Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1883, Image 5

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    m mtmf
TUB Nebraska National Banfe
Of Omaha , Neb.
Paid Mp Capita . . . . $260.000
H. J01INSON , President otStM/i , Jsiawa 0
A. Z. Iwo ALIN , Vice Prostdeul , of 0. , D. ft Q.
n. U. , lloston.
W. V. MOIISK , of W. V. Morse ft Oo
, OIIN 8. OOIiLINS. ol O , II. & J. S. Oolllni.
M. WOOtiWOIlTH , Coonicllor & Attorn y .
UEED , of njron Rood & Oo.
W. if ATES , Cashier , late Cashier of the First
3 ? tlonat Eauh of Onrnhft , and conncctoJ with
the active inanaifccucnt of that Dank glnce It !
K&nUaUon la 1863.
Of UNID for biulnoM April 2T , 1832 , with the
IRC" ! mpltAl of any bunk In Neor k .
OOLLnoTioNS receive ppoclM attention and chat-
SCI lowe < t ouUtnab'e hire or olsewheti.
Iimi.H3T allowed on time deposit ! upon favor
Able torrni aud upon accounts of bankaand bink-
FoRstdN KiciuSoi , Government Bonds , and
County and Cl 7 securities bought and Bold.
It la prepared to da a general banking
In all lt details , anil In the treatment of custom
will purjiio ttiotnoft liberal policy consistent
! Innklng.
Special Ulapatchto Tun linn.
NKW YOUR , March 13.
Money 7@15 per cent ; closing at 13 ©
15 per cent.
Prime mercantile paper At G@G } per
Sterling Exchange Bills steady at 4 81 $ ;
demand , 4 81.
Produce exports for the week , $7,507-
Governments irregular but in the main
lUilroada moderately active , but with
out any special feature. A share of the
speculation opeacd firm with the goner * !
list J@fi per cent higher than ye erdny B
close. After a partial reaction ! n the early
trade the market became strong and short
ly after 11 o'clock recorded an cdvance
ranging from 3@lc in which the
Denver & lUo Grande , Ouiaha , Northern
and Union Pacific weio the moat con
spicuous. From then till near 2 o'clock
the market win dull and weak and prlcen
declined slowly i@lc cloiiug dull and
heavy compared with > ojterday's closing
prl.03. The general libi la J to i per cent
Yo.t'riUy. To-d y.
31'i 104J 103J
0-d 103i 1036
4J'a Coupons ll''t 112 ?
I'D. 118i ll'JJ
PacIS : .V of 1895 128. 128
Oautrol Pacific firsts. 114 114
Erie aoconds % Js 'JUt
.tehigh & Wilkesbarre 102jJ 104
Louisiana cousoU 50 7i
Missouri G'a 110 109
St. Joseph Ill 111
St. Paul & Sioux City firsts. .1106 110
Teune'aee G'a 40J 3UJ
do now 42J 3'J |
Texas & Pacific land granta. . GO 05J
do R. G. dlv. . . . 80S 814
Union Pacific 1st mortgage. . 114 114
do land Brants . .109 110
do sinking fund..H4 | lUi
Virginia 6'a SU * SO
do consols G'a 40 40
do deterred 10 11
B10CKB ,
Adams Express 13J 130
Allegheny Central 13 14
Alton & Terre Haute bg 71
do pfd. . . . 974 U9J
American Express 8j 88
Burl. , Cedar ftapids & North. 82i 10
Canada Southern GiJ G8
Ool. , Cin. & Ind. Central. . . . 107 106 ,
Central Pacific 81 85
Chesapeake & Ohio 21 20
do 1st pfd. . . 31 3U
da 2d pfd. . . 2'Ji 22
Chic Alton , . . . . . . . . . . ! u.i .
* Chi. , Burl. & Quincy llbi 119
Chi. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 79 78
Cin. , Sund. & Cleveland 451 4oj
Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 73 73
Delaware & Hudson canal. . . . 107 107i
Del. , Lack. & Western 123 14
Denver & Bio Grande 43J 451
Erie 3 ° * rf
do pfd 77 7&
Kaat Tennessee 0 10
di > preferred ! ' 14j
Fort Wayne & Chicago ISO 135
Hannibal & Ht. Jojeph 40J 39
do pfd. . . 82 yij
Harlem W9 I 1 8
Houston & Texas Central. . . . 80J 81
Illinois Central 113 143. .
Ind. , Bloom. & Western Si 3Ji
Kansa &Texaa SOJ 33.
Lake Erie & Western 27 20 ;
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . 109 J1U.
Louiaville & Nashville 53 51
Iiouiav. , New Alb. & Chicago 55 54 ;
Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pf J 10 11 ,
do do 2dpfd 5i li
Mornphia& Charleston 42
Michigan Central 'J1J 93 ;
Minneapolis & 8t. Louis. . . . 2(5 ( 2 ?
do pfd. Gl 01 ;
Missouri Pacific W i I'-li
Mobile & Ohio 15 15
Manhattan Beach 122 1 Kl
Mon-U & Essex GO Gl )
New Jeraey Central 71 72
Nashville & Chattanooga 38 39
Northern Pacific 50 49
do pfd FG 8b
Northw tera 134i 13'
i\a \ pfd 14i US
NJW Vur'i '
nMM Central
Onla is Mi
do pfd U8
Oniriu A V/e tem VtiJ 27
Ora-ron Transcontinental 824
Pacific Mull 41 4C
1'nnama. lOCg 1W
Peoria , Decatur & Kvansv. . . iO l <
Pittaburg * Cleveland 139J lit
Pullman Palace Our 120 12v
Reading KGJ 6j
Kook Island 12/i 12
St. Louis & San Fron 28J i !
do pfd. . . . 48 4 !
do Ut pfd 89J ° <
St , Paul & Milwaukee 103 10
do pfd. . . . 120 11 !
Ht. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba.14 ! li
Bt. Paul & Omaha 48J 41
dj pfd 110 101
Texas & Pacific 331 4
Tlnion Pacific 93 9
Statea Expresa. GO G
, St. L. & Pacific. . . . 28 1
do pW. 4I > 1 4
\Vellj , Fargo & Co. Express. 119 11
Western Union Telegraph. . . 82 8
Oarihon 12 1
Geutntl Arizona i
Excoliiior Ji
Homestake 15 1
Little Pittsburg 1
Ontario. . . . '
Qulckailvor 6 *
do pfd 45J - .
If obiuaon > 1
Silver Cliff 'i
South Pacific 5
Utandard 5 }
Hutro ft
Offered. fKi. Interest. JAeked. | 1
SpecUl DUpktch to Tin Bu.
LONDON , March 13 5 p. m. Conto
Money , 102 3-1G ; consoU , account ,
.16 ; New 5'a extended , 1 OCg ; Penn
vania Central , 1GI | ; New York Cent
133 ; Erie , 139J ; Kria second. , 99 ? ; Iti
ing , 128 ,
Bpcd l Dl | * tchcs to Tni Di .
OHIOWO , March 13 Flour-Q-iJot - ami
unchanged ; eonuron to choice upriiitf , 3 60
( jfi.J 00 ; Mlnnesotii , a 60 ® 1 i ; Imk.-t. . 4 S5
Wfiioj Minnesota patents , fi COg7i ( > Q :
winter , pouthern Illln'il and.Mi. soutf , 4 25
@G 00 ; Michigan , 4 10 55 25.
Whott Demand active but market low
er ; regular , 1 did for March ; 1 OGffll 109
for April ; 1 llitgjl 11 J for May ; 8 11 } for
.Iiiocj No 2 CnicnRo iprinp , 103@IOG1 ;
No. : i Chicago BI ring , 9/c ; No. 2 rjd win.
tcr , 1 C8J.
( > ' < iru-AlRrkot < roak nnd lower ; KG ? ©
fi'Sa for ca b ; fip 'o for Mnrilij 57ffl57io
fur April ; Gli'SiCl'lj ' for May ; OltgGlJs lor
June ; < j2o for July ; rejected , 47 < 2)49a. )
O.tts Market quiet and lower ; 40Jo for
o'h40jfo ; for Murch10 3 for April ; 43Jo
bid lor M y ; 42jo for Juue ; 42 0 for July.
i.ya Market dull , wiuk onu lower at
jjjrli-y Market dull at 7oc.
lUcou Market weak M \ lower at 1 31.
Dreoiod Hogs -Market firm ut 8 10 ®
Pork Market lowpr : 1R 0518 10 fore
o sh and March ; 18 1'18 . 174'for Apil ;
18 4XSil8 ( I2J f .r May ; 18 f > l > © 18 f.7f /r
Juno ; 18 72J@18 75 fur July.
L mi- Market lower at 11 0@ll ? 2 } for
c -h nnd March ; 11 32i&ll ! ' for April ;
11 17i@ll 5J for Miy ; U r > 3@U t7J f jr
June ; 1 1 G'JJ@11 C3 for J nl j- .
Hutk Meats In f ir demand ; nhouldcr * ,
7DOithort lib , 1003 ; short clear , 10 OO fl
10 15.
Butter Market doll weak and lower ;
erf ainory , 20@31c ; dairy , lo@20j.
Kg ( Mhrket weak nt 17c.
Whiaky .Market steady and unchanged
at 1 17.
CALL BOAHD Whoat-Irreeular ; regu-
larl 03J for March ; 1 OliJ for April ; 1 12J
for Muy and June.
Corn Declined Jo.
Oats Market li regular ; 40go bid for
March ; 40jo fnr April ; 43gj for May ;
43o for June ; 42JJJ for July.
Pork Market irregular at 18 00 bid for
March ; 18 li@18 22J for April ; 18 45 for
Lard Market IrwRular at 11 17i for
March ; 11 32J@11 37J for April ; 11 62J
for May ; 11 54@11 CO for Juue ; 11 G74
for July.
N \V YORK , March 13. Flour -Market
dull ; super utato and wastern , 3 70@4 10 ;
extra Ohio , 4 00@7 25 ; St. Louis , 4 CO ®
7 23.
Wheat The market opened heavy and
declined J@lje , and subsequently ruled
stronger , but reacted l@lic nnJ closed
wonk ; No 2 epritig nominul ; Nn. 1 hard
Duluth , 129i ; ungraded red. 97J.1 21 ;
steamer No , d red , 1 10 ; No. 3 red , 1 17@
1 17 } : tteatner No. 2 red , 1 18 * ; No. 2 red ,
1 19tf@l 20 } ; certificates , 1 211 21J ;
delivered , 1 J9J ; No. 1 red , 1 i4J ; un
graded white , 109@121 ; No. 1 white ,
nominal ,
Corn Market opened J@ 5 lower , but
afterwards was firmer and recovoroJ most
( if l be decline , cloning weak ; ungraded ,
Gli@71c ; No. 3 , Gli@l52c ; steamer , GSJfo )
GSjj ; No. 2 , 70io,72ic ( ; No. 3 , 07 ®
Oils Market firm ; mixed western 60@
@ 53o ; white western , 53@M > 3.
Jiay Market quut but firm.
Pork Market dull aud unsettled ; mesi ,
for Alarcb , 19 00 ; for April , 19 10@19 20 ;
for May , 19 10.
Beef Market quiet , but steady.
Cut Meats Qjiet , but firm.
Lird M-viketfirtn ; prime steam , 11 G2J
@U 63 for March ; 11 C8W11 r > 0 for April ;
HGO llGt for May ; 11 G0@ll 69 for
June ; 11 G3@ll 71 J tor Julj ; 11 7111 7G
for August.
Butter Market dull and weak.
K'R8 Western fresh quiet and firm.
Cneeso Western fUt,8@14c ; other quo
tations unchanged.
ST. Lorn * . March 13. Flour Market
lower ; XXX , 4 154 30 ; family. 4 6013
4 80 ; choice , 5 15@5 25 ; fancy , 5 30&5 tO ,
Wheat Marktt lower ; No. 2 red fall ,
10 S1083 for cash , 1 09@1 C9J foi
March ; 110g@101Jfor April ; l'l2 } $
1 128 for M' ' ; i 07i'd ' > l 0I for July ; JNo ,
3 red fall , 1 02tf@l UJJ.
Corn Marktt lower ; t2@5c foi
cash ; 52 } < i$53for March ; 63 | a 5 is foi
April ; 05g@55J3 for May ; 5G@5Go foi
Oats Market lower ; 4429c for cash
433410 tor April ; 43Jc for May.
Kye-Market dull ; 57 3 bid.
Btrley Market quiet at G0@80o.
Corn Maul -MarROt dull at 2 75.
Butter Market steady and unchanged
crecmery , 31@38c ; dairy , V4@30j.
EJKB ; Market i taady and unchanged.
Whisky Steady at 1 10.
Pork-Mirkat quiet : 1825 for casb
18 00 bill' for March ; 18 50 Did for May.
Bulk Moats Market lower ; long clear
9 75 ; short rib , 9 80 ; short clear , 10 10
B con Market quist ; long clear , 10 0 (
© 10 fi8 ; phort rib , 10 75 ; short clear , 11 10
Lvd Nominal.
but lower at 10dJ ; nominal for March
1 lOg ivknd fjr April ; 1 12J asked fo ;
June ; 1 07 } f Jr Juiy ; 1 Qll'&L 05 for tin
year Corn Lower ; 52 } 3 bid for March ; 53J
for April ; 55go for May ; EGJc bid for Juno
S'Jj bid for July.
O its Lower ; 42a bid for March ; 42J
bid for April ; 43ic for May.
KANSAS CITY , March 13. Wheat-
Market lower and Blow ; No. 2 red fall
95&j & bid for cAsb ; 95&o bid for April ; 93
bill for May.
Corn Market lower ; 43 Jo bid for ciet
45"io " bid for April ; 4So bid for Maj
4ijjbid far June.
Market higher at SSo bid for cast
Upocl&l Dopakhea ! to Tni Bei.
OBIOAOO , March 13. The Drovera' Jca
nal reprta as follows :
Cattle Weak bui under liberal offd
in f ; native steers , a fair demand at 10 (
15 per cnt per 100 pounds lower ; e :
ports , G 35@G 75 ; good to beat ahippin
5 70@6 40 ; poor to fair. 4 9D5 G5 ; butcl
era' steady at 2 70@4 40 for cow
4 75 ( 5 40 for steers ; stackers weaker i
it 00@4 33 ; feeders q liet at 4 23@5 00.
Hogs A steady nnd unchanged demai
and brisk offering ; llht packerj nnd sbl
pers , qttftlity b'tter ; heavy , 800 ; fair
choice , 7 60@795 ; light , G 90fe7 40 ; jio
to good mixed , G 90@7 50 ; skips , 5 0)
G G ) .
Sheep Btet in good request and stron
common to fair weaker ; poor to fair 3'
@ 1 75 ; good to fancy , 5 25@ < j 50.
The Drovers' Journal to the British c
tie report ; :
Cattle and sheep steady ; good Americi
Oittle Eelllnj at 16a per pound ; eatlmat
dead weight shipments , 15@l'Jj.
ST. LODIS , M rch 13. Cattle-T
supply Bin ill and lha Jonuud ( rood ; in :
Icet firmer than at the close of last evt
Inir , but the transactions wore restrict
owln. ; tn the fc r-ety of stock ; expo
( leers , G5)75 ( ; good to choire Bh
pint , ' , G 00 6 5J ; liqht , 5 50@G 00 ; n
dium to bent butcher utter' , 4 75@5
ijood to choice cows and hellxrc , 1 2 ;
fi 2. ; common ti fIr. 3 00@4 00 ; stock
and feederH , 4 00@ 25.
Sheep Beit grade * active and firm ; I
quility slow ; c-nmmn , 3 25@3 75 ; i
alum to f ir , 4 00@4 CO ; jrood to chol
4 75@5 GO ; fancy , 5 60@G 15.
llorfs Strotg and higher ; light , 71
725 ; packing. 720/3745 / ; butchers' tetra
tra heavy , 7 35@7 05.
KANSAS CITT , March 13. The I
Stock Indicator reports :
C ittla Lower ; native ttesrs of 1,20
L02 l.rOO sold at 5 COgG 25 ; itockerv , 4 !
4 00 ; cows , 3 2i@4 25.
Hogs-Shade higher ; light , 6 GSfflG
meillurn , C tO@G 95 ; good to choice Bei
id- 700@740
Sheep Unchanged at 3 75@4 50 ,
apeelat D.'tpttehm to Tim Dm
BOSTO.V , March 13. The market for
wool U firm nnd prices ara well sustained ,
with uteady but moderate dctniiid , Ohio
Rtid I'enatylvnnlt II < " > e < , 43di , 150 fnr X ;
13 ( < S47c for XX XXX Hu1 auovi ; Mlclii.
cnn X12 ( < $ l'/Jo fat good nver Ko lot > ;
No. 1 in fair demand at 45@43c ; combmtri
aud deluine firm and In demand ; 45l7io
for fine deltilue ; 48@5U for No , 1 combhiK ;
unwashed wools nro In demand at full
price * ; dd irabln lots nf fine and moJlitm
ure Bcarco unit meet with roadyaMo ; pulled
woola nro Run anil in demand ; common
and good supers , 25@4Qc ; choice and fancy
lott of extern aud Maine , 4248a ; for
eign wool scarce and quiet ; nothing of
conscutnc9 , being done.
BpocUl Dlepttchoa to Tin l ! i.
OHIOAQO , March 13 , Kocolpts and
shipments of flour and grain for the past
21 hours have been na follows :
Ktvelntc. Ship'tn.
Flour bbls 15,000 135
Wheat bushela 39,000 23,000
Corn " 20C..COO 147.000
OaU " . . . .123,100 129,0110
Uyo " 18.000 5OiO
Barley " tH.OOO 67,100
ST , Lotus , March 13. llccolpta and
nhipmcntn of flour and grain for the past
48 hours have been as iullowu :
Koccipts. Sblp'ta.
" 7.000
Flour- 5,000
Wheat bushels 20.100 89001
Corn " 100,000 7,000
Oata " 180UO 11,000
Uyo " 1,000 |
" . . .
Barley- 10,000
KANSAS CITT , March 13. Kocolpts
and shipments of grain for the past 2-1
hours hat o been as follows :
Itoo'ts. Ship'ts.
Wheat , bushel 8 000 1U.OOO
Corn " 07,000 47.00C
NKW YOBK , March 13. Receipts and
shipments of flour and grain for the past
24 hours have been as follows :
Receipts Shp'te
Flour bbls 27.0.H ) 4 S C
Wheat bushfcl 49,500 119 ( XX
Corn " 167,000 130.001
Oata- " 71,000 1.91X
CHICAGO , March 13. Receipts ant
shipment * of live stock for the past 2-
hours have been as follows :
Reo'ts. Shlpm't' !
Cattle 7.CCO 4,001
Hogs 11000 4,401
Sheep 4,400 2,0v (
.Si. Louie , March 13' Kecalpts OMC
shipments of live stock for the paat 2
hours have been a * follows :
Bqc't * . Shipm'tn
Cattle 7000 331
Hogs 11,0.1(1 ( 151
Sheep 4,400 351
KANSAS CUT , March 13. Kocolpl
and shipments of live stock for the past 2
hours have been as follows :
Eeo'ts. Shlpm'ts
Cattle 22PO
Hogs 3,000
Sheep 85 . .
Wholenalo Frioci.
Omas or TUB OMAHA Bar , )
Tuesday Evening , March 13. )
The only changes reported in th
market to-day nro tki follows :
Who it , No. 2 advanced Ic ; No. 3 dc
clined Ic ; rejected declined 5&c. &
Rye declined ic ,
Corn declined ic.
OaU declined Ic.
Local Graln.Deallnera.
WHEAT.- Cash No. 2 , 90io ; cash N <
3 , 74o ; rejected , 57o.
BABLEY. Cash No , 2 , G3cj No. !
39c.HYEOash , 47ic.
OATS 37o.
SEEDS Flax seed 96o per bn.
Produce and Provision ! .
POTATOES-50@60o per bushel.
ONIONS 50@55o per bushel.
BUTTEKChoice country , 12Jo ,
KGGS rTrosh , 14o.
HONEY Coliforala , nerlb , 21.
APPLES Per barrel , S3 00@3 50.
OYSTEBS Plait's select oysters , 40
Standard , 35 ; mediums , 30.
ORANGES-Florida , $5 50 ; Messin
3 60@54 CO.
LfcMONS-83 5094 Od per box.
BEANP Navy per bushel , 2 75@3 0
CHIOKENS-lS@14o per lb.
TU11KEYS-140 per pound.
Orocers List
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2
( Field's ) , par case , 84 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field1 !
per case , 2 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per can
390 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 4
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 50. Dar.
sons , 2 U > , per case , 2 45. Bartlo
peara per case , 2-iO. Whortleborrii
per case,275. Egg plums,2 Ih,2 9
Green gagea,2 Ib per case , 2 SO ; do choice ,
R > per case \ 50 , Pine Apples , 2 B , per ca
t 00@5 75. Poaches , 2 & per caao , 3 0
do 3 lb , case , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , p
caso,2 30 ; do pie , 6 Ib , per dozen , 2 30.
FLOUR Jobbing priced , Jock Fro
St. Louis winter ) $3.90 per 100 Iba. ; Topel
Patent Kansas , 3 GO ; Minuehah
Minnesota Patent , $3.75 ; Shawnee fam
winter , S3.10 ; Eagle , XXXX wl
ter , 82.75 ; Triumph sprintf , best , 2. 7
Christian's superlative , 3.65 ; bran , p
ton , SlG.OO ; chopped feed , (25.00 ; Quo
Bee flour , per sack , 325 ; Nellie Ulj
per sank , 2 9Q.
L\RD OmahaRefinlnlnatCo. : Tiorci
12o ; 40 and 50-lb cans , 1' c ; 20-lb cat
12lc ; 10-lb palls , screw top , 12Jc ; 5-lb cl
12Jo ; 3 lb do , 12Jo.
UIOE TjonUiana prime to choice , Gl
7o ; fair , 6i@7c ; Patma , 6ic.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brla , 6 1
No. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mat
erel , half brls , 4 75 ; family mackerel , k !
85c ; No. 1 white fiah , half brls , G 00 ; No
UOFFE B. Kio , fair , llci Hlo , B
llic ; iirlrne to choice , 12 to 12Jci Old go
Java 18o @ 24 o.
SUGARS Powdered , 10o : Cut lo
] 0c ; Granulated. 9Jc ; Confectioners'
9ic ; Standard Extra C , 8jc | ; Extra
8c ; medium yellow , 74c ; dark yellow , 7
SYRUP Standard Com. , 42o , bb !
Standard do , 44 gallon kegs , (2 05 ; Sti
dard do , 4 gallon kegs , $1 90.
SODA In lb papers , 83.20 per cose ; I
oda , 2o.
NEW PIOKLES-Medlum , ID barr
S7 00 ; do in half bbls , 4 00 ; smalls , in bl
9 00 do , in half bbls , 5 00 ; gherkins ,
bbls , 11 00 ; do , in half bbls , 6 00.
STAUOU.-Pearl , 4ic ; Silver Gl
8e } ; Corn Starch , 8 o ; ExcelalorQli
7o : Corn , 7Jo ,
TEAS .liunpowdor , good , 45@
Choice , G0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@J
Oholoa , G0@75o ; Young Hyoon , p.ood , S
50s ; choice , GncffiSl 00 ; Japan Nat Li
35 : ; Japan , choice , 'WQ'Jne : Oolong , gc
J5 ! )10 ) ; Oolong , cho-oe. 40\.asbj Hjnchc
. 8510a ; choice. 35a4jc. (
> , Inch and larger , II
fl inch , lit ! 1 inch , HJo.
WOODENWAUE-'fwo hoop pi
I 75 ; throe hoop palls , 2 00. Tubs ,
1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 05 Dot
Crown 2 90 ; v/ell bucket * . SCO ,
LEAD Bar , 81 65.
VINEGAR Pure pple extra ,
pwo apple , 13o ; Pruaaine Dura ancle ,
SALT. Dr y loads , per bbl , 1 65 ; l
tofl. in sao ks , 3 60 ; bbls dairy 60 , 6 ,
i@ SO AP3 Klrk's Savon Imperial , I
K rks latln t , 3 60Kirk'a ; standard ,
Kirk't white Russian , 525 : K
Eutoca , a 15 Kirk'a Prairie Qu
Ive wviS ! ' "nxmolat
Pennsylvania cans , i (
to ' 2 dorln '
) © : Anchor Ball 2 doz In case 1 50
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red '
80 nsssee , lOoper lb ; fancy white , lOio pi
; r w-whltfl Virgin !
* raw , lOoj roa
, 16 or. ,
MATCHEfa Prr cvitllo , fJo ! | rmnd ,
xwi. P tOj ( nno , CMM. M > 4n
MEATS Hamn per lb. , ll'Jo : Incs.n .
porlb. , 14a ; clear sldo IIACOII pcrlli.lljc
dry salt fide * per lb , , UJc ; dry onlt rlumh
tiers | > or lb , 9a ; bacnn Hhouldcru per lb. ,
sic ; tierce lard per Ib.j lie.
d PICES. Popper , 21 , Altoploo ,
Jni" , 2S4gilc,2 ! Moclm , 2Sic ! Arbaeklo's
OIIEE33 Full Cream , liwj IVr !
Iklm , luje , _
LYE American , 3 40) ) Greenwich. S 40j
Woitorn , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; LowU1
lyn. 1 6S j Jewell lye , 2 Ib.
FEED-Jobbing prices , Chop feed
81.50 | x > r 100 Ibi.j chop corn , 81.10 ; bran ,
70o per 100 ll > s.
11OM1NY Now , 84 00 par bbl.
Dry Clooar.
BUOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , BJc ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , & ) Itoott
FF , 8Jo ; BnokoyoJLL , , To ; tCabot W ,
Ubb AJ *
C °
M : 7io ; Alligator S-4 , 8cj Arifylo 4-1 , 7Joi
Atlantic LL. GJc ; Badger SUte X 1-4 , 7c ,
Bounlngton 0 4-1,6Jo ; Bucltcyo S. 1.4 , Gfa
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8Jc ; Lnconia 0
1 4n
uln L4-JOicBlackBtonoAA ; In.porial GSc ;
Ho do half bleached 4-4 , Oc ; Cabot 4-4,8J
Fidelity4-4 , 9icVrult ; of thnLootn.OJ ; dt
can.brio4-4mcdoWftterTv7iat,10icjlJical ;
* . . _ _ _
r -r..JI TLT J liMtHl I t < o
Lonsdnle , lOc ; do cambric 87 , 12ic ;
York Mills , 12jc ; PoquotVlOc ; 1'opperel
N G Twillo , 12icj Pocahontoa 1-4 , BJc
Pocasset 4-4 , 8io ; Utloa , tlcj WnuMutti
0 X X. 124c.
DUCKS Colored ) Albany 15 brown ,
8c ; do O , drab , lie ] do X < x etripcs anc
plaids , 124o ; do XXX brown ad drab
etripos and plaids , 121c ; Arlington fancy
! Br9c : unswlok brown , 8Jo ; Obnrlot fancy
121o ; do extra heavy , 20o ; Fall Rivei
brown , extra heavy , llic ; Indlmia /
brown 18m NeDonset A brown. 15o
TlOKliNliEJ Amoakose A O A 8 :
19c ; do XX blue 82 , 1840 ; Arrowanno
9Jo ; Claremont B B , 15io ; Conestoga ei
tra , 17Jc ; Hamilton D , llio Lewiston i
30 , 15o ; Minnehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Ontega sujw ;
extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 82 , 1GC ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12o ; Shetuckot
lOic ; do S3 12o : Yeoman's blue 29 , Oi
DENIMS. Amoskoak , blue and brent
IClo ; Andover DD blue , 15Jc ; ArlingS
blue Scotch , 18Jc ; Concord 000 , blue av
brown , 121c ; do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXt
do do 141o Haymaker'o blue nnd brown
9io ; Myatlo Uivor DD otripo , IGic ; Pear
Kivor , blue and bro\vn , IGcj Unpahvillc
blue nnd brown , 14JC.
CAMBRICS Barnard , C o ; Eddyeton
lining , 24 inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner 1
lazed , Pic ; Manhattan clove finish , ESd
ewiKjr o c ; do glnzod , 5gc | Pcquot d
So : Lookwood kid finish Go.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 8eAndro ;
coggin sntteon 8Jc ; Clarendcn , GJcjCono
o.Hsn oatteens , 7 0 ; Hallowol , 8c ; Inidl
Orchard 7Jo ; Narriganaett , Improved , o
Popperill sattoon QJo : Rookport , Tie ,
PllINTS- Aliens , GJc ; American , 6J <
Arnold , 7o ; Berwick , 4jc ; Cochoco , 7 <
Oonesloga. GJc ; Dunkirk , ; Dunuel
GJ@7c ; Eddystono , 7c ; Gloncestor , G (
Harmony , 5Jo ; Knickerbocker , GJo ; Ms
ri no D. 7c ; Mystic , 6Jo ; Spraruos , 6 <
Southbridge , Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Mar
bore , 59c ; Oriental GJo.
GINGHAMS Am"akoap. lOJc ; Amra
keag dress 9J | Argyle , lO c ; Atlnntii
Oc ; Cumberland , 7ia ; Highlnna , 7'
Kenilwortb , 8Jc ; Plun kctt , lOio ; E
BBI. 8c.
COTTONADES Abbcrvlllo 18 !
Agate , 20o ; American , lie ; Artloian , 20
Odlro D and T , ISJc ; Clnrica D and 1
17Jc ; Doccan Co.Btripea DandT , IGo ; Ke ;
atone , 13Jc ; Nantuckot. 19c ; Nonpare :
IGo ; Ocean D and T , 13Jo ; Royal , 16J
Sussex , 12o ; Tioga , 12Jc ; Wachnsott shli
In ? ] heoks , 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12o ; Yor !
plain Mankin. 12c ; do , checks , stripco at
fancy , 124c ; do , 8 oz 20c.
SHEETINGS Androscogdn 10-4,374
do 9.4 , 23cdo 8-4 , 22c ; Continental
42 , lie , Frnit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; Ne
York mills98 , 85o ; do 78 , SOc ; do 68. 224
PembrkelO-4 ; , , 25o ; PequotlP-4 , 284c , <
74 , 19o do 49 , IGe ; Pepperell 90 , 2fl
do 67. 21cdo ; 67 , 18o ; Ut2ca 96 , SGo ; (
58 , 22ioi do 48. 170.
PalnU Oils and V rnlthea
OILS 110' carbon , per gnllc
13o ; 150' . headlight , per g&llc
15c : 175 * hoadllght , per' gallon. 2 (
150' Water White , 19j ; llnnoc
raw , per gallon , 54 ; linseed , boilc
per gallon , 57c ; l rd , winter str'd , per t ;
Ion. 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 7Bc ; caat <
xyg pPr gallon , 1 25 ; No. 3 , 1 20 ; swe
per gallon , 85c ; eperm , W. B. , per gnllc
1 75 ; fiah , W. B. , per gallon , GOc ; neatsfa
extra , per gallon , 75o ; No. 1 , B5o ; lub
eating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; summer , II
golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , SSo ;
2 SO : sperm , signal , per gallon , SOo ; ti
pentine , per gallon , 65c ; nixptha , 74 * , I
gallon , 18c ; 64 , 17o
PAINTS IN OIL White load , Oma
P. P. . 6c ; white load , St. Louis , pure , 6
Mnraeillce preen , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 5
French zinc , gioeu aoal. 12c ; French zii
red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish aa
20c ; French zince , in oil nest 15o ; R
and burnt nmber , 1 Ib cans 12o ; row D
burnt Sienna , ISo : Vandyke brown ,
refined lampblack. 12c ; coach black ar.
ivory black , 16o ; drop him k , IGo ; Prasei
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18o ; ohrx >
green , L. M. & D , , 14cblind ; and shut
green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green. 1
Indian rod , 15c : Venetian rod. 9o ; lusi
drt , 22c ; American Venrdliod , I. d P. , 1
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O , , 1
yellow ochre , 9c > golden ochre , 16 ; pat
dryer , 8c ; graining colors : light oak , di
oas. walnut , chestnut nd ash 15o.
Dry Dlntt
Whllo lead , 8c ; trench lino. lOo Pi
whiteing 24c ; whiting gilders , 1
hhitiug com'l , lc ; lampblack Germ
town , 14c ; limpblack , ordinary , lOc ; Pt
aic.u blue , 05c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vend ]
Lvown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4s ; umber , r
4csienna ; , burn t , 4c ; a'.enna , raw ,
Paris green genuine , 2oc ; I'aria green c <
20c ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chr
green K. , 12c ; vermlllion , Bug. , 70c ;
million , America , 18c ; Indian rod ,
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Coknn
2Jo : Venetian red Am. , IJc ; rod load , 1
chrome yellow , genuine , 20o hrome ;
low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle 8c ; oc
French , 2c ; ochre , American ,
Winter's mineral , 2jc | ; lohign brown. ' .
Spanish brown. 24cj Prince's mineral
VA11NISHES Barrels per rail
Furniture , extra , 81 10 : furniture , No.
68 81 ; coacb , extra , 8J. 40 ; each , No ,
81 20 ; Damar , extra , $1 75 } anan , 70o
phaltum , extra , 85o ; sheila $3 50 ; b
oil finish. 81 SO
Hldei run. tti.
HIDES 'jrroen butcher's bide , Ga (
cured 7J@8o ; bides , green salt , part ci
74chlde ; ,7iodry ; flint , sound , lS14o ;
calf and kip , 12@)14c ) ; dry salt bdossot
10llo ; green calf , wt. 8 olC Ha. . 11 ©
green call , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin ,
green paltn , f < 0@31 25 ; groan lamb si
Cl n © \ TiO ; d.-vmaged hides , two-third i
cat uoorod and ono trub ; , cla aod I
tLlrdti rate , ) branded biduu 10 for eont
Coon Blclno , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30o ; N
20. ; No 4 , lOo. Mink , No , 1 , 80c ; N
15o ; No. 8,15o ; No. 4 , 5o. Fox , NI
60c ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b
- 65c > short Btrlpo , 40m narrow strlpeo
ole broad stripe. lOo. Tallow 7o.
Oak sole , SSo to 42o ; hemlock sole , 2
6c : 85c ; hemlock kip. SOo to 100 ; rut
Go. G5o to SOo ; hemlock calf , 860 to 120 ; I
ah- lock upper , 2So to 26c ; oak upper ,
I 50 alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; oalf kid , 82(5 (
45 ; Grelsen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80
75 ; 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; French
rk'B 110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 :
ten , setts. 6 60 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 1
oz. , toppings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco
to 35o ; pebble 0. D , Morocco , 85o ; si
2 60 to 3 00.
HAKNE8S No t star oak , 42cj
do , 89c ; N : . 1 Ohio oak. 880 ; No. 5
rib ; 85c | No. 1 Milwaukee , 37c ; No. 2 do
We quota lumbar , l&tn and thtngl
ert at Omab * at the following price'
under , $22 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 fiO.
TlNO No. 1 (2nd ( common
CSO CO } No. 3 , 818 00.
UMK I'or hirrel , 81 .15 ; bulk porons-
lOc ; Cement , bbl , $2 2T , Iow pliwtor.
bbl , MM. Hair per Ira , 40o. Tarred
felt 100 tba , 6 ? f-0. Strnu bof.rd , 03 BO.
Heavy H raw rt Liti
Iron , eaten , 880) [ plow Btcol , apcolal
t , 7oj crucible , 80 : npcclahirGormanOcj
east tool ilo. 1520 wi Ken ( iHikco , sot ,
2 253 00 ; hubs , per Bet , 1 25 ; follocn. Bawod
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70 85o ; Mlo ,
eaoh , 7Gc ; wiuaro nuti , prr Hi , 7@llo |
waKhnrs. per lb. 8@18cj rlveU , per Ib , llcj
cell chain , per lb , 012c ; nialleible , 8c |
Iron wotlgop , Oc ; crowbr.rr , Co harrow
tooth , 4c ; tprlnff teal , 7 c ; Unnlrn't
her > 'p hnM f ! 2 < t Htirdin'i mulcshoci" . fi 2"- .
I1AKBKT ) WIKK-In car lots , 7 5ltt
a r.'i v ico.
NATT.5 Kates 10 to fiOtf , 3 75.
SHOT. Shot , 61.85 ; lluok wet , 52.10.
Oriental Powder , ki'gn , KD.40 ; .lo. , hal
kcgo. $3.48j do. , ( uwrtorkcca , 81.83 ; IJlnet
B , kcqn , 03,85 : Fueo , uer ICO foot 50c.
OOALf OwmliorUud bKckuraltli , 812
MurrU linn Hloonburp ; , 12 ; WhltobroMt
lump , ( I 50 ; Whltobrovt cut. f I 50 ; lowi
ntini , ij 1 M ) ; Iowa nut 1 4 10 : Kock Hprloc
7CO AuthrnnttA 8H fi" " M12 00 ; Colorado
8 00 ; ( Januon City , $7 00 per ton.
Carbolic , fiOc ; Acid , Tartnrlc , C.'o ; itabAt
Copabla , per tb , 70c ; Un b , oaiJiafrao , pc
lb , Ki ) Calomel , per lb , 7 > * > c | Cinchonlrtu
per or , $1 IfJ ; Chloroform , per lb , 1 ( X
Dovcr'e powder , per lb , SI 40 ; Kp\ior
Salte , per lb , Sic ; ulycctin ? , pure po b
31o ; Load , Acetate , pnr lb , 2V
Oil , Caator , No. 1 , per gal , 1 2Ii
Oil , Captor , No. 3 , per ( , ' ' . 8110 , Oil
Olivr , per cal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 60
Opium , C4 7fi ; Oulnlno 1 * . tt W. & H. & H ,
ptr oz , t-1 8S ; Votnssiuni , Icxildo , per 1
51 75 ; Salacm , per oz , 40o ; Sulphate
iloiphino , > > er or , C3 85 ; Sulmur | tjou
per ID , 4ct otrvchnlno. uar oz , (1 rf5.
ALCOHOL Ifc8 proof. 3 25 per win
uallou ; extra California spirito. 187 prool
1 25 per proof gallon ; triple rolmod spirit
87 proof , 1 23 per proof ttallon ; re-dlrtllle
trhiakios , 1 001 50 ; fine blended. 1 50i (
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Ker
tucky and Pennavlvanla ryev , 2 C0@7 00
BRANDIES-Imported , SO 0016X (
Jomcotlo 1 40@-1 00.
GINS Imported , 4 5C0 00) ) domcitli
1 40 ( 3 00.
KUMS-Inmortcd , 4 r 00 00 ; Noi
Knnland. 2 OlKtf/l 00 ; domoHio. 1 60a 6
OIIAMPAGNEH Imported per cam
2800 31 OjAmBdua , case , 12 OOC
Or VIlKTS er CIMJU , 4 50@10 00
WINES Rh ne wiuo , per caoo , 0 00 (
2 CO ; Oatavba , per caoe , 4 00 ® 7 00.
Olcara nnc ! Tooaccon.
IflNK OUT In pnlla. Hard to Boa' '
7Go ; Golden Thread , 70c ; fountain , 80i
Favorite , G5c ; Ilocky Mountnin , G0 <
Fmicy , 55c ; Dalay , 50c. In tin foll-
Catllna O. 8. , D lb bozo * , per lb G3c ; LOT
lUard'fl TiRor. GOc ; Diamond Grown , Cflo.
SMOKING All cradoa Common , 25 1
SSo. Gr&nnlatod Blackwella Durham , 1
oz 51c ; Dnkca Durham , 1C oz , 4Gc ; Seal '
North Carolina , 10 o : , 46 ; Seal of Nobra
ka , 1G oz , 88c ; Lone Jack. 4 oz , linen bag
iwrlb , 81.35 ; Marburca' Pnok 2 oz , t
oil , 65c ; DOR T nil GOc.
Merino unwas ed , libt , 14lGc | heavy ,
© 131Go ; tnodinin unwnshod , liht | ; , 18@2 (
wauhod , choice , 82o ; fair , SOo ; tub-din
and w. , 28c | bnrry , blaokaud ootted woe
2@0o loss
Honoi end Mulct.
The market in brisk and all grades a
oollinc well at alight advance in pilci
The demand for Rood horaee eiceodn t
supply conaidoraoly. Prices range o I
Iowa :
Fine single driven , 8150. to 800. ; Ext
draft horeoo , 9175. to 225. ; Common dri
horuOB. 8100. to 150. t Extra farm her
f 110. to 120 , ; Common to goad farm hora
990. to $100. } Extra plugn , 860. to 7
Common pluga , 820. to 840.
MULES. 15 to 15J bands ( extra ) , 91 !
to 150. ; 14 * to 15 hands , 8100. to 14
14 to 14J handa , 976. to 100. | 184 to
bands , 8W. to 75 _
Vhr 6.CRE31 CURB for
Dooi i laino back or a dliorderrd urlno
Indicate iha t you arc a vtottmP THEN DO
onoo ( dniTfrbln recommend It ) and I twill
pcedily ovcroomo tbodlBcosooudrcatoro
healthy action toall thoorcnno.
For oompUlnU ) peculiar
Ladies. to your f 01 , Buob M p&ln
_ , KIBNET-WOUT Is unsur-
passed , oa It will act promptly and safely
Klthci Bex. Inoontuicnco , retention o !
uiiuo , brick dost or ropy deposit * , and dull
atlvo power.
A well known c'crgjnmn , Hcv. K. Coort
Trtmpclean , WK.BJju : ' I flnd KldncVor
garaiurelor kidney and l\er troth ts
[ SI
for all diseases of tle , Kidneys one
It JiasBpoclflo action on tlilsmostlmporUn
onron. enabling It to throw off torpidity am
inaction , stimulating the healthy secretloi
of UioBile , * nd by keeping the bowel * in frei
conditioneffoctlnulta regulardltcharK * .
nn * l' > B > ] r ) Ifyouarosuutoiingrron
IVHCllCll ld malaria avothochllls
are hillous , dyspcptlo , or constlpatod , Kid
ncy-Wort will auruly relieve & quickly cure
r ' In this season to oleanso the System , over ;
ono should take a thorough courco of it. ( SI
n. SOLD BY DRUCCIST8. Price t [
iW "Last you , I went to r.uropo , ' lass He
Ic 'prd.latoCol. fifth Urg N. O S. N Y. , I
inin lliln at)73W.8ld Avo.J. 0. IllKbto , M.
in 'only to tctiirn worse Irfm chtoilc lucre ;
iner last rwort , his Bl
er naliit. Klducy-Wott , n a
erOc i e b tier h , th than I lia o hi herto o Jo
no for many , many yars. " Ho'a cjiol now
note co:8e < | cciitlf hippy.
> n , Vo other dl"nsels so prevalent In tht
country as Constipation , and no remedy
1 celebrated KIDNEY
: las over < quailed the
the cause
. Whatever
VVOIiT as a cure.
s- however obstinate the cone , this romodj
krd will overcome it.
OBI CO T108 dlstrowlnc com
r'BLiC.Oi plaint is very apttob <
complicated will ; constipation. Kidney
Wort stronirthcrm the weakened parts am
red aulckly cures all liinds ot Piles even whoj
Irv nhyotclans and rordic ucn have before rail
nd , cd. I Vlf you have clUierof these trouble
.2o ;
Inn < Qa ; , liralljiis
ite. "I will recmnmen'l It f v rOioro , " wrllei
n Mojer , Car I K' Mvm'a t rcr , JI.CMt
Pa . "h O UDJ .t" . Kidney Wo t-curoJ my
) . 2
.Ik ,
0e ron
- - -
c toner - - - - -
nor , for all the painful disease * of tli
em loNuT * , LIVER A i D BOWEL1 r
ItclcanseatlieByst morthe rld polw
24c ; the dreadful .uflertmr whli
35c ; the victims of rheumaUjm ct.n t < * lli
worst forms of this Uirlbledl
kip > " have bwa quickly relieved , and In * "
150 ; iunef > pcRFEOTI-Y CURED.
SOo PBIfl ,1. iVqliD .r BB . MLB * * t *
aon ;
do i---
, -
"Mo. 'Mr. WilUrCro , my cu.'oraer , WM pr
Ud with iheuma'l. , . 'or two y rn : tried In
ill rTmU > ; Kldney.Wrrt alone cur.d hi
hiveuUd I'rrjself ; .nd know lha It Ij |
ont Poitlon ol a letter Ironi J. Wlllttt , dr ;
FtUil , Mich.
il I'
RUEMPINGr & BOLTE , Proprietors.
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers
Ornamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Iron Sky Light ? , Etc ,
UIO Smith Twelfth Street , OMAtIA , NEB.
itfttT mon-wrd ( rl-mc.
Offices and parlors over the new Omaha
National Bank , 13th , between Farnam I't
and Douglas Streets.
Thcro nto n err at many \ eoulo throughout the Ht ito whoso circumstances will not
ortnltthcm to vliiit the Diipcniary pnraonally. There nro othpr * who nro tin Able to
rwel. nnd for v.irlnin rouflimsciutiot. loiivo houo , For the accommodation of thoao
bun minted , mul by tlio rrqno t ol many patron * nH over thoatato , Dr. FlsubUtt will
ylMt the following citlni on the < lay and tUtoi montiono I :
NcVirnka G'ty ' , VrMiw unil Saturday , March 10th ami 17th ; Fremont , Saturday.
March Slrt ; KnIU City , Friday , April Gth ; Teeum-oh , Saturday. Aiirll 7th ; SohuylBr ,
lrid y , April IH.h ; Columbus , SUurdav , April I lib ; IJoUrlco , Friday noon.April 20th
Sa'unlity , Juna Uth.
/KTFor / further pirtlau'ars ' and other appointment , see your county papfin ,
Special attention given to Diseases of the
And Female DiseaEes , as well as All Okronio and Nervous Diseases t
Hat ll'cov re 1 this greatest euro In ( ho worll ( or wcaknew ot the back and llmbi , Involuntary
dl-charces lmK | > 'oicy.g iiobl Ity , nor > ousiuw , lanjuor , confusion nllio , jalpiutlonof tn
hiarr , timidity , tronbl ng , illmno-s nt sliht orgd lines * , illmnsoj ol thnhrad. throat , nreo or tkln
ffo'tiunt ct ti e Hur , lu ig stomach ur bowu thoautmlblo disorder * arl ing Ire in to Itary hab-
I'sif yn\i h Midfo ntlinctl 0 * more ( > ta totliolctlnn tian the m s nf Syren * to the marin
er * 'f Uhfljn , bllghtlm tholr inoftridianl Imp or ntl : h.atloni , ronJorliiif m nl ; o lmpo ll > l
Th wo th t are tulorlng from thu evil practice ! which doitroy tholr montiland pnymoii nyttoms
The pjinptimiot which nro a ilull.ilUtromxl mind , which untUs thorn from performing their busl-
i ciaamltncial dutlrs , makts hippy muriate lnio | 8 b o , dl tro cn the act oa of the hfnrt , causing
flu < htaol litntili ) r silanpl > plrl' , t v I f > rt > u lin - , o.vinl.oi ( on. ilrj\'in. roa toil ut hM ,
ditzl ics' , ( iriict U'IIOH , urualural dlnchtrKcs , pal i In the tuck and ) hip ) , hort broathlng , melan
choly tlru va < lly it romjiany nnd hav uroi ntui to bo alnno , footliu tlrod lu the in irnlnu M
whun rutIrlnp , mln I wiakniS1lost minli ol , white bonodopna.t III the urinenotionMIOH , con-
( il'lou o ( thouflht tromlil nir , watery and weik o > e , d fpoi l , constlp lion , pvleccn , p\n an4
weknoi8 In the lluils , etc. thouM consult nu immoilituly and bo restore J to poiljct health.
Whohaxo become \lctliniofnolltiry vlco , tint ilrradftil and dojtructlvo hab't whlch > nnuilly
eweoiw tnan unllinoly k'rave thiuntndj'oiingmjnol [ cxiltoil tubnt and brl Hint IntiiUoct who-
mMitcthiiwhofii r.ncu lietinlni ; reiatnrx wltti the thunders o ( tlulr oloqueuco or w ko toocs-
cy the living In > , muy call with full conlldenco.
Married porsom or vourg men contemplating nmrr'ajo bo aware o ( physical weaknom , Ian oi
pr'crottltep wer , lni'lenc\ an } uthird rcpialillca ( on spoa illy rillevod. Ue who plaixa him *
mil n dcrtiiu rare of Dr. Fish > la tuny rollfiouily coullda In hla honor M a gentleman , and confi
dently rely upon bin sulll as a phy.luUn.
Immedlitoly tilted anil full v'gor ' ro'toto 1. Ttil * illslrMDlnj ; atlllo lo- which renJorslKo a burden
and muruvro linpo-sbli * , Is tiiu pontlty | > ild hy the victim lor nuiropcrlnd ilgmco. Young poapla
aroap' to com-rlt cxo ran no n nit belnx kwu o' the drotdlu co" c < iuo icoi tlia > m y o mi .
ow wl o that unJiro andH tnls nut jrct w < ll dmy that procivat on li l" t H.oncr by those ( ailing
Int ) Into lupr p r hahltilhan byprildinlT llandcs being dcprlv d ol the pl.aiura ot n < althy on-
iprlng , thonnst Jil puiind d BtructUa symptoms ot l tliboly tntmlnJ arlto. The tystein bo-
ronnsderang d , tluphtslcal and menta1 lutic.long wetkou Lone ( procrtatUo powoM , nervous
' " It ) i djupipiU , ( alnltat ouo ( the heart , Indlgcetion. [ conBtltutlonal doblllty , wasting of UM
fmme i , cuugb , consumption ana dtatb.
Persons rutn d In health by untrained pra'cndors who k op them trlfl'ng ' month attor monk
ttklDgpoliomnuond Injurious compounds , tlnuid apply ItumcdUtcly.
graduate of one of the mfit eminent college ! ol the Im'toil States , hvi eff'ctedsoms of th * moat
aetonlohlngruroH thalwoioe\ui kniwn ; tunny tioubled with rl > glng In the ears and head , when
niltcp , griat norvoueno'S ben g alarmed at certainsaundi , with ( rtquent blushing , attended some
times with derangement ot the mind wore carej ImmodUtely.
Dr. F. addresses nil tttose who have Inlnred themselves by Improper Indulgonca'sn'tsolttiir
habltawhlch rut i both bidy a > d mind , unllttUig them ( or luiilno-a , study , > o"lety or tnnrrlago.
'IhcBoarutoiniiot the oitlanrh lyeflicto produced by the eir'y ' habits olouth , vlf. : W. k-
no B cf the ba k and llm ii , pains In Hi ) boal an 1 illmnesa of ulitht , lo < 8 nt mascutar piwor , palpi
tation o ( thu heart , depep la , nervous IrrlUbtllty , dcriu omojt o ! dlgoatlvo function ! , debility ,
contumptloii , etc.
CONSULTATION FllKK. Charges modorite and within the reach of all who nee I s-lenUUa
Medical Iruitmeut. Tno-o "ho rra do at a d ttanco ami cat not call , will recoUo prompt attention
through iitftll by iilinp'y ' ocnJIpg th or nymptoniH with po '
An lift es Lock Ilex .14 , On ahi , Neb-
A Man HorsQwliips the Wrong
Woman ,
Another Talks Too Much With
Hia Month Minor
Among the oasca before Judge
Benelco yoatorday was that oC Louis
Borgcr , arreatad for using insulting
language to a married lady residing on
Tenth street.
Berber it appears had a grudge
against her hnnband , who formerly
employed htm , and on meeting his
wife told her that her husband would
do well to take care of some of his
iry our olive branches which ho Intimated did
J. , . Bor-
m- not grow from the parent atom.
C ( , gar was fined $5 and coats for hi > lu-
ult and was sent to jail to servo It
out.There 'Was a lively racket In Boho-
mlantown Monday which resulted In
two arrests yeatoidiy. According to the
Information obtainable Mra. Koaso
ha'd some words with Mary Borovak ,
and when Mr. Koaso came homo she
made a statement to him of bur griev
ances. Ho thereupon took a blacksnake -
snake whip and wont forth to punish
his wife's opponent. IIo made a mistake -
take in her identity and attacked ono
Catherine Hoffmann , striking her in
the fico and elaowhtro. A complaint
was filed against him for nssnult end
battery , and Mary Barovak also made
a complaint against Mra. Koaso for
Ja * ' using bad language ; both caaea beinij
? ! * , set for yesterday afternoon.
John Hyan went to a butohor'j
chop on 10 h street and ordered some
meat nnd when the man in the eh |
rofaeod to lot htm take It away untl
it waa paid for John struck him. Ht
6 was taken In and the oiso act foi
m trial.
w trial.Threo arrests were made for die
turblng the peace and two nf th
three offenders wore fined $5 ant
coils each , ono paying and thu othe
jolng to j iil. The case of the thlr
was continued.
Ono man wont to jail as a plat
in va'n I , A. II. Bradley , North 1'latte ; Walt \
00.1. " Seoly , Bennett ; Mr. and Mrs. W. I
Dickinson and Mlw U , E , Adams , W h
Louis Weaver , O.ilittnbus ; 0. W. Kyle ,
Oiceolc ; Geo. E , Godfrey , Fremont ; J
IT. Hiingite , Blair ; JameaMarab , Beat
rice ; This. H. Kenlall , Lincoln ; L. Nel-
pen nnd wife , Blulr ; lion , B. V , Chambers' ,
D , M. Cunuiugbam , Ju.lus Steiudom and
A. J , Wi'coz , Nlobrarn , ate among the
Nebraska people at the Mlllard.
O. K. McConnell and wife , Lyons ; U ,
F. Chapman , Florence ; P , 0. Hedlund
and Peter Pioitun , Phelpe ; U. D. Fitch ,
Fullerton ; L , C. Weber , Arlington ; Ole
K. Kveraon , Bazllle Milla ; II. M. Myerr ,
Falls City ; A. F. Chamberlain , Pawnee
City , were among the Nebratkans who
registered at the Metropolitan yes
8. D. Fitchle , Weeping Water ; W. S.
Craig , Crai < ; Guy A. Lain ? , North.
Plntte ; N. II. i'orsinRer and wife , Halt
ing ) ; John F. Piper , Lyons ; Ad. Holm-
burg and C. II. Bielefeldt , of Llncoto ,
were ut the Paxton yesterday.
A. J. Borland , of Wood River , Idaho ,
is ac the Mlllard.
Frank II. Phillips , of Arizona , la at the
J. W. McMacken , Marysville , Mo. , b
at tbo Metropolitan ,
F. Little , of Salt Lake , Is registered t
the Paxton.
Misi Lottie St. John and Mrs. P. I , ,
Bnnebrake , of Topeka , aiej guests at th
D. N. Swan , of Skit Lake City , la ft
the Paxton.
Lieut. Jas. B. Jackson , of the army , ia
at tbo Paxton.
Win. McBaln , of Slonx Falls , ia at tho.
F. W. Krone , of Lincoln , is at the Mil-
F. J. Sodilek , of Wilber , ia at the MU-
C. II. Ilamer , of Minneapolis , is at tbet
B. Hlgby , of Denver , ia at tbo Metro *
[ > olltan.
A. J. Footoaud wife , Like City , Mlnu ,
are at the Metropolitan.
Miles Xdnttneyer , of Scbuyler , ia at the
11 , L. Frank , of Butte , Mont. , is a guest
of the Pdxton.
S. A. LePili , wife and baby left for
their borne In Morth Pl&tte at noon yes
General J. M. Th yer was In town yes
Capt. Sim B. Jonei , assIatantUgeueral
passenger agent of the U. P. , baa returnti
from Salt Lake ,