Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1883, Image 2

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To Several.
: lt dhur.
ObT the plump and pert soubretta ,
Bhe'i a p t.
She o n ogle and coquetU ,
Then forget ,
Blond * her flowing h lr , Mid yet
Only recently we met ,
Ana I y It with regret ,
It was Jet ,
Kv'ry nighta seat I get-
Front parnnctte.
There 1 worship her and yet
Kama and ( ret.
At the matinee * , you bet ,
I'm always to be met ,
And for rotes for my pel
I'm In debt.
Ob , perfidious soubrette
To coquette
With my ho rtl My eyes lire wet
With regret.
It wns hardly etiquette
Your adorer to forget
For fellow with a yellow
Ol Course Bho Would.
"I know what you're going to lay , " sbi
said ,
And she itood up , looking uncommon ] :
tall ;
"You are going to apeak of the hectti
fall ,
And say you're sorry the summer' * dead
Arid no other inmmer waa like it , yet
And can I imagine what mude It so.
Now , aren't you , honestly ? " "Y , " ]
laid. >
"I know what you're going to lay , " ih <
said ;
You are going to ask if I forget
That day In June when the woods wan
wet ,
And you carried me" here the dropped
her head
"Over the creek ; you are going to lay ,
Do I remember that horrid day.
Now , aren't you , honeitlj ? " "Yw , " ]
laid ,
"I know what you're going to lay , " shi
aid ;
"You are going to lay that since that
You have rather tended to run to rhyme ,
And" her clear glance fell , and her chee )
grew red
"And have I noticed your tone wai
Why , everybody has teen It beret
Now , aren't yon , honeitlj ! " "Yw , " ]
"I know what you're going to lay , " . '
laid ;
" ' ' been mncl
"You're going to lay you've
annoyed ;
And I'm short of tact you will aay 'de
void'- '
And I'm clumsy and awkward ; and cal
me Ted ;
And I bear abuse Hlco a dear old lamb
And you'll have mo , anyway , just as 1
Now , aren't yon honestly } " "Ye-es"th <
The Argonaut.
Count Zambeccari was going to us
oend from Bologna In a balloon hold
ing 14,000 cnblo foot of gas , one
ought for two frienda to aocompanj
him on his tripThoio wore fonnd It
Dr. Grosaottl , of Homo , and myself
The week before the ascension , whlli
wo were making preparation , was i
time of great excitement for us. Thi
count was thoroughly cool ; ho hac
often trusted himself to the frail nhi [
and risked his life ; bnt with na It wai
different. Two things made an aoria
trip perilous : First , the covering mua
be chosen of aome light material
wkloh U therefore lew durable am
firm ; and , lecondlyY one' la 'eutirol ;
dependent upon the wind. Whorero
it take * the balloon , and however i
drives ! whether slowly or swiftly
or with the fatal fury of the tempest-
one muit submit , for this reasor.
Qraaserti and I were anxious. Earlj
in the morning wo.began to fill the
balloon , 'for which we had provided
200 pounds of iron filings , GOOC
pounds of tlno and 8,500 pounds ol
salphnrio acid. Bat hour after houi
passed ; the Increasing volume of gai
was very evident , and yet the balloor
waa not filled. Noon came ; it waa I
o'clock ; wo had reached perhaps 7,00 (
cable foot of gas , and Zamboccarl sale
to as :
"Ascending to-day la not to be
thought of ; It will bo night before thi
balloon will bo filled. "
Wo saw ho waa right. What ohsor
vationa could wo make In the dark
ne ? Wo wore not the only ones 01
the spot. All Bologna was on Its log
old and young , rich and poor. Ii
the forenoon the people rushed to am
fro. bnt In the Afternoon stood firm
and awaited from hour to hour thi
longed-for spectacle.
The sun set , and evening camo. Thi
spectators were impatient , and begat
io sing and make a noise. Whoa a
last , about I midnight , the Count tolc
os the work was done , wo did no
know what would happen. Wo die
not * * nt to aecend , yet we know wel
that the people would not be BO oaiilj
deprived of the desired sight.
Zambeocari mounted a barrel , got i
hearing , and announced to the spool *
tor that as nothing could be seen a
eight , bo wonld ascend In the morning
the balloon was now filled ; they couli
go quietly homo , and next mornlnj
the ascension wonld take place.
Bat what cries arose ! How th
crowd raved ) "What ? " scroamoa th
people , "wo stand hero sixteen hour
and BOO nothing ! Wo have walto
since morning , and now shall wo * g <
home ? Go np ! Go up ? Start n
once ? " And a howl arose that utruc
terror into our hearts.
The count obtained a second hearing
"You will lese nothing by it , " said he
"on the contrary , you will only gain
If yon will be patient till morning
What can yon BOO noir in the dor
night ? Nothing ! In a moment w
vanish from your view. In the mort
ing yon can watch the balloon's fllgt
for miles. Wo can throw yon note
and letters from the air. The apuoU
cle Is entirely different. "
They would not let him speak. * 'G
npl go apt" bellowed a thousan
throats. They shook their fists. Th
crowd pressed against oar barrion
complete destruction threatened on
arrangement * . As a climax , stone
were thrown at the balloon. "Slarl
start ! " was howled. Laths and beam
cracked. Every moment the atone
thrown threatened to destroy th
balloon Even our llvei were In dan
gar. '
"My friends , " Ztmbeccarl whlipere
to ns , "the mob has gone mad. Le
QS aioend. All wait for the perform
ance. We will fly half an hour's dis
tanoo and lot ourselves dowu again
to begin the gennlne expedition to
The beams broke ,
The torrent bunt In. For heaven1 *
sake got In ) got Inl
Greatly alarmed , wo sprarg into the
basket ; the ropes were cut ; trio balloon
flow on high , snatching ns from the
hands of the enraged mob , and
"bravoI bravo ! " sounded after as from
below. "Hurrah ! " came thundorlnp
np to ns. "Long live Zjtmboccarl !
Long lire Grassettll Long live An <
drodll Hurrah for the count ! ' Shonti
from thousands on thousands of voiosi
accompanied ns.
We Boon recovered from onr fright ,
but wo perceived what did not please
us. "Tho wind ls too strong ; wo can
not land without danger of being do-
attoyod , " said Zimbeccari. Wo were
thns In a bad plight , and had to wait
for daybreak , Bat that was far from
us. The sun would appear above the
horizon at about 6:45 : o'clock , and It
was 12:15 : when wo ascended. With
lightning speed wo flew np , np , always
up , and the wind whistled and rushed
from the southwest and chased us
away , away , always farther. How
Znlokly Bologna vanished from usl
n a very brief time wo no longer flaw
KB lights , heard nothing of Its tumult
clouds lay between ns and the
The magic , the wonderful sorcery
of onr poising by moonlight betwren
the cbuds , I cannot detcribo. W *
were in fairyland , and If w * <
have enjoyed the new view with
hearts , and could hare floated thi
the air , free from care , without < * * ,
It wonld hare been divinely baUfsl ,
and I remember that I thought for
few minute * of the old Gnk g-oii.
But quite different thoughts txgta to
force themaelve * with ImtuttaHe.
power upon us , like lightning , into
the far , far distance * Wo could not
lower ourselves , and the balloon rose
inexorably , always higher , to the re.
glens In which human life la Impossi
ble and where breath f lla.
Only too soon wo perceived the In.
flaonco of the cold and the rarefied
air. How high we were I do not
know , bat we began to shiver in the
frozen atmosphere ; our tooth chat
tered , and we crowded together. Dr.
Grassetti soon grow feeble , began to
gasp , staggered , atrnggled convul
sively , closed his eyes , and moved no
moro. In the fine , thin air ono
breathes quickly and is sooner ex-
hanstcd , The result is woaknois , pain at
the heart , vertigo , fainting , and finally
death , If the mau does not come again
into air ot greater density. A few
minutes after Graisettl , Zimbccoarl
also fell and eave no moro signs of
life. Now think of my situation !
The wax light in the lantern wai ex
tinguished. I vainly tried to light it
again with tapers ; it wonld not Ignite ,
With much trouble I obtained a light
with ordinary matches , I had
scarcely succeeded In this when I was
tBolzed with dizziness nnd.falntnoss , It
book great force of will to keep on my
logs. Balanced between heaven and
earth , the balloon flow on swift P.B an
arrow. At my sldo lay the two had
fainted or were dead. I was without
means of delivering mvsolf from BO
liorrlblo a condition. Yut it became
Harkl What hollow roar waa that
below us ? It WBB the surging of the
ocean. It could bo nothing else. Wo
must have been hurled through the
air a distance of over a hundred miles ,
and , according to the direction of the
wind , had now reached the region of
the sea. What newT It would bo
impossible to descend nntll we were
again above land. In vain I strove to
read tha .barometer. ! My pyes , know
nothing moro. fainting , I atarod
Into the darkness and upon the moon
lit clouds. Not to Bwoon , I grasped
the sldo of the basket in which wo
It waa about 2:16 : o'clock ; onr night
had lasted an hour and a half , when tt
Roomed to mo that the clouds flow up
ward. Was It a delusion , brought
about by my bodily condition ] All at
snce a frightful thought came to me ;
the clouds were not floating up , but
wo were falling ! I bent over the side
of the basket yes , yes , I hoard plain *
or and louder the roar of the ocean aa
wo rushed downward. How it hap
pened I do not know ; 'whether the
balloon got some opening abovowhich
lot the Ran escape , or what oho , I
looked over again. Almighty God 1 bo
gractoui and merciful to us ! Wo were
about to sink in the sea , I gripped
the nearest of my companions , snook
him , and called to him : "Awake I
awake ! Wo are falling Into the ocean 1"
Then I bent far out again and stared
downward yes , there waa a gray mass
of crowding billows ; there it boiled
and Boothod and foamed ono moment
moro wo should bo burled in the flood.
"Zambeooarli" I shrieked , seizing
him in a convulsive grasp , "wo are
plunging into the BOB ! " and I looked
over again into onr watery grave.
The Oonnt lifted hla head , and whla-
pored : "Ballast out ! " slowly raised
himself , mechanically seized the bag of
land that wo had in onr basket at
cargo ; I laid hold of it , to ; Zimbao-
cn quickly recovered himself , we
worked the bag np , wo got It over the
side ; the doctor to himself also , in a
moment understood the situation , en
ergetically hurled barometer , compass ,
the whole collodion of instruments
and onr provisions , all , all overboard.
In another moment the basket touched
the water , and wo were drenched by
the aalt water. Bnt at the same in
stant again wo flow aloft with the
speed of an arrow. Wo wore in the
water only long enough to fill our bas
ket half full , and wet na to the ikln.
The balloon had now nothing to carry
bnt us three ; the water ran out of tha
basket , and wo flow again Into space.
Great heavens ! That waa an ascen
sion I In a trlco wo had reached the
oloudn gone through and above them ,
Now wo poised over the clouds far be
low ; before us the blood-rod moon
shone on the vaporous maesca and
upon us poor children of earth , trouv
bllng with cold in our frail basket ,
The cold tuddouly froze the water :
cur wet clothes were coated with loo.
Wo felt sharp Btabs in every joint ; we
groaned with pain ; we had uo longoi
any light ; wo were so ntlff wo conic !
scarcely move ; and the wind Btlli
drove na continually northeast. Han
many boors hod passed ? The moon
thono plain enough for us to look , bul
no ono of us could bond a finger to gel
hla watch out of his pocket At last
Dr. Graasetti succeeded in drawing
the count's watch out of his voat pock
et , and our united exortlona made out
that It was 3:10. : When wo had
achieved this feat and looked about ns ,
we discovered g ln that we were fallIng -
Ing , bnt not quickly not In a way tc
alarm only wo had now nothing ,
nothing at all , to throw out , so then
was no rescue far as.
Thu balloon sank moro and mor
slowly , and floated for a long tltno i
few yards above- the ocean ; bnt it dli
not stay there ; wo had moro dango
to go through , and danger wlthou
parallel. The balloon sank ; th
bukot slid along the water , drawi
with lightning rapidity by its glebe o
gas. Nearly dead with anxiety , w
clung to the aide of the basket ; w
shrieked , wo trembled , wo crouched
wo tried to evade death , whoso ham
waa outstretched to seize us. 8nd
donly the balloon again flow twont ;
or thirty feet high , and then agati
dragged ns close over the water ye
higher , high as a house now it sanl
again , and towed ns on the waves.
This hellish dance lasted for fivi
hours. It was a continual hopplnj
and springing of the balloon , accord
ing as the gale of wind took it. If thi
wind was weak , the balloon sunk , am
our basket , lying on its side , wai
drawn over the sea ; but each strom
gust hurried the balloon end ns witt
it np on high , and moro than onci
this and that ono was hurried half enl
of the basket , and it was wondorfnllj
good fortune that none of as fell aa
inilly into the water.
Inuglne this terrible five hours
itilfe against death ! No , you cinnot ,
Ti fancy could not equal the
riltj. I cannot conceive how we
tcrulaed for five hours such a wrestle
with \J * lh.
AK'-ct S o'clock we were discovered ,
i n = il ) from the Istrlan coast , by i
KvOor , Anton Pazol. This ended the
yitch-d.Qc . Ho steered his ship sc
cerUrvtiiljthat ho fished us up aftoi
v h4 sprung oat of the basket. The
billrca , thus lightened , rose in the
air , darted In the same direction till
It reached European Turkey , and ( ai
ire heard later ) came down near tnc
town of Binaca , In Bosnia.
PZD ! convoyed us to Polo , in Islrlo ,
trhero wo had medical assistance ,
Bands and feet were stiff and great ) ;
iwollon. Poor Count Zimboooari had
to have throe frozen fingers ampu <
That was my first and last voyage
in the air. I have never desired a
lecond ono. Think of onr experience.
Ohasod into our basket by a mot
which menaced as with death ; then
Foiling by night from the aky to the
ion ; like lightning flying up aqaln tc
the region of ice , frozen stiff ; ngaiu
plunged down ; for five hours dragged
nlong the roaring waves ; snatched on
high ; aabmergod , whirled arcand in
the air it wun diabolical ua human
Imagination can conceive.
It la over. It lies nine ycara behind
mo , and au every past ndvontaro has
Ua charm , I nay to myeolf : "For a
thousand gold pieces I would not have
missed that experience of my life. "
Bat I add , decidedly : "For o hundred
thousand I would not go through it a
second timo. "
In the absence of suitable materials ,
or the tlmo to prepare It , people often
go without a dressing for salada. Bay
DDJIKEE'S ana you will never trouble
yoaraolf to make another.
A Now Jersey man has patented a stove
that explodes at 1U o'clock at night. He
baa four daughters.
The Philadelphia Press wants to know
" dress. " We don't know
"why we . wbj
rich people dress , but the reason that pooi
peoplu do is because they cannot atfordti
take their breakfast In bed.
An exchange says tbnt condensed ele
ptUnt'g tnllk is likely'to o&rh'o Into ueen * > i
tonic , An omelet front alligator eggs nuc
a glass of elephant's milk ought to make i
nice mldinmtner lunch ,
Seme Colorado leglnlators refused 83XX (
for thtlr vote for United States senator
Well , we should suy BO , They were get
ting $5.000 ton years ago , and senator
have boomed away up since then. Hawk
Cucumbers are selling at forty centi
each In the eastern market , but the demand
mand la light. Five cents' worth of narli
green will go further than forty cents it
encumbers , and spring is the tlmo to econ
omlzo ,
A London newspaper has an article ot
"The Emotional Language of Been , " Thi
language of a bee Is not as emotional ai
that of a man who la bitten by the tall em
of the insect , Nor aa emphatic and tul
Dr. Oswald svys : "From the raomen
lhat n young monkey la weaned ho baa t <
steal , " This is all the moro remarkabli
from the fact that a monkey is not electee
to fill a political office , nor appointed i
bank cashier in New Jeisey. Norriatowi
A St. Loufo butcher has eloped with i
neighbor's wife. Soiuothlcg should bi
done with thote butchers. A butcher whi
will charge a customer twenty-five cents i
pound fnr beef and then walk iff with Urn
man's rib should bo gruund in one of hi
own eausago machlnts. 1'ltteburg Tele
"Will you have dinner at the eatlni
station ? " asked the train boy of a paasen
ger. ' 'Yes , " said the passenger , arlslni
and following the boy. "I just wanted ti
know. " said the boy. "so I could telegrapl
ahead. " "Telegraph " repeated th'e tlrei
patsengor. whoso patience the slowness o
the train had exhausted. "I thought yoi
wanted IEO to stroll on ahead and eat b ;
the time the train would get there. "
An old darky said to his wife at the cir
cus ; "Look ahere , Suse , yer Just eat t
make up yer tnlnd ; ef yer gwlne to take di
shoes yer can'e RO to de circus , an" of yer I
prwino to declroua yer Can't Ret de shoes * '
Jntt about this time the band struck up i
lively air , and Suse told the old man * b
would go harf footed a while longer. Sb
was bound to tee do circus ,
A countryman stepped into a fruit star
and Invnstod In a nickel's worth of chest
null. In half an hour he returned nn
handed ( the proprietor one of the nutt
"What doea thin rn < ut > ( " asked the doalei
"Well. " remarked thu customer * , "that I
the only sound chevtnut I found In tb
pint , and so thought you had put It In b
mistake. I am nn honest man , and don1
want to take it mean advantage of a fo
lew. "
An eastern mlcroacopist has proved cot
clnaUoly that the heart ot the oyster be
but two cavities. If the game gentlcma
will now bhow how the average young ma
can foretell how many cavities are potsesi
od by the young woman whom ho ha it
vlted to have a "half-doreu broiled , " h
will confer a priceless boon upon the ut
fortunate and email-salaried man who ha
seen with dismay a "dozen nholl-itew , "
"half-dozen Ccounta frle'J , " a "devile
crab , " cabbage salad , pickles , celery , coflei
beer , and bread In proportion , disappear i
the caveinoui mouth of < a hollow-boned
consumptlvs maiden , whose ordinary rt
past , one would think , la limited to a bake
bean cut In two.
Bucklin'a Arnica Halve
The IlxnT SALVB In the world for Cats
Brulne * . Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Feve
Sores , Tetter. Chapped Hands , Chilblains
Corn * , and all skin eruptions , and pool
tlrely onroa 1'llfs. It U guaranteed t <
elve iktuf action or money refunded. Price
25 ceuta per box. For sale by 0. F. Good
Jrrals cloth la a rival of cbavlota am
tweed * .
New half.fittlng wrapi ara out with Jap
ancte sleeve * .
Valenciennes lace U returning to fto
for evening wear , the new Normandy pat
term being very dellcato and tasteful.
AP to l lady recently opened a pin
cushion that baa been In ma for tweutj
years , the took from It &I7 needle * .
English ladle * are compelled to arps.i
at court In low-nocked dresses and ahorl
sleeves. Borne of them are said to remind
one of a gltaffa wearing a turn dowi
collar ,
Tha reason why woman cannot succeed
aa well aa a man in the walka of life , li
became when she la on the walkn , one hand
fa mually employed In holding np hei
Atlanta claims to have a young lady who
boa the finest and prettiest hair In the
United States. The name of the party
of whom the purchased it is not made
public ,
"Why , I'd like to know. " * aid a Udj
once to a distinguished judge , "cannot i
woman become a lucceemtal lawyeti" ' "II
simplv arises from her invariable habit ol
giving her opinion without any pay , " an
swered the judge.
"Nice fellow ! " the New York girl ex
claimed , "well I should think he was ,
Why. be don't do any business , he belong !
to three clubs , has $50000 a year , it
divorced from his wife , and has led about
80 Germans thia leason.
The late styles of wall paper are so gor
geous that a family can no longer take
comfort In wearing out old boot * and
iplitback vest ) nrouad the house. Every
body tort of fools aa it he waa away on a
visit. Free Preas.
When a Leadvllle man fell In love with
a woman and swore that be would kill
himself unless iho ( married him , the gen.
tie creature t > ought a pistol for bun. Ho
carried out his promise and ihot himself.
A Loadvllle woman will do anything for a
man who lovea her.
The fashions for the present season are
to be-singularly eclectic. Silk , satin ,
velvet , plush , pekin , faille , brocade , are all
worn to some extent , and are all In "good
form. " So , too , with the colors ; dark
jreen , dark blue , ganet , ruby , bronze ,
olive , terra-cotta , and seal brown are all
equally fashionable for street wear.
A stylish aprlng bennett In "Queen
Alab" shape , which Is of the poke oroer of
bonneta , la made of amber-colored straw.
About the crown la draped a wide pattern
of gold lace , which partly veils a small
wreath of scarlet rosea and mignonettes.
The Inside of the bonnet la faced with
crimson velvet , and upon the extreme edge
Is set a row of pale amber beads ,
"When are you gwlne to lead mo to de
altar ? " asked Mlea Matlldy Snowball of
3am JohusIoK , both of whom move in the
behest circles of Austin colored nocloty.
"Yor mustn't ask me , " responded Bam.
"I dunne how to prophesy wuff a cuts. "
' Vat you baB done promise for do laa' a'x
jreahs dat you waa gwino to marry me. "
"Did I promise you dat ? " "You did fora
'no " "lit I did you can call me a liar ,
nd you oan prove it by me. " Austin
Mrs. Llllie Davoreux niake asked this
question : "If twenty boys were brought
up in the tame way as ( [ Iris laced , kept
indoors , taught sewing , embroidery and
playing the piano what sort of young men
would they be at twenty-one ? " To it Tne
Bost-m Star glvei this equivocal anwer :
"If twenty girls were brought up in tbo
same way aa bovs-allowed the freedom
which custom affords the male cox , their
frailties winked tit or excused , what sort
of young women would they be at twenty *
out ? " ,
Ho rushed in the parlor without ringing
the do or. boll and discovered a light figure
sitting on the sofa in the corner. He cer
tainly exclaimed : "By Jove , dear Nell , I
thought I never would find you alone
again Your mother baa irene a visiting
hasn't she ! ' ' 'Yes responded the little
figure. "Nellie goes visiting so much lam
otten alone. " The young man remarked
the next day that he left his hat on the
piano and hla umbrella in the hall , and
needed nothicg but thirty acres of open
air. Ogeltharpe Echo.
. _ .rana . for. jUtaltUi.fto . hoe 'and
stockings Is quite a5 great or ever. There
certainly never waa a time when women
with pretty feet could display them to
greater advantage ; or , on tbo other aide ,
when women with ungraceful ones could
hide them BO successfully. For the former
are styles and colors beyond enumeration.
For the latter are exceedingly low cut
aandala and slippers in bronze kid , black
satin or black undressed kid , with a bit of
embroidery or beading upon the pointed
toes : these to be worn Invariably with
stocking ! ) of black or some dark shade , the
pale tinta being left for those whose deli
cately shaped feet can best venture to dis
play them ,
Tbo new printed sateens are very at
tractive. Some of the latest' patterns are
quite indescribable , showing a number of
dull tints enlivened by u few touches of
old gold or Japanese red ; others show rich ,
dark-colored grounds , over which are
thrown masses of toft-tinted fcllagx , clus
ters of liurel blosoms , arbutus ( lowers ,
aoarabtol , geometrical figures , and tiny
moons and crescents. These fabrics are
to be used this season In conjunction with
self-colored materials , and great taste
and tact are necessary in combining the
two fabrics , The printed sateens are used
for panels , tablier , faclngu and corsage
There la a great amount of fancy jewelry
worn just now jewelry that is a perfe.i ;
contrast to the heavlly-aet , maieive sort
that was fashionable but a abort time age.
Then It seemed the jeweler's art to put ti
much weight of gold to one diamond aa he
could manage ; now it la to aee how many
Btonea he can net on an Infinitesimal
amount of the precious metal. Some ol
the fancy jewelry fa very pretty , For In-
st nee , if the hair is worn in a cell high on
tqe bead , or something in French fashion ,
there jewel-headed diamond-cut
hre - plna , -
illver spiders , starv , or floral deslgnu in
silver and gold , and sparkling with gemi
of varied brilliant huea that look very effec
tive when cet amid the waves of hair ,
With theie ornaments coma banglei and
lace pins to correspond ,
The firatwoman [ graduated at the Alban i
college of pharmacy fa Mrs. Santh K
Slmonet , ot Lewis county , N. Y.
A young lady applying for a slluatlcr
aa a teacher in Spencer county , Kentucky ,
in reply to a question , aald : ' 'I aln'l , much
of n arlthmetlcker , but am on ileganl
grammarest. "
In a middle school examination in Law
rence , Mass. , the other day , the questlor.
woa given : "What are the two prlncba
forms ot government in tbo world ? ' Thi
answer given by tha boy wa , "Mayor nnc
alderman. "
A writer la the Home Sentinel m\kei
the suggestion that arithmetic might bi
made much eailor for ocholara if they won
at tha outset made to learn the multlplloa
tlou table as far BB twenty tlmea tw > uty
He also advocates the aytsteni cf ficturini
numbers as a great .savin ? of litre am
Adjutant General Drum fe Ia uudeithi
necessity of apologizing for sending a cou
pie of We t Point prafeaiort to vleit liar
varxl and Yale and other first clasa uulver
ilttea , to find out if anything now has best
w.rked up in theoatife of education In tin
eighty years since West Point has beet
establlihod. "Tbii may be regarded aa .
new departure , " nyi he , "bnt the work
movflo and wo must keep abreast of thi
spirit of the age. "
ItAustria nupporti 70 ichocli of acrlcul
ture with 2.2CO students , mid 174 agiicui
tural evening schools with 6,600 students
Franco has 43 farm schools with 3) to 41
pupils at each. Tba government pays tbi
board of each pupil , and allows him 71
franca a year for clothing. Part * ha ,
three department ichools of agricultun
and a national agricultural Institute. Get
many hrw over 150 schools of agriculture
horticulture , arboriculture and viniculture
Thtlr first experimental agrUultnral lU
tlonwa * established In 18/Wj / upward of 0
are now In operation , each on having i
special line bf rcMatch ,
The.Harvaid . Annex li now In Its fourtl
year of tucorisful eilst nc , Laat woe )
Mrs , LouU AgMilz , to tha conn * of at
Interesting report , stated that owing to Iti
limitations the Annex Is very expemiva
The charge | er year for full oollegi
course la 3 > 00 , $30 mora than Is paid b ]
Harvard student * . It therefore costi
those who enter for the four yean tSOQ
beside * the expense of living in Cambridge
Ths single court * * ara $ T6 a year. Thui
far the student * have been either younf
woman fitting a * teachers or older womer
who are already teacher * , but who allow
themselves out of their small earnings thi
rare luxury of a little change from teach
Ing to learning , that they may go back tc
their work refreshed and bettor prepared ,
Fifty women are enrolled aa rtgnlai
students In Cornell university , and then
are others who are pursuing a post-grad ,
utte course. A correspondent of the
Philadelphia Press hw been visiting the
university , and says In regard to this mat-
tar : ' 'I have talked ( with professors and
non professors , with men and women
gtu'lenta and with such aa are not students ,
and the general verdict la that there li BO
question whatever aa to the success ol
co-education , It operates aa naturally ,
healthfully and aa much to the positive
benefit of both sexen , aa can the beat and
most elevating social relations. The men
and women behave better and are more
than when educated in
self-respecting one-
sex schools.
The Augusta ( Ga. ) Chronicle siyn that
the plan of Chancellor Mell for the estab
lishment of a school of technology in the
university of Georgia has attracted a great
deal of attention throughout the state.
Hla Idea la to fit up work and machine
shops under the supervision of a master
mechanic , for the thorough and practical
training of young men in all the uses and
appliances of the meubanlo arts. The
school will be provided with the best tools
ind the most skilful superintendent * , 10
that wbon a graduate baa gone through his
apprenticeship and taken the auxiliary
course of study he may be able to take his
place at the bench or forge and work his
way into a permanent and paying position
In the best shopi of tbo country.
The upright piano prefers a rest during
Mr. Talmage lay * lhat the eyes are "two
lighthouses of the narbor of the immortal
soul. " Are we to infer , then , that a blinder
or wall-eyed man ia lost ? "
In heaven the people who give leaaons on
the harp occupy about the same position aa
regarda wealth that plumbers do on earth ,
Tbo notion of having your house con
nected with the church , by telephone , ia
ittorly absurd. How's your wife to see
jonnots by telephone ?
"Ought a Christian woman to dance ? "
anxiously icquirea an exchange. Now.
why not drop that subject and leave it to
the woman for settlement ?
An exchange states that "Clergymen are
ironounced against promiscuous kissing. "
1'hU is all wrong ; they should merely set
their facea against it.
The Rev. Dr. Spence , president of Woa-
loyan "university , " of the Methodist mine
"eutvrprhe , " waa charitably anxious that
his brother clergymen should come In "on
tbo ground floor. " Now some of his brother
clergymen wouldn't be sorry if they aaw
tbe f tev. Dr Spence go somewhere usually
located considerably below the basement ,
"Any number of the members may be
placed In nomination , and , on the day for
the selection , all the candidates ntmed
meet with the congregation in the church.
Aa i/innv books are placed in a row as there
i a candidates. One of these books con
tain n , elip of paper , and the candidate
irawing tte book containing the slip Is tbe
selected preacher. " Such IB the way in
which the Mennonltea , of Lancaster , Pa. ,
selected a pastor a few days ago.
Rev. J , K. Applebee , preaching in Par
ker memorial hall , Boston , last Sunday ,
said : "Woman IB fall ot goodneM , but
goodnes * ia weak , weak aa Gov. Butler' *
fast day proclamation , and nothing in thia
worl waa ever weaker than that.
Better fide to heaven In a Red River ox-
cai t , " said the Rev. Mr. Fortln , of Winni
peg , who was denouncing the Sunday
trains on tbe Canada Pacific railway ,
"than go to hades in a palace sleeper. " As ,
however , people have been traveling by
oi.-cart a good many years , and there is 110
record of anybody reaching he wen by that
vehicle , the reverend gentleman seems to
ba open to the charge of false pretenses.
Bi'ls ' to prohibit swearing and the aale
of liquor are pending in the Texas legisla
te. Deprive a Texan of liquor and no
luman power can stop him from awearing ,
"I caught np the other day with one of
ny old Sunday cchool pupils , " said Charlie
ware , of the cavalry company. "You
may snicker , boyn , but the record shows
that I directed a Sabbath olaaa of great
promise rtt the Page Avenue Methodist
: hurch a few years ago. I have not located
them all yet , for they are re-altered in
various paths. The hst ono I found be-
i ind a bar counter. I recognized him in
t moment. Another bright lad , one of the
beat In the clats , I met on the base ball
grounds last summer ; he ia pitcher for a
profeseional club. One of the best-behaved
3oys In the class , a qalet , bashful sort of
lad , became infatuated with a variety
totreia and disposed of her with a bullet ,
Uo is now a guest of the state at Jefferson
3ity , Still another I found one day on
; he street corner directing one of those
' ' machines. Same
'trv-vour-strength' day ,
if I get time , I intend to have a reunion of
the boys. It will be a kind of experience
meeting , and it may Interest you to be
prosent. "
Are never imitated or counterfeited ,
This la especially trno of a family
medicine , and it is positive proof that
the remedy imitated is of the highest
value. Aa Boon as it had boon tested
and proved by the whole world that
Hop Bitters waa the purest , best and
most valuable family medicine on
earth , many Imitations sprang np and
began to steal the notices In which
the press and people of the country
had expressed the merits of H. B. ,
and In every way trying to Induce suf
fering invalids to HBO their stuff In
stead , expecting to make money on
the credit and good name of H. B.
Many others started nostrums pnt np
in similar Btylo to H. B. , with vari
ously devised Samoa in which the
word "Hop" or "Hops" were used In
away to induce people to believe they
were the same aa Hop Bitters' , All
such pretended remedies or cures , no
matter what their style or name IB.
and eaplolally thoao with the word
"Hop" or "Hops" in their uiune or in
any way connected with them or theii
name , are Imitations or conntorfoita.
Beware of thorn. Tonch uono ol
them. UBO nothing bnt gennlne Hop
Bitters , with a bunch or clnater of
green Hops on the white label. Trust
nothing oLso. Drngcista and dealers
are warned against dealing in Imita
tions or connrnrfnlt *
Fortun or JParmor * and Mo-
cluM > ioa
Thousand * of dollars can be saved by
using proper judgment in taking care ol
the health of yourself and family. If you
are bilious , have tallow complexion , poor
nppetite , low and depressed spirits , and
generally debilitated , do not delay a mo
ment , but go at once ; and procure a bottle
tle of those wonderful Electric Bitten ,
which never fall to cure , and that for the
tricing sum of fifty cent * . { Tribune.
Bold by 0. F , Goodman.
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned t Goods , and I
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Fire and Burglar
1020 Farnham-Street ,
Association ,
Orders from any part of the State or the
Entire West will be promptly shipped :
ill Our Goads arc Mad to the Standard of our
Sole Agent for Omaha and the West.
] fficB Corner 13th and Barney Streets , Omaha , Neb.
RrsMflaps' Pafifflng and Trimming" Repairing Promptly * Done ,
_ 1319 Harney , Co : 14th , Omaha.
A. M. CLAK ,
Window Shades and Onrtalns ,
Faints , Oils & Brushes.
107 Sooth 1 4th Street
Farnam St. . Omaha.
1500 Street. | Cor. 16th and California St.
Hiva brought to this city from the firmi of Lindredlh & Son's. Philadelphia , andj&mca M. Thur.
burn * Co. , New York , tbc Urgent itock of Garden nd Field Seeds erer imported before to this
city , til of which are guaranteed to be fresh and true to tbc rumi.
JPrioes will also be as low as any Responsible Dealer can Make.
" "
"mar 16-eod-tf HENRY BOLLN & CO.
BUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors.
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers
Ornamental Galvanized Iron Oornicesr Iron Sky Light ? , Etc ,
310 South Twelfth Street , OMAHA , NEB.
mar 7-mon-wtd trl-me.
Is only attained by using
Stoves and Eangss.
For aale by