Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1883, Image 2

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to vigorously push a business ,
strength to study a profession ,
strength to rcgulato a household ,
strength to do a day's labor with
out physical pain. All this repre
sents what Is wanted , In the often
heard expression , "Oh ! I wish i
had the strength ! " If you are
broken down , have not energy , or
fee ! as if life was hardly worth liv
ing , you can be relieved and re
stored to robust health and strength
by taking BROWN'S ' IRON BIT
TERS , which is a true tonic a
medicine universally recommended
for all wasting diseases ,
501 N. Fremont St. , Baltimore
During the war I was in
jured in the stomach by apiece
of a shell , and have suffered
from it ever since. About four
years ago it brought on paraly
sis , which kept me in bed six
months , and the best doctors
In the city said I could not
live. I suffered fearfully from
indigestion , and for over two
years could not cat solid food
and fora large portion of the
time was unable to retain even
liquid nourishment. I tried
Brown's Iron Bitters And now
after taking two bottles I am
able to get up and go around
and am rapidly improving.
a complete and sure remedy for
Indigestion , Dyspepsia , Malaria ,
Weakness and all diseases requir
ing a true , reliable , non-alcoholic
tonic. It enriches the blood , gives
new life to the muscles and tons
to the nerves ,
Your attention I' called to contract ! to bo lot
for dlttbln * . Ditch In Bnrt anil Washington
coontlM , aliout thirteen miles long , In working
sections , ih.oujh a mtran , width about G ( cot ,
Idea iloplrg 1 to 2 foot , depth from 6 to 7 feM ,
dirt to ta moved about 8 feet from brink of ditch.
Number of cub ovards to bo rooted about Hi , .
740. Slid luhls being constructed by said two
counties under statute providing ( or Draining
w mp l nds , approved Feb. 28,1881. Woik to
bo done In accordance with plan * and spoclflca-
tlons. For further Information apply to the
county clerk of cither of raid counties , and gee
report of engineer and proceedings of boards ol
comml'iloncrs of told counties and purt'cuUrly '
Ibatof February 8th , 1883. Also the official ad.
Tertlsement In the Blair Pilot and In Hurt Coun
ty News. ,
Dldi are to be filed with certified check and
name of mrttlet , ou or before March 22d. 1883 ,
at B p. m. with county clotk cf turt county , A ,
A. Tnomca. Duplicates ( without chocks ) wilt
county clerk of Washington county. UlaoV
formi for proposals will be lupp.lod by stld
clerki. By order of
feb IQ-oewm&eat
Sealed proposals will be received by the Roan
ol County Commlulonert of dago county. Neb.
tor the erection of a bridge across the 1 % Illui
river upon either one of th i wagon roods leading
east from the town ol Wymorr , Oagecouhty
Neb , , and ver and across Bald river. Baldbrldgi
to be one hundred and fifty (150) ( ) feet long , am
to have cither piles , stone , or Iron piers.
Also for th creation of a bridge , suitable to thi
I > U < , acroM Indian Greek , on the Hoe hntwifii
sections twentj-nlnoW ) nd thirty (30X ( abou
onemlla southwest of Wymore , Cog. county
Neb. Low bridge at this place preferred.
Also a bildg * across Turkey Creek , eouthoaal
of DoWitt , Neb. , to rcplaco the old ono now Ir
use.All hr'dzcs ' to be of wood , Iron or combination
All bids to be accompanied by plans and spool- be sealed and filed with the Conntj
lerk on or before 12 o'clock noon , March 20th
The Commissioners r.servo the right to rejocl
y and all bids. Successful bidders will be re <
ulrtd to git o bond for the faithful 'performance
of thtlr contract
By orde of the Ccunty 0mmlislotiers.
/ / - -N * A. J. PKTHOUD ,
\ MIL. j- _ _ . _ . . _ County Clerk.
1 Beatrice Feb. 71 1R83. mo-div
ETorrOorsot is warranted atli-
tactory to Its wearer la cTcrr way.
cr the money will bo refunded by
the person from -whom It was. bought.
nsonlrConttrironoiineedi IT o r iMdlng ; phji
t lijvrlou * to thawcuvr , andrndonodtiT lul
f-mo.tcomforuUo ana pertect pttlng Con
PHIOES , br Vail , PotUc * Paid I
ltkPrt r U . tl.BO. BcIfAdJustlB * . Jl.l
kMvmlaat ( utnt he.T7) $ t.OO , Nur.lai , l.l
dth PrcUrTUB ( n e coatll ) S.OO. Prs <
klrt-BapporUni , 1.60.
sT r a le bj leadlisi lleUU Dealer * vrrwhei
ffi. HENDERSON A rtfutar fraaua
, .
in tnidielm. Ovir
600A603WaBdotteSt. , ytari1 fradict Vt
Authorized by tku State to trc
Chronic , Nervous nud I'm Ma 1)1
, cores , Antbma , Kpllcpor , Klieun1
K tlem , I'lle , Topo.orm , Urlnury m
QSkln Ilf > cai > crtiEtiiNAi < WBAKNV
lt ( < if\t lain ) , KCXUAL Dtuar
' ( / CMitxual fftvtr ) , Ac. Cur
guarautced or mouvy refunded. Churgvi lo
Thoueanda of cnnea cured. Nolujurtuusmcillclu
rived. No detention from buoltiuvs. All im-illcln
furulelicd cvcu to patlenta at it distance. Cone
tatlon free nnd confidential tall or write. Aijoa
jxperlenco arc Ituporttnt. A 11UUK fur be
eexcs Illustrated and circulars of other thlc
cent sealed lor two 3c stamps. J'rre JUutrtit
Send 81 , 82 , S3 , <
85 for a sample n
tsJl box by JKxprcH
CANDY of the best candles'
America , put up J
eleraat boxeH , ui
Mtrlctly pure. Sntti
bleforpreaoat * . K :
preas ) cbstrffcs Ilali
Kefer * to all Chlcj
< Try it once ,
A Fiokla Woman Violates Hoi
Vows and Dosfcrojs Her
A Social Scandal that Has Set
Niagara Palls Society
on Edge ,
Special to the Clexltnd Lcad.r.
BuPFAW , N. Y. , March 10. Social
circles 'in the romantic village ol
Niagara Falla are just now agitated
over a sensation of considerable ) mug.
nltndo , in which are Involved eorno
people who with their rotations are
known all over the country. It ap
pears that about ton years ago Mlsa
Oollno Taylor , a daughter of Mrs. D.
II Jcrrold , the wlfo of ono of the pro
prietors of the Cataract House , felt in
love with Samuel Mason , a young man
who managed an "Indian Store , " In
Prospect Park , who was afterwards
village olork and is now in the Niagara
Falls custom honso. Miss Taylor was
about twenty yeara old , a boantlful
brunette , whoso every wish had boon
ijratiGod , nd who had boon thorough
ly potted , until she was a spoiled child ,
by her step-father and her mother.
3 < tm was a tall , good-looking , man
ly fellow , who had Innumerable
Friends. Bo waa a poor boy , and
worked himself up In the world by en
ergy and attention to business. Ho
earned enough money to support a
wife in comfortable circumstances , but
ho could not maintain a woman in ihe
ease and luxury ICK which Oollno had
always boon accustomed. Her friends
told her no , but their worda of advloo
served only to Increase the feeliag of
mutual cherishment which had iprnng
up between them , and the conplo wore
noon after married. Bverything'ptssed
off pleasantly for a time. Then Mrs.
Mason found that her husband was
really unable to give her sufficient
funds lo enable her to dross an well aa
she had been used to apparel herself.
Being naturally sensitive this had a
very unhappy effect on her , which waa
enhanced by the fact that her relatives
wcro all put on as much style
as In former , times , This was espe
cially the case with her titter , who
was the wife of Peter A. Ptrtor , ono
of the' old Porter family , an iwner of
Goat Island and proaldent of h0 vll-
lafio. Mrs. Porter had unlisted
moans to gratify her ta O )
and , as waa only natural under th ,
circumstances , aho dressed In accord
with her husband's ' wealth. Mrs.
Mason was nnablo to keep up with the
Fashionable society in which she
moved , and although 8am struggled
hard to do everything for her , she lost
her love for him. This change waa
not at first noticed by others , for the
union had boon cemented by the addi
tion to the family of three bright chil
dren , the oldoat of which Is a boy
seven years of ago. Within a few
years George W. James , a Buffalo
druggist , wont to Niagara Falls and
established a drug store opposite the
International hotel. Ho dressed
finely , had a suave , Insinuating man
ner , and bore the reputation of being
a "lady's man. " He paid considera
ble attention to Mrs. Mason , and was
finally told by friends thai It waa ex
citing talk. It Is reported that he
showed the door to ono well-mo ming
townsman , and emphatically txpreised
hii Intention to dn what he wanted to
without any regard to what people
thought or said. The relation ! con
tinued until recently/when Jarno'at
tentions to Mrs. MMon became so
marked that the husband took his
three children home to his mother and
abandoned the wayward woman. Ho
left her all the furniture and house
hold effects , with which aho furnished
a suite of rooms on Main street where
aho Is now residing. ,
Mason was head over heels In.bobt ,
as a result of his wife's extravagance.
Ho ii generally popular , boingNthe
chlot of the Niagara Falls five depart
ment , and much sympathy Is express
ed for him by residents of the place.
Ho is remarkably temperate In hit
" ablts , and for a number of yean hat
lot Indulged in any excesses' . Mason'e
later is the wife of Oharjoy Backus ,
he minstrel man , and all of hli eon <
ectlons are prominent. At the ad <
Ice of .friends Mr. Mason soughl
legal counsel with Mr. Davis , the new
lonnty judge of Niagara county ,
hrough whom an application for i
livorco has boon made to the Snpremi
Bourt , An effort will bo made to havi
referee appointed , and try the cast
without any publicity , which ao fai
'as boon avoided by all of thi
jartlea intorostod. A Laador corroa
pendant was told that Mrs. Ma
ion had not yet put in any do-
onso , and that she would offer ni
> bstao1o to the speedy decision of th
case without the necessity for a pnbll
trial. The developments which sue !
an event would bring to light cai
readily be imagined when I state tha
the details given In this dispatch hav
been shorn of everything tending tc
wards sensationalism. There Is a re
port current that as soon as the deere
s granted Mrs , Mason and Jame
fill get married and seek a new horn
a the west. This is strengthened b
; he fact that Jamea has already mad
arrangements for selling 'out his dro
store. The people at the Falla are t
a less to understand why Mrs. Maso
took a fancy to the druggist , who I
much Inferior to her husband In over
respect , except possibly the site c
his purse.
Prince QortachakolT.
Alexander Miohallowitobf 1'rinc
Gort'ohakoff , chancellor of the Hun
slan Empire , was borq uly 1C , 17OS
Ho attended the Italy Alliance cor
Kress at Verona hi 1882 , as attache c
Count Nossclroqo , the then llussli
minister of fovoiga aQalrs , and showin
diplomatic slOU rose rapidly above th
heads of l\\h \ \ cotemporarlos. Appoln
nd secretary of legation In London I
1824Jtio bocnuio charge d' affairs I
Flor/Gnoo | Q 1820 , oonnsolorot Icgttlc
at Monna in 1832 , and envoy at Slut
In 1842. After a prolonged sti
the latter capital , ho , in 1850 w
Appointed to represent Russia at tl
'Frankfort ' diet. In this capacity 1
laid the foundation of his snbseque
brilliant career.
Ho first rose in favor at court 1
serving the Imperial family as dlstl
tlngulshed from ( though not opposite
to ) the state. Nicholas hs been b !
tirly disappointed in the marriage
his eldest daughter with the Duke
Lonohtonborg , who did not oven bo
leD { , to a irlgnliif ! honee. Ooly t <
pk'ftio the Grand Duchess Mary hn (
iio given liis ouuuout. J'or the Grand
Duahota Olga , her sister , ho anxloualj
Bought n butter iimtoh , The bostpart
accinod lo bo Chnrics , Prlnoa Koyn
of Wurtemberg , If hocould bo secured
The klug , hotfuvur , made difficulties
bnt Nicholas , swallowing his pride
resolved to putano the negotiations
which ho now entrusted to Gottacha
koff , who brought thorn to a success
f ul iatno. On July 13 , l&iG , the grand
duchess was united to the prlnco ( a
present the monarch whom his sub
joota have irreverently dabbed Olgns '
Nicholas now asked Gortsobakoff tc
wait awhile for his rowatd , and to staj
at atuttgart ( where ho was minister ]
as confidential counsellor to the yonnf
prlncoia , Moanwhllo the cz r would
not forgot his aervant. Of course ,
Gortechakcff said. Under hla able
tuition the prlncoas soon acqnlrod un
bounded inflnonco In her new homo ,
and Wnrtomborg was then a factor k
the German ( and thoioforo the European
poan ) question. Of course , too , Nioh.
olas redeemed his promise. In 1854
Gortschskcff waa named ombaasadoi
to Vienna in place of the aged Meyon <
dorff. During the Crimean war hie
special mlaslon was to keep Austria
neutral , if ho could. Ho moved
heaven and earth to accomplish thli
object , and , though devoured by anz
lety and mortiGcatlon , showed every
where an unnrinklod front. Ho over
managed to create a "Russian party *
at the Austrian capital. Pamphlets ap
peared hinting at an alliance with Rus
sia , which was to bo "fixed aa t
rule" and "popular as a fashion.1
After vho war Lord John Russell
and Drouyn do L'Hays came to Vien
na to Bottle with Gortaohakoff the con <
ditlona of peace. Both flattered him.
Terms proposed by Austria were re
garded aa too favorable by the allies.
This was Russia's darkest hour. Gort-
sohakofj waited at Vienna in great
angnlsh of mind. When Sebastopol
fell Russia was' completely exhausted.
The theater of war was about to bo
transferred to Poland , The young
Emperor Alexandria submitted to fate.
All things considered , the terms were
easy. Russia became reconciled to
England and Franco , bnt never for-
zave Austria for her double-dealing ,
Sortschakoff vented his bitterness in a
mot which wont through the salons of
3t. Petersburg like nn electric flash :
"Austria Is not a nation ; only a gov-
arnmont. "
In 1858 Gortsohakoff became chan-
: ellor for foreign affairs vice Nosaol-
ode , who retired. The traditional
policy of Russia has always been : To
nalntaln an equilibrium between the
iwo great German states ; to extend
& > r Influence among the smaller Gur-
msri states and the Christian popula
tion < f the east , ami to crush liberalism -
ism athomo. To this boa been added
since la G the idea of an association of
abaolntprlnces against the "Rods. "
something Hko an "international" of
, , ng8 < , .901 > hakoft broke loose from
all traditions , ana became the 'first
and only real Mional minister Russia
had ever had , n b.o is the first really
great one of Ross , , , blrth aud olirao'
tlon. At first ho a RuBBOphllo.
and attoiriptod great .uDga In the way
of "civil service reforl" He found
an enormous preponderate of Gorman
employes in every dopahmant. He
tried to substitute Russian but soon-
abandoned the project. Ho Vtthdrew
his protection from the sma\Ur Gor
man states , preferred an alliatr-e for
Interest to an association for anSdoa
and has greatly contributed , first , to
build up the German emplrjs on the
ruins f the two others , . and then to
make her the friend andally of Rus
sia. QortsohakofTi gre tt-tim was to
separate Franco and England. He
conciliated France , lending his tacit
support to Napoleon in thtlUllan war
of 1859. A
In I860 ho did not lift * * finger to
prevent the war betwe6n &n ia and
Austria , but between 18G6 "Und 1870
lodulgod In wild fancies of l division
of the world's empire botrecfjLtho
Slavic and Germanic no hotffta
elan alliance waa the 'pg ' * G/prta-
chakofTa policy. Hla ortffliiIoB ! -
cow Gizotto , admitted tblrfOf late
years the tendency in Europe his bein
to the unifications and oondeislng of
nations belonging to the same face Into
vi st agglomerations , In wllch the
smaller States lose their Identity. "
Bismarck announced in 1309 that
Prussia had no Interest in the east.
He held aloof from the Paris Conference
once in January of that year.
During the Franoo-Pruiilan war the
luuian Chancellor remained prudent
y neutral. In 1872-73 ho established
he triple alliance between the threi
Emperors. At the time of the firs !
hlngs cf the people commanded b ]
SheroiAliln Central Asia , ho conclnd
d with England a provisional agreement
mont by which" ho accepted the fron
ior limits prescribed by her. Bnt ii
ha meantime be encouraged secretl ;
i'ory aggression towards England *
Indian omplro. In February , 187C
when the insurrection of Bosnia am
Sorergovlna broke out , ho aided thi
nsnrgonts in every underhand way
Ho approved of the famous Andreas ;
note requiring Turkey to fulfill he
duties ) , and then , in 1877 , deolarei
war against the sultan. . At the cloa
of the conflict the Russian premie
WM tb'i most promlneut person , af to
Bismarck , at the preliminary diplc
matic > meeting at Santo Stefano , an
then at the conference of Berlin. I
1879 , ' coolneaa sprang "P botwpjt
BismMok and him , Vat In Nove bo !
3ortsoaakdff rrtltod the Prasslac
capita ? unit friendliness waa reaumed
Tflo last years of his oOiolal life wen
spent In trying to crush out nlhUlsrj
the assassination of the czar , li
April , 1881 , proved with how llttl
success. Upon thu ncooeaion of Aloi
ardor III. , ho waa &U11 retained > e
load of the ministry , until at hla ow
request , last Hay , ho finally retired.
In the absanco of suitable matorlif"
or the tlmo to prepare it , people pei |
Co without a dressing for salads. Bu ;
DDRKEB'S and you will never A0001
yonraolf to make another.
Not long slnco , WakefioU Starkej
of Austin , while crossing the track c
the International and Graat Norther
Railroad on a valuable mule , wa
struck by the ( locomotive and killec
The mule was also hurled into ftormtj
W.kefiald Starkey , although porfei
gentleman on the street , waa domei
tic tyrant of the doepoat dyf. Will
out provocation whatever bo used I
beat his wife , wid lock h/r / no In
wardrodej hence when ihe eard of h
death , It WM not so mnct ese <
hoary berMTOcoent M it wit of mlUgi
ted sfllictlon. As the engineer ( f the
locomotive waa clearly to blame for the
accident , it was suggested to the widow
that she bring suit for damages , She
ronolved to do BO , and called at tl c
ofllco of the railway company. The
proper official happened to bo in. Tl e
widow had such a clear case against thi
company that it was deemed advisable
to compromise the matter. "Now ,
madam , " said the c ( Tidal , after the
widow had thrown back her veil am
stated her business , "wo are willing to
do what Is fair in this matter. There
is really no occasion to go to law. I
is a delicate subject to discuss ; so .
think , without going into the merits
of it , I will fonder yon a check for $3
000 , and yon will sign a paper releas
ing the company from all further de
mauds. " The widow started and asked
, , Howmuch ? " "I am authorized to
pay you 83.0CO " "I accept it , " aho
said , very much agitated. The checl
was handed over , the papers signed
and the widow walked out into the
street In a bewildered frame of mind.
Aa aho cashed the chock she said to
herself confidentially ; "I didn't oxpeo
to got more than $50. I reckon thai
rail toad follow didn't know how eli
that mnlo was. " Tttas Sifting *
A 10,000 Romance !
A true romance in real life recently took
place in Louisville , Ky. The circum
stance ! were theee : Misj Alcene Van-
derosplt , the beautiful and accompllaher
daughter of our well-known and otteemec
druggist , had a well-known young gentle
man , also of Louisville , paying her atten
tions , and both being p xweesed cf specula
tive spirit , and unknown to the other , pur
chased a $1 ticket in the Commonwealth
Distribution Company. It so happened
that each took a half ticket with the same
number , and when the drawing terminated
they had drawn 85,000 each , tbolr number
having drawn the $10,000 prize. When
the young gentleman called to tell his
good fortune , his surprise was creat to
find his sweetheart was also entitled to
congratulations. Of coarse , a wedding
soon followed , for it was self-evident they
were intended for each other , and the
younif gentleman is now the owner of a
prosperous business , and at his request we
refrain from giving hit name also. Now
let all young gentlemen and ladies RO and
do likewise. Next drawing. Saturday ,
March 31st. 1,960 prizes , $112,400. Capi
tal prize , 930,000. Tickets , only 2 Send
your order immedi > tely to B. M. Board-
man , Louisville , Ky.
Old Railroad Relies.
From the Now York Tiince.
There were returned recently to the
General Passenger Agency of the New
York Central Road a bundle of tickets
which were found in the overhauling
of ono of the stations on the line of the
road. They were issued in 1852 , and
have the signatures of C. H. Kondrlck
Ticket Agont. They were for passage
over the Hudson River Railroad from
Albany to Now York , and bore this
remarkable indorsement : "If used on
accommodation train leaving Albany
at 8:45 p m $1 on every whole ticket
will bo refunded by conductor. " These
were tickets that were naod when night
trains were first run over the road ,
thirty yeara ago , and the indorsement
guaranteeing the return of $1 waa to
Induce passengers to travel by rail in
stead of by boat. . With this package
Dame another , tickets good for puaage
between the same points , but having
I ho word "Rochester" stamped on the
back. This class used at about the
same time , was of the same form , a
single bit of red pasteboard about the
slza of an ordinary visiting card , and
was of the style used before the coupon
tickets now In vogue were thought of ,
When the late D. L Fremyro was the-
Ticket Agent of Now York Central
Road , he had Issued a ticket from Al
bany to St. Louis. On the edge were
Printed In initials of the various roads
eve ? which tha * itf > \ < \0" oonld P M.-
The conductor wav obliged to punch
from this ticket the name of hla road
aa the holder passed over It. This
style of ticket called into being for the
first time the condnotor'a punch , now
used by every conductor. It waa also
the first attempt at a combination tick
et , from which has finally grown the
present half-yard long coupon ticket.
It was also the reason for the first
gathering of General Passenger Agents
o consult on methods for managing
tmlr business more methodically.
whl h rneotlngs finally grow into the
Nation } Association of General Pas-
Banish ill bWu
nervousness , vex
ation , fotfulnesSe eto by using
' * "
' '
Brown's Iron Blt'-
A Meuort tor the B
Frank Moore , of the
sourl , is In St. Paul making
menta in the Interest of a Now
syndicate for furnishing accommo
tlons for tourist * In the Bad Lands o
Pyramid park , the name by wW h
that romantic region is henoeform to
be known. Among the Improvements
to be provided for is a coi nodlous
hotel. The officers' quarW . h ° pl-
tal , etc. , of the old cantonment
are to bo utllizad. O pletei tourist
o" with huntIng -
outfits , carriage ando"
Ing and fishing a watnsi , are , to be
provided for gucy * ' trlP * ° tha seasoned for Bight-seers.
The syndicate/ " ! also place atook on
the ranges n- y ° th.ioiul . *
m.vtnrvd < xu the mild-eyed cow in
theabseH > nobler game. The
contle < aoeP my a'so ' utilized to
' ° tourlat who would desire tea
amo :
aa mountain sheep. Especial ar-
.Mtngementa of this character adapted
to entertain the English and eastern
tourist nuy bo made to good advant
Hop BUUrl are the Purest and Best Bitten
r Ever Mode.
They are compounded from Hops ,
H , Baohn , Mandrake and Dando-
, thp oldoat , best , and moat vain-
pblo medicines In the world , and con
tain all the host and most curative
properties of all other remedies , "being
the croatoot Blood Purifier , Liver
ReguVitor and Life and Health Res
toring Agent on earth. No disease or
ill-henltk can possibly lone exist where
these BltUrs are used , so varied and
perfect are Uielr operations.
They give new luo and vigor to the
aged and Intrrn. To all whoso em
ployments ciujfrrcgulariilcs of the
towels or urinary organs , or who ro-
qulro an Vpotfier , Tonic and mild
Htimnlant , flopBlttetxare Invaluable ,
being highly curative , Vjnlo and stim
ulating , without lu\oxlca\ng. \ |
No matter what your toolings or
symptoms are , what the dlsoue or ail
ment Is , use Hop Bitters , Don1 i wait
until you are slcki but if you only
feel bad or mkerabk jatfHop Bitten
at once. It may M 'o ' your life. Hun
dreds have been si d tmio doing.
$00 will bo paid for a case they will
not euro or help.
Do not suffer or let your friends snf
f-tr , but uao and tirgo them to usoHor
Remember , Hop Bitters is no vile ,
drugged , rfrunken nostrum , but the
Pure ? : and Best Medicine over made ;
the "Invalid's Friend and Hope , " and
no person or family should be without
them Try the Bitters to-day ,
Proposal * for Military Supplies ,
Chief Quartermaster's Olllce , J
Omana. Neb. , March 7th , 1683. )
SEALED PKOPi 'SALS ' , In tilpllc te , jubjecl
totteusutl irndltloni , will be rccehed at thli
nmca until 12 o'cl ck M , ou Wcdn.mUy , April
18 1663 , ar at the tarn * hour ( a lowing for the
difference In time , ) at Ihe offices of tbeQuaitir
misters at tin which
placet a d tlno they wnl be opened In the pres
ence of binders fer the fumbling and deliver ;
of Military Supplies during tt e year commcnc-
\ig July 1st. 1833 , a > d coding JUDO 30tb , 1S84.
as Mlo s. wood , Hay and Churoal , or suchoi
s&ld tuip'lts M may be required at OmUa
Hero1 , Foil Omitr , rort Nlrb ara , Fort Sidney ,
theyinno Depot , Fort Russell , KortS'eele ' , Port
Dou < lai > , Kort Koblnson. Fort lirldfrer , Fort Lir.
amle , Fort MKlnncy , Fort Wt-luklc , and Fort
Th' rnburgh of SOO tons of Coal of 2740 pound ] to
the ton.
Fropo'ats will also be rccalrtd at this cfflco up
to the Jiy aid hour abo\e named , for the dcllr.
ery on the cara > t the p Int ncnre t to the mines
on the line of the Union Pacific Hallway , of clfrht
tbou < and t nj of Coal , of of (3240 ( pounds to the
to . Also for delivery at theOmaht Depot , or
at a ations on thn rnalntllne of tne Union Pacific
Railway eagtf om Kearney Junction , of two m )
lion pounds Corn , and onm lllon pound * OaU.
bids f.r gr In should ttite the rate per 100 Ibs ,
not per bushel.
Propof als for either class of the stores men
tioned , or for quaotltlesless than the whoic re
quired will be rtKclvfcl. Each proposal should
be In triplicate , stparat * for each a tide at each
stat'on , and must bo accompanied by a bond In
she sum of fhohundnd dollars ( $5.0) txrculcd
s rlctly In with the printed instruc
tions , and upon the blink form furnished und r
tola adtcrtliemont , guarantceltig that the pattr
maklpg the proposal shall EOI > withdraw the
lame within sixty days from ibedate-nnounced
for openlrg them ; and Ihatlfiall proposal Is ac
cepted and a contract for the supplies bid for ,
awarded thereunder , h- will , wltbln ten dajs af
ter being notified of the awtrd ( provided such
not location e m do within the sixty days above
mcntlonad ) , nc > ept the same and furnlah g od
and sufficient sureties , at once , for the fal hful
perfornuv ct cf tho' contact The government
reserves the rlkht to reject an ) or all proposals.
A preference will be gnen to articles of uomei-
tlo production.
Blank rtrcpisuls and printed circulars , elating
the kind and estimated quantities of wood , hay
and charcoal required at each station , and giv
ing full Infractions as t ) the manner of old-
din. , condl Ions It bo cbs'rved by bidder * , and
to ms of contract , etc. , will be fu > nlshed on ap
plication to thi < office or to the Quartcrmaiters
at the varloui ttaf 'ons ' named
Envelopes containing proposes should bo
ma'ked : "Proprofals for at - "
and iddro scd tn th uriders'gned or to the res
pective Post and Depot Quartermasters.
iOH.V V. KUREY , Captain. A. Q. M. , O. 8.
A. , in charge of C. Q. M.'s office , Uept. of the
A Skin of Beauty It a Joy Forever.
Oriental Cream or Magical Eeau-
tifler ,
eg Tan. Pimples ,
Freckle 1 %
baa stood
the test of
Iseo harm.
lesa we
taste tt to
be sure the
pro pa ra-
tlonii pro
perly made
Accept no
f similar name. The distinguished Dr. L. A ,
ayro , said to a la-1y of the nur ON ( a patient ) :
'As you ladles will use them , I recommend
0 unud'a Cream' as the least harmful'of all the
kin preparati.ns. " One bottle will list six
nonths , using It every day. Also Poudro Jub.
lie remove ! superfluous hair without Injury to
he skin.
M MR. M. B. T. QOURAUD , Sole prop. , 43 Bond
For s le by all Drnzglsta and Fancy Goods
Dealers throughout the United States , Canada
nd Europe.
t3r Bo ware of base Imitations. ' $1,000 reward
or arrest and proof ot any one selling the same.
j 14-woow me 2t ew6m
Milwaukee & St. Panl
tl now running Ita FAST EXPRESS TRAINS
free *
Pullman's Magnificent Sleepers
Finest Dining Oars in the World.
* *
. '
X "to
To x
Tak. th EST ROUTE , th.
Ohioago ,
Ticket office located ta ettneV' Fkrnam and
Fourteenth street * and. at % ' p ' wpcn < 1 .
UUlard Hotel , Omaha \
MTSe * Time Table In aibther column.
V. A. NASH , oAeral Arent.
0. H. FOOTS , Ticket AgW Omaha.
i Western Agenta , Lafayette , Indian * .
Ilubbcr Boots and
Boots and Shoe ?
The center pieces are Inter Unguble and n-
renlble. It preycnts the ooqiter from runnier
ova , requiring no heel stiffeqen.
The Agency ( or these goo4t In thla town hat
beenpUl H * i
Others c nnft ) procure thtti.
Call nd xamfne afulrlnooJ Leather and
nCandce" Rubber Bool ) an Shws I with the He
Terslble He l. HUB. II. PMEhSOH ,
31- $ * LoultrUltHcb.
Window and Plate Glass.
-r Anyone contemplating building , or * JjJ" wlU "nd U * * ! lhe
" " " " '
"o. R 'GQODMAN ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
AM Grocery' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Fire and Burglar ar
o .
1020 Far n ham Street ,
Is only attained by using
Stoves and Banges.
\ For 'Bale by *
Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c.
The Oldest Wholesale and
in Omaha. Visitors can here
find all novelties in SIL
Rich and Stylish Jewelry ,
the Latest , Most Artistic ,
and Choicest Selections in
all descriptions'of FINE
WATCHES at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
copuat Hth and Farnham
Streets , ,
* Vn.
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
Our prices are as Low as
any MeiternManufaoturer
and Dealer ,
Pianos and O'ga s sold
for cash or installment at
Bottom PrJcfs.
A SPLENDID etrck of
Steinwiy , Ohickenntt ,
Enabe , Vose ft Sba's Pi
anos , and otbtr makes.
Also Glough & Warren
Sterling. Imperial , Smith
American Groans , &c. Do
not fail to see us before s
purchasing. |
& BRO. ,
A Large Stock always on Hand ,
Printing Inks ,
Largest and most complete assortment of
blank books and office stationery in the city.
Bookkeepers are invited to examine onrStoct
16th Street Opp.
t Peat Oiaiee
N , B. Our ( took ol Fancy 35 itlry li plete In overyreipoot.
* . .
, f
N *
- v -