THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA SATUBDAY MARCH 17 " ' "he Omaha Bee. Published oTory morning , oxocnOinri' y. The only Monday morning TERMS BY MAIL- Ona Year..810.00 I Three Monthi.$3.00 8iz Monthi. . 6.00 | pno Month. . . . 1.00 OHK WEEKLY BEE , pnbllibcd every Welnondsy. TERMS POST PAID Ono Year 00 I Three Months. PO Qlz Months. . . . 1.00 | One Month. . . . 20 AMKIUOAN NEWS COMPANY , Solo Agents Newsdealers In the United States , , CORRESPONDENCE- Oommnnl. ( atfoni reUttng to Newi and Editorial .natters should bo Addrcued to the KDITOB or TUB BEE. BUSINESS LKTTERS-A1I Baslnos fatten and Remittances ihonld be ad Pressed to THE BEE POBLIBHINO COMPANY JMAHA. Draft * , Chocks and Fostoffioo Jrden to be made payable to the order of the Company , fbe BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props , E. ROSEWATER Editor BIUDY IB no if on the stand In the tar route trials with the prospect of a long cross-examination. The longer the bettor for Mr. Bliss who draws $ 100 a diy and expenses , and who charges up snob small Incidentals us postage to the government. ASSISTANT TKEASOiiEn WTMAN , for merly a resident of Omaha , has been appointed treasurer of the United States in place of James Gllfillan , re signed. Mr. Wyman , It will bo rem embered , held this responsible position for several years and retired on account of falling health. Ho Is thoroughly qualified for the position. Wuo Is to reform the civil service reformers ? Tha first act of Civil Ser vice Commissioner Thoman was to bring personal ic flaenco to bear upon the treasury department with a view to "reforming" ono of his friends in to office. Bogging office for friends while holding a placa on tho' civil sor- vlco reform commission would seem to bo the height of undnlterated cheek. DR. MILLEH takes up the cudgels for the men of wealth as against what he calls oppressive taxation. It is no crime to bo a wealthy man as long AS the wealth has boon honorably no- cured and the owner docs his duty as a citizen. ( But there Is no reason why large and wealthy property owners should not py their jest share of taxes just as cheerfully as the poorest mechanic and clerk. The evasion is a wrong in that it robs the city of its rightful rqy nUQ a.nd jncnjases thn burdens of those least able io bear them. TUB constitutional expounder of i the Lincoln Journal Is still harping on the folly of the legislature In at tempting to regnMe the bnslnesv cf strictly private concerns , like press associations. "As well might they decree that the Masons or Odd Fol lows shall admit every applicant to their orders or compel these societies to give up their secret ritual , as to compel a strictly private association of newspapers to admit Into its mem bership every paper that may doslro to share Its privileges. " This is about as logical as the com parison made some days ago by the Journal between press associa tions and dealers In groceries and dry goods. Wo apprehend there Is a markud difference between member ship in a purely benevolent society and a close corporation gotten up to monopolize telegraph news. Will the constitutional expounder please Inform as why ho never called in question the right of the legislature to interf ere In the business of a strictly private concern called a newspaper by ostab llshlng the rate which It shall exact for what Is called legal advortislng ? And what right has congress to limit the charges which any newspaper may make for the publication of advertisements Inserted by author ity of the United States courts and officers of the United States. But congress has enacted such laws and the treasury department bos for years re futed to pay any greater charge for official advertising than the commer cial card rate of tbo paper. Now If ono newspaper is a quasi-public con cern , subject to regulation by state and national legislation , why can't an association of newspapers bo regulated by law ] i "Sun ROBA , " in the Washington Capital , says : "I think General Perry will bo the next quartermaster general of the army. All the tre mendous social Influence that made Mackenzie brigadier general is for him the Rogers , Sherman , Perry , Belmont , Cameron , Butler , Frellng. huyssn combination that Is Irre sistible when brought to boar on Mr. Arthur. General Holablrd has a strong backing , but Mr , Arthur is foi Perry. General In trails gooi out In Juno , and he , too , Is for Perry. " While , on general principles , promo tions In the army ought to bo made from considerations of seniority , in common with many of our citizens we will rejoice to hoar of the promotion of General Perry. Ho was ono ol the most popular and genial army offisers ever stationed In Omaha , and made a best of friends In our city. EQUALIZED A1SESBD1ENTS. Ono of the arguments used by ( ho assotsors against raising thoaesjasmont a that it will Increase the ftitolax , of which it Is said that Doughs county already pays morn than her share. Suppose it did. Is , the fear that Douglas county will pay moro taxes to the state , on a fair assessment , to prevent an impartial assessment re gardless oi ownership or amount of property owned by Individuals or cor porations. The fact is , horovor , that an equalization of assessment would not increase the great mo a of Indi vidual payments of taxes on amount of the slate levy. At present every $100 of assessed properly in Omaha pays 80 cents of the state tax and about $4 00 of city and county taxes. The assessed valuation of city property is $7,200- 000 , which at 4 percent makes the rev enue of tbo county and city $288,000 a year. Now suppose that by the as sessment of all real estate on a nnl- 'onn basis of one-fourth ol its value , wo should ratso the aggregate of tax able property to a round $10,000COO , which by no moans would bo loss than ono-fonrth of the value of real property alono. Assume furthermore that the amount of revenue to bo raised for city and county purposes was limited to $288,000 a year. In that CMC every $100 of taxable prop erty In Omaha would only pay 80 cents of state tax end the city and county levy would bo reduced from $4.00 per $100 to $2 80. In other words , instead of being In creased , the tax levy would bo reduced twelve mills on present valuation of property that is already assessed , at ono-fourth its trno valuo. The city and county might , however , incroaio their revenue $112,000 n year without Increasing the tax levy over what it now is , on property fairly assessed and patties who ore now paying taxes as the bulk of our citizens do on a valuation of about one-third would not bo called npon for a dollar moro of taxes. Equalization of assessment would only hit the tax shirkers. It would Increase the tncomo from weal thy land owners and doorcase the burdens dons of our dorks , mechanics , busl- ness men of moderate moans. Lot this once bo nndorstood , and all ; ho howls of the men who have made 'ortunos from the rise of real estate in Dmnhn will frighten no one. The demand for raising and equalization of assessments h general among Uxpiyora who enjoy no exemptions. The pcc- ilo demand it for their own interests and the Intercuts of our city , which IBS Buffered long enough from tbo shiftless and shamoleefl methods of the past. NEAL DOW'R state makes a bad showing of the effects of prohibition which some of our western states might do well to study before going over to Governor St. John's delusion. The prohibitory ayitom has been maintained in Maine for 25 years , and the Internal revenue bonds show that probably as much liquor is bought and sold as In any other state of its population whore the traflio Is licensed. For instance , the city of Portland has a population of 33,000 , and 212 places which take out a gov ernment license. Banger has a popu lation of 10,000 , and 154 drinking saloons , or ono to every G4 portions. The llttlo city of Blddoford has G8 liquor ohops , and Lowlston has G2. Prohibition evidently does not prohibit any moro in Malno than it does In Kansas or did in Iowa , Manx than Gl per cent of array of ficers liavo boon taken from civil life , and this fact In do cos The New York Sun to nrgo the abolition of West Point. Mr. Dina cannot forgot that General Grant was a Wont Pointer. OTHER ! AMDS THAN OURS. The political quiet of the old world has boon attain disturbed by dyna mite. On Thursday evening the local government board offices at Westmin ster wore shattered by a mighty ex plosion , which shook the city of Lon don for a mile distant and caused the greatest alarm In the parliament houses' An attempt to blow up the Time * office was also made , which failed. The press naturally attributes the deed to the Irish revolu tionary party , under the counsels of O'Donovan Rossa and the assassin press of America , but the government refuses , to commit Itself until a full investigation of the out rages has been madr. Parliament has felt the spur of Mr. Gladstone's presence , and during the week has chiefly directed Itself to the putmgoB of the estimates or appropri ation bills. Mr. Parnoll again made the fact evident that the Irish ques tion will not bo permitted to bo pushed into the back ground by pro posing radical amendments to the land act , which , being opposed by the government wore rejected by a ma jority of over 200. It is plain that the pforulor holds his party well In hand and may confidently count on securing any legislation pre sented by the ministry , The parlia mentary sCDsion up to the proiont tlmo has been a mere skirmish , but , the real work will begin after th ( , Easter vacation , when the measur g for extending the franchise In 4ho counties and for municipal reform in London will be pushed. It Imu. . mated that all the resources of the new rubs nill bo brought into requis ition to expedite the minis * turlnl programme. It la expected that the consolidation of London will excite great opposition. Lennon proper , the area governed by the lord mayor , is mere ly the old city , which IB made up chiefly of places of business , and is the city which possesses a municipal or- janizitlon mayor , aldermen and com mon council. The other parts are governed by parish vestries , and the only body which exerts any general authority is the Metropolitan board of works. The ministerial bill proposes to enlarge the bounds of the corpora tions to include the adjacent parishes , reduces the representation of the old city in the board of aldermen and the common council , and substitutes re presentatives of the outlying parishes in the places thus vacated. The lord mayor , under the now system , will bo the BnccoBsorhistorlcally , of Whlttlng- ton and pll the rest of the wor shipful Borlosj but ho will govern what all the world call London and not , as at present , the conven tional London of the old charters. The moot point in the plan la the con trol of the police , Because of the necessity of a police system for the whole city , Parliament many years ago organized a metropolitan police. Tno city and the parishes pay tno cost , but the control is vested in the homo secre tary , a member of the cabinet. Shall it bo transferred to the now munici pality , or retained in its present rela tions , In favor of its transfer is the example of every European capital but ono , and the fooling that the control of a city police properly belongs to olty government , aa representing there who directly boar the oxpenso. Against It is the doubtful example of Paris , and the English fooling against needless changes in an arrangement once effected , It ii cald ttmt the bill will propose no change , but Mr. Gladstone hardly would resist it , if desired by a majority of the house. In Ireland there are no events of dramatic Interest to note , though the London explosion IB , as noted , proba bly the legitimate result of thu Irish agitation. Several arrests have boon made during the week and all the Phoonlx Park conspirators have been bound ever for trial , Egau'n flight is still the subject of discussion and rev elations oi the land league's complicity in agrarian Crimea nro promised. Ono Mullrtt , an informer , ban already glvon Information which it Is claimed aerl'jualy coinpromleoa Egan and other land league leader ? , but as it Is known that the government is anxious to oMublifth Iht'i ' fust there will undoubt edly bo plenty of evidence manufac tured in llu f < wor. a socialistic emouto loot week , which has boon greatly ex aggerated by the English press , Ita onlypolltmolgollicnucq \ ojl- dobco which ! c ' ? of the now vigor and vitality of the goverumont. Su perficially , the riot was a demonstra tion of unemployed workmen against iho government , thouph , as usual , there wore moro political agitators and desperate vagabonds than actual workmen in the mob. The hand of the communist or , In the now phrase , the anarchist propaganda is seen in the plan and execution of the demon stration. In its deeper political sig nificance , It is probably a feeble and desperate attempt of the extreme rad icals to Intimidate the ministry and the assembly , and influence the course of government. The death of Gambotta removed the wholesome restraint ho continued to exorcise upon the radical section oven after ho separated him self from their communion. Ho was a sort of connecting link between the communist party , with which ho acted In his early days , and the mod erate republicans , to whom ho drifted later. With his removal the gulf between the parties opened again. The colorless ministry ho had organ ized was succeeded by n itrongor cab inet , distinctly representing the con servative republican sentiment of the republic , and headed by Jnlet Ferry , while his old time radical friends fell into sharp and decided op position nndor Dr. Olotnoncoan , who aspires to the position of commnnlsl tribune. The first move of the ex treme party vras to revive the scheme of revision of the constitution which Gambotta once carried through the chamber , only to bo defeated in the Bormto. The government took decided grounds against the measure , and after a brief dabtto , defeated Its con sideration In the chamber by a vote o : about two to ono. The next act o the radicals was probably to incite the riotous demonstration of Friday , which was [ repressed by the govornmon firmly , promptly and effectively. The whole oplsodo is cheerful evidence o : the strength of the now government In thn legislature , and of Its capacity for ( fficlent and orderly admlnlstra tlou. It justifies faith In the vitality of the republic and the good sense ol the French people. The rumors of President Grovy's ro tlromont are denied. The reports are said to have been put in circulation by the Orleanisb princes. The nihilists ) have declared that the czar will not Uvo to accomplish the coronation ceremony. This threat haa had the effect of postponing the ceremony mony from time to tlmo , and now thai the ceremony has been set for an early day the result will bo awaited with considerable anxiety both In Russia and abroad. But for certain parts ol the ceremony the ccir might bo so guarded as to render all attempts to assassinate him futile. It is the tra ditional custom for the crowned mon arch to show himself on horseback to his people and unattended. This forms part of the ceremony , and is done to manifest his confidence In. hr ! "children. " There Is , X- * ° a rule which admits to the L'romlia all who may BOO pro'-cr to present thorn- Bolvoa. UnleiS the horseback part of the co CuTony Is omitted and the ad- ml * ! un rule sot asldo , the czar will be M1 the mercy of the nihilists If they have determined upon his death. But it Is hold that everything must be done to convince the people that the czir has been properly drowned and consecrated and therefore entitled to their obedience , In consequence ol this conclusion there will be no do- parturo ftom the traditional corona- tlon. Him to tffccmilly protect him against the conspirators and yet carry out the coromuuy in full will tax thu minds and skill of both himself and advisers. In Germany the publication of the Vatican correspondence baa shown that the ImDcrioal government la no ; yet ready to walvo a suflhiont number of Iho obnoxious provisions in the Falk laws to form a basis for thoronah reconciliation with the Roman pontiff , The pope has offdrod to agree to a sub mission to the government of all nom inations to clerical office , but atks that the education of 'ho clergy bo once moro placed entirely in the hands of the church. Failing to obtain this apparently reasonable concession , the correspondence has been for a second tlmo discontinued , The resignlaton of Admiral Von Strosch , minister of the marine , has created a genuine sen sation In Berlin. The minister whoso resignation the emperor refuses to ac cept , does not hesitate to assert that his conrso was dictated by the Impos sibility of agreement with Bismarck. This is the second member of tbo cabinet within two weeks with whom the chancellor has quarrelled , and the condition of affairs in the political family of the emperor does not seem to bo improving. Spain seems to bo in a far moro dis turbed condition at this tlmo than any other country of Europe. The ro-ca- tablishmo& of monarchy , instead of promoting peace In the community , appears to have brought about extra ordinary activity among all the dan gerous elements of the population. The arroits during the past low weeks of people charged with socialism or anarchism have been on a very largo scale. By a recent dispatch wo learn that no loss than twelve hundred per sona are nndor arrest in Andalusia alone for complicity in the anarchist movement , and that a largo proportion of ihcm are members or abettors of a powerful secret society of which the world has just heard for the first tlmo , the society of the Black Hand , which is said to demimd a redistribution of the land in Spain , and many social changes of extraordinary importance. It is evident that the setting up of the young king's throne and the'roturn to old Spanish politics have not satisfied or quieted the Spanish republicans who overthrew the monarchy and founded the republic that fell nine years ago. In the election to fill Gambotta's scat in the Belleville district , Sunday , there was a largo falling off from the vote polled last summer. The radical candidate has a largo plurality , but not a majority which the law pro- acrlbes. The ballot will bo continued next Sunday , as that is the day de voted to election in Franco , whan the candidates receiving the least votes will retire and leave the open to the two receiving the largest number. Gambotta , it will bo remembered , was rory nearly beaten by the indignant workinpmonnf thodlstrlct , who fancied ho had become too conservative In the presidency of the chamber , An autopsy npon Prince Gortscha- coff , to clear up a suspicion of poison- ng , opens up a wide range of diplo matic possibilities. Whoso interest would have boon advanced by the loath of the superannuated statesman ? Wan ho possessed of secrets dangerous to the existing regime of Russia ? Had ho really , as was some tlmo ago hinted , given occult aid to the nlhll- istal Waa it to tbia Machiavellian ad dress that the ambitions Ignatloff owed his successive checks as chief advisor of the czir ? Poison has been the means by which Russian states- craft has so consistently worked out Us ends that it would not be surpris ing to have the suspicion in Gorttcba- koff's case confirmed but It is doubt ful whether the Gorman authorities would bo so uncivil as to permit the official verdict to roach tbo public , since the imperial families , being kin , are expected to help each other In llttlo weaknesses of this son. The groatacandal In the lower house of the Austrian relchsrath caused by Dr. Yon Kamlnsky , ono of its mem bers suing a railroad contractor for compensation for securing the lattoi the concession for the construction o : Galllclan Transverse railroad has culminated in the forcedreslgnatlono Dr. Kaminsky and Dr. Wolskl , an other deputy. This , however , docs not appear quite to cottlo the affair , as several other deputies are said to bo implicated and the whole of the right to which the two deputies belonged have Insisted npon an investigation The question was brought up on February ruary 10th and without a dissenting vote a committee of fifteen was ap pointed to Investigate the charges The proposition to have the sittings o : the committee public was , however rejected. The Bon Marche , the largest dry and fancy goods store in Paris , had a field day on the 12th of last month Its 3 000 employes wore kept busy from 8 o'clock in the morning nntl nearly 11 o'clock in the evening an < Us receipts on that day were nearly $400,000. Turkey Is about to attempt to raisi the duties on Imports by from 8 to 20 per cent. If England grumbles loudl ; enough , perhaps the porto will recelvi now light on the subject cf free trade and starve along with the tariff as It Is The Easter recess of the British par llament will cover but four worklnj days. Kor a body that works withou pay this is a abort vacation , Prince GortschakofTs body Is to bo cut to pieces to determine whether ha was poisoned. A Russian dignitary is always held to have been mnrderec until It is proved that ho died a nat ural death. Sixty thousand persons are said to tulc of employment in Paris , This must be nearly or quite ono-tcnth o all the workers in the olty and readily explains the present activity of BO clalistlo agitation. We know from experience that St. Jacobs Oil will cure rheumatism , and we feel that wo are simply doing an act of justice and mercy when wo assert so publicly. Peoria ( III ) Daily Ptorian. RUSSIA Salve Is unrivalled for Its ipcedy healing qualities. Ask your drnjrgbts for It. 2do. THE Admiration OPTUS WORLD. Mrs.S.A.Allen's . . . WORLD'S HairRestorer IS PERFECTION/ ' Public Bonofaotrotis. Mrs. 5. A. AU.KM lias juitly earned this title , and thousands are this day rejoicing over a fine head of hair produced by her unequalcd preparation for restor ing , invigorating , and beautifying the Hair. Her World's Hair Restorer quickly cleanses the tcalp , removing Dandruff , and arresti the fall ; the hair , if gray , is changed to its natural color , giving it the same vitality and luxurious quantity a * in joulh. COMPLIMENTARY. "My hc ir is now restored to its youthful color ; I have not a gray hair left. I am sat isfied that the preparation is not a dye , but acts on the secretions. My hair ceases to fall , which is certainly - tainly an advantage to me , who was in danger of be coming bald. " This is the testimony of all who use Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER. "Ono Bottle did it. " That U the expression of _ many who have had their gray hair restored to its natural color , arid their bald spot covered with hair , after using one bottle of MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR KKSTOKER. It is not a dye. cv ait m-Cm. CORNICE WORKS ! Iron and Slate Roofing , 0. SPKOUT , - - Proprietor. 1-212 Omrlia M Barney 8t. - , MANUFACmiBKTia OF Galvanized Iron I CORNICES , DORMER WIISDOWS , FINIALS , Tin , Iron and Slate Ming , Specht's Patent Metalio Skylight Patent , Adjusted Hatchet Bar and Bracket "helvincr. I am the veneral agent for the above line of goods. IRON FENCING , CreaUnRs , Balustrades. Veranda * . Iron Bank KalHngs , Window Blind ? , Cel lar Guards ; alan GENERAL AGENT FOR WANTED. 100,000 POUNDS OF iBh 1'ilopald. Shipments' ( torn the ountry Kill bo paid ( or by rotummalK E. JIOTZ&CO. , mlSm&e-lra 1119 Dou lm Ltree DUFRENE& DUFRENE&MENDELSSHON. MENDELSSHON. ARCHITECTS ! REMOVED TO Omaha National Bank Building , EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "By * thorough knowledge of the lutonl lawi irhlcn govern the operation ! ol digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of thl Una properties of woll-B'lected Cocoa , III , Kppi hag provided our breakfait tablet with t delicately flavored beverage which may eave at many heavy doctors' bills It la by the Judlclotu use of inch article * of diet that a conatltutloo may be gradually built up until strong enoogl Io realet every tendency to dlaoaae. llnodredj at enbtle maladies are floating around us readr Io attack wherever Micro Is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal Bhalt by keeping out jolvos well fortlflod with pure blood and a prop eily nourished framo. " Civil liciTlco Oaiette. Uade limply with boiling water or tnllk. Be ) n line only ( i-lb inJ Ib ) , labeled JAMES BPFS & CO. , Homcaopathlo Ohemlata itionrton. Kntrlnn TO CONTRACTORS DREDGING. Your attention H cao1 ! ? to contract ! to bo let for dltihlnir. Ditch In Curt and Washington coontlea , aliout thlileen miles long , In working sections , thiough a marsh , width about 6 feet , sides sloplcg 1 to 2 feet , dectn from 6 to 7 foe' , d'rt ' to te moved about8 feet from brink of ditch. Number of cubic vards to be moved about 111 , . 740. Said ' Itch U being constructed by Bald two counties under statute providing tat draining swamp ) > nds , approved Feb. 28,1881. Woik t ? bo done la accordance with plans and specifica tions. For further Information apply to the county clerk of either of laid counties , and see report of engineer and proceedings of boards ol comml'slonerscf said counties and particularly that of February 8th , 181 Also the official ad vertisement In the Dlalr Pilot and In Hurt Coun ty News. Bids are to be filed with certified check anc ntme of lurttler , on cr before March 22d , 1883 , at 6 p. m. with county cleik of hurt county , A A. Thoracs. Duplicates ( without checks ) with county clerk of Washington county. Blank forms for proposals will bo supplied by site derks. By order of BOARDS OF SAID COUNTIES. feb 19-oew m& e St FALL tY& HOES , . Western Agents , Lafayette , Indiana , REVERSIBLE HEELS FOR Rubber Boots and Boots and Shoes OF ALL KINDS. iira 50 PER CT.TiS. . " The center pieces are Interchangeable and re- venlble. It prevents the counter from running ot e' , requiring no heel etlflcncrs. The Agency for t lit no goods In this town has been pin tr * Others cinnot procure them. Call ind xamlne a full line of Leather and , , Cando" Rubber Boots and Shoes 'with the He > cnlblelleel. MHS. M PETERSON , 31-3m Louisa llle , Neb. ' ' U" Life. Tlmei , Treaoheponi wiMrBYniswiFE. JOSSB JODIBS. he only life anthoi lied by her and which will not b "Wood and Thunder" a story , luch M hu been and will b pul luted , but a tru lit * by the only person who U In poteolon of the facts a faithful and derotod wife. Truth to mote ntet * ( Unfthaa fiction. A rant * ahoold apply or ter ritory at once. 6 76 cU. for tUmpl * book. J H POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , UAOHIKKBT , BKLTWO , BOSK , BRASS AND IKON nrnNos . rir tniu PACKING , AT trnOLESALR AND DETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Ground Oil Cake. It la the boat and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono ponnd la equal ; o throe pounda of com. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the fall and winter - tor , Inntead of running down , will Increase in weight end bo in good market able condition in the apring. Dairymen on well oa othora who use it can tes tify to its morita. Try it and judge for youraolvea. Price $25.00 per ton ; no charge for nooks. Address WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob. JVL Hellman < fe Co. WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS , 1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. I3t * > OMAHA , NEB. MoMAHON , ABEET & CO , , Wholesale Druggists , 315 DOUGLAS STREET - - OMAHA UEB. McNAMARA & DUNOAN. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN KENTUCKY AND PENNSYLVANIA hiskieSf ! < * - -f > in Bond or Free. Also direct Importers of * ! WINES , BRANDIES AND ALES , Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fine Agents for Jos. Schlitz' Milwaukee Beer , , Bottled and in Kegs. 214 & 216 S , 14TH STREET , - - - OMAHA , HEB , PENNSYLVANIA'n C. F. GOODMAN , DRUGGIST ' " ' AND DEALER IN PAINTSOILSVARNISHES And Window Glass. OMAHA. . . - . NEBRASKA GKA.TIE QIGJir PLANING MILL 'n MANOTACTC/KERS OP Carpenter's Materials ALSO SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , STAIRS , Stair Railings , Balusters , Window and Door Frames , Etc. . nnmmnnlnaU A MOYKR NEW SAMPLE BOOKS. COMPRISING THE LATEST PATTERNS OF Wall Paper ! FOR 1883 NOW READY AHD FORWARDED TO TZBZIE FREE OF EXPENSE. OUR NEW LOCATION. Change having been ren dered necessary by continued increase in business is NOS. 106 , 108 , 110 112 . WABASH AVE. i John J. McGrath , Chicago * Wo h ve reanmed the handling of WINDOW SHADES , and offer the enl entire new line ol these goods now In this market. Pilce Hat upon raqnent , V