Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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Are now ready to contract for small casting * ol
ever } ' description In
Special attention U called to the f-ot that the
metals are mo ted In csccuua which fftreftta
rery best castings ,
Burning Brands
FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. ,
Aa well aa
Cattle Brands
Works : Corner Blxth street and Eleventh a\eune ,
r.B lOMDMUBOR , . L. B1I09ART. A. W. BtttllJ ,
President. Vice-Pros t. Cashier ,
Of Council Bluff * .
Organized under the law * of the Stale ot Iowa
Paid op capital I 76,000
Authorized capital SOO.OCO
Interest paid on time deposit * . Draft * lesued
on the principal cities of the United Hutoe ami
Europe. Special attention given to collection ,
and correspondence with prompt retains
J. D.Edmandson , K.L. Bhugurt , J. T H
. W Wallace , J. W. Rodfer. I. A M
A W Rtttfl , Jr
, , , , , , ,
Medical Electrician
Graduate ct Clectropathlo Institution , Phlla
delpbla , Penna.
Office Our , Broadway & Glenn Avo.
The treatmout of all dlsewoa and pilnful dl
Bcnltlea peculiar lo females a spocttliy.
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Ext. . . 5:20 pm I Pacific Ext..9:15am :
Ex and Mall * . .925 am Ex and Mall * . . 6:55 : pm
D. Molnea ac.7lB a m | Dca Molnesac.4:40 : p m
Depart. Arrive.
AUontlo Exf. . . 630 p m I Pacific Ext. . . .9:20 : a m
Mall and Ex * . .920 ami Moll and Hi\.7 0pm
H. Y. Ex . 4:00pm : | Neb & KM Ex , . 8:20 : o m
Depart. Arrive.
Atla&tlcExt..5lSpm FaclOc Ext. . . . 9:15 : am
Holland Ex * . .920 am Molt and Ex * . . 6:15 : pm
Accom ( Sat ) . .6:50 : p m | Accom. ( Mon..l:45 p m
Depart. . Arrive.
Maiand Ex..95am | Express 6.50pm
Depart. ArriTO.
OrwUnd Xx.Iiao a. m.
Lincoln Ex. . 1130 a. m. Duver Ei. . . . 8:00 : a. m
Denver Ex..7:00p. : m. Local Ex 630 a. m.
Local Ex 7:25 a , m. " Ex 9:05 a. m.
Kmlgrant..BaOp. tn. " Ex P.DOo.m.
- Depurt , Arrive.1
Hall and Ex. . 9:45 : am I Holland Ex. . 430 pm
Cannon Ball. , 4:50 pm ( Cannon Ball. . 11X5am
SIODX ortT AMD pAnrio.
Depart. Arrive.
For Sioux Olty.TiS a m Frm BIoux C'y,6 0 p m
For Fort NIobrara. Frm Fort Nlobrara ,
Keb * Neb *
6:50pm :
For St. Paul. . ,7:40 p m From St. Paul..8 0 a m
Leave Council Bluffs , Arrives Council Bluffs.
Hall and Ex. . ' 920 am I Mall and Ex.6:65 : pm
Atlantic Ex.5:15pm | : | Atlantic Kx..l9:10am :
Leaves Omaha. Arrives at Omaha.
HallandEx.7:15am | Pacific Ex.9:45am :
Atlantic Ex.3:40pmMalland | : | Ex.7-25pm
Except Sundays. fExcept Saturdays. ( Except
Mondays. | Dally.
Council Blufia & Omaha Street B. B.
Leave Council Uluffs. Leave Omaha.
8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , I 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m ,
11 a m , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p 11 a m , 1pm , 2p m , S p
m , 4 pm , 6 p m , 6 p m. | m , 4 p m , C p m , 6 p m.
Street cars run half hourly to the Union Pacific
Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at
9 o cloak a in. , ana run regularly during the day
at 9,11 , 2 4 , 6 and 6 o'clock , and run to city time ;
"By a thorough knowledge ol the natural lawi
which govern the operations of dlgeatlon and
nutrition , and by a careful application of the
Una properties of well-e looted Cocoa , Mr ,
Epps boa provided oui breakfast tables with t
delicately flavored Vovera o which may save > i
many heavy JftUW btlla It la by the Jndlclou
naool such attkleu of diet that a cunstltnttos
may be gradually built up until strong enough
( o f ealst ovary tendency to disease. IInndrcd >
of subtle mnlodles ore floating around us read ]
to attack wherever there Is a weak point. W
may escape many a fatal Bhaft by keeping our
olvas well fortified with pure blood and a prop
erly nourished frame. " Civil Service Ooietto.
Made dimply with boiling water or milk. Hoi
n Una only ( j-lb and Ib ) , labeled
Homoeopathic Ohemlata
. Entrlan
Staled proposals 'will be received by the un
dersigned until 120'occ < noon of March 21tn ,
1883. at the office of the Board of Public Works ,
forthe.ctnstruction of all planK sidewalk that
may bo ordered by the City Council fcr tne quar
ter ending Juy 1st A. D. , 1838. Such sidewalks
lo be commuted In accordance with rlini and
spedflcattoifcnfile In the office ot tald bo rd.
Said proposals to be made upon pr ut d blanks
fnrn ehcd bf i old board and to be accompanied
by the sl/natures ot propcs'd suretlei wh > . In
Ihoavtariiligof such contract will enter In to a
b nd. with the c.ty f Omaha in the gum of
$1.0(0 for -the l.lthful execut.on ot eild con
Tha Biard ol Publh Vi'orks re cms the right
to reject aa , and all bid * .
mT.eod-2w Chm'a U ard of 1'ubilc WorijS.
Matter Application of W. F. Schmidt for
Liquor License.
Notice b hereby gien that W p. Schmidt did
uponthe'2 ' rdday of Fehiuan , A. 1) . , 188' . file
ma a pi llcatlon to the Mayor asd Clt\ Council of
Omaha , for license to so I JIalt , Spirituous and
Vinous Llquora , at Ko. ltu > II rn ytrcet ,
Ihlr.l . Ward , Oinalu , Kcb. , from the Oth day
Ol Ma-ch , 1KS3 , to the llth day ot April , 18R3.
If there bo no objection , remonUranco or pro
test filed within two necks from February 2i , A.
D. 1883 , the § ald Ikenso will be granted.
The Omaha Dee nowepancr will publish the
above notice once each * eck for two weeks at tin-
expense ot the applicant. The City of Omaha Is
cot to be charged therewith.
319-2t J.J. L. G. JEWETT ,
Geo. P. Bern is
Eeal Estate Agency ,
6th Knot DouglM 8 . , Om Ji
oftnej do strictly a brokerage buslncu
Mot ifMculoU. And therefore any balonc *
oi boekt on lMnre4 oeitatt tot.
Crest on bus bad ( our rti within two
weeks ,
Mamballtown is building SI2.000
school hous ? .
During the lait thrco days of February
the Polk county treainror took In $75,000.
Iowa City ho $51,000 invested In school
bnildings , DCS Molnes tGOO.OOO.
Dnring February Scott county' * poor
cost the taxpayers 91,688.56 ,
Marpballtown polled 1,231 votes at the
city election , lets than in 1079.
Davpnport bag raised saloon licenses
from $50 to $200 per annum.
Davenport paid ont 937,755 , for atreet
work from March 1st , 1832 , to the same
date this year. .
The municipal debt of Davenport is
$287,075 , which the papers of the town
think la small.
The license ticket throughoat was elect
ed in Storm Lake.
The mayor of Lyons was elected ty a
bare majority of uue.
From thirty to forty carloads of lumber
le ve Dmnport dally at the present
Union , Ilardin county , hii a new bank
backed by a capital of $25 J.OOO. The old
bank In the town failed a short time since.
The voters of Grlswold declared them-
lvre * In favor of a tax for the Toledo ,
Oskaloosa and Western railroad by u vote
of SilO to 113.
The recently burned district at Wash
ington ha * all been cleared up , ami re-
l.uildlog will commence immediately.
The town cf W lron ! , Decatnr county ,
was vMted by a (6,600 fire on the morning
of the 7st inst.
The license purty carried the entire
ticket At Washington. TnU result wat a
change uf thing * which had prevailed for
ton years'
A Cass county farmer recently clfared to
pell hU property ott the fo lowing terms :
$51,0(10 down , 550,000 at death , and WO-
000 when.he cornea back twenty yean after
The Ninth I jwx Infantry rlosed Us re
union at Independence uu the 8.h. It was
a success and a veteran association was
The pro s receipts of the Grand Army
fair at Tiptrn were 625.
Too Jefferson creamery , which recently
abut down from a lack of cream , will
nhortly resume ,
The live question in Carroll is whether
the BiloonR shall pay 8500 , or the old
license of $300 i nr annum ,
Mies Emma Child , once a Jefferson
school girl is now principal in n > Chicago
tchoal nt a salary of $1COO per year.
Jefferson valoonn pny $700 llcnnje and
thoco of Storm Like 8500. There are
only two at tLe Utter placj with a popula
tiou ot nearly 2,000 ,
One of Kaokuk'a'frail tlsters tried to go
into the beyond the strychnine route.
She wag pumped out nd will not try It
ADenison man has secured the contract
for building a large Catholic church at
Centre Grove , Clinton county.
AFairvewyouniman ! waa recently Bent
to the insane asylum , tie loved a cirl
who refuted him , and hla mind , always
weak , entirely deserted him in cense
Denison has contracted with a Minne
apolis firm to furnish the toh with water
woiks. They will not bo very claborute
but will answer the purposes of the town.
The attempt to raise the first mortgaco
on the Dubuque fair grounds has failed.
It is now proposed to buy the grounds for
a city park.
The last bonds of Carroll oannty have
been paid , and the only county debt now
la in the way of warrants , ana these wll
be taken np next taz-paying time.
The Folk county clerk received 96,088
07 in feea last year. Of this all but $2,000 ,
turned over to the county , went for run
ning expenses of , the'offico.
Dedham , Carroll county , la moying tc
ward incorporation.
Vinton wants a hall where public meet
ings can ha held.
The poles are being eet for the electric
light wire ) at Cedar Rapldi. .
The state lodge of the Legion of Honor ,
a mutual insnrance organization , met in
Iowa City on the 6th inat.
Coey & Co.'u packing house at Keokuk
abut down for the aeaacn on the 3d Inat. ,
after killing 40,000 hogs.
The military department of the itate
university Is to have a supply of the latest
improved arms. Government will furnish
There is $85.000 available government
appropriation for the poatoffice and federa
court building at Dea Hoiuea. The build
ing ia to be completed this season.
A party of Dubuque fishermen were ar
rested by the Crawford county , Wiacon
sifl , sheriff for netting fish in the Missis
eippi too near the Badger state shore.
A bouse In Des Moines built in 1850 ,
aid to be the first frame house built in the
efty , in to be moved otf to another site. Ita
owner offers to give it to the city.
Ottumwa has n bucket shop In success
ful operation. One citizen made $140 on
a corn deal and several hundred mourn be
cause of the pork market fluctuating the
wrong way.
Luhrop'a gold mine near Ottumwa in in
successful operation. There are 230 tons
of ore on the dump , and the crushers am
atniilgamatord work successfully.
Twenty-one Dubuqua doctors petition
tbo city council not to allow the registry
of births to bo published. In the debah
on this petition Alderman Doorfler Bali
that he thought tlin books of the city were
for public UH8. He was aware that i
might bo ttie otject of physicians anc
othero to shield the "nigh-tuned" of trouble
which comes to them , but they have no
care for tbo poor , unfortunate girls who
might get In trouble. The matter was re
ferred to the committee of the whole.
Real Estate tranefers.
The following transfers of real OB-
tate are reported aa taken from the
county records by J. W. 8qnlrca&
Co. , abstractors of titles , real estate
and loan agents , Council BluOs , Iowa
It. Porolval to 0. Straab ; n t , lo
12 , in block 3 , Jaokson's add. , $5 *
W. H Field to 0. Straab ; and § of
n ) t lot 12 , blook 3 , Jackson's add. .
H. H. Glover to 0. Straub ; nnd ;
of n i lot 12 , in block 3 , Jackson's
add , 6000
H. F Field ot al , to 0. Straab
B 'nt12 ' , in block 3 , Jackson's add , ,
JL. . E Bridonateln to E Pierce ; lei
13 , in block 1 , Gdsady'a add , , $300.
H. Bauerkcmpcr to A Konlmichor
avr of nc 4 , 74 , 43 , $ lGOO
0. E , Reynold to M. E , Little ; lot
1 , in sub of lot 88 , 0. P. city , § 1.
Wra. Ponder to A. H. Jtfabb ; pt
i of no , 19 , 75 , 38,5 | acres , $1.
J. T Jackeon to A. A. Brandy ; n J
of sw J of sw | of sw | , 14 , 77 , 39"
J. If. Boland to B. Biir ; sw of w ,
1 , 70 , 39 , 81,200.
0. , II. & Q. Uy to J. Roash , e i of
ne , 25 , 74 , 39,81,040.
0. L , Plumber to B. F , Hake , and.
J of w i of aw , 20 , 75 , 40 , $500.
0. W. Coverston to E. L. ShuRart
lot 18 in blook 7 and e 19 foec of lot
17 In blook 7 , MaMahon , Cooper &
Jeffrie * ' add. , f 1,500.
A. Peterson to F. Petenon. iw } OJ
n j,22 , 76 , 4lj 11,260.
Dlokson A Wood to D N. Younker -
kor , o i of sp J , 34 , 70 , 38 , $2,000.
L Lodge tn J. U. Philips , n J of no
i 4 , 77,38 , $2,100.
F. M. Gardner to J. U. Phillips ,
nrof nj9 ( 77 , 38-$1750.
F. E , Benson to J. U , PhllUpo , ti
awl of s | of nel 0 , 77 , 38 $100 ,
J. Boiler to J il ; Phillips , nwj of
ml 9 , 77 , 38.
Dickorncm aud Wood to E. Clayton
nud j ; H , Ssnofiold , swl of at | 34 ,
76 , 38-$900.
Corrected dally by J. Y. Fuller , mer
chandise broker , buyer and shipper ol
grain and provision * , 89 Pearl street.
WIIKATNo. . 2 spring , 70o ; No. S , G3j
rejected COc ; coed demand.
COILS : -Oo to feeders and SGo to ship
pers ; rrjectod c > ru Chicago , 51c ; new
mixed , MJc ; white corn , SGo. The re
ceipts of corn are lleht ,
OATS Scarce and in good demand ; 35.
HAT 4 OOfeG 00 per ton.
KTK 40c ; light supply.
Coiw MEAL 1 25per 100 ponnda.
1 Woo n Good supply i prices at yards ,
COAL Delivered , hard , 11 00 per ton ;
loft. 5 50 per ton.
liCTTEH Plenty and In fair demand ;
25c ; creamery. SOc.
Kooa - Ready sale at 15o per dozen.
LARD Falrhank's. wholesaling at ISJo ,
POULTRY Firm ; dealers paying 13o per
pound for turkeys and 10o for chickens
VKOETABLKH Potatoes , 45c ; onion65cj
cabbnges , JJO@40o per dozen ; apples , 2 60
@ 3 50 per barrel.
City flour from 1 CO to 3 40
BEOOMH 2 00@3 00 per doien.
CATTLB 3 00@3 50 ; calvea 5 00@7 50.
UogsMarket active , and all offerings
ulckly taken at higher prices. Car lots :
Jomninn , 5 75@5 00 ; gooil mixed , i > 00 ©
640 ; heavy parking , 660@700 ; choice
"anoy packing , 7 05@7 40.
An Old-Time Monte Man In Custody
For Kllllnii One of Hie
Six or BOVOU years t-go the shining
Ights of the thron cuit monte bnal-
neas wrro Bill Jotitaund LmHvuck , "
The former , better known aa "Canada
Bill , " devoted his attention to the ter <
rltory west of the Mississippi river ,
whllo the latter confined hla opera
tions to tbo section of country on tbo
other side of that stream , making bis
headquarters at Oolumbns , 0. Ono wat
the terror of western and the other of
eastern railways. Detective John T.
Norrle , of the Columbus , Hooking
Valley & Toledo road passed through
this city yesterday with Hauck , who
la wanted in Delaware , 0 , for killing
a traveling salesman named Paul Lob-
man on Now Year's day , 1879. Im
mediately after the tragedy ho fled
south , residing for brief periods in
Washington , Richmond , Jacksonville ,
Norfolk and other cities , then drifted
to Cuba , thence into Texas and Mexico
ice , and finally made ' his ay to south
ern California. 'Daring his travels in
the west ho was known us Dee Davis ,
The railroad officials endeavored to
keep track of the fugitive's movements
and after a chase , occupying years
their detectives finally located him n
Los Acgolus , where he waa arrested by
the county sheriff and turned over to
Loa Hanck is known as one of the
most expert "three-card throwers" In
America. One of the trio composing
his old eang waa a resident of St
Louis. The Hauok party made Oolum
bos , 0. , its base of operations forsev
eral yean , and that city was Ita head
quarters at the time of the Lahman
tragedy. The accounts thereof tha
have been published are Inaccurate
At the time of Hauck's arrest the par
Honiara of the crime were famished tea
a party now In St. Loula by one who
waa on the train at the time the kllllni
occurred. The gentlemen alluded ti
wai met on Olive street yesterday , anc
on being solicited to repeat the etor ;
did BO in these words : "Hanck and hi
party had beaten their man out o
$50. After the play Lehman ares
and walked to the front end of the car
He stood just inside the door , and in a
very excited manner began shooting
and yelling , claiming that he hoc
been robbed. It was the custom o
the monte men to refund what they
had taken from their victims when
ever there waa any likelihood of "
squeal , " and particularly when th
sum was small , as In the case referred
to. Houck reached Lshman as hnr
rledly as possible , and told him to
quit shouting , assuring him that h
wonld restore the money. At this th
victim only yelled the loader , when
Honck to Intimidate him pulled hi
Elatol and poked it at his body , order
at ! him that ho would lose nothing
While thus menacing the salesman
Houok'a pistol was unwittingly dls
ahcrged , the ballot entering Lahman'
abdomen , inflicting a wound from
which he died shortly afterwards , "
"All who knew Houck and who nr
at all posted as to the methods o
monte men , " continnod the speaker
"ridicule the idna that ho or any
other 'cross-reader' would have re
sorted to snob desperate and coward !
conduct when there waa not the slight
eat nucesslty for it. Ho and his com
panions all level headed had been
working the road for months , an <
they knew the moment the shot wa
fired that their business had bee
broken np In that section of the conn
try. I believe it will go hard with
him , however. "
The version of the affair given b
the officers Is to the effect that enl
four men occupied the smoking-car o
the train which was approaching Dela
ware at the time. Hauck , a drumme
named Hoaghton and Lohmau wor
playing cards on one of the seats. Th
fourth man looked on. Houtghton
waa apparently playing into Hauck'
hand , and Lehman was the victim o
the plr. After losing heavily , Lob
man arose and accasad the others o
sharp practice , a charge that wai hotl
denied by the defendants , and dario (
the djacusalon Hauok drew a revolve
and shot Lehman , who died ou bean
the train B shqrt time afterward
Honghtou was arrastod by th
pisaangera , und held until the
arrival of the train at the station
Hiuck leveled his weapon before him
and made his way to thu car door
Retching the platform ho jumped t
the ground , although going at a big
rate of spaed. Before the train mui
discovered the tragedy , which occnrre <
in the forward portion of the train
aud signaled the engineer , Hauok hai
gained his feet , and made bis way
acrou the adjacent farm , Honghto
WM tried as an accessory to the mur
der , and sentenced to two yeari tn th
Columbus penitentiary , recoveries bit
freedom In 1881 ,
An Interesting Wedding Cere
mony Under Ourious O.r-
Major Littleflnger Takes to
Himself a Wife-A Curi
ous Courtship.
y lo the Tost-Dlspatch.
NEW ORK , March 8. No wedding
.s excited so much interest among
bowmen since that of Tom Thumb at
Grace church SB the marriage of the
wo midgets , Miss Ida Hosinor and
Ir. Robert Hnein , or , as ho has boon
uly christened , Major Llttlofingor , at
Buunoll's Brooklyn museum. Ten
minutes after the theatre was opened
very seat in the house was filled ,
uostly by ladies , and the house pro-
anted a vety plctnreeqno ppearanoo.
I variety performance waa first given ,
t which "tho man with the iron jaw , "
bo dancing spider Laongon , the olat-
lo man and Lotta do Alma , "the
uoon of air , " appeared But away
iolow the orchestra scats , down whore
' ( ha only original acrobat" had dls-
pooarod through a trap-door in the
iugo , a different scene was going on.
A little woman only three feet five
nchos high and dressed in white with
a long tulle veil covering masses of
> rown hair , wreathed with orange
ilosioms , at on a tiny chair with
ler arms thrown around the nook of
llttlo man but three foot five inches
, nd high white collar and cravat , No
one will ever know what the two little
jooplo said ,
The llttlo man got tired , apparently ,
of talking sweetly , and very soon got
np and paced up and down the tbor ,
toying with his watch-seals and costing
approving glances on his reflection
rom a mirror. The little woman was
mt going to join him in hla walk when
Sir. Starr appeared on the stairway
and said : "All over for the love act.
Wo will now have the marriage act. "
Then the little man gave his arm
delicate bend , and the arm of the little
woman dropped into the angle and the
white veil , the orange blossoms , the
black salt and the watch seals all dis
appeared through the stairway towards
, ho stage. When they reached the
op of the stairway the curtain was
drawn and the stage presented a cur
ious scono. Indians with dirty
and women , fat women , and other
curiosities were rnnnlng hero and
hero , and Mr. Starr waa superintend
ing the management of a parlor scene
for a wedding , The curtain wont np
and the orchestra played ' 'Marriage
Bells. " Two mlnntes after "Bobble , "
with Ida leaning on his arm , walked
on the stage , followed by Rev. Hugh
O Pontaooat , who preaohen at the
Brooklyn academy of mnalc. Ida's
sister , Mrs. Donee , and her brother
The bride was not at all excited , bn
'Bobble" was , and the watch-seal
went through the most horrible con
tortions. The two little people jnsl
came np to the knee of the Irish
giant , who was present. "Robert , "
said the minister , "will yonako Ida
for your wife ? " "I will5Bald the
little man , and the watch-seals
jnrnpod. "AndJ Ida , will yon take
Robert for your husband ? " "I will , "
said the little woman , and she smiled
at "Bobble. "
and at each and every pretty woman
in the house. When the minister
pronounced them man and wife the
applause waa deafening. Ladies
waved their handkerchief aa Bobbie
kissed his wife. Mr. Bunoll then
came forward and congratulated them ,
and all the curiosities extended con
gratulations , after which the company
went down stairs to the wedding
breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Hnssa is
twenty-five years old , and waa born at
Hartford. Some six weeks ago Mr.
Hossa went to Hartford ; there he met
Miss Hosmer , and being moro prac
tical than sentimental proposed that
they should "star together , " and for
this purpose she should marry him.
At first she refused , for Ida Is a very
sentimental young lady , and , in the
language of Miss Myrtle Klngsland ,
the lecturer at the Museum. "She
has u yearning after the ideal , a
sweetly romantic , poetic , mind , "
which revolted at the idea
But aaid the grooai yesterday : "If
there is one thing that I understand
better than another , it is a woman ,
and , sir" and hero the little man
gave his watch seals and indignant
jerk "in one week the heart of Ida
Hosmer was mine. " Ida said ; "Of
conno Bobbie is not a poet , bat I
will give In to Bobbie if Bobble gives
in to mo. " And the llttlo woman
looked aa if Bobbie wonld do that.
Chaugo of Mind-
I declined to Insert your advertise *
mont of Hop Bitters last year , be
cause I then thought they might not
be promotlvo of the cauao of Temper *
anoe , bat find they are , and a very
valuable medicine , myself and wife
having boon greatly benefited by them ,
and I take great pleasure in making
them known.
Editor Home Sentinel , Af ton.N. Y.fl
BAY CITY , Mich. , Fob. 3,1880.
I think it my duty to send you a
recommend for the benefit of any por-
lou wishing to know whether the Hop
Bitters are good or not I know they
are good for gunoral debility nnd indi
gestion ; Btrongthcn the nervous sys
tem hud make now life. I recommend
my patients to UBO them ,
Poor Llttlo Pongy
Peggy Miller was a bright girl of
eight years when she became a mem
ber of Emmet's company laat May
and played the chlldran In the "Fritz"
pieces. She liked her work and Em
met liked her style , because , as ho
said , she wai a child , actress and noth
ing moro , Her father , Wm. 0. Mil.
ler , is stage manager for Emmet , and
her mother , known as Jounlo Ohrlstio ,
ia of the company. Llttlo Peggy waa
a great favorite in the company and
with the public. She waa 111 in PhlU-
delphla , bat would go on with her
work. She waa ill In WlllUnubarg
and aUll went on. Ono evening ih0
wni , standing In the wings ready to go
on for her dance nlth Frilz She waa
shaky , the muilo had struck up , she
looked np in her father's face and
said * "Papa , I'm afraid of that dance. "
IIn asid : "Bo careful , dear ; do it
easily , " and on shn wont , At the
close of the dance , Peggy trembled ,
fainted and fell in Emmet's arms ,
Fritz carried her off tenderly , but it
WAS not a play scene. Little Peggy's
white faoo looked awoot In the casket
and the flowers nestled lovingly
around. Bat there was Inconsolable
grief in the homo , and Peggy's last
words , "Pnpi , I'm afraid of that
dance , " will over ring in the stricken
ft1 her'a oars
Another Physician' * fcitimony.
HOBTON. Mass. , M y 9 , 1881.
I know parties who have tried nil kinds
f inolicinea for Lung DtcM < > s , who my
hat Dll.VM. . IlAl.L'fl JUL'AU KOK TUB
DK * HAH H. Woou ,
Curing Consumptives.
'blUiclphU ' Record.
It would Boom that San Francisco is
very poor place tor a consumptive
person to go to. Its heavy sea air ,
which is so stimulating to > person In
irdlnary health , mows down the con-
inmptives like the figurative soytho of
loath. On the one hundred and
iloven deaths recently reported in that
tity , daring a single week , oonsamp
jon claimed thirty victims and pnou
inoula twenty-one. Wh the heavy
sea air accomplishes on the Pacific
3oast is also the result of the light atmosphere -
mosphero found at olovatjd poinla in
the raneo of tbo Rocky Mountains.
While Denver , Colorado.Springs and
ithor delightful towns in Colorado
, nd the far west are almost sure to
jrlng relief to Invalids who seek the
benefits of these resorts In * ho earlier
itagos of consumption , a too rarlfiod
.tmosphoro , with its diminished sup
, ) ly cf oxygen , the life giving element
mont , will generally prove fatal. It
is well known that In diseases of the
lunga a larger supply of oxygen than
the patient has been in the * habit of
obtaining through ordinary respiration
Is absolutely necessary. Dr. Lleblg ,
ion of Baron Lioblg , and other omiu-
mt European physicians have booomo
ia well satisfied on this point that
.hoyaro . now treating patients for
.hoao and kindred diseases with "con *
donaod air , " which is Inhaled in suit *
ibly arranged air tight chambers. The
rorv converse of this treatment is
.hat which sends an invalid to a health
resort of high altitude. Homo is the
best place to bo ill , but if the invalh'
is dotormlnsd to Book health else
where It la always the part of wisdom
to consult a physician as to where one
shall go , for what may bo a resort r *
health for ono many prove a Bopnlohr
'or another.
Never Qlvo Un
it you are suffering with low and d
pressed spirits , losn of appetite , genera
debility , disordered blood , weak conatitn.
tlon , hendacho , or any disease of a bilious
nature , by all means procure a bottle of
Electric Bitters. You will bo surprised to
the rapid improvement that will follow ;
you will bo inxpired with now life :
strength and activity will return ; tmln au <
misery will cease , and henceforth you wil
rejoice in the praise of Electric liitton
Sold at fifty centa a bottle , byO. F.
Aa Tall as a Barn Door.
A Raleigh , N. 0. , youth of 18 years
( a six feet eight inches in height.
London has a tenement house that
la fourteen storioa or 139 feet high.
R Z. Fenn , of Sonthbnry , Conn. ,
at the age of 15 , ia alx feet two inches
in his a took Ings.
A sixteen-year-old lad of Moore
countyr N. 0. , is six feet fonr Inches
from heel to crown.
A colored lad at Sharpsbnrg , Nash
county , N. 0. , can see over any seven-
foot bean polo in the neighborhood.
A pine tree recently felled at Top i-
ham , Mo , , carried Its crest 183 foot ,
above the ground. From it 4,4GO foot
of lumber wore obtained. It was oat
ap into matches.
Hamilton , Ont. , haa several oltizaas
who coald servo in emergencies as
fire escapes. Horn are samples :
Emannel Morton , 7 feet ; William
McCartney , G feet 7 inches ; Pollen
Constable Donald Smith , G foot 0 $
Inches ; Chief of Police Stewart , U
foot 4J inches ; George Sayers , G feet
4 inches ; Alexander Harvey , ar. , G
feet 4 inches ; Jamea Harvey , G feet
4 Inches.
Disease of the Kidneys ,
The frequency * n4 faullty of dlseaiei cf 'the
Klencjs gho an cepecla Interest to tha study
and Inveatlga'Ion ot tncro , and elevate any uli-
covery ast 'their essential nituroi , or the means
o ( curtnir them , loa vcr > Importa tplaolnine
trtaudso'encocf medicine. When tbo ftft Is
recall d that the kidneys are the great scaven
ger * of the human boily- their olll > e Is to ro-
ruire from he blood any and all Impurities
which mav exl t In It ; th > t. If thin ollbi bo en
tirely shut up , lite canuot ho long mamtal ed.
The products of uaed-up and w r.-cut pilnclples
Of the hnmtn body , rctilncd In thd blood to
pol en the nervous eyitem , that Its functl ns or
outlet will bo arrest < ! the brain will tcaso to
tike cognlztnco nf turroundlnir persons and ob
ject' , cjnaclousncss will bo obliterate' ) , tbo vital
knit ulll become coi go.ted , tbo hoirt and lungs
willceistto perform the r ratt In the phenom
ena ol lite-tiny s op. Fre this , however , theme
mo t terrible form ol all human suffering Is apt
to Uko plicc. aid ghejan additional horror lethe
the hour of dea'h If the i fQcesct tha Kidneys
bo si essential to life , thai It must ccaso scon
alter tlicy coiso to act , iho concljilon li Imsra-
p < ble tna * any deviation from tbo peiforimnco
of thcootnesmu tbeatt-nded with derange
ment of health. Tbo urine Is the depurating se
cretion eliminated from the blood by the Kid
neys the ch nnel by which morbific agems are
cariled out of treKoieral circulation , and the
blood proterved In healthy quantity and qualll ) .
If It falls to do this , disease follows as a neces
sary sequence. To pr serve health II Is necowa-
ry tr > preserve a fcealthy condition of the Kid-
n.)8. fhls , of cour.o In attained by umpcranco
In all re'atlons ' of lite , dltt , clothmexerclio ,
and residence Hut dlte so and suffering are
Inoicapablo. They teem to ben part ct iho cuiso
put upon man as tun fruits of hit dls ibedlence.
vtbilo sin has brought Its puolihmtnts , ra n
still has the consolatl n that Gad hat placed
wl'hln ht reach a halm for every III , ana thtt ,
by Improving the opporluultus thus given , be
may bo relieved cf his oufliring , live In the co-
Joj mont of comparative comfort , and attain a
groin old age
When w recall the otnces nf tbo Kidneys , -
thatct icmovlng ttiu worn out t sauo tlciLcnts
from the luood , It s vaty to utdumtanJ how
they may bocoao Is a < d Acrid and a IJ con
dill nn ot the blrod ard very ilib.oto be ai tend
ed with Kldmy ilUordors. Tccao sources of Ir-
r t lion may loid n v rloui tornn of Kljncy
inalaJlea , ai Kropsj , I ) abtt > s , llrlghfj Dlirno
In which albumo" , cr tne cl incut of cu * locd
wU h c ineapoi < "H with iho wli'tj ' o an egj , In
o rrledoQ n lo urine , cauilun emaciation and
untimely dmih. WeiOlknow h'w IntncMblo
thtbd dlicakts are ; tint heretofore tlity h\eln a
lajgopcr cent if cue , i MVtd istal Mu lc l
science lcrir l much at icaaito their maniga
rneut. What < odoiiro Isa remedy that wl > lgivo
tone to the Kldnoys , build up thi blood , dot toy
l acild cfiamter , and care thnarloui mala-
d cs from which itc > eor > ai > suffer. Our atten
tion hai been ncently c lied by soviral phi si-
clan * to Hunt's Ittmidy , a Kidney medicine u ed
by then In their pr o ICB. liwenn to be onu
of the very few co > olnatlons out of the multi
tude that nas any decided value , cr Uut U cal.
ciliated tn bincfU the .llmontsfjrwhlch It U de-
llgncd. It la an active dlurotlo excltlog the se
er lions of the kl neys to more lutoato action ,
and tK ui cleansing the Moid of Impurities. It
wems to act p omptly In those fnrms ot Dropsy
which dep Ld upon Kidney troublei and will
rapidly drain out the wattr f/om the llmba and
abdomen , la UUbettg U Is sold to Itseen tha
amount of sugar , to Inert an the appetite , and
o > rwl' benefit in * p U a-New YOM ilodl-
col and thirtkU JOWMI ,
Desperate StruRglo or a Lady With a
Crnzod Servant.
Spcc'at to the Globe-Democrat. .
PiiiLADRLritiA , Pa. . March 9 For
about ton daya Caroline Motzgar , a
largo and atrong Gorman girl 18 years
of ago , baa boon a servant with the
family of Mr. 8 mnol May , of No.
2321 North Ninth street. The girl
haa only boon In thla country abont
three months , but aho was genial and
obliging and aoon became a great
favorite with Mrs. May , and appeared
o take great pleasure in attending
ho 8-montbj-old baby of the
ittor. A few days since Mr.
ilay left the city on business.
, tul Mrs. May allowed the girl
o sleep with her. Oc Thursday oven-
ng , only a tew honra before thla para *
on of servants WAS tranformod into a
ilood-thirsty fiend bout on murder ,
iho sang Gorman lullabya to the baby
mill the llttlo thing dropped off to
ileop. Mrs. May then took the child
ind placed It in its crib , after which
crvant and mistress lunched together
> oforo retiring for the night. At mid
night , according to the girl's state
ment , she wont into the cellar and
> rocurod a hatchet , which she care-
ally placed under tno bed in which
Mrs. May was sleeping. Then she
wont to s.loop alongside her Intended
Mrs , May awoke at 1 o'clock , and
did not fall asleep again until 4. Sbo
cannot toll how long she slept , but
iho waa awakened in the most fright-
ul manner. The servant girl had
rlson , and grasping a long-necked
lint bottle which stood on the dros -
ng.caso , crept to the bedside and
dealt the Bleeping woman a blow on
icr head. .
had not boon well aimed , and the bet
lo waa acattored into ploooH against
ho head of the bed , the glass flying
vor Mrs. May's face and around her
load. With a shrlok , she sprang np
> nd grappled with her assailant , sup
osing at first that it waa a robber.
The girl throw her off and got pos-
icsiion of the hatchet , with which she
itrnok Mrs. May a terrible blow on
.ho forehead. "My God , my child ! '
exclaimed the wounded woman , na the
girl again raised the deadly weapon
pen aud struck another blow
upon the mother's head , felling her to
the bed , the blood spurting In
streams from two ghaatly wounds.
With the strength of despair Mrs.
May sprang from the bed , and elud
ing a third blow aimed at her , grasped
the girl by the throat. Then a dea-
porato struggle ensued. From end to
end of the room the two women
fought with almost superhuman
strength. Mrs. May choked hoi
would-bo slayer until the hatchet fel
to the floor , and she caught It np ti
defend horaolf with. Her clothe
were covered with blood , and the carpet
pot and furniture were spattered with
the dark fluid. Another Blrnpglo"
followed for
and the girl succeeded in getting 1
again. Fortunately Mrs. May sue
coedod in forcing her assailant into th <
hall and closing the door between
them. When help arrived It waa
found that the baby had boon serious
ly , perhaps fatally , Injured by boleg
knocked against the aide of the bod.
Mrs. May's injuries are not fatal , al
though there la great danger of erysi
pelas. It ia generally believed that
the girl waa driven to the deed by a fit
of insanity. She oaj a aoveral days ago
aho waa Instructed In a dream by God
to kill Mrs , May and her child , and
that the dream was repeated aoveral
times. She had detormlnod on a prev
ious occasion to obey the command ,
but ao great waa her affection for the
llttlo baby that her heart failed her ,
and she could not accomplish her pur
THE ana's STORY ,
In giving an account of the terrible
struggle with Mrs. May , she said :
"After Mra. May cauaht mo by the
throat I fought for my life for I
thought she waa going to kill mo if
she got the hatchet. I managed to
got It back after aho lot go ot my
throat , and if I had not been pushed
out ot the room I wonld have killed
the baby with it. " At thla point the
girl burst Into tears and exclaimed
"Oh , I am sorry ; I had to do It ; I had
to do it. "
Thtf girl ia Buttering with a disease
peculiar to women which has caused
her parents much anxletvand , recent
ly she WPB taken to the Episcopal hos
pital on Lehigh avenue , but was not
Bucessfnliy treated. This disease , It
IB said , frequently caused mental de
Used n the principal churches for commnu-
are nnsurpossea oy any ointr native wine Uelng
the pure Juice of the drape , produtid under
Ur. Bpeer's own personal supervision , t ipurltjt
and genulneneea. are guaranteed. Th youngest
child can partake ot llagenenxM qual ties , and
the weakest Invalid use It Ir advantage. U II
particularly txineflclal to the aged and deblllU-
led , and suited lo the votrtous.allmojU thai of.
feet Iht weaker MX. Ill * In very r < fp clawia *
70 1 aiUKD OK.
KAXKAH Cm , Mo. , Sept. jo , 1882.
1 think It a duty I ewe to humanity to say
what your remedy has ilono ( r mo. Ono yeai
ago I contracted a bail cafe of Blood Dl ease. kid
not knowing iho rrault of such trouble * , I allow-
o It to run ( o oomitme , but finally applied to
the beet physician In t Is city , who treated ma
for ilx monlh * . H THAT TIM * I TOOK OVIR 000
riuji or roroioDiD OF KMCCRT J grain * ach ,
and hail run down In weight from 210 to 157
pou A . and KM confined to my bed with Mer
curial llhci matUm , ncarcoly alilo to tarn myself
over. Uelnitn traveling man , some of the fra
ternity fount mo In this dcploralle condition ,
mended me BT 9 [ * l lk n e w o f
to try your s o v o r a I
spec tie. as caiK * that
rud been cured by IM use. I commended the use
It wltn very llltlo faith ann li lew that thrco
weeks was able to take mvjdaco on the road Tha
forort and eoppor-collorcd npota gradually dlsap-
prai od , and to-elav I bae not a so cor ( pot on my
person , and mv wclgl t la 217pounds , bcln/ more
than lte\cr won , I do not wish jou to publish
my name , but you may show Mt litter to any
who doubt the merit of S. S. S. for I know It Is a
sure cure.
Yours Truly , J. II. B.
Sote. thirty years ago there Ihcdln Montgo
mery , Ala. , n ) omitf man who wan terribly afflic
ted. Aftcrbe-lng trciteil for a long time by the
nifd cal profwslon of thin town with no benefit ,
ho commenced taking B S. S , After pcntlstently
taking it tno months ho WM rurol. Uclngaa
qualnted with hli > for the dlseatic never made It
turn. J , W. Btstior , J. P. , Hot Springs Ark.
If you doubt , come to too us , and we will CURE
OU , or charge nothing ! Write for particular *
nd n copy of Iho llttlo book , " Mmoago to thn
nfortunate Buffering " Ask any Druggist M t
ur standing ,
VA.81OOO Reward will he paid to any
Chemist who w.U Qnd , on ana'ysls ' of 100 bottle *
S. S. B. , ono p.irtlc.o ot Mo-cury , Iodide ole
o aiwlum , or oihtr Mineral substance. SWIFT
PTOIKIO 00. , Proprietors , Atlanta , do.
rice of Small Slie I 1,00
Large Sue , LIB
The Great Popular Rmody for Pile * .
Sure cure tor Blind , Bleodlng&ItohlngF
And all forma ol Homorrholdal Tumor * .
The e SorresrroRiM act directly upon the
trong , prevent their rcftlllng , and hence a radi
cal cure U nuro to fplhw their use. Price , 75
centa a box. for
mall on receipt ofj
Tonngstown , Ohio , May 10,1881.
Dl. B. J , RntDALL * Co. I had a'.Tery Tola *
le Ilamhletonlan cell that I prised very highly ,
e bad Urge bone spavin on one Joint and
small one on the other which made htm very
ame ; I had him under the charge ot two reUs *
nary surgeons which failed lo care him. I wal
ne day reading Ihe idrertlsemenl of Kendall1 !
pavln Ouro In the Chicago Expre , I determined
toncetotry II and got ourdrngglsU her * f
tend for It , and they ordered three bottles ; I look
all and I thought I would give II a thorough
rial. I used It according to directions and u *
earth day the cell ceased lo be lame and ths
amps have disappeared. I used but one bottle
and the colt's limbs are as free ol lamps and at
mooth as any hone In the state He Is enllrt-
y cured. The cure was so remarkable that
lavoletlwoof my neighbors have th * remol * .
ng two bottles who an now using II
Very respectfully ,
ind lor Illustrated circular giving roillt ? *
iroot. Price 11 , All Druggists have It or cai
; el II lor you. Dr. B. J. Kendall ft Ocl , Pro-
irletors , Enosbnrgh Falls , VI.
If ;
, ifl f , t ak
tnrd I'l tlm etr'alu or
/our diittn i > li' nlRht work , to r * -
itniiiUnlsan J ute
Hop Bittern naile UM. HopWc
If you art 7TOHK and I
ducrjtlon of illnflpal | turn i It TOU a : firiar-
rlei : 01 * laKl , old oil
po r ) aHt > or UnKul'n I | lntf 3a b d 1fei -
; utu , nly on Hop ) llttar .
Wrtufntr you are , , jhouanai jot n-
whtnoritr > oa feel , nviKU > from i < xn
.liat your iT teinJ 1 forrn jt tt loner
that tnlihf
iiedt cleaitBlcir. tob * pdliraw
.n ? or tlmulitlnir , ha eb * npr ent o
irlihaut intixmUtie , I Ui * tlra lritaaf
* > . * Hop HcpBtt ! rt
ktlnev 0 1.0
orut'narveom- Illl I n < LOKlDtl ,
t'lntnt , duoa < p
and Irnitita-
oC tb stomach HOP | | W oarr ( or
Kmrrlt , ttood , MdruiiliDBdii.
( ivir ot n/rt I HUM ot opioa ,
You wilt b * tobaooo , tJ
cured If iouuie UnoreoUai.
Hop Bltur *
. ,
ni weak and ? Uti. Bcnddx
Ioi JilrlUdtrj NEVER | Ciraolar.
It * it may llOf-MTIMfi
t live your IFAILI
life. It hn rrti ax
tnved hun Mkw p.Bri
clredtr ' * ToronloO.U
ITSt ObarlMBt. BT.I.Om8 Mo
A KEQULAB GRADUATE ol two medlca
eollrgeshas been longer engaged In the treatment -
BLOOD Diseases than any other physician In 81.
; Louis as'clty paper ! show and all old resident !
know. Consultation Iree and Invited. When II
Is Inconvenient to visit the city for treatment ,
medicines can be lent by mall or express every
where. Curable cases uannteed ; where donfil
ltt > It la frankly Mated. Call or writs.
Nervous prostration , Debility , MenUl
and Physical Weakness , Mercurial and
other affections ot Throat. Bkln and Bonee ,
lilood Iinpurltloa and Blood Poisoning ,
Bkln Affections , Old Borea and Uloera ,
Impedimenta to Marriage , Rheumatism
I'Uea. Hpeclal attention to cages from
over.worke < l brain. BUKGIOAL OA8K3
recelvo special attention. Dlseasea arising
from Impru'lence. Eicosgeg , Indtilgenoes
2CO pages the whols
lARBIAGE1 story well told. Many
receipts ; who may mar
ry , who may not , why ,
causes , oonsequencsi
ind cure. Sealed for 25o postage or stamps.
It Is a sure , prompt and effectual remeds or la-
digestion. Dyspepsia , Intermittent Fevers , Want
of Appetite , Nervous Debility In all Its Stares
Weak Memory , Loss of Brain Power , Prostration ,
Weakness and general Loss of Power. It repairs
nervous waste , rejuvenates the faded Intellect ,
strengthens the enfeebled brain and restore *
lurprlsmg tone and vigor to the exhausted or
gans. The experience of thousands proves It to
bean Invaluable remedy. Prlco , $1.00 a bottle ,
or six or t5. For sola by all drugghts , or sent
secure from observation on receipt of price by
Er.Stoinha- . O. Box 2400 St.
oula Mo.
_ _
" \ aill.LU - . . . ° nta ' < " " > o Life. Times ,
YV and Tri.nobaroasi .
HIS WIFE. Jesse James.
be ouly llfu authoilzal by her and which will
not bo a "Blood and 1 hu < der" story , such as has
bco i and will be pul lUhcd , but A ttua life by the
only person who Is In poschn'on of the faota a
fal h'ul and 'Irv tm wife. Truth Is moro r.ter-
cBtlngtbiti Do'.bn. A tents ehou d apply 01 ter
ritory at once. 80 75 cts. for Sample book.
J il Chamber * & Co.
. .Vr. kr i.itnf Mn
Warranted Absolutely pure
Cocoa , from \thlci thoexcees
of oil lui boon removed. Ithai
three times the strength ol
Cocoa mixed with Stircn , Ar-
rqvr Root or Sugjr , and J there
fore ftr more e.onomlcal. It U
delicious , nourishing , strength
ening , easily dlgetted , and ad.
tnlrably adtpted for Inva1 Ids as
well M lor person ! In health.
Sold by aroc rtCvwYwh r *
WBiOftoDorobest8r. ! ! ] , Ian