DAILY bEe-MOSOAYMAltO.i \ SEASON 1883 SEASON 1883. NEW STORE-NEW STOCK-EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 32 MAIN STREET AND 33 PEARL ST. ( New McMahon Block , next door to Postoffice. ) COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOVR HESPEOTFULLT ANNOUNCES THAT HE IS NOW KEOEITOTG- VEET LAME STOCK OF WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES , CAREFULLY SELECTED from the full line of the LEADING MANUFACTORIES , Citizens of Council Bluffs and surrounding towns are respectfully invited to examine THE NEW STYLES FOR. 1883 , whetheryou wish to buy or not , PRICES guaranteed as LOW as anywhere in the United States. OOTJITsr OIL BLTJIFIFS , PROPRIETOR OF = PALACE MUSIC HALL ! Headquarters for the justly Celebrated WEBER PIANOS , now approved and used by afl first class Artists. WESTERN COTTAGE AND BURDETTE ORGANS. Importer and dealer in MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , such as Violins Guitars , Accordeons , Music Boxes , Italian Strings , Etc. , , Etc. Also a full line of IMITJSIO IBOOIKIS. _ MTJSIC : IBZOOTDIEIRS J JSTTI SHZZEEIT uvrcrsia- , Fancy Goods , Childrens'Carriages , Velocipedes , Bycicles , Carts and Wagons. To make room for new stock will sell at W FIGURES FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS. Good Organs at $50 and upward. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash and on Monthly Payments , Orders solicited Address , , J. MUELLER , Council Bluffs , Iowa. FOUNDRY. WINTHERLICH BilOS. , Art now ready to contract for small castings oi every description in MALLEABLE IRON , GRAY IRON , And any ALLOY OF BRASS. Special attention Is called to the fret that the metals are melted In CRUCIBLBS which gives the w -eiy best castings , Y \ Burning Brands you DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACKERS - ERS , CIGAR and TOBACCO FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. , As well as Cattle Brands ABB NICELY EXECUTED. Works : Corner BUth street and Eleventh avenue , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. r. > . BDTnn > SO , . I. . SHDOiET. A. W. STSlIf President. Vlce-Pres't. Cashier. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Bluff * . Organltcd under the laws ot the State ol Iowa Paid up capital . I 76,000 Aulhotliod capltl . SOO.OOO Interest paid on tlias deposits. Drafts' Issued on the principal cities of the United Slates and Europe. Special attention given to collectloni and corrogpondccca with prompt returns ' DIRKCTOIUJ J. D. Edmnndson , R.L. lihu rt. ) TH . W. W.llicv. i. W. Boater , t. A U . W ; Street. If I0ll.tat.-Jl . - ofnuHnrM.wti , eBedl-rthBiwalnof your Tel ( < kuvht work 15 r r . Hop Bittern I mutt * UH Dm. o rl7 on Hop S Bitter * . ' ' . .u * jouar * . minftfu VTnoeTtr from com I " ' i uuolj ' irbMurtr you' > I form ot f [ u ri 07 J that your T J ? , , pdlMa < 0 that mlffti B dl cle n tnjtton itlmuUtlng , I hafe bMnpravtnUa tot wilhonUntaxfwIfi or I lira tlroolT 'Jeo' tak * Hop HopBtter ! Or I. O ll | > -n atxelnte and ImilJU. OK lal iW"H fc' " , EOP II Wo cure ro ; * tr l . tloorf , | | druoYtnn ss Uttr oi n < m * I llata of oploa Ton will lit tcbaeeo , r ' enredlCiouute Hop Hitter * Ifjoa-e lm- cl/ weak and " PW.nlrUtil.trj NEVER | pS .Itt It may oavt. your FAILET ; ( life. U hat _ _ _ 'anted hun- [ iT.reoto.Oil. siom ncoiur Pietldenl. Vies PIN' ! . W. B.DIODII , K c. and Tieat. THE NEBRASKA MMPACTMIM CO Lincoln , Neb. MANUFACTURERS OF Corn Planters Hrrrowa.Parm Boilers Bulky Bay Bakoa , Bnozet Hlevatlng Wlndmlllfl , &o. W * are prepared to doOb work and manoJM taring lot other partlat. UAHUfAOTUWa CO ] OOUHOU. BXYtnFFS RAILROAD TIME TABUS. CHICAGO , UOCK ISLAND AND rAOITIO. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext. . .5S p ml Paclflc Ex.9:15am : Ex and Mall'.925 in Ex and Moll.6:55 : p m D. Uolnes ac.7:15 a m | Des Molnesnc.4:40 : p m oniOlOO , BUKLINOTON AND QUINCT. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf..6:30pm : I Paclflc Ext..020am Hall and Ex * . . 930 am Mall and Ex'.7:00 pm N. Y. Ex 4MO p m | Neb & Kas Ex..8:20 : a m CniCAOO AMD SOttinWtSTIttH. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf. . . 5:15 : p m I Paclflc Ext. . . .9:15 : a m Mall and Ex'.0:20 a m Mall and Ex.6:15 : p m Accom ( Sat. ) . .5:50 : p m | Accom. ( Mon..l:45 : p m KANSAS OIIT , ST. 10 * AHDOOUHOIL BLDrrS. Depart. Arrive. Mall and Ex..9:85am : I Express 6:50 : pra S-cpjtte. , . , . .9UOp to | Mulanl Es..eti5pra union ncrric. Depart. ArrlTo. OTetlan. Lincoln Ex. . 1130a. . B enver Ex. . . . BtW a. m , Denver Ex..7:00p. : m. Local Ex 6:90 : a , m. Local Ex 7.-2S a. m. " Ex 9:05 a. m. Emigrant..620p. m. " Ex P.-OOam. WA1ASD , SF. LOUIS AKD FAOlnO. Depart. Arrive. Mall and Ex. . 0:45 : a m I Hall and Ex. . 4:30 : p m Cannon Ball. . 4:50 : p m | Cannon Ball..11M3 a m sioux onr AKD rAnno. Depart. Arrive. ForSlonx City.7A5am Frm Sioux C' , For Fort Nlobrara. Frm Fort Nlobrara , Neb' 75 am Neb 'C Opm For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. Paul..8 0 a m CTIICAOO , MILWAUEH AND ST. FAUL. Lea > e Council DIiuTa. Arrives Council Bluffs. Hall and Ex.920 a m I Mall and Ex.8:65 : pm Atlantic Ex.5:15pm | : | Atlantic Ex.9:10a | : m CHICAGO , IIILWADKII AND ST. PAUL. Leaves Omaha. Arrives at Omaha. Mall and Ex.7:15am : I Pacific Ex | 9:45am : Atlantic Ex.3:40pm | : | Malland Ex.7-25pm Except Sundays , t Except Saturdajs. ( Except Mondays. ( Daily. Council Blufts ft Omaba Street B. B. Leave Council Hluffa. Leave Omaha. 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , I 8 a m , 0 a m , 10 a m , 11 am , 1 01 , 2 j ) m , 3 p 111 am , Ipin , 2pm , 3p m , 4 p m , 6 p m , 0 p m. | ni , 4 p m , 5 p m , 6 p m. Street cars run halt hourly to the Union Paclflo Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at 0 o clock a. m. , and run regularly during the day at 9,11 , 2 4 , 5 and 6 o'clock , and run to city time ; Another Physician' * Testimony. BOHTON. MASS. , May 9,1881. I know parties who have tried all kinds ot medicines lor Lung Dlceaaes , who say that DR. Wit. HALL'S BALSAM von TUB is a COMPLETE BUCOB'8 Da , UIAB H. WOOD. COMMERCIAL. COUNCIL BLorrs MABSET. Corrected dally by J. Y. Fuller , mer. chanJIeo broker , buyer and shipper ol grain and provisions , 89 Pearl street , WHKAT No , . 2 spring , 76o ; No. 3 , G3j rejecter ) COc ; eood demand , COEN Dealers payinp S8o : rejected corn Chicago , 48&c ; new mixed. 51Jc ; white corn , 86s. The receipts of corn lire lUht. OAT * Source and In good demand ; 33. HAY 1 00(36 ( 00 per ton. UTE 10c ; light supply. CORK MEAL 1 25per 100 pounds. Woon Good supply prices at yards , S 00@0 00. COAL Delivered , bard , 1100 per ton ; soft. 5 50 per ton , BUTTER Plenty and In ( air demand ; 25c : creatnpry , 80o. EGOS Ready sale and plenty at 12Jo per dozen. LAHD Falrbank's. wholesaling at ISJo. 1'ooLTBT Firm ; dealers p lying ISo per pound for turkeys and lOo for chickens. VKQKTABLKH I'otat' e > , 45o ; onions , BOc -cabbagea , 30@40o per dozen ; apple * , 2 60 @ 3 50 per barrel. City flour from 1 CO to 3 40 BEOOMS 2 00@3 00 per dozen. STOCK , OATTCK 3 00 ® 850 ; calves 600@760. Hoas Market for hogs qnlet , as the packing houies are closing ; shippers are paying 6 50 to 6 M. Young man or woman , if yon want bl ( money for a small emonnt. Injure In tb Marriage Fnnd and Mutual Trust AMOC ! ktloa , 0 d r Bapldi , lows , f5-8m , COUNCIL BLUFFS ADDII ZONAL LOOAL NEWS PERSONAL. J. D. Baldwin , who has been at Chicago with hit wife , returned yesterday. Mrs. Baldwin remains for a few days t the city on the lakes. H. B. Washington wrote his name on he Ogden boose register , but failed to tate his relationship to George. J. H Smith and wife , of Portland , Maine , where they have prohibition , are at he Ogden house. D. P. Marsh , of Omaha , crossed the lonndary yesterday and tilted back In a ohair at the Pacific. Rev. McMenoray left last night on a visit to Davenport. Ue returns to-mor row. row.G. G. E. Sliley , of Sioux City , was keeping n out of the cold yesterday at the Pacific hotel. P. O. Ugarph from Rockford , Illinois , was among the happy at the Ogaen yester day. day.J J , F. Burk , Bulington Junction , Mo , , ilaced his fist on the Pacific register. A. E. Pratt , Blanchard , inscribed hU scribble at the Ogden yesterday. John Drake h another Chicago man who' stayed at the Pacific yesterday. J. F. Maynard , who is at the Ogden , mils from Plymouth , N. II. Fred. Butler is another Ogden home juest from Davenport , la , G. F. Palmer , from the capital of Min * nesota" , is at the Ogden. Thomas Cochran , Burlington , can b found at the Pacific. W. E. Pattlson , of Red Oak , spent Sun. day at the Pacific. F. Greenlee , is from VUlscaIa. ! , and at the Pacific. J. W. Carson , of Cincinnati , Ohio , staid at the Ogden. John Rollins , Sioux City , la registered at the Pacific. 8. A. Lockwell , was at the Paolfia , from Chicago. From Denver , Chas. S. Wilxon stops at the Ogdeu. Vo notice the Marriage Fuud , Mutual iit Aatociatlon , of Cedar Hup Id B. Iowa , highly spoken of In many of the leading paper * of the state. "Money for the Un married" heads their advertisement in another column of this paper. f 5-3m Death on the Rail. Serious railway accidents are seldom chronicled hero , although Oounci Blufft is ono of the greatest railway centers on thu continent. At Woodbine , cm Friday night , an coat bound extra freight in charge o Conductor Mahlln , with G. L. Smith engineer of No. 234 at the front , L. Montgomery fireman , and J. II , Merts brakeman , pasted through a mlsplaood switch , and from the wrool of seven cars and the engine the deac bodlesof Smith uidMetewerflO-hnmee to crashed M to bo a mer * shapeless QMS of flesh. L. Montgomery , the iroman , was slightly scalded. The victims were known in this city and had many friends especially among tbo railway employes. A dozen conjectures ao to the cause or causes iavo been madobat Is moro than'prob- nblo that had due care been exercised ho accident would have been prevent ed. The criminal negligence should 30 placed where it belongs and severe penalties meted oat fortho | criminal or irlminals. Satiifootory Evidence. J. W. Graham , Wnolesalo Druggist , of Austin , Tex .writes ; I have been handling OR WM BALL'S BALSAM FORTHE LiUNtjS for the past year , and have found t one of the moat salable medicines I have ever had in my house for Coughs , Colds and even consumption , always giving entire satisfaction Please send ma one Kroas by Saturday's steamer. Real Estate Transient. J , L Drew to John T. Eaton , sol w i of 23 , 77. 44-f57.07. 0. , R I & P. R R Oo. to J. Sal. Ilvan , B J s o I of 31. 77 , 42$680. . 0.R I & ? . R. R,0o toJ. Sal- livan , n e f a e j of 31 77 , 42$320 , Si rah Juhufou to George W. Prye , lots 11 , 12 , 13 and 14 , block 12 , Wai- not$1,192. . Christ Straub to .Herman . Kraoht , lot 3 , Shloketanz' sab of lots 1 , 2 and 3 , block M , Curtis & lUrasoy.'s add $500Robert Robert Porclval to Isaac Oolo. no. uw. J and n i n. * 2 , 77 , 45 ; $76. 0. R , I. & P. R R Oo. to James Farrell , e. J nw. 19 , 74 , 38 ; $88. Asaneth Whlttakor to llanna Whlttaker , s. i so. i 12 , 76 , 79 ; $1600. J. H. Henry to Charles E. Bacon , nw. i 29 , 70 , 28 ; $4,400. R. T. Bryant to J. M. Palmer , lot 7 , block 20 , lot 4 , block 28 , and lot 1 , block 40 , in Ererott'a add , and pt. of lot 1 , block 45 , Boers' add : $1,200. George F. Wright to J. F. Ktmball , lot 4 block "S,7' ' , , Curtis & Ramsey's add $350. Jeremiah Folsom to R. F. Jones , nt } 3 , 74 , 40 $200. U , B. Stone to John Eckory , lota 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and G , block 19 , Keola $3,400. Thomas Bowman adm's to J Marks , nwi 18 and swj- and c nw 19 , 74 , 43 $2,500. M. E Ejkory to E. B. Stone , nwf 1 , 77 , 42 $1,800. O. L Stone to John Eckery , Int 9 and pt of 10 , block 23 , Noola $1,200 , scarfs , ribbons and any fancy articles can bo made any color wanted with tlio Diamond Dyes. All the popular colors. The Pulpit. At the Presbyterian church , Chun cil Bl-ils , yesterday Ror. n. M. Moo- kln preached in this church in the morning , taking for his text , Hob. 11 , 4 , on the Faith and Sacrifice of Abel , This was tbo second discourse on this snbjoot. From hid introductory remarks marks wo learned that In the first dis course ho endeavored to solve the problem why Abel's cfTorlntf wss ao oeptod whilst that of Gain was * reject ed by God , by pointing to the Divine Sovereignty and to the nature of the offers. Cain's heart being uacbjmged > y grace , whilst Abel's was under the 3plrlt'a enlightening Influence. Besides ho showed how "Abel's sacrifice differed in its nature iroin Cain's , being an animal victim , t propitiatory victim and forshadotr- ng the great victim of Calvary. The discourse yesterday was taken ip with two other points , what Abel's faith obtained , namely evidence of his acceptance , and what woru the con sequences of Abel's faith , "ho being dead yet speaketh. " The deeds that men do live after them ; character is transmitted and for good or evil every man's life and conduct arn Immortal , [ n the evening ho delivered a lecture on rainbow of the revelation present ing the nature , scriptural history and lymbollo moaning of the rainbow. The infidel argument was mot by admitting the existence of thu rainbow before the flood and contending that the words "I do set my bow in the olondt , " simply mean that God ap pointed the rainbow at that time , ccnsooratod it there for a sign and Sledge of peace. The original Ho row will bear this constrnotion , and it take the question of the existence of the rainbow out of the range of the preternatural and assigns it to the natural causes , at the same time main taining the Mosaic account of God's covenant with Noah in all its integ rity.Both Both services wore well appreciated , and attended , considering the inclem ency of the day , by very largo au diences. * The surprising success of Mrs , Lydia E. Plnkham's Compound tor the several diseases peculiar to women forcibly Illustrates the Importance of her beneficent discovery and the fact hat she knows how to make the most of it. Dr. llaiktll , How She boat Htm , Brooklyn Eagle. There wore tears In the soft blan eyes as she raised her head from his shoulder , and in response to his ar gent request to know what was the matter sobblngly she said : "Papa failed to-day ; lost every cent he had in the world. But that won't make any difference in your feelings for mo , George , will it ? " And she throw a look of entreaty at him that might have melted a cast Iron elevated railway director , "No , " returned the implacable youth calmly , "my feelings tor you changed tome tlmo ago , " Then he slid out ot her arms as If ho had boon greased , and was gone forovor. Fortran on or .farmer * and Mt ohnvio. Thousand * of linllaro can bo saved by using proper judgment in taking care of the health of yourself and family. If you are bilious , have Hallow complexion , poor appetite , low and deprenued spirit * , and generally debilitated , do not delay a mo ment , but go at ouce ; and procure a bottle tle of those wonderful Electric Bitters , which never fall to cure , and that for the trilling nuin of fifty cent * . ( Tribune. Sold by 0 , F. Goodman. MBS , fl. J , HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , II JtaNUwav. C0mBoUOU.rs. Childhood , Manhood , and Hoary * ge Ex claim In unison , "Behold the Conqueror. " During % brief vlilt to the ancient town of N * or- nick , II I. , recentf ! , our agent extecded his trip to the sontbeastern extremity of the town , to look about among the wonderful Improve ments which have boon made In the appearance of Warwick Neck dnilng a comparative' ' ; biltf psilocl , and while convening on.tbla'inbjoctwlth Col. Dcnjimln B. Huard , the popular proprietor of tbo Warwick Neck Hotel , ho learned that the greater rait of the handsome residences had beenenc'ed Inside of adoienyeariand ; healso learned that Col. Ilazard.ha I boon a grtat suf ferer fiom a chronic disease of the Kidney and Bladder overfllteen years , the most paint Jl form of It being a stoppage or retention of the mine , which was so very severe at times aj to dliable aim 'rein hli accusomed work , aud even confine tilm to the beJ , wuen a turgco 't aralitanco woofd be required to ie'1 ' ve htm. Ho wat being doctoia t a lar o pirt of the tliro , but oould got no permanent relief. At times his tufferlngs were terrible from sharp , cutting pains thr ugh the Kidneys and Bladder ; and ho htd lufferod so long and S3 tevcrely thtt ho bed become dli- courtgtd of g'ttlng well a aln , eipeilallr as the doctor stated that It wasdoubtfui If a nun of his ago , with tucn a complicated r'ltoaieol long stmdlng , could be cured , Butiut iummerwhiu he was Buffering lotootely from ooe of these at tacks : a geLtleuian who was botrdlng at bis ho tel , u'gid and pcriuad d him lo trj a bottle of Hunt's Ilimody , is he had known of some won derful euro it ffccte by It Mr. Ilaurd siys be had no filth In It , but con sented reluctmlly to try It ; and after taking It only two dajs , iho intense fains aid aches rad disappeared , and ho coiimcncol to gala strength raploly , and In Icssthiriawii'k was attending to bis accuitotDcd work , and has never hod a nturn of tbo pains , llr. Hizard Is otcr saventy Joirs of ago , ami on the 25th of Nov. 1832 , whin our aent met him , although It wai a very cold and tttoflnit day , ho wai In hit fl < 11 with hm t am atworkpul'lngand ' loading'urolpa , as hale and hearty a man as you could wl > b , wbercai last August he wan unable to ( land up to oversee toe work than going on In this same fle'd , llunt'd licmcdy had > lr n him health and and strength agdn , and he recommends It lo his relatlveianj frlendt , e\eml of whom are n.vr taking It , as ho conllders It a moit excellent , medicine for all dluiaes at the Kldneyand Blad der , S. E. MAXON , A. XX , O EC X rX7 XI C9E1. . Office ovei strings bank , OOONOU. BLUFFS. - lowr. DOCTOR STEINHART'S ESSENCE OF LIFE. KOK OLD AND YOVKO , MALI AMD FSUILX. It Is a miro. prompt and effectual remods or In digestion. Uyiipup la , Intormlttent Kevera , Want of Apputlte , Norvoui Debility In all Its Stages Weak Memory , U > n ol Drain I'ower , Prcntratlon. Wcakneiw and generalLoaa of Power. It repalrt nervous wo te , rejuvenatua the faded Intellect , Btroniilitheni the enfueblud brain and restore ! lurjirls nu t > no and vlnor to the exhausted or K&na. The cxMirIonco | of thousands proves It tc bean Invaluable rumixly. Price , $1.00 a botCle , or six or W. Kor tale by all UruroliU , or cn ( secure from observation on receipt of price bj Dr. Stolnlia.P. . O. Box 24BO St. Loal * Mo. GunllnsurajiOB Agent Phoenix AMuranc * Co. , of London , OasbASMtti . fftfltIM. ITestcheaMr , It. T. , Capital _ _ _ _ _ 1,000.000.01 thf Uerchants , of Newark , N. . Capital . 1,171,000.0 laid Fire , Pblladalphla , Capital. , . l.JOO.COC.U women's rnnd _ _ . _ _ . . 893.81k. Dlfloo , BoYd'8 Ocora Hoiiee , ' SPECIFIC SWIFT'S CURES SCROFULA. ' SPECIFIC SWIFT'S CURES ULOERS.- ' SPECIFIC SWIFT'S CURES CATARRH. . SWIFT'S SPECIFIC 0 CURES SOREQ SWIFT'S SPECIFIC O CURES BOILO SWIFT'S SPECIFIC A CURES ERUPTIONO ' SPECIFIC ' SWIFT'S CURES EOZEMA. ' SPEOIFIO I SWIFT'S CURES RHEUMATISM. ( SWIFT'S SPECIFIC V REMOVES ALL TAHTT. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC IS THE GREAT BLOOD REMEDY OF THE AGE. Wtlto { or fall particulars to SWIFT SPEOIFIO OOatlanta.Bfc. . SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 91 to tl.75 tier Bottle DOCTOR SUPPOSITORIES ! The Or cat Popular Remedy ( or Pile * . Sure cure for Blind , Bleeding&ItchlngE And all forms ol Hemorrholdal Tumors. ThoM BorresrrouBi act directly upon thai coats of tbo Blood Vessels , and by their utrinctat ) effects gently force the blood from the swoTle i tumon , and oy making the coato of the v lm strong , prevent their refilling , and benoo a radi cal euro Is sure to follow their use. Prlo , cents a box. For sole by alldrugglsU , or cent lasDR. DR. WHITTIEff. 517 Ut ChmrlM St , ST. LOUIS A HEQULAK OKADUATE of two rnedUa collrgeshaa been longer engaced In the tral > ment of OI1UOMO , NEKVOUS. SKIN AMD- DLOOD Otdeawn than any other physician In St. Louis as rlty pnpirn show and all old resident * know. Consultation free and Invited. When It In lnconv tlnt to vtilt the city for treatment , iiuillclnnx ran bo fent by mall or express everr. w'jire -uf..li ucs guaranteed ; whori doobl tint It ! i < ( rmVly etated. Call oi wilt * . Nnrvoaa prontratlon , Debility , ! i l Pb > nioal Weakneaa , Mercurial sa ether alfectiuna of Throat. Hkln and "luott Impurities and Blood Hkln Affections , Old Bores and Uloen. Impedlmentii to Marriage. KheumjOfam , Piles. Special attention to oaaea fr over-worked brain. BUltGIOAL OAflag' receive i > edal attention. Dlseasea sjfalair from Impru'lenoe , Excesses , well told. IpU ; who Duty Or , who J-AJT , and curt. * al d to 3M potaf o *