Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Thursday MorningMarch 16
Weather Report ,
( the ( ollowlnu obs rvAtlons were Uk
t tbe came moment of Umo at the static
mentioned. )
OMAHA , March 14(1:15p ( m ;
Tbe funeral of the late Mrs. Metcn
will take place at 10 a. m. td-day ,
A t cnoral meeting of Divisions No.
anl 2 , cf tbe Ancient Order of Illbernlai
will bo held on Friday , tbe 10th Inst , i
7:30 p , HI. sharp ,
Mr. T. 0. L'vlngston nnd MM. Lncei
Keyos ware married on Sunday evening i
tbe residence of the bride , by W. 1
Copeland , paitor o ( the Unitarian cburcl
The sluglng class which meets at tl
Y. M. C. A. room on Friday nlibt ; wl
meet on Thursday this week , It is hopt
that every member will note tbe chnnj
and bo present.
A fortification against the fhod
being built to Till up the gaps that oil
along the river front east * of the clt ;
Carloads of willow nnd rock are going I
every day.
The fire department under Chief Bu
ler is engaged In relaying the south clrcu
of tbe fire alarm telegraph. A large nun
her of new poles will be put In and two <
thrte miles of new wire.
Will the Herald please keep Its reat
erf posted about those trifling dlsorepai
cies in tax aueumeat. For IniUioe , ho
does tt come that Miller and Richard
tracts worth $1,500 an acre are assessed i
(100 an acre ?
The "Homo Circle" character put
and masquerade will take place at Mason !
hall this ( Thursday ) evenlog , M rc
15th. Grand march at 8:20 p. m. thnr )
The affair promises to ba a splendid sni
Rscrult Wm. G. Illrschberg , enllste
at Fort D. A. Russell , W. T. , is asiigne
to troop M , Fifth cavalry , and will bo sei
to the station of his troop by the first fi
vorablo opportunity.
Equalize thi asioaament ) . If prope
ty It to ba asieiacd at one-third or on
fourth of Iti valua let nil assessments 1
uniform. Dui't allow landb hold by Bpe
nltttora bo asrested at one-twentieth , wbi
the poor man's lot Is assessed at one-thin
A man named Webb , fromOdellGai
county , was taken before U. 8 , Commi
nionor Billlngsloy , at Lincoln , Tuesdi
morning , charged with selling splrituo
liquors without Rovernment license. Tl
priionor waived examination and par
bonds In the Bum of $200 for his appei
anoe at U , 8. circuit court in Omaha ne
The funeral of the late Henry Sic
took plaoe at 3 p. m. yesterday , and w
very largely attended , A ful ( dolegatii
ot KnlgbU of Pythias In uniform turni
out as escort and pnard , and over elgh
carriages were In line , the whole proceaali
being over half a mils long. The floi
offerings wen very bcmntiful. Tha bet
WM interred at Prospect Hill.
How to Matce Them a Pleasant Flo-
tor tne Pupjls.
To the Editor ol Tni DM.
I notloo that workmen are bus !
engaged in sowing blue grass seed i
the High School grounds which we
put In such excellent chape by t !
school board last year uujer the ski
f al supervision of Mr. Cray. As
moans of education to our petglo'go
erally and to school pupils
the beautifying of the
of our school buildings U valnablo\
the board should receive the he
endorsement of our citizens.
A * the High School grounds alt
onsldorably In all directions towi
the streets , it Is absolutely nccoen
that a good turf should be eour d
prevent a wwblnR out aud cutting
Into nnelirhtly gullies of the , jrour
that are now so evenly and aWstica
laid out. Aa I underjtand. . t is t
purpose of the sowing * of gn
seed now In prcWM. Wh
this turf li once soonr * * will pi
vldo a charming play/'oond 'or t
children , but It soeH o mo that t
lots there are somr3Datruotl ° ' 18 Pla < :
along the walks * keep the ohildt
off the ground * > w being sown , It vi
be lmpOBalbl < f < ° carry out this obje
and It Is supestod that posts snppo
ing a light baln m 1 o plec
around tV Rround sown in grass
protect ' autll the grass la well roi
ga oonsldo'rablu space has be
left > / > r playRtounds Immcdiati
are a the building , and to this sp ;
jj uplls should bo restrained ur
t > ) sloping ground outside the cln
ir walk la protected by a firm a
sufficient sod , otherwise a consti
expense will be required to provi
the ground from washing cut afto
heavy rain. _ _ B
Made from the wild flnweia of <
It is the most fragrant of perfui
Manufactured by H. B. Blavou , t
Francisco. Forsalo In Omaha by
and Kennord Bi
There b not a town In Nebra
which preienU a better field for bi
ness men and capitalists than B
wood , Butler county , as It has nati
advantages with a very rich farm
country around It. Extraordinary
do cement * are offered for a cann
factory , also a creamery.
A Gang of Five Olad in Whi
Bald the Residence of Eugoc
The Occupants Kept in Bed t
the Pistol's Mouth ,
And One of Them Shot in tb
A. Midnight Battle with Thievt
and Murderers.
A Xady'fl Nerve nd a Barglni
Ono of the moat daring nnd cool
executed burglarloa made ID. this clef
of late was that perpetrated Tnoadi
on the residence ) of Mr. Engoi
O'Neal , oti Sixteenth street nouth
St. Mary's avenue.
Of Into the gang Booms to ha'
increased in nnmbor ind to go to woi
with more doiporato roaolutlon , dote
mined to commit murder as well i
robbery if necessary. This is nhow
by the last raid and it Is to bo hope
that if the gnilty parties cannot 1
secured that some victim to tholrvlsl
trill put a bullet through somoof the
and teach them a ailutaty lesson.
The visit to Mr. O'Neal's resident
was made between 1 and 2 o'clock i
m. , an entrance being effected throng
the kitchen door by the aid of achlsc
So quietly was the whole thin
done that the first known by tl
Inmates of the house was when the
were awakened from sound slumber t
find themselves in the power of a gau
of five masked men , armed with n
volvcru , who stood at each bedside 1
the house.
The kitchen is on the coat end of It
lousa which faces on Sixteenth stroo
md from which a door leads to tb
led room occupied by Mr. and Mr
O'Neal. Directly In front of the
room la the parlor which was tempi
rarlly occupied by Mill M. A. Jame
their neloo , who having been , sick f <
some tlmo put had moved down froi
lor room up stairs for greater convec
[ once. Ono of the rooms up stall
was occnplod by Mr. Rusol
a German , and his two sons , aged n
specllvcly twenty-two and sixteen , tt
oldest baing the book-keeper f or Oha
Helntz , the Thirteenth street greco
The burglars after passing through th
kitchen distributed themselves ovc
the house , ono to each of the lowc
rooms , and thrco to the room oocaplc
by the Itnachs , thus snrroundlug th
garrison thoroughly. Mr. O'Neal bt
ing the first in order , his oxperlonc
would jintarally take precedence. B
was awakened by the iUahing of
In his eyes , and the first admonltlo
was , "Llo still or by G-d I will shoe
you doadl" Ho deemed dlscretlc
the better part of valor and oboyc
orders. Bo observed that the ma
was masked , and hoard'tho ' movernon
of others about the honso. At tl
same time his niece who was sleepir
very soundly , indeed , awoke from tl
chill experienced by a pair of col
hands placed across her face and saw
standing over her. She is a your
lady , was weak from illness and wi
naturally quite alarmed at first. 8fa
was about to cry out but was warne
to keep still. She said , "Oh , yon won
touch mo , will you ? " "No , you shai
bo touched If yon will keep still ,
was the answer. The nolso of
ogaln made her speak , and she ask <
what they were doing to her uncl
but was told to hush. She was ne :
ordered to got up and come Into tl
other room , and when she protest *
was told that If she didn't she won !
bo lifted out of bed by force. SI
thereupon got up , bat told the rri
she had been sick , and asked tl
privilege of putting on her clothe
This was granted , and
awaited her lolnuro while olotbit
herself. MUs James had a fjji (
check under her pillow and wan e
txomoly anxious to pet it 01
transfer It to the ladle
place of safety , but si
Chance M the watchful eye
vHor was coiutsntly on he
Bhowauxt t ken to the adjolnii
f ° .om' Iho.f. "ho was ordered to e
'n' ilson the oo
M i
Ide. ' She was mwd ,1 , whora h
nnolo'Bmon9ywa > , but ro * Hod th
there wasn't a centi , the h S ]
lad taken notlco of
to see If It was a regular ou , .ni . ,
that It was made of white cy wl"
argo silts for the eyes and t
was tlid bonlnd the head wl
knots. The man , had large , f a
and seemed quiet and civil Bpoki
Ho began to question her about h
long she had boon s'oV , what me
clno she took and at what hbur.
"When did you take the last dost
bo said.
"Just before I wont to bod. "
"What tlmo was thatl"
' About 10 o'clock. "
The young lady growing f lnt abc
this tlmo the man wont to the ct
board and got a pitcher and bei
directed by her wont to the well o
sldo and brought her
In the meantime the lodg
above wore having mi
severer treatment. Old re
Hatch and his ' '
sons 'had three' m
to handle them. The oldest son t
awakened and ordered to got out
bed and as ho did not respond imn
elatoly was pulled out , knocked do' '
and his eye blacked. lid father n
told to lie still or If he stirred th
would blow his bralns out. As
went to rise up In bed , ono of the rx
bers fireo. at him , the ballstrikl
him In the forehead just above t
left eye , from which It fortan t <
g' n d away and buried itself In tl
celling , It was
for Mr. Hutch , and It is a wonder 1
dH not have his brain pierced by tl
bullol. Thou there was a trngg
between the throe robbers and tl
Ilaochs , which , of course , ended in tl
latter being overpowered. The me
then went through all the rooms c
stairs , including Mlts James1 boi
room , ransacking every nook and co
ner for money or valuables , but soon
Ingly did not want clothing.
The gang got $30 In money fro
the lodgers , but overlooked a coup
of watches they had hanging up in
conspicuous place. They then woi
down stair * , Miss James describing tl
one who carried the lantoi
is low sized with a sandy comploxloi
They were followed down by M
Batch , sr , and another lassie onsnc
In the hall , but ho was driven bad
The sandy comploxloned man wi
klpklng about the way they had mai
aged things , and said they ought t
huvo eoarchod the lower rooma firoi.
proceeded pretty actively anywn ;
Mr. nnd Mra. O'Neal and Miss Jame
still all In the ono bed , were ordori
to cover up their heads , but the latti
was slowto comply , The men opont
the drav ors with a chisel as easily ac
quickly as If they had had a key nr
search memorandum books , lot'or '
Insurance papers and ovorthlng. Th <
took Mr. O'Neal's gold watch an
chain , valued at $175 , nnd a valuitb
revolver ho had in the droi
Ing c ao , together with tl
cartridges on hand. They also toe
his valuiblo gold chain , charm an 70 cents in silver from h
pantaloons pocket. Mrs. O'Neal lo
a gold locket and $15 In money , an
after gathering up all they could fint
the fellows departed , followed by
which roused the whole nolghborhoo
and brought plenty of assistance , bt
too late to do any good Miss Jami
won alarmed for her $500 check , bi
after missing It from under her pillo
discovered It on the floor near tl
Mr. Rnsoh was able to walk down I
Dr. Hoffmann's and have his wonn
dressed and the doctor pronounced
not serious. Bo was , however , coi
fined t9 his bed yesterday and will r
doubt suffer a good deal from the t
foots. A chisel and brace , ovldentl
used by the nocturnal raiders , woi
picked up and handed over to tl
were made yesterday on Thirteen )
street and the susplclonod Indlvidna
run In. It Is expected that ono <
two of them will bo Identified as tt
parties wanted. Altogether it was
most exciting udvontaro and showo
pluck on the port of the family an
coolness and nervd in the burglar ;
and It Is hoped that eomu of the latti
may bo brought to taw and that vet
ABrave Little Girl.
A little Bohcmlun boy , whoco pai
onta live somewhere down on the fiiit
fell in the Missouri yesterday jn
where the cower empties into tl
stream. Bis sister , a girl of fonrtooi
boldly waded in , harpooned him wll
a crooked willow polo , and brougl
him back to terra firma.
Don'tDle in tne House.
"Rough on Rats " Clears out rat
mice , roaches , bed bugr , flics , ant
moles chipmunks gophers. 16o
Balaaoiag oat the Ooracri.
About sixty couples were presei
last night at the ball given In Mason
building by the young men of tl
Monthly social olub. The mnsio wi
good , the ladies lovely , the boys ga
lant and everything conspired to mat
this , the last ball of the season by th
olub , the most enjoyable.
Tables supplied with the best tl
market aliords. The traveling pnbl
claim they get better accommodatloi
and more general satisfaction hei
than at any other house In Omahi
Rate , fi2 per day. _ ng21tfm
Real Batata Tronarera
The following deeds wore filed ft
record In the county clerk'a offit
March 13 , reported for THE Bi
by Ames's real estate agency :
Oity of Omaha to T. L. Austin , \
d. lot 2 , 1 acre , sec 1C , 15 , 13 ; $1,251
Lyman Rlohardion et al to O. ]
String , w. A lot G , block 12 <
Jaa Murray and wife to D. ]
Thomas , w. d. part lot 208 , 232 ,
block r 8 , lot 0 , block 00 , aud lot ll
block 05 , Florence ; $100.
E W. Smith nd wife to Jno. I
M ns. w. d. lot,11 , , block ? . Shulls
add ; $527.
Reuben Allen and wife to Q. <
House ] , w. d. part lot 1 , block 5' '
J. L McOagno to F. S. Blogno
w. d. part lot 2 , block 14 , Shims 1
add ; $60.
* ,
Tie CoabitiKtion of Ingrtdien
used In miking BIIOWN'B UBO.NCHU
TitooilEa IB such M to give the but pom
ble effect with safety They are wide
knnwu as the bfst remedy for Oougb
"ilda. ThrcM diseases and Asthma )
iblea. Jrloe , 25 cent * a box.
Police Court.
iioo Tuesday under ordo
from th\marBhni
maj0 n devout (
the snldoVnblors nnd other suspli
Ions characVtg who have booniyi ,
about without v
ay0 of
moana „ „
port and captured au , t BQven ln fti
Throe furnished bail In M
$200 each and all the cases Vro co
tinned for the present.
Three disturbers of the psaco we
fined $5 and costs each , two piyl
and ono going to jail.
Three vagrants were arrested T
were committed for ton days each
broad and water , and ono a boy
thirteen , was discharged and start
back to his homo in Davenport.
A search warrant was sworn o
for a lot of silk and silverwa
taken from an unknown porsorr , a
supposed to bo concealed at the hoi
of a colored woman on Dadgo strei
Another was Uaued for a suit
clothe * stolen from 8. P. Mono
Harry Holme * , now In jail for pot
larceny , and who confessed to th
theft yesterday.
The cast ) of W. W. Warren wasstl
in progtees at a late hour this after
day. The defense obj ctod to coi
tain tcntimony Introduced , and tb
point hnd not been decided at last re
ports. The Indictment alleges thi
the accused procured a certain amour
of money frcm the B. it M. , wherci
ho really got a check and drew th
money through the batik. Th
(1 of on so held that the chuck wao nt
money and the court was Inclined I
hold that unless it was drawn from
private fund In the bank , which wi
need for no other purposes the pole
was good. Both tides arc fighting th
case for all It is worth.
An Kxobarjgo of Good Will Do twee
Parting Friends.
Mr * James \V. Johnson , former ]
time-keeper of the locomotive dopar
ment of the U. P. shops , who recent !
left for Efg'o ' Rock to takd anothi
pceillon In the employ of the compac
at that place , was presented by his a
eoclatos and fellow-workmen with
watch and chain and $50 In cash ( tl
chain being donated by Edholm
Erlckeon , the well-known jeweler
from whom the watch was pnrchaooi
as a testimony of their goodwill ac
appreciation of his efforts in their b
half. The presentation was made t
the following letter , which was a
knowlodgod by the gentleman in tl
otter which follows this :
OUA.UA , February 8 , 1883.
Mr. Jatno ) W , Jchnscn :
DEAK SIR The event of your lea1
Ing Omaha to go to Eagle Rock to fi
a higher petition under the U. P , ral
way management ( than you occnf
here ) awakens a desire on the part t
your old associate employes of tl
locomotive department at Omaha to c
something to let you know how mnc
they appreciated your conduct In tl
discharge of your business while ot
gaged hero as tlmo keeper.
The movement was entirely spot
tanoons and universal with those wit
whom you had business relations. A
bad seen and felt how just your dea
Ings were between employer and en
ployo and have had occasion 'jo admli
pour never falling patience and gentli
manly bearing In the performance c
yonr otten irksome duties.
Determined that distance should m
break up good fellowship between yo
md thvm they send yon along wit
this , through their committee ,
watch and chain and a purse of $50 t
a sonvenlor of their esteem for yet
with a tender of best wishes for th
future prosperity of yon and yours b
all hands.
May the pointer on your life's dii
plato over point onward and upward
( Signed ) WM , BBOWN ,
0. D. MUNSON ,
EAOLB RCCK , February 24 , 1883
To Wra. Drown , Joseph HoddoU , n > Ian t Flrt
O. D Murton , and i thcr/ , the Employ. B
the Locomia > o Dtnartmontof the U. P. K. 1
Uhops&t Oinahi :
LABORERS I have received , wit
very deep gratitude and pleasure , tl
testimonial of yonr esteem and goc
will. The unsought , spontaneous | r
gard of human hearts , manlfefctlt
Itself in an act of chlvalrlo generoslt ;
Is an honor that kings might cove
Of nuch an honor yon have made n
the recipient , and I shall be justl
proud cf it to the latest day ot n
But when I remember that th
pleasure of our relationships wi
owing quite as much to the pleasat
smiles and cheerful words with whic
you so often greeted me , as to an
merit of my own , I cannot but fe
embarrassed by yonr magnanlmtt ;
Yet on the other band , I am cqu ll
oousclouBJof the ennobling Influence <
pour generous favor , < Md deem It a
loner to have been the associate I
toil of men who prize trno manhooc
regardless of its robe or worldly rani
L t me assure you that neither tin
nor distance can weaken tha bonds <
good fellowship subsisting between u
tnd that yonr large-hearted gift an
nds words will over be a loadstar *
to hold my heart's affections strong tt
ward you all forevermoro.
Allow me also to commend yoi
; oed taste and judgment in the sele <
tlon and make-up of yonr valnabl
present. Yonr discernment seems I
bavo perceived my needs , for yo
i vo , supplied them In such a way i
to make me doubly grateful.
God bless you every one.
Yonr slnobrely ,
No matter what ycur ailment I
Brown's Iron Bitters will surely bei
efit you.
s , scarfs , ribbons and an
Fancy articles can be made any colt
wauted with the Diamond Dyes. A
the popular colors.
Mr. Louis Shkttnok and wife , of'tl
BlnlTi , are registered at the Fozton. 'MI
Stuttaok ii the daughter of OoL Keatle
of Council Bluffs , and she and her huabai
ara ( till enjoying their honeymoon. Thi
are about t > take up their residence In tb
city , where Mr. S , will bo engtged in tl
tturdware business.
FAG IN In this city March 14th ,
G.3J a. m. , MarU Francis , Infant d ug
ter of Jamoa and Bridget Fagan ,
Funeral to-day , March 15 , at
o'clock p. m. , from the residence son
12th strtet , near Martha. .
have arrived. Practical oxporlen
demonstrates and proves them tl
cheapest In the market for re
sorvlco. For sale at
F. D. OOOPEH & Go's.
' fr-rn&e&wlm
Mr. ; r. H. Metcalf , member of Pa
llament fri the city of Klngsto
Out. , was foru rly subjected to e
treme soreness ol the chest , for whl (
ho could find no remady but St. Jaco
Oil , tha Great CUrman Remedy.
The Maverick Nation ju r k of jjc
ton draws foreign exchange , VnB
sells Government and other invt *
ment securities , aud transacts any bt
Inosa for 1U correspondent * In the 11
of banking. m&th-m
The Steady Growth of E.khorn Tr.
Now ElbVfttor BDrt Otnur Intorosta.
Correipon eicatf lux tin
caslonally I EDO n few items in Ti
BKR from sister towns in Nobrask
but Elkhorn sooma usually to bo fo
jotten or neglected. This should m
DB the case , as Elkhorn , though not ;
present a very rapidly growing towi
is thriving , and a large amount of bn
ness' is being transacted here , cspe
ally In the groin trado. H. J. Rol
and Baling & Oo. are buying grali
and since Mr. Sallcg came hero :
January , Elkhorn has probab
sbippea moro grain than any oth
town of its fitza on the Union P&c'l '
The Roanoke Elevator compan ;
which was formed here during U
winter , lately elected its officers fi
the ensuing year : A , J. Poppletoi
of Omahs , la president ; B. B Bali
win , secretary , aud Henry Dank < >
treasurer of the company. The o
Qcera are at present laying plans fi
the creation of a grain elevator ho :
which will be complete and In rnnuit
order In about three months. Mac
of the best men of this community a :
financially interested In this cntc
prise , and its success Is Insured.
Gustav Kaessnor , who has aharno
shop , and does a thriving business i
that line , has lately received a lari
supply of farm machinery , which 1
proposes to get rid of during the so
ion at as low figures as they can 1
obtained anywhere in the state. Br
nor & Reber are doing a good bus
ness in the general merchandise lin
\nd Invite the patronage of all. The
is a good opining hero for anoth
general merchandise store , and anyoi
with a little capital and business ab :
Ity can find no bettor place to loca
In in that business than Elkhor ;
William Koemer is the village blac
smith , has all the work he can do at
does it io the best possible manne
There is a good opening for anoth
blacksmith horo.
William S. Canon Is the druggie
and although ho came hero a fe
month ago an entire stranger , his bn
[ ness ability and clever manners ha'
secured for him a fair trade , and Ell
lorn feels that she is fortunate in a
curing such a man. A barber hi
lately established himself here , and
well pleased with the amount of pa
ronage he is receiving.
All that Elkhorn now needs to mal
t town la a few moro enterprising bu
nous men with capital. There is i
where a * better agricultural dlstrl
-ban surrounds this place. It Is boa
.ifully located , and wo have no foa
'or ' its future. Anyone contemplatii
ocattng in any business would do wt
locome to Elkhorn before locatli
H. M. Rollins , Neilgh ; R. 0. Phillii
Lincoln ; Cbaa. Rndot and wife , Norfol
Frank Faulkner , Schuyler ; B . Lenn
and wife Calhoun ; Jacob llocke and wl !
Lincoln ; E. S , Reed and family , Tecui
leh ; H Faulkner , Plum Creek ; L , .
Hilton and W. D. Haller , Blair ; Ml
Gertie L. Clarke , Bellvue ; E. A. Lai
beth and E. A. Brown , Nebraska Cit
0. T. Edee , Pawnee City ; S. A. Oabot
Brow&ville , and A. R. Morris , Papillic
are at the P xton.
E. Hnrlbut , Jr. , and H. J. Hudao
Columbus ; Wm. Brown , Oakland ; Phil
Calo , Columbua ; George W. Post , Yoi
J. Klosterman , David City ; Mrs. J. ]
Hnngale and Mrs. A. P. Howe , Bla
F. M. OMteller , Hair ; Arthur L. Patt
Nebraska Oity ; Thos. M. Kendall , Li
coin , and J. F. Goes , ColmabuB , we
among the Nebraskans at the Mills
O. E. Stewart ; F. D. Carpenter , Bla.
G. W. Sellers , Fremont ; J. T. Deacc
Lyons ; A. A. Black , Fremont ; H. \
Mathewa , Atkinson ; N. H. Shepai
Vacorna , and J. B. Baakby , Stromativ
are the Nebr&skans who were at Metr
polltan yesterday.
J. M. Ryan and A. , B. Idesoo , Hantint
R. C. Wilson , Ranebe. Dundy Co. ; Jr.
D. Bonnell , Lincoln ; J. 0 , Morrissey ai
Jno. Black , Plattemontb , were at the Paten
ton yesterday.
J , W. Chapman , editor of The Conn
Bluff * Nonpareil and I } . S. manhal
[ ow , was in the city last night , a gnest
the Paxton.
W. o. Hancock and wife , ( Mr. aud Mi
EUmblln and M. I. Clarke , of Coun
Bluffs , were at the Paxton last night.
Mra. Jno. Hanlon and daughters a
Mrs. T. E. Logan and son , of Boise Ci
[ daho , are regiitered at the Paxton.
Hon. F. J. Sadllek , a member of t
ut legislature , from Saline county , call
on THE BKK office yesterday.
S. T. Smith , general manager of t
Kansas division of the U. P. road , is
the Mlllard.
The Emma Abbott opera company
divided between the Mlllard and P xt
George H. Champ , J. H. Craig a
ladies , of Council Bluffs , are at the P
J. J. Euntion , of Little John , D. ' .
is lit the city , a guest of the Metropolis
Mrs. I o Coe , of Nebraska City , i
Ived at the Paxton yesterday ,
W. F. Hutcbinson , of Cheyenne , la
the Metropolitan.
Isaac Jones , of Chicago , is registered
the Metropolitan ,
Hon. E. F. Warren , of Nebraska Cl
U at the Paxton.
F. S. Piuey and wife , of Council Blul
are tbe Paxton. _
II , T. Clarke , Bellevue , was at the Pi
ton yesterday.
A. S. Raymond and wife , of Lincoln , i
at the Pftxton.
T. S. Davis , of Rawllns , Wyo. , is at I
F. A. Wallerstedt , of Oakland , Is
tbe Mlllard.
J. M. Nave , of Kansas City , is at I
W. 8. Dlsher , of Llncojn , was at 1
Q , Hargreaves , of Denver , U at <
L. P. , trwu p ! Idaho , U at the Faxtt
Hon. Church How * u la this city.
Cor , Water and Congress Streets.
aaeosrro rvr.
CAPITAL , - . 8400.00
BURPLU , - 8 OU,00
Trantacti a general Bnnklrg business. 11
oeivoi the accounts of Banks , Honkers ot
others. Draws Foreign Kxchange at
makes Oft hi o Transfers in Europe and Tc
egrnphlo Transfers of Money throughoi
the United States , Buys ami ( ells Go
ornmout and other Investment Securitle
and executes any bu ! nota for Ita Cotr
ipondcnta In the line t f Banking.
ABA P. POTTER , Pretlden' .
J. J. EDDY , Cashier.
J. W. WORK , Asa't Oathler.
Omaha Hatioial Bank Buildinj
1817 Dodge St. , - Omaha , Hel
Oifcohura IrotnQ to lee m.,2toSp m.
Telcphono No. 144. n at 8 1m
3T8PEO lAt I vili FCtm\ELY not be
sorted unless paid In advance.
_ n i OrtH MONfcY.
OVEY TO LOAN At 8 per cent. Shrive
R'al EeUtonJ Loan Agency , opposl
pcfltofflce. _ 767-tt
TO LUAN Call at Law office of D.
MONEY 03 room SCrclghton Clock.
- to attend stoi
WANTFD-BiylSjearsold D > unla .
< 06-16 W , F. CLARK.
fi IRL WANTED For gene al housewoi
VITSwadeor bobum'on ' protried. Call bt S
ncrth 13th stree- , between 10 a. m. and 7 p , :
WANTED Girl for senoral housowrrk
PJeasintiuae small fa cliy. Apply 214
18lb ttre t. ' 41MCI
Three or f .ur vood hirness ma
CM. Applj to 1) . M. Weby , 1412 F in *
street. 408-2t m&ej
ANTED Two girls Immediately at the (
cldentol. 40017
TTtTANTED A treed rran w'.o c n takn ca e
TT ' Burden and do stntral work nn a uUi
Apply at the c.rner of ilth and St. Mary's ai
° " 3J7-151
\TtTANTBD-Compo ent girt M : st be go
YV cook. Apply at 718 north I9th stieet. i
ter 2 p. m. 393-151
WANTED A good min , ono w
BAHCEU Cerman pictured , 616 13thsirosta
n m street Restaurant 891-1
WANTED-A dining ro-m girl , Apply
Punters House , earner DoJge and let
WANTED A groi girl for general houi
work. Apply 1510 Harney street , betwe
15h ! and 16th. MRS. R. H. WILBUR ,
WAMETJ A good pastry cook. App'y
Summit House , Creston , lona. 3MI-U
- In family of two , 1718 Dot
las streit. 392-lj
TTfJ"ANTED Young man not less thaa 17 yes
TT of age at Curriers Art gallery 1 ill Far t
St. 379-141
\TTANTED German girl for light housowoi
TT 1012 iarnam street. 376-14
TT7 ANTED Two men of good address to cl
TT vassa < d sell goods. Steady etpbvme
togoidmcn. Call 421 south 10th St. 878-1
An experienced elrl to do genei
WANTED ) . Germtn or Swede preferrc
842 14 N. W. cor. 19th and 1 eavei.worth.
\ few lidies and geotlemen
WANTED for the biggest paying business
Americx Room 3,1303 Farnam St. 2l9-li
Men and women to start a nc
busiuew at their own home : DO peaulln
COc an hour made ; > end lOc for samples and I
stru > tlons Addrns-
183-lmeod MA30K & CO. . Mon'pelfer. A
VT7"ANTED By two young nvn of gocd ed
TT Citlon ft'd aodr , s , a it uat'on in the a
goads , re dy inades , boots g ocry , or a y p-
tion of trutt , Fivn acd tou years experleni
Canglva flr.t-cla'.B rtfereaces. Apply "G. M
Bea office. 480-1
Two ladles and one m n , mld (
ago , to learn booi-keeplng tltuatlotis.
39S-i4 > , J. B. bHITH , Omata.
WAN I ED A furnUhed room for two gen
mar as pot IMe corner Farnam and 101
Address "O. 8 " Bee office. 4C5 14) )
ANTfcD Twoorttnee rooms , furnljhed
unfurnished , or ( .art i f ahou-e eultab o I
light houitkeeplug. Address "C. " d < e cflti
3S5.1I )
Lau ea to know that to sect
more room , foj teaching cur perfect systf
cf dreaa cuttl. g Wo are rf mo ed to 1515 Ilo
aid St. Cutting dene and ej g em taught for t
next two weeks. 883-15J
NV Wanted by a > oung and enterpt
AO Ing attorney , with office 11 centre ol to
a-a on ground floor. Omaha firms tbat want
council B uOs represent < tlve abonld address
JOHN DOE 7 Pearl St ,
- privy raultg , sink * and ci
WANTED-100 with stnltaj. cleanrr. Sat
faction goarauteed. J. If CMITH.
316-ltut Lock Box 422 , Omaha
L T A nice furnlahea room rn bath rw
riO . Alsj hall roouj. 1615 DxJge s reet.
OR F ENT P fa an'ly furolsbed roomi , o
F dojr north of Dod e , on 18th 81. 333-i
J. rer Davenport nd 10th streets. Apply to
W. Gray , ill Twelfth street.ioO2 <
RENT Tn sroali f mllj , S looms on 2
FOR onln. , 21il and Lake stieet , two story tird
FORRE T-Nercott < geof 8 rooms , .
inonfi , < > n 30th street , between Farntm
Douglan , Inquire 05 prtmlsei. 387-1
I OR RKNT Front r-om with bay wlndc
F vtltbiioar' , No 1718 Dodg street. 370-11
To leare an tight or ten ro
WANTED with modarncontecfence ] aodli
good location. Addreea Jos. Garmean , Jr. , P ,
ton II use.
mo RENT Geol cciulottiblo b ement rno
J. suitable for hous'kecplng Also Kood ba
CaU at northwest cor 22d anitBurt strestj.
372 1m
170R RENT A house ten rooms and all o
C venlrncis Niwly papered , pointed , all
cond coiidltton and IccateU ntar ameltirg war
Suitable for a bo.rdln ou.
558-141 ISlSrarnhamSt
REFT A nice dry basemtnt sultabli
FOR email family. Inquire on Idaho 8tn
hall a block north of earnings St. eut sld.
Street. _ 3J9-1I
hKNT iwo double itorei , sultible ;
boarding bouw. grocery , butcher , orsaltx
situated 10 as to command a good firmer trac
InmilrVol MM. F. Lange , B. V. C r. 13th a
JaA on BU.
170R REST Fornlihed > oem for two geu
JT 3 blocks from poetoffice. luqnlrc at 1 !
Did(5 ( s.reet. _ 289-ln
and basement of building No. lilt Farm
Inautn on promisee , lB4-ln
TT10R PENT Tire new house * with R rooms ,
C Dr. C. H. faul. 132 Imo
RENT-2S house * , 2 to 10 roomi , at | 3 0
FOR per month Shrlvor's Rent uuroau , op-
- post office. i7C8-U
T710R 8AI E Oereril stock rf merchandize lo-
L ia cd In the fl url hlnn town ol Wymoro ,
S'eb. Binkrupitt ck. Mutt b'c'oiol out Fcr
p rtlcnbra 1 qnlro nl Colty & Hnil-tt , I'eatrlca.
\ - , . , W. Llnlnger
A D McCamlictsVjmr or ,
Om h , Web. 404-2'-n&i.wit
Splendid fet of Par.ente' | too s bolonplng lo
A tha H'o Al. Llrdbtrg will bo > oM next Sat
urday enlng a' Jenen's Bltck'tntb. shop on
IGth and flu t. Al:0fln watch and ch'ln will
be raffled ofl at the tame tlmo for the benefit ot
the widow. 408-16
"T10R SALE AND REST \ ia < cchannboard-
JJ Ing house furnUuro forsrfr , nnd h'uso for
rut , will ilvn 1-wc , wtll Adapted fr salon , In
quire at the pi tee 181 IPIerco airoct. O S
SAt F Stjllih organ , 9 st f and knre
FOR , 3 sett rco'ls , a iiiobt new. i h'tvp for
en h. 100 Souhmotiue. ECJ-llt
SALE Ono horse , tingle vagjn and bar-
FOR s. 1 Cooper wa on ,
317-U _ 301 N. 15th Hi _
I710R SALF.- ACREJ-21 miles from pest-
tJ otllce , on Cunilng a rcet , J.OOO
Adi r 3 1
311 10 _ 1606 Farnam.f
SA'E-Ono extra peed milch cow , four
FOH , n 11 > r d , and varrartod kind and
Kent o Dm' ot rca o s Icr felling. Inquire o
oraidiac "E M P. " thi office _ 3(8 15t
YARD FOR REST Apply at once.
BhICK thing needed to run It Ou hand.
Supcrto- clay Also house 01 yaid It wanted.
LOttENZj U1BBLK. Yard ISthitrtet 2 blocks
south uf 3e'lovue ' road. 280-lmt
I pOK 8 > LE Id acr < s B m rom court horn : ,
1 we t , wl hlUi ( f spring ,
31ot m D lglit & ( Aman'saddtttoa.
4 bts In lsi.u-3 & Shclon'i ) addition.
Inqu'roofll ' G.Clark.
FOR S VLB OR > ENT My 2 story br'ck resi
dence oil 10th stieut and nt. Mar 's avenue
for sa'o , 17 OOU Sm ill payment down , bi'ance '
1 tO 6 jears tlmo. Lot COxSOO feet. Elegant
house , verv cor , vnnlont. Will rent It tociy
good parties for $65 per month Call at once at
M. TOFl'S ,
294-Aprlll Cor. 12th and Farnam St.
FOR SALE One dark bay mire , top buggy
and harness. ' W. W. ROBERTS ,
277 16f Fort Omaha.
T > EMIS' New Map of Omaha , Just completed and
JJ ready for delivery at $5 each. Is 4 feet wide
by 7 'cot long. Largest and most complete map
off uA'ia ever published. Official map of the
city , ee column.
\ SALE House with 6 rooms and 2 Uti
E\OK ( 66x132) ) in soutn Omaha , for $1,000 , on
easy term ; . Will ak > teun on part payment.
Inquire at 611 8 12th street. 243-lmt
FOR SALE CHEAf-ChoIco unimproved bus-
Inesi lots on Farnam Ilarrey , DouiIis.
and Dwdge streets. DVI3 * SNYDER ,
Heal Eet te Agents ,
' - - Farnam St
SEALED Prone a's will be received by tbe
committee on Fi eat th CltvG'-rk ' office , until
12 o'clock M ahu ji > y , MjtrchlSth , 1883 , for the
purchase of
One liaik Pay Horse.
Ore Black lli e.
Said ho n ar-i now in the nse of the fire de
partment , andean bo seen at trglno House , No.
Three- ,
The committee reserves the right to reject anr
and all bids. <
m2 08 J. J. L. C. JEWETT , Cily Clerk.
Bargains m Boat Estate , ,
House and half lot , gicd Icca ten , (1,2CO.
House and half lot , near at. Mary's aronuo
1RO ( ) .
ft ttage and Tomer lot on Dodge street , $3,600
Newt'cttigclnE. V Smith's ad J tlon , 82,000.
Cotageani ull Ir ton 19th fat reel , ntar Lea-
tenwotth street , 8200. .
44 loot frontage oa Farnam street , Improved , i I
Corner lot on Douglta etreet , $7.500. JJat aln
tiu inesa Int on Dtugl a .trect , $4,00(5. (
100 foot fronton Dodgostio.t. Residence in
vestment , $1,350.
S07tf- Opposite Postofficc.
TjlOR SALE A drat class second hand phaetom
C Call at 1819 Barney St. 897-H
\OR SALE Pocets maps of Nebraska 20c
I each. For bargains in or aha City improved
and unimproved property , call on Wm. P , Shrl-
ver , ueil Estate Agent , opposite postofflce.
A kn ipt icarpet layer tools between
LTST & Bean' * and 18th ttud Chicago.
Leavu same at Orchard A Bean. 414-14 ?
. .
< /inn 1 BONUS ha ( abovej mouut win tx ;
W I Uv/l/xlvin to any re p-uslblo party who '
will build a steam flouring mill at Avoca , Neb. ,
Adores J 0.1 eff t , At oca , Neb. 402-20-wltJ ,
OUN i Two said o' , Z brldlis , 2 halters r l. ,
1 saddle blank et , by one of my men , on Woolworth - *
worth avenu * . near Haiiecom Piik , on tho'rrorn-
Ing of It e 10th Init SAMUEL J. HOWELL ,
411-16 Jnsurancu Agent , 217 8.14th Stj
On Sunday night about G p. m. , a pak-
LOST ot razors w > s li advert ntly left m < a
gr > .eu co ored prlng wagon. Anyone icturnlog'
tao.0 to HIR olllce wll ) be eultably rewar.ed.
VT 7 ILL take children of ny age give them a
VV mothers care for a liberal compensation.
Address T. Z. Bee office. 368-lmo *
° T * ADIES wlihlngaqute dace dui log confine-
Ljruent , with nursa will address Vv , B. Bee :
office. 369 ImoJ
fpO EXCHANGt ; lor city pr perty to U ah./
I teu first clan Improved fauna A'so 1600
hrado' ' ehejfif rsalo Co , respond wUh N. 0.
< hr ttlan * n , r-tciameito , Neb. m 9-lm |
QPECIAL INDUrEMENTS Offeredfor a conn-
O tiy store at Qllmoro , Sarpy cour ty , Neb.
Apply to O. Frorft , there. 135-lmf
TIuNALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam
and Harney. Will , with the aid of guardian
spirits , obtain for any one a glance of tbe past
and present , and on certain conditions In tbr fa.
tare. Boota and Shoes made to order Ptifcel
MlnfactloD ruaranUcd .
Of T ARBA * T-8 EI. l ZEB A PER ,
Absolutely Pure.
, This powder never varies. A marvel of purltj.
strength and wholeaomeneea. More economical
than the orplnary kinds , atvl cannot be told in
competition with tbe multitude of low teit iborl
weight , alum or phcphaU pow4er Sold only la
cans. Rout. Biliaa Powiii Co. , Wall-St. , ja
New Tork. ,