Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1883, Image 1

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> > . MfiLfl&.WttM L v/
Several Items of Minor Merest
From the Deserted Oity ,
Selecting Names for the New
Navy Promotions ia
tbo Service.
.Recoinintf the New Nickel
I Leasing Yellowstone
"Tom WortMnRton'c Inventory of
Hi * Ri pntation Another
Cnid. Frcm Doraey.
vSpeclal Dlspatcbou to Tun linn.
WASHINGTON , March 11.Tho sec
retary of the navy has addressed a let-
tr to the superintendent of the na/al
academy relative to tha CIBOJ of certain -
-tain cadets deficient in oondnct nt the
recent soihl-anuual examination. The
secretary declines to overrule the AT
iiou of the anprintxndettt and orders
him to maintain strict discipline.
Rear Admiral Nicholson , lately in
command of the European station ,
was placed on the retired list yester
day by operation of lair , Ha la ano
coedod in command of the European
station by Boar Admiral Onas H.
Baldwin , formerly a member of the
Hghthouao board. Raar Admiral E
H Oalhoaa will be rjtlrod April nozt.
These two retirements wilt create a
vananoy in the list of rear admirals ,
which will be filled by the promotion
otCommodore B. W. Shnfeldt.
The secretary of the treasury hav
ing directed that the word'"cents" bo
added to the new 5 cent piece , the
superintendent of the Philadelphia
mint is engiged in preparing a device
'for the DMk of the proposed coin. No
order , however , has been made sus
pending coinage of the now nickel ,
and the mint bureau reports their
iscno at the rate of nearly $5,000 a
day , an amount sufficient to supply
about all the demand. The French
government has adopted niotcol coinage
ago instead of bronze.
The Sunday Capital says : Secretary
-Chandler will name the now,4300 ton
V cruiser the "Chicago. " It is to be
swift and strong and to represent the
latest nnd boat in naval architecture ,
* * " If tha vessel provea to bo ns fast ns
the town it is named for it will have
no dlQbulty in outstripping the nlx-
toen-knot war oruisjrs which otbor
nations are preparing tosondontupon
the BOB.
It is understood that Senator Ed <
mnndo will only retain ; the office of
president of' the senate until next
I > eoember , when he will give way for
Senator Anthony. Edmunds left last
Friday for Alken , 8. 0. Ho has gene
"to join his family , who spent the winter
tor there. Edmunds proposes to go
to New Orleans with his family for a
visit , from there to go to the Pacific
coast. Ho will probably remain with
his family in California the greater
part of the summer. This trip is
made solely ou account of the frail
health of his surviving daughter.
Senator and Mrs. Logan expoot to
leave in a few days for Nex Mexico to
visit their daughter. Liter they will
extend their journey to California.
The Philharmonic society of this
city will take charge of the musical
portion of the exercises on the occasion
of the the reinterment of John How
ard Payne's body and render with a
largo chorus , "Home , Sweet Homo.1'
In the Ohandler-Portorfield scrip case ,
mada roargntnent before the secretary
of the interior. Tne Chandler case !
Involves the title of valuable laud
bordering on Siult Ste Marie rlv
er , Michigan. The secretary hold in
his original decision that the scrip
could bo located only upon
lands in a state of nature ,
The secretary of the interior has
formally leased to Carroll T. Hobart ,
. of Fargo , Dakota , Henry T. Douglars
'of St. Yates , Dakota , and Bufu
Hatch , of Now York , a number o
small tracts of land in Yollowston
Park for a period of ton yean , The
leaao comprised tracts of land ag
gregatlng ton acres. It ia pro
vlded that the several parcels eland
land shall not bo within ono quar
ter of a mile of.any goyaeraor Yellow
stone Falls. The parties of , the BOO
end part agree to construct a betel a
Mammoth Hot Springs to cost $150 ,
000. They further agree to construe
six smaller hotels npon plans to b
hereafter approved by the secretary o
the interior. It is provided that n
the expiration of ton years the valu
of the buildings and other pormanan
improvements belonging to the lessee
shall bo determined by arbitration an
becomo'tho absolute property of the
government upon the ratification of
the appraisement and appropriation for
the amount agreed to. The annual
rental agreed up ju is two dollars per
The question whether the treasury
department can legally withheld pay
ment of members of congress who nre
Indebted to the government ia exciting
attention just now. The treasury at-
BUtnos it can , and so informed the
treasurer in the case of Representative
The solicitor of the treasury Is In
clined to doubt the legality of such de
cision. Secretary Folgor now has the
question under consideration. In this
connection Representative Ochiltreo
filed an argument with first comptroll
er protesting against his action In advising -
vising that bis salary be withheld until
the settlement of hfs accounts as mar-
of Texas. The application for a
omipromi'o of the case for $500 ban
not yet been uctod upon
Thomas Worthlngton , of Ohio , to
day filed suit against E , W. Height-
ley , thirl auditor of the treasury , for
$50,000 damnger , on what are do-
4orlbod as "ono hnndred falsa , malic
ious , libellous and groundless alloga-
tloni calculated and intended to prevent -
vent payment by the United States of
the plaintiff's just claims for army
supplies furnished volunteer troops at
Camp Djnison , Ohio , in 1801. " The
complaint sots forth that the allega
tions referred to were made by the
third auditor in varloas oilhlal re
ports ,
Ec-Sontvtor Dorsoy famishes the
following : "A dispatch from Denver
states that the no-called Bclf jrd chock
was really given to J. U , Blssoll ,
Tho.o seems to bo a determination to
insist that there was such a check , and
Ufaaell ia selected for the reason that
his hi * initials are J. B. U. If I oversaw
saw Biisoll I don't remember it , I
certainly never gave him a check , I
never played a game of cards in my
ilfo with anybody , There never was
a chock issued by mo or an account In
my books in the name of J. B. B , To
bo certain aa to this fact , I have had
my chocks examined back for ton
yaars , "
Charges have boon filed by a person
whose name ia withhold against Su
pervising Architect Hill , and the see-
rotary cf the treasury is now consider
ing the best method of investigating
them. The charges wore filed about
ton days ago , while Secretary Folgor
was confined to his hoasa. They are
prepared in formal style , with speci
fications and a list of witnesses who
are said to bo oblo to substantiate
them. Secretary Folgor declines to
make public the particular nature of
the charges ,
Members of the civil service com
mission called at thd executive man
sion and had si short conference with
the president In regard to the general
plan of operations to be observed in
carrying the law into effect. It was
agreed that the commission should
prepare a sot of rules -in regard to
questions under their jurisdiction and
submit thorn to thn president for ap
proval. Selection of chief examiner
under the commission was not agreed
npon ,
Secretary Chandler has Instructed
the naval advisory board to proceed at
once and prepare plans for five now
United States war vessels provided for
by conqross , consisting of three cruia
era and two torpedo boats , Also to
arrange for completion and repair of
fonr unfinished moultora. The latter
will bo worked upon first , and it is
thought the firnt contract will bo given
out la two months. '
The state department has received
no Information as to the Intention ! of
the British novorument in relation , to
the warrant'for Iho oxtradlUb.rj * ci-P.
J. Sheridan. Inquiry at the British
legation elicited the information that
while no further steps had boon taken
in the matter , no Instructions from
the homo'government ' had boon re
colved to abandon proceedings.
Ttto River Declining.
Special Dtipatch to Tni-Bn.
HELENA , Ark. , March 10. The
river declined half an inch and will
continue falling slowly for several
days when a more rapid decline is ox
pooled. The levees are still being
strengthened and will be' made thor
oughly secure in this vicinity. The
backwater is still rising in the over
flowed districts below. Most terrific
currents roar , which can be heard
here tearing through the country below
low , carrying destruction with them.
In the old town with lake region the
water la higher than over before
known. Too losses to planters will
be greater than ever before , and from
the same oanao the cabins , fences ,
dead carcasses of animate are seen
floating down the rlvor in great num.
bars. The weather is clear with i
strong wind from the northwest.
ST. Louis , March 11. A dispatch
from Helena says the fi t loss of hn
mm life by the fljod in that region
occurred by the upsetting of a hous
twelve miles south in which wore six
adults and fonr children. The latter
were drowned , but the former wer
rescued by a party of hunters whi
took them ofl the roof after they had
clung to it three days ,
The St. Francis swamp contain
hundreds of horses , mules and cattl
standing up to their throats in water ,
tholr owners being nnable to rescn
them. Many carcasses are floating
about , The legislative commltteo '
examining into the condition of th >
people in the overflowed districts am
will report in favor of giving state al
to actual snffdrers.
71ielnor > aso of Divorce-
8pecl l DUp tch to TUB IJu
NEW HAVEN , March 11. Rov. S ,
B Dyke , secretary of the -New Eng
land dlvorco reform league , delivers
a leuturo in Center church this evening
ing , in which interesting statistic
were given concerning the inoroaso o
divorce , not only in Now Englan
ntutcs , but also in ether parts of th
United States. In Connecticut , 1
1849 , there were but 91 divorces : noi
the average ia 440 each year. Ove
0,000 women died in the Uultoi
States each year from attempts to do-
troy nnborn children. The lecturer
held that monagamy only could main
tain the social fabric ,
A Gift to Boston.
Special Dlipatcb to Tiin.Dai ,
BOSTON , March 11. Dr. Eben
Tourgoo , who , sixteen years ago ,
founded the New England Conserva
tory of Music , now the largest music
school in the world , has presented the
Institution to a board of trustees , who
accepted tbe gift on behalf of the
city and will take possession as soon
r-1 as the necessary legal terms are com *
| piled with.
Eleven Lives Lost by the Burning
of a Border Boarding
Frightful Calamity ia a Railroad -
road C&inp in Black
Special Dlipitch to Tits l ) i.
DEAUWOOP , March 11. Hood &
Scott's lodging shell at Broivnvlllo
wood c < unp , the terminus of the Black
Hills & B'ort Pierre railroad , burned
at midnight last night. James
Chalmers , Thos. Finloss , B 0 Wr t ,
Lowli HauHon , Peter Hanson , \ , 'ion-
nooUtfd , Harvey Wood , W. H. An-
drown , Ohas. Uamnionco , Fred T.
Peters and Samuel Hays were
burned to doath. Four others , names
not known , were seriously injured.
The origin of the fire is not known.
The building was ono story , with a
loft , where the men. slept , accessible
by ladder , usually occnpled by
thirty lodgers , but last night only fif
teen were in the house. There was
ono window in the loft , bat only four ,
badly barnod , wora saved by jump
ing. Two of t lies1) must have lega
amputated. The fire is supposed to
have originated from kindlings loft
near the stove , on which coals fell.
Peters slept on the grouud floor with-
iu five foot of the door , but the flames
spread so rapidly ho could not escape.
The bodies .of eleven victims were
charred beyond recognition.
A Graiy Policeman Kills a Su
perior Officer in Hew
York Olty ,
Gory Fiooics at Other Peaces ,
Special Dlipttcbea ( o Tin Bui.
NEW YORK , March ll. At half
iast 11 o'clock this morning Offiser
'atriok ' Casey , of Hunter's Point
> llce , killed Roundsman Richard
amlsky. The murdered roundsman
aa sitting at his d'ork in the First
ireclnct ounverslng with two officers
rhon Casey entered It was noticed
, o was nuder the inflaonoo of liquor
, rid acted strangely. Ho entered the
mr room and called in the two
fibers to xhep ! him fix his
iistol , They 'did to , ohoving it in
.la pookot. Oitoy walked out 'to
rhoro Comloky sat. When within
tro feet of the unsuspecting Comisky
10 halted and , naid , ' What do yon
ollrm mo so for ? " Comisky replied
t was to make him do his duty.
( Vithout another word Casey drew a
evolver and fired , the ball entering
.iilf an inclf below' Comlaky'a eye. "
He fell back doad. The murderer
waa instantly secured and hurried to
ho county jail. It waa a fortunate
for him , as within fifteen
minutes a thousand people gathered
, nd , under the impression that he was
till in the station made a strong effort
got hold of him. It la supposed
ey was in a state of insanity when
o.shot Oomlsky. On the way to jail
o manifested great fear , laboring
ndor the impression every one
granted to kill him. Gomlsky is a
rothor of the chief of Hunters Point
re department and waa unmarried.
Casey has a wife and two children. A
trong guard was posted about the jail
o-night as open threats of lynching
ere made.
FARIIELL , Texas , March 11. A
, reat sensation was caused here by
he alleged dying statement ol Samu.ol
? lnley , an express agent , of murder
, nd arson committed on a traveler ,
lame not given. The body was cre
mated. The matter is being invest- !
; ated.
PnrsBUiia , March 11. George
Klraoh was found dead In his house
in Brownsville avenue this morning
Two brothers are accused of the
NEW YOUK , March 11. Several
Italians were drinking and playing
cards in a tonament nonso to-night.
A dispute aroso. Ono was stabbed to
the heart with a shoemaker's knife.
The murderer was captured.
LONDON , 0 , March 11. John G.
Tracy yesterday murdered his brother-
in-law , David Gllllnovator , cutting his
throat with an axe.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind , , March 11. No
nrther developments in the Foreman
murder case. No clue to the murder
ers yet. It is supposed they are per
sons well acquainted with the neigh
borhood. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Police Court.
Ed Galllgan , who was sent up for
thirty days on broad and water , has
got very sick of"his fare , and Satur
day sent down a penitent letter , offer
ing to leave town and go to work if ho
could get out. Accordingly his sentence -
tenco will be suspended to-day under
the above conditions.
There were throe suspicions charac
ters on the anxious seat Saturday
morning. Two of them were ordered
to leave town and the third was dis
Two men were sent to jail for three
days each for intoxicUlon.
A complaint waa filed against Michael
aol Wallers and hia barkeeper , Goo
Madcr by the wlfo of Aug. Schroeder
the carpenter whoso leg was broken
Friday night at Wallenz'o placo. Botl
are hold under $300 ball to answer to
the charge of assault , on April Oth.
Jukgo Benoko has taken nndor ad
vlsament the case of J. L. Wolshana
who was complained against b ;
Michael Meaney , for laying drain
without a license. Welahans hat
filed his application and bond with th
city clerk and bad a permit from th
city onglnedr , and his offense is purol ;
technical , as he bad paid his foe an
thought he was asting in accord
anoe with the law.
The several attempts at burglary
reported ynilcrday Inoludo oh& nt the
house of a Mr , Hyde in North Oauhn ,
HptcUt DUpatrlratu rna U < .
PARIS , March 11 To-day's arrests
number fifteen. At a nicotine ; of the
Masons Yocs Gugot , who presided ,
said the iJonapartiats hotdod iho mu
tiny on the E phnad < J lies Invaladea
Friday , This romtfrk was followed
by on uproar , and a free fight ensued ,
during which Ungot WAS _ assaulted.
At a mooting of socialists yoatorday ,
at which to-day's mooting in the Place
Dal Hotel DJ Villa was decided upon ,
it was determined to invite all social
ists to a great moating in the Clumpj
Do Mats on the 18ch list. Violence
towarns the police and troops was
u rged. Louie Michel is iu hiding to
void arrost. *
A meeting of 2,000 porjoua was
hold to-day to protest ag&iust the
action of the chambers of deputies In
adopting u motion declaring tint the
chamber having confidehco In the
govornmout reject the nropooal to
consider the matter of roynion of iho
constitution , Priino Minister Ferry
having declared the subject would bo
mudo a cabinet question , i The meet
ing adopted a motion favo/jng revision.
Stivers ! deputies balonglng to the ex
treme left were present.
The police dispersed sovorrtl graupa
of socialists m Placa da ; 1'Hutol au
Villo They made noj resistance.
Fifteen hundred poraoati Afterward
reassembled , but tha ( police aud
mounted municipals again dispensed
thorn and arrested five pwsous. The
crowd is now marching < to iMaco du
Trono , which is guarded. The caval
ry charged twice ; knocking down aud
crushing several men and boys. .
English police allegu ; ihat John
Walsh wa > eon In Pbouali park on
the night of the murder. Wakh was
arrested at Havre. ' '
Frank Byrne intends to go to the
United States and settle down.
SpecUl Dttpatch to Tni B .
LONDON , March 11. The follow
ing are the names of the survivors of
the steamer Navarre , which foudered
Thursday , who were landed at Msasluis ,
South Holland : Mathleaen , Grl
Stark , Jorqon Sorensen , Gander
Tollofsen , Gavald Gunvaldsou , And
reas Qaonsen , Wm. B. Sanderson ,
John A. Hughes , John Wright and
C. ICoborts. -
The Observer states , that Jndah P ,
Benjumln'a health permitting ho will
probably accept a judgoohlp.
Committees are being .formed for
the purpose of freeing PamoU'a OB
Special Dlupatclits to Tus Us * .
ROME , March 11. Two Jadl s , the
last descendants of Ameret'o Voipuo-
cio , wno gave the name of America to
the Western HemispJw , are now
bogging that a punsloa vVui crowns
heir family by the repnblia of FJor-
nee In 1690 , bo restored.
VIENNA , March 11. The commoner
or of tbe French squadron in the
ladagascar waters baa been ordered
o blockade the shore and occupy the
everal ports of the island , bat not to
end troops into the interior. <
BADEN BADEN , March 11. Prince
lortachakoff , ex-chancellor of tbo
tussian empire , Is dead.
ATHENS , March 11. The chamber
f deputies adjourned until the
Gth lust. , out of respect to the
lemory of the late M. Conmonn-
ouroo , ox-prlmo minister. A public
uneral ia proposed.
ST. PETERSBUBG , March 11. It is
tatod the police were warned from
? aria of a plot to murder the czir. A
ady was arrested at Charkov. A key
was found on her cipher documents
which had been previously seised.
A Fear ia StJLonii. .
pedal Dlipitch to Tin Bxi.
ST. Lacii , March 10. A fear oi
Wiggins' storm has reached here am
ibont 150 fishermen , who operate on
he Mississippi and Illinois rivers from
it. Louis to Poorla , are said to have
all taken their nets out of the river
nntil Wednesday next. .Tho woatho
s cloudy with rather a high and grit ;
Tbo VoloB of Tradt.
Special Dispatch to Tni Bia.
BOSTON , March 11. The Central
Trades and Labor union paisod reso
utious denouncing the attroks of Sun
ators Anthony , Plumb and Hale upon
Jolumbla Typographical union , Wash
ngton , and thanking Senators Veer
iees and Conger for their efforts In bo
lalf ot organized labor.
Down 'With Royalty.
Ep clU DUjatch to Tun BMC.
NKW YORK , Murch 11 A mooting
of shoo manufacturers to-dty de
termined to resist in the courts the
royaly demand of Djnald , McKay &
Co. for uao of their machines. A large
amount of money wan raised fur the
purpose , The company's patent ex
pired July C , 1870 , ulnco which time
over 8300,000 hua been paid them.
J. K , Lucas , Central City ; M. B. Hoxle ,
Grand I lanI ; Rites Jennie McLouth and
J. D. Seaman , Kearney ; J. W. Bioyle ,
Blair , Gee , 0. Newmau , wife and child ,
Lincoln ; 11 , Davidson , Fremont ; Samuel
G. Owen nnd Thoi. W , Lowry , Lincoln ,
are among the Kebraikana at the Faxton
Mrs. II. G. Clarke and son , and Mr. and
Mrs. G. W , Young and son , of Denver ,
are at tbe Paxton.
Geo. H. Thompson , tbe Plattimonth
architect , will leave thia afternoon for Mil '
waukee ,
W. I ) . Willbank and family , of Toledo ,
are gueita of tbe Paxton.
E. M. Allen , of Schuyler , waa a gutat ol
the Metropolitan yMterday ,
G. H. Lyons , [ of Peorla , WM at thi
Metropolitan ytatarday.
The Result of Wiggins Big Wind
oil tlio North Atlantic
( tout.
A Local Storm of the Usual
Murch Calibre ,
SpecUl Dljpttch la Tim Rti ,
Gmuioo , March 11 The storm
prualutud by Profoaaor Wlgglna , the
Canadian prophet , struck Nova Scotia
cm Bchoduto time Saturday nioru-
lug. It extended southward , with
diminished strength , as far aa Loug
Islnud. No serious damage was done ,
owing partly to the fact that all ( sea
ports worp watching for it.
At Halifax the tide WAS the highest
known tiinuo the 18GO galo. Much
morohRudi'H wan swept from the
wlurvos. Sionmorn nud Bailing ves
sels In iho clocki were nil aounrod with
extra hawsers , yut ntralned their fast
enings tonlbly. Oao broke its mror-
lugs and amaahod her bowsprit. She
waa finally et cured again. THO cITjols
of tlio storm thtiro provqnot no serious
aa expected. At the south end of the
city u p.irt cf Iho wharf ou which
Howell's foundry formerly stood wan
blown nwuy. CKhor wharvo * and
property on the water line suffered
only slightly. The chaffing of voaeols
won qilto bud and thn heaving up of a
few planks ia the whaivuo make up
almost the other datuago. Vessels at
anchor In the harbor rode the gale
with trifling injury. Shipping report
only trilling danugo. Elsewhere at
Nova Saotiu nothing uousnal wai
noted. The tUo ban subsided.
The severest storm ; known for
yean prevailed at Waterloo , Qaoboo.
Saow began falling yesterday after
noon and continued throughout the
night , the wind bloning a gale all
day. The snow makes traffic of all
kinds impossible. The roads will bo
blocked for days. In the middle of
the forenoon two shocks of earthquake
wore felt , passing east to west , cans-
ing great alarm. The storm ia now
Quebec reports the storm of last
night was not very strong but ao
companicdby a heavy fall of snow ,
The roads are again all blocked. To
night another cold spell sot in. Very
high water to-day in St. Louis and St.
Charles rivers. Considerable damage -
ago to property teas done.
Montreal reports the hoavloot snow
of the season , No storm to-day.
The Bteainahip Devon from Bristol
to New York roportn strong variable
winds thu first four d y.s out. On
March 3rd on the eastern edge of the
banks it terrific gale not in from the
Bouthwcat lasting 48 hours. The
weather wan intensely cold. She pas
nod twelve lurqo icebergs nnd called
through fitly miles of field ice.
ST. JOIIN , N. B , March 11. The
alarm subsided at 3 o'clock ibis morn-
ingv The ttda paa higher than uaual
t ilii ? rims of jtho rear. The sea
'broke ever several wharves. Little
damage done.
An Act to Probtblt Extortion ana Dis
crimination In tbo Transmission
of Telegraph Dlbpatcnea.
Ba it enacted by the legislature of the
state of Nebraska :
SECTION 1. That all associations ,
whether thu same shall have been or
may hereafter be organized or incorporated
poratod under the laws of this state ,
or by and under authority of any
other state or territory , or
by authority of the United
States , whoso object and purpose la
the transmission , collection and tils
tributlon of dispatches by telegraph ,
shall ba subject to the regulations and
restrictions hereinafter proscribed by
this act.
SF.O. 2. Every telegraph company
and every prosa association or corpo
ration engaged in the transmission ,
collection , distribution or delivery of
telegraphic dispatches , cither for pri
vate USD or for publication in newspa
pers , shall within thirty days after
this act goes into effect file In the oilioo
of the secretary of state a statement ,
cortlfied to under oath by its pros !
dent and secretary , or two of ita offi
curs , embodying the following infer
matlon , to-wit : The name of the aa
sedation , amount of capital invested
character of the business , together
gother with a true copy of ita article
of incorporation , or articles of copart
nershlp , with regulations and by-law
then in force.
SEO. 3. It shall bo the duty of th >
secretary of state to issue a certificate
to every association or corporation
that has filed the statement required
by the second section of this not upon
payment of five dollars , which certifi
cate shall convey authority to such as
aoclatlon or corporation to conduct its i
business within this utate , under th i
roatrlcttonfl and penalties trapoao
SEC. ( Every telegraph company ,
prota association , or corporation engaged
gaged in the transmission , collection
and delivery of telegraphic dhpntohos
that shall refuse or lull to comply with
iho above provisions within tie time
prescribed , shall forfeit ito right to
carry on the collection , transmission
and delivery of dispatches for publi
cation or for private uao , andsholl fur-
thorinoro foiftit to the county whore
snob business Is carried on , for each
and every day it so continues In violation
lation of this act , the penal sum of
ono thousand dollars , to bo recovered
in any court of compatont jurisdiction ,
and it nball bo the duty * ot district at
torneys to prosoouto such violations of
this act at the expense cf the respec
tive counties wherein said act is vlo-
SEO. 5. All telegraph companies and
associations operating telegraph lines
In this state shall transmit and forward
all dispatches directed to newspapers ,
or private individuals , or public oili-
oera with impartiality In the order in
which they are received , and uio due
diligence In their delivery without dls-
I crimination u to any person 01 >
pirty to 'whom they may bo di
SRO C. Every clHor or employe
of any toloaraph company or associa
tion ougagod In the transmission of
dispatches who shall wllfnlly delay the
transmlialon or delivery of any dis
patch , or dltul o tbo contents
cf an'y diipntoh entrusted to
his or her care to any person
except the party entitled to irocolvo
the saino shall bo guilty of n misdemeanor
meaner , and upon conviction shall bo
punished by line of not less than fifty
nor inoro than ono hundred dollars for
each offense , or imprisonment of not
less than thirty days nor moro than
three months in thu oiuuty jail at the
dleorotlwu of the court.
She. 7 It shall bo uulawfol for any
telegraph company , its amenta or oper
ators to demand charge or receive
from nuy individual , association or
corporation , n greater sum for the
transmission and delivery of nuy tele
gram or uiosnio ever n given distance
than it dotnaudechargos or rcoclvoa for
the transmission and delivery of any
telegram or moenago containing nn
equal number of words over n greater .
distance providing that dispatches
transmitted during the nlpht and dis >
patches for publication in uowspipora
may bo forwarded at'd delivered at re
duced rotor , such rates must however
bu uniform to alt patrons for the came
SEO 8. It shall bo unlawful for any
tolctnpu company , association or or-
ganizitlon crgiRoa in the business of
forwarding dUpatchcs by telegraph to
demand , collect or rocolvo from any
publisher or proprietor of n newspaper
nuy greater sum for n given oorvlco
than it demands charges , or collects
from the publisher or proprietor of nny
other newspaper fora Ilko service , and
the violation of the provisions of sec
tion seven and eight of this act by any
telegraph company or association ,
shall constitute a misdemeanor , and
upon conviction said telegraph com
pany or association shall be fined for
each and every offense in any sum not
less than ono hundred nor moro than
ono thousand dollars with cost of pros
ecution , and In addltlqn thereto such
telegraph oompvny or association shall
bo liable for all damages sustained by
the person or parties in consequence
of such discrimination.
SEO 0. Every telegraph company
and every proas association engaged
in tbo transmission , collection ,
distribution or publication of dls-
patches , shall afford the same and equal
facilities to all publishers of news
papers and furnish the dispatches col
looted by thorn for publication in nny
Riven locality , to nil nowspapons there
published on the semo conditions as to
payment nnd delivery.
SEG 10 Any precs association , cor
poration or organization violating the
foregoing section shall bo deemed
guilty of a nmdomu&nor and upon
conviction phall for each and every
offense ba lined in nny sum not loss
than ouo hundred not more than ono
thauaaud dollars , and in addition
thereto such association and the mom
burn thereof nhali bo jointly and sever
ally liable for all damages sustained
by the owner of any newspaper In
conseqnarfctuf'ttnoh vlkAi'.sIarupn ,
SEC. 11. If any telegraph company ,
or association engaged in the trans'
mission of dispatches from any plsca
in this state , or the person having the
control or management thereof , re
fuse to receive dispatches > from
any parson , corporation or any other
telegraph company , or falls to trans
mit thb same with fidelity and without
unreasonable delay , it ahall bo guilty
of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
shall bo fined for each and every of-
fenjo In the sum of not less than fifty
nor moro th n ono hundred dollars
and in addition bo liable for damages
to the person or corporation sustain
ing a loss by reason of ouch refusal or
failure to so transmit.
SEO. 12. Any telegraph company
engaged in the transmission of tola
graphic dispatches : is hereby declared
to bo liable for'the non-delivery o"
dispatches entrusted to its oaro and
for all mistakes In transmitting moa
sages made by any person In ita employ
and for all damagoa resulting from
failcre to perform any other duty re
quired by law , and any such telegraph
company shall not ba exempted from
any such liability by reason of on
clause , condition or agreement con
talnod in its printed blanks.
SEO. 13. In all cases where nppli
cation ia made to any telegraph com
pany , or the operator , agent , clerk
or servant thereof , to send a dispatch ,
it shall bo the duty of such operator ,
agent or clerk , who may rocolvo dls
patches at that station to plainly in
form the applicant , and if required by
him to write upon the dispatch tha
the line is not in working order , ' o :
that the dlspatooos already on hand
for transmission will occupy the line ,
so that the dispatch ofl'drod cannot bo
transmitted within the time required ,
if the facts bo so ; and for omitting to
do so , or for intentionally giving false
Information to the applicant in rola-
tlon to the time within which the dls-
patch offered may bo sent , such opera
tor , agent or clerk , and the company
by which ho ia employed , shall fnonr a
Ilko penalty as in sootlon lovonof this
Sue. 14. This act shall take effect
and bo in force from and after the first
day of July A. D. J883.
A Telegraph Decision.
Cuic'Aoo , Mircn 10. Judge Drum-
mend has rendered n final decision in
the o&so of the Mutual Union t ! o-
graph. IIo emphasized his former
opinion that the mayor's action in
cutting the wires was unlawful and
actionable , but hold that ns the Mutual
Union's rights had terminated undoi
tha charter , the court could not ordoi
the wires repaired , or prevent the
city from carrying out the ordinance
whlcn prohibited the stringing oi
lie Htlll Survives.
Bprcl&l Dispatch to Till BIB.
NKW YUUK , March 11 , Early thli
evening it waa rumored an attempt teat
"lay oat" Harry Hill by Elllot'i
friends would be mtdo. Harry , hoar
Inn : tbo rumor , staid at home. 4
policeman patrolled the street in Iron
of his theater but hia services weri
not needed ,
Tlio Lowest am IRougliosfc Ele
ments of Now York on
Dress Parade.
Buriul of a Strangled Young
Murderer and the Mur
dered Pugilist.
Kcmarhnbla Gnthsrlngsof Charac
ter ! Familiar to the JColioo
SpecUl Dlspntch to Tni Ilii.
NEW YOIIK , March 11. There were
two notnblo funerals in this city to
day. Both were of the lowest order
nud were well attended by the rough
est element. Ono took place from the
late home , on Twenty ninth street ,
and was that of the strangled young
.murderer , Michael K. MoGloin.
Whoa living ho was loourd after by
the police , and dead they still fol- .
Io4edhim. The cortege nttractod nn
immeuBO throng , , who followed it
until a little mound in Onlvary ceme
tery nmkcd his lost resting pluoo.
The other was in the most miserable
of thu squalid part of Oanal street ,
and from n wretched tumble down
rookery. Euly in the day the hard
ened bowery roughs aud the gaily
bodlzond female companions began to
gather in cumbers. They thronged
the little square on which the housa
where the dead man lay fronted and
the constant theme of conversation
was "Poor Jimmy Elliott. " On the
second floor lay the body of the dead
pugilist in n cloth covered oaken/
casket surrounded with flowers ,
ever it hung mourning trim
mings that hunt ? ever the body
of Cornelius J. Vanderbilt. At 1:30- :
six pall bearers wearing high hats ,
white regalias and mourning badge *
entered tbo room. Among them were
"Jack" Stiles , Elliott's friend and
backer ; Charlie Johnston , Jimmy
MoGlynn , ex-Alderman Jimmy Dunn ,
"UodTl Leary , "Shang" Draper , Chief
Msgln , of Philadelphia , and Matt.
Grace. As the casket was car
ried into the street a number of small
boyi began to oheor but wore quickly
huahod. Tbo order of procession was )
taken up. Following the hoario
came the pall bearers and about 1,000
men and boys ; following this were
about ono hundred and fifty coaches.
At the Seventh street ferry toVil -
llamsburgh , four ferry boats made two
trips each to transfer the crowd. After
the ucual Catholic Borvices at Calvary
oemotury , "Jimmy" Elliott was placed
in hia lost homo , and the crowd found
ita way bsok to New York. In the
procession were Jus. Lswle , of San
Finncleco. "Abo" Goakloy , Dau'l.
Dwyer , cf Denton , and largo delega
tions from Baltimore , Philadelphia
and Cincinnati. Every well known
thief in the city waa present , A largo
force of police preaorvod order. '
SpicUl Dlipttchca to Tin DXK.
Journeymen tailors in Denver , are on
strike fir higher wagea.
A break reported ia tha French cable
225 miles out from Duxbury , Man ,
A cremation society , with capital of
Siqp.OOO , la to bo formed in Chicago at
Two hundred teats wera seen on ice two
milt s south of lleath Point , Antlooiti ,
yesterday morning.
The Springfield- company hava decided -
cidod to engage new men to supply the
rUcos of the strikers.
Charles Daughorty entered a shooting
gallery In New Vork , aelzed a large target
( jlitol and blew his brains out.
Senator Fair pasted through Chicago
yesterday on' hi ) way homo from Washing
ton. He ia atlll sultorlng from malaria.
A drunken father In Hill county ( Ga. )
named Hotting poured n ehovel ot hot
coals on an Infant child , which waa burned
ilarvey N. Follansboe , defaulting treas
urer of the Buaton police relief association ,
waa indicted by the grand jury for embez
zlement of $27,000.
At New Richmond. Can , , John Mo-
Quarter's home burned with hfa wife and
ctitld. The wife's father , aged 83 , died
soon aftcfr leaving the burning home.
* The Academy of Muiio and Horti
cultural hall of Philadelphia , have been
engaged for the Irish Land League con
vention , April 25th and 20th. Parnell ,
Kisai snd Davltt are expccttd.
Mrs. Ludnda Forman. widow , aged 9L
yean , and muldon daughter , 51 years old ,
living alone on their farm , tourteen miles
from Indianapolis , wpre murdere.l Friday
night. One of the bodies waa found out-
aide the home ; the other in the kitchen.
An az waa the Instrument uaed to aecom-
tbe deed. No clue to the murderers.
A student in the Kentucky state college
named Fug ate , while drunk , flourished
pistol rockleuly. He was put under
charge oi four other students while the
nolloa were called. When the police came
the four ciudentp , armed with rlfler , re-
fnoed to give up the prisoner , hut after
munu i or ) ey tboy were buipeudod und nlw
Fugate ,
JUlsn Dora Inex Calvcrt , who married
ex-Governor Spracue , was lait Monday
divorced by the Gubell county ( W. V . )
circuit court from John Culvert , traveling
aalcauian fir n Cincinnati bnnk buuje.
Her mniden rame waa Weed. Her parents
were from the cunt. She had livid at
Gutvndotte oluco the war , whore ( ho re-
aided till divotcrd. She la 25 years old ,
and o ! nttr cttve nppearancn
Judxe Gre < ham , of tbe United States
district court of Indian * , hv * decldail the
tult of the t ite auditor ngelnit tbe Pull
man palioe ovr com pity fur t xss on urosa
re Kti- , according to the law of 1681 , in
favor ot the ilrtplng car ojnipom , on the
ground ins Inly that the state had no taxing
pawer ot the company , which w a a creat-
ur of foreign jurlirt otlon. The t x , hn
held , W4 > a unconstitutional , aa Interfering
with Inter tt tu commerce , over which the
United States nlone hid control , The
taxes tndlpcnaltlea involved amounted to
about $ W > ,000.
Church Anniversary
SptcUl Dtepttch to Tni Via.
tftw YOUK , March 11. The ninety-
third anniversary of Foriyth Street
M. E church was oalobrated to day.
Among those present were Mayor Kd-
son , llev. W. U. Gwland. of 8m
Fraucisca , and Bov , Linis Havkia * ,
of Illinois. In this church the no
tice of inviting penitents to the altar-
originated. The araudson of the orig
inator. Rev. Albert 8 , Hart , cun
ducted the evening services
i. .