Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1883, Image 5

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    T T > T < mr * -D A TUYYNTr. A V TV/I / A ttin r-T 19
Ton Nebraska national Baik
O ! Omaha , Nob.
PftliJ.p Capita - - - - $260.000
R. JOHNSON , President n 9'M * JlVtm A
A. S. luulALIN , Vlca Proeldent , of 0. , B. A ( j.
R. R. , Boston.
ff. T. MOUSE , ol W. V. More * a Oo
OHN S. COLLINS , of 0 , H. ft J. S. Oolllnl.
U. WOULWORTII , Ooaniollof 6 Attorn yi
RKED , ol Byron Reed ft Oo.
W. 1TATES , Oaahlcrlat Caihter ol thi Film
National Bank ol Omaha , and connected wltt
the active management of that Bank ttnc * Iti
ItganUatlon In 1863.
OriKiD for builneas April S7 , 168k , with Ihi
rje | capital of ny bank In Neoraaka.
OOU.ICTIOHS receive ipoclal attention and chat
set lowmt obtainable here nr eliewhere.
iRTiKnat allowed on lluio tle | lU upon tatot
able termu and upon account ! cl bankand lnuk
EIOIUHOI , Government Bonds , and
Comity and Cl y securities booeht and nolJ
It In prepared ti tlo a central Imnklut ; butlneet
la all It * dotatls , neil In the treit'iiant of custom
will ourwo tri mont liberal pnllcv foniilttenr
with le btnklri ;
Special Dluiutch to Tun liB .
NEW YORK , March 9.
Money Market weak ; loaned down
from 9 to 0 per cent ; doling at 7 per cent
Prime mercantile paper - ( jalii ( per cent
Sterling Exchange Steady at 4 cO ; de
mand , 4 81.
Dry goods importi for the week , S3-
Governments unchanged , except 4'p ,
which were J per cent higher.
Railroad securities were generally higher
on a moderate volume of business.
The stock market was stronger than
yesterday In tbe afternoon. The firmness
was maintainid until 1 o'clock , when a
decline set in. In the la t hour the mar
ket was irregular , as compared with last
evening , tome stocks befog lower and
some higher. Of these higher were Union
' Pacific , Burlington & Quincy , OmiCa and
Western Unlun
Yesterday. To-d.\y.
Si's 1041 101
b' lObi 103i
4Vs Ci.iiponn l' ll'-l
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Poclfi : .i's of 1893' , . . . . I' . . . 1' 128 128
Central Pacific firsts 113i Hi's '
Erie recondu ( . ' 'r'j 'M
Lehigh A Wllkoabarro 103 lOJi
Louisiana nivKol ) 0 I < .
Missouri li'a HOa 1UUJ
Bt. Jo-iuph Uiti 111
St , 1'rtUl & Sioux City firsts .111 1 in
Tennessee li's 40 ytlj
do new 42 ii9i
Textn S Pac'.ticlaud grants. , lib' li > J
ilu K. ( J. dlv. . . . hOl 81J
Union Pacific 1st mortgage. . 113 113 }
' do laud KrunU . . .09 101) )
do mukiug fund..li4. llli
Virginia 6' 30 31
do consols 6's 40 lOJ
do deferred 11 11
H ? 00 W.
Adams Express 130 128
Allegheny Central 13 13
Alton & Terre Haute b7i f > 7
do pfd. . . . 87J 97
American Express 8'J 8J |
Burl. , Cedar fupids & North. Ml 818
Canada Southern tiii& Gj
Col. , Oin. & Ind. Central. . . . HOg 107
Central PaciHc 804 80S
Chesapeake & Ohio 20 20
do 1st pfd. . . 3J 30
do 2d pfd. . . 2,1 22
Chicago & Alton 131 134
do pfd 13(5 ( 13G
Chi. , Bnrl. & Quincy 118 118
Ohl. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 78 79
Oin. , S.xnd. & Cleveland 4i 44g
Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 73J 73
Delaware & Hudson canal. . . . 1074 107
Del. , Lack. & Western 1S3 * 122J
- - J. _ _ _ Denver & Rio Grande 43i 44
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' " ' ' "
Krto'pfd' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 77
East Tennessee 9 B ,
do preferred lft lu
Fort Wayne & Chicago 135 135J
Hannibal & Bt. Joseph 40 40
do pfd. . . 81 801
Harlem 198 193
Houston & Texas Central. . . . 80i' SO
Illinois Control 143J 141
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 32 31
Kansas & Texas 301 30 ,
lake Erie & Western i7i 27
Lake Shore & Michigan So..J09J 109 ]
ta Louisville & Nashville f 83 53
S Louisv. , Now Alb. & Uhlcivjo t5 55
> Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pM U 10 ,
do do 2d pfd fij 5J
Memphis & Charleston 412 12
Michigan Central 9f 94) )
Minneapolis & St. Louis. . . . 20 * 2ti
do Vfd. 0 J 00 :
Missouri Pacific 98i 9UJ
Mobile & Ohio 15 HA
Manhattan Beach 122 121
Morris i Essex 191 09
New Jerxoy Central 714 71
Nitabville ct Chattanooga ! 8& 38
Northern Pacific 50 60J
do pfd 813 85. .
Northwestern 131 134
do pfd 14CJ 147
New York Central 128 1271
Ohio Central 1" * 10
Ohio & Mississippi 32 32
do pfd 974 98
Ontario & Western 2 i 25
Oregon Transcontinental 82V 82
Paoitio Mail 40J 40
Panama 107 1GG
Peoria , Decatur& Evansv. . . 2Ji KO
Pitttiburg Cleveland 138j 139
Pullman Palace Oar 120 119
Reading 57 8
Rook Island 122 123
Bt. Louis & San Fran 281 28 } i
do pfd. . . . 4Ri 48
do 1st pfd 8'JJ 89
Bt. Paul & Milwaukee 1U2 1031
do pfd..12 g 122
Bt. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. 14.1 141
Bt. Paul & Omaha 483 48
da pfd. 103 108
Texas & Poclfio 381 384
Union Pacific 9l | 954
United States Express 60 | CO
Wabash , Bt. L. 4 Pacific. . . . 28 § 28 ' (
do pfd. 47 46'
Wolla , Forgo & Co. Express.ll9i 118 (
Veatern.Union Telegraph. . . 81 | 81
, O.iriboH 1 ; 19
Central Arizona ; 19U
Excelsior 1. U
Homestake 15& 15
Little Plttaburg 1 1
Ontario 20 'JO
QulcksllverJ. . . 8 ,
do pfd 4G 45 ,
Robinson 1 1
SllverOllff S S
South Pacific 5 5
Biundard 54 54
Butro J i
Offered. fEx. Interest. JAaked. | | Ex.
Spuclal CiiiuUb toTHK BKK.
LONDON , March 9-5 p. m. Consoln-
. ,
Money , 102 3-1C ; consols , account , 105
7-10 ; 4V , bonds , 12. ; Illinois Central 1 ,
148 } ; PennsyivonU Central , 161 ; New
York Central , 131J ; Erie , 138ij Erie seconds
ends , 99 ; Reading , 1278
Sugar Centrifugal. 'J3 : .
Linseed O1I-22 1H@23 00.
Strained Rosn-40@43. !
PRODUOB < & 3.
DpecUl Dl p4tcht to Tut Bit.
CHIOAOO , March 9 , Flour Dull id
unolnrff is comi on to choice iprtrp , S fiO
@ 5 CO ; Miunm.ita , 3 50 ® I 15 ; Imkcr4 U >
@ 57d ; Minnesota ptunt ) , G 00(27" ( ) :
winter , ou'.heiti Illinois und .Missouri , 4 25
@G 00 ; Michigan , 4 10&5 25.
AVheat-Active , but i'iw r ; No. 2 ciirlnp ,
1 07J@1 Of Ji rojectcd , 70. ; No 2 ClilcBo
spring , lt"J@lC8 for March ; 108g@
1 OSJ ( or April ; 1 UJ@1 KljJ far M y i.ud
Juno ; No , 2 rod winter , 110
Corn Active but lower ; No. 2 o75(5Jfi8io | (
for caih ; 572058) for Man.h ; 68i@hH-ic for
for April ; 621(36233 ( for May ; G2&o & for
June ; rejected , 49@50o.
O.tto Dull , weak and lower ; No. 2 , 42o
for oath ; 42@42Jo for March : 4' Jo for
April ; 444o lor M y ; 4IJo for Juno.
Jlyo Dull , wetk and lnm ; GI@G4io
for rash ; G2@G21 > fir March.
lUrloy Dull and notulunl at 75e for
Flax snod No 1 at 1 351 37.
Dreusel H"gsQuiet ; 7 90@8 OD.
Pork Fairly active nuil a hade higher ,
but Irregular ; 18 05 18 10 for carii BIK )
March ; 18 20@18 2IJ for Mrl1845@ ) ;
1847i f r MiyilS G0@18 62J f r June
LirdQalet , butktca-lv : 11 OUJrffall 20
for cish nnd March ; 11 374 for April.
Butter Creamery , 3Q@Uc. !
Whi < ky Steady ml miimiiued at 1 17.
AVTKUNOON lioAHl ) Pork Market and
unchnuKed ; 18 00 f ir March ; 18 lfi18 174
for Apiil ; IK42J f r MM ; 18 55 ® 18 GO
for June ; 18 ' 8 { lor July.
L > rd Alnrkit ciulut nnH iinohanccf' ;
1100 bl ! f.r , March ; U 2-JJiteill Jli for
April ; 11 fj.r for June ; 11 65 lor July
Oats-Firm ; 42gs for April ; H4aHgo ( ;
b.d for MM- .
Wheat Market firm ; 113J for Mu > ;
113j ; fur June.
Corn Market steady and firm.
Nltiv VOHK. Mar-h 9 Flour Mar.
ket dul1 ; super statj and wMern , 3 75
@ 4 15 ; cniimioi tin-on. ) ex'ri , 4 15@4 GO ;
Kimd tn tliolpH , 4 70@7 00 ; xtra Ohio , 4 15
@ 7 25 ; S , Luinn 4 15 7 35 ; Minnesota
patent procpRi > , 0 60(2,7 ( , 90
Wheat Ovh loti 4@lo and optloni i' @
1 jo lower ; I o 2 vrii Ktiumlnal ; uunraaetl
winter red 1 03(5)123 ( ) ; Nn. 3 re , 1 17ft
Bt mer N . 2 id , 1 18@119 ; No. 2 red ,
1 20f@1 2JJ ; No. I rdd , 1 26 ; uogmded
white , 1 Olml ( 27 ; t.tu miei : No , : i do Die ;
No a do 1 (64 (
lOorn A trill i lower for c nh ; option * .
i'@lclower ; ungraded , ( n@731e ; No. 3 03
( alijc ; steamei , 09@i0c ; iNu. 2 , "l to
7ic ; steamer white , 69o ; ungraded do , 70
@ 7lc.
Ot.R Market unsettled and iffiljo
lower ; mixed western 0@53 : ; wblto west-
oru , 53'c p'8c. '
liav Mnrke * : firm nu'l fitlrlv active.
lUce QilPt , ut sternly Ht 7 .
lc'bB ! .tturUft tinner nt IS H)1. )
Pork -Mailcot quiet but tiim it 19 03 ©
19 15
ST. Louis , March 0. Flnnr--S eady
> < il iinohangfri ; fuipilv , 5 7l5 ( 80 ; choice ,
02 fe ) 1-0 ; lnu535 (5 ( CO.
Wnen * . Un e'tlc l itud lower ; I o " rod
Wl , I 11,5(3)1 , ( ) lij fur ci h : 1 II for March ,
ll"S@113 ut uifjfiir , ' ; 1131 f..f A ril ,
1 iG 1 l"ij a' pin ( nj ; I 1R j f ir f > r M v- ; > ; 1C9J lor Julj ; N . 3 r.U
fall 1 i 5 )1 074
Cornj \ er nd Inactive :
for cash ; 534 * & $ & } for Apii' ; . " 7iSiJ78
Mov ; 57i'tti > 73 ! 'ir June.
Oats i/o * .r fir opti me ; 4 4 ( 41o fnr
( " > h. 43c f. r .Mnith .iid b.d 'ur Apiii ;
Hrf i fur Ma > y.
KyeMarket dull at C81s bid.
L tid-Steadv at 11 60cnll ( 80.
Cjru .Mealret at 2 80.
Hutter-Quiet ; creamery , 34@38o ; dairy ,
21(0)303. ( )
Whisky-Steady at 115.
Pork -Market dull ; 18 25 for cash ; 18 10
bid for April ; 18 45 bid for May ; 18 50 for
Bulk Meats Market quift ; long clear ,
980 ; short lib , 990 ; short clear , 1000 ®
10 li.
B icon Market dull ; long clear , 10 G2J ;
short rib , 10 75 ; short clear , 11 00.
CALL BOAUD. Wheat Slow at 1 13J
fir April ; 11'jj for May ; 1 15 bid for
June ; 1 09 § for Julv.
Corn Irregular ; GD4o bid for April ; 57Jo
for May ; 57jc for June ; 58Jo bid for July.
OUs Dull ; 44go for May.
KANSAS CITY , March 9. Wheat Market -
kot lower ; 954o fur cash ; 97c for April
99c bid for May.
Cam Market dull ; 45gc bid for cash
47o bid for April ; 48jobid for May.
Oats Slow ; S4o bid for coab ; no op
jpeclal Cspatches to Tui On.
OHICAQO , M arch 9. The Drovers' Jcar
ual rep Tts an follows :
Cattle S ranger , and 10@15o per 100
Ihn. higher ; demand verv aotive ; exports
G 41(5,7 ( 00 ; shipping , 5 00@6 50 , but most
Iv r > 8i@G25 for good to choice steer *
butchere H'eady for the best , common Iot
weaker ; 2 404 ( 60 for C'IWB ; 4 80 ® j 35
for ere n ; hull * , 3 l)0@15l ) ) ; feeders , farmer
nt 4 60g5 25 ; btocliers , weaker at 320@
110Hogs Diraanl fiirly active ; packers
aud fdipparti buying ; qutlily improved ;
beat hmw , 7 9 I ; fair to cuoioe , 7 40@7 85 ;
light , G 80fa,7 , W ; mixed packing , G75@730 ;
; ipa , 5 CO 0,6 5u , and all sold.
Sheep Trida rirm t nd demtnd and of.
rlugH I'ood ' ; eood to fancy , 5 30@G 00 ;
poor to fair , 3 50@5 00 ; Nebraska * , 4 75 ®
NEW YonK , March 9. The Drovers'
Journal Bureau repni-ta :
Bee 68 Strong and active , and la high
er ; extreme ) : steers. 6 30@7 35 per cwt. ; a
few oren sold at 5 90 610 : gener il sties at
6 50@7 00 ; exporters bought at G S0@700 ,
Sheep-Slow sales at 5 10@7 03 per cwt.
sheep each , 8 20 for yeailings.
Hogs Nom'nilly ' steady for live hogs
and Liater at 7 65 per cwt.
ST. LOOIH , March 9. Cattle-Scarce
and f Irony ; the demand largely exceeds the
supply ; Borne HPB higher ] , ! 00to 1,400
Ibs , bteers , nt G 2 > @ 6 50 ; exports would
bring 6 60@G 80 ; light , 5 50@0 00 ; com.
mon shloplng , 5 00@5 40 ; bntohera' steers ,
4 05@5 50 ; common , 3 75 ® I 23 ; etockers
and feeders. 4 2o@5 25.
Sheep Common to medium , 3 60@5 7fi ;
fblr to good , 5 00@5 75 ; choice to fancy ,
Hogs Higher and scarce ; light , 7 00 ©
7 20 ; packing. 7 00@7 35 ; butchers to extra
heavy , 7 30s7 ( 70.
KAHBAB CITY , M rch 9. ; The Live
Stock Indicator reports :
Cittle Higher ; native 'steers of 1.20C
to 1,650 Ibs , sold at 5 20@G 25 ; butchers'
steers , 4 40@5 00 ; choice cows , 4 25@4 75 ]
common to fair , 3 25@4 00 ; Btockers and
feeders , 4 15@5 10.
Hogs Bulk cales G 10@7 00.
Sheep 400 ® I 50.
Special I ) Bjntctcs to TIIK Brx.
LONDON , March 9. Twelve Ibousanc
fivotuiadrel b lea ( if N w South Will's ,
Queensland and 1'or' , Phillip wool wui
cold to-diy , with a lair demand.
Bonro.v , Maroa 9. The demand fa ;
, wooli-atetdv , The sales for thxw ek UK
grrgatrd 2,100,000 pounds. Oalifornli
, wool Is quiet.
Spodal Dispatches to Tin UIE.
PITTHUDKQ , March 9. Great excltemen
. pie vailed on the Oil Exchange to-day , th
market being alternately firjj And pan
icky. It opened with sites at 87 , but de
cllued to 86 , then rallied to 91 , but brok
away again to 878 , then recovered and wa
steadier at V9g , Tbe transactions wer
heavy 1 , ORKrog\tlng 5,000 OCO hirrol * Thn
excitement was etui id l > y oontl < tine it-
ports regarding l'atler nnV nell No. 2
roiiKid.s riioucci.
LONDON , March 9. The reduction of
American duties on sugitr led to liuiioi-
tant bufilnoait in that nitlcl In Muiclug
Litno , Cane HIR T advanced eon ihliliu c
per cwt. CofTeo Is firm. At imhllu s\lt
the Nethetlauds comim y , if K I'tenUiu ,
sold at urtccs from 2 to I cent * uver vulua *
tlon. The stocks uf Europe aic falllni ; ,
but are stld over the avera > ( . Chlnt tra
is advancing. Pepper Is adv.iuclu , Xau-
zlbar cloves 4d higher ,
SpecUl Dlipatches to Till Uii.
OlIIOAOO , March 9 , Receipts and
shipments of flour and grain for the past
24 hours have been as follows :
RpcelDb. Bhip'U.
Wheat bushel 18,000 525
Fiour- " 33,000 15000
Corn " 2I7(00 ( 176000
0th 111,100 10J 000
Rye " , 17,000 7,000
Barley- " 00,000 69.0UO
ST. Loom , March -Receipts and
shipments of Hour and grain for tbo past
IS hours have boeu as tollows :
Receipts. Shlp'ts.
Flour bbls 8,010 7.0CO
Wheat btishoU 3l 00 SO. 001
Corn " 13(1,000 ( 31 UOO
Oats- " 16,000 13.000
Rye " l.OCO 1,0.0
Barley- " 9.100
KANSAS CITY. March -Receipt *
and shipments of grain foi the past 21
hours have been as follows :
Roo'ta. Shlp'tn.
Wheat , bushels 12.000 16,000
Corn " 55,000 48,000
NEW YonK. March 1 , Receipts and
shipments of flour and grain for the past
24 hours have been as follows :
Receipt * Shp'tB '
Flour-bbls 17,000 9,000
Wheat bushels 60.500 46 TOO
Corn ' 1V5.COO 220.000
Oats " 42.000
NEW YORK , March 9 Receipts an
ithlptuenU uf live stock for the past 2
hcurs bavo been as follows :
Roo'ts Bhip'tn
Baevcg , dresced-cars. . . 1,600 US05
Beef quarter * 70 . . . .
Crassts of mutton 140
Sheep 12,000
Hogs 3.500
CHICAGO , March 9 , Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the past 24
hours have been as follows :
Rec'ts. Shipm'tN.
Cattle 4,700 3.300
tlogu 11000 5010
Sheep 3,700 2'JtO
KANHAH CITY , March 9. Receipts
vad shipments of live stock for the past 24
hours have bean no follows :
Rec'ts. Shlpm'ts.
Cattle 1.300
Hmpj 3,000
Sheep 100
ST. Louis , March 9. Receipts and
'hlpmenta of live ntock fet the past 24
hours have been as follows :
Reo'ts. Shlpm'tR
Cattle 650 2,500
Hogs 1,000 7f.O
iheop 650 200
\Vholemle Prlosi.
Friday Evening , Marchl9. j
Tbe only changes reported in th
market to-day are as follows :
Wheat No. 2 declined Ic.
Wheat No. 3 declined lo.
Barley No. 2 declined 5o.
Ryedecllrel 3c.
Corn advanced Jc.
Liocal Grain Dealings.
WHEAT.-Cash No. 2 , SOio ; cash No
8 , 7540 ; rejected , 62Jo.
BARLEY. Cash No. 2 , 63cj No.
RYE Cash , 48o.
OATS 38o ,
SEEDS Flax need 96o per bu.
Produce nd Provisions.
POTATOES 50@60o per bushel.
ONIONS 60@55o per bushel.
BUTTER Choice country , 12Jo.
EGGS Kresb , 17o.
HONEY California , perlb. 21.
APPLES Per barrel , $2 7fi@3 00.
OYSTERS Plott'a select oysters , 40o ;
Standard , 30 ; mediums , 25.
ORANGES-Florido , $5 50 ; Messina ,
3 50@4 00.
LEMONS-83 504 00 per box.
BEANP Navy per bnsbel , 2 75@3 00.
CHICKENS-lS@14o per Ib.
TURKEYS 14o per pound.
Orocora List
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib
( Field's ) , per cose , 4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 76 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
390 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 240 ,
raspberrleo , 2 Ib , per case , 3 50. Dam.
sons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45 , Bartlptt
pears per case , 210. . Whortleberries
per case,275. Kgg plum3,2 tb percuio,2 90 ;
Green gagea,2 tb per cane , 2 90 ; do choice , ,
Ib per case I 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case
4 00(516 ( 75. Peachee , 2 Ih per cose , 8 00 ;
do 3 Ib , case , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 8 Ib , per
case,2 30 ; do pie , 6 Ib , per dozen. 3 30.
FLOUR Jobbing price * , Jack Frost
St. Louts winter ) 83.90 per 100 Ibs. ; To.
peka Patent Kansas , 83.85 : Minnehaha
Minnesota Patent , $3.70 ; Shownoe Fancy
winter , $3.10 ; Eagle , XXXX winter ,
$3.00 ; Triumph spring , best , 82.80 ; Chris-
tlan'u superlative , 3.65 ; bran , per ton ,
814.00 ; chopped feed. $28.00 ; Queen Bee
Hour , per sack , 3 25 ; Nellie Blye , per sack
29o.SUGARSPowdered , lOlc : Cut loaf ,
lOlc ; Granulated , 9Jo ; Confectioners' A ,
91c ; Standard Extra 0 , 88c ; Extra 0 ,
83 ; medium yellow , 7Jo ; dark yellow , 71c.
SYRUP Standard Com. , 42o , dbis.j
Standard do , 44 gallon kegs , 82 05 ; Stan
dard do , 4 gallon kegs , $1 90.
MEATS Hams per Ib. , 13c ; B bacon
per Ib. , 13c ; clear side bacon per Ib , lie
dry salt tides per Ib. , 9Jc ; dry salt shoul
ders per Ib. , 9c ; bacon shoulders per Ib. ,
8ic ; tierce lard per Ib. ; lie.
SPICES. Pepper , 31 ; Allspice , 18j
Javo , 2ClUilc,2 ! Mocha , 28o : Arbuaklo'i
CHEES3 Full Cream , 14o | Port
Skim , lOJo.
LYE American , S 85 ; Greenwich. 8 40
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis
lye. 4 60 ; Jewell lye , 2 76.
FEED Jobbing prices , Chop feed
$1.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 81.40 ; bran
70c er 100 Ibs.
' HOMINY New , 84 25 per bbl.
SODA In Ib papers , $3.20 per cose ; kef
eoda , 21c.
NEW PICKLES Medium , In barreLi
8700 ; do in half bbls , 4 00am ; lli , in bbli
9 00 do , In half bbls , 5 00 ; gherkins , ii
bbl * . 11 00 ; do , in half bbls , 6 00 ,
STARCH. Pearl , 440 ; Silver Gloai
Sic ; Com Starch , 8go ; KicelnlorSlons
7c : Corn , 7io.
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55
Obrlce , 60@75o ; Imperial , good , 4045c
Oholrxi , C0@75c ; Young Hyuoa , gojd , 36E (
50c ; choice , G5c@ijl 00 ; Japan Nat Loit
35c ; Japan , cbclco , 60@75c ; Oolong , good
35 10 ; Oolong , eho.oe , 40(5)55 ( ) ; Bonchong
? ood. 35 ( 10c ; choice , 35(345o. (
ROPE Sinai , i Inch and larger , lOJc
g inch , lie ; 1 Inch , lljo.
WOODEN W ARE i'wo hoop palli
1 75 ; three hoop palls , 2 00. Tubs , No
1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 85 Donbl
Crown 2 90 ; Wcllbucketu , 3 50 ,
LEAD Bar , 81 65.
VINEGAR Pure pple extra-16c
pure apple , 13ct Pruaamg uure acnle , 16c
SALT. Dr y load * , per bbl , 1 65 ; Ash
too , In sac ks , S 50 ; bbla dairy 60 , 5s , II 5
SOAPB Klrk'i Savon Imperial , U 45
Klrk'i Mtlnit , 3 60 ; Klrk'i standard. 3 7f
Klrk'i white Ru I n , 5 25i Kirk1
Eutoca , 215 Kirk'a Prairie Queer.
(100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia doz ,
POTASH Pennsylvania cam , 4 cast
In case , 3 85 ; Babbitt's Boll , 2 doz. In caw
1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz In case 1 CO.
PEANUTS Roaster I , oholce , red 'leu.
lOcpnr It" ( . nt7 white , lOic perlli ;
raw whit * VlrsInU raw , lOci roMtrxl
OANDLKS Boxe * . 40 Ibe.Un , 16Jfc ; Ho ,
IDjo ; bcxus 40 Ibn. , 10 01. , 6 > , Ifijo.
MATCHEb Per cnatlle , 9fto | round ,
Olios , 8 10 ; sqnnrn , casnu. j > 5 40 ,
Dry Oood .
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c | tloo't
YV , 8 c ) Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot AV ,
o ; ChlttonanKo A. flic ; Uroat Falls E ,
8 c ; Hoculor , Gio ; Honest Width , 8Jo. In
dian Hood A , 8jo ! Indian SUiuknl A ,
ott B , 7lc ; do A , 840) ) do E 43 , I2jo ; Wai
cott BB. 8&o.
Mi 7lo { Alligator 8-4 , Re ; Argyle 4-4 , 7o }
Atlantic LL , Rio ; Badger Statn X 4-4 , 7c ;
Bennlngton 0 4-4 , GJo ; Buckeye S. 4.4 , GJoc
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8Jc : Laoonla O
39 , 80 } Lehigh E 4-4 , 940 ; Poppcroll N
80 7o ; do O 33 , 71c ; do R 30. 7Jc ; do E 39 ,
R4o , Vocasset 0 4-4 , 7Jc ; Wamsutta 4-4
ln L 4-4,9ioBlackstoneAA ; Imperial 8c ;
do do half bleached 4.4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,8 | ;
Fidelity 1-4 , 9icFrult ; of the Loom , 9J ; do
can.brlo4-4,12JcdoWaterTwl ; t,10loGreat ;
Falls Q , 9a ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c ;
Lontviale , lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12Jo ; Now
York Mills , 12io ; Pomiot A.lOo ; lfopporel
N G Twills , 1240 ; Pocoliontus 4-i , 9Jo ;
Pocasset 4-4 , 81o ; Utlcn , lie ) Watnautta
O X X. 1240.
DUCKS Colored ) Albany K brown.
So ; do 0 , drab , lie ; do XA stripes ana
plaids , 12ip ; do XXX brown and drab ,
Btrli > 09 and plaids , X3Jc ; Arlington fancy ,
! Br9c : uuswlck brown , 8Je ; Chariot fani-y
12io ; do extra heavy , SOc ; Fall River
brown , extra heavy , lljcj Indiana A
brnwn 1 Xnf Nooonsot A browu. 15o
1'lUK.liNUB Arnoskeog A U A 83
19c ; do XX blue 32 , 1840 ; Arrowocca ,
9Jc ; Claremont B B. 15Jc ; Conostogo ex
tri174c : Hamilton D , 114o Lewiston < v
30 , 15c ; MInuehaha 4-4 , 30o ; Omega super
extro 4-4. 2So ; Pearl River 32 , 16o ; Putnam -
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shotucket S
lOio ; do S3 12o ; Yeoman's blun 29 , 9o
DENIMS. Amoakeak , bluoandbronn
lGo ; Andover DD blue , 154o ; ArllngX
blue Scotch , 1840 ; Concord 000 , blue ow
brown , 12ic ; do AAA , do do 13J ; doXXto
do do 144o Haymaker's blue and brown ,
9Jo ; Mystto River DD strlpd , 16Jc ; Pearl
River , blue and brown , Ilk ; Unoasvlllo ,
blue and brown , 144r.
OAM11RI03 Barnard , 5Ao > Eddystone
lining. 24 inch double face , 840 ; Garner A
glazed , PJc ; Manhattan glove finish , 5Jo
Newport do Gc ; do glazed , 5gc | Pequot do
5o : Lockwood kid finish 60.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 80Audron ;
coggln Ratteen 82oClarendcn ; , 6JoCones ;
o ea satteens , 7Jc ; Hnllowel , , 80 ; Injdl
Orchard 7io ; Nnrrigansett , iruproved.c
Peiiperlll Bittflen 94o ; Rookport , 7ja
PRINTS -Aliens , Gio ; American , 640 ;
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick. 4c ; Cocheco , 7c ;
Conestoga. 640 ; Dunkirk , ; Dunnoll ,
GJ@7c ; Eddystone. 7o ; Gbucostor , 60 ;
Harmony , Bio ; Knickerbocker , fijo ; Mor
ri oo D. 7c ; Mystic , 5ic ; Sprames , Go ;
Southbridgo , Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; Marl ,
born , 5Jc ; Oriental 640.
GINGHAMS Amkeag. . lOic ; AmoB-
keog dross 9J | Argyle , lOlc ; Atlantic ,
9o ; Cumberland , 74o ; Highland , Tic ;
Keullwortb , Sic ; Plun kett , 10ic | Bus
9BI , 8c
COTTONADES Abbervllle 13io
Agate , 20o ; American , Ho ; Artlslan , 20o ;
Cairo D and T , ISic ; Clarion D and T ,
17jc ; Doccan Co. stripes D and T , IGo ; Key.
stone , ISJc ; Nantucket , 19o ; Nonporeil
16c ; Ocean D and T , 13io ; Royal , IGi i
Sussex , 12c ; Tlogo , 12ic ; Wochusett shirt
In ? : hecks. 12ic ; do , Nankin , 12io ; York ,
plain N nkln. 12jc ; do , checks , stripes and
fancy , 124c ; do , 8 oz 20c.
SHKETINGS-Androscogtrln 10-4,37lo
do 9.4 , 23o ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental 0
42 , lie , Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 27i ; New
York mllls98 , S5o ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58. 22io
PembrjkelO-4 , , 25o ; Pequot 1C-4 , 2840 , do
74,19o do 49 , IGo ; Pepperell { .96 , 29o
do 67 , 31odo ; 67 , 18o ; UWco 96 , 36c ; do
58 , 33io > do 48.17o.
Paints Oils and Varnlehet
OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon ,
13o ; 150 * headlight , per gallon ,
15o ; 175 * headlight , per gallon. 20o ;
160' Water AVhlte , 19c ; linseed ,
raw , per pallon , 64 ; linseed , boiled ,
per gallon , 57o ; l rd , winter str'd , per ttal ,
Ion , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 75c ; castor ,
XXX , per gallon , 1 25 ; No. 3,1 20 ; sweet ,
per gallon , 85cj sperm , W. B. , per gallon-
175 ; fish , W. B.per gallon , 60c ; neatafoot ,
extra , per gallon. 75o ; No. 1 , 65o ; lubri
cating , zero , p'er gallon , SOc ; summer , 16o ,
golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , SSo ; No.
3 SO : sperm , signal , per gallon , 80o ; tur
pentine , per gallon , 65c ; naptho , 74 , per
gallon. ISo : 6C. 17c
PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha
P. P. . Gc ; white load , St. Louis , pure , GJn ;
Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20o
French zinc , gioen seal. 12o ; French zinc ,
red seal , He ; French zinc , in varnish east ,
20c ; French zlnoe , In oil nsnt 15o ; Row
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12o ; raw and
burnt Sienna , ISo : Vandyke brown , wg
refined lampblack , 12o ; coach black and
l ory black , 16c ; drop bla < k , IGc ; Prussian
blue , SOo ; ultramarine blue , ISo ; chrome
green , L. M. & D. , 14obllnd ; and shutter
roen , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green. 18c
? ndlan red , 15o : Venetian red. 9o ; Tuscar
drt. , 22c ; American Vcrmlllod , I. A P. , ISO
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , 18c
yellow ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , 16 ; patent
dryer , 80 ; Draining colors : light oak , dark
oai. walnut , Chestnut anrl oah ICe
Dry ° alnti
White lead , 8c ; French ilno. lOci Par
whltelng 24c ; whiting gilders. IJc
Hhitinc com'l , lie ; lampbkck German
town 14c Irmpblack ordinary lOo Prus.
hUWU , X7V ; * AiJ.LJt Jj V14 * * J , Jtww ; * "
elan blue , 55o ; ultramarine , 18c : vaudykc
Cloves , 35c ; Nutmeifs , 81 'Wj ' Oaseia,24c
Mace 8100.
L \RD Omaha RcfmlnlniCo. : Tierces
12T 40 and 50-lb cans , lfo ) ; 20-lb cans
I22a ; 10-lb pails , screw top , 12&c & ; 5-lb do
12o ; 3 Ib do , 12 0.
lUOE TjouUlana prime to choice , G ! p
7o : fair. 6i ( ? 7Jc ; Patma , 6 c.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , 6 75
No. 1 m-.ckerel , klta , 1 OOj family mack.
erel , half brls , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits
85c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , 6 00 ; No.
( jOKFU'B. Rio. lair , Hoi KIo , gooc
Hie ; iirliiiF to choice , 12 to 12c ) Old gov'l
brawn , 8cj umber , burnt , 4s ; amber , raw
; lcalenna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c
Paris green genuine , 25o ; ParU green com
20c ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrorn
green K. , 12c ; vermllllon , Eng. , 70c | vei
| million , America , 18c ) Indian red , 10 <
rose pluk , 14o ; Venetian read , Ookasosi
2Jo : Venetian red Am. , IJcj red lead , 7Jc
chroma yellow , genuine , 20o hrome yel
low , K. , 12c ; oohro , roobelle Set ochri
VA11NI8IIES Barrola par gallon
, Furniture , extra , 01 10 ; furniture , No. 1
tl ; coach , extra , 8140 ; each , No , 1
81 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 75) ) span , 70o ; nf
phaltum , extra , 85o | sheila 83 50) ) bar
oil finish , 81 SO
Heavy Hardware Lilt
Iron , ratoa , ? 3 09 ; plow steel , | > ecli
east , 7o ; crucible , 80 ; special or Germau , < k
cast tool do. 15@20 wagon spoken , sol
2 25@3 00 ; hclw , par eot , 125 ; feUoer , tawe
dry. 140 ; tonguee , each , 70@85o ; ailei
each , 75o ; stiuare nnta , i > or Ib , 7@11 <
woHbors. per Ib. 818c ; riveU , per Ib , 111
ooil chain , per Ib , G@12o ; inalloable , Hi
iron wedges , 60 ; crowbars , 60 hnrro'
teeth , 4c ; boneahoei ) , per keg , 5 00 ; uprb
steel , 7@Bc ; Burden's horsoahoos , 5 51
Burden's mulciihoej , 6 50
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Back nhot , 82.K
Oriental Powder , kegs , 86.40 : Jo. , hs
kegs. 8K48 : do. , nuarter kngs , 51.88 ; Ulan
Ing , koio. 03,35 : Fuse , usr 100 feet 50o.
DAUBED WIRE In car lots , 8 25f
925 per 100 ; in less than car lots. 8 7K
U 75 per 100.
NAILS Rates. 10 to 60) ) ? , 425.
Hldoi hurt , Ete.
HTDKB reen butcher' * hide , 6@7i
cured 7jf@8o ; hides , green salt , part cure
7iculdes,7c ; ; dry flint , sound , 13c14o ( ; di
calf and kip , 12@14oj dry salt h.dei.ioum
10@llc ; green calf. wt. 8 o 15 E.I. . 11@12
green cell , wt , under 8 CM , per ikin , 50
green pelU , 60@81 25 ; green lamb skin
81 25@150 ; damaged hides , two-third rat
cut scored an ) one grub , ilasied twi
tLlnia rate , ) branded hldea 10 per cent , roof
Ooon kln , No. 1 , 45cj No. 1 , 80o ; No ,
20jj No. 4 , lOo , Mink , No. 1 , S0c | No. 2
15o ; No. S , ir.o ! No. 4 , 60. For , ,
00c Ii I | No. 2 , 26c , Bktink , No. 1 , bWcj
6ftcj i hortflrlofi , 40si narrow utrlpra
Iri'ftd ' dtrliH ) . 10 : ) fn'low ' 7o ,
Oak neb , 880 lo 42o ; hemlock iou , IHc to
35c ; homlook kip , 80o to 100 ; rununr ,
fJie to 80o ; hemlock calf , 8So to 120 ; hoin.
lock upper , 2.ta to 26o ; oaV upper , 2lo ;
alllcator. 4 00 to C 50 ; aalf kid , 8'(3 : < Ac ;
OreWnklil , 2fiOto276 ; oak kip , 8to ) to
1 00 ; oak oalf , 1 20 tn 1 30 ; Prcnch kip ,
110 to 1 6 ; French calf , 1 U > to 3 00 : nis-
oetU. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 ;
toppings , 0 00 to 10 50 ; 15. L. Morocco , 80o
to 35o ; ( xihbln 0 , D , Moroooo , 35o ; sltnon ;
2 ffl to 3 00.
UARNKSS-No t > tar oak , 42o ; No U
do , 39c ; N1 Ohio oak , SSo ; No. 2 do ,
35o ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37a ; No. 2 do 3-1 o.
We qnotc lumber , li.tli and shlngloi ont
cars at Omaha at the following prices I
under , $22 IX ) ; 18 ft. , 823 50.
TIMUKRS 16 ft. and under. 822 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 It. , 823 M ,
2C ft , $23 50 , 23 ft. , 82(5 50 ; 24 ft. 820 60.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 824 00 ;
No. 2 , 822 00.
SlIKKTINO-No. 1 (2nd ( common
boards ] , 820 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00.
LIMK Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk per fins-
40c ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa plaster ,
bbl , 82 60. Hair per bn. 40o. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs , $3 50. Straw board , 83 60.
COALr-Cumborland blacksmith , 12 ;
Morris Run Bloraburg , 812 ; Whltebroast
lump , $5 M ) ; Whltobreast nut. 85 50 ; Iowa
lump , 85 50 ; Iowa nut 85 50 ; ( took Spring
* 8 : Anthracite , 811 60@12 00 ; Colorado ,
Carbolic , 50o ; Acid , Tartarlo , 65o ; Balsam
Copablo , nor tb , 70o ; Bark , Saraafras , i > or
Ib , 143 } Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Clnchouldia ,
par oz , 8115 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 100) )
Dover's powders , par Ib , 81 40 | Kpsotn
Salts , per Ib , Sic ; Glycerine , pure pe' hi ,
31c ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 22o
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal. > 1 25 ;
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 8115 , Oil ,
Ollvo , per sal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50 ;
Opium , 84 75 ; Quinine P. * W. A R. A 8. ,
per or , 81 83 ; Potasriuin , Iodide , per It
$175 ; Salacm , per oz. 40o ; Sulphate o
Morphine , > er or , 83 85) ) Sulpnur Dour
per Ib , 4ct Htrvr. ' nlno. nor oz. 81 05.
Liquor * .
ALCOHOL 188 proof. S 25 per wine
gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
1.25 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirit *
87 proof , 123 per proof gallon ; re-distilled
whiskies , 1 001 60 ; fine blended , 60 ©
2 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , 2007 00 ; Ken
tucky and Puuusrlvanla ryes , 2 00@7 00.
BRANDIKS-Imported , S6 0010 00 ;
domestic 1 404 00 ,
GINS Itcportod , 4 606 00) ) domostlo ,
1 40@S 00.
UHUMS-Imiortod , 4 608 00 ; Now
Kngland. 2 00(5)4 ) 00 ; douiestlo , 1 603 50
1 76@4 00.
01IAMPAGNKS Imported per case ,
3800@ > St 0)AmitU ) a. ease , 1200 ©
CLARETS or OBBO. 4 60@18 00
WINES Rh no wlno , per ciww , 6 00 ®
2 00 ; Oatawba , per case , 4 007 00 ,
Ole rn mnd Tobacco * .
FINE OUT In pails. Hard to Beat !
75o ; Golden Thread , 70o ; Fountain , 80o ,
Favorite , 65c ; Rocky Mountain , 60o :
Fancy , 65o ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foil
Catllus O. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib G3fl | Tyo
iUard'a Tiger , COc ; Diamond Crown , 660.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 tc
33c. Granulated Blackwelli Durham , 16
oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 16 or , 46o | Seal of
North Carolina. 16 oz , 46 ; Bool of Nebrns
ka , 16 oz , 38c ; Lone Jack. 4 or , linen bags
per Ib , 81.35 ; Marburgs' Pnck 2 or tin
oil , 55c ; Dog T all 65c.
Merino unwaa ed , light. 14@16o | heavy.o ,
@ 1315c ; medium uuwashod , light , 18@20
washed , choice , 82o ) fair , SOo ; tnb-ding
and w. , 28o ) burry , blnorsm ] jotted woo.
2@Go les
Horia * and Mulei.
Tha market is brisk and all grades are
selling well at illght advance in prlcaa.
The demand for good hones exceeds tbe
supply considerably. Prices range as fol
lows :
Fine single driven , 8150. to 300. ) Extra
draft hones , $176. to 226. ) Common draft
horses , 8100. to 160. ) Extra farm hones
8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm hones
890. to 8100. ) Extra plugn , 800. to 75.
Common plugs , 820. to 840.
MULES. 16 to K.J hands ( excra ) , * 12C.
to 160. ) 14 J to 16 hands , 8100. to 140.
14 to 141 hands , 375. to 100. ) 13 } to K
hands , 860. to 75.
Bloody Work cf n JLunatlo.
Bpeda Dispatch to Tun URS.
March 9. A Gor
man eurvant girl namud Catherine
Molztfor , In the employ uf Samuel
May , attempted to murder Mrs. Ma ;
arid the latter'o child this mornlnq.
She aeoftultod thu former with a
hatchet imd fractured the skull tf the
child with a bottlo. It IB boltovod
Mrf. May will recover. The ohlld
; will die. The girl came from GK > r
many three months ago. She ia in-
] aauo.
Dorsoy's PoUor Chooli
Srcclal Dlipalch to Tim DUN.
DKNVKH , Col. , March 9. From
; authentic source it is learned that in
, July , 1870 , Judye J. . Hlssoll , ol
. Loadvlllo , wou $2000 from S W.
Djraoy hi n gittnoof pokoroa thu train
| golni ; to Djnver , for which ho guvo i
, check Thij , oviduntly lo the ono referred
, forred to by Hordoll , having boei
, given " .I. U B , " claiming ll to moai
! Congressman. ) Ii. Biilford. Judgt
now in Now York.
. Death uf BUhop Qulntiu
, Special Dispatch to Till Uin.
NKW OIILKANB , March 9 Join
Qulntiu , O thollo bishop o ( Mobili
ainco 1859 , died this morning at St
Theresa pastoral residence , this city
Qo has boon sick two month * . Fu
neral Thursday morning from Mobili
Stolen Jovrela
Special Dlipatch to Tim Um ,
III. , March 9 Thi
$1,200 worth of property stolen fron
K. C. Klaholt'fl jewelry B'oro in thl
city , recently , was recovered to-night
The gooda , which cnmprlau nil atolei
except the diamonds , were dlaoovorui
by some boya burled in an nnuaoi
grave yard within tlu city llruitf. Th
dlamonda , vilnid $3,000 to $5,000
have not ynt boon foand.
An ordinance 'BtililUliUittlidilufln'ti ' location (
tl'Uiiorihn il " u h linuibf Nitb > la > i itred
fr > in IA h t > lOthktruit , > n if Omalii l
Do It oriUliinI by tliu CM. Uouncll of tliu City c
) ; HrtTlin 1. U o i OH , It \ * ini.0'H.iry In thu In
eru < of nubile a d pr at Iniprov menu h nra
alter contcmp atwl tii bailonr , that t o lliirn <
LOal Nirliolai utru t , biftnocii I1) ) h an < I lUlli tr it , I
alt tli' < I y > I Uiiiiha , ' u iluarly ilu < nvi , tucnfor
t It U b ivli ) or nlno till , hu following 'I'luiidi
r r nro o.tabllilKil ami hall h r u tur bo nu i
iff" nlzmlby tliBtlty a-H auv ru ii | { iho I ntt o' "al
@ Nlo o al tire , to wl Tliu M u h H u c I N cl
olanttr itntul balt-4 fa t noitfi ol the no I
lln i f Itard utruit th ouijh ut Iti u itirImntl
ml'h .o t > line of aa .tre-t butw >
t'tli ami lie > lx'y.t oU. ) fe
north nt a 11 > nuts wllhl t u Mini H rcl Toil '
( run the south lln * > f NUholai ut cot as ubo1
Irv dcflneJ.
id , Kcc. 'J Thin ordinance h ll taVo cflect'antl I
; In forcu from and af ur IU paiuae |
.Pann d Kebru.ry 27 , I8H3.
Do ) Attmt : J.J. L. 0. JEWETP ,
, Cl y Clerk.
I'rmlJfiit City council pro tern.
of ! Approved March 3 ,
I J. K. 110YI ) . Mayor.
The Story Told by an Old Olroua
The Diury of a BiuKle Day How
the Men Live and What
They are Galled Upon
To Do.
Philadelphia Times.
Findiij , ' ruu Tiniua reported an attentive -
tontivo liatonor , the old clrcns man
said : "Ouo of the moat amusing
things to circus people Is the sympathy
they hoar expressed for them by thoao
rot in the business 'This clrcns life
ia awfully hard , isn't ' il ? ' 'Why you
people never Bleep , do yon1 'Novor
| { ot half unoiifh tn oat ? ' nnd much of
the BO.UIO aort. Now the truth In that
in thu matter of oatltig nud alooplng
circus pnoplo nro perhaps the moat
regular of nny class. In the first
plnco you should understand some
thing nbont the labor they have to
poi form , bill It would tire yon to hoar
all the details , they embrace eo many
dllloront kinds. The moro com
mon nro thoao : The nvorago time
of the arrival of a show Into n town la
in the neighborhood of 5 a. m. An Boon
as it arrives the labor of unloading
t ho train begins. There are a sot of
man who do nothing but load nud un
load trains. These are the Orel to getup
up , and they are quickly followed by
the oauvau men , grooms and driven.
Everything belonging to the show la
loaded in wagons , and those are run
oil" the cars in a very few moments ,
the horses are hitched up , and then
ovorythlng ia taken to the ground * ,
Oaco there the first touts erected are
the stables and cook tontr , nnd thn
food and msrkot stuff nrouln-itly upon
the ground , having bcon nruti g-d lor
by agents in advance Tim muiiuuvrlu
tout ia the first of the Inryo u-utn t go
up , and the work of feeding ilio an
imals ROCS on.
"About 7 o'clock thoao thinpa nro
done nnd the laboring mon nro otlltd
to breakfast In their cook tout , it
being separated and apart from the
ono used by heads of departments
After breakfast the work of putting
in seato and building the the ring IB
completed uud then the task ol
preparing before the parade is partial
patud in by nearly everybody. The
perforators nnd executive pcoplo generally
orally liu In their births , In the
sleeping cms , until nbout 8 o'clock ,
when they gut up , dross nnd bathe ,
for which every convenience la fut-
niahod. A card upon the car door
tolls thorn what hotel to go to , am
there they prococdod to breakfast. As
a rule , performer. * take part In the
paradebut that Is generally ever by 1'
o'clock , nnd the 'hotel people , ' as
they are called , return to a 12IO : ! din
ner. In the meantime , everything
having bcon made ready for the of tor-
noon performance , the laboring mon
have a rest , which la continuous until
breaking up time nt night. They are
supplied with dli.uor and supper
Performers go to 'tho lot * nt about 2
p. m , perform their part of the pro
gramma and then they have naually
from 4 p. m , to 8 p. tn , lu which to
oat iiippof and amuse themselves by
reading or strolling about town , there
always being plenty of citizens who
are willing to show thorn the boat at
tractions of the place.
"Supper upon the lot lasts from
| 5:30 : p , m. to 0:30 : p. m. , and then the
. performance of the afternoon It
| ropoatod. At about ! ) o'clock the
work of reloading begins and proooodi
BO rapidly that when the circus and
concert are concluded the tout in
which they are given is all there ia lofl
upon the grounds , and it taken onlj
about half nn hour to remove that
and then ovorythlng ia ready for the
next town. It la a rule , not always
observed , however , that the portorr
. of the sleeping cars shall lock
them at midnight , no thai
everybody la supposed to bo in
bed at that time , and the cars bolnp
constructed only for sleeping pur
poses , rogilar sloop and plenty of It la
- Bomowhat compulsory. The accomo
dations for sleeping nro usually ample
and the hurt ha are occupied by thi
saino people throughout the season
so that they become accustomed t
and like them. Indeed , It ia a frequent
quent thing for people to rcfaso a bed
in a hotel upon Sunday night , whlol
. Isnlwaysprovided , the berth , or homo
being preferred to n stracgo bed
And I myself have often lift n hoto
table for the cook tent , because tht
faro there , while generally ( simple and
n plain wan always frush , well cookoi
" nnd wholesome.
° "Where do circus pcoplo nil com
from ? From ovorywhoro. Porhap
the majority originally came from th
country. Young Country lads BOO litho
the circus nil thur'o ia of the glorlou
and grand In this world run awa
from homo and biro out In nome rnluo
, capacity. If they are clover physl
cally and develop Into performers , o
simply remain as a driver or canvasi
man or common laborer , they alway
retain their love for the country , nn
very many poi formers , after goin
from city to town and town to cltj
remove In the winter to th
country and remain conton
odly 'till the bluebirds ling , ' as the
express the time for starting ou
Very many kings and queens of th
arena have no ambition other tha
tholr fdmlllta and private life upon i
farm. Others obtain employment I
the winter upon the variety atago c
In circus companies in the aonthot
countries , Cuba and Mexico , whl
many go regularly every winter to E1 !
rope to fill twelve or fifteen weeks' 01
In circuses there in pe
ot' ma unit buildings , fitted up aa olabo
, att'ly ns theatres.
a.or " The average intelligence of circi
people aside from the laboring mi
n- is very far about the general eat
raut innto. Thoao immediately conneotc
In with tha expcutivo department , wl
have to do with the newspapers , ral
roads , city authorities nnd hotels , a
Jiih men cf unusual Intelligence , ednc
hth tlon and t-xperienco in tholr retpo
, tlve lines , and the salaries such poi
u tlotis commanded in former tlm
to served to diav in the business tl
JVC beat financiers , advertisers , beekeepers
ben keepers and purchasers money cou
secure. Within the past few yea
the character of men in theao dopai
monts has improved very cu
slderably so that now perso
possessed of the highest order
commercial Intelligence freely off
their sorvlco , nnd managers , finding'
moro agents than there IB demand for ,
retain the boat and pay those much
smaller salaries than they formerly had
to. Still , there nro some men .whoso
salaried run na high as 87,003 in onn
Instance , and qnito a number of mon
receive na mush as $2GOO for the sea
son aoaally six months in length.
Of late yoara quito a proportion of
performers como from gymnasiums ,
and many of thoao have been young
mon who have impaired health by too-
much study , nnd find in clrcns life the
physical oxerclso necessary to health
and the gratification of a doslro to
travel inculcated by reading or the
nomadic Instinct so natural to the
"Of thn women that enter the pro
fession their origin is not always cer
tain , but n majority of them nro born
into the business and know nothing
outcido of it. There arc n few nota
ble exceptions , but perhaps n major
ity of I hem nro women of only ordi
nary attainments and pecu
liarly cxc'uslvo ' lives , however con
trary to common opinion that may
coom Until they are untried , nnd
that ia generally early in lifa , they
ro almost Invariably accompanied by
thnlr fathers , brothers or mothers ,
whoso anrvoillanco la usually very
strict. ladies who ride or per'orm
daring feats looks down upon mom-
bora of tbolr own BOX like the pretty
Montague , who are not acrobats.
They declare that such ladies 'havo
no talent. ' A woman born pretty IB
regarded by them In the same sense as
a woman born with a beard or no
arms merely as a curiosity. Circus
people seldom care to make acquaint
ances outside of the buiinoes. This
applies particularly to the women.
Knowing that they are regarded as >
class In as lair n light as they should
bo , they return the sarno sort of dls-
cust , and ontsido of tholr most inmate -
mate family friends hardly know or
rust any ono. Perhaps to omphaaiza
his fact , I can clto an Instance in my
wn cxporlonco where I have been
rlth a company which Included some
hlrty women , and , although I stood
lese to the management , my ao-
.aaintanao with the women was never
ihoro than the ordinary exchange of
alutation , except with two , and they
were both married ladled nnd old
enough to bo my mother. Public
opinion concerning circus woman is
almost entirely erroneous nnd docn
; hem the grossest Injustice , although
this opinion dorlvoi na origin from the
very exolusivouoaa the women depend
npon for their protection. The pub
lic knows clrcns people as being
all of ono kind and cla , when , la
truth , there Is aa much diversity
among them aa la possible to conceive -
ceivo lu n like number of people
banded trgethor in any other call
ing. Even the laboring mon are
saving and support families with
their Binall wages. The postoffioo
money order system la n great aid
in thaf. direction , and every pay-day
finds them all over the country buy
ing Uncle Barn's orders upon the
pnatollioo where they liv ? . I have
given yeu n trun picture of a people
that everybody BOOB but nobody
knows. How do yon like ill"
Modern European Celebrities ,
. .
01 IlrooHyn , N T. , will deliver a conrss ol
At BOYD'flOPEIU HOUSK , upon the fol owlnjr
, Bubjoctt :
1 , GAMBETTA , - - - March 15 ,
2 , NIHILISM , - - - Maroh22 ,
3 , LONDON SOOIBIT , March 29 ,
4 , OASTBLAR , - - - April 3d ,
Those lectures have horn delivered beloro
lomeot thomoHt rrltlo.l and cultivated audl.
encea In Am rlca , Mil rnvo ca led forth OLCom-
luras 'aore ' 11 tlerl'g than h o ovtr been re-
crlvid by any lecturer upon similar subject * .
Th flrrt lecturj will e > ttllverod
Thursday , March 15.
< tli-iii on-tu-tti
1' AND HORTICUL1UBISTTS , are now Uklng
1'ol orders ( or Irult and ornamental tree * , ihrul'i
ol and flnwciloKpl1 ! ( nr tprln mllvcry. Order *
mu t bo In beloro tlii lit of April. Hatls'actloa '
10d unvantcod. Offlcu 1300 Iluruoy street , Omihm.
d 118-Bw
10 Auditor's Ollko , Lincoln , Feb. I , 1F83. f
ps I , .form Wa'llchu ' , Auditor r ( Public Account * ,
10 do huroby cirtily that the Fire Inturaiico A ao-
elation ot Lor.don , In thu K nglrniof ( licat Uri-
ID taln , hitarompll d with the In-uianculaw of this
user Ht te , nu in authorlicJ to trantact Lunintfsot
usF Flro Itturince In thin dtate lor ihucurrentyiar.
F , , . WITNESS mylund and Heal ol otlico
or i. HKiL r the day and jcur first above < vrlt-
il- 1 , ' ten.
or Auditor 1' . A.
IB- MURPnY & LOVETT , Agontg.
? ' bTATi OK > K KABKA , Lincoln , Feb. 1 , ISaj. f
he It Is hereby certlQtd that the Wtttern A ur-
it- > nco < Joniany | , ol Toronto , In the Domlnicn ot
itey Cacadi , ha' compiled with the Insurant * Uw rf
ey thoUtatr , and Is authorized t trans nt Ihe biu-
it lne s ol Fire Idtura ue In this Stite lor the cur
itho rent j car.
ho , ' , WITNESS my hand and the seal cf
an 4 HB.L [ th > Auditor ol I'uMIc.bcoutiU ( be
aIn 1 , - ' day and ) tar almvu written.
In Auditor f. A
or MUKPIIY & LOVETT , Agents.
um - AI-BITOR'H Omen , LINCOLN , Feb. 1 , Ib83. /
I. Jolm WnlllihAualter ol I'ublle AccounU ,
da hereby c-rlll ) thit thu Am ilcin Fire loiur-
anco L'ouiptny o I'till.dcliihla m the btato ot
1'ummjhaiiU , h u complloJ with the Insurance
luwrf tliU Statu , and K author zed to traneact
IUS thob Hlucs4o'U.tiljs uucii lu tliU State ( or the
ion curruu > ' , . . .
iti- _ Wi'NEsSmy hindnnd ( oil ol el-
iti.ed 1 bf\i < ' ttritun. Hoi tlu uaj ma yur mat nbu\u
rho JOXWALUcns , ,
Aul.tu V , A.
MUitl'lIY .V LOVETr ,
cano -
Auditor' Oolce , Lincoln , Feb. 1,1583. )
I , John Walllchi , Auditor ol 1'utllc Account' ,
the diherntiy certify that tbo Uortu UrliUh ana
ak- Hi rcaitllf IiBUianco Company of London and
ald Edinburgh , In tbe K'ludouiuf Ureat Ur.tiln , baa
toiuiihiu w th the Insurance law tl ml Hi ate ,
ars rU i > autbhi'rizid to traunact Ihe builneu o
irt- lira inmuanciIn tbls sta e lor Ire cu ter t ) oar.
, , o . . WITNESS my lund ntid calolotflC4
un- I HiitL. > tbe diy tnd year flrit above writ-
3DS I > , > ' t n.
Aud.tor P. A.
Far MURl'HY * . LQVETT , Agtnti.