Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1883, Image 2

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A Female Barter Who Uses a
Thread Instead of aRazor
A Novel System Imported from
Qroeco and Patronized by
Faehionablo Ladies.
N , Y. Journal.
A novel phwo of BocUl life came to
the notice of a Journal reporter yes
terday , the details of whloh will afford
considerable Interest and possibly
some profit to ladles who are troubled
with hlrsato appendages. Through
the courtesy of an acquaintance an In *
trodnotlon was given the reported to
Sitjnora Ilelon Goorgldos , a female
barber , who shaves without a razor.
She resides on the first story of 112
Hester street. The Slgnora is a box
om-looklng brunette , with pleasant
features , and apparently forty years of
ago. She has two handsome looking
boys , one of whom aotod as Interpreter.
"My mother is n native of Smyrna ,
Aila Minor , " of these said , in very
good English.
"Oan you doiorlbe the proem ? "
"Certainly ; bat my mother does
not use any razor * , and oho confines
her attentions inclusively to ladles.
She uses a thread Instead of a razor ,
and the process If not only moro
speedy , bntmora satisfactory. "
"Does thn lady object to giving mo
an Illustration of her skill ? "
After some coaxing the feminine
professoiconsented. Taking the ro-
por'or ir to another room , ho was ro-
qnostod to bare his arm. Taking a
strong J.non thread she placed one end
botwooM her tooth , and with a pecu
liar see 'saw motion with both hands
ho applied the thread quickly np and
down the arm ; the halt being caught
np by what appeared to bo 'a small
Blip-knot In the center of .tho thread.
This motion was continued for several
seconds with remarkable results , the
hklrs being quickly removed by the
now iiDiBs XT'E TREATED.
"Of course you will understand , "
oontlnuod her Interpreter , "that my
mother does not pretend to shave gen
tlemen ; their beards would bo too
hard and rongh ; bnt she has boon
very successful with ladles , and has
nlto a largo number of customers
who visits her regularly. "
"How long does It take to effect
ually remove a lady's moustaohii ? "
"Well , a brunette will got shaved
by her process onoo a month , blondes
once In three weeks. Very much de
pends upon the nature at.d growth of
the beard or moustache , as the ease
may ba. The first stage is to anoint
the skin well with an ointment , the
preparation of whloh Is a secret. The
idea is to soften the skin thoroughly ,
BO that the hairs may bo removed
without causing discomfort to the
patient. N
"After the akin had boon well sat
urated with the clntment the hairs
come out very easily and the prepara
tion checks their growth for several
weeks. "
h "Do yon find many ladles who are
B&T.otod with board andmoustaches ? "
"Oh. yes. There are dozens of
them In this bit ; city. Brunettes are
more troubled in this way than
blondes , and the older tbo patient is
the moro time It takes to remove it.
My mother has many customers , real
fashionable ladles , who are fifty years
of age , who visit her regularly. Bat
the majority of her customers are
.professional pooplr , aaoh as actresses ,
.singers , and such like. They are
very particular , too , but money Is
mo object with them , and on special
occasions they do not hesitate to pay
as mnoh as $5 a visit. Her regular
fee is $2.
"Tho week previous to the Arlon
ball wo had as many as twenty persons
a day call hero to got shaved. In
deed , there wore moro came than my
mother could possibly attend to. "
The reporter suggested that an up
town office would probably pay bettor
than ono in Hester street ,
"Wo trlod that , and for some weeks
she had quite a nice ofliao on Union
Square , but owing to a money d < lH
onity with the man whom she WHS
compelled to associate with her In the
business , she loft and oamo hero Bat
her best customers have not left hor.
On the contrary , they visit her regu
larly , and some of them very tine
ladles , who come attended by their
servants. Bern , you see , aho moots
a good many uf her compatriots , and
it makes things moro cheerful for
her. "
"At what reanons of the year Is oho
the busiest ? "
"Ob , In the summer. She then
visits ladles at the seaside resorts anc
fixes them up for balls and parties
They pay her liberally. Her busies
time In the winter Is during the French
and Gorman ball season. "
"Now , how many ladles do you sup
pose are t. filleted with moustaches m
Now York ] "
After consultation with his motho
the youth replied that she supposed
she could reckon np a hundred t <
whom a moustache was a perpotna
source of vexation ,
The slgnora's apartments In Hosto
street are neatly but unostentatious !
furnished , and from Inquiries mad
among the neighbors she appears t <
derive qnlto a profitable Income.
The pleated tklrts with velvet ribbo
borders are ou nearly all sprint ; suits.
White muilln dresses hate the nklrt
covered with wide lljunooo uf euibrildory
Clingstone coitumcs are going out o
style. It was a hod Rive away on tbi
Plaids in subdued colon are made fo
raveling dreatea or for morning wear I
he bouse.
Gloves and stockings are worn to mate
with evening tolltts. Tbe brown tans-
not reddish shades still prevail ,
New spring costumes are as bouffant a
ever , yet there Is a contradictory repor
that panlers are golnp out of fashion.
Straight coats of block slcillenne , line
with old green plush , are worn over hlac
velvet dreeseis and are trimmed with featb
Amber ornaments are on the new sprln
bonnets in tbe shape of balls , pins wit
round heads , tides , hair pfns , and half
Quaker gray , dove and cloud grays , ar
the principal shades of gray which ar
represented in fine wool materials for
prlng costumes.
Boston's yellow-haired girls always order -
dor cbocolats ice cream , because the color
harmonizes so beautifully with the color of
beir locks.
Oat-tails , reeds and swamp grasses trim
he wicker basket haU that are already
tnported for summer me. Heads of wheat
are made Into bows for such hats.
Cashmere fiirured stuff , ccpectallir those
with palm leaves , remain In favor for eh *
gant spring wraps for the carriage , and
with evening costumes for the theatre ,
Jonquil and mandarin yellow , mahog *
ny , tobacco and Havana brown , Turkey
cd , French gray , and corn-flower bine are
he names of the color * which will be most
ashlonabl * for millinery purposes this sea *
The natty tailor-made cloths suits that
lean easily were never more appreciated
lan in the present season of unsettled
weather , snow , rain and mud. They are
worn almost as a uniform at morning road *
ags , lectures and Lenten services In
A young woman in Oil City possesses a
ats voloo with a compars to D flat In tbe
ass cleff. It is understood that when
bis girl asks her young man if he loves
er as much to-day as ho did list Tburs-
ay , he unhesitatingly replies in the af *
Dark colors are much worn by children ,
heir hats are dare with featbon , their
rosios are of corresponding shades , and
lelr stockings are black with drones of
ny color. The broad witbetlo collar cif
mbroldery and the cuffs to match are the
nly glimpses of wbfto visible In their cos *
A married woman who had escaped from
burning hotfl by jumping out of tbe
Inilow , said she didn't blame the pro.
rietors , because the re was In every bed-
oora a rope provided for the safety of the
uests. "Then , why didn't yon avail
ounelf of it ? " asked tbe inquisitive news *
aper reporter. "Uecauin I couldn't , "
te answered , sharply , as if the question
ere A foolish one. "My husband was
using It trying to save his dog. " Brook-
' rn Eagle.
iftugh , and the world laugbs with you ;
l\Veop , and yon weep al' ne , ,
Or the Aid old earth must borrow Its
mirth ,
Bnt has trouble enough of its own.
Ing , and the hills will answer ;
Sigh. It Is lost on tbe Ir ,
he eom es bound to a joyful sound ,
But shrink from voicing care.
Itjolce , and men will seek you ;
Grieve , and they turn ana go ,
'hey ' want full measure fer all youi pleas
ure ,
Bnt they do not heed your woe ,
ie glad , and your frl nds are many ;
Be sad and yon lese them " 11.
'hero ' are none t decline your neiUred
wine ,
But alone you must driak life's gall.
oiflt , and ynur hall ) are crowded ;
Fast , and the world ROOS by ,
uccoed and give , and It helps you live ,
But no man can help you dlo.
hero is room in tbe halls of pleasure
For a largo and lordly train ,
ut one by ono wo rnu t all file on
Through the narrow alsUsof pain.
Correspondents of the New York Sun
ro diicutsinif the question , "Can a man
narry on $10 a weed ! " He cannot if tbo
! rl Is aware of the amount of his income.
Rochester Pout-Express.
A young Iowa lawyer procured a mar-
late license and took It to his sweetheart ,
he has reconsidered matters , however ,
nd backed out. Ho returned tbe licensee
o the olork , indoried "No causa of
action. '
A young man In Brooklyn was brought
nto court the other day with three wives
nd at many betrothed , but nor wedded ,
thereupon the Eagle of that city is moved
o remark that he loved not wisely , but
oo many.
An English society paper states that
Irs. Hicks Lord U shortly to be married
o * wealthy nobleman of England. "She
s worth , " it says , "two millions of pounds
ersclf , and bus survived three husbands ,
Ir. Hicks , Mr. Lord , and Mr , Charles O ,
Jonor , on eminent lawyer. It is not
mown whether she Is now marrying for
eve or lu tbe interest of tome cemetery
If Senator Tabor Is not marrUd now
tare is no such thing as double riveted
vedl > ck this side of the Atlantic. A Mis-
ourl justice of the peace followed by an
mlneut and thoroughly competent Oath-
lie priest , with a 875,000 necklace thrown
n to nay nothing of legal advice and
umfort from ono of tbe loading lawyers of
: io weit ought to uati.fy the most cop
A fraud claiming to bo Lord Oautvre , a
ew weeks ago married Mlts Challey
'erth , a 81.000,000 heiress of Wlnnepeg.
ler friends are now seeking to annul the
marriage. As she securtid a very clever
coundrel and he obtained merely a
realthy fool , it appears to be an even thing ,
! lever men lu any branch of business are
oo valtuhlo to throw
away now-a-days ,
Cansaa City .Journal.
However joyful parents may bo over the
litati idhmeut of a daughter , they rarely
ejoice HO openly as do a German father
uti mother In a recent number nf the
tluckleaburg Gazette. The notice runsi
"Wo have the honor to tnnounod the
narrlige of our daughter LouUt ) , with M ,
yotniiiRiiu , of Berlin Schwerln , Junuary
13,1883. H , MALLEH AND wins
' Sue was the hut of the ball dozen. The
Lord be praised. "
He hut ju.t returned from his wedding
trip , and was going down town lu a horse
: ar with h a bride , WJQ , in all tbe pride of
ler now garment and her now hutbti d ,
was dUpOHed to look down uu humanity
generally , and ou n po ir old m < n In par-
tlculnrwho sat opposite. "Who is that
dreadful locking creature , Horatlot" she
said. "I'm sure I don't know , " replied the
apple if herejo , with a slight blush and
stammer ; "aorno tramp , I suppose , who
has begged his passage. " Ju t then the
aged person alluded to awoke from bis
reverie , acd. adjusting hU spectacle * ,
quavered : "Why , blessed me , if that's
Uu't my grandson , Horatio ! and that must
he his wile ! Don't color up so , boy ; t-ho's
a right pretty girl , and yon have no cause
to be ashumed of her , " There was an
audible smile in that vehicle , which the
haupy pair did not stop to hear the last of.
fcoatou Courier
Mice oan live anywhere comfortably
except In a church. They fatteu ver ;
slowly In a church. This proves tint the ;
can't live on religion any more than a
slnltter can.
A number of Stockton , Oregon , boy
were arrisKd a few days Bgu while eng g
( d In plt > y lug poker wutl slinking dice In the
steeple uf the Congregational church
which they had fitted up with tubjo , uhulr.
Maoleod tells of a ruther gluttonou
PiObbyterlnn minister , who was uied t <
look bt the dluuer I eforoaaUntf grace , nm
if It w in n gooil one began , "Bountifu
Jehovah"etc. If It hokod bjd , "Wo nra
not , 0 Luil , worthy uf the leant of Th ;
mercies. "
Probably not one preacher in fifty wll
ever say anything abjut It if thu $10 bil
given him by tbe bridegroom represents a
busted Canadian bank. Such bills oi.n
easily be secured for tweutjlive cents each
Practice eeonouiy if you would get rich.
"Have you ever tried tbe faith cure ?
asked a long haired , tallow-faced stranger
addressing a gentleman who sat behlm
him in a Brooklyn street car. "I have ,
was the answer , "Oo you believe In ill
"I do. " " ' - then of
. "May'Ia-k , > what yo
were cured ! " "Certainly , I was cured o
my faith. "
Thu first Instance where physicians ar
mentioned in tbe Bible Is II , Obronicta
vl , , 12 : "And Asa , In the thlrty.nlnth
ear of his reign , was diseased In Els feet ,
mill tbo disease was exceedingly RIO > I ;
ot , in his dfsvse , he souzhi not the Loid ,
jut the physicians. And Asa slept with
Is fathers. "
A SprlngGf Id Sunday-school boy caued
momentary sensation Lvit week because
f this speech , which he made M he ten *
ered hU uiuil contribution : "Here's my
ttnny. Father hain't any , and mother
adn t any , and so I took this out of tbe
.cast cup. I was bound to bring one , ovtn
1 we had to go without yeast , "
The late Cardinal Donnett had a pretty
nd a pleasast wit , Whenever new per *
; ots went to Bordeaux he always went
bcerfully to pay them his visit of we ! *
eome , On ono of these oocAalons , visiting
noted freC'tblnker , he saw a chots-bo * - '
n ] asked the perfect to play a game. "If
ou win , " ho said. ' 'I will read you six
says on church fallacies ; If I win , yon
iall come and hoar six ol my sermons. "
A Pittsburg lawye * became a clergyman
nd tried his hand at preaching for awhile ,
nt at lait found It a failure. He looked
round for some sphere of usolnlno la
which his talents might find a fair field for
lelr exercise. After making several mlc *
ts , h procured a petition as baggage-
masher at u rallroai station. In this he
s said to magnify his office , and conduct
imtelf with becoming and acceptable en-
It is the aside remarks that let in light
pan m n's character ! , A wordlr-minded
nndi > y school superintendent , being about
o go to Kuropo on business , nddresatd the
chool on the Sunday before his departure ,
lo waxed fervent as ho depicted the hor-
ors of tha sea voyage , the risk of life , the
sparatlon from friends and home , and the
ossiblllty thitt he would never nee them
gain.l0h , children. ' said he. "it is
readful to think of. Nothing but money
ould induce me to do It. "
Tbe Ideal opera company returns to Bos
on on March 12th.
"Monte Crtsto' * will be performed for a
boit time longer at Booth's Theatre.
The low orchestral'pitch will be adopted
ext autumn at the Stadttheater , Cologne.
MlaiClaia Belden , the , Shakespearean
actress , who has been in Europs for tbe
ast two years , baa returned.
At the Paris opera comlque , Adolpbe
Vdom's "Gtri ld , 'ranl ( Herola'a "Zimpa"
ave been revived with fair success.
E twin Booth , before leaving Berlin ,
clod for tha benefit of the Widows' and
Orphans' Fund , of tbe Berlin Press AIBO-
A performance of Gsnnod's "Kedemp-
Ion" will shortly bo given by the Berlin
t. Cecilia Association , under Alexis IID- !
aonder ,
Suppo'n buffo opera , ' Die Kolso ntich
ifrio * , " nnw ( n rehearsal'at the Theater an
er Wlen Vienna , will be produced early
n this month.
There In n report that Sarah Kemhardt
an signed H contract to play an engage
ment of torty-two wtiokn in this country
' The Corslcan Brothers" revived again
t Nlblo'H Garden Theatre. Tha scenery
nd the cast ued at Booth'd Thaatro ro-
ently will bo employed at Nlblo'a.
Mr. Lwionce Barrett has datormlned to
reduce Browning's "A lllut in the Scutch-
on" text season , ThU drumi is n work
f line and robuit dramatic ganlud , but the
lgho < it character in It U n woman.
Maurice G/au'd French opnra bouHeand
porn oomlque oompinles , ha idol by Mile.
? hoe and MODS , Oapoul , will boglu an en-
agerr.ent at the New York Casino on the
Gth Inst. "I < Jolio Purfumeusa" will bs
bo opening opera.
The latest announcement apropos of
.Irs. Lanfjtry declares that tha intends to
o to Paris and study acting under the fine
uldance of M. Reqular. During next
eoson she will act in this country and will
iroduce a new play written by Mr. Dion
Jouclcault. i
Mile. Et llca Berry , leading actre : * at
be Imperial theatre , bt. Petersburg , will
make her first appearance here during
April at the Fifth Avenue theatre. She
till mo tbo English iauguagu , and will
seen , of course , as Adrieuno and Ca-
mllle. Her manager will be Mr. Town-
end Percy.
1 ho Boston Transcript states that Mr.
loosohel has abandoned tli purpose of
producing Brahm 'a Ilequlem in Boston
bla spring "Heart and Hand" will short-
y be given in Boston. Koso Stella has
> een engaged as prima donna of next sea-
on's company at the Boston Bijou Thea-
At n Chinese theater in San Franclico
ecently the curtain was rung down after a
lurforumuoe lasting only eleven and a half
loura , ( hi resolution time being twelve
lours The curtailment of their enjoyment
o Inoonsod the auillencothat A riot ensued ,
nd the police had to be called in to eject
ha disturbers.
Genevlovo Ward's performance of Meg
Merrllllm , ut the London Olympic theatre ,
commended In London papers recently
ccelvod. Tha Staudtrd snya that "her
tudy t the Gypty woman is carefully
ud thoughtfully worked out , and Is
made up in a singularly picturesque man-
ler. "
M. Paohmann , tbe Russian pianist , has
.gain . boon playing In London , and again
eoelved the unqualified pralje of the
rltici. The 1'all Mall Gazette says :
'Altbouih ; ha h's only played nt three of
he popular concerts , ha bus already won
jr lilmtelf u position in the first rank of
lanhta by hU thoroughly refined and
egltlmate style and bis admirably finiihed
xecutlon. " .
Bolto Is in Brutselx to superintend Vhe
iroduotion of hli "Melntofele. " Six per-
ormnuces of Wngner'a Nibelung drama ;
ibree of the Walkurearo to be given in
ho same city. There was at first some
, r ublo hectuue It wan Impossible to secure
, ho Alharnbrn tlioatro , which bolonga to
, he city htitlmritif H , who objected to In
viting opposition in this field , The per
formances n ill now be given in the Mon
nate theatre.
Butchera always pick their bonei with
the imbllo Instead of each other.
A tnnn In Syracuse boMta that he haa
h d 802 ooldi in tbe head in one year ,
Uu'cl better rent hU head for an Ice-box ,
One ounoo ot powder will lift twenty *
fira pound * weight fire feet high. Get
yonr exact weight , figure by progression
and then tit down on a keg of powder to
A man In Tompklni oonnty , N. Y. .
thonght ha had dlaoorered tha tecret ol
preBeivtog fg f , tut after 120,000 had
polled on his bands he concluded that he
A New Jersey judge boa decided that il
ia not a thrent tell a man that you wil
walk around on bin collar bone. It li
merely R preamble to a roll In the mud am
no one hurt.
After the flocdo are over and the ana
shines ni of yure the goxi people of Clu.
olnnatl and of Louiivillo minht celebrnti
thee\entbya torlos nf ' ' .Muddy Oral'
featlvaln. 1'ittnbur TelfRriph ,
"I regard thorn buUdlDK" i parf tly
a.fe , " B.iiil n New York buildloK iiiKpeuto
aa ho tmlaheil hh rounds , nn 1 in ton mlu
utea the wall * caved Into theotreot The'
were an iuch uut of plumb and be couldn'
A Rilt-edged delight li the kind of a thing
that till" n inan'aoul when he Is ransack
ing the closet to find a book ] ick and accl
dentally rakes out a last summer's straw
hat , and notices the sentimental thing
that were written in it last July by torn
little blue eyed darling in tbe mountains.
Hartford Times.
A L advllle man traveling In the Gunnl
son country met a stranger in the lonely
part of tbe trail. "Elallol" ald the Lead
ville man. "llallnl" was tbe rather turl :
reply. Then the Leadvllle man reachec
around to hi , bin pocktt to get out a bottl
of whisky M a kind of m lllfier. Th
tranter promptly ithot at him , putting
bullet through the Liadvlllo inan'a bat.
'All right , " said the latt r , digging spurs
ute his broncho } "If that's the way you
eel about it we will just drop the acquaintance -
ance right here. I never try to foroe my *
self on a maq. " Chicago Cheek.
A peculiar flavor in the drinking water
at the board of trade loom * In Cincinnati ,
Tuesday , WM reoognleed by many mom *
ion , who woudered If a dUtillery bad
> roken loose and made grog of tbe river
water. It was finally ascertained that the
water had been placed In empty whisky
iarrel to allow It to settlt.
It was fast before the curtain had gone
np for the third act when Smith , who hud
> een out to "see a man , " noticed Brown
Mated a few rows In front of him. "Do
yon tee that fellow over therut" hn said to
its wife. She nodded assent. "Well , " he
continued , "I bate that fellow like a cat
tales hot soup , and if I ever get a chance
' 11 paralyie him. " Then his wife aaked :
'Are you going out to see another man
after this act ! " Smith hlcoonshlngly al *
o ed that ho was. "Well , I'll ' tell you
what to do , dear. When you come back
on go over to Mr. Brown and breathe on
ilm ! that will paralyie him. " Rochester
.ftpart ,
We meet no more , yet dear yon are ;
In memory sweet , yonr face I see
Vith eplendor , often from star
In thought , your presence cornea to mo ;
' nee your form amid the crowd ,
Yonr tender eyes with beauty gleam ,
As star beam ; , through a rifted cloud ,
Shltie on a dark and troubled utream.
: drevr. of you when i unsots glow
With crimson ll > ht In western tkiei.
You clans me In your loving arms ,
I gaze into your trustful eyco ;
! hear tbe throbbing of your heart ,
While closely In my fond embrace ;
' . feel your kleses on my glowing face.
) h , I hare known what man can beir
Of bitter wrongs , but they are past ,
And deep in dark chasms of despilr
My hopeless spirit has been ca t ;
Jut all my sorrows pa away ,
And I have reason to rejoice
Tor I Lave seen your face to-day
And hoard the mnalo of your voice.
HnsaU baa thirty-three ichoola in which
o f ducate men to manage and operate rail *
Wiya. '
A convention is to be held at Frankford ,
Cy , , on March 22 , to dlacuM seme of the
lefecta of the pnblio ichool Byatem cf Ken1
A bill hat been introduced in the Rhode
island legislature for compulsory odaca
ion , and u exciting much att n ion. There
are provisions In the law for the appoint-
nent of trnaut offieerj to enforce it , and
here are penalties attached for violations
if bnjr of the various portions of the act
> y parents and emploj era. The bill is so
weeping , and will bo opposed to strenu
ously both by the parents , who need tha
money their children Wuultl earn in tbe
cotton mlll , and by the mill owner ? , who
need cheap labor of that character , that it
will probably fall to become a law.
Thn Maesachns tts agricultural college is
n a flourishing condition , according to the
ast report. The net income Is , however ,
oo email , while the work oi instruction in
practical iclence is very great , much
( rtutor thau in an ordinary clissical col-
ego ibat hai no special scientific depart-
neut. The report adds ttut while money
s given BO freely to educate men away
rom productive pursuits , it is certainly
trunge that in Massachusetts not a dollar
ins jet boon given by private benevolence
or the endowment of a chair of instruc-
ion in the Massachusetts agricultural c 1 >
ege , an institution f aundei to fit men to
become intelligent producers In time of
> eace and efficient ilefeudora of the stute
, nd union in time of war.
The original amount of Stephen Qirard'a
> equest , made fifty-two years ago , was two
million of dollars , whicl. , by careful invest
ment and honest management , has in
creased to over twenty million ? of dollars.
Phe iicome last year was $1,022,807.98.
Che splendid college , which forms the
nucleus of the Ift , la always full , with a
urplns of applicants who are compelled to
valt their turn to be aocomm ictated with
ts educational facilities At pre ent the
college contains one thousand one hundred
and ( eai VidentB , In unotb.r Kenar > , tlou ,
f the food continue to be managed with
he same good J dguioot as in the past ,
ho Glrard College , with the additions It
will receive , will rank first of all the edu-
ational institutions of the world , if it doea
not , in fact , approach near to that con-
ummation a'ready.
The question whether or not the study
of German nhall be discontinued In the
lublio schools is being agitated in Oaven-
) ort , Iow > , which has a large and ioHuen *
ial German population. TheDaveuport
Gazette appears to express the right view
when it says : "It is fortunate for the in-
eretts of public school instruction in
Davenport , r ther than otherwise , that
German U Uugbt in the ichools. It re
moves the lait ground for excuse for the
maintenauce uf dlctinctlvely German
chools by those who else would be com-
> elled to Insist upon and support such
ichools. There is , too , it must he o 'need '
ed , n large measure of Intrinsic justice in
[ ranting to the largo number uf tuxpajers
if German birth , who in this city denlre
nstruction in tbe German language for
heir children , a gratification ot their
wishes to a fair extent. Tbe moat thnt
can be urged jaitly Is , that such Instruc-
Ion shall not be crowded into every do-
lartment of the schools , as it was ttireo or
our years ago , iir seemed to be , but cer-
, alnly is not now. "
It appeals that the discipline of the St.
ouU pnblio Bchnols ia very rigid. Moreover -
over , the ayttem e'lipkyed introduces the
ue of technical pbrasts such as "axis of
symmetry" and tangential union of lines"
, o children of tender years. According to
, ho St. Louis Post-Dbpatcb , much disaat-
nfftUion it cxpreesed in regard to theee
features. "For my part , " aaid n teacher ,
"the terrible things are driving me crazy ,
acd If there l n't mine end to these new-
[ angled notions I'll have to either commit
suicide or get married. As it is now , I
have to sit up till after midnight studying
my lesson for the next day , and then I
don't feel so sure that I know what the
whole builness U about. We have natural
science , language lessoni , drawing , and
tbe Lord only knows hat else , in the
smallest clatsea. The ohldren are obliged
to toe tbe Ucks , stand tventv mlnutet In
line at recitations , keep ti lrh nds behind
them , their chint , up. ni if the superin
tendent catches one of thun looking to the
right or left the poor chid It sure to bear
rom him "
posed of xho frothat , parent and
choicest condiments nonoy will buy.
It surpasses any thatcan bo made at
home , is cheaper , eavia labor and
Iou y for tlie Unmarried
One of the moat auld and Bubjt. ulal
institutions in this contry It the jlar
riage Fund and MntuatTnist ABS"oiation ,
of Cedar UapLt * , Iowa They areorciin-
ked under thu laws of ) OWA. and heir of-
( icers and directors arfl among the lending
and moat prominent bulreu men o Cedhr
Hauids. Kvery unmarieil person should
have a certificate in thl aesocUtlon.
It is a splendid invetment , as safe at
government bond. Ya cn juatas well
nave a good sum of toney to commence
married life on as not. \ large number ot
members have been palioff , receiving ver
800 per cent on their Ivestment. tVrlte
for circulars fully detalbg the plan , which
is the finest known. O not postpone It ,
Good agents wanted , tention whore you
saw thU notice. 15-Sm.
Are you troubled > Uh such syrup
toms of dyspepsia aabolchlng , tasting
of food , heart-burn ! etc. ? Brown'a
Iron Bitters will our ) you.
will cure the worst case
of dyspepsia.
Will insure a hearty appetite
and increased digestion ,
Cures general debility , and
gives a new lease of life ,
Dispels nervous depression
and low spirits.
Restores an exhausted nurs
ing mother to full strength
and gives abundant sus
tenance for her child.
Strengthens the muscles and
nervesenriches the blood.
Overcomes weakness , wakefulness -
fulness , and lack of energy
Keeps off all chills , fevers ,
and other malarial poison.
Will infuse with new life
the weakest invalid.
37 Walker St. , Baltimore , Dec. jBJt.
For U year * . I have been a great
sulTerer from lllood Diseaie , lyi-
o debilitated that I could not retain
anything on my stotruch , in fact ,
life rum almost become a burden.
Finally , when hope had almost left
me , my husband seeing BROWN'S
IKOK Birrrm advertised m tbe
paper , Induced me to give it a trial.
I am now taking ? the third battle
and have not felt > o well in fix
yean as I do at the prcient lime.
Mr . L. F. GRirriN.
will have a better tonic
effect upon any one who
" " than
needs "bracingup ,
any medicine made.
OMAHA , NIK , March 6 , 18 3.j ,
SEALED PROl'nSAU , In trlp'lc tc , uu-Ject
tithe IB ml to rtltloni , will ho received at ihti
olllc until 12 o'clocK noon , < n ihurudiy. April
5th , 1 ° 8J , or at the mine hour ( allow 1 > v f r the
dtflr nee In time ) , at the olllco ot the Dfpot
Quartermas orn at Che\cnne and Oilen | , at which
pi ce and due thn will ho optn d In pr 8 nc of
the bidd r , lor the wat-on transp rta Ion t Mill.
tar ) 811 plica in the I lloulngilcs-ibed "outcsln
the Department of the 1'Iafe. during the fiscal
jcar commencing July lit 186.1 , and end ng Juno
30th , 1884.
F om Sidney , i ovrasba , to Fort lloblnsn
! rom Cheyenne Dep t , WjominRTerr tory ,
fo Fortu Larajileand McHlnney , Wyi mlnjf 'Jcr-
rrom Rock Creek Station , U. P. Railway , to
For * MoKlnney Wyom ng Territory
From 1-ort Fred , Steele , yom rig -rltorj ,
to Fort Washakle , Wyoming Te/ilt > ry.
From 1'a k Cilj Utah Terrlt'ty , or from
stitlrn on the main Hie Un on Pacific Rallwa ) ,
to Fort Thornbu gh , Utah Terrl o y
Pr po alj for transportation on any or all of
the ab > ve name 1 Itou os will b received.
Tbe Government rose ves the ilijht to reject
any or ill propo aU
Each propoail iru't bet" t'lpliote , 'epa-ato
or ca < h route , and accompanied b > a bond In the
sum < f five hundred do aru ( i 00) . execute I
itrlctl ) In ftcc tdanoewith ttie pilnted InHtr.c.
tlon > , and upon the blank form fu.nlehccl under
thin advertisement , guaraut elng that the patty
nuking the prop sal shall not wiihdrawthe amo
within sixty days fr ra the date announced for
rpeulngth m ; and that If said pro o al la atcot-
t -d and a contract fir the service bid for awatd-
ed theicun'cr , he will , wnhn ten day * aft r
being not fled f t e award ( provided such no I
ficationbo mndo within the tlxty rajB above
mentioned ) accept the same and furt Ish * oo& and
Butndtnt mret'e' ' , ut once , icr the lalthful per-
lorn ance of the contract
Blank pr-pojals. torn of cint act , and pilnted
circnlars eta ing tha estimated qu i ti'les ofgup *
plluj to be t-ansp i ted , and giving full Informs-
tlonastotho mam er of Hdd ng , c-ndi'lrnn to
teobtertedby bidders , and terms of contract
and pivinent , wl 1 bo furnish.d on pp lea'Ion to
thl * nlllce , i to the i fill. K of the Depot Quarter-
mister at Ct ejcnno and Ogde
Knvdoei cutaln'np ' props'ah should be
ma ked : " Proposal ! for Iran portatli n from
to "
Capt onilAfBt , Q'i r > nnas'er U 8. A.
m8-'iit Ct In elm u hi f Q M Ollice.
Proposals for Mllltaiy uppllei ,
Chief ( J urterinaet r'a OIHce ,
Onmna , Neb. , llar.hTth , 1 = 83.
SEALED PHOl' 8ALR , In ttlpl'c.timbje ' t
titieumalmulti in. will to reciid a * this
ofHc < tintl 12o'ct c < It. on Uedn sd y , April
18 1.-83 , or at the -auu hour ( a lowlnir "r the
difference In time ) t the oc s of the Qua t r-
mastrrsat li ifol'owlnKU-m ileU wl.l h
placet a d line they wi I hi opened In the prrf-
eaceol binders fer the furnls li K aiddel\ery
ol Military jSupid'ei dii lug ti e } a * e immune-
tig July 1st , 1831 , a d e dirgju o 00th , H-4 ,
at Minus Wood Hay and Char oal , or such of
nalil u pis at tuny tie rrqu red at Oru * > a
Pero , Fait Om h , tor * Nlrb am Fort S dn y ,
Lhoy line O pot , Fort Hum 11 , FottS rele , Foil , Foit Co ilnnji Ki rt lir d. < r , For. L.r-
amle , Furt McKlnncv , Fort W htkle , a'id Fort
Th niDurgh i f 300 t JIH of Coal of 2i4u i ound. to
the ton
I riyo aln nil als i be rcc.tlvd at * cls tllce up
to the d > y at d hour above nauitdf"r the uillr-
eiy on theca > s t the p In * near * t to thn u inis
on i he line of the Unluil'a Iflc Hailwat , olelghi
tvouiand' nof Cra' , of of2.10 | j > undatothe
to . Als for delivery at thu Ojjkh I jct , or
at i itu > r > rn thi iralntllno of tDe Union Pacific
Railway east f om Ketrn" } Junction , of two m I-
Hen p undsOorn , > nd on * m Ilion pind. Oa'j
bids f r gr In should tne rate per 100 lb ,
not per bushel
Pionxals for e thcr cl&ss of the stores mod-
tlo ed , or for qua-i titles If si than the who e required -
quired will b r elvcd. bach proposal should
belnlr'pllca'r ' , separati for eich H tide attach
s'at'o" , and must be aoxmp&nlfd by a bond In
ibe mm of five hundr d dollars ( M 0)ix cu'ed
* rlctly In accorda cx wi > h the printed li.stiuc
tlont , and ujon the Ll i k form furalthed und r
tnlj advert'env.nt ! , euatanleeltg tha\ the partv
mtkliK the prop s l fha 1 no. withdraw the
i&ie within mty days from the dale nnoun-ed
for openlog them ; and hit If i aid proposal I ac-
ceptel and a contract 'ur the supplier bid for ,
awarded thereunder , h- will , within ten dajs at-
ttrlelug notified of th awtid ( provided men
natlHcaion e node ult'iln the sixty da aabre
mcnttonad ) , fit epl the sume and turnUh g d
and tutBclejtiuretles , at once , for tbo fat hful
poformt c. f 'he onlt The coveinm-nt
le ertes theil ht ton Jut an ) or til ptopoaaK
A prtfeionre will bojHeu to artlcKe of il/mij.-
tlo production.
1)1.nk ) IT p svU an-1 printed circulars , stating
the > l d RI d p'lloia'tid quantlt ea cf vsood , hay
and chaicjal roqulndat .ath station , at.d il\- ;
1"K fu1 ! In 'ructionn a ti UH manner f tld
din , C'mli Ions t ba < l-s r cd bj hMdor/1 / , and
te ni < ci lout-act , "c , w | 11 f i nuliul on op-
p lea Ion to thl oltoirt' the lurteruiattcrs
at the \.irl-u > > ta nniii uitd
Mirel ) is c I ti nil n iropodxn t > ho Id be
ma ked 'I ropio kU for at "
and ddratidtt ih inde Knei or to he rts-
peithu lost and lie ol Uuar erira ten
J01IS V. rU' EV , Captain. A. Q M. , I' . S.
A , In charge o ( U. IJ M.'d cilice , Dipt , of the
niU-uie CI
Removed from I222 Farnam 8t to IOQ 80.
Fifteenth St. Oppotlte P. O.
Will open en llarch 10th , a fine I't tl pitlern
bonne's at d hat * , ribbons , etc Al'o Urge odJI
tlonstotte lock ot balr goods comprUlnff all
th novelties cf the iea - > n. The onlr electric
light mllllncrr > tcre In Omaha.
Window and Plate Q'ass. '
tOTAnyone eontompUilnjr building stars , buk. or anypthsr flns . ill Oed II to h
tntag * to corns oed with us bofors pnrchMlng tiilr plst * OUs *
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
A'l ' Grocer ' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Is only attained by using
Stoves and Ranges.1
For sale by
Window Caps , Finiala , Skylights , &c.
Window Shades aiid Curtains ,
Paints , Oils & Brushes.
I 1 South 14th Street
Association ,
Orders from any part of the State or the
Entire West will be promptly shipped :
All Our Goods arc Made to the Standard of our
Sole Agent for Omaha and the West.
Office Corner 13th and Barney Streets , Omaha , Neb ,
Hra-Ulass Paining and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done
1319 H ru .V. Cor. 14th , Omaha
D. B BEEMER , General Western Agent , Omaha No