THE DAIL1T BEE-OMAHA SATURDAY MARCH IT X combination of Pr fojd of Iron , JYrurian Jlark anil 1'hosptionia in a iKtlalable fortn , J-'or DtbtUlH. JA > * of AM * * Mel'rwitrallonof ttta\ \ -Toiccr * < ( if tndbixtMU' Wo. ; V.A.i..uoima writes : Xnnraiiriiro # IU3V. J. L. TO WNEJl , After n thorough trial of thoX "UrUr ICiO j Inda8tiy' Tli. * iwn- 3N TONIC , I > o pleasure r * : X ' ? i ; , consider It In stating that i havoTboon Krcaw , Vonelltcd by Ita a most excellent remedy for nse. MlnlBte.f9 and JPab the debilitated vital forces. lip Speakers will find It of the greatest value wneron Tonic is ncceo- \ ary ; I recommend It as a reliable remedial npont , poasesttlnp tin * doubtea nutritive and restorative properties. . Zovtmift/Ty , , CM. 2 , 1SS2. mriUD C7 TUB DR. BARTER MEDICINE CO. , 813 H. UiK EX. , CT. LOU10. A. WAEEFIELD , WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DKALKtl IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DQ9H8 , BLINDS , MOlDiHCS , UsYlE , CEME8 nTATK : AOUJ1 TOB IULWAUKEK CEMENT COMPANY ! Fear Union Pacific Denot OMAHA HB HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND WINDOW S EASTERN FRiGES OUPOOATED. 118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA HAS THE BEST ST1M IN OHAH1 AND MAKES THE I.UWEST PRICES IMPORTANT iMPeOVESHENTS Have now been finished in our store. maP - ing it the largest and most complete FURNITURE'HOUSE In the West. An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected : with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , , One Exclusively for the uae of Passengers. These immense warerooms - roomsthree stores , are 66 leet wide are filled with the Grand est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evei shown- shownAll All are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first flooi and go through the building and inspect the stock. GHAS. SHIVERIOK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Om-ha , Single Breech loading Shot'Bans , frorQj5'to 318 , * Double Breech'Loading Shot Guns , from $18 to $75 , MnzzlBi Loading Snot Guns , From 88 to < $25 ; ' > ' Fishing Tackei , Base Balls and all. kinds of Fanoy Goods , Full Stock of Show Gases'Always on ! hand/ / .and Key West Cigars a large line of Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and everything re quired in a first-class Cigar , Tobacco and. Notion Store , Cigars from $15 per 1,0DO ipwards Send for Price List and Samples DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTER ! * HOTF.L HOTELS PROPRIETORS TOWKf ARLINGTON. J. O. MclNTIRE , ' Llnta'n ' , Neb , WEATHERLY HOUSE , A. Q.IWEATHERLY , Manrlng , low * . | REYNOLDS HOUSE. O. O. REYNOLDS , Coon Rapldi , owa. | SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. OTELLINIUB Mllford , Neb. MA'RSH HOUSE , E. MANS , BROWNSVILLE Na * COMMERCIAL HOTEL' JOHf + H ANNAN StromtburB Na HALL HOUSE , A.-W.JHALL Loulivllle ] OITY HOTEL , CHENEY &QOLARK , Blair , Na , | OOMMEROIAL HOTC _ J. Q.&MEAD , ] Nellgh , Neb. OR AND CENTRAL C.8EYMOUR. MISSOURI PAOIRO HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping Water.N OOMMEROIAL HOUSE' A. O. OAAUPER. Hardy , Nob. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Qreenwood , N bi V. . . OOMMEROIAL HOUSE. E. STOREY. Olarlnda , lows END'S HOTEL , E. L. END , E romont , * Cet' EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HAOKNEY , Alhland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVELL , Atklnaon/Neb. MORQAN'HOUSF , E. L. QRU3Q , QuIde.Rocd..N . SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BEOKSR 1 | 3reiton , la. ' HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO. OALPHp ] Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE.I O.M.REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOU8E , 0. H. .WALKEP , Audubon , la. OOMMEROIAL HOTEL , 0. DURQEUS , OITY HOTEL , Dl A. LLIAM8 , Harlnn I * , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQB , Ocmlng- . NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.tL. AVERY , OUnton , MERCHANTS HOTEL Q..W , BURK. Durllngton Junction It COMMERCIAL HOTEL , OUnchurd , I * . PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Ohenandoah IB , ' COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld Cltr , Neb OAQNELL HOUSE , CHA8. BACNELL , OollegoSprlnet , ( 5OMMEROIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , I * . JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , IB , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Crovel | COMMERCIAL HOUSE B , F.8TEARNB , OdebolL la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Otceola , Neb , OOUQLA3 HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarks , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. ODEEN. Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J M. BLACK & SON , Wsrjsvllle Mo NORFOLK JUNOTIONHO J8E A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Ns WINSLOW HOUSE a MCCARTY , Seward , Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONEa Auroar Neb , OROZIER HOUSE O. R. OROZIER , Sidney. Neb , t AVOOA EATIHQ HOUOl P. W. ROOKHOLD , Avoca CENTRAL HOUSE LoOKWdobl&'BHATTUOK , Red Oak FOSTER-HOUSE Oapt. JOHN FOSTER ; Lewl , la. WHITNEY HOU8E1 E. HAYMAKER. ( < jiflCrliwold , la. DEPOT HOTEL , O. L. CHAPMAN , | , Dunlap , la " LUSK HOUSE. J A. LUSK , Logan , la. ] DOW OITY HOUSE , W. H. MORTON , fDow Olta-tla AGGER HOUSE , l JAQORR& SON , Denlton , fa , . HARMON TAMA. CITY , LA , , DArmoa A Keale * , Prop , OMAHA ENTERPRISE. Nobraska's First Insurance Com pany. Fho Westurn Stenm Beating Company Incorporated. A Summer Ronort in Colorado Pnr- cliniicil by Omalia Men. Omaha is noted for Its enterprise lu more directions than ono , nnd Ita clt- izous who have capital , energy or uorvo arc constantly reaching out for now fields to conqnor. The three I at cet moves nro to bo gleamed from the following data : NEIIUASKA'S FIIIST iJ < 8UKANOK COMPANY. The first inauranco company over in corporated in Nebraska filed Ita ortl- cleaof association in the otlico of the county chirk yesterday nnd is known na the Nebraska nnd Iowa Insurance company. The Incorporators nro Samuel P. Johnson , W. II. B. Stnut , MnxMoycr , J. W. Morse , Henry W. Yntos , M. T. Rohror , J. M Campbell , A. W. Pat terson , Goo. P. Wrlsht , Thomas Bow man , Joel Eaton , Ell Clayton , F. O 'jloason , J. W. Berger , Tlioa. J Evant , Chris. Staub , J. T. Hart , John T. Baldwin , Robert Poinival , A. W. Street , H. 0. Lub nnd G W. Kings- worth , comprising leading mon of Onnha , Lincoln nnd Council Blufij. Omaha is to bo the bnalnoio head- qnartors of the now insurance cjnv puny with branch oflioeu both in nnd outside of the atato. The company Is organized for n term of twenty yearn , hq general nature of the badness 1 tq Insure honaoa , buildings nnd all kinds of property against loss or dam age by die , lightning , wind storms , tornadoes , cyclones or other casual- tloo , and in short a general Insurance business. The indebtedness of the company , except that of risks , Is not to exceed at any ono tlmo 825,000. A board of not lots than five or more than twenty-five directors will control the affairs of the company with the following general officers : Frost- dent , vice president , treasurer , secre tary and counsel , and to those may bo added an assistant secretary , a general manager and assistant general man ager , a superintendent of agencies , etc. The annual election of directors will take placeat , the company's oflie In Council Bluffs on the 2nd Tuesday In January of each year. This year the members named above compose the Board of Directors , 23. The capital stock ot the company la fixed at $100,000 in shares of $1CO each , 60 per cent of which shall bo paid when subscribed. The corpora tlon may Increase the capital stock to 81,000,000 or less , or it may diminish it by vote of the stockholders. The snlo of stock , oto. , is duly pro vided for and any future desired amendment to the articles. ANOTHER KNTEIU'RISE. Articles of incorporation were also filed yesterday for "the western stenm heating company , " whose principal place of transacting business is to be Omaha. Ita existence dates from March 14 , 1883 , to March 14 , 1983. The nature of the business to ba transacted i the purchase , sale , fitting , furnlnhing , patting In plaoo and erectlui : ot steam boilers , radia tor * , hot air furnaces , stoves , gas fitting and all kinds of plumbing buti- ness , and the manufacture and work connected therewith. The capital stock is to bo $50,030 , in shares of $100 oaoh. At least $9,500 must ba subscribed before commencing business and paid up In full at par value. The remainder of the stock may bo disposed of but at not less than par. A board of five directors , a presi dent , BBC rotary , treasurer , general superintendent and aealstant superin tendent will control the affairs of the corporation , the c ulcers to bo chosen annually from the' board of directors about the first Monday in January. The limit of indebtedness is 825,000 and the usual provisions for amending the articles Included. These articles are signed by Joseph 0. Elliott , Frank E. Liwrenco , Noah D Lawrence , John J. Monoll , Jr. , and Goo. H. Wood. A COLORADO SCHEME A party of Nebraska gentlemen , In cluding Martin Danhatu , E q. , J. H. Hagato , of Blair ; Alex. Sjhlegel , of Plattsmouth ; J. M. Gabolhnlos , of Denver , ana R. Kimball , of Omaha , lave recently purchased a tract of land n Colorado upon' which arc two bean- lifnl lakes , Green lake and Clear lake , which will ba put in shape for a Bum- nor resort of the first-class. Green lake , in Colorado , ii situated a mile and A half from Georgetown. It com prises a beautiful lake and the grounds surrounding it , on which is located a small building. This place has boon highly popular as a picnic and fishing resort , nnd is admirably salted for both , the waters affording fine boating and teeming with trout and other game fish. A fine fleet of boats , with the docks and boat houses , were purchased with the land. The plnco In splendid condition , and one of its former owners suck 840,000 In Improving it and making it picturesque and attractive. The present owners secured it at a bargain , and propose to erect a hotel on the place and to ar range for making it readily accessible to all travelers. It IB probable that all of the Oraahans who go to Colorado this season will sojourn nt Green Like before they have done the mountains , the rocort boltifj the nearest ono in the mountains to Denver. Last year 17 , . 000 poKono visited the laka. It it estimated that the value of fish In thli one lake nlone is 810,000 , nnd slnc ( the purchase of the property th < owners hiwo boon offered 85,000 foi their bargain by Denver capitalists The company will shortly bo organize ! In regular form. Rtiicued From Death. Wm. J. Coughlln , of Somervllle , Mats says : In the fall of 1870,1 w s taken witl ULKEDINO OF LUNds followed by a seven cough. I lost my appetite find fleih. am was confined to my bed. In 1877 I wa admitted to the hospital. The doctor said I had a hole in my lung as big M i half dollar. At ons time a report wen round that I was dead. I gave no hope but a friend told me of DH. WILMAi1 HALL'S I3AL3AMTOU THE LUNGS 1 got a bottle , when , to my surprise , : cacrmenced to feel better , and to-day Itel better than for three yean. WONDEBKUJj nBVELATlONS OP TUG : MIOUOHCOPE. Ulrcovory of the Moat Deadly Enemy ot MunUlnd Thu llncllhia nnd ltd The Bclontllb world h.vj boon greatly .nrtlcd and flgitnted of Into by the llacovory with the microscope of the est doaiJly enemy of nmnklnd in the orm of myriads of lltllo death deal- ngparaoltcs. The air wo breath mid tvu lu la charged with these deadly , ttto growths in proportion as It ia In- . < > ctod from various noxious sources. llnvlngby recent experiments and to- march been shown to bo the most 'rnltful cause of disease known , nnd ; ho wolfro nud health of every indi- ridual dopundlnR so largely on the 'roodom fromtholr destructive rav- iges , it is but natural that the reports if recent investigations In thla fislil jf acluntlfic Inquiry should ho widely oad , nnd that every phase of thcao istonuding discoveries should bo tub- oot to universal dlsctiaolon At first 'ccelvod with somn suspicion , they mvo nt length bsoii thoroughly irovcn , nndaro now receiving the un ualified endorsements of the leading iclentifio mon throughout the world. Uut llttlo o'.uo is talked of in the chcola nnd cluba i f sciouco , nnd thu Hedloul nud tcUmtifio journals aru crowded with the testimony tint is icing added corroborative of the ulno of the marvelous dijo-ivcry 'liich ' is pronouuood the grmtost nd- itnoo in medical nolonco of modern tnro To L PAStEOK , the eminent French clontiat , who by his learned Invouti. utloun has raved to Franco so nuny ullHona of dollarH , la probably duo the onortf iirat poiutlng ont the terrible ewer of thoce germs. In rf cognition > f his great service the government aa recently voted to Him from the ubllo treasury 810.0CO with which to ontlnun his exporlmonts. II o has do cribod aovoral varitlca of thcao para- itles , sonio oouipuratlvcly harmlon * , ithors extremely daneBroua. One o'rtn ho proved by n scrloua cf vacclu- itlons and other conclusive experi ments waa the oauso of thu death of many thousands cf animals and herds if cattle ; another active agent is the oath of fowls by cholera. Acting up n the knowledge ho had gained of the nature of thoao germs he pointed oat means of relief that speedily pro onted n spread of the disease and mdod their devastation. TYNDALL , with the aid of the omin- int English Investigators , made a mmbor of examinations of the iloat- ng particles in the atmosphere , and 'ound numbers of living spores capable f producing disease. lu dry and toalthy localities but few germs were bund , nnd those of the harmless veri fies , whllo In low damp places , rowded houco ; , and unhealthy cities , , ho poisonous gorma were extremely .amorous everywhere. Dn RuDuru Kocu , of Wallntcin , Germany , a man whoso work in con- leotions with the organloma nf con- aglcus diaeases , haa mudo him r. ru- ognlzad authority upon the subject , iv experimenting after the methudn of VILLF.MEN , has discovered nnd pub- ished an account of ono of the moat dangerous varieties , to which it in ire von moro deaths are duo than to ny dlceaao incident to the human ace. ace.He describes it as n simple cellular irganlsm belonging to thn saimi order , s the bacteria. When dried the germs may , without losing any vltalt- y , ondnro preftt fcs'.r njos of tempera- ; nro. Belrg as fine and light ni duat , nvisiblo to the naked eye , they may be blown any distance by the wind or carried npon the clothing or body Like seeds , they may lie for months or years undisturbed npon the furniture , floor , carpets , curtains , walls , or in the bedding , and only requiring a proper degree of warmth , moiaturo and food to waken into life , develop , and grow. They thrive and live in the blood , lymph , mucus and accre tions of the human body. When the lyntem Is unhealthy or weak they nt- ack the cells that make np the animal ramo. Any albuminous fluid will fur nish them with food for growth , and a single drop is sufficient to contain hundreds. Examined with microscope - scope * of great power , which enlarge them so that they can be aeon nnd studied , they have the appearance o mlnuto rod-like bodies having , when active , some power of motion. The } bend in thn middle like a bow , nnd straighten with n jerk that sends then a few times their own length. At the the temperature of the human bodj they are the most active. Their power of increase orreprodno tion is remarkably groat. One gorn in n few weeks' time , under favorable conditions , will give riao to mliliono The process Is by simple growth nnc divisions. Cold destroys or proventi their growth , and this la why refrlger ation prevents decay cf moats am other animal foods. Exposed ' tc warmth these small organisms attack and eat up the albuminous tissue ! leaving a foul mnaa. The odors com mon to this prooots Are given oft bj those mlnuto organisms , and is aboul the only indication of their presence This Is the warning ot nature and It li an instinct to avoid ail such smells The foal breath , bad odors of olc sore * , oto. , loads man to avoid thesi gorma in a great measure , The dan goi of their presence in the body cat bo imagined when their rapid Incrcasi id considered. A few germs may bi readily absorbed Into the system b ; breathing air containing them. The ] are thus drawn into the interior of thi body through the long and nnrrov resolratory pannages of the throat chest and nose , which nro lined witl soft membrane and covered with stick ; mucus. In this fluid they find road ; lodgement and favorable condition for development , Inoroaso and growth The "cold" or catarrh , ozwan orchronl catarrh , hny fever , oto. , are commoi manifestations of tbo effects of ono o the least harmful of those gorma o nucnw/mes / , In the discharges fror the respiratory passages at such time thousands of the living anlmalculw or found. Tbo fever , debility , pains "li the bones , " leas of appetite , oto. , ar Indication of their depressing effect npon the vital organs. It Is from germs of slower development mont , however , that the groatee danger follows. To the ono mo fully doacrlbod by Kocu is duo mor deaths than to any other known canae According to the researches of CUT TEE , FLINT , and DELEUINK over olgh million people die every year fret this caase clone. The Annual death ia France , England ; Germany , an Russia from their destruction was over ono and a half millions In the United States and Canada over three hundred thousand persons porlshod In the last year from the bacillus alono. The most common dltcaso resulting from it Is consumption oftholunga , bat other organs of the body are liable to bo otfeoiod as they develop slowly but sutoly in any organ that may bo In a weak or unhealthy BUto. If active and healthy , ( ho liver , kldnoys , and bowels have to a won derful extent the power of expelling these deadly animalcule * or parasites from the syatoui. And this fact fur nishes an important Indication for the Buccotsfnl treatment of all the long lint of maladies caused by those para- " .Oil aa will bo hereinafter shown. The studies of LANCISCA , an oral- uont Italian , and WOOD , FOKMAU and others , are Interesting , as showing the Inrgo variety cf chronic diseases as heretofore classified , that result from thoao germs. Among the most loom- mon were "livor 'complaint , " bilious ness or torpid liver , dyspepsia or in digestion , lung till } otions , bronchitis , kidney diseases , chronic diarriuut , spinal complaint , fever-sorce , white Bwolllnga , hip-joint disease , rhou- mitlam , malarial diseases , such aa favor aud ague or Intermittent fever , gor.orul nud nervous debilities , female wouknena ohronlo catarrh ot the head , or ( HID in , many forms of unhealthy iliodmrgti.i from internal organs , and all the various scrofulous affections of the nklu , glandt , bones , jolntp , etc. , Including consumption , which is but tcrnfuloua dlseaso of tha lungs. In this largo catalogue of appar ently widely differing diseases , but ro.tliy till dtiponding npon a com mon cause , and therefore natur ally to bo sucesafnlly treated on the sumo general principles , examination of the blood and oecrotlons revealed largo number of thcao parasites , aud curiously enough the number bora a direct rotation to the severity of the dlcoaso , a comparatively small nnm bcr being present , in mild eases and a very largo proportion lu bad cases. Under the use of the specific treat ment which they give , aud which ia substantially the same as that de scribed and recommended later In this review , the number was scon to stead ily diminish from day to day , until , with the restoration of health and bodily strength , they could not bo found at all. The greatest variety of symptoms were fonnd to accompany their presence once , duo to peculiarities of the con stltutlon , the part of the body most seriously Directed , and the efforts of the different organs to rid the system of these germs. Among the most common were frequent headaches , neuralgic pains , nausea , | constipa tion , poor or variable appetites , diarrlxji , bid breath , hoctlo fever , oough , night sweats , cold extremities , dyspepsia , catarrh , sere throat , aero eyea , oto , whiles where tbo skin was n Hoc ted , salt-rheum , boils , carbuncles , aourf skins , erysipelas , St. Anthony's tire , and other symptoms were com mon , and all gradually but with cor- talnty were cured by the same means. The hectic fever ia of ton mot with in consumption , with the hacking or tearing cough , night sweats , dlarrhtut and other eymptoma duo to the etlorta of nature to throw oil' and expel theao gertun were also readily controlled and cured the same way m the old sores , abncosses and nlocrs in the lungs , liver and other important organs. The palo nnd waxy hue and enlargement oi the gland * , duo to the early clgna of thtir proounce , were at once improved and Boon disappeared under the ays- torn of treatment adopted , It < B fonnd that in robust health the purifying action of the liver and excre tory organs aoon expel from the blood the , germs that may giln entrance , and that otherwise would remain if these glands were not active , and create sorl- ous disease. The presence of those germs in the air in rooms occupied by Bufforora with such affections points to the necessity of keeping thorn well aired and sunned. Weak persona should not expose themselves 1 maining In such rooms or by too Intl- mate association with invalids. All clothing aud discharges should be thoroughly disinfected and kept clean. Mucus , saliva , etc. , must not bo ex pectorated and allowed to dry npon the floor and bo stirred up and diffused ! through the air by swooping and dustIng - Ing Pure air and plenty of sunshine are necessities in these affections , and good food a requirement to keep the body strong and capable of resisting the Inroads of thoao minute bodies , Every individual should carefully watch hla hoaltth and any evidence ol inactivity of the vital organs or 1m purity of the blood should bo corrected in tlmo. The corrosive acids and mlnora poisons are fonnd to possess the powei of killing these gorma , but the danger ous nature of suah powerful agouti prevents their Internal nso. For the purpose of expelling these germs whoi once within the system it la neoosHarj to resort to vegetable remedies ia or der to cleanse the blood of the gorrni without injury to the patient. An American physician of larpo ox perlence in the treatment of al forms of ohronlo diseases , now con clusively shown to bo canted by para alto life , for many years devoted nine ! time lo the investigation of the causes of these ailjotlons , and in the treatment of many thousands ol cases developed and thoroughlj iO tested a combination of vegotabh agents which ho nsod with marvoloni success In their euro. In cases of wasting disease , as con sumption , or scrofula of the lungs , and other organs , and in all cases at tended with great weakness , it wai fonnd to exert the most wondarfn tonic and restorative influences , besides sides its nutritive properties far BUT pass these of cod llvor oil or any o the remedial agents retorted to by thi medical profession in such cases , IIy pophosphltoj , iron and quinine boai no comparison to it in building up tin strength of the debilitated , Theroclpi as advised by him has boon nsod fo : years with the greatest sucossu in i vast and moat Bucccssful practice. The written experience of the man ; sufferers who have boon cured am who express in terms of the hlghoa praise their endorsement of its groa value , are suliclent to fill volumes Living witnesses are everywhere monuments to modern genius am scientific progress In the healing art Sufferers from "livor complaint , giving rl eto''bal | blcod"cpnsumptloE scrofula , and other affections , the re suits of blood poisoning from th ravages of the deadly parasites or dli ease germs eo briifl ? referred to , find In this remedy prompt relief nnd n permanent euro. The great and In creasing demand for this God given nnd peerless remedy for so many ap parently different , hut really kindred , ailments , led to the preparation la pure nud convenient form under the nntno of Dr. Piorco's Golden Medical Discovery. It can bo obtained the world over nt drug nnd ganornl stores , and full directions for its nao will bo found In the pamphlet that surrounds each bottlo. It oxorln the most won derful stimulating and Invigorating In fluence In the liver , that greatest glnnd of the human aystom , which has boon Inaptly termed the "house keeper of hbnlth , " Through the In creased action of the liver and other omnuotory organs of the system , nil poisonous germs nro rendered Inactive nnd gradually expelled from the ays- tern with other Impurities , In some cases , where there nro unhealthy dis charges , as from the nastrlls In case of either acute or chronic catarrh , the uao of Dr. Sitgo's Catarrh Remedy , n mild "nnd healing nntl-soptlo lotion , should bo associated with the uao of the Dltcovory. It Is nlso advisable to naa this lotion In other local manifes tations of disease of mucous suifacoa. By this moans the germs of disease nro doatroyed nnd the mombratios cleansed before any of the poiaouous bacilli are nbaorbcd into the blood. In niiro throat , quinsy or dlpthorin , the Catarrh remedy liquid should bo uaod as n gargle , and the Golden Medical Discovery taken freely. In women where weakness of special organs Is common nnd almost curtain to bo developed , attended by back- noho , bonrlng-down sensations nnd other local symutoraa , the uao of Dr. Piorco's Favorite Prescription in con junction with that of the Discovery , speedily roatoroa the healthy functions aud asalats In building up nnd Invigor nting the system. In nny ease where the bowels have boon costive and nro not regulate 1 and nstcd upon safllclontly by the mild laxative proDortloa possessed by the Golden Medical Discovery , Dr. Plorco'a Pleasant Purgatlvo Pellets ( llttlo liver pills ) , taken in small doses of only ono or two each day , will aid materially In establishing healthy ac tion , nnd in expelling the dlaoaso-pro- duolng germs from the blood nnd ays- torn. torn.At At the risk of repetition and by way of roaapltulatlon , wo may truthfully say that Golden Medical Discovery cures nil humors , from the worst scrof ula to a common'blotch , pimple , or eruption. Erysipelas , salt-rheum , fovor-Boios , scaly or rough skin , In short , all diseases caused by disease perms In the blood , are conquered by this powerful , purifying , and Invigor ating mtdiolno. Great eating ulcers rapidly heal under Its benign Influ- nncos. Especially has it manifested its potency in curing totter , rose raah , bolls , carbuncles , sere eyes , scrofulous sores and swelling , wblto swellings , goitre or thick nock , and enlarged glands. "Tho blood Is the life. " Thoroughly cloanao this fountain of health by us ing Golden Medical Discovery , and good digestion , a fair skin , buoyant spirits , vital strength nnd nounduoaa of constitution nro established. Consumption , which la n scrofulous diacnso of thu lungs , induced by the deadly gormlmciHtu , is promptly nnd positively arrested and cured by thlt sovereign remedy , if taken before the Inat stages of the disease are reached From Its wonderful power over thi terrible fatal disease , when first offer Ing this now world famed remedy t < the public , Dr. Pi ore t thought favor ably of calling It his "comsumptlot care , " bat abandoned that name as toe rostrictlva for a medicine that from its wonderful combination of germ destroying , as well ns tonic , or strength onlng , alternative , or blood cleansing nnti bilious , diuretic , pectoral , and nutritive proportions , la unequalled not only as a remedy for consumption of the lungs , but for all chronic dis eases of the liver , blood , kidneys , and lungs. < If you fool doll , drowsy , debilitated have sallow color of skin , or yellowish brown spots on the face or body , fre quent hoadaoho or dizziness , bad taste in the mouth , Internal heat or chills alternated with hot flashes , low spir its and gloomy foreboding ! , Irrcgnlai appetite nnd tongue coated , yea arc suffering from Indigestion , dyspepsia , and torpid liver or "bilionsnesc. " IE many cases only part of those symp toms are experienced. As a remidy for all such cases Dr. Piorco's Golden Medical discovery has no equal , as it effects perfect and radical euros. For weak lungs , spitting of blood , short breath , consumptive nlghi sweats and kindred affections , it is a sovereign remedy. In the cure ol bronchitis , severe coughs and con sumption , it haa astonished the medi cal faculty , and eminent physician ! pronounce it the greatest medical discovery covory of the ago. The nutritive properties poseesoed by cod liver ol ! nro trifling when compared with those of ( ho Golden Medical Discovery. II rapidly builds up the system and in creases tbo flesh and weight of thoai reduced below the usual standard ol health by waatlng disease. The plan of treatment that wo have so briefly outlined In this article foi the largo class of chronic diseases referred forrod to , has long boon ncknowlodgoc to bo the moat auccoaaful , baaed ns 1 Is npon the belief shared by the moa skillful medicalmon of tbo day , tha the only way to got rid of the noxloui disease-producing germs in the blooi and system is through the liver , kidneys noys , and bowels , aud therefore tha thoao neon to which nro known to no most oflfciontly In restoring health ; action of these organs are the ono most to bo rolled upon. For this pur pose the Goldou Medical Discovery i pre eminently the ngont that fulfil ] every indication of treatment required XVhut it Did For an Old Imdy. COHIIOOTON STATION , N. Y. , December 2G , 1878. GENTS A number of people ha been using yonr liittora hero , an with marked cifdot , In ono cast ) , lady over seventy years , had boon ale for years , and for the past ten yoai has not boon able to bo around ha the time. About alx mouths ago ah got BO feeble aho waa helpless. He old remedies , or physicians , being c no avail , I sent to Dopost , forty-fiv miles away , and got a bottle of Ho Bitters. It improved her so aho wt able to dreai herself and walk obot the house. When she had taken th second bottle she wai able to take eat of her own room and walk oat to he neighbor's , and haa Improved all th tlmo alnoc. My wife and children also have derived great benefit from , their uso. W. B. HATHAWAY , Agt U. R. Ex. Os. DJUKVAN , Wls. , Sopt. 24,1878. GENTS I'havo not taken quite ono bottle of the Hop Hitters. I wu a feeble old man of 78 when I got it. To-dtiy I am aa active and fool aa well aa I did at 30. I.aoo a great many that need inch a medicine. medicine.D. D. BOYOE. Horaford'a Aold Phosplmto la reoommondod for headache occa sioned by Indication , and whenever there Is a general fooling of sluggish ness and lack of energy. WOMAN CAN HEALTH OF WOH SYMPATHIZE WITH THE HOPE 0 WOMAN. VEQETABLB COMPOUND. Bare Cure for nil 1T.HIA1VK WEAK- ] NKSS1CH , Including I.cncorrhirn , Ij- ' rcmilnr ntul I'amful nenntrnntloD , Inflammntlon nnd IHccrnllon of the Womli , Flooding , PKO- ' , tarsus UTiiitit &o. * CVririuuinttothotuitc , efficacious and Immedlott Its effect. It Un great help In preenancy , anil r * , TM pain daring livlior and at regular period * . MltSICmsrSElT 1SII I'lll.SininE IT IllECLY. fWFOB AltWltinrasis of the treneratlre organs cither MX , It It tecond to no remedy that h a crei Ml txtore the public t and for oil dUraies otth * pmrrs It 1 * the drtatat Knud V in On World. KinNKY COMPI < Ai"NT8 of ICIthcr Bf * Find Great Itcllcfln In Use. tYDIA E. rrNKIIAM'S HLCOD FUnrFtKBl | U rrmllctUi t-Tcnr Teslln of llumon troin th txMl , at the aamo timn will Rlto tone nnd FtranRth to f ijitem. At marr Uoui In results aa tlio Comiiouod. tF-Doth the Compound and Blood runner are pr * p d at OJ and JKU Western ATCHUO , Lynn , Uaa- ricoofclthrr , l. BU bottles for (5. The Compound icnt If null In the form ot pill ) , or of lozengiv.o * < elpt of price , ( t per liox for either. Mm. nnkbam ly antwera all letters of Inquiry. Enclose 3 out amp. Boni for pamphlet , tltntlon Ml niprr. rrl.TTii i B. ninm/m'K l.rnm nua eure Constlp * . m. lllUoutne and Torpliltty ot the Liter. S3 oont * ra-Holil by all Hroggl tii.-g in BTAUL1S11KO 1868. J1DK BPHItia ATTAOnUKNT-NOT PATENT ED. , A. J. SIMPSON. LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY U09 aod 1111 Dodfto Streal , ang 7-mo ( ! m OMAHA , NEB. A Skin of Baauty It Joy Forver. DR. T. FELIX GOURADDW , Oriental Oroam or Magical Boan- , tiflor , es Taa , Pimples , Freckles , Uothpatch , blcmlshtoo beauty and defies de- 'ectlon. Ik haa itood tbo toit ol , 80ye ian' li BO harm- leaa wo bale It ( o be sure the pre p a r a- tlonli pro * perly made Accept no counttrfelt of .similar name. The dlitlngulihtd Dr. L. A. Siyro , stlil to a lady ol tbo IKITT OH ( a patlont ) : "As you ladles will use them , I recommend 'O urtutl's Cream' aa the least harmful ol all the Skin preparations. " ODD bottle will last six months , uag \ It every day. Also Poudro Jab * tile removes uperfluotu hair without Injury to the skin. UUR. M , B. T. GOUUAUD , Bole prop. , 43 Bond 81. . N. Y. For a lo by all DnurfrliU and Fancy Goods Dealers throughout the United States , Canada and Ruropa. 3Beware ol base Imitations. 11,000 rewaid lor arrest and prool ol any one selling the same. J 14weowme 2t ewCm COL. L. T. FOSTER. Tonngstown , Ohio , IlaylO , 188 * . Da. B. J. KuDAUi * do. 1 bad a Tory rain * * ble nambletonUn colt that Iptlatd Tery highly , be had a large bone spavin on one Joint and a small one on the other which made him very lame ; I had him under the charge ol two veUf mary surgeons which tailed to cure him. I wai one day reading the dvertlsement ot Kendall * ! Bpavln Onto In the Chicago Express , ! determined at once to try It and got our drngglsta beieta send torlt , and they ordered three bottles ; I took all and I thought I would give It a thorough trial. I used It according to directions and tha fourth day the colt ceased to be lame and tie lamps have disappeared , I used but one bottlt and the colt's limbs are aa free ol lumps and at smooth as any horse In the state lie la entlie * Hi ly cured. The cure was so remarkable that have let two ol my neighbors have the remal * . Ing two bottles who aunow ualnglt Very leopoctlully , L. T. I087KB 8 nd lot Htnitrated clicnlar clvlne poalltra prool. Priced. All Druggists htvo It or cam get It lor you. Dr. B. J. Kendall a Oo Pjo- prl ton , Enosburgh Falls , VI. QOLt ) BY ALL DBUGGTBTB BRIDGE PROPOSALS. Scaled proposals will bo received by the Hoard ol County Commissioners of Gage county , Noli , , tor the erection of a brldgo across the Wg Illuo river U | > oii either ono of tin wagon roads leading coat from the town o ( Vlymott , Case county , Neb. , nnd ' ver and ucrosa italJ river. Uald bridja to bo ono hundred and fifty ( ICO ) feet Ion ; , and id to have cither piles , stone , or Iron piers. id AlBO for the erection ot a bridge , suitable to the. idR plaeo , across Indian Creek , on the line between idk sections twentv-nlno (20) ( ) and thirty (30) ( ) , about k onemllo soutlmcat of Wjmore , Ongo county , Neb , Low bridge at this jiUco preferred. ra Turkey Creek southoass Also a billies serous , ilf of DeWItt , Neb. , to replace the old one now In 10 use * All br'djcs ' to b ot wood , Iron or combination. er All bids to be accompanied by plans and sped- of bcitlons.ta ba scaled and filed with ths Comity lerk on or before 12 o'clock noon , March 20th , re reP The 63. Commissioners r.ierveths right to reject aa y and all tIJi , Bucctsslul bidden will be ro- ulred to git e bond for the faithful performance ! at of thtlr contract. io By orde ol the Ccunty Commissioners. , - -s , A , J. I'ETIIOUD , re i BSAL. j- , , , . County Cleik. > t „ „ „ or Beatrice Feb. 72 1833 , me-d-Vt