Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1883, Image 1

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Sudden Appearance of the Land
League Treasurer in Now
Turk ,
Beautiful Specimens of British
Justice as Practiced ia
Sentence Pronounced in the
Oastle , the Ocurta Merely
IBSUB the Decree.
The Efforts to Break Down the
Leagua and Smirch the
An Interentlnic Revlow of Irisli
Affairs , Uuoolordd by Britlth
Special Dispatch to TIIK DIE ,
NEW YORK , MAI oh 13. Patrick
Egjtu , former treasurer of the Iriah
land league , arrived to-day. Asked
the name of the vessel on which ho
arrived und the port from whlcn ho
sailed , he asked to ba excused answer
ing , as to do so would give a clue to
private matters. E au says the pub
lications hero respecting his escape
from Dublin are dutlruly without
Egan , in answer to questions , said :
"Tan chief purpose of my visit is
commercial. I nave been long wantIng -
Ing to visit Chicago , St. Louis , St.
Paul and olhor large oxporttug centers
in connection with the business of my
firm in Dublin , as wo deal largely in
American flour , and my decision to
come here was hastened by the urgent
request of Sheridan that I should
give evidence in the extradition pro
ceedings pending , and also by strong
letters from Mounev , president of the
American land league , and. other
friends , who pressed me to come to
America to give the' leaders of the
movement hero such information as is
in my power regarding the sltuatlou
at homo. Although at this moment
the national cause is surrounded by
some difficulties , the prospect is
I have always held , with John
Mitchell , that the more England is
obliged to coerce us , the more tightly
she is obliged to put on the screws ,
the sooner will we attain our Indopon
doncj. The brutality practiced the
last oonplo of years by tha liberals , or ,
as O'Oounell truly Oillod them , 'base ,
bloody and brutal whigs'haa widened
the gulf between Eagland and Ireland -
land a hundred fold.I am firmly con
vinced that the present atateof things
must result before long in the attain
ncryt by-tl.e . IrSibrpnop'0''ofi rome
measure of national self-government
As a matter of coarse the government
would be wanting in its duty If it did
not do everythlt g possible to breakup
and convict its members , provided it
acted fairly and squarely , bnt the
whole course adopted towards the men
under arrest has been , to my mind ,
simply atrocloua. They arrested a
> number of men whom they believed
to belong to the Fonlan organization
and marched them into the castle
yards before windows behind which
were a number of wretched paople
who were thus able to arrange tholr
identifications and tholr stories. The
prisoners have boon kept ia close con
finement without an opportunity of
communicating with tholr families or
J arranging defense Every means has
boon used to spread terror. The re
sult is the defense has been a mera
scramble , provided in seine cases by
private subscriptions and In others by
money scraped np by their unfortn
nate relations. It la currently ru
mored in Dublin that a certain magis
trate who took an aotlvo part in the
investigations will receive 20,000
pounds and a governorship of a colony
of his labors secure ten convictions.
Not a penny of the land league money
was ever oupplled for the purpose of
conspiracy. On the contrary , the
money was expended in
to the extent of sending mon to lo
calities where there might bo danger
of attempts against landlords. Amongat
thoao who owe their preservation to
the Lind , League is Lord Aidilann ,
formerly Sir Arthur Guinnosi. But
for Its protection hn would have fallen
a victim to his harshly treated ten
ants. The game of the castle officials
is to connect tha Land League with
the commission of outrages , and thus
damage the national party. I am in
formed loading c itt" officials said
they would apond 50,000 to hang
Eaan. "
Egan Bays : "In capital cues the pris
oner has twenty challenges , the
crown an unlimited Bright of chal
lenge. The prisoner aoon oihiuata
his twenty , and as each Catholic ,
Liberal Presbyterian , Methodist or
Quaker la called , the crown orders
him to stand aside , and by this procosi
select a jury of twelve torios. With
a jury of thh kind , a prosocntlnp
judge and a well coached battalion of
bribed testimony , the castle can il
they so doalro convict with certainly ,
Cardinal MoOibo or Bishop McEvllj
are not admitted at the castle. Oni
of the officials made the admission t <
myself tint
that they now know the real murdoroi
is Doutaghy , but that having hangot
Ilynes for it they do not want to opoi
np the oiuo again. Beyond a doub
four othon Walsh , Myles , Joyce
Poff and Birrott wera innocent o
the orimea for which theysnffjroJ
The charges agitnat Shmidan en
absolutely ridtculona. Foster repaatoi
in the commons that Sheridan wa
constantly going back and forth fron
mo in Paris to the outrage mongers ii
the west of Ireland. As a matter o
fact Sheridan loft Ireland fo
Paris in October , 1881 , and haa
only returned there once since.
That visit was made In
Dojombcr , 1881 , when ho was , of
ojurse , disguised , as a warrant for his
arrest had been issued. Ills object
then wai to investigate and harmonlza
certain alleged dlfllaultios in connec
tion with the ladies' laud league. I
then gave him 100 , half of whioh
ho gave to Rev. Mr. Linter , of
Valencia , for the relief if evicted
tenants ia great need. Ho also gave
other sums to evicted tenants , and
gave the vouchers for nil expendi
tures. In April , 1881 , Richard Pig-
gott wrote mo ho had boon offered
by the castle officials to publish n
statement in his paper , The Irishman ,
alleging misappropriation of land
Ictguo funds. He Enid ho needed
mutiny and threatened to accept the
oiler nnlees I sant him 300. Of
ctiuras I refused and defied him to do
his worst. Subicquonl'y ' n pamphlet ,
the manuscript of which was in Pig-
gott'a handwriting , WHS sot up in typo
fi r Lady Florence D xie ; oho became
frightened at the serious charges
against the loaders of the land league
and gave orders that the few copies
printed should bo burned and the
forma broken up. I secured one copy
< > ud all charges made slnoo by Lady
Florence Dlxlo are these then made
in thn pamphlet. Of course they are
utterly false. My accounts have been
by John Dillon , Rev. Father Sheohoy
and Matthew Harris. No complaints
have ever baou made by actual sub-
sjrlbors to the Laud League fund.
The balance of the fund on hand at
the time of the national conference in
Dublin , in October last , was 31,900.
Cho sum was increased by some small
amounts received afterwards , and ont
of it there have boon sent to the lord
mayor of Dublin , for the Mansion
House committee , for the relief of
evicted tenants , 4,000. There has
been expended by the commlttoo com
posed of Parnoll , John Dillon and
Arthur O'Connor 2,500 for the relief
if evicted tenants. Some other small
.mounts have also been expended ,
"here are now on hand between 25- ,
00 and 26,000 , all cf which is in-
eated in American securities In the
amea cf five trustees. " Egan will
, ttond the land league convention on
ho 25th Inat. at Philadelphia. Par-
ell or Sexton will ba there blso , if
oaslble , bnt both cannot bo absent at
he same tlmo from parliament. ECan ;
ixpeots to bo in thh country three or
our months , and will nnt make
peeohes in his travels.
The land league president states
hat $2,473 wore sent to Ireland * he
ant two weeks ; total , § 19,224.
'no Wholesale Swindling Operations
, ol a Scnenectoay Banker.
\f S . n , J % , ,
Ipedal Dii ftteb to TOB liu. '
.X , March . .13.Emmet Q'Nbil ,
; he Uaheneota'dy banker"who recently
'ailed , has fled. He victimized the
arties in Bohonoctaday and Duanea-
urg of not leas than $250,000. Hav-
ng the h"anding ! of his father's estate
, nd presumably wealthy , ho was
looted director of the Sohenectady
ank. The books dhow many farmers
f Duanosburg gave him tholr funds
o Invest. He obtained possession of
lie money by plaualblo repreaonta-
ions , gave as security forged mort-
ages ; where further proof was asked
ven forged assignments to the
mortgage , including the county
ilerk certificate and ' copy of
be roord. His mother , sisters
and cousin are left penniless. Before
'caving Sohonectady on the midnight
rain O'Neill , taking a 8100 green-
ack in his baud , went to several
tores asking for change. No one
tould change in , and he borrowed a
! ow dollars of each storekeeper ,
While lu Now York ho made an ua-
ucceasfnl attempt to raise 20,000 on
'orgod securities , It la bellovod ho
s going to Europe. His wife , two
daughters and son are still in Scho-
IFnnoral of Elsliop Qaialnn-
Ipcclal Dispatch to Tin UE > .
MOBILE , March 13. The funeral of
Bishop Qainlan wan held to-day.
bishops und f nrty puosts were
within the sanctuary raits. Blahop
Idur was celebrant of the pontifical
mass of requiem. Bishop Gllmonr , of
Cleveland , proiohod the aormos. Tno
cathedral aild utrcots adjacent were
crowded with poop o. After the miss
a procession w * < formed tf the mill
tary , polloa , firemen , benevolent so-
ciotiea , clargy , orphans and Slaters of
Charity , which moved with the re
mains in the hoarao through the prln-
ipal a'raots ' of the city and back to
the cathedral , where afccr further
religious rltos the body was deposited
n the bishop's tomb.
Chicago Notes.
Special Dispatch to Tin Dan ,
CHICAGO , March 13. The Mutual
Union telegraph company to-day to-
moved its wires from the bucket shopr
under yesterday's decision in the
federal court. The Western Union
was not directly involved in the decis
ion and its wires remain.
Afternoon , billiard game : Heraer ,
500 ; Ma ioll , 452 Sixty-eight in.
nlngs. Beat runs , Horsor 52 , Mag <
cioll G" . Evening game : Morrli
SCO , Carter 28(5. ( Thirty-nine innings ,
Beat tuna. Morris 7ft , Carter 44.
Rccnlatlou In Ponnsylvimln.
Special DUpatch t3 TUB BBS.
HAUHHUUIIO , March 13. Thohouai
puaod the bill to prevent delay o ;
discrimination by railroad or transpor
tation companies.
Hnscaed From Death-
Wm , J. Coughlin , of Soinervllle , MMS
says : Ia tha full of 1S7G , I was taken wit !
IILKEDISO OF LUXGB followed by a cover
couh. I lost iny appetite and flcih. am
waa confined to my bod. In Ib77 I wa
admitted to the hospital. The doctor
s kid I h.-U a hole in my lung as bit ; as i
half dollar. At ono time a report wen
around thnt I was dead. I gave uu hop *
bnt a friend told ma of D . WILLTA&
I got a bottle , when , to my surprise ,
ccirmencdd to feel better , and to-day
{ eel better than for three yuan.
The Law in Lanl Oases Again
Expounded by the Colorado
Tht > Progress of Madagascar
Explained by Mr. Rav-
Tlio Criminal Clique * of the Capi
tal General Novvi.
Special Dispatches to Tim IBR.
WASHINGTON , March 13.In a com
munication to the commissioner of
the general land oflico respecting the
p.tyment of purchase money under the
act of Juno 10th , 1880 , "For the relief
lief of aottlora ou public lands and to
provide for the repayment of certain ,
fees , purchase money and commissions
paid on void entries of public lande , "
Secretary Teller holdo that whenever
an entry of land is made by spocili :
location and wholy falls , the scrip or
warrant being within control of the
general land oilho , may ba returned
for proper location upon cancellation
of former Invalid entry ; but where
the consideration is carried into the
treasury as cash , and can only bo
withdrawn by application under the
epaymout statutes , In the opinion
f the secretary it IB clear that it must
o repaid in the manner provided by
, hose statutes "out of any money In
ho treasury not othtrwlso opproprl-
, tod" and in oases of excess , where
hey fall within the provisions of the
opaymont acts , the oxcosa must also
o repaid , aa provided by law , out of
uch money.
Secretary Teller haa aflirmed the re-
ont decision of the commissioner of
ho general land office , denying the
'ght of the state of Florida to select
ortain specified tracts of double mini
mum lands aggregating 2,240 acres in
"en of a deficit of a like quantity of
mda situated in fractional townships ,
'ho ' appeal of the governor of Florida
rom the decision of the commissioner
a dismissed.
The only members of the cabinet
iressnt at the meeting to-day were
hcrotarlea FroHnghuyaon , Teller ,
Chandler and Lincoln. Secretary
7olgor was too ill to attend. The
tostmaater general and attorney ton-
ral are ont of the city.
It la the general impression among
officials at the treasurer department
that Assistant Treasurer Wyman will
be appointed to succeed Treasurer Gil-
fillan. The president has said he will
be guided entirely In this matter by
v > lie teorotary of the treasury * ' ' ' '
The chief of the secret service al-
islon has been advised that a moat
dangerous counterfeit of the standard
liver dollar has made ita appearance
in Ohio and Indiana.
Of temporary clerks in the pension
flice whnao appolntmenta expire this
month , 250 will be reappointed , and
30 will ba discharged. There "vill bo
no further reappolntmonta until April
lot. Three hundred clerks have been
dismissed from the census c ilica. Far-
; her discharges' will ba made nt the
beginning of the next fiscal year , in
order to keep the expenses within the
Secretary Cnandler slated to-day
that as aoon aa practicable Bartlett
and other survivors of the late
Jeannette , who are now in St Peters
burg , will ba brought to Washington
and bo called before the Jeanette
board tc give testimony regarding the
"OSB of this vessel.
A delegation of clergymen repre
senting the pastors union of this city
held en interesting interview this
afternoon at the Arlington , with the
Madagascar ambaandorn. A number
of resolutions previously adopted at
the mooting of ministers of the city
were road to the embassy and replied
to by the chief ambassador , Rivoniua
hltrlmarluo who said : "Your worda
are true , nontlomou ; , respecting the
condition cf things in Madagascar at
the present tlmo , for If the intentions
of Franco to invade ia carried out il
will not bo Madagaesy people oulj
upon whom the calamity will descend.
Civilization and religion cannot bt
aeparated from our cause and thej
both will Buffer in the attack. Tht
French oook to pluck us up at
tares because we will not grant then
greater privileges than those which
other nations are contented to receive ,
bnt they cannot uproot us without up
rooting the wheat also. The island ol
Madagascar is our land by the gift ol
God. In speaking to you , our Ohrls
tlan friends , wo frankly confess oni
present prospects almost dlecnurago ui
entirely In the patha of enlighten
mont. If the policy of Franco bo th (
outcome of the white man's clvillza
tlon , then It were better for us to rd
main in Ignorance. And so wo trusi
that the Christian hearts cf this greal
republic will oppose with all thcii
strength the outrage with which wi
threatened. Wo thank yon for tbi
kind expreaslou of yonr cympathy
nd wish you life and the favors o
The citizens committee organize )
Eomo weeks ago to take concertei
action for the suppression of crime it
Washington , particularly burglary am
robbery , which had become so alarm
ingly frequent , while detection am
punishment of thiiws had becorm
correspondingly infrequent , met thl
afternoon and received
the report o
the chairman , John W. Thompson
upon tne work accomplished. The report
port ia voluminous , discusses thoaltua
tlon and among other matters state
that the committee discovered the ox
Utenco of organized combinations o
thieves ' and detectives for the purpose -
pose of robbing oltlzsuB , disposing of
the plunder at certain places
and protection of the thieves , The
committee have boon able to supply
proof of facts which resulted In aus-
onslon of a portion ot the police
orco and have secured the abolition
> y act of congress of the ontlro do-
ecttvo forco. The committee have
produced evidence before the grand
ury resulting in indictments Against
ndlvlduals , principally detectives and
ecolvcra of stolen goods , who will bo
ipeedily brought to trial. The report
hen outers into details of the names
F thieves , detectives and receivers of
.olen goods and relates instances of
ho division of the spoils by the de-
ootlvos. Continuing , the report
lointo out n remedy for this mat ad
ilnistrallon of tbo police department.
[ wclal Dispatches toTn BER.
LONDON , March 13. The Times
orrospondent nt Paris speaking of
ho rumor that President Grevy lu-
udcd to resign , says : Thn gencril
olitical situation la making constant
, rldea toward radicalism. The
hronlo Instability of the cabinets , the
uultBof the reactionary organs and the
treats made at anarchist meetings ox-
lain the doalro of Grovy to resign the
residency. '
PARIS , March 13. The documents
ave arrived hero showing that Walsh
ho was arrostnd at Havre at the in-
tanco of the British government , was
tot in Dublin at the tlmo of the
'hroaix park murders were commit-
PARIS , March 23. The Bndtjot for
884 has boon presented in the Ohara
> orof , Daputlos.
The total Increase of expenditures Is
utimatedat 00,000,000 francs. The
Btlmatod revenue is 3203040,875 ,
ud the expenditure 3,103,441,165.
ST. PETERsnrjRQ , Maroh 13. The
ast not of Gortscbakoff was to dictate
telegram to the cz&r , saluting him on
ho occasion of his birthday. It Is
eportod that tbo chief sovereigns and
irincea who were at Berlin during the
iclebratlon of the silver wedding of
ho crown prince and princes , have
igreed to be represented at the coronation
nation of the czar by ambassadors
BERLIN , March 13. The reaigna <
Ion of Admiral von Stosoh , chief of
ho ministry of marine , is partly due
; o & difference with Bismarck in regard
; o the recent action of the captain of
ho Gorman corvette Elisabeth , In
lelzing a pleca of territory , near Bong
Kong , and p rtly because the cabinet
decline to accaot the proposition of
Admiral von "Stoaoh to expend CO- ,
000,000 marks in fortifying Klol.
Miurtti 13. Tii&1tilVi g
steamer haa returned from the scene
of the wreck of the Glmbrla , and that
divers report a number of the bodies
of victims jammed amongst tbo gear
of a lifo boat on the dock. The en
trance to the cabins were closed by a
compact mass of bodies. To save the
cargo the three docks have to bo re
moved by explosives , and the explo
sives would shatter the four hundred
corpses in the hold.
PARIS , March 13. The detectives
who have been watching the socialists
bellevo that Prince Jerome Napoleon
and Ronher are cognfzmt of the
doings of the rioters.
PARH , March 13 The report
that President Grovy contemplates
resigning is pronounced a malicious
invention , intended to encourage Or-
leaniat intriguoi.
The cabinet received to instruct the
prosecution of anyone at pabliomoot-
Inga inciting murder and pillage.
Tbo chambers will not adjourn till
the 20th , and bo enabled to specially
legislate in cauo of disorders on the
18h , when the socialists propose to
hold a meeting in Champ do Mars.
An explosive machine was discovered
Sunday in the squire on which the
Hotel do Vlllo frontfl.
Berry's Belgian Offer.
Special Dispatch to Tni lisa
WAHHINOTON , March 13 , Lieut.
Berry , who commanded the ill-fated
relief steamer llogora on her cruise to
the Arctic ocean , was ordered hero by
Secretary Chandler a few days ago
from Now York whore ho Is attached
to the Sshoolship St. Mnry. He Is
hero for the purpose of advising in the
selection of a list of articles to bo sent
the Tcbonchou Indians in the vicinity
of St. Lvwronco biy n a reward for
tholr assistance to the crow of the
Rogers. The Hat has boon completed
and the articles will bo sent on the
royonno otoamor Oorwlu , which will
sail from San Franclcco for Alaska in
the latter part of April or the first of
May. Ensign Goo. M. Storey will bo
ordered to take charge of the goods
and will take passage on the Corwln.
Lieut. Berry has boon offered an op
portunity to accept a mission under
the Belgian government to go to the
western coast of Africa in the neigh
borhood of the Congo river for the
purpoio of attempting to clvllho and
colonize the datives ,
The Importation of Slave * .
Special Dispatch to Tun UF.K.
PiTTsnaiio , March 13. The Win.
dow Giaua Workers' association ol
North America , with headquarter !
here , nro preparing a bill to bo pro
Rented at the opening of the next sea
olon o ! congrcnx , making It an otiensi
punluhablo by fine and irapriuonmon
to Import any class of workmen undoi
contract to work for certain wages foi
any length of tlmo ,
Wnnt Bloro Money-
Special Dispatch to Tim Cm
BOSTON , fJVIaroh Hi. The stone
masons have resolved to demand $
per day uf ter May 1st.
No matter what year aliment Is
Brown's Iron Bitters will surely benefit
ofit you.
Diplomatic Correspndonco Relative -
tive to Their Protection ,
The President Anxious That
All American Citizens
Should be Proteoted
by Its Flag.
HawthaCrlmrs Act Mny Operate
an American Tourists
Special IM'ivxtch to Tim Bui.
WASHINGTON , March 12. The
diplomatic correspondence ot the year
1882 transmitted to congress with the
last annual ints'iigo of the president
Is now in cour&o ot publication. When
completed it will nuke a volume of
000 pigoB. Nearly all the si'lectod
letters and "extracts" from lottoro of
any general importance now printed
in this volume have been covered by
current newspaper publication
Among those that have not boon
printed of present Interest are two
letters written by Minister Lowell and
Secretary Frelioghuysen in regard to
the Irish "Prevention of ciimo act. "
Lowell to Frellnghuysen :
log tlon ol UnltJj Etitfl' , I/onrnn , July 14 ,
Siu : I have the honor tc inclose
wo copies pt the ci imes ( Ireland ) act ,
rhlch has just received the royal as-
Bent. It revives iho alien act , which
lone directly concerna our relations
1th this government. Questions are
koly to arlso under it which will
oed to bo treated with extreme deli-
lacy and dlccretion. It will bo In the
matter of the personal application of
ho act to overt acts that the chief ob-
eotiou will Ho , and I should bo glade
o bo armed before hand .with the
pinion of the president as to what
my general line of action should bender
nder these now circumstances. There
must be a great number of naturalized
American citizens in Ireland , besides
hose that have rendered themselves
ibnoxtona to the local authorities , and
ho alien clauses of the act may very
irobably strengthen the temptations
f private onmtty to bring false accu
aliens , as it undoubtedly Increases
he opportunity for them. I have
very reason to believe under tbo
irosont government the act will bo ap
illcd with caution and discrimination
int a change of miUatry may take
ilaco at any moment. In any event
however , I think injsalf safe In pre
dicting that the prnvlsiona of the act
will bo brought to boar only in cases
f men who have imdo , or may make
particularly prominent by
ncltment to disorder or defiance of
.ut . ority.
( Signed ) J. R. LOWELL.
Frollnghuyson to Lowell :
Department ol State , WMh'ngton , September
SIE I have in an Instruction of the
loth 01 - nUtfmtlwtackttarisdgsdsiio
receipt of your dispatch of the 14th
of July In relation to the "Prevention
of Crime ( Ireland ) act , recently passed
by the British parliament. 1 he care-
ul attention which youhavo evidently
given to the subject and your just
comments on the policy that could
have dictated BO extraordinary a
meaanre In a country whose traditional
history in regard to the freedom
of the individual , the security
of the domicile and the right
of every man accused of orlmo to an
mpurtlal trial has formed its crowning
glory , relieve me from the necessity ot
giving you anything moro than general
oral dircctlona r.a to your future con
duct hi connection with CRCCS affecting
American clilz > n3 that may possibly
pome before j on Nnvcrthtlesa I doom
* t proper in the interests of our cltl-
: : nB , mid in compliance with your
own expressed desire to that elfcct ,
o put yon In possession
of the general vlows of the
president on lib recent not
of the British parliament an act which
ho conceives may seriously nfTect a
arge number of cltizena of this re
public. It Is as you jnally observe
the revival of the lion act aa a part of
the crimes act that most directly con
cerns ua , and it la the feature of the
measure which has caused the presi
dent to feel Borne auxiety as to its
possible ofTccta on the bnsineea and
social relations of American citizens ,
particularly those of Irish birth
Many Irish-American citlzoua have
parents , brothers end slaters , residents
In Ireland , and whenever they
earn their destitution , as the
most effective mode of relief they send
a member of the family to Ireland
with moans of aid. The possibility
that persona In pursuit of their lawful
business enterprises or on tholr mis
sion of benevolence should come under
the operation of the proceedings con
templated by the provisions of the
now law Is much to bo deprecated.
Opportunities for this kind of
annoyance which the act affords ,
for the gratiGcation of private
enmity , aa you justly remark , in
creases the ground of thla apprehen
sion , and when to this IB added the
anporderviceablo zaal of local ofii-
cors , It la hardly to bo ex
pected that an Irish-American
citizen , however Innocent ho might be
In ( ho act and intention , should con-
sldor his person or property safe In
that country. Ilia private , althougb
temporary , abode may bo forcibly vls <
ited by night or day his papers and hit
valuables may bo taken trom him and
subjected to search , and ho may bi
ordered out of the country at will
with the ( stigma cf guilt upon him am
without having had on opportunity foi
heating or trial. The President rnoro
ovjfeannot contemplate the enforce
meat of this measure on moro ana
plclons against an American clll
zan without foari of Ha hav
ing an unhapp > influence tin
gjod feeling nhlch exists between thi
two great nations of common orlglt
and common language. 1 need scarcely
coly add that thla government haa ni
sympathy with the motive or method
of that cloas of indiscreet Individual
Insignificant In this country , whoso il
directed zeal can neither servo th
CRUBO of Ireland nor reflect credit 01
the country of tholr adoption. The
law ixSldlnp , poaonablo'Amerlcim oltl-
nons of Irian bitth should not bo
exposed to suffer on tholr account.
The president looking only to the
Interests of American oitlzana
has deemed it proper that
those suggestions bo transmitted
to you In view of any fotnro contin
gency. It would bo dlflioult In the
absence of any actual case to glvo you
any moro spoolGo lustrcctlons. Much
most bo loft to your own judgment.
Oases may arise when it will bs nocca
sary for you to act at onoo without
consulting the doparbmant. In suoh
ases the president trusts to your dls-
rotion. You will of course keep the
apartment Inf rmed of whatever stops
ou mny laid it necessary to take In
my and every oiso that may oomo bo-
bro you using the telegraph for that
lurposo when you doom it expedient.
I mn , oto. ,
Xoto Ttio instruotion oftucuat
5th , la not Included in tliii voluiuo.
ptclil Dlsrat.h to TIIK llKR
HKLKNA , Ark. , March 13. The
vor has declined ono inch during the
iast twelve hours. The lovcca hero
ro eo occuro that the city In cafe ,
ind or no wind. Iho situation Is
righter than at any period since the
Igh water prcssuro sot in , Business
i the city has resumed , and the out-
ok la cheering uud hopeful.
Wo Flood Thcro-
| ) cclal Dispatch to Tim Bun.
GLENUIVK , Montana , March 13.
'ho ' tco haa nil run out of the rivers ,
> nd the weather is ipriug like. There
no danger of a flood in this aection.
A Fatal Cave In.
pecUl DtopAtch to Till I ! JL
DKADWOOD , Dak. , March 13. An
xtenalvo cave In occurred In the
llghland mine horo. The miners all
nanagod to escape uninjured except
one who was fatally hurt.
A Leather Fallnra.
p cl l Dl p tch to Till III * .
ALBANY , Now York , March 13.
wrlond , Humphrey's and Sons , leather
palora , have assigned. There are
ino preferred creditors , whoso claims
mount to $123,329. The Now York
onso of Humphreys & Co. failed ro-
ontly was established as a branch of
tie Albany concern.
A Sleeping Cor Burned
pocltl Dispatch to Tin Bui.
PiTTsnuiio , March 13. The Wash-
ngton sleeper on the western express
luo hero over the Pennsylvania rail-
oiid at 8:40 : a. m. , caught flro near
iVilmoro atatlon , In the Allegheny
nountalne , at 4 o'clock this morning ,
and was entirely consumed. The pas-
lungers escaped without injury , but
est nearly all their clothing. When
train arrived here many passen
gers were half naked. The Pullman
company's loss is $20 000
Aft rM ay
Four. FJITTEIIMAN , Wyo , , March
13 Al. Pooha , who nlno years ago ,
oommlttod some horrible murders was
arrested near here yesterday. The
story is that Pocha belonged to a com
pany of prospectors and that ono
night while camping In Colorado ho
murdered his five companions while
they slept. Ho was arrested a short
tlmo afterward but escaped and has
boon at largo till now.
Flight of bplrlU.
8p fl l DIspatQli to TUB Bn.
NEW YOIIK , March 13 The well-
known whisky and wino housj of
Ivos , Beeohnr & Oo. fnllod to-day for
nearly $500,000 Thn firm Is onn-
punod of Frederick E Ivcs , John 8
Beechor and Oharlea W. Tuttle , and
ias stood well for a quarter of a century -
tury , the paper of the firm having
ranked as the beat on the market.
The value of the assets cannot oven be
Banuolnu a Backilldor.
Special Dlai'aah'to Till Dm.
HEADING , PH. , March 13. The Lebanon -
anon synod of the Reformed church
of tbo Uiitod S'atoa , found llav.
Alexander S. Kolocr , of Pottsvlllo ,
nllty of unlawful intimacy , broach
of promise of marriage and falsehood ,
and deposed him from the Christian
Target Hhootihg.
Special Dispatch to Tun HER.
CHICAGO , March 13. At the stock
yards to-day , William and John Me-
Graw , Mike Cronin and Martin
McElligott practiced with a revolver
in the alloy. About the same time
John Welsh , a watchman , was shot
and killed. The four men wore ar
rested. The police believe it is mur
Special Dispatch to Tin DIE.
G , B. Geode , of the national museum ,
hag been selected ta take charge of the
fishery exhibit at London.
Gen , Diaz and party left Monterey ,
Mexico , for Laredo and thence for the
north ,
Walter Webb , master mechanic of the
Watertown & OgaensburK road , was run
over and killed.
Col. Ti. 8. Murve , nmoclate editor ol
Thn Lynohhurg , ( Vu. ) Advance , and 11 ,
T. Ilubbard , a prominent lawyer uf Richmond
mend , were about to engage in a duel whet
Maryo was arrested.
The Madagascar treaty was ratified a *
thflBtato department yesterday afternoon
Jen. II. Lsdyard independent republl
can , wan elected mayor of iiatb , Me ,
1'roderlck Blohtn , of New York , fo
alienating the alfectiotm of the wife of hi
nophaw , JMward Schnoll , was mulcted ii
In the Illinoia state legislature thohouE
pnHcd a bill to punish wife beaters Ir
whipping ,
The stockholders of the Uroadwo ;
( N. Y. ) Underground lUilwfty companj
ulcctud William Wiutlom , of Minnesota
to Iho board of directors. The director
elected Melville 0. Smith president , Gen
Ki < bert Vide engineer.
Now York courts have decided that th
1'aualon play is a play , but the recent re
uearaal not public poiforuuuco. Anotbo
private view is promised.
The hide and leather firm of Humphre'
&C'o. . Now York , tailed. Liabilities
$323,177 ; nominal uesotn , $ G07.VOI ; actun
aescts , 8119,507 ,
The Eopedition of Relief of the
Mayor of Louisville.
The Gradual Fall of tlio Watara
Dispels -tlio Bloom of Oit-
zons ,
IiUiornl Contributions In Cash
Mndo to the Snfforori
Special Dl'pitch t : > Tun Unn.
MKMPHIH , March 13 The river
contimiui ! to doolino steadily. Total
fall 13 Inches from the highest point
rcaohi d this season.
SKIPWITH , Miss , Maroh 13 Den
nis levee near Australia in Bjllvnr
county la reported cat Strks are
being filled to day for the purpose of
closlug the break. Our protrctlon
levee Is ntlll holding nnd our main line
so nearly completed that all damage
of ovoifljT from a break hero Is con *
sldorod over. Planting operations are
progressing rapidly.
KvANsViLLE , Ind , March 13 ,
Mayor Jacobs , of Lauisvlllo , who
ont down the river to distribute
money to sufferers by the il > od , ro-
nrts : The first point of Inqnlrv was
niontown , whcro ho found $1 000
.ad . boon sent by .Tno. Shllllta , of Gin-
"nnatl , and $500 by James Gordon
onnott , this $1,500 being the only
oroigu funds received by the town ,
"aoobs left a chock for $8CO.
Inlclgh , a very small settlement , was
ound substantially annihalatod , ox-
pt two families. The balance of the
amlot had retired to the country ,
acobs offered these two remaining
'amlllos $100. They refused unless
ho balanoo cf the Inhabitants shared
the benefit. The mayor therefore
warded them $300 , which will bo
Ivldcd among'all sufferers at thla
olnt. The generosity of the romatn-
families deserved equally gonor-
us treatment. At Shawuoetown the
ork of the flood did not seem as
omploto and far reaching as has been
nnounced , Many of the houses
ore removed from tholr foundations
ud will yet bo serviceable. The town
tppoars throughout thrifty , Llko
vontnoky , wo found Illinois had
bandoned her river towns. The
mayor left SCOO , with Instructions to
nil on him If farther aid was needed.
Ho also g vo { 800 for the benefit of
Oaseyvtllo , aa fully 400 families in and
bout Oasoyvlllo needed dally rations.
At Wcston $100 was left. At
.losoolalro $200 were given for relief
f tbo town. Southland Is in a
wretched otato. There are many old
people there who have little or no
means ot sustenance , and much dls-
TOSS prevails ; 850 loft hero. Now
Liberty was the last town relieved.
The mayor gave $300 to apply to the
needy. All along the route the mayor
and rjnrty nwogrmad that tb - flirk of
the'flood had be m territfc rf.d thiu
farmers must be heavy cffareri.
Shooting Mnd Ball *
Spocltl IMajatcli to TIIK BIR.
KANSAS CITY , Maroh 13. The third
contest of the series of clay pigeon
shooting between Carver and Bo-
fiordos occurred here to-day. Carver
cored 91 , winning the additional pre
mium ; Bogardua , CO.
The Big Stiff.
IpocUl Dispatch to Tun Un.
NEW YORK , Maroh 13. Billy Ed
wards , the pugilist , had a great bone-
It to-night in Madison Square Gar
den. Sullivan said that if Fox would
> rlng along his "big stiff" Slado with
money ho would accommodate him.
Cincinnati Chamber of Cummeroo-
IpocUl Dispatch to Till IJii.
CINCINNATI , March 13. The cham
ber of commerce voted by ballot this
afternoon on the revision of the by
aws and on the adoption of a plan for
Ifo insuranoa , called the gratuity
plan , The by-laws were revised bnt
ho gratuity plan wis defeated by a
majority of three in a total vote over
800. The most Important change in m
ho by-laws Is to limit membership to
> ho prouent number. Hereafter now
noinbora can only enter upon the pre
sentation of certificates of membership
ransforred to them.
Flno Worlt.
Wo have more natural talent in
Omaha than wo have heretofore got
credit for. This morning while vlslt-
ng Iloso's Art Emporium wo were
ihown some oil paintings executed by
Mr. J. K. O'Neal , an artlot perma
nently located In our city. By yean
of study and practice ho has acquired
this art and the work exhibited at
Iloao's Emporium will show , especially
the largo painting of "Moor's Like , "
Utah , "The Ice Burgs , " "Orchard
Like , " and "On the Ohio. " Those
named have all been purchased by the
Hon. John F. Coots , the court house
contractor , who has certainly good
taste and a correct eye.
"Christ Stilling the Tempest" is an
other striking painting , which caught
our gaza with Its brilliancy and splen
dor , and ou inquiry the reporter was
told that it was executed by one of
Mr. O'Neal's pupils , who has moro
than ordinary talent , as the light and
shade show in this picture.
Mr. . O'Neal , wo understand , makes
a specialty of portraits in oil crayon
and water colors , which wo should all
remember and glvo him Q trial when
wo want anything In this lice.
BAUJimi-March 13,1883 , at I o'clock
a. m , , Amelia haumer , aged 9 months
and 10 da ) 8. Infant daughter of John
and Josephine llaumer.
Fuuorfll will take place from the real-
dcncoof the parents , 1821 Butt street , to
inonow at 8:30 : o'clock , Friends of the
family are invited.
Miri'OALF Mrc. Katie Bell , wife of
John V. Metcalf , aged 23 years ,
Funeral at 10 o'clock a , in. Thursday , i
March IGlh , f torn her rceldence , 812 South
KIghth strett , between Leavenworth and * *
Marcy. Friends of the family are