Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1883, Image 1

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, v
My's Tale of Official Trickery
Sparingly Drawn Out ,
"The Government CounselVen-
omounly Working for
$150 a Day.
Invoice of Medicine Or
dered to Hungry Indians
in Arizona.
'The Charces Against Hill and
French's Efforts to
Shield Him ,
The Surplus of Last Year's
Crop of Corn and Wheat
and Its Location.
Hazon liopi Off Several Snperna-
rmated Flnsitaffc Hlioel-
laneoBti Item-
Special Dispatch to Tna.Bu.
WASHINGTON , March 16. Thin
morning General Brady again took the
witness stand , and was farther cross *
examined by Bliss. Bliss took up the
proceedings of the congress commit
tees and asked witness If hla state
ments then made were true. He as-
aortad the ? were.
Bliss Don't yon know yon made
ten times the nnmber of orders made
by yonr predecessors , Rontt and Ty-
ner.Brady I presamo I did ; I thought
myself ten times better an assistant
general postmaster than they were
together. ( Laughter. ) Tyner and
Jewell dtd little in expedition. It
wag not p rt of the Jewelllan plan to
plan to Increase star routes or steam
boat service.
Bliss Yon spoke of congress ap
proving yonr act. Whore yon yon
find thai ?
Brady I regard granting the de
ficiency appropriation an approval.
Bllus Was that the only basil ?
Brady ( sharply ) That was enough.
Blies Did they give yon all yon
asked ?
Brady No , bnt they gave mo
Bliaa Then yon asked for more
than you wanted ?
Brady Yes , for more than enough
to mike up the deficiency.
Bins Did yon not say to William
Tiilloy , . sub-contractor , in August ,
1880 , that if the sub contract on Min
eral Park was given to one of Jeu-
nlnga' yon would out the service down
to a trip a week ?
Ingenoll objected- ,
- > Afcor.-argument , wiinoaa replied
thntlHe dJdTHJtJrememfaeir an ir eon
venation. He had tali like saying
anch things about Jennings because
he rendered such miserable service on
other routes.
Bllis produced one of the price ,
drafts and asked if witness had ever
had the paper in his possession.
Wi son obj ; cte J.
Meriick expressed his i tsntion of
* howlng that these drafts for $1.250
each and 82,500 in money had boon
plaodd upon Brady's desk by a con
tractor for a corrupt pupose. . Hoar
gued it was competent evidence for
either direct or cross examination.
The government would show that this
witness had dragged hla whlto robes
of office in the gutter at the bidding
and tor the pay of others in reference
to other routes They wanted to have
it out of his own month , so they might
xebnt him.
The court Interrupted , and asked if
Merrlck held that , if the facts wore
proven as proposed , he could oblige
the defendant to criminate himself ,
Merrlok contended he coald , and
read from authorities in support of his
proposition. Having voluntarily gone
on the stand the defendant must run
his risk cf criminating himself. The
law did not contemplate force when
such witnesses were allowed to testify.
If they showed that en or about the
samn time ( that the indictments cov
ered ) witness was steeped in villainy ,
was it not competent evidence ?
Daring the delivery of Merrlck's
argument , which occupied half an hour
and wan characterized by bitterness
and scithlhg comments upon Brady ,
the latter sat with the greatest com
posure in the witness box , looking him
calmly in the face.
Without hearing the argument on
the part of the defense , court ad
journed nntil Monday.
Special Dli ) atch to Tin BBS.
WASHINGTON , March 1C Genera !
Crook , commanding the department ol
Arizona , yesterday reported to the
commissioner of Indian nffatra there
wore fifteen Indiana sick with small
pox at P ach SpriniiH , near the At
lantic nnd Pacific railway. The com-
miseloner dlrecttd the physician al
San Carlos to attend to the medical
wantn of the Indiana.
The folio wing telegram was received
at the Indian oflico to-day :
WmrrLK BABIHCKH , A. T. , March 15.
PBICE , Oomuiiasiouur ot Indian Affaire
Washington :
Dispatch received. The Indians neec
something betide mrdlcine. They hav
nothing to eat , and their efforts to ge
oinethinir may intereot the whole country
( Signed : ) Gio , CEOJK , llrig.den.
Commissioner 1'rico this atteruooi
telegraphed Crook , Informing bin
there wore no funds from vhioh t <
pnrohaao supplies for these Indiana
He suggested , however , if the war du
partmeut would supply the immedlat
needs of the Indians , ho would endeavor
doavor to have congress reimburse th
department at the next session. Th
Indians referred to are accredited t
the Colorado river agency , but are no
on the reservation ; consequently ther
ii no appropriation available for the I
.istonco. Tbo necessity of provid
ing for these Indians ( about COO in
number ) wai urged upon congress by
Commissioner Piico in hla last annual
report. _
BptcUl Dtopatch to Tni BIB ,
WASHINGTON , Maroh lG Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury French haa
furnished for publication a statement
in regard to the charges against Su
pervising Architect Hill. He denies
a knowledge cf any of the charges.
This is a more quibble. The state
ment rondo waa ( hat the charges had
boon prepared for consideration of
Secretary Folger. Assistant Socro-
taay French ii not the proper person
to pass npon such charges , as bo is the
head who haa approved all of Hill's
work. Some years ago whtn
charges were preferred against a con
tractor for fraud , French's department
supplied the accused with early copies
of the charge , and gave him access to
the rcootds of the department before
the prosecuting oftioors had an oppor
tunity to examine them. The opinon
is that It wonld bo nnwlso to put the
new inquiry into the hand of assistant
secretary French. It Ii said n good
deal of evldenoo can bo found against
Special Dispatch to Tra II u
WASHINGTON , March 1C An in
vestigation of the consumption and
distribution of corn and wheat to
March I has been completed by the
department of agriculture It makes
the stock of corn in baud at that date
abont 580,000,000 bushels , or 30 par
cent of lost year's crop. Of this 380-
000,000 brshels are in the states of
the central basin of the Tennessee.
Most of the remainder Is in the mid-
states. In comparison with the aver
age stock the past five years , at the
same date , there Is scarcely any in
crease la the middle or western
states. In the south the percentage
of the crop is 43 , instead of 36.
Taking all the states together , the
increased stock is abont two per cent.
The seven surplus corn states , from
the Ohio west to Nebraska and Kan
sas Inclusive , have 33 per cent of the
crop on hand , against 27 per cent last
March , and 35 per C3nt of the crop of
In the weal ; half la used for produc
ing meat and a small per centfor food.
The proportion of wheat on hand
March Int. ia 28 per cent of the crop ,
or 140,000 000 bushels. The proportion
tion of the last five years nt that date
is nearly the same. In the statoi of
the central basis the total reported on
hand is 101,000,000 bushel * . The
proportion remaining in the'sonlhern
states is 25 per cent Instead of 22 , the
average of jrovlou * years. In the
Pacific states the percentage ia 23 in
f.tead of tbo former average of 2G per
cent. The details cf the distribution
will be given at length In the , March
reports. _ '
' Ail t'Ub1 l&f' .
WASHINGTON. D. 0. , March 16.
Secretary Chandler requests all Amer
ican ship builders and contractors of
marine engines who may desire to bid
for the construction of three steel
cruisers and a dispatch boat , to com
municate immediately with the navy
department , stating the facilities fur
nished by their establishments for do
ing the rtquirod work.
0. W , Danny , connsul general of
the United States , at Shanghai , China ,
forwarded to the state department
82,355 in United States gold coin to
bt > placed to the credit of the Garfield
memorial hospital fnnd. Three hun
dred dollars of this amount was con
tributed by Chinese friends of Danny ,
wboin for warding their subscription
said they wonld ' 'be most happy to
head a Chinese circular and send it
around among our friends , bnt to ask
our countrymen to subscribe to a hos
pital to built to a country which will
not permit Onlneso to enter It for ten
years , ia more than we dare do " The
balance of this contribution wan ob
tained from citizens of the United
States residing in China , and who
were ar xlous to aid in the undertaking
of the hospital committee
The president has suspended Judge
Wilson S Hoover , associate justice
of the supreme conrt of Arizona ,
pending investigation by the depart
ment of justice of the charge of oar-
rnpt practices in accepting bribes.
The chief signal omor has been
compelled through lack of appropria
tions for the current fiscal year to Is
sue an order discontinuing thirty-six
caution display stations , discontinuing
telegraphic weather reports from
Eagle Rock , Idaho ; Wa hakie , Fort
Wyomlug , nnd also discontinuing tele
graphing the 1 o'clock n , m. "synop
sis" and special bulletin to printing
stations , also discontinuing nine
otationa altogether
Among the caees assigned to-day
for trial before Justice Hayne's In the
newly organ/.id ! branch of the crimi
nal court , ia that of Win. Jones , in
dicted for assault with intent to kill
Charles J. Gnlteau. Jones Is the
man who rode aloni ; side the prison
van and shot at Qniteau through He
The great public notoriety given
the case ot Architect Hill haa induced
him to inquire into the nature of the
charges against him.
A Suffering Secretary.
SpecIU Dispatch ! to Tui lin.
WASHINGTON , March 10. In at
Interview with Secretary Teller in re.
gard to the scandalous encroachment !
on the public domain , the secretary
expresses himself personally opposec
to the entire land grant system , but
Is compelled to administer the law ai
he finds it , and complains that thi
executive branch ot the govornmon
is greatly hampered in 1U efforts t <
control and correct tbo evil ) of thi
system by the supreme court declsloi
and the dllatorlness of congress ,
Death of Oarl Marx , tha Found
er of the Internationale
and Communism ,
The Wheat of India a Compet
itor of America in
A General Atiottmentof Intorett
Special DUpatchca to Tim DEI.
LONDON , March 1C - Dr. Friodorlch
Engel , uu intimate friend of Karl
Marx , says Marx died in London ,
near Ilogonts Park , Dr. Engel waa
present at the death , The cause was
bronchitis , abscess of the lungs and
internal bleodiug. Ho died without
Out of respect to the wishes of
Marx , who always avoided demon
stration , the family decided to hive a
private funeral. About eighteen per
sons will bo present , Including a few
friends cn.ning from the continent.
The place of Interment is not an
nounced. Dr. Eogol will probably
speak at the grave. No religious
ceremony. Marx spent a part of the
summer at Argontoull and returned to
London In Ootober.
Debate on Konnord'a motion de
claring In vlow of the complete satis
fying of a'l ' demands of American clti *
zena on the sum of the Geneva con
ference allowed in regard to Alabama
claims , the balance should bo restored
to Great Brit Ian , was deferred.
In the commons In the debate on
Transvaal , Gladstone said Fowler had
preached war. The government wonld
undertake to provide for the chiefs
formerly England's allies as the Trans
vaal authorities were unable to restrain
the raids.
It is doubtful if Parnell will attend
the iPhlladelphia convention of the
Land League. Ho thinks the busi
ness of parliament will bo of superior
importance ,
Inquiry has proved the presence of
traces of phosphorous in the body of
Gortsohskoff. The mistress of the
nooaaed possesses a written promise
if marriage from him.
The Indian Budget fully discussed
he competition of Indian with Amen-
an wheat in the London market. The
adgot reports the otatus of India ,
at a great dlsadvantaga with
egard to internal communication ,
bat it has a great advantage through
too trade. The railway rates from
ho north to B imbay are to be Immod-
ntely reduced 18J per cent , which is
quivalent to a reduction in prlca of
'heat of one shilling olxjponca per
jiarter in the London market. The
report anticipates a reduction in rates
m other lines directly.
LONDON , March 10. The Times
thin morning jsayt : In Manchester.
Leodo , Liverpool and "London , the
'eollng of English workincmen to wards
; he Irish people , once sympathetic ,
now becomes cold. It only depends
in a few more cases of dynamite outages -
ages to turn this feeling to a hostil-
ty which the authorities will find very
difficult to control.
LONDON , March 1G James Carey ,
; he iuformor , has received letters
Tom all parts of the kingdom , notlfy-
ng him that there are plenty of men
o take the places of those arrested.
He now Is uot allowed to read newspa-
era containing attacks upon him ,
iccltl Dlepttclca to Tni lin.
The man who recently fired at the
Boat of arms on front of the Austrian
mbaesy in Rome , was sentenced to
hreo years banishment ,
Extra precautions hvo boon taken
o protooc Earl Spencer and the of
ficers of the executive department in
A key was obtained to Important
Iphor documents In Dublin. An in-
brmorin connection with the Phoenix
jark murderers will testify at the
Belfast assizes.
The imports of Franco for February
decreased 25.000,000 franca , compared
with February , 1882. The exoorts
were about the same as those i f the
preceding February. '
The death of Karl Marx attracts
little attention in Berlin.
The German government has noti
fied China it disavows taking posses
sion of the district ofjJSwatov , and the
German consul there is recalled.
John Walsh was released at Havre.
The Dublin Evening Telegraph
charges the London press , especially
The Times , with endeavoring to excite -
cite a mob against the Irish.
The National Eeltung s ys Adml
ral Yon Stosoh urged the emperor tc
accept his resignation as chief of the
ministry of marines for political and
personal reasons.
The upper house of the Prusnlar
landtag adopted the budget in th <
same form in which It was adopted bj
the lower house. The landtag prorogued
roguod until April 16.
Tho-Berlin presi are utterly dls
TOayod at the Westminster explosion ,
and advise onorgetio measures ,
Edouard Lxboulayo , the dlntin
guishod French jurist , is dying.
GENEVA , March 1C The Gormai
and French socialists hero propoao t <
make a great demonstration on nox
BUBLIN , March 16. The Water
ford court of assizea were crowded to
day as it was expected the crowi
would proceed with the case agalna
Blggar , the member ol pirll amont fo
Canon , for his utterances in th
speech ho delivered in Waterford las
December. No bill , however , wa
presented to the grand jury.
PAUIS , March 10. Several warrant
for the arrest of Anarchists have bee
Issued. The lodging occupied by
Lonlso Michel before her flight has
been searched and a number of docu
ments found there were solzod.
BrftkMBKU 5qae 'itiid at Oakland.
pocUl Dbp tche toTni Oil.
OAKLAND , Neb , March 1C. Harry
Strong , a brakemnn' , fell under n
moving train while patslng from abcx
to a flat oar on the north bound train
this afternoon , near Lyons. Ono rib
and his right arm were fractured , and
his loft arm wad badly mutilated.
Ho will lese two fingers. Strong is
now at the St. Paul house , Oakland ,
Hotfil JBnraed-
Special DUpatch to Tim Bia
BUKLINOTON JuNonow , Mo , March
1C. The J. M. Martin hotel caught
fire hrro to-day nnd was totally de
stroyed. It was only by the hardest
work end united efforts of our citi
zens that the whole west end of the
town was saved , The cause is nup
posed to bo n defective flue , as the
workmen bad built u fire to dry the
planter. L s8 , $3,000 ; no Insurance.
SpecUl Dlnutrhcn to Tni 111 * . .
Toe butlnesi failures for the last * oveu
days are 255.
Tbo river doollne3 four inches at Hel
ena , Ark , , yoattrday ,
Ueneral Diaz , cx-prestdent of Mexico ,
and party , have arrived in Bt. Louln.
Seven business houses and starts In
Bloomtnfitno , led , 'burned ; loss $75005.
The Missouri hoase passed a bill fixing
railioid passenger ratea At three cents per
Judge David Davis and bride visited Ft.
Punter yesterday. On Monday they go to
Ailtco , 8. C.
Lee St'in , a prominent broker , has b en
appointed maniger of the Mexican Na
tional band.
The democratic caucus nf Fawtuoket ,
Lincoln , nd'E it Greenwich , U. I. , were
carried for Sprague.
Fannie Mordaunthas begun cult in New
York agalnat her husband , Frank Mor-
daunt , on the charge of desertion.
The National Keel And Bid association
bold the next tournament in New York on
tha second Wednesday la October.
Mrs. Alex Allen And son , aged 15 years ,
were aspbyxltted with coal gas from a
self-feeding stove at Hamilton , Ont.
sheep men report heavy losnon
from the cold rain of last week. The loea
west of the Nuroea ( river reaches n quarter
of a million dollars.
Gapt. Sarrcnt. commander of the ntaara-
ship Indiana , plying between. Philadelphia
anH Llvcrponi , hiw been offered command
of Jay Gould' * new > aoht.
Geo. W. Clubman , who last summer o1 * .
taiaed money from the Concord ( N , II )
sclool philosophers by a forgot ! check , wau
sentenced to live yean la ( tae prlnou.
While railroad laborers ware wanning
dynamite cartridges , at Marlbornugh , N
Y. . an explosion inolc place nnd one laborer
was kiled and others probably filially in
The train robbora'.who murdered Condue-
or Cain on the Fort Smith roud , have been
pursued to Washington county , where
they separated and are going north into
vrl. f * * * 1C * "
Witt (111. ( ) ojunty nJlroad bond * , Is
sued in I860 , have beau extensively coun
terfeited and put on tbo maiket. A large
number of innocent people have lean
swindled ,
The trades organization , of New York ,
wl'l ' unite next Monday evening In tribute
to the memory of Karl Marx at Cooper
Union. Henry George , John Swlnton and
Herr Most are invited to apeak.
A serious cave In the Silver Horn mine
1s reported in Salt Lake , being a settling
down on the slope of the foot wall of the
old cavB of two yean sgNo one was
hurt. It biu not yet interfered with the
working ol the shafts.
Jacob W. Amolung , ono of the jurors
who acquitted Assemblyman Dukes for
the murder of CapUln Nutt , at Union-
town , Pa. , was attacked on the streets of
the village of Belle Vernon , and BO badly
beaten that his life is despaired of.
The American Sporta. Chicago , will
publish a challenge from Eugene Carter
to play any contestant m the recent bil
Hard tournament a match game for $500
aside. It U certain the challenge will be
accepted by Wallace and the game played
the latter part of next week.
John Powell's gin house on the Mitsia-
slppl side opposite Helena , Ark. , burned
last night. It was filled with negro refu
gee ? , who barely escaped with their lives
in the overflow. A child wan drowned In
the excitement and stamnede from the
burning building.
Between three and four a. m. at Lime
stone , ninety miles eist of Knoxvllle , the
eastern bound pasieoger train was In col-
Uiion with a freight train. Both engines
were wrecked , and eight cars demolished.
YVm. Whitlock , the engineer , was crushed
beneath the passenger train.
A Homily un Hogs.
Special Dispatch to Tun BIB ,
OIIIOAOO , March 1C. The investi
gations made by the reporters go to
show that many of the largo apart
ment buildings in Chicago are verita
ble fire traps demanding the Instant
attention of the authorities. In re
gard to the announcement that the
Gorman decree against the importation
of American hog products has boon
promulgited , Armour & Co , say the
decree will not have any effect npon
this year's crops no there la no surplus
whatever for export. Another large
provision honso hero is gathering
statistics from all parts of the country
with the Intention of convincing the
Gorman government that our hog pro
ducts are worthy of ucscptanco.
Tlie Flood HnTjiidlng.
Spoclil Dlipatcb to Ton Iln.
MEMPHIT , March 10. The water ii
HOW twelve inches below the dangei
line on tlila side , The water is bC'
tweon the banks everywhere botwoor
Memphis and Cairo. A force of i
thousand men are at work * repairing
the damage by the lloov * Travo
on the line of the Memphis * ALlttli
Rook railroad will bo resumed bj
next Thursday. The outlook for i
fine planting season thronghont thi
Mississippi valley was never bettor ,
r-Hoods , scarfs , ribbons and an ]
fancy articles can bo made any ooloi
wanted with the Diamond Dyes. Al
the popular colors.
Decline of Man.
Nervous Weakness , Dyspepsia , Impotence
potonce , Sexual Debility , cured b ;
' 'Wells' Health Rouewer$1 ,
Frightful Panto in a Theatre
With a Lively Enooro ,
T/ie Sudden Sinking of a Pil
lar Causes a Rush for
tbo Doors.
Scxua Tight Squeezing Hone and
Poobotbaoki Changa Haxtdi.
8cUI Dispatch toTim Dun.
NEW YOUK , March 10 , At the
Cosmopolitan theatre to-night , towards
the close of a minstrel performance , a
sniiant ! | ; ( croaking sound waa hoard ,
nd suddenly one of ths rich iron
ooluinna of Ihu first balcony crashed
tlirugb tholbor , throwing ono thou
sand people crowding the Immense
nudioucu bnlow Into a panic. Wom
en fcreumcd , muu ia terror turned to
the door nnd a ftarful crush followed ,
oil struggling for i-xit. Several women
u-uro crushed botiro the man-
ngern could bo heard and some degree
ofqnietners obtained. It was found
the balcony hud settled fully twelve
inahon , the Oitkest column sinking
through the floor on which it rested.
Many pooplu bad loft the place , bnt
returned nnd the performnnoo pro
ceeded. Suddenly , however , the oc
cupants of the balcony b.'gau to hoot
nnd hisa. This drove the now
thoroughly heightened people below
into a panio. Fortnnatclly Pollco
Comuiisnloners French and Mason and
CuptaluKlltaloa were present and suc
ceeded in calming the people and the
performance catno to an ond. Many
Indies loit their clothing and pocket
A Solflnh Motive.
Spclal Dispatch to Tni Dm.
WAHUINQTON , March 1C. The ar
bitrary action of the Bundosrath In
ordering the exclusion of American
pork products from the Garman mar
ket waa not expected. The announce
ment , however , has created quite a
stir in the state department , and homo
diplomats are ac a loss to know whore
this sort of business is going to ond.
Minister Sargent , in his last report to
ho secretary of state from Berlin that
ho pretended sanitary reasons
> becoming the thinnest thread ,
blob has been torn lu
nrods , and which Is now
ppnrently the only one insisted on as
in oxQueo to the United States. In a
oid , there IB no sanitary objection to
morican pork. Tha true explanation
f the notation is that it la a thorn In
he flesh of German proprietors , that
pound ot American pork can bo solder
or tan pfennig leas than homo pro
'lists. If the muvo of keeping out the
mlf a million o < vta , of American pork
reported Into Germany yearly oould
ucsrad , then their great rival is ont
if the way , and they will fix the prices
o suit thomoolvco.
pe lal Dhpaioh
AUIANY , March 10. At3:30 : o'clock
hi * morning a fire broke ont In the
lichen of the Daluvan bouse. The
lialls were rapidly filled with smoke
nd the most of the 100 guests fled
rom the rooms panic stricken and half
ilad. In half an honr the flames were
nbdned and the guests returned to
heir rooms , The damage was nom-
Brutal Sport * .
pecUl Dlipatcb to Tuillmi.
PiiTLnnua , March 1C. A prlzo
fight i f thirty six rounds took place in
ho parlor of Col. Kohmo's residence
near Aitoona , early this morning , bo-
woon JamoK O'Neal , of Plttsbnrg ,
and James Kohne , of Philadelphia ,
"or $1,000. O'Neal waa declared win
ner. ,
An extensive cocking main in the
heart of the city waa raided while in
"nil blast , and twenty-five sports and
birds captured.
The Laa 13ocas ranch , Los Angeles , is
patrolled by armed men to prevent settlers
cutting wood.
A Colton butcher named J. D. llomalne
has fallen heir to a fortune of 9176,000
by the death of bis stepmother in New Or-
At National City last week five Meet-
cans attacked a Chinese wiuhhouie and
brutally beat the Chlncco inmates with
cluhs. after which they stole (20 in money
and fled.
United States Detective Flnnegrui is
still raiding the jewelry stores In the
southern port of the state In search of
gold half and quarter dollars mode for
The Stockton cupervisors have bean
struggllne with the evils of prostitution
and gambling in that town , and at a recent
meeting decided to have the former regu
lated by ordinance , and tj license the Ut
ter Ah Fey , a miserable specimen of the
Mongolian race , whoue existence is made
more Intolerable by n Incurable and loath ,
some disease , attempted suicide at Stock
ton by eating rat poison. The stun , while
it might successfully exterminate rodents ,
was not Bullicloutl } deadly to cause the
suicidal pagan's noul to taUo flight , and he
still HngarK , a hideous spectacle to the res
idents of Stockton.
The mountain town of Susanvlllo wa *
tbosceno of a euccougful elopement recent
ly , and In coruequonco thereof tbo people
are happy. The eloping parties were Phil
ander A , Jenklna mid Miss Uetsy A. Fox.
They resided at IHg Me at ! own , and hvl
long loved each other dearly. An undo ol
IJetsy'c , however , opposed the match , and
strategy was found nocea'jarv. ' Tha fall
one viulted frlondu at .Susanville , and 1'hil
ander followed In a few days , The uncli
smelt a mouse , and also went to Susan
vllle , but one nlcht 1'hlUndor hoisted hit
loved ono nut of a window , and a justlci
of the pnaco had made them one before thi
uncle was awake.
Itapld City will soon have a $50,004
hotel ,
There are 0,000 smwo miles of fine for
e t timber in the liiack Hills.
A new hotel U being built at Columbia
Drown county , which will coit $25,000.
A creamery has been incorporated a
Klk Point and will begin operations 01
Aptll 1st ,
February 21th WM the seventh annlvei
i > ary of the location of the town lito of
Rapid City. I
A man named Ford claims to havostnnV.
a vrIn of coal eight foot deep on his farm
In Aurora county.
The outlook for A season of prosperity
for the Ulaok II Ilia country wua never
brighter than At present ,
There is n plan on foot In Deadwood to
form A stock company with a capital of
$40,000 to build a hotel.
A thread nnd twlno factory , n paper
mill and a furniture factory will be built in
Columbia , Brown county , this year ,
A Mitchell paper says that it is safe to
estimate the arrivals there for the next
two monthi will average fully 300 persons
per day.
The marble found at Deaclwood and
Kapld City promised to bo A good article
as soon as a depth Is reached beyond the
notion of the elements.
Lnd City has a sot of roughs who he-
have themselves so badly In church that
the ttnitoos have published notices In
the papers warning them not to repeat the
Considerable development work Is being
done throughout every dUtrlct In the
Illlli. As a rule the mines nro Improving
both In quantity and quality as tha work
progrosicB ,
A Bodlo Chinaman Is reported to have
m de 82,000 during the punt year by soil-
ini ? old tin c u material far roofing pur-
Tommy Mclaughlin , a waiter In n Para-
dlee hotel , carved the Chinese cook of the
hostelry very corlously the other night.
The pagan , it Is thought , will die , nnd
Tommy is awaiting results in jail nt Win *
Several washouts have occurred recently
on the Northern Pacific railroad , between
twenty-four and sixty-five miles above
Wnllula and near "Kl to Pay" point. The
road-bed ovoi tint part of tbo route is low
nnd the recent freshet in Hangman's creek
is the causo.
L. L. Roblnsen , president of the Albion
mining company , in In Eureka , and says
for himself tbat ho will assign the entire
property of th company to some person or
person * appointed by the creditors , and
pive ( hem over Also the fifty-cent assoai-
ment levied to-day , lie bas telegraphed
the board In Ban Francisco to know If they
will ratify his act of assignment ,
Silver Bow county has A cash balance on
hand ot $09,000.
A sixty stamp mill will ho erected at
Bntte by the Drum Lummon mine to work
the ore produced by that mine.
The railroad company boa contracted for
000,000 brick for the purpose of building
und homes At Livingston.
A woolen factory will very probably bo
uilt this year at the falls of the Missouri ,
short distance below the Sun river.
A prizs fight took place In O'Keofo
anon last week , lasting two nnd A half
our * . At the end of the thlrtsecond
ound the fight was declared a draw.
In February of this year 150 lota were
old in the town of Livingston for $54 , *
JO. The total amount of sales from the
rat of tno year to March 1st , were $93 , >
The Lexington mlno nt Uutto is conald-
red tbo richest rllver mine In the terrl-
ory. Its h rca are now Rolllup ( u t'arls ,
'ranee , for $35 each , which Is an increase
f 10 per cent dating the past sixty days.
The Methodlati of Miles City believe In
i btiDR sin with the .devl'a } dollars , and
contribution boxas are placed Iri All the
alocns. The Press eayi ; The contrlbu *
Ion box At the Keg saloon Is now filled
* > lthhardCMb , nod unlcon Another oe U
ilsoea on it * obuuter ti.b Mcluouwl.Jctai/ ; /
trill lose A great many quarter * .
The taxes Imposed npon the Northern
Pacific by the Caster county authorities ,
and efforts of the Utter to obtain satisfac
tion of the claim , has resulted In A threat
'rom the railroad officials to remove their
station And side tracks to Fort Keoeb ,
and leave Miles City nothing but A fug
tatlon or , perhaps , not that.
In Denver , the citizens , irrespective of
partlziinshlp , have nominated A ticket for
city offices which they will use every fair
means to elect.
A water company for the mining town
f Jamestown has been Incorporated with
a capital of 9300,000. The company will
urnish water for the different mines.
A remarkably rich strike Is said to have
> een made recently in the Golden Wonder
mine In the San Juan country. Gold ore ,
which yields over 8700 per ton , baa been
The Academy of Mutic , the new theatre
n Denver , i * approaching ; completion , and
t Is said to to an elegant structure ; in
3very respect equalling similar places of
amusement In eastern cities ,
The Michigan and Colorado mining
lompany of Pitkin has recently put in A
area amount of machinery on their mine
which , it U said , will make it one of tha
most valuable properties In the state ,
Notwithstanding the fact that Jlmtown
s but A mining camp la a mountain there
Are certain evidences of permanency About
t which indicate that it will ( live and flour-
sh. Substantial Improvements are going
on there at this time.
The hull of the bark C. L. Taylor , re
cently wreaked off the StralU of Fucs , has
> een towed into Port Townseud.
J , L. Furguson hai been appointed Inspector
specter of custom * at Portland , vice John
L' . Ward , appointed nppraUer of customs a
hort time ago.
Israel Manor was killed at Sllverton bj
; be accidental discharge of a gun , down the
muzzle of which he blew , with a view ol
ascertaining If It was loaded. His age wai
Ji ) years.
The trust-sos of the Taylor Street Pres.
jyterian church , Portland , have purchatec
mlf a block on Eleventh and Taylui
streets for 314,000 and propose to oroot (
$35,000 $ church thereon ,
Two determined road agents robbed thi
otage between Glebe uud Florence on tin
night of the 3d Inxt. , getting away will
Wells , Fargo & Co.'a treasure box.
A female beggar was arrested for vnccran
cy nt Alhuqueiquo last week. On lielrjj
searched at the prison a draft on a Nev
York bank , drawn In her favor , was die
An armed pasre , competed oi 20 plcke
men from the Shalisp are Guards , unde
command of Captain Ulack , lolt Lord *
burg for the Cilia valley , for the purpose c
capturing M. 0. Kinney and bis band c
rustlers , who are reported to be locate
within a few mlloi of Richmond with 25
head of stolen hornun and cattle. Klnne
U one of the most lawless men in Ne
Mexico , and hai a band of twenty rustlen
Combination of Ingredient
used In making BHOWN'S UuoNCHU
TROCHES la such as to give the bent pots
ble effect with safety , They are wldel
knotVn as the best remedy for Cough
Colds. Throat diseases and Astbmat
troubles. Price , 25 cents A box ,
i *
111 health generally comes from lac
of the proper life forces in the blooc
To restore the blood to healthy stat
use Brown's Iron Bitten , |
1 i _ _
The London Explosion a Dy
namite Declaration
of War.
The Iriuh Invinoiblea Detor-
mlmod to Bale or \
The Scene of the Wreck and
the Opinions of High
O'Donovan Kossa Rejoices
With Sheridan and
Others ,
While ths Poorla Crowo Flaps
HliiVlntjs With Eostaoy.
poclal Dispatches to Tim linn.
LONDON , March 1C 1 a. m. An
normous crowd gathered at the scene
f the explosion last night in the local
jovornmonk board cflios In Wostmln-
tor. Thn government inspector haa
made an examination of the portion
> f the building damaged by the ox-
iloslon , and places the lots at 4 000.
. 'ho vessel which contained the ex
plosive material waa placed in the
: ollar of the local government board
offices. The Times nays If the Irish
extremists are really going to reply
with dynamite to any of the measures
hey disapprove of , It is certain the
day of remedial legislation Is over.
1 p. m. A later and closer Inspoo-
ion shown that the explosion occurred
rom the outaldo of the building.
LONDON , March 10. In many maps
f London the local government board
iffioo is marked u the homo office.
; t is thought the attempt to blow np
ho former building was made with
ho Idea that it was the latter , \Vm.
laroonrt being very obnoxious to the
Sir Charles Dllko , president of the
coal government board , thinks tho-
ttoinpt was not upon himself or the
officials of his department. The evildoers
doors intended to cause widespread de
struction of property , lie is of the
opinion the plot originated with the
managers of the skirmishing fund.
Sir William Uarcourt and other
borne ofliciala bollovo the attempt was
directed against the criminal inquiry
department , which ia adjacent to the
* Hi .JOB of the local local government
board. The guards were doubled at
the magazines and military centres.
Dublin detectives are assisting the
Lpndun police.
The government offers a reward of
1,000 for the discovery of tha aa-
thors of the explosion. The reward ap ; <
.plies toihp bitdmpton the Times office
also. 'Any ono bos iau M ual culprit '
living Information of the origin of tha
ixplosion will bo pardoned. The
Strand magistrate unearthed astound-
ng evidence connecting O'Donovan
los with the patriotic brotherhood
onsplraoy. L
LONDON. March 1C. No arrests
ave yet been made In connection
with the explosion. The police no-
Iced nothing suspicions abont the
inildlng before the explosion oo-
NEW YORK , March 15. When
O'Djnovan Rossa was asked to-day
whether the explosion in London was
ansed by dynamite or was It an ac-
Idental explosion of gas , ho answered :
Wo oould not follow out our system
unless wo used dynamite , and that
what caused the explosion. There
was no accident about it. "
"Do yon think it was intended to
ostroy the building only , or kill those
within ? '
"It waa intended to do all the dam-
go possible , and it was done to show
England she had better give Ireland
or own parliament. England Is at
war with Ireland and Ireland should
)0 at war with England. "
Rossa showed the following dispatch
rom Boston :
"Congratulate you on news from Lon-
on this morning. I can collect money
iOW In Booton.
( Signed ; ) "Joiw D. DBISCOLL. "
Rossa said ho received to-day of-
ors of money , and ho can obtain all
hat's needed. In answer to the
inestlon as to what wonld next be
[ ono , ho showed a letter advising him
o publish in his paper a declaration
of war on England , signed by repre
sentative Irishmen. When that was
done It could not bo claimed their ac
tions were dishonorable. As for weap
ons , all available ones should be used ,
his , he said , waa his answer.
whoso extradition England has re
quested , said , "The work is tbat of
Irishmen , and is bnt the advance
picket. Much more will follow. Eng
land will shortly BOO nhe must either
free Ireland or Buffer the cense
quences. "
( mown TALK.
PEOIIIA , March 1C. In an interview
with Pat Crowe , of this city , to day ,
ho professed great exultation at tha
attempt to blow up the government
building at London , bnt did not favor
the moans employed , Ho prefers the
silunt bnt destructive ilamo of the
torch to the detonation of dynamito.
Dls idea Is to place two or three hun
dred men in the larger cities nf
England with a few barrels of petro
leum , await a windy night , and at a
preconcerted signal make ono hundred
ooofligratlons in as many cities ,
spread terror and destruction through
the land , and thus make the British
lion howl and accede to any terms.
Ho knew nothing about It till this
morning. Ho thought Rossa might
have been aware of the plot. Ha
It nndonbtodly the work of the "la * .
vinclbles. "