JL'flE DAILY BEE--WFDNURJDAY MAHO-l - 14 i STORE-NEW STOCKDUPLICATED. . 32 MAIN STREET AND 33 PEARL ST. ( New McMahon Block , next door to Postoffice. ) COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. liESPEOTFULLT ANNOUNCES THAT HE IS NOW RECEIVING A VERY LAEGffi STOCK OF W W SHADES , CAREFULLY SELECTED from the full line of the LEADING MANUFACTORIES. Citizens of Council Bluffs and surrounding towns are respectfully invited to examine THE NEW STYLES FOR 1883 , whetheryou wish to buy or not , PRICES guaranteed as LOW as anywhere in the United States. OOTJ35TOIL ZBLTJIFIFS , PROPRIETOR OF = A PALACE MUf W Headquarters for the justly Celebrated WEBER PIANOS , now approved and used by afl first class Artists. WESTERN COTTAGE AKD BURDETTE ORGANS. Importer and dealer in MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESG3IPTION , such as Violin s Guitars , Accordeons , Music Boxes , Italian Strings , Etc. , , Etc. Also a full line of 3VCTJSIO ZBOOZKZS. IMITJSlO IBIZCsTIDEIRSAISTUD SIBGEIET ZMZTJSIO , Fancy Goods , Ohildrens1 Carriages , Velocipedes , Bycicles , Carts andWagons. 'To make room for new stock wiIllseli at IW FIGURES THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS. Good Organs at $50 and upward. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash and on Monthly Payments , Orders solicited Address , J. MUELLER , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WINTHERLIGH BROS. , Are now ready to contract for email costings of every description In MALLEABLE IRON , GRAY IRON , And any ALLOY OF BRASS. Special attention la called to the f'Ct that the metals are mo ted In CRCCIBLBS which gives the very beet castings , \ Burning Brands s Fen DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACK ERS , 01GAR and TOBACCO FACTORIES , Eto. , Etc. , As well as Cattle Brands ABE NICELY EXECUTED. Works : Corner Sixth street and Eleventh avenue , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. MBS , K. J , HILTOBI , M , U. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Trnmiiw T. Conn "Him tiff * . IBS , E , J , HABDINB , M , D , Medical Electrician AND GYNECOLOGIST. ot tblc Inetllntloa , FhtU delphla , Penna. , Broadway & Blonn Avo. COUNOII. BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all dtieuw and pilafnl dl iJralties pacullar to fomalM a pocl lly. OB ATETUL-COMFOUXIWQ. EPPS'S COCOA , BREAKFAST. "By a thoroozh knowledge of the nitaral Uwi which govern the operatloni of digestion and antrltlon , and by a careful application of thi fine properties of well-s-lected Cocoa , 111. Kpps nat provided our breakfast tables with t delicately flavored beverage which may save u many heavy doctors' bllia It la by the Jndlclow use of such articles of diet that n constitutor may bo gradually built up until strong enoniir to resist every tendency to dleoase. liondrcili of labile maladlen are floating around mi ready to attack wherever there la a weak point. Vr'i may eacipe many a fitil abaft by keeping our Mlvss well fortified with pure blood and a prep trly nourished frame. " Civil uervlco Qaxetto. Uado simply with boiling ; water or milk , ilel ntlns only ( J-lb audlb ) , labtlod JAMB3 EPPB St CO. , Homoeopathic Chemists 1. Bn lan DOCTOR STEINHAB/TS ESSENCE OF LIFE. Fo OLD AICD YODKO , MALI AHD FIIIALI. It la a nue , prompt and effectual remeda or ( n dlzuftlon , Dyspep-Ia , InUrmlttent Fevera. Wanl f Appet/t / , Nervous Debility In all ItaSUeea Weak Memory , Ixwa of Bnln Power , Proatratlon Weakness and general Ixw of Power. It repair oerroua waste , rejuvenate * the faded Intellect strenahthen * the enfeebled brain and restore iurprla ng tune and vljfor to the exhausted cr trani. The experience of thouunda proves It ti b an ln > aluable remedy. Prlc , tl.OQ a bottle or ill or $5. For aalebyall druttfl ts , or § en eecure from obterratlon on receipt of price b ] pr.Sttn hv , P. O. Box 8400 St COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. CHICAGO , BOCK ISLAND AND FACrFIO. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext..6:20 : p m I Pacific Ex.9:15 : a m Ex and Mall.g.25 a m Ex and Hall.6:55 : p m D. Moinea ao.7:15 : a m | Dea Molneaac.4:10 : p m CIHCAOO , BURLINGTON AND QUINCT. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf..S:30n : m I Pacific Ext. . . .9:20 : am Mall and Ex.920 nm Mall and Lx.7:00pm : N. Y. Ex 4:00pm : | Neb & Kta Ex..8:20 : a m CIHCAOO AND KOBTUWK3TBRN. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf..6:15 : p m I Pacific ExJ. . . .9:15 : a m Mall anil Ex.9:20 : a m Mall and Lx.G:15 : p m AcJOffl ( Sat..5:50 : p m | Accom. ( Mon..l:45 : p m KANSAS CUT , BT. JOB AND COUHCIL BLUFFS. Depart. Arrive. Mall and Ex..9:55am : I Express GJSO p m „ . , v.8iO ! p ea j Hill aid Es. . . ; 15 p ra CTfllM 7ACI71C. ArrlTO. verland Xjt.HCO v m. OTcrlandSx * 400 p.m. , lncoln Kx..llao . n , Denver Ex..8'00 n. in , tcnvor Ex..7:00p. m. Local Ex 630 a. m. ocalEx 7:25 : a. m. " Ex 9:05 : a. m. Emigrant..520 p. in. " Ex P.-OOa. m. WABABII , fir. LOUIfl AND PACIFIC ) . Depart. Arrive , all and Ex. . 9:45 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 4:30 : p m lannon Ball. . 4FO : p m | Cannon Ball..11:05 : a m 8IOCX CRY AND FACinC. Depart. Arrive. "or Sioux City.7:65am : Frm Sioux C'y.6 0 p m 'or Fort Nlobrara. Prru Fort Nlobrara , Neb * 7:55am : Neb ' 60pm 'or St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. Paul..8' 0 a m CHICAGO. MILWAUKRK AND BT. PAUL. Leave Council liluda. Arrh cs Council Bluffs. Mall and Ex.I:2U ) : a m I Mail and Ex.6A5 pm Ulantlc Ex. . [ 5:15 : p m | Atlantic Ex.9:10 [ : a m CHICAGO , HILWAUKEK AND BT. PAUL. Leaves Omalia. Arrives at Omaha. lalland Ex.7:15 : am I Pacific Ex J9:45am : tlautlc Ex..l3:40pmMalland : | Ex.7-25pm Except Sundays. fExcept Saturdays. JExcept Mondays. [ Dally. Council Blutta Ss Omaba Street B. R. Lea ; e Council UluHs. Leave Omaha. 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 11 am , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p 11 a m , 1pm , 2p m , 3p ui , 4 p m , 5 p m , 6 p m. m , 4 p m , 5 p m , 6 p m. St.'eel cars run half hourly to the Union Pacific Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at 9 o clock a. in. , and run regu'ariy ' during the day at 9,11 , 2 4 , 6 and G o'clock , and run to city time ; Another Phy lolnn' Testimony. BOHTOX , Mas ? , , May 9 , 188L. I know partlea who have tried all kinds of morilclnes tor Lunf Disoasec , who nay that DR. Wu. HALL'M BALAAM roK TUB I UNGS , is a COMl'LKTK HCCCKtH Pit < HAH II. WOOD. COMMERCIAL. OOUKOIL IlLCrfB MARKET. Corrected dally by J. V. Fuller , mer chandise broker , buyer and nhipper ol grain and provision.- Pearl street. WIIKATNo. . 2 spring , 70c ; No. 3,63 ; rejected 50c ; Rood demaud. Cons IGo to feederR and SG3 to ship pers ; rejected corn Chlc.iRo , file ; new mixed , MJc ; white corn , 63. The re ceipts of corn lire Heht , OATH Source and In good demand ; 35 , HAY 4 OOfeG 00 per ton. KYE 10o ; llKht fupplv CORN MEAL I Spflr 100 ponndd. WOOD Good supply ; pncoa at yards , C m@(5 ( 00. COAL Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton ; eoft B 50 per ton. UDTTKR Vlenty and fn fair demand ; 25c ; creamery. SOo. EOGS lleady B-kle at 15o per dozen. LAUD-Fairtmnk'fl. wholeaallng at ISJc. POULTRY Firm ; deilera P J ini : 13o per pound for turkeya and lOo for chicken * VEnETABLEH Potat'jei > , 45o ; onion * , 05c ; cabbages , 30@40o per dozen ; applea , 2 fX ) @ 3 0 per barrel , City flour from 1 CO to 3 40. BROOMS 2 00@3 00 per dozen. BTOOK. CATTLK-300@350oalvea ; 600@7BO. llogaMarket active , and all offering ! nlcUy taken at higher prices. Carlntu Common , 6 75@5 90 ; good mixed , 6 W ® 640 ; heavy packing , 650@700 ; choiL fancy packing , 7 Oj@7 40 , Yonng man or woman , U yon want bis money for a email amount , Insure In tbi Marriage Fnnd and Mutual Trust A oci aUon , Cedar KtpIcU , Iowa , ' 5-8m COUNCIL BLUFFS ADDIIIONALLOOALNHWS City Council Proceedings. The council met pursuant to ad journment , mayor and five councilman balng present. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. Bills amounting to $175 02 were allowed on general fund. fund.Bills Bills of the gaa company wore ro- irrod to the committee on gas light. Bill of Mr. Sowart , of Omaha , for . ' ! D , for repairing roof on city build ups , referred to committee on police , nd finance. Petition for S. H. Smith to com promise for $100 , for the aporopria- ion by the citr , of lot No , 2 , block 20 , Erart'd addition , was referred to ho committee. The auditor was requested to open acounts with all persons having claims against the city for condemned property. Councilman Shugart moved that all bidders for paving desiring to alter heir bids , making discount for cash , bo allowed to so change their bldn. The motion was carried. The petitions aud bonds for twenty- our liquor licenses were approved. Moved and carried that no one name wl'.l bo acoeptod as auroty on more than nix liquor bonds. Petitions from citizens on Oakland avenue , to change the grade thereof , wore rrnd , with an ordinance accom panying the same , which was also read. The rules were suspended , and the ordinance changing grades was passed. Report of committee to vacate nlley n block 18 in railroad subdivision , road and approved , and same com mittee report an ordinance to v&cato the same , and th rules were suponded and ordinance passed. Report of committee to vacate al ley between lots 3 and 4 In block L , Curtis and lUudluo' addition , road and approved ; alee nn ordinance tn vacate the sumo. Rjles suspended and ordinance passed. The city , attorney was authorised to serve a notice on the railroad com pany for damages done to the public ftcf near the packing house. Rjport of thu mayor r.fjpilng to grant one Nolan n lionnaa to Ball liquor withe u. his paying the regular liouiiBB and fucf. On motion , adopted and agreed to. A resolution by Oauncllman Shu- gart that the city engineerbj instruct ed to advertise at once for bids to Gil Main street and to gradp for paviug ; also a sidewalk and also curbing froit end of the present alone curbing to Sixteenth avenue. Resolution adopt ed. Adjourned till Friday night. Chknga of Mlnd > I declined to Insert your advertise ment ot Hop Bitters last year , because cause I then thought they might no ba promotlve of the canuo of Temperance anco , but find they are , and a very valuable medicine , my eel f nd wife having been greatly btmo&tod by them , and I take great pleasure In making horn known. REV. JOHN SEAMAN , Editor Home Sentinel , Af tonN. Y.gJ BAY CITY , Mich. , Feb. 3,1880 , I think it my duly to send > on a ecorrmend for the benefit of any per- on wishing to know whether the Hop Jitters are good or not. I know they are Rood for general debility and indi- ; ostion ; strengthen the nervous sys- em and make now life. I recommend my patients to usn them , DR. . A. PRATT , The Darm Waltz Squeeze. It. Lou'alt publican. Society in Marahaltown , Iowa , fa all orn abouta now or eccentric figure in- reduced into the gormnn by a provin cial dancing-master , which is enphon- oualy styled the ' 'darkwal < z rqueese. " The seductive feature of thu waltz la hat it la peiformed at a certain stage of the dance when the lights are wholly extinguished. The profoisor , before venturing to introduce this trifling In novation , took a vote on the subject , on which occasion , and for thopurpoe- sos of tint time only , the laaleo were vested with their "rights" and did nil , ho voting themselves. The "dark- waltz equeizj" wa'j adopted with con siderable outhuaiutm and the dance wont on. At the appointed tlmo the g < a wan turned tff , aud t make aesur- tnco doubly cure the supply pipe In the Dasement was clcaed. Tfila , to quote an cxproasivo phrase omul on the i GJH- sion , was to make sure that ihore should bo no "monki > U ) [ { " with the will of the po 'o "iXpresBfd at a fruo and fair election. " The danoi w < s performed , but n3 to whether every , httig wus conduo'od decorously the chronicler was unable to throw any ight on thu subject. Indatd , there WAS no light. Now Marshaltown 1 ? in the throes of n bitter controversy res pecting this performance. One of the newtpapers of thn town has nailed thu antl dark-waltz tqnuezu 11 tg to its mast- dead aud ptocluinis La purpose to stand by Us colors to the bitter end and to the last ox'r > rulty. Another jjurnal , which evidently behoves lu iho capacity of the people forsulf gov- trumeut , and csptciully in the rii < ht ( f women , taken itsuo with Its "loath- aoino , contemporary , " ai.d defend * , as In duty bound , the eacrcd privilege of ita f ir neighbors to waltz in the dark if they want to , and this , too , without having thrirrnotivoi question ed .ir their narnco < n..j { it btf ire the public. It does not In-lievo tint the Hccldent ( f A ceoaMion < f light In it hall where MHishallton bull * B are danuing would ondAngorthu ( jood names of the reveller * . It takes high ciound in de- fjnco cf the snx The qustion has been referred to thos ciutuu'horltloa of Chicago , and nothing short of the approval or coudemtia ton of the dark- waltz squeiza that high t-ibun l will allay thu fierce iplrlt of social strife In Marshalltowu , Iowa. Dlieata of the Kidneys. The frequency in I ( aullty ol dlitavji cf the Klenc ) | ( lvaita tiptca Intcrticti Inn tU'ljr anil Inrtsti a'Icn o ( iu m. aid uli vile any > li- cjvery t > tl elr iwn'hnUure ( , or Ih i uieaui Ot turluu them , to aet lra , > orl tpuc-lnthu ( rt aid loeaceil mwllciiie rttion ( he l < ct l | ricall d tf.attbe kidneys are the irriat cv a. K r of thobura n IxrU/-tboIrottl e law re- miv Jfom hi blood any and all Irapurltlt * nhlchraay til tlnltithkt. If IhUoKn be en- ka long uuntelacd. Tna products of niod-up and < vr i-ut ptlnclplet ot the hnm\n hmly , retilncd In the blued 10 10 ! tn the nervoun y > tcm , tbat Ita fjnctl ng or utlui will lie atrost il the brm will tcaaa to like co nit .nco < ( lurrnunJIr g p raoni and ol- cct , c "imloimicas will Imobllii rate' , the \l al .n > t will be r mo ci o ted , thoho-irt and \uiga \ illci3 > site perform the r ) art In thnlhonom- IKo-th Ire th's ' h-wotir the cnaot - v B op. , , run t terrible fo'm nl all him an null , rinit la opt to Like 1 1 co a dgltptan ri will nol li norto th- hour of I'ca'li It the Illcoa Ith-iKldieja attot tboy ( oico to ac' , luconcl ilcn It line a- p h'e ' tna' any I'u'latl n Ironi the pcrfjrmincu cf the'eolll t mu-t bo alt ndolviih derange- numol Ical'h. Tno uilm Is thn dcpuraila to- cio'.l n ellmlnatoil from thu blood hy the Kit- nojK 'he ch inu'l by wh'ch mnr'ilflc agcnm are catiio'l cutol t oio tral circiiltilan , act ! thu blood pre eived In hei thy ijtiantlt ) anJ ( ( Util J. If it tMi ti du tils , ii | oi falloHfi m niiocis sary ( equine' . 7o ir Boive hioltli I" U mce-t-a- n if prea rvoaiwllhy coiulilnn of Iho Kid- n \B. fb'a of cour o Uatttli id by ttiup-rtnco in nli re atlons of Illc , ( li.t , U tlln' , ' . xcrclco , and nadouco HtM dlso no and .iiffcrlnir aio Inohca ; l'o. Thcyeoom to bna partcf Hotii'Bo put npou man us t cilrint ot hit ill * buliouco. lllu sill hoe uroiK'ht lt puilelim 11(9 ( , ni > n etlilhtu tba citiMXtl n thkc ( lid lilt placed 1 Mn hU icach a latin for ovcry 1 1 , anu Ihil , b > liuprov * > K thi opporluiilti a ihun Klvcn , lo may bo relieved cf li a Biifl.r DC , ll\o In the oc- Jojmoit tf cjrapirativo tomlorr , nud attain a ? f'in rll 8 8 Whin w recall the otHcca of the Kidney * , - thatof runovlDK too worn nut tssuo ileii.dits from Iho blood , It ea-y to urj.jslanl haw Ihrvnuay bccou o la ai d A rid nnd a Id c.in ditl'i9 \ n ( tlic bl ol > \ervlUboto be a toid- cdwl h Kldn y ilUordora , T'uae sourcta of Ir- rt lion may lo d t ) v rbui loriin of lUjnoy mala 'In" ' , a < lro | j , I ) ahitvt , Uilnht'J DUo o In which albuinv , crtiii * tl ment of iU' fo.d w > l h c mapaina Hli iliuulnto o an egt , It c rrloil oil n iuurnu , uufl ir tniacla Ion atid utitlmt' ) d'u h.Vo all know hi w Intr.cul.l ) tliiBd dl'ia-csarc ; I hit hurotofoie th y lmrln a a ifip r u-nt f c o' , irncd i la JIo lo l a Icncu l < ier * much at va ai lo thulr u > a > i ) ( > ILOI t Wlmtcilu i ro Ua r.inidy that wl Irfirn lonu to ttio K dn ) S , b ill i U ) > th blrod , d i toy it-acill ita. . utor , and c.rn thiftilnut in Uri - ri es Ironi wbl. h cto < oonai > nuffor Our at on- llonl.ai hten riconttv c II d ly aovcral ph'Bi- cliu > > lo Muni'a Kim dy , a Kllnoy moiMo rio nmd iiy then In tn > lr prkc 10 . Itctcmi to bo oim ol tbovirj fov to nhii hnn out ot IH mulil- tuiiu "hit naaiuy dccilcd tain , cr th-t l < t l- cu.trcdt b ncflt tno .Iliuen f > r hlcli It hde- lUnul. ltlaaiati\o nl rttlo ( xcltiiK bo'no i r tl ji n nf the Kl iic > t to luoro Into < o a 'llO' ' . and t1 ui cb i.'lni { lh bio d ol luipu'lll ' a U a o i a to ait p rmptly In thooo f rum of Ur3 | ay wliluh d p i d upon Kilnoy nou > Io < > < d will rapid ! ) dra n o it the wit r l oin lhi llmha and MidO'ien. In Uiabutta It lnmlu to lif eii Ine amount f a iK > r , to lncrai > c ihn appetite , and othcrwl e Iwnoll tn | ailene. Now Vor < MoJI- Oil nd Hur Icil Journa , * The surprising success of Mrs. Lydii E. Plnkham'a Compound tor the BCVCTB ! diaoases peculiar to women forcibly illustrates the Importance of her benofcont discovery and the fact lhat she knows how to make the most of It. Dr. Jlaskdl . . . . Moo U tf i' 101. y xi JIIM-.IIOI > lli"l | " -In. IAii n'lr i.u < i inn , rtlT , hi > ou ful fi.rn J' f tjnt f your . C ( lint rail ; ' ft Cffttlll. . l fiiM" " 01 ( tlmulitlr.tr ' tlni" ! . ' "v 'if'w'fc' Hop ' D. I. < Cr irul nuryrom b U MClul tiutn , itiMuit .at trreiliu of t.i' rumucA il c a r i tc Ckjirdv. Hood. Jrui'iibtihti 111 < r r.i nm * I JIA Or OpIUAJ You will 'it ul < cco , e area It jou UK UUIMttOt. Hop Blttfir * rrjoo - . H u1fc jrlnli. : - | XCAk UMl Clrculti ruoiiilrlttdg itt It may Motirrriw i < ivtour Ufa. It hut * aiod hun dtedi. HPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE Used n the principal churches for commun ion purposes EXCELLENT FOR LADIES , AND WEEKLY PERSONS , AND THE AGED SPEER'S ' PORT GRAPE WINE FOUR YEARS OLD. TONIC AND STRENGTHENING PROPERTIES are unsurpassed ny any o' tic r native wlnr tlelng the pure Julco of the ( ] rpe , produi < d under Mr. Hnefr'e own personal supervision , t ipurlty and KenulnencM , are K"armteo4 Th youngest child can | > artakoof IU ireneror I qual tlee , and the weakBul Invilld u o It > r advantige. It la pattltul.rly b-nellclil to the ag d 'id debllta- ted , and nutted to the votrlutu allmo ita that at- [ ect the weiker lex. It la In rery rctpectawlne TO lit : ItKUKU ON. RPEER'S P9 J. Sherry , The P. J. ailK.HHY la a wine of lupcrlor chat acttr , and partakea of the rich cUklltlinof | ) the grape fioni which It I * made For purity , rich ni8 , fl tvnr and medlclna properties , It will lit found uuexceliod. uuexceliod.SPEER'S P. J. Brandy , Th brandy itanda unrivalled In this count r liiK tar aupeilcr for inoillclnil purpose * . It In a jiure f'htlilaton from the grape , nd jconuina valuable modlialprope.ttta. It hi\y a dellcatv flavor , tltiillar to that of the irrvpei , fr m which It la dlitllled , and li In great Invur imonK Mm data familloa. HeethattbealKiutureof ALPED BPKKll , Pa- alc , N. J , In ovur the cork ut oacb bottle. Haldby Konnard Uro'a &Co , , U. 1'arr , fchro'cr & liocbt , D. W Saxe , Jame Foriytb and J. O. Halntai. eodv for the Life. Tlmet , WKirrKk BY ins WIFE. JOSSQ JEIDBS. be only life authoi Iced by her and whlib will not bo k"Uliiodand thunder" itory , auch aa hai bceu and will bo pul lUhul , but a tiuo life by the only person who li ID pouwmlon nf the facta a fal hlul and -luvctod wife , Truth la more liter- oetlnjf tb n fli'.lon , 4 irenti thould apply otter. rllory at once. 80 76 ct * . for SampU book , Ml 3J J H Ohamberikfi : UaVj J * - ' ' REMARKABLE ! KANSAS Cm , Mo. , Sept. JO , 1882. I think it a duty t own to humanity to eay what jour rcmo'ly Fiao ilqno f r mo. Ono yuar ago I cnntractod a bad cane of Illood 01 cone. a".d not knowing ilia rtsuH of such roubles , I allon- ol It to run fo aoni'i t mo , hut dually apt lied to the heat | ih ) a clan in t ll city , who treated tno- for six nionihi. IN THAT TIMK I TOOK OVRB , too ram OK rroTuioniON or MKHCUUY J uraln each , and had run down In weight from 210 to I'll | > oui di < , and ai conOnrd to my bed vt Ith Mer curial lUie\niaU.ini , Hcurcely ahlo to turn myteir o\cr. Holiiij a traveling man. nome of the fra ternity fount mo In this dcplotallo condition , spec lie , am " * ca. < um that ! Ir.d been cured by Its two. I convnicndon the tiao ltulti\cry Ihtlo faith a"p li leu that throu wcokH w a able to take mv ploco on the rood The nor c.i mid copHr-coilorod | Hiotn | gradually disap peared , and todav 1 hatotiotaaq eor upotonmy berrou , and mv weltf' t In 217 pounds belli * more than lto\er was. I do not * lsh jou to publish my name , but jou may show thH letter to any who doubt the merit old. S. S. for I know It la a sure euro. Youra Truly , J , II. B. Sqir.0 thirty jcarsaffo thcro Ihcdln rnory , Ala. , a young man who was terribly aflllc- ted After be nv tro led for a long tlmo hy the mud oil pro'esulun of thU town with no benefit , tie commenced taking U B S. After persistently [ akin ; It two inoiitliH ho va.i curul. Uclmrao quaintud with him for the dlsuwo never mauo 16 roiurn. J. W. UiHiior , J. P. , Hot Springs Ark. If jou doubt , comotoBeoiu , and wo will CURE YOU , or c'jargo no'lilngl ' Wrlto for particulars and a copy of Ihollttlo book , " Mommgo to the Unfort jnato SuHcrlnic " Aek any Druggist aa t ra.81OOt ) Reward will ho paid to any 2hcinUt who Will find , on analyula of 100 bottlea oIS. H. H. , ono partlc'o of Mercury , lod'do ot Po'oKslum. or othtr Mineral Bubatunco. SWIFT Sl'TOmO CO. , Proprietor ) , Atlanta. Qx 1'rlco of Small 8Uo . 9 1,00 Urge Size . . . - . - . . 1.78 BOLD 11Y ALL DHUQOISTS. DOCTOR STEINHAR' SUPPOSITORIES I The Great Popular Itcmuly for Piles. Sure cure for Blind , Bleeding & Itching TS And all forms of Hemorrholdal Tumora. Those HurFOHiroaiM act directly upon thai ooata of the Illood Vcuuela. and by their astringent effocta gently force the blood from the swollen tumora , anduy makln the coaU of the velni strong , prevent their refilling , and hence a null * cal euro la auro to folbw their uso. Price , TS conU a box. For sale by alldrutrKlata , or aent by mall on rooolptof price , by En llghM Institute 18 Olive St ft DR. WHITTIER. 017 8t Oharlea St. ST. LOUIS Mo 'i ' A IteOULAR ORADUATE of two inodlc * cell eahaB boon longer endued lu the Ireat- mont ot CimONIO , NKHVOUS. SKIN AND ULOOL ) Dlaeasoa than any other phyalclan In 81. Louis ta city pipcra ihow and all old reeldentt know. Consultation free and lotltod. When II li Inconvenient to visit the city for treatment , medlclnea can be aont by rnall or exproaa ercrr. where. Curable caaea vuarantoed ; where doabl eilit * It U frankly tlaled. C ll or write. Nervona proetratlon. Debility , Mental nail Physical Weakpeaa , Mercurial nd other nHectluns ot Throat. HUlo lUmpa.'i lUood Impurltlea and Uluod I'oUonlnH. Skin Aifeotlons , Old Bores and UIo ns Impediment * to M rni > ue. Itheuiuatjam , Hixaclal attention to oaaeg from over.worketi brain. flUKOIOAL OAaKB receive mxiclnl attentlou , DlMoxea arising from Impnrlence , Kxoe e , Indulcenoet llilMt pagea the whol * * torjr well told , klany recefpUjwhom ym r. . _ ry , who may not , whjfc < 3r J Jt Jai cauie * , conaoqueooat and cor * . B al * l (0129 pottag * or lUmpa.