\ * > THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TWELFTH YEAR. OMAHA NEB TUhSDAY MOBNING MARCH 13 1883 OG ; THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Iho Ooming Crop of Wheat Don- sidorol by the Bureau of Sass and Sugar. 'The Civil Service Beformert Prepared to Toss Their Shingle to the Breeze. Small Cyclone Brewing Olooe to Hazen's Head quarters. 'The Overshadowing Check oi a Counterfeiter Darkens the State Department. The Revised Tariff Forwarded t < Collectors War Claims * Settled , v > ,1 , CAPITOL NOTES. Special Dispatches to.Tun UBS. A FALL IN 000LD. , March 12. - There wai much excitement among brokers hen to-day caused by circulation of a re .port . that Jay Gould waa Borlonaly il at Jacksonville , Fla. , that worst wai feared. Uneasiness subsided npot receipt of a dispatch from New Yuri stating Gould had telegraphed he wai In excellent health. THE TREA8URBBSIIIP. Secretary Folgor had a long inter view with the president this after noon in regard to filling the vacancy occasioned by the resignation n 'United Statoa Treasurer Gllfillan. N < person was determined upon for thi .position. A VTAB CLAIM. In the court of oJ&lms to-day jndg meat for $19,535 waa rendered for i claimant lu the case of Stephen Dan can , executor , In anlt against the gov ernment fur cotton destroyed on thi .Mississippi during the rebellion. CLAIM. The chief of the secret service dl vision made a report to the secretary of the treasury In regard to the caai of George Albert Mason , the notorlon counterfeiter , recently released fron prison , whore he had served the greatu part of a term of twelve years , am who has made a claim against the gov ernment for. $50,000 for false imprls onmont. He made the claim as i British subject , through the Britisl minister. The claim was referred b ; the secretary of state to the tieasur ; department. , The chief of secret ser vice makes a strong argument againa allowing the claim , swhloh ho a ays 1 THE TBEATY' WITH MADAOASCAK. It is understood the Malagasy am baasadors will visit the state depart ment officially to-morrow and have conference with the secretary of stat upon the subject of expediting th exchange of treaty ratifications , ii accordance with the * wishei of th government of Madagascar. It wa stipulated in the treaty recently coc eluded that the exchange of ratine * tlon ( should take place lu Madagaacii As this exonanga la a mere formalit the Malugassy ambassador dealre t waive the stipulation and have the ej change of ratification taka place a once In Washington. Jnitlce Uiller , of the United State Bnpreme court , waa slightly indiipose to-day. He did not occnppy the sot upon the bench. THE COUPS OF KHQINBIKH , The following changes In statiot and duties of officers of the corps < engineers are ordered : Major Burlo will relieve Lieut. Culheny M. Robei of his duty In connection with In provements on Lake Superior , taklc the station at Milwaukee ; 0 pt. Ja B. Qainn will be relieved from dnl by tbe last Domed officer , and wl relieve Gipt. Edward Magntre of h duties In connection with the improv ments of the Yellowstone and Ml ourl riven , taking the station at S Paul ; Chpt. Daniel W. Look wood wl be relieved by the last named pflb and will relieve Major David 1 Heapp , taking- the station at Grar Riplds ; Oupt. Albert H. Payson wi be relieved from duty under 1mm dlate orders by Ohaa. 8. Stewart , the board of engineers for the Pacll oant. oant.THE THE CUAEOES 'AOAINHT HILL. The charges made against Supervl ing Architect Hill wore made 1 March , ot Maine. They cover 07 twenty pages of legal cap , written wl a type writer. Murch haa made an complaints before , but never In tl shape cf' formulated charges. Snpc -rising Architect Hill says It la J. < Mills > who Is said to be pressing t charges against him ( Bill. ) CIVIL SERVICE BEFORM. Members of the civil service coi mission met by appointment at W lard's hotel this morning , and then proceeded to Inspect the apartmei offered them as headquarters. Jud Thomas , ono of the commlislone : said : "Wo want three rooms for t commission proper , and a large roc In which to conduct examination ! After the commiaslonors socc quarters they will prepare for t work for which they are appolntc Hales for the government of the co mission will bu adopted , and the me of conducting examinations will agreed upon , The commission ho not yet formally considered the mat of appointment of an examiner chief. OKOWINO WHEAT. J. R. Dodge , statistician of the ; rlonltural department says no repo ot damage to the growing wheat hi tbeen ( received * by him. ( UIo si future disasters alone can Injure ' crop. Information haa been received i Mrs. Senator Harrison , who haa bi In Now York for some tlmo , is In t critical condition. NEW HAMPSHIRE BEHATORSUIl * . Secretary Ohtudlor denies that hi will bo a candidate for United Statei senator vlco Halting , whoso term ox plros. Ho says ho Is In favor of thi ro-olootlou of Ilallins. REDUCING HIS DUMP. Senator Don Cameron bad a success fnl surgical operation performed Sa tnrday under the direction of Surgeon goon General Wales. As soon as he Bains more strength ha will go south. COURT-MARTIAUNO HAKKN. The secretary of war has requested the president to order a court of in qniry to investigate Gen. Ilazon'i administration of the signal service The detail for the court has not been madn yet , but may bo expected In i few days. THE NEW TARIFF. The treasury department to-daj mailed copies of the now tariff act tc all collectors of customs , together will Instructions that itootions [ 7 and 9 ol the act RO Into effect at ones and np ply to all goods in bonded warehouse ! as well as to goods imported aftei passage of the act. Section 7 rcpeali the duties on charges heretofore addocl In ascertaining dutiable value ol merchandise for the purpose of as sooainout of duties. Tills action wil causa considerable reduction lu the amount of duties collected , which re daotlon in estimated by some at 5 pei cent of the entire amount collected , Section ' . ) of the tariff act changes the manner of ascertaining the value ol merchandise consigned by manufac turers in foreign 'countries to ogonti In the United States and for whlct there is no foreign market value foi the reason that the goods are specially manufaotntod for sale in the United States only. The law author izes appraising officers to asoertalt the cost and value of the materla composing the merchandise at the time and place of manufacture , to Aether with the expense of manufao taring , preparing and putting uj the merchandise for shloment anc makes the value so ascer talnod the basis for assessment of dntlos , The- sections of the revltec statutes repealed by section 7 of the no * tariff bill are sections 2,907 and 2,908 and section 14 of the act to amend the customs revenue laws and to rep moetles , approved June 22ud , 1874 Long combing or carpet wools are li part oxcoptod. With this exception however , the operation of these pro visions is nulform , and extends to al Imported goods on which duty is laid Section 14 of the revenue act of .Tuni 22nd , 1874 , makes these provisioni still moro strict by authorizing colloo klon when charges are omitted In tbi invoice to make his own estimate o them , and then collect a duty of twlc that estimated amount. All those provisions Have ceased to be law since the 3d of 'March.f jOj.4 LIMB CLAWBMTWp f ! * 51 ยง the * p mV urt-to yfcleoi slon waa rendered In the case of th United States , appellant , against th steamer , Noustra Sonora Da Regla Toil was a suit for damages brough by a Spanish corporation In Havan against , the United States on aoconn of the seizure of their steamer , th Noustra Senora Da Regla , at Poi Royal , during the war , and the appro priatlon of her by order of Gen. Shot man as a prize. This court is of th opinion that damages should be award ed aa follows : For unnecessary am unusual delay In proceeding io ad indication , 175 days at $200 per day $35,000 ; for value of vessel , $30OOC total , $ U5,000 , with Interest at 6 pe cent from June 20 , 1863. Oplnlo by Chief Justice Walte. ADVANTAGES OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC WASHINGTON , March 12. E. "V Smalley , of the Northern Pacific , wh la In the city , says the refusal of cot gross to consider any of the bills lobl ing to a forfeiture of a portion of th land grant of that corporation is r < garded by the company as a final an conclusive settlement of all questlot concerning the validity of the nntli grant. The main line of the Nortl nm Pacific road will be completed bi fore next fall and that by the 1st < September the whole line will t opened for through traffic between 8 Paul and the Pacific coast. The-no wheat bolt beyond the Rocky Mom tains is as productive aa that of tl Red River Valley , and it has advan ages of climate which is no more sevei than that of Ohio , and a short route to the sea by way of the Oolnmb river and Pugot-sound ports. PLENTY OP HONEY. The statement of the United Stat treasury shows that the gold and si ver of the United States In the troa nry to-day Is a * follows : Gold co and bullion , $179,685 008 ; silver dc lars and bullion. $105,251,198 ; fra tlonal silver coin , $27,668,472 ; Unit States notes , $45,584,368 ; total , $35 ( 188 93G ; certificates outstanding , gel $12,585 8GO ; silver , $68,714,830 ; co rency , $10,595,000. THE SICK TREASURER. Folger la still suffering from bjs t cent attack of malaria. Ho will pro ably make a short sea voyage so < unless an Improvement In heal should render It unnecessary , SILVER DOLLARS. The lesuo of standard silver della from the mints for the week nnd March 10th was $269,000 ; for the cc responding period last year , $24' 490. A DEAD SOLDIER. Lieut. ( Jol. Brown , of the First I fantry Is dead. A Railroad Accident * 0 SpcUl : Dlipitcb to Till DEI. CINCINNATI , March 12. A Oc nersvllle , Ind. , special says the wre on the Whlto Water road , five ml south of hero , was caused by a brok rail. A dozen passengers were hu but none seriously. Tha Chester Safe * Bpeckl Dlipttch to Tni Bn. NEW YORK , Maroh 12 , A dlspal from Halifax reports that the dlsab Iriman steamer City of Chester re o' there at noon , A FOOL'S INFATUATION Ho Reifls the Starry Heaveni and Pronounces the Doom of Worlds , Breakers Warring in the strootc of New York and Florida Wiped Out. The Ottawa Prophet Special Dispatch to Tun Unit OTTAWA , Match 12. Wiggins olaitni hla prophecy is literally fulfil lad. lit nays hundreds of thousands of livoi porlahui on the afternoon bfjtho 10h owing to the great tidal wave in tin Bay of Bengal. Ho expresses fonr foi the city of Chester. Ho charnotorizoi the etorm ns the greatest that oat possibly occur on this planet , makoa c dash at the Canadian and United Statoa authorities for not hoistiug slg nals till the storm was actually beat ing upon the continent- , and showi himself a fool generally. OTTAWA , March 12. The follow ing is Wiggins' theory promised nftti the storm : "This storm satisfied nit that the theory of opposite tldu which I advanced in 1804 is correct , namely , that tt la caused by the vibratory mo tlon of the oaean Irom the east to th < west. I know It to bo an absolute fact that the hour at which great storms will ailao at different points or the earth's sutfioo ; also when severe cold , plorcod like that of January jnat passed , la to occur , when remark able floods will take plaoo and whei wintora will bo distinguished for greal quantities of snow , can bo prodiotoc for any length of time in advance. ' Then ho gives long , weitd confabula tions of planetary con junctions anc the moon's phases , and s tys the tlmi will'come , bat admits it may bo the a sands of yean , when the whole Amer lean coast will ba put under water bj a tidal wave , "and should Venus and Mercury happen that moment to be a1 inferior conjuotlon and Jupiter , Man and Saturn at superior CODjaction breakers will war In the streets o York and Florida will bo no more. " Mntdtr and Suicide- SpecUl Dlspitch to TUB Un. PHILADELFUIA , March 12. Thi morning John S. Syren shot hi brother's wife , Lizzie Syren , in thi breast , and then shot himself througl the temple. Syren , the husband o the Injured woman , "keeps a bakery John Morrow , a neighbor , hearing th quarreling and the two pistol shots ran to the roar room and found Mrs Syren wounded. A struggle onsuoi between the two men , during whlol Morrow wrenched the pistol from th infuriated man's grasp. The latto then fled to the yard , and drawing an other pistol shot himself. Doctors sa thMboth will die. ' The Telegraph War. SpecUl Dispatch to Tai Bi . CHICAGO , March 12. An agree meut has been entered Into betwoo the city and the Mutual Union tele graph company by which the , latte will bo permitted to reunite Its wlrei The agreement stipulates the mayo shall have the right at hla option t cut them again ; that the oompan shall apply to the city council for 01 tension of Its privileges and shall prc ceed to gather its wires into cable and string them on short poles pent Ing preparations to put them undoi ground. A Garner in Gra. Bpecltl DUpatch to Tni Bin. CHICAGO , Maroh 12. Upon roll able Information It Is ascertained the a corner in May corn is being run hei by the firms of Robert Llndbloom ( Go. , and Henry Richardson & Go , who are the same parties who run successful corner on January con The latter firm run a great wheat coi ner in the summer of 1881 , clearin about $3,000000. It is estimate there Is about 3,000,000 bushels of N < 2 corn in store in Chicago that oonl be delivered on contracts , and froi the best information obtainable tt market is short from 30,000,000 I 40,000,000 bushels for May deliver ; being the largest short interest In cor for any one month in the history i the board. With the corner rule r peatod It would look dangerous fi short sellers. Sullivan and Bit da. SpecUl Dispatch to Tin Uu. BOSTON , March 12. John L. Soil van has been invited to spar at tl benefit tendered to Elliott's mother New York. He agrees to spar if tl mansgoia will have Blade on ban the exhibition on any other evenli than the 10th , when hla own bonel takes place , and arrange .tho older ' events so that ho and the Maori mi appear In the same sparring bout , the managers will not consent to tt arrangement , then Sullivan will r fuse to spar , but will join with at other boxers in making up a purio $100 oaoh to be given to the moth of Elliott. Tn International Baby. Special Dispatch to Till Ii i. MONTEREY , Mox , March 12. Tl International baby was christened tl evening by Monalgnor Montez Dee < bishop of Nnovo Loon , receiving 1 father's name , Geronlmo. Ge Trovino preferred to have the chrli onlng conducted quietly ; thorefc the ceremony was performed in t oratory of the bishop's palace , in t presence of only a few civilians , ml tary dignatarlos and the Trevlno a Ord families. Ex-Priest Diaz a wife ware the god-father and g < mother. Traffic in Stiffs. SpecUl Dlipttch to TUH.DBI , BOSTON , March 12. la regt to the charges in Governox Bntu message that the traffic In bodies the pauper dead at tta state a ! house has been curled on a long tii The Journal prints A statement to effect that of'2,800 death * in ye u , 58Q bodies were delivered the medical colleges according to law There is no record of the diapoaltiot of the remaining 2,200. It is snp posed that they were burled in thi potter's field , but it is alleged thn some graves have no bodies Charges are made that the bodin have boon preserved In pickling fluid and sent to distant points In korosom barrels. The superintendent statoi that this was done in a few instances , at the roqnoat of Harvard college , in warm weather. THE FLOOD. Situation ot tbo Deluge In the South MEMPHIS , March 10 Specials frotr Helena , Ark. , to the Western Asiocl utcd Press say : The river declined half an inch , and will oontlnuo falling slowly for several days , when n in on rapid dec ino is expected. The IOVOM are still being strengthened , and wi'l ' bo ruado thoroughly eoouro in thia vl clnity. The back water la still rising In the overflowed districts belovr , Thlu will continue until the daelino in the river is great enough to draw tin water btck through the crovtiscto. Mcab terrific ourronte , the rViar from which can bo hoard huro during thn atill liouni if the night , are tearing through the country below , carrying d 'structloa with thorn. In the Old Town lake region the water is hlghm than over known , the louses.to planters ors being greater than ever btf jre from the MUUO canno. 0bini , fences and dead caruassca of nnima'H ' nro seen floating down the river in great uum bora. Th'o weather is clear , with o strong wind from the northwest. The southern express has boon transferred to the Midland road , owing to tb < stoppage of trains on the Iron Houn < tain ronto SHAWNEETOWN , III , March 10. The greater portion of the town is noM out of water. Trains are running again. Many houses that.weathered the Hoods are now.falllngHolal or par tial wrecks. MEMPHIS , Maroh 10. A sppcia fromSldpwith , Miss. , says : The effort ) to stop the Elalot break have beet without effect. The three gaps arc about two hundred and fifty f eot wldo The velocity la six to seven miles ar hour and three feet deep , A weal point has boon reported in the levee on Richardson's plantations neai Mound Landing. The levee board hai sent a large forc3 of man to protoo that point. The protoovion of thi maln.lovoo is still considered safe. LITTLE ROCK , Maroh 10. The rlvoi at Arkansas City has rlaon an Inch it the twenty.fonr houro ending at 5 p m. to-day , and is still rising. Thi water is eight inches below the hlghes flood of last year , and the back wate is only four inches below. HELENA , Ark. , March 10. Thi river Is stationary , having fallen les than an inch. The decline Is * attrlbn ted to the cessation of the eastern g l prevailing tall day ThuroHay ani throughout the night , fell Urtrtby th ttettird'bror.sir 'of estr.rtdf/iT'wiiis ! carried the tide away from this shore Nothing short of Wtggin's storm conl effect us injuriously. liouisviLLE , March 10. Mayo Jacobs and the city engineer left lae night by s'oamor to visit the town ? 01 the lower Ohio and distribute mono oontrlbnted for the relief of thos places and placed in Jacobs' hindi He will examine into the damag done at various towns where supplie are needed. Ho will probably ro a far aa Shawneotown and Pa.do.cal ] and return Wednesday. INDIANAPOLIS , March 10. Goi ornor Porter , with a committee o the board of trade relief , left hoi this afternoon for an inspection tri on the river from Lawrencebnrg t Oairo. The steamer John Halifin wo chartered for the trip. She carries fall load of provisions for dlatrtbutiot This lathe closing of the oommltte work Indistribution of supplies. Th remaining portion of the f qnd will b distributed to towns needing aid fc bnlldlng purposes. . ti i The River Still Declining. SpecUl Dlipatch to Tni fen. HELKNA , Ark. , March 12. Thei waa another Inch decline in the tivt last night , making a total of thrt inches since the decline set In. Tt weather is clear and spring like. Tt sufferers by the flood within our bo dors will be cared for by the stati and the aid cannot come too quiokl ; There are between 500 and 700 negi refugees , , who are wholly un provide for , and are powerless to help then solves. The Jovoos around Helet were never more secure. MEUPUIU , March 12 Tbo wati here has fallen nine Inches since tl decline sot in. It will fall more ra Idly aa aoon aa the river gets with ! banks. Two negroes were drowm last week at Austin , Mississippi , I the capsizlrgot a dugout The brei In the Totten levee , thirty-five mil below Friar's Point , flooded all tl country in the roar aa far .down Australia. Two men , nameunknow were drowned Friday. Briber Sentenced. BpecUl Dispatch to Tui 11 n. GOLUMUUH , 0. , March 12. T motion fur a now trial In the case J. D. Watson , convicted of oft Ing bribes to Representative Bloc was overruled to-day and the aeons sentenced to one year In the poi tontlary. NOTICE. 1 would like to inform the pub that I am no longer connected wl L. H. Yandonburg. Will continue carry on business at 1713 , Ghloa street. J. M. MARSTOH. mon-wed-sat FIRE1 FIRE ! FIREI $10,000 WORTH OF DRY GOO : TO BE SOLD AT HALS' THEIR VALUE. J. J. Brown & Go. will contli their retail department foi the n 30 days to close out at a great sai Coo 910,000 worth of Dry Go slightly damaged by r movaf at recent fire. Come early and sec bargains Store open until 9 o'cl MORMONISM MAGNIFIED , Puncturing the Bubbles of Sen sational Writers , The Invasion of Adjacent 1'or- ritories by Mighty Hordes. The Southern Settlement of the Saints Few end Par Be tween. Trial of the Murderer Of Young Turner Correspondence of The Bee. SALT LAKK CITY , March ! ) . It it bacowlng popular to magnify Mor < monism ; tu enlarge upon what it it doing , and moro particularly what II U ( ping to do. Souio of the sensa tional writers who tnako up in ogony what they miss in facts , are just at present dilating upon the injury that must inevitably accrue to Arizona and New Mvxlco by a threatened Mormon invasion , It la confidently stated that 500 families have been ordered by the church lenders to at once leave for1 those southern roglono , to bo followed by others as policy shall dictate. Tnis report has little foundation in truth. Your correspondent has taken pains to Inquire Into the matter nnd can only find two families whom the church authorities have directed to settle In Arizona , and that booanso they wished to go there. N j doubt others will follow of their own volition , aa > some parts of that territory are regarded by the farmers of Utah as VBIIY DESIRABLE ORAZINOLANDS. . Tnore is no' doubt , 'on ' the other hand , but that the Mormons are grad ually increasing in all the surrounding territories , but nothiug like to'the extent - tent geueially supposed. In Northern Arizona there is little chance for t foothold ; it is either Included In the Navajo Indian reservation or formt part of that most undesirable and un cultivated region , the high Coloradc plateau , than which no more sterile and forbidding region exists south ol the Arctic ocean , In this region the Mormons have two way stations , at each of which may proba bly bo found a dozen souls and then all is desert , sand and ruck ! until the neighborhood of the Little Colorado Is reached. Here the first Mormon settlements founded in thai district were established , but appeal to , bo gradually growing smaller. The country , * . - hard a one even foi Mormons , whom come .thinkcan tllv ( where "a "wKUoJiiati' * would perish Higher up tho" river , that kijfarthoi the ooaa't , are several ne < r settle 'ifts ) ! ! Bui , H , ttmT-thwj cottiuu dotting the mountains hero and there until the borders of the Apache roser vatlon are reached. Those all lie it the range of the mountains' or in thi valleys contiguous thereto , that rut parallel with the dividing Una of ; Arl tona and New Mexico. Besides thos the "saints" have two , , % SETTLEMENTS ON BAIT X1VKR , two on the Gila , and one on the Sai Pedro , the latter the most southern o all their colonies it bolrg about fort ; miles north of the Mexican lino. A ] these little villages , hamlets anc ranches put together would not maki so far aa I can learn an aggregate o more than 3,030 to 3,500 souls , no much to bo feared in aa rapldl ; growing a territory aa Arlrons Besides It is altogether probable tha a majority of these places would neve have been'settled had not the Moi mona done so. In this city we are in the throes of murder trial , A yonng man name Turner , son of the sheriff of Uta county waa brutally murdered nea Park City , without cause or provoci tlon , he having hla head ORUHUBD IN WITH AN AXB. Two men have been tried and con vlcted , one to death and the other t Imprisonment for life. The one aet tencod to death , named Hope or We come , through some Informality in th proceedings of the former trial , has b the decision of the supreme court i Washington obtained a new tria which is now going hardly sgalni him. A very romantic Incident toe place with regard to his arrest. Tt man who arrested him was the mu : derod boy's father , and the same tral that brought tbo dead body to th city also brought the murderer and h keeper , At one station along the lie ol the Union Pacific so Intense VM the feeling of the people against tl prisoner that loud throats of Ijrnchlc were made , and Sheriff Tnrnei hodi I stand revolver In hand in front ofi tl prisoner to protect , aa an cflioai til murderer of his eldest son , at a. bin when to make the toolings of tl father got more agonlzod the doi body ol that sou was lying a. fow. fo away. But TUllNEU DID IIIH DOTS regardless of his paternal feelings ai brought the prisoner safe to.town ai lodged him In the penllontlasv , ai then attended to the funeral of 1 child. child.Wo have very few notlvoaef la be ! Franco amongst us , yet wo uo groi ing a community of fxog caters. 0 restaurant keeper clnlmstohave coc ed and sold two hundred dozen. T creatures are caught-nour the city a : aa the prlco of this , luxury Is going as the demand iniro&sea , tt is bocomi a profitable occupation to hunt the if "hunt" Is the correct expression , Wiggins notwithstanding , wo i having the ccost delightful wcaih But for all of present appp&ran there are nyiny who thick we shoi not crow until we are ouk of 1 woods , "Last month wo had such furious storm a day or two after I time h predicted , and aa storms g orally reach ns two or three days aJ they deluge California , anoh per * \hlnk he was pretty nut right , i that next nook wo may look out foi squalls. WENO. GENERAL FOREIQH NEWS. SpecUl DUpatchra toTim Dm. Datum , March 12 , It Is stated before fore Eagan quitted Ireland ho handed the L nd League funds and document ! to Parnoll , Bigger and McCarthy. Stephens , ox Fenian head centre , ln < formed an Interviewer ho was novoi applied to in America to patronize assassins. LONDON , Maroh 12. Lady Florence Dixie denies Shoiidu 's statement that in writing to the Timtt , charging Parnoll and Bigger with not having ncsonnted for i'152,000 of that land league fund , she was acting merely at the tool of Pcggott. Bho says she does not know Poggott , and never saw him In her llfo. Tlio report that Forstor would sue cced the Mntqnts cf Loruo as governor nor general of Canada Is discredited , lu the commons Qladstono stated Enrl Spencer had retired from tin rflicoof lord president of the council The castor reoons will bo from the 20il to the 20th. PAUH , Miroh 12 Total arrosti yesterday 8-1. Thirteen priaouori were sentenced to punishment , vary ing from a line of 10 francs to foui months' imprisonment. Tiio chamber of deputies will ad journ Saturday for n mouth. HAVANA , Mai oh 12 An explosion upon the plantation of Mercedes So bniila do Guarolvas caused the doatl of six negroes and ono Chinaman anc wounding six negroes and fonr China man. Tna engineer is also dead. Thi sugar boiling house is a heap o rums. The roof of [ the northwestern wlnj of the Payroo theater crashed through the entresol into the coffee houai bolow. Several families escapee miraculously. HALIFAX , March 12. The Olty o Chester wan to wed hero by the steamo Missouri. Captain Watklna , of thi Olty of Cheater , glvos the details o the accident and the trouble goltinf into port. Ho says the passenger were much concerned when the Ser via steamed away. The City of Ghos tor continued toward Halifax and ni the morning of the 10th the Missoui found her and towed her to port. HAMBUUQ , March 12.Tho law foi bidding importation of pork , oto. has not yet boon sanctioned. ] sanctioned at all , It onmos into fore thirty days after publication. IIRITISII BOAT. KACINO. LONDON , Maroh 12. Betting on th Oxford-Cambridge raooa for Thurada next at first favored Oxford , but no 7 to 4 on the Cambridge crow , owin to the better condition of the lattoi THE IUON TRADE. At a mooting of twenty-one delegates gates representing the South Yorl snlro and Lancashire iron trade , ! was resolved to restrict the ontput c finished iron. The duohosa ot Marl borough ha nlvon to the Lukes fun 3,000 , which remained over from tt fund jme raUe'd for the relief of.tt . distressed In'lfeknd"dnriug thb yea ! 1879 and 1880. TUE 1'AIUK'IUOT. LONDON , March 12. Intelligent from Paris states that the Emenl there waa due to the fact that 00,00 persons are out of employment. Th 2\'mw correspondent at Paris sayi For the past few. days many forolgi era have kept away from the city , bi cause of its nnsottlod condltlot There are now at Rome many Amor cans who were ubont to atari to Par when the demonstration began , MCKDHIliIK. fiTAlN. MADRID , March 12. The toti number of persons arrested In an about Alerala for complicity In tt Anarchist movement la 1,200 , and i this number 300 > are charged with mu der and agrarian outrages and wit being abettors ( of i the "black hand society. Sixty of the prisoners hai confessed complicity in fonr ninrder VAILBDTO.ELECT. . PARIS , Maroh 10 : The election fi a member of the chamber of depntii to.fill the vacancy canted by the deal of Gambetta was held yesterday wl ! tha result : Slg , Ismond Le Grolx > r calved the largest number of votq bat not the requisite number to 016 and another ballot'has to be taken , . TELEGRAPH NOTES , . BotcUl I > lip tchM-.to > 7ui DKK. Gr ( En & Co. , merchant * of Now To j assigned ; llabllitttw , $135,000. , Vtenldent Lawrence , of the Now Vo Stock KxchaoKO ) , refuses to nnawcr < ] fu UODS and product the mlnuteuoMhe niei intc of the RpveraioK committee nt whl it WM voted to txpel William J ( HuU Inson , who ia.nuw seekldg to rogala 1 eat. eat.The The west bound parsenger trainoa i I. . 15. & Hi nm into the Almo , hack , t mile * weit-.oft Crawfordiyillcv Bod. , ntntly killing Joieph Green , delves , Milton Busk and Kllzabetb Glark , p senger , andideaaollthlng the hftclt. The MnnMchuietta senate committee port adrexMlff upon the petlilon ot llet Stucklns.to b allowed to cria ornul tor Cape Cod wit * foreign capital. The superior court of New York Mat a no t In the stock exchange * Is 'p of the assets of a bankrupt firm , Judge DaTld Davis haa made public i fact ofihU wedding , to take plac Wodn day , , thai lib , at lift , nu Tha ship laborers of MontitAl are gloitur the agitation oi higher wages tb coiuUvg bummer. After an extended oonfw nce the C cage Union Iron anJ Bte l compai Btockhtldera , owinp to the abaenco of i vr two heavy hoUk > , , the meeting Jpurnod to the lliUxlust. , without rec las t&y decision oa the proposition iaauo $1,400,000 paefentod stock wit ! flow of opening tkja works. The Now Jenev senate passed a2a 1 uuanlmoufily a bill prohibiting the sal cigarettes or tobacco iu any foxm minor * , under psaalty of $20 for each fenne. Salvation Hurrah- SpecUl DlipAtch to Tin llsi. NEW YOUK , March 12. The tl anniversary the Salvation Army celebrated by a parade with dru banjo * , guitar , accordoona and ' llns. In Brooklyn to night , at city ball , a small boy dropped thro the biff drum , a uddlo waa bro and a female ptlVfcU rolled dawn atepi , THE LATEST STYLE. A Tailor Oats His Last Suit and. Invites His Friends to the Funeral ! John Here , of Omaha Suicldea in Chicago. BixxUI Dttrntch to Til * ! ! . CiiifAoo , March 12 , John Hora , a Bohemian years of atfo , of No. 710 South Morgan street , has boon a bad husband alnco ho was married eighteen yoara ago. His conduct was so violent whan in Omaha two yoara since that TUB BEIT prophesied ho would never bo happy until ho killnd his wife or child. Ho was n tailor and cutter and made good money , which ho invested with the saloon keepers. Slnco Friday ho haa boon particularly convivial and gracioui with hla friends , standing drinks and invltiug thorn to his funeralwhich ho said would occur shortly. Last night ho arrived homo late nnd as his wif j opened the door ho hit her a blow in the face , Bho was terrified and with her three chil dren passed the night with a neighbor. At 8:30 : this morning she fouod her husband deal in bed. A revolver lay by his side with which ho had shot himself In the heart. He Wants a Rntnra Epoclal Dbpatch to Tim Ilia , BOSTON , March 12. Patrick Levy , a passenger on the steamer Samaria , waa arrested on arrival of the steamer to * day on charge of killing Patrick Hurley , a farmer , In Mullingar , Ire land. 'Immediately after leaving Qaoonstown , Lovv informed the offl" cars of the Samaria ho committed the deed two years- ago , saying Hurley hired a farm over the head of an evicted * tenant and ho waa Induced by payment of twenty pounds ( by whom , he would not sttteto ) kill him Itovjr * says ho was never suspected of mur der , and loft Ireland to seek employ ' ment hero. Levy now denies- the twenty pound story , but says In a- drunken quarrel ho committed the deed. British Consul Henderson ad vised letting the man proceed to his destination in Now York and bo kept under surveillance until advises from. . England are root ivod. Down With thu Bucket Bhopo. Special Dispatch to Tni Du CHICAGO , Maroh 12. In the United , , ' States district court this morning a decision waa rendered In the pending ; cases between the bucket shops and the board of trade , to the t fleet that ; the board of trade , aa a chartered. In- stltatlon , has fall jurisdiction over , , 4ls'ra rket reporUkand can dictate iwhom these market reports delivered. Tke Bp oi Dtepatch to TunBu. jKU KTOiTY , March 12. Two boy Were arrested buying tickets fortGhU. ( oago going west to annihilate the- Indians. They , ' had four revolvers , , ; two bowie knives , 1,000 rounds , of ammunition andt84 in gold. Tie Brooklya'Brldg * . Spit 11 DIip tch loTtM bM. NEW YOUK , Maroh 12. At a moot ing of the Brooklyn bridge trustee * jto-day , the committee on faro reported 'allowing ' foot passengers free , bat foe 'vehicles the following' rate * : : Ona home and man,5 , oents ; one home and vehicle , 10 cento ; two horsea andrvehl- cle , 20 cent * ; two horses and * truoksy 30 cent * . It wa * agreed to- have a- public celebration at the opning.oft the bridge , and the legislature will b > aaked to give the control oft it , ' when completed , to three men. Special Dltpttcb to TUB BBS. NEW YOM , Maroh 12.Noimor " cordial or euthnslastlo reoaptlon wa ' ever received on the stage of- the Academy of Music than wasglvea Mme. Albanlon on her first entire in the character < f Martrherlta to-nighb. Thn Jewe > song waa received wiak tumultuoo * manlf estatioo of approv al. The' bipport waa orollent , partic ular praUe being glvea to the Slebvl of Madaaae Sohalohl , which may be said to have never boeu equalled in this cltju _ For M ] pxv > v flptiUl DtopOch toTniBu. / CoLxnanuB , O. , March 12. The republican - t publican * have nominated .General 0. 0. Walcatt for mayor. TUTTPS PILLS ! SYMPTOMS OF A 4 TORPID LIVER Z < O88 of Appptlte , Bowola costive , ! Pain In the Head , with a dull sen , nation In the back part , Fain under the Shoulder blade , fullness after eating , with a disinclination to ex ertion of body or mind , Irritability of temper , Low spirits , with a feol- inir of navlnir neglected some duty. wearlnesa. Dizziness , Fluttering at the heart , Dots before the ayes , Yel low Skin , Heodacho generally over the riffht eye. Restlessness , with fit ful dreams , highly colored Urine , CONSTIPATION. TUTT'.S PIZiI N are especially ntlnptrit to iucU c i .one tloie er- . locti iiieli a dmiiHe of feelluK ta untouliU the aunerer. TlieyIucrraietheA i > etttean < 1caaM > the body to Take on Jb'leili , tlm tlioiy- tcni ! nonrl lidt and by their Tonlo Action on tha l > lueU ve Ortcnui . It ec rd ulor Stool * are produced. IVIro S3 ! cuiU , aa TUH'S HAIR DYE. our HUM on WHISKIES change to Oi.p rr ULXCKUyailntila ppUc tlonotthVjDiK. It- jh ImparUftD&turelcolor. Act If. Ould by DrubrUti , Or den en he MCBHA.Y 8T. , H..Y