Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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    * * " >
_ „ . „ - . -
MARC a 10 r
w DR. A. J. COOK ,
. .
* i r * !
Diseases of Women and Diseases of the Rectum a Specialty ,
The Dr. has been located in Ooun-
oil Bluffs neatly two yoara , and hav-
ng been called professionally auring
that tlino into the beat familioa in the
city and , surrounding country , takes
pleasure in an announcing that ho has
come to stay. Hia constantly iucroa-
Inp practice at homo , in the midat of
hia own people , is the Vnt Hvidoiuocf
hUaklll an a SPECIALIST , and he
wisht'8 it uudi-ralood , uuue fur all , that
tils methods of treatment aru S1111011-
LY Bciontifio ; that he dcapiaea quack
ery aa well among ao-called "Regular"
and "Homeopathic" practitioners aa
* * among travehiigcharlatana and "Cure-
Alln. " Ho haa devoted fifteen yoara
o the titudy and practice ot hia SPE-
IALTIES and haa had the bonoQt of
e moat skillful training in the beat
+ Alleges and hoapitalo in the land , and
< f B no hoaitancy in promising the very
F at reanlta to be obtttiued trom ocion-
omedicine and nurgery.
Are BOW read ? to contract" ( or small castings oi
* every description In
Special attention la called to the fret that the
metals are mo ted in CRUCIBLES which gl > ca tfce
rery best coatings ,
Burning Brands
FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. ,
Aa well aa
s Cattle Brands
Works : Corner Sixth street and EIe\enth aveuue ,
F. D MDKUHD5OS , B. J. . B11UOAUT , A. W. HTHII1 ,
President. Vlco-1'rea't. Cuhloi.
Of CounoU Bluff * .
Organlied under the Uwa ol the Statn fit Iowa
Paid up capital . f 76.000
Authorised capital . 200000
Interest paid on time depoalta. Dratta leaned
on the principal cities of the United States and
Europe. Special attention given to collectioni
and correapondence with prompt retains
J. D. Edmandson , E. L. Shugart , J. T. U
. W Wallace , J. W. Kodfer , I. A. (
_ * W Ftrn-t _
MBS , E , J. BILTOr , , MD , ,
Justice ot the Peace and
Notary Public.
JIBBroadway. Council Bluffs.
E , J , HARDING. H , D , ,
Medical Electrician
Graduate of Klectropathlcj InjtlttUlon , Fhlla
delphla , Fcnna.
Offlco Cor , Broadway & Glenn Avo.
The treatment ol all diseases and ptlafal dl
Dcnltle * peculiar to females a specially.
Omaha and Council Bluffs
Real Kstato & Collection Agonoy.
n Odd Fellow s block , over Bavlnqs
Ic must be evident to every close
observer that n > ono tuiuti , huwavtir
gifted , can uranp inoro trmu a in-re
suiUteriui , ' of medical aciuaca. The
field la tixi largo and the natural divts
fnifl too numerous for anytliini ; inoro
thn a oats > fy via.v of Mm vnnt obsta
cle * to bd encountered by ttio ' 'gjn-
oral' prio'-itiousr W * nwe our oin-
iuHiit auctions and our minent pr/to
titionera of medicine , f f or vvhieti fol
low the noted specialism , umbraoing
the Eye , the Eir , the Throat , the
Lungs , tbo Kidneys and Bladder , Dia-
oaaoa cf Womou , Insanity , &c , &a ,
any ono cf which requires years of
patient study and practice to insure
profioionoy and ultimate success.
The btwy praotltipnor of to-day
the "family" physician cm no moro
o-nbraco ail thcao specialties in his
praction and do justice to hia patients
than ho can "bottle np sunlight , " yet
how .many physicians In the western
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Ext..820pm I Pacific Ext..9:15 m
Ex and Mall.925 am I Ex and Mall.6:65 : pm
D. Molnes ac".7J15 a m | Dca Molnea acM:40 p m
Depart. * Arrive.
Atlantic Ext..630 p m I Pacific Ex.920 a m
Mall and Ex * . . 920 am Mall and Hi.7:00 : pm
N.Y. Ex 4MO p m I Neb & Has Ex..8:20 : a m
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Exf..6:15pm : I Pacific Ext..9:15am :
Mall and Ex.9 20 a m Mail and Ex.6:15 : p m
Acx-Jffl ( Sat.6.60 p m | Accom. ( Mon..l:15 : p m
Depart. Arrive.
Mall and Ex. . . .9,55 a m I Express 6.60 p ra
ll aid Ee. .
umcn nemo.
Depart. ArrlTo.
OrerUnl Xk.ll20 a. m. OTtilanl x > 4 00 p.m.
Lincoln Ex..11:30 : a. m. BinTerEx . , .8'OOn.m ,
Denver Ex..7:00p. : m. Local Ex 6.300. m.
Local Ex 7:25 : a. m. " Ex 9.06a.m.
Emigrant..520 p. m. " Ex
Depart. Arihc.
Mall and Ex. . 9:45 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 4:30 : p m
Cannon Ball. . 4:60 : p m | Cannon Ball..11:05 : a m
Sioux CUT AND PAnrio.
Depart. PAnrio.Arrive. .
porSioux City.7 5am Frm Sioux C'y.0.50 p m
or Fort Niobrara. Frm Fort Niobrara ,
Neb * 7.55am Neb * 6.50pm
or St. Paul..7:40pin : From St. Paul.,8.50 a m
Lea\ Council Ululla. Arrlves Council Bluffs.
Mall and Ex.920 a m I Mall and Ex.6:55 : pm
Atlantic Kx..15:15 : pm | Atlantic Lx..19.10 a m
Leaves Omaha. Arrhea at Omaha.
lalland Kr.7:15am : I 1'aclllc Kx 19.45am
.tlantlc Ex..13:40 : p m | Mall and Ex.7-25 p m
"Except SunJa ) a. | Except Saturdaja. ( Except
londaje. ( Dally.
Council Blutta it Omaha Street R. It.
Leave Council IJIuffs. Leave Omaha.
a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 8 a m , 9 a in , 10 a m ,
1 a m , l m , 2 p m , 3 p 11 am , 1pm , 2pm , 3 p
m , 4 p m , 5 p m , 6 p m. m , 4 p m , 5 p m , 6 p m.
Street cars run hall hourly to the Union Pacific
) enot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at
I o clock a. m. , and run regu'ariy during the day
> t 9 , 11 , 2 4 , 5 and 6 o'clock , and run to city time ;
of huMnc
OUT dlltlfl kTOltl nlulit work 10
itlm'iJantianl ut tor * * ral * . ilf rV"1 *
Hop Bittereo
discretion ur dfufipal ken ) If jouiJiti >
rl l or single , old oi I " *
poorhr * Jth or UneuUh I llnir jj ft t l lift
DM * . r ly OD HOP | Dltter * .
wb < D T > r y oa friii , muiv from wxni
ihtl your u tcni 1 form o ( K lolicc
diM-u * Chat mlub >
oir or stlmulMIng
ra tlraelj > > MO'
r icSu Hoip HopBltter *
itt .
On 1. O
flalnl ,
and irrtslst *
of th rtotnae. .
. EOP bla c a r r f or
bou'tU. tloo. dnifteanecf ,
l < nr 01 * im * I as ot bpluzu
Ton will be tabaeoot c-/
cured If IOUUK aaroaUat.
Hop Bitter *
fox Milrltui trj NEVEF
111 it11 r. )
< wour FAIL . < ' li W ,
I ,
ir | > . It ha *
f.vfcd mm
at mW.Ov.
Prucldenl. Flee PfWI
W. S. DIUDIB , Kec , and Tre * > .
Lincoln , Neb.
Corn Planters HrrrowB.Farm Bolloie
Baltcy Hay Ratcea , BuoEet Bloyfttlca
Windmills , < 5jo
W art prepared to do Job work and mAnalic
Urtiglor other p rtlw.
Addrcti al orders
Lincoln. N * _
ooontry are I'HETKNniNO to do so , to
the cost and injury cf their patients.
I'tid Dr. doui not pretend to ourd
ALL ctirunio disuiaoa. Ho claims ,
"wwuvor , that \o\rs oi pitinnt 3tady
uid oriotloo , la the hoipita'sand ' lsa-
vhard , give him advanta < os in tluir
rea'ment nrhtoh no ordinary pricti-
Mnnor on poult ) ! ? have ; that he OA.N
CURB rainy cisoa now pronouncid
INCUR VBLE by them , and ( ? lvo relief
liof to hundreds of other * whoso dia
o.isp" onme within the range of lu'sSPE-
OEALTIE3. Ho ia prepared to give
the moat approved uluotrlo treatment
and modloatod vapor baths , when
needed. Parties residing at a distance
trhoso means will not adnlt of their
taking a regular course of treatment
here , will bo famished blanks with
questions , which can be answered and
returued to the Doctor , who will make
up his diagnosis and give treatment if
desired , bat ho much prefers to make a
Tenement bonnes are in demand in Storm
A G. A , R. fair at Monroe netted the
pott ? C20.
There are 22,175 volumes in the state
library at Des Molne * .
The Ottumwa plow factory ia turning
out twenty , tne plows per day.
The proposed musical convention at
Cedar Falls has been given up.
The reunion of the first Iowa cavalry
will be held in Da renport next September.
Anti-lloen-e wan successful in the towns
of Shelby. Kellogg , Oaceola and Corning.
Burlington's outgoing city council placed
the liquor licenses at $4 0 ; they were 875.
The ( ire department of Creston are
highly delighted with their Babcock fire
Within the past two years forty miles of
ailroad have been built in Palo Alto
The deposltH in a Marfhalltown Ravine's
iik en one day last week amounted to
:2,700 :
Keokuk wanta a big distillery and one
citizen his offered to take 81,000 worth of
lock in it.
Guthrie county exempts $ < J7CIO worth
f laud from taxation on acaount of the
The Democrats now have every alder-
lan In the Burlington city council with
? ne exception.
The nineteen police that coat Uubuqui
$900 in Kebruaiy nude but thirty-three ur-
eats that month ,
One stock firm at Waverly shipped 4C (
head of cuttle la t week , and hive l.OCC
cattle and 700 hogs yet on band.
Linn county citizens have paid $21,000
in taxea tliii year , eo far , and the amount
was divided between 0-17 tax-j uyern.
The fpeople of Carson precinct , Mills
eounty , have voted a tax of 5 per cent on
theitfolvea to build another railroad.
Several hundred people at Missouri
Valley joined the church during the re
cent sanetlficutIon meetings held then
A Van Bnren county man pays83DIG.81
taxes in the connty and 53,0)10 ) outside
lie evidently ban plenty of collateral.
The Caoa oonsty packing company loal
its large ooiper nlmp by fire on the night
of the 5th. I , ai 81,000 , and no insurance ,
A young Dnbuque couple eloped to i
Wisconsin town and ware married latl
week. They feared parental Interference.
A Mntoatine man has tba contract for
putting up a $1,000 monumtut over the
remains of the late lamented Jeaela James.
Tda connty has voted the necoaaary
bonds for a new court house and the work
of building will bo oommenosd immedia
tely. * < t l ' ) ' 4 l
The Herald icomnlaini 'of the naughty
actions of some .of , the.Dnbuque young
girls In flirting .with strangers on the
The SonttlBb-Amcrican hnd company
his expended S1CO.OOO in land and im
provetuentd in I'alo Alto county in the put
two years ,
L , Gonnver , canbier of the Latter Day
inta * publishing house at Ltmoln , Decatur -
tur county , haa lit out with $1,000 of the
ioti ) ' funds ,
Keokuk hns a citizen ) ' association of 214
members. Its object is to eiicouroge man
ufaiturlng enterpriaos and otherwlve bulli
up the city ,
A Minnesota hotel roan his leaned tb
new betel at Splri Like. The huuse wa
built hy the railroad company and is mod
ern In all its detalli ,
A Jackaon county piper say * that It i
estimated that 91,50X000 will not cove
the life insurance policies held by lodg
members In that county.
It is said that 100 miles of the DIgona
road will be built southweit from De
Molnes thin year oa iti way to Counc
Blulft and Nebraska City.
Des Molnea has juit put on a paid fir
personal examination and truat all
patients here , when poaiiblo , thus
avoiding any ohancj of arror in di g
nosis ,
The Djctortreats all foronof ohron
ic diaoaao , without mentioning any
uuoin particular , and hw no hesittuoy
in saying that ho CAN and , WILL
i < ivo the bast treatment known to mod
icnl Bcidnoo , aad charge only a reuon
Mo fee for his sorvioua.
This is ono of the SPEOIA.LUIES
to 'which the Dr. haa dove oi the baa
years of his life , and hundreds of
women , now living , ara roidy to toati'
fy that they found relief at his hand
when others had failed la boneft
them The "family" physicua caa
not treat theao dtioasos Bucoass''uliy ' ,
for many important roaaoua , chief
a-aong which is , that ho has not the
time to devote to tholr study , nor the
D tinnce to do thqm justice Not
epartment. The chief gets $800 per an-
nin , the drivers $50 per month and the
remen $75 per month ,
County agricultural societies through
be state are commencing to make arrange *
menti fur the fairs The general success
f last year bids fair to be repeated this.
At the annual meeting of the directors
f the B. C It. & N. railroad it was deWed -
Wed to erect a building for the general
Ulcers of the company at Cedar Rapids.
Dubuque'd street railway company asks
ermunion of the council to lay double
ruck and maVo other Improvements , the
otnl coat of which ia eutluiated at 830,000.
A medical student has been detected
tcallng books snrglcal instruments from
owa City dealers. A-enroll of hU room
Hi-covered the lost gocds and ho was ar-
A Ltko City man shot at auother Lake
City man five times without hitting the
nark. He became BO disguitcd at his poor
narkmacahip that ho voluntarily RUVO
ilmielf up to the authorities.
Atlantic had a red h > t fight on the
nunlclpal election , and the opposition
elected tbo mayor by 21 votes. A good
nan waa defeated by a cry of ring , water.
works and various other
The gas iu Don Moinej is so bad that
several persona have been m tde nick by the
odor. The lighter B js that 'where the
; na pipes were loose or faulty thenmell waa
most obnoxious hn.1 reicmbled that of a
corpse. "
On last election day at Cndar Rapid' ,
D , W. Kiton , repjbllcao , drove to the
iou. e of John W , Ilonderxna , democratic
: andidate fur the vame ollicj , acd drove
iilm to the polls tn vote. I'retty sharp
elecliuneerint ; to secure a vote.
The ice bridge at Koikiik went out
March lit , and attracted couaide able at
tention on accuuut of a fear that damage
would be douo. The fexrn proved ground-
loan UN the ice wa nit nearly to solid us
tuppoMiJ , and the m > mint it cjino in con
tact It bruko and shivered into atoms.
The little town of L > vitlan < l iu Potta-
wattumle county ia convulsed over it scan
dal. A year ago n ynung fellow hired out
to a married man who recently surfpeuted
that his wlfa and the employe were nest
biding. He watched and discovered a
utate of things for which hu waa cot pre
pared. Ho promptly told his wife to get ,
ntl she got , going away in company with
her lover.
Father Bernard , one of the most noted
men of Dubuque county , died latt Satur-
Jay at the TrappUts monotiUry , after a
llncrerlug illneM of six week' , at the age
of 70 yearn. He loootel m Dubuque
county In 1849 , aud founded the present
convent , which In one of the mcM noted
and prosperous in the United Stated , The
building it an impoxlng one , and Its erec
tion was due to the effort/t of the dead
priest , who was popular all over tha
Brown's Bronchial Troches
for Coughs and Colds : "I cannot very
well do without them. There' ! * nothing
to be compuml with them " [ Key. O. D.
Watklns , Walton , Iiid , 1'rlco 2i ceuta a
The digestive organs weakened and
worn out by DAlng cuthnrtiomedicines ,
rcwtortd by using Brown's IronlMttera.
All persons Buttering from CnughsCoUis
Aathma , Bronchltin , Logs of V Ice , or any
alfectlon of the Throat and Lungs , are re-
queated to call at 0. F. Goodman's drnst
store and got a Trial Bottle of Ur. K'T '
New Discovery for Coniumptlnr ( '
charge , which will convince the * '
wonderful merits and show what
ollar-sira hnttlx will Hn r ll c
Homfard'aj Aotd Plinipbata
DR. G W. COLLINS , Tipton , Ind. ,
sayr : "I used it iu nervous dobilitj
br.iuijht on by overwork in warm
woUhor , with good reinlta ,
should it bo expected of him , in the
ibsdiico , perhaps , of special tr.iiuiut !
and oxporlouoj , and in the hurry and
dxcitomontof ganoral praatioa
T10 Dr. is prepared to treat all fo-
nnlo dhoaiot in a skillful and sijntific
uminr , huvint ; devoted several yjatb
co their study ana trottmout , both in
r.h i hospital and in uo ivo praotioo
Diseases of the Rectum.
I'hoie o in bra so Uoinorriioida , or
les , Fistuloa , Fissures , ProUpi , or
falliui ; of the anin , tumora , oto , oto
ind oonBtltuto ono of the Djctor'c
oaiing spoclaltios. Alt rootal tumor
tro treated by the now nvithnd of in
joatinc and ara thoroughly and speed
ily removed , with butlit ljor no pain
O.iaoi of Piles , from ton to twenty
yoira standing , have bean perm nont-
ly cured bp thii new method , many of
thorn residing i i and near the city at
preoont.EPILEPSY. .
Many caioa ot E illopiy , orFits ,
A Colored Odd Fellow who tlealred to
Afflllato ,
Texas Bitting * .
A colored man was busily engaged
in sawing wood for Ool Powb , when
the latter observed that the bosom of
the man and the brother , so to speak ,
adorned by an Odd F.illnwa' breastpin ,
"Do the white Odd Follows and tbo
colored Odd Follows in Austin fcfllliatt 7
aakndOol. Powia
"Don't Cllyato wuf a ouzo , but doy
helps each other out. "
"Well that's the simothing ain't il ? "
"No , sab ; hit's not do same ding. "
"What's the diffdruuou ? '
The colored man stopped sawing
wood and made the following explan
"Liat week when dat norther was a
roazlog do marrow in ycr bone * , I
.vent inter do saloon of a whlto man
what totes dos very same emblem. I
s in diitrosr , ralo distress , as I
nidn't had a drum dat inornlu' , BO I
b him do signs ! oh deatrosa. "
"Did ho respond ? "
"Ho didn't gib do proper response.
Do proper rntponno would hab been to
hub rubbed his lei' ear irld his right
hand , and to hab sot out do bottle "
"Then ho did not roopond correctly ? '
"No , sth ; ho made a motion at the
doah wid ono hand , and reached un
der do bar wld do odder 1 made do
Odd Fellowa * olgnal cf distress once
rnoah , and don a urn ( in hatd hit moon
do hi'ad < tnd kncckcd mo clean out in
ter do street. LI it wan the bung star
ter what dat white bruc'dor Odd Fuller
had irowcd at mo in retpDiiao to the
distress signal. "
"Then the colored Odd Fellows and
the white Odd Follows da not auillatt ? "
"Jest what I tolo yof. Dey don't
llyato but doy helps each odder out.
I was helped out inter do street wid
do bung starter , but fillylato means to
Bet out do whisky. "
The Ooahler Ahead.
A now bank which had been estab
lished in a town in Indiana had on-
gigod the service of a watchman
who carne recommended , but who did
not seem ovurcxpofloncod , The Pres
ident thoruforo sent for him to post
him a bit , and beuun :
"James , this your is first job of this
klud.lsn'tit ? "
Ye ? , sir. "
"Yourfnat duty must bo to exorclro
vlullfuco. "
"Y.'o , nlr. "
"Uo careful how strangers approach
you. "
"I will air. "
"No strant'or must bo pormltted to
enter the bank at night under any pre
text whatever "
"No , tir "
" And onr cashier hois a good man ,
honeet , reliable , and thoroughly trust
worthy , but it wi'l ' bo your duty to
keep an eye on him "
"But it will ba hard to watch two
men and the bank at the same time ,
sir. "
"Two men how ? "
"Why , sir , It wa only yoitorday
that I ho oathler called mo In for a talk
aud ho said you wore the ( quarts
rntn iu Indiana , but that it would be .
just as well to keep both eyes on you
oan bo cured if taken in time , and cs
pocially in young subjects. The Dr.
does not claim to euro all cases that
coma to him fur treatment , but can
point to numerous instances where H
permanent euro has boon wrought
within the last five years. Medicine *
will bo wont by express when patients
cannot coma to the city.
These troublesome parasites can bu
removed iu a few hours , with but little
tlo inconvenience to the patient. The
Dr. will send medicines by express ,
with full directions for use , at anj
tltno they may bo ordered , .
The Dr. makes no promiics bu <
what will bo fulfilled to the letter. II
ho oxamiuos you and finds your dii
oisp incurable , ho will toll you so iu
plain words ; if ho finds you can be
bonefittod he will treat you for a moderate
orate fee and glvo you the benefit ol
all that medical science can do for you
case. This is all that any carofu
aud lot the Directors know if you hung
around after hours ! "
"Conqueror of all Ufa's Woes. "
Hxn A. W. HOWUND , of Providence , K. I. ,
s ys
"Deeming II mv duty to suffering humanity
to Inform all who may bsaflllcttJ > s I hove been
ot the § afo mil > uro Ilomcdy wblch , by the
lleealng of a kind I'raildenc * , h s rogtnrod mete
to health , with djopgratHudoI wish toacknowl-
dgo the ( friat benefit I that I hive received frcm
be uio of the moat valuab'e ' medicine that I
lave over seen. During the uut three years 1
love boon alllicloJ with KUnoy DUotae , nccom-
panlod by the lovoro aches , Intenaa palm , weak
ness anil prostration attending thlj droaJfal dli-
cue. Itrloilmany kinds of modlclne ) , Includ
ing phyalclana' preicrlpllon * , without obtaltlng
permanent rellif.
A few weeks ago a friend persuaded me to
ry limit's Ilemedy : and , a'tur using on'y half a
ott < , 1 WAS ro Ic eil of Ihiievore pain Iu my
nek , and continued the USD of the remodj uatl |
am wolla aln ; and I cm now take bug walks
without being tired , and have an excellent np-
i tlto , Bleep well , and am ild ot all those aches
and pilna lioin wh'ch I suffered so lonn. I moat
cheerfully rncomme d Hunt's Remedy ni a safe
and reliable cure fir Kidney Dlsoi o , and It la
tbo only medicine I hi e ov r found thit does
exactly what It Is advert aed to do.
" Tralao thobrlJgo that cairlos } ouo > or late
ly , ' % nd that to many an ailing ono has been
Ilunt'd lUinoJy , n brl Ige which has taken them
frcm whit leom d fatil alckneaa to bloomlog
"W ( are a 1 strong enough ta endure the ml- .
fortu ea of others. lluIf their mlitortune la
ilcknesa , It ooita nothing to tell them of the
, reat medicine , Ifnnt'n lUmxIv. "
FALLcYdsbObB ,
Western Agents , Lifuyctte , Indiana.
Itubbcr Boots and
Hoots iiitd Shoc9
h "
. .
Thn center plecra are Interchangeable and ro
vertlblo It prHvents tha counter from runulnj
eve , tciulrlng | no heel Htlllenern.
'iheAgincy for thuw gooda In this town hat
been Jill
Others canna pro < 'ur. hem.
Call and examine a lull line ot Leather and
"Cande o" Itubber IJoots and Khoea with the IU
vernllile Heel.
PERSONAL "I'artaot the huj on bodj
enlarged , neveloiwd and atrengthei d , " eta.,1
an Interesting advertsonient lo"g run In ou
piper. In replj to i qu rles we will Bay tha
there li no cvl lenrn r ! humbugabmt thla Or
the contrary , the advertU ra ar' verv highly In
darted Interes c l pornonanay get sialtd < lr
culara giving all particulars , eh Ing all partlcu
Ur < , by addri-anlnv Krle M'-JIcal Co. , I * . O. 13o
613 , Uuffalo , N. Y. Toledo Evening lloe. ill
I ull-ly ]
practitioner should premise his pa
tents' it is all he CAN promise them
and bo honest.
Parties vinting the city for the pur-
> ese of consultlnij the Dr. should
loino directly to hh ollho , where the
> est roforonccs in the city will bo fur-
liihodwhon desired , and where pa-
ionts will also bo assisted in procur-
tig board and rooms at reasonable
( Ono Block North of Broadway , )
Address all Letters to
DS , A. 3. COOK ,
P. 0. Bor No. 14
KANSAS Crrr , Mo. , Sept. oO , 1882.
I think It a duty I owe to humanity to ( ay
what your remedy haa dona ( r' me. Ono year
go I contracted a bad cone ot Illood 1)1 ojwe. a-ld
ot knowing the result ot such I roubles , 1 allow-
i It to run for BOIIIO time , but flnally applied to
he bust phjnidan In tola city , who treated ma
or six moniti.1. IN THAT TIHK i TOOK OVIB 600
FILLH or ritoToioDiuii or MXRCCBT 1 grain each ,
ndhad run down In weight trom 210 to 157
pouidH , and was confined to my l > ed with Sler-
urlal HhcvmatUm , scarcely able to turn myself
vcr. Doing a traveling man. some of the Ira-
crnlty found mo In thu dcplo able condition ,
and rrcom ax they
tended moa k n o wo f
a try jour several
[ MJC fie. OH canoH that
id l > een cured byia \ Una. I commended the ust >
twttiMery llltlo faith ann In IC.M that three
ceU8w 8able to take my place on the road The
oruH and copper collared npoU gradually d'sap- '
rd , and to-dav I have not a soiu or spot on my
OII , and my uclgdt Is 'JITpounds. Ixiln ; more
ban Itocr wan. I do not wish you to publish
name , but you may show this letter to any
who iloulit the merit old. S. S. for I know It U a
uro cure.
Yours Truly , J. II. B.
Soree thirty ) oars ago there Mve < l In SlonUo
let ) , Ala. , a > oung man who wat terribly aflllo-
id After being troitcd lor a long time liy the
ncd'cal ' proftwlon ot this town with no benefit ,
iu commenced taking B S S. After persistently
taking It two months ho waa euro ) . Dclngao
limlnted with him for the dUcaHo never made It
eturn. J. W. lliHiior , J. 1' . , Hot Hprlnga Ark.
If jou doubt , come to sea us , and we will CURB
YOU , or charge nothing I Write for particular *
nd a copy ol Iliollttlu book , " Mciwagoto the
Jnfortiinato Buffering " Ask any Druggist aa t
iur standing.
t3.SlOOD R w rd will ho paid to any
ChcmUt who will find , on ana'yiib ol 100 bottles
if S. 8. B. , ono partlcio of Meicury , lod'de ' ot
i'oiaiulum , or other Mineral subaUnco. SWIFT
81'IXJIKIO CO. , 1'roprlt.tors , Atlanta. Qo.
'rice ot Small Size , t 1,00
argo Sue 1.75
It Is a sure , prompt and effectual rcmeds or ID *
digestion. Dyspepxla , Intermittent Fever * . Waal
ol Appetite , Nervous Debility In all Its Stake *
Weak Memory , Lcwa of Drain Power , Prostration ,
Weakness and general Loss of Power. It repair *
nervous waste , rejuvenates the faded Intellect ,
trenuhthens the enfeebled brain and restore *
surirls | ng tone and vigor to the exhausted or
gans. The experience ol thousands proves It to
lie an Invaluable remedy. Price , $1.00 a bottle ,
or six or 93. For sala by all druggl'to , or sent
secure trom observation on receipt ol price by
Dr. StoliiUuv P. O. Box 248O St.
Liunis MO-
The Grutt Popular Uomuiy lor Piles.
Sure cure for LUImlBleedluK& Itching ?
And all forms of Hcmorrholdal Tumors.
T.'ILCO SurrtmiTOHliu act directly upon thi
; oata ot thi. Illual Viiwtld.aiiil b > their Mtringeal
itlLcts gentll force the blood from tlie unollen
tumors , and iiy making the coats of the tolni
strong , prevent their refilling , and hence a radi
cal euro la sure to follow their use. Price , 70
ctnU a box. For sale by all'Jrugglsts , or sent bj
mall on receipt ol price , by E'j liili Modioal
Institute IIS Ollvo St. ft TxtnU
\\Tn n t nil . . .Amenta lor the Llfe.Tlmej ,
YilllltU and Treaoherou ,
vTtMvnYiuswiFE. JBSSB James ,
hu o ly life authoilzed by her and uhkb will
not be a' Illood and 1 hunder" itory , such aa baa
been and will be pul lUhixl , but a tiuo life by the
only person who U In posenslon t , | the facts k
fnlch'ul and devoted wife. Truth Is more uter.
atlngthin fli'.lon , een < shouldappy ol ter >
rltory at once. Be 76 cti. for Sample book.
, J H Chambers & Oa1.
mjsJ.k - Bt ILooia Mo'