Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1883, Image 5

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TUB Nebraska National Back
Of Omaha , Nob.
fold up Capita - - - - $260.000
ON. President of 9t * , Jkafcn A
N , Vice President , oi 0. , D. & Q.
1- . . . -UK3E , Of W. V. U0ne& 00
OUN S. COLLINS , ol Q , II. & J. S. Collins.
U. WOOLWORT1I. OauDMUor ft Attorniy-kt
REED , of Byron Reed & Oo.
W. * ATE3 , Cashier , late CfcthUf of th nnl
National Bulk ol Omaha , and oonnec ( d with
the active management ol thai Bunk line * III
ganlzatlon In 1863.
OriKiD lot buatnee * April XT , 1882 , with Iht
tifwl capital ot any bank In Neoratka.
GOU.BOTIOXS receive special attention and chit
ies lowent obtainable bore or elsewhere.
IKTIKMT allowed on time dtpoilU npon laToi
able terms and npon account * ol bankiand bank-
Foaxiox KICIUHOI , Government Bond ) , and
County and Uny securities bought and sold.
It It prepared to do a general banking buatneu
la all Its details , and In the treatment ol cnitotn
will pursue the most liberal policy conilitenl
with gale banking ,
Etockt , Bond * , Commercial Paper and n'l other
Oxd . .ecurltl idea tin llaora 4 , No. 28 Pearl
treet. Council illufb , Iowa.
Special Dispatch to Tun ! ) .
NBW YOBK , March 17.
Money Active ; loaned at 5 to 7 per
cent ; closing offered at 3 per cent.
1'ritna Mercantile Pper-GJ(3)7percent ( )
Sterling Exoh nga Bankers' Bills steady
at480jdaujund ; , 4 83J ,
Governments J per cent lower for I'e ,
bat other * uiuhtuged.
Htoclti opened lower , but became strong
and advanced l@li per cent ; general Hat
closed dull , strung and at nn advance on
the day's transactions of J@J per cent.
1 ester Jay. To-drvy.
SJ'i 103J 1UJJ
5n 103J 1UJJ
4i's Oonpons 112 } 112
Pa 120 120
Pacific o's of 1895 128 128
Adams Express 133 130
AUeghiiny Central 13
Alton & Terre llaute b8J 03 *
do pfd. . . . 97 97 *
American Expreca 90 88
Bnrl. , Cedar iUplds & North. 80 60
Canada Southern GGg 07i
Ool. , Cin. & Ind. Central. . . . 80 CO
Central Pacific 80 | SDji
Chesapeake & Ohio 21 20
do 1st pfd. . . 31i 31j
do 2d pfd. . . 23 22 ]
Chicago & Alton ' . 133 133
do pfd IS7 187
Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 110 * li0j !
Chi. , St. L. & New Orloana. . 78 78
Oin. , Sand. & Cleveland 46&
Cleve. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 73
Delaware & Hudson canal. . . .107 . . ,
Del. , Lack. & Western 123
Denver & Rio Grande 461 4GJ
Erie SO 37
do pfd 78 79
But Tennessee 99
do preferred 1C
Fort Wayne & Chicago 1351 135
Hannibal & Bt. Joseph 39 39
do pfd. . . 80 } 80
Harlem 190 191
Houston & Texas Central. . . . 74
Illinois Central 143i 144
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 3J | 33
Kansas & Texas 314 31
Lake Erie & Western 30j
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . 110 110
Louisville k NaahviUe C3J
Louiav. , New Alb. & Chicago 53
Marietta & Cincinnati lot pfd 11
do do 2dpfd 6
Memphis * Charleston 43
Michigan Central 95 94
Minneapolis & 8t. Louis. . . . 272
do pfd. GO
Missouri Pacific 101J 102
Mobile & Ohio 15
Manhattan Beach 121
Morris & Essex GO
New Jersey Central 72 71
Nashville & Chattanooga 39
Northern Pacific 49 60
"do pfd. . 852. 8e
Northwestern 134 13J
do pfd. 148 14E
New York Central 129 12J
Ohio Central 10
Ohio & Mississippi. , Sli 3i
do pfd 98 Of
Ontario & Western 27
Oregon Transcontinental 84
Pacific Mail 40J
Panama. 166
Peorio , Deoatnr & Evansv. . . 22J 25
Fittaburg & Cleveland 138 13i
Pullman Palace Oar 120
Beading 58 . ,
Booklsland 126 12 !
Bt. Louis & San Fran 29 2 !
do pfd. . . . 48 101
do 1st pfd 91 11 !
St. Paul & Milwaukee 101J
do pfd..152
Bt. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba.l4J 51
Bt. Paul & Omaha 48J 4 !
do pfd. 109 1W
Texas & Pacific 39 3 !
Union Pacific 962 9 !
United States Express 6i .
Wabash , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 29 Jl
do pfd. 48 4 !
Wells , Forgo & Co. Express. 118
Western Union Telegraph. . . 83 8
Caribou If
Central Arizona i
Excelsior li
Homestalte 15
Little Pitt/iburs 1
Ontario 20
Quicksilver 8 }
do pfd 47
Robinson , 1
Silver OH f 2
South Pacific 7ft
Standard 04
Bntro J
Offered. fEr. Interest , tasked. BE
8p cUl Diipatehei'lo Tni Bu.
OmoAOo , March 17. Flour MarV
nominally unchanged ; sprint ; wheat flot
3 60185 00 ; Minnesota , S 50@4 V5 ; bake :
425@557 | patent ) , G00@760 ; wint
wheat flinr , Rontbern Illinois and M.
soarl. 4 2506 00 ; Mlehfcan , 4 C05 25.
Wheat Damand uotiva and lowi
regular , 105 for Mtroh ; I 05i for Apr
1'lOi for May ; 110 } for June ; No. 2 r
winter , 107 ; No. 2Jhlo go soring , 1 05
1 05 } ; No 3 Oulcago spilng , 9ljo.
Corn Demand active ; f > 5l@5G.Jo I
cash ; 55J o for March ; R gfS)55Jo ) for Apt
69j@60o for May ; 593@69j for Jnt
Clo for July.
Oati Market q'llflt nnd lower ; 40 | > i
cash and March ; 4i4.)4o ) for Ami ) ; 4
bid for Ma > ; 42Jj fur June ; 42J@42lo I
Rye Dull , weak and lower nt GOJc.
Birley Nominally unchanged nt 75o
Flax Seed-Steady at 1 35
Timothy Steady , with fair demu
prime , 1 58j hizb grade to choice , 1 6C
1 62 ; common , 1 CO.
Dressed Hogs Market nominal 8 2 (
825.Pork O > pened lower , the decline I
Ing recovere I Utor ; 18 20318 25 forct
and Mares ; 18 22J@18 25 for An
1847i@1850 lt May ; 18 65 for Jui
18 80 f r July ,
Lard-Weak and lower ; 1122J@U
for cash and for Mtrcb ; 11 3211
for April ; 114J@1147i for May ; 11
for June ; 'ItiOrail ' G2J for July.
Hulk Meats In f-ir demand ; ihoulde
7 75 ; hort rib. 10 15 ; short clear , 10
Butter Market weak ; creamery , II
30n : dairy , 14@25o.
Kw Irreitnl tr at 16i@17Ja.
WnWty Steady and unchanged at 1
NrwYoiuc , March 18. Wheat-Oi
l@lo lower ; option * opened firm , declli
l@Uo chiog strrme ; ; No. 2iprlDg , nominal )
un r.tHed red , 1 03 ® 1 23 ; tearner No 2
red , 1 17i@l 17i ; No. it red , I
otoatner JNu 3 red , 1 20 ; No. 3 rod. 1
@ 117.
Corn Unnettled ; Jf/H / > ljo lower ; ungrod.
ded. 69cj No 2 , GOjCa,70c.
Oiti 1'alrly ncilve : mixed western , 51
@V2 ; while , f.2@5Go.
K > { ( { s vVisto.u froib , god demand and
firm HI Sljo.
Lird Strong ; prime steam , 11 574 ®
11 GO.
BT. LoniB , March 17. Flour Market
nnnettled ; No. 2 red , 1 081@1 082 for cash :
1 091@1 0 j for April ; 1 lli@l 12 fnr
Moy ; 1 lljdl ( ) 11J for June ; 1 OGJ@1 07
for July ; Mo. 3 ted , 102
Corn Unsettled and lower ; fil@41Jofor
cash ; Sl rdSljo for March ; 62@S2jo for
April ; C'3@55o , closing inside pricei for
May ; 551@A5io for Juno.
Oils-Lower ; 42J@42ia for c shj 42i@
43c for May.
Kye Better ; C8Jc.
Batley-Qulot ; bO ( < 80o.
Corn Mojl Dull ; 26.
KANSAS CITT , March 17 Wbo-rt-910
for cit h ; 95fa for April ) 97 j for May.
Corn Sluwj 44o for casu ; 44Ja ( bid for
April ; 473o ? for May.
Oats lllgber at 85c ; no options.
Special Dispatches to Tui On.
CHICAGO , March 17. The Drovers' Jour-
rial rop.Tta as follows :
llotjn Strjug anil steady ; mixed ,
7 00@7 55j heavj. 7 G5@8 00 ; light , 7 10 ®
7 05 ; Hkips , Q 50 G 05.
Cattle Fair export grades steady at
0 75@7 00 ; all others lOo lower ; good to
choice shipping , G 10@6 GO ; common to
fair , ' 5 2o@G.OO ; butcher * ' , 2 30@5 COj
stookers and feeder , * . 320c"500. ;
Sheep Active and firm ; common to
fair , 0JO@5 | 50 ; medium to Rood , 5 GO ®
(20 ( 20 ; choiao to extra , U 20@G GO.
Sr Loni8MBrcbl7 Ca'tlo No supply ,
no demand ; nothing doing except
amall retail trade.
HOPS Slow nnd uncaaoged ; cenerol
s lB3 7 40@7 50.
Sheep-Quiet ; 350@G 25 ; common tc
fancy , general Bales. 4 f > 3@5 50.
KAKBAB CITT , Marth 17. The Llv <
Stock Indicator repoits ;
Cittlo mnrliet active ; top grades high
er ; ntter ? . 5 25@6 GO ; etockers and feeders
4 25@5 75 ; co at , 3 40&4 40.
Hogs Light , 6 70@6 85 ; medium , 690
good to choice heavy , 7 10@7 20.
Sheep Market steady ; natives , 460.
3pod l Dispatches to Tui Bu.
OniOAOO , March 11. Receipts ant
nhipmenta of flour nnd grain for the pas
24 hours have been as follows :
Recclutf , Shlp'ts
Flour-bbls 25,000 1.001
Wheat bushels 23,100 2,00 (
Corn " 178,100 77.001
Oite ' 12fii,00 126 UW
Rye " . . . J60 < 0 1.00
Barley- " 42,000 49,0 J
NEW YOBK. March 17. Receipts ani
shiptnenta of flour and grain for the pas
24 hours have ueen as follows :
Receipts Shp'te
Wheat bnshfeU 4ir.OO 163.01H
Corn " 103.IKX ) 253,00
Oats- " 64000 14 !
KANSAS OITT , March 17.Receipt
and shipments of grain fet the past 2
hours have been fa follows :
Rao'ts. Ship'ti
Who t , bushels 8,000 19,00
Corn " 50.000 4,00
CHICAGO , March 17. Reoolpta an
shipments of live ttooK for the pint 5
hours have been as follows : -
Reo'te. Shipm'ti
Cattle 2,200
Hogs 5,000
Sheep 600
ST. Louis , March 17. Receipts an
shipments of live stock fet the past I
hours have been aa follows ;
Reo'ts. Bhipm't
Oattla 100 1,0 (
Hogs , 800 21
Sheep 1,000 1,51
KANSAS OITT , March | 17. Rocelp
and shipments of Uvo stock for the paat !
hours have been as follows :
_ , Reo'ts. Shlpm't
Cattle 1,200 6,0i
Hogs 2.500 8 !
Sheep 600 51
Wholesale Prioea.
Saturday Evening , March 17. f
The wholesale trade of the cify for tl
past week was reported fairly active , tl
volume of business transacted being
etcess of the corresponding period of la
year , and merchants generally conced
from present indications , the state
. trade to be more favorable than for son
time past. The demand for dry good
millinery , clothing and boots and shoes
improving and orders are coming in I
the spring styles , ( which are said to 1
very attractive ) to the tatisfaction of al
the warm weather of the past week havii
had a desirable influence on trade
these lines. Values aa a rule are stead
with indications of an advance in stop
dry goods. The millinery jobbers fe
flattered over present prospects of trad
large orders being received through travt
ing salesmen nnd on mall order accoun
und a good houae trade reported thronj
buyers in person. From the largo qnai
titles ol fljwers being sold indications a
that it Is to be a flower season. The bo
and shoe trade is reported as very satufa
tory. Country merchants who withhe
their orders early in the season are nc
placing them freely. Groceries are ) mo
ing more actively , a satisfactory buslnc
being done at steady prices , though sngk
are firm. Building materials of all kin
are more active than for some time pai
at quotation * . General commission bu
ness was only moderate ; potatoes , ho
ever , have been moving freely on sblppi ;
acconnt , but as the week closes , the c
mand has fallen off and prices
dropping. Onions are a slow sale at qc
tations. The old stocks of apples t
now exhausted and new coniignmei
coming in. They are arriving in go
condition and prices are firm at $ & $ { i
barrel , as to variety. Oranges and le :
ons continue good sale at last weel
prices. Butter remains dull ; tupply lar
and demand light. I'ggs are in good c
mand ; supply light and prices fir
Dressed poultry is still rcarce and demo
good ; quoratlons realized on arriv
Flour was in moderate request at li
week's figor e. Other millstnffi met wl
good sale and were firm at qnotatlor
Cut meats of all kinds ere in active <
m nd and prices have advanced on
average of 20o per 100 pounds , Lard
moving more freely and prices are firm
The receipts of hogs have fallen off oc
slderably , 65 cars being the total recel ]
of the week , packers paying $7 05 I
good , an advance of 30c per hundred 01
lait wewik's figures. The local grain mi
ketwas active and somewhat
) d I closing vtib donTjward tendency.
The only changes reported In the
market to-day are a follows :
Wheat , No. 2 , declined lie.
Wheat , No. 3 , declined le.
Wheat , rejected , declined 4Jc ,
Barley , No. 3 , declined le.
Rye declined lo.
Corn declined IJe.
Potatoes declined 'J3o
Dry flint hides declined lo.
liocal QrnlnJ3oaIlnfra.
WHEAT.Cosh No. ? , 87io ; cash No
8 , 73Jo ; rejected , 50Jo.
BARLEY. Cash No. 2 , G3oj No. 8 ,
38o ,
RYE-Oash , 40a.
SEEDS-Flax seed 9Go per bn.
Produce and Provisions.
POTATOES-20@25o per bushel.
ONIONS 40@50c per bushel.
BUTTEhOhoion country , 12Jo.
KGGS-fresh , 121o.
lIONKY-Calllorala. pcrlb , SI.
APPLES Per barrel , 83 00@3 50.
OYSTERS Plait's select oysters , 40o !
Standard , S5 ; mediums , 30
ORANGES-Florido , 95 50 ; Messina ,
3 50$100.
LEMONS-94 00@4 50 per box.
BEANP Navy per bushel , 2 75@3 00
CHIOKKNS-l14o pur Ib.
TURKEYS-140 per pound.
Orooers Lilst
CANNED GOODS Oystora , 2 It
( Field's ) , nor awe , 84 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
per CMC , 2 76 ; do 2 Ib ( Qtandard ) , per oano ,
3 90 ; atrnwborriou , 2 Ib , per onso , 3 40 ,
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 50 , Dam
sons , 2 Ib , per cane , 2 45 , Bartlotl
pears per case , 2 49. Whortleberries
per case,275. Kgg plums,2 Ib porcteo , ' * ! 90
Green gnged,2 Ib per case , 2 90 ; do choice , ,
Ib per case 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per cast
' 1@5 75. Poaches , 2 to per CABO , 8 00
uu 3 Ib , case , 4 00 © 1 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , pei
oaao.280 ; dopio , 6 Ib , per dozra. 3 80.
FLOUR Jobbing pricon , Jack Frosl
St. Louis winter ) 83.90per 100 ibs. ; Topoki
Patent Kanran , 3 67 ; Mlnuobaha
Minnesota Patent , (3 75 ; Shawnne fanai
winter , JS.10 : Eagle , XXXX win
ter , $2.75 ; Triumph spring , best , 2. 75
Christian's superlative , 3.65 ; bran , pei
ton , 810.00 ; chopped feed. 825.00 ; Queer
Boo flour , per sock , 325 ; Nellie iJlye
per tank , 2 00-
Li\RD OmahaRefinlnlngCo. : Tierces
12a ; 40 and 5U-lb cans , ljc ; 20-lb cans
123c ; 10-lb pails , scretr top , 12ic ; 6-lb do
12jc ; 3-lb do , 12o.
UlCE liouiimna prime to choice , 6r (
7c : fair , GJW7ic ; Patma , G c.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , 6 7E
No. 1 mackerel , kits , 100 ; family mock
erel , half brls , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kite
85o ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , G 00 ; No.
JOFFE K. Klo. fair , lloi Ulo , goo
lljc ; in-liaa to choice , 12 to 12Jc ; Old gov' '
Java 18o @ 24c.
SUGAUa fowdered , lOlo : Cut loal
lO c ; Granulated , 9Je ; Coufeotloners' A
91u ; Standard Extra 0 , 8c ; Extra C
8jc ; medium yellow , 7Jc ; dark yellow , 71 <
SYRUP Standard Com. , 42c , bbls ,
Standard do , 4J gallon koRS. $2 05 ; Star
dard do , 4 gallon kegs , $1 90.
SODA In Ib papers , $3.20 per case ; ke
ioda. 2ic.
NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrel
$700 ; do in half bbls , 4 00 ; smalls , In bbl
900 do , in half bbls , 500 ; gherkins , I
bbls , 11 00 ; do , in half bbli , 6 00.
STARCH. Pearl , 4Jo ; Silver GIoi
8 o : Com Starch , fijo ) ExceldorGlos
7o ; Corn , 74o.
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@5 !
Choice , 6075c ; Imperial , good , 40@45i
Chcloa , 60@76c ; Young Hyson , good , 86 (
VJo ; choice , 6TC@C1 00 ; Japan Nat Lea
.yjc : Japan , choice , G0@75o ; Oolong , gooi
lj10 ; Oolong , , 40@55) ) Bouchoni
ood. 3540o ( ; choice , 85S45o. (
UROPK Sisal , i Inch and larger , 10J
8 inch , lie ; J Inch , lljo.
WOODEN WARE Two hoop psil
1 75 ; three hoop palls , 1 00. Tubs , N
1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 85 Dcub
Crown2 90 ; Wellbuckott , SCO.
I LEAD Bar , 51 65
VINEGAR Pure * pple extra , 16
pure apple , ISc ; Prussine onrp acole , 16
SALT. Dr y loads , per bbl , 1 65 ; As
ton , in sno ks , 3 50 ; bbla dairy 60 , 60 , a i
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 8 4
Kirk's satlnnt S 60 Kirk's standard.
lU tk , U Wfj 4 tXJk > BbaUUBCUfQ 7
Klrk'a white Russian , 525 : Klrl
Entoca , 215 Kirk's Prvlrle Quoe
(100 ( cakei ) , 40) Kirk's magnolia do :
POTASH Pennsylvania cam , 4 jai
In case , 3 85 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 dos. In cai
1 90s Anchor Ball 2 dox In case IBO.
PEANUTS Boasted , choice , red T
neasee , lOo per lb ; fancy white , lOJo perl
raw white Virginia taw , ICoi roaetc
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 16Jo ; I
lBo ; bcxes 40 Ibs. , 16 or. , 6s , 15fo.
MATCHES Per caddie , 95oj roan
canes. 88 10 ; square , oasoa , 90 40
MEATS Hams per Ib. , . IS Jo ; baci
per lb. , 14o ; clear sloe baoon per lb. , 11 j
dry salt sides per lb. , 9Jo ; dry salt shoi
dere per lb. , 9c ; bacon shoulders per II
8Jc : tierce lard per lb. ; lie.
SPICES. Pepper , 21 ; Allspice'IE
Java , 2Citflc,2 ? Mocha , 28ioi Arbuokli
HUHEESH Full Oream , 14c ) Fi
dklm , lOJo ,
LYE American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 <
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 OG ; Lew
lye. 4 6S ; Jewell lye , 2 75.
FEED Jobbing prices , Ohop fee
(1.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 8MO ; bra
70o per 100 Ibs.
HOMINY New , 14 00 per bbl.
Dry Qoooa.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8) )
Appleton XX , 7o ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boc
FF , Sic ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Oabot A
71o ; Chlttcnango A , 6Joj Ureat Falls :
8Jc ; Hoosler , 640 : Honest Width , 8 o. 1
dlau Head A. 8jo ; Indian Standard .
8Jc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8Jo ; Iiawren
LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7ic ; Peqnot A , 8j
Shawmnt LL , } c ; Utloa O , 6to ; Wacht
ett B , 7io ; do A , 8c ; do E 48,12Jc ; Wi
cott BB. 84o.
M : 7io ; Alligator & 4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7
Atlantic LL , 6io ; Badger State X 4-4 , ]
Bennlngton 0 4-4,6Jo ; Bnokeye 8.4-4 , OJ
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8io : Laconla
89 , Sic ; Lehlgh E 4-4 , 9io ; Pepperell
80 , 7o ; do O 82 , 7 < o ; do R SO , 7Jo ; do E !
84o , ? ooaset 0 4-4 , 7 cj Wamratta ' .
gin L 4-4,9icBlaok tone AA Imperial 8j
do do half bleached 4-4 , Oo ; Cabot 4-4,1
Fidelity 4-4 , 9 Jo ; Fruit of the Loom , 9i ;
can.brlo4-4.12 Jo ; doWatrTwUt,10ioGr ; (
Falls O , 9o ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 1 !
Ixinidale , lOo ; do Cambric 87 , 13Jo ; " "
York Mills. 12Jo : Poquot A,10c ; Pepper
N Q Twlllj , ISjot FocahontM 4-4 , 9i
Pocasset 4-4 , 8Joj Utloa , llo ; Women !
I- fTfJUKB Colored ) Albany B bron
So ; do O , drab , lira do XX stripes a
plaids , me ; do XXX brown and dri
stripes and plaids , 12c ; Arlington fan <
IBrOo : nnswlck brown , 8Jo ; Chariot fani
12&o ; do extra heavy , 20oj Fall Eli
brown , extra heavy , llic ; Indiana
brown IBns Netransot A brown. 15o
T1UKJ1NUB AMoskeag A U A
19c ; do XX bine 32 , 18Jo ; Arrowaci
9io ; Olaremont B B , I5\e : Oonestoga i
tra , 17io ; Hamilton D , lljo Lewiston
SO , 15o ; Mlnnehaha 4-4 , 20o ; Omega sni
extra 4 , 28o ; Pearl River 82. lOJo ; P
nam XX bine stripe , 12o ; Shetucket
lOjo ; do S3 12o : Yeoman'o blno 29.
DENIMa Atnoakoak , blneandbro
IGJc ; Andover DD bine , 15Jo ; Arlins
blue Bootch , 18io ; Concord OOO , blue i
brown. 12icdo AAA , do do ISJ ; doX2
dp do 141p Hayindier's blue and brov
9io ; Myatio River DD stripe , 16Jc ; Pe
. River , blue and brown , 16c ; TTneasvi :
blue and brown. 14if.
OAMBRIOS-Barnard , 5 oEddyst (
lining. VA ( neb double face , 8Jo ; Garner
Manhattan glove finish , I
newport do Oc ; do glazed , 6oi Peqnot
60 ; Lockwood kid unlsb. 60 ,
COIU3ET JEANS-Amory , So ; And
coggin uttnen 8Jo ; Ularondc n , 6c > Coi
J a * tt ens , 7to ; Hallowel Bo ; Ini
Orchard 74ot NarrAganwttlmproTed , (
P'PPerllUatUen 84o ; Rookport , 7Ja
PklNTS-Allens , CJot AmerlcinT
Arnold , 7o ; Berwick. 4c ; Cocheoo ,
ponMtoga. Me. Dunkirk | DnrLo ,
6j@7e-Eddyiione ; 70 ; Gloucester ,
Harmony , 6fo Knickerbocker , 8Jo | &j
ri no D. 7cj Mystic , 6io ; Sprajues , Co ;
Southbrldgc , Of do. Qlaghftras , 7oj Mnrl.
bore , 6J ; Orlootftl Clc.
GINQUAMS Ain'MikeaR. lOiti Amc * .
keag drew 9 | | Argyle , loUi : AtlatiHc ,
9o ; Cumberland , 7to > Highland , 7Jc ;
Konllwortb , SJc ; Plun kett , lOicj tfua
. 20c American , Hot Artlslan , 20cj
Cairo'D and T , ISJc ; % 1) and T ,
17io ; Deccan Co. stripes D and T.lOo ; Key.
stone , ISio ; Nantncket , 19oj Nonpareil
lOo ; OooanD andT.lSjpi Royal , 16Ji
Sussex , 12o ; Tloga. 12ic ; Waohuscttijhlrt
In ? Aecks. 12ci do , Nankin , 12io ; York ,
plain Nankin. 12Jc ; dochecks , stripes and
fancy , 12 o ; do , 8 oi 20o.
SHEETINGS Androscogedn 10-4,2rio !
do 9.4,23odo ; 8-4 , 22c ; Continental 0
42 , lie , Fruit of the Loom10-4 , 27Jj Isew
YorkuiUls98 , 35o > do 78 , SOo ; do 68. 22Jo ,
PcmbrjkelO.4 , , 25o ; Pequot 1C.4 ,
74,19odo 40 , 16c > Poppercll * 90 29o
do 67 , 21odo ; 67 , I8o ; UWca 90 , SGc ; do
68 , 22401 do 48.17o.
P.lnts Oil * nd Varnishes
OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon ,
12o ; 160' headlight , per gallon ,
14o : 17B' headlight , per gallon. 19c ;
160"t Water White , 20o ; ifnuood ,
raw , per pftllon , M ; linseed , boiled ,
per gallon , 67o ; l rd , winter str'd , per < ,
ton , 100 ; No. 1 , 85o ; No. 2 , 76c ; castor ,
yxx. per gallon , 1 25 ; No. 8,1 20 ; sweet
per gallon , 860 ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon
1 75 ; fish , W , B. , per gallon , 60o ; nentsfoot
extra , per gallon , 7fto ; No. 1 , G5c ; Inbrl
eating , tero , per gallon , 80o ; summer , IBo
golden machine , No , 1 , per gallon , 85o ; No
2 SO ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80o : turpentine
pentino , per gallon , 65o ; naptha , 74' , po
gallon , 18o : 64 . 17o
PAINTS IN OIli Whlto load , Omahi
P. P. . 60 ; white lend , St. Louis , pure , BJr ,
Maroolllos green , 1 to 5 lb cant , 20
French zinc , giaen soru. 12o ; French dnc
red seal , llo ; French zinc , in varnioh asai
20o : French elnoe , In oil aunt 15o ; Rav
and burnt umber , 1 Ib o&na 12o ; raw ani
burnt Sienna , 18c : Vandyke brown , „ !
refined lampblack. 12ct coach bl ck and
ivory black , ICe ; drop blue k , IGcj Prussia ;
blue , 80o ; ultramarine blue , 18o ; obi\-m
green , L. M. ft. D. , Vlobllnrt ; and shutto
, L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green , 18c
nn rod , 16o ; Venetian rod. 9o ; Tnsoa
dn > , 22o ; American VormlHod , I. ftP , , 18i
chrome yellow , L. , M. , 0. & D 0. , 18 <
yellow ochre , 9c ; ( toldon ochre , JO ; paten
dryer , 80 ; graining colors : light oak , dar
out. walnut , hcBtnnt anrl ash 16o.
> Dry D lnts
White lead , 80 ; French nine. lOo : Par
whltelng 2&c ; whiting gliders , 1 $
xhltlnp coml , lie ; lampblack Germai
town , I4c ; limpblock , ordinary , lOc ; Prui
sian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18o ; vandyk
b/owu , 8c ; nmber , burnt , 4a ; nmbor , ra1
4csienna ; , burn t , 4o ; sienna , raw , 4
Paris green genuine , 25c ; Paris green con
20u ; cnromo green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chror
green K. , 12o ; vormllllon , Eng , , 70c ; vt
mQllon , America , 18c ; Indian red , 1C
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian road , Cokosoa
25c : Venetian red Am. , lc ; roi load , 7J <
chrome yellow , genuine , 20o hromo ye
low , K. , 12c ; oohre , rochelle 8c ; ocbr
French , 2Sc ; ochre , Amorlc&n ,
Winter's mineral. 2Jo ; lehlgb brown , 2J
Spanish brown , 2it } rrlnce's mineral 5
VARNISHES-Barrels per . . . . . .
Furniture , extra , 91 10 : furniture , No ,
81 ; coach , extra , SI 40 ; oaoh , No.
81 20 ; Damar , extra , $1 75 ; apan , 70o ; a
phaltum , extra , 85o ) shell * IS 50 ; ha :
oil finish , 91 80.
Hides t-un. Eta.
HIDES Ureen butcher's bides , 6 ® ]
cured 78o ; hides , green salt , part onri
7iohides.7o ; dry flint , Bound , 12@lSo ; d :
calf and kip , 12@14o ; dry salt hdessonn
10@llo ; green calf , wt. 8 o 15 Ibs. . 1112
green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 6C
croon peltc , 50@81 25 ; green lamb skit
91 25@150 ; damaged hides , two-third ral
out scored and ono grub , classed tw
tLlrda rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent , i
Coon skins , No. 1 , 45o : No. 2 , SOc ; No ,
20. ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , SOo ; No.
Ifc ; No. 3,16o ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , No. ]
GOa ; Ko. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , bit
65o ; short stripe , 40oi narrow stripco
brand stripe , lOo. Tallow 7c ,
Oak sole , 880 to 42o ; hemlock sole , 28c
860 ; hemlock kip , SOo to 100 ; runm
65o to 80c ; hemlock calf , 860 to 120 ; he
lock npper , 23o to 26o ; oak upper , 2
alligator. 400 to B 60 ; calf kid , 3'J@3I
Greiscn kid , 2 60 to 2 75 ; oak kip , SOo
100 ; oak calf , 1 20 * to 180 ; French k
110 to 1 6C ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 : r
setts. 5 60 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 10
toppings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B.Ti. Morocco , 1
to 35o ; pebble 0 , D. Morocco , 85o ; slmi
8 N ) to 3 00.
HARNESS-No 1 star oak , < 2c ; N
do , 89c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 880 ; No. 2 >
35o ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 87o ; No. 2 do S
We quote lumber , lain and shingles i
"Jrs at Omaha at the following price" :
under , 922 00 ; 18 ft. , 923 60.
TIMBERS 16 ft. and under , 922 00
TIMBER AND J.OIST-18 It. , 923
20 ft ,923 50j 22 ft. , 926 50 ; 24 ft. 926
FENOIHG-No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 924
No. 2 , 922 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( coma
boards ) . 920 00 ; No. 2 , 918 00.
LIME Per barrel , 91 85 ; bulk par 0
40o ; Cement , bbl , 92 25 Iowa plast
bbl , 92 60. Hair per bn. 40o. Tan
felt 100 Ibs. 93 60. Straw board , 93 60
Heavy Hcrdware List ,
Iron , rates , 9800 ; plow steel , spe <
cast , 7o ; ornclble , Ho ; special or Uerman ,
east tool do. 15@20 wagon spoke , i
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 125 ; feUoei , sav
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 7085o ; ax ]
each , 75o ; pquare nuts , per Ib , 7@1
washers , per lb. 8@18c ; rivets , per lb , 1
coil chain , per Ib , 612c ; malleable ,
Iron wedges , 60 ; crowbars , Co ban
teeth , 4o ; spring teal , 7@8o ; Bnrde
horBeshoei. K 2M Burden's muleshoea. 6
BARBED WIRE In car lots , 7 5i
8 50 nar 100.
NAILS Rates. 10 to 601 ? , 3 76.
SHOT. Shot , 91.85 ; Buck .hot , 92.
Oriental Powder , kegs , 96,40 : do. . 1
| e kegs , 93.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 9L88 ; Bit t
0. Ing. ken , 83.36 : Fuse , per 100 feet 50o.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , > 9
Morrla Run Bloraburg , 912 ; Whltebre
lump , (4 60 ; Whltebreast nut , 84 60 : lo
lump , 84 60 ; Iowa nut 84 60 ; Rock Sprli
S700 ; Anthracite , 81160@1200 ; Cat
City , 87 00 per ton.Crur
Crur *
Carbolic , 60o ; Acid , Tartariq , 65o ; Bals
Oopabla , per Ib , 70o ; Bark , Bas afrM ,
Ib , 14o ; CalomeL per Ib , 75o ; Olnchoulc
per or , 8115 : Chloroform , per Ib. 1
Dover's powder * , per Ib , 81 40) Eps
Baits , per Ibf > \ Glycerine , pure pe t
Sic ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , !
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per geL 1
Oil , Castor , No. 8 , per gal , 81 IB ; C
Olive , per gaL 81 50 ; OU , Origanum. I
Opium , 84 76 ; Quinine P. ft W. A R. k
per ot , 81 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per
8176 ; Salacin , per or , 40c ; Snlpbati
Morphine , j er or , 88 85 ; BulpQnr fli
per lb , 4c ; Btrvchnlne. oer oz. Cl tf5 ,
Liquor * .
ALCOHOL 188 proof. 125 per w
gallon ; extra California iptrlU , 187 pn
l.5 per proof gallon ; triple refined * pli
187 proof , 123 per proof gallon ; re-dlstll
whiskies , 100@1 60 ; fine blended , 1 5
2 60 ; Kentucky bonrbpns , 2007 00 ; K
tuclcy and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 007
BRANDIES-Iraported , 50 0016
domestic 1404 00.
\GINS-Imported , 4 609Q 00) domes
RUMS Imported , 4 C06 00 ; i >
England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 MK
1 76@4 00. .
OHAMPAQIuJS Imported per oi
2800 ( 31 OjAmirlua , case , 120
CLARETS 'er case , 4 60(118 ( 00
WINES Rh ne wine , per case , 6 0
2 00 ; Oatavba , per caee , 4 00(37 ( 00 ,
Olirar * ind Tob eco r
FINE OUT-In pallfc-Uard to B
76c ; Golden ITiread , 70q Fountain , I
Favorite , 65c ; Rocky Mountain , I
Fancy , 65c ; Daisy , 60c. In tin fo :
Oatllns O. 8. , C lb boxes , per lb 63c | L
Dlard'i Tiger. 60oj Diamond Crown , B&
| OJ SMOKING Allgradot-Common , 2
880. Onnulated Blaokwells Durham ,
oa 51o ; Dnkes Durham , 10 ot , 4fioj Bei
North OarollnjL 18 ot. 4 ; Seal of Neb ;
ir ka , 19 ot , BScTLoM Jaok , 4 ct , Itawt b
per lb , 91.85 ; Marburtrs1 Puck 2 os , tin
oil , 65a ; Dog T all 66c.
Merino nnwas ed , light , 14' 16s ; lieavyc ,
© l lBo | niddlnm uuv > A bed , ligh
waatied , choloe , 82o ; fair , & 0o |
and w. , 28o ) burry , blreUnd OJttol
2Co ( leu
Horte * and Mulct.
The market Is brisk and all grado-i are
rplllne well at n slight advance In prices ,
The demand for good howM exceeds the
supply considoramy < Price * rimgo a * fol *
lows :
Fine single driven , 8160. to 800. ) Kxtrn
draft hones , 8175. to 225. | Common dralt
hones , 1100. to 160. ) Extra farm home ,
8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm hones
890. to 8100. J Extra plugs , 860. to 75 , |
Common plugs , 020. to $40.
MULES. 15 to 16J hands ( extra ) , 9126.
to 160. ; 144 to 16 hands , 8100. to 140.1
14 to 14) hands , 875. to 100. | 18i to 14
bonds , SCO. to 76.
The Maverick National Bank of Boi-
ton drawa foreign exchange , bays aud
Bella Govornmuut and ether Invest
ment securities , nnd tranaaotHnnybua.
inosa for Ita oorroapondouta In the line
of banking. nutth-mo
The Festive Rush in the Law's
Grasp ,
He Disposes of His Spoils Be
fore He is Searched.
Poior Rush , who Friday ai
saultd and robbed Jonnlo Dickinson
did not long enjoy hla ill gotten gains
llo was followed to Council Blulls b ;
OQlcora Jaoobaon and Church , whi
with the asalatftnoo of the Bluffs polio- -
aoon found and arrested tholr mail
The Omaha officers aakod that ho bi
eosrchod at onoo , but this was ro
( used , and they started with him ti
the county jail ,
In the moantlmo Rash aolred tin
opportunity to pass oror to bla attor
ncy all the paper money hi
had on hla person , and on the wo ;
to jail throw away the silver money 01
the street , scattering It far and wide
The tilbora picked up a portion of It
Church findinc ; eomo dollar pieces am
Jacobaon some quarters.
The consequence was that when thi
prisoner was searched ho had m
money at all on his parson , Ho wai
committed , aa he declined to crosa th
river without a requisition , and hi
hearing was set for V p. m. Saturday
N. J. Bnrnham wont over to oonduc
the prosecution.
Ill health generally cornea from lac
of the proper life forces In the blooc
To rcatoro the blood to healthy slat
nao Brown'a Iron Bitters. |
It , Ia Greatly Improved by Recoi
A visit to Hanaoom Park Frldt
revealed the fact that this popular r
sort has boon greatly improved aim
it was oloaed for the winter aeaooi
By order of the city council at
under the supervision of the oomml
tee on public property and improv
monta , a large number of the anpc
flaona trees in the park have been o
down and made Into fire wood ,
which there arc at least 200 core
The avenues have been raked clean
leavea and brush and the general i
pearance of the park * ia very great
Ihe hot houses have been romov
to the northwest ooruer of the pat
from their former location and co
slderably enlarged. A new gate f
vehicles has been put in on the we
aide and near the lake a oommodlo
ioo house has been built.
Of the Zoological collection only t
young elk and a couple of eagles i
It ia anggeatod that the anthorlti
would do well to have the houses ai
fences painted as aoon as possible ,
it would not only beautify the par
but preserve the timber better th
to be left bare aa they are.
When baby but ( jam ) at dead ot nljhl ,
lloiher In a fright , father In a plight ;
When wormi do bite , baby mutt cry ,
K ( eicr tets In , baby must die.
iw K cronpy pales kl 1 Leonora ,
In that honso thote's no (1ASTORIA ;
For rr others learn without delay ,
OABTO III A cures by n'ght arnl ay.
have arrived. Practical oxperlen
Bt demonstrates and proves them tl
cheapest ( n the market for re
sorvlco. For sale at
F. D. OOOPEK & Go's.
The City Jail Packed Wll
Offenders , ;
2o '
A Gang of Twenty-Two f <
fID f- - Monday's Docket ,
o The sudden change In the weath
seems to have had a bad effect on t
old bums , and the police were ke
busy from Saturday night on to oa
for all who broke the laws.
i@ At midnight last night there we
in0. . - jnst twenty-two prisoners in the oi
jail for various offenses , and Jud
Boneko will have his hands fall tl
I 81 morning
DW Henry Owens , a colored man w
CO has been up before , was arrested wh
trying to sell a new pair of moi
shoos on ovonth street , which t
owner can identify at police hoadriai
tors.James Murphy and Charles Giba
I ® were detected In snaking a couple
bottles of whiskey from behind K
D , L. McUuckin'a bar , and we
ntl turned over to the police , who log
Jo tto , tored the charge of petit larco
; against tholr namea.
Four men were run In an t
charge of vagrancy , seven as atuplclc
ito characters , ono for auanlt with Intc
18 to 'kill , one for dliturbanoe of i
M * pence , and five for intoxication ,
t * .The most norUwortby aneat , bo
Offices and parlors over the new Omaha
National Bank , 13th , between Farnam
and Douglas Streets.
. . , , , , ,
Dr , Fishbktt can be Oonaaltod Every Day Exo'ph Fridays and
and Saturdays , these two Days boinc devoted to flia Disnensary
at Dos Moiuos , Iowa , tipeouil attention given to diseases of the
And Female Disoasoe , as well as All Okronio and Horvons Disoaaoa
HM dticor rod the Rrp tc t euro In the world for woikk'noM ol the buck and llmbi , InvolanUrr
ll'tbarKd , linioloncjC ) mrililobl lly , norvounncin , luiiuor , contusion oditrM. palplb > tlonof tha
ii rt , timidity , trombltnR , illmnon oi sl ht or K'ddlnrsa , illsotao * ot the h ( . < ! . throat , BJM of Bkln
dortion * of Uo ll > or , luiigii , itornkch or bowoli thoaettrilble disorder * rl-lnt | frcm 10 lUry hat
Us ct you h , ml nccnt iirictl es moro ( tal to the \ let linn than the ions of B > rons to the m rln-
t cf ulsc , bllghtliu tnctr mojtr ll nt hopei or ntlli tloni. rcnJerlnj ; m\rrl { 0 Iroporalblt.
Thoto th.t te oulortng from the evil piKtlcoi which dostror tnolr monuUnd phjslcu syiUmt
The symptoms of which are a dulldistressed mind , which unfits thorn from performing their busl-
ncis and nodal duties , makes huppy marriage Imtioia blc , dl tre cs the act on of the heart , causing
lu'tuaol heat , do rrstlonof ipm'RLor 1 ( arobdlnif , cowardice , ( tin. dMtni , ran lost night * ,
ilaoin , forget u'non ' , unnatural illschirncs , rain In th back and ) blpe , "hort breathing- , melan
choly , tire ciully of company and hav rret > renco to bo alone , feeling ai tired In the m irnlng M
when retiring , s mind wrakms * , lout manh'od , white bono dcpotlt In the urine , uervouineat. con-
uttlon of thouaht trorolilmg , watery and woalc eyes , dvr | < ersl , iconstlp'tlon , pilenosa , pun uxl
woaknota In the llmbi , etc. . should consult me immoJIttely and be restored to perfect hoafth.
Who have become victims ot solitary vice , that drradtnl nnd detractive hab'l whlch annually
iwcepatnan untimely grave thousand ) 11 young men of exiltod talent and brilliant Intellect who
mUht otherwlio entrance listening senators w 1th the thunders ot tholr eloquence or wtke toeceto-
cy the Hung lyre , may call with full confidence.
Married persons or young men contemplating marriage bo aware of physical weakness , Ion ol
irf creative power , Imprtoncv , or any oth < r tlliquallnca'loD ipoo Illy relieved , lie who places him.
gelt it der tne care of lr. Plalila t may rcllf icmly conn Jo In his honor as a gentleman , and confi
dently rely upon his skill as a physician.
Immediately cured andfull vigor restored. Tola dliirsmlng attllc lo- which renderallfe a harden
and marriage Ironors'blo , Is tno penalty paid by the victim lor improper Indulgence. Young ; people
arc an. to conn It cic saai Iron not belnir awarn ol the dr < udu ! consequence i rha may e no.
vow wLo that linden and ) tbls subject will deny that procreation 1 lost joucr by those falling
nt ) Into Impr.'p r habits than byprudent ? Boildos being denrlv d of the plraiuro ot n.althy ofl-
iprlnff-.thoin t fcrhuiand d' truotlvo armptonn ot bnthbody animlnd arlio. The syitem be- ii
coirciderang d , thaphjilcal and monta' ' functions weaken Lou of procrtatlro powers , nerrons
nablllty , djipepita , tjufpltnt'.onof the heart , Indlgtitlon. ( conitltutlonal debility , waiting otthi
'lame , cough , consumption ana death.
Feraoni rulntd In health by unleained pro > enden who keep them trlfl'ng month after mod
tiklngpolionousand Injurious compounds , should apply Immediately.
graduate ol ono ot the moit eminent colleges ot the Tjn'ted SUtos , his cB ctod some of th moil
attonlihtng curea that wore over known ; many troubled with rlnglog In the sari and head , when
uleep , great nervousness boirg alarmed at certainsonndi , wtih frequent blusMng , attended some
times with derangement ol the mind were cured Immediately.
Dr. F. addresses all thoao who have Injured themselves by Improper Indu'gonce'andioilttrr
habits which ruin both body and mind , unfitting them for busno i , itudy , so lety or marrlagn.
These arc some of the melanch ly eft ) ctr produced by the oirly habltsol loutb , vli : Woak-
nets of the back and llmba , palm In ihu head nnd dimness ot sight , lo s ol muscular piwer. palpi-
tat Ion ot the heart , dyspopeln , nervous Irritability , derangement of digestive functions , debility ,
consumption , etc.
CONSULTATION FREE. Chargei moderate and wl'hln ' the reach of all who need a-lonttflo
Medical treatment. Tho.o who roa do at a distance and cannot call , will rcco.vo prompt attention
through mall by simply sending th'er symptom * with poitago.
Audress Lock Box 34 , Omaha , Nob.
over , waa that of Mlko Gllllgau ,
whom every body knows. Af tor Miko'n
discharge by a jury in the district court
on the indictment for assault with
intent to kill , ho aoon re-appeared
before Judge Benoko for violating the
Slooutnb law. The judge sentenced
htm to thirty days on broad and
it water , but suspended sentence on con
ofa. dition that the prisoner should leave
a.of town and not return during the year
1883. Mike very cheerfully
P tdu dust of Omaha from hla foot and
repaired to Council Bluffa , but the
exiles' heart was lonely and Bad. He
longed to onoo moro see hla native
shores and ao Saturday ho
came back and last night
held hia old and favorite position
In the city jail. Mike baa boon up BO
often that ho has become quite a good
pettifogger and last night on hia being
locke t up In a cell with seventeen
others , ho organized a police court
with himself as judge , appointed a
court officer and proceeded to arraign
and try all the rest In hla own style
which Is that of a star comedian. Ho
waa still going through the docket
when the reporter left.
Deputy Sheriff Oroiroll wont up
above Fioronco'on Saturday and ar
rested four men on the charge of
cutting and stealing timber from the
land owned by W. F. Parker. The
warrants were Issued by Judge Wright
and the man were lodged In the
comity jail. It seems that these men *
have boon engaged In cutting the
timber for a long time , and so long
aa they were mt hoggish Parker lojt
them go on. Lately , however , they
they began cutting wood and cording
it up In quantities , and the owner
concluded that there waa a point at
which forbearance coated to bo a
virtue , and wont for them through the
law. It IB said that atill others will
bo arrested ,
Busn'o RACKET ,
Peter Rush , who was arrested at
the Bluffj for robbing Jennie Dickln-
Bon , and whoie oaio waa set for 2 p.
m. Saturday , U still In the Iowa jail ,
hla CMO having been postponed. Miss
Dickinson went over the river Satur
> r day to teatlfy against him , having de
termined to prosecute him to the full
extent of the law. ' Several part If a approached
preached her In the Interest of Rush ,
but they did not sucooed In compro
mising the * matter. N.1J. Burnham ,
Etq. , who haa been employed to pros-
oouto the case , leaves for DCS Motors
to-day to secure a requisition for the
extradition if Ruth , who la to bo
brought back to Omaha.
Kidney Disease.
Pain , Irritation , retention , Incon
is tinence . Gravel etc. cured
Deposits. ,
v tU Uj A UfV/OI a | ,
by 'Buohupaiba.1
lo A P hooking Dliaitor.
I'S Special Dispatch to Tin llss.
10 SANUOHKY , Ohio , March 17 In
r. Yotiioo , ' this county , yesterday after
noon , Herman Krohn , a farmer , pnt a
3H kettle of coal tar on the stove In hla
Of residence aad wont out , leaving his
"r. wife and ono child in the house. Thb
" boiled and Mrs. Krohn
ro tar soon over , ,
la. In attempting to lift the kettle off the
la.jy sovo dropped It. The tar caught , and
the ilamea , communicating to her
bo clothing and that of her child , bnrdln
ua both of them in a most frightful man
nt ner. The child died tat night Mn.
he Krohn'a Injuries are of snob charac
ter that death b Inevitable A horri
ble feature of th affJr l that the
poor woman , writhing in agony from
lor ( rightful Injuries , g vo birth last
night to a still born child , whoso little
body was a perfect mass of blisters ,
kho result of the mother's Injuries.
Doai i lame baok or dUmrdendnri&a
lndlo l vh tyonarOBTlotlraf THIN DO
onooidro.'nitiitaroooramendlt ) and It will
peedljjr iverooma thadlaeawondntton
hnUUiy action to all tboorcan * .
a to your not , iuehaa pain
and wcakncne * . KIDNZY-WOnT U nniur-
paaaedultwlll aot promptly and ufcly.
Either Bex. Inoontuumoc , retention ot
urine , brick dojt or ropy depot ) t , and dull
drtff cine paini , all ipeedll7 yield to 1 to our-
ative power. (19)
A wall known clergyman , Uov. K. Coort ol
Trompclean , Wl . , sas : "I find Kldne ) Wort , a
sure cure lor kidney and I vcr troubles. '
for all dlioaaos of the Kidney * and
It hu ipeolflo action on thl moet Important
orean , enabling It to throw off torpidity and |
Inaction , stimulating the healthy eeorttlon
of the EUe , nd by keeping the bowels In fret.
condition , eBboUnglU regular dlieharge.
IMI'al'irla Xyouu umii1ngrran
RracHdrlCli malartahaTetheoMll .
rabiUoui , dnpcptlo , or con tlptod , Kid-
ncy 'Wort will inrely rn ] lave & qulokly oure.
In thU itaaon to oleanie tie Byitem , every
one should take thorough ooune oflt. ( II )
SOLD BY DRUQOI8T8. Price tl.
"Laatyeir , I wcn > to r.nrope. lays Henry
Ward , late Col. 60th Reg N. O 8. N. Y. , now
llvlnir at J73 W. Bid Ave.J. 0. Hlghts , N. J. ,
"only to I e tur n worse tr m chronic liver com
plaint. Kldoey-Wort , ai a lut resort , baa ( rlrcn
me bttter h.Mh than I ha e hi horta enjoyed
( or many , many ytari. " lie's curcJ now and
cooequcntly b > ppy.
No other dl' . ue U ao prevalent In thli
otfantry M Conitlpatlon , and no remedy I
laa vjver equalled the celebrated KIDNK
VVOHT aa a cure. Whatever th * eauae
howerer obsUnote Uw caao , thla remedy
will overcome it.
Dll K7S THI3
r I I IO plaint U very pttob
complloated with oonitlpatlon. Kldoey
Wort itrengthen * the weakened part * au
quickly curra all kinds of Plica oven when
phyaidani and medicines have before Oil
cd. tylfyouhaveeltherofthtietToublea H
" SJSi 3
V "rw Av"JW w ' '
"I will reonmmenl It everywhere , " wrl'ei Ju.
II. Hover , Carrl-g * ManufaHirer , Utentown
Pa , "brtoausj it" Kldney-\Voit-curel my piles
111ME - - - - - - -
in It H for all Xho p&lnful dlwaxw of the
ItcUanicatheiyatemortheaeild polrcn
that oaoiet the dreadful nfibrlng which
only the vlctlmi of rhenmatinn eon rotllM
of the wont tonni of thlj terrible dlMue
have been Quickly relieved ,
rnita 11. uqcio r BI ,
l. ticfl AuLsoJfS CxZ Uurtlnjrton.Vt I
"Mr. Walter Orota , my cu omer , was proatrt-
ted with rheumatism for two years : tried In vain ,
all remedlet ; Kidney-Wort alone cured him. 1
hire tried II myself , and know that U U tood. "
-PorUoao ( l U iroaJ. WUkH , draiglet ,
elllB | | JUCttej