THE DAILY JBEE : MONDAY MARCH ! 19 The Daily Bee. Monday Morning , March 19 Weather Report. ( The following observations wore- taken at the same moment of time at the stations mentioned. ) WAR DXF'T U S SmiUL SIRTICS. ) Oxilll , March 18 , (1:45p. ( : m ) J LOOALi WKUiVITIHS. The residence of James Kuanc , No. C12 South Sixteenth street , wai entered by burglars Friday night. They pot In by turning the key In the front door with nln- porn , and then wont throuKh the house without disturbing the occupants. Tluy succeeded In getting $35 In money belong ing to Mr. Kuane , and n neck chain nnd ear ring ! with which tboy got away as qnlotly as they cttue. A two-story houeo belonging to Mr , and Mr * . 1'otor Koohtn , living seven miles west of thli city , was destroyed by fire on Saturday while they were In town. Throe little children left ft Ion o , made their escape in safety , and the origin of the fire Is a mystery. The loss is about (3,000 , on which there is some Insurance. Miss M. A. James , the niece of Mr. Eugene O'Noll , whoso honto was burglar ized last week , could not Identify the men who were arrested on suspicion , although there was a. strong resemblance between ons of thorn and one of the robbers. They were accordingly clliobarced. Jerry O'Grady , formerly on the "regular" force and now a "speolal" on duty at Kasiler's hall , was attacked by a couple of young fellows on Saturday evening - ing , stabbed In the side with a pocket knife and cut on the head with a "billy. " The officer succeeded In landing one of his assailants In j ill. --Two shots were fired early Saturday arenlng in the alter In the rear of Horn bergei'u saloon. The reports attiacted Policeman Armour and quite a largo crowd of men to the spot. A couple of younc men wore found and tetrched for weapon ? , but had none and weie dis charged. The chance of weather between Satur day night at 3 o'cln ck and Sunday morning was docHcd unijtigh to affect nearly every body. A slight fl > rry of snow fell yester day morning , und the blizzud howled all day long. -Tho A. O. II. and their splendid band returned from Flattsmautb , where they wont to celebrate St. Patrick' * day , on Saturday evening and presented a fine ap pearance as they marched up the streets to their hall. The firm of Scblank & Prince has strengthened-Its working force by acquit- tlon of Mr. J. G. Orouland to their num ber. Mr. 0. is known by everybody and will always glva bis frlendi a hearty re ception. The garrison at Ft. Otaiha turned out Saturday to extinguish a prairie fire west of the barracks which threatened to de stroy som of the government buildings. It was quenched without damage. - There Is visiting at the residence of Mr * . U. 8. Goodrich a lady who was the flnt whlta child bora In Nebraska , Her maiden n.ime was Allls , and she was boru at Vellevne 41 years ago. Regular meeting of George A. Cutter Post , No. 7 , department of Nebraska , G. A. U. , wilt be held Monday evening , March 19 , 1883. Visiting comrades are Invited to attend. The election of oflloors for the ensuing year for St. George's society will tak place on Tneiday evening , March 20tb All the members are requested to be pres rat Travel was fair yesterday , and tralni heavier than usual , but one of the railway employes says a blizzard like this alwayi t seU Immigrant travel back. The silver wedding anniversary of Mr , and Mrs. J. N. II. Patrick will be appro prlately celebrated by their trlends thi afternoon and evening. . The Social Art club will open tbei rooms on Monday , the lOtb , fur the sale o ! decorative art work in all Its branches. D.-W , B xr . the dtugglst , withJndgi Tbiuriton apd ilenry Homan , Jr. , left yes tirday for a big duck hunt. * / The Wabash was two and a half hours late yesterday morning and the overlan train did not wait on her. Tha cqulnoctlonal storm has begun. The last week of Lent. It Is stated that trace of the gold watch stolen from Mr. Eugene O'Noll , In Wednesday morning's burglary has been discovered at Sidney. Harvey Holmes , the colored thief , was tent up for thirty days. A piece of silk valued at $30 was found by search war rant Friday , with other valuables , all the property of B , P. Morse & Co , Special meeting of Capital Lodge No. S , A. F. & A. M. , this evening , March 10th , for wurk In the second degree. Visiting Itof ing brethren cordially invited. By order of the master , BemV new Mop of Omaha Just completed tnh pleted and ready for delivery At 95 each ; b four feet wide by seven feet long , Larg est and most complete map of Omaha ever published. OrnoiAL map of the city. See column. It Is reported that Jack Hunloy will shortly reappear In the arena with a noted eastern boxer. It is said that under Jack's tuition some of the young men who belong to the gymnasium club are becoming ex perts at the manly art. Tha cuitom of tending cards appears till to bo on the increase , as Is shown by the f tct that this year twice as mny cards re being sold a * last by Kubn & Co. , who are noted for always having the finest and largest line. Their Easter Cards nra ilmply elegant and surposi anything ever before shown , and are selling rapidly , - The last of the general managers and heads of departments of the railways formIng - Ing the Colorado pool left for their homes Filday. Col. Fisher , general supei. Intondent of the Denver & New Orleans , alro returned to Denver without having effected the admission of bis road Into the pool , There Is but ono double yet consoli dated black European Callender Mlottrel show In existence. It Is the result of the famous wedding between Cnllendor'd and and Uoverly's minstrels In Chicago last August , Since then a series of triumph ant orations has attended the tour of tbeso minstrels through the country. They will appear at Boyd's to-night. Bishop Marti , the celebrated Indian mlialounry of Dakota , will bo in Omaha to conduct the services at St. I'hllluiCDft dur ing the Holy week. The Edward Crnighton farm , In Union product , wm sold by the Adminis trator for (9,005 , or about 830 per acre. This Is regarded by some as nn excellent price , and by others as too low. Gov. Da wes has appointed Mr. Henry Elcko to bo one of the two comminloners from the State of Nebraska at the Inter national Agricultural and Cattle Exposi tion , to bo held at Hamburg , Germany , beginning July lit. Hugh McCaffrey and Cipt. John B , Furay , who left on Thursday for ( a hunt , returned Saturday from Waterloo with a fine bag of game. They killed over 100 ducks Friday and had a fine day'a sport generally. Buy oorsetfl , linen underwear , hosiery , ( { loves , handkerchiefs , laces , embroidery , parasols , fans and millinery of every do Bcriptlon at your own price at the great mortgage sale of Atkinson & Co. , now in n progrots m Oroighton block , near the postoUlce. A very pleasant church sociable was held by the members and friends of the Lutheran church at the rosldenoo df Rov. Dr , Stelllng , their pastor on Friday The huuso was literally packed , and all enjoyed themselves greatly. They also had oxcelltnt music , both vocal and in- vtrnmental. Refreshments In variety and abundance were served , with a sufficient quantity left over to supply the good doc tor's family for some time to come. A very tine collection , also , was gathered towards the furnishing of the new church. Judge Beneke'a docket Saturday was light , Two persons wore up for In' ' toxlcatlon , one a man , the other a woman ; both were committed in default of $10 and costs each , Four men arrested as tramps wore held over till Monday for trltl. Two proitttutos were sent to ] til In default of $5 and cost ) each for inviting customers from the street. George Itoblnson , white boy aged 14 , and Billy Henderson , a colored boy aged 15 , were convicted of stealing a piece of silk valued at 81 from J. J. Brown's store Friday and wets hold in $200 ball each to appear before the dintrlct court. Ihey will probably be sent to the reform school. SATURDAY'S SHOOT- It la Won by Oarvor by 04 to 00 The Union PaolGo base ball grounds wore well tilled yoatorday afternoon with a crowd anxious go see the match between Dr. W. F. 0rvorand Cap tain A , H. Bogirdus , the ohr.mpion wing shots of the world. This was the first of a jorlea of twenty-five matohci , the nature , purse and tormi of which have already boon published. The day was a Tory favorable ono , and the match was Interesting throughout to all prosout. Both men made uomo splendid shota aud the scores are pronounced the best on record , the result being a victory for Dr. Carver byaacoro of 94 to 90 , which waa as follows : CtHTlR. - 1-74 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 11 1-23 1 U 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 [ I 1111-24 Total VOOtBDUS. 1-22 1 U 111 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1-23 111111011111011 11111111 11-S 1 U 11 1 U 1 1 1 U 1 0 1 1 1 0 11 1 0 1 1-23 Total j After the match a swoopaiakes shoo was held , and several local nhootor. distinguished thnnselvoe. Dr. Oar nor and C pt. Uo ardus remained In the city over Butday. To-day the ) shoot their second match at Uonncl Bluffs. Their third match will b shot at Dea Moines , and they will g , east through the United States nntl the series of matches Is finlohod , i about two months , Board of Education , An adjourned mooting of the boar , nf education held was Saturday oven with all the members prrsont. The question of theamotints deotuo- nooesssary for the purchase of lots and erection of now school houses ii North and South Omaha was discussed Secretary Oonnoyor moved that th board has the rlyht to expend $ l6.50i for the erection of an eight room sohoo building on the nqrthwest corner o Seventeenth aud Lbavonworth street , acd J18.500 for thobreollou of a build log and purohtso of n she at the aouth west corner of King and Frankll streets , without making any spools , levy , The motion was carried. Mr , Anderson dissented on both proposl- tlora M to locations. The board doca not rcqulto a speolal levy bocauao It bos suuiclout funds on hand , but must submit the proposition to build to the people at tbo oomlnc election. The resignation of Miss Dora P. Olay , teacher in the Oass street school , was accepted. Mr. Anderson Introduced a resolu tion that the proceedings of the stated and apodal meetings , the pay roll of superintendent , teachers and janitors , the claims allowed , and tho. city troas- urer'a report of funds , shall bo pub. Hahed monthly In one of the city pipara. Laid over under the rule * . FOR SALE. A now aide-bar , end spring top bug gy , made by Bnyder and took first prlto at tba state fair last fall ; no ver used and will be sold low. Apply at Western Newspaper Union , oor. 12th and Donghu at. feb28m&etf IRELAND'S PATRON SAINT. A Bountiful Word Pioturo by Rov. F. Oalmor , 8 J. " 3fc. Patrick , Hia Life the Pro totype of the Lifd of the Irish People. " Rov. F. Calmer'S. J. , lectnrod in St. Philomona'a cathedral , on last Sat- nrday evening , the foatlval of St. Pat riok , before an andlonoo which filled the church. The subject waa "Tho llfo of St. Patrick , the prototjpo of the llfo of the Irish people. " It was a brilliant of jrt , lasting for moro than an hour , and was listened to through out with broatbless Interest anda'.ton- tton. From the looturo the following extracts are made , Father Oalmor lectures again next Sunday evening in the church of the Holy Family , In the book of Ecclesia-tlcas , the wise-man exhorts us "to praleo men of renown and our fathers in their generation * * thcso of ; men mercy , whose Godly dooda have not failed ; Rood things continue with their seed. Their postorlterlty are a holy Inheri tance ; and their seed hath stood In the covenants ; and their children , for ( heir sftkcs , remain forever ; their seed and their glory shall not bo forsaken. Lot the people show forth their Tils- dom , and the church declare their praise " ( Ecol. 44 ) Wo are assembled hero to-night , obedient to this nxhortation ; vro are hero with filial devotion to praise that man of renown , whoso Oodly dooda have not failed , whoio good things continue with his seed , whoso chil dren's glory shall not bo forsaken the father of our generation , whoso praise the church declares to-day St. Patrick , the father of the Irish people and their patron saint. There are some , not of our faith , who do not understand the enthusiasm awakened In over ; Irish heart at the return of his festival every year. But lot them examine Its motive , and I doubt not they will consider themselves prema ture In their censure. Glory la the homage paid to excellence , and pralao la the expression of this fooling. Yet so various are the opinions of men , according to their different educa tions , pursuits and habits , that what Is meritorious with some , by others la neglected and dtspiied. Hence , the children of the world often style him glorlons whoso name Is not writ ten In the book of life ; and eminence in otimo has been praised. Bat true excellence Is baaed only on vlrtuo and that glory , which comes not from God and tends not to His greater honor , la but a dream which returning con sciousness puts to flight , a phantom which should never bo esteemed by a Christian pooplu. , 0f this wo ara reminded by the words of the apostle : "He that glorl- rloth , lot him glory In the Lard ; for not ho that cornmandoth himself la approved , but whom God command- eth. " God alone , therefore , who knowoth all hearts , rondora to each according to hla merits , and those whom Ho tins honored , wo cannot - not err In praising And having thus the approbation of Heaven , we care not what the world may lay we will praise that man , whom Uod glorified and "whose glory shall no be forsaken. " Bnt even though we had not this visible sanction from on high , while faith and virtue and conn try are dear to oar souls , nature Itsal would impel us to praise him whoso festival we celebrate the chosen mln Ister of the Almighty , the regenerate : of a country still dear to our hearts the spiritual parent of numberless o illustrious saints , "our fathers In their generation. " If oar tongues b silent , oar hearts most speak , and , a leant , what Irishman would wish though ho were able , to hush thi pleasing thrill that throbs within hi bruaat when , on this day , before thi altar of his faith , he calls to mind his patron and parent , the glorious St Patrick , apostle of Ireland. Ho will have an additional reason or motive , if , after theaa general re marks , ho attentively considers thi subject , which I have ohoson as thi theme of a few words , this evening "The Llfo of St. Patrick , the Prototype typo of the Life of the Irish People. " There Is a remarkable passage found In the Acts of the Apostles , which may bo applied to St. Patrick St. Lake , speaking of St. Paul , thi apostle of the Gentiles , relates tha the Lord said to him : "For this event have I appeared to thee , that ] may make theo a minister and a wit ness of those things wherein I will ap pear to thee , to open their eyes , that they ra y ba converted from darkness to light and from power of Satan to God , that tluy may receive forgive noes of Bins and a let among the saints by the f lth that la In mo. " K. 26 17 Eo. These worda - strike the koy-noto of my discourse : they body forth the leading Idea to which I desire to call yoni attention ; they' portray the'sallen. foatarea of the llfo of the apostle and that of his people and with justlo do I apply them to him. For Ilki Paul , when * ho stood before Klni Agrippa , giving him an account of hi couvnnlonond hla subsrquontnpostoli llfo , St , Patrick , God'votselof oleotio to carry His uamo before goutllus am kings , might have spoken those sain worda , when ho stood before the prou kings of Tara. God had dollvoro him from the pooplu , and the natlo to which He had sent him to open th cyeo of the Irish people shrouded Ii the gloom of Idolatry "that ihn ; might bo converted from darkness i light and from the power of Satan t God , that they might receive the foi glvoness of slna and n lot among th saints" by the faith that was lu htm It is this grand gift of faith bustowc < upon Ireland and Its people that lay claim to their special veneration am honor of the saints. His heart tha was filled with burning teal for thi conversion of Ireland and was n > loving , so lareo atd fall that Ilk. Paul , urged by the charity of Chris ho was made "all things to all that hi might save all,11 and "ho bore all fo the elects saVe that they might obtali salvation which Is in Christ Jean , with heavenly glory. " What brought him to the distant isle of the western seal What brought him to that lalam far , far away , so far away that tht , historian tells as no Roman legionary r tribune ever desecrated Us soil ; so ar aw y that It was called Ultima Dhnlf , cr the lait stretch aud the out- ylng district of creation itself , known inly to the civilized nations of Greece nd the eastern world by a vague tradl- on of extraordinary intellectuality f desperate valor and of unearthly nd nunatural barbarism and savagery f conduct among themselves nhoao inhabitants were spoken of as men ho united the greatest and most ippOBlto qualities , at ono time goner- us to a faait beyond oil other men , t another time crael , sjvnso and Indlctivo , whoso characters were a "lending of the darkest shadows , and .ho brightest gleams of sunshine ; whoso poetry , wo are told , though arbaric , wan the loftiest soarings of ho epic mas ? , Hometio in cDncontlon md sublimity ; an Inland sot like a gem n the necklace of the sea , whoeo Innd ras famed fur Us richness , for the alor cf its chieftains and people rVhat brought him to thto Islatd and Is Idolatrous people , after many fears , nd much oufferlug , but the sovereign , nd uncontrohblo desire to save the jerlnhing asd "to knit the members , nd the slaves of Satan in the body of Christ. " The reverend lecturer then reviewed it length the life of the saint , and losod as follows : ' , Whou wo cist our eyes , to-day , croan the seas on Ireland , sitting In ho sackcloth of woo , with which her ncmloa have girt her , weeping llko a mother fcr her dotolato children , and , raid her tears , striving with n mother's love to obtain rodroes 'or her grievances and their wrongs , may wo nut hope md trust that , if she remain althfnl to the principles of her lorious apostle , that if she use the moana for her deliverance which are lousonant with these principles ; that , f she remain united and hearken to ho guidance of her priesthood ; that f she , llko the apostle , who. "cried In .he day and In the night before his God , and who was In labor from his . outh , " pray and strive for deliverance may wo not cherish the trust that emu bright angel Victor will come to tnnounco to her that the storm clouds loon will bo lifted and a sun burst of ; lory , peace and happiness will thee , 0 , Ireland , and thou , whom I have not he honor call my own , my native land , but whom I still love and revere 'or thy beauty and valor and the vir j of thy J children whom I revere or the glory with which thy apostle has encircled thee aa with a vesture of mnobvarletyand ] thou mayesljyot wear upon thy virgin brow , untarnished by any sohemo of tno past , the crown of oodom , in which the brightest pearl will by thy faith , the faith which St. Patrick promised should never fall , the faith which gave theo "a lot among the saints" _ Commlenloners Proceedings. SATOHDAT , March 17,1883. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Pres- int , Commissioners Oorlisi , Knight , nd O'Koofo. The following resolution were Adopted : RESOLVED -That the oonnty troa inror be and ho is hereby directed to draw from the general fund $549 and apply the same to the payment of do 'Inquont personal tax of Adolph Pulse or year 1870. Abe $30 50 and apply same on delinquent personal tax of Jas. M. Winshlp for the years 1859 , 18liO , 1861,1802 , 1803 , 1868 acd 1870 for services as petit jartr. RESOLVED Taut the coanty trea tarer do and he is hereby directed to cancel the labor tax of John O'Donnel' for the year 1881 , on account of being over ago. RESOLVED That the county treasurer surer ba and la hereby directed to re dnco valuation on lot 1 , block 11 , Waterloo , from $100 to $10 , on account of error of asseosment. The following accounts were allowed from the . BOAI ) VUNII. H. S. HaUonSeok , damages by right of way 8200 Oi John Hallonbeck , damage * by tight of way 40 Oi ) GE1IKKAL VCND. J. Rockenfield , petit juior 3 12 0 A. IVIes , petit juror 34 5C A. Trio * , petit juror 1201 George Smith , surveying , etc. , fur county 41 E. B. Growoll , bailiff's fees 28 C ( J. M. Wlnshlp , balance , as petit juror 7 J. 0. Elliott & Co , , repairs at ] ill. 1 80 H , Tltnm , tales jutor 400 H. W. Gleselman , tales Juror 8 OC M. Grace , tales juror 0 OC G. 8 Jacksun , tales juror C OC A. Lewis , witness fao 2 < M James Brady , chainman 3 OC Mury Ball , work at poor house. . . . 10 OC O. Peterson , work at poor farm. . . 20 OC G. H. Foote.i oket for. poor 6 OC Helmrod & Dormao , groceries fur poor , 1 2.1 L. B. Williams , Koods for county , f 0 2 J. B French , groceries tor pour. . . 15 Helmrod & Donnan , groceries fur poor 24 0 August Nelson , witness fee 2 OC N. N. Edward ) , witness fee 2 OC D. N. Miller , expenses with insane to Lincoln ? 8 1 H. T. Duel , ticket for poor 17 2C Anna Johnson , witness fee 2 OC Wnlter Bennett , defending prison ers 250 F. O HMolus , witness fee 5 ( X D. N. Miller , expenies with insane to Lincoln 28 Communication from J , M. Higgi as to taxea , w a filed. Martin 0. Martonaon filed hla ap plication for private road in aeotion 1 16,12. Copy of resolution from the clt authorities inj retard to finishing grade between Sixteenth and Nine teenth and Farnam street was filed. Mary Oater filed her application for liquor lioanse. Adjourned to 19tli Inat. JOHN BAUMER , County Oleik. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMA HA , NEB. / Tablea supplied with the best the market allorda. The traveling public claim they get better accommodations and moro general satisfaction here than at any Uhcr honso In Omaha. Rate , ffl pnr dav. aagZlttm Tha Combination of Ingredients used In making BUOWN'B BnohCmAi , lYooiiEa Is auoh as to give- the best possi ble effect with safety They are widely known M the best remedy for Cough * , Golds. Throat diseases and Asthmatic troubles. Price , 25 cents a box. l"oE ' SLAVEYS YOSE'MITE OOLONGE Made from the wild floweia of the rut. * Aiu5D YOSKMITE VALLEY It is the most fragrant of perfume. Manufactured by H. B. Slaven , San Francisco. Forsale In Onlaha by W. J , ' Whltehouse and Kennard Bros. TIRELESS TOILERS. The Silent Forois a.D Work While Mott Mbii Sloop , A Tribute to the Power of the Prose. Ono day last week a BRE reporter , who happened in at the Paxton hotel , mot Mr. 0. E. Bounott- the wldc- awake general agent for 1. E Buck- lin , of Chicago , proprietor of the famous medicines , including Dr. King's Now Discovery , oto. Mr. Bennett was in the city arranging for the handling and advertisement of the goods sent out by this house , which has three factories , ono at Chicago cage , ono at Elkhart and ono at Ham ilton , Ont. The ENOllMOUS BUSINESS done by the firm m y be judged from the fact that their good , nliioh ate sold on u positive curatitoo , are handled by over 15,0 0 druggists , n .d are advertised in ovet C 000 of the befit papers in the country. "SCHEME" ADVERTISING. The agent was .interviewed on tbo subject of advertising lu general and whether in his business it had chang ed any in the few years , "I was formerly witli the Hop Bit ters folks , " was the reply , "and have had a largo experience in this impor tant branch ot our trade. Formerly a heavy business was done , huge an nouncements wore placarded on fences , walls and every conceivable place of prominence ! Even NATURE'S GRANDEST WORKS were utilized , the magnificent moun tain scenery being ruthlessly smeared with paint nntil the press character izedus as "vandals , " and thousands of .posters wore scattered in ev- nay city , village and hamlet. The ceilings ot street cars the proscenium curtain , the hotel registers , and BO on , announced the various wareu in letters which he who ran might read. All this was what wo called scheme advertising. " "L > not that still followed1 "Only to a limited extent , and by firms of secondary importance. Oar firm has AUSOLTJTELY DISCARDED all btit newspaper advertising , and we find that by it we have accom plished moro in two years than we could have done by five years of bil ! posting and distributing circulars. ' "Is this change universal ? " "It is rapidly bacomiug so , as this is the experience of all medicine houses who used to follow scheme advertising , but have now abanbonoc it entirely. We find the newspapers working for us WHILE WE ARE ASLEEP "Do yon advertise In all papars In discriminate ? " "Not ot all 1 We find that ndvcr tising in cheap pspow don't pay anc we make it a point to get into the beat , Brat-clous papers only , such as TUB BEE , which charges us , by the w y _ five times the prloo for its space aakec by any other newspaper in Nebraska Wo find in such cases , nevertheless ; that the result justifies the oipendl turo' " , "Can yon give any idea of the out lay and Income of the patent modi oiue houses in this country ? " A SMASHING TRADE , "In round numbtra $7,000- 000 per year In invested In newspaper advertising in America. There are nearly 1COO patent medicine booses in nil , and their sales will aggregate $35,000 000 per annum. All this has boon worked np by the proas , and , as 1 have said , ypara of experience have determined us to put all our scheme money into newspaper advertising. " "This is a general rule , is It ? " "Yes , an invariable one. In your own city , for Instance , Mr. 0. F. Goodman , who handles the goods o El. E. Backlln hero , informs us tha since wo have boon advertising in the best papers , he has sold five times ai much aa ho did six months ago. " DIED. WOOD-In this city , March 17 , Annie E wife of W. B. Wood , aged 41 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. NIGHTINGALE-March 17 , 8 p. m. Elizabeth , daughter of William am Elizabeth Nightingale , aged 5 months. Funeral Monday , Marrh 19 , at 2 p. m , from the residence , 12th asd Chlcog streets. Friends invited. KERIN IB this city March 17 , of con sumption , Nathaniel Kerio , aged 2 I ears. Notice of funeral hereafter. Attention Worklngmonl The workingmen's central committee too are hereby called to meet on Man day evening , March 19 tb , at the clt hall , at 7:30 : p. m. Any element o labor not having a representative o the committee are requested to ap point ono immoo lately. J. R. LEWIS , Chairman. f Gentle / Women Who want glossy , luxuriant nnd wavy tresses of abundant , beautiful Hair must use LYON'S KATHAIRON. This elegant , cheap article always makes the liair prow freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency aud keeping it ir any desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kathairour tmod4th , eth or Mb p. SPECIAL fiOTlG 8 , X2TOPEO lAfc t vili KEniNELY notbeln erted unless paid In advance. 10 LOAN-MONtY. \/T / ONKY TO LOAN-At 8 per cent. BhrlTcr's L J ll al Estt * nd Loan Agency , oppoilte icstofllce. 767-ti _ \/r ONEY TO LOAN-Call t L w office o ! I ) . L. LlJL Thomu room SCrclghton Block. LUAM'.u-Onifmttol moriK ( feroom MONrtV IJ.oclc , cor. 16'h and Farn.m. 42lpr IS ) -A flr-t cUns bather.ppl > tP. . WASTED . yCo nd "latti mlO mJtc3t ITtTANTED Oosd girl tot general h u iwork. YY Apply 2 7 N. ICth street , upstairs. 418-19 WA TEn"-Nur ( ( git ] , .t 1711 J ckson itruet. WANtyD-AgooJ ci-amlicnna'd , W es5 pir ueek. Appl > 012 Uoi.glaa triot , 467 2 WANTED A gcoJ tailor is on cm omp'n's ' App'y 122J a i am ttrcct , near 13tl > St : , T7"AVTiP A Rood girl f Jr Kcneral rouw- VV work In lam ly o three. Applj a o ice SISDoug'as elro t. 402-17 ITTANTE0'r , 10 laborers. Apply VVroin6 / to S thin 0'inlnif. 403 175 H MN VWr.lLLEIt , llfl SI. A L HOUERSWV TE > . U 40405 II. JUNMWKILLKU , lllh St , - 80'd gill. H. MANNWhlf- LEU , llth street , neur Frn ra. 4C5 10 ! Tf ANTED Old ( or tcncral house won. $1 ( "V " per wtckto ac < mpctcnt till. Second glr. ho wanted , Apply a , W , corner CalilornttJkiid Ht sttceta. 4S2-171 ; TTANT D ImtneJVelv , kit hen fflrl at 117 YY Uthatroet , 10 , budgeajj Capital n > enuo 407-195 WANTEn nythel to ! Mayor foinor , a3 or 4 riom hi us , w 'hln five blocks ol 1 tn cidJakson sr ! of. Addniij 0 , BliKh1407 I wati ) mrtot. 353-17 } 0 IATOnn Ur o r om , with or wl'hout ' DOArJ. 1808 California trcct. 451-jpl7 T710K KtNTN c , D3a , nowcot'ato. ' Sic My , toll l < t , $13 rer month. It L , THOMaS 460-22 TTIOH RENT Ono or two pleasant ) urnlsh"d D rooms on the uroun 1 flee . within a block of itreetrais. Apply at2403 II krnoy St. 4Bi-20 I OR KENT Desk room , Freezer Block , room F No. 1. 458-SO W ANTKU-Dlnlng room girl 1017 Capitol AT. cnue. 4J1-176 ' Tmo < g'.oi harno > sma c WAN'IEO vagcs to Dtiady men. Address H. t tvhc , York fceb 4S9 20 WANTED A good competent girl ah > l one that I * & od co k Innilru us 111G Dodge St. bo ween 17th ajd 18th St. 435-lOt W ANTED : oOtinmi , men and tl makers , 443-11 $ II. MANNWEILE ? , 11 h tt WANTED-A girl for treneral hou ework. Scall family. Appiy at orfc , NJ. 214 a 3th street. . 44C-22 W AN1ED An expeiletcedglrl , Paper Kx K-.ct.ry. 218 a. 14th siroct 441-17 { WANTED Emnloiment by a man cook , w u d not object to take a tit a ion > u < of Omaha , kood references. Ad Tees K. 429-20 * W ANTED Launory girl at Omahi House. 423-175 W I ANTED T rce girls for general botclwrrk goou wjgcs , F. SLAVEN. 426-175 ASTED-Two glrla Immediately at the Oc cldenlal. 40017 WANTED i few ltdlcs and gentlum > n ta agenta for the bUgost paying buelne s lu America. Room 3,1308 Farnam Sc 24S ID { Men and women to start a now WANTED bo3luo 8 at their own home ; no poaallng ; SOc an hour made ; end lOc for samples and In- stru tlons Addr 9 < 183-lmeod MASON & 00. . Montpelfer. Vt SITUATIONS WANTED , AyouER man with C nr 8 spare h'uis a dav , wishes a po-lt'on as Book keeper In a retiil house or will do any kind of w.ltmg. Addrcu F. 11. Bee office. 4i7-171 TT7ANTED Situationas'blkor by a man with VV lOyeiisexperence. Apply Omata House MISOil.LAvE 1U8 WANTS. WANTKD , TO RENT By gentleman and wife n > > chlUr.n , o o or t rea furnished cr urfurnlsied ioom , fulta'l ; for light house keeping. AdJre.8 F. Bee office. 466-19 } W ANTED To buy tire city residence Jots , 8trtt. 441-17 $ W ANTED A few beat tiers an 3 roomer' at 1610 Davenport it. 425-21f A01N Y Wanted by a young and enterptU- Ing attorccy , with office la centre of tonn atd on ground floor. Omaha firms that want a Council D.uOs representative should address JOHN DOE , 7 Pearl St. WANTED-ICO privy vaults , alnki and ce s pooh to clean with sanltari clean r. Satis faction guaranteed. J. M. SMITH , 216-lmf Lock Box 422 , Omaha. POH RENT-MOU8EB AND LANK FOR RFNT- Four acres west nf Omaha. Hi use * In different parts of the ilty. 437-17 bUUIVEl & BELL I room , with or without board , ISliJ Io < ige St. bet. 17tf an 118th. 431 2.'j EOR R1NT A p'uannt 'rant rcom f arnlihed 8.W. corner Hh aud Howard 43317 * FOR RENT To story house of five rooms , 1225 Sherman a\eaue , two bUiks noith of bridge. 438-in : F I OR RENT NIc-ly furaljhed room. Apoly < 1A. T. " Bee office. 436-18J FORRKNT T o furnith d rooms 'or light h uae ktepmg , al o piano niw at Y. k. A. rooms. Inquire at 24 J Orencor Bt. FORPENr Two large ioom on flrst floor , one tunlshed , N. W. cor. S2d and Web ster. 445-19 : FOR RENT-Cottage six rooms B'2 ' , N. 24th f-t. $13.00 a montn , Clarkaon & Hunt , SIS S. 14th St , 415-20J F I OR RENT Nice dry basemrnt suitable for family. Inqui e at Edholmand Erick- n , 418-21 fpo L'.T A nice furnl-hel room en bath room _ L floor. Alsi hall loou. 1616 Djdges.reot. 399-20 ( F I OR TENT P fa an'ly funlsVcJ room , one dor north of Dod ( , on ISth Sc. 390-20) ) T > AClF.OHOr.SKFORRENT-S2 r ems , cor- JL rer Ua\enpcrt nd 10th streets. Apply to O. W. Cray , 211 TwUltn street. 4UO 20) ) FOR RENT To small Umtlr , 8 rooms en 2nd floor , 21tt and Lakostieot , two story brick. 391-19 } F I OK RENT Front rrora with bay window , with boar' , No. 1718 Dodg * strett. 370-17 ! WANTED To leafe an tight or ten room hou-e , vtlthmodsrnconvecltncej a din a : ocd locitlou. Address Jew. Garmean , Jr. , Paxton - ton Hjuse. mo RENT Good ccro'ortable bitement rnoms J suitable f ( > rhous'ktep'ng ' Also good barn. Call at lorthwettcor.SM and Durt streets. 372-lm TI10R REST FurnUhed loom for two gei. i. _ P 3 blocks Iiom po tofflc . luqulra at 1519 Ujdge sire t. 219-lm TTIOR HENT Two double store * , suitable for J1 boarding houae , g > > otry , butcher , or saloon , situated to M to command a govd firmer trade. Inquired UN. F. Lang * , 8. W. C r. ISth and Jackson BU. MQ-lmt PENT Two new honMi with > room EOR . 0. U. FaaL 133-lmo A R RE CHANE-FORREST-The 2nd story Jan I bas-ment of building No. 1111 Farnam street. Inai'lr * on premUiet. 184-lm I .ion RKN I ! ffl hou H , ! i to lu rooms , at 13 to JC $29 Per month Bhrlver's Rent bureau , op posite Dosiofflc * . 7fitl ' SALE-Qmnty of Oak tcnce poits. In- H'OR f ' Wtwdjard , Wtbitor etrect , between 17tb and 18th. 450-J8J C10R SALK UK l < E > iT A flvo rio i h us- , JL1 with barn , we I and cistern. L't COslCS. Apply 'o Siml 0 a.evunion.or un pinml e < , N" . 2JIV 1'1'lcc tt-tit. 461 23 | I710H "ALK-A hiu-o ot four rooms summer kllch m a id cellar ftilie room ( or three era s , well n * clst'in. Three jears lei'fl.'good ( at on. I'ice J4CO. Addnsi A. B. 0. , Pe ffl.e. 3 20 ITIOR SALB Flte Jeney Uu 1 for fubllc me. I' W.s awardel thopr < m um nrtbo lu' Stite lair. Aptly J. Tilor , 5 8 bet. 25tu a"d D ca- , ur , iorthOnah . 4M-23 } A RAREO"'AVnE-Firsilea a tmrgiln , a jtjtock of gjimal mrcha d < e with an cs- aolli'i 'i ttadu In one of the best own on the 5. A M. r l rood In Ntbra'ka Sto-k will In. olccatieuti 500. Addrtsi lock b.x 1404 , ! ourcll Ulurf , lo a. n'15-Ht " , \OH \ SALE Va uablo t in'icr chlm , 100 acto , J Wheeler cour.ty . , 7K.OO t.lg ty aero ( aim urtj immtr c tj ; ca y t'rn-a , HiH.ium n , tp > count ) , e gbt union ( rom inn in H'Oaoro1 , j ) 1'hoticrcH twi small hoin 9 , adjoining city , on terms , $1,600. Five tc Blunders street , valuabla Improre- ment' . Kourac'cs Farramstrc t bargMn. Five aero 1 tn , } ml o ( r m stf.ot cars , $125 aa cr , 1100 own , b lancitlmnG crceit 437-17 billtlVKU & I1BLL. FOR SALE Qener > l st-ck r ( morchnndUe lo- ia cd In the II utl hlui ; tiwn ol Wyn-rro , Neb. ll.nvrup etrck. Musf , bi LlO'Ol flit for rtlcultra Ii quire nt Oolby & IIazt < tt , Keatilco. D JlcCandius. Wjmore , or . W. Llnlngcr 5mih * . Neb. 4Q4-28.ii&-wlt Af.K AND ItK'JTraiochanr. ' , tioard- rOrt hoiuo furniture for sale , and hruse ( or ci t , will il\ * Iea > c , well daptedforsa1 lulroat the pi4co 1814 Pierce sirebt. 0. 8 338-10t FOR SALE Ono horse , tingle wagon aud har nets. 1 Cooper wa on. OHARLTON BRfS , 317-H 301 N. 15th r.t. BRICKYARD FORREST-Apply at once , ( verthing needed to run It ou hand. Superior clay Also houeo on yard If wanted. LOttENZj DIBBLE. Yard Uthitrtet 2 blocks louthof Bo'lo\unroad , 280-lru ) TOR S\LE OR BENT-My 2 story br'ck reel- rj denceonlQthstieet and : t. Mart's aienue f "or sale , $7 000. Smill payment down , ba'aice ' i to 6 years time. Lot 60x200 feel. Elegant l louse , very convenient. Will rent It toeij L 'oodparties for $65 per month Call at cnce at M TOFT' ' , 294prll 1 Cor. 12th and Farnam St. BEMIS' New Map of Omaha , Just completed and ready ( or delivery at (5 each. IB 4 tort wldo ' 7 'eet long. Largest and moat compldto map r uVja ever publ&hcd. Official map ol th city , ee column. SALE House with 6 rooms and 2 lot * FOR ( 60x132) In south Omaha , for 11,000 , on easy terms. Will ak < tetra on pare payment , quire otflllS ISlh street. . 243-liut > > OU BALK CHEAt" Choice unimproved bu - Inrsi lita on Farna'u llariry , Dough's , and D.dge etroe's. D VI3 & BNVDEK , Real Eat te Agnnte , 110-end-tf < 1505 Farnam St. HORSES FOR SILK. SE VT.ED Propo a's will be received by the commliteeon Fl e at th CltvCi rlocilice , until 12 o' leek M Thursday , March 15th , 1683 , for the purchaau of ' One Da k Pay Horse Oi e B ack H , T e. Said hora > nari now In the use of the fire do- pirtnunt , andean be setn at Engine House , No. Three- The commit * eo resertoa the right to reject any and > H bldd. ml2-8 ( _ J J. L. C. JEWEIT , City Clerk. _ Bargains in Real Estate , v Douse and half let , gord Iccallcn 81,200. House and half lot , neir at. M rv'a avenue Jl.hOO. r < ttage and Corner lot rn Dodce atrret , t3AOO New Cctttgo In K. V Smith's < id < l tlon , $2,600. Co'.tageann ull l t on IPth ktroet , near Lea ven woitn street , ? 2iOO. 41 loot frontage oa Farnam street , Improved , $200:0. : Corner lot on Douglea street , $7,600. Bargain lm Incsa lot on Dtuglts > treet , 11,000. 100 foot fronton Dodge sheet. Residence in vestment , $1,350. McUAGUE , S07tf- Opro'l'o Posiofficc. 7710R HALG-rA fir t elan tocond band phaeton * _ T CM'at ' TS'QHarneySt 387-M MALE Pockets maps of Nebraska SOc FOR . For bargains In L > i aha City Improved and on'mpr ved property , call on Wm. F , Shri- ver , neil Estate Agent , opposite postofflce. LOST last W dncHdav v ulrg between Mil- lard to.I and Optra house agoltt ba-tgewlth name In bar. The finder wtil b rewarded bv rt- turnl iifsame to Heo oIU o , J. A. T. 447-20 r i A AA B ) NUS Tha abote mount wl 1 o D I UuU given to any re-pinslb'o party who lllbulda ! t atn flourlnir mill atAv ci. Neb. AddreiuO. TcITt , Avoca , Neb. 4021-0-wU | s \ WILL take ch'ldrcn ' of > ny age give them a > * > mothers care for a liberal compensation. A'dieea Y. Z. Bco office 368-lmo * LADIESvlehlngaqulu clacoduilng confine ment , with nurao will address W , B. ( lea otllce. 369-lmot mo EXCHANGE for city prrperty In Oaaha , L tea firstdaImproved farms A'so 1600 head o'shejp f'r sale Coirespond l.h N. C. thr stlant , liaciameito , Neb. m 9-lm QPECIAL1NDUOE1IENTS Offcrtdfor a conn- try store at Qllmoro , fcarpy cou"tv , Neb. Apply to O. Frost , there. 195-lmf ED WAED KUEHJ , f/ < MAQ'STER OF PALMYSTERY AND CONDT I TIuNALIST , 408 Tenth street , between Farnam and Ilarney. Will , with i be aid of guardian eplrlte , obtain for any one k glance of the pas * and present , and on certain conditions In the fu ture. Uootg and Shoos made to order. Puled satisfaction ruaranteed. HEAT AND MOIH7TJR * * , THE ES HEN OK OF IJ FE1 HI-TRUISM 18 EASILY - ILY PROVEN 117 TAKINO A TE SI'0 , > NFUL 0V1 n KILA. * T'H r-ECTZER PER. IENT IN A GLASS OF H * T WATER HALJ\ AN HjUR BEFORE BRGAKFASr , FOR IN- DIGESTION. HYSPEPSIA.CR COhSIIPATED HA T. NOTHING IS B8.TTER. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity. ttrcngth and wholeaomenesa. Moro economical than the orplnary k'ndi ' , and cannot be sold tn competition with the multitude of low t t ihort weight , alum or phocphatv powder Sold only la cmns. ROTH , Biuxa Povust Ca , Wall-St. ( , [ | Hew York.