THE DAILY BEE OM.ARA TUESDAY MAKUJbi 13 STRENGTH to vigorously push a business , strength to study a profession , strength to regulate a household , strength to do a day's labor with out physical pain , All this repre sents what is wanted ) In the often heard expression , " Oh ! I wish i had the strength ! " IT you are broken down , have not energy , or feel as If life was hardly worth liv ing , you can be relieved and re stored to robust health and strength by taking BROWN'S ' IRON BIT TERS , which Is a trua tonic a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases , 501 N. Fremont St. , Baltimore 1 During the war I was in jured in the stomach by a piece of a shell , and have suffered ' from it ever since. About four , yearsaEoitbrouBhtonparaly- 1 ail , which kept me in bed six months , and the best doctors In the city said I could not five I suffered fearfully from indigestion , and for over two years could not cat solid food and for a lame portion of the time vrasunablc to retain even liquid nourishment. I tried lirown's Iron Bitters and now after taking two bottles I am able to get up and go around and am rapidly improving. U. DLCKER , BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Is a complete and sure- remedy for Indigestion , Dyspepsia , Malaria , Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true , reliable , non-alcoholic tonic. It enriches the blood , gives new life to the muscles and tone to the nerves. TO CONTRACTORS DREDGING. Ycur attention In cal'od to contracts to bo let for dlt < hln . Ditch In Burt and Washington coint'os , aliout thlitcen miles long , Inwukln ? sections , h oujh a mtnh , width about 6 feet , Idon ( lopl g I to 2 feet dettn from 6 to 7 foot , d rt to u moved aboutB feet from brink of ditch. Nninberof cuVovardu to be mored aliout IIS- 740. Slid It h Ii being constructs ) by said two count'ea ' under ttatulo providing for draining wamp I nos , approved Feb. 28,1881. Woik to bo done In accordance with pUns and specifica tions. For further Information apply to tbe county clerk of el her ot tald counties , and BOO repori of engineer and proceedings of boardi of comml-tloncrKf tall counties and pirtcularly that of Ftbria'V 8th. 184.1 Also tbo olllclal ad- Tcrilsemont In the Dlalr Fllot and In liuit Coun ty Newi , Bids are to bo flltd with ccr'lflod ' check and nimoot ! untieon < r before March 21 1883 , at D p. m with county cleik rf i urt rounty , A. A. Tnomcs. Dupllcitoa ( without cliecku ) with county clerk rf Washington county. Blank fonnt for propouls will bo luppllod by sild clerks. By or.ier . ol BOARDS OF SAID COUNTIES. fab 19-oow m& o 3t BRIDGE PROP03iL3 , Sealed pr'poeali will bo received by the Board ot County Commlnloneri of dago county. Mob. , lor the trectlon of a brldgo across the Big Blue river upon i Itbor one of th wagon roods leading east from the town of Wymor , dago county , Nob. , nnd ver and rcrosn said river , tiald bridge to bo nno hundred and fifty ( ISO ) feet long , and to havu cither pilco , stone , or Iron p'cr * Alee for the erection of a bridge , suitable to the pla'-e , across Indian Creek , on the line botwion aoctloni twenty -nltfe (29) ( ) > nd ihlrty (30) ( ) , about one mile sou hwest of W > moro , Oogn county , Mob. Low bridge at th's place preferred. Also a bridge ncroes Turkey Crcvk , southeast of DoWltt. Nib. , to replace the old ono now In uso. uso.All br'dica to br of wood , Iron or combination All b'ds to hi accompanied by plant and spocl- be sealed and filed with the Connty lerk on or before 12 o'clock noon , March 20th , The Commissioners r.rervo the right to reject y and all tldi. Successful bidden will bo re- ulred to gho bond for the faithful performance of thilr contract By orde f the Ccunty OommUsionen. , < - - , A. J. PE1 nOUD , 1 Beatrice Fob. 72 1B83. BALL'S ' CORSETS Every Corset Is warranted atU- factory to Its wcaror In ererr war , or the money will bo refunded by the person from whom tt was bought , .neoaljrOorut pronounced bj onr Itadlnj ph7 > ldu Mt liO > rlou > to the weamr , andendonwd TIT Iwllra h * " moit vomtortoble and perfect fltUnjj Oon t vi PRICES , bj Mll.Po4Uaer ia I nc , 1.60. Htlf-AdJuitlni , tl.B oiU ( extra beavr ) B.OO. Kur tn , l.tS Vnttnlam ( flue roatll ) 8.00. l r Bklrt-HapparUna- . Wtr ! by I 4ln IlcUU Ilcaler * v r7wher < (1UIOAGO COIlSIiX CO , , CbtCBKO , HI. l/n. HENUf-HSQN , A llt midlttni rttmar fraaua Qlir , 600 A 008 Wjandott * St. , yiarf fracttct lZ i KANSAS C1TV , MO. Chicago. Antliorircd by thu Hlalc to trci Chronic , Nervous and 1'innta 1)1 . caccs , Actbinn , Kpllcimy. Klicuin Ktlmn , Pllc , T i)0-\\orm , Urinary ai ijBkln lJeafefHrMiNAi , WKAKNI lniht ( laitt ) , BEXUAI , UECILII rliiu * / ttxuat firwtr ) , Jtc. Cur or money TLfuiidcil. Uharui | lo1 Tuoueands of raHUS cured NolujurUnm mecllilu used. Mo detention from liuMnoHB , All mullein fornUhcd o\i'U to patlvntHatadlftance. COUM talloiifree'aud coiiflUentliil call orwrllo. Agnai cxpcrleucu are loiportaut. A HOOK fur bo Boxes Illustrated uud circulars of oilier lliln eent unnled lor IHQ 8c tami > . free Muttur , Seuil 81 , 82 , 83 , o 85 for a namplu r tall box by Expre * CANDY of the best candleM 'i America , pat up 1 elecaut boxen. Mn strictly pure. Snlti ble for prettodir. Ka > ren cliarEra iljtln Kcfera to all Cblcs sT . Try It CANDY C. F. GUNTHEB PULPIT POINTS. Sunday Services at the Y , M , U. A , Booms. An Interesting Discourse by Rev. W. J. Hareha. Sunday afternoon the gospel mooting at the Y. M. 0. A. was well attended and all present loomed to bo very much Interested in the nervlco After tinging a fo * selections from the Gospel Hymns , Mr. Merrill , who was at ono tlmo secretary for the Y. M. 0. A. , of St. Louis , took charge of the mooting , and spoke from John 111:3 : , "Except a man bo born again ho cannot BOO the Kingdom of God. " In this verso wo may make the following pilnta : 1. The necessity of a now birth. 2. How can a man be born again. 3. The ovldonoea of a now birth. Some may think that God U ao un just that ho wonld east any ono into outer darkness when there la woeplng and gnashing of tooth , although ho has BO many times and plainly stated it in His Word. Love , mercy and goodness they think are linked with man's privilege of freedom , notwith standing the weight of the dishonor which ii thereby brought npon God. Bat this is as unstable as the decep tive quicksands , and there is antoas. . slty tor a now birth a now life in Christ as it is necessary to bo guided by the laws of a free country. Then are wo free men in Christ , and no ono can gain heaven without this freedom. While the faculties of the mind must bo employed in searching after Christ , it la not a change of mind simply that binds a soul to heaven for eternity , but there is a now heart , anew now life , new affections , and all who stop short of this fall in their attempt after eternal life. 2. How can a man be born again ] It is something that ho cannot do him. self , per so , and he cannot toll how It Is done. 'The wind bloweth where it llsteth and thou hearest the sound thereof , but canst not tell whence it oometh or whither it gooth ; so is everyone ono that is born ef the spirit. " .As the powerful cyclone , In its path , causes destruction to the wormnannhlp of man , an the spiritual cyclone causes destruction to the natural dispositions of the heart. And when it is past wo ; nilty ask ourselves , What is It ? Whore did it como from ? Whoio is It going ? How la this now life attained by man ? Pray to God dally and earn estly until you got it , and if yon are truly in'oarneat you/will trnly obtain it. 3. Two friends in St. Louis , on ac count of the power of splritons liquor by which they wore degrading them selves , took oaths before a jnstioo of the peace that they wonld bo temperate ate- men , but as many times as they did this they had reason to bo nshamed of their Inability to resist temptation ; and thus it continued until they ex perienced the power of the holy spirit , who waa their power and joy , and heroin lloa the vast difference between skeptics and true Christians. The shrlitlan tells of this change and the skeptlo Bay * , "I do not believe It. " It is not a baptiimft ! regeneration but a baptism by the holy spirit. It is not works of righteousness ; all the works that man can do cannot save himself , much less can there bo works of auporogatlon for the benefit of others. Bat the true evidence Is a change of heart. Accept Christ as he directs in his word and you will be saved , reject htm and you are lost , are the main points for any unbeliever to consider. Dr. Cardoll spoke of the practical mportanco of a spiritual' birth , of which Christ spoke when ho was on arth. It la trnly a doctrine , a dogma , u nmntoiosilog statement , unfathom able to the minds of thlnkert ; never- bolois eternity depends upon it. General Howard Bald : There might > o some here who realize their cjndl- Jon , and ask themselves , "Am I a Jhrlstlan ? " ' There may bo a dlscon- ent which has followed them and will ollow them until they find Christ. Jomo may have a discontent and do- slro wealth , but wealth will not ap- > ease them , Some may have a desiree o travel , but travel will not give them rest and comfort. And nothing on still the conscience but God. A man aaid , "There was no sin ; " but I said commit a robbery or murder and go home , and as the officers search 'or you and find you and lead yon on ronr way to the jtll , so that you may 'ace civil law , you will begin to realize therolasin. To the sinner there la no Sabbath ; ti a burden , it is cast as far as posai- ilo out of the way , and the thoughts are filled with the wotk and oooupa * ion of the other six days of the week ; rad as wo hear the wind among the loaves of the trees It reminds us ol the great power which only can con vert the sinner. But the reason why many are not saved , they do not un derstand what salvation is. Let then give attention to this important parl af life's duties , and the obstacles will be removed. Rev. Wm. McCandllsh spoke of the work being a work of God , because man accomplished it not by his OWE power , but obtained it by prayer. Mr. Marshall , of the dovotlona committee , gnvo much enccuragemon to those who wrro interested In thi work at the jill , and asked those wtu doelred to witness the work of thi Holy Spirit to attend the meeting hold among the class of people wh < were not reached by the churches , Rev. McOandllah dlsmletod thi meeting by benediction. Various estimates of Christ. ttev. "W. J. liartha preached Sun day iroin Matthews 10-13 , "Whom d men say that I , the ton of man , am ? The answers to this question , whlcl Christ put to his disciples , were man ; oveu while Ho lived , A still greato variety of estimates Is now put upo : the character and work of the Savlon of mankind. Then men said He wa John the Baptist rlaenjrom the deader or Elijah who had descended to th world again , or Jeremiah the weepln prophet ; but now men My He WM th impersonal Undue/ hU age or th lutn of the hopes of hnmaulty or n great but utinspirect teacher. It Isvery Important' for us to put the lijht ustlmato upon Christ and Ills wtrrk. Lot us look Into the mat- tut to-night as a lawyer wonld ozamlno evidence or our antiquary wolgh his torical probability. At some tlmo or other wo are all n quired to nass judgment mont upon Christ just as Filate did. Lot na oxamlno our minds and hearts to see beforehand what that judgment trill bo. Ona of you may say : I. I WILL DENY Hlfl EXIHTENCE. You hold the opinion that Christ was a more myth , I do not suppose there is a single person hero who would lake suoti an unreasonable poll tlon , but it la barely possible. At Itait It may not bo known to yon that wo have the fallout and most reliable testimony as to Christ's real life on thu earth. Writers of every century from the tlmo of Christ have testified to hli existence , goodness and wonder ful wlsdum. I need but refer to Tacitus , Saotonlns and Laclanlas , to Porphyry and Catena , to Josophns , the Jewish Mlschna , and the celebrated letter from Pliny to Trajan. Wo leave also the testimony of tbe Chris tian fathers of the first two centuries and the records of the monuments in the Roman catacomb , In Africa and in Pampell. The writings of men who sow the apostles are preserved to us , the oldest of the Sibylline books adds Its testimony and even a modal of Rome Is in existence bearing the Saviors' profile. Here are friends and foes , Greeks and barbarians , sacred and profane historians , bearing the same testimony as to the real life , wondrous teachings and perfect mor ality of the carpenters son , of Nazar eth. eth.Somo Some ono else may say : I. I WILL DJKY HIS DIVINITY Ah , but you will find yonsolf In ser ious difficulty. A man sins , but Jesus is sinless. A man Is passionate , unmerciful , unloving but Jesus was meek , holy. Opposition could not tempt him to hatred , neither conld the balf hearted service and cruel deser tion of hla disciples Induce htm to cue lovority of speech. Ho waa too good to bo an impostor. But yon say the records of the Now Testament may iavo been tampered with. Perhaps Jurist did not claim to bo dlvlno. An argument fully decisive on ona ilde of the case is this : The Jews put DhrUt to death simply because He claimed to bo equal with God , whlcb , in tholr criminal code , was blasphemy ind worthy-of death. Bat some ono 3lso says : III I WILL LET HIM ENTIRELY ALONE. Ahl but wo cannot do that. If wo illijht him , wo rfjoot him. If wo wash our hands as Pilate did , wo bat jlvo him into the hands of his ono- rales. Be not deceived on this point , [ i wo neglect to take up our Christmas } lft , wo virtually spurn it and. cannot jnjoy it. Neglecting Christ Is con- lemnatlon , "How shall wo escape , " 3od says , "If wo neglect BO great sal tation ! " Some will Bay : IV I WILL SAVE MYSELF. But this la virtually a denial of Dhrlst also. The Word of God says ire are to bo saved by accepting of the atonement prepared by the Savior and by living the lifo that He commanded. If wo say we can save ourselves with out any aid from Him , wo-are making God a Hit and throwing disdain upon His Son , Others say : , , v i WILL POSTPONE DECISION. Ahl but yon may die. The young , the middle aged , as well as the old , die. And your death may como sud denly. Who have died in Omaha this winter ? Have-not the young , the hopeful , the confident ? The present Is the only tlmo yon are sura of. Oh , I hope some of you will say : VI I WILL ACCEPT OP CHRIST AS A SUBSTITUTE. Men have stood in the plaoo of oth ers In battle. And these men have died for those whom they represented. So it was with Christ. Ho took our sins npon himself. Wo must have dlod If He did not. All Ho wants of us is t& accept of the substitute and to show our acceptance by a noble Christian life. No matter what your sins are you may be saved In Christ if you repent , believe and lovo. * Women are rapidly finding places in the learned professions and the moro lucrative occupations from which the ? were formally excluded. Many are graduating in medicine. Mrs. Lydla K. Pinkham , of Lynn , Mass. , la a minister of health to thousands who may never touch the hem of her garment or behold the genial light of her modest countenance. A Card. To the Editor olTlta DM. . In last week's issue of a certain weekly paper a most venomous and scurrilous attack is made npon Mr. C. J. Smyth's Impersonation of the char acter of Robert Emmet at the late Emmet anniversary. That Mr. Smyth's effort was not worthy of a Booth or a Keene no ono will dis pute , bat that it was worthy of an amateur , and an able ono , the applause of a discriminating audience of ovei one thousand people that greeted the completion of oaoh paragraph of the famous speech testifies , as does the opinion of some of the boat and ablest ralndsj In the city , who have proven their appreciation of his admlrablt effort by words of the highest praise. That hla rendition cf the speech sur passed beyond comparison any prev ious ono given In thin city every unprejudiced mind will roadll ; admit. Wo do not , however wrlto to vindicate Mr. Smyth's elocu tlonary effort from n bitter oncmy'i ebullitions which can do the youtij poutloraan no hurt , but to expose t < the public the contemptible moans t < which this vindictive creature has hac recourse to work out a personal splti against ono of the moat deserving young men in our midst. This Indl vidiul sought permission from Tin BKB and Republican to make their re ports oi the 'celebration on Monda ; evening. Theao papers , not suspect Ing hit purpose , accepted his services The reports wore made out , and al though Mr. Smyth introduced in i neat speech the chairman of the even lug , who WM chairman of the commit ta that got up the entertainment ant took an important i > od creditable par n the evening1 * programme , yet his natuo was not mentioned once in the erg thy reports. Thin flagrant Injat- lice , when it came to the notice ot the city editors of the papers mentioned , was righted in their next lssaoevi far as It was in the power cf gentlemen to right a wrong done without tholr inowledge , but for which , according to newspaper etiquette , they were ro sponnlble. His authorship of these reports wonld never have boon known iad ho not boasted to his friends of tiaving written them. Wo ask yon tote to publish this in justice to Mr. 3mythe * , to whoso Indefatigable efforts must bo attributed the grand success of our entertainment. Ho la a young man whom we are prend to acknowl edge as a member of our organization , whoso gonlas and perseverance has raised him to a position among our people ; qualities which will continue ; o lift him onward and upwards , not withstanding the vile attacks of such contemptible shoots as the weekly ro- erred to. MEMBERS OK TUB E M. A. Money for the Unmarried- Ono of the most solid and snbsti itial DBtltuUoDs in thla country i the Car riage Fund and Mutual Trust Association , of Cedar Rapids , Iowa. They are organ- zed under the laws of Iowa , and heir of ficers and directors are among the leading ind most tm minent business men o Cedar laulds. Every unmarried person should lave a certificate In this association. It Is a splendid investment , as sate as [ overnmout bond. You can juntas well lave a Rood sum of money to commence married life on as not. A large number of members have been paid off , receiving over KK ) per cent on their investment. Write or circulars fully detailing the plan , which a tbe finest known. Do not postpone it. Good agents wanted. Mention whore you aw this notice. f5-Sm , LI 3T OF LETTERS Remaining in Poatoffice during the week nding March 10 , 1883. LADIES' LIST. Akin Mrs E L Audrlt Mrs K Anschutz Mrs K 2 BjjmMraK Jarey M Cramer MIra J ) enlaton Mlsa M Dohn Mrs Cckstrom Mrs F Enrllch Mra E Jrai.0 Miss K Olanty Ml.s A 2 Jilkey Mits L Higglns JlraEM lowe L M Hughey llisa ackeon Mm M Keadill Bin C KlngMIasE Latson Miss J j gerquet Miss W Lokstrom Miss A Mllloy Miss K Mack Mn J A Miller Mrs 8 A McDomld Mrs M ilasoa Mss O Olsson M lash J A Rogers Mra N leaves Mra D Smith Milt M A Smith M Smith Mra L panldlnff M Stewart Mra M iperryiMisa J Scblenck Mra C 'ea ue Mrs R Wilkinson Mra M Vnite M E . Wood Mrs A FOUIITH CLASH MATTER , Dodd W W 2 LItcuT Jarbon J H Blumenthal D Ojans G Q Prlca & Lawrence rlartin Rev S A Frost L ) naptnan Mies L Cirmack J F Tandersl ce R M Blot P rlegram W P Riflel M Pearl J F Hall A. A barker Russell R Blinn B Shields J J QKNILEMEN. Hop Bitters are the Purest artd Dest Bitter * Ever Made. They are compounded from Hops , Malt , Buchn , Mandrake and Dande lion , the oldest , best , and most valu able medicines in the world and con tain ail the best and most curative properties of all other remedies , being the croatost Blood Purifier , Liver Regulator and Lifo and Health Res toring Agent on oarth. No disease or ill-health can possibly lone exist where these Bitters are used , so varied and perfect are tholr operations. They give now lifo and vigor to the aged and Infirm. To all whoso em ployments cause Irregularities of the towels or urinary orpano , or who re quire an Vpot'ztr ' , Tonic nnd mild Stimulant , Hop Bitters are invaluable , being highly curative , tonic and stim ulating , without intoxicating No nutter what your feelings pi BjmptomH are , what the disease or ail- mant is , use Hop Bitters. Don' * wait until yon are sick , but if you only feel bad or miserable , use Hop Bitten at once. Tt way eave your lito. Hun dreds have been saved by so doing. $50 will be paid for a case they will not cure or help , Do not sufferer let your friends suf fer , but use and urge them to use Hoj Bitten. Remember , Hop Bitters is no vile , drugged , drunken nostrum , but thi Purest and Best Medicine ever made the "Invalid's Friend and Hope , " ant no person or family should bo without them Try the Bitters to-day. No matter what ycur ailment Is Brown's Iron Bitten will lately ben efit you. PropoiaU for Military Supplies , rHTTI , ) Chief ( J urtermMter'i Office , > Oman * , Neb. , Mar.h 7th , 1:83. 1 ) flKALED f&Ofi SAL * , In til ictr , inb/ec : > ti e nmil fiiulln n * . will be tece'.r d a * thli offic nntli)2o'cl c M.on Wedn.mlny , April 18 ISW , orntho > m' hoar ( lowing ffr the ulUereoco Itlme , ) t llio ofces of thoQuk t r- niMiun At hitol'owlninttiiliU loni.&t which pUcei a d line they will b > t opened ID the prn- occoof bidders fer the furnls Irg acdde'hery of MliiUty Hunnliei dii'ln ? tt e y < ar comment- lag July let , IBS ) , a d ending Jutie 30th , 1864 , M MluB. Wood , Hay and Ch ro l , or such of tld rupl M may bo required at Omit a Dero , Fort Om h , tort Nlrb r , Kor Sidney , Chey.nne Depot , Fort Unwell , FortS eele , Fort r > ouxU , Fort Koblnion , Fort lit dter , Fori L r- unle , Fort McKlnney , Fort Wh kle , and Fort Th.rnburgh of BOO tontot Co&l of 2240 pound * to the ton 1 ropo'ftli nil' ' alsi be rtolvtd at lbl > r ( Ike up ; o the dty td hour bo\o named , ( or the ddh oiy on the cars t the p Int neare I to the nines on the line of the Union IVIflc Railway , of eight , houi nd t ni of Coal , of of | 2MO pounds to the to . Alsi for delivery at the Oman Venot , or at B atlons on thu milntllne ot the Union raclflc Hallway east f om Kenrncy Junction , of two m I- Ion piundsCoro , nd onm lllon poiBdiOatu i- lie f ; r jr In should ttito the rate per 100 lb > , not per bushel. Piopoials lor either class of the star it men tioned , or for quantities less than the who e required - quired will bo received. Each proposal should be In triplicate , oeparati for each a.tlcleat each siat'on , and muitbo accompanied by a bond In ibetamof Q\ahundr > d dollars ( $5 0) ) tx'culcd s rlclly In accorJaoc * wUh Iho printed lastruc- , lon , and upon the blank form furtlihed und r M adertti emdnt , guaranteeing that the party making the propuRat shall no. withdraw the aoie within ilxty days from the date .nnounced 'oropenlcg ' them ; and ih&tlfiaU propctalli ac cepted and a contract for the suppllet bid for , awarded thereunder , h > will , wltbln ten days af ter being notified of theauird ( provided inch notlQca\lon > o mide nlttdn thetlxty data above montlonod ) , nc'opttho eime and furnish g cd and eafFcleat sureties , at once , for the fal hful lerfonna c ( f the confvrt The go\ernmeat caerrcs the rl > ht torrject an ) or ill proposal ! . A preference will be guen to artlchs of domoa- Ic production. Blank ( irrpiula and printed circulars , slating he kltd ana estimated quantlt'ei ' of wood , bay and charcoal required at each station , and elv- ng full Instructions as ti the ma iner ( .1 bid- din , ccmdl Ions tbe ( bsTved by bidders , and to mi of contract , etc. , will bx fu nlrhed on p- p'lcaMon ' to thU office or to the Quartcrmaitors at the \ arloui i talons named Envelope's cnnU'nltg propoais eho-ld be mo-kod : "ProproKls for - at - " and uddro sed 1 1 thnurders gnod or to the res- > ectlvo Cost and Doiot Quartermaster ) . JOIIS V. KUREY , Captain. A. Q. M. , U. S. A. , In charge of O. Q. M.'n office , Dipt , of the 1 latto m9-me Ct SHORT LINE -OF THE Milwaukee & St , Paul RAILWAY Is now running Its FAST EXPRESS TRAINS from OMAHA AND COUNCIL 'BLUFFS ' WITH Pullman's Magnificent Sleepers -AND THE Finest Dining Oars in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHXOACtO * MILWAUKEE. Or to any point beyond ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To ST. FATOi OR MINNEAPOLIS Take th * BEST ROUTE , th * OMoagOi Milwauk88&St P < ttrf& Ticket office located at corner Farnom and Fourteenth streets and at D. P. Depot and at MUlard Hotel , Omaha. tfBee Time Table In another column. F. A. NASH , General Arent. O. H. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. S. 8. MERRILL , A. V. H. CARPENTER , General Manager. General Pass. Agent J. T. CLARK , - GEO. U. HEAFFORD , General Snp't. Ass't Gen Dtss. Agent Nebraska'Loan ft Trust Company HASTINGS , NEB. Capital Stock , - - $100,000- JAS.B. HEARTWELIi , President. A. L. CLARKE , Vlce-Prmldont. E. a WhpSTEK , Treasurer DIRECTORS. Samuel Alexander Oswald Oliver , A. L. Clarke , E. 0. Webster dec. n Pratt , Jaa. B. Ueartwell , D. M.McEllllnney. First Mortgage Loans a Specialty This Company furnlthcs a permanent , homt Institution where School Boil land other legally Issued Municipal Bocurltlo 10 I Nebraska can be be negotiated on the ml i' ' avorable terms Loans made on Improved I. u | n all well settled counties ol the state , thro i tk iMponslble local correspondent * . Are acknowledged to be the best by all who have put them to a practical test. ADAPTED TO HARD & SOFT COAL tCOEE OE WOOD.1 MANUFACTURED BY Buck'sStpveCo. , SAINT LOUIS. PIEKCY & 'BEIUIFORD ' , SOLS AGENTS FOR OMAHA. Complaining and growling will novei euro rhoutnatlaui , but St. Jacobs Oil certainly will. PERSON AI. "Puts ol the human bed ; aiUrjfuJ , developed and strengthened , " etc. , u an Interesting adrert BOtneot long run In oui rarer. In reply to mqu rles we will say thai there Is no evidence ( i humbugabsul thi * Oi Uie contrary , the adverUn or * very highly In doned Interesiedpenonsrray get staled cir enlan giving all particulars , giving all partlcn Un. by addreuin Krlt Madlcal Co. , P. O. Bo ] 618 , Buffalo , N. T. Toledo KTeolaff Beg | _ oli-ly o. DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS , Window and Plate Glass. MTAnjroot contemplating building rtore.Unk. or any other fiai . will flnd It to the ntog * to eorrti end with ni before purchasing their PUto Glow. O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA HEB. _ STEELE , JJHNSON & 00. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and1 All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brando of OIGMS AN ) lAMFiOTUEED TOBAClJO. . igents for BEHWOOD NAILS AND LALIN & RAND POWDER CO. -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK 00. Fire and Burglar 1020 Farnham Street , PERFECTION BAKIMG la only nttnlnod by using CHARTER OAK Stoves and Bangss. WITH WIRE BAUSE OVER DOORS , For ealo by MILTON ROGERS & SONS MANUFACTURER OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , 1 Window Caps , Finiala , Skylights , &c. ' : 416 THIBTEBNTH STREET , - - OMAHA , NEB. WILLIAM SNYDER , MANDFAOTORKBOFI CARRIAGES , BUGGIES , a.xtn > IC.O % JE > < ccr.A.a-oBj' . Firs-Class 'Paining ' and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done 1310 HarnaWOor. 14tb , A. M. CLARK , Painter&PaperHangep 8IQN WRITER &DEOHRATOL . WHOLESALE & RETAIL WALL PAPER I Window Shadesaiid Curtains , OORNIOES CURTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES. Paints , Oils & Brashes. U 1 South Utk Street NEBRASKA imm RSANoMUSIC DEALERS. 0M A HA , NEB , The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRY HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STOHE3 and all. descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Prices - cos as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets. THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN TOE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured * . Our prices are as Low as any MeiternManufaoturer and Dealer , Pianos and O'gaus sold for cash or installment ; at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinwiy. ChickenBg , Knabe , VOEO & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Ciough & War' en Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c , Do not fail to see us before purchasing. MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES. Wi A Large Stock always on Hand. 1