rrT\ ' TUB DAlLtf BEE-OMAILASATU.ROAY : MA.UOH 10 HA8 THE BEST SJftOK IN OMAH4 AND MAKES THK 1 OWESi ! HIDES e now been finished in our store , mar- Ing it the largest and most complete FURNITUEE'HOUSE In the West. An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected : with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS. , One Exclusively for the use ot Passengers Th ° so immense warerooms - roomsthreo stores , are 66 ieot wide are fil od "it& the Grand est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evoi shown. shown.All are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first fiooi and go through the building and m < peat the stock. OHAS. SHIVtRIOK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Far n am Street , Omaha Jtt , ! ? A ' "S8as AND KETML DEALER IN s uavM c Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BUNDS , ftlGLDIKGS , Llfc : , C SO-STATE ACK1U FOB HILWAUKKE OEUSNI COMPANY ) Near Union Pacific Depot , - offlAPA The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JBWELRYHOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and 11 descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets . THE LEADING ' MUSIC HOUSE IN TDK WEST I general Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any MeiternManufaoturer and Df aler , Pianos and O'ga s sold for cash or install neat at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stcck of Steinwy , Onickering , Knabe , Vose & Soa's Pi anos , and oth < r makes. Also Ciough & War1 en Sterling Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before purchasing. MAX MEYER & BRO. , A Large Stock always on Hand. -DEALERS IN- 'SSAF Fire and Burglar 1020 Farnham Street , DIRECTORY OF LEADIHQ WESTER ? J HOTEL VOl'lTUY OF THBTIM.ES. On Koilr SUatee. d. the ( tlil. Anon the tllJ. wit ) * gave H whirl ; ) glcd.tu < l then i he ( { lode , Tlila liravw hut fuollati K'rll ' Hurrahl tlnnplM who ever MW A gin Out cou'd ' do hett I ? A ( Uih , R crnnh , 'tai nnful radii , Hut the roller nkntca upset her. EvAnsvlllo Argns , Comlog of Spring Far la the tliuny south eho lltigcrt , Yet lo ly o mien lontj , With fairy garlands In her fingers , With nuttehos uf nweot on * . Her ej eg with iirnmleea nre beaming , Her * mlle * will rapture bring. The mnl'ght from her hair In ttreauilag , Thrice welcome , lovely Spring. She brlngg us gifts , the royal mntdeo , Fnlr flowers to deck the hllln. With priinrostH bur arms are laden , UluebelU nnd iliiTotliU 1'rtle crncmes ha > e come heforo her , Wild blrdn her welcome tliif : Ten iliousitd lointiuB hvait * adore her , The gray world's UailliiL' , Sluing. j. M. HlB DevotlouB. . 'ho oijan | pealn , the choir ix nngl"g ! I wmii er If kho knows I in hm ? lor thoughts , no doubt , 3,0 upwind Ing , While inliio sick , clogged with doubt and fear. Ti * nbe , of course ; there' * no i llor ciowded , glowy braid * of brown , \nd thut' * the bonnet aho HUB making ; I Bat nud watched her bo < id the ciown. [ ow deft her Gngero are , how bun } 1 Ahl happy man within whijsa homo hit eU\ I Buch thoughts they make me dizzy , And have no place beneath thia drine. ! \r better should I ponJcr grimly My fhults committed , duties miMeil , low neat her glove Is , nnd how trimly It buttoni round her Blender wtiel ? Ah ! vain and poor Is earthly plonMiro ; No wonder that our sad hearts yearn 'o some inoro high and lasting treasure They're sitting down ; perhaps eho'll turn 'hank Heaven , she sees me ! She Is Hing ing A sweet reproachful glance my way. Yes , dear , Indeed , I have been singlm ? , And now , my saint , I mean to pray. M. Bridges In Our Continent. MAY AND SEPTEMBER. In a well furnished apartment In no of the houses in Bloomingdalo trcot , there sat , on the morning 1 peak cf , three persona Ono waa a nan whose smooth brow and nnfaded ooks told nothiug of aeo , but whose tubs wore completely paralyzed. The ocond waa a lady who might have nco posneased great beauty , bat on horn consumption was making hiaty ud uumUtukablo ravages. The third -as a girl of eighteen or nineteen , whose liken CBS to each , aa well as her vident devotion to their wanta , pro- [ aimed her tholr danghtur. Kato AUicroft was not beautiful in the com mon sense of the word , She had fine irprenslvo cyee and o sweet month ; > ut oven theio did not oiultlo her to > o called a beauty. The highest harm of her face was a sweet and ovely expression , speaking of inward pcaco and gentle , kindly thoughts. , Mr. Ashcroft had longiboon a mil- rable Invalid. When .still in the iritno of llfo paralysis , had done its rork upon hla frames bringing all the ppearance of old ngq to hla noble fig ure , while hu f ice waa still youthful. rlrslTAehcrofthad watched beside him althfally and devotedly , ( until oon- umptlou hid touched bar , with its hilling fingers , and laid hnr upon n ted oi plin and distress. Tana it foil o the daughter to nureoboth invalids ; and she did it with & devotion that nado the tank light , She was the ight of their eyes the only being whom they could not cheerfully give up , lit the proapcct of death. What would nho do when they wore gone , waa the qnettlon that weighed ipw their inindu most hoavlly. They tail no relatives near enough to take aii interest In the child ; and the new ricnda they posaoascd wuru in foreign Hilda , .ludgo , then , howdi < oolato waa ho path that ecumod to bo bcforo the laughter they loved so woll. It added , too , to their anxiety , that they nuat Icavti her penniless. Slckuecs lad melted away their resources until ho little that vraa loft would hard y , klr. Athoroft thought , pay the ox- lonsoo ot the donblo funur l which unat inevitably follow their long and Inhering Illness. "Do not grlovoao , dearest father , " vatj had been saying ; "I shall surely > o provided for. I can work us well as many others. The JiUto I ahull wont , I can earn. " llor father gazd nt her with taarful yes. 44Poor child ! " ho exclaimed : 'how little yon know of the world , [ low will you , who ha\e known sn ittlo of the trials ot life , b.t ftblo tn stem the rude torrtnt of ndvvrti'ji [ low will you bfar up u a'nut ' tht orriblo burden ot pavertj ? Will those little hands bo strong enough to earn your daily bread ? You , who lave never boon trained to work , who lave never berne the weight of crusti ng sorrow. O merciful Fithor ! Bting ler into thy fold , and make her thin : especial care ! " Tears hot and bitter impeded hit utterance. It was long ere Kate could soothe him into anything like compoa < uro. Mate and still was the mothor't zrlef , yet as deep ai that of her hus < Dind. All UIH terrors of a desolate , lonely lifo ior Kite uprose before her ; jot she conquered all trace of emotion. It was but the prelude of great suffer. Ing , for that night saw her in the shadow of the dark valley. The breaking of a blood vessel was the con sequence of her suppressed emotion , and before morning the weary splrll waa released from the suffering body , "Thoro sat the shadow fourod o ; man. " More rapidly than over Mr. Ash croft vraa failing. The death of hli wife waa his own death bio * . Frorr the moment of her departure ho coaacc to speak , and lay wrapped In slloil ( rrlof. It was pi'ifnl indued to see pee : K-Uo. She want from room to roon to look uynn her mother'n lifeless remains mains , and back again , to try to spoal comfort to thu poor mute sufferer Scarce a day intervened before ho , too was also summoned away. "Oh , for ono word ono look of reo ognitlon ! " sighed the poor girl win hunt ; over him. Alan , It was no granted her. Slowly the palso ccasoi beating , and then stopped forever Kate was , Indeed , doubly orphaned K'nd ' neighbors tried to bring com fort to the Imcaved girl ; but nho tiiu'd i\r t bo - the worJB. Who * hriuik roui thor M if touched to the very lulck ; and hur null moaning com ortoru at length loft her to honclf Whonnll wns over , Kite was told thht she must lunvo the house. It was watitud for n richer tenent. She had lot a ninzlo dolUr. Her furniture was taken away and sold to pay the rent. All the little ornaments of the rooms , so dear to her because they were the gifts of parents on successive ilrthdays , went with the root ; and in ho afternoon of the third day from ho funeral of both her parents , Kato walked out of the gate and entered a mall oottago , poor , moan and old , the only shelter she could afford to rest in. The next week law her out In the inrsuit of employment something anything that would bring her food enough to support llfo nnd strength. NO foolish prldu in Kate's heart hold iur back from the search after the nouns of living. Tcaohlr ( jthat ro- ourco of almost every girl loft to hur- ilf wr. not liic'ndod ' in her oata guoof labor Kate was Intelligent ind well taught ; but of the regular uu luo of learning she was Iqnorant. .If uaoful Informaiiou she had n fund. t was imparted to her from childhood 17 her father and mother ; but neither if her parents were willing to spare ior from homo , and therefore her ehoc'l knowledge was not oxtonaivu. She had learned bookkeeping , hoir- ever , of her father , who was once a uccmful merchant , before the hand if dlacaso hsd touched allko his per- on und his f jrtuues. And her first bought was that she might obtain omo situation In which uho could nako thia knowledge count to her for > rcnd. She entered several storor , modestly fforlng hur uorvlcu aa book keeper or ashler ; bat nil these situations were already filled. Next the milliners' hops were tried then the dressmak ers' rooms shops nud rooms which , u bettor days her mother had most generously patronized , but which now L'omed to have no work for Kato. ler last effort waa at a depot for ready made linen. The Miopman knerr her , nd allowed her to carry off some work without the usual deposit of its worth in money. She waa glad of von this scanty meant ; and half an lour after she loft the shop aho waa eatod in the ono habitable room of ior lltilo cottage , sewing diligently pen a garment the first of her half ozon , Kato waa a rapid and skllfull seam- trees ; and , as her small house ro- aired little tlmo to pat In order , and or frugal ineal still less time to pro * > are , she was rejoiced to find that she tould complete them all in a single week. She wns to bo paid a half dol- aroaoh ; nnd aho carried them back , nd received the money the next Sat- irday evening with a fooling of sails- action that no ono ever experiences unleai it la earned. Every week she low earned sufficient for her expenses ; nd very soon she waa trusted with ner and moro expensive work , until t last she could readily command rom six to eight dollars , ttho did his until late In the winter ; constant- y carrying bundles of work , and on oylng the air and exercise it brought ler , without a thought of degradation n so doing. True , she waa sometimes pataed rlthont recognition by S'imo who had mown her under other circumstances ; iut Katie's cheerful and Independent pirlt was far above all thh. She ookod as nereno under the neglect aa f the recognition were over so cordial ; and so often shamed the proud ones who could not deny that in her simple mourning garb there was an elegance and propriety to which they never yet attained. Even her package of work- lid not take from her the unmistakable adyliko appearance inseparable from ior ; for she carried it with an ease ind grace. BO rare that it seemed almost ho badge of surerior gentility. The ovoly expression , which we have culled her highuat charm , still Illumi nated her face , and they who looked at Kato ouco wore apt to linger in their interested gnza aa Icn ' as polito- ne B permitted. She waa returning from carrying ) ok spmo work ono olippyry diy , when , just aa oho had nhut her own ; nto , oho vllppod upon thu ice und fell , ireaking her ankle and ncvorcly wrenching hur left arm. She tried ta novo and rl'ibut was Impcmlblo jho uttered a llttlu moan of real pr.ln , und then fainted. She might haw aln n full hilf hour thus , when a : ontoman ! discovered her and alighted rom Uo o'miao. Ho rataud her to a sitting postnro and the pain of being removed recalled her souses. She shrunk from his touch for an instant , Diit coon recovered from her momen tary embarrassment , and gratefully ex prenood her thanks. "Whither shall I carry you , mj dear young laJy ? " ho asked kindly. Thia la my homo , rir , " nho au- awercd , producing the homo key. Tn jjoutloiuttti unlocked the door , tud Ktte strove to rlso , but ugnlt. Futntod with the pain. The etrangei carried her in and deposited her gontlj upon the wide , comfortable coacli which had served as a bed O'er slr.c flho removed. Ho readily found some water , which ho sprinkled upon hei face , and she revived. "I am a surgeon , " said he , smiling : "an old , gray-haired surgeon. Will you permit mo to oxtunlno your In jaries ? " There was such a fn'horly mannci about him that Kato could but submit to holding out her turn and foot foi bis inspautlon. "Yon have hurt ynuriolf more thar I thought , young lady. " ho said , In c tone so cheerful that Kntn felt as i ! the had found a frlond. ' Dot it will ba all right soon , If only yon will have a little oourago for a short tlmo. " "Oh , I have plenty of that,1 , answered - swerod Kate ; "but I lack the fortitudt to endure long-contlnnod pain. Wll it ba long , sir ? " aho asked nnxionaly , "Not If you have good nursing. " "Ah , that la out of the question sir. " "Why so ? Have you no mother o : sister. ? " Kato'H eyes filled with tears. "I have neither , " oho said , after i pause in which she waa weeping bit terly. "No friend who can bo with yoi now while I mend this broken limb ? ho asked , whllo looking at the small whlto arm bared for his Inspection. "I hare no friends , " she mui mured , It was a short sentence , bat It won to Dr. Broderlok'n heart. "No friends ! " poor young lady ! " But before ho could say a word more ICnto htd huihoi her cmotioni nwak * onvd by hisquiatlotiR , and waa her own culm , collected self again. She bore she setting of her ankle llko n hero , nnd submitted to have hrr arm vtu lently pulled without flinching. Thou the sat upright , and looked thia now hulror in the faco. Ho waa n man uf appuontly forty years of ago ; tall , ncd not slender ; with largo , benevolent brown eyes , and n few whlto streaks in his dark , abundant hair a gentle man In the broadest sense of the word , a scholar , and a good surgeon. Kate's simple , straightforward mind had divined what ho was , and her eyes took in the details , as well ns the moaning of his face ; a faoo so entirely good that a child might read It. Her heart Instinctively told her that hero , t any rate , waa a man who would never deceive. She had hoard of him hoard how beloved and trusted ha had boon iu his native city a neighboring ono whuro ho had always practiced had heard of moro than ono grand nnd noble deed ho had performed. She hud learned , nho , that In his yonnunr years hu had been sorely smitten with disappointment had laid all his hopes of n happy domestic lifo upon n broken ohtlno , aad had behold thorn waste away into utter decay. All these thingfl ruahed to her mem ory when hu told her his name. She remembered , too , that her father had dealrcd to call him In when her mother was ill , bat she had opposed It. Her mother was always so afraid of ex penses which she know would not avail to save her llfo , and she wanted so muh to lotva something for Knto whim aho should have passed away , Poor woman ! could she have kno n of Kite's present situation , there would have been ono pang mure In her dying hour. "I shall ride ever to see how you are , to-morrow , " ho said kindly , ns ho went out. "You must ba as quiet as possible , but I will lend you my cane , so if you want to come and lock mo out , you can do so. " And Kato did rise and go to the door with him , dosplto the grototquo- ness of hopping upon ono foot. "Now go back to your sofa , and you mav read a little ; but remember , no work till I see yon. " She obeyed him willingly , for she waa weary , and was , moreover , jarred by her fail. Toward night she fell asleep and did not wako until morning. She was unable to qo aboat much , even with the doctor's cane ; bat , for tunately , a little girl came in on an errand , and Kato begged her to got her mother's pormlislon to stay with her until she was able to walk about. Through little Jenny's exertions , the room aasumod its usual neatness. At noon the doctor made his appear- anoB. Kato waa sitting up , her foot In a cushioned chair. It waa doing well , Dr. Broderlok said , and she would need no farther attendance. "Bat I shall call occasionally , " ho added , "so that you shall not bo too careless. The next week ho asked her to ride with him. She needed air , ho said ; and , as it was always his proscription for convalescents , she must not object. Into his amply-robed sleigh therefore ho lifted her , taking Jenny also ; and the next hour found them stopping at the doctor's own homo. "My mother will bo happy to see you , Miss Ashoroft , " he said. She It greatly Interested In my patient , especially when they are as lonely as yourself , " And ho carried her In his arms to an apartment , half office , half sitting- room , whore H sweet-faced woman wel comed her with kindly warmth to a seat beside the cheerful wood firo. The windows wore full of the rarest plants. The walla were almost covered. Splendid roses and lilies were in bloom -goranlnma and fuchsias wore abundant , and the purple scented violet o were the awoetest Kato had ever soon. "They are Arthur's favorites , above all Horrors , " remarked Mrs , Brodorick , as Kato eagerly took the cluster she gave her ; "and I think they must be your fivorltos , too , by the way yet look at thorn. " They were , Indeed , very dear tc Kate , ua they were the last flowori her mother held in her handa ; nnc nho told her now friends why she loved them HO woll. # # # # # # "Shols a little darllnp , Arthur , " ux claimed Mra. Brodorick , when tin doctor returned from taking Kilt hutne. "I am going to send for her t < iitny n mouth with mo. Do you thliu she will come ? " The doctor laughed. "Not unless yon tell her that yoi want her to sow for you , mother. Shi was hardly willing to call hero , or ovei ; o ride with mo. If she is 'Innocon as a dove , ' she is also as 'wise as i serpent , ' and will not bo beguiled iuti anything that will compromise ho character. " "I llko her bettor for that , Arthur Very well toll lier 1 wunt u neum strcai for iiuvorul weeks , and will givi extra prices for work But don't yoi o to falling in love with her , Arthur. ' "Why not ? " ' Because I shall got no work doui If you are hanging about the room.1 "You ar < i a dear , cross , good mother What do you suppaso I want to fall li love for , when I have you ? Besides yon are such a proud old lady that ] should not dare to fall in love with i sowing girl. " "Don't , Arthur. Yon make mo fee faint , Riraombor , I was a sowing ; lr ) , and I married a richer man thar pouare. " "Come , come , mother ! I shall have to correct you or put a mistress ovoi you. How would yon like that , llttli mother ? " "Hold your tongno , Arty ! and to morrow BOO thit you go early after m ; sowing girl. " D : . Arthur patted his mother' cheek , nnd kissed her fondly. "I am golnK now , " ho said. Ant truly ho told Kato cuch n piteous tal of his mother's disappointment in IDE ing her seamstress , that gratitude t him prompted her to go A month of happiuezs it waa to Kat BO petted , and caressed , BO cnrcfull tended , and , finally , so beloved b mother and uou. "I don't know , " said Mrs. Brodei Ick , reflectively , "It's a sorioc thing to marry A wlfo only half yoc ago , Arty. "Nonaunso , motnor I have mac a bargain with this little girl. I ha\ promised to glvo her ton years of m forty , and that makes a fair avora ; of thirty years each. It will bo happy match , dear mother. Don break it up with any of your objoo. lions. " And It was , and Is , a very happy match for both. An Extraordinary Caio AfHTiN , TKXAH , l''ob. 20,1680. To Mr. J.W. Graham , Druggist : Dear .Sir My case was nn acute form ol bronchltir , and was of ono and A half ycftr' duration. I employed the best medical aid pnmlblc. hut failed rapidly , until the doc- tori ) salu I would dlo that my cnso was In1 curable. Thrown upon my own ronourcen , I fet a bottle of Dn WM. HALL'S B ALB AH roit THE l < u.N < m , and iu fix hours felt B de cided relief. In three days the cough a'- ' incut disappeared , Now that my chances of llfo are good for many yean , I earnestly rccommnnd the above to every sulforor of lung or throat dlneano. febSld&wcod.lw 0. 0. LATHROP. Xrno to hnr Trait Too much cannot bo saul of the ever faithful wife nnd mother , constantly watching nnd caring for her dear ones , never neglecting n pingle dirty In their be half , When they are availed by disease , niul the system tthotild have n thorough oloaUHlng , the t macli nud bowel * regu lated , bloi'd ' puiificd , nnd malarial poison exterminated , rho imint know the that Kloctrlo HitterH nre the only euro remedy. They nro the beat nud purist inoillcino in the world nud only cost fifty cents. Sold by 0 V Ooo Imiiu Stiloil | ir i wnH wlllbo nvchwl liy the llonnl ol Co Mit j ComniUsloiHTfl of ( Inoi eouiih , Neb. , lor Ilio erection ol a bridk'O airoii the li ) llluo rhcr upon cither ono ol tin na on road * IcatUiiK cast ( rom thn town ol VVjinor , Ga o count ) , Neb , , ami MT ami ncrosi s.iUI river , SalJ hrlil o to bo nno hundred and llttj ( ISO ) ( ect lonif , and to ha\o cither piles , stone , or Iron plern Also ( or thn erection o ( a bridge , miltnbloto the ph'e , ftcrosi liullan Creek , on the line botnton RcctloniitucMtv-nliioCit ) ) nj thirty (30) ( ) , about onomlln eon' ' Invest ol Wjinoro , ( ! turu county , Neb. Low bridge at thin jilaco prud'rrod. Also a In Idc J across Turkey Creik , ( touthwwt ol DuWitt , Nib. , to rcplajo the old ono now m 1180. 1180.All br'd jc to be o ( wood , Iron or combination All b ( Into Iu accompanied by plan * andspccl- no.tions.to IK ) nraled and flleilvvuli tin Count ) Irrk on or before 12 o'clock noon , March 20th , The Commlisloncia r fcr\o the rl tit to reject y and all tlil . Succomlul bidden ) 111 bo tour - ur ! d to gl\o bond ( or the faithful performance ct thtlr contract lly ordc i ( thu Ccunty Ommlimloncra. / / - - % , A. J. I'KrilOUt ) , I HKAL. j- . County Cloik. 1 Ileatllco Feb. 78 1R83. mo-d tw A Bkln of Donuty ti a Joy Forever. DR. T- FELIX GOtJRATJD'S Oriental Cream or Magical Boau- tilter , 8 T n , IMmnlot , Kecklo , Motbpntth esan'oYcry blemlnh'on the tout 01 DOyearaan' ' li Bohirm w < Accent m counurfel of similar name. The dlgtlnirnlehrd Dr. L. A Sayre , s ld to a laly ol the IMUI ON ( a patient ) "Afl you lailM will uee thorn , I tccommom 'U uriud'a Cream' ag the least harmful of all tin Skin prepitratl in. " Ono bottle will lot > li months , using It every day. Alia 1'oudro Jub tile removti superfluous lull wl.lioul Injury t < the skin. UM .M. D. T. QOURAUDSa'e prop. , 43 Bom St. . N. Y. Fora lo by all Hruriilita and Fancy Ooodi Dealers throughout the United Skatoi , Oanadi anil Kurops. tST Beware of huso Imitations. $1,000 rowan for arrest and proof of any one gelling the sumo J M-woow mo2t w-flm J r C wHIOAGO , PEORI ST. U , "MILWAUKEE DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , MEWYORK.BOSTON And all Poluti C t i\ndouth-E it. 5o ily 4,000 miles , llolld Smooth Bteel Track U connactlona are made In UNION DhPOTS hai a National Itopntatlan ae belDK th rout Through Oar Line , and In nnlvermll needed to be the FINEBT EQUIPPED iUll ad In Iho world for f > ll claHHcn ot Ira l. Try It and you will dm' Imvdlrtr Iniur nutiad nf a dlecomfnrt ThtouKh Pchetri VA t\t CiMi'iirr.l * il Lint * va o > .1 0(1lca ( < In the IVnol All iiiloimat'on ' a'niui lUt < m i t' - , Hloepiu ; m AitninuioJnttMut 'f'Mit InbU'o , , will l < chvurlully ijlTro l.iplyin'f > ' * k 1. J. H01TIH. lid Vlce-lVn't A On'i MnuKV PtnOIVAU LOWKUL , Qrri. I'Mw'iurtr AS . O v J , DAVtJU'OUT , ( Jen. Accnt , Oontall Ulnfli. U. f. VVSLL. Ticket lagl. mnJn-xrt.lv Are aoknowlotlgod to be tl best by all who have put thei to a practical test. ADAPTED TO HARD & SOFT OOA ,00KB OB WOOD. MANUFACTURED BV Buck's Stove Co RAINT LODIB. PIE.ICY it IIUUDFOIU BOLK AOKNTS FOR OMAHA. A NOTED nur UNmnLitn WOMAN. ITrom th Do o . 'tttrt. EJItort t Tb beT li BCKxl Ilkentn ot Mr * . I.rdlaE.na ) am , ot I.jnn , Max. , who abore all other human b lei uy be truthf oilcallM th "D r Friend of Wonun , " torn * ot hrr corrtfpond ntj lore to call her. Sh I Kalon lr derotcsl to htr work , which U the oukom * f a llt itudjr , and l § obliged to keep ili lady Mlitanta , to help her aniwrrtho lirfe eomipond no thlch dull ; ptnin In upon her , each b * rlne IU ipecU ] imlfn ot luffrrinir , or Joy at releautrom It Her VwUble Conuwund 1 a medicine for ecxul and not rll punxwi. I h To rcnonuJljr tnTMtleat d It aod mutliB ) of the truth of thli. On account of It * rrorcn merlin. It Is rrcommendn ] nd proscribed by the bortuhjilcUni In ( ha country. i inyn "It wotli like a charm and rri much din. It will euro rntlrflj- the wont form of falling * f the utonn , Ix'UcorrhtrA , Irrrcular and ivUnful IcnittruAtlonnil OrarUn Trouble * , Inflammation and OceraUon , Hooding , nil Dliplacnmcnt * and the con * Murnt > plni\l Dnkn u , and li cnHJcli1'/ adapted to lie ChdnRo of IJfo. " It pornipAtrn every portion of the njitom , andirlrei pw llfo and vleor. It rrmoTra fulutnem , flatul n < 7 , rtrojr all rrsvlntf for ctlnuilanti , and rclloj cs weak- ' f * of llio tonmcli. It curri lUontlnff , Ilrittuchp * , ' Vrrou TroBtrntlon , ncnrral Poblllty , B1oepleKnei , | cprrarii > nandImllRrctlon. Th t fcfllnu of Ix-nrlnif ( > \ -nuslinpixin : , w li'it and bAck/vche , It alwayt' ' rrmnurntlr turiil 1 y Hit UfiIt will at all timed , and oul r nil rlrntinit-incr * , net In lionnony with the Uw Imt pnvrrni lh ft-mtlo f j teni. It coin .inly Jl. ] vr Ivottlo or t.t for 55 . and In nold t ; > niCRlft . Any rulvlco rnulntl < l > IH elal CA , anil tic nnuic of many who Imvo IKHMI rri torod to ] i.rf o ) ralthliy the uloof th Vcffelal lo f ( impound , can b litalnrd by luIilremtiiK Mrs. 1' . 1th Unii > fur rrply , t her homo In Lynn , Mam. For Kidney CompliUnt of Htlier noi thli eompounJti nurpna < < d M abundant URtlmonlcts Khn\r. "Mri riiikliam'Mvcrmil"wj onnwriter , "are fie uvrM for the euro i/f Conntlpntlon. nd Torpidity ot the Uver. Her Blood wonilcru In It ! ipretal line anil bids fill Mipound In IU popularity. . et her aa an Angel ot 1U rcy whom icle i good ( o others. < \ . Q ) lira A.M.D. HBbraaka Loan & Trust Company HASTINGS , NED. Capital Stook , - - $100,000. JAS. II. HEAUTWELL , President. A. I , . CLA11KE. VIco-rrcBldont. K. C. VV hUSTEll , TrcuurorUH DinKcrona. muel Aleiamler Oswald Oliver , , . L. Clarke , K. 0. Webster M loo. II 1'rutt , Jan. II. Hoartwell , . D. U.McEUIlnnoy. First Mortgage Loans a Specialty This Company turnlihrs % permanent , horn * nstltiillon where School Uo i wid other legally , ssued tlunlclnal nccurltl'- Vebraska can b o negotiated on the mi avorable torma Loans made on lmpro\ed f I all well nettled Bounties ol thostato , thn i tiuiiwlhto local corrraixindentn. corrraixindentn.WBS'l CORNICE mm\ \ SPKOUT , Proprietor. Barney St. - Omrlia , Noli UANUFACTURKUII OF ( } nlamzfii : Iron OORNIOE3 , DORMER WINDOWS , F1NIALS Tin , Iron and Slate Hoofing , ipooht'B Patent Motnlio Skylight Patent Ad j aatod Rntohot Bar and Bracket Shelving. 1 am the general af-ont for the above line of gooda. IRON FBNOING. llngtit Daluntradei , Ver nda > , | O T1 > Dnk Rnlllnn , Window dOt tr duardi ; alto OKNKltAL 16S8. * * iSPV- J * JIDKSl'llIlM ATTACHMENT-NOT PATENT ED. A. J. SIMPSON. LEADING JAERIAGE FACTORY 1109 and UU Dodge Street , anK 7-rao 6m OMAHA , LINE -or THE Milwaukee & $ \ > t Paul * * ' RAILWAY II DOW runnlne Iu FABT EXPRESS TRAINS from OMAHA AND OOUNOIL 'BLUFFS ' WITH Pullman's Maplflcont'Sloopors -AND THE Finest Dining Oars in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO OHIOAGO' MILWAUKEE. Or to any point beyond ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To BT. PATJI. OR Take the BUST ROUTE , the Chicago , Milwaukoo&St , PaulR'y Ticket office located at corner Farnuu and Fourteenth otreela and at U. 1' . Depot and at Ulllard Hotel , Omalm. tSTSco Time Table In another column. F. A. NASH , General Atrent , D. n. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. S. 8. UEimiLt , A. V. II. GARPKNTEB , Oeuer&l Manager. Oouoral Fan. Agent. J. T. CLA11K , OEO. II. HKAFFOaD , nooeral Sup't. AM't Ckm. Vtet , Agtot In * uV > i er * ilOQ iha. inu. V o- lUll- Ithli yiar. office i tns.1. JJ. f Avur- laicn ot eUwrf hebtu- , he cur- gtal ot , It. A 1883. } Yccounts , re Io ur- btate ot Insurauco kte tor the oil ot ct- Hist nboo , icns , tw r. A. OK. " } "U83. tc Account' , llrlilah and London aril Brit ln , h a ml State , butlneu o i left je r. I ealot office { above wilt- L1CU8. ' jd.tor F. A