4 THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA MONDAY MARCH 19 The Omaha Bee. Bee.nn Published every tnorntng , exce nn- y. The enly Monday morning TERMS BY MAIL- One Ye r..S10.00 I Three Months. 53.00 Biz Month * . . 5.00 | One Month. . . . 1.00 CHE WEEXLY BEE , published every Walnotdky. TERMS POST PAID- Oae Ye&r . (2.00 I Three Month ) . M ) Wr Months. . . . LOO | One Month. . . . 20 AXKBIOAN NEWS COMPANY , Solo Agenti Newsdealers in the United States. CORRESPONDENCE Oommnnl- Iktfons relating to News nd Editorial jnattors should bo addressed to the KDITOB wr TmeBn. BUSINEP8 LETTERS-A11 Buslnes Tiettera and Remittances should ha ad dressed to THE UIK POBLIBHINO COMPANY JHAIIA. Drafts , Checks and Postofflco Orders to be made payable to the order of the Company. The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props , E. ROSEWATER Editor Toil KIM HALL'S ropabllcan organ la appealing to loyal democrats to stand by Dr. .Miller. Oarlons , Isn't It ? MB. WYMAN'B promotion was a atop towards real civil service reform. The test man and the place mot in that cuo. TUB Bprlngflold Republican warns the people of Massachusetts that Bon Bailer it in training for the presi dency. Bon Is as hard to knock ont of tlrno as his own Bay state granite quarries. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WK shall presently publish a chapter of political history that will amuse an oh democratic hoodlums as Wm. A. Pazton , James Orolghton and Charles E. Brown , and may bo an eye-opener for a few others of the dangerous dais , TBB press monopoly organs at Omaha.and Lincoln will never ooaso kicking abont that now telegraph law. No rogue e'er felt the halter draw With good opinion of the law. MR. JAMES E. BOYD most fool highly complimented by the fulsome pralio of the soft brained hyporcrlto when ho remembers the handsome support which that honorable blk gave him during the recent senatorial campaign. WHEN a worshipper of mammon like Dr. Miller , who , according to ex cellent U. P. authority , never meets Sidney Dillon without begelng money from the autocrat , talka abont the dangerous alliance with money-bags he only gives himself dead away. "TiiE Orolghtons" have become a dangerous gang of hoodlums In the eyes of Dr. Miller since that honor , able bilk cancelled the $1,800 debt „ he owed the late Edward Orelghton * , with a counter claim for eighteen ban dred dollars worth o ! editorial soft / SK . p. . _ _ . „ _ - WIIAT an Instructive spectacle la , presented to honest republicans with . whom party principles still moan some thing in the . .Omaha Republican's patriotic appeal to the Nebraska democracy on behalf of Dr. Miller as ' a true and trusted champion of demo cratlo principles. THE jumping-jack that turns the " crank on the U. P. organ with a re publican label strikes up a solo stirring ympotium for the brass collared pup pet that grind * the U. P. organ with a democratic label. This Is in perfect ftocprd with the eternal fitness of ' things. BY the way was it devotion to demo cratic principles that prompted Miller and Morton to make that compact last rammer with General Superintendent Olark to deliver the democratic vote to Mr. Clark's preferred candidate for U. 8. senator whose surname is Joseph. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DB. MILLER has not yet answered whether or not ho justifies the assess < Bent of Miller & Richardson's lands , worth $75,000 Ktt4GOOandHanaoom'i fCOOlotsat $25 , while such men 01 Pnndt , Steela & Johnson and othon pay on their Improved city property a rate of from five to ten times tha rolnaUon. THH steel bar and fishplate bom of union that links together repnb Uoan and democratic organists in No braslca is more binding than the vlti ligament that united the Blames twins. Compared with this the tie of political oreed are mere wisps o traw. No sooner has the man ths discovered Cronln been struck in tender spot than the signal of dlstret goesop fromU. P. headquarters an chorps.of sympathy rises in refr&l from ft score of brass-collared ropnl llcan throats , Tray , Blanche an Sweetheart yelping as If they had lei their , grandmother * . Prominent doc ocrahrwe savagely taken totask I thvi Omaha JttpulUcan for robellli against the leadership of Dr. Mlllo and , presto ) the Omaha Jlirald at Lincoln Journal ropnblfsh this U. ] homily on the very same day as tri gospel ; and the Wahoo bullfrog , wl opouU railroad republican doctrli like a whale doe * ocean brine , folloi salt and beslobbers his bourbon cc league , How good and pleasant 1s for brethren to dwell together I unity. I KARL MARX AND SOCIALISM. For nearly fifteen years Karl Marx , the philosopher of modern socialism and the founder of the Internationale has almost disappeared from pnbllo notlco. Interest In the career and opinions of ono of the most remark able figure of the century Is excited afresh by the news of his death which took place in London on Thursday. Porhajps no ono man , if wo except his distinguished pupil Lasalle , is respon sible to the same degree as Marx for the social revolution which have aclta- ted 'Europe for the past thirty years. Ho was the brfclna of modern socialism. A man of ideas , ho possessed the power of organizing , joined to a trno missionary eplrlt which carried his theories into every country of the continent , awoke discussion and raised up apostles to dlssomlnato the germ of social reform , Born at Oologno In 1818 , and educated in two of the loading German universities , ho en tered upon his work at the period when al ! Europe was vibrating with the demand of an oppressed people for constitutional ( { overnmont. Driven from Germany as a dangerous and radical editorial writer on political subjects , ho flad to Paris where he devoted his attention for several years to the study of economical questions , and especially to an investigation of the causes of the wrongs from which society suffered. Men of ideas are always dangerous to tyrants and Marx was driven ont of Franco at the re quest of the Prussian government and sought refuge in Belgium. Hero he developed his theory of communism or the govornmant of society In communes or small aggregation of individuals whoso property should bo moro equal ly distributed and the rewards of la bor divided moro impartially among the wealth producers. Marx's idea was a purely philosophical theory , de veloped with great power and based on a profound and searching investi gation of economical laws. The learned and brilliant pamphlets of the great social agitator found willing readers. In Germany and Franco a score of pupils rapidly attached themselves to the now theory sf socialism. Every university soon boasted of its little band of disciples each searching for a further development ot * theory f whoso aim was the amelioration of society joined to political liberty for the Individual. Socialism soon became - came divided into three groups which still exist , the radical or revolutionary party , the moderates and the conservatives vatives , the last , in Germany taking the name of "socialists of the chair" from the fact that Its leaders all hold seats as professors In the great univer sities. It was Karl Marx's chief glory that he recognized clearly that socialism could never become effective in regen erating society ao long as it remained a mere speculative theory. Accord ingly , ho bent all'hls energies towards impregnating the mosses with his new doctrines. Realizing that the nxm who hold society In subjection were not likely to be the apostles cf the now sociology , he began n system of organisation among the worklngmon and trade unions in London which spread with great rapidity on the continent , In 1847 the Communistic party was formed. In 1848 whun the revolu tlon In Germany seemed to promise the dawn of personal liberty , Marx returned to Oologno and resumed-his editorial duties. Billed a second time , Imprisoned in Paris and pro scribed In every continental monarchy ho returned in ' 40 to London where he has since resided. Founding the Internationale In 1804 he directed its councils until 1872 when ho was deposed from the secretaryship at the congress of the Hague , because of his too ooutervatlvo views. Karl Marx was a philosopher , a re former and an enthusiast. Ho never was an anarchist. His theory con templated the regeneration of society by a peaceful revolution inside of so ciety itself , by the dissemination ol intelligence concerning the wrong ! under which the masses suffered , bj the diffusion of a knowledge of cor rooted sociality , and by an organlx * tlon powerful enough 'to put suet theories of socialistic reform into prao tlcal operation , To Marx the ideal o I socialism In politics was republicanism in economics , communism. The re form In the line of constitutional gov ernment which the people of half score of European monarchies havi wrested from their rulers have beoi largely due to the socialistic agltatloi which born with Marx's advent ha boon taken n ; by the most brllllan philosophical minds of the continent The canso has lost in Carl Marx' death a sincere and consclontion loader and a brilliant and poworfo advocate. He was both a thoorle and practical organizer , comblnln two oitcn antagonistic elements inh ! mighty mind. The trouble with European soda ism to-day is that Its ablest thoorla are too wrapped up In their theorli to bo practical , and its practical advc catos are too radical to appeal wll success to the moro conservative mi die classes. Midway between the stood Mark , and bis death loaves ap which U will be hard to fill TJU Earl of Dalhonsle , who Is tl ehlef promote * of the bill legalising I England marriages with deceased wives sisters , han addressed a letter to the governors of the various states asking their observations on the work- in ? of the sister in-law buiinois In this country. Ho It greatly exercised by an orliclo ia the Church Raviow from an imcrlcan clergyman in which it is stated that the practice of marrying sister-in-laws tends to create jealousy , family diicord and social heart burn ings and that the moro kissing of a wife's Bister In America has boon re sponsible for any number of family jars.Wo Wo don't know who "tho American clergyman" is , but his experience Is evidently very limited , The ovlls wbioh ho complains of do not oxlst generally in this country as the result of second marriages with sitter-in- laws. The fact that a jealous woman may bo jealous of her own sister Is nothing in point , and families like the ono cltod by "tho American clergy men" whore a man can't kiss his sister-in-law in a brotherly sort of way without creating a domestic'insurrec tion are , so far as our experience goes , rare in Nebraska. Wo do not claim to have much acquaintance with the families of clergymen , in ono of which doubtless the incident referred to took place , but among ordinary sinful mor tals , outside of the church , such cases are curiosities. Wo hear ot moro Instances of husbands being jealous of clergymen's attentions to their wlve than of wives jealous of their sister's attentions to their husbands , To bo serious , there seems no reason why the rollo of the dark ages , the statute forbidding snob marriages , which ia still a law In England , should not be repealed. In the last parlia ment It failed In the honso of lords by only four votes. The united op position of the bench of bishops was chUfly responsible for that failure. The dictates of common sense would urge that an aunt , whore a family is involved , would oaro more tenderly for orphaned children than a perfect stranger and this has generally been pioved to bo the case In this country with ulster-In-laws where marriages - - have been legal for many years. As we said before isolated cases such as that mentioned by "tho American clergy man" do undoubtedly ecour. But it would have to bo a very. Utopian so ciety in which jealousy was entirely absent. It ia certain that no statu tory enactment can either banish or decrease it. Wo hope that the exec utive observations of American family life which the earl of Dalhonsio will get from the 38 governors to whom he has sent letters will result In no- curing enough data to counterbalance the dreadful Incident mentioned by "an American clergyman , " Tni attempts of the railroad organs to antagonizs the different social ele ments in Omaha on the question of the coming olty election will fall. "Moneybags" and "hoodlums , " as Dr. Miller U pleased to call our men of wealth , and those of more moderate means or of no means at all , will not divide on the subject of good govern ment for Omaha. The only ( foot of the howls of the apostles of monopoly and tax shirking will bo to excite greater interest In a contest which promises to be of moro than ordinary importance. All classes In this com. munlty are * equally interested In securing - curing a strong and able city govern ment for Omaha during the coming two years. Wo are abont entering upon extensive pnbllo Improvements requiring an outlay of largo sums of money. It Is Important that the disbursements shall be made judiciously and honestly. In other words we want to profit from the ex perience of other citioa in paving , sewering and otherwise improving oni streets in a systematic manner. St. Louis and other cities have sunk hnn < dreda of thousands of dollars in rock' loss experiments carried on by jobbon which would have been saved under i capable and honest city government , Omaha has made a good beginning and every tax payer is interested it continuing the good work. Our worklngmon are equally Inter oslod In securing a mayor and'cltj council who will see that the mono ] voted for placing Omaha abreast o other cities of her alia shall ba honest ly paid ont. These projected 1m proTomonts will create a good demani for labor for several years to oomo am the mire careful its disbursements th greater the amount which will be 01 ponded in wages. The money whlo ! stick to the fingers of jobbers an thieving contractors is in reality take from the wages of labor. For those reasons and for tbe addl tlonal reason that we need a olty goi ernmont that will deal promptly an efficiently with the law breaking olocsc in this community , every ] citizen c Omaha Is equally interested that ou local legislation shall bo placed in th hands of able , honest and pub'io spli Itod , men. Any alllanca which will ai oomplUh that end ought to bo wo corned oven though It bo an alllanc of "money bags and hoodlums" < which Dr. Miller is so afraid. TUB only clement that seems satl fled with the onloomo cf the late leg ! laturo Is the railroad crowd. Ti beet republican papers are warnlo the party that they mode a fatal ml ie take in preventing the leglslatio n demanded by the people. Allatteapi to shift the responsibility for their capture from the majority paity upon the anti-monopolists will fail. There Is a largo class of re publicans who were honestly In favor of every measure of reform demanded by the ant , ! monopolists , but who buliovcd that the party was willing and able to moot the emergency. The result of the legislative session has opened their eyes. It will bo very difficult to persuade those voters that anti-monopoly republicans can bo trusted to influence the party within the party linos. Nothing but a rousing defeat will bring the republican party in Nebraska to their senses. That de feat must bo administered before tbo producers of this state can hope to make their demands effective in legis lation that will right the abuses under which they are now suffering. Reform must oomo from without the party. The party has proved itself incapable of reforming itself. S. S. REYNOLDS , of Butler county , has boon hung in effigy. This will be very humllattag news to the "mops" of this county. Aurora Republican. Any act of jackasses can hang men in effigy , But if the disgruntled scalawags of Polk county should attempt to hang Mr. Reynolds in any other way they would find him a pretty lively lead man. As a matter of fact the t ffigy jamboree happened about two months ago , but the wide awake homo orgin of tag Nebraska magpie hoc juat made the discovery , TUB olty engineer's interview which appears elsewhere in this edition shows conclusively that the old hue and cry that an Increase of assessed valuation means an increase of state taxes is a moro fabrication. It Is only a cloak used by wealthy tax shirkers to shield them in avoiding their just * share of taxes for pnbllo improve ments. STATE JOTriNQ3. Gov. Dawes has issued a proclamation organizing the county of Brown , locating the county teat at Ainsworth and ap pointing trie following officers ; Commis sioners Thomas Peacock , I N. Alder- ftD , D. G. Carpenter ; county clerk D. , Dort. Also isausd n proclamation or- anfxlng the county of Terry , locating ihe ounty seat at Valentine and appointing ho following officer ; : CommUeloners Y. Mears , 8 , P. Stanley and John Ihoroi ; coanty clerk S. II. Warren. A man who contlders hiuj elf well inurned - urned sUtea that the iouz City & i'acifio lad. when it extends its line wast , will How Just south of the Dakota line until reaches the corner of the reservation and 111 then tear north. A branch will ba milt to the Black Hills. The new hook and ladder truck of the ork fire denartment occupies the solo at- intlon of the boys who run with the ma- bine. A dress par&de occurs in the town LOW regularly twice a week , and too men , re as proud of the trace as boys are with brats monkey. M. 0. Keith , of North Flatte , was re- intly married to a yonng lady named 'assy. ' Before the ceremony was per- bnned the bridegroom settled $10,000 on ia ! Intended wife , which was a very'pleas- ant feature of the contract , for her at ' ast A man giving his name as W. T. Win- all arrived at North Platte last week and tied to get up a staging olasi. The tame ndividual was at Kearney , where he was mown as Jones. The people are warned against him by the local papers , The citiiens of West Union and vicinity are bound to have a brldpe across the iioup lear that point , To this end a private inbscrlption Is being taken among the real- lent * ot the vicinity and finite an amount of money has already been raised. After a ball last Friday night in the Germanla hall In Stromsburg , a female In- ant half clad and dead was f snnd near the mlldlng , where its unnatural mother had eft it. No cine has been obtained as to who Is the guilty party. The brick makers of Plattsmonth are making ezten Ive preparations for the manafactnre of an extra large number of "irlok this season. The supply will be lealt out to surrounding towns as well as w home consumption. Recently a couple of clod hoppers living _ .t Elk Creek wrote a very Indecent letter to a young lady there. She gave it to her father and be recognizing the writing : aued the arrest of the two idiots who will > e properly dealt with. The 8 year old daughter of Chauncey Evans , of West Branch , near Pawnee O.ty , was burned to death last Thursday. "t got too near the stove daring its moth' t's absence , and 1U clothing taken fire , re- lulled in death The gentleman sent to Chicago by Plattsmouth to Induce one of the pork packing establishment ! of that olty tt entabltsh a branch in Plattsmonth has come back without attaining any definite reaull to his errand. ' The farmers of Thayer county spent con slderable time and money last year in set ting out hedge row * and planting trees , This year a still greater amount of monej and labor will be nsed in the same dtrec tlon. tlon.A A Welch paper called the Y Oymr < Gorllwlnod has jnstlmade its appearanci at Bine Springs. It is a pleasant sonnd Ing name and on that account probabl ; will be well patronized by Intelligent pee pie. pie.H. H. M. Smith , of Oakland , Iowa , own a 1.300-acre tract of land near Lonp City This spring he Is digging a well , puttlm up fences and otherwise making impron ments preparatory to moving on the place The village ot Stromabnrg feels ag grieved that it did not get the Lutberai college , which was located at Wahoo. Th p opleif the former place say they ha < more c.tah to pat np than the Wahooltei Numerous yonng hoodlums of Falls Ott are b ln * arrested by the authorities an summarily dealt with. This is the enl ; way to bre k up the hard gang of youth with which that to wn has long been cursec William Smldc , a married man living s Elk Creek , Luar Dakota City beep me wear last week and tried to end his life b strychnin ? . Ho was pumped out and no < stands in this vale of tears as of yore. A three year old girl In Dakota Olt nameti Minnie Bell Conkllng , died lai week from wearing colored stockings. Tb vanity of the sez was shown at rather a ewly age in this Instance. Work on the new Presbyterian churc at Auburn has been commenced and tt structure will bo completed as soon as po slble , the society baying the reqnisll amount to finish it. There U a claiivoyant at North Platl who U being consulted by the people , an rendnrlng them all ott of. Imaginary r lltf from the numerous Ills with whk they are afilloted. , society otllara has been organized i SB . The members are all so adapt I the art of prevarication that It Is thong ! the usuclatloa will .BOOH disband on u count of eavy. ValenUa * , on the Klkhorn Valley roai will probably remain tbo termlnun of the road f'.r the next two 3 ears. Inconsequence quence the place Is having a healthy RWWtb. Farmer * nbont Dakota City eay that whf n they market grain at certain places In SI uz City , loom they are cheated by the dealers who do not giro them fair weight. The village board of Teenmseh pttsed an ordinance last week Imposing a fine on all penons who hereafter hitch a team of horses to any awning post In the town , The enterprising buitneis men of Jack son are doing much to add to the appear ance of the pUce by grading the streets , laying side talks and putting out trees. The Nemaha district fair association at a recent meeting decided to buy a tract of land for fair accommodations , nnd the property has already been ( elected. An Iowa man haa arrived at l.oup City and will Immediately erect a flouring mill there if suitable Inducements are offered to him In the way of a bonus. An oil well has been found near Salem , Richardion county. Prof. Aughey , state geologist , pronounces the Salem oil super ior to that foutid In Pennsylvania. Unadilla baa a half a dozen boys from five to eight years old who can beat cow boys swearing. The youths are regular attendants at Sunday school. " The outlook for a season of prosperity at Rising City , Butler county , is good. A number ot now buildings are undar way and others are contracted for. Thompson , of Plattsmontb , tbn inven tor of the now fire escape , has left for the east where he ban already secured large orders for the contrivance. Immigration is pouting into Jefferson county this spring In one continuous stream , and the Immigrants are an intelli gent class of people , The galvanized Iron ornaments on the Catholic church at Tecumseb were placed In position last week , thus virtually com pleting the building. Both the elevators at Undllla are filled with corn. From 18,000 to 25,000 bushels of corn are awaiting shipment. A lack of ears causes delay. The Burlington and ( Mlsronri river road is fortifying Iti bridges against danger from spring freshets by putting In stone on the abutments. The officers of the Buffalo county agri- cu tural society are arranging for the pre mium list and otherwise preparing for the fair nezt fall. The great cut for the Chlcigo avenue cnlvert at Plattsmouth is being filled up and tie avenue being put m presentable condition. Something over 100,000 tons of steel rails have been ordered by the Sioux City & Pacific and they will be laid aa rapidly aa possible. The legislative bill granting the right of way to the railroad from Tnatcher having passed , tracklaying Is now progressing vig orously. The prlnclptlshtp of the Stromsburg school Is vacant. It is only worth $75 per month , and nobody seems to be anxious to fill It. The horse market at Kearney in a very profitable thing a * over a hundred head bavo already been sold this spring at good prices. The bridge over the south fork of the Nemaha at Cincinnati has been raised four feet to prevent its being washed away. A number of brick buildings are being erected in Falls City which will give the pretty llttlo town quite a metropolitan air. Seyeral carloads of seed corn were ship ped last week from Alexandria to towna in lln is , in response to requests made forit. Illinois parties contemplate building a oheofe factory at Stella and are there lookIng - Ing over the ground for the purpote. The Sarpy County bank has just enter ed Its now building at Springfield. The banking room ia described as a daisy. The Burlington & Missouri road la mak ing a nnmber of substantial improvements in its shop yards at Plattimousb. A subscription of $160 has been raised in Grand Island for Ed. Scull , who recently lost both bis feet by freezing , On April 1st the First Commercial bank will be one of the institutions of Odell in the southern part of the state. A good deal of horse stealing is going on near David City , and no trace oan be ob tained of the guilty parties. Two car loads oi fine horses which will be used for breeding purposes were received in David City last week. The liquor dealers of Beatrice have been doing business without licenses and are now all under arrest. The Episcopal church at Oakland will be dedicated in about three weeks by Bishop Clarkson. A Methodist church was organized at Ozford last week , with a fnll quota of members. The thieves have struck Kearney and are doing a good bit of work in a small way. way.A A large amount of land has been Bold in Dawson county this spring at good ngurea. The elevator at Rising City has been sold to the Omaha elevator company. There are three livery stables in Una dilla , all doing a good buslneea. The Kearney cornet band will erect t band home for their own use. A Congregational church will be built al Ulysess this year. A parsonage for the Lutheran church al York is being built. The streets of Teonmseh are lighted by lamps at night Waterloo wants a creamery. Louisville wants a , bank. A Qnlok Reocvt ry > It gives us great pleasure to state thai the merchant who waa reported being al the point of death from an attack of Pnea monia , ban entirely recovered by the u < of DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOE THE LUNGS. Naturally he feels grate ful for the benefits derived from using thli remedy , for the lungs and throat ; and ii giving publicity to this statement we an actuated by motives of pnbllo benefaction trusting that others may be benefittec in a similar manner. On site by all drug gists. t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > A Fatal Prayer- Special Dlipatch to Tns Bis. BBIDQKFOBT , Conn. , March 17.- Whlle Mrs. Ann Roland waa kneeling in front of a stove yesterday saylnj her prayers a live ooal fell on he clothing , setting it on fire , She wa shockingly burned and died thl morning. Three daughters won badly burned trying to extinguish th flames. y 1Cn 1Ce h ; e i- i.8 ; .8d .8e ! h CURES ht Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , t Lumbsgo , Backscht. Heidicht.Tootlucht , n l.n ThTMt. w.lll.M Br..i , wmt. H al < U Frwt BUM > IB All OTHU BODILT filKS ilD 1C1IM. WHU4. IMn Uuli TKKOR * .Tr - HAND T POWER AND IMCFS x Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , inane MIOIUHKBY , BKLTTNO , HOSE , CRABS AMD IRON nrnnas . PIT nun PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. tfALLADAY WIND-MILLS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. SPECIAL NOTICE TO A Growers of Live Stock and Others. i\ WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Ground Oil Oake. It is the best and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound la oquafc to thrco pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake In the fall and win ter , Instead of running down , will Increase in weight and bo in good market able condition in the spring. Dairymen as well aa others who use it can tea- tify to its merits. Try it and judge for youraelvca. Prlco $25.00 per ton ; no charge for sacks. Address ol-eod-mo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob. Hellman & Co. WHOLESALE THIERS 1301 and IS03 Farnam St.Cor. OMAHA , NEB. McMAHON , ABERT & CO , , Wholesale 315 DOUGLAS STREET - - OMAHA NEB. McNAMARA & DUNCAN. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN KENTUCKY AND PENNSYLVANIA WhiskieS ! in Eond or Free , Also direct Importers of v WINES , BRANDIES AND * . ALES , Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fine Agents for Jos. Schlitz' Milwaukee Beer , Bottled and in Kegs. 214 & 218 S , 14TH STREET , - - - OMAHA , HEB. C. F. GOODMAN , DRUGGIST AND DEALER IN PAINTSOILSVARNISHES -And Window Glass. . . . . OMAHA. - - NEBR ASK A GKA-TIEI OIT"3T PLANING MILLS. MANTTffAOTtJRKRB OF Carpenter's Materials ALSO SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , STAIRS , Stair Railings , Balusters , Window and Door Frames , Etc. Eint-oUss facilities for tha Manufacture of all klndsa of Mouldings , Fainting aw ) matching a Specialty. Orders from tha country will b promptly executed. mMr M ll iwntnnntnatt n to A MOYKR. PrnnrN EASTERN MARKET. IMHES.A.TS , Fresh. Salt , Smoked and Dried , at 0 , OOMEHS , - - 1716 Bnrt Street Choice . Cuts competition In ptlco and a thorough undeisUndlog of the business. Patronrga . ollflted. _ _ m B-m.w-Mm On Long Time Small Payments AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. A. IIOSPE , .IK , , 1519 I > od < > , Omaha , Wade , The Confectioner. Buy your Oandies at Wade's. All Goods perfectly Pure- Largest assortment in town. FINEST FUENOH FRUIT.GLAOES , FINE 'CIGARS. Orders by Mail Solicited Opera House Block , 15th St. ,