JL\aE DAILY BEE-SATURDAY MAKO i 17 DR. A. T . COOK , i CHRONIC DISESES ! Diseases of Women and Diseases of the Rectum a Specialty , The Dr. has boon located in Coun cil Bluffs nearly two years , and hav- ng boon called professionally during that time into the best families in the city and surrounding country , takes pleasure in an announcing that ho has come to stay. His constantly increas ing practice at homo , in the midst of his own people , is the best evidence of his skill as a SPECIALIST , and ho wishes it understood , once for all , that his methods of treatment are STRICT LY scientific ; that he despises quack ery as well among BO-called "Regular" and "Homeopathic" practitioners as among traveling charlatans and "Guru- Alls. " He has devoted fifteen years o the study and practice ot his SPE- IALT1ES and has had the benefit of o most skillful training in the beat logos and hospitals in the land , and no hesitancy in promising the very t results to bo obtained irom scieu- cmedicine and surgery. FOUNDRY. WIHTHERLICH BUDS. , An now ready to contract for small caatrccof ovary description in MALLEABMJ IRON , GRAY IRON , And any ALLOY OF BRASS. Bpoolal attcnt'oc la called to the f ict that the metals are molted tn CRUCIBLES which e ntr tbo very best castirgs , Burning Brands FOB DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACKERS - ERS , CIGAR and TOBACCO FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. , Aa well as Cattle Brands ABE NICELY EXECUTED. 'Works : CornorSlith street and Eleieath-aveuue , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. I. D. SDMUHDSOH , I. L. SnDOABT. * , W. STBIIt President. Vlce-Preat. Cashier. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Blnffc. Organized nndnr he laws ol the Siato ol Iowa Paid np cauttM I 76,000 Authorized npiul 200,000 Interest paid on time deposit ! . Crafta issaed on the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Special attention.frlvea to oollectloni and correspondence with prompt retcrna DiarcTOU J. D. Edmnndton , C. L. dhugart , J.TH . W Wallace , J. W. Kixlfei , 1 AM A. W. V ntliuxlui w on" " dutlP * TOI' | nl hi work vo . . . iUiu'iiants an 1 Ult tonrati nr v * i\ * Hop F3irtf > r i to 'lac Hrtr - iru7ei.nKrtu ij * tfiieretioc or rtis&U1 Jlionv" TOUK fca.r n c or lnil , old orf J oucfT , ufforn.A "ff r or health or U * eulih Jlnu ja . tvt V U1 u , rtlon Uop | "Bltterfc. TThueTer yon e. * tfrorr. . nat ? whcoeTer you reel tM ; { form or K I ti > nc < Wm r that your { , "xat tbat > ulyb' .nV or ittmulatloar , rat tlmulr 'xxj * r kJu ifjop f HcpOlttersr lit * " * . pti.io , kdn K Ctt. O IIUU .MClU , ildlni. ilwwto ' llan UreiU't * ot U croiruiM blacnri Cf < iEOP J > nuli. . tlood. i.t riiif i of opi rj You will Or tobaoeof ai < rcit' , Hop BKtar ists , hva ply wei > k Mid fowlplrltwl.trjr NEVER lroultr in it tiny invi. /our FAIL ! ! ' ! [ Illfe. U Knt aavuri un [ Tmtt.Oi.t JOE * EfllLIX Pir > > ddenl. Vice Prei'l W. a. Diasniu , lee. ind Treat. THE NEBRASKA MfflUFACfURDTG 01) ) Lincoln ; Neb MANUFACTURERS OF Corn Planters HrrrowB.Farm Bollert Hnlty Hay Bakes , Bacaot Hl vatlnp WlndmlllB. &o We an prepared to do Job work and mwolM tnrtnj for other partlet , Addrossa ] orders o-Ut XKBBACXA lIANUFACTUaWa CO LIccolnNeb. SPECIALTIES , It must bo evident to every oloao obaorvor that no ono miud , however gifted , can urnup moro than a more imaUorinq of mediou ! sclonco. The field la too largo and the natural divis ions too numerous for anything moro khan a cursory view of the vast obsta cles bo encountered the " to by "gen- oral" practitioner. Wo have our em inent surgoonn and our eminent prac titioners of modlcino , after which fol low the noted specialism , embracing the Eye , the Ear , rhn Throat , the Lungs , the Kidneys nd Bladder , Dis eases of Women , lucanlty , &o , &o. , any ono of which rcquirts ytma of cationt study mid pntoHcti to insure proficiency and ultimate tmcceRB , The busy practitioner of to-day the "family" physicun cn no moro o-nbraco all thenn specialties In his practice and do j latico to his patients than he can "bottle up sunlight , " yet how many physicians in the western COUNCIL BLtTFFS RATLHOAD TIME TABLE. CHICAGO , teen ISLAND AMD FAcirio. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext. . . 5 20 P m I Pftdflo Ext. . . . 9:15 am Ex and ilall . .ft25'o , m I Ex and Mall * . .6:55 : p rn D. Molncd acf..TT15 a m | Des Molnoa ocM:40 p m CIIICAOO , BURLinOTOH AMD QUIKCt. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf. . .C30 p m Pacific Ex.9:20 a in Mall and Ex.8:20 am Moll and La-.7:09 p TO N.Y. Ex Neb & Has Er..K20 m CHICAGO AMD KOUTnwiSTBKN. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext..5lSp : ml Pacific Ext..9tiBAm Mall and Ez.9 20 a in I Mall and Ex16 pun Acsom ( Sit.5.50 p m | Accom. ( Mon..l:45 p m KANSAS orrr , ST. JOB AMD COUNCIL sierra. Depart. Arrive. Mall and Et-.9- a m I Express. . . < ifiO : p m 'isjscta. . . . .9110pm | Mill and El..6-U5pm cmon rAcrno. DgiMt. Arrl70. OvetUni JXtiaO & . m. " Lincoln Ex..1130 a. n. 3J inter Ex . . . . ( COO a. m , Denver Kr..7flOp. m. Local Er..ejOn. m. Local Ex.,7:25 a. m. m. Emigrant..520p. m. Ex. . . . , WAOA8CT , BP. LODI8 AMD FACtna. Depart. Arrive. Mall and Ex. . 9:45 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 4:30 : p m Cannon Ball. . 4:50 : p m | Cannon Kail. . 11:05 a m 8IOUX CITY AMD PAnriC. Depart. Arrive. For Sioux CIty.TSS a m Fnn Sioux CTy.C O p m For Fort Niobrara. Frm Fort Niobrara , Neb * 7:55am : Neb * C:60pm For St. t'aul..7i0pm : From St. Paul..8.CO a m CHICAGO. MILWAUKKB AND 8T. PAUL. Lca\ Council Bluffs. ArrU os Counoll Bluffs. Mall andBx.aaMam I Mall and Ex.0.55pm Atlantic Ex.5:15p | : in | Atlantic Ex.0:10 [ : a m CBICAOO , MILWAUKEE AND BT. PAUL. Leaves Omaha. Arrives at Oiirxha. Malland Bz7:15ara : I Pacific Ex { 0:45am Atlantic Hv.3MOpm | I Mall and Ex.7-25pm Except Sundaj a. fExcept Saturdays. { Except Mondajo. I Dally. Council BluHa & Omana Street R. R. Leave Council Bluffs. Leave Omnha , B a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , I 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , Ham , 1m , 2 p m , 3 p 11 ft IB , 1pm , 2pm , 3 p m , 4 p ic , n p m , G p m. | m , 4 p tn , 5 p m , 8 p m. Street cars run halt hourly to the Union "Pacific " Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at 9 D clod : a. in. , and run regularly during the day at 9 , II , S 4 , 5 and 6 o'clock , and run to city time ; Another Physician' * Testimony. BOSTON. Mass. , May 9 , 18BI. I know piruea who have tried all kinds of medicines tor Lung Diseases , who say that DC. WM. HALL'S JUL&iu ron CHE It COSll'LKTK HDCCEtH Jjlt CIIAB II. WOOD. COMMERCIAI * oanuoiL BLUFFS MARKET. Corrected dally by J , Y. duller , mer chandise broker , buyer and shipper of grain and provision' , 39 Pearl street , WiiKAr Ho. 2 spring , 70o ; No. 3,63 ; rejected 50c ; good demand , CouN Dealers paring 38c ; rejected corn Chicago. I8&c ; new mixed , 54Jc ; white earn , S8o. the receipts of corn are light. OATS Scarce and In good demand ; 3j. HAY 4 00(36 00 per ton. JlYK 40c ; light supply. POIIN MEAL 1 25p < > r 100 ponnrls. Woon Good supply , prices at yards , 5 00@G 00. COAL Delivered , bard , 11 00 per too ; soft. 5 HO per ten , BUTTEII Plenty and In fair demand ; 23c ; creamery. Ma. Koos Heady sale and plenty at 12Je per dozen. LAUD Fairhank's. wholesaling at ISJc. POULTRY Finn ; dealers paylni ; 13a per pound for turkeys and lOo for chickens. VEGETABLES Potatoes , 45c ; onlonK , fiOo ; cabbages , S0@40o per dozen ; apples , 2 60 @ 3 50 per barrel. City flour from 1 CO to 310 HttOOMB 2 00@8 00 per dozen. BIOCK. CATTLE 3 00 ® 3 50 ; calves 600@760. Hooa Market for hogs quiet , as the packing boiues are closing ; shippers are paying 5 60 to C 60. Young m n or woman , If yon want big money for a small amount , loinre In tlw Marriage Fond anrl Mutual Trust Anted. fttlon , Oadw Jt pld , Iowa. f5-8m , country are I-RETENDINO to do BO , to the cost and Injury of their pationta. CHRONIC DISEASES , The Dr. does not pretend to cure ALL chronio diseases. Ho claims , however , that years of patient study and practice , In the hospitals and olaa- where , give him advantages in their treatment which no ordinary practi tioner oan possibly hare ; that ho 0 AN OURK many cases now pronounced INCURABLE by them , and give re lief to hundreds of others whose dis eases come within the range of his SPE CIALTIES. Ho is prepared to glvo the most approved electric treatment and medicated vapor baths , when needed. Parties residing at a distance whoso moans wilt not admit of their taking a regular course of treatment hero , will bo famished blanks with questions , which can bo answered and returned to the Doctor , who will make up his diagnosis and glvo treatment If desired , bat he much prefers to make n GOUKCIL BLUFFS ADDI1 ION AL. LOO AJL , NEWS IPBRBONAL. U. W. Sellers , of Fremont , Nebraska , t twin brother to the colonel , was looking ; after bnsinoet matters and partook of re freshments at the Pacific house. C. E. Worthington , representing S. D. Childs & Co , , engravers and -elation- ers of Chicago , was a pleasant loaller at these quarters. And now comes H. Hunt , all th way from Avoca , hunting for a place to stay , and { put up at the old reliable Ogden - den house. Dr. Williams , a former well known and popular citizen , now of Denver , Colornoo , in In the city visiting his daughter , Mrs. Thomas Walker. Lowery Geode , oditcr of The State Leader , of Dos Molnes , wne In the city while on hia way home from tho.north , Mr. Belle , one of the loading attorneys of La Porto city , is in the city on hia way homo from North western Iowa. F. F. Kelly and A. D. French , Glen- wood , transacted business in the city , and ate at the Ogden , George Getty , of Shelby , got there in good shape on Friday by registering at the Facific'hotel. Frank Shinn , of Kveason , nud W. C , Watkins , of Glenwood , dined yesterday at the Pftclh'o. G. H. Team and J , H , Holden , of Dun- Up , received suitenance at the Pacific yes terday. W. BIS and Henry VOM and lady , of Omaha , wore at the Pacific , W. B. Porter and D. Porter , LeMura , were guests at the Ogden , L. W. Geode , of DesMolnos was doing the city yeeterday. U , W. Lamar , from Oskaloooa , dined at the Ogdea , > V e notice the Marriage Fund , Mutual Trust Association , of Cedar llaplds. Iowa , highly spoken of in many of the leading papers of the state. "Money for the Un > .married" heads their advertisement In another column of tbla uaper. f5-3m Rnal Hotute TniDHfera , iV Judmm to R E. Brown , iota 2 and 3 in block 2 , Judson'a first addl. tlon , Noola $00 E. Vickorv to 0 Ltveland , part of lot marked Vickery , Noola 8160 F Lmgcoy to J. M. Hull , i4 of B5,5 } , 74.S9-SGCO J Biyer to A. Jdcobson , rA , BC ] , 2,70,38-82500. 0. R. I it P to J. L Courtier , lot 15. in block 6 , Carson ; $125. " R Hnntington to M. W. Slcdan- tapf , lot 11) ) in oubdivldou f old plat lot 71 ; ? 2 < )0. ) E. R Hinokiey Jo R. M. Newton , lots 17 and IB In bleak 'U , Hlnokloy'a addition , Walnut ; $200. J Folsom to J. Sullivan , lot G in block 1 , Howard's add , . $150. F. W. 0. Hobrooder to R V. Phillips - lips , lots G and 7 , block 31 , Mallln'i sub. , $100 , L. DoOomp to 0 , Onborn , part of lorsoual examination nud treat all jationts hen , when possible , thus avoiding any chance of orro : in diag- losis , The Doctortroats all forms of chron- o disease , without mentioning anyone ono in particular , and has no hesitancy in saying that ho OAN and WILL ; ive the best treatment known to mod leal science , and charge only a reason able fee for hls'sorvioos. DISEASES OF WOMEN This is ono of the SPECIALTIES tovhlch the Dr. has devoted the best years of his life , and hundreds of women , now living , arp ready to tosti * fy that they found relief at his hands when others had failed to bonofi' them. The "family" physician can not treat those diseases successfully , for many important reasons , , chlo among which is , that ho has not the time to devote to tholr study , nor the pttioneo to do them justice. Nor lot 1 In block 3 , Stutaman'u 1st , $1,000. Wm. Garner to D. B. MoMullon , ninw 17 , 76 , 45 , 2,000 W. H. M. Pusoy to E. Blanohard , lota 5 , C and 7 , In Hook 17 , Mill ad dition , $4,200. W. L. Kearney to J , B , Aliens- worth , n $ a w.2 of n w I of n o i of 35 , 75 , 41 , $200. W. L. Kearney to P. Kearney , n w of n w i of n e i of 35 , 75 , 41 , * 225. J. P. Qoulden to J. Konaloy , n w J and w i of n e i of 30 , 7 , 41 , $3,000. Satisfactory Evidence. J. W. Graham , Wnolesale ( Druggist , of Austin , Ter. , writ on : I have been handling DH. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOKTHE LTJNuS for the past year , and have found it une of the most salable medicines I have ever bad In my house for Coughs , Gelds nnd even consumption , always giving entire satisfaction Please send me one Rrosa by Saturday's steamer. If you are not married , write the Mar riage Funl and Mutual Trout Associa tion , Cedar ( Rapids , Iowa , for circulars explaining the plan. f5-3m , Council Proceedings , Conncil mot pursuant to adjourn ment. Present : Mayor Bowmtn , Councilmen - men Shug&rt , Sledontopf , Eioher and Keating. Reading of the minutes was dis pensed with. Bills of Thomas Skinner , Dr. Hart and 8. T. Walker & Co. , amounting to $47.75 , were allowed. Bill of G. 7 . Hitchcock for $33 was laid over till next mooning. A petition to remove extra ajsoss- ment of J , 0. Blxby was referred to the commlttoo on claims , Petition of J , 'Qalnn ' and others to repair sidewalk. Referred to com mittee on streets and alloys , Notloo to. 0 , M. & St. P. railway to repair road which they damaged near Green's packing house. Read and placed on file. Eight petitions for licenses were read and approved. A communica tion from Mr. Squires , of Omaha , relative to bids on paving was read and the clerk Instructed to inform Mr. Squires that ho would probably have plenty cf time to reduce his bid , as nothim ; would bo done till next meet * lug of the council. Resolution of Councilman Etcher , relating to bnildiuf ; of tidewalk on High street , referred to committee on sidewalks. MOOSM. G. & C. , hnving boon noli- fiod tc remove their store of powder , request anextonolonof tlrno ILaforred to committee on fire with pow er to act. Resolution to repair crossing between the Citizens' bank r.nd Stevens corner , and between Dr. Woodbury's corner and corner of Park Read and roforod to committee on sidewalks. Aa this wu the last mooting of the old council , Alderman Biodentopf cflared resolutions of regret at parting with Alderman Shucart , Golden and Newhiil , The council adjourned till regular mooting nJ ht , which is next Wednes day , when the following named gen tlemen will compote the council ; honld it bo expected of him , in the bsenco , perhaps , of special training nd oxporlonoa , and in the hurry and xcitomontpf general practice The Dr. is prepared to treat all to- mnlo diseases in a skillful and soiontifio manner , having devoted several years to their study and treatment , both in the hospital and in aotivo practice. 3iseases of the Rectum , Those embrace Hemorrhoids , or ? ilea , Fistulos , Fissures , Prolnps , or ailing of the anus , tumors , oto , otc. , and constitute ono of the Doctor's oadlng specialties. All rootal tumors wo treated by the now method of in jecting and are thoroughly and spood- ly removed , with butlitthorno pain. OABOJ of Piles , from ton to twenty ? oars standing , have bean pnrmnnont- ly cured by tlm now method , many o them residing ia and near the city a present. present.EPILEPSY. . M ny cases ot Ejilopsy , or Fits Slodontopf , Eichor , Wood , MoMahon , James and Keating , with Mayor Bowman. * The surprising success of Mrs. Lydia E. Plnkham'a Compound tor the several diseases peculiar to woman forcibly illustrates the Importance of her beneficent discovery and the fact hat she knows how to make the most of it. Dr. liathell. Thn Carpentere1 Union. In accordance with previous an nouncement in TUB BEE , a mooting composed principally of carpenters was hold last evening at the court house. Mr. Wm , Roper called the mooting'to ardor , and made a few remarks in which ho referred to the close relation' ' ship between his trade and the car- .pouter's , Ho said that the bricklay ers' union of Council BlniTa was re sponalblo for the publication of the call , and stated the object of the moot ing to bo acquaintance with each otnor , mutual benefit and the protec tlon of all mutual Interests , lie atat ed that tno bricklayers had , slnoo the formation of their union , secured many objects of great advantage to them ; that they had sue ceedod in shortening the hours of labor Saturday to nine hours , thus giving the men a chance to make necessary purchases and prepare for the Sabbath , and there was no reason why a carpenter should not gain a like concession , as most of the em ployers were in favor of it , providing an organlzitlon could bo had that would alike compel all to favor it. A motion was maao to organize. Mr. Holllngsworth was called to the chair. Mr. Stephens was elected secretary. Mr. Holllngsworth spoke briefly for the carpenters , showing the necessity for trades unions for each trade , Several short speeches were made by different parties , explaining the ad vantages which had boon gained by co-operation and organization. John Abies made ono of his rod-hot speeches , ridiculing mechanics who had courage to contend for their Interests , stating that ho himself was an em ployer , but ho always stood with labor , and when its enemies chal lenged ho was ready to draw his eword. On motion , a committed of twelve carpenters was appointed from among those present to duvleo niuuna for or- Ionizing thu 200 carpenters of Ouuncil Rloffs into a carpenters' trades uuion , Next Monday night was fixed upon as iho time for the nuxt mooting , and the hall of the Knights of Libjr was selected as the place , A member of the clgarmakorn union thou made a brief odorous , and stated that thoroworo sixteen clgitrmakers In this city , and that they had elxteen members In tholr union. Ha road a circular which ho had recently re ceived from the national organ , show ing the vast benefit that wa being di- rived from tholr union. Ho also re ferred to the fact that nearly every trade in this city was organized except Iho carpenter ; and the lack of organi zation among .ham was responsible for thffl city's belnsr overrun with wood butchers Instead of carpenters ; that nuloDB were Instrumental in weeding can bo cured if taken in time , and es pecially in young subjects. The Dr. iocs not claim to euro all cases that corno to him for treatment , but can point to numerous instance ) where a permanent euro has been wrought within the last five years. Medicines will bo aunt by express when patients cannot como to the city. TAPE WORMS , Those troublesome parasites can bo removed in a few hours , with but lit- tie inconvenience to the pttiunt. The Dr. will send modicinoa by express , with full directions for use , at any tlmo they may bo ordered. . The Dr. makes no promises bu what wiil bo fulfilled to the letter. I ho examines you and lindu your dis ease incurable , ho will toll you so it plain words ; if ho finds you can b bonctittod ho will treat you for a mod erato fee and glvo you the benefit o nil that medical tmionoo can do for yon CBBO. This is all that any carofu out scabs , drunkards and others who were unreliable or ignorant of the trade they claimed to understand. The mooting then adjourned. Millions Given Away. Milliona of Uottl.cs of Dr. King's Now Dlncovory for Consumption , Coughs and Colds , hnvo been given nway ns Trial Bottles of the largo size. This enormous outlay would be disastrous to the pro priotors. wore it not for the rare merit possesad by thla wonderful medicine. Gal at 0. F. Oooclnmn'u Drug Store , and got n Trial liottlo free , and try for yourself , nnver fa'la to euro. DIED. VAN DK BOGKHT In this city , March 16th , nt 7:15 : p..rn. , David Kufiene , fourth nnd youngest child of Herbert and CionIoV n Do llogort , nycil 10 mouths and 1'J dnvf. Childhood Manhood , nnd Henry ACD Ex claim In unison , "Ochold the Conqueror. " During \ brief visit to the ancient town ot Var > wick , U I. , month , our agent oxIoLdetl Ins trip to the southeastern extremity of the town , to look ftliout among the wonderful Improve ments which h vo boon mido In the appearance of Warwick Nick dull ig a comparatlv * y Inl'f | > mlol , and whllo contorting onthli'etibjoctwith Col. lunjunln 8 Ilionl , the piiiiar ) pruorletor ol the Warwick Neck Hotel , ho icatnod that the Krcater fatt of tlm liainnomo raaldtcccs had been erec ed Inside of a ilaton > oa ; and bonlao learned that Ool. horird'lml boon a er > at u- feror flam a chronic dlscaio of tbo Kidney and Illaddci aver fifteen yiaru the most piinf.ii form of It being n stoppage or retention of the uilno , which w HO voiy uovaro at tltnoi ai to dltablo him 'rein hid accustomed work , ami even conllno him to the bed , wtien a sunrea ' " arallttnca woufd bo roiulrid to roll \e him. Ho \ > a > being doctoiol a Uivoinrt of the tlao , but mild | got no permanent relltf. At times his lufforinKU were terr.ble from * harp , cultlnir pain * thr'UKbtho KldneVHand llladder ; and no hid Miderml so long and si tevrroly that ho hod become ills- couragcd of g'tting well afcaln , o < poi.iallr BB the doctor stated that it wagdoubtfu If n man of hie a | < e , with inch a corapllcxtod ( 'Iseatoo , ' long stimllng , could ho cured Ilutia't > ummerwhrn he was suffering lalo'ielr frfu ana of thcno at tacks : a ( rectloman who wan bo > r ill eg at bU ho. tcl , urKid and ptruiu ] d him to trj a bottle of Hunt's lUmody , is he hod known of sam wonderful dorful curoi effuctol by It Ur HmrJ savu behaifno filth In It , but con sented reltf.tintljr to try It ; and after taking It only two das , the Intense pales aid aches bad disappeared , and ho commenced to gain Itrtnglh raplaly , and Inlesathanaweik was at/ending to bin accuitomul work , and h never bail a rtturu ofthepalos. Mr. Hazard Is over1 , saventr yoirs of age , and on the 25th of Nov. 1HW , whtn our a'ent met him , aHlioti.li I' a ajverr cold and liluutorlnn day , ho w * In lili II I with his t am at work pul Ing and lojdlux turnips , oa hal and boarty * man a < > ou c , uM \ > l b wr.cr a list All us' lie ua tuubio fo'tancl up to OVOIBCO t-u woik tl'Wi ' ( join. mi In thin BIIPO tlu d , I tint' , uuolv bad hen him health nd and Htro gth "L'tln , ivi d hu roe inunciidd It t ) his rela'lvo- frlrmli , intral cf whom are niw ti Ing It an bo conlliliiH It a trait excellent n eJiilinf.r all dl 3 bi8 of the Kldncyand IllaJ- dcr. \1 DOCTOR STEINHARTS ESSENCE OF LIFE , FOR OLD AND Youxo , Hits AND FIMALI. It U a sure , prompt and effectual remeds or ( n digestion. Ityupcptla , Intermittent Kovcrs. Want ofAmxitiU ) , Nervous Debility In all ItaSUni , Weak Meioory , Loss of liraln Power , Prostration , Weaknesa and genera ) Lc s of Power , It repair ! nervous waste , rejuvenates the faded Intellect , trenxhthens the enfeebled brain and restore ! surprising tone and vigor to the exhausted or. rani. The experience of thousand ! proves It to M an Invaluable remedy. Price , $1.00 a bottle , ortix or (6. For sale by all druggta * , or eenl xxmro from observation on receipt of price bj "r. 8telnli * ? > .P. O. Box 2480 St. rnotltlonor should promise his pa- ontsli Is nil ho OAN promise thorn nd bo honest. Pftrtloa visiting the city for the pnr- OBO of consulting the Dr. should lomo directly to his ofliao , where the boat roforonooa ia the city will bo fur- ilnhodwhon dcslrod , and where pa- ionta will alao bo assisted in pro our- ng board and roama at reasonable atoa. OFFICE : NO. 36 NORTH MfllN 8T , ( Ono Block North of Broadway ) Address all Letters to DE , A , 3 , COOK , > ti. . Oo un cil REMARKABLE 1 Crrr , Ma , Bcpt. so , 1882. I think It a duty I owe to humanity to say w hat j our remedy has dona f > r me. Ono TOM ago I contracted a bad case of Dlood Dl ease , and not knowing the result of siiih trouble * . I allow- oi It to run for some time , but finally applied t the best phjsldan In tuls city , who treated ma for six months. IN THAT TIMS i TOOK OVEB 001 rum OK moToioDiD or MRHCURT 1 irrain each , and hod run down In weight from 210 to Iff ? pounds , and was confined to my bed with Mer curial Uhcvmatlam , scarcely able to turn myself over. Uclnga traveling man , some of thefra- tcrnltj found mo In this dcplorablo condition. had been cured by Its use. I commended the usa Itwlttuciy llttlo faith ann In lew that throe weeks wai able to take myplacoon the road The soreaand toppar-collorod spota gradually disap peared , and today I havonotasoicor spot on mr person , and my weight is ZITpounds. bclmj more than Itoer was. I do not wish you to publish my name , but ) ou may show this letter to any who doubt the merit of 8. S. S. for I know It la a uouiro. Yours Truly , J n. 0. Some thirty } cars ago there lived In Montro mery , Ala. , a > oung man who was terribly afflic ted. Alter being trotted for a long tlmo by the incd'cal ' profession of this town with no benefit , ho commenced taking S S. S. After perslstentl ? taking It two months ho was cured. Iklnirac qualntcd with him for the disease never tatulo 16 return. J. W. BISHOP , J. P. , Hot Springs Ark. If you doubt , como to sea us , and wo will CURK YOU , or cliarjo nothing ! Write for particular * and a copy of the little book , " Message to the Unfortunate Suffering " Ask any Druggist M t our standing. ' V3.S1OOO Rnward will he paid to any Chemist who will find , on anal ) sis. of 100 bottle * ofS. H. S. , one particle of Mottury , Iodide ot Potomilum , or other Mineral substance. SWIR tBI'ECiriO CO. , Proprietors , Atlanta. Qo. Prlco of Small Slio , i M Large Size . . . . " ! > ! . ' . " . * . . " ! 1.78 SOLD BY ALL DHUaQISTS. DOCTOR oAxaMMAKn SUPPOSITORIES ! The Great Popular llemody for Pile * . Sure cure for Blind , Bleedlng&ItchlngF And all forms of Hemorrholda ] Tumor * . < These Surrosrroatia act directly upon UM ooata of the Illood Yossebj , and by their autruurent tBocU gently force the blood from the woUeo tumora , andby making the coaU of the vein * strong , prevent tholr refilling , and hence a ratU- col cure la sure to follow their use. Price ' " cents a box. For-1 ' mall on receipt of i J Xaitltnto 817 St OIiwInaKt , ST.I.Oma Ufa 1,1 ltMJUIAB OKADUAfK ol two madlA , ooll'gi llkKibcenIaiiKoi engaged In the tresJ. " * 0" OWIO. MKKVOUS. BKJ1 AND ULOOD Dltouca than uny other pLyolclan la HI. ° ul' cl'X r pcre shovf and all old r < aldn know. Conniltttlon tret and Invited. When II Uilnconvcnteutto vlelt bo city for treatment , medlclnoo c n ' > < rr by rutl or eiprrsit every. 1,1'i "IT uc"r" > 1 < " " ' . < J mit di wh r < loab | u > 't ' . h unvrt OiUorwrlt * . Ooblllty. MenUI 'vl ' llt > ucftl taA r ultcrtiouit of I'tiroit. Skin and 'i JJluoajmpurulos aud lilood I'olnonlng. ' JVcFi Atfnotbns , Old Hares nnd aioetn. [ mpixllinenU to Marriage , KheumaUian. L'llaa. Bpeolul attention to catcs frcm over.yorkod brain. HUKOIOAIi OA8E8 receive glacial attention. DUoasen arising rom Impiu'lenoo , Kicessea , ry > 23d4wlj L