua-
Inraj l..t on Farna'u Han ry , Donglrs ,
and D.dge ( tree's. D > VIS & 8N YDER ,
Real Est te Ag'nts ,
110-eod-tf . 1505 Farnam St
' "
6EVI.ED Propo a's will be received by the
committee on Ft eatth CltvCi rktrfflce , until
12 o- leek M Ihurdday , March 15lh , 1883 , for the
purchaau of '
Ono Oa k Pay Horse
Oi e B ock H ir.-e.
Said bora > nar > < no win the use of thi fire de
partment , andean be setn at fcDglne Ilouse , No.
The commit' eo reserves the right to reject any
and til bldd.
m2-86 J. J. L. C. JEWETT , City Clerk. _
Bargains in Real Estate , x -
House and half let , ga'd location , 81.2CO.
House and half lot , neir ot. M rj's avenue
r < ttage and Tomer lot m Dndge street , t3nOO
Now Uctttgd In E. V Smith's add tlon , 82,600.
Co'.tageann ull tut on IPth btroct , near Lea-
venwoltn street , $2,200.
44 footfroatageoa Farnam street , improved ,
(200:0. :
Corner lot on DougUa street , (7,500. Bargain
Im Ineaa lot on Douglis .treet , 84,000.
100foot fronton Dodgeatiout. Residence 'n-
veatment , 81,350.
B07tf- Oppc l'e Poatofflcc.
JTlOn BALK A Crs clan tecond band phaetont
f OoHttt ISiQIfarneySt 387-tt
FOR MALE Pocket * maps of Nebraska 20c
each. For bargains In u > aha City Improved
and un'mpr ved property , call on Wm. F , Shrl-
ver , iteil Estate Agent , opposite postoffice.
769-1 f
LOST ! ast W dncndavevulrg between Ull-
lard t Opera house a gold ba-ige with
name In bar. The finder wtil b rewtroedbvre-
Baaie to Bee otll u. J. A. T. 447-20
Q I HAA B > NUS The above mount wl I M
iff \J\J\J I \ given to any ro-pinalb'e party who
111 build a ttatn flouring mill at Av c . Net ) .
Add rex O. Tcftt , Avoca , Neb. 4CM M-wlt (
WILL take children of i ny age give them a
mothers care for a liberal compensation.
A'diesa Y. Z. Bee office 368-lmo"
ADIGSvlshlngaqule place during confinement -
ment , with nurjo will address W , L < . U
office. 369-lmui
TO EXCHANGE for city property In On aha ,
ten drat-cla * Improved farms A'so 1600
bead o'eheopf'r ' sale Coirospond wl.bN. C.
thr stlann , Uacrameito , Neb. m 9-lm
O PECIAL INDUCEMENTS Offertdfor a coun-
O try store at Ollmore , fcarpy cou"tv , Neb.
Apply to O. Frost , there. 195-lmf
TIuNALIST , 498 Tenth street , Between Farnam
and Ilarney. Will , with i he old of gnardlao
splrlU , obtain for any one a glance of the past
and present , and on certain conditions ID tbe fu
ture. Boots and Shoes made to order. Ptifect
satisfaction guaranteed.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of putty.
Strength and wholesomeneu. More economical
than the orplnary k'ndi. and cannot be sold In
competition with the multitude of low test thort
weight , alum or pho phat powder 3old only la
cans. ROTIL Biuaa I'owcn Ca , Wall-Si. 14 ! t
New York.