. . . . . * ' " . / " SiB-ei'tt'uilOlL ' iOWA SATOUJDAf MLafcOH 10 The Daily Bee COUKCIL BLUFFS. Saturday Morning , March 10 , SUBSCRIPTION nATESt 8T Canter , - - - - - SOcenUptt week. B/iUll - 110.00 per Year. Offloo : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near roadway. Borne one always in the offlce. MINOR MENTIONS. See Joicph Keitei' spring atylon. No criminal civea before the tuperior court on yesterday and but little civil bne'neis. Yo'tcrdfty afternoon a long haired half-breed Indian was preambulatlng our street * . Muiqulto creek , like all otter la'ge streams , is ceasing to r ge and coallnuea to flow downward. Three civil caret came up before Justice - tico Vaughan yesterdsy , one being a rail , road garnishment matter. -On and after Monday Tim UKE will to delivered to tubectlbers much eatlier than while the ice was in the river. In the cane of the garnUbco of the Wabath road , before Justice Abbott , the judge held the garnltheo good. Wfogins1 storm day has arrived and the gettle zephyr woul i itdlcate th t there was eomethicg more than wljd in the prophecy. Sarah L. llarrio , of Hancock , ftn-1 "William A. Henry , of Windham , Johnson county , this state , are bound Tor the land of matrimony. In the dog eve of MM. Spencer galmt John Uohn , which -we noticed yes terday rooming , the defendant has given notice of api eat and filed tonds. One of Neola's dry g oda merchanti , was in town to-day on made THE BIK office a very plcaraot < all. Ho reports 'TnK BEE as the paper for the people up hla II. J. Johnson received his llonne on yotterday to reUil liqcon. Tbla fa the necond one that fcoa bean Issued under the new ordinance. These are thirteen more hanging fire , The second lectare on the Deluge and ' IU Traditions will hi Riven nect Sundn evening , by the ipostor of the ZVenby t rin clutch. ILt i > nbltc IB iLvittd to heart ! lecture. All It ia claimed -by Its friecda that -fh n ew city coaooll will be a progressive one We hope eo Now let them ojlve a bcos to the bridge and THE 13nK > wlll sound-th loud Umbel in their praise. We are under obligation ] to Postuna ter Annocr for dGclol courtesies prompt ) rendered. Morgan pnhllihsd a iquib th other day , which was cotoly designed get Air. Armour into a controversy , 'ha ' the plot failed , agnally ! failed. A ceusw of Council 'Biufls Is noede so that r Hable > data can be furnlshnd manufacturers oad others looking for et vantageous location in the -west. 80 so leading members of the board of trade. The nlcht tr ln over the oombinatio line for Chicago leaves this afternoon cm the Chicago , Burlington ft < Julncy. Th other east bound trains going out are ovc the Milwaukee * nd the \Vabaah. The roads Sn tbo cowstry are la anne better condition than the streets of th ; city , but wait till the paving Is-done an onr country friends won't growl eo whe thfy drive la with their wagons loade with grain and produce and carry boo' groceries flour sad building material. The ice has gone out opposite the oil with but little Seating ice in the rivei The river is p and rising slowly. N danger la Apprehended , as no heavy rait are reported tram above and the weather getting eome colder. A rule was made by the council at 1 meeting that applicants for license to oe liquors could open up business OB soon the money and their bonds were filed wli . the clerk , and If upon the mooting of tl their license was not granted they wou be ordered to close up their saloons at the money would bo refunded. The water works company are eroc ing a telegraph line from the liver to th office in the city , also to connect with tl engineer's residence and the Glen avon reservoir , which would prove very uiof In case of an accident or break any whei The line will be-completed by next Tw day. From Omaha cornea the Gowert ai Kohl concert company , which give an e tertnlnmnnt next Monday night in tl city. This company may Ve composed artists equal to Signer Bllsp , but BO far we know , their fame , If any , is more lei than otherwise , In the case of John Fair against < Goodwln , in which Mr , Goodwin h went security for a party , the jury fou a verdict In favor of plaintiff for $71 and costs of suit. The cue was tried ore Judge Aylesworth. The rooms of the Y. M. 0. A. w -were well filled lost night to hoar It Hamlln's lecture. The uses of the imi nation and Its cultivation received careful and scholarly treatment the -turer is to well fitted to give. Those pi .ent would donbtlesf welcome another tore from the same source. Invitations to the fourth annlvera ( ball of St. Patrick's Benevolent socle are now in the bands of the committee ( Invitations , Messrs. J. S. I ) . Ooggsh John T. Hnrley and I'hon. McCue. I iocs accidentally [ overlooked in receiv ihoEame will please apply to tbote gen men. Another man took quarters at the yesterday. Ills name is Jatnes Noble i he hall * from Emerson. The trouble w James wac his 'opposition to the princl of internal revenue taxation and the pi tlcal shape it took. In 1681 be was fii l but baa never paid up and his incarce tion aow will last till the fine Is paid I expiated by sufficient confinement. A wild man from tbo west gave a f open air concert last night on Uroadw He had filled up with bad whisky sot where down tha street , and turned hi elf looii. A hi ? crowd assembled 0 followed bim around for about half Jiour , when Ofiicer Bwki took bim in t and locked * Ufl ftt thfl cooler , lie b d S2.05 , ft haggago check , a very loud voice and a breath strong as a stockyard when taken In. Officer Bracks had Just taken some important papers down at thn south put of the city , and hearing tbo noise , ran all the way back , arriving out of breath to capture htm , "Nugent & Smith , merchant tailors , Nos. 7 and 9 Main street , first door south of American Kxpresi office , Council liluflj , Iowa. " The above is the card of a new film of live younc men who have a busi ness way with them that It full of push , energy and Intelligence. To all auch THR BED extends the right hand of fellowship. MARKET GARDEN. Martin Cade Is opening up a goners ers ! market gnrden on south Madison street. Daring the spring and summer our citiz3ns can bo supplied from this garden with anything in the vegetable lino. Council llluffa Water Worka. ' It was our pleasure recently to take a ride with Mr. Borklnbine , the en glnccr and superintendent of t ) , water works company , to the BOUI c of their operations hero. Sorao of our citizens ecom to U that the company deserved no th for the excellent manner In ' these works are being comttr \\ocaunotagroowith them. Thl company has shown by ifs wo fc. nnd the character of the miter' ' * l ueod that they are building these w wrl * fern n permanent investment and u,0t as moro stock speculation. We .1mvo ex amined the details of thcso lana aad fiud that no oxpoueo has b crn spared to make the oparntlon of t JK-OO works economical , and therefore profitable Investment. In our c pinion ijroal credit la justly duo to Mich liberal management. There ro ulx other water works on the B edrinblne ays. tern now in ftaccceeful , operation ir this country. The i rater la taker from the ritor , thr > jqgh a coudnll passing into * siphon will thence with centrifugal fumpa boi forced Into twi largo nubsldicg re jervoirs holdiru ' 6,000,000 gallons ijacb ; those pnmpi have a moan working capacity of 5 ' < 100,000 gallons pec hour. The wato * I will bo forced Intotbo atorago resor io I voir , on "Glen avenue , with two up col right engines. The storage rosorvoi 1 will hold 4.000,000 gallons cf water . and ls'20.0 feet above the subsldlni reservoirs. At the Glen avenue reservoir ; orvoir will "bo a system of valves ar ranged , so that by turn ] ing a small hand whio to bo placed in the llesouu fire ongln bo home , the ontlro pumping power the aparatns will bo brought to ben upon the whole plpo system of th be city , thus insuring an abundance water at all times and under all cli onmatancoR. When completed the or tire cost will oxoood half a million do ; larH , and will ba the finest watorwor ho system in the west It is intended teat have the work all done by the first at August , PERSONAL , ed t ' ° A. W. Crawford , of Pacific Junctioi * and Mre. M. A. Woodhurst , proprietroi oy > of the Ealipae house at Pacific Junctioi were guests of the Pacific. T. J. Savage and 15. Lowry , of Boon rer roomed at the Ogden over Thursda ho night. er Dr. A. T. Hill , of Magnolia , was in o\ city and met bit friends at the Pacll loh house. he nd J. 0. Mitchell , who lives at Clarind en te dinner at the Ogden house ye ed terday , ok ' F , S. Plumb , of Omaha , was here Thur day on business and stayed at the Paclfi ] F. B. Smith , one of Shelby's loading er. tornoyB , died at the Pacific ycetorday , er.No No Frank ChampUIn , of Doone , partook : Ins the goodies at the Pacific yesterday. ria Dr. F. A. Xantcn and wife , of Avoc dined at the Ogden yesterday. It * ] ; , H. Caldwell , Uunlnp , breakfasted sell the Opden yesterday. an ; Mra. E. J , Abbott has been quite poor Ith of late , the uld Hoodwinked. km ! A man who came in on the Donv train from Plum Greek , Nub. , whi waiting for the departure of the Kv < sas Olty train , was accosted by a co plo of slick ones , who worked the o chock dodge on the Plum Orookor the tune of $30. The victim , aid JOB town in search of the rascals , but far have boon unable to catoli wad glimpse of them , though the of In en- thinks ho will ba able to round the this up in a few days. lof as TboIAto Elaotiou. ucal Democracy per no hud nnthlrg to i with the late election in this city , G. was a race , but the winners we had agroad on before the entries we iund made , and the drivers bothdomocra 1.75 and republican divided the cash , De Ibe- ooraoy received the honors If auythl of thu kind was conneottd with the fair. As usual ( ho prohibition ! wore did nothing but talk. The workln Rev. men nominated a ticket and then t lagl- uot support it. The darkles sold the the solves to the democrats with a few ' leo- , oeptlons , and whole squads of wh pres- republicans did the same thli lee. ! The leading men of the city were c piononsly absent from the polls. The battle is over , and a review ry the field Is only useful to glvo poll lety , for the future. . THE BEE has oust on and discussed this matter sulliolo hall , and for tno present will take arest t Per- less something now turns up in regi ; ivlng to the matter. ntle- The men elected are good oltizo and able to fill much higher Billons. jall They know what is right , but c and they , under tlio circumstances , with what is best for this city ? Wo lit lple they can ; but to the matter stan rac- Wo fear the worst. Tlmo will i ined whether wo will have reduction of era- oenso and non-enforcement of the 1 or ou the opposite. Satisfactory Evidence. free J. W. Graham , Wnoleiale Druggist > AustinTex. , writes : I have been hand ! vay. DH WM. U ALL'S BALSAM FOU TI ime- LUNU8 for the past year , and have foi itm. it one of the most salable medicines I h An-1 over had in my house for CODKUS , Oc and even consumption , alwuya glv Inn entire satisfaction. Pleaie tend ma < tow IKTOM by Saturday's steamer. How a Dubuqt le 'JJan Played Too Bnatp o Of , > $ r tno dam- blere ofOuuBufla About thr M months afr a well dressed man from DubuqBQ paid the Bluffs a c 41 and wont around to "tako in U lt town. " In the court-o of his stroll * M full into the toils of the tiger , bu j in this tww the tiger found ho had t m elephant on his hands in oa ( e xroost. Dabuquo was up lethe the ge are of heurd from away bock and I /wj / Council Bluffs sharpora shut him o t of the game after ho had won lef & 0 o , jjo vowed to have revenge and .Night before laut a woatornor from M ) plains , dressed in heavy stopa ' xiota , overall/ / ) , pea jacket aud slouch aat entered the don , sat down aud tugnn to play. Aftur some varying ( ortuno ho commenced ti win , the gmnblcr played on nnd on to win back what ho wan losing till finally thu , western covr-boy WHO $800 ahead of the eame. Iltslng L < j step- p d into the other room , cast tfl hla enter husks , and stood revealed the finest dresped man in the crowd aud the muu nhut out of the game threw months ago. Of course the gambler * am hurt , but. what dooi it amount to ? 800 in H mere llourinh ( if the finger to the rams thr.t uro lost week nftor wpi k , month after month by the hifatuitod foolti who am not only losing their money , but n their body aud souls , at the accureud table. If you are not married , wrlto the Mnr- riugo Fun nnd Mutual T t Amocta > tlon , Codnr K > td | ! , Iowa , for circulars the | ilnn. lb-3m , Scurhit , O rdlnM Jl.-d , Old . Gold , Navy liluo , Seal Brown , Diamond mend Dyes give perfect runnlta. Any n faahionablu color , 10 cento. n it THE LIOfcJf.SB QUESTION. ith h Council , BLUFFH , March 7. 'O To tlvo Editor of Tue Bee : 8 The next ooeaton of ( ho supreme court of the otato will bo hold in this , or city commencing on the 10th Inat. , ir when the petition fjr u rehearing of irP" the amendment case will bo heard and lir we hope finally disposed of. The liqnor question should bo taken ont of s _ politics and bo controlled by laws which have proven to best subiorvo noh the whole people. A prohibition law does not prohibit the sale or use ol 10of liquor. It is a dead chapter upor every statute book In the Unltoc IBT ho States wherein such a law ia recorded of and a stumbling block and myth in Ir- every c institution. ' The states nf - Irm Malno and Kansas are fair illustra- m- mol. . tlonn of the workings of the ol.rk law while to rk , the contrary to 1 take onr fair young sister of state of Nebraska , where" high license law prevails and has boon in active operation for nearly two years , to the satisfaction of a largo majority of the people. A reasonable high license makes ol every saloon keeper a guard to see 01H that everyone in the oamo business paya for the privilege the name that he is doing , and therefore drives from the traflio the low class of doggeries lay which do the greatest harm The hiuh license system has proven a ben cfit to the dealers from the tact thai our \ it drives from competition an demon1 Ifio who are irresponsible and bring upon the trade in general the innondoes * . aud discredit it ia receiving. While wo have no favors to court from the trtllia which desolates elates happy homes , makes widows .re- ows and orphans by the mlllloi fie. and drives to beggary , debauchery am at- to n pauper's grave a oncu industriour and proHporoua man. Wo do not roc of < ognfEo the fact , and claim that so long as onr government permits the manu- fecturo and importation of liquors , ca , sells stamps and grants llcenso to otrry on the business , that the dealers have rights , aud the qucation for the puoplu to determine is how ohall wo curtail irly its uses , and abuses , and especially the latter , for it ia the abuse of liquor which creates this vast amount of misery , and by driving from the trade ver the irresponsible dealers , you will , tea lilu a great extent , prevent the gross abuse of itn aalu aud use. Nouvn ou- Fou SALE At a birgain , two ehooe old vats and Cxturen. Address 2,304 to Council Bluffs , Iowa. fob27-t led these School Election. so The following propositions will b a voted upon at the city school election ! or ou Monday. Polling places are at th lorn usual places. 1 , Shall the Independent ( school dls triot of the city of Council Blnff do Issue its bonis to the amount of 810 , It 000 , duo ton years after d&to and puy ablu at the of pleasure the district an roro time before duu , drawing interest a roro not exceeding G per cent per annum , atlo for the purpoto of obtaining a loan to bo used in the purchase of a school eiu- house slto and the construction of a king iaf. school honso in the southern part of i the city , south of the railroad traokel 2 , Shall the board of directors of the Independent school district did of the city of Council Bluff * bo authorized em * . to sell the Center street school site ex. i bite and building , and Issue bonds to the amount of 85.000 duo ton years after lug. date and payable at the pleasure ol 3on < the district at any tlmo before duo of irawing interest at not exceeding ( Ints per cent , the proceeds of said sale and ised bonds to be used in the purchase ol ont a site and the construction of a now , . building to accommodate the Oentoi un. street echool ? ard 3. Shall the independent school district of the city of Council Blnffaia ons : , . sue its bonds to the amount of $3OOC po. ] duo ton years aftur date and payable at the pleasure of the district at any can do time before , and badrawing ] Interest at not exceeding G per cent per annum lope nds for the purpose of obtaining a loan tc toll bo used IP remodeling thu nppei H. stories of the Bloomer building foi law high school purposes ? 4. Shall the Independent school dls trlot of the city of Council Blufls issue Us bonds to the amount of $10,000 , , of duo ten years nf ter date and payable lllDK at the pleasure of the district at any PHE tlmo before duo , drawing Interest al not exceeding G per cent per annum , have Jolc ) . for the purpose of obtalng a loan tc vlog bo used in purchasing additional one grounds contiguous to the Stutsmat : I street schoolhouse alto and in RECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. . i mm nrtrn o no GENERAL MERCHANDISE. UUim DtltU Ot UUi | IB Main Street and 17 Pearl Street. MAX MOHN.HOUSE. . J. M BABSTOW , M. D. Oor 5th OFFICE St. and : Chb AVP. nn I I * UfUITtf OFFICE : Cor. Malti and 6th , up-Hlalis. Jlli Ji ! " Will I EI Residence , COO Willow Avotino. JUS I10E OB' THE PEACE , N Office after February 15th , over American Express. O G U/AOUCD LIVERY AND FEED. WILL CONTRACT J , D , II Hull blli for funerals at reasonable rates , No. 22 4th St. J. M. ST. JOHN & GO , CASH BUYERS , Who'csale butter , tgtt , pc ltiy rcl fnilU Ship to us. Dr ltby return mall 318 Broidwiy NEW BOOT AND SUOE STORE , 8. A. PIERCE , Oor , Main and First avonao Broad way Moat Mar PETHYBRSDCE& HEBBEBlS , ket , 327 Broadway. 1 ST ( QEUilTEJ CONTRVOTOR AND BUILDER , Oor. 7th and At ! $ iVI > l I lit Broid'vny. Plann and apeoifiattloua farninhcd ftf W IU FJNE UARNESS Ih--votho variety thi\t briDRB pitroijiKjc. 124 Main street , ' MERCHANT TAILOR , Attintic Work . and Reafonablo Or.argos 872 Broadrfny. FURNirURE , STOVES and . Household Suppllpp , 303 Broadway , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , .Tauioa Block. PraotlceH in ttato nnd federal courtH. M.i' < n'f FJIIO FarnUurnUpuol6tnry goods jCurtiiinsund Window Shadtm , 309 B'way Hides , Peltr , TAllow nnd ( Jreaso. OhloJoitl5N [ MulnSf. 0. Bluffs I D UETATaJ BALED HAY , CORN , OATS , U Dltlll H9Hfj BRAN , Etc. , 114 North Main Street. And bath house , 421 a-id 423 Broadway. L. Sov ereign , Prop , P. J. Montgomery , M. D. , Phy , AI A nrj O BOOT AND SHOE SHOP , No. 522 , ( Oor. Broadway ur > d S tt. streets. VETERINARY SURGEON , Office j Bray's stable , No. 12 Scctt street BROOKLYN MARKET. Cor. Eighth and Broadway , PI UCIIIS8TODV Manuf of HORSE COLLARS , Trade sup ' Ui n&llElEluuT j plied , 8th St. , between Cvh and7th Avenue , TO CONSUMERS OF WATER. Tl > e Cnincll Bluflfl City Waterworks Company hereby nunounces , that it will pu In Service 1'lpea to the curb of the street on ttie line of its inilna for all partlea who desire sire to have cnnnccti na made with the nticot malna before the Wa'.erworka are com Dieted , and who will make application therefor to the company BEFORE APRIL 1 , 1883. at the folowiag price ? , payable in advance : i Inch Service Pipe § 7 25 t " " u 8 50 I " " " 9 75 u " " i nas 1 " " " 1300 Thfso pilot r Include the cost cf opeclDR and closing thofl'rctt. tapping the street water unln furnn > hlrK and IrBcrtlutf corporation crck , lurnlshlrg nul puttli g in < xtia strong leal servlre pipe ( urnlihtUK ard puttli ; In turtietcp , tt'p box auu coier completr. anr m kl g&neccc \ ary ion notions between tbomtictiraln and iho cvtb of the B reel which are about one-half the cos to the coniumcrol ttlne tto came ROtk alter t ) o watetwoika areccropleteu. Inlcwot the contcmplatod pa\ln2 ol certain etroott In the city , putlca arc recommendjcl ti make application Imraedia c\j \ at the office of the company , 28 x Ei.flk.aE&x. sopaetJEJiaT , In order to lave the necessity and a > old the Increased expense of breaking up the streel after paving haa been done. HA.RRY BIBKINBINB , Engineer. Council Bluffa , Fob. 20,1883. ml-dtf oonattnotinf ; an additional building thereon. 5. Shall the independent school clis trlot of the city of Ojaucil Bluffi i eue its bonds to the amount of $3,000 , duo ton years afterdate and pa ; able at the pleasure of the district at any tlm before duo , drawing interest at not ex ceeding six per eanc pur annum , for the purpose of obtaining a loan to bu ueud in paying the original cost of the Unll's addition ochcol houuo beyond the ? C,000 appropriation heretofore tnadi ) , nnd in completing said build- ln ( : 0. Shall the board of directoro of thit Independent district of Council Blntt'i bo authorized to UBUO bondo in the sum of $2,000 , duo ton yearn after date , payable at the pleasure of aald district at any time before dne , drawing intcroet at not to exceed 0 per cent per annum , for ( he purpose of obtaining a loan to be uced in en larging and tarnUhlng the Clark school. 7. Sh ll a tax bo levied to raiae the sum of $2 000 to ba mod in the pur chase of library and apparatus. * Wotneu are rapidly finding places in the learned professions and the more lucra ivo occupations from which they wore formally excluded , Riany are graduating in medicine. Mro. Lydla E. Pinkham , of Lynn , Mass. , is a minister of health to thousands who may never touch the hem of her garment or behold the genial light of her modest conntenance. Ve notice the Marriage Fund , Mutual Trust As oclatlon , of Cedar Haplda , Iowa , , highly spoken of In many of the leading ] papers of the state. "Money for the Un married" heads their advertisement in another column of thia uaper. f 5-3ra Our New Lioan and Improvement Co Investigation into the matter con vinces us that one of the most equita ble , reasonable and feasible plans of building houses la that proposed and In operation by the Mercantile Loan , Trust and Improvement company of thin city. By investing In ehares lu thin institution , which Is backed by , some of our best and most reliable business men , it becomes possible and comparatively easy for a man of mod erate moans to secure a comfortable homo for himself and family. In tak ing a certain number of shares , at n certain monthly payment , la a few years a man can own a house of his own for about the sams as ho pays monthly for rent. "Wo believe the Mercantile Loan and Trust company , by organizing and opening up for business , having filled a long felt want In Council Blnffa. Their plans and system of loans will bear the most careful scrutiny and exam ination , and wo have no heaitauoy in pronouncing them rcmonablo and equitable , and backed by gentlemen of honor and integrity. As the com pany exists It booomea at once an in stitution of value and credit to onr city and those who dtairo homtB. Their president is T. A. Klrkland , vice president , Judge Peako ; see- rotary , I 11 , Beery ; treasurer , Col , Boobo , nnd their office is Hi the baop- meut of Shugirt's and MoMahon's now block , corner First avenue and Pearl atro11- ] an27-ly Young man or woman , if you want big money for a Rinall amount , insure in the Marriage Fuml nul Mutual Trust .Ached- ation , Codfir 11 ipldaIows. _ f5-3m Baby'a Wnrntnir- When baby has ( a in at dead of nUht , Mo her In a fright , father In a plight ; When worm * do bite , baby mu t cry , If ( over nets In , baby must clo. If croupy pat < s kl 1 Leonora , In that houao there's no OASTOUIA ; For rr other i train without delay , CAST01UA cures by n'ght and -lay. COMMERCIAL. COUNCIL BLurra MARKET. Corrected daily by J. Y. Fuller , mer chandise broker , buyer and shipper ol grain and provisions , 39 Pearl street. WHEAT No. 2 spring , 78o ; No. 3 , 63 ; rejected COc ; tfooil demand. COIIN5o ! to feedera and S5a to ship pers ; rejected corn Chicago , 51c ; new mixed , 61Jc ; white corn , SCo , The re ceipts of corn are light , OATS Scarce and In good demand ; 35 , HAT 1 OOfflG 00 per ton. RYE 40c ; light supply. CoiiN MEAL 1 25per 100 ponnda. WOOD Good supply i prices at yards , 5 00G 00. COAL Delivered , bard , 11 00 per ton ; soft. 5 50 per ton. HOTTER Plenty and In fair demand ; 25c ; creamery , SOo. KQQB- Scarce and in demand ; 15o per dozen. LAIID Falrbank'e. wholesaling at ISJc , rooLTUf Firm ; dealers paying 13o per pound for turkeya and lOo for chickens VKCIKTABLES Potatoes , 45c ; onion * , G5c ; cabbages , 30@40o per dozen ; applea , 2 60 @ 3 60 per barrel. City flour from 1 00 to 3 10 Buoous 2 00@3 00 par dor.cn. BTOCK. CATTLK 300@350calves ; 600@760. Hogs -Market active , and all offerings ulckly taken at higher prices. Car lots : Common , 5 75@5 90 ; good mixed , 5 90 ® 640 ; heaw packing , 650@700 ; choice fancy packfrg , 7 05@7 40. BuoKlin s Arnica Halve. The Bear SALVM In the world for Cal , DrulccB , Bores , Ulcers , bait Hhruir , He- ver Boroa , Tetter , Obupp l Hand * , ChllJ blalr.n , Corns , and til tUa eruption , and potitlvely curoj pllm. It Is ( "ranteed to give sstlafAct/ou / i uoifr refunded , Prlof , 'ii > cents p J CT.ri lelx hO. . Rev. S , I. Ferguson , Five Pointo Mission , Now York , recommends St Jacobs Oil for rheumatism and other painful ailment * . A Specialty of Fashionable and Durable. SHOES&SLIPPERS AND TDK LOWEST POSSIBLE- PRICES CONSISTENT WITH FIRST OLASS GOODS IS OUR OLAJ. I'LKASE CALL AND EXAMINE CUlt | NEWS PRiNG STOCK | 5 IN MNES OF Men's , Boys' , Girl's , BOOTS AM SHOES , Wo ask the attention of the public. Our place ia And there Is where you will alwajj Dnd us. Z. TLINDSEY&OO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , West Side Square , Olarinda , J DUQUETTE , GUIBERT & CO. , ( Successors to EIIB & DUQUE1TE ) , Ilielesale Fruiters anil fJoniectio ! : < ) nml 18 Poarl-st , . . Council BluTs , Ia. M. GALLAGHER , Now Store , Frenh Goods , Low Prices , Polite Attendants. Dcnr .RA-tn.tVi. East of ihe .Metropolitan Hotel , Lower Broadway PETER C. MILLER , WtlOLKSALB AND RETAIL AND WINDOW SH4DES PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES , FEESCOINGIN MODERN STYLES , -wos-18 Moi-th ttmln AND Ntroot. 20 IITLE ABSTRACT 0 F FCE. ! " 3r- "Vyw < CB T71 3C OR H JSai CJ C . I , an.d.g and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS OUNGIL BLUFFS IOWA' M. T. DAVIS , Prenldent. N. B. EASTON , Secy. J , 0. HOFFMAN , Vioa Pros. 0. HULBURT , Adjuster. MUTUAL IOWA STOCK INSURANCE CO. 0 Inaurea Live Ftook Against Loss by THEFT OR DEATH. Offlor , 103 Pearl Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The only company in Iowa that will Insure , your stock acainst IOPB f roro any canne whatever. Owners ot Stork will consult their own liitere't If , when Insuring their Stock , ti c > s e tha IIIpoln } li eludes all ho losses thrj may Imv e , n J be sa Isflrd 1th nothing le a. 1 For tuithcr luformatl n ui 1 on or aiklrtss B. L. SMITH , Local Agent , - - - - fflce.No 9 Mniu 8tr > et. THE LEADING DEALER IN DO I 337 Broadwiy , Council Bluffs , Iowa , For Engine ? , Boilers , Onatinge , Repairs and HIN Y. Pond Onflow to JOHN cnBEiiT , Manufdoturer , Corner J Knet aud 8th A\euuc , Oounc1 ! BluHi. Promo1 attention ti crlori. ' Woikuiuniblp and Iteaionab'c crarj < M feb II WATER WAVES Th t nevui itnulro crimping. t IIn. 3. J. Quod's Hair Store , et urlcia nevot before touched bv uy ethoi hull < K W < Al * > full line cf switches , etc. at rently reduced priced. Also gold. > er ml < v.lorcd . cer U'UVM nndo from Indies' own h4li. Bo col ! ' . ! to call before uurchaelnjf wni ntpil a * roprrrcntod. elKS * J * J GOOD , 2 < f Main fliroot , Council Bluffs , Iowa. COUMUIL iiLUF S HPEGIAL NOTICES , itdtertlstunintx , HUC Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To U nl , Wants , Bourdln ? , etc. , wilt ba Inserted In thli column at the ow rate of TEN CENTS PBlt UNE for the Hrsl Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each gubaequent Inwrtlon. Leave adr ertloementi al our office , No. 7 Pearl Street , nor Broadway. Wants. Wac ted by a youngand enterptlsicj : AQEKCY , with ottlcd In centre nf tcwn and MI ground lloor. < m ra flrmt tint want a Council lli.fla repnuinUt\e pbnnld address JOHN DOE. 71'earlS' . PANTED A KOJj coit maker. Addrets W Ccener i. Luckc , Harltn , lota. ANTBOImmcdUUr , btrber. Addrtei T , W J Lelk , MirjBVilIo , Mo. To learo an eight or ten room WANTED with luoiiunccmcMtncoi and In a Rood iccitloi ) . Addrcua Joe.Garuieiu , Jr. , l'ix- tan 11 uso. . Ererybody In Council BlufH lo WANTED Till I ) 11 , 20 centl per week , do llvorod by csrrlera. Office , No T Pearl Street near For Stile and Bent BOH KENT. IDASTURAQE 1,000 acres ol ( hut c a > 8 upalnd paituro lor not for Sl.CO per aero for Kiass if 1BS3 , well fenced In two onclouu is of biut 0 aid COO acres , it Ith abanrta > f eel IMag vvitcr lu fach , Eutranei to b nh ? J uilUa north olcl'y limit' . WlllasjIeueSJ arrca ) ratio cait of deaf and dumb aiylua , cll fenced and tereil. II notkasodby AprlUSwIll pieturs stock b > MMon 01 month , andkoepaRood raauln coargo. Enquired U I' JUD30N , 321 llroalway or 1,01'J SUth avtnue. Matfrdtf LD BEKS-lu pacKije 01 a hundred at ioo a package at Tui Bu offlce , No. T I "l itroet. u A N offlce , moitadvant4 eously ltuat d , offera A. dt k room In return for rerilcea ; pu ) , fuel , etflT , fumWiod. Addrew , "Offlcr , " Bu office , Oouocll BluOq. S , t aa < o omcv ovnt ivlu < i bank. JO ON OIL , BLUFFB. Iowa. MOHOAN , KELLER & 00. , . - The Uncat quality a d largest stock weat of Chicago of M ooden and Metallc Caeca. Calla at tended to t all hours , \\odefvcuropetltlon n quality of irooxb or prlcra Our II -Uortran haa eenea as uuUcr'akcr for forty > eors aitd thor oughly unixicHtands Ms numnutia. ' Warerooms , 311 llra < lw > y. UHnuLUTEUWa In all Ita branchea Droinotly attended to a'uo oomet-la Ing ana laiitarcquins. I'elcgraphlc auu tua or ders flllodwthbut aciaj . tnoi ) . orriom. w. u. M ruirr. OfflCEB & PUSSY , Coecil Bluffs , la , Established , - - 1866 Dealers In Foreign > t > d notnectlo GGJUIIB asw 03. ! h8 Story of tne Siv/lng / Saolilac. A btodtouia IIU1 * s " 115 > oameroui enti entiAWAY AWAY ta BT aant ! perron ciUc ; for It , ( t as ; biatcb 01 lob-oace ol Thi Queer Uanofaeturlog Ooai. pany , 01 will be MD ! l > y mil ) , pott pal 1 , W ur p < non living al dlittnce IIM out offlrn Prlnelptl Office , 84 Union Bqtuira { TEW fORK.-