Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1883, Image 5

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Tflu Nebraska National Bank
Of Omaha , Nob.
Paid tip Capita - . . . 82GO.OOC
R. JOUNSON , President of 9lw i , Jif wn I )
* S. Iwu ALW , Vice President , ot 0. , B. a Q.
H. K. , Boeton.
W. V. MORSE , ol W. V. Monofc Oo
OHN 3. COLLINS , of 0 , II. & J. S. OolllM.
U. WOOLWORTU , OonnseUor & Attorney * * .
RKKD , of Byron Reed & Oo.
W. f ATE3 , Cashier , Ut Outlet of the Flnl
National Bank of Omaha , and connected with
the active management ot that Bank line * Itl
In 1863.
Or MID for boalneM April 17 , 1882 , with Iht
ro t capital of any bank In Neoraaki.
OOLLMTIONS receive ipoclal attention and chai
IBS loneit obtainable here or elMwhere.
INTIRUT allowed on time deposits upon lavot
ble terms and upon fcccounta ot bank ) and bank
Fo non ExcniNai , OoTornment Bondj , and
Oonnty and Clly securities bought and told.
It la prepared to do a general banking burfnojt
( call Its detail ) , and In the treatment cl custom
will pursue the moat liberal policy eouslitenl
with safe banking ,
Special Dispatch to Timllns.
NKW YOBK , Marolt 17.
Money Stringent ut 10@17 per cent
nd closed at 15 per cent.
Prime mercantile paper At GgGi ( per
Sterling Exchange Bills steady at 4 61 ;
demand , 4 83i ,
Dry goods imports for the week , 33 430
Governments J per cent higbor for 4'0 ,
otherwise unchanged.
Railroads generally weak on fair vol
time business
Stocks all felt dep rossing effects , light
money this forenoon and gjnornl character
of the market up to 12:30 was weak ; mar
ket then to closa , while dull , was firmer
compared with Thursday night's figures.
The general list shows n decline of J@1J
per cent.
President Hill , of the St. Paul & Mani
toba , denied tha company proposes scrip
Yejtjrday. Ta-d y.
Si' 103J 103J
6's 103i 1036
tVa Coupons 112 } H2i
Va ll'JJ 120 *
Paclfico'Rot 1895 128 128
Central 1'acilio fireta 114 114
Krio seconds UG4 95
Lehigh & Wilkenbarre 102 100
Louisiann couaoU. , < lJ ) 09
Missouri 6's 109 110
Bt. Joeoph Ill 113
Bt , Paul & Siour City firsts. .110 111
Tennessee G's 39J 41 $
do new 39 42
Texas & Pacific land grants. . G5 G35
do B. G. div. . . . 814 82
Union Pacific 1st mortgage. . 114 114
do land grants . .110.1 109
do sinking fund.114i 115i
Virginia 6'a 30 3(5 (
do consols G'a 40 < 10
do deferred 11 13
as 00 la.
Adums Expresa 130 130
Allegheny Central It 13
Alton & Terra Haute 71 G8i
do pfd. . . . 99J 97
American Express 88 90
Burl. , Cedar Kaplda & North. 0 80
Canada Southern 684 GGj |
Col. , Cin. & Ind. Central. . . . 87 $ G
Oontral Pacific 81 80 $
Chesapeake & Ohio 20 21
do - 1st pfd. . . 31J 31i
do 2d pfd. . . 22 * 23
Chicago & Alton 134 $ 138
do pfd 135 137
Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 119 119j
Chi. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 78 78
Oin. , Sand. & Cleveland 45 4GJ
Clove. , CoU & Cincinnati. . . . 73 7H
Delaware & Hudson canal. . . . 107 J 107
Del. , Lack. & Western 124 123
Denver & Klo Grande 45J 4GJ
Brie 37 § 30
do pfd 76 7J
Eaat Tennessee 101 99
do preferred 14j 1C
Fort Wayne & Chicago 135 ISaj
Hannibal & Bt. Joseph 39 39
do pfd. . . 81 } b'Uj
Harlem 108 196
Houston & Texas Central. . . . 82 74
Illinois Central 143 ? 143J
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 33 | 32l
Kansas & Texas 33 } 31 *
I.ake Erie & Woatorn 26 ? 30j
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . 110J 110
Louisville & Nashville 54 53j
Louisv. , New Alb. & Cbioaeo 541 63
Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pli llfc 11
do do 2d pfd G U
Memphis & Charleston 9 43
Michigan Central 95i 95
Minneapolis & St. Louio. . . . 27 27'
do pfd. Oil GO
Missouri Pacific lull 1015
Mobile& Ohio 15 lb
Manhattan Beach 122 121
Morris & Essex G01 00
New Jersey Central Tig 72
Nashville & Chattanooga 40 39
Northern Pacific * 9 , 49
do pM 861 85j
Northwcit3tn 133 | 13-1
vfc pfd 148 $ 148
NewV.r.1 Central 130 129
OhloCioiwl I0i 10
Ohio & Mississippi 31i 31 ;
do pfd 984 98
Ontario & Western 27 27
Oregon Transcontinental 83 84
pROiCo 40J 40 ;
Panama. 1W Mj
Peoria , Decatur & Evanov. . . 23 V2 ,
Pittsburg A Cleveland 140 138
Pullman Palace Oar 120J 120
Readme W 68
Book Island 1235 126
St. Louis & San Fran 29 29
do pfd. . . . 49 48
do lat pfd 90 91
St. Paul & Milwaukee 102 101
do pfd..119 152
Bt. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. 143 14 <
Bt. Paul & Omaha 48 * 48
do pfd. 108 109
Texas & Pacific 4 14 89
Union Pacific 974 M.
United States Express 61 62
Wabash , St. L. & Pacific. . . . i91 29
do Pfd. 493 48
WellB , Fargo & Co. Expreas.117 ? 118
Western Union Telegraph. . . 83J 83
OariboH 1J , *
Central Arizona i
Excelsior IT , '
Homeatake IB 1 °
Little Pittaburg 1 f
Ontario 20 .
Quicksilver * ;
do pfd 40 47
Robinson 1 *
BilverOHB 3
South Pacific 7 ' .
Standard 61 G
Butro a
Offered. fKr. Interest. tA.Bkod. DEi
Special Dispatch to Tun Bun.
LO.VDOK , March.10 5 p. m. Consols-
Money.JlOl 15-lGconsols ; ] , account , 1021-K
New 5' extended , 1OGJ ; 4's , 1 1C !
4'd extended , 1 22 ; } Illinois Central
1181 ; NeworkCentral | | , 129i ; Erie , 1381
Erie secondi , 100 ; Beading , 1273
4pedal DUpatchM lo Tni Bn.
Omo&oo , March 16 , Flour Marki
. nnnf wa fl
, Mll > n ota , 3 60tf ( 1 V5 ; bakr ,
4 1,01557 ; iMoutj , 600 .750 ; winter
wheat iliur , nouthern Illinois and Mil-
° " . ' * 2j G 00 ; Mlohlfran , 4 ( 05 25.
Woeat Market unsealed hnt enpr lly
ICO for March } I 00il OGg for
Vprll ; 1 111 for May : 1 111 lor June ; No.
fSi.lnti' ( l9" , No2Unla .i iiprlnj ,
07401 07J ; No 3 Cbloaj.-o .piiug , 93c.
l utn Market uusottlcd but Benerally
'iw " 66@Wj3 tot cash ! 660 for March ;
idfBGjo for April ; GOS@60J for Mays
tur June ; GIJa for July ; rejected , 47
Oats-Market quiet but closed easier ;
till for cash and March ; 41J418a for
April ; 43 } for May ; 43Jo for June ; 42a
tor July.
Kye-Market qulot and unchanged at
G3jc.Uvley Market quiet at 75o
bacon Market quiet and steady all 31J
Dressed Hogg Market nominnl aud un.
chanced at 8 10@8 20.
Pork Market easier ; 18 20318 25 for
cash and March ; 18 25@1827 * lor A 111 ;
1860@1862i fjr May ; 1870,018724 fjr
June ; 18 90 f r July.
Lcird-Market lotvci ; U 271@ll 30 for
oah and for March ; 11 374oll ( ) 40 for
April : 116li@ll u2J 'or May ; 11674 ®
@ll GOfjr June ; 11 G2i@ll 61 for July.
Hulk Meat ) In fir ilemund ; shoulders ,
7 ( iJ fhor : rib , 10 lf > ; short clear , II ) 40.
liulter kitrkut weak and unsettled ;
creamery , 18@2Uc ; dairy , 14@2or.
ruga Mrictt tinner at 16alG&3 ; ,
Whisky-Quiet , nd unchanged at 1 17.
CALL BOAUU. Wh at Demand active ,
but mlets lower ; 1 05@1 054 for March ;
11 58 lor April ; 1 ICjj lor May and June ;
1 09j for July ,
Corn Demand active but market lower ;
Doie for Match ; f > 5jjo for April ; GOa for
May ; 69 c for June ; Gljo for July.
OatB Market lower bat the demand ac
tive ; 40jj@40Ja for March ; 4ufia for April ;
42g'o)43o ' ) lor May ; 42Jo for June.
1' .rk In goodrtemun'l. but lower ; 18 ID
© 18'JJi for Miroh ; 18 27@lb 274 for
April ; 18 15 for May ; 1865 for June ;
18 774&18 8J for July.
L rd In fair demuml , but lower ; 11424
@U45 fur May ; U45@11474 < "r June ;
U 55J@U 55 for July.
Nl.W YOHK , March 16. Flour Market
dull ; Huiierhiio state nnd western , 3 70 ®
Wheat Market opened stronger for
rash , mid options opened firm but subse
quently was easier aud declined KjglSc ,
closing uaaottloi ; No , 2 Kpring nomi
nal ; uugridad rod. OGc@l 22J ; nteamer No.
3 rod. 1 11 ; No. 3 rod , 118@118J ; steamer
No. 2 red , 119J ; No. 2 red , 1 2Ui@l 22J ;
No. 1 red , 1 2G ; ungraded white , 1 01(4
I 20J ; steamer No. 3 white , 93.No. ; . 2
white , 1 04@1 Oii.
Corn Market unsettled but i@lo low
er ; uugradw' ' , M@72c ; No 3 , Glid621cj (
steamer. G8yG9j ; No. 2. 70J@7 Jc ; old
No. 2 , 75j delivered ! No. 2 white , GUo.
Oats Aliirkut i&2o lower and fairly
active ; mlxd western , 47@52c ; white
western , 52@5Cc.
Hay Market , firm nnd fairly active.
Corn Meal Quiet but nteody.
Pork Markbt dull and unsettled ; new
mess , for March i9 05 ; for April , 19 15.
Beef Market quiet and unchanged.
Cut Meats Market dull and lower ; long
clear middles , 10 60.
Lard Market active and firm ; prime
bteaui , 11674@U 70 for March ; 1155 for
April ; 11 G2@U 69 for May : 11 7o@ll 7u
for June ; 11 G3&11 G74 for Julj ; 11 65@
II 70 for August ; 11 70 for September.
ST. Louis , March 1C. Flour Market
staady and unchanged ; XXX , 4 15@4 30 ;
family , 4 G0fcl4 80 ; choice , 5 15@5 25 ;
fane ? , 5 30 ( 5 fcO.
Wheat Market lower and the trading
was mostly in May options ; No. 2 red
fall , 1 C9 | foe caoh ; 1 ng@l 144 for Aoril ;
138 41 144 for M > ; 1 13 for Juno !
C7i for July ; 104g bid for the year ,
nu closing at inside prices ; ISo. 3 red
all , 104@103.
Corn Market dull and lower , except
orMny. t2i@52o for cash ; 524@52Jo foi
March ; 54@5iis for April ; 56@564o foi
May ; 56 o bid for June ; closing at inside
Oats Lower ; to sell ; 424@43Jo foi
ash ) 434o bid tor Apiil ; 43&cbld for May :
4obid for Juno ,
Eye Market quiet ; 680 bid.
Btrlev Market steady and unchm ed
at C0@80o.
Corn Meal Market ea y at j ! 70.
Butter Steady and unchaaged ; stock
24 ° .
ERRS Steady and unchanged.
Whisky Market firm at 116.
Provisions Market qniet and un
changed and only a jobbing trade done
ind weak : 1 10 | bid for April ; 1121 foi
Hay ; 112 | forJune ; 1 124@107 for July
. 013 for tde year
Com Active but lower ; 63a for April
j3jjo for May ; 65go for June ; 67Jo for July
> 0o aaked for the year.
O its Lower and weak ; 42o bid foi
April ; 43go aiked for May.
KANSAS CITT , March 16. Wheat Mar
cct weak aud slow ; No. 2 red fall. 95Ji
bid for CAsb ; OGJo bid for April ; SS o bl (
Tor May.
Corn Market weak ; 454@45Ja for cash
ISjc for April ; 48c bid for May.
Oat3 Market dull and nothing done
32a bid.
Special C.'ttpatches to Tni B .
OaiOAOu , March 16. The Drovers' Jonr
nal rep .rtn aa follows :
Hogs Fair and moderately active
strong and peed grades a shade highnr
mixed. 7 00@7 55 ; heavy , 7 G0@8 124 ; light
720@760 skipa , 5 50@6 25 and closei
Cattle A strontr market and brisk at 10
higher ; exports , G G0@7 00 ; good to choio
ehippmx , G OJgjli 75 ; common to fnlr , 501
@OjOO ; butchorn1 fairly active and stead ;
at 2 75@5 CO ; stackers and feeders un
changed ; Rood grades steady ; common lot
slow at 3 60@510.
Sheep Market brisk and strong ; com
mou to fair , 6 60 ; medium to good , 6 G0c (
@G 60 ; choice to extra , 6 25@6 GO.
NEW YOUK , March 16. The Drore'n
Journal Bureau reports :
Baeves Moderately active and 25o pe
cwt. blither on all grades ; poor to prim
sold at 5 95@7 40 par owt ; lire weight will
extra selections , 7 SC@7 70 ; exporter * too !
GOO good to prime steers , and to-morrow *
steamers will take .275 live cattle an
105,000icarca > ces of mutton.
Bheep Dull ; ( keep , 725 ; yearlln
Swine JTirm for live hogs , 7 25@7 7
per cwt.
Sr LoniBMarchlG. Oatlle Scarce an
n demand greaterthan | the supply ; jric <
fully r.a bigb OB last week ; exports , 6
@ 50 ; good light to fair , 5 25@5 76 ; con
mou , 4 50@5 0 ; good to best butcher
ntcerf , 4 76@5 fit ) ; do mixed butcherlm
'I H5fe@4 00 ; Ktoclce-u and fesdere , 4 006
5 25 ; corn fed Texans , 42 @ 5 25.
Sheep Steady ; good grade * wanted ; mi
dmra lo filr muttonti , 4 OC@175 ; | < eec
to choice , 5 00@5 75 ; fanoy , U 00@0 25.
Hogc Light higher ; heavy lower ; Yoi
kers , J 25@7 60 ; packluK 7 25@7 (
butchers' to extra heavy , 7 40g7 ( 70.
KANSAS Cur , March 16. The Li\
Stock Indicator reports :
Cattle-Native steers of 1,203 to l.EO
poundr , 5 GOi ( 50 ; stockera and feeder
4 25@5 15
Hogs-Quiet and c\otia \ vcak } ligh
6 70@6 85 ; medium , G 90@7 05 ; good t
choice , 7 10@7 < 0
Sheep Unchanged ; natives of 15
pounds at 6 00.
Bp cUI Dltpitchei to Till BII.
BOMTOR. March 16. The wool demati
U ttevif but moderate and prloe * ooatlnu
well sustained. The sale * of the week have
ecu 2,4tOCOO Ibs.
pecUl Dlip tchM to Tin bit
' -
CuioAao , March 1G. Uooclpts and
lipuieuUi of flour aud grain { or the past
4 hours have been M follow * !
Itoceluto. Shtp'tn.
riour-bbls 19,000 281
Vheat bushels 34,000 9,000
Corn " 21l'COO 130,000
OaU " 127,000 124,000
lye " 15,000 4,500
Barley- ' 60,000 48,100
NKW YORK , March 16. lleoelpts and
linmenta of flour and grain for the past
4 hours have boon aa follows :
Receipts Shp't *
Flour bbl 20,515
Vheat bmheli 41,500 7,000
orn " 2i ,000 90,250
Oats " . . . . 41,600 100
ST. Louis , March 1C.Receipts and
lipmcnts of flour nnd grain for the past
3 hours have been as follows :
Receipts. Shlp'tfl.
" lour " G.OOO 8,000
Vheat-buehrls 21.COO . . .
Corn " 147.000 87,000
ats " 18.000 7,000
lyo- " . . . . . .
Barley- " 7,000 7,000
KANSAS CITY , March -Kocolpts
md shipments of grain foi the past 2-1
loura have boon Us follows :
Kco'tB. Ship'ta
Vhoat , bushels 33.000 17OW
orn " 60.000 51.0W
NEW YOKK , March 15. Receipts anc
ilpmenta of live stock for the past 2'
icurs have been as follows :
Rec'ts Bhip'ti
leaves , 1,690 . . . ,
luarters of beef 4 70 (
hecp 4,180
ilutton , carcasses 1,45 !
Hogs 3,050
CHIOAOO , March 16 , Receipts anc
bipments of live stock for the past 2
hours have been as follows :
Roo'tB Bhlpm'tfl
Oattlo 4,800 3,201
log lO.dOO 5,601
Sheep 3,400 fil.'lOi
ST. Louis , March 15 , Receipts ant
shipments of Uvti tock fet tbo past 2
lours have been aa follows :
Roo'to. Bhlpm'U
Cattle 900 CO
Sheep 1,200 80
Hogs 1,800 70
KANSAS CITT , March 1C. Receipt
nd shipments of live stock for the past 2
mura have been aa follows :
Reo'ts. Bhlpm'ti
Jattle 650
Hogs. . 3,100
Sheep. . 200
Wholesale Price * .
Friday Evening , March 16. J
The only changes reported in th
market to-day are as follows :
Potatoes declined lOc ,
Onions declined 10@15c.
lx > cal Graln.Deallngrs.
WHEAT.-Cash No. 2 , 89Jc ; cash Me
3 , 76c : rejected , 524c.
BARLEY. Cash No. 2 , GSo ; No. I
SEEDS Flax seed 96o per bn.
Produce and Provision * .
POTATOES-40@60o per bushel.
ONIONS 40@50o per bushel.
BUTTER -Choice country , 124o ,
KGGS fresh , 124c.
HONEY California , perlb , 31.
APPLES Per barrel , § 3 00@3 50.
OYSTERS Plait's wloot oysters , 40 <
Standard , 35 ; mediums , 30
ORANGES Florida , $6 60 ; Messini
8 B0@84 00.
LEMONS-04 00@4 60 per box.
BEANS Navy per bushel , 2 75@3 Oi
CHIOKENS-13@14o per lb.
TURKEYS 14o per pound.
Grocers Jjlst.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2
( BlUd's ) , per CAM , 94 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Ffdd'i
per ease , 1 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Qtandard ) , per oas
390 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 4
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 50 , Dai
sons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45. Bartlo
pears per oaae , 240. Whortleberrii
: > er case , 275. Egg plums , 2 Ib , 2 &
Jreen gages,2 Ib per ease , 2 90 ; do choice ,
b per cose 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per cai
4 005 75. Peaches , 2 tb per case , 8 0
do 3 Ib , case , 4 004 60 ; do , ( pie ) , S B > , pi
case.2 30 ; do pie. 6 Ib , per dozen. 2 30.
FLOUR Jobbing prices. Jack Froi
3t. Louis winter ) $3.90 per 100 Ibs. ; Topei
Patent Kansas , 3.60 ; Minnohahi
Minnesota Patent , $3.75 ; Shawnee fane
winter , $3.10 : Eagle , XXXX wii
tor , $2.75 ; Triumph spring , best , 2. 7i
L/hrlstlan's superlative , 3.65 ; bran , pi
ton , 816.00 ; chopped feed. $25.00 : Quee
Bee flour , per sack , 3 25 ; Nellie lily
per sark , 2 9fl.
L \RD Omaha Refinlniw ? Co. : Tierce
L2o ; 40 and 60-lb cans , 12Jc ; 20-lb can
12c ; 10-lb pails , screw top , 124c ; 5-lb di
12c ; 3-lb do , 12Jo.
KIOE Louisiana prime to choice , 1'
7c : fair , 6i7ic ; Patma , 64c.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , 6 7
No. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mac !
orel , half brio , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kit
85c ; No. 1 white fish , half brtu , 6 00 ; No.
OOFPIiiC.-JUt : , . fair , lie , Klo , goc
114c ; irriroe to choice , 12 to 124o ; Old eov
Java 18c @ 24o.
SUGARS Powdered , lOJc : Cut Ion
lOJc ; Granulated , 9Jc ; Confectioners'
91c ; Standard Extra O , 6o ; Extra (
8e ; medium yellow , 71c ; dark yellow , 7i
SYRUl' Standard Com. , 42o , bbS
Standard do , 44 gallon kegs , $205 ; Stai
dard do , 4 gallon kegs , $1 90.
SODA In lb papers , 83.20 per case ; ki
soda. 21c.
NEW PICKLES Medium , In barre
$7 00 ; do in half bbln , 4 00 ; smalls , In bbj
9 00 do , in half bbls , 6 00 ; gherkins ,
bbls , 11 00 ; do , in half bbls , 0 00.
8TAROH.-Pearl , 44c ; Silver GIo
8io ; Corn Starch , 8o | BxcelsiorGloi
To J Corn , 7o.
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@B
Ohojoe , 60@76o ; Imperial , good , 40@4C
Oholoe , 60@76c ; Young Hyson , goocV36
50o ; choice , 65c@l 00 ; Japan Not Lei
BCc ; Japan , choice , 60@76o ; Oolong , goo
85@40 ; Oolong , oho.oe , 40@65 ; Bonohon
zpod. 3540c : choice , 8545o ,
Inch and larger , 10J
. 114o.
, . WA1UI Two hoop pal
1 76 ; three hoop palls , 2 00. Tnb , JS
L 6 60 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 86 Donl
Crown 2 90 : WellbuokeU , 360.
LEAD Bar , $1 66.
VINKQAR-Pure * , pple extra , K
pore apple , 13c ; Prunainif pure anole , K
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 65 ; At
SO Pfj Kirk's'Savoa Imperial * 3
Kirk'c uMinet , 8 60 ; Kirk's Hlandirtl. S 1
Klrk'i ; white Iinsai n. 5 25 : Kirl
1 " VIC Klrk' '
fc" > . ° I'rairie Quot
POTASH > Pennsylvania ' } > a magnolia do
cans , 4 oai
In rftio , D 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 dor ' lu oai
1p , > 5fite * . * 'iln "f i' .
-oMta , choice , red T ,
, lOoper lb ; fanoy white , 104o per
rJW-wbK Viwinla raw , I0o ; roast ,
10 ; mur , caE s , 5 40
MEATS-Hama per lb. , 18c ; bac
perlb.,14c ; clear siia bacon peril ) . , 11
$1.60 per 100 lha. ; chop corn , 81.40 ; bran ,
70o per 100 ) bi .
HOMINY New , SI 00 per bhl.
Dry QotKl * .
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A. sjc )
Appleton XX , 7o ) AtUnta A , Fcj lloott
FF , 80 } Buckeye LL. 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W ,
71o ) Chlttonango A. fiioj Urent Falls E ,
8loj ! Hoosier , 6Jo ; Honest Width , 81o. In
dian Head A , 8Jc } Indian Standard A ,
83p ( Indian Orchard d. w , , Sic ; Lawrence
LL , 7o ; Mystic River , 74ojPoquot A , 85c ;
Shawmut LL , io ; Utlca 0 , 640 : Wachua-
ett B , 74c > do A , 840 } do E 48 , lajoj Wai-
cott BB. 8 o.
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 84c ; Laconla O
39 , 84 ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 940 ; Pepporoll N
80 , 7o ; do O 82 , 71c ; do R 36 , 7c ; do E 39.
84o. VocBsct 0 4-4 , 7Jo ; Wamsutta 4-4
cln L 4-4,04oBlackstonoAA Imperial 8jc ? ;
do do half blenched 4-4,9o ; Cabot 4-4,8J ;
Fidelity 4-4 , 94oFruIt ; of thoLoom.9J ; do
catt.brIo4-4,124cdoWaterTwlBt, ; ;
Falls Q , 9o ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c ;
Lonadole , lOc ; do cnmbrlo 37 , 124o ; New
York Mills. 124o ; Pequot A,10o ; Pepperol
N G Twills , 124o ; PooahontM 4-4 , 94o ;
Pocareet 4-4 , 8 o ) Utloft , lie ) Wauuutta
0 X X. 124c.
DUCKS Colored ) Albany E brown.
80 ; do 0 , drab , Xlct do XX strlpog and
plaids , 124c ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes and plaids , 124c ; Arlington fancy ,
lBr9o'unswlok brown , 84o ; Chariot fanoy
124o ; do extra heavy , 20cj Fall Rivet
brown , extra heavy , llio ; Indiana A
brown IXni Notxmaot A brown , 16o
T1UK1MUB Amoskoag A U A S3
19o ; do XX blue 32 , 18jo ; Arrowacca ,
94o ; Claremont B B,154o : Couoatoga ex
tra , 174o ; Hamilton D , llio Lewiaton A
SO , 15o ; Minuehaha 4-4 , 20o ; Omega supei
extra 4-4 , 28o ; Pearl River 82.16lo ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shotuckot B
lOJc ; do S3 12o ; Yootnau's bluij 29 , 9c
DENIMS. Amoskeak , blnoandbrona
164o ; Andover DD blue , 164o ; ArlingX
blue Scotch , 184c ; Concord OOO , blue aw
brown. 124c : do AAA , do do 134 ; doXXtc
do do 144o Haymakers blue and brown ,
94o ; Mystla River DD stripe , 164o ; Pearl
River , blue aud brown , IGo ; UncasvlUe ,
blno and brown , 144c.
CAMBRICS Barnard , 5io ; Eddystom
lining , 24 inch double face , 8)0 ; Garner A
CORSET JEANS Amory , BciAndroi
coggln enttcon 8Jo ; Clarendon , 6ioConc ; !
oSeo aattoena , 71c ; Hallowel So ; Injdl
Orchard 74o ; Nanrjkgan ettlmprovedc
Pepporill sattfien BJo ; Rockport , 7Jo.
PRINTS-Allena , 6ic : American , 6&c
Arnold , 7o ; Berwick , 4Jc ; Cocbcco , To
Ooneatoga. GJo ; Dunkirk , ; Dunnoll
6J@7o ; Eddyatone. 7o ; Gloucester , 60
Harmony , 5Jo ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; Moi
rl ao D. 7c ; Myatlo , 6)0 : Sprotnien , Go
Southbrldge , Co ; do. Glngnama , 7c ( Marlboro
bore , 65pOriontal ! Gic.
GINGHAMS Am akeag. lOJci Amoa
keag dreoa 9J | Argyle , lOiu ; Atlantic
Oo ; Ouinbsrland , V'4o ; Highland , 71c
osi , So.
COTTONADE3 Abbervllle 18J
Agate , 20c ; American , llo ; Artialan , 20c
Cairo D and T , ISJc ; Olarlca D and T
174c ; Deccan Co. atripea DandT.lGo ; Key
stone , 184c ; Nantucket , 19c ; Nonparol
16c ; Ooean D and T. 134o : Royal , 164
Sussex , 12o ; Tioga , 124c ; Waohnaett shir
in ? ) beoks , 124c ; do , Nankin , 124c ; York
plain Nankin. 124c ; dochocks , stripes an
fancy , 12&c ; do. 8 oz 20c.
SHEETINGS AndroscogirJn 10-4,37 c
do 9.4 , 23odo 8-4 , 22c ; Continental (
42 , lie , Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; Nei
York mlUs98 , S5o ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58. 22c
Pembrjke 10-4 , , 25o ; Pequot 1C.4. 28&c , d
74,19o do 49 , 16o ; Pepperell 96 , 29 <
do 67. 21cdo ; 67,18o ; UWca 96 , 860 ; d
58 , 32401 do 48.17o.
P lnt Ollt nd VarnlthM
OILS 110' carbon , per galloi
12o ; 160' headlight , per galloi
lie : 175 * headlight , per gallon. 19
160 * tWater White , 20c ; .linseei
raw , per gallon , 64 ; linseed , boile <
per gallon , 67o ; lard , winter str'd , per ( ? n
Ion , 100 ; * No. 1 , 85o ; No , 2 , 76c ; caste
ygy per gallon , 1 25 ; No. 8,1 20 ; sweeper
per gallon. 85c : sperm , W. B. , per galloi
176 ; fish , W. B.per gallon , 60c ; neatsfoo
extra , per gallon , 76o ; No. 1 , 65c ; lubi
eating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; summer , 15
golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 36c ; N
3 SO : sperm , signal , per gallon , SOo ; to
poDUno , p r gallon , 66o | nftptha , 74""r
gallon , 18o ; 64 * . 17o
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omal
P. P. . 60 ; white lead , St. LonU , pure , Gj
MarseQles green , 1 to 6 tb cans , 21
French line , gtoen seal. 12o ; French tin
red seal , llo ; French zinc , in varnish ass
20o : French zinoe , in oil aaat 16c ; Ra
and burnt umber , 1 Ib oina 12o ; raw nr
burnt Sienna , ISc : Vandyke brown , .
refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black anc
I ° ory black , IGo ; drop bla < k , IGo ; Prnsuii
blue , SOo ; ultramarine blue , 18o ; chrxni
green , L. M. ot D. , 14cblind ; and nhutb
green , L. M. & D. , 14o ; Paris green , 18
Indlua red , 16o : Venetian red. Do ; Tnsci
drt > , 22c ; American Vermiliod , I. &P. , 16
chromo yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , 18
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 16 ; patei
Jrvor , 8c ; Draining colors : light oak , dai
oat. walnut , boatntit and ash 16o.
Dry ° lnte
White lead , fie ; French zinc. lOci Pas
whitoing 24c ; whiting gUdere , 1J
coin 1 , lie ; lampblack Gennai
bunu , xic ; Irnipblack , ordinary , lOc ; Pru
eir.t ) blue , 56c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vandyi
brown , 80 ; umber , burnt , 4 : ; amber , ra'
4c ; < uenna , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4
Paris grenn genuine , 25c ; Paris green con
SOc ; chrome green , N , Y , ' 20c ; chroi
green K. , 12cj vennllllon , ling. , 70c ; vi
million , America , 18c ; Indian red , K
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian road , Cokuroe
21c : Venetian ted Am. , lc ; rod load , 71
chromo yellow , genuine , 20o brome yc
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rocbelle 80 ; ochi
French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2
Winter' * mfneral , 2Jc ; lohlgh brown. 21
Spanish brown , 24c ; Prince'a mineral S
VARNISHES-Barrels per galloi
Furniture , extra , VI 10 : furniture , Wo.
81 ; coach , extra , 91 40 ; oaoh , No.
81 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 76 ; apan , 70ca ;
phaltum , extra , 85o | ahella S3 60 ; hni
oil finlab , 81 SO.
Hldw fun , EU.
HIDES < * reen butcher's hide , G7
cured 78o ; hides , green Bait , p ri curi
74chldoa,74c ; dry flint , aonnd , 18@14o ; d :
calf and kip , 12@14c ; dry lalt hdo , sonn
, . 10llo ; green calf , wt 8 ji 6 Co. . 11@15
' I green calf , wt , under 8'Bs , per ikin , 60
- ' Rreen.pelta , 60@fl 25 ; green l&mb akin
81 26@160 ; damaged hldea , two-third ral
cut scored and one grub , olaaaed tw
tLlrda rate , ) branded hides 10 per eent. <
Coon aklni , No. 1 , 46c : No. 3 , 80o ; No ,
20. ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , SOo ) No.
16o ; No. 8 , 16c ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , No.l
60o ; No. 2 , 26o. Skunk , No , 1 , b25
, 660 ; short stripe , 40oi narrow itrlpeo
' broad stripe , 10o. Tallow 7o.
Oak sole , 38o to 42o ; hemlock sole , 28o
S5c ; hemlock kip , SOo to 100 ; runni
65o to SOc ; hemlock calf , 860 to 120 ; hoi
lock upper , 23c to 26o ; oak upper , 2-1
alligator , 4 00 to B 50 ; calf kid , 32@S2
Greisen kid , 2 60 to 2 76 ; oak kip , SOo
100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kl
110 to ] 55 ; Fwch calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; n
BcttB , 6 60 to 7 60 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 I
toppings , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , 3
to 35c ; pebbla 0 , D. Morocco , 85o ; slriic
2 50 to 3 00.
UARNE33-No 1 star oak , 42o ; N <
do , 8lo ! ; N. 1 Ohio oak. S8c ; No. 2 r
35o ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37a ; No. 2 do 1 :
We quote lumber , latn and shingles c
"Jrs at Omaha at the following irice'i "
nnder , C22 00 ; 18 ft. , $23 60.
TIMBERS 16 ft. and under , 822 00 ,
2C ft , 823 50 , 'a ft. , 826 50 ; 24 ft. 826 I
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 824 I
No. 2 , $22 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( ccmm
boards ) . $20 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00.
LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk per 01
40a ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa plast
bbl , 93 60. Hair per bo , 40o. Tan
felt 100 Ibi , 83 60. Straw board , 83 60
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , 8300 ; plow itee ! , cpec
To ) crucible , Bo ; p olal or German ,
wwit tool do. 16@20 wagon ipokes , set.
2 V5@3 OOihcbo , per sot , 126 ; felloes , sawed
dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@S5o ; axles ,
o cli , 76c ; wjuaro nut * , t > r &N V@lloi
muheni. jicr lb. 8lbc ; vlveta , per lb , lie ;
cell chain , \ > er lb , b@12cf malleable , Be ;
Iron wodgoA , Go ; crowbars , Go harrow
teeth , 4c ; ipring tcol , 7 ( 8c | Bnrtlfln's
liorHMhnM. f , 2M Uurdon's mulcshoas. 6 2 %
BAHBKD WIUK-Iu car lots , 7 6J ®
8 60 tier 100.
NAILS llatei. 10 to fiOtf , 3 76.
SIIOT.-Shot , 51.85 ; Bt.o * .dot , 82.10.
Oriental Powder , kegs , ti.40t do. , hal
kegs. 83.48 ; do. , quarter koKs , 81.88 ; Blast
Ing. keen. $3.85i Fuse , per 100 foot 60o.
COAIr Cumberland blacksmith , 812) )
Morris Run Blorabnrg , 812 ; WhltobroMt
lump , 84 50 ; WhItebreMt nut. (4 60 ; Iowa
lump , 84 60 ; Iowa nut $4 60 ; Rock Spring.
(700 ; Anthracite , 811 60@12 00 ; Canon
City , $7 00 per ton.Drurt
Carbolic , SOo ) Acid , Tartnrio , 65o ; Balsam
Copabla , per lb , 70oj Bark. Bansaf ras , per
lb , 14 ; ) Calomel , per lb , 75o | Cinchonldto ,
per oz , 8115) ) Chloroform , per lb , 100 |
Dover's powders , per lb , 81 40 ; Epeorc
Salts , per lb , 84oi Glycerine , pnro po bl ,
31c ; Load , Acetate , per lb , 22o
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gtvl , frl 25 ;
Oil , Castor , No. S , per gal , 3116 , Oil ,
Olive , per gal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 60 ;
Opium , 84 76 ; Quinine P. & W. A R , k B. ,
per oz , 81 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per lb
8175 ; Salocin , per oz , 40o ; Snlphntu o
Morphine , ver or. , $3 85 ] Stilpnur dour
per lb , 4c | Strychnine , tier oz , 81 46.
Liquor * .
ALCOHOL 188 proof. 3 25 per wine
gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
125 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
87 proof , 123 per proof irallon ; re-dlntllled
whUklcs , 1 00@1 60 ; fine blended. 1 60 ®
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 2007 00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 l)07 ) 00.
BRANDIES Imported , 80 0091600 ;
domestic 1 404 00.
GINS Imported , 4 60 B 00 ; domestic ,
RUMS Imported , 4 60@8 00 ; Now
England. 2 00(34 ( 00 ; domeitlo. 1 60(23 50
1 764 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per case ,
38 00(991 ( 0 ; Amirlua , oane , 12 00(2 (
CLARETS er case , 4 60@16 00
WINES Rh uo wine , per case , 6 00 ©
2 00 ; Oatowba , per case , 4 007 00 ,
Clean and Tobaccos.
FINE OUT In palls. Hard to Beat !
76o ; Golden Thread , 70o ; Fountain , 80o ,
Favorite , 65c ; Rocky Mountain , GOci
Fancy , 660 ; Daisy , 60c. In tin foll-
Catlius O. B. , 6 lb boxes , per lb 63c | Lori-
Word's Tiger , 60c ; Diamond Crown , 660.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to
S3c. Granulated Blackwelli Durham , 1C
oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 16 oc , 46c | Seal ol
North Carolina , 16 oz , 46 ; Seal of Nohras
ka , 16 oz , 38o ; Lone Jack , 4 ox , linen bogs
porlb , 81.35 ; Mnrburpo'Pnok 2 oz , tin
oil , 65c ; DOR T ail 66c.
Merino nnwaa etl , light , 14Q16o ; hesvy.o ,
@ 1315c ; modiurt unwashed , light , IBfcWO
washed , choice , S2o ; fair , SOc ; tub-ding
and w. , 28o ; buny , blnokand oottotlvool
26o lezs
Horaea and Mule * .
The market Is brisk and all gradea an
soiling well at ullght advance in prices
The demand for good horsoa exceeds tb
supply considerably , Price * range an foi
lows :
Fine single driven , $160. to 800. ) Uxtr
draft horses , $17b. to 225. } Common drai
hones , 8100. to 160 , ; Extra farm horoci
$110 , to 125 , ; Common to good farm hornet
890. to $100. ; Extra plugii , 860. to 75 ,
Common plugs , $20 , to $40.
MULES. 15 to 154 hands ( oxun ) , 1 !
to 150. ; 141 to 16 hands , 8100. to 140
14 to 144 hands , 876. to 100. ) 13 $ to 1
hands , 000. to 75.
Dooi i lame back or a disordered urine
Indicate that you aron victim ? THEN DO
onoo ( druialata reoommcnd U ) and It will
ipecdlly ovcroomo the dleoua and restore
healthy action to all tbdorgani.
ror com pUlnta peculiar
[ and wcakneuet , KIDNEY-WOHT U umur-
poised , aa It will act promptly and lately.
i Either Ber. Inoontlnonco , reUntlon of
[ urine , bride rtuit or ropr deposit * . nd dnll
.droeirinB . paiaa , all ipoodily yield to Ita our-
atlve power. ( 3)
A well-known cUrrynmn , Hov. N. Coort
Trerapclean , Win. , JB : "I fliul Klilnoj Wort ,
sure curator klJnoy and 1cr troubles
for all dlceaees of the Kldnayo and (
It has apcolflo action on tbli moat Important-
I organ , enabling it to throw off torpidity and i
inaction , stimulating tha healthy accretion ;
of the Bile , und by keeping the bowel ! in free. t\ \
condition , cUocting its regular di > cbAnro. l |
malaria , havothochlllfl , taro
are bllioua , dyipoptlo , or conatlpatod. Kid-
ney.WortwUlBurolyrollevo&quloklyoure. i
In this BCason to oleanBO theByntem , every \
ono should take a thorouRh ooune of it. ( II-
jSOLD ) BY DRUQOI8T8. Price tl. (
"I wteir , I ucut to r.uropo , ' nays llcnr ;
Word , latoPol. 09th lloif N. 0. S. N. Y. , nov
llvlnsa J73\V. Sld Avo. , J. 0. IllBhts , N , J.
"only to icturn worm ) ( mn chronic liver com
plaint. Klilncy-Wort , aa a last rcnort , lion Klvei
me bcttur hta th than Ilimo hlihorto onjoj
( or many , many vara , " He's cured now am
consequently hippy.
* " " ' " " ' ' ' ' 'j - -
No other dl' ese It to provoloct in th :
country as Constipation , aud no romed
us over equalled the celobratcd KIDHEV
WOIIT as a cure. Whatever the cnuoe
however obatinoto the ca o , thl remcd.
will overcome It.
BO I CC2 Tins dbtreulng com
I" I L > HO plaint i very apt to b
complicated with constipation. Kidney
Wort trenjrtliona the weakened parta an
quickly cures all klndi rf moo even whc
lihyalclana and modloinoa have before fall
cd. fflfyouhave either of the troubl
\ M SaBisN ZRm& & & . < UKi&m.
"I will recommend It erery where , " write ! lu
I. Meyer , CarrUge Manufacturer , Mferstowi
a "b cama It" Klilney-Wott-cured my pllo
: ; An it la for all the painful di * M of th
HoleMwc. the intern of the acrid pol on
that cauaci U.o drwwiral offering which
only the vicUrom of rheumatism cun
lave been quickly relieved ,
nun i. u t uur uur , MW fcnittseiSTs. . j
Jrv can > pent by mall. '
( l )
m.S Itii UA > ll. > ON * J..llurltojt < inVt
mm „ _
"Mr. Walter CfO'n , my cua'omor , was prosir
ted with rlnuma'Um lor two ye r : trle < l In vali
all rtmodles ; KUney-Wnrt alone cured him
have tried It mjecK , and know -hat It l Roojl
-I'oitlon ol a loiter from J. \ \ Illttt , dru U
Flint , Mich.
Removed from 1222 F rn m 8t. to 109 f
Fifteenth 8t. Opposite P. O.
3 Will open on March 10th , a One lot ol p t e
bonnets and haU , rlbUons , etc. Alto lar e ad
tlonilothaitockof hair good * , comprltlntr
M the noveltlu of th tenon. Tbe only elect
llubt milUnwT tore In Omahn
Milwaukee & St , Fan !
Pullman's Magnificent Sleepers
Finest Dining Oars in the World.
Or to WIT point bcvoncl ; 01
Trim the I1KST ROUTE , tha
kioago , MilwaukBO&StPaulR'y
Ticket OfTko located at corner Farnam and
'ourteenth ' streets anil at U , P. Depot and at
Illard Hotel , Omaha.
CarSoe Tlmo Talilo In another column.
F. A. NASH , General Aront.
0. n. FOOTK , Ticket Agent , Omaha.
General Manager. General I'ani.AK
General Sup't. Aia'tOnp "va. Airent
PERSONAIf "Parts of the human body
rirod , do\clopou Mid strouKthenol , " etc. , Is
Intormtlng adrcrti&oinont long run In our
xjx. In reply to inquiries wo will miy that
VTO no Idenco c ! humbug about thli On
10 cwitrary , the advcrtlMra arv very highly Itv
oraed Interenipd persona may get scaled clr
ulara Klvlntf all partlculara , Riving all partial-
irn , by mldresnliiir Krlo Medical Co. , V. 0. Box
13 , DuRalo , N. Y. Toledo Kvenlng Uce.
la tha old Fnvorlto ana
And all Polut * East andBouth-Eut.
Nearly 1,000 mile * . Solid Smooth Steel Track
U connections are made In UNION DtPOTa
has a National Hepntatlon as being th
reat Through Oar Line , ami Is universal ! ?
needed to be the FINEST EQUIPPED Ball
ad In tha world lor all classes of travel.
Try It aud you will flnJ traveling a loxnij
Initcad of a discomfort.
Through Ticket ) via rhii Celebrated Line
a o at all offices In the West.
All Information about Hates o Fnre , Hleepli. ,
Oar AuocmraoJatlonu , Tlmo Tables , Ac. , will bi
cheerfully given by applylnlni ; to
Id Vlco-1'ros't A Qcn. Mananor.Chlcazu
Gen. raojotyrcrgl. . Ohlcaet >
Hon. Agent , Oonncll DlnOi.
Q. P. DURLt. . Tlchot Milt. 0" '
/ ! ' ! * I IV
Are aoknowlodged to be the
best by all who have put theme
o a practical test.
Buck's Stove Co. ,
Complaining and growling trill never
euro rhourmUlsm , but St. Jacobs Oil
oortntnly will.
Hobraska Loan & TruBt'Company
Capital Stock , - - S100.000
JAS.B. IIRARTWRI.L , I'reildent.
A. Ij , OLAHKK. Vice-President.
E. 0. WK1OTKU , Treasurer
Bamuel Aloxantlor Oawald'Ollrer ,
A. L. Clarke , K. 0. Webator'
Oeo. II Pratt , Jan. U. llcartwel ] ,
D. M.McEllllnney.
First Mortgage Loans a Specialty
Thlt Company furnUhea a pennaotnt , bom
Institution whore School Uoii rand other legally
uuruod Municipal aecurltla 10 IKebraaka can bi
be negotiated on the m ] 11 avorabla termi
Loan * made on Improved f. n t n all well aettlei
oountlMof theitue , tbioir | * issponglbltlloca
eorievpODdtoU. ,
Is not signing a pledge
or taking a solemn oath that
cannot be kept , because of
the non-removal of the cause
liquor. The way to make
a man temperate is to kill
the desire for those dreadful
artificial stimulants that car
ry so many bright intellects
to premature graves , and
desolation , strife and un-
happincss into so many
film i lies.
Itisnfactl BROWN'S IRON
UlTTFRS.atruc nonalcoholic -
ic tonic , mndc in Baltimore ,
Mil. , by the Brown Chemical
Company , who arc old dnig-
pists and in every particu
lar reliable , will , by remov
ing the craving appetite of
the drunkard , and by curing
the nervousness , weakness ,
and general ill health result
ing from intemperance , do
more to promote temperance ,
iu ( lie strictest sense th n
any other means now known.
It is a well authenticated
fact that many medicines ,
especially' bitters , ' arc nothing - !
ing butchcap whiskey vilely i
concocted for use in local
option countries. Such is
not the case with BROWN'S
iKOsBiTTEKS. Itisamcdi-
cmc , a cure for weakness
and decay in the nervous ,
muscular , and digestive or
gans of the body , produc
ing good , rich blood , health
and strength. Try one bet
tle. Price jil.oo.
I i
I *
Every Coruot la warranted satis-
'actory to its wearer in erory way ,
or the money will bo rotimdod by
the person from whom it was liouBtit.
Tiii'urloii "t < i Yiin'wiwrSr , nhdradnnjcrttar I ,
in "inontcomfortablu anil perfect fittingCornt. . . .
* * * ' " PmCESby suil. I'0u o Paidt'
KtAlth I'rr crTln _ , tl.CO. f < cir.A < Uliltln _ . ! .
iMamlnal ( extra heavy ) $8.00. Nunlne , I.8
l'rt crvln ( flno rantlll 8.00.
SUIrtHuvpurtlnal.CO. .
9 r ale by leudlnc Jlctull Uculen
aioAuo coitaiay co. , , m.
Send 81 , 82 , SIJ , or
85 for a Maniple rc
CANDY tall box by
Amorlcn , put up lu
eleeant boxes- , find
Htrlctly pure. SMtn.
bio for prcHPiitf. Kx-
nrcsH cliarecH llebt.
Itefcrs to ull C'hlca-
KO. Try it 'jiicc.
Ccufectloiicr ,
DR. HENDEHSON /I rtgutar fraaa1t
. , in miJicitit. Ovtr JO
GOUAGcmVyamlotteSt. , ytarf practice JS ir
KANSAS 01TV , MO. CAitafff.
Ailtliorl7Cl by the State to treat
Chronic , Nervous nnd 1'uuito ! ) !
I'tteee , Aethma , Kpllupay. Illicuma-
tlim , i'UcBTapc > norin , Urluary Rnd
' if til loittt ) , E.\UAL UEBIUTr
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , lt fttxual fewtr ) , Ac. Curia
L'uarantoccl or money refunded. Chargca low.
TliouBuuda of CBBCK cured. MoInjurliniti medlcluf
need. No detention from baelnenB , All medicines
furnished oven to patients at a distance. Consul ,
tatlonfree and confidential call orrltu. . Agnnnd
cxperluncu aru Important. A HOOK for Doth
( exes lllUBtruted uud circulars of other thiogi
tent tcaled lor two So stamps. J > fe ! '