Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Saturday Morning , March 10.
Weather Report.
( The following observations were taken
at the iame moment of time at tlie Rtatlons
mentioned. )
WAR ItRr'T U. 8 SIGNAL SIR ; ten. 1
OMAHA , March o , (1:45 ( : p. m ) (
Matinee at Ijoyd's to-day.
The electric light and power company
etartcd twenty additional electric lights
in tbh citj laal nlRht.
Mi(8 Agneallmaoll entertained a large
number of friends at h < r residence on Men-
tana street Thursday.
There was a tap of the fire bell at
11:45 yexterday and another at 12:30 : ,
both caused by the wind crossing the
The aky wan overcast yesterday with
cloudi which had a very threatening ap
pearance. It wad no doubt the tail of
Wi t IDS' slorm ,
The Monthly eoclil club hold their
fourth and last party of the ceaton at Ma-
sonio hall Wednesday evening , Much 14.
Mualo by Irvine's orchestra ,
-Toe funeral cf Nellie V. Smith will
bo held at tbo late retlclenco of I er hus
band , T. II. dmitb , at 2515 Johnson itreet
at 10 o'clock March 10.
Notice to bricklayciK. There will bo a
meeting on Sunday evening at 730 ; o'clock
at K. P. hall. All members are requested
to be present. Bnalnesa of importance ,
Some jokera ornamented the door-knob
on the oOlco door of the board of publlo
works with crape , yesterday in token
of Borrow at their unexpected demise. The
joke wan a llttlo premature. The board la
not dead nor oven Bleeping. Come again ,
T. V. 1'cwderly assembly No. 191G ,
K. of L. , meets thla ( Saturday )
ovcnlng at 8 o'clock. All membora are re
quested to be present , as bnrlneaa of im
portance will be transacted. Per order of
M. W.
Although the bids for tbo removal of
the Sixteenth street bridge will be opened
on Monday , it now aeema probable that
there will bo a delay cf several weeks in
the work , aa it will be necesaary to take
the matter before the council and have the
grade of the street lowered so that the
bed of the creek can bo filled up with
earth from that locality.
At a meeting held in the U. C , L. A.
rooms Thursday to consider the project
of establishing a branch of the Catholic
Knighthood or Mutual Catholic life Iniur.
ance ataociation , W. A. L. Gibbon was
elected chairman. It waa decided to start
inch an association. A large number of
applications wore received. Dr.
O'llonrke ia the medical director of this
The river opened yesterday noon after
an extremely long ice look , The ice was
o rotten that it passed out very quickly ,
gorging at the Union Pacific bridge , but
not to do any damage. The water works
folds inform us that their property was not
injured In the least. There 1s aomo ice
running but the bulk of it from above has
not yet begun to pass down , The river
rose an inch and a half at Sioux City over
Wednesday night and Thursday people
crossed the lee on foot , although it was
not considered safe. The weather was
warm yesterday and the ice thawing rapid
ly. Tbo river stood five feet ten inche
above low water mark. It will not bo
many day a before the whistle of "tho first
boat up" will be beard.
General George 8. Smith , A. W. White ,
Y. 15. White and J. W. Moathall , of
Flattamoutb , are guesta of the Paxton.
F. O. Stone , Grand Island ; K. 8. Hood ;
Lincoln ; Lee Dillon , Nebraska City , are
among the gueata at the Paxton.
M. D. Ellsworth and Mra. F. A.
Dimlck , of Wahoo , are at the Metro
Joseph J. King and John II. Wauama *
ker , of West Point , are at the Paxton.
Chan. A. Davis , agent of Calender's
minstrels , la registered at the Mlllard.
L. 0. Fyhrlo and U , Burfcund , of Dil
lon , Montana , are at the Paxton.
F. W. Buckley , Stromsburg , Is registered
at the Metropolitan.
Webster Josielyn Clarks , ia a guest of
the Metropolitan ,
A. H. Lawihe , Red Oak , Iowa , Is at
the Metropolitan ,
The Gelstlnger opera company are guests
of the Mlllard.
T. J. Hellrldgeof Dayton , O. , Is at the
Metropolitan ,
J , L. Taylor , Mendota , 111. , is at the
Metropolitan ,
J. A. Tudehope , of Nebraska City , Is at
the Mlllard.
George Davenport , of Sioux City , is at
the Paxton ,
8. K. Shriver , cf Hamburg , Is a guest of
the Paxtoo ,
Mrs. P. Pbocin Is a guest of the Met
ropolitan ,
Gee , Barhyte , Denver , ia at the Metro
politan ,
II. 8. Weaver , W. Thatcher , are at the
Henry Clark , of Wilbur , U at the Paxton -
ton ,
U. P. Poster , of Lincoln , la at the Pox.
ton ,
8. P. Hekesell , of Ponca , IB at tbo Mil-
ASK your drug lit for Iteddhtg's Rtwln
Salve. Keep It in the houM ia t w of acci
dent * . Price 25c.
The Sad Story of a Well-Known
Omaha Man.
He Lands in Laramie a Vaga
The following slory from the L ra-
rnlo Boomerang concorai a man well
known In this city , whoso identity will
bo discovered from the incidents ro
tated. For a long while a member of
n loading business firm on Farnam
street , which at length anspondod , hia
star kept going down until , aa will bo
soon , it sot finally In the shadows of
the great Kocklca. Thn Boomerang
nays :
For aomo days past observing poo-
pi o have noticed a woll-drcBsod , nlco
appearing m n on the streets of Lira-
into , whoso solo occupation Booms to
bo the lowering of the contonta of bar
bottles at convenient caloons. The
flashed and bloated face , the carolesn-
ness in the manner of dreso , the
bleared and bloodshot oyoa , all denote
strlot attention to the wiuooup and
yet there la n air of innate respecta
bility nboat the man which must no-
euro him recognition wherever ho
goes. Some days elnco this man was
dlcohargcd from connection with ono
of the loading business houaoa of Chicago
cage for the very falling which has
marked him hero. Ilia connection
with the house in question has nut
been a long one , yet his superior abil
ities an a salesman and his faculty of
making friends for himself and em
ployes has kept him In ono of the fore
most positions obtainable , the house
overlooking his shortcomings in the
mattr of reliability either from char
ity or for his usofulnesB when ho pnta
the tempter behind him and gives
business the preference over pleasure.
The story of his life la neither so
sensational nor BD uncommon , yet it
la peculiarly oad and certainly worth
The writer well remembers when
this man then yonng , bright , steady ,
and possessed of a perfect character
for sterling honesty and reliability
came with his partner to a growing
Missouri river town to open ono of the
largest wholesale houses ia the Mis
souri valley. Both wore onorgetio
and Industrious , and the business of
the firm prospered and grow with each
succeeding day. The tun of prosperi
ty shone brightly upon them , * and
their names in commercial clroloa were
soon regarded aa tbo loading ones
among the acorns of successful business
compotltoro. No ono dreamed at this
time how short the career of these
young men would bo , nor how disas
trous and disgraceful the downfall.
Yet the climax oamo which sent to the
grave a broken-hearted woman , an
honest man whoso honor before the
world was dearer to him than llfo it
self , and made a wreck of ono of the
brightest liven which the west has over
The BUCOOFS of thcso young business
men naturally brought them the fawn
ing flattery of so called "society. "
The younger of the two a sickly ,
quiet person loved business best and
gave it his entire attention , bnt the
older , the man who is such a wreck in
Liramio to day , at onoo plunged into
a whirl of gaiety , becoming fully as
prominent in social circles aa in the
commercial world. Bia ready wit and
genial good hnmor made him an uni
versal faverito and no gathering waa
complete without his presence. Society
with him soon became a passion busi
ness simply a drudgery , His visits to
his business house grow rarer and still
rarer untlljthoy ceased almost entirely.
Then it was that respectable people
began to whisper nf hia dissolute
habits and friends to warn him of the
stumbling blooka ho waa placing in his
own path , But what are warnings ?
The passion that was in him led
him on , and ho sought con-
vlvial companions in a lower plane.
Hla tlmo waa spent with men no loss
dissolute than himself , and with wo
men who bartered their charms for his
ready wealth. The aged mother who
looked to him for companionship and
support was almost wholly neglected ,
and her pleadings and tears were of
no more avail than the warnings of
the friends his
prominence as a mer
chant had made him.
But all things meat have an end ,
and the climax in this case came like a
thunderbolt from a summer sky. One
bright September morning the doors
of the great business house which had
started BO auspiciously were closed for
ever and Harry was arrested
for forgery. His constant neglect of
duty , and the heavy drafts ho had
made npon the funds of thu firm to
keep up his career of debauchery and
crime had weakened it beyond all
hope of recovery , and ho found oue
day that his houao must close and ho
become a beggar. Then followed the
most serious of all his crimes the
forgery , The large amount of money
obtained by this moan ; was nearly
spent when his partner closed the
doors , and on the same day the once
prosperous merchant was landed in a
felon's coll.
To the mother who had loved her
wayward boy so well the blow was a
orael ono. Hla neglect of her she had
patiently berne , bat the disgrace of
his last crime she could not withstand.
She saw him once In hia cell , but died
before his trial , a broken-hearted wo
man. The man who had boon the
felon's partner did what llttlo ho could
to eovo him , but tbo strain of carryIng -
Ing on alone the extensive business
the firm had enjoyed , and the Boom-
ingly utter hopelessness of over re
trieving his own credit , were too much
for his already shattered health , and
he , too , aoon passed away , mourned
by a large circle of friends who fully
appreciated the atorlipj worth and in-
tcgrity which had marked hia life.
Those who had known Harry In
the days of his prospurlty and ro-
upeotod him for what ho had been ,
rero uncoising in their cflorta to cave
him , and , ho may thank his lucky
atar , were finally successful. Ho suf
fered no legal punishment for his
crime , but the pangs of conscience
must have been for worse to boar.
For a time after hia release ho did
well. Obtaining a position In a small
commission house he seemed in a fair
way to recover the good name ho had
lost , but with proaperlty came his old
companions and old yearnings and he
was soon a vagabond , living In
gambling dens or places oven lower.
At times ho would reform and go to
other cities , where his abilities invari
ably obtained him lucrative employ
turrit , bnt sooner or later ho drifted
back to hia old haunts and manner of
llfo. Some tlmo since ho wont to
Chicago and there succeeded in workIng -
Ing his way np to the position of
traveling salesman for ono of the lar
gest firms in that city , Ufs sales
were largo and constantly increasing
and there was still further promotion
in atoro for him , hut the tempter
camp , just as it had scores of tlmn
before , and ho is to-day once more an
outcast , far from those who would befriend -
friend him , In a city in which there
can bo llttlo hops of reform
The Board of Public Works
Knocked Out and Back
Again ,
Senator WoShane , Judee Lake
and Oity Attorney Howe
The Board Still Holds tbo Forti
A BKK reporter called on Mr.
Uown , the city attorney , Syenterday ,
ho ntatfd that hw had not yet scon an
official copy of the bill , but according
tti his boat information there would bo
no trouble in having K not aside by
ihoBUoremo court , There wore eov-
oral irregularities in the ptsaago of
the bill which ronrlor it void ,
Beaido that it dooa not contain any
repealing clancc , nnd our Buprotno
court has already decided in rt leant
ono instance that euch blllu are il
was called upon by the reporter and
his attention dravn to the article in
the Herald and the ntricturoa refl&ot-
ing upon him 1 > > connection with this
bill. Mr. McShuuo oaid Dr. Miller
didn't know wbit. he WAS talking
about. ' 'In the lirat placa" ho said ,
' 'I was opposed to the viaduct bill as
it came from the house , because it
provided that the bonds could bo
voted by a majority voto. I wanted
to make it a two-third vote , but Mr.
Colpotcor , the father of the bill , came
into the senate and threatened to
oppose and defeat every bill wo had
passed in the eonate for Omaha , BO I
yielded and lot the bill go through , It
came into the senate from the house
without any enacting clause and was
materially defective about dates.
Senator Brown made the corrections
and , by an oversight , it was not
noticed that there was a conflict be
tween its provisions and the amend
ment to the old chartorcroatlrjg aboard
of public works. I have no doubt
that the bill will bo declared illegal by
the court on account of irregularities "
"When did you find out , " asked the
reporter , "that this bill did interfere
with the board of public works ? "
"I did not dream of it until I hoard
it yoatorday afternoon. "
"Then how oamo it that yon told
James Oroighton , as the Herald charg
es , after you returned from the legis
lature that you had legislated the
board out of office ? '
"That ia all boab ! The fact la that
Mr. Oroighton was twitting me about
some matter In the legislature , when I
turned around and intimated that the
present board was legislated ont and
would hereafter bo elected by
the people. I tried to Im-
prots on him that the bill
introduced by Turtle had passed the
legislature. This bill provides that all
city oflicoro , including the city engi
neer , city marshal , chief of the fire de
partment and members of the board of
public works ohonld bo elected instead
of appointed. This bill , however ,
never passed the houao but was
pigeon-holed before It over reached Its
passage. "
was mot on the street by the reporter
and asked whether this matter could
bo brought before the supreme court ,
and if so when. The judge stated
that they could bring tht case up on a
quo wurrauto , if the board continued
to exorcise its power or on u manda
mus if they refused to. The court
convenes on the 20th of this miuth ,
and on this class of proceedings a very
speedy hearing could bj had
Wo have since learned that Secre
tary of State Rocgen haa arrived In
the city with a copy of the viaduct
bill. It appears now that the bill
passed without au omorponoy clause ,
and will not take ell'oct ur\til \ Juno ,
which will leave the board in Indis
putable control until that date. The
opinion is now freely expressed among
the beet lawyers that the viaduct bill
will bo set aside on account of the
irregularities in itu drafting and pass-
Tbo Introduction of Apartment
Houses in Omaha.
The Morao & Perry building on the
southwest corner ot Fifteenth and
Oapitol ave , has been commenced and
the contractor * expect to have it ready
for occupancy in Jane. With this
building a now feature lls Introduced
In Omaha architecture which will bo
appreciated by a considerable portion
of th < ) city's population. The second
and third stories of the building ,
which will have a frontnao of 42 feet
on Fifteenth street , and 50 toot on
Oapitol avenue , will be done off into
flats , or apartments , suitable for occu
pancy by families. On each flour will
DO unites of rooms , consisting of par
lor , sitting , dining and bed rooms , be
sides a kitchen , and other convon-
ioncss adapted to the latest style of
dwellings. Mr. Morao conceived the
idea to bo a good ono , and though the
construction will cost considerably
moro than the uaual class of build-
Inns now being put up , he feels that ho
will bo repaid when the buildings are
finished and ready for tenants. The
elevations on both streets will bo orna
mented with Iron and heavy plate
glass , which will make the structure
ono of the prettiest In the city.
Quick , complete cure , all annoying
Kidney , Bladder , and Urinary Dis
eases. Druggist * , fl.
The Adventures of William Krogor
tbo Crook.
"Lawyer Marks" on the Wit-
nesa Stand.
' " 'he Attempt to Prove an Alibi.
A few weeks ago the citizens of
Omaha were startled by a series of
burglaries which occurred , often two
or throe in a single night. The bold
ness with which the gang worked wns
unusual , and in two inatanccs , at
least , the lender was seen by the
occupants of the houses entered.
lit ono of these cases the victim
hold a conversation with the burglar ,
who was tall and were a gossamer
cloak and black mask , and thu came
night the residence of Oul. H. 13.
Bnrnham on Idaho street waa filtered ,
In this instanse the robber went to
Mra. Burtiham'a room and wna sur
prised thoio by the Colonel , who
awoke and urosiod the imll in time to
meet him. The colonel w < ia prusccd
buck at the muzzle of thu revolver and
at length got hia own pistol and fired
three shotH at the man aa ho fled from
HID promUea. The man was till and
sloider , were a diftk suit and blauk
cap uud had n pecullnr , boyish voict- .
Ho wau econ face to face by hia uti-
wtlllug hont and his ftmuruo vividly
luiprcjeod on Ilia memory.
February 21at , u mutt named Wil
liam Krogor wui nmsted for mealing
from "ono of the "
a ring glrht" and
pawning it for two dollars and was
uout to the couuty jail for a term.
It waa believed at the tlmo
that ho was the man
seen by Ool. Burnham , who soon after
called on him at the jail and positively
identified him as the fellow who drove
him back with u pUtul a f w Lights
before. Anothi r curious circumstance
was that from the date of his arrest
the houaobroaking ceased entirely and
hus been at a standstill over aiuco'
Accordingly npon the expiration of
Kregor'a sentence a now complaint
was filed acnlnst him for burglary and
he was taken before Judge Benoko yesterday -
terday for a preliminary hoarlng , the
state being represented by ex District
Attorney N. J. Burnhom , who pressed
tbo prisoner to the wall pretty thor
Kreger tolls a strange story indeed ,
He says he was born in Iowa City and
will bo 18 years of ago on April 12th
next. Ho is six feet eight inches in
height , toweling a head ondahoudara !
nbflvo the city rnaiahal , who la pretty
well strung ont himself. Ho Is slen
der and boyish looking , with features
the remote of intellectual and n boy
ish voice. Ho looks , acts and drossco
just Ik9 ) the party ho is supposed to
be. Ho says he left homo at the age
of 13 and wont to Chicago after which
ho seems to have lived a vagabond
life , traveling all over the country and
making ohort stays in nearly every
town from Ohicago to the gulf ,
and from the Mlstiaslppi to the
Pacific. According to hia yarn
he Is a tlrlner by trade and has also
worked at the barber's trade , corn
husking , railroading , cook in a hotel ,
crocer'a clerk and in a dozen other
His latest and great o it role waa with
Forbes' Undo Tom's Cabin company ,
in which ho appeared , he says , aa
Lawyer Marks. Ho seems to bo a
regular born Marks anyway and Burn-
ham found him a slippery customer to
handle. Ho Bays that after leaving
the Forbes party ho stayed nt Das
Molnos a few days and then came to
Council Blnffa , thla being about six
weeks ago. Ho was asked if ho know
Col. Dailcy , of the Bluff , ) , and said
that ho did. When atked how ho
cimo toknow him ho replied that bo
saw him when ho came to visit the
priaonera nt the jail. It is suapeoUd
that ho was the uiau who burglarized
Ool. D-illoy'a house about that time.
Kregor was in jail at the BIufTa for
twenty days , and then came to Omaha
whore ho drove for eight clayi , for
Kcnnard Bros. , boarding at the Cali
fornia lioueo and the U. S. hotel at
first , and then drifting about any
where. Hid great effort to-day was to
provo nu alibi , and ho swore positively
that on the night in question ho weLt
to bud at a barn south of the Farmers'
hotel , with three other men at 10
o'clock , and did not cet nut of it until
7 a m. , goiug to the Farmers' house for
break last. Ho afterward "craw
fished" a good deal and flatly contra
dicted hlmeo'f several times. Ho
finally said ho wouldn't swear to any
thing. In tbo courno of two hours of
the severest oroan examination ho told
a di K n different utoth's about the
sumo night , iu ono instance
swearing that lip left a certain
saloon at 10 o'clock and went straight
to bed and in less than two minutes
s iroaring that ho was not in that
saloon at all that night and hadn't said
that he war. Ho accused the prosecu
tion of writing down what ho didn't
sry and the judge of doing the same
thing , and In fact gave himself dead
The testlmonoy against ; him la very
Bcrorg indeed , < and there Is scarcely
the shadow of a donbt but that he will
land in the state's prison yot.
Real Estate Transfers
The following deeds were filed for
record In the county clerk's oflio
March 8 , reported for THE BEE
by Ames's real estate agency :
0. W. Lyman and wife to W. W.
Wallace , w. d. , lot 5 , block 3 , Dpdght
itLyman'sadd. $100.
J. Green to J. OurtU , w , d. , w. A "
lot 3 , block 2 , Rood's First add. -
0. W. Sautor and wife and F.
Sauter to 0. Sacks , w. d. , 4 acrca aeo
35 , 15.18. 8400.
A. Kountze nnd wife to J , Svacina ,
w. d lota 5 and 10 , block 3 , Kountzo
Third add.-Sl,238 38.
Gold Comfort-
To the Pnbllo : , . . .
'As many have boon led to believe
that we inted to charge arbitrary ratoa
thla season for ice , wo wish to inform
the public that ice will bo delivered
moro promptly than over before end at
as low r tes on the average as It has
been for the past two years , which Is
lower than In any other city of the
slzo In the United States on the same
or sontb of this parallel. And that wo
will not raise the price when it ,
gets warm weather , at it fans formerly
been aono. Wo ahull require cour-
to "us treatment of employes to our
patrons and will endeavor to give
Office 1412 Farnam , opposite the Pax-
Tliu Kiso Chocked by tbo Gold
Wavelet and Danger
Averted ,
Interesting News From Up-
Biver Drowning of Cattle
Atttmpting to Cross
SIOUY CITY , March 8.
The llttlo cold onap checked the
rise of the river ycuterday , aud during
the day thuro wan a change In the
a'.ago. Tno freezing had rmmdocl the
crossing aornoffhat , and a fjirfootpni-
aeugcre wont over The mills which
had collected on this and the Nobrs's-
kn aides < f the river were transferred
yesterday rnorniug by ono of Hagan'e
men with a i-lelgh. The Ice bore up
the r.lfciph without trouble. The
freezing during the night also enabled
the ( vorkmi'ii on thu Chicago , St. Paul
Minneapolis & Omaha bridge to re
move thu middle suction of the ice
brldgn , which they hud not thrcd to
touch on Tuccdny. Later in the day
it became Inipo'alblo to get over at
any point except by F.itroll's ferry ,
without incurring the danger of n cold
water plunge or aomuthing worse.
About 2 o'clock in the afternoon an
attempt was made by a white man
and three negroes to drive forty or
fifty head of cattle nc , ofB nearly op
poalto the city. Twenty five of cittle
wont m about t nlf way across , and
nine wuro drowned. It waa afterward
learned that the owner of the c&ttle ,
Jay Huglue , of St. James , Neb , had
not dared to cross himself , but had
hired another man to drive them for
$10 , and the colored men had been
called upon to aaslat. The cattle were
finally driven back to the Iowa shore
and to the stock yards. The lo&t cattle
tlo were all yearlings and were valued
at $150.
yesterday morning the ice waa a llttlo
more broken than at thia city , enough
so that no creasing was indulged in.
The Conlaon boats at that port have
been lowered on the ways ready to
launch aa coon as 'ho ice goes out.
A geutl mau who loft Chatnberlnin
on Monday says that there la no snow
on the ground , and that in ouo
ho saw a farmer breaking prairlo and
a number were seeding This indi
catcs that bub little watur may be ex
pccted from that part of the Vel'ey. '
Capt. Tim Burleigh , of Miles City , an
old river man , on his way through to
Yanktou , informed a reporter that
there was little xnow iu the ImmediUo
valley of the Yjllowttoue , bnt con
siderable was reported on the moun
tains. This mountain of snow Is not
likely to csmo down until long after
the break up. A good part of the
rise now coming down in the river is
from the Big Sioux. The deep snow
in the country drained by this stream
had been melting freely until the cold
wave come , and there ia lota of it yet
in places ,
A new side-bar , end nprlng top bug
gy , made by Soyder nnd took first
prlzo at the etato fair last full ; never
used and will bo sold low. Apply at
Western Newspaper Union , cor. 12th
and Douglas ot. fob28cn&e-f ,
Tables supplied with the bojt the
market aitords. The traveling public
claim they get bettor accommodation *
and moro gciicml cntiafnctlou here
than at any other benne tn Omaha.
Rate , f'p * dfvv.
Made I rum the wild floweis of tlm
it is the moat fragrant of perfume
Manufactured by H. B. Slavon , Sin
Francisco. Forsalo in Omaha by W.
J. WhitehausB and Kennard Bros.
Matter Application of W. F. Schmidt for
Liquor License.
Notice Is hcrel > > irnen that w K. SchmHtilld
niioii thu * rO t'a ) of Fcbiuari , A. I ) . , 1881. tile
his npi llratlou to the M > or anil Clt\ Council of
Onialu , for lUctiM ) to eo 1 Malt , Si > lrituoin and
Vinous Llmiors , at No. 1 VI 11 in J ircct ,
Third \Vuril , Omaha , Nch. , from the 9th day
of Ma'ch , 1W3 , to hllth day ot prll , 188J.
II hu no ohjtitlon , remonstrance or pro
test filed \ Utliliitwotreka from February 2) , A.
D. 188J , the Bald license \\lll ho granted.
The fmaha lice new par > er 111 I publish the
abe e notice once each ueik for two weeks at the
expense of thu applicant. The City of Omaha
not to bo ihargrd therewith.
319-St J. J. L. C. JEWETT ,
ZEPILiOTTI : ? , !
'l rtCZVnrL \
"Old and Tried. "
WUWBLSHAHSft 00 , , Agents ,
8th and Farnam Sir , Omiho.
l b 10-ooJ-lm ,
Vhf &URE87 CURB for
DOOM lame back or n disordered urlns
indicate .hat you are a TlctimP THEN DO
once ( druggtata recommend it ) and It will
peedlly overcome the dlscooe and restore
hralthy action toall thc.orc n .
I ! AC For complaint * peculiar
llwOa1 toyourpex.suohaapain
[ and weaknesses , K1DNET-WOET Is unsurpassed -
passed , as It will act promptly and safely.
Either Bex. Incontinence , retention of
rlne , brick dust or ropy deposit * , and dull
dragging painsoil speedily yield toitacur
ative power. (13) )
"My friend , E. 0. Lejrird , o > tM city , tistd to
bed'avn doubli fio-n p'l ful Kld"py DIM-ISO
Kidney-Wort curfdh m.-J . . l.ncy.drug-
K < 9 . Allcghany City , In. , Au 2f-i2.
for all diseases of tro Kldnoyn and I
It hoonpecLflo action on thlsmoatlmportant
S organ , enabling It to throw off torpidity and f
Inaction , stimulating the healthy secretion .
. ofth(3 L'Ui' , and by kccpinc the bowel Jin free
I condition , ellcctlnff Its regular discharge.
malariu.hiwothochlUa. (
, nro blUoua , dyspeptic , or constipated , Kid-
J noy-Worfwlllsurolyrellovo&qulolclycuro. ,
' In this season to clcanso the System , every (
ono should take a thorough eourco of it. ( U )
"I'rogilnod SO Ibs. In two mon'hi " wrHfs
Mr. J. U , 1'owcr. of r cnlon , M. , ( Dec 2-82) ) ,
'ati'tiMiift well man I'd Hi He red with Uur
d'sordert since IfO ! . KMiovWcrtcurulme , "
Hirciu woidifrom > .New Y" k cic'ftunan : ' I
unhe"UtIn'y icuomino d 1C dnoWo ' I
UTfii'lv bencflcted me , " H } Kov. 0 Kcmbu of
lion-wk.N , Y
2 'o other df'asola B-J prevalent 111 tlib
Country na Ca.isUpatlo.1 , nnd no rceody
uvcrrqimUed tltocrleirateA KIDTfET-
11T 03 a oure > . Whats-fcr tbo csuae ,
wii :
plaint ia very tp to b
oocir > UeatCil with coBEtlpalion. Kidney
Wort strengthens the we .kcncd part ftii
JJ qulc'.ily care3 til klni'j ot I'tlcs cvoi wliri :
o ihyslcinnn and mcdiujr'ps havetcn-TOfil- ) !
< X cj. l yit you have eltucr of then" trouble *
"For 12 yem , " Itfs L\man T Abell. o
Georgia Vi , . "I found no rel ef ( re m piles , until
ItileJKIdney-YIMt. It liu cu cd uo "
- - - - - - - - -
As It IK for all the painful diseases of th *
It cleanses the system or the acrid poison
that causes tbo dreadful suffering which
only the victims of rheumatism eun roallio ,
of the worst forms of this terrible disease
have been quickly relieved , ondtncbort
fsi ) Dry can be sent by mail.
[ \VELLS. lIICllAKDSOS J CO. , Ilurllnjrton.Vt
"I h d haWtual co fan In ( ho back
ard rhout/ia'lsm. " wrltis S. J ecolt lUirl
ton , Vt Kidney Wort h'a cured them all "
tSTBPEO IAL I vlll FCeniXELY not bein
terted unlet * paid In advance.
MONEY TO LOAN At 8 per cent. Shrlver's
R'al Estate and Loon Agency , opposite
poatofflco. 767-tf _
M ONKY TO LOAN At legal ratea , by Ba'lou
BrsHU Farcatn St. f23-10Jr
TI/TONEY / TO LOAN Call at Law office of D. I ,
IVi Thomas room SCrelghton Block.
LOANED On Chattel Ifortgaje SB-
MONEY ) - . Room No. 1 , over Moichanta Na.
J Ifonv. 077-lmt
A man to bul'd-a ' fence. I qu''e '
WANTED m a < d Erlik rn'ISth St. Otp flte
P. U. 310 1)
WAN' ED " horough y oxocrleuccd fi-1 In
co'k and do gcnertl ouse nrk Good
waTrfl to a gcoJ clrl. Apply at reildcnroff Go\
II. Bogga2litand Dod o Refrcmea loquircd.
WANTED First C'BF * ciachmar , wltH re'o-
prcej Apply I'7 N , 1C h a net. ( up-
a alia ) 3'3 ' D
" \T7 ANTED An experienced > .lrl to do gpnernl
Yf hsuscw/jlf. / 'Jcrnun rrSvedo prtfeircd.
812-14 N. W. cor. 19th aud Icave/iwjr'h. '
'ANTE > Boy ti herd ca'tto. Apply cara
toita fru'c , Fe > r'i Oinihi 331-lf §
WANTfD A S03sirl til gm'r 1 h usa
work la small famhy. Ann vat 4 20 mith
18 ha'riot. 3S9-10t
WANTED Imm d ately , good a ropgglrl f r
general lousoworlt. N. W , cor. 18th and
Webster. ? ? iS _
" -T.ndj copjlst. Addrca * "J. V , "
tlua otllci' . 33-10S
Ctrl foig ncral houseworK atlllio
WANTED lull for three dtjg after 1
A ( ilrl ti no general housework
WANTED 2121 Calitnrnl * stieet. 233-10
V few lidlca anl gentlemen as
WANTED for the hlrgcjt paying buslno a in
Americi. Room 3,1303 farntm Si 2IJ Iu t
Men and w > men to nt rt a new
WANTED at their ow.i liouu n pojillng ;
COcan hiur insule ; end 1 c f u sanp'm and tn
Mm tlo is iklr
m-lii-er1 MA8OV k Q . . Mi n p 'for V _
- . by a voim * man a >
c'trkltadrv g-od < > tore , Sp aki r llsti
and O'rman. Hist o' re'cr ca ghttn. Ad
dress M Gold'ttln , ! > li S llth St. M3 l'J § |
WANTED llf \ountt 'ad ' ) , sltuat on In pil-
ate faml y to do lois'wor 'n ' ixchang *
for music to 8 lit. ; ddtisi "J. P " lien otlice
333 9t
SITUATION WANTtD By ajcu Rilrltodo
general hous'work Apply o 1188th ftreot ,
icarJaokBOD. ' 0. L. " 317-9) )
A COVIP TFNTbonk keeper and wd pen-
r * man , vrltbea to keep a set of books or do
any kind of wil'lnir , after half-put tour la the
afternoon. Audrou 'H. 0 , " Bee office.
' ) and rcflnemeot wishes
ailtimtcna ! tiouirkeeper In a hcto' or
private family , wherelerrants arc > cp' . Or will
aa pt any situation cf trust. Addrou "Mrs.
K. " Fremont , Nebratka. 313 !
' '
O by young man of VI , 2) ) > carn oxperlerce.
Address Uox 581 JUnelllea 111. 301-9 :
Sltuat'on by German boy 14 yeate
WANTED EnglUb and Oernan. Ad-
drrsi 020 Amirlcan House , Douglai atreel ,
TT10K RrFl'A nice dry basement eultabl * for
1' a kinall 'amlly. iniulro on Idabo Street
ball a block north ct cumli gs ft. cist elilif
Street. 319-15
1H10R IIKNT Yery dcMisula roomi , furolfhrd
r and unturnlihel. 8.V , cor. 8th and Hou
ard strtets. 310-10 }
T710R RENT March 15th , cotUee with four
JL ; roomr , No. SlOeouth 19.h atreet. Can set
itib e room for twa horica. 321-lOj
( FUSN1S1IKD rooms , 222 North 19'h itreet.
fy 318-10
X' cOQ\cnlence > . 1810 Dodge St. 3141m }
hKNT Two double itorcs , suitable for
FOR bouse , grocery , butcher , cr ulcon ,
situated 10 as to command a gocd f > rmer trade.
Inquire ot Mrs F. Lsngc , S. W Cor. 13th and
Jaektou bt . SCO-lint
I'.iOR REST-With bind , a largo fualibtd
JL roam with bay window. Modiiu ImptoTe *
menu , 1718 Dodge Sticcf 'Zif 9 |
1/OK IIKNT Kutnl hen c-in for two i < eitp ,
1 ; 3bjckafitra | poitofllcc , 'uquiro ' tt 1018
D dos.Teer.
li'Ori ' nr.fMi * nout611 arcs. In ihrto pieces.
C onoef20 , oceof la , and onu of 4 xcris. All
fcnco > . home 3 rcotni > . PotHisdon immediately.
One mile irom pee to Bice. Bf.Ml * '
22f-'f 16 h aim iitnla Binetl.
All ) bas > m nt of building No. 1111 Farn m
tttoet. Inquire on pramlsc. . lai 1m
- TAO new hcnixi with n rooms.
FORt-ENC f aul. 132 Imo
OR RENT 25 hou o , 2 tn in rooms , at 3 to
F $25 per month Shrhcr'a Rent tnreau , op.
nostonice. _ 768-tf
* on
l. Un/SAI.E-A uellum lzcd span of mule
L1 0. P. llnetf , MmcnHt lot. 10 A. 11
352-0 *
EOR SALK OIIH horse , tlnglo wagon and bar-
no a. 1 Cooper wagon ,
317-tt _ 301 NMSthtj.
EOR SALC-ln ACRES-22 mil.g ftom rest-
olllcf. on Cumlng a rott , > d OOU
31110 ID. '
r.lOU SALE Ono extra good Knl'ch CJ ' , four
i jcars old , wtll bred , nnd warta ted U d and
Ecctc. Bout of rca'o a fcr felling , lr.iji.lru of
B' M I'"lhl'0fflco
' 318 Ul
K > erythtng needed to run It nu hand.
Superior clay. Also house on jvd If uantcJ.
LOHENZU D1DIIH. Yard 16th itreet. 2 h'ocka
south of Ce'lovue road , 280-lmt
TT10K SALE Fli o horse , hn gv and hirnota.
JJ If oreo 6 vrara old , full of llfo and apceit. Call
onMre Llnrberg , 132&N. 19lh St. 321-108
F OK SALE OR KENT My 2 story br ck real-
JCDCO on ISthsticot fttd 't. Mar 's avenue
for ca'o , 87 000. Small pa } men t down , bUance
1 tO 6 jcara time. Lot fOx'oO feet. Elegant
hoii3t > , tery cot vcnlent. Will rent it tooy
food partlca for $05 per month. Call at once aj
294prll 1 Cor. 12th and KarnamSt.
FOR SALE Flno real Jen'e , 12 rooms , 1 } Iot9 ,
gilt edge loratlon , hOLPo nearly new i.nJ tn
pelf toder. Beit tflr wltHn ten < ova fakoj
It Or c-tLlrJ cash , balacae time to salt.
non as & n LL ,
21)5-9 ) 1408 Farnam mr-at.
170RS4LE 40acr(8Sm romiourthout ? ,
i"woit , wl < bll\lrgaprlrg.
3 loti in Dnlgbt & Lvman'a addition.
4 lota In laiacs & Shelr'on'a addition.
Inqu'ro of H. d. Clark i72-14
FOR SALE One dark bay mare , top bjggy
nd t.arneaa. W. W. ROBERTS ,
277 ICf Fort Omaha.
.10K SALE House with 6 rooms and 2 leta
? ( each CCxl32) ) In aoutb Omaha , for 31,000 , on
easy terms. Wlll'aki to m on pirt payment ,
inquire at 611S. _ 12th street. ? * ? ! * ? t _
OR SALE CHEAP Choice unlmpioved bus-
Intaa lota on Farnam. llarney , DouglfA ,
and D.dge streets. D VVIS & SNYDER ,
Real Eat te Agents ,
110-eod-tt 1605 FarDamSt.
T > EillS' New Map of Omaha , lust completed and
JD ready for delh ery at $5 each. Is 4 feet wide
by 7 feet long. Largcat and moat complete map
of Omaha ever published , Official map of tbt
city. See column.
"T710R SALE Pockcta maps of Nebraska 200
Jj each. Far bargains In t'n aha City Improved
and unlmprcd property , call on Wm. K , Shri
ver , Kotl Estate Agent , opposite postofflce.
"TTIOR BALE A Orel cl&Ba eecond hand pliaetont
JD CallfttlSlQUarneySt. 9r-ti
Bargains in Eeal Estate ,
Comer'ot and two gocd cottages , or.o block
from St. Maiy's avenue , (3 000.
House and half lot. gotd kcatlon , J1,2CO.
House and half lot , neir ct. Mary's k\enuo
Cottage and Corner lot on Dodge street , $3,60Q
New Ucttigeln E. V. Smith's addition , $2.000.
CoUageana full lot on IPth street , ntar Lea-
vonwoith street , $200.
44 foct frontage on Farnam street , Improved ,
$200o. :
Corner lot on Douglas street , $7,500. Bargain.
nu Inesa lot on Dcuglta ittcet , $4,000.
103 foot front on Dodge stiott. Residence In
vestment , $1,350.
307tf- Opposite 1'OBtofflce.
LOjT On Wfidnfsday morning ( March 7) on
gr'en ' street cir , pair gold hpecta-lis , Fin
der ) ll please r turn samx to Gen Ticket office
U. P. ileadqturlcrs and ricehea liberal rard. .
reauuod ilnssm'klrg In Odd Fellows'
hi ck , room 1 aid * uld be g'ad t have taj
f rmerpttioi.avall. MR ) G. W. KEN ( ALL
mO KXCHANGr. for tltv pr vertv In O aht ,
I tea llittrn ! lmpiod fa'tnt A 8" < HGO
h9d n tli3-i f r " 'o Co ru piud I h N. C.
hr sllam n , it c n , ucit * , NOi. m ff-lm
\YKD-A M rk pony rclt. two year o'd.
wltnuMt faiea dne- < Any lntrin > tlon
of llN wht"b"un " 111 bo > hai kfully rnclvcd
by .Icsepu PiCilman , Jf , N. Uth Street. 31 } 12 }
A A REWARD L"8t , listTh-iadav e\en-
.Uw "g heiwo'n 12 h * nd 16tb , on Doug-
la s rtint , n I rck-it bo > k c M tuinlng about $30 in
man y ' 1 ho alo\e reward w.ll be paid Iu Miy
returning thi ( to Mrs. E. Yanalken , 1109
Farnam. 336-9)
fft i A REWARD Stolen on Monday Light
< & I U from Klewtt'a brick ) ard , a light half
spilngwsgon , made by Mltclol , Lewis & Co.
Racine , Wij. Part of dash board broken off.
Any ono giving Information leading to the re-
cov ry of the aame will receive the above re-
wtrd. 85C-105
LOST Lluht biy pony , < > n Saturday last from
S 13tb ttieot. FlLu r wil please rttirn to
i Spl lc , ? d Hard Fun it ire Store ann get rc-
viirii. 3M-68 _
_ try atoriat Gllmoro , tarpy cou > v , f > cb.
Apply to O. Froit , there 'OVltnf
TIuNALlST , 403 Tenth street , between Farnam
and Hatncy. Will , with ho aid of unardlan
aolrlts , obtain for any one a glance of the pael
and present , and on certain conditions In the fu
ture. Boots and Shoes made to order. ) ' > if c.l
aatlefartlon nmrvntcfri.
AND KHl e. U CO.vIltJIs 'IJATTnr.
r.nt's o tz " An.r " t 18 < J < INVAL-
Absolutely Pure.
This powder net er > aries. A marvel of purity ,
strength and wholesomcness. More economical
than the orplnary klndi. and cannot be sold In
competition with the multitude of low test inert
weight , alum or ph'tphate powder Sold onlv tn
can * . ROTAL IlAtlKO Po DR Co. , Wall-Sf. UjO
New York |