f THE DAILY BEE OMAHA FRIDAY MAKCil Iti STREHGTH to vigorously push a business , strength to study a profession , strength to regulate a household ) strength to do a day's labor with out physical pain. All this repre sents what Is wanted , In the often heard expression , "Oh ! I wish i had the strength ! " If you are broken down , have not energy , or feel as If life was hardly worth liv ing , you can be relieved and re stored to robust health and strength by taking BROWN'S ' IRON BIT TERS , which is a true tonic a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases , 501 W. Fremont St. , Daltlmora During the war I was in jured In the stomach by a piece of a shell , and have suffered fromltcvcrsince. Aboutfour years ago it brought on paraly sis , which kept me in bed six months , nnd the best doctors in the city said I could not live. Isuftercdfcarfullyfrom indigestion , and for over two years could not cat solid food and fora larec portion of the time wasunablc to retain even liquid nourishment. I tried Urown's Iron iJittcrsand now after taking two bottles I am able to get up and go around and am rapidly improving. G. DECKER. BROWN'S ' IRON BITTERS Is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion , Dyspepsia , Malaria , Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true , reliable , non-alcoholic tonic , It enriches the blood , gives new lifo to the muscles and tone to the nerves , TO CONTRACTORS-DREDGING. Ycur attention \ called ( o contracts to bo lot for dluhln/ . Ditch In Hurt and Washington count'en ' , nlnut thirteen miles long , In working sections , Unou/h a mtrsh , width about G feet , sides tlopli g 1 lo 2 feet , depth from 6 to 7 feet , d'rt ' to i e moved aboutS foci from brink of ditch. Number nf cubic yard * to bo moved about 112 , 710. Stld Iti his being conitructed by said two counties under statute providing for nralnlng swamp I nos , approved Feb. 28,1881. Woik to bodonoln acordancowithplins and spoclflca- ttons. For further Inforiutthn npplf to trio county cleik ol l her of taid counties , and BOO report of engineer and proco'Kilrus of boardi of commissioner * > f tain counties and particularly that of February Bth. 18JX. Also the official ad- j virtiiemont In the Dlalr I'ilot and la Hurt Coun ty N w . Blnsnroto bo Died with certified chock and r me of .untie' , on cr before March S2d , 1883 , at 6 p. m. with county clu > k r ( Lurt county , A. 1J A. Toomcs. Duplloitoi ( without chocks ) with county clerk cf Washington county. Blank forms for propoials will bo tupp led by slid dertl. Dy eider of BOAHDS Of BAID COUNTIES. J9-o w m * e 3t , , JBRIDGE PKt [ > POSA.L8. 6oSlJj'pr 'posn's ' will bo Icjccived by the Board ol Co inty Commissioners of Oa o county , Nob. for the erection of a bridge acroti the 1 % tllui rlrer upnn tlthor ono ol tn i wagon roadi leading aat from the town of Wymor , dago county , Heb. , nnd vor and tcros said rlror. Bald brldgo to be one hundred and fifty ( ICO ) foot long , and to hare either piles , ttono , or Iron plcn. Alra for the erection of a brldeo , tultablo to the plwe , across Indian Creek , on the line between ecctioniUont-nlno(2'0 ( nd thirty ( M ) , about onomllo ( oulhucst of Wyiuoro , Uagu county , Heb. Low bridge at th'a ' place preferred. Also a bildgi ucrow Turkey Crcuk , southeast of UeWitt , N > > b. , to rcploio the old ono now In uso. uso.All iir'dcus to be of wood , Iron or combination All b da to IM accompanied by plani an J spool fie t ons to bo scaled and Cited Kith til a Connty Itrk ou'or betoro 1'J o'clock noon , March 20th , 83 ' The Commissioners r forvo the right to rojcct y and all tldi. Hucca'Blul bidders will bo lo ll r d to glto bond for the faithful performance Of thilr contract ly orde it the Ccunty Cbimnlsaloncrs , , /-i-s , A.J. 1'EIHOUD , \ DUAL. \ County Clerk. I * - _ ! ! . - * 1 Beatrice Feb. U 1883. me-d 4w SHORT LINE -OF TOE- Mwankee & St. Paul RAILWAY b DOW running lu FAST EXPBKS3 TRAINS from OMAHA AND OODNOIL 'BLUFFS ' WITH Pullman'B Haplfloont Sleepers -AND TQ.E- Finest Dining Oars in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING EAST 1 TO * CHI O A GO * MILWAUKEE. Oi lo aui petal beyond ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To' ST. PAUX. OR MINNEAPOLIS Tilt tb BEST ROUTE , thi Chicago , HUwaukee&8tPaulR'y 71-irt o&t loc&tttl at corner Farnam and 7r2it * nth tittttM azul at U. P. Depot and at gSrStt Ti3eT ! bt la another column. Y. A. WASH , O ncnl Arent. 0. II. yOiiTrVrkket Agent , Oio&lia 8. V. WEKBILL , A. V. U. CAHPESTEB. GeatrilUuuuer. OentnJ 1'iM , Aj / . r cSSs. : : OEO. u. IIBAKFOHW , Oiria > Bur/I A ' n * " "w. Ai Scad 81 , 82 , 83 , or 3 fur a satnjilc ro- tall box by Kxpretfj , CANDY of the bent canille ' ill America , put up In eleeant boxctf , find atrlctly pure. SMta- blofor nrcHeutf. Kx- preij * cbmrffB II f lit. Kefer * to all CMca. ( Try It wee. CANDY C. F. GGNTHEB , oatr , ( JklCB 9. MATCH MAKIHQ. Mr * Thar Tier' * Sob * mo For Manu facturing Cheap Matches For Amorioa on the Hwedlih Finn. New York World. It was reported ycaterday that H. K. nnd F. B. Thnrbor & Co. , have roonty ) made largo contracts with Swedish and Norwegian firms of match manufaotnrors , with the object of ox- tenalvolf Importing matches mann * fscturod in Norway and Sweden , and placing thorn In the market to oompoto with the American producers. A reporter of The World vltltod last evening Mr. Christian Bora , the Swedish and Norwegian consul at this port , to learn the extent of the match Industry in Norway and Sweden , and with whom Mr. Thnrbor wonld likely make a contract , Mr. Born oaid ; "I have no Idea with what manu facturer Mr. Thurbcr wonld make a contract. The match industry In my country is very great , ncd there in tnnoh competition. There are hun dreds of largo match manufactories in 3wodon , nnd they make a match nupo- rlor to any I know of. It wonld not bo profitable to import the Norway and Swedish match to this country under the present high tariff. I un derstand , however , that the tariff on matches has been nboll hod or re duced , but I have soon no official re port to that effect. But if the tat iff ma been done away with or reduced [ think that our matches can bo im ported to this country and a good profit realized. "Havo yon heard that Mr. Thnrbor lias contemplated Importing matches rein Norway nnd Sweden ? " inquired ; ho reporter , "No"replied Mr. JBora ; "but Inn- dorstand ho ia interested in R project to build a largo factory up in the northern part of this state to mann- 'aoturo matches similar to these made n Swodon. There nro a number ef nfluontlal men interested in it , and I think Mr. Thurbor la ono of them. A countryman of mlno , who has had n roat deal of experience in match manufacturing , came to this country a ihort tlmo ago , and I believe ho ia to iavo charge of the factory. I know nothing definite. The factory may bo already built. From what I under stood , however , the work will bo done entirely by Swedes. " "What Is the extent of the match nduutry in Norway and Sweden ? " "It is very extensive , " replied Mr Bora. "In Norway and Sweden lira- jor la plontltul. In fact , wo supply joth Franco , Spain and ether Euro pean countries with lumber. Thoro- ore wo have any amount of material 'or manufacturing inatohca. To a great extent wo supply Earopo , Homo ) arts of Asia and even South America with matches. Tboro ia no tariff on matohoa in Norway and Sweden , save ; ho ordinary manufacturer' ) ! tax , and , ho United States Is the only country ; o my knowledge where a duty is imBed - Bed on a box of matches. Oonso- icqnuntly wohro able to manufacture a superior match , cheaper than our competitors lu other European coun tries can import our timber for that purpose. The wood of which our matches are made ia saturated with oil , ao that It burns very readily and gives a light almost as bright as a can dle. Wo wonld llko very much to in troduce our matches in this country , for it is the biggest market in the world. You Americana are wasteful of matches - as yon are of other things and naturally there wonld bo a great demand. But oven though the tariff wore abolished , It would bo dlflloult to Introduce our matcheHhoro , as there exists what la known as n match ring among the match mann factnrors , which lo powerful enough to oxoludo all ether compotitoro from supplying the market to any ox tent. SAVANNAH. Points About "Tho Forest City "of the Houth. Correspondence of the ( jt. Louts Ilepnbllcin. Twenty-five years ago Savannah and Mobile were two of the most charming cities in the United States , and the social phases wore of a moot delightful nature ; In fact the true typo of southern city lifo was reflected in all Its elegance and ease. Savannah now has a population of 35,000 with an immediate prospect of a substantial Incrcano. It is the county seat of Chatham county , on the Savannah river eighteen miles from the sea , and in many respects it may bo classed as the handsomest city of. the south. Ii Is the port city of the great and prom ialng state of Georgia. It is also the second largest cotton port In America , and the first in the supply of naval stores , The streets are broad and tht squares beautiful , nearly all of them shu'ded and fringed with graceful shade trees which are continuously green the year round. Her ocean fleet of steamers , plying between Bal tlmore , Philadelphia , Now York and Boston the entire year , affords to tour ists the experience of an ocean trip equal in seasick features to the broad Atlantic. I waa quite amused a1 the statement of a young brida conplo from old Massachusetts wh < wore on their way to their now horn among the oran o groves of Mlddl Florida. FOBSYTH riHK la ono of the most attractive feature , of the city. The ohado trees ar mostly native pines , and In aomo re Bpootn remind yon of the pines of thi famous Black torcst near Baden-Bade : on the Rhino. The soft , balm , breeze aoetna te whisper the swco' poetry of nature ns yon linger in th favored rotreata , so that the lovers 01 a bright starry evening find Insplra tlon for emotional and sentimental expressions , that might in norao re- tpects romlnd you of the blissful Ely- hi an fialds of paradise , Of course I could not afford to realise too long theao tempting sensations. The beautiful fountain that orna ments the park Is quite llko those of the Place do la Concorde In Paris and the OONTKDE1UTE MONUMEWT that overlook ! this gem of beauty Is ono of the finest In the south. It stands fifty feet high from the base , and waa built by the Ladles' Memorial association. The sentiment * noon the panels are quite suggestive and signi ficant. The front panel has a figure I la relief representing the south In I mourning , and upon the ilde panels ITOU may read the following Uucrlp- tlons : "To the Confederate dead. " "Como from the four winds , 0 breath , and breathe npnn thoio alaln , that they may live ; " Kzsk. xxzll , 0 , A bror.zj statue of a confederate soldier In the ottltado of poradu rest sur mount * the whole. The monnmont ojut $20,000 exclusive of the statue. BONAVENTOIIB CEMETERY located three miles from the city , is ono of the loveliest in the country. As a oily of the dead it is very attrac tive and boaatlfnl , and thoio that are rooting beneath the fragrant flowers and graceful branches conld wish no bolter rcpoBo in the transition from this earth. If the allegory of the bat- toiil/is significant of oar exist from this world , the ono might almost wish to bo bailed In the beautiful cemetery of Savannah. Shakepearo Bay a : "fife's but a walking shadow , A poor player that etruto and frets , His hour upon the etatje , And then is seen no more. " Gould ho have soon this lovely apot , hlfl inspiring soul would have tuned Us loftiest lyro. Savannah has a great and promising future , and with an en couragement of eastern capital and oiitorprloo she may become in a few years ono of the moat prosperous and wealthiest oltica of the American Union. As a winter homo for the rich men of the east and north , oho may bccomo famous in the future history of the republic , and the historians , dramatists and pools who shall ob serve , think and wrlto fifty years from now of the people of the south as they will then live In Loultlana , "Tho Pearl of the South , " Florida , the land of "Sunshine and of Flowers , " and South Georgia , where Suwanoo river flows into the sea. which the song writer and Christine Nllsson havn Immortalized In those familiar words : "Way down upon the Suwaneo tlbber , Far , far away , D r' whar my heart l turning ebboi , Dar's wbar do ole folks stay. All around the whole creation , Ebory where I rnam , Sighing for do ole plantation And for de old folks at homo , " In the absence of suitable materials , or the tlmo to prepare It , people often go without a dressing for salads. Buy DUUKEE'H and you will never trouble yourself to make another. TLo LnrRFst Jfenrl Ever Found ? Mexican Flnanccro. Sorao remarkable pearls lately found near La I'/ , Lower California , have excited much Interest. Three ouch extraordinary events have token place during the past month. Probably the largest pourl on record , weighing sev enty-five carats , was fonnd toward the cloeo of December. The fisherman sold it on the spot for $14,000 , which , however , was an insignificant sum compared with its real valno. Now comes the announcement that ono of the fishermen employed has just dis covered a finely tinted and perfectly formed pcnrl weighing forty-seven carats , and valued on the spot at $5,000 ; while yet another pearl was found about the sumo time , smaller than the former , but of perfect shape , weighing forty carats and valued at $3,000. Banish ill health , nervousness , vox- atlcu , , fretfnlneis. etc. , by using Bro wn'a Iron Bitten. i Cheap Teas. Tjhe Now York Herald says that according to actual analysis and com mon report there have been found in the alleged tea of commerce , nutgalls , currant leaves , iron filings , hlbort husks , sulphnto of copper , oak bark , hornots' nests and wasps' nests ahrodod and colored , acotla aold , aloes , common green paint , lead in various forms , desiccated doormats , poach loaves , tarred rope th t had been ground to powder and soaked in noa water , manila paper , bamboo loaves , vernal grass , ammonia , arsenic , stable sweepings , and other things too numerous and disgusting to mention. Now that adulterated teas are to bo excluded from American ports , it re mains to bo seen whether there will any Improvement in the cup that cheers but not inebriates. Change of Mind- I declined to insert your advertise ment of Hop Bitters last year , because cause I then thought they might not bo promotlvo of the cause of Temper * onoo , but find they are , and a very valuable medicine , myself and wife having been greatly benefited by them , and I take creat pleasure In making them known. REV. JOHN SEAMAN , Editor Home Sentinel , Af ton.N. Y.g BAY CITY , Mich. , Fob. 3,1880. I think It iny duty to send you t roconnnend for the benefit of any per son wishing to know whether the Hop Bitters are good or not. I'know they are good for general debility and indi gestion ; strengthen the nervous sys tem and make now life. I recommend my patients to use thorn. DR. A. PRATT , Born m an Opera House. Plttiburg toiler. , A boy was born in the opera house last night. About 9 o'clock Harry Ellslor was standing In the lobby at the mlddlo entrance talking to aomo friends , when ho was approached by a man who was very much agitated , who Bald his wife was taken sick , and ho asked if there was a room attached to the theater where ho could taki her until aho would become oomowha bettor. Harry told him that then was a ladles' toilet room where thi lady conld bo seated. In the space o a few seconds the man came out in tho'vestibulo with two ladles , one o whom ho led by the arm. They won shown to the room und the man im mediately came out and asked If there was r. physician In the audience , a his wife ffaa about to bo confined. H was told that there wan not , but on could be sent for , and a mosaonge was Immediately dispatched in quos of ono. Before ho arrived , however the child -a bouncing boy was born. R0ion d From Death- Win. J. Coughlio , of Somervllle , Mats says : In the full of 1876,1 HIS taken wit. DLKEDIKO or LUNGS followed by k eerer cough. I lout my appetite And fleih , anu WM confined to my bed. In 1877 I WM admitted to the hotplUl , The doctor old I bad a hola in my lung as big M i half dollar. At one time report went round th t I WM dead. I r ve UD hop * . but a friend told me of DK. WILLIAM HALL'S BALSAM YOU THE LUNGS. 11 got bottle , when , to my surprise , I "iMtrmenoed to feel better , and to-day I ' | 1 Utter than for three yew * . ALEX. STEPHENS' LIPffl-LUNU LOVE. A Youthful Attachment Wbloh Did NoWlioeaen Wltn the Flight of Years. From the Atlinti Constitution. la ono of the early years of the ' 40 , Mr. Stephens , then a young man , paid a vUit to the homo of Mr. Dir- den , In Warren county. There ho meta fhxon-hairod blno-oyod of sixteen a - , - girl - teen , beautiful in face and lovely in character ; piquant , witty , nd gifted with a mind rarely cultivated. An at tachment grew up , which for years did not part the formal bonds of friendship , which was cherished by both. The young lover was poor in this worlds goods ; light in frame , and , harrasod by slcknuts , ho did not dare to aspire to the hand of ono whom he had learned to love and yet forebode to claim. With a womanly devotion the young girl read the secret In the young man's eyes , and trno to her heart she could only wait and lovo. Ono evening in 1849 a party was given at the residence of Mr. Little , in Orawfordvillo. There the two met once more ; there they enjoyed that sweet communion born of perfect trust ; and there Mr. Stephens found courage to speak the words which for years had fought for expression , until at last ho could no longer con tain thorn. "Aro you euro there lives none ether whom yon prefer to me ) " asked the maiden timidly , half shrlnkingly , yet only too happy to feel that she was favored in bis eyes. "In the whole nnlvorso there exists not another , " said he , passionately. Thus their troth was plighted ; the day was set for their marriage , and all seemed auspicious for the lovers. Bat clouds lowered o'er their hopes ; matters - tors of a private nature , which it is not in the domain of the public to know , intervened and deferred the fruition of their hopes. The ono be came immersed in politics , and , racked with physical ills , hesitated to enter a state whore ho feared the happiness of the ether might bo marred. The lady found her duty by the side of an in valid mother , who long lingered with a confining dlioiae. Thus the years flow by ; but the plighted troth was kopt. Mr. Stephens never addressed another , and ever kept the imago of the fair young girl In his heart. The lady was the recipient of admiration from many , but to all she turned a deaf oar. They have often -mot since , and , while the Idea of marriage wua aban doned , they felt a sweet pleasure in each other's society. But two week's ago the lady was at the mansion , and , on taking leave of her old friend , ono of the chairs tipped up , an unfavor able sign , as the governor remarked at the tlmo. The lady has for years boon n resident of Atlanta , nnd no ono is hold in more esteem for every quality which adorns womanhood than Miss Caroline Wilkinson. lop Bitters are the Purest and Best Bitter * Ever Made. They are compounded from Hops , lalt , Buchn , Mandrake and Dande- on , the oldest , best , and most vain- bio medicines in the world and con- ain all the boat and most curative iropertios of all other remedies , being hepA patest Blood Purifier , Liver Regulator and Lifo and Health Res- oring Agent on earth. No disease or 1-hoalth can possibly long exist where Bitters are used , so varied and jorfoct are their operations. They give new life and vigor to the , ged and infirm. To all whose em- iloymonts causa Irregularities of the ovrels or urinary organs , or who re- ulro an Vpotlzer , Tonic and mild Stimulant , flop Bitters ara invaluable , icing highly curative , tonlo and stlm- ilatlng , without intoxicating. No matter what your feelings or lymptoms are , what the disease or nil- nent Is , use Hop Bitters. Don' , ; wait til yon are sick , but if yon only eel bad or miserable , nso Hop Bitters i onco. It tray save your life. Hun- Ireda have been saved by so doing. $50 $ will be paid for a case they will iot cure or help. Do not suffer or let your friends snf or , but use and urge them to use Hop Bitten. Remember , Hop Bitters is no vile , rugged , drunken nostrum , but the 'uroat and Best Medicine over made ; .ho "Invalid's Friend and Hope , " and 10 person or family should bo without hem Try the Bitters to-day. PALLET & HOES , ; Western Agents , Lafayette , Indiana. RETOIBlF HEELS FOR Rubber Boots and Boots and Shoes OTf ALL KINDS. 50 PEROTS ! ' The center pieces are Interchangeable and re vcnlble. It prevents the counter from runulni over , requiring no heel itlffenen. The Agency for these goods In thtg town haj > oen pl t * r * Others cinnot procure them. Call rnd xamlne a full line of leather and .Candee" Rubber Boot * and Shits Inlth the He 'crulble Heel. MUS. M J-ETHi SON. 31-3ra McCAETHY & BUEKE , "Undertakers , 21814TH ST. , BET. FARNAM AND DOUGLAS DFMV1.J.GAHAN , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Offloo over Omaha Savings Bank. CPU. 13TII ANDDOUOCi B. m8-lm MASONIC LIFE INSURANCE ; THE ILLINOIS MASONS Benevolent Society. PRINCETON ILL. Organized March 9,71. The oldest nd one of the slrongcit Uuonlc Insurance societies In the country. m -lm ( knenl Agent foe Ncbntlu. Are acknowledged to be the best by all who have put them to a practical test. ADAPTED TO HARD & SOFT GOAL .COKE OB WOOD.1 M ANUFACTTJEED BY Buck's Stpve Co. , SAINT LOUIS. PIE8HCY * 'BRADFORD ' , SOLS AOKNTS FOR OMAIIA. Complaining and growling will never euro rheumatism , but St. Jacobs Oil certainly will. ORDINANCE NO. 571. Ano'dlnance to amend Scc'.Ion ono ( loOrill- nance , ! ? ! ) . 515 entitled n O'dlnanco creating pacing Districts In the City of Omaha , num bered from fine to Th rteon Inc U9.\c , approv ed on the 15th day ol July 18:2 , and to icpcal ordinaries No. 531 mo ull'ig alj section ono (1) ( ) approved November lut 1882. Do It oida ned by ilia City Council of the City cf Omaha , Siicriov , 1. That gcct'on onel ) < f ordinance No. 615 entitled an ordinance cresting pav.ng dis tricts In the City of Oinalu numbered from one t ) thirteen Inclusive , approcdoa the 16th day of July , A. U 1881' , I o amoaucd to as to read aa follows : Section ] . The f > ilolnpa\lrg als- trlctaare hereby crcited and cslab 1-hed U the City of Omaha : rAVIXO DISTRICT M'VRKR ONH , (1) ( ) . Shall Include that pallet Ninth street lying bo t ecu the south line at Douglas street In said City , and North line of too Depot ground * of the Union raclflc illallro.xlj Company situated about 152 feet south of Lcavvimcrth strcetcxccpllngthc Intersections fornud by the crossing of Ninth street by Karnamund llarcoy sticots respectively slid District to Incluclo all the ItcaJ KsUto on tbo cast and wcstsldej of nald part of Ninth Btro.t , to the rnldd o cf the block abii'tlng ' thereon , IMVIMI DlhTRICT M'Mimr. THO (2) ( ) . Shall Ine 1100 that part of Ten Ii itrtct In the Cliy o1 Onnha Ijinj ; between D nglai and Slarcy strict 1 said City tiici all lots nnd lands abutt ng upon tald jwit o ( Tenth ttrcct exclusive of the Intersect ! .us fo'icudbvtho doming of 1'nrnam stru't , hild D strict th-.ll ncludo all Heal Kstato or a ther Ido of said pxrt of Trnth street back to thonilidleo the block abutting thereon. P\VI\0 UHTUICT NI'MIIKK TIIIIPK , (3) ( ) . shall Include that part of Kievmth strattl.vlng btt o < iiitli Nortb line of the all y next Sutith of Hariioy street nnd tie South line of tboaloy next norih of Doug as street ixcepilng the Intersections - sections f ) rucd by the crossing of Ilarnoy , Far- nainftLd DoiulaMr out a eapcct.v ly said Dis trict to I elude all Heal Ketitc on the East i.ml H eflt eld sof said pirt of Kcvcnt-i stiecttotho m ddlo of the blcck abutting thereon. I'AVrMJ I)13TIUCT .M'MllPll FOUIl , (4) ( ) Uiall Incluco that put f f 'ivvdftli street hlng bo. twee- the North line of tao alloy next South o' llarnov street , and the South lineof thu nl oy ly ing nevt Aorth of Doug ns street , said D strict to Ini'lude all Real Egtuto in th Ka-t and West sides of slid street embrace J vvitnln si U limits to the n Idd'o of the block abuttlug tbcrcon , the lut rsecllom formed by Harncy , Farnaoi , and Douglas street rtspcctlvcly aic excluded from said lilstr.ct. I'AMVQ DISTRICT M'MBP.ll HVK (5) ( ) Shall Include tint part of Thirteenth stte-t ling bctwero the North line of thoal cy nent South 01 JJarncy itreet , and the t outb line of Ddge street excftLigthu Intersection ! foraod by tuouross Ing of Il.rucy , fcainam and Dcuglai't treats , res- pcctiv cvy ! sa d Ul.tilct to Include all the Heal Es- ualooivtho East and West sides of na'dpirtof Thirteenth sirott to the middle of the block abut ting thereon. I-AVINQ DISTRICT KUUBKRSIX (6) ( ) Shall Include all that part of Fourteenth strict IjliU-bctwten the north ULO of the alley next south'of Uarney st-ctt atd tto south ilnoof Dodge utreet , oxctptlng the intern ctlona farmed by tne ciossiag ot llarney , Farnam md Dcug us ttreetp , respectively , bald ofa net tj Inilude all roil ektita on bo eaU and west eld 8 of uald parlof FourtecathsUoet to I ho inldd d of iho block abuttlrg on said imt of > uuitetnth street. PAVING DIHTKICT NUMlKR HRVK.N (7) ) . filull Include thit part of Fifticnth street ijlnj between the north line of the alloy mxt south ot lUraoy street and the south lineal Dod o street , except tlio intcrstctloa formed by tttu crossing cf lUrney , iarnaiu and DougUs street , retpoctiiely. Said olstrict 10 Include ill real estnto on the east .nd H eat s d s cf laid part of Vllteanth .treel to tbe middle ot the blocks abutting thereon. I'AVl.NU DlSTSirTMJMUBK XII11T(8) ( ) Sha 1 Include that part of Sixteenth eticot lying between the south line of Uougl&a street anu Izarcl street including a 1 real estate o a the cist anil v en Hides ol s Ul part of Bliteenth ttreet to the mlddlo of the block a'juttlu ; thercoa. I'AVINO BILTRICT M'SIIIKR MINK (9) ( ) Shall Include all that part of Ilarnoy street 1) ) In ; between the ia-t line of Ninth street and the west line cf Fl'teectn street , rxccptlcg the Inter sections roimei bj tbo crowing cf Tenth street. Said district to Include all icul vs ate on the north and south MUCJ of eaid part of llarney street , back to Iho Bailey , through the bkcks abutting ttureon. rA\i.\u msyiucr MIMI RTXNIO ) Shall Include all that port el Farnam street Ij Ing botwtou the east line of Nictu ttictt and Sis- teenth itreet. Said district to Ir.c UJo all real eitato on inch side ot saldpjrtcf hrn m ctrtet back to the alieja cxtondlug tnrcugh tbo b oeis abuiticg thereon. I'AMNO DISTRICT M'MRKR KLSNK.N (11) ( ) Sh ll Include nil that put of Douglaistio.t I ) Ing between the east line of SUtecntu street and ti o cast line ot Ninth s rcet nnd all lo s un I laulj abutting upon that p < < rt of Daug'oi street and til real esta'o rxrcnuln b ck to a lets through the blocks on ( itherslile of > aid Do glassttect. I'AVINQ DISTRICT NUMDJR TWKLVM (12) ( ) Snail Include all that part ot Dodge street lylnj between the oslr.ocf ) alx'ceitas'reotftnd the east line rf Thlrtecuth struct , bald ill'trict to induiUallilm reil isa'.u on the miuth die of sldp tof Urdge strict buck ti the adcy i.\- tcadfnu through theblocksaouttln/outhe siuih side it s > IJ pait of Hedge sine' ; altoal real o Utoon thu mtth bile of wld p rt Cf 1'cdge ' sticet hick to the miidlu t f the b ncki abutting on tbe north sida cf Slid part of Dodge struct. Sue. 2 TnatsiM sctlon : onel ) . of ld orJIa- rjco numbir Alt , enti'ltd ' n orJtrarc ] crea ting pavlnj distil.ti Ij ths city of OiLaha , nuui- beieUfrmii oto t'J thirteen , Inclutlvo , boano tro same Ii hereby repeah d , prorlded th.t 11 tight ana rinifdi.s that hive ut&cbtd , ars.n or a crucd In u\ot of Ihoci'y 01 any mher party thereunder , b on tin Kama are hcrcbtr savej and protected , the tame ts If s ld MOiou had act been repealed lcrby. Stc. a That tald orJlntnc , number E34cn < titled n ordlninci nvi dim ; tec 1/n one ( I ) ol u oidlnanceo titled an rlinance creulngpiv Ins dlst-lculnt oetj of ( ) m > ha , numbered r > no to tM teju , Inclusive , number fit ? , and oil rther ordl aicoi ml jait. of cid nances liuonlllct v llh this erdluanei ) be , aul the iano aio hcnby reni-tled , Hr.c , ) . This rrdinarco stiall take effect ud be In f rce from and after Itspastatf. I'juned M > rch C , 18-3 Attc.t ; j. j. L u. juwrrr , CltvCl ik. CHAS. KAUFJIANN , 1'res. Clt ) Council pro tern. Approved Match 8.1883. 3. E. BOYD , Maj or ot Omaha. H. PHILLIPS , THE LEADING NEW YORK Call And look over my nuw store and Be my new goods. 1207 Farnam Street. 12U7 Under tba management of Mr. Kallih. .SONAI. "Parts of the human body . , de\elope < ] and strengthened , " etc. , u an Interesting aii ert lenient long run In our pifor. In reply to icqu'rles ' we will say that there ao n Hence ( f humbug abaut this On Ihe contrary , the advertlKrs arr very highly in dorsed Interested persons nay get staled cir culars giving all particulars , giving- all particu lars , by addrtodnir Krle Medical Co. , P. O. Box CIS. Buffalo , M. Y.-TolcJo Krenlnj BM-KC = ] D.ll-lj O. IE1. 1W DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS , J Window and Plate Glass. J UfAnyone contemplating building store , bank , or any other flnt . will find II ( o lh f kntaga to correi end with ns befoia purchasing their Plato Glass. C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - - NEB. STEEIE , JJHNSON & CO. , AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Bent Brands of CIGARS m MAHUFiCTUBED TOBACCO , Agents for BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & BAND POWDER 60. -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOOK GO , Fire and Burglar Proa 1020 Far n ham Street , MANUFACTURER OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNIGES , Window Caps , Fimals , Skylights , &c. 410 THIRTEENTH STREET , . - - - OMAHA , NEB. The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRY HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets , THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN TDK WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any MeiternManufaoturer and Dealer , Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stfck of Steinw y , Chickeriner , Enabe , Vone & Bon's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Waren Sterling Imperial , Smith American Orpans , &c. Do not fail to see us before purchasing. MAX MEYER & BRO. , A Large Stock always on Hand. A. M. OLAK , Painter&Paperlanger 3IBH WRITES feDEOniii . WBOLBSALS BBTA1L WALL PAPER ! /55 Window Shades aufl Curtains , OORNIOES CURTAIN POLKS AND FIXTURES. Paints , Oils & Brushes. 107 Kontb 1 4th Utroot OMAHA , UEBRASKA- DAVIS BROTHERS , BLANK BOOKS Printing Inks , Largest and most complete assortment of blank books and office stationery in the city. Bookkeepers are invited to examine onrStock BEFOUE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE , DAVIS BROS' , V 15th Street Opp. Foil Offilca N , B , Onr tock of Fanoy Stationary la oomploto In eyeryreapoot ,