* * * \ I r 11 i OMAHA DAILY BEE.flT fS V TWELFTH YEAR OMAHA NEB FRIDAY MORNING MARCH 16 1883 170 \ THE FENIAN FIEND. Ho Carries 'His ' Dynamite to London and Terrifies tlio Natives. The Municipal Offlcea Demol ished and Parliament Thoroughly - oughly Shaken Up. O'Donovaa Rosaa Charged with the Crime Before the Srnoko Diuappoara. The Aesassin Press of Ameri ca" the Active Ally of the Fiend. 4 Tremendous Exoltoznont in Iiondout pedal Dispatch to TUB lsn. ! LONDON , Murch 15. A terrific gas explosion occurred In the local govern ment board offijos at Westminster at 0 o'o'ock to-night , destroying much property. Thja report was hoard in the house ot commons and caused alarm. The conousaioa was so great that it shook the side galleries and re porters' gallery. Being the dinner hour bnt few members of the house were in the hall. The Duke of Edin- burg was in the poors' gallery and seamed alarmed. The speaker rang his bell and naked the cauao of the alarm. No one was injured. The wildest rumors are afloat. The report resembled the discharge of an eighty- ton gun. LATER. It is now believed the ex plosion was caused by dynamite , and was the deliberate attempt to blow up the government officers. The explo sion being the subject of considera tion in the commons , Haroourt , homo secretary , said ho did not think it right to say anything about the mat ter until cffialol Inquiry had boon mado. Ho had hoard an attempt was made to blow up The Timoa office , but no injury was done. The explosion was hoard a distance of two or throe miles. Yesterday evening a canister containing explo sive material was found behind The Times cflise , with it is rumored , a lighted fnao attached and the police are making investigations. Officials f hink the explosion was closed by gun powder or dynamite. Officsrs cf the gaa company doclnrj they can find no evidence that it woo caused by gas. She foroaoftho explosion the t a Jargo portion of masonry across , the street. Harcourt has had a conference with the chief of police , at which several witnesses were ex trained , The con- elation reached was that the explo sion , occurred laitdeitho room , and pot jJ-'xlDa. , Jio force * of 'polfco'at the houses of parliament was 'doubled. The government offices and residences oE ministers are strongly guarded. The Times attaches llttlo importance to the explosion which occurred at its office. The canister contained only a small quantity of powder. The Dally News says : "It is of course obvlons that the explosion waa the result of a premeditated design. We are confronted with the fact that there are in London persons bold enough to act on the wildest coun sels of O'DonovauRossa. It is impossi ble not to connect the author of this outrage with certain phases of the Irish crlmo and the assassin pros a of America. " The Times says : The Fenian an swer to Gladstone's speech on the land act was not long delayed. Wo are in the preaonca of the first , attempt o the dynamite party to carry out the policy of bringing the war into the heart of London. The oxploalon at our office occurred at 7:45 : Wednesday evening , bnt the falling of the canister prevent ed any serious damage. There is roanon to believe two attempts of this kind were made b/ the same miscre ants. ants.Tho The explosion was undoubtedly the work of FeuhuB. The adjaoant streets are filled with myriads of fragments of glass , and heavy platoglasa u lyini ; in neapa-upon the ground. A stone weighing 200 pounds wai projected against King street station , mailing & hole the size of a man's hoed. Noth ing will be touched till the inquiry is mado. The full extent of the aamago cannot bo estimated till daylight. Five hundred constables are guarding the scone , The building has the appearance of having been bombarded. A deep trench ton feet by throe was made in - one room , the floor of which had boon literally ploughed. Two children , sleeping in a honso in the corner of King street , wore thrown from their bed oy the force of the explosion and their faces badly cut. They wore taken to the police station. Every pane of glaao in the vicinity was shat tered , A man was arrested at mid night on suspicion ot being concerned In the explosion. THE OLD WORLD. ENGLAND. Special DUp&tclieg to Till Bin. LONDON , March 15. Konnard will move in the commons that , in view ol the complete satisfying of all demands of American citizens upon the sum the Geneva conference allowed in re gard to the Alabama claims , the honso is of opinion that the balance shoulc bo restored to Great Britain. LONDON , March 15. Oxford won the boat raca by one length. The Oxfords had the best of the uneven etart. They pulled a regulsi stroke , nearly forty to n rninuto , am almost clear of the were Cambridge I * boat at Cravnn Stops , about six far long ! fiom the start. The Cambridge boat here defiled towards the Middle - sex shore. The Oxfords at the oud ot f- J the first mile , which they covered li 4:15 : , wore two lengths ahead anc 7 rowing wall together. Hero the darkness thickened and snow began tofall. . The Cambridge crow splashed considerable by tbo time the soap works were reached. The Ox fords came in oaay winners. The re sult causes greater excitement than at any provioua race , in consequence of heavy betting on the Cambridge crow , who at the start were favorites 7 to 2. The defeat ot the crow on whom such odda were laid is unpre cedented. QENEBAI. FOREIGN NEWS Special Dlepatcboi to TUB Ilm. PARIS , March 15. Four anarchists have been contoured to two yearn im- priioament nnd to pay a Iho of 3,000 franca fordelivorlng seditions spcecher. At the scciallst'o meeting at Champs DaMara Sunday , If the crowds re fute to disperse after throe legal warn ings hvo been given , the rlotori will bu urimtod. BiiHLitf , March 15 The cmpfror declined to aooapt the resignation of Admiral Van Stosch. Nothing Is known here concerning the reported death of Karl Marx. DUIILIN , March 15 James Mullo't ' , the murderer nnd conspirator , has elvon information implicating Patrick Egau and others. The Information la sufficient to justify the aJroat of Egan whan ho returns , ST. PETEUSBUIIO , March 15 Per- fillciT , director of the poatoilioe , who attempted suicide , has been suspend ed from office. The defalcations of MakofT , presi dent of the society for regulating thn social condition of Rusalau Jews , and who committed suicide , is cloven million ' rubles. BnussELLS , March 15. The court of appeal haa decided the caao of EC- Bishop 1 Dolmont va. Mgr. Da Rouasoaux ] , bishop of Tonrnay. The ( lclslon acknowledges the bishop of Tournay ceases all opposition to sur render to the delegate of Belgium government of money and papers de posited by Canon Bernard in America. THE HAGUE , March 15. The chamber has authorized the govern ment to negotiate a loan of 60,000,000 ilorlna. ROME , March 15. At a consistory to-day the pops appointed several biahopa , including the bishop of Hal ifax , Charleston and Grand Rapids. DUBLIN , March 15 The Catholic clergy of the diocese of Swlnoford , connty Mayo , have passed a resolution in which they charge the government witb neglecting the distressed people , and condemn the remedies oifored , namely : the "work house or emigra tion. tion.LONDON LONDON , March 15. The Cam bridge and Oxford race takea place at 4 o clock this morning. VIENNA , March 15. The Russian government have .proposed to the other powers that an internatlonaldc- _ teotivo force be organized ( ooopa ith the'anrohlstsI nihilists , jfeuianstand socialists. * Franca , Switzerland and Austria . _ hare . , acqnleaod , , - ! . , nnthe < < ff yca- AFra Fight Special Dispatch to TUB BIB. HAKEISBUBQ , March 15. At the cloao of the afternoon cession cf the ipnato , Senator Leo accused Senator UoKnipht of working against the in- erests of his conatituenta and dodg ng the -free plpo bill , to which VlcKnight angrily retorted. Senator wry standing by , also accused HoKnlght of purposely avoiding the natter. Angry words followed und 5mery slapped McKulpht in the face. McKnight then struck Emery. Other senators interfered and order waa re stored. Reconciliation was nffoctoc sofojo the senators loft the chamber. Turning Informer. Special Dispatch to TUB lias. LITTLE ROCK , March 15 McDon ald , one of four who stopped the Fort Smith passenger train at Mulberry , a week ago , murdered the conductor und wounded the brakcman , and ia now in [ ail at Van JJnron , to-aay offered to : onduct the officers to the cave whore ; hey were to rendezvous if ho would no permitted to turn states evidence. There ia evidence enough already to ng McDonald. The other throe robbers are surrounded in the mouu : alns and bloodhounds have boon aonl to drive them from cover. Thi re- ard ou their heada Is $1,000. Tbo Braldwood Disaster Si > : ciil DUpath to TUB EXB BRAIDWOOD , 111. , March 15. Thrco million five hundred thousand gallons were removed during the last twenty- 'our hours. The pumps are working well , and the waer was lowered six inches to-day. The stench from the shaft grows worse. The morgue is nearly completed , and will amply pro vide for the reception of the bodiei When disentombed. The relief fund still grows , and is now $28,000 No Immediate addition Is felt necessary , Declined wit * Tkanks. Special Dlijfttch to TUB HER. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , March 15. Some time ago the managers of the Louis ville southern cotton exposition hear ing the Prince of Wales Intended vis iting America , extended him an invi tation to attend the exposition. A re ply from the Prince's secretary waa received to-day , dated Berlin , Feb ruary 27 , stating that the Prince had no Intention of visiting America during the present year , and thanking the managers for their invitation. Snlllvan'a Brag. Spodal Dlipitch to TUB BBH. NEW YOHK , March 11. John L Sullivan , the pugiliat , heated with wino in a speech at Harry Hill's to- nlcht , termed Slado a "half breed stiff and no good" whom ha was an xious to light. Harry Hill Bald if Sullivan know as much of Slide aa ho did ho would not talk so. Ifew York Notes. Special llfiatch | to TUB Bui NKW YOUK , March 15. Robert Mahan and Charles M. Smith , itu- dents of Columbia college , weru ar rayed for a duel to-day. Mahau and a friend were arrested on departing for the ba.Ulo ground and hold for an examination. The Mexican Peninsula Telegraph Telephone company waa incorpo- ated to-day , capital stock $500,000 , ' 'ivldod into 50,000 shares of $ 10 each , 'ho corporators were Frederick M ) elono , Henry 0. Dorlvora and Ohns. tabadan , who hold all the stock. ho line will run from New York In a direct a line as poulblo to Yucatan , Tobcco , Ohlopaa and Ojyaoi , Mexico. A largo number of personal and lollttcal frlouda called to see Patrick gnn to-day. Mayor Edsou this morning united n rnarritigo at the citv hall , Elsie , onnceat ou of George Francis Train , nd Eliza Brown , atop daughter of the ate Charles K. Thorno 'Ihe Mail and Express Days : "It la xtrcmoly piobablo that the Wabnah oad will bu leased to the Iron Maun- uin system , If the Wubftah la lenaod o the Iron Mountain southwestern yatom , vrhlch now terminates nt St. joula , It would bo extended to Yilodo , nnd the rondo centering at St. jouia uouH not oomphin if the Mia Mai P.idlio Pacific gave ita buelnenn o ! ti ovru line , which by the present joollnc ; arrangement ia now divided n St. Louis. Thia would mnkii To- ode instead of St. Louis the distrib uting point and the Wabash , instead f getting 8 per cent of the business , would reasonably expect to got 50 or per cent , and thin amount of bus ! lees would make with the Wabaah all 1m difference in the world. The Vabnah would then probably earn n iviibnd on Ita common stock the first 'oar after the now arrangement took fleet. " TELEGRAPH NOTES. pcclal Dlsp tcfcs to Till Bu. Albert C. D-innor haa been elected prea ilent of the Bank of Mobile. The Mlsalaalppl river commission eaves Cairo thh morning on the steamer 'IlBsIsslppi. In the shooting contest in St. Joe , yea- erday , Bogardus scored C3 , Carver'J2 , clay pigeons. Bogardua ia aick. John Baldwin killed Wm. Watkino , at loauoko , Vs. , and then himself. Both were colored and rivals in love. The Massachusetts house defeated by an iverwhelming majority the bill to compel corporations to pay employes weakly. H , N. IlolJswortb , cnshier of the bank if Ilotnpp & Uoldaworth , Elizabeth , own , Kentucky , has disappeared with ,000. Threa children , nged 9 , 7 and C , wore atally burnoJ at a hotel in Sleepy Eye , ilinn , while eleeping ou the Hoor. A amp tipped over. The Baltimore k Ohio telegraph com piny have been granted pernmsion to lay wire under ground in the built up portion f Philadelphia. It Is reported in Nashville , and gen errlly believed , thut Polk' * attorneys hav < nado n proposition for full setllemeut o ! lis deficit to the state. Mr * . Ellen Berningbam died in Louisville - villo Thursday , aged 107. Sae waa a pa ; tivi ) of , Tipperaryv Ireland , and came Americaloity years ago. * y The New Yprk-Evening Port aayi th x > nd Itfned by the-Northorn Pacific tern- Innl company lor the purpose of building depots and elevators at Portland , Oregon , have all beei ; uoId. , > In the ttl l of Enos S. Crowther. Ina $100.000 bond robbery. In St. Joseph , Mo. , the defense are attempting to prove ' an nllbi. His wife testltied to-day that Crowther waa at home all the time on the night of the robbery. Ar'olph K tpoella , surviving partner'of the firm of Doughty & Kappello , phip builders , Ffllladelphlt. , has assigned. The assets largely erceedthe liabilities. There will be a surplus after paying all debts in full. Kappella had the contract for a dredge , "Cuunt DeLeaaepa , " attached by S. P. Morris & Co. , who furnished the machinery. Deuounolnjj Unites' Acquittal- Special Ulsjiatcn to TUB Un. UNIONTOWN , Pa. , March 15. A great indignation meeting was held to-night to give expression to public poathnont touching the ncqnlttnl of N. S. Dukeo for kllUnp Captain A. 0 Nutt. Every prominent citizen of the town was proeent. The action of the jury was condemned in the strongest terms by reverend minia- ters and other speakers. Iloaolutions condemning the jury and jndpo were adopted. The jurors were obliged to leave town hastily on account of fears of vlolonco. the ' Special Dispatch to Til * UKS. NKwYoKK , March 15. The pro posed leasing of the Wabatsh to the Missouri Pacific or Iron Mountain , ia creating aomo ilsoussion hero. Bnal- ness men are eurprleed that Gould , who regards the southwestern system as araont ; the beat railroad properties In the United States should consent to an addition of loss remunerative lines. It Is said ho is not satisfied with the management of the Wabaah , and looks to this method as a way to Improve It. Ilussell Sago oays the scheme is likely to carry in April. Brutea at a Benollt , 8p cUl Dlspakh to TUB Bii. YORK , March 15. live hun dred people were at the boxing benfit for Elliott's mother. Harry Hill sent $50 and Sullivan $100. Nick Murphy , the pedestrian , In the first round knocked Ned Fox against the wall and In the second round knocked Fox out. Ten minutes were needed to revive Fox. Murphy left the hall in a hurry. Preparing to Plow. 8ped.il Dispatch to TUB lisa. HKLKKA , Ark. , March 15. The gauge this morning regletors 40 feet , a decline of 3 inches dnring the past 14 hours. There is no decline In the ovoiil wbacklntha bottoms , and It will require considerable moro fall in the rlvor to produce any materal change In tbo situation behind the levees. Preparations for a new crop are energetically going forward. Bllllardf. Sjwctal Dliputch to Tin li . PHILADELPHIA , March 15 Vig- nanx and 4 Sexton gave a billiard exhi bition to-night. * Vignoux won the three ball and balk line game , and Sexton the champion and cushion carom garao. Against Cremation- Special Dispatch t3 I'll ! BEB. HABitisnuito , Pi. , March 15. Among the bllla Introduced to-day in the senate was one to prevent the burning or cremating of human bodies. DOUBLING UP. nflgo Wakoley Takes His Seat on the Bench. , nd Delivers o Brief but Inter- eating Inaugural. & . mutruun Court Item * Gathered For some days past there lies baon onaiderablo conjecture as to when , hero nnd how the newly appointed udgo of this diatrlot would bsgih to old hla court. The qncallon vmt ottlcd yottorday by the action in ho diatrlot court. Upon the convening of court Judge tfovillo naked Judge Wakoly to come p and alt with him behind the bar , nd then introduced him to the mom- era present as their new judge , and asked him if ho would say anything to ho couat. Judge Wakoloy ro.io and aid that while it was not cuttomary 0 make a opecoh on such occasions , 10 would addroai a few words to those . resent , and thereupon naid : Gentlemen ol the Vnr : Having taken the oath of cfllco nndor my recent appointment as one if the judges of this court , I dm now cady to enter upon official duty. With jieriniaslon of the judge pro ildlng I desire to odd to this state mout a few words. I know that it Is not usual poiaibly it may be uupre lodonted for an incumbent tospeak rom the bench of the circumstances nnder which ho has boon called to it. 1 choose , however , to-dty , to follow the ( strong promptings of my heart , oven though it shall violate naags , and thus publicly express to the mom- bora of this bar , collectively and tndl- ridually , my grateful recognition of heir united and most generous action which was potential in calling mo to his judgment seat. Fittoon years of personal and Hru osslonal association , and of charp con tention , at many times , in the strug gles of the law enables thorn to know mo well. That they were willing , nn sought , in reliance on my fidelity , dla crotiou and Impartiality to commit to my judicial keeping end determination tlm weighty interesto and rights rep resented by them waa a testimonial which deeply moved mo , and which ] regard as among the most valued o : my profoBsional life. Yet even this brings to mo also Us burden. I can eay'to you with great sincerity that wbat.moet oppresses moat this MO ment-la not the'apprehenaion tha * , : shell bo unable to peiforni ( ho du'.ica ifi * 1 _ | _ _ /T1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L.t 1 11 _ _ \i. ilT _ _ shall ozpcct moro of ma than thle , I shall bo compelled to disappoint yoa. If I shall bo able to meat all your just expectations and reasonable require ment * } It will bo an atnplo reward. If I shall fall to do no I shall have roaion to feel that the fleeting honora of this place have boon secured at too great a COBt. COBt.We all reoogniza the duo relations of the bench and the bar. The court haa Its solemn daticn , and ito just and stern prorogattvea. These duties must bo performed ; thooo prerogatives inuat bo maintained , or the court falls to keep Itself on the high level of ita ordained and constitutional functions. The bar has Its rights , its duties , its privileges. I have been of it , and with it too long , 1 trust , to overlook this. I hope I shall not remain on the bench long enough to forget it. Yet when thceo rights havobaon accorded , and thcso privileges enjoyed , In the full mciuiiro of right and approved custom , and the question goua to the court for judgment , such judgment , given In duty and in coussiunc. , deserves - serves , and from the fair minded law yer will command respectful acquies cence , coat what it may to his cause and his client. For myaolf , I can prom'so ' yon only a faithtnl and hon- oat endeavor to walk with judicial rectitude in the path of the law , lighted by justice , load wheresoever It may. I am fully conccloua that no court in independent of the aid furnished by the learning , the research , the trained logic , and matured thodght of the bar. Of those aids I shall always bo most glad to avail myself. Finally , gentlemen , I shall be zialouB , in co-operation with ray ju dicial associate and yonrsolvoi , to do my full part in the effort to reduce this docket of nnreachod causes which confront ] us term after term , and bring justice somewhat nearer to the suitors in this court. " Following this came the calling of the docket to find some cases which could bo taken np by consent of both parties at once , tbo council chamber having been secured for Judge Wakoloy to hold court in fcr the present. j\ very largo number of cues wore called 1 I over before one was found that conld ba taken up. This proved to bo the ciao of Preston vs. Rlopen , up on error , with Kennedy and Godwin for the plaintiff , and Redlok and Kedlck for the defendant , which was the first case hoard by Jndgo Wakoly nnder the now dispensation. Next Monday Judge Wakely will go to Columbus to hold a term of court for Judge Pont. Judge Novllle holds the Sirpy county court next wcokand upon adjourning Saturday the court hero Tvlll adjourn uutll a week from next Monday , at which time both judged will resume the trial of onuses , and business will bo puahcd with energy and vigor. WABUKN'e CASK. The trial of W. W. Waron on the indletmnnt for obtaining money under false pretences from the B. & M. rail way company , by means of fraudu lent road tax receipts , resulted Wed nesday in his acquittal , the jury being instructed by Judge Neville to return a verdict of not guilty. Im mediately after the conclusion of the above CMO the trlnl of Warren on an ndlotmont for obtaining 225 by false irotonsoa from the Union PaolOo was logun and is still In progress. Dis- rlct Attorney Godwin and lion. J , tl.-Thunton appear for the proseca- Ion , and J. 0. Oowln and Mr. Webber or the defendant. It Is considered hat this Is n much Blrono-or case , and he prosecution la firm in the belief hal they will send the accused over the road. IOWA BREWERS. They Pay Omalia a Friendly * Visit , are Bauquottud at Wirth'e. Upon the Invitation of Meesrs.Krog t Son. , the Iowa brewois' association reoterday visited Omaha in n body. They wore met nt the depot with car lilies and visited the State Fair gronndn and the various points of in tercut about the city. At 2 o'clock they nat down to an elegant dinner nt John WtrthV , it btiug the first public colouration of Mr Wirth'n opening elnco ttio fiw destroyed his plfco. Mayor Bjyd proiidod at the table , and in addition to the guests ns namud above there wcro among the Omaha gentlemen present , Krrg and Son , the hosts , P. E , liar , E. Suosaonbaoh , Motz and son , and Gottlieb Stotch. Champagne In liberal quantities washed down the excellent and sub stantial layout provided on such short notice by Mr. Wirth and there wore speeches from both Ouiuha and Iowa gentleman. The visitors returned homo by the 4 o'clock train. THE FISH COMMISSION. They Hold a Meeting to Arrange the Uoming Year's Campaign. The Nebraska board of fish commis sioners , consisting of Mr. Low May , Dr. ll. R. Livingstone and B. E Kennedy , Esq. , of this city , hold meeting Wednesday afternoon at the office of the latter , the full board beIng Ing present. At this mooting they laid out their work for the present year , oovorlug the building of additional ponds , i hatching houao , superintendent's ' houa and ta Iron fence about the grounds , Also the purchase of the neccsnary ap paratnu for carrying on the work at South Bond so to to bring the great eat rotnrn to the oltlzans of the state Ths ! Is absolutely the only body of state c ilnials who draw no ealarios , par diem or other remuneration fdr thalr orvic .i , and not only that , bdt f > no tnoniba- the board paid ou' ; JiiOO'ffom ' his .own pocket for nocdpti improvements , . -which the state apprcf prlatloa would not cover , and never asks for a cent of It back , ' The gentlemen composing the board represent the sportsmen's interest throughout the state , working for the good of every club as well as of citizens at large , and one of the noted sports men makes the suggestion that these organizations ought and conld easily make some provision by which it would at least cost nothing to bo a commissioner , and would bo Invested so as to return an hundred fold. Ho proposes to otart the good work with a fifty dollar note whenever a move is made in this direction. Oommlseionor May will probably visit the London Imposition next aum- mor to obtain ootno valuable Informa tion in the line of their work. POLITICAL NOTES. Special Dispatches to TIIK Un. The Maine legislature baa adjourned. The annhcrsnry of Ilnagnrlan imlopomi- cnco wan celebrated In Now York to-night. The Hbodo Maud republican state con tention nominated Auguatuo O , Brown 'or governor. Tammany Hall adopted recolutlons on ; ho death of the late CJovjrnora Morgan , Tewoll arid Stephens. Charles cle Have CUeanhnyao , one of the most noted politician i of Belgian , U n pin- foriRor on tlio Bteamor Switzerland , duo In New York Saturday. He Intoadn to otay only a few weoke , A now pnlit'cal party Is in courio of Formation In Montreal , to eitabliah the authority of the Catholic church in the direct'n ! of education and uuppoit of Jesuits in tliolr claims for the recovery of confiscated landu , The republicans of Cincinnati nomi nated A. M , Warner for the superior court IODR terra ) ; K. O. Keholby , city comp troller ; William B ettger , treaturer ; Henry ICarb , board ot public works. Kosolii- tions were adopted condemning the civil service reform not , Senator Blair , of New Hampshire , do- nits that he baa combined forces with Rollins In the coming senatorial contest , and deolarei ho will never form an alliance with iKollins , Urfegi , Chandler , or make a combination with any candidate : that while acknowledging himself a candidate , tie will not flight for re-election. The Combination of Ingredients used In making UBOWN'B UHONCIIIAL Trociiu Is Huch as to give the beat poiil- ble effect with safety. They are widely known aa the best remedy for Coughs , Gelds , Throat diseases and Asthmatic trouble * . Price , 25 centa a box. Bucklin'a Arnica Salve The BEST SALVK in the world for Cat , Bruises , Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sorea , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chilblain * , Corns , and nil akin eruptions , and poei- lively cures riles. It is guaranteed to nlvo satiif action or money refunded. Price , 'J5 cents per box. For nalo by 0. F. Goodman - man , SuvoHouio Sai paneled * Special Dispatch to Till li . MONTUKAL , March 10. Fogarty & Bro. , shoe manufacturers , long catab- llahod hero , failed today The liablll- ties are cstimatod at $130,000. but the aaaots are not yet known , ai the firm have only commenced taking stock. The creditors think they will got DO cents on the dollar , scarfs , ribbons and any fancy articles can bo made any color wanted with the Diamond Dyes , All the popular colors. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Mr. Brady Expedites His Story of Western Star Routes , And Inflates the Character of Contractors for Honesty and Truth. VI , Wyman Promoted Chief of the National Treasury. louundrnuiH on tlio Tobaooo Tax -An Unoommuu Flower on Pathway. THE STAR KOUIE T IpvcUl DUpatch to Tun llRi. IWAUY'S HTOKY CONIINUEI ) . WAHIIINOTON , March 15 The crlin- nal court room waa well filled this morning when General Brady resumed ' Is tcattmony In the star route trial. The dire t examination vraa oouclud- d without developing nny startling ostimony , and Bliss began the croaa- Ktmlnntlon. Bliss called witness * ( Brady's ) atton- ion to a postmaster's letter protesting hut the proposer ! fifty hour schedule in the Parrot Oity route was impoa- Ible. Brady replied that nothing W48 Impoaslblo In that direction. itness said ho mndo over 10,000 rdora of the same kind in connection 1th star routes , and ho could not horeforo rocolloot all details. After sharp examination by Bllaa concorn- g several routes , D.ividgo intorrnpt- id , saying , "I think the witness is ; otttng the bettor of Mr. Bliss ; I hink ho bettor bo stopped. " Blisa Davldgo need not protect mo ; there are others needing his pro eciion. Witness assorted that 18 of the 10 antes in question wore expedited at ,088 than pro rata. Ho proceeded by .tatomonts . and calculations to estab- ish the assertion. Witness did not assume a man was a scoundrel became ho was' a contractor. lie assumed they wore honorable men. Ingornoll enquired of Blitn why he did not ask Brady whether ho was In iollnsian with Peck. Bliss Yon can ask him yourself. .Blias then appealed to the court to stop the running comments of conn sol on the other side. On moro than one occa'iou , while this witness had bean nndor examination , his answers had boon K uldod by suggestions from that EOUICD. * ' Ingoisoll It oonld not ] h&vo boon from a bettor souroa , Witness , ( indignantly ) say that is not true. Witness was asked if ho had not al lowed cornponsxtlon up to the limits fixed by cffl davits hi oauh of the nine teen routes. lie. answered all wore ox- nadited at Jew iha ' rb Jate.v - Court You don'tWadflEtemarek. Tongno river rout * . Witness-Yes ) sir , that was ex pedited at loss than pro rata. Bliss asked how far the schedule would allow a horse to travel per day. Objection made and sustained. "That is like the story of the Irish man who asked how far it was to town , " began Ingeraoll. "That is out of order , " interrupted tie court ; "an Irishman always is , " ( Linghtor. ) Witness did not know of any bettor way of regulating the expedition than that of using contractor ' affidavits. Ho did not oaro a snap of hla finger whether contractors had cxporiouoo or not there was no batter rulo. Adjotunod. CAPITOL ROTES. Special Dispatch to TUK BBB. THEAHUUKIl WYMAIf. WASHINGTON , March 15. The pr s- idont to-day appointed A. W. Wyman treasure vice Jas. Gillfillan , whose resignation has been accepted , to take place the first prox. The secretary ot the treasury will appoint a committee to verify the treasury balance of March IJht , and count the money so the funds muy be transferred to the now Incumbent for opening of business on ' the firjt pror. wh'en ho assumes the duties of i ilio. The selection of as sistant treasurer , which ofliao will bo made vacant by the promotion of Wy man , will depend entirely upon the wishes of the now treasurer. It is pretty well settled the appointment will bo made from the treasurer's of fice. VACANCIES IN THE RBTIHKU LIST. The provisions in the last army bill reliavo the regular retired list to the extent of making thirteen vacancies , which will bo filled at once by the re tirement of disabled officers. THK CJTTON CROP. Iletnrna to the department ef agrl- ovltnro of cotton sent to market from plantatlonsmake the aggregate 5,900- 000 bales gone forward up to March 1 , This is about 80 ] per cent , of the crop , as indicated by the last returns of the product. AN INVITATION TOAUT18TH , The department of state has baen notified by the Italian government that It desires to invite artists of all nations to compete In furnishing de signs for the national monument to bo erected at Homo In honor of King Victor Etnanuol. Plans may bo sent In from November 15 to December 15 , 1 883. A royal commission will decide upon the designs and the successful artist will receive 50,000 francs as a prize , and 50,000 francs additional will bo divided by the commission among the most meritorious competi tors , A DOUUTFDL OUID. A question has arisen at the tro&3 < nry department regarding the follow , lug provUicn of the tobacco schedule In the ntiw tariff act : "Loaf tobacco ? of which 85 per cent is of the requisite ilzo and of necessary fmonois ot text' uro to bo suitable for wrappers , and of which inoro than 100 leaves are re quired to weigh a pound , if 0ot ! stemmed , 75 cents per pound ; If stemmed , $100. " The doubt is as to whether 85 per cent Is to bo the duty upon the whole quantity' tobacco embraced on the Invoice or upon the contents of each separate package. The matter has been roforod to the collector of customs and Now York and Boston , with instructions to con sult the trade and report a rule for the government of the department on the question. BUYING IIULLION , The treasury department to-day purchased 405,000 ouncns of silver for delivery at Philadelphia , New Orleans and Sau Francisco mints. AN irONKVT MAN. Hx-lloprosontativo Flower , of Now York , returned to the troaatiror $10850 , the amount over paid him on iiccount of his salary and mileage as n member of the Forty-seventh cougrocs. KANSAS LANDS. Ex-Qov. Crawford , resident ajopt of the state of Kansas , to-day filed at the interior dcptrtmont a brief in support of the position taken by the state authorities on sundry long-pond- Ing qupollons In regard to the Atchl- son , Topokn & Santa Fo railroad land grant. The case will probably come before the recorder for oral argument nt an curly date. The brief argues tlm the adjustment of the grant un der the supreme court decision of 1875 concerning it would givotho state title to about 80,003 acres of land alleged to have been Illegally certified to the railroad company , and that in any event the state is entitled to oomo 30- 000 acres now hold by the railroad , A Whlshy Windup. BpocUl DUatch to Tim Hits. CINCINNATI , March. 15. The firm of Pflrrman & Pfau , whisky dealers , suspended to-day. The liabilities amount to $825,000 ; assets , $000,000. The rumor that a failure was likely to occur caused a good deal of anxiety In business circles early in the day , but as soon as it became known that It waa PHrrmaun & Pfau who had boon driven to the wall , a sense of relief was experienced , and no bad results are likely to follow on account of the failure. The suspension is duo to over-production and the failure of eon- gross to pasa the bonded whiskey ex tension bill. Two small drafts , each for less than $5,000 each , wont to protest. An extension could probably have boon secured , but-there was no probability that tlio situation would Smnrovo. There la evidently llttlo chance of loss of any of iho creditors. Baua and Hit Friend * BpccliU DUpatch to Till I3u. NEW YOUK , March 15. Gharlou A. D&na , of The New York Bun , loft for Harriabnru to visit his .old friend , ex- Senator Simon Cameron , The two had arranged to start this wcnk on a trip to the south and went. The ox- senator recently received such in juries frcm a fall tbet the journey had to bo postponed. The two friends ex - peot to start in.fjbont _ two "weo ! . IiAHK and' { friend * . They'will go to'New loans and thence by some southern route to San Francisco. The Yosemite - mite and other places of intoreat will bo vlalted. Paul Dana will assume the editorship of The Sun during his father's. low'a Bnat at Weitmlnitar- Special Dispatch toTui Bis. BOHTON , March lf The Longfel low Memorial association has a letter from Bennock , of London , saying that all the preliminaries for placing the bust in Wcstmlntor abbey are now arragnod , sufficient capital being sub scribed , the sculptor engaged and the for the bust eolcotod. The Eosltion itter Is a column standing between the Memorial uioho of Chaucer and the Independent bust of Dryden , with a stream of light falling on the posi tion , BO that the bnst will occupy a most conspicuous place in the poet's corner. New Mexican Plonloi- Special Dispatch to Tun Dm. LAB VEOAH , N. M. March 15. Polo Mnokol and Frank Ivloor engaged in a > i shooting match at White Oakes , caused by the lattor'a Intimacy with the for mer's daughters. Kiser received a mortal wound in the breast , and Mac- kol'o hip waa shattered beyond repair. A young woman named Trujlllo , living at lllncon , gave birth to a child and immediately choked it to death. She tolls the story of "immac ulate conception. " School Homo Burned- Sptclal Dlipitcuoa to Tin Ilm DKS MOINEB , la. , March 15. The Fourth VVard school honso at Iowa Oity was destroyed by fire at about 5 o'clock this evening. Loss , $4.000 : no insurance. nTba Tentuaiee Dalit. Special DUpatch to Tin lisa. ' NABUVILLE , Tonn. , March 15. The bill to settle the state debt at 50 cents with 3 per cent , interest , aa it came from the house of representatives , to day passed the senate , and awaits the blgnature of the governor. Two Maids Ferl.h- E pedal DUpatch to TUB UBB. HAHTKOUD , Connecticut , March 15. Iho honso of two maiden ladies , named Judson , In Eaat Hartford burned this morning and both perish ed in the flames. ABtrlho Threatened' Special DUpatch to TUB BIB. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , March 15. Some clgarmakora of the city say there will bo a general strike May 1st , unless $1.00 per thousand bo added to their i wages. They claim the proprietors have a benoiit of $3.00 tax reduction , and can easily nlford to pay the addi tional dollar , . The French KioWus-t ' , SpeoUl Dlipatch to Tm 13 i. WoucEBTJSit , Mass. , March 15. JTho1 - French , Canadians , la a large meeting to-night , lxotosod ( Bgalnat.thOiBtato- . - tnonta of F. H. Foster , of Cambridge ; F before the comnitsaion qn "oducatlqa - and labor , 'afc Waahiuglori , thaf they" ' nro tbo Chinese of the coat.